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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: Not Just Another Feeder League

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John Keats wrote, “I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest.” This quote stuck in the mind of one Toby Forster. He, like many who were in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and many who had come before him, had accepted that he would not be joining the Vesseys, the Keiths, or the Remuses of the world. His career, he believed, would live and die on the outskirts of the independent wrestling scene. A man with the anxiety of Toby Forster then could not afford to worry about failure. Even his greatest achievements would likely occur in a crowd of less than a thousand people. He had heard Jay Chord didn’t step in the ring for less than twice that.


This meant that his time working under Cheetah Boy was an exercise in longevity. Learning the tricks that would keep him steadily employed throughout his 30s, until he could retire from wrestling into a quiet life of a high school English teacher, watching kids analyse the subtext in the work of Sylvia Plath and Mark Twain, if they weren’t banned by then. He ran ideas for spots, promos, attire, merchandise and anything and everything he could think of past the one man he believed could be the key to relative recognisability.


Once, after a particularly fruitful training session, in which Cheetah Boy – Real name James Neil – shared some advice he had received in SWF, Toby decided to make a call to Jay Fair, booker of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. The phone rang, four times as it always did before Jay answered his phone and his distinct, somewhat nasally voice came with what can only be described as an aggressively friendly greeting.


Upon realising that he had just called the man who was ostensibly his boss, to pitch an idea that he had decided was good in the moment, Toby froze.


“Hello? Toby? Hello?” Came the voice of Jay Fair, expecting his young co-worker to reply yet Toby found himself stuck. His muscles tense, his mouth dry, Toby manager to choke out a quiet response.


“I…” He began but could not finish.


“You what?” Replied Jay, in a soft tone.


“Want to tag with James.” Toby finally managed to get out.


“You and Cheetah Boy? You know I have him booked up through October right?


“Well, you see…” Toby once again struggled to get the words out to defend his ideas, “After October, we’ve been working together a lot recently. If he isn’t in the main event anymore, then it could work…”


The moment it took Jay to respond felt like an eternity in the mind of Toby, whose perception of time had become of an ambiguous idea of time passing, as the conversation went on. Eventually, an answer came.


“We’ll see Toby. This is a big ask, I haven’t exactly decided where I’m going with the Cheetah Boy and Blaze angle, but I’ll take your idea on board.”

And with that, without waiting for a reply Jay Fair hung up, leaving Toby to rush for the nearest seat so he could calm himself down.

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TopRopeElbow.com MAW Americana preview, by Ricky Gibbons


Mid Atlantic Wrestling are coming to us live from Baltimore Maryland with their Americana 2020 event! It is a shorter card than many fans will be used to seeing in 2020, which means we're likely getting some longer matches this month, potentially even time limit draws! The most exciting match for me personally is going to have to be the main event, as Riley McManus of New York City Wrestling has accepted Bradley Blaze's social media open challenge, and the two will clash for the Mid Atlantic Championship! While the result may seem like a foregone conclusion, rumours have been circulating in the weeks since that McManus may have agreed terms on a permanent move to MAW. On top of this a new name has appeared for this month's show as Ho Tinh - A graduate form TCW's wrestling school - looks set to make his debut against the more experienced Trix Triumph!

Full card below:


MAW Americana

Friday, Wk 4, Apr 2020


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jacobs & Nelson vs Miller Fforde & Jaylon Martins


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Nate DeMarcus vs Sean Noggin


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Trix Triumph

Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit

Riley McManus vs Bradley Blaze ©


Bonus Prediction:What will be the attendance for the show?:

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<p>MAW Americana</p><p>

Friday, Wk 4, Apr 2020</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Jacobs & Nelson vs <strong>Miller Fforde & Jaylon Martins</strong></p><p><strong>


Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Local Talent vs <strong>Seth Whitehead</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong> vs Sean Noggin</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Ho Tinh vs T<strong>rix Triumph</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Mid Atlantic Championship Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

60-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Riley McManus vs<strong> Bradley Blaze ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Prediction:What will be the attendance for the show?:</p>

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TopRopeElbow.com: New Couple in MAW


Love is in the air in Mid Atlantic Wrestling as the always lovely DeAnna Desire appeared on Good Morning Maryland recently to discuss her move to Mid Atlantic Wrestling and more. When asked about her love life the 20-year-old Texan confirmed that she has started dating her colleague, MAW wrestler Johnny Needham of The Heartbreak Exrpess.


