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Lack of anything interesting

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Really not a big fan of the 'Lack of anything interesting' penalty to certain angles. After the match my World Champion is celebrating with his best friend when he gets turned on, attacked and sent through a table with a stunt bump, setting up the next world title feud. The segment was penalized for 'a lack of anything interesting happening'. Really? It seemed pretty damn interesting to me.


It seems a bit silly to penalize players for a subjective 'lack of anything interesting'. Especially when the angle was definitely the most interesting thing that happened on the show.

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You chose it to be a overness vs overness angle didn't you?


2020 has been changed to include angles based on fighting, which is where brawling skills and overness come into play and angles could last for much longer. The more over the workers are, the longer these angles can last.


Overness angles now refer to basically popping the crowd with the wrestlers' presence. There's some attack angles still in the database that are overness vs overness that were either not fixed for this change, but I think it's because those angles are meant to be short and there should be some that non-brawlers can use.

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