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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining

Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper w/ Lucinda Lush versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata & Happy Elwood versus The Bulldogs


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit

The Roughhouse Riders (Crash & Dillon) versus Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Robert Casey versus Curtis Jenkins

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Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper w/ Lucinda Lush versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Tag Team Match

Jimmy Chipolata & Happy Elwood versus The Bulldogs


The Brothers Samoa versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


The Roughhouse Riders (Crash & Dillon) versus Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley


Robert Casey versus Curtis Jenkins

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Wrestling Spotlight Ep #6


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Episode #6, Friday W2 Oct. 2024

Center Stage @ Studio 65, Indianapolis, Indiana [Great Lakes, USA]

110 Fans

Broadcast On: WrestleWorld



Pre Show Results


Sophie Steele won a battle royal in 14:44. The other members of the 'final four' were Mad Millie Morgan, Akari Kawashima and Ruby Bloodstone, with Mad Millie Morgan being the final elimination. Mad Millie Morgan got the most eliminations over the course of the match. (26)


Gary Greer won a battle royal in 14:51. The other members of the 'final four' were Robert Montgomery Jr., Reggie Combs and Vicente Deleon, with Robert Montgomery Jr. being the final elimination. Vicente Deleon got the most eliminations over the course of the match. (23)


Main Show


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Earnest, “Hello and welcome back to another exciting and thrillpacked episode of Wrestling Spotlight here on WrestleWorld. I’m Marv Earnest and I’m joined in the broadcast booth as always by my broadcast colleague, Grace Harper.”


Harper, ”And what a show do we have in store, Marv. I’m excited for all the action we have tonight.”


Earnest, “In our main event, Wild Red Stallion puts the Indiana Heavyweight Championship on the line against former champion and one-quarter of the Cadillac Four, Danny Draper. The Brothers Samoa are back in action after their loss last week against former World Tag Team and HPW Tag Champions Bred for Battle. In our opening contest, British grappler Curtis Jenkins returns to the United States after a decade and takes on the son of Bob Casey -- Robert Casey -- in what should be a very competitive opening contest.”


Harper, ”It should be Marv. You’ve got a veteran technician like Curtis Jenkins -- a master of the Wigan style of wrestling going up against a second generation technician who learned from his father the finer points of pro wrestling. Bullet Bob may have never been World Champion, but there were few wrestlers as respected in this sport for their technical prowess and knowledge. If Robert can be half of the wrestler that his father was, he’ll have a very successful career but tonight he’s got to get through a very tough opponent. You know Jenkins is going to want to make a statement on his return to the United States.”


Earnest, “So let’s not waste anymore time and let’s go ringside where Taylor Gordy is waiting with the opening introductions.”




Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Robert Casey versus Curtis Jenkins


The young technician versus the veteran technician. Jenkins received a nice smattering of applause from people who remember him from his time in Mid Atlantic Wrestling as part of the Mid Atlantic Connection. The former CWW Submission and Heavyweight Champion came right out of the gate with a strong collar and elbow tie up and pushed Robert Casey back into the ropes. Jenkins has spent over two decades in the sport and while he is no longer at his physical peak, his knowledge and technical skill still makes him a dangerous opponent. Jenkins gave a clean break in the ropes and the young Casey looked determined to not let that happen again. The second lock up went Casey’s way as he backed Jeninks back into the corner and when the referee called for the break, Casey broke clean, but Jenkins drove his forearm into the temple of the young man. Casey stumbled and Jenkins came out of the corner with a knee to the gut and then a Snap Suplex and then went from there right into a seated side headlock. Jenkins spent the next two minutes trying to grind Casey down with some grounded forearms and the headlock, but Robert Casey fought back to his feet and hit a Back Suplex on Jenkins that bought Casey some time. Casey got to his feet and pulled Jenkins back up. He shot him off into the ropes and ducked down for a back body drop but the veteran Jenkins was able to stop short and used the opening to quickly hook and lift Casey up and over in a Fisherman’s Suplex with the bridge to get the three count in a short, but competitive match.


In an extremely short match, Curtis Jenkins defeated Robert Casey in 4:37 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Match Rating





Earnest, “Curtis Jenkins begins his HPW career with a victory over the young Robert Casey. I’ve known Curtis Jenkins for fifteen years and I can say that he looks to be just as talented as ever. He could be a major force in HPW if he wrestles every match like this.”


Harper, ”I’m sure he wants to be a major force too. After winning championships in his native England, I can only imagine he wants to bring that same championship pedigree back here to Indianapolis and Heartland Pro Wrestling.”


Earnest, “I bet you’re right Grace. Right now we’re going to go to a video package. It came from the same place that sent last week’s disturbing graveyard video. I’m not sure of the contents but they purchased the airtime so we are legally required to air it -- so here we go. Production truck, roll the video please.”


We are transported, via video, out of Center Stage at Studio 65 to someplace far away. The camera whips through jungle overgrowth. The sounds of the jungle fill the audio until they don’t. Until we are no longer in the jungle but instead in what appear to be the ruins of an ancient temple that one can only assume by design is Mayan in nature. There are three cloaked figures around what looks like an altar. The altar is ancient and stained with the blood of all of the sacrifices that have come before this moment. A slender hand comes above the altar and another hand emerges with a knife. The palm of the hand is cut and blood begins to fall down onto the stained altar.


“Deja que nuestra sangre nutra el espíritu de venganza.


The hand withdraws from the shot and the camera focuses on the blood as it drips into the carvings of the altar and the once ancient altar begins to look alive. Vibrant. The colors changing as if awakened by the sacrifice and oath taken.


“Nosotras venimos.”


The camera goes black.




We come from the video back to the announce table where Marv Earnest and Grace Harper both look very distrubed.


Earnest, “For the second week in a row, we have seen a very disturbing video. I’m incredibly uncomfortable with what we have just witnessed.”


Harper, ”I am too, Marv. There is something very off about these videos. Something very foreboding.”


Earnest, “Well let’s try to get to something more pleasant. Our broadcast colleague Taylor Gordy is standing by with Yvonne Ericks. Taylor, take it away.”