Also among the topics of conversation was how exactly she was discovered and signed by Sam Keith. According to DeAnna, she was recommended to Sam Keith by the pair of Mid Atlantic Champion Bradley Blaze, and “The Red Avenger” Copperhead. The two Texans are said to have spotted DeAnna working an independent show in their native state and had high hopes she could fill the ringside interviewing position that had just been created.


Well, we here at TopRopeElbow hope Needham and Desire have a fruitful relationship and that she may continue her so far excellent work in MAW.


A/N: I will be posting Americana 2020 later on today, so people have a few more hours to get predictions in!
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Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jacobs & Nelson vs Miller Fforde & Jaylon Martins


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Nate DeMarcus vs Sean Noggin


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Trix Triumph


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Riley McManus vs Bradley Blaze ©


Bonus Prediction:What will be the attendance for the show?: 200

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<p>This is my first time chiming in, but I've been following along with this Dynasty since the first show. I needed a new promotion in the Cornellverse going into 2020 to freshen things up for myself (I was all about PGHW in 2016!) and your writing has been one of the main reasons I gravitated towards MAW for my own game, so I thank you for that. I'll be checking back on this great Dynasty often, and I'll no doubt continue borrowing some of your ideas for my own game! </p><p> </p><p>

Americana Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Jacobs & Nelson vs <strong>Miller Fforde & Jaylon Martins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Local Talent vs <strong>Seth Whitehead</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong> vs Sean Noggin</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Ho Tinh vs <strong>Trix Triumph</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Mid Atlantic Championship Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

60-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Riley McManus vs <strong>Bradley Blaze ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Prediction:What will be the attendance for the show?: 170</p>

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MAW Americana

Friday, Wk 4, April


Jacobs & Nelson vs Miller Fforde & Jaylon Martins

Nelson is there to take the pin I think


Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead

Jobbers gotta Job


Nate DeMarcus vs Sean Noggin

Nate's got all the upside


Ho Tinh vs Trix Triumph

Trix needs a win and everybody starts on their back in MAW


Riley McManus vs Bradley Blaze ©


I could see Brad winning by DQ, but I definitelyyhink there'll be some interference and some kind of non-finish here


Bonus Prediction:What will be the attendance for the show?:

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MAW Americana

Friday, Wk 4, Apr 2020

Attendance: 200


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• Jacobs & Nelson were clearly the more experienced team throughout this match, especially as an apparent lack of chemistry led to Fforde and Martins blowing a couple of spots.

• Fforde played the face in peril well as he absorbed offence from Jacobs & Nelson, and the hot tag to Martins popped the crowd well as his explosive offence lend itself to the scenario.

• He tagged Fforde back in and took Josh Jacobs out with a picture perfect tope, while Fforde hit Ade Nelson with the Fforde Flip Face Crusher for the win.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Miller Fforde and Jaylon Martins defeated Jacobs & Nelson in 14:57 when Miller Fforde pinned Ade Nelson with a Fforde Flip Face Crusher.


Rating: 31



Sam Keith came out from the back to quickly announce that next month at Old School Rules, Miller Fforde and Josh Jacobs would go one-on-one in a grudge match.


Rating: 70


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• Remmy Honeyman is relatively well known around the Mid Atlantic so he got a modest reception from the crowd.

• This match was probably more even than man expected, as Whitehead and Honeyman had a back-and-forth technical grapplefest to see who the better man was.

• Ultimately Whitehead proved too much for Honeyman as he found himself locked in the Minnesota Stretch, following a beautiful back breaker from Whitehead.

• In a decent match, Seth Whitehead defeated Remmy Honeyman in 8:08 by submission with a Minnesota Stretch.


Rating: 35


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• The Wolf Pack were promised a title match with DeMarcus & Gray if Noggin could get the win over Nate DeMarcus here, and the two teed off on each other from the opening bell.

