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Invincible Pro Wrestling: The Birth of the West Coast Wars

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Oh you still haven't done a show yet?


From the Desk of Gil Thomas

For authorized viewing only



I know you asked for your space and I'll try and give it to you on two conditions:


  1. IPW has to at least stay at our current size. We can't backslide into obscurity.
  2. No troublemakers. Our brand should be as high quality as wool, not be viewed as some kind of cheap polyester promotion.



Also here is the scouting reports from last year:


  1. Our base does not want to see powerhouse style wrestlers. Those are overindexed in the big three already and our fans don't come to us to see third-rate USPW shows. Hustle Muuva and Lil Henry are fine as is although if you can encourage them to change their style that would be great.
  2. From our competition the scouts predict that Boneyard, LatiNoFear, and Cali Slick are their best prospects going forward.
  3. Within the COTT alliance they marked Tennessee Williams from NYCW as being an interesting prospect to consider for longterm development.
  4. From the indies they have marked Kid Fantastic as the best prospect so we should look at extending him a contract now and training him up.


That is all, Vin. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see tonight's show!



Post the damn show!





NOTE: The three owner goals received for the new year are

1) Stay at Tiny Size

2) Nobody less than 45 reputation

3) Nobody with style of Powerhouse


Overall not too restrictive so I lucked out this run.

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Ipw Unbreakable Ix



F***ing finally....






The Simmons Center, Southwest, USA

Saturday, Week 1

January 2020



Pre-Show/Bonus Features


Vin Tanner appears in front of the crowd and announces that it was time to teach the damn young scrubs how to wrestle properly.

Vin's Notes: Prepare a damn script next time! What the hell was I thinking going out there unprepared? My Bitter Veteran gimmick went over like a Tank Bradley highlight reel

Rating: E+




Vin Tanner vs. Melvin Otto

In a pre-show bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Vin Tanner defeated Melvin Otto in 6:03 by pinfall with a V For Victory.

Vin's Notes: I give myself a D, Melvin gets an E but we had great chemistry. Everything just clicked between us too. I think we've found a standard opener for IPW.

Rating: D-


"Too Hot" Jerry Pepper vs. Stanley Axis

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Jerry Pepper defeated Stanley Axis in 12:53 by pinfall with a Piledriver.

Vin's Notes: I was very disappointed in Jerry Pepper's debut. While his gimmick of being an Evolution debuted Great, I give him an F+ inn the ring. The crowd hated Stanley as usual but he performed at an E

Rating: E-


Deacon Darkhold vs. Remmy Honeyman

In a decent pre-show match, Deacon Darkhold defeated Remmy Honeyman in 13:02 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT.

Vin's Note: I give Deacon an E and Honeyman an E+. Remmy did a Great job portraying himself as my assistant wrestling coach.

Rating: E+





Moses: "Greetings Los Angeles. It is another perfect evening for Blood, Guts and Glory here at IPW Unbreakable IX. Joining me as always are commentators Luther Judge and Anslem Briggs."


Luther: "Great to be here Moses."


Anslem: "Sup, fools!"


Luther: "Hey Moses, what happened to the local band? I noticed things are a lot quieter around here."


Moses: "That's right, Luther. Our in house band, the Cake Sharts, has been replaced by actual musicians."


Luther: "Let me guess, they failed to get their rabies tags updated."


Anslem: "I definitely won't miss watching a bunch of methheads hump musical instruments for an hour and call it 'music.' So Moses, what's on the docket?


Moses: "First up we have..."


Moses and the other commentators are drowned out by the sound of a bell tolling and creepy chanting being pumped out of the speakers. Dark Watch is heading to the ring with their brand new stable theme which was a mixture of ominous background bass, indecipherable chanting and piercing organ music.



Deacon Darkhold makes his way to the ring in full goth regalia flanked by his two enforcers, Babau and Moroi. Melvin runs ahead holding a book with a red pentagram on the cover up high and shouting jibberish at the audience. Some in the crowd are booing, some are laughing, some are cheering. The Dark Watch was a staple stable and the fans ate it up in their own way. Deacon enters the ring with the rest of the Dark Watch and they all take up position in corners, each climbing a turnbuckle halfway and holding a necklace with a pentagram high.


Deacon: "Oh Dark Father, who art in Hell. Curse this ring and those that would defy you."


Dark Watch: "May they burn in your fiery gaze."


Deacon: "Curse the fool that dares consider himself your avatar on earth. Curse the pathetic Blackfriar!"