The cameras cut from the announce position to the interview position where Taylor Gordy is standing with reigning Women’s Champion “Red” Yvonne Ericks. Ericks has both the Women’s Champion and one half of the Women’s Tag Team Championship.




Gordy, “Thank you Marv. As you said, I’m standing here with HPW Women’s Champion Yvonne Ericks who in a few weeks will step into the ring with Talia Neema in a title unification matchup.”


Ericks, “That’s right Taylor. It might be the biggest match of my career. I’ve been at the top of my game this year. It’s been a great year for me. An excellent year, but I don’t want the year to wind to a close with me going on a losing streak. I want to end the year as good as I started it. I want to end the year draped in championships and that means I’m going to bring the fight right to Talia Neema. I’m going to rewin the All Action Championship and I am going to unify it with the Women’s Champion and once again I am going to prove that I’m the top woman in this company and the best woman in the sport.”


Ericks walked away from the interview set.


Gordy, “We’re getting closer to that match and I know I can’t wait. Back to you Marv and Grace.”


Angle Rating





Earnest, “At Thanksgiving Turmoil, Talia Neema and Yvonne Ericks will meet and I’m sure it will be a standout match.”


Harper, ”Both women are incredible athletes, both are champions and both want to win the title unification match up at Thanksgiving Turmoil.”


Earnest, “But that match isn’t tonight -- but the Roughhouse Riders will take on Eddie Gallagher and Harry Bradley.”


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit




The Roughhouse Riders (Crash & Dillon) versus Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley


Crash and Dillon came out in real slick matching gear -- black and lightning yellow, both wearing long tights with bands around their biceps. It’s clear they’re starting to be presented as a fulltime team. Gallagher and Bradley weren’t as fortunate. Crash was the most experienced wrestler in the contest, and that was saying something. It wasn’t a great match by any stretch of the imagination. Gallagher and Bradley aren’t a natural team and it was their first time teaming together and the young men really didn’t know how to work together while Crash and Dillon are still really learning how to work together still as well. Crash and Dillon were all power though. Crash and Dillon controlled most of the match -- though Gallagher and Bradley were able to get some offense in -- but ultimately it was Victor Crash with his Ice Backbreaker on Gallagher that secured the victory.


In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Victor Crash and Jimmy Dillon defeated Eddie Gallagher and Harry Bradley in 5:10 when Victor Crash pinned Eddie Gallagher with an Ice Backbreaker.


Match Rating





Earnest, “A convincing win for the Roughhouse Riders who continue to show the strength of the graduates of the No Ordinary Men Academy of Professional Wrestling in Indianapolis.”


Harper, ”If you’re interested in learning the sport of professional wrestling the way it was meant to be learned -- make sure you check out No Ordinary Men. I’ve been at the facilities, Marv, and the staff there do an excellent job.”


Earnest, “I would agree -- just look at how successful the Roughhouse Riders just were, but right now we have our colleague Taylor Gordy standing by with Mr. Grappling and Sandman Winks.”


The camera cuts over to the interview area where Taylor Gordy is standing with two of the most popular wrestlers on the HPW roster.




Gordy, “Thank you Marv and Grace. As you said, I’m standing here with Mr. Grappling and Sandman Winks, who will be challenging The Ring Generals for the World Tag Team Titles at Thanksgiving Turmoil in six weeks.”


Winks, “And we’re going to be ready Taylor. We’ve been preparing. We’re going to continue to prepare. We’re taking trips to Muscle Mountain down in Florida. Me and Grappling, we know how good the Ring Generals are. For two decades they’ve been an excellent team. They’ve traveled the world as a team and proven their mettle -- but me and Grappling are ready to take those World titles and prove that we’re the best team in wrestling. Tell ‘em Grappling.”


Grappling, “Marv and Dean are bad men, Taylor Gordy. They aren’t afraid to take shortcuts. They aren’t afraid to hurt an opponent beyond the confines of the sport. They’re dangerous men. But me and Sandman? We’re dangerous men too, brother. We don’t take shortcuts and we don’t take cheapshots, but brother we’ll hurt you. We’ll hurt you bad. This is how Sandman and I pay our bills and this is what we love. This is the sport we love and the Mayor of Muscle Mountain and Indiana’s Finest love competition, we love championships and we want to be World Tag Champs. We also hate guys like Cadillac Four. Guys who flaunt money and booze and flout the rules. This is a sport. We treat it as such. We’re going to restore the prestige to the World Tag Team Titles. Marv and Dean. We’ll see you at Thanksgiving Turmoil.”


Grappling and Winks walked off the set.


Gordy, “Sandman Winks and Mr. Grappling seem to be as motivated as they can be with six weeks to go before their big title fight. It looks like I’ve got Funky Fedora walking out here right now, so let’s see what he’s got to say.”


Angle Rating





Suit-clad, championship-carrying, hair-slicked back Funky Fedora comes walking onto the interview podium. He’s joined by the Executive Consultant of the Cadillac Four, Lucinda Lush.




Gordy, “Funky, Lucinda, you’re not scheduled until later tonight. Why are you out here right now?”


Lush, “Excuse me, that’s how you address the longest reigning Mid American Champion in the history of this company? You call him by his first name. You don’t say Mr. Fedora or Ms. Lush? You think you’re familiar enough with us to address us like friends. Try again.”


Gordy rolls his eyes.


Gordy, “I’m sorry. Mr. Fedora, Ms. Lush, you’re not scheduled to be out here until later on the show. Why are you coming out early?”


Lush, “Because we can. Because Funky Fedora is the longest reigning Mid American Champion in history. He’s held that championship over a year. Over a year, Taylor Gordy. He’s beaten Sandman Winks. He’s beaten Mr. Grappling. He’s beaten Warwick Good. He’s beaten Nate DeMarcus and sent him out of this company until the Great Con that got Nate DeMarcus his job back. And still, while not being respected despite dominating this company since December of 2022 -- almost two years ago -- when he won the championship for the first time -- he still gets no respect. How good does Funky have to be? How many people does he have to beat? How long does he have to be on top of this company, of this sport, before he gets his respect?”


Gordy, “I don’t think he’s being disrespected. I think he’s openly acknowledged as a great champion.”


