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MLWA Canadian Wrestling

Sat, Week 3, June 1991

Red Deer Symphony Hall, Alberta






We have our final two quarter finals in the World title number 1 contender's tournament, as Rip Bella goes against former tag partner Michelle Aubrey - if Aubrey's recovered from the hellacious attack by new signing Titan Zeus! - and Le Puma Canadien takes on Nikolai Zhukov! In addition, Jez Matthews accepts Robbie McKay's recent challenge, while Ulysses Savatier will defend his TV title against Rick Roach - unless the Verne brothers can talk Savatier into waiting until he's fully recovered. Also in action, the Chiefs!


Confirmed Matches:


Main Event: World title number 1 contender's tournament round 1: Le Puma Canadien vs Nikolai Zhukov


World title number 1 contender's tournament round 1: Rip Bella vs Michelle Aubrey


Jez Matthews vs Robbie McKay

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Question: Callers to the MLWA Hotline have been told that Ulysses Savatier HAS been medically cleared to defend his TV title against Rick Roach, but the co-owners have stated that it would be unfair to expect him to do so after the brutal assault. Will Savatier defend the belt? And if so, will he retain?


Yes and yes, although only just!


Main Event: World title number 1 contender's tournament round 1: Le Puma Canadien vs Nikolai Zhukov


World title number 1 contender's tournament round 1: Rip Bella vs Michelle Aubrey


Jez Matthews vs Robbie McKay

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MLWA Canadian Wrestling

Sat, Week 3, June 1991

Red Deer Symphony Hall, Alberta

Attendance: 1594

Shown on Newbury National Network





Wyatt Mireault: Welcome fans, to what’s sure to be another great night in the MLWA!


Archie Morris: It sure is, Wyatt! Two big world title number 1 contender tournament matches with Le Puma Canadien going against Nikolai Zhukov in our main event while, in just a few minutes, Rip Bella and former tag team partner Michelle Aubrey collide.


WM: Aubrey HAS been medically cleared to compete, as has TV champion Ulysses Savatier, but you have to think they’ll both be less than 100% after Titan Zeus’s brutal attack on them last week.


AM: Indeed! We’ll hear from the two men who qualified LAST week, The Sniper and Alvin Lockleah, and we have plenty of other action for you as well, including a massive eight-man tag match. But first off, it’s Aubrey vs Bella!



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WM: Michelle Aubrey took a beating last week, he can’t be fit for this match, but he’s going to give it his best shot!


AM: Apart from the tainted loss to Nikolai Zhukov at the Canadian Classic, Bella has been on a massive roll recently. You have to give Aubrey huge credit for requesting this match, but that terrible beatdown last week may have made a tough job into an impossible one!


After a quick shake of hands to start things off, Bella goes for his usual rip-roaring start to the match, charging in hard. Aubrey frustrates him with a leap frog then slides to the outside, keeping out of his former tag partner’s way and trying to goad him into making a mistake. Rip isn’t to be denied the chance to hit hard, though, and quickly takes control of the match.


This contest is brought to a swift and brutal halt, though, as Nikolai Zhukov and Titan Zeus hit the ring. Zhukov takes both men down with a double clothesline before grabbing Bella in his massive bearhug and forcing him to watch as Zeus picks up Aubrey and smashes him through a table with that horrific Titan Bomb.


Winner: DRAW as a result of a no contest!


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Alex Cavallo, Le Puma Canadien, and Canadian Youth charge out to scare off the heels, but it’s too late for Aubrey, at least. In addition, that draw means the winner of Puma vs Zhukov tonight will get a bye straight through to the tournament final, Wyatt points out!



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Voice/over: Robbie McKay is at the start of what could be a brilliant career - if his big mouth doesn’t upset too many people.


Of course, he might avoid this, simply because so few people understand what’s coming out of that mouth.


Robbie McKay:
Ah didnae come here to waste ma time on wee men! Ah’m here fer the World title.


That said, as hard as it can be to understand what the Scotsman in saying, there’s no mistaking what he’s here to do. Win. Whatever it takes.


