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QAW: Queens Of American Wrestling

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Finally completed my first year with QAW and gave in to start doing weekly TV on WrestleWorld at the end of January. I can't fall below 16 but I'm currently 18th due to NYCW going insane from their TV show and Saisho doing the same with Shogun TV.


The big deal of 2020 was Raven Robinson leaving USPW, but she's been about on par with the rest of the main event and not much of an upgrade ratings wise. Her biggest asset was putting Alina over the 50 pop threshold when they had a series of matches going 2-1 to America. Killer Kass left USPW too but I used her to drop to Sweetheart in the first round QOTR, she went to CWA a couple weeks after that.


Signed Lily & Rose to win the tag titles and both were Major Stars until USPW swooped up Lily at the end of the year. Had to sign The Uprising to replace them. Ava Anderson handed her notice in and took away one of our best teams, so I locked down most of the major stars on written exclusive deals at this point.


Emma May dominated the year, winning QOTR and winning the title in November, after Alina & Raven traded it during the summer. She also has gotten injured each time she faced Danielle Sweetheart. I had to reschedule the November show to make sure she would be 100% after a broken jaw.


I don't know how it'll shape up as we start going weekly, but CWA seems to fluctuate between no money and millions of dollars. If they go belly up, there's a wealth of talent that'll be free. For now Foxxy is a walking 85+ promo, and has been for months. She's gonna be on every tv show rambling about something for the foreseeable future.

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  • 2 months later...

If I get a relationship with 5SSW down the line is it worth changing the product to lucharesu or the product that merges lucha, puro and sports entertainment (the name escapes me) down the line if there are Japanese stars on offer?


Also I am looking at putting on a few more events a year (about another four) and running a touring schedule as opposed to running the tv route (which I am at least one size too small for right now anyhow). Is there a consensus on how many touring shows I would need to run a month to have somewhere similar to television in popularity gains?

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If I get a relationship with 5SSW down the line is it worth changing the product to lucharesu or the product that merges lucha, puro and sports entertainment (the name escapes me) down the line if there are Japanese stars on offer?


I would never change QAW's product, especially not to the soulless product 5 Star runs. It's unnecessary. Right now (at Large), 5SSW (at Medium) is in my alliance and I have their entire roster save three workers (an egomaniac rookie, a scumbag rookie, and Ellie May Walton) and they're all 'major stars' across the world. In fact, they've had to cancel three tour shows so far because they were programmed against my A show. Apparently, you can't put on a show with only 3 in-ring workers. ;) The only thing I changed about the product was the match and angle focus (Main Event Spotlight and Highlights, respectively). The way I look at it is, 5SSW's product lacks personality. QAW's product lacks in-ring skill. Put them together and 5 Star's workers help my workers improve in-ring and my workers help 5 Star's workers develop personality (read: Performance/Entertainment skills).

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I would never change QAW's product, especially not to the soulless product 5 Star runs. It's unnecessary. Right now (at Large), 5SSW (at Medium) is in my alliance and I have their entire roster save three workers (an egomaniac rookie, a scumbag rookie, and Ellie May Walton) and they're all 'major stars' across the world. In fact, they've had to cancel three tour shows so far because they were programmed against my A show. Apparently, you can't put on a show with only 3 in-ring workers. ;) The only thing I changed about the product was the match and angle focus (Main Event Spotlight and Highlights, respectively). The way I look at it is, 5SSW's product lacks personality. QAW's product lacks in-ring skill. Put them together and 5 Star's workers help my workers improve in-ring and my workers help 5 Star's workers develop personality (read: Performance/Entertainment skills).


Looking at the product information I likely would keep with the classic luchdore product that QAW uses, high spots or steal the show and technical masterclass are attractive as is the product being attractive to sponsors. But I wasn't aiming to replicate five star's style (which is Fast and Furious) as that is more of a step away from QAW's core product than I would like outside of that it works quite well for five star in the games I have played especially if you have stars capable of going twenty to thirty minutes.


Now I have the game in front of me, the products I was looking at were lucharesu which still requires some focus on storylines, high spots and technical wrestling but adds a comedy match requirement which acts quite well as a cooldown match before the co-main and main event or world fusion that takes Hesketh's mixing luchadora based wrestling with sports entertainment and adding in the in ring workrate of puroresu. What the latter does is keep the use of storylines, put a requirement on important matches (so Queen of the Ring finals, World title matches etc) being lengthier and requires three different match aims without tying you down to any three, so if you decided one week you didn't want a high spots match but you had a couple of brawlers for a month or so you could switch out the high spots segment for a wild brawl or if you have people with supreme psychology stats put in storytelling rather than technical masterclass. It would be very easy to transition in a way that would make sense as Hesketh was already experimenting with not sticking solely to sports entertainment but bringing in fans of other products. The one thing that does put me off is in the case of lucharesu tying myself to a comedy spot means I need to find some comedy match workers and that their current style is one of those that is very easy on the bodies of its workers which you lose with world fusion though at least don't have the additional wear and tear of traditional puroresu.