Fedora, “As a great champion? I’m the best champion this company has ever seen! Look at me. I dress like a champion. I wrestle like a champion. When I get in to the ring, fans the world over know they’re about to see something special. They know they’re going to see the measuring stick for this sport. And what does the measuring stick get? I get told I get to defend my championship against someone like Joey Fili. Someone who hasn’t proven that they even belong in the ring with me. How is that respect? How is that fair?”


The crowd starts to cheer and Funky smiles, until he realizes why they’re cheering.




The Samoan Superman, Joey Fili, has come walking out onto the set. Fedora has moved behind Lucinda Lush and Taylor Gordy positions himself between Lucinda and Joey Fili.


Lush, “Get out of here! You’re not scheduled to talk at all tonight! Get away from us.”


Fili, “You keep runnin’ your mouth, callin’ me unproven. You keep runnin’ your mouth about how I don’t belong in the ring with you and you’re going to mess around and get those pretty little teeth knocked out of your mouth. You’ve got two weeks Funky. Two weeks to get your affairs in order. ‘Cause in two weeks, I’m taking that title off your shoulder. In two weeks, you’re going to be the former champion and you’re going to know just how proven I really am.”


Joey just smiles as he starts to back away and exits while Funky Fedora and Lucinda Lush try to collect themselves.


Gordy, “In two weeks, right here on Wrestling Spotlight, we’re going to have an incredible main event. Tempers are flaring here. Back to you Marv and Grace.”

Angle Rating





Earnest, “That’s going to be an incredible main event in two weeks. The Mid American Championship will be on the line.


Harper, ”The richest prize in Heartland Pro Wrestling, Marv. The championship everyone wants to hold.”


Earnest, “It’s been held by the best wrestlers to come into this great company and Joey Fili looks to add his name to that list, but that’s two weeks away. Right now, we have to turn our attention to the match that is up next. The Brothers Samoa will be taking on Bred for Battle in what promises to be a very physical contest.”


Harper, ”It should be. The Brothers Samoa came up short last week challenging for the HPW Tag Team Championships and tonight they have the former HPW and World Tag Team Champions Bred for Battle. The Brothers Samoa would like the opportunity to challenge for tag team gold again and Bred for Battle is looking to get back into the title discussion themselves. This match won’t be long, but it will be incredibly physical.”


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit




The Brothers Samoa versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Bred for Battle completely ate up the Brothers Samoa in this match. It was short and the young team was incredibly dominant. Tana started the match against James Diaz and Diaz let out a barrage of strikes. Big forearms, knees to the gut, a roaring elbow that slumped Tana. Tana tagged out to Kanishoki and had to hit the floor where the ringside physician checked on him. Diaz went after Kanishoki with the same kind of offense, sending him stumbling around the ring. Diaz tagged in his partner Dreadnought and the big Dreadnought hit the ropes and came charging back for a very powerful modified crossbody (think the one Brodus Clay used to do) that dropped Kanishoki. Dreadnought hit the ropes and came back with a big Senton right into the chest of Kanishoki. A tag back to James Diaz let the son of Raymond Diaz who deadlift Kanishoki with a Gut Wrench Suplex and then tagged Dreadnought back in so they could hit their Sins of Our Fathers finisher -- where James powerbombs the legal man and Dreadnought hits his extra impressive moonsault and that was it.


In an extremely short match, Bred for Battle defeated Kanishoki and Tana The Mighty in 2:45 when Dreadnought pinned Kanishoki with a Sins of Our Fathers. Kanishoki was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating





Andrew Gibson walks right over to Taylor Gordy at the interview area and is quickly joined by Bred for Battle.




Gibson, “Shut up. Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything at all, just hold that damn microphone because I’ve got something to say. Nate DeMarcus. Warwick Good. Did you see that? Did you see what they just did. Those are the Brothers Samoa. Legends in this sport. Legends because of their toughness. Because they can take incredible amounts of punishment and these two men walked through them like it was a day at the park. You keep talking about how you want to be in the ring with them but I need you to make sure, make damn sure, that’s what you really want -- because if they’ll do that to two men renowned for their toughness -- what are they going to do to you? Let’s go boys.”


Dreadnought and James Diaz just smile and snarl as they walk off with their manager.


Gordy, “A strong warning from Bred for Battle to Nate DeMarcus and Warwick Good. Back to you Marv and Grace.”


Angle Rating





Earnest, “Bred for Battle is clearly motivated for any potential clash with Nate DeMarcus and Warwick Good and that should be a very good match up when we get to see it.”


Harper, ”It should be. Bred for Battle is, for my money, the most dominant tag team in wrestling today. Dominant in the same way The Demons of Rage of the Lords of the Ring were dominant. They’re that kind of dominant and I don’t know if any team can really stand in the ring with them.”


Earnest, “That’s an understatement. They have the best win loss percentage of any tag teams in wrestling. But we have two teams getting ready to go at it right now as Jimmy Chipolata and Happy Elwood get into the ring to face the young team of The Bulldogs.”


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit




Jimmy Chipolata & Happy Elwood versus The Bulldogs


This match was clearly just a showcase for Chipolat and Elwood. The Bulldogs are just a young independent tag team that is looking for experience and they did an alright job in this match with what they were tasked to do -- bump for Happy and Jimmy. Happy started the match off and the veteran hit Bulldog #1 with several arm drags before tagging in Jimmy. Jimmy came off the top rope with a stomp to the arm. Jimmy grabbed Bulldog #1’s arm and fell to the mat, driving his knees into Bulldog #1’s arm. #1 made the tag to #2 and Chipolata tagged back in Elwood, who hit a couple of drop kicks on #2 before tagging back in Chipolata, who came off the top rope for a Flying Body Press.


In an extremely short match, Jimmy Chipolata and Happy Elwood defeated Bulldog #1 and Bulldog #2 in 4:45 when Jimmy Chipolata pinned Bulldog #2 with a Flying Body Press.


Match Rating





Earnest, “An impressive win for Jimmy Chipolata and Happy Elwood. They continue to build steam as a team and they could be headed to a Tag Title opportunity in the future.”


Harper, ”If they keep winning like this -- I bet they will!”