• Two of the bigger men in MAW, DeMarcus and Noggins worked a stiff style throughout the match, encapsulated in DeMarcus ringing the bell of Noggins with a forearm smash right to the jaw.

• Towards the end of the match a rogue elbow from Nate DeMarcus knocked down Jay Fair, which allowed Sean Noggin to reach into his tights and pull out a roll of quarters. When DeMarcus turned around after checking on the referee, Noggins connected with a full power, closed-fist uppercut to the chin, which knocked DeMarcus out cold. Noggins pulled Jay Fair over and made the cover.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Sean Noggin defeated Nate DeMarcus in 9:44 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


Rating: 30



Before the next match the lights in the John Hopkins Community Center dimmed and a green glow began to emanate from the top of the entrance ramp. A veil of smoke appeared and flooded the stage area as a traditional Vietnamese folk tune began to play over the PA system. The lights then went out completely for a few moments and when they came back on a man was standing in the middle of the ring. He wears an orange and white fox-like mask which covers half of his face, while his dyed red beard can be seen as the predominant feature of his exposed face. He wears a blue coat with nine tails trailing off the end. He receives neither cheers nor boos from the Mid Atlantic Wrestling fans, and simply removes his coat to wait for his opponent to appear.


Rating: 27


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• Trix Triumph was mystified by the eccentric Ho Tinh, and his attempts to taunt “The Nine-Tailed Fox” were met with a series of elbow and knee strikes from the massive man.

• Ho Tinh continued with his offence inspired by the Vovinam martial arts style, landing a series of palm strikes and then downed Triumph with his Dam Lao backfist.

• When Triumph got up to a knee, Ho Tinh used his exceptional athleticism to leap over him and deliver his finisher the Strong Blockbuster for the victory.

• In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Ho Tinh defeated Trix Triumph in 4:19 by pinfall with a Strong Blockbuster.

Rating: 10



DeAnna Desire comes down to the ring, followed shortly by Sean Noggins and Sione Tokoeka of The Wolf Pack.


“Sean, tonight you earned your team a shot at the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles next month? What is your game plan going into a match with DeMarcus & Gray?” DeAnna asks to begin the interview.


“Well Miss if you must know, me and Sione heres plan is to beat down those two until they can’t move. Isn’t that right buddy?”


“That’s right Sean. We’re going to destroy DeMarcus & Gray and then we’re gonna leave a trail of destruction and win the Sam Keith Classic in July.”


DeAnna had to wrench the microphone from the clutches of Sione Tokoeka in order to ask her next question “So, do you two have any words for the rest of the roster in the coming months?”


Sean Noggin grabbed the microphone back from DeAnna and smiled “We’ll beat anybody. Big, small, good or bad. The Wolf Pack are here to win titles and get paid and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”


Rating: 24


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit

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• Riley McManus entered this match with a chip on his shoulder, having competed in MAW in the past but failing to accomplish much before his move to NYCW, and this was shown in his approach in this match.

• McManus attempted to neutralise Brad Blaze at every opportunity with a series of submissions applied to the legs of the champion so as to render him incapable of delivering his Dallas Drop.

• Blaze showed his heart and fought back, his rough Texan style overwhelmed McManus for a few minutes and Blaze appeared to be in control.

• Unfortunately tragedy struck as the match ticked on to the 15 minute mark as McManus avoided a running knee from the champion, who careened knee first into the middle turnbuckle.

• What occurred from that point on can only be described as the dissection of Bradley Blaze as McManus methodically and with precision assaulted the injured knee of the Mid Atlantic Champion.

• With the help of the crowd, Blaze managed to fight back into the match, and in a moment of desperation just about lifted Riley McManus onto his shoulders and hit the Dallas Drop for the win.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bradley Blaze defeated Riley McManus in 22:02 by pinfall with a Dallas Drop. Bradley Blaze makes defence number four of the Mid Atlantic Championship title.


Rating: 41



The Architect, Cheetah Boy and Jonah Pilgrim came down to the ring and attacked Bradley Blaze. The Mid Atlantic Champion tried to fight them off but with the overwhelming numbers and his injured knee he was helpless to defend himself. However before too much damage could be done, Frankie-Boy Fernandes ran down to the ring with a chair in his hands and chased off the heels, even managing to get a shot in on Jonah Pilgrim. He helped Bradley Blaze to his feet and helped the champ to the back to close the show.


