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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: The Sam Keith Saga

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Super Showdown

Live from Stanley Hall, Baltimore, Maryland

Attendance; 214


Main Show

Segment 1;

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Rudy Velasquez w/Hector Galindo vs Sione Tokoeka w/Sean Noggin (20-minute time limit)

- Another good opener to the show with this singles match-up following up on the tag contest these 4 had last month.

- The Wolf Pack are a young, fierce duo and Sione understands what it takes to match up with a guy like Velasquez.

- Some outside interference from Noggin threatened to taint this match but Galindo engaged in a brawl which involved both men being ejected.

- Tokoeka tried reasoning with the ref but Velasquez pounced, landing a Street Cutter and picking up the 1-2-3.

Rudy Velasquez def. Sione Tokoeka in 11:25 via pinfalll (32/E+)


Segment 2;


The Heartbreak Express w/Lisa Bowen vs The Greatness (20-minute time limit)

- The Heartbreak Express were looking to bounce back from last months loss to The Scheme. Whitehead was in a determined mood after his disappointing run at the RCI.

- A classic heel vs face tag team affair with an edge to it. Whitehead seemed more vicious than usual. More determined During a series of shots in the corner to Liotta, he kept boasting 'I'm TCW! I'm a TCW guy!'.

- A hot tag ensued that allowed Needham to fire up and rally a comeback. And comeback they did indeed. As Whitehead was tossed to the outside he ended up being distracted by a woman at the barricade. This allowed The Heartbreak Express to hit The Score on Robbinfield and secure the win.

The Heartbreak Express def. The Greatness in 12:15 via pinfall (28/E)

POST MATCH - Whitehead aids the girl over the barricade and they walk backstage together as Robbinfield looks lost and confused in the ring. (35/E+)


Segment 3;


Joey Fili vs Ade Nelson (20-minute time limit)

- This is Nelson's first appearance for MAW this year and he'll be looking to add more hurt to Fili after his loss last month.

- Not a great match. Barely a good match but both kids gave as good as they got. A series of pinfalls went the way of Nelson as he managed to hook a foot on the ropes for leverage without the ref seeing.

Ade Nelson def. Joey Fili in 8:08 via pinfall (16/F+)


Segment 4;


DeMarcus & Gray vs The Scheme (Mid Atlantic Tag Title match - 30-minute time limit)

- This match got the crowd fired back up again and was a decent affair.

- The Scheme were working as a well oiled machine with some solid teamwork. The same can't be said for the champions who were out of sync.

- Towards the latter end of the match, DeMarcus delivered an atomic drop to The Architect that did serious damage as he rolled to the outside. This left The Pilgrim in some trouble.

- The Pilgrim remained wily though and baited Gray into a clothesline that connected with DaMarcus. DaMarcus didn't look best pleased. The distraction was minimal, however, as the champs refocused their attention and put away The Pilgrim with a Rocket Launcher to make their second defence of their titles.

DeMarcus & Gray def. The Scheme in 11:46 via pinfall and retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles (29/E+)


Segment 5;


Jack America vs Cheetah Boy (20-minute time limit)

- Cheetah Boy had some work to do to regain some credibility after his failed title venture at Bradley Blaze. He saw an easy victory here in America.

- How wrong he was, though. Despite America having lost his first 2 matches, he remained determined to prove he belonged in MAW and gave the veteran some serious trouble.

- An attempted Olympic Slam was reversed into a sunset flip pin attempt that caught the youngster off guard and secured the win for the former World Champion.

Cheetah Boy def. Jack America in 8:17 via pinfall (36/D-)

POST MATCH - A disappointed but not discouraged America grabs a mic and says when he returns, he'll have a partner alongside him so MAW should be prepared! (40/D-)


Segment 6;


Bradley Blaze, Jaylon Martins & Miller Fforde vs Copperhead, DWN & Josh Jacobs (20-minute time limit)

- Jacobs & Fforde met last month in singles action. With four more men involved in the contest including the two singles champions on one side, this was sure to entertain the audience in attendance.

- Everyone got a fair crack at the action and got their licks in. A hot tag to Blaze fired up the crowd to see their champion light it up but all 3 heels quickly pounced as everyone entered the ring and chaos ensued.

- The ref had lost control but gradually the ring started to clear as bodies continued brawling on the outside. This left DWN in the ring with a dazed Martins. He locked in the STF and Martins had no choice but to tap and the ref called for the bell. But Martins wasn't the legal man?!

DWN, Copperhead & Jacobs def. Blaze, Martins & Fforde in 13:48 as DWN submitted Martins (38/D-)


Segment 7;


Ernest Youngman vs Tennessee William (Winner challenges for the COTT World title - 30-minute time limit)

- The crowd in attendance were fired up for this one. These two have enthralled and engaged the MAW fans since their meeting at the RCI and last months altercation with the added stipulation here has this one white-hot.

- The action did not disappoint. The match started off in a fiery brawl as both men swung wildly at the other. It slowly calmed slightly into an affair that resulted in William trying to isolate the legs of Youngman and put a hurting on them.

- The bad guy dominated a good portion of the match while insulting and taunting the Baltimore crowd. A lapse in concentration, however, allowed Youngman to roll him up for a very near 3 count.

- The pace quickened again as both men sensed that they'd have to be more aggressive to put the other away. William once again took down Youngman and locked in a Figure Four leglock to the already hurt legs of Youngman. He screamed wildly in pain but managed to flip over the southerner to put the pressure on him.

- William reached the ropes as the ref broke it up. Youngman was gingerly up to his feet first, though, dropkicked the knees of William putting him back to the ground and rallied himself and the crowd up as he slapped on a sharpshooter. The hold lasted for what felt like minutes as William simply refused to tap. He reached the ropes but Youngman mustered all the strength he could to pull William away and apply more pressure to the hold in the centre of the ring. Eventually, Tennessee William had no option but to submit.

Ernest Youngman def. Tennessee William in 20:01 via submission (50/D+)

POST MATCH - The crowd are in raptures at Youngman's victory as Sam Keith walks to the ring to congratulate Youngman and officially announce his challenge for COTT World Title. Never one to allow a celebration at his expense though, Tennessee William grabbed a trusty guitar and smashed it off the skull of Youngman with a sickening thud that laid out the MAW golden boy cold! (56/C-)


End Show.

Show Rating; 49/D+



Quick Results

Rudy Velasquez w/Hector Galindo vs Sione Tokoeka w/Sean Noggin (20-minute time limit)


The Heartbreak Express vs The Greatness(20-minute time limit)


Joey Fili vs Ade Nelson (20-minute time limit)


DeMarcus & Gray © vs The Scheme (MAW Tag Team Titles - 30-minute time limit)


Jack America vs Cheetah Boy (20-minute time limit)


Bradley Blaze, Jaylon Martin & Miller Fforde vs Copperhead, DWN & Josh Jacobs (20-minute time limit)


Ernest Youngman vs Tennessee William (#1 Contender's for COTT World Title - 20-minute time limit)



Prediction Contest

Historian - 5/7

DeathZone 2 - 5/7

Tryker2710 - 3/7

HerrBear - 3/7



Overall Prediction Scores

Historian - 19/23

DeathZone2 - 17/23

Tryker2710 - 14/23

Martel123 - 13/16

Herrbear - 13/23

Jaded - 4/9

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April 2020 - #9 - Super Showdown and March recap


Well, I can honestly say that the main event was one of the most hotly, fiercely contested in recent memory for MAW. For two guys who weren't part of the company until the beginning of the year, they've certainly made their presence felt in Baltimore among the MAW faithful. Performances like that will hopefully only spur on the rest of the talent to match and better it.


In my opinion, and that is one that's shared by Jay, Marvin and Ricky, it's an exciting time to be a fan of the MAW product and a member of the MAW roster. We've got a lot of talented kids here who are ready-made stars for the big time, some who are stepping up to the carry the company and a whole host of hungry, young talent ready to make a name for themselves. With our second monthly show beginning this month, it's providing even more opportunity and competition to get time in the ring and on the microphone.


This urgency has only been intensified by a deal we've struck with WrestleWorld. My knowledge of technology is limited. I'm a bit of a dinosaur with regards to that but I believe that opinion is split on the service. Some sing it's praises. Some believe it's the 'Death of Independent Wrestling'. I can see the reasoning for both arguments as fans of promotions almost don't want to give the talent more exposure incase they get signed away. I understand that but, as far as I'm concerned, that's the game we're in. We're Independents. Our job is to help build guys up to push them to the big leagues and a lot of the other companies agree with me as 9 companies, including MAW, struck deals with the service. Overnight we'll be going from having our shows only shown in the Baltimore area by those who attend live to available to view in every home in North America, should they use the service. That's huge. Now, to recap the month of March and Super Showdown.


Another $8,000 made this month as we continue to build a decent chest of money for the first time in what feels like forever. This business isn't about the money for me but every company needs money to survive and operate. At the moment, we're looking at being around for a long time if this keeps up. All the boys behaved backstage at the last event with no more 'Wrestlers Court' punishments being dealt out by Sheriff Johnson.


The night itself was a very positive one. Obviously, the main event carried the show and it's easy to say how excellent the show was with that fresh in our minds but across the card, the boys did well. Youngman prevailing in the main event will place him in a match for the COTT World Title at MAW Americana. DWN pinning Martins in the 6 man looks to entitle him to an opportunity to challenge for the title which gives that belt a purpose for now. The tag title match was a decent affair, marred by an injury to The Architect. An atomic drop spot went slightly wrong resulting in a cracked tail bone for our Architect but the match carried on and there was no heat resulting from the incident. An honest mistake and everyone shook hands and moved on. Good to see the boys are maintaining maturity. Seth Whitehead now has a story to tell and a purpose with how his involvement in the tag match vs The Heartbreak Express played out. The woman at ringside has been a talent on and off the independents for a number of years now and will play into the future of Whitehead's character and she'll be officially announced as part of the roster at next month's show once she's properly introduced. Jack American spoke of bringing in a partner to aid him in future and he's a talent who will appear at MAW Evolved. Again, we're not going to announce yet. He isn't well known at all really except in Puerto Rico, primarily, but he's an elite talent who should be further in his career than he is. He'll fit in well here. Rudy Velasquez won at Super Showdown to continue to build the momentum of The Latino Kings and they'll feature in the tag title scene very soon which will continue to help build that division which is starting to look very promising indeed with the talent involved.


After all that we also finally had the influx of new TCW dojo graduates that'll be plying their trade here in MAW. Initially, Kyle called me up and wanted me to take on 7 graduates. I looked them over, vetted them, talked to them and we agreed to take on 5 of them. Even 5 seemed excessive, initially, I'm not sure they're all gonna be cut out for the business but they're hungry, determined and have youth on their side so they'll get a chance but I'll cover that whole discussion in the next entry and we'll meet the 5 new additions to the MAW roster.

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April 2020 - #10 - Meeting the new TCW Dojo Graduates and a MAW Evolved preview!


It was a week before Super Showdown when I received the inevitable phone call from TCW headquarters to negotiate what would be happening with their Dojo graduates. Now, I knew Kyle well and he was always a good guy but since he took the role of CEO of TCW almost 5 years ago, he wasn't as chatty as usual. Very efficient in the w1ays that he conducted himself. Not rude. Not unkind. Just efficient and swift in business so the phone call wasn't any longer than a minute really.



"Sam. It's Kyle. Listen up. I can only guess you were expecting this phone call so here's the situation. We've got 7 guys who we're looking to send down. Now, I know, it sounds like a lot. You don't need to take them all but you're at least gonna meet them all. Talk to them. Vet them. Figure out if you can make them work and then decide who you're taking. As agreed, you make the call of who makes the cut and who doesn't but I'll make a suggestion and say five out of the seven is fair."

"Five? Look, I'll see what happens, Kyle, but I've already got six of your guys. Another five means you're basically a third of my roster..."

"It's great, right? Look, we both knew this was gonna be the situation when you struck the deal. Just do your best. You are the best, Sam, so that should be easy, right? *Laughs* You've always worked wonders down there, you'll continue to figure it out. Just meet the guys and see what you think, right? Speak to you soon."


