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Vancouver Pro Wrestling: DeColt Without a Country

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When I was finally free, I didn’t waste any time. The bastards took two and a half years of my career – years I could have spent defeating them. It wasn’t enough that they took my birthright from me. No, they made me sign the waiver… put me on ice until 2020. Figured they needed the head start, I guess. Cowards.


Well, I wasn’t going to let them pull one more day from me. I stayed awake for 36 hours straight, sending emails, making phone calls, and drafting documents. Didn’t get a lot of answers that first day, of course… you try starting a business on New Year’s Day. See how many calls back you get. But it was more for me – and for my brothers. I hoped it got back to them. I wanted them to know what they were in for… they stabbed me in the back, but when it was my turn to hit them, I was going to hit them head on.


Not that I wasted those years either… that’s the funny part. If they’d just turned me loose back in ’17, they’d have a fight on their hands… but let’s be honest. In ’17, I was a broken-down drunk. I hadn’t wrestled in three years. I still would’ve beat them, most likely, but it would’ve been close.


But when they made me sign that non-compete clause, they basically put me in prison – and there’s not much to do in prison but count the days. Lot of days. Enough time to get off the booze, enough time to hit the gym. Enough time for the knee surgery I had put off, because I didn’t have time to recover, because I spent every day holding the business together. Enough time to study promotions across the globe, to see what the fans expected, to figure out how to give them more than that. The more days passed, the younger I felt. I was renewed.


So yeah, in a way, they did me a favor. I’m sure they didn’t mean to, though – and they shouldn’t expect any kindness in return. I’m going to make sure they suffer as much as I did. And unlike them, I’m going to do it the honest way.


They will know that they wronged me. They will know that I rose above their betrayal. They will know that I, Alexander Spencer DeColt, am the true heir to the first family of Canadian wrestling.





A TEW2020 Dynasty

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