“Ye say that auld Robbie fights dirty. Ye say that yer could win a ‘fair fight’. Ye can say whatever ye want, because while yous are saying it, ah’m the one celebrating, on account of mah having just kicked yer heid in.”


McKay will acknowledge he doesn’t necessarily play by the rules. In fact, in that clip, if I’m understanding him correctly, I think he just did. But beyond the brash attitude and the lax approach to sportsmanlike conduct, he’s a talented wrestler with the ability to hold his own against more experienced stars - including pulling out some shock wins, such as his victory over Andrew Miles in only his second match.


Andrew Miles:
People say I underestimated McKay, but that wasn’t it. I thrive on planning for matches - making sure I’ve seen enough of people to have a good idea what they’re going to do, and how to counter it. With McKay, he’d come over from Scotland, and I couldn’t get any footage of him there. His first match, he basically annihilated Shaun Jones so quickly that I couldn’t learn much from it. So he took me by surprise, basically. And congratulations to him on a great win. Could he do it again, now that I’ve seen a lot more of his matches and I know his weak points?


Maybe. If he wants to try, I’d sure like to even things up between us.


V/O: Some people say that as good as Robbie McKay is, to be truly great, he just needs to find that special something extra.


Perry Davis:
Robbie McKay is an unintelligible wretch whose caterwauling on those hideous bagpipes disturbs my sense of decency. He’s also a talented competitor with a large amount of potential. Would I want the ruffian as a client? He’d need a translator, but only a nincompoop would completely eliminate the idea.


And the most magnificent manager in all of wrestling is no nincompoop!


V/O: Whether it’s by himself, or guided by Perry Davis, it seems clear that the Scotsman has the potential to be a huge star here in the MLWA.



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WM: Jez Matthews has accepted the challenge from Robbie McKay from a few weeks ago, and the fans are firmly on his side in this one.


AM: Matthews is a popular competitor here in the MLWA, despite his less-than-stellar win-loss record.


Matthews comes in to cheers from the crowds and quickly explodes at McKay, blasting away with quickfire chops and punches. McKay is taken by surprise by the speed at which his opponent hits, but gains control when Jez misses a moonsault. From there, the Scotsman has it mainly his own way, finishing Jez off with the St Andrew’s Slam.




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[Alvin Lockleah is out, mic in hand.]


Alvin: You know, people keep asking me, why don’t you like the fans, Alvin? And I got to say, it’s not that I don’t like you. I just don’t care about you. But don’t take it personally. I only care about one thing, the MLWA World title.


And when it comes down to regaining the World title, one down, three to go. I beat Big Chief Tahoe. Next up, the Sniper. After that, Le Puma Canadien or Nikolai Zhukov. ‘Who do I want?’, people have asked me.


[He shrugs.]


Alvin: Truth be told, doesn’t much matter to me. They’re just road blocks in the way to Alex Cavallo. Because there’s only two men who are going to be stepping into that cage in a few weeks’ time. The champion, Alex Cavallo. And the challenger, Alvin Lockleah. And when we leave, it will be ME as champion again.


And that’s a lock!



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WM: Look at the mass of humanity in this ring! Four of our top tag teams collide here.


AM: Champions Nathan Radd and Keith Banks will no doubt be watching this one with interest, that's for sure.


Four of our top teams square off in this 8-man tag match, and we see some great moves, including a massive running lariat from Tahoe which wipes out both Grahams simultaneously, and a superb sequence from the heels when all four hit Silverbow with successive quick leg drops. In the end, the willingness of the heel team to bend and break the rules gets them the win.


Leroy Miles is again seemingly unable to see any of it – his hand falls off for the second time in three weeks here, and as Homer Graham acts concerned and tries to help him attach the wooden limb again, the Dyna-Mights take advantage of his distraction to nail Silverbow with a bottle of aftershave then hit him with a huge spiked piledriver.





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[Gulam Singh comes out to address the crowd, accompanied by The Sniper.]


