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Return time decline to creative + expanding creative

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Frankly speaking, the removal of the "time decline" from creative has made things worse for the older workers because by default i will basically job everyone who is over a certain age. Most likely i will start jobbing workers starting from 37-38y old.


Where as with the old system, i basically waited for time decline to set in AND ONLY THEN would i start to job them. Usually i would keep talented workers around for a while, maybe a couple of years past their prime and then send them down to developmental to train the new generation. Now, we cannot send trainers down (i have no idea why that was also removed) and i have no exact data regarding decline, so i will play it safe.


In one of my games i had a worker called Kalle Couture, he was a random generated guy i had for over 20y. When he hit 40 i was thinking his time was coming, but i kept him strong. He had several title runs and his decline started late, he was about 46y old by the time his decline set in.


Either way, TEW is a creative process, 2016 allowed you to play it however you wanted. TEW 2020 will be a better game than 2016 once the UI and errors/auto-booker get sorted out, but if Adam does not give us the creative freedom back, this game will have some significant downsides in comparison to 2016.

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<p>The cult of people or whomever that is responsible for this change really screwed it up for people that didn't play it like that.</p><p> </p><p>

I used the time decline in a totally different way. I would push the worker's as high as I could to try and make them reach their full potential of popularity, before their decline made it impossible. It is a sort of challenge in a challenging game.</p><p> </p><p>

For those that were jobbing them out ASAP and firing or whatever... I've had guys in time decline for years and still ended up getting great matches, almost always better than the young ones I hire to replace them.</p><p> </p><p>

I used to hire workers in time decline on purpose, just to do what I mentioned above. Anyone that has read my posts over the years know I am always sticking up for the old guys. In TEW 2020 I won't do this because I don't want to have to dig that hard while playing the game. The feature did tell you who was in the most decline, and so let me know who I had to work the hardest on getting over. No more old people for me until this feature comes back...sadly.<img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Completely agree here</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47942" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The cult of people or whomever that is responsible for this change really screwed it up for people that didn't play it like that.<p> </p><p> I used the time decline in a totally different way. I would push the worker's as high as I could to try and make them reach their full potential of popularity, before their decline made it impossible. It is a sort of challenge in a challenging game.</p><p> </p><p> For those that were jobbing them out ASAP and firing or whatever... I've had guys in time decline for years and still ended up getting great matches, almost always better than the young ones I hire to replace them.</p><p> </p><p> I used to hire workers in time decline on purpose, just to do what I mentioned above. Anyone that has read my posts over the years know I am always sticking up for the old guys. In TEW 2020 I won't do this because I don't want to have to dig that hard while playing the game. The feature did tell you who was in the most decline, and so let me know who I had to work the hardest on getting over. No more old people for me until this feature comes back...sadly.<img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The removal of this feature just feels wrong to me but if they tweaked it a bit and then returned it I might be ok with it, for example TOTKingNothing suggesting it be tracked like chemistry makes since as it becomes completely obvious once a wrestler has started there decline or at least when it gets bad (In real life too), </p><p> </p><p> Personally I wouldn't mind a new "age" that sets in just before "Decline" starts; set 1-5 years depending on your luck they can go with losing stats or the decline penalty but won't be improving anymore, Could stop players from immediately depushing if that's truly a concern.</p><p> </p><p> Next I also like BulletProof's idea's for "Tweak 1" It makes since and seems like a solid compromise if we don't just get the initial time decline list back or if we do A nice addition anyways, </p><p> </p><p> I kinda like "Tweak 2" but I feel it should be more linked to the workers relationships backstage rather than their respect, if that was the case depushing say Edward Cornell heavily would anger Tommy and cause some tension backstage, but it wouldn't make much since to me if a young up and coming star with no connection cared about "Edward Losing his Spot", As it's a spot he's most certainly gunning for anyways.</p>
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How dare people book how they want in this booking simulator.


It’s a sand box simulator providing you do exactly what i want.


I’m surprised time decline has gone. I for one used the creative meeting as like an overview of my company. Like a bite size quick look. I always imagined the creative meeting was essentially me sitting down with my right hand man. We’ve got a few minutes and he’s giving me an overview of what’s going on. Personally I think the next big thing is more harmful. Each time decline person I’d judge on an individual basis. Can they be used in a tag team, do they have one last big run in them? Next big thing is getting a monster push regardless.

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You could take that same rant and use it for each and every creative meeting comment to be honest. You could say I took out Hidden Gems because people were only hiring them, when there are tons of workers that should be utilized too, OR I took out Franchise players/Next Big Thing/Hot Prospects because people weren't giving others a chance to carry/get over/get opportunities. I took out Talk the Talk because the ones not in that list aren't given a chance to talk.etc.


I love these games, and I will always support the efforts, but I disagree for the first time on many things that happened in this generation of the game, to include the nerfing of sex appeal, which to me these changes go back to making the game more unrealistic, and a lot less immersive.


I want to love it, I couldn't wait to see the new features in action... and I could definitely have lived without these things I find make the game fun, if the reasoning was with code, time, it is an unfair advantage that I can't give to the AI, or something other than "You're not playing it the way I want you too".


I always expect some things left out when not just working on top of the last generation... but normally after a couple of gen's the functions come back, or something replaces it that's better.


I'd love to give this generation of the game the cosign, but others I feel are making it even worse than what it is by attacking any and everyone that has questioned the reasoning behind these decisions. It makes the rant by Adam in the handbook sound a ton worse than what he could possibly have meant it to be, especially when it looks like most of the people questioning the decisions weren't even guilty of using it "the wrong way".

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Although I personally don't miss this feature, maybe a good compromise would be to have it appear as one of the organic attributes on the worker profiles and make it searchable by filter? That way those who want to see it can just go to their roster, hit the search button and filter by time decline.


Maybe a selectable option in the preferences for it could be added for those who don't want to see it at all which means the game will play out as it does now when the option is deactivated.


Could be an option giving the best of both worlds.

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