So the following day all seven of the kids flew down here and arrived at the offices. The first thing we did was immediately take them down to our nearby warehouse that's set up with a ring and gym so we can see what they've got. Traditionally, that process would involve Jay, Marvin and I. This time there was an added special guest to test the nerves of the kids. I invited Ricky to join us. With him now working so closely with us and having spent twenty-one years at TCW, he knows what they'll be looking for in how they want to talent to develop. After spending time in the gym and in the ring showing what they'd learned at the TCW School of Pro Wrestling, Jay and I met them individually. It might not seem especially fair to just give the kids a day, or closer to like eight hours for the process, but it's simply business. So after discussions with the team, I spoke to the two kids who weren't making the cut here and sent them back to TCW for them to decide their future. Here's the five we're keeping though.



Big Richard - Real name Richard Leon this 6'10 big guy is the oldest of the bunch at 24 years old. He's quite charismatic and can cut a pretty good promo for a rookie. His in-ring skills aren't brilliant but there's something there we can work with.



Bobby Barnett - Easily the toughest and most resilient of the kids and he's only 18 years old. Solid in the ring but has a lot to learn with regards to psychology. He doesn't look like a star but he has the ability to do well for himself.



Carlos Randleman - 6'4 of solid muscle. The kid looks like a killer and will be well-suited to the typical 'badass' role. One slight flaw is that I'm not entirely convinced he has the ideal mentality for the business and the set-backs that inevitably come your way but we'll work with him on that.



Milton Monk - Similar to Randleman. 6'4 and the kid is a physical specimen. Cuts a good promo with the microphone in his hands and is easily the best from a physical standpoint of the graduates. He also has more menace about him than Randleman. Once his in-ring skills are brought up to scratch and he's taught about the psychology (Because that is severely lacking) the kid is gonna be big news in the business because he has everything else going for him. Maybe I'll team them up?



Terry Ambrose - Probably the most average of the dojo kids. Doesn't stand out in anything but isn't the worst at anything either. Considers himself a high-flyer which sets him apart from the others. We'll see what his future holds.


That covers the 5 graduates. The two we turned down were Tony Regal and Reginald Boone. Regal wasn't anything special and I didn't see him doing much here. Boone was a decent kid, OK in the ring but an absolute charisma vacuum. So we sent them back to TCW but within days, Boone apparently pissed off Kyle to the extent that he was shown the door.


Now, we move on to our first edition of MAW Evolved! Naturally, it isn't going to have the same importance as our established monthly events, certainly in the beginning, but it has the honour of being the first-ever show we present on WrestleWorld that people can stream and it's going to spotlight our talent and build stories. Better make it worthwhile, huh? Here's the card.


Predictions for MAW Evolved



Ade Nelson vs Miller Fforde



Jack America & ??? vs The Greatness



Big Richard & Joey Fili vs The Wolf Pack



Jaylon Martins vs Duke Freeman:



Johnny Needham vs Jonah Pilgrim



Nate DeMarcus vs Sandman Winks



Tennessee's open challenge

Tennessee William vs ???


Bonus Point: Can anyone hazard a guess at who Jack America's tag partner will be?


Comments on Diary in general:


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Ade Nelson vs Miller Fforde

Comments:Ade is a decent jobber, and in his 30s now I don't see that changing


Jack America & ??? vs The Greatness

Comments:A real team, and I'm a big Seth Whitehead fan


Big Richard & Joey Fili vs The Wolf Pack

Comments:Big Richard will probably score about a 9 in-ring so he shouldn't go over


Jaylon Martins vs Duke Freeman:

Comments:I'm not on the J Train


Johnny Needham vs Joey Pilgrim

Comments:I assume this is meant to be Jonah, he's a better worker


Nate DeMarcus vs Sandman Winks

Comments:With potential for shenanigans I can see you spinning this into a tag title match


Tennessee's open challenge

Tennessee William vs ???

Unless the mystery man is a real big name I don't see Williams losing here


Bonus Point: Can anyone hazard a guess at who Jack America's tag partner will be? I'll stick with someone local and say Ace Youngblood


Comments on Diary in general: Just happy to see you back in the saddle and look forward to where you're going to go with things.

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<p><img alt="npWINqE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/npWINqE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MAW Evolved (April)</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Live from Stanley Hall, Baltimore, Maryland</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Attendance; 224</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> WrestleWorld Viewers: 12,444</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Show</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 1;</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="nv4Gr5g.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nv4Gr5g.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> W/ </span></span><img alt="jx10xHG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jx10xHG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qQgVjGH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qQgVjGH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="xKpqn7W.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xKpqn7W.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen vs Jonah Pilgrim </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>(20-minute time limit)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - A pretty good opening contest between two half of tag team duos. Needham was without Liotta but had Lisa Bowen joining him where-as Jonah was flying solo due to The Architect suffering an injury two weeks ago at Super Showdown.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - The Pilgrim managed to bring some of that Scheme heat with him to the match but when Needham rallied back there was nobody there to help The Pilgrim. One moonsault from Needham was all that was required to pick up the three count.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Johnny Needham defeated Jonah Pilgrim in 12:45 via pinfalll</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (36/D-)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 2;</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="Cy5mrXI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Cy5mrXI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qQgVjGH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qQgVjGH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="FhWbO75.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/FhWbO75.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Jaylon Martins vs Duke Freeman </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>(20-minute time limit)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - A non-title affair was a good opportunity for Freeman to make his presence felt in MAW.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - After eating the pinfall to DWN in a six-man tag at Super Showdown, Martins was looking to regain some momentum.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - He did just that. It was a fairly standard match with Freeman generating some heat and keeping the pressure on the American Champion. Lifting Martins up for a powerbomb, the champion wriggled free and rolled up Freeman to pick up the three count.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Jaylon Martins def. Duke Freeman in 8:27 via pinfall </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (22/E-)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> POST MATCH - DWN enters the hall to confront Martins and run down the champion.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="bOHDD9y.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bOHDD9y.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">"So this is the embodiment of a champion in MAW? A kid who can only win by sneaking a win through roll-ups? If that's what it takes to be a champion for these Baltimore fans then I'm not sure I should be here because these people will never be able to appreciate a man of the quality of myself. You're a chump of a champion. A sorry excuse for a wrestler and you better hold that title close to the chest now because at Americana in two weeks, I'm taking that belt. Not because I want it but because you simply don't deserve it!"</span></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (38/D-)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 3;</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="8CVAlGk.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8CVAlGk.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="WmBoJS7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WmBoJS7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qQgVjGH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qQgVjGH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="o555rG0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/o555rG0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="5WzsOyQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5WzsOyQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Big Richard & Joey Fili vs The Wolf Pack </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>(20-minute time limit)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - This match brought the crowd back down and introduced the fans to Big Richard, a new addition from TCW.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - It was always gonna be an uphill struggle for a thrown together team to take down a team with 3 years experience together like The Wolf Pack.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - The most notable spot of the match was Big Richard lifting Noggin onto his 6'10 frame and beginning to ascend the turnbuckle before Noggin was dropped directly onto the turnbuckle post. Noggin struggled through the rest of the match clutching his back but Tokoeka picked up the slack.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - A heel comeback was completed with Tokoeka delivering a huge Brainbuster Suplex to Fili and securing the pinfall</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>The Wolf Pack def. Big Richard and Joey Fili in 7:07 via pinfall</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (15/F+)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 4;</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="u2zGNXE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/u2zGNXE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> W/ </span></span><img alt="WbBhrSQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WbBhrSQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qQgVjGH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qQgVjGH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7dJ1zWg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7dJ1zWg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> W/ </span></span><img alt="WHZiouF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WHZiouF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Nate DeMarcus w/ Tyrone Gray vs Sandman Winks w/ The Historian </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>(20-minute time limit)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - The Historian and Tyrone Gray met in singles action at The Wrestling Classic with Gray suffering a loss there. That paved the way for this contest with The Past Masters believing another singles win would have to guarantee them a Title opportunity.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - DeMarcus certainly seems well suited to singles action but more than met his match in this contest versus Sandman. This match was simply two big athletic studs looking to outdo the other.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Naturally, with their partners at ringside, shenanigans ensued. DeMarcus was flung threw the ropes as The Historian considered getting in some cheap shots. He restrained himself but Tyrone Gray didn't hold back and hopped up to the ring before throwing himself off with a flying knee. In the process of trying to catch The Historian, he also took out his partner as DeMarcus was forced into the barricade.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Sandman saw this and hopped on the opportunity. Quickly throwing DeMarcus back into the ring, he snatched on the Sleeper Hold and quickly locked it in deep as DeMarcus' hands fell to the mat three times and Jay Fair called for the bell.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Sandman Winks def. Nate DeMarcus in 10:53 via submission</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (29/E+)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> POST-MATCH: The Historian grabbed the ringside microphone and a celebrating Sandman.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">"What a sorry excuse for a team we have here. No cohesion. No direction. No substance. That's two losses to The Sandman and I that you have suffered and at Americana, we're going to ensure you suffer some more. We can't be avoided. We want our Tag Title opportunity that we have earned through simply being better than you and in two weeks, we'll take those titles because wrestlings future lies in it's past"</span></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (34/E+)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 5;</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="BgZebcm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BgZebcm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="w0chjel.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/w0chjel.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qQgVjGH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qQgVjGH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="bb9Hi5z.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bb9Hi5z.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="jb96bKK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jb96bKK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> w/ </span></span><img alt="foiTMjX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/foiTMjX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Jack America & Kip Keenan vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>(20-minute time limit)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Two new faces joined us in this very good tag-team affair. Whitehead was accompanied by the woman he escorted backstage at Super Showdown, Haley Buck. Jack America promised after Super Showdown he'd bring a friend with him to back him up in MAW and in doing so he brought Kip Keenan, one of the best athletes in the business today and a triple-crown champion in FCW.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Instantly it became apparent why America brought Keenan as the two clearly have excellent chemistry together which certainly proved problematic for The Greatness who had been having issues of their own of late.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - After thirteen minutes of solid action, the match hit its culmination in dramatic fashion. Buck had made herself a nuisance throughout the match to the advantage of The Greatness but after interfering one too many times she was about to be ejected. Whitehead pleaded with the ref but America came off the ropes with a flying dropkick that sent Whitehead over the ropes and taking Buck to the mat with him.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - As Whitehead gathered his wits and checked over his new manager, Robbinfield was once again left to fend for himself and did so unsuccessfully being hit by The Patriot's Act and eating the pinfall</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Jack America & Kip Keenan def. The Greatness in 14:06 via pinfall</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (33/E+)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> POST MATCH - The faces celebrate as they exit while Whitehead helps Buck to her feet and looks in a disgusted fashion towards Robbinfield. </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#F4A460;">"I'm a damn TCW guy! What are you doing to us?!"</span></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;">. Whitehead and Buck walked away from Robbinfield, again, as he dejectedly followed on.(24/E)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 6;</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="MYZZe18.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/MYZZe18.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qQgVjGH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qQgVjGH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="IBtGk0z.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IBtGk0z.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Ade Nelson vs Miller Fforde </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>(20-minute time limit)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - These two could be classed as MAW veterans despite both being 30 and under. Nelson knew this was an opportunity to raise his stock in MAW competing against a former Mid Atlantic Champion.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - The match went ahead at a breakneck pace with both men really giving it their all to go out for the win.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Fforde's experience in more prestigious match-ups helped his cause here as he connected with the Fforde Flip Face Crusher for the win.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Miller Fforde def. Ade Nelson in 11:44 via pinfall</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (38/D-)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> POST-MATCH: As soon as the bell rang, Josh Jacobs hit the ring and began a brawl with Fforde to aid his on/off tag partner that spilt to the outside. He connected with a big boot putting Fforde to the floor before grabbing a microphone.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="BschIo9.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BschIo9.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">"For whatever reason, we keep crossing paths. I beat you at Wrestling Classic. I was done with you! My team beat your team at Super Showdown. I was done with you! But here you are fighting another direct link to me in Ade so I guess I'm still not done with you! The thing that pisses me off is that costing you the World Title had nothing to do with you. It was to make a statement! To make a statement that I'm done with being overlooked! But here we are almost six months later and I'm still being overlooked! So, at Americana. I'm putting you down for good and I hope that our Dallas Cowboy champion and Mr Keith will be paying close attention to what's happened here and what will happen there because I'm done with being overlooked and passed up for opportunity! I want the Mid Atlantic Championship!</span></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (31/E+)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 7;</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="44IAeTM.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/44IAeTM.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Tennessee William enters the hall to a chorus of boos as he revels in the crowd reaction</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">"Baltimore! Here we go again! No, no, now listen up here. Your pretty boy, Ernest, isn't here tonight and believe me I'm just as disappointed as you are. You see I'm making it my life's work to concuss that guy and clear that trash out of here. But, of course, this is Baltimore so we'll never really be clear of the trash now, will we? </span></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="color:#000000;">*he chuckles as the boos become more intense*</span></span></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Now I'm here to offer an open challenge. I do these in New York all the time. I'm pretty good at them. But, before..."</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="7JoNbH4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7JoNbH4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> He's cut off by the familiar music of The Dallas Cowboy, Bradley Blaze. The crowd reaction instantly switches to a chorus of cheers. Blaze slowly and calmly takes in the adulation,</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">"I always believe actions speak louder than words so I won't talk much. Now I'm here so I could be the dude that drops you and boy would it give me some satisfaction but, it just so happens that there's a very special guest here tonight who will gladly take you up on your offer. He's a patriot, like me, but he's more hardcore so I'll let him shut your ass up..."</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> And with that the crowd erupt in a wonderful 'pop' as The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield arrives in MAW! (47/D)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Segment 8;</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><img alt="44IAeTM.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/44IAeTM.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qQgVjGH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qQgVjGH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="rGy6txo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/rGy6txo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Tennessee William vs Chris Caulfield </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>(Tennessee's Open Challenge)</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - William has never been a competitor lacking in confidence but even he looks slightly unnerved at the prospect of facing The Hardcore American.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Caulfield wastes absolutely no time in starting the brawl as the two trade blows in the middle of the ring with Caulfield gaining the upper hand.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - The match rolls on but it never really slows down any as Caulfield, even at 45 and with his body showing signs of wear and tear, still looks like he could beat up the biggest and the best.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Tennessee William occasionally gets in a few hits and eye pokes but Caulfield is relentless in his assault and the fans are loving every moment of it!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Caulfield clotheslines William to the outside and soaks in the applause and cheers from this fiery Baltimore audience. He takes a few moments to compose himself before running the ropes and attempting a suicide dive through them. As he takes off into the air though he's immediately met with an absolutely crushing steel chair shot to the skull! Jay Fair calls for the bell!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Chris Caulfield def. Tennessee William in 14:40 via DQ</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> (51/D+)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> POST-MATCH: The boos rain down upon the two wrestlers as that one chair shot wasn't enough for William. He continues to wail on Caulfield with sickening chair shot after sickening chair shot. As he begins to line up one more on the bloodied legend, Bradley Blaze returns to the ringside area but William quickly rolls into the ring and out again through the other side, taking off up the entrance aisle as Blaze holds the bloodied and unconscious Hardcore legend in his arms! (56/D+) </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> End Show.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Show Rating; 50/D+</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48335" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quick Results</span><p> <strong>Johnny Needham</strong> vs Jonah Pilgrim (20-minute time limit)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jaylon Martins</strong> vs Duke Freeman (20-minute time limit)</p><p> </p><p> Big Richard & Joey Fili vs <strong>The Wolf Pack</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p> </p><p> Nate DeMarcus vs <strong>Sandman Winks</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack America & Kip Keenan</strong> vs The Greatness (20-minute time limit)</p><p> </p><p> Ade Nelson vs <strong>Miller Fforde</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p> </p><p> Tennessee William vs <strong>Chris Caulfield </strong></p><p> </p><p> Bonus Point: Can anyone hazard a guess at who Jack America's tag partner will be? <strong>Kip Keenan</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Contest</span></p><p> Tryker2710 - 3/8</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Prediction Scores</span></p><p> Historian - 19/23</p><p> Tryker2710 - 17/30</p><p> DeathZone2 - 17/23</p><p> Martel123 - 13/16</p><p> Herrbear - 13/23</p><p> Jaded - 4/9</p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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That was a great read man! Just read through all of it, and I had a good time doing so. Keep it up!