Earnest, “Up next we have our main event of the evening. ‘Dapper’ Danny Draper will challenge Wild Red Stallion for the Indiana Heavyweight Championship. These two men are no strangers to each other. Wild Red Stallion initially lost the Indiana Title to Draper in December of last year and won the title back from him in May of this year.”


Harper, ”That’s absolutely right and these are the kinds of matches that make for great main events. Two opponents who know each other very well. Two opponents who have wrestled each other for the championship before. There is bad blood between both men. They don’t like each other and it’s going to spill over into this match and I can’t wait. If you’re Danny Draper, you’ve got to avoid the power of Wild Red Stallion. If you’re Stallion, you can’t get distracted by any outside stuff -- you’ve got to keep your eyes on the prize.


Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining



"Dapper" Danny Draper w/ Lucinda Lush versus Wild Red Stallion ©


The match started off slow. Both men knew each other and both men were cautious. Draper didn’t want to get too close to Stallion and Stallion knew that Draper would take any shortcut he could to win. They had the opening lock up and Stallion pushed Draper back into the corner and gave a clean break. He backed up and Draper kicked the corner in frustration. A second lock up and the result was much the same. Draper leaned between the ropes and got some advice from Lucinda Lush. A third lock up and this time, instead of pushing Draper back into the corner, Stallion brought him over with a shallow arm drag and then went right into an arm bar. Draper was able to get back to his feet and Stallion shot him off into the ropes and when Draper came back, Stallion sent him high into the air with a Back Body Drop that got a lot of elevation. Draper sold it like he fell out of a tree . Draper got back to his feet and Stallion hit the ropes and came back with a big shoulder tackle that sent Draper flying through the ropes to the floor on the outside. Lucinda Lush complained that Stallion was fighting dirty, but senior official Bret Graveson would hear none of it. He warned Lush that if she stepped a toe out of line he wouldn’t hesitate to throw her out. Draper took his time getting back into the ring. He was on his feet by two or three, but he didn’t get back into the ring until nine. They locked up again and this time Draper went right to the eyes with an eyerake. The eyerake allowed Draper to take control. His offense was measured and controlled and everything he did worked on Stallion’s neck. Draper’s signature move, the D-Struction relied on driving an opponent’s face into the mat so Draper was working on softening him him for that. Draper hit a neckbreaker and then went right into a Bulldog Choke, but Stallion was able to get out of the hold. Draper hit a Running Knee Lift and then a Knee Drop for a near fall. Draper worked the rear chinlock and Stallion had to fight out of it and then started to power up. He hit several elbows to Draper’s midsection and then hit the ropes for a clothesline (not a lariat, there is a difference). Stallion then hit a suplex and then a big Atomic Drop. Draper was in full sell mode. He hit the big Gorilla Press Slam. Stallion’s whole comeback was built around power and Draper sold it like Stallion hit with the force of a mack truck. Stallion lifted Draper high into the air and brought him down for the Lakota Cutter to get the three count and his fifth successful title defense.


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Wild Red Stallion defeated Dapper Danny Draper in 18:30 by pinfall with a Lakota Cutter. Wild Red Stallion makes defence number five of the HPW Indiana title.


Match Rating





Earnest, “What a win for Wild Red Stallion but we’re all out of time this week. For Grace Harper and everyone here at Heartland Pro Wrestling, I’m Marv Earnest saying thank you for joining us for Wrestling Spotlight, we’ll see you next week.”


Overall Show Rating




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I wanted to take an opportunity to say thank you to everyone who predicted on the show. It is always humbling to see people interact with the diary. I also want to thank everyone who voted for this for Diary of the Month, this marked this project’s sixth win of the award since April (nine months since launch) and the support has been incredible. I really do appreciate it.
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Episode #7 Predictions


Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck


Plus: Hear from Zippy Deverell, Joey Fili, and Sophie Steele

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I really wanted to take a minute to showcase two of Christian Shane's belts. Sometimes the level of detail that he puts into his work doesn't always get the attention it deserves because we see the smaller versions.



The COTT Mid American Championship. A beautiful belt, I think.



Here is the Mid American Tag Team Championship in its full size. It is modelled after the NWA World Tag Team Titles.



The Indiana Heavyweight Title, modeled after one of my favorite titles -- the WWA World Title held by one of my favorite wrestlers Dick the Bruiser.



Here is the Women's Championship. You can see the incredible detail here, including the official torch of Indiana.



The Women's Tag Team Titles, designed to be super old school.



The original tag titles.


I share these because I really just want to highlight the amount of detail that gets put into belt making. With renders, we often see them full sized and then down in their 150x150 so we can see how impressive they are. CS and I are both big belt heads and I really just want to show him more love than he gets (and he gets some love) so people can appreciate the amount of detail he puts into work.

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Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson def. Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto def. The Brothers Samoa


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald def. The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker def. SUPREME Yoshida


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Taggs w/ Haley Buck def. Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley


Plus: Hear from Zippy Deverell, Joey Fili, and Sophie Steele


Predictions End

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Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck

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Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck


Agree those belts are very very nice, as are all their creations

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Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


I have to go with my girl Morgan


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck


Eddie and Harry suck so much that they don't even warrant having their pictures posted.:D

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Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck

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Episode #7 Predictions


Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck

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Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit</p><p>

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus <strong>Bred for Battle</strong> w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

The Brothers Samoa versus <strong>The Manifesto</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald</strong> versus The Bulldogs</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" <strong>Morgan Stryker</strong> versus SUPREME Yoshida</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus <strong>The Taggs</strong> w/ Haley Buck</p><p> </p><p>

Plus: Hear from Zippy Deverell, Joey Fili, and Sophie Steele</p>

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit</p><p>

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus <strong>Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

The Brothers Samoa versus <strong>The Manifesto</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald</strong> versus The Bulldogs</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus <strong>SUPREME Yoshida</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus <strong>The Taggs w/ Haley Buck</strong></p>

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good</strong> versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>The Brothers Samoa</strong> versus The Manifesto</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus <strong>The Bulldogs</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker</strong> versus SUPREME Yoshida</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley</strong> versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck</p>

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Wrestling Spotlight Ep #7


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Episode #7, Friday W3 Oct. 2024

