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Although it doesn’t quite work the same way as perception is relative to your company size and not a hard and fast set amount of each push based on your roster size, here’s an ok rule of thumb to use:


Major Star = Main Event

Star = Upper Midcard

Well Known = Midcard

Recognisable = Lower Midcard

Unimportant= newbies/jobbers

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Major Star = Main Event

Star = Upper Midcard

Well Known = Midcard

Recognisable = Lower Midcard

Unimportant= newbies/jobbers


I would say Stars are like, b-tier main eventers. They can main event a show and fans are willing to watch them but they don't put butts in seats on their own. Major Stars (If you have mandatory pre-booking turned on) are a bit of a step above Main Event in 2016 as your attendance will be get affected if you don't have them booked.

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I would say Stars are like, b-tier main eventers. They can main event a show and fans are willing to watch them but they don't put butts in seats on their own. Major Stars (If you have mandatory pre-booking turned on) are a bit of a step above Main Event in 2016 as your attendance will be get affected if you don't have them booked.

So isn't that like Upper Midcarders then?

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So isn't that like Upper Midcarders then?


nah, "main eventer" had a way wider range than "major star" imo. in the new system guys like rollins, aj, mcintyre would all be stars in wwe while major stars would be reserved for reigns, cena, undertaker, brock. in the old style all of them would be main eventers.

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Here's how I interpret it:


Major stars: Clear cream of the crop. Your absolute top guys


Stars: Lesser main eventers and upper midcarders that are hot.


Well known: Lesser uppercarders and midcarders.


Recognisable: Lower midcarders


Unimportant: Jobbers

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