Thanks very much, fella. Glad you've enjoyed what you've read so far.


And props to you also for your Jack Bruce and SPW story. I've been keeping tabs on it and I'll endeavour to maintain involvement in following and be more involved in predictions etc. It's good stuff!


Darn it! I missed predictions. Really good show!


Glad you enjoyed it, sir. Thanks. Ach, you'll get the next set of predictions. You're a busy, man.


Sam's recap of Evolved and the preview for Americana should be up tomorrow.

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April 2020 - #11 - Evolved! recap, roster review and Americana preview


I'll be the first to admit that MAW Evolved! even took me by surprise by how well it went. So to tail off my last entry, I closed by saying that we had to make MAW Evolved! worthwhile, especially for local fans if we're expecting them to pay twice a month to come and see our shows. We also needed a hook to make sure we had something to entice WrestleWorld subscribers since that would be their first opportunity to see what we could do! Suffice to say, I think we delivered!


Chris Caulfield, in my opinion, will go down as one of the most underrated and, arguably, under-appreciated wrestlers in recent history. He was never an excellent performer from a pure wrestling skill perspective but the man knows how to work a crowd and has a better grasp of ring psychology than many pros still working in the big leagues. This was his first in-ring outing since his retirement last February and he delivered. The open challenge was originally going to be accepted by Bradley but Jay threw out the idea of maybe bringing Chris into the fold. It came down to the wire and we officially hashed out a deal of some sort and he arrived here on short notice and did a hell of a job working with Tennessee William. Tennessee? What can I say? The kid has, technically, lost every match he's had so far and is one of the biggest stars we have. He more than delivered on his side of the match.


The rest of the show was very strong up and down the card with a few exceptions, of course. One of the obvious changes we've made is the guys getting some promo time. We still primarily tell our story in the ring, as we always have, but promos are a still an important part of the business, especially when it's a show that's now being broadcast to an audience. We know that anyone who tunes in is, more often than not, going to be acquired to the 'Sports Entertainment' way of business which is promo heavy so we figured we'd ease their transition by making sure that they still get to hear guys talk.


The debut of Big Richard was, to put it delicately, disastrous. Was that too delicate? Maybe it was putting him with Joey Fili (who's still as green as grass) to see if there was something there or maybe it was debut nerves? I'm not sure but that botch on the turnbuckle was pretty gnarly to watch and it's a miracle that Noggin didn't end up seriously more hurt. Further to the botch, the performance wasn't great but I expected that. I didn't, however, expect the guy to be unsafe. A lot of work to do there.


The rest of the card and matches told their stories themselves with how we're moving forward and have helped build-up Americana quite nicely, I believe. SO let us run down the card and see what we're looking at.




American Made vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen

Jack America & Kip Keenan impressed in Keenan's debut in MAW and have now named themselves. They'll be looking to build on the momentum created after their win over The Greatness. The Heartbreak Express are 1-1 in Tag team action this year and Needham is fresh off a singles win over Jonah Pilgrim. Should be a good opener!


Jaylon Martins © vs Davis Wayne Newton (Mid Atlantic American Championship)

Martins has only suffered one loss, during a six-man tag, since becoming champion in November but DWN has been less than impressed with the manner of his victories - unbefitting of a champion. DWN has made his presence felt in MAW since his debut and pinned Martins in that six-man tag to stake his claim for a title shot.


Joey Fili vs Deuce Deadline

Fili is 0-3 in a MAW ring this year but he has had some ring time, at least. Deuce is a former Mid Atlantic American champion but hasn't featured this year yet so could be suffering from ring rust.


The Latino Kings vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck

The Latino Kings have brought a new level of excitement to MAW since their debut and are absolutely here for tag-team gold so defeating former champions here would serve them well. The Greatness were a well-oiled tag-team machine for the longest time, having recently held tag team gold for seven months but have recently been having issues. Can they regain their focus and return to the state their name suggests?


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde

A grudge match to put this rivalry to bed once and for all. Jacobs cost Fforde his world title at Where It All Begins Again. The feud rolled on and the two met at The Wrestling Classic where Jacobs won with a handful of tights that the referee missed. It seemed no matter what happened these two would keep crossing paths and Jacobs wants it done with. Fforde will be looking to exact revenge for... well, everything.


DeMarcus & Gray © vs The Past Masters (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship)

In the last two months, DeMarcus & Gray have retained their tag titles vs The Scheme and either side of that victory were singles losses to The Historian and Sandman Winks. These two losses have more than provided enough credibility to The Past Masters expectation of a title opportunity, even if their wins weren't the cleanest.


Bradley Blaze vs ??? (Special Exhibition Bout - Champion vs Champion)

Blaze has had a strong run as champion in MAW so far, compounded by his impressive defence vs Cheetah Boy at The Wrestling Classic. He recently seems to have got himself distracted with the ongoing of Tennessee William who has been a thorn in everyone's side of late, it seems.

This special match will Blaze take on one of the primary champions of a company within the alliance. Can Blaze focus his attention enough to defend the honour of MAW?


Ernest Youngman vs Pablo Rodriguez (COTT World Heavyweight Championship - with a special guest ringside enforcer)

Ernest has been on a blistering babyface run since debuting in MAW. Victory in the fifteenth Rip Chord Invitational set him on the right path and he's been embroiled in a feud with Tennessee William ever since that has been intense and fiery. Victory last month at Super Showdown earned him this opportunity vs Rodriguez.

Rodriguez's last appearance in MAW was at the Rip Chord Invitational in which he defeated Bradley Blaze in a special exhibition bout after interference from Cheetah Boy. Pablo has been an excellent COTT champion with 9 successful defences since August 2019. Can he add one more to the list?

Due to the importance of the bout and the likelihood of the bout being marred by outside interference with Tennessee William about, this has resulted in an unnamed special enforcer to be ringside to ensure the match goes ahead without incident.


Personally, I believe we've put together an exciting card for the show with the opportunity for surprise and intrigue. Three title matches is the icing on a solid card cake. It's our second show on WrestleWorld and we want to keep the audience coming back for more. Let's see what happens...


MAW Americana


American Made vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen (20-minute time limit)



Jaylon Martins © vs Davis Wayne Newton (Mid Atlantic American Championship - 30-minute time limit)



Joey Fili vs Deuce Deadline (20-minute time limit)



The Latino Kings vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck (20-minute time limit)



Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde (20-minute time limit)



DeMarcus & Gray © vs The Past Masters (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship - 30-minute time limit)



Bradley Blaze vs ??? (Special Exhibition Bout - Champion vs Champion - 30-minute time limit)



Ernest Youngman vs Pablo Rodriguez (COTT World Heavyweight Championship - with a special guest ringside enforcer - 60-minute time limit)



Bonus Questions:

Who will fight Blaze in the exhibition bout? Al Coleman (CZCW), Handsome Stranger (FCW), Aldous Blackfriar (IPW), Freedom Eagle (NYCW) Nicolas Lopez (OLLIE)


Who will be the special ringside enforcer?


Comments on diary in general:


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American Made vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen (20-minute time limit)

Comments: This is just my personal distaste for using the avatars coming through


Jaylon Martins © vs Davis Wayne Newton (Mid Atlantic American Championship - 30-minute time limit)

Comments:I dislike Jaylon, a lot


Joey Fili vs Deuce Deadline (20-minute time limit)

Comments:Joey is just a worse Jaylon


The Latino Kings vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck (20-minute time limit)

Comments:Based on the tag title match, and The Greatness looking to be breaking up I'll go for the kings


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde (20-minute time limit)

Comments:I really like both guys, and with Blaze as champ, Jacobs could use a boost


DeMarcus & Gray © vs The Past Masters (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship - 30-minute time limit)

Comments:Everybody but me seems to think these guys are the future of wrestling, I'll assume you are no different.


Bradley Blaze vs ??? (Special Exhibition Bout - Champion vs Champion - 30-minute time limit)

Comments:He's your main man, he shouldn't lose to an outsider


Ernest Youngman vs Pablo Rodriguez (COTT World Heavyweight Championship - with a special guest ringside enforcer - 60-minute time limit)

Comments:I don't want Pablo to lose, but I don't see Ernest losing either, so I'll go with some kind of draw


Bonus Questions:

Who will fight Blaze in the exhibition bout? Al Coleman (CZCW), Handsome Stranger (FCW), Aldous Blackfriar (IPW), Freedom Eagle (NYCW) Nicolas Lopez (OLLIE)


Who will be the special ringside enforcer? Chris Caulfield, right?