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<p>You don't really need to tweak the product all that much to accommodate 5SSW workers. As for adding comedy, you've already got one good Comedy Match Worker in Millie The Minx.</p><p> </p><p>

Regarding doing touring instead of TV, why? Assuming you're starting at January 2020, just wait the two months and go on WrestleWorld. You can go at least 1 hour, and I THINK they'll even let you on with a 90 minute show, and that's worked out fine for me. Though I might recommend capping your size at Tiny for a bit, as you can shoot up to Small too quickly and start losing a good chunk of money.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47502" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You don't really need to tweak the product all that much to accommodate 5SSW workers. As for adding comedy, you've already got one good Comedy Match Worker in Millie The Minx.<p> </p><p> Regarding doing touring instead of TV, why? Assuming you're starting at January 2020, just wait the two months and go on WrestleWorld. You can go at least 1 hour, and I THINK they'll even let you on with a 90 minute show, and that's worked out fine for me. Though I might recommend capping your size at Tiny for a bit, as you can shoot up to Small too quickly and start losing a good chunk of money.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad I don't have to, certainly. I might look for one or two people for Millie to bounce of in terms of comedy, I think if I do change something, and that is an if, it would more likely be fusion simply because it only extends what Hesketh has already started the fed on doing and it means I can cater my shows towards my current staff, if USPW poach my technical wrestlers and I struggle to find others but can find some comedy or some brawlers it gives that freedom.</p><p> </p><p> As for the schedule, in part to see if it can be done I guess. I mostly do joshi feds which is the schedule type I am looking for but have no focus on gimmicks or story so that's an added thing to work with. Also because I have tried it the regular way but with the women's revolution mod I am starting again to build a few different people from day one (Sam Keith's niece calling herself the Queen? That's a ready made rivalry with a certain Queen of Hearts if I can build her). Also because one of my other challenges, and one I am thinking I will do alongside this one in the same game state, is to take on USPW and SWF with TCW but taking them out of the western sports entertainment twelve ppvs and a weekly show model, so kind of treating this one as a States based NJPW and Stardom. The story in both cases is that USPW is their biggest threat and they're done surviving by following the model USPW can do better than anyone else with the resources they have. Not as easy with QAW given I can't make a profitable internet subscription service with them yet but I am looking at the other internet options or just doing it on gate which may slow my growth but that might not be terrible going by your post.</p>
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<p>I'm in January 2004, have risen to Medium, and have pretty a TV and events deal with OnDem, so I get seen globally with all my shows. This has been one of my most successful games, and it is the first time I've ever played as QAW or any other women's promotion. I'm having a lot of fun with this game.</p><p> </p><p>

My current champions are:</p><p>

QAW World Champion: Smoke (Christy Higgins under a mask after she lost a loser leave QAW match)</p><p>

QAW Shockwave Champion: Honey Badger (building her to be a major star with a dominating title run, thinking of giving her the tag titles to make her a double champion)</p><p>

QAW Tag Team Champions: Alina America & Estrella Blanca</p><p> </p><p>

My top stars are Lucy Stone(-McFly), Sara Marie York, Emma May, Alina America, and Smoke, in that order.</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can someone who is more experienced with QAW help me out?


I'm wondering how you all run the QotR Tournament? May is a Battle Royal, I'm assuming its winner gets a title shot at the June show? But then we've got the Tournament on the July show. Is it an 8 person tournament or 4? Do you all have qualifiers on the June show and then the semifinals and finals on the July show? Is the champion in the Tournament or do they have a token defense against someone else like the WWE does at the Royal Rumble? Does the QotR winner then get a title shot at the next show?

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I think honestly that is something that is going to be different to every user and their circumstances. If it is still just the monthly shows I would personally run eight and find some reason for them being there or others not being through the previous events (one dynasty had The Line vs Ronin Three with the losers unable to enter participants), if you have a weekly tv show that's easy enough to do with qualifier matches. I am running QAW as a company with tour dates between each show so I am doing two eight woman round robins with the top four of each qualifying for the tournament though if I wanted to do a lot of other stuff there given it is the season finale I could have had the two round robin winners.
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I just started a QAW game and feel pretty good about it. Still trying to wrap my head around stables, though. I always struggle to use them.


I avoided doing my usual mass hiring and restricted myself to just three signings: Lilly & Rose and Electric Dreamer, all of whom seem like a great fit for the product. I always sign Dreamer because she has the Bailey factor and she moves merchandise like crazy. She'll probably be Shockwave champion before too long.