Center Stage @ Studio 65, Indianapolis, Indiana [Great Lakes, USA]

110 Fans

Broadcast On: WrestleWorld

Rating/Viewership: 16,988


Pre Show Results


Esperanza Montero, Frankie Carmello, La Hija de Phoenix, Bonnie Bogan and Mirai Kajahara defeated Piper Hale, Mad Millie Morgan, Vera Bull, Valerie Flores and Ximena la Heroína in 10:06 when Esperanza Montero pinned Valerie Flores with a Destiny Explosion. (30)


The Montgomery Family (Robert Montgomery Jr., Eric Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery and Shawn Montgomery) defeated AC King, Robin Leroy and Latin Love Coalition in 9:54 when Robert Montgomery Jr. pinned Michel Bouchard with a Montgomery Driver. (20)


Jimmy Chipolata defeated Tyrone Shearer in 6:33 by pinfall with a Flying Body Press. (26)


Main Show


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BwU7ai1Us0Y" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Earnest, “Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting, thrillpacked episode of Wrestling Spotlight here on WrestleWorld. I'm Marv Earnest and I'm joined in the broadcast booth by my broadcast colleague Grace Harper and Grace what a show we have for folks tonight. In our main event, Bred for Battle will take on Nate DeMarcus and Warwick Good, the Manifesto will take on Brothers Samoa and we'll hear from Zippy Deverell and Joey Fili plus so much more."


Harper, ”It is a full night, Marv. It's my favorite night of the week- Wrestling Spotlight night and I can't wait for us to get to it."


Earnest, “Before we go anywhere, we have a special video that has been sent to us from the same people that have been sending those disturbing videos and I've been told that this video at least provides some answers so truck, roll the tape!"




We are back in a graveyard. The three cloaked figures from the ruins last week were back. This time there was no speaking. The three figures just walked through the graveyard and we got shots of various things. There was a shot of a tombstone that had no names, just the outline of a huntsman. There was another tombstone that had no names, just an engraving of a phoenix, there was an engraving of a diamond and then one of flames. The three figures stop in the center of the graveyard. The cloaks are pulled back and we finally see the faces:




After we see the three women, text is superimposed


Hermanas de Pestilenece coming soon.


Angle Rating





Earnest, “Well now we finally know who has been behind these very disturbing videos. It looks like the most terrifying women in all of lucha libre, the Hermanas de Pestilenece are coming to Heartland Pro Wrestling.


Harper, ”That’s blockbuster news, Marv. These three women are the top trio in lucha libre. They have dominant in Mexico for the five years they have been pros. They are terrifying. I don’t know if they feel pain or if they just like it, but I would not want to be a woman who gets in the ring with them. They scare me, Marv.”


Earnest, “They scare me too. We don’t know when they’re going to show up, but I wouldn’t want to be the women in their crosshairs. Up next is our first match of the night. Eddie Gallagher and Harry Bradley challenge the Taggs in tag team action.”


Opening Match

Tag Team Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Eddie Gallagher & Harry Bradley versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck


Kalder and Wolfie were led to the ring by the moonshine drinking Haley Buck. Buck was as good as ever as the crazy, half-drunk hillbilly woman leading her charges. Kalder and Wolfie have developed into a team in the same mold of the McWades -- big rough brawlers and they were big and rough and they battered Bradley and Gallagher. They threw heavy punches. They kicked. They slammed. They taunted. They tossed Eddie Gallagher out of the ring and then hit Harry Bradley with a Spike Piledriver and the Taggs got a convincing, easy win.


In an extremely short match, The Taggs defeated Harry Bradley and Eddie Gallagher in 3:11 when Kalder Tagg pinned Harry Bradley with a Spike Piledriver.


Match Rating





Earnest, “The Taggs continue to show why they are one of the most physically dominant teams in the sport today. As former Tag Team Champions, I know they want to get back into the title hunt. They definitely have their eye on the Dynamite Express and The Texas Express and what is going on in the Tag Title picture.”


Harper, ”As they should, Marv. They are a very talented team with a championship pedigree. They belong in the title conversation. I know a lot of people don’t like the way they win some of their matches, because their not afraid to break the rules but they get results and ultimately in this sport, it’s the wins you get that matter.”


Earnest, “Powerfully said, Grace. At this time, we’re going to go to Taylor Gordy who is standing by with Sophie Steele. Take it away Taylor.”


We cut over to the interview area where Taylor Gordy is standing alongside the Bride That Never Was, the Forever Jilted, Sophie Steele.




Gordy, “I’m joined here today by Sophie Steele who requested some time to talk. Ms. Steele, what’s on your mind?”


Steele, “I’ve tried to be a good girl. I’ve tried to show him to come back to me by competing hard and showing him what I can do, but still he won’t return my calls. He won’t answer my texts. It’s clear I’ve got to take it up a notch. It’s clear I’ve got to show him just how serious I can be. So I’m about to get really serious. And he’ll answer my calls then. He’ll see… We’ll finally make it right.”


Gordy, “Who is he?”


Steele, “He knows who he is. He’s the reason I’m in HPW and he’s the reason I’m going to do what I have to do.”


Sophie Steele walked off leaving a very confused Taylor Gordy.


Gordy, “I’m not quite sure what Ms. Steele means by that, but, back to you Marv and Grace.”


Angle Rating





Earnest, “Very disturbing comments from Sophie Steele. She definitely seems deranged.”


Harper, ”Well, y’know Marv, a broken heart can make a broken person a desperate person. People will do horrible things out of desperation and if Sophie Steele is really as desperate as she seems, I wouldn’t want to be in the wrestling ring with her.”


Earnest, “Me either and someone else I wouldn’t want to be in the wrestling ring with either is in action upnext -- Morgan Stryker, the World’s Most Dangerous Woman, will be in action against SUPREME Yoshida, next.”