Alvin Lockleah, you’re a man that both myself and the Sniper respect greatly. But as a former champion, you know just how hard it is to get to the top, and how much harder it is to stay there. Just as the British found their empire difficult to control, last year, you found the MLWA World title a troublesome prize to retain. This year, you may have more luck – but you have to get past the man next to me first, never an easy task.


Of course, sometimes arrangements can be made. Mr Lockleah, perhaps you should contact me and see what we can do for you. Otherwise, next week, you may find out…


It will be a bad night to be on the Sniper’s bad side.




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[Perry Davis comes out, Titan Zeus by his side.]


Perry: Can you believe that it’s been just a week since this monstrous specimen of godlike puissance next to me made his debut in the MLWA? What a week it has been. From the terrified mewling of the howling wretches who call themselves fans as he devastated Ulysses Savatier and Michelle Aubrey last week, to the pathetic grovelling of those self-same unwashed miscreants earlier tonight as he annihilated Aubrey and that dunder-headed guttersnipe Rip Bella earlier tonight, he has made an incredible impact of the likes of which the MLWA has never observed before.


But fear not, fans of my other phenomenal fighters! Nikolai Zhukov will be in action tonight, right here in this squared circle, as he continues his journey to the World title. In fact…


[Davis smirks.]


Perry: This will be the only encounter he will need to be triumphant in to get to the final of this tournament. Alex Cavallo, you call yourself the Boss, but it will be Perry Davis and his associates who will be forcing everyone else in the MLWA to bow to them as Nikolai Zhukov leaves Cage Match Clash with the world championship! Because remember, I am the most magnificent manager in all of wrestling, and my men are superior specimens at the peak of physical perfection!



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[Mike Verne, co-founder of the MLWA, walks down to the ring looking extremely serious.]


MV: I’d like to ask Rick Roach and Ulysses Savatier to join me out here, please.


[Roach walks out, glowering at the fans, followed by Savatier who’s limping but who still takes the time to slap fans’ hands on the way down the entrance ramp.]


MV: Ulysses, I know the doctor has reluctantly given you permission to compete tonight. And I know that the TV title is traditionally defended every two weeks. But I’m concerned by the assault you suffered last week, and I don’t feel it’s in your best interest, or that of the company, to have you wrestle tonight.


[Roach, fuming, grabs the mic from his boss.]


Rick Roach: You know what I’ve got in all the time I’ve been working for you, up to last week? NOTHING! And I finally get that shot and now you’re gonna take it away from me? That’s <BLEEP> and you know it!


MV: Mr Roach, I understand your concern. If you agree not to take part in this match, I will authorise the first ever defence of the TV title at one of our special events; and have you go one on one with Ulysses Savatier at Cage Match Clash! What do you say to that?




[He turns to Savatier.]


RR: Aren’t you meant to be some kind of fighting champion? Because it seems more like you’re a gutless coward!


[A furious Savatier shakes his head and barks back something in French, which the vast majority of our audience don’t speak. He signals to the ref, though, in a way that bypasses languages, and it’s clear this match is on!]




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WM: No-one can say Savatier has a lack of heart, but you maybe have to question how sensible he is taking this match.


AM: I love that we have a fighting champion in Ulysses, but yeah, he looks hurt after that brutal attack last week.


After a couple of hard blows to his back and legs early on, Savatier looks like he can barely walk and this is an absolute demolition job by Roach. Lasting less than 4 minutes, the challenger finishes off with the bulldog he calls the Roach Infestation and makes a lazy cover for the victory before sneering at the crowd as he jubilantly lifts the belt.




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Nikolai Zhukov is introduced first for the main event tonight, accompanied by Perry Davis. When Le Puma Canadien heads down, he’s accompanied by Alex Cavallo and Canadian Youth, only for Davis to demand that they show their manager’s licenses! They’re unable to do so, and referee Leroy Myers orders them to the back. The pair reluctantly go, although not before Cavallo talks frantically to a man and his teenage son with front row seats, who are then seen leaving those seats.



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WM: Youth and Cavallo were out here to try and stop the kind of interference we saw in Aubrey and Bella's other qualifier earlier, but Davis seems to have outsmarted them.