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<p>I'm about 9 months into a QAW run as Karen Killer, early on I changed the product to Episodic Lucha, and started a weekly tv show on WrestleWorld (Saturday Night Deluxe) which definitely benefited things in the long run. I usually play as 2 promotions at once on previous versions so this time I controlled Joanne Rodriguez and opened up ATHENA Pro based in Chicago as QAW's northern sister promotion, as well as establishing a relationship with 5SSW to form the World Wide Women's Wrestling Alliance, or the 4WA. Everyone has risen to Small as a result so far, although I'd say the QAW main event scene is much more fleshed out naturally.</p><p> </p><p>

The main acquisitions for QAW have been The Uprising (Talia Quinzel & Selina Svelte) who hit the ground running with a run with the Tag Titles (double champs with the 5SSW tag titles) and along with Anderson & Snyder, The SD Girls (Izzy & Coco) and my new hot heel team Brute Force (Queen Amazon & Honey Bear, who have amazing chemistry) the tag team scene looks pretty dope. The teams of Velvet Suarez and Jaguar Queen (Partners in Heroics) and a reunited The Anti-Establishment (Pamela Rojo turned heel on The Line) are waiting in the wings.</p><p> </p><p>

I brought in Ashley Grover and gave her a debut win over Little Miss Perfect for the Shockwave Championship and renamed it the Wild West Championship. The name always strangely bugged me and I thought a rebrand with Grover's Cowgirl gimmick would be fun. Ashley Grover along with Ursula Saez came in to bloster the numbers of The Line and Strom-Front, and Mystery Pink and Purple Viper have made Ronin-3 into Ronin-5, who have white hot momentum right now as a super heel stable.</p><p> </p><p>

The most fun I've had so far was booking the Queen of the Ring tournament, which saw Danielle Sweetheart win her 5th tourney and 4th World title in a winner takes all match against Foxxy LaRue. I had Alina America drop the title back to LaRue in February, and Foxxy went on a tear that was a joy to book. Cool quirk that happened was Foxxy possibly gaining more heel heat/momentum because I gave her a bye in the semi-finals after another match ended in a draw. I could be just making that up, but it resulted in my 2nd highest rated match so far. Pink Perez vs Hellcat Hernandez in a Last Woman Standing match has been the highest at 75.</p><p> </p><p>

Current Champs:</p><p>

World: Danielle Sweetheart</p><p>

Wild West: Pinky Perez</p><p>

Tag Team: Anderson & Snyder (after a face turn and leaving the Clenched Fist.)</p>

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Did a restart on my QAW save. Besides signing a handful of low level workers (Reese & Wells, Black Diamond, Joy Ryder and DupliKate), I'm sticking with the main roster as it exists at game start.


Ran Star Show and had a really good time with it. Commissioner Bomb is reliable for 60+ rated entertainment segments so I've been using her rather heavily.

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Can someone who is more experienced with QAW help me out?


I'm wondering how you all run the QotR Tournament? May is a Battle Royal, I'm assuming its winner gets a title shot at the June show? But then we've got the Tournament on the July show. Is it an 8 person tournament or 4? Do you all have qualifiers on the June show and then the semifinals and finals on the July show? Is the champion in the Tournament or do they have a token defense against someone else like the WWE does at the Royal Rumble? Does the QotR winner then get a title shot at the next show?


First thing I do is ignore what most of the shows' 'AI instructions' are. My shows are main evented by my top stars competing for the world title. Period, end of. Battle royals are a great way to bomb a show rating (Main Event Spotlight) so I always put what I expect to be the best match on the card, on last. The winner of Battlebowl gets their pick of which title they choose to challenge for, at Showdown. It could be the QAW World title or the alliance world title or even one of the floating titles whose prestige gets high. Basically like the Royal Rumble. Crowning the Queen I've split into two nights (Prelude and Finale) and that will tend to have the most highly skilled matchups I can produce (ala WK and Omega-Okada or Jericho-Okada at Dominion). So say, Alicia Strong vs Steffi Chee. Or Sara Marie York vs Foxxy Larue. As for the tournament, I have most of it on the Prelude show and the finals as the semi-main of the Finale show. Qualifiers occur starting the first TV show after Starshow and I use the qualifying matches as a way to fill TV time. Plus, my roster is massive so I can run those for six months easily.

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First thing I do is ignore what most of the shows' 'AI instructions' are. My shows are main evented by my top stars competing for the world title. Period, end of. Battle royals are a great way to bomb a show rating (Main Event Spotlight) so I always put what I expect to be the best match on the card, on last. The winner of Battlebowl gets their pick of which title they choose to challenge for, at Showdown. It could be the QAW World title or the alliance world title or even one of the floating titles whose prestige gets high. Basically like the Royal Rumble. Crowning the Queen I've split into two nights (Prelude and Finale) and that will tend to have the most highly skilled matchups I can produce (ala WK and Omega-Okada or Jericho-Okada at Dominion). So say, Alicia Strong vs Steffi Chee. Or Sara Marie York vs Foxxy Larue. As for the tournament, I have most of it on the Prelude show and the finals as the semi-main of the Finale show. Qualifiers occur starting the first TV show after Starshow and I use the qualifying matches as a way to fill TV time. Plus, my roster is massive so I can run those for six months easily.