Rating: 40


Show Rating: 43


A/N: So just a little housekeeping before I announce prediction contest results, the diary hit over 1,000 views between the last show and this one so I just want to say a big thank you to anybody who has read, predicted or given feedback since I started this diary, you're all wonderful. As always I love hearing feedback and recommend getting involved in predictions as well! Unfortunately if you haven't predicted on this show or any of the previous ones you are not eligible to win the half-year prize but there's always the monthly award to go for!


As for prediction, this month, a lot of people forgot to do the bonus prediction which I will be trying to have on every big event as a form of tie-breaker, so please remember to guess on those as well, as they count towards total predictions for the monthly and half-year competitions.


So for April our winner was lieon02 with 4/6 correct predictions! The rest were as follows: Martel123 3/6, Mattyc 3/6, Kjarvs 2/6. The DeMarcus vs Noggins and Triumph vs Ho Tinh matches had a 0% correct rate which I did not expect!


So for the half year we have in first place Historian with 87.5% correct predictions, followed by a draw for second place as both lieon02 and Martel123 sit on 63.64%. Note that from this point on, only members who predict on at least 3 shows can make it into the top 3. It is still all to play for as one good show can swing things!

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No! You posted the show before I got on for predictions :(. C’es la vie. Good show none the less! I’m enjoying what you’re producing


There is always next time! I'm sure some of the others are glad you missed this one so they could catch up in the prediction contest :p


I'm glad you're enjoying!


This is my first time chiming in, but I've been following along with this Dynasty since the first show. I needed a new promotion in the Cornellverse going into 2020 to freshen things up for myself (I was all about PGHW in 2016!) and your writing has been one of the main reasons I gravitated towards MAW for my own game, so I thank you for that. I'll be checking back on this great Dynasty often, and I'll no doubt continue borrowing some of your ideas for my own game!


Wow that is high praise indeed, especially since I didn't consider anything I was doing so far "stealable"! But I'm glad to know I inspired somebody else, best of luck in the Mid Atlantic!

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Bah! I totally forgot about Ho Tinh's new gimmick, troubles of following multiple diaries of the same promotion I guess. Got my prediction of an attack on Blaze right too, but it was post match so no points! Fully enjoying the diary though, love you work <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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TopRopeElbow.com: Mid Atlantic Wrestling Agree Broadcasting Deal


The wrestling landscape has seen a massive shake-up in the first half of this year, particularly with the foundation of the WrestleWorld streaming service, which has provided independent wrestling companies to broadcast their events all across the United States and Canada. Mid Atlantic Wrestling have now become the final company from the Confederation Of The Territories to announce a partnership with WrestleWorld, and sources from within the company suggest that MAW managed to negotiate an advantageous revenue split with the fledgling service.


The deal is set to begin in July with the first event broadcast set to be this year’s Sam Keith Classic tournament which usually hosts the best teams in independent wrestling. Both The Past Masters and The Wolf Pack have been announced by the company, with the other 6 teams set to be revealed in the coming weeks and months. The added exposure is sure to entice many fans into checking out Mid Atlantic Wrestling, however this deal may find itself to be a double-edged sword as the added exposure will surely reveal previously hidden gems to the likes of USPW or even the newly formed CWA.


To top off the announcement, MAW released their Old School Rules 2020 card which looks like it could be a show of the year contender for the company.


MAW Old School Rules 2020

Fri, Wk 4, May 2020


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


6-Man Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze & The Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme


Singles Grudge Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

60-Minute Time Limit


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©


Main Event

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes


Bonus Prediction: What will be the longest match?:

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MAW Old School Rules 2020

Fri, Wk 4, May 2020


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


6-Man Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze & The Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme


Singles Grudge Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

60-Minute Time Limit


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©


Main Event

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes


Bonus Prediction: What will be the longest match?: Cheetah vs Frankie-Boy

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Contrary to what many would believe, tag team partners in wrestling do not always end up being the best of friends outside the ring. Of course, it helps if they do. But such was not the case between Sean Noggin and Sione Tokoeka. The two did not harbour a great dislike for one another. However, they were just coworkers, nothing more, nothing less. This had much to do with their differing personalities. Sean Noggin was a loner, and a creature of habit. He lived his life according to the schedule he established for himself at 18, and he didn’t allow for socialising then, so he saw no reason to make a space for it now. Sione Tokoeka on the other hand, while by no means a social butterfly was just active enough in his local community that he had no common ground with his tag team partner. Neither man could ever come to understand what made them click in the ring, but neither could forget the circumstances of their coming together in the middle of 2017.


