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If Im WWE, how can I force introduce a stable and tag teams to NXT? I want to create D'Amgelo's Family stable, I brought up a few call ups, made the stable, then send them back down, but that's not worked. I thought uyou could do that with stables and tag teams and they'd use them in development?


Add a player and select the booker from NXT and do it that way. You can't force stables as the parent company.

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Hello everyone,

I am running a small company in a 1993 mod and the first 10 shows went well, but now in the last show I ran there was no popularity change. the show rating is 49 and the popularity in the region is 32. What are possible reasons for no popularity change?


Most likely you've either reached the maximum popularity that you can get with your current broadcasting level (having small or zero broadcasting limits your potential popularity as not enough people are watching) or you've maxed out your possible popularity increases for that month.

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Click the question mark in the top right corner of the main window, then double click the yellow "Workers" in the help menu. Under that, double click "Workers: Skills" and you'll get a detailed breakdown for each skill.


Attributes aren't skills.


The easiest way to see what attributes do what, go into the editor and scroll through them on the attributes section.

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Where can I find a description of what each attribute does?


It says click on it in game to see, but that takes me to stats tracking page


As Jaysin and MaximumZero have mentioned, Attributes and Skills are different things.


If you mean Attributes (like 'Driven', 'Canny Operator', etc) then "it" is correct. Click on the attribute in-game and it'll tell you what it does.

If you click the yellow arrow next to the Skills heading on the roster page, it'll change to show all of that worker's Attributes and you can click on them to get a popup telling you what they do. Otherwise, as Jaysin said, the editor lists them all if you want to look through all of them (in-game editor works for this too).


If you mean skills, such as Brawling, Hardcore, Basics, etc (which I'm assuming you do from the context in your post) then follow MaximumZero's advice; '?' button > Workers > Workers: Skills.

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Ok i started a new company and have upgraded the merchandise to level 4 but there has never been any figures or names in the box for sales this month/ next month.


Money shows on the finance screen that I am selling merch but never on the actual merchandise screen. Any help with this would be much appreciated



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Ok i started a new company and have upgraded the merchandise to level 4 but there has never been any figures or names in the box for sales this month/ next month.


Money shows on the finance screen that I am selling merch but never on the actual merchandise screen. Any help with this would be much appreciated




Perhaps I am wrong about the level, but your company only starts selling merchandise for specific workers (rather than generic merchandise for the company as a whole) once it reaches a certain level (maybe level 5?).


What does the text in the box under "Current level" say? Normally it is something starting with, "At this level of merchandise..." or similar. If this doesn't make any mention of selling specific worker merchandise, then you won't do so and, therefore, won't have figures for specific names appearing. Once you reach the level at which you begin selling worker specific merchandise, it should appear, but not at the lower levels.

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Hi all,


I have purchased two companies that I use as developmental, but both are in an alliance (they were before the purchase). I really want to make them leave, but cannot find a way - I can't even delete the alliance in the editor.


Is there a way? Can it be done? Any ideas?



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Can TEW 2020 be played on a chromebook?




Not natively because TEW2020 only works on Windows system and Chromebooks run Chrome OS.


There's an app called 'Crossover' which allows you to run windows apps on Chrome OS, but it's paid and not exactly cheap either at about 60USD. For only playing TEW, it might not be worth it.

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What makes a perfect Road Agent?


Psychology, Experience and to a lesser degree respect.


Psychology: Affects how well they can construct a match for the talent involved. Will effectively improve the psychology of the talent closer to the RA's level. The worse the workers psych, the more a good road agent can work magic. High psychology guys should call their own matches, obviously. (75+ or more for bonuses, but aim for 85/90+)


Experience: The closer to 100 the better, every number lower than 100 basically means that the effect of the road agent is slowly diminished and if it goes low enough it'll start actively hurting the match they manage.


Retired workers CANNOT improve their Psychology or Experience, only through working matches they can improve those attributes. So as much as you love a retired worker and you want to set them up with a job post-retirement, don't give them a road agent spot when they're not capable enough to do the job.


Respect: 50+ for no negatives, but again aim as high as possible. Obviously you want your road agents be somebody that people look up to. This has the least effect of all three, and it can go up with time and good behaviour.



On top of that, obviously you want to avoid negative attributes that can cause negative events. You don't want your backstage staff starting drama, and whilst they have a small effect compared to anybody midcard and up, it's still something to avoid if you can.

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I have a simple question here. Is there a way to create a new Company, venue, etc. with the in game editor ? Or do I have to turn my save into a database and use the editor from the main menu ?


You can't create companies via the editor in an active save game.


You don't need to turn the save into a database, you could simply create the necessary data in the main editor and import it into the save game.

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You can't create companies via the editor in an active save game.


You don't need to turn the save into a database, you could simply create the necessary data in the main editor and import it into the save game.


Oh yes, sorry I knew there was a way but I didn't think of that


Thank you !

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I've always played as bigger promotions but I wanted to mess around with starting out with a new promotion that had zero pop. I haven't done this yet so I wanted to spend the first two years experimenting so I gave myself a bunch of money and a broadcaster that was the biggest level everywhere. After a month of having zero pop and running two shows a week and a ppv, all of which had a 46-60 rating, I have a grand total of 0 pop still. I've never paid that much attention to the company pop and how fast it raises of falls but I'd assume after a month that I'd see some kind of change. Can someone explain what's going on? Does it take longer for pop start to accumulate or is there something else that I don't know about?

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