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus SUPREME Yoshida


SUPREME Yoshida is a highly touted prospect out of Japan. While not a traditional Joshi worker, she looks to be tailor-made for HPW and it’s classic American style pro wrestling presentation. She has a great look. She works the gimmick well and she was a good heel opposite the ultra-serious Morgan Stryker. Yoshida spent the early portion of the match staying away from Stryker -- she knew just how dangerous Morgan Stryker could be if she got her hands on a person. Yoshida used leg kicks to keep some distance and freely powdered out of the ring anytime Stryker got too close. It clearly frustrated both the fans and Stryker -- which really got them invested into the match. Yoshida finally decided to lock up and that was where she made a mistake, because Stryker immediately hit her with a Kosoto Gake that sent Yoshida right down to the mat. Yoshida immediately tried to roll out of the ring, but Stryker caught her ankle and pulled her back and then hit a Deadlift German Suplex. Stryker continued on the assault -- she hit a T-Bone Suplex on Yoshida that sent her out of the ring. Yoshida made it back in the ring and was able to rake the eyes and get some offense in -- simple offense of forearms and a bear hug, but then Stryker fought out of it. Stryker locked in the Judo Arm Lock and got the submission and continued her winning streak.


In a decent match, Morgan Stryker defeated SUPREME Yoshida in 6:16 by submission with a Judo Arm Lock.


Match Rating





Earnest, “Morgan Stryker continues to be dominant. She is almost unstoppable as a wrestler right now and with her eyes set on the winner of the unification match between Neema and Ericks, we are certainly are headed to a big collision.”


Harper, ”I’ve only seen a few women as dangerous as Morgan Stryker. She’s on top of her game and looks as dangerous as any woman as I’ve ever seen wrestle -- and I’ve seen all the greats.”


Earnest, “And that is high praise coming from you. Up next, we have a tag team match between Nebo Martell and Adam MacDonald against the Bulldogs.”


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Bulldogs


This was a complete domination from Martell and MacDonald. They each got to showcase their individual movesets and the Bulldogs did a good job of selling for both men. The young duo in the Bulldogs has shown some promise in the couple of matches they’ve worked for HPW. MacDonald was able to hit #1 with the Blindside Pounce to get the win and get he and Nebo some more momentum.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Nebo Martell and Adam MacDonald defeated Bulldog #1 and Bulldog #2 in 2:25 when Adam MacDonald pinned Bulldog #1 with a Blindside Pounce.


Match Rating





Earnest, “Nebo and Adam don’t get paid by the hour and they showed that here tonight.”


Harper, ”That’s the sign of being effective, Marv. No professional wrestler wants to be in the ring longer than they have to be. You want to win quick. You want to get in and out and limit your chances of injury. That was a masterclass in quick work from Nebo and Adam.”


Earnest, “It certainly was and now we go to our broadcast colleague Taylor Gordy who is standing by with Zippy Deverell.”


We cut to the interview area where Taylor Gordy is standing with The Hillbilly Outlaw himself, Zippy Deverell.




Gordy, “Next week Zippy, you and Nicky Champion are going to meet in a Seminole Strap Match. What are your thoughts going into this match?”


Deverell, “Do your job and hold the microphone up. Next week… Next week Nicky Champion. Next week it’s me and you here on Wrestling Spotlight. You choose this match. A Seminole Strap Match. That’s what you want? You want to get in that ring, in that eighteen-by-eighteen-- and attack our wrists with a twelve foot leather strap? You want to blister our bodies and break skin with the leather? That’s fine. That’s not new to me. My back and chest have tested the strap before. I grew up in Coal Country. You think my Daddy, God rest his soul, didn’t use the strap a time or to? You think my mama spared the rod? Aigh aigh. That was my life ‘cause I was a bad kid. I was a rotten son of a bitch so I got the strap more than once. I don’t think you understand though Nicky. Next week, I’m going to destroy you. I’m going to end you. I’m going to take the winner’s check -- the big check from beating you -- I’m going to hand it to my mother and tell her ‘Ma, we can finally pay off the house. We can get you out of debt and set you up for life.’ Don’t you understand Nicky? I don’t just hate you. I hate everything you stand for. I hate everything you have. I hate the fact that you went on national TV for years and pretended to be a superhero and boys and girls bought into it. Parents -- like my own parents -- spent their hard earned money so that we could see you. You were our hero. And you were a liar. You were hiding behind a superhero image but you were a rotten son of a bitch the whole time and I hate you for that. I hate you for the sacrifices my family made so I could cheer for you. I hate that you built yourself an eight figure bank account. You got rich off my people’s money and blood and sweat and then you just expect people to forgive you. You just thought you’d get redemption by showing up here and I hate you for that. So next week, right here on Wrestling Spotlight, with the whole wrestling world watching, I’m going to get even with you. I’m going to take that strap that’s attached to our wrists and I’m going to beat you from pillar to post. I’m going to give you a good ol’ fashioned Corbin asswhooping. You’ve talked a real big talk. A REAL big talk. You’ve smiled and you’ve looked that part but next week right here. Right here, Nicky Champion, you enter my world and my world has a high cost of livin’.”


Zippy Deverell walked away from Taylor Gordy, clearly fed up.


Gordy, “Strong words from Zippy Deverell ahead of his match next week. Marv and Grace -- wait.. Oh my.. What are you doing here?”


Angle Rating





Taylor Gordy’s eyes are wild as former USPW star Jack Jackson has walked onto the interview set.




Gordy, “Jack Jackson… What are you doing here?!”


Jackson, “First of all, it’s Showtime Jack Jackson to you. I’m here for two reasons. I’m here because I heard that Heartland Pro Wrestling is where you go if you want to compete with the best wrestlers in the sport. For the past several years, I haven’t had that luxury. I haven’t gotten to prove myself against the best wrestlers who take this sport seriously and that’s what I want. The second reason is pretty simple. Money. Heartland Pro Wrestling and the Confederation of the Territories pay a lot of money to winners and Showtime Jack Jackson is a winner. So I’m here to make as much money as possible by doing what I believe I do better than anyone else on the planet. Wrestling. And I’m going to start with the Indiana Heavyweight Champion Wild Red Stallion. Stallion, for the past five years I’ve heard about how impressive you are. I’ve heard that you’re one of the young shining stars of this sport with a bright future. You’ve been compared to me -- the other shining bright young star. Well it’s time to dead those comparisons. Last week you beat Danny Draper. Great. That means you don’t have any challengers on the horizon until right now. Me and you Stallion, for the Indiana belt. What do you say?”