AM: That's a crying shame! I really wanted to see this one go off without anything untoward happening, but that doesn't seem likely.


Zhukov and Puma start off by brawling hard, with Puma showing a ton of spirit despite being overpowered fairly massively by the Russian, and Zhukov taking every opportunity to get in cheap shots like eye gouges. After a few minutes, there’s a disturbance as Alex Cavallo and Canadian Youth walk through the crowd, shaking hands, to take the two seats vacated by the fans Cavallo spoke to. Leroy Myers looks over as Perry Davis furiously screams about their lack of a managerial license, only for Cavallo to smilingly present two tickets for the seats. “You can’t kick a fan out for no reason, Perry. We’re just here to watch this contest.”


With both Myers and Davis distracted by this happening, Puma finally has enough of the big guy’s questionable tactics and lets loose with a mule kick to the groin which causes Zhukov to let out a roar of pain and the crowd to pop huge. Davis turns away from Cavallo to try and scream advice to his charge, but Puma has a second wind now and is able to take control of the match, bringing Zhukov down with a huge DDT. Leaping to the top rope, Puma hurls himself high into the air and lands crashing down on the big man with the massive splash he calls the Puma Pounce!


Seeing his World title dreams fall away before his eyes, Perry Davis tries to dive into the ring to either make the save or distract Leroy Myers, but the watchful Cavallo has leapt over the guardrail and grabs his foot. Davis is halfway into the ring when the champion’s pull stops him in his tracks, and he can only watch helplessly as Myers counts…













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Post-match, the huge man Titan Zeus heads down to the ring to join Davis and Zhukov, but Youth is also in there now and along with Cavallo and Puma the trio stare down Davis and his two men until they reluctantly leave, allowing the faces to celebrate with the crowd.



WM: Perry Davis is foiled! That brutal attack in our first match of the night was meant to give Zhukov a clear road to the final, but instead it’s Le Puma Canadien who’ll be given a bye in the semi-finals and will go on to meet either Alvin Lockleah or The Sniper!


AM: Davis looks besides himself, and I have to be honest, Wyatt, I’m struggling not to laugh!


WM: Don’t miss next week’s show, fans! Lockleah vs Sniper, a try-out match for the strangely-named Grease Stain, and if you call the MLWA hotline on Tuesday, you’ll be one of the first to hear what our huge main event will be!


Question: What will be next week’s main event? (Lockleah vs Sniper is the semi-main.)

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Aubrey vs Rip was more of about the angle than the match, and we probably gave it too long at 9 minutes. Both guys were having an off night while our fans didn’t love the finish, although it gave us an excuse to write Aubrey out for a bit.


The McKay match was a showcase for him and worked okay although our fans are NOT keen on Jez Matthews.


Half the guys in the 8 man tag looked like they were struggling tonight, while both chiefs are way past their best. At least it got a lot of people out there on TV.


Titan Zeus EXUDES menace, and looks a great signing.


Savatier not being able to speak English wasn’t to some fans’ liking, although his body language got the point across.


The TV title change was partly to put the belt on a heel and partly to sell the impact of Zeus’s attack last week. It did a pretty good job of that, which is good, because as a match it was LOUSY.


Puma and Nikolai both looked winded after 11 minutes in the main, which is worrying, while they also both missed several moves. The fans’ reaction to Nikolai continues to be ‘go away’ heat, worst of all.


Question: What will be next week’s main event? (Lockleah vs Sniper is the semi-main.)

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<p>Show up in next 24 hours hopefully...</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="vJt3LLC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vJt3LLC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Preview:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Le Puma Canadien has a bye to the final of the number 1 contender's tournament, but who will his opponent be? The Sniper and Alvin Lockleah go one-on-one in the semi-final!</p><p> </p><p>

After the tag team titles changed hands a few weeks ago, Nathan Radd and Keith Banks will make their first defence against the Medicine Men, who are cashing in their rematch here.</p><p> </p><p>

