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Typos, graphical glitches, and other very minor issues

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Don't know if this is a bug or anything or not. In my game I have just hired Jasmine Saunders on an exclusive written (as SWF) from TCW and her contract is not due to start for another 15 days, but she was available for me to book on my show and I used her, despite her contract not having started yet?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Running a company with small time music and I got fined for using licensed music. The thing is the  available article claims it's only $25,000, but the email states it's $250,000. The game takes the $250,000 so I figured I post it here. So you know to look out for it.  

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

The only way that could happen is if you've put the WWMA5 skin files into TEW's, which is only possible if you either installed them into the same place or manually copied and pasted them together. The games must be kept separate. I'd suggest you uninstall both and reinstall them, making sure they're going into different destinations.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've only updated to the most recent patch within the past 48 hours, so hadn't bought this up earlier, thinking it was just because I hadn't updated.


Alliances seem to be listed in order added to the database, rather than alphabetical or by formation date.

In your own company office "Titles" screen, they are listed alphabetically. However, other companies titles, and Alliance titles are not (they seem to be listed in order of addition to database).


I know there's a new game being released soon (and am looking forward to it), so am just pointing this out here in case it hadn't already been addressed for the next game.

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