Jack Jackson walks off the set and Taylor Gody turns towards the camera.


Gordy, “You heard it folks, Showtime Jack Jackson is here in Heartland Pro Wrestling and he wants to challenge Wild Red Stallion for the Indiana Championship. Back to you Marv and Grace.”


Angle Rating





Earnest, “First Zippy Deverell lays it all out and then Jack Jackson shows up. Grace, we are having a blockbuster night.”


Harper, ”We are Marv and that’s why I love Wrestling Spotlight. You never know who is going to show up. You never know what’s going to happen. Heartland Pro Wrestling is bringing together the best wrestlers in North America- - the ones who take the sport seriously and want to be champion and we have added Jack Jackson into the fold. I can’t wait to see him and Wild Red Stallion go at it but I also can’t wait for next week when Zippy Deverell and Nicky Champion go one on one in a Seminole Strap Match.”


Earnest, “Next week is going to be a big show, that’s for sure but we still have more to come on this show. Up next, the struggling Brothers Samoa take on the surging team of Bobby Marks and Jamar Lennon -- the Manifesto.”


Harper, ”You’ve got those descriptions right, Marv. The Brothers Samoa have struggled so far here in HPW. They lost two weeks ago in their first match against The Dynamite Express. Last week, they were completely manhandled by Bred for Battle and tonight they’re up against a young team that has been very impressive this year. Jamar Lennon and Bobby Marks -- collectively known as The Manifesto -- have proven themselves to be an excellent young tag team. Former college football teammates they have the rare combination of size, power, explosiveness, and raw athleticism that make them a hard match up for any team in the sport. This is a must win situation for the Brothers Samoa if they want their stock to rise and a win over two people as accomplished as the Brothers Samoa could catapult The Manifesto into Tag Team Title discussion -- a place that every team wants to be.”


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




The Brothers Samoa versus The Manifesto


Last week, the Brothers Samoa were caught off guard by the onslaught of Bred for Battle. This week, they came out ready for a fight. Tana the Mighty looked clear minded and clear headed after the scary shot to the head he took last week. He started the match off for his team against the equally big Bobby Marks. The two mighty bulls locked horns and it looked like they were in a rutt trying to assert dominance over one another. They broke the lock up and Tana threw a forearm and Marks threw one back and we went right into some action. This became a big man, hoss-fight of strikes with both teams trying to out hard-hit the other team. Tana hit the ropes and charged into Bobby with a shoulder tackle and Bobby did the same and neither man could be knocked off their feet. Bobby ended up tagging in Jamar -- the smallest man in the match though he is by no means small and Tana tagged in Kanishoki and the fight continued. Jamar got the upper hand on Kanishoki though -- several big forearms sent the big Samoan against the ropes. Jamar shot him off across the ropes. Kanikoshi bounced back and Jamar flew through the air for a massive football tackle style spear that dropped Kanikoshi to the mat. Jamar pulled the big man to the corner and tagged back in Bobby and then Jamar -- showing impressive strength, lifted Kanishoki into the air in the Electric Chair Drop position. Bobby came off the top rope and bulldoged Kanishoki, completing The Credential and got the three count for the win.


In an extremely short match, The Manifesto defeated Tana The Mighty and Kanishoki in 5:20 when Bobby Marks pinned Kanishoki with The Credential. Tana The Mighty carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.


Match Rating





Earnest, “The Manifesto might have just pulled off the biggest win of their careers with a win over the Brothers Samoa. The Manifesto’s stock continues to rise here in HPW.”


Harper, ”They are in the position they want to be in. They’ve rattled off several wins in a row and look like they could be entering the conversation of title contenders -- that’s where everyone wants to be. That’s the money position.”


Earnest, “It absolutely is. And speaking of title contenders and the money position, Taylor Gordy is standing by with Joey Fili.”


We cut over to the interview booth where Taylor Gordy is standing with Joey Fili.




Gordy, “I’m standing here with the challenger to Funky Fedora’s Mid American Championship. Joey, next week you have the main event. How are you feeling going into it?”


Fili, “I feel like a man about to shut up a big month punk. For weeks Funky Fedora’s been running me down. He’s said I’m not in his league. I’m unproven. I don’t deserve this opportunity but next week, right here on Wrestling Spotlight, in the main event, I’m going to shut you up Funky. I’m going to make you a believer in Joey Fili and I’m going to become Mid American Champion. It’s as simple as that.”


Joey Fili walked off after the short promo.


Gordy, “That’s our main event next week. Back to you Marv and Grace.”


Angle Rating





Earnest, “Next week’s episode of Wrestling Spotlight is our biggest episode yet. Two big main event level matches. I can’t wait.”


Harper, ”I can’t either! It’s going to be a great night of professional wrestling.”


Earnest, “It will be, but our night tonight isn’t over. We still have our main event where Nate DeMarcus and Warwick Good step into the ring with Bred for Battle.”


Harper, ”This is another main event level match up. It could be on the marquee anywhere in the United States. Nate DeMarcus is a former two-time Mid American Champion. Warwick Good has been a major player since he arrived in HPW late last year. Bred for Battle has been the most unstoppable, dominant tag team in independent, if not all, of professional wrestling. They have been almost unbeatable and you can count the amount of times they have been pinned on one hand. They’ve never been made to submit. Andrew Gibson has turned them into a terrifyingly talented duo. Over the summer, they injured and put out of the sport US Patriot. Nate DeMarcus took that personally and tonight he looks to get some measure of justice with his new partner. Will they be able to stand up to Bred for Battle? Or will Bred for Battle walk through them like so many other teams?”


Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit




Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Both teams came to the ring looking motivated and the 110 fans in the building were really excited for this. This match has been being built for two months and the crowd was ready for this. Nate DeMarcus and James Diaz started the match as the legal men and they locked up in the center of the ring and Nate DeMarcus quickly pulled Diaz into a side headlock. Diaz tried to lift DeMarcus up into the air, but DeMarcus widened his base and lowered his center of gravity while leaning more on Diaz’ neck. DeMarcus separated his grip for a moment so he could raise his knee up into Diaz’ face with a short knee lift that staggered Diaz and allowed DeMarcus to shoot him off into the ropes and when Diaz came bouncing back DeMarcus took him over with a huge powerslam that he went for the cover off of. Diaz kicked out immediately and rolled away to the floor. Dreadnought and Andrew Gibson met him and the three men discussed strategy -- but not for long because DeMarcus did something he has never done -- he dove from the ring to the floor onto all three men and wiped them out. The crowd exploded with the rare dive from the ring as DeMarcus hopped up and pounded on his chest. He rolled Diaz back into the ring.