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American Made vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen (20-minute time limit)



Jaylon Martins © vs Davis Wayne Newton (Mid Atlantic American Championship - 30-minute time limit)

Comments: So freaking talented


Joey Fili vs Deuce Deadline (20-minute time limit)



The Latino Kings vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck (20-minute time limit)

Comments: Either a longer tag feud here or Greatness splits up


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde (20-minute time limit)



DeMarcus & Gray © vs The Past Masters (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship - 30-minute time limit)

Comments: I want a Historian face turn!


Bradley Blaze vs ??? (Special Exhibition Bout - Champion vs Champion - 30-minute time limit)

Comments: IIRC he already lost a COTT title match already so no bueno to being 0-2 to other champs


Ernest Youngman vs Pablo Rodriguez (COTT World Heavyweight Championship - with a special guest ringside enforcer - 60-minute time limit)

Comments: William costs him the match


Bonus Questions:

Who will fight Blaze in the exhibition bout? Al Coleman (CZCW), Handsome Stranger (FCW), Aldous Blackfriar (IPW), Freedom Eagle (NYCW) Nicolas Lopez (OLLIE)


Who will be the special ringside enforcer? No freakin clue here

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MAW Americana


American Made vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen (20-minute time limit)



Jaylon Martins © vs Davis Wayne Newton (Mid Atlantic American Championship - 30-minute time limit)



Joey Fili vs Deuce Deadline (20-minute time limit)



The Latino Kings vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck (20-minute time limit)



Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde (20-minute time limit)



DeMarcus & Gray © vs The Past Masters (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship - 30-minute time limit)

Comments:Come on baby!


Bradley Blaze vs ??? (Special Exhibition Bout - Champion vs Champion - 30-minute time limit)



Ernest Youngman vs Pablo Rodriguez (COTT World Heavyweight Championship - with a special guest ringside enforcer - 60-minute time limit)



Bonus Questions:

Who will fight Blaze in the exhibition bout? Al Coleman (CZCW), Handsome Stranger (FCW), Aldous Blackfriar (IPW), Freedom Eagle (NYCW) Nicolas Lopez (OLLIE)

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MAW Americana

Live from Stanley Hall, Baltimore, Maryland

Attendance: 248

WrestleWorld Viewers: 14,148


Main Show

Segment 1;

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American Made vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen(20-minute time limit)

- This match got the show off to a strong start indeed with one of the best tag team matches we've seen so far this year.

- Neither team held back with both looking to prove themselves and get themselves into the tag title picture.

- The match was a flurry of exciting tag team action with American Made demonstrating their newfound chemistry with some beautiful suplex combinations on the double teams. Needham & Liotta aren't slouches either and proved that though they may not be on the best run right now, they're always going to be a threat.

- It was an open affair, no dirty tactics and the match met its end when Kip Keenan lifted Needham into the air and America caught him with a german suplex. They call this The Patriot's Act (Grand Amplitude) and it put away The HBE.

American Made def. The Heartbreak Express in 11:39 via pinfalll (36/D-)


Segment 2;


Jaylon Martins vs Davis Wayne Newton(Mid Atlantic American Title - 30-minute time limit)

- Jaylon came into this title defence quite confident about his chances. DWN spoke openly about Martins not being a fighting champion and winning through cheap roll-ups but he only walked into this title opportunity after a referee mistake at Super Showdown. Both men had points to prove.

- DWN dominated portions of the match as Martins attempted to rally himself back into the contest but DWN successfully cut off all attempts.

- DWN swaggered with great confidence showing his superiority over the champion. He brought Martins to his feet, hooked him in for a suplex but Martins swiftly reversed it into a roll-up pin but only managed a two count. He fired up, jumped to the turnbuckle and bounced back off landing a sunset flip on the challenger but another near fall occurred. DWN rose to his feet, frustrated. He charged at Martins but Martins slipped through Newtons legs and rolled him up. The ref counted to two but the challenger managed to reverse the roll-up into one of his own, hunched over the champion. The ref began to count as DWN clutched onto the ropes which the referee didn't see and Martins couldn't kick-out in time.

Davis Wayne Newton def. Jaylon Martins in 9:52 via pinfall. Davis Wayne Newton wins the Mid Atlantic American Title. (31/E+)



Segment 3;


Joey Fili vs Deuce Deadline(20-minute time limit)

- Fili has shown the great Samoan fighting spirit and toughness but is yet to win a match this year. Deadine was entering his first match this year in MAW.

- The match turned into a bit of a slugfest, no surprise with these two heavy-hitters involved. It went the way of Deuce though who connected with The Deadliner and added another L to Fili's record

Deuce Deadline def. Joey Fili in 6:35 via pinfall (27/E)




Tennessee William appears from through the crowd to a chorus of boos and jeers. He beckons over Deuce Deadline, whispers something into his ear as Deuce hops the railing and the two walk off together. (35/E+)


Segment 4;

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The Latino Kings vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck (20-minute time limit)

- Both teams came into this one fired up. The Latino Kings are undefeated so far in MAW while The Greatness were looking to see if they could stay on the page.

- And for long portions of the match they managed to do so successfully. A wicked combination of distraction from Buck and underhanded tactics from Whitehead kept The Latino Kings grounded and unable to utilise their high energy offence.

- For the first time in a long time, there appeared to be no kinks in armour of The Greatness. Eventually, though, the inevitable comeback did occur as Velasquez fired up. A flurry of right hands had Whitehead reeling as Robbinfield was tossed to the outside and took a rough bump on the mat. Buck anticipated the danger here and rolled into the ring brushing past the referee but she was swiftly escorted out of the ring by Galindo who simply threw her over his shoulder.

- It provided enough distraction, however, for Whitehead to recover and whip Velasquez into the corner landing some nasty looking punches. Robbinfield sprung to his feet, entered the ring and charged at the turnbuckle, leapfrogging over his partner and attempting a hurricanrana to Velasquez who somehow anticipated it and avoided it through tremendous acrobatics. Robbinfield, temporarily stunned, then had his legs whisked out from under him by Galindo as he was pulled to the floor. Velasquez, using the momentum off his acrobatics, bounced off the ropes, rolled forward and sprung up into the air catching a stunned Whitehead with a street cutter. A truly remarkable feat of athleticism was roundly rewarded with a three count.

The Latino Kings def. The Greatness in 13:10 via pinfall (34/E+)


POST-MATCH: The Latino Kings walk away celebrating victory as Buck reenters the ring to check on Whitehead. As she does so...


These two menacing-looking brutes march towards the ring with purpose and they don't look friendly in the slightest. They enter the ring and lift Whitehead to his feet as Buck backs into the corner. Just as they look ready to attack, Robbinfield enters the ring and stands directly in front of Whitehead, almost looking to protect him. Whitehead places a hand on Harvey's shoulder, drops to his knees and plants Robbinfield with a wince-inducing low-blow. The two brutes start putting the boots to Robbinfield as Seth fetches a table from under the ring. They set it up as Randleman lifts Robbinfield into the air and Monk catches him with a Death Drop through the table. Whitehead and the duo high-five each other as they exit the hall. (30/E+)


Segment 5;


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde (20-minute time limit)

- These two come together again to attempt to settle this feud once and for all. Jacobs cut a strong promo at the Evolved! show and was really fired up for this one.

- The match was almost 14 minutes of Fforde's agility and wilyness vs Jacobs ferocity and power. Both men gave it their absolute all in a match that really got the crowd invested in it. Eventually, Jacobs reversed a face crusher attempt into a Canadian Backdrop and successfully pinned Miller Fforde.

Josh Jacobs def. Miller Fforde in 13:50 via pinfall (43/D)



Segment 6;


Nate DeMarcus & Tyrone Gray vs The Past Masters (Mid Atlantic Tag Title - 30-minute time limit)

- The Past Masters quickly got to work in this match putting the boots to the champions. They wanted those titles and would seemingly stop at nothing to get them.

- Dirty tactics were at play with constant double teams used to keep the champions at bay. Referee Jay Fair did his best to keep control of the match but DeMarcus & Gray figured that they could play just as dirty as The Past Masters and it turned into a wild brawl.

- Sandman and DeMarcus spilled to the outside leaving The Historian and Gray in the ring. Gray whipped Historian into the corner and went for a splash but The Historian slipped out of the way and hit the stunned Gray with a Blast from the Past. Seeing Sandman and DeMarcus still brawling on the outside, he took the opportunity to firmly put the match to rest and planted Gray with a second Blast from the Past. DeMarcus was free of Sandman but couldn't get back into the ring in time to stop the three count.

The Past Masters def. DeMarcus & Gray in 12:40 via submission. The Past Masters win the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles (35/E+)


POST-MATCH: The Historian rolled out of the ring, grabbed the titles and Sandman and they both walked up the ramp together but not before he grabbed a microphone.

“You know technology is an incredible thing, isn’t it? At the touch of your fingertips is a device that will give you the answer to any question you can think of. With a few taps on your phone you can have a pizza delivered to your door in 20 minutes. Scientists are creating the technology to send a man to Mars! And yet, in spite of all of that they have achieved and will achieve, one thing that they will not be able to accomplish is the ability to be able to produce another duo like myself and the Sandman. Nothing and no one on this planet can create anything more real than us and you can bet your bottom dollar that now that we have these titles... we will never let them go!" (55/C-)


Segment 7;


Bradley Blaze vs Al Coleman (Special Exhibition Bout - Champion vs Champion - 30-minute time limit)

- Bradley Blaze enters this match fighting for the honour of MAW vs CZCW Champion Al Coleman.

- Both men entered the match and didn't spend much time pandering to the crowd. They didn't bother with a collar and elbow tie-up to begin the match. They skipped that and went straight to slugging each other with big right hands as the fans in attendance realised that there was nothing 'exhibition' about this. We were here for a fight.

- The champions of their respective companies gave it their all for 15 minutes but it was the Dallas Cowboy who planted Coleman with the Dallas Drop to earn the victory.

Bradley Blaze def. Al Coleman in 15:02 via pinfall (40/D-)


Segment 8;


Sam Keith greeted the audience in the Stanley Hall with the following announcement.

"Due to the importance of the contest we're about to witness... and due to interference marring the bout the last time we had the COTT champion here, I feel it's only right to bring in back-up to the ringside area to ensure this match runs as smoothly as possible. This is most important now as this match is ripe for interference with Tennessee William here and seemingly stopping at nothing to, in his words, concuss Ernest Youngman. So, with that being said, I'd like to introduce to you the man who will be the special enforcer for this contest. The Sheriff, if you will...


Ricky Dale Johnson enters the Stanley Hall to a huge 'pop' from an exhilarated Baltimore audience. (72/B-)


Segment 9:


Ernest Youngman vs Pablo Rodriguez © (COTT World Heavyweight Title - 60-minute time limit)

- Formal introductions were made as the bout was hyped. Ernest Youngman has been on absolute tear in MAW since his debut and defeated the constant thorn in his side, Tennessee William, last month to earn this opportunity at Pablo.

- The match started off tentatively with both men aiming to show their technical superiority over the other. Rodriguez, despite being 45 years of age, looks as sharp as ever and the veteran got the better of these earlier exchanges. Both men settled into their groove and the contest proved very even.

- The technical ability of both men shone brightly as throughout the match, counters were countered into counters, submissions reversed and neither man really seemed to hold a significant advantage over the other. Eventually, Rodriguez's frustration began to kick in and the champion upped the aggression. This caught Youngman off guard and Pablo began to generate some heat with some serious offense of the MAW competitor.

- As we passed the fifteen-minute stage things really began to heat up. Rodriguez began attempting more submission holds looking to do serious limb damage to Youngman alternating between armbars and anklelocks. Every time Youngman escaped one, Rodriguez switched to the other and never gave him a chance to recover. Rodriguez had one ankle lock held in deep but Youngman mustered all the strength he could, pushed himself off the mat with his hands, rolled forward and sent Rodriguez threw the ropes to the outside. Youngman rallied the crowd behind him, hit the ropes and launched himself through the ropes with a Tope Suicida. After the success of that one, he immediately did it again as the tides began to turn.