Hours before a show, Jay Fair approached Sean Noggin in a blind panic. His red face and laboured breath betrayed the air of cool he tried and failed to exude. He feigned a smile to Sean before delivering his opening line.


“Sean we’re going to need to cut your match from the card.” He said.


Sean did not anger, he hung his head slightly and leaned against the cool concrete wall of Stanley Hall. “There’s nothing you can do? Can you even make five minutes on the show Jay, come on my mom is here.”


Jay looked shaken at the mention of a disappointed mother and sucked a breath through his teeth before replying, “I’ll see what I can do Sean, but I really can’t promise anything.”


Sean nodded and Jay Fair went off about his business, organising the rest of the show. However, 30 minutes before the show began Jay Fair brought Sione to Sean with a wide grin on his face. “Okay, I’ve figured it out. Rather than cutting a 10-minute match and having another 10-minute match, we’re gonna cut both and have you two work a 15-mintue tag match with Ralph and Johnny.”


Somewhere between Sean’s bewildered expression, and the near permanent frown that adorned the face of Sione, Jay figured he had some explaining to do, “Listen guys, you both want to be on the show tonight, and they both want to be on the show tonight. Your match will be in about 45 minutes, I suggest you go figure something out before I have to cut you both okay?”

And with his laying down of the law Jay left the two alone to “figure something out”. The two had never spoken, never shared eye contact, never even awkwardly ran into each other in a hall way and tried to move around one another while accidentally going the same direction.


But, once the match started the two were, not so much poetry in motion. But like a rusty lawn chair being unfolded on the first sunny day in May. The rough edges were clear for all to see, but there was a chemistry at play that even the best in the world can’t explain. They lost, as is expected from a new act in MAW, but the fans took to the team well. They booed for their heat segments, cheered when Ralph Liotta got the hot tag, and they counted the winning roll up. From that point on the two found their destinies linked in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and likely for the rest of their careers.


A/N: I'll be posting the next show probably some time tomorrow morning my time (GMT), so I'd say there's about 12-ish hours to get predictions in.
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MAW Old School Rules 2020

Fri, Wk 4, May 2020


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


6-Man Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze & The Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme


Singles Grudge Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

60-Minute Time Limit


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©

Main Event

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit

Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes


Bonus Prediction: What will be the longest match?: Tag Title Match

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Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead



Bradley Blaze & The Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme

The Architect rules


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde

Bit of a coinflip but Josh is surprisingly good and could be a credible challenger to one of the belts


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©

The Wolf Pack and The Past Masters are two of my favourite new teams


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Too hard to call so I'm gonna plumb for a draw


Bonus Prediction: What will be the longest match?: I'm going for the six-man tag

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Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


Blaze & Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde


Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray

Gonna call a D&G break up in the near future & Heartbreak Express would be an excellent 1st championship feud for the Wolf Pack


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie Boy Fernandes

Keep your ME heels strong with a face champ


Longest Match: Jacobs v Fforde

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Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


Bradley Blaze & The Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme


Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes


Bonus Prediction: What will be the longest match?:Cheetah Boy vs Frankie Boy Fernandes

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MAW Old School Rules 2020

Fri, Wk 4, May 2020

Attendance: 203



The show opens with Cheetah Boy standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone, he begins his promo with his usual cocky attitude “Frankie-Boy Fernandes. I get that you’re jealous of me. I mean I’ve worked in places that you’ll never even see. But I’m afraid we have a problem though Frankie-Boy, you got involved in my business. I don’t take kindly to that. Like I told The Architect and his lackey Jonah Pilgrim, you can stand with me, or you can suffer the consequences.”