And Titan Zeus, who's destroyed people over the last two weeks with sneak attacks, will finally step into the MLWA ring! In a massive main event, he'll team with the French Foreign Legion against some combination of Alex Cavallo, Rip Bella, Le Puma Canadien and Canadian Youth!</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Confirmed Matches:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Main event: 3 from Alex Cavallo, Rip Bella, La Puma Canadien and Canadian Youth vs Titan Zeus and French Foreign Legion</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

World title number 1 contender's tournament semi-final: Alvin Lockleah vs The Sniper</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Tag Team title match: Nathan Radd and Keith Banks © vs The Medicine Men</strong></p><p><strong>


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<p>Hey, I really enjoyed reading through this today, I love the layout, write ups and graphics.</p><p> </p><p>


</strong>Main event: <strong>3 from Alex Cavallo, Rip Bella, La Puma Canadien and Canadian Youth</strong> vs Titan Zeus and French Foreign Legion</p><p> </p><p>

World title number 1 contender's tournament semi-final: <strong>Alvin Lockleah</strong> vs The Sniper</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team title match: Nathan Radd and Keith Banks © vs <strong>The Medicine Men</strong></p>

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Hey, I really enjoyed reading through this today, I love the layout, write ups and graphics.



Main event: 3 from Alex Cavallo, Rip Bella, La Puma Canadien and Canadian Youth vs Titan Zeus and French Foreign Legion


World title number 1 contender's tournament semi-final: Alvin Lockleah vs The Sniper


Tag Team title match: Nathan Radd and Keith Banks © vs The Medicine Men


Thanks Josh, really great to hear that feedback :)


I'm struggling with graphics for this card because my internet connection is DIRE atm. If I can't sort out missing graphics I'm just going to upload with what I have tomorrow.

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(Thanks, Aurora!)


MLWA Canadian Wrestling

Sat, Week 4, June 1991

Charlottetown Arena, Prince Edward Island

Attendance: 1,000 SELL-OUT

Shown on Newbury National Network






Wyatt Mireault: Welcome, fans! I'm Wyatt Mireault, this is my broadcast partner Archie Morris; we’re here at MLWA Canadian Wrestling and we’re set for another amazing episode of the show for you!


Archie Morris: You betcha, Wyatt! We’re going to see Alvin Lockleah collide with The Sniper to see who goes to the final of the number 1 contender’s tournament.


WM: And a big tag title match opening things up shortly, as the Medicine Men try to regain their belts from Radd and Banks!


AM: And in our blockbuster main event, Titan Zeus will make his in-ring MLWA debut alongside the Foreign Legion…


WM: Speaking of that match, I’m hearing that we have a crew waiting to catch up with the other team right now…




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[We’re in a dressing room, with Rip Bella pacing up and down as Alex Cavallo, Le Puma Canadien and Canadian Youth sit down.]


Rip: ALEX! Let me at them, Alex! I wanna kick that big rat’s big ass! After what he done to me twice now, I’m ready to get some revenge!


Alex: Rip, you know I’d want you on our team. But that was a nasty bump you took last week. I know Michelle came off even worse…


Rip: He done put Michelle out for months! When I get my hands on that lowdown dirty giant rat I’m gonna beat him so bad his mother won’t recognise him!


Alex: And I’m going to be cheering you on, Rip. But not tonight. Take the night off, recover properly. Let us handle this.


[Rick looks over at Canadian Youth.]




[Youth gulps.]


CY: Yes, Mr Bella, Sir!


Rip: PIPSQUEAK! Do you got what it takes?


[Youth nods tentatively.]


Rip: I wanna hear you say it, pipsqueak! I wanna hear you say YES! Now, DO YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES?


CY: Yes!


Rip: LOUDER! You’re telling me you can go in there instead of RIP BELLA and you can’t even speak up? DO YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES?!




[Rip claps him on the back. Youth doesn’t quite stumble as he does so, but it’s a close call.]


Rip: I thought you done gone crazy, Alex, putting a kid like this in against men like them, but maybe he does have it. Good luck, pipsqueak!





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Profile: The Dyna-Mights


KK: When you’re as big, and tough, and powerful as the two of us, a lot of people suggest you should go into wrestling.


