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SWF: The Evolution of Supreme

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Thank you, LaEstrella! :)


You're such a wonderful supporter and I appreciate you greatly.


I did predict Rocky to win (even though it was clear Scythe needed the win) because I was a bit worried about the discrepancy between their polarities. You mentioned Scythe's win gave him a huge boost, was this at the expense of Rocky's pop? Not that I suppose it matters, he's got the tools to build it back up.


Shockingly enough, it did not come at the expense of Rocky Golden. He is still a 92 overall for popularity. Ultimately, it was a win-win scenario!

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The second leaderboard has been set after "Awesome Impact 2020". As you can see, we have more than half within the 'top 3.'

As stated before, you need to predict on 75% of the matches in which to be viable for the 'top 3' by the end of all of this.

So, if you have not predicted yet, don't worry about jumping in on the next show (SupremeTV)!

All in all, thank you to everyone who predicted and I hope you enjoy the show!

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THEN: "The World is Watching" information & 1st round of voting


The presentation was magnificent. Liked how you gave the Cinematic match and angles a different background.


My god, your presentation is truly top notch. The cinematic match was on a different level altogether.


Thank you, CPBHBK and kanegan!


I'm really loving how Google Slides allows me to create a more entertaining presentation. I've always wanted to find a way to take the 'flat' nature of dynasty writing and adding something that can add an extra layer (to get the feel of the show, characters, vibe, etc.). At this point, I feel like I've finally found that (after 13 some odd years of writing on here, off and on).


I'm just biding my time down in the lower half, sitting in the pack. I'll wait for the final lap then move into position for a podium finish.


Everyone is fearful of your return, LaEstrella... ;)


Eisen-verse, this was another good show. A shame about the match rating though. It's why turn off some off the penalties. I agree with them in theory, but sometimes they can be mechanically harsh.


Great show, great presentation. Hate when the repetitive booking penalty impacts a show like the main event here.


I was gutted to see the main event grade. That said, with time, I realize that that's the interesting thing about this game. It really forces you to aware of what you've booked & stay away from tiring your fans out (as you would in real life).


Fortunately, "The World is Watching" will most likely create new opportunities for both Valiant and Remo. This will create an easy transition to new storylines going forward.

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I'm really loving how Google Slides allows me to create a more entertaining presentation. I've always wanted to find a way to take the 'flat' nature of dynasty writing and adding something that can add an extra layer (to get the feel of the show, characters, vibe, etc.). At this point, I feel like I've finally found that (after 13 some odd years of writing on here, off and on).


I was gutted to see the main event grade. That said, with time, I realize that that's the interesting thing about this game. It really forces you to aware of what you've booked & stay away from tiring your fans out (as you would in real life).


I had been meaning to ask what software you were using to make this, not used google slides before but good to know. I was thinking publisher rather than powerpoint which I have been on/off experimenting with offline.


I know what you mean and in general do like the new challenges in TEW20, however I don't think WWE would have seen any combination of Austin, Rock, HHH etc bomb that much due to seeing them go 1 on 1 a couple of times recently. Although seeing how stale WCW and at times WWE have got in the past I can understand the rationale for how it works. Maybe your audience are vocal marks treating him like a CENA or Roman etc So the match was actually much better but the crowd chose to crap over it regardless.

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Another great show. As has been already stated, the presentation was once again fantastic. Interesting route you're going with Z-Dub. This will really make his case more sympathetic as he got completely screwed. I did not expect the Awesomeness to win the way they did. I thought it was going to be another complete screwjob by Eric + Emma. Good win for Mikey. This war between Undeniable and the KO Crew is undeniably great. Undeniable continues to be the most enjoyable part of the show for me. Sad to hear that Bret Starr isn't getting more over. He seems made for the main event eventually. You've made me care more about him than Spencer Spade. That match between Rocky Golden and Scythe was simply...unsettling. I don't know how Rocky recovers from this (in kayfabe lol). I thought it was time for Valiant and Remo to move on from each other after Nothing to Lose but you wrote Valiant in such a great way in the build to this match that it really worked well. Sucks that the match didn't pan out in the end. You're doing great things here Eisen-verse!
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The second leaderboard has been set after "Awesome Impact 2020". As you can see, we have more than half within the 'top 3.'

