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General Gameplay Questions Thread

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If you have them assigned the announcer/color commentator role, they can gain skill, but since they start at 0, they'd need to be very lucky with their potential role to get good at it.


Ah, that's a shame. I just had a search on the CVerse database and there's no active wrestlers with even a 50 in Announcing skill and ten in total with a 50+ in Colour skill. Obviously great commentators don't grow on trees but I feel like it would be nice if there were a few more workers who could mature into a commentary role like we're seeing with Jericho currently in AEW or even WWE wrestlers/former wrestlers who they try to groom into a commentary position - Samoa Joe and CM Punk were both good-to-great on commentary in their brief stints. Some guys with excellent promo skills could have that stat bumped up, I reckon.


(I know I can do this in the editor but I don't like to edit stats as it feels like cheating. :p )

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Ah, that's a shame. I just had a search on the CVerse database and there's no active wrestlers with even a 50 in Announcing skill and ten in total with a 50+ in Colour skill. Obviously great commentators don't grow on trees but I feel like it would be nice if there were a few more workers who could mature into a commentary role like we're seeing with Jericho currently in AEW or even WWE wrestlers/former wrestlers who they try to groom into a commentary position - Samoa Joe and CM Punk were both good-to-great on commentary in their brief stints. Some guys with excellent promo skills could have that stat bumped up, I reckon.


(I know I can do this in the editor but I don't like to edit stats as it feels like cheating. :p )


If a worker has high Microphone skills, they can use 70% of that value as an alternative to Colour skill. Also, if a worker adds the Colour Commentator role (through retirement, request, etc), they'll automatically generate a score for the skill.

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Ah, that's a shame. I just had a search on the CVerse database and there's no active wrestlers with even a 50 in Announcing skill and ten in total with a 50+ in Colour skill. Obviously great commentators don't grow on trees but I feel like it would be nice if there were a few more workers who could mature into a commentary role like we're seeing with Jericho currently in AEW or even WWE wrestlers/former wrestlers who they try to groom into a commentary position - Samoa Joe and CM Punk were both good-to-great on commentary in their brief stints. Some guys with excellent promo skills could have that stat bumped up, I reckon.


(I know I can do this in the editor but I don't like to edit stats as it feels like cheating. :p )


That's interesting - in past games, I thought stats that were on 0 generally couldn't improve at all, so most people couldn't get better at announcing but as all except 40 had at least 1 point in colour they could improve (in some cases, fairly quickly.) This year, there's only 233 people in the game who DON'T have a 0 in colour; I wonder if that's a sign improvement from 0 is possible now?

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If a worker has high Microphone skills, they can use 70% of that value as an alternative to Colour skill. Also, if a worker adds the Colour Commentator role (through retirement, request, etc), they'll automatically generate a score for the skill.


Ohhhh I missed this. Nice!

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That's interesting - in past games, I thought stats that were on 0 generally couldn't improve at all, so most people couldn't get better at announcing but as all except 40 had at least 1 point in colour they could improve (in some cases, fairly quickly.) This year, there's only 233 people in the game who DON'T have a 0 in colour; I wonder if that's a sign improvement from 0 is possible now?


I don't know about announcing and color commentary, but in-ring skills could definitely increase from 0 in 2016. I have an RTG save right in front of me where my Puro and Hardcore have increased from 0 to 5 over the course of the first year.

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I don't know about announcing and color commentary, but in-ring skills could definitely increase from 0 in 2016. I have an RTG save right in front of me where my Puro and Hardcore have increased from 0 to 5 over the course of the first year.


Ah, thanks! I'm obviously just confused.


Trying something out with SWF, these may vary by fed, but from quickly talking to workers it looks like the colour skill generated is automatically their mic skill, and they need a mic skill of 58 to be happy to become active doing colour. Not sure if that'll vary in smaller feds.

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A question re: improving skills - do all skills improve with use? Like, would a person with great mic skills but 0-45 in announcing potentially become a great announcer if you put them in the role and let them gain experience? Likewise with colour commentary, booking skill and business skill.


Skills only improve with use if the worker is set to work in the role that is using the skill. For instance, Colour or Announcing will only increase if the worker is set to work as an announcer or colour commentator.


Most active workers who aren't commentators have (by design) 0 for colour commentary. If you want them to do guest commentary they'll use 70% of their Microphone skill as their colour skill, so guest commentators work fine. If a worker retires and becomes a colour commentator, or for any other reason decides to become a colour commentator (such as being asked to by the user and accepting), their Colour score will be generated based on the microphone score (assuming it's currently zero. If it's not zero, they won't generate a score as this means they're just bad at it, not that they've never done it. That's why wrestlers should have zero, unless you're someone like Chris Jericho, who should already have Colour Commentator as a job role).


Business never changes (insert tired Fallout meme here).


Booking reputation definitely changes, but I don't know about booking skill.


I'm also not sure whether workers generate skills in announcing or refereeing if they retire to become an announcer or referee in the same way as they do for colour, as the handbook doesn't specify. If I had to take a guess, I'd say they probably do. You can pre-set them with attributes to become an announcer or a ref when they retire, I'd imagine the game wouldn't be as mean as to make someone become an announcer with zero skill.


Just want a refresher on this. How is show rating calculated? Is it 70% of main, 20% of semi-main and 10% of the match before?