DeMarcus tagged in Good and Good lifted James Diaz up and set him up for a suplex, but Diaz grabbed a handful of tights and used them to throw Good out of the ring where Dreadnought was standing back up. Diaz grabbed senior official Bret Graveson and started to argue with him about the way DeMarcus jumped onto everyone. While Graveson was distracted, Dreadnought hit Good right in the kidney with a big fist and manager Andrew Gibson threw a short right hand into the jaw of Good. DeMarcus dropped off the apron and made his way over to stop it right as Dreadnought rolled Good into the ring. Bret Graveson stopped DeMarcus and demanded he return to his corner. While this was happening. Diaz drove his knee into the grounded Warwick Good several times, driving his knee right into the midsection to drive the oxygen out of his body each time. From the ground, Diaz reached out and tagged in Dreadnought.


Dreadnought came in and we settled into the full blown heat portion of the contest. Dreadnought worked over the midsection of Good with a prolonged Bear Hug that Good had to fight out of and then a big spinebuster that left Good spasming on the mat and a running splash that was reminiscent of Ox Mastadon’s Ten Ton Splash for a near fall. Dreadnought tagged back in James Diaz and James Diaz hit an Exploder Suplex that sent Good across the ring. The pacing was slow, with Diaz and Dreadnought taking their time in between moves. They’d hit a big move and then work a hold, really trying to wear Good down. Gibson was fired up on the outside, he wanted them to slam Good harder -- so they did. Good took a beating -- but to his credit he kept kicking out. He refused to stay down. DeMarcus was bouncing on the outside. He wanted back in. He needed to be back in. Good tried to get away, but each time he did he was thrown backwards with either a Release German or a Back Suplex and even a wicked Snap Dragon Suplex that almost ended the match. Diaz and Dreadnought taunted Good -- who looked like he was out of it. Diaz and Dreadnought did a show of strength tag spot where they hit a Stalling Suplex, but took turns tagging each other in and out while they held Good high in the air. It was impressive and the crowd was begging Good to fire up. To do something other than get beaten. Dreadnought had Good in the corner and backed all the way up to the opposite corner. He said something to Nate DeMarcus and then took off, running to the other side of the ring and leapt up for a corner avalanche but Good fell out of the way and Dreadnought smacked his head on the turnbuckle. This was the opening that Good needed. He somehow managed to crawl to Nate DeMarcus and made the big tag and Nate DeMarcus came in to meet a tagged in James Diaz. Big right hand! Big elbow! Clothesline! Nate was fired up. He was all ation now and Diaz took bumps off of all of Nate’s moves. Dreadnought came back in illegally and Nate ht him with a perfect dropkick and the mighty Dreadnought took a big flat back bump and bailed out of the ring. Nate took over with a series of Belly to Belly Suplexes that sent James Diaz flying through the air. Dreadnought came back in and Nate even hit him with an Overhead Belly to Belly -- really selling his strength and getting Bred for Battle on their heels. They powdered out for the second time in the match and Nate looked like he was going to dive again -- to take another big dive onto them but as he started his run, Andrew Gibson came from the otherside and tripped him up. The crowd booed and Bret Graveson threw Andrew Gibson out from ringside.


While Gibson and Graveson were arguing about his dismissal, James Diaz pulled something from his tights and slipped it into his right glove -- right onto the knuckles. He rolled back into the ring and Nate went to grab him but James cold-cocked him right in the face and DeMarcus went down. Diaz made the cover and Graveson turned around.








NO! Nate DeMarcus kicked out -- just barely. James Diaz was beside himself and went to tag in Dreadnought. Warwick Good was back standing up and Nate barely made it over to him to tag him in and now Good came in on Dreadnought with a bunch of offense. The Bad Man from Montana was all rights and lefts and kicks and wild and Dreadnought was covering up. Warwick threw a knee into the abdomen of Dreadnought and pulled him to the center of the ring. He raised him up for a suplex and then fell forward for a Face First Suplex. It took him a minute, but he rolled Dreadnought over to make the cover.








The bell rang before Bret Graveson’s hand came to the mat and Taylor Gordy announced that the twenty-minute time limit had expired. The crowd was beside themselves and Warwick Good and Nate DeMarcus looked exasperated as James Diaz pulled Dreadnought from the ring and the match was ruled a draw.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Bred for Battle drew with Nate DeMarcus and Warwick Good in 20:00 when the time limit expired. Warwick Good was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating





Earnest, “


Overall Show Rating





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Episode #8 Predictions


Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Seminole Strap Match

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Bulldogs


Plus: Hear from The Texas Express, The Ring Generals, Wild Red Stallion, and Black Diamond

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Those Hermanas de Pestilenece renders are amazing. I love the color scheme of their face paint. It draws your eyes directly to them.


Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


Man I really want Joey to win here...I think he should but in the back of my mind I don't think he will. Joey is one of my personal favorites in TCW.


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Seminole Strap Match

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Bulldogs


The Dogs are a good job team for now. When they get renders then I might think they will win.

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Episode #8 Predictions


Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush def. "The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Seminole Strap Match

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion def. "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers def. The Bulldogs


Plus: Hear from The Texas Express, The Ring Generals, Wild Red Stallion, and Black Diamond


End Predictions

I'd kind of like to see Joey win, but then there'd be no heel winners.

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Seminole Strap Match

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Bulldogs


Great previous show. The main event was nicely written up.

Fili's time is coming but not yet.

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Funky Fedora ©w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Seminole Strap Match

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Bulldogs


Plus: Hear from The Texas Express, The Ring Generals, Wild Red Stallion, and Black Diamond

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Seminole Strap Match

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Bulldogs

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Seminole Strap Match

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Casey Brothers versus The Bulldogs

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