HT: And then, when you’re as handsome as we are, with women swooning when we walk into a room, it’s only natural for people to say we should be models.


KK: So, yeah, it was a tough career choice. And then we suddenly thought...


HT: Hey, why not both?


So the Dyna-Mights headed to the MLWA, while also signing, in their words, lucrative endorsement contracts with several fashion companies. Things looked good for the Dyna-Mights, until a stiff blow from Shaun Jones left Kyle with a black eye which caused (again, in his own words) a “major international leisurewear brand” to cancel their photo shoot.


Shaun Jones: This is wrestling, not pillow fighting. If you want to make 100% sure you don’t get hurt, don’t step in the ring.


V/O: Video footage of the incident was from an awkward angle, meaning it’s impossible to tell for sure whether Jones used a legal palm strike, as he claims, or an illegal closed fist, as the Dyna-Mights insist.


What’s not debatable is the brutality of the Dyna-Mights reaction.


Rip Bella: KYLE! TANNER! You pair of dirty rats! What you done to those two kids was despicable, and I’d have done paid you back for it myself if I hadn’t got my hands full with Perry Davis! But at some point, rats, someone’s gonna make you pay!


[As the voice over continues, we see brutal slow motion footage of Jones, tied in the ropes, watching helplessly as the Dyna-Mights destroy his tag partner Kenny Durant with soccer kicks to the face, then Tanner distracts the referee when Kyle hits a vicious DDT onto a steel chair, cutting the youngster open.]


V/O: While the Dyna-Mights took their revenge in the course of a match, and therefore can’t be sanctioned for it, there’s a large number of people in the MLWA locker room who are furious at the unnecessary extent of the beatdown.


Shaun: Sure, we knew the risks. But there’s a difference between fighting to win and deliberately injuring someone. Eventually, they’re gonna pay for what they did, trust me.


V/O: Despite the anger of others, the Dyna-Mights don’t seem concerned. With Kyle’s face healed, they’ve even got another modelling gig lined up soon.


KK: That company who cancelled on us are gonna regret it when they see our next commercial.


HT: They sure will. It’s gonna take the country by storm.


Both: Because we are... pure... damn.... DYNA-MIGHT!





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Banks and Montegue start off and Montegue takes it to the mat early on, keeping the smaller man down with his technical skill. Eventually, Banks is able to reverse a hold and make the tag to Radd, who comes in swinging with big strikes. Montegue quickly tags out to Joel Gethin Jr and he and Radd wrestle for several minutes without either of them getting an advantage.


Banks gets back in but the challengers are able to isolate him and work over his right leg, with lots of quick tags and double team moves. Radd is screaming for Banks to fight back and make the tag but eventually he takes the easier option, slipping out of the ring and grabbing one of the belts, then blasting Montegue in the face with it to take the DQ loss but keep the belts. Across the ring, Radd doesn’t look altogether happy.


Winner, as a result of a disqualification: THE MEDICINE MEN!





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[Dick Montgomery is out, ready for his match against Grease Stain, who's already in the ring. Rather than head down to join him, the Brit lifts his mic to his mouth but stays at the end of the entrance aisle.]


Dick: Oh no, no, no. This simply will not do. I am all for doing my part in keeping the freaks and oddities out of the MLWA, but I cannot be expected to get in the ring and have my senses assaulted by that smell. You!


[He glares at Grease Stain.]


Dick: I appreciate you had the misfortune to be born in this obnoxious country rather than the green and pleasant lands of England, but have you not heard of soap? Did your mother never teach you how to wash?


[stain glares back.]


Stain: Take my momma’s name out of your mouth, you…




[but he’s cut short by The Sniper! The Sniper blindsides him and delivers a quick beatdown, blasting away with punches before dropping him with that devastating reverse DDT he calls the L115A3, then scooping him up and hitting it a second time.


Back at the entrance way, Gulam Singh has appeared, and Montgomery peels off a wad of notes, handing them over to Singh before striding down to the ring.]



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AM: Oh, come on.


WM: This just isn’t right!


Holding his nose, Dick gently puts his foot on Stain’s chest, and the referee counts ONE, TWO, THREE!