- Just as this was happening, Tennessee William appeared in the entranceway staring down at the ring. Seeing this occur, RDJ stood tall, puffed out his chest, stood between the ring and the rampway where William was and simply laughed. Rodriguez rolled back into the ring. Youngman capitalised on the dazed champion and planted him with The Hit as the crowd popped in a mixture of cheers and jeers. He covered the champion. 1.... 2... but the 3 never came despite Rodriguez not kicking out. Deuce Deadline had hopped the barricade and pulled the ref from out of the ring. He drew the attention of Ernest and the challenger, looking incensed, made chase around the ring. Deuce laughed as he fled but as he turned the corner he was met with a crushing lariat from RDJ that seemed to knock him out cold. Tennessee William looked furious at this and began to walk towards the ring but after only a few steps he was planted with a Dallas Drop from out of nowhere by Bradley Blaze.

- Both were out cold. Ernest refocused his attention and rolled back into the ring right into the waiting Rodriguez who hit him with the Sinner's Salvation. The ref slowly crawled back into the ring as Rodriguez made the cover. 1... 2... kickout! Ernest still had fight in him.

- Rodriguez lifted Ernest up and went for his finisher again but Youngman reversed it and planted Pablo with The Hit! Sensing his moment and not wasting a second he immediately lifted the champion up and landed it again before making the cover. Pablo was a fighting champion but, for now, had no fight left in him as the ref counted to 3.

Ernest Youngman def. Pablo Rodriguez in 21:43 via pinfall. Ernest Youngman is the new COTT World Heavyweight Champion (54/C-)


POST-MATCH: The crowd are elated as Youngman rises to his feet overjoyed. Sam Keith returns to ringside and enters the ring along with RDJ. They shake hands and each congratulates Youngman on his victory as Ernest holds the title aloft. (65/C)



End Show.

Show Rating; 52/D+



Quick Results

American Made vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen


Jaylon Martins © vs Davis Wayne Newton (Mid Atlantic American Championship)


Joey Fili vs Deuce Deadline


The Latino Kings vs The Greatness w/ Haley Buck


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde


DeMarcus & Gray © vs The Past Masters (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship)


Bradley Blaze vs Al Coleman (Special Exhibition Bout - Champion vs Champion)


Ernest Youngman vs Pablo Rodriguez (COTT World Heavyweight Championship - with a special guest ringside enforcer - 60-minute time limit)



Bonus Questions:

Who will fight Blaze in the exhibition bout? Al Coleman (CZCW)


Who will be the special ringside enforcer? Ricky Dale Johnson


Prediction Contest

The Historian - 6/8 (1/2 on Bonus)

Tryker2710 - 6/8 (0/2 on Bonus)

Dalton - 3/8 (0/2 on Bonus)




Overall Prediction Scores

Historian - 26/33

Tryker2710 - 23/40

DeathZone2 - 17/23

Martel123 - 13/16

Herrbear - 13/23

Jaded - 4/9

Dalton - 3/10

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What a great show! Come on Past Masters. First the Mid Atlantic belts, next the World Tag belts!!!


Glad you enjoyed the show, sir. I enjoyed writing the last 2 shows and Americana is the most highly rated so far which was a thrill.

I've realised that I've not had the COTT tag titles featured yet. Maybe that could happen soon.

But, yes, I have plans for The Historian and Sandman.


The Sluchinski report for a recap of recent C-Verse events should be up tomorrow followed by Sam's thoughts on Americana.

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  • 2 weeks later...





May 2020 - #12 - MAW Americana and April review plus Evolved! preview


So, first the boring financial stuff. We made a loss of about 12 grand for the month of April but this wasn't unexpected. With the jump to putting our shows on WrestleWorld, we had to bump up the production values appropriately. We might be the 'Indies' but we're not amateurs so running the month at a loss like that was a worthy sacrifice as our 2 shows this month were some of the best we've put on in years and I'm incredibly thrilled with the direction that the company is moving in now. Americana itself was an incredibly eventful night. 3 titles changed hands, new TCW graduates debuted in an emphatic fashion and we convinced an industry legend in RDJ to make an appearance which 'popped' our loyal audience and, although he probably won't admit it, made that grumpy old bastard pretty happy.


The American title changed hands. Jaylon is only 20 years old and can go at it on the microphone with the best of them but, in hindsight, it may have been a bit premature to put the belt on him at his tender age. I've no doubt he has a solid future in this business but he still has some growing to do whereas DWN is a ready-made star for any promotion. He can step into the ring with almost anybody and bring them to a, at worst, watchable match. Sure, he's not been with us for long but the guy can go in the ring and he lends a good deal of credibility to the title. Plus, he's a good looking kid with a good looking belt around him. It just fits.


Deuce Deadline hadn't featured at all this year before last night and that's on us as the big fella has been unfairly overlooked. With the way in which Tennessee William is managing to piss everyone off in MAW right now, he needs a heater to stick by him. A bit of muscle to back him up in all the BS he gets himself involved in and Deuce fits the bill perfectly. Plus, he gave Joey Fili his best match in the company this year so the kid is good.


Seth & Harvey had their implosion and it worked gangbusters. Seth is a TCW bound guy, at least according to his contract, so he's been playing up on that and how, despite Harvey also having a TCW contract, he's so superior to his ex-partner. It won't come as a great shock to the untrained eye that our debuting pair are of the TCW variety also so one can only wonder what these 3 combined with Haley Buck are going to bring to MAW. Plus, now we've got a babyface Harvey with a bone to pick which gives him something now.


The rest of the show was exceptional and gradually got better as the night went on. Josh Jacobs will now look to cement his claim and deservedness of a shot at Bradley after dispatching of Miller. The Past Masters are the new tag team champions and I expect they'll do well. They're a formidable duo. The exhibition bout went well and helps keep Blaze's momentum up as well as looking strong. He's our champion and just defeated the champion of another company. He looks bad-ass.


Then we had the main event. The match quality itself was tremendous. Match of the year so far. The outside shenanigans complimented the match beautifully and continued to build on the story being told with Youngman in the company and William never letting him be. We've now established Ernest as, possibly, the biggest star in the company and he's the champion of the territory. This puts a clear target on his back and not everyone will look at this favourably since in 4 short months, he's almost running the company.


As said before, I'm excited about where we are and what we're doing. Now, onto our second edition of Evolved!



Predictions for MAW Evolved!


Harvey Robbinfield vs The Architect (20-minute time limit)



10 man Battle Royal (Winner faces DWN for American title at Old School Rules)

Big Richard, Bobby Barnett, Copperhead, Duke Freeman, Guillotine, Jaylon Martins, Joey Fili, Jonah Pilgrim, Miller Fforde, Trix Triumph



BFT (Monk & Randleman) vs Local Talent (20-minute time limit)



Kip Keenan vs Cheetah Boy (20-minute time limit)



Tyrone Gray vs Sione Tokoeka (20-minute time limit)



Tennessee's Open Challenge

Tennessee William w/ Deuce Deadline vs ??? (20-minute time limit)



Bradley Blaze & The Latino Kings vs Josh Jacobs & The Past Masters (30-minute time limit)





Comments on diary in general:



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MAW Evolved (May)

Live from Stanley Hall, Baltimore, Maryland

Attendance; 274

WrestleWorld Viewers: 13,352


Main Show

Segment 1;


Harvey Robbinfield vs The Architect (20-minute time limit)

- Robbinfield came into this match after recently having suffered a vicious beatdown at the hands of Randleman & Monk, the two new additions to the roster and the muscle backing up Seth Whitehead. The Architect comes into this fresh off a recovering from a cracked tail bone.

- It was an excellent encounter to open the show and close to being match of the night.

- Both men gave it everything but Robbinfield still seemed to have a distracted look about him for most of the match. This was all it took for The Architect to eventually use the advantage and he made Robbinfield tap to The Blueprint.

The Architect def. Harvey Robbinfield in 15:30 via submission. (41/D)




Seth Whitehead & Haley Buck make their way to the ring. They greet The Architect. Buck links her arms into The Architect's as they exit the ring and head up the rampway together. Whitehead helps Robbinfield up to his feet and then low-blows his former partner before walking away. (37/D-)


Segment 2;



10 Man Battle Royal (Winner faces DWN at Old School Rules for MAW American Title)

- All 10 combatants waste no time in getting into the thick of it. Almost immediately, all of the combatants aim to take out all 6'10 and 400lbs of Big Richard but a few rogue guys in the brawl start fighting each other as Richard musters his strength and erupts sending everyone around him crashing to the mat.

- Bobby Barnett, another rookie, is first to his feet and goes for a dropkick but the big man catches him by the feet, raises him up and gently plonks him down, over the top rope onto the ringside floor.

- Guillotine and Duke Freeman decide to join forces and start clubbing at the big fella with heavy blows trying to wear him down, at least. Copperhead is brawling with Fforde in the corner and gets the advantage. He steps back and charges towards Miller in the corner but Fforde ducks out of the way. He lifts the dazed Copperhead into a sitting position on top of the turnbuckle as Joey Fili appears from nowhere with a Superman Punch and sends Copperhead to the floor. Fili & Fforde nod to each other and set their sights on Trix Triumph who is clinging to the bottom rope in another corner. He sees them coming and closes his eyes clinging tighter to the rope. Fili gives him a kick to the head and takes him by the hands as he loosens his grip on the ropes. Fforde lifts him by the legs and in almost a 'Banana Split' fashion, swing him up and over the top rope to the floor below.

- Guillotine & Duke have been continuing to pound away at Big Richard but the big man, again, has a random burst of Hulk-like energy, grabs each man by the head, banks them together in a meeting of the minds and hurls both of them over the ropes. Fili and Fforde take a moment to grab their bearings. Pilgrim and Martins pause their brawl in the corner as all 4 men look towards the tiring mass of man. Fili strikes first with a Superman Punch that is quickly followed by a second one. Martins follows up with a flying foreman that has him dazed then all 4 attempts to lift him from the legs and in an almost herculean effort they successfully eliminate Big Richard from the contest.

- Jonah wastes no time at all and before the men recover, he hoists Martins over the rope who falls to the outside. Fili & Fforde immediately begin to take shots at Pilgrim as they beatdown the bad guy. Fforde begins to chop at Pilgrim keeping him against the ropes as Fili sprints from one end of the ring towards him and attempts a flying Superman Punch. He misjudged the jump though and crashed into Fforde as they both went over the top rope but were just able to hang on.

- Jonah shook off the daze and begin bashing at the hands of the apparent duo trying to get them to lose their grip of the rope. They fight back with big right hands before each of them grabs a fistful of his short hair and they pull and drag him over the ropes and out to the floor as he's eliminated and, potentially, slightly balder than before.

- Fili starts mouthing off and laughing at Jonah and his inexperience shows as Miller takes a few steps to the side and plants a superkick on the jaw of Fili from the ring apron that sends him collapsing to the floor.

Miller Fforde won the battle royal in 11:23 (30/E+)


Segment 3;


BFT vs Kid Fantastic & Remmy Honeyman (20-minute time limit)

- The brute-like duo didn't look in any mood to be messing about this evening. They arrived last month in emphatic fashion putting Robbinfield through a table and aligning with Seth Whitehead. Kid Fantastic & Remmy Honeyman are two great performers on the independents and have enough experience to make it competitive.

- Or so they thought. The guests of MAW had a few brief flurries of something resembling offence but Randleman and Monk were too strong and spent a good portion of the match ragdolling the babyface duo.

- A Death Drop to Honeyman ended this one in just under 5-minutes.

BFT def. Kid Fantasic & Remmy Honeyman via pinfall in 4:50 (12/F+)


Segment 4;


Kip Keenan vs Cheetah Boy (20-minute time limit)

- Cheetah Boy's last appearance was 6 weeks ago when he defeated Jack America and the loser vowed to return with a friend. Now, Cheetah Boy is facing that friend in Kip Keenan as he looks to rebuild momentum to get back in the title picture.

- This was an excellent encounter with plenty of back-and-forth action between two well-experienced wrestlers.

