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[RELEASE] Real World Chronicles 2024

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im thinking that too, but also maybe after the AEW PPV... seeing as their could be new signing or new champions


Could be waiting for whatever this non-signing major announcement is tomorrow night.


Could also just be busy

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RWC March 2022 JPG Edition

RWC March 2022 GIF Edition


Bit of a scuffed one on my part as life has gotten so hectic I literally haven't touched it in over a month. All thanks, praise, suggestions, requests, kisses and hate mail should instead be directed to Devil_Cyborg who was working his tits off as usual to get it out.



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RWC March 2022 JPG Edition

RWC March 2022 GIF Edition


Bit of a scuffed one on my part as life has gotten so hectic I literally haven't touched it in over a month. All thanks, praise, suggestions, requests, kisses and hate mail should instead be directed to Devil_Cyborg who was working his tits off as usual to get it out.




thanks for giving the most time you can on it! and I hope everything has been alright with you.... can't wait to give this puppy a run

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Tony Khan just announced he bought Ring of Honor. How this will be reflected in the next version is too early to say, but I imagine ROH stays active but now has added relationship ticks with AEW.




yeah im thinking a "aew owns ROH" relationship, could be similiar to the NJPW NJoa, or maybe WWE and NXT where they are used as development

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Anyone else having an issue with pictures for workers not being assigned? All the stables logos and company logos seem right but no worker pictures are assigned for anyone.


That means you downloaded the wrong file.


If you're using a jpg pack like Brand Spanking New Pic Pack/Galaxy, then you download the jpg one. IF you're using a gif pack like SAMPP GIFs, then you download the gif one. It's pretty simple to get ahold of.


Don't worry, you're at least the 95th person to make this mistake. It happens. lol

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I've never tinkered with NJPW/NJoA or NXT. Is there a difference in how they're set in the game?


Yeah NXT is used as a developmental territory where you as WWE, hire workers and send them off to NXT... where NJoA hires their own workers and staff and you just control everything else, and you can send young guys to excursion.

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Hey boss. Love everything so far. Quick note, Breezus and Tyler Breeze are duplicates of one another.


That's an RWC+ issue... My bad.


I'll reupload the Indies+ files asap.


EDIT: Fixed it now. Just go ahead and redownload stuff. Again, sorry for this. Hard to keep up with all the name changes on main RWC end.

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Hi, guys! Got a bit lost in the messages here. Is there a March release for RWC yet or these are just updated graphics?






RWC March 2022 JPG Edition

RWC March 2022 GIF Edition


Bit of a scuffed one on my part as life has gotten so hectic I literally haven't touched it in over a month. All thanks, praise, suggestions, requests, kisses and hate mail should instead be directed to Devil_Cyborg who was working his tits off as usual to get it out.



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Great work as always guys.


My one complaint is in regards to match types - why have you given the ladder match a "high" injury risk when the default database gives it a "medium" injury risk?


This means that I get penalised for having ladder matches when I'm running an Attitude Era product, which is pretty crazy. I know that I can change this myself but it doesn't seem right to me so just flagging it up.

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