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Tahoe: Last week, we fought against The Dyna-Mights and The Grahams in a hard battle. We lost that battle, because The Dyna-Mights do not fight as true warriors fight. They are cowards, following the ways of Iktomi, and they shall never know true glory as long as they fight without honour.


But we are generous men, we followers of Wakan Tanka. Dyna-Mights, prove to us that you are able to fight fairly. Take us on now, without the others. Just the two of us and the two of you.



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AM: Looks like we have a tag match here, as the Dyna-Mights are out to answer that challenge!

WM: The Chiefs clearly unhappy about how things went down last week; can they get revenge?


Lots of brawling to start off with here, as the heels dominate Silverbow, until he tags out to Tahoe who’s in like a (slightly ponderous and lumbering) house on fire. From there, though, he dominates, eventually blasting Kyle with a trio of huge tomahawk chops. There’s a sickening crack as Archie Morris, commentating, suggests Kyle’s nose may be broken! Massive reverse piledriver wins it for the Chiefs.






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AM: Zhukov trying to rebound from the loss in the World title number 1 contender’s tournament, while Jacob Tribeck is on TV for the first time in several months here.

WM: Can Tribeck pull off the shock here?




It’s clear from fairly on that the answer to Wyatt’s question is no; Zhukov throws the smaller guy around like a rag doll before locking in his big Russian bear hug for the submission victory.






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[Robbie McKay, microphone in hand, is out.]


Robbie McKay: Ah’m hearing the craic is that the wee scunner Canadian Youth is gonna be in the main event tonight, and ye’ve surely got ta be codding me? Ah widnae believe it, but he seems to have some bonny pals, and looks like in MLWA it isnae who yis are, it’s who likes ye.


Well, Youth, how’s about yis and mah have a barney in the ring next week? Because ah want to show ye that ye can have all the fancy lads and lasses in yer corner that ye like, but ah’m still gonna win, because ah’m better than ye’ll ever be.


And if ye doesnae think that’s true, awa’ and bile yer heid!


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[Alvin Lockleah heads to the ring for his tournament semi-final, but when The Sniper's music plays, he's nowhere to be seen. Instead, his manager Gulam Singh approaches the ring alone.]


Gulam Singh: Mr Lockleah, I have a proposition for you.


[Lockleah nods.]


Alvin Lockleah: I’m listening.


GS: Like my client, you are a man of great talent. If the two of you fight as hard as you are capable of doing tonight, it seems like that could give the Puma a rather large advantage next week, thanks to that idiot Davis getting him a bye.


AL: Maybe you’re right. So?


GS: While my client is confident that the World title lies in his future, for the right consideration, he could be persuaded that our interests lie elsewhere for the moment. You’ve made it clear you’ll do what needs to be done to get your hands on the belt - so why not make things easier and sign a cheque?


[Lockleah pauses, considering the matter.]


AL: How much?


[singh smiles, and takes a piece of paper out of his suit pocket, before presenting it to Lockleah with a bow.]


GS: This may seem substantial, but compared to the riches the World title could bring you...


[Lockleah nods slowly.]


AL: It’s a tempting offer. You know, I think the only thing more tempting...


would be saving some money and kicking your client’s ass for free!


[Lochleah spins around, meeting the Sniper, who’d been in the process of attacking, mid-pounce with a microphone to the head!]


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WM: Was that a genuine offer? Or did they have the sneak attack planned all along?


AM: I don’t know! One thing’s for sure though, they didn’t reckon for Lockleah’s incredible ring awareness. I’m not sure anyone, even The Boss himself, is as good at keeping track of what’s happening around him as this man is.


Singh is screaming at Martin Belfork to disqualify Lockleah for the mic attack, but Belfork shrugs, pointing out it was before the match had begun. Lockleah takes control as the pair brawl, and is dominating until Singh hooks his leg from under him and pulls him out of the ring.


