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willr0ck's 2020 Graphics Thread

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This is a set I did for Idolized's NXT Japan promotion. I usually don't post any custom stuff I do for members but I like these so much I had to share...







Do you have a patreon or something? I read this as "you have members that you do customs for".

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Hey Willr0ck, good to see you still kicking around. :)


I have started a save where Big Smack Scott starts a promotion *just* for his little sister Gear Head Grace, called Big Smack Wrestling (BSW). Any chance you could whip up a logo and a banner for that promotion?


Bonus (and you *really* don't have to): A singles and a tag team title belt - BSW World Championship, BSW Tag Team Championship


Style wise go with whatever inspires you. The product is a three ring circus, kind of AEW but all women, I guess? A bit on the grittier side, but still mainstream.

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Bit late to the party, bit wanted to say that TCW Japan set was as good as always, and this logo is pretty cool too! Been half-watching Stranger Things with my GF, decent show tbf


Enjoy the time with your daughter, happy to hear she's a soccer player!


Thanks, glad you like the set!


With a logo like that, there is definitely a wrestler on that roster who enters to Blue Monday by New Order. Great stuff!


Who doesn't love that song


These were absolutely fantastic, thank you so much again. Love every one of your designs, not just for me but all the others you've made also.


Thank you!


Don't forget the heel group of up-and-comers that all use retrowave stuff like Carpenter Brut and Scandroid.


I'm thinking Flock Of Seagulls, myself.




Also, Gunship


Great suggestions but there one album and one group that reigns supreme among all retrowave stuff...






You are an absolute creative genius when it comes to the belts and logos, but I'll be honest in saying that I'm not a huge fan of the event logos (though the default logos have never been much better imo). It's incredible to me that you're able to create these things in Paint.Net/GIMP.


I'm gonna try to come up with or find a vector set and see what I can do. Maybe start with WWE/AEW PSDs if I can find them.


My developmental territory for TCW is NGEN / NGEN PRO -- "The Future of Professional Wrestling". I'd LOVE to see what you can come up with for belts and maybe an updated logo!


A logo for TCW Network would probably be very helpful for a lot of people, too. I'm thinking of starting an alliance based off the belts you recently posted and adding them to the network in one of my saves.


Here's two bgs/vectors I downloaded (second one doesn't match NGEN's logo branding as far as colors). I used the first as a foundation for the logo.






Current NGEN Logo:



I envision the intro for the show is something like "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NGEN PRO WRESTLING! Presented by TCW and the Real Wrestling Alliance".. . .. . blah blah blah. RWA is a name I've always used in the past, but open to anything. Don't really need a logo for that right now tbh, I was going to try to edit the belts you had just made. Usually it involves PGHW. Whatever you're feeling inspired by and whenever you have the time.


P.S Hope your daughter is kicking some butt (and the ball)!



When the next round of requests rolls around I'll throw this on the list.


Buck Boone and Hank Hunter had a novel idea - combine the outdoors lifestyle with professional wrestling and make it kinda funny without being a total joke. White Stag Pro Wrestling gives each wrestler a "Spirit Animal" to represent in the ring. The audience loved the show so much that Boone and Hunter ran several more shows, each one met with great reception from audiences eager to engage outdoors escapism in the form of entertainment. Hunter and Boone knew they were onto something, and continued running shows, which only became more popular over time.


- I based them in the Mid Atlantic, which I felt weird about at first, but an internet friend told me that North Carolina has plenty of deer. I didn't want it in Great Lakes or Midwest because I have a Territory Alliance and needed to slate someone into Mid Atlantic. From another thread, I did borrow The Heartland Wrestling Alliance, and WSPW felt like it fit the theme of what I would expect in the rural heartlands. I think this promotion is hilarious, but I can see it working in the real world - think about an outdoorsman convention in Tennessee or Kentucky or North Carolina, set up like a big fair - and in the middle, is this wrestling attraction that some people sit and watch a few matches while others walk past it. All it takes is 3-5 such shows before it catches on in a region and catches with a niche audience who finds this product adjacent to their other interests, and blended with those interests. I think the humor of the deer being the rulers fits in with those hunting shooters where you play as the deer. Funny stuff.


Love it!


I absolutely love these! Cannot wait to create a developmental brand for my new TCW save.


I know you have taken some big requests lately... however given the awesome TCW women's titles, I don't suppose TCW Japan could get a women's/joshi belt, singles and maybe even tag team?


Regardless, great job as always.