- Cheetah Boy wasn't up to his usual more heel-ish ways of late seeming more interested in proving that he could win legitimately vs Keenan. The match wore on and each guy matched the other move for move but Keenan slowly began to gain the advantage.

- Cheetah Boy, despite wishing to play fair, didn't seem keen on the prospect of possibly losing the match and, playing possum in the corner, dodged out of the way of Keenan going for a splash and rolled him up. At 1.5, he placed his feet on the ropes for a bit of extra leverage and got the 3 count.

Cheetah Boy def. Kip Keenan in 15:07 via pinfall (40/D-)



Cheetah Boy slinks out of the ring with the victory and walks up the rampway as America helps Keenan up to his feet with a mic in his hands.

"Listen up here, Cheetah Boy. We're not sore we lost. You've beaten us both now via 'cheating' means but we're not upset. You're better than that. You're a former MAW World Champion and silly antics like this aren't how you're going to get back on top of the mountain. Don't live up to your name in the way you win. Be better than that. Find a partner and let's go again at Old School Rules and play fair" (32/E+)


Segment 5;


Sione Tokoeka vs Tyrone Gray (20-minute time limit)

- Both men came down to the ring for this match without their respective tag team partners. Noggin is out injured but DeMarcus is just nowhere to be seen. Perhaps still hurting over losing the tag-team titles.

- This is also the first time these two have met in the ring since the 15th RCI when DeMarcus & Gray retained the tag-team titles.

- That was clearly still fresh in the mind of Tokoeka heading into this as he let Gray feel his presence in the ring with stiff, clubbing blows that winded the former champion. Gray gave it his best effort with exciting bouts of aerial offence. There was one attempt too many as he attempted a flying crossbody from the top rope, was caught by Tokoeka who quickly manoeuvred himself and planted Gray with a crushing Brainbuster Suplex to seal the win.

Sione Tokoeka def. Tyrone Gray in 9:05 via pinfall (36/D-)


Segment 6;


Tennessee William walks out to the ring, accompanied by Deuce Deadline, to a chorus of boos and jeers from the Baltimore audience. He takes it all in his stride, as expected, and enters the ring with a mic in his hand.

"I'll say this, if I wasn't being paid so handsomely to come back here and piss all you people off as I am then I can assure you I would not be here. Honestly, there is not a single person in this audience that I would piss on if they were on fire. So you can keep bringing the heat and saying what you will because I couldn't give a glitter-covered turd about a single damn one of you! The boos are at an intensity level that is bordering on toxic. "Now, it's Tennessee's open challenge time. The last time this happened the American Hero Chris Caufield graced us with his presence but, as has been plainly evident, he hasn't shown his face around here again since I kicked his ass! So, which unlucky guy back there wants to come out here and go one-on-one with The God of Rock and Wrestling?"


Tennessee and Deuce see who is coming towards the ring and begin to laugh to themselves as William speaks.

"Oh, boy... this is gonna be a good one! I gotta tell you, Shades, it's really gonna 'Break my Heart' to have to beat your sorry ass. But, if we're gonna..."

Before he can finish the sentence, Liotta springs into action with a spear and begins laying in right hands to the motormouth. Deuce looks about ready to get involved but William waves his hands away as if to dismiss his muscle. (47/D)

Tennessee William vs Ralph Liotta (Tennessee's open challenge - 20-minute time limit)

- Liotta is fired-up and this audience is loving the early advantage he has as he puts the boots to his opponent. He doesn't spend time posturing or gloating, he's here to prove a point and shut William up on behalf of the MAW roster.

- Tennessee tries to rally in some offence but isn't given much of an opportunity as Liotta continues the attack. A couple of quick pinfall attempts result in a few close near falls but Liotta is undeterred. Needham & Bowen stand at the rampway shouting on encouragement from afar. Liotta has claimed he wants to do this alone.

- Eventually, William manages to mount something resembling an attack. He grabs the referee's shirt pulling him in close and then pushes him away as the ref loses balance and falls to the floor. William takes this opportunity to sneak in a shattering low-blow that immediately causes Liotta to crumple to his knees.

- Like a shark sensing blood in the water, Tennessee starts laying in heavy right hands to the downed Liotta. The next few minutes start to get ugly. Devastating suplexes, ugly and jaw crunching right hands and a focus on seemingly stomping Liotta's ankle to the point of breaking it is what's in store. William gives a look to his Deadline and Deuce grabs a nearby, trusty guitar and is about to pass it into the ring before the ref intervenes. This bothers William none as he shoves the ref out of the way and grabs the guitar. He pulls it back over his head but before he swings he glances down at the battered Liotta who was blood dribbling from his mouth, says "You're not looking like a heartbreaker now, kid" and places the guitar back down.

- Needham begins to sprint to the ring to aid his partner but Deadline clearly had this bookmarked and clattered into him with an almighty shove that threw Needham into the barricade. William, guitar in hand, exited the ring and walked to the back with Deadline as the ref began counting to 10. The boos made a resurgence with great intensity but he didn't even sell it. He didn't look back at the carnage he left. He simply just kept walking, right past Lisa Bowen who looked... shocked? He kept going out of sight as the ref reached 10 and called for the bell.

Ralph Liotta def. Tennessee William in 11:26 via count-out (37/D-)


Segment 7;


Bradley Blaze & The Latino Kings vs Josh Jacobs and The Past Masters (30-minute time limit)

- After the events of the last match the crowd seemed to be in a state of shock and bafflement. However, they were quickly roused with the prospect of this match featuring 6 determined individuals who seemed ready to go to war with their opponents.

- Sandman & Galindo got the contest started as they skipped the collar & elbow for trading punches instead. A sign of things to come.

- As the match progressed an interesting contest began to unfold. The high energy, dynamic offence of The Latino Kings vs the grounded, limb isolation offence of The Past Masters. The brunt of the match was taken up with these 2 teams going at it and fans were into it but they were clearly also here to see if Jacobs could hang with the company champion as he proclaimed he can. He certainly spent a good portion of the match talking smack towards The Dallas Cowboy anyway.

- A cheap shot from The Historian to Velasquez seemed to tip everyone over the edge though as all 6 men piled into the ring and a big brawl broke out that the ref struggled to keep in check. Blaze began trading blows with Jacobs and got the better of the exchange before he dropped The Historian with a Dallas Drop. Historian hit the mat hard and rolled to the outside.

- The brawl in the ring continued. Sandman clotheslined Galindo over the top rope as both men went tumbling to the floor. Velasquez was laying out on the mat as Blaze and Jacobs continued to fight in the ring. IN spite of that going on, Jay Fair had ignored that and begun to count out The Historian. He had reached 8 before he even began to stir and with Velasquez, as the other legal man, in the ring he reached the 10 count and called for the bell.

Bradley Blaze & The Latino Kings def. Josh Jacobs & The Past Masters in 14:14 via count-out (45/D)



Nobody could quite believe that the match had come to an end with so much fighting still ongoing. Blaze confronted Fair asking what had just happened and that was all the distraction Jacobs required. He sprung to his feet, charged towards the champion and as Blaze turned he was almost catapulted out of his boots with a jaw-shattering Big Boot. Jacobs ignores the continued fighting between Winks and Galindo, grabs Blaze's title from the timekeeper and walks up the rampway with it in his hands. He stands at the top, turns to the boo-ing audience and holds it high before carelessly throwing it to the ground. (43/D)


End Show.

Show Rating; 44/D



Quick Results

Harvey Robbinfield vs The Architect (20-minute time limit)


10 man Battle Royal (Winner faces DWN for American title at Old School Rules)

Big Richard, Bobby Barnett, Copperhead, Duke Freeman, Guillotine, Jaylon Martins, Joey Fili, Jonah Pilgrim, Miller Fforde, Trix Triumph


BFT (Monk & Randleman) vs Local Talent (Kid Fantastic & Remmy Honeyman) (20-minute time limit)


Kip Keenan vs Cheetah Boy (20-minute time limit)


Tyrone Gray vs Sione Tokoeka (20-minute time limit)


Tennessee's Open Challenge

Tennessee William w/ Deuce Deadline vs Ralph Liotta (20-minute time limit)


Bradley Blaze & The Latino Kings vs Josh Jacobs & The Past Masters (30-minute time limit)


Prediction Contest

No predictions this time around.




Overall Prediction Scores

Historian - 19/23

Tryker2710 - 17/30

DeathZone2 - 17/23

Martel123 - 13/16

Herrbear - 13/23

Jaded - 4/9


We'll see how the predictions continue but the intention was to offer a prize to the winner at the 6-month stage of the diary so, if that holds, 3 shows to go.


Thanks for reading.

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May 2020 - #13 - Another farewell to another friend...


They say death comes to us all. While that may be true there are those individuals who, no matter what they go through and what comes their way, you think they may live forever. The idea of them not being around anymore is so bizarre that it doesn't quite reach a level of comprehension. The idea that Richard Eisen would eventually retire from the business was one that nobody accepted. He created the SWF juggernaut. He was never going to relinquish control of that... until he did. Admittedly, his hand was sort of forced there but still, nobody ever really thought it would come to fruition. Now we have to accept the idea that Richard Eisen passed away. That's one that many people will struggle to come to grips with for years to come. I suppose, especially in a business like this, nobody ever truly dies. As long as we have an audience to remember us we'll always be around in some form.


But Richard Eisen doesn't just have a few audience members who'll remember him years from now. Given his very rare appearances on-screen on SWF over the last 48 years, it's a wonder any of the audience members know what he looks like. No. Richard Eisen has an entire industry who will remember him. Some names in the business will be forgotten. It's an unfortunate certainty. But as long as the business of professional wrestling exists he will be remembered.


He started up a little company in 1972 and over the course of 46 years he, almost single-handedly, turned it into the biggest wrestling company the world has ever seen. He made a hell of a lot of enemies over that time period. He made very few friends. But, love him or hate him, he earned the respect of absolutely everybody in the industry for the way he did business. A lot of people may not have liked it but the truth is: They're just jealous they didn't think of it first and get all his success.


All he ever wanted was to be the best and to see his company rise to the top and stay there forever, no matter the cost. He was ruthless and pragmatic on his business side but gentle and kind-hearted, if stoic, on his personal side but not many people ever got to see that. Hell, I worked for the man for almost 14 years (5/6 of which I was his right-hand man and charged with booking the company) and I rarely ever got to see it. He was a creative whiz. He struggled to adapt to the times but eventually evolved when his hand was forced. He did also like to stick to what he knew. That's why Christian Faith was a main-eventer for practically all of his 29 years in the business.


Richard and I parted ways in 2007 as I was made the scapegoat for the 'Election Storyline' that was a complete disaster. It was an amicable break-up to a point. I was needing a change of direction in my career. My time at the top of the SWF had come to an end and I was, perhaps selfishly, looking for one last big payday. Richard needed somebody to put the blame on for the storyline and the ratings tanking and all that went with it. It wasn't pretty but it was necessary and it happened. Bare in mind, that wasn't the last time Eisen found somebody to blame. Peter Michaels, who was also booker at the time, was fired from the company due to the SWF being unable to catch USPW in the ratings war. See? Struggled to adapt. Went back to old-habits and blamed somebody else. We had a creative cohesion that sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. I wanted to strap a rocket to Rich Money when he arrived. Richard wasn't so keen so we didn't. Richard wanted me to push Eric to the moon. I told him to go **** himself. It's no surprise that Eric won his first title about 5 months after I left. Haha!


Over the following 12.5 years since I left the SWF I hadn't really heard from him. I wasn't sore about the departure. He claimed it was just business... and it was. There were a few fleeting phone calls in the following years but they were short and uneventful. Just a polite checking in with each other. However, I can't say there are many people he probably ever did that with after they left SWF. We had parted ways through business but he was still grateful for all the years I had with him and we both knew that. I was still grateful for him continuing to believe in me that I could deliver for the company and continue their success.


I last saw him at Rip's funeral but we never spoke. It was an open-ended affair where people could say a few words if they chose to. He did. Nobody expected him to. He was an incredibly private man and would probably rather have not been there but he respected Rip and what he meant to the business, and to the SWF, so he showed up. I know that Christian invited him back to the ranch but we all knew he wouldn't join us. That's just Richard.


