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The C-Verse Re/Render Project: Episode IV: A New Hope

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I am not someone who makes renders, so you can take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt, but that is a great render!


Since you said something about just starting to make renders earlier, how difficult is Daz to use as a beginner? I'm interested in getting started rendering, but I don't currently have the ability to get lots of assets from their store, and just from how great a lot of these renders are, I'm sure they are really hard to make.

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I am not someone who makes renders, so you can take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt, but that is a great render!


Since you said something about just starting to make renders earlier, how difficult is Daz to use as a beginner? I'm interested in getting started rendering, but I don't currently have the ability to get lots of assets from their store, and just from how great a lot of these renders are, I'm sure they are really hard to make.


I have downloaded and installed Daz, looked at it for ten minutes, dragged a body randomly across the screen and given up more times than I care to remember over the years. Having said that this time it felt quite easy to get started, still early days of course. There’s clearly a huge support network of people who’ve been doing this an awfully long time to lean on.


I think the main things it requires are patience (to find the right asset, tweak poses and faces, trial and error rendering) and getting those assets in the first place. I saw the sale was on yesterday or the day before and bit the bullet knowing that investing some money in it would make me put some more time into learning. I’ve probably spent £200 (Edit: on inspecting my bank account it's more like 400-500, help) or so on stuff in the store (and I really really need to stop for a bit now lol) so yeah I don’t think it’s cheap to get the higher quality stuff on the Daz store that will go a long way to making better renders, and I get the impression you definitely have to spend a lot to get a variety of hairstyles and if you care about them clothes. Also my computer is not bad and it’s struggling with some of these so I’d definitely download Daz and see how it copes with rendering free stuff before you commit.

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Great to see new guys creating renders, for what it's worth I think this one is fantastic! All of yours are really good so far, but she is a complete bad ass lol


London and King Bison great as always!


Good to see new guys creating renders, but made me think about some of the people missing, Cooldude? Esteel20?

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Great to see new guys creating renders, for what it's worth I think this one is fantastic! All of yours are really good so far, but she is a complete bad ass lol


Thank you, really appreciate it. My laptop reached an ungodly temperature this morning and crashed trying to do a render, but if it’s still working I will run her through the new lighting when the cooling pad I’ve ordered arrives.

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Thank you, really appreciate it. My laptop reached an ungodly temperature this morning and crashed trying to do a render, but if it’s still working I will run her through the new lighting when the cooling pad I’ve ordered arrives.


TBH I think the lighting looks pretty good...although maybe it'll be like when CreeperGav rerenedered some of his early ones and you can really tell the difference when you look at both together.


Just an fyi, I picked out that render originally, but the freckled red head might actually now be my favourite haha. It's a good sign that you can do one render that looks like a bad ass, and another much more innocent, good range.


Edit - just noticed you're a Leicester lad too, I'm from Loughborough, or as everyone calls it where I live now 'Roughborough' lol

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TBH I think the lighting looks pretty good...although maybe it'll be like when CreeperGav rerenedered some of his early ones and you can really tell the difference when you look at both together.


Just an fyi, I picked out that render originally, but the freckled red head might actually now be my favourite haha. It's a good sign that you can do one render that looks like a bad ass, and another much more innocent, good range.


Edit - just noticed you're a Leicester lad too, I'm from Loughborough, or as everyone calls it where I live now 'Roughborough' lol


Haha nice, I’m just the other side of Birstall so not far at all. My sister went to Uni in Loughborough, I gather it’s very easy to develop a drinking problem there from that experience :p

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Haha nice, I’m just the other side of Birstall so not far at all. My sister went to Uni in Loughborough, I gather it’s very easy to develop a drinking problem there from that experience :p


Ha yeah so many pubs and clubs in the town centre, and so many cheap drink deals for students. Ask her if she ever went to The Phantom, that was always the go-to cheap student place to drink when I lived there!!

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Dropping off a few more renders. So much good material by render-ers new and old. Great work, keep it up!






Kalliope Woodchuck





Devil's Daughter





Christina Charlston





Becca Barton


Check out all of my renders and read a little more about my rendering process and ideas here on my render thread (which I haven't updated in a while).


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Relit some of my earlier renders.




Ok yeah that lighting is much better. Again - fantastic stuff. You second render is very Willr0ckesq, which is a compliment I promise lol







Kalliope Woodchuck




Kaliope getting some love!! All four are, unsurprisingly, excellent.



I forgot to quote you, but King Bison those last three were great, you've been nailing it recently!


Although, have you considered doing a Bret Heartbreak render? I don't think he has enough yet haha

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Thanks for your help folks. Sock I wouldn't say I'm desperately worried about realism, but I'm not sure what subdivision levels are or how to change them, can you elaborate please?


Thanks for the tips Box, I used the undo button an awful lot on this one, not quite mastered having one set of eyebrows that aren't the default ones yet though :p


Render 2 with Elianeck lighting and tried to tweak the stock expression and pose just a little.




SubD divides the mesh into more surfaces, giving you a smoother, more detailed render. It's a requirement if you want to use the HD characters to their full potential. The downside is that it creates more polys and eats up more resources.


To change it, select your character, open the parameters tab, select the all group and scroll down to the Render SubD Level slider. I usually set mine to 4, which divides the polys in the model 4 times.


Your 2nd render looks good too. Elianeck's lights make a world of difference compared to the stock ones. :)

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