Sure, I'll add this to the next round of requests. Right now I need a bit of a break from TCW stuff


Do you have a patreon or something? I read this as "you have members that you do customs for".


No patreon, it was just a private request and I usually don't post that stuff

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Hey Willr0ck, good to see you still kicking around. :)


I have started a save where Big Smack Scott starts a promotion *just* for his little sister Gear Head Grace, called Big Smack Wrestling (BSW). Any chance you could whip up a logo and a banner for that promotion?


Bonus (and you *really* don't have to): A singles and a tag team title belt - BSW World Championship, BSW Tag Team Championship


Style wise go with whatever inspires you. The product is a three ring circus, kind of AEW but all women, I guess? A bit on the grittier side, but still mainstream.


Good to see you back as well! This peaked my interest and honestly it was rather easy to come up with something so here you go:









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Good to see you back as well! This peaked my interest and honestly it was rather easy to come up with something so here you go:










Brilliant! Thank you! :)


Yeah, I thought of a scenario that would impose some kind of limit on myself, and having a mediocre (but not useless) wrestler who I just *can't* fire because she's the point the promotion was created in the first place was interesting. Grace is kind of a headache who can't go more than about 6 minutes at a time, and gets unhappy if she's booked poorly. Good thing her brother runs the whole shebang. :cool:

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Brilliant! Thank you! :)


Yeah, I thought of a scenario that would impose some kind of limit on myself, and having a mediocre (but not useless) wrestler who I just *can't* fire because she's the point the promotion was created in the first place was interesting. Grace is kind of a headache who can't go more than about 6 minutes at a time, and gets unhappy if she's booked poorly. Good thing her brother runs the whole shebang. :cool:


See, that's why you set Grace as a manager while she's doing house shows or in the Training Center until her Stamina is better. If you're not at the level for either of those, stick her in trios matches.

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Are requests back open? :confused:


I've been watching like a hawk for requests to open again. I think someone just requested something willr0ck thought was fun and simple to work on, so he did it. I've got one or two in my back pocket for when requests are officially open again myself.


Great stuff as always, willr0ck. I've never really cared for the Big Smack Scott meme myself but I love how creative some people get with it around here.

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Are requests back open? :confused:


Not yet but soon


Brilliant! Thank you! :)


Yeah, I thought of a scenario that would impose some kind of limit on myself, and having a mediocre (but not useless) wrestler who I just *can't* fire because she's the point the promotion was created in the first place was interesting. Grace is kind of a headache who can't go more than about 6 minutes at a time, and gets unhappy if she's booked poorly. Good thing her brother runs the whole shebang. :cool:


Glad you like the logos! BSM makes every TEW game more interesting.


dying for some swf magic at some point :p i still think your stuff should be the official pictures for the game


Thanks, not sure I'm ready to tackle SWF yet. I mean I hate everything they stand for. But the goal is to do all the promotions so I'll get them at some point.


I wouldn't mind some more NeoTokyo belts, myself. Like a Trios belt.


We will see, not sure if I still have the files for those as I beleive they are on my other laptop.

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Here's the first one Dr_A. I'm assuming BSM likes guns, strippers, explosions etc so why wouldn't he put all those bad ass things on his title belt. I'm sure he thinks this is the coolest belt ever created while the rest of the world thinks it's ridiculous.







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Here's the first one Dr_A. I'm assuming BSM likes guns, strippers, explosions etc so why wouldn't he put all those bad ass things on his title belt. I'm sure he thinks this is the coolest belt ever created while the rest of the world thinks it's ridiculous.








Crap okay BSW is totally going in my next playthrough now.

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Here's the first one Dr_A. I'm assuming BSM likes guns, strippers, explosions etc so why wouldn't he put all those bad ass things on his title belt. I'm sure he thinks this is the coolest belt ever created while the rest of the world thinks it's ridiculous.








Whoa. Yeah, that seems very Big Smack Scott somehow. :D

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I guess that means I'm starting a new joshi save... :o


Well now, glad I can keep you busy sir.


What an awesome name for a promotion




Ooh, might we be getting another Women's Revolution expansion?!?


Yes, just as soon as I can get a new laptop for rendering. Right now I'm on my back up and renering is not possible on this clunker.

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I've been so busy the last several weeks I haven't had time to do much of anything graphics wise so here's a joshi company I've been wanting to work on...



















I love this logo, currently running it into the Alt Cverse 22 mod and harmonizing with 5 star and Winnow and having a blast. Any chance we might get titles for this one? i've improvised with my main title being called the "jeweled lotus" title

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