Does it change based on your product and how much skill/over is weighted?


There are several different ways it can be calculated now, based on a setting you choose on the product screen. It's not related to your product (you can use any calculation type with any product) but it's in the product screen where you'll find it.


By default you're right (almost), it's 70/20/10, but that's 70% main event, 20% next-best match, 10% the average of the remaining matches. The 20% doesn't necessarily come from the semi-main, just the best match on the card other than the main event.


By default, angles are 70/20/10 best/second best/third best, nothing other than the top 3 counts (so you can feel free to have those midcard filler angles without hurting the show).


The total show rating is made up of x% match rating, y% angle rating, where x and y are the percentage of matches vs. angles on the actual card you booked (not your product settings). So if you book 70% matches, 70% of your show rating will be based on the match rating score (before penalties/bonuses are applied).


There are several other ways of calculating ratings now though:


Three-Ring Circus - the average of the main event + the two other best matches on the card (my favourite method).


Main Event Spotlight - 90% main event, 10% average of the rest of the card, penalties if the main event sucks. Probably "easy mode" and definitely the best method for small companies if you're just going for ratings.


Ensemble - 40% main event, 40% best other match, 20% average of rest of card. Bonus to the show rating if this results in a good rating, because of the difficulty of achieving it.


Angles (these are pretty much based on the match categories above):

Tight: 90% best angle, 10% second highest rated. Penalty if the highest rated angle was bad.


Highlights: Average of the three highest-rated angles.


Consistent: Average of all the angles on the show, bonus if this still results in a good rating. Welcome to nightmare difficulty mode. :p

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Ah, thanks! I'm obviously just confused.


Trying something out with SWF, these may vary by fed, but from quickly talking to workers it looks like the colour skill generated is automatically their mic skill, and they need a mic skill of 58 to be happy to become active doing colour. Not sure if that'll vary in smaller feds.


I believe that's universal, or with only very small variance. In my Insignificant fed, someone with 52 Microphone wasn't willing to become a commentator.

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Thanks for the answers and the clarification all. My concern is alleviated (wasn't a big concern, just something I thought would be neat) and allows plenty of new options for commentary. Awesome. Between the skins, mods starting to come together and getting to learn the new features, I am back to being extremely excited for this game. Now I just need the dang thing to come out before I'm required back at work 5 days a week! ;)
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I'm probably just missing something obvious, but as part of an alliance, how do you defend alliance titles? I'm playing as the NWA in a RW mod and they're both an alliance and a promotion, but the titles are set to being alliance titles. When I book an episode of NWA Powerrr, there's no titles for me to choose from in the drop-down menu while booking a match.
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I'm probably just missing something obvious, but as part of an alliance, how do you defend alliance titles? I'm playing as the NWA in a RW mod and they're both an alliance and a promotion, but the titles are set to being alliance titles. When I book an episode of NWA Powerrr, there's no titles for me to choose from in the drop-down menu while booking a match.


On the lower right corner of the card booking screen, look for the button that says "Alliance Titles" or something like that.

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I think you need to re-read my post, what happened is the OPPOSITE of what you said.


I signed the guy as “exclusively a personality” and once he was on my roster I looked and he was only selected as a wrestler. I then had to talk to him to convince him to become a personality.


That doesn’t seem at all like it’s working like it should. Still, we’re multiple patches later now and maybe this issue is fixed.


Sorry, but you didn't actually state that clearly in the original post to which I responded, hence my confusion as to what you were asking. No worries, as you clarified in this post I'm responding to now, however.


I've not seen that be an issue on patch 10, and I hadn't seen the issue in previous patches, so it is most likely that it has been fixed.

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Finance Question


After the first month of my game i have a large amount of worker costs. when i click on the overall worker cost its seperated into the following on the picture.


WHAT in the blue hell is producing so much Bonus Worker costs? i checked all contracts, no worker has ANY bonus Percentages besides some merchandise and i only made 700 bucks on merch or so so that cannot be it


how is this calculated? its going to break my neck if this keeps going in my game


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After the first month of my game i have a large amount of worker costs. when i click on the overall worker cost its seperated into the following on the picture.


WHAT in the blue hell is producing so much Bonus Worker costs? i checked all contracts, no worker has ANY bonus Percentages besides some merchandise and i only made 700 bucks on merch or so so that cannot be it


how is this calculated? its going to break my neck if this keeps going in my game



Click on backstage I believe and check your perks. You're probably paying for stuff like masseuse or chiropractor or catering. I forgot all of them but you should have clickable options in the backstage button on office screen.

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Click on backstage I believe and check your perks. You're probably paying for stuff like masseuse or chiropractor or catering. I forgot all of them but you should have clickable options in the backstage button on office screen.


yeah i organize hotels and transport and stuff.. thats counting to bonus worker costs?? holy crap..

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Do you think it would be good if you are booking the break up of a stable and/or tag team then it could be an additional road agent note, for instance :- ‘this segment breaks up the stable .......’ it could add heat to the segment if it is stable that has become big enough. I really quite like how stables is being done this year.
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Do you think it would be good if you are booking the break up of a stable and/or tag team then it could be an additional road agent note, for instance :- ‘this segment breaks up the stable .......’ it could add heat to the segment if it is stable that has become big enough. I really quite like how stables is being done this year.


Hey, great minds...


I literally just added a suggestions thread about this: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546579

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