I'm grateful for all he did for me. We did great business together. We made each other a lot of money and we did become friends which many people didn't get the opportunity to do with him. He was a ruthless man. He was a kind-hearted man. The industry will never see his like again and, though many may not see it now, there's going to be an irreplaceable hole in the SWF and industry as a whole now that he's gone.


Goodbye, you miserable old git. I'll miss you.



Richard Eisen

1954 - 2020




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May 2020 - #14 - MAW Old School Rules Preview


Another strong show at our May edition of Evolved! keeps the train rolling on. Our biggest attendance of the year so far with a solid card across the board. Stories continue to unfold nicely and we now look ahead to Old School Rules.


Big Richard & Jaylon Martins vs Duke Freeman & Guillotine

All 4 men here featured in the 10-man Battle Royal at Evolved! Richard single-handedly eliminated 4 men in that match including Freeman & Guillotine at the same time. Freeman & Guillotine made it their mission that match to take down the big fella. Jaylon looks to regain some momentum.


Bradley Blaze © vs Josh Jacobs (Mid Atlantic Championship)

Blaze has been on a strong run of momentum since becoming the champion of MAW as his reign reaches the 7-month stage. Jacobs had a strong 2019 with a 10-month long reign as American champion. He cemented his main event status with back-to-back singles victories over Miller Fforde and looks to be a real, credible threat to Blaze's title.


Davis Wayne Newton © vs Miller Fforde (Mid Atlantic American)

DWN spent his time as a challenger in the build up claiming Martins wasn't a worthy champion due to winning his bouts via roll-ups. DWN then won the title via cheating and holding onto the ropes. Hardly any more befitting of a champion, is it? He faces a tough first defence in former company champion Fforde. Miller's 2020 has been decidedly average with 4 wins and 4 losses. A strong run in the RCI to the final has been followed by mixed results and 2 defeats to Jacobs will not have helped his confidence. However, he won the battle royal last month earning his title shot here and you can never count a man with the pedigree of him out of contention. Should be an excellent match-up.


DeMarcus & Gray vs Seth Whitehead & The Architect

It remains to be seen what the official relationship between The Architect and Whitehead is, if there is any, after he left the ring 2 weeks ago with Haley Buck. What is crystal clear though is that DeMarcus & Gray will be looking to bounce back emphatically. Both men have lost all their singles encounters this year and Gray has been at fault for most of their losses. The team has struggled to maintain the chemistry they've been known for. They do, however, have a victory over The Architect this year so that could be a positive sign.


Deuce Deadline vs Johnny Needham

The match between Tennessee William and Ralph Liotta two weeks ago was a bloody affair that, despite his count-out victory, didn't end well for Liotta. Needham is looking for a strong measure of revenge but instead of getting his hands on William he'll be meeting his muscleman in Deuce Deadline. Another hard-hitting affair looks to be on the cards here. If William gets involved, who knows what could transpire?


American Made vs Cheetah Boy & ???

Cheetah Boy has defeated both members of American Made in singles action of late, his only 2 matches since his loss to Blaze at The Wrestling Classic The all-american duo have made waves in the tag team scene since forming but seem to be determined to get the good side out of Cheetah Boy and have insisted he find a tag-team partner for this match-up.


Joey Fili vs Jonah Pilgrim

These guys made up 2 of the final 3 in the #1 contender's battle royal for the American title. Fili seemed to align with Fforde to take down Pilgrim and it worked as they successfully eliminated him. Pilgrim felt slighted at the double teaming and took offence to Fili posturing at his elimination so requested this match-up. Fili is yet to win a match this year but his showing in the Battle Royal certainly looked positive. Pilgrim has lost 3 of his 4 matches this year and seems to be without The Architect by his side for now. Should be an interesting encounter.


The Latino Kings vs The Past Masters © (Mid Atlantic Tag Team)

The Past Masters won the tag team titles last month at Americana and have looked a formidable force this year with their only loss coming 2 weeks ago via count-out. The Lation Kings are undefeated in all forms since debuting at the Wrestling Classic in February and have certainly earned their opportunity here. Both teams come into this in great form and with gold on the line they're sure to both be going all-out for victory. This should be an excellent match.




Predictions for MAW Old School Rules!


Big Richard & Jaylon Martins vs Duke Freeman & Guillotine (20-minute time limit)



Joey Fili vs Jonah Pilgrim (20-minute time limit)



American Made vs Cheetah Boy & ??? (20-minute time limit)



DeMarcus & Gray vs Seth Whitehead & The Architect (20-minute time limit)



Deuce Deadline vs Johnny Needham (20-minute time limit)



The Latino Kings vs The Past Masters © (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships - 30-minute time limit)



Davis Wayne Newton © vs Miller Fforde (Mid Atlantic American Championship - 30-minute time limit)



Bradley Blaze © vs Josh Jacobs (Mid Atlantic Championship - 30-minute time limit)



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MAW Old School Rules

Live from Stanley Hall, Baltimore, Maryland

Attendance; 300

WrestleWorld Viewers: 14,765


Main Show

Segment 1;


Big Richard & Jaylon Martins vs Duke Freeman & Guillotine (20-minute time limit)

- The match got the show off to a reasonable start. Both teams made their presence felt and it warmed up the crowd nicely.

- Big Richard threw his height and weight around to his advantage but he tired and couldn't maintain the pressure and pace leaving Martins to do his best vs the hellish duo.

- It wasn't to be as Freeman locked in the Texas Cloverleaf and Martins tapped out.

Duke Freeman & Guillotine def. Big Richard & Jaylon Martins via submission in 7:35. (26/E)


Segment 2;


Joey Fili vs Jonah Pilgrim (20-minute time limit)

- The second match of the evening is also the second match to come about after events in the Battle Royal a few weeks ago.

- Fili has had a difficult 2020 so far but had a strong showing in the battle royal.

- However, that appeared to be a flash in the pan as normal service resumed here. He put in a solid effort but Pilgrim put him away with a Plymouth Rocker for the victory.

Jonah Pilgrim def. Joey Fili in 9:01 via pinfall (31/E+)


Segment 3;


American Made stand in the ring patiently awaiting the arrival for Cheetah Boy and his mystery partner for the match-up. Cheetah Boy arrives but is accompanied by Whitehead's musclemen in BFT as they all advance towards the ring.


Cheetah has a smile on his face as he enters the ring while backed by this fiercesome duo. American Made share a look of slightl apprehension and disappointment at the prospect of this now becoming a 3 on 2 handicap match. However, a pocket of the crowd begin to cheer as...


Harvey Robbinfield runs down the aisle and enters the ring, standing alongside the patriotic duo. He was put through a table by BFT last month after Whitehead's betrayal and so is clearly looking for revenge! (31/E+)


American Made & Harvey Robbinfield vs Cheetah Boy & BFT (20-minute time limit)

- Robbinfield insists on starting this match and awaits an opponent to step into the ring. Milton Monk happily obliges as this one gets underway.

- The 6'4 powerhouse rookie didn't expect Robbinfield to burst into action in the manner he did as he took the early advantage over his bigger opponent. Robbinfield look thrilled with himself, boasted to the crowd shouting "I'm TCW bound, baby! Woo!". He would immediately regret letting up as Monk tagged in Randleman and he laid out Robbinfield with a crushing big boot!

- The match continued to be dominated by Randleman and Monk as the two showed excellent chemistry and tagged back and forth. Cheetah Boy never got a look in and Robbinfield never got a break from the beatdown. Anytime America or Keenan tried to step in, Jay Fair would put them back to the corner.

- It was a 6 or 7 minute long beatdown at this stage before eventually Cheetah Boy tagged himself in. Randleman didn't look pleased at this but acquiesced and stepped out. Cheetah then picked up Robbinfield and threw him into his corner where America tagged in. The match rolled on as these 2 grappled away. The babyface fought back vs Cheetah Boy and picked up some momentum.

- Robbinfield tagged back in just as Cheetah Boy looked to tag out but Monk and Randleman stepped down from the ropes to the floor. Cheetah looked confused and turned back to face Robbinfield. While doing so. BFT swiftly rolled into the ring and before he knew what him Cheetah Boy was planted with the Death Drop. They then did the same to Robbinfield, cleared Keenan & America from the ring before they could enter and then placed Robbinfield on top of Cheetah Boy before walking back up the ramp. Fair counted the pin.

Harvey Robbinfield & American Made def. Cheetah Boy & BFT via pinfall in 10:59 (33/E+)



BFT have left chaos in their wake as Keenan & America step into the ring. They help up Cheetah Boy & Robbinfield who both look out on their feet and the duo carry them out of the ring and help them to the back. (37/D-)


Segment 4;

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DeMarcus & Gray vs Seth Whitehead & The Architect (20-minute time limit)

- After the in-ring chaos left behind by BFT, you wonder if Whitehead, at least, looks to follow in the path of his muscle. DeMarcus & Gray, despite not being in the best of form right now, would certainly look to have something to say about it.

- The match proved to be an excellent contest. Architect and Whitehead certainly showed signs of cohesion while DeMarcus & Gray looked more like their old selves in a very even match-up.

- Buck certainly made her presence felt as she constantly got involved in some way, shape or form. Her constant distractions did lead to her being ejected but they also provided Whitehead & The Architect with enough advantages to wear down the babyface.

- Eventually The Architect locked in The Blueprint on Gray and he tapped out before DeMarcus could break it up.

The Architect & Seth Whitehead def. DeMarcus & Gray via submission in 12:46 (42/D)



DeMarcus picks up Gray and they walk up the aisle as he looks upset at another loss. On the way to the back their greeted by BFT who lay them both out with huge lariats. BFT continue to walk to the ring and stand alongside the threesome already in there. Buck grabs a mic as all 4 men stand alongside each other.


"3 members of this group right here all have one thing in common. They are on a big league contract. The other... well he'll be due one any day because he's exceptional. These 2 handsome brutes standing here are old school, old fashioned heavy hitters who destroy anything in their way. They rely on blunt force trauma and it gets results. This other dashing duo are simply Dangerous by Design. Collectively, we're old-school, we're cool and MAW doesn't know what's about to hit it. We are... The Twentieth Century Watch or... TCW, if you will" She drops the mic and they all exit the ring to a mixed reaction of cheers and boos. (36/D-)


Segment 5;

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Deuce Deadline w/ Tennessee William vs Johnny Needham w/ Lisa Bowen (20-minute time limit)

- Needham came out looking mean and determined as he looked to gain retribution for the vicious assault on his tag team partner at the hands of Tennessee William. William was here but it was Deuce Deadline that Needham would be fighting.

- And what a fight this turned out to be. 10 minutes of back and forth slugging. Needham isn't normally one for laying in the heavy punches but he clearly had no issue doing it in the search of revenge. Surprisingly, William spent most of the match trying to upset the crowd rather than get involved. Eventually, though, William entered the ring, guitar in hand and before the referee could intervene he crushed in Needham's skull. The bell was called for.

Johnny Needham def. Deuce Deadline in 10:48 via DQ (30/E+)



William stands in the ring laughing as he helps up Deadline. He grabs a microphone and the crowd begin to boo loudly before he's even spoken.

Before he can speak though, a bass heavy guitar lick screeches through the hall as the crowd erupt in cheers.


Ernest Youngman stands in the aisle, taking in the adulation with his COTT title in one hand and a microphone in the other:

"Much like everyone here in Baltimore and The Stanley Hall, I'm fed up of your shit! But these people and I aren't the only ones..." He steps aside and gestures towards the curtain as...


Chris Caufield walks through the curtain and the Stanley Hall roof is about to come flying off. The duo look to the crowd, then look to the ring and sprint towards it. William and Deadline look stunned and quickly hop the barricade and flee through the crowd. Youngman continues...

"You clowns can't run forever. You can use your guitar all you like because it won't mean shit in a month. At the MAW Fan Festival here's a match we all want to see. Tennessee William & Deuce Deadline vs Ernest Youngman and Chris Caufield... No Disqualifications. We'll see you two cowards there!" (60/C)



Segment 6;


The Latino Kings vs The Past Masters © (MAW Tag Team Titles - 30-minute time limit)

- These 2 tag teams had a heck of a job following what we had just witnessed but they certainly gave it their best effort as we witnessed a great tag team encounter.

