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Do you use a spreadsheet to organize the booking?

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Hi, I was wondering if any of you uses a spreadsheet or something like that in order to keep the booking of your show or your future plans in order. I think a spreadsheet would look much better than the simple notepad included with the game or Microsoft Word, especially when it's about writing down grades or things like that. I would really like to make one but I don't even know where to start.
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<p>In 2016, I always used a Google Doc to map out PPV bookings (or tour shows for puro companies) and keep track of the show grades then used Google Sheets to keep track of who was feuding with who and on what brand as well as championship stats. Everything else I'd just keep in my head, which is great in theory until I step away from a save for too long and forget what some of my goals are.</p><p> </p><p>

I had a brief WWE save where I tried to keep track of the weekly shows, but oh boy was that a hell of a task to keep up with.</p><p> </p><p>

I've seen some pretty in-depth spreadsheets here over the course of TEW 2016 and might try to do something a bit more advanced depending on who I'll run with this go around.</p>

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