As stated before, you need to predict on 75% of the matches in which to be viable for the 'top 3' by the end of all of this.

So, if you have not predicted yet, don't worry about jumping in on the next show (SupremeTV)!

All in all, thank you to everyone who predicted and I hope you enjoy the show!


Forgive me If i'm wrong Eisen-Verse,


but should it not read Total Predicted rather than Total Incorrect?

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Another great show. As has been already stated, the presentation was once again fantastic. Interesting route you're going with Z-Dub. This will really make his case more sympathetic as he got completely screwed. I did not expect the Awesomeness to win the way they did. I thought it was going to be another complete screwjob by Eric + Emma. Good win for Mikey. This war between Undeniable and the KO Crew is undeniably great. Undeniable continues to be the most enjoyable part of the show for me. Sad to hear that Bret Starr isn't getting more over. He seems made for the main event eventually. You've made me care more about him than Spencer Spade. That match between Rocky Golden and Scythe was simply...unsettling. I don't know how Rocky recovers from this (in kayfabe lol). I thought it was time for Valiant and Remo to move on from each other after Nothing to Lose but you wrote Valiant in such a great way in the build to this match that it really worked well. Sucks that the match didn't pan out in the end. You're doing great things here Eisen-verse!


Thank you for all of the feedback, NG!


I really enjoyed reading through your thoughts on the show. I agree that Bret Starr could be a monumental star. The sad thing is... He's not progressing as fast. Spade and Hernandez both rose up the ranks popularity-wise pretty quick. That said, they had longer to go in which to catch up to Starr. They're all pretty even right now. Ultimately though, I want to see Bret begin to move his way up. It'll take the right opponent and the right 'rub' to get him there. That said, I have an idea... ;)

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Matt Faith with Runaway Train. I can imagine Train and Christian Faith probably had numerous encounters back in the day so that's interesting. Him rebelling against his father's legacy and all. The irony is maybe he has a career closer resembling a Runaway Train type rather than his father in the end. Maybe. Time will tell how he turns out.


Parker and Lenny pulling a nice little grade on the promo and that's a decent enough tag main event for the secondary show. Wonder how big Crippler's scope on hating 'these damn kids' will get.


...and John Greed is just money in almost any role he's in. Probably one of the most reliable heat magnets on the roster just for what he brings. Always liked him.

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Matt Faith with Runaway Train. I can imagine Train and Christian Faith probably had numerous encounters back in the day so that's interesting. Him rebelling against his father's legacy and all. The irony is maybe he has a career closer resembling a Runaway Train type rather than his father in the end. Maybe. Time will tell how he turns out.

Well digging the alliance between Faith hand Train. This could very much work wonders.


I've honestly struggled with Matt Faith since the beginning of this project. He seems like he was moved up to the SWF before he was really ready. Knowing that, I often had him lose matches and be pretty much 'nothing' on our main roster.


With that said, his new persona is perfect for being a little 'green.' He thinks he's the 'next big thing' (despite not being ready for it) and he has several SWF vets (McClean and Train) who are in his corner -- for whatever reason. With having them, Faith is only further emboldened to feel as though he's something 'special'; when, in reality, he's not.


Now I can push that! :)


Parker and Lenny pulling a nice little grade on the promo and that's a decent enough tag main event for the secondary show. Wonder how big Crippler's scope on hating 'these damn kids' will get.


...and John Greed is just money in almost any role he's in. Probably one of the most reliable heat magnets on the roster just for what he brings. Always liked him.


Greed will forever hold a soft spot in my heart. I love his pairing with Bear as the two can get pretty decent undercard grades and it helps build up Bear.

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"The World is Watching" is a really fun PPV to book. Instead of me coming up with the card, you (the reader) are given the opportunity to shape the event that YOU are most interested in. Want Mikey Lau to finally get 'his shot'? Think that Matt Faith should skyrocket up the card and take on Davids? The power is in YOUR HANDS!


I will keep the first round of voting open until Monday (7/20) - 8 PM CST.


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I am in! I know I said I wouldn't want Mikey up against Remo right now, but I've changed my mind. If he puts on a good show, I could see him getting a pop boost and going to that next level.


As for the North American match, my cursor was hovering over 'Remo' just to see where that would leave us, but ended up settling on my boy Mainstream.


Oh and I'd like to see this hosted on the beautiful beaches of San Juan.

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