The crowd, normally no fans of Lockleah’s, are firmly behind him as he stalks after Singh intent on revenge, but he’s cut off before he can reach the manager by Sniper, who slides out to join them. Sniper briefly takes control as the ref begins a count, and Singh even blindsides Lockleah with a couple of hard blows to the back of his neck, but things go wrong for the duo as Sniper charged in with his Pistol Whip lariat only for Lockleah to duck, letting Singh get wiped out by it!


As Sniper stares at his manager in horror, Lockleah rolls in to break the count, then rolls back out, dragging his opponent in and locking on a Boston crab to force the submission victory!







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In the initial stages here, Referee Leroy Myers doesn’t even try to keep control, instead letting everyone brawl and get it out of their systems. Somehow Cavallo and Zeus have all four other men in between them and never come face to face, but apart from this pairing everyone gets shots on everyone else.


Myers eventually gets us to Stefan vs LPC, and the pair square off, with the heel getting the advantage and tagging in Zeus to hit some power moves. LPC dives through his legs and makes the hit tag, but as Cavallo charges in Zeus follows Perry Davis’s instructions and tags out to Pasquale.


The two wrestle for a few minutes, with the champion offering to let him tag out to bring Zeus in; an offer Perry Davis tells Titan to decline. Forcing himself to focus on the guy in the ring, Cavallo starts to take control, and tags in Canadian Youth who’s screaming that he wants in. Youth ends up trapped in the heel corner, though, and it’s at this point that a Titan Zeus finally tags back in. Massive powerbomb that we saw last week returns, and cover is made for 3!






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[Post-match, an array of babyfaces, led by the Medicine Men, charge down to pull Cavallo's team out of the ring and get them to the back before any further beatdown can happen. Perry Davis, looking after them, smiles evilly as he starts to speak.]


PD: Ladies and gentleman, you have been privileged enough to witness the MLWA of the crown jewel of my new quartet, the God-Monster himself, Titan Zeus! While I am the most magnificent manager in all of wrestling, he is the physical phenomenon with the power to inflict pain. This alignment is the perfect pairing!






AM: Fans really letting Perry Davis and his quartet have it with boos here, but they don't look remotely bothered!


WM: Indeed. Sorry, everyone, we have to go, but don't miss MLWA next week! We'll have Ulysses Savatier trying to regain the TV title from Rick Roach, and plenty of other action, including of course the final of the number 1 contender's tournament as Le Puma Canadien clashes with Alvin Lockleah!


AM: And will we have Canadian Youth vs Robbie McKay? Phone the MLWA hotline during the week if you can't wait to find out!


Question: Outside of the main event scene, anyone you're particularly enjoying reading?

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I'm rooting hard for CHIEF JOSHUA SILVERBOW! 1. My names also Joshua! 2. I love Native American history! Enjoying your write ups <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<img alt="mg2IRSg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mg2IRSg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Notes:</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

Bella has the fans in the palm of his hand, but Youth struggles, while the other two are put off by the improvisation.</p><p> </p><p>

Tag match is really good with the faces hitting some great double-teams and Banks getting huge heat for the intentional DQ.</p><p> </p><p>

Zhukov actually doesn’t get go away heat for once; maybe keeping him in matches under 3 minutes is the way to go?</p><p> </p><p>

Heel vs heel doesn’t go down to well for Lockhart vs Sniper, but Lockhart does a great job of building the match to its climax.</p><p> </p><p>

Strong main, although Pernier is definitely the weak link amongst these six.</p>

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Josh, I have storylines, they're just not good enough! Hoping that'll change. Glad you enjoyed the show.






Robbie McKay’s challenge has been accepted, and he’ll finally face Canadian Youth! In other action, Rick Roach defends his MLWA Canadian TV title against former champ Ulysses Savatier, who’s cashing in the rematch clause. Titan Zeus and Nikolai Zhukov team up for the first time. And of course we’ll find out who faces Alex Cavallo for the World title in just over a week, as Le Puma Canadien goes against Alvin Lockleah!


Confirmed matches:

World title number 1 contender's tournament final: Le Puma Canadien vs Alvin Lockleah


Canadian Television title match: Rick Roach © vs Ulysses Savatier


Canadian Youth vs Robbie McKay

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