With that Frankie-Boy Fernandes came out from the back with a microphone in his hand. “Cheetah Boy, you run your mouth an awful lot for somebody who got fired from the big leagues. You talk a big game, but you couldn’t cut it at the top and now you’re here. You’re not better than me Cheetah, I haven’t got a shot at the top, you waster yours.”


“What did you say to me punk?” Cheetah Boy replied, with a reddened face,

“That’s it, you and I are wrestling tonight! I heard Sam Keith had some time to fill on the show, and I doubt it’ll take me more than five minutes to beat you”


Frankie-Boy smiled and simply said “You’re on", before disappearing to the back.


Rating: 38


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• This match followed a very similar format to Seth’s match last month.

• The veteran Wayne brought his A-game to the match but Whitehead once again hit the backbreaker into Minnesota Stretch combo.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Seth Whitehead defeated Gareth Wayne in 8:01 by submission with a Minnesota Stretch.


Rating: 31


The Past Masters came out from backstage for an interview with DeAnna Desire, Sandman Winks cradled the Mid Atlantic American title to his chest as if it were his child. DeAnna began the interview with a simple question. “So gentlemen what are your plans going forward?”


The Historian was the first to the microphone to answer the question, “Well simple really, we plan to enter and win the Sam Keith Classic, then take the tag team championships from DeMarcus & Gray, and finally I will win next year’s Rip Chord Invitational and be crowned Mid Atlantic Champion.”


“Wow,” DeAnna replied in wide-eyed astonishment, “Those are some lofty goals do you think it’s realistic to expect to achieve them?”


“We already own one third of the titles here in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and I don’t see anybody good enough to beat us. So I would call our plans very realistic,” replied Sandman Winks.


“So, what are the short term plans for The Past Masters?” DeAnna asked.


“Well it’s simple, we are laying out an open challenge to any team in the Confederation, come take us on next month and we will prove that wrestling’s future, lies in the past.” Said The Historian, and after landing his catchphrase the pair exited the staging area to the back.


Rating: 33


6-Man Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• Blaze has had his problems with The Scheme in recent months and he enlisted the help of The Heartbreak Express to take them down a notch, while The Scheme partnered up with the ever obnoxious Copperhead.

• This match was all action from the start, and was held together with the story of The Architect refusing to get in the ring with Bradley Blaze, even going so far as to threaten to get intentionally counted out unless Blaze tagged out of the match.

• The closing stretch provided the perfect crescendo, as a series of finishers and high impact moves left Blaze in the ring with Bradley Blaze, however Architect rolled out of the ring, leaving the incapacitated Copperhead alone to take a Dallas Drop and be pinned.

• In a decent match, Bradley Blaze and The Heartbreak Express defeated Copperhead and The Scheme in 11:59 when Bradley Blaze pinned Copperhead with a Dallas Drop.

Rating: 38


Singles Grudge Match

30-Minute Time Limit


• This being a grudge match meant that while a count-out or DQ was possible, the referee would do everything in his power to ensure the match came to a proper conclusion, it also extended the usual running time for a non-title, non-main event match to 30 minutes rather than the usual 15.

• The match didn’t start as hot as some may have expected. Fforde was wise to the fact Jacobs may have had something underhanded planned, while Jacobs was careful of Fforde’s dynamic offence.

• However once the two got into it, there was a fluidity to the match that isn’t seen in matches with some of the less experienced members of the roster. Fforde’s dynamism and Jacobs’ knowledge of holds had fans on their feet for much of the match.

• The two brawled into the crowd for a few minutes, with Fforde diving from the top of one of the short bleachers onto Jacobs.

• Once they got back to the ring, Jacobs raked the eyes of Fforde and took control with some technical holds mixed with stiff kicks and chops to the chest of Fforde.

• Miller Fforde did come back though and after a series of clotheslines he nailed Jacobs with the Fforde Flip Face Crusher.

• In a decent match, Miller Fforde defeated Josh Jacobs in 15:36 by pinfall with a Fforde Flip Face Crusher.


Rating: 38



Following the match, an infuriated Josh Jacobs looks like he is about to attack Miller Fforde while his back is turned, however before he can pounce the lights go out.