I get that, and I'll ignore it if it says 'All 3v3 matches' or something like that, but a Rumble and a Tournament are important enough to the company that I feel I have to honor those.


Just ran BattleBowl and got a 54 for the actual match, which isn't terrible. America is still champ, fending off Emma May in some great matches that got May up to Major Star.


I'm running 2 shows a month and got on WrestleWorld in April to give me time to build a little cushion financially. One is the regular show and the other I call 'On The Road' where they go outside of Texas but still in Mid South (Colorado, Kansas, NM, OK, etc) Having a lot of fun with this company, I'll probably start writing up a dynasty once I hit the 1 year mark.

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Here's what I do for the PPVs-


Starshow- In addition to every title being defended, I usually add the Southwest Tag Team belts as a tournament title and run it here if I have enough tag teams.


American Lucha- The main event is 3 vs 3, specifically the Lucha Libre version. Every match on the card is also the Lucha Libre variant. Ideally, if I ever get to the brand split, this would be the Survivor Series equivalent event.


Battlebowl- Battle Royal main event, as GOD INTENDED.


Queen Of The Ring- I book the tournament as using whoever I have left after wrapping up storylines and defending the titles.


Amazons Attack- I would love to do a Cage Wars match here, but apparently that's a bit much, content wise, for the product. A Total Mayhem match would be a good substitute, but the company would need to grow in size first.


TriosMania- All 3 on 3! There are enough 3 vs 3 variants to make it interesting.


The 3-Way Dance- Main event is a PROPER 3-way dance (elimination). Every other match on the card is 3 way singles, 3 way tag, or 3 way trios.

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  • 2 months later...

I'll bump this as I'm into early 2021 with a save.


We have just moved into weekly tv on WrestleWorld at a great cost, but I feel that it will pay off soon enough. I run at 43 pop in the Mid South and feel pretty good about getting it to a place where I can begin to offer competitive written offers before too long. I eagerly await signing Lucy in September.


I decided to put my eggs in the Alina America basket and she's now established as my Figurehead, despite Foxxy being a better all-around talent. Still, there are bonuses and I have her constantly working with Commissioner Bomb in unscripted post show talking segments. She currently cuts scripted promos at a 70, and so I feel like it's not too long before she breaks through and begins to gain enough popularity to move lots of merchandise.


QAW haven't suffered from any notable poaching from USPW or CWA, and have an agreement with 5SSW to send each other workers on excursion. Black Diamond should be excellent when she returns...two and a half years from now. Honey Badger is over there for a year, as I don't want to give up on the avatar and name despite her being a bit of a headache everywhere else.


The stables are helpful and I've been pushing a AAA themed brotherhood faction of Lilly & Rose, Christy Higgins and Sabrina Wells, but what I'm really looking forward to is when I finally program Foxxy against Alina. I think that I'm going to move the belt back over to Foxxy after 400+ days of Alina.


Danielle Sweetheart is my favorite and most dependable wrestler on the roster and I'm open to suggestions on what exactly I should do with her. She's certainly getting the crown over the summer. I know this for certain.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...
Here's what I do for the PPVs-

TriosMania- All 3 on 3! There are enough 3 vs 3 variants to make it interesting.


Just did not work well for me, at least at the current size of my roster. Plenty of 3 vs. 3 variants but if you want to keep tag teams and stables together you wind up with a lot of warnings about people being over used. In the future of my QAW booking my Triosmania shows are going to end in a main event defending the Trios titles that were won by the Ronin 3 in my first Triosmania. The rest of the matches will be normal.


It was an okay show as they go for a promotion this size but my other shows all had higher ratings.


Edit: Oof. It also resulted in me spending $6,000 more on workers that month. But I'm still in the black.

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I think that the first Triosmania is tough to book but it does get easier with each year as you strengthen existing stables, or add new ones.


In my diary I swapped out some of the greener members of stables for more established names i.e. Sonnaz out of Storm Front, added in Danielle Sweetheart.


I also bring in some outside trios i.e. Team CILL, Team 5SSW to make it feel more sought after!

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  • 8 months later...

(Stupid Board locked me out of my account.)


Question for my fellow QAW fans: How do you deal with AAA? Do you not use their wrestlers as a matter of keeping them separate? Do you use them but don't job them out since IRL the bigger company would be upset about their stars losing on a smaller promotion's show? Or do you just game the system and job the hell out of the AAA stars to get your own wrestlers over?

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