- Plenty of back-and-forth action and excellent teamwork was on the menu here as the more athletic, high-octane offence of The Latino Kings faced up against the more attentive, technical offence of The Past Masters. Limb isolation and control was on The Historian's mind as he aimed to keep Velasquez grounded for most of the contest and it worked. As the match wore on, The Latino Kings rallied back and gained the advantage.

- The Past Masters began resorting to dirty tactics to regain the advantage. Historian flung Velasquez from the ring and then grabbed the ref's attention as Sandman planted a low-blow on Galindo and then slapped on a tight sleeper hold that was locked in deep. Historian exited the ring and Jay Fair turned to see Galindo tapping out.

The Past Masters def. The Latino Kings in 15:58 via submission. The Past Masters make defence #1 of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles (40/D-)


Segment 7;


Davis Wayne Newton © vs Miller Fforde (Mid Atlantic American - 30-minute time limit)

- Our second title match of the evening was a very technical affair between two excellent talents. DWN was making his first defence of his recently won title while Fforde was looking to bounce back from a mixed 2020 in emphatic fashion.

- This match was slower in pace than everything else we'd seen so far as we witnessed a real wrestling contest. Holds and submissions exchanged. A quick burst of pace and excitement would be immediately followed up with a rest hold and some beating on the others limbs. The crowd were into it.

- The finish came when Fforde had DWN lined up for the face crusher but as he popped into the air, DWN anticipated it and slammed him face first into the canvas. He then swiftly locked in the STF and, though he fought valiantly to escape, Fforde couldn't find a way out or a way to reach the ropes and slapped the mat.

Davis Wayne Newton def. Miller Fforde in 21:20 via submission. DWN makes defence #1 of the Mid Atlantic American title (41/D-)


Segment 8;


Bradley Blaze © vs Josh Jacobs (Mid Atlantic Championship - 30-minute time limit)

- This match didn't take the form a slow paced, technical affair. No. This was two guys looking to beat the snot out of each other with the richest prize in the company on the line.

- It was 14 minutes of chaos and everything looked perfectly lined-up for Jacobs to win the gold. He had Blaze on the backfoot and floored him with a massive big boot. As the champion got to his feet, Jacobs went for it again but Blaze slipped out of the way and caught the challenger with a Dallas Drop. Not satisfied with that, he picked up Jacobs and planted him again for good measure. 3 seconds later, this one was over.

Bradley Blaze def. Josh Jacobs in 14:26 via pinfall. Bradley Blaze makes defence #3 of the Mid Atlantic Championship (42/D)


End Show.

Show Rating; 41/D-



Quick Results

Big Richard & Jaylon Martins vs Duke Freeman & Guillotine (20-minute time limit)


Joey Fili vs Jonah Pilgrim (20-minute time limit)


American Made & Harvey Robbinfield vs Cheetah Boy & BFT (20-minute time limit)


DeMarcus & Gray vs Seth Whitehead & The Architect (20-minute time limit)


Deuce Deadline vs Johnny Needham (20-minute time limit)


The Latino Kings vs The Past Masters © (Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships - 30-minute time limit)


Davis Wayne Newton © vs Miller Fforde (Mid Atlantic American Championship - 30-minute time limit)


Bradley Blaze © vs Josh Jacobs (Mid Atlantic Championship - 30-minute time limit)


Prediction Contest

No predictions this time around.




Overall Prediction Scores

Historian - 19/23

Tryker2710 - 17/30

DeathZone2 - 17/23

Martel123 - 13/16

Herrbear - 13/23

Jaded - 4/9


We'll see how the predictions continue but the intention was to offer a prize to the winner at the 6-month stage of the diary so, if that holds, 3 shows to go.


Thanks for reading.

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</span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">June 2020 - #15 - MAW Old School Rules and May recap.</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Another eventful month passes by and the MAW train keeps rolling on. Old School Rules was, IMO, a very good show. It maybe didn't connect the way I hoped it would in terms of feedback and how the show was viewed overall, but it was a good show in front of our first sell out in the Stanley Hall in a long time!</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

The match quality was decent across the card with no one disappointing. Whitehead & Architect vs DeMarcus & Gray was quite possibly MOTN which surprised us backstage. Maybe it shouldn't given the quality of the guys in the ring but I was impressed nonetheless. For only their first outing it seems Whitehead & Architect have some legs as a duo going forward and, combining that with BFT, the foursome known as TCW should definitely get the ire of the fans. Buck delivered a solid promo, BFT looked dominant as the surprise entrants in the 6 man tag match and I'm very pleased with how the future looks for this unit going forward. The 6-man also continued our ongoing story with Cheetah Boy and his current lot in the company going forward.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Our ongoing feud between Tennessee William and seemingly everyone in the company continues to grow legs and draw heat with our latest angle seeing the return of Chris Caufield, alongside Ernest Youngman. We now know that Chris has officially announced his plans to retire from being an in-ring performer in 3 months. We knew that with the ending of Caufield vs William at our April edition of Evolved! was only going to continue to build interest in that story and hope to see a conclusion. We weren't sure where we stood with Chris and whether he'd continue to hang about or we could afford to pay him for his spots but he's certainly back for at least one more match in what should be an excellent, possible, main event for MAW Fan Festival towards at the end of the month teaming with Ernest Youngman.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

The three title matches that ended the show were all good as all three sets of champions retained. The tag-team affair was a good match but I feel those two teams can certainly do better and there's more to come from both. DWN vs Fforde was a very good match, especially given that they just didn't seem to click for whatever reason. When it was good, it was excellent but the chemistry just didn't quite seem to really be there and so it may have been a mistake letting them go 20 minutes. The main event, again, was a solid enough affair but didn't quite deliver the big match feel, brawl feel we were hoping for. It was still good and the fans enjoyed it but it didn't fully deliver on the expectations from creative.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

All in all it was a decent month for the company. Old School Rules was a sellout, we did our biggest number yet on WrestleWorld and we're continuing to, at least myself and the creative team feel, tell good stories as we build the talent. Im about 7 weeks we've got the Sam Keith Classic and we're going to make that the biggest one yet. No plans to be revealed yet but we're in negotiations with some talent to bring in for the event. So let's relax, take it slow and let the good times roll.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">


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  • 2 weeks later...





June 2020 - #16 - MAW Evolved! June preview & Sam Keith Classic Update


July brings us the 10th Sam Keith Classic and with it being number 10 we've decided to expand the competition and make it the biggest iteration yet. The event itself will become a two-night event taking place on the last Friday & Saturday of the month to accommodate for our 16 team tournament. The list of entrants isn't finalised but we've got some surprises in store and, naturally, we will be extending invitations to tag teams from the COTT to make this the most exciting, action-packed Sam Keith Classic tournament yet. We're not sure whether we will be running our Evolved! show next month as, with the extra workers and extra show anyway, it may not be financially viable and prudent to run a 3rd show. Further discussions to come on that front.


Speaking of Evolved!, we've got our June iteration of the show coming up and here's the card.


Predictions for MAW Evolved!


??? vs Copperhead (20-minute time limit)



Bradley Blaze & Miller Fforde vs Deuce Deadline & Josh Jacobs (30-minute time limit)



Cheetah Boy, Harvey Robbinfield & The Latino Kings vs BFT & The Past Masters (20-minute time limit)



Duke Freeman & Guillotine vs The Heartbreak Express w/ Lisa Bowen (20-minute time limit)



Kip Keenan vs The Architect (20-minute time limit)



The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray (20-minute time limit)




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  • 5 months later...





July 2020 - #17 A six month recap


Alright. So, apparently, the wonders of the internet continue to escape and confuse me and my previous updates for the followers of MAW haven't been reaching the masses. Frustrating but, onwards and upwards as they say.


We're now days away from the tenth Sam Keith Classic and Marvin, Jay and I have put the plans in place for it to hopefully be an extraordinary event and our best version yet. That's still days away and it seems only right to sum up what has been an exciting six months for Mid Atlantic Wrestling as well. We've increased our roster size, put on extra events and are even being televised. Well, as televised as Wrestleworld allows us to be. We've made some new stars, continued to expand the COTT and are still about where we started financially. I consider that a victory.


Anyway, before we officially enter the next six months of life in MAW that starts with the 'Classic', let's recap the previous six if any of you here are new. Plus, we missed the month of June too,




2020 Recap so far...


January brought us the fifteenth Rip Chord Invitational and with it a new first-time winner in Ernest Youngman, the newest member of the MAW roster. In the process of victory he drew the ire of Tennessee William, another new member of the MAW roster, and these two have been feuding ever since.


Bradley Blaze retained the Heavyweight title vs Cheetah Boy in the main event of Old School Rules as other stories across the roster began to take shape.


At Super Showdown, Youngman defeated William in the main event to earn the right to challenge for the COTT World Title at Americana while Davis Wayne Newton, another new member of the roster, started to make waves while intending to challenge Jaylon Martins for the Mid Atlantic American belt. Both of these men would go on to win the belts they intended to challenge for in April at Americana. The third title change at Americana saw The Past Masters defeat DeMarcus & Gray for the tag belts. I would put Americana as our best show of the year so far with regards to quality across the card but for audience reaction and genuine shock, the best was yet to come. April also saw the debuts of Ricky Dale Johnson in a special guest enforcer capacity for the COTT World Title match and 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield as he challenged Tennessee William. He ended the match victorious via DQ but certainly far worse off than when he entered as William began to show signs of a ruthless streak.


May saw The Past Masters draw the ire of The Latino Kings in the battles for Tag Team supremacy in the company. We also witnessed the debut of two TCW graduates in Milton Monk & Carlos Randleman who debuted in the form of BFT: A brutal and heavy-hitting tag team who aren't to be messed with. They then aligned themselves with the talents of Seth Whitehead and The Architect to form the stable TCW: Twentieth Century Watch, A stable of 3 TCW development talents and The Architect, a kid who is destined for the big time anyway. May also saw the difficulties between Nate DeMarcus & Tyrone Gray continue as the tag team seemed to be drifting apart and struggling from issues of miscommunication.


June saw our biggest turn of events yet. The TCW stable continued to look dominant as Whitehead continues to beatdown his former partner in Harvey Robbinfield, even with American Made helping out Robbinfield. Josh Jacobs demanded another rematch with Blaze after his loss at Americana and, despite giving it an excellent effort, came up short again in another title opportunity. The main event of MAW Fan Festival saw Chris Caulfield & Ernest Youngman against Tennesee William and his 'lackey' Deuce Deadline in a No Disqualifications match, a stipulation of Caulfield and Youngman's request. It seemed like all would go well for the dup but the stipulation would bite them in the end as we witnessed the return of Findlay O'Farraday to a MAW ring for the first time in five and a half years. Now named 'Big Bruiser Findlay', he hopped the barricade and completely decimated the unsuspecting babyface duo allowing William to cover the veteran and pick up the win. Findlay, Deadline & William then stood tall, united, to end the final show before the Sam Keith Classic begins.




And so there we have the first six months of the year for us. Our shows are now selling out in the Stanley Hall almost every time we are there, the product is hotter than ever with a talent roster determined to prove themselves as the best the Indie scene has to offer so the big leagues can come chasing after them. Now, let's find out who the best tag-team going today is...




A/N: This project was a real passion of mine when TEW 2020 originally released and I was continually excited about creating and writing shows for the dynasty but sometime in June/July time a mixture of COVID, ill-health (non-Covid related) and other things made me fall out of love with the game for a while and I kind of forgot about this save.


I recently loaded it up again, re-familiarised myself with the roster and stories and thought about rebooting this as I really loved it the first time around until things happened. So, here we go. I skipped posting the last two events of June in written form and just covered them in the recap. I had a nice write-up for the main event of Fan Festival and Findlay's debut but that was from a different time and I thought.. ahh, **** it.


Rebooting this doesn't mean that my current offering of Hollyweird is done. That'll continue and I'm in the middle of writing up Malice In Wonderland for that. But I wanted to give this a second go and see if I can keep them both running as I have big ideas for this project.


If you're returning from reading previously? Welcome back and thank you! If you're new? Welcome. Nice to see you! If no-one reads it? Oh well. There's plenty of quality content on the boards just now that that's fine.


Next update will be the Sluchinski Report who'll run down the entrants for the Sam Keith Classic and the draw for the tournament also.

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