And when they came back on Ho Tinh was standing between Jacobs and Fforde. Ho Tinh laid into Jacobs with his unique Vovinam style, and landed the Dam Lao backfist to drop Jacobs. The lights went back out, and Ho Tinh disappeared, leaving Fforde bewildered in the ring and Josh Jacobs knocked out cold.


Rating: 34


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

60-Minute Time Limit

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• The wild brawl that fans were expecting in the last match was instead saved for this one as the two teams went for each other before the bell even rang.

• There was no classic tag team wrestling in sight as the referee lost control for much of the opening period of the match, no tags were made as four men did everything they could to hurt each other.

• After about five minutes some semblance of order was restored, however the fast paced action continued especially between Sean Noggin and Nate DeMarcus as DeMarcus looked to redeem his lost from their previous encounter.

• Ultimately, Tyrone Gray was a difference maker in this match as his high flying offence was too much for The Wolf Pack, and he and DeMarcus managed to hit the Rocker Launcher on Noggin for the win.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, DeMarcus & Gray defeated The Wolf Pack in 9:59 when Tyrone Gray pinned Sean Noggin with a Rocket Launcher. DeMarcus & Gray make defence number one of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.


Rating: 33


Main Event

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


• In a match that many have been anticipating online since the signing of Frankie-Boy Fernandes was announced at the end of January, these two high fliers went toe-to-toe for the first time in MAW.

• Cheetah Boy refrained from cheating for much of the opening minutes as he and Frankie-Boy had a game of one-upmanship for the opening minutes of the match.

• The younger man proved himself to be the more athletic of the two, flipping out of an arm wringer applied by Cheetah Boy, who resorted to an eye poke to take control of the match.

• The Cheetah Claws (raking the back and chest) were employed throughout the match to exact as much punishment on Frankie-Boy as possible.

• Frankie-Boy did make his comeback however, and after a series of momentum changes it looked like he was about to plant Cheetah Boy with a Dirt Nap.

• Unfortunately for Frankie-Boy his opponent rolled him up, and though Jay Fair did a solid job with this match, his only error turned out to be a fatal one for Frankie-Boy as Fair counted a pinfall for Cheetah Boy who had placed his feet on the ropes.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Cheetah Boy defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes in 21:32 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: 40


Show Rating: 39


A/N: So once again thanks for supporting me in this everyone! Comments and predictions are always great to see and really motivate me to keep going!


So this month we had lieon02, Martel123 and Hitman74 score 5/6 great job! Kjarvs managed a 4/6, doubling last month's tally, and newcomer 1PWfan who unfortunately scored a 1/6


So where does that leave us for the half-year? Historian is still top with his 87.5% correct rate, although he has not predicted since the March show, while a draw for second place leaves lieon02 and Martel123 on 67.86%. As per usual, by this point only those who have predicted at least 3 shows of the first 5 are on the leaderboard, so some very high scores in the final show of this half of the year could see a shock win!

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Seth Whitehead was a curious creation. He sat in a bar alone, sipping at a whiskey sour and half-watching whatever football game was on the tiny television screen in the corner. No matter how much he tried to like football though, it paled in comparison to a good game of hockey. Even a “good” football game didn’t compare to some of the worst hockey games. Seth didn’t recognise the teams, he figures it was some college game. Young guys looking to break into the upper reaches of a business that’ll chew them up and spit them out to line the pockets of shareholders. Seth smiled to himself as he finished his drink. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on him. He paid his tab and strolled outside for the long walk back to his apartment.


Seth’s career had followed a very similar trajectory to many sports stars throughout history. He made his name on the small stage to be sure he was ready when the big leagues came calling. And call they did. Total Championship Wrestling picked Seth back up from the independent scene, and right when he was getting ready for the biggest break of his career, he was informed that he would be sent to Mid Atlantic Wrestling for “seasoning”. Seth wasn’t offended when he was told the plan, many top names in the industry had at one time or another laced up their boots in Baltimore, but what could he possibly learn working in one small company that he hadn’t already learned in nearly two years working for a handful of others?


