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How can i get my Women's division over more? Every single Women's match i put on is an F. No one has higher popularity than 20, most have 5-10. Any tips? It's hard for storylines to even progress when one has been going 4 weeks and has a rating of 9 haha.


If Risque is set to at least Medium, Eye Candy matches will pull in good ratings.

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How can i get my Women's division over more? Every single Women's match i put on is an F. No one has higher popularity than 20, most have 5-10. Any tips? It's hard for storylines to even progress when one has been going 4 weeks and has a rating of 9 haha.


Playing as AEW, add your most charismatic female heel worker to the Inner Circle. That might be Britt Baker, for example. Just by being present during their angles will get her over - rate her on charisma or looks, and as a bonus if the angles are 6+ minutes long and you're rating them primarily on Jericho's entertainment skills (which you should be) then everyone else will gain mic skills over the course of the weeks and months. But your women's division needs a tentpole, and unless I've missed something with Riho, she's not much of a talker. The easiest way - by far - to get someone over in TEW is to have them perform well in angles. If they can talk, they can gloat about their latest victory, or slam the person who beat them, or brag about how talented they are... It's old-school booking, but it works. Every time.


As AEW, your key guys to start with are Moxley, Cody and Jericho. They're likely the only ones who have the overness to carry shows week in, week out. Use them extensively in your angles, main events, semifinals and opening matches (the most important matches, in that order) to boost your ratings.


A note on overness - 50% means that half the wrestling fans in a region/country will know who a worker is. Bearing in mind that AEW is a new, niche show, that seems about right for Kenny Omega's overness. I'm a big wrestling fan and knew the name, but had never watched his Japanese stuff.


You can use your own angles to build worker momentum and overness. Think about the Inner Circle's segment on the second or third episode of Dynamite - Jericho did all the talking (Entertainment), Santana and Ortiz were snarling (Menace/Unrated), Guevara looked cocky (Charisma/Unrated) and Hager just stood their and looked big (Overness/Menace) and all of them came out of it with added momentum because Jericho is just that good on the mic. You can set up your angles however you like, but angles like that will quickly improve individual ratings, which will improve worker overness and momentum, which will improve show ratings...


When you have a group of workers with low overness, don't try and spread it around. Focus on building up 2 or 3 workers who're feuding with your big stars (e.g. Hangman with Jericho, Omega and Moxley, Cody and MJF), as when the feuds end both sides should be higher than when it started, and those 4-6 workers can then go on to build up 4-6 more opponents... And so on! Your key guys should almost never lose, and really only to guys on/near the same level as them. Open matches (Match Style) against bigger names will raise up your lesser names over time - think about Darby Allin drawing with Cody, or Joey Janela against Moxley. The odd upset (Private Party vs. Young Bucks) can work, but done too often will hurt the bigger names a lot more than it will help the lesser ones.

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Playing as AEW, add your most charismatic female heel worker to the Inner Circle. That might be Britt Baker, for example. Just by being present during their angles will get her over - rate her on charisma or looks, and as a bonus if the angles are 6+ minutes long and you're rating them primarily on Jericho's entertainment skills (which you should be) then everyone else will gain mic skills over the course of the weeks and months. But your women's division needs a tentpole, and unless I've missed something with Riho, she's not much of a talker. The easiest way - by far - to get someone over in TEW is to have them perform well in angles. If they can talk, they can gloat about their latest victory, or slam the person who beat them, or brag about how talented they are... It's old-school booking, but it works. Every time.


As AEW, your key guys to start with are Moxley, Cody and Jericho. They're likely the only ones who have the overness to carry shows week in, week out. Use them extensively in your angles, main events, semifinals and opening matches (the most important matches, in that order) to boost your ratings.


A note on overness - 50% means that half the wrestling fans in a region/country will know who a worker is. Bearing in mind that AEW is a new, niche show, that seems about right for Kenny Omega's overness. I'm a big wrestling fan and knew the name, but had never watched his Japanese stuff.


You can use your own angles to build worker momentum and overness. Think about the Inner Circle's segment on the second or third episode of Dynamite - Jericho did all the talking (Entertainment), Santana and Ortiz were snarling (Menace/Unrated), Guevara looked cocky (Charisma/Unrated) and Hager just stood their and looked big (Overness/Menace) and all of them came out of it with added momentum because Jericho is just that good on the mic. You can set up your angles however you like, but angles like that will quickly improve individual ratings, which will improve worker overness and momentum, which will improve show ratings...


When you have a group of workers with low overness, don't try and spread it around. Focus on building up 2 or 3 workers who're feuding with your big stars (e.g. Hangman with Jericho, Omega and Moxley, Cody and MJF), as when the feuds end both sides should be higher than when it started, and those 4-6 workers can then go on to build up 4-6 more opponents... And so on! Your key guys should almost never lose, and really only to guys on/near the same level as them. Open matches (Match Style) against bigger names will raise up your lesser names over time - think about Darby Allin drawing with Cody, or Joey Janela against Moxley. The odd upset (Private Party vs. Young Bucks) can work, but done too often will hurt the bigger names a lot more than it will help the lesser ones.


Thank you for the information. I have actually done something similar, the most over Woman in AEW on the game is Mercedes Martinez so i have linked her with the Inner Circle as you suggested for Baker, She's going up in skills basically every segment she is in with Chris Jericho and the rest. I am using a different mod now and its much better and easier than "TheWho" mod, that was just off.


I have done 5 shows and they have all been between 72-85 which has given me a rise in pop every single show.

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