Seth paused his thoughts to push open the door to his apartment, his foot instantly assaulted by the small kitten he had adopted a few months previous. He had found her left in a box out on the street, and he couldn’t resist taking her in. The landlord said no pets, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Seth picked up his fluffy, black roommate and brought her through to the small bedroom and put her down in front of her food bowl, “I’ll be back in a minute, don’t follow me.” He said to his feline associate before leaving the room to get her a sachet of food. Seth went to great lengths to avoid his cat finding out where he kept her food, a few weeks prior he had come home to an apartment covered in dry food, a shredded bag – formerly filled with said dry food – and a cat fast asleep surrounded by what she couldn’t gorge herself on.


He had made great friends in Baltimore, the guys he worked with in Mid Atlantic Family were as close knit as any family, and he had a new best friend in the shape of a kitten who had somehow discovered the secret to getting the cupboard open. Seth realised, much sooner than was likely expected, what the benefit of working in MAW is. It isn’t necessarily the in-ring experience, or the advice from Sam Keith, or even the lower pressure environment. Working with Mid Atlantic Wrestling provided him with a support network, the kind of connections with his fellow wrestlers that isn’t possible in the high-intensity, corporate world of TCW, and that would be just as important to his career as any number of matches.

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Bradley Smith was a rough, tough, Texan boy. Unfortunately for his parents this meant he found himself suspended from school more than once for getting into fights with just about anybody and everybody within earshot. Bradley had a legendary temper in his little corner of Dallas and kids from pre-K to Senior year went out of their way to stay as far from him as possible. Bradley wasn’t a malicious boy, he didn’t go out looking to pick fights, but when somebody was mean to him, or he saw another kid get bullied, or sometimes when he was bumped into in the hall, he saw red. That was the bonus of living on the ranch, the animals and the wide open spaces helped Bradley to keep calm, and he would never lash out at his parents, “Honour thy mother and thy father”, he knew that.


Bradley had intended to finish school and then work the ranch with his parents. He didn’t have the brains for college. That was for his little brother to do, but when it came to ranch work Bradley was the number one. He always enjoyed wrestling, he admired the athleticism, the power, and the dedication that the men and women – although after QAW had been founded, mostly women – he saw wrestle had. Bradley did wonder what would happen if he joined the circus so to speak. Would his parents be angry? Proud? They weren’t exactly wrestling fans, they were ranch folk, born and raised, and the time wasn’t there for them to enjoy silly sideshows like professional wrestling when there was so much else for them to do.


A year after Bradley had finished high school, having been working on the ranch full-time, he managed to strike up a conversation with Farrah Hesketh, by idling outside of the venue following a show for a long as possible until she came outside. The conversation was short, one-sided, but fruitful for Bradley, Farrah said “Look kid, I’m busy, I’ve got a company to run, but here’s the number for a friend of mine, Sam Keith, you know him?” Bradley shuck his head and she clicked her tongue at him, “One of the most famous Texan wrestlers of all time and you don’t know him? You really have been living under a rock kid. Anyway, he just took over this little outfit in Baltimore, it’s far but some of the best young talent we’ve ever seen has come through there.”


The talk Bradley had with his parents about his aspirations was less fruitful. His mother had questions, more questions than Bradley had asked himself before wanting to dive into the world of wrestling. What if he did get hurt? How would he make ends meet in the year between him starting training and then wrestling? What if the training was too much and he quit halfway through? His dad just listened keenly. He didn’t pipe up, but that night, when Bradley was secretly trying to look into travel and accommodation in Baltimore, his father knocked at his door.


“Come in!” Bradley said with a start.


His father came in and sat at the edge of Bradley’s bed, facing away from his son. “You really want to do this wrestling thing?” He asked his son.


“Yeah, I do.” Bradley answered quietly.


His dad sighed, “I can get you to Baltimore, it won’t be comfy but Dale, you know my pal Dale, he’ll be driving up that way in a couple weeks taking his family up to Canada to see the in-laws, there’ll be an extra seat in the truck so long as a throw in enough of your mama’s barbecue sauce.”


Bradley fought hard to contain his excitement, he kept a straight face at all times when his dad spoke to him like this, and he didn’t appreciate levity in serious times. “Why would you let me go?” he asked.


“Son, you’re a man now. Who am I to keep a man from his dreams?” and with that his father got up and left the room, without ever looking at his son.

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