Dark Watch: "May his flesh rot and his eyes boil."


Decaon climbs higher, standing fully on top of the turnbuckle as he reaches both hands up and screams at the top of his lungs.




From opposite him Melvin's head starts twitching rapidly. Soon he he looks like he is either seizing or secretly listening to Slayer. His body convulses and he spasms on the ground, frothing at the mouth and sputtering out gibberish.


Melvin: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. R'luhog li'hee syha'h ch' sgn'wahlor 'fhalma athg zhro, Tsathoggua naflhafh'drn lloig gotha mg stell'bsna Nyarlathotep stell'bsna Nyarlathotep shuggyar hafh'drn. Chaugnar Faugn nnngrah'n k'yarnak mnahn' y-k'yarnak ee, n'gha ph'stell'bsna Yoggoth ah h'gof'nn, mnahn' fhtagn throd ilyaa."


Babau and Moroi pause and stare at Melvin. With their reflective masks it's hard to see their faces but they seem confused and possibly worried about their compatriot writhing on the ground. Deacon looks over his shoulder at Melvin and grins.




Deacon joins in with Melvin's cries of unintelligible gibberish, followed by Babau and they build to a crescendo. At its peak their theme song plays again and the lights cut out plunging the stage in darkness.


A freestyle segment called 'Dark Watch Proclaims Their Dominance' featuring Deacon Darkhold, Melvin Otto, Babau and Moroi.

Vin's Notes: Seriously what the f*** was that. Melvin's possession and Deacon's orgasmic cries were completely off script. No wonder Moroi looked lost.

Rating: E+




Anslem: "Man white people are f***ing crazy."


Moses: "That they are."


Anslem: "No, that was messed up. Look at the ring!

Melvin left a stain!"


Luther: "That sure as hell better be spit. I can't handle another wrestler pissing in the ring again."


Moses:"Ah yes, who could forget that epic matchup between Coulrophobia and the Mexican Hardcore Killers when Hellech filled up water balloons with his own piss and tossed them everywhere."


Anslem: "Like I said. F***ing crazy. So are we going to get some actual wrestling here or are we just going to jabber for twenty minutes."


Moses: "Up first we have the North versus the South."


Luther: "Man this better not end up being a stupid Civil War..."


Moses: "Canadian Hardcore versusu the Mexican Hardcore Killers! It will be brothers against brothas!"


Luther throws his papers at Moses.


Luther: "Man that isn't even funny. What's wrong with you, man?"




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Canadian Hardcore vs. Mexican Hardcore Killers


The two hardcore teams spend approximately five seconds inside the ring before the action spills out into the crowd. The crowd hoots and hollers and provide helpful suggestions in terms of home-made weapons. The titans of Canadian power Otis and Sasquatch keep control of the match although E-Z did get a good spot in nearly taking Sasquatch down with a waffle iron. Eventually the four brawlers make it back to the ring bloody and battered. Sasquatch knocks out E-Z with a chair to the head and Sanchez gets powerbombed into the mats outside the ring where Otis covers for the win.


In a decent match, Canadian Hardcore defeated Mexican Hardcore Killers in 9:31 when Otis Von Battenberg pinned Sanchez Villano with a Crucifix Powerbomb.

Vin's Notes: So long as Otis doesn't have to actually wrestle the crowd loves him. I give Otis and Sasquatch an E and E-Z and Sanchez get an E+

Rating: E+


After the match Otis and Sasquatch keep the beatdown going and nobody dares to stop them.


Canadian Hardcore continue to attack Mexican Hardcore Killers after winning their match.

Rating: E+




Luther: "Oh s***! They just beat the hardcore out of them. Now they're beating the Mexican out of them! I think I just heard E-Z mention 'brunch'!"


Moses: "Fantastic. While our volunteers mop up the blood it is time for a classic cage match. Two people go in and the only way out is when one competitor gives up."


Luther: "No seriously! Sanchez got punched so hard he's spitting up salsa!"




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JOJI vs. Manny Alvarez


JOJI and Manny start brawling and the pair of them gel together like oil and thumbtacks. JOJI is in his own little world and Manny is too raw to keep up. The crowd quickly turns against Manny when he falls too early to JOJI's kick and the match ends quick enough as the crowd chants "YOU SUCK!" at Manny.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, JOJI defeated Manny Alvarez in 6:57 by pinfall with a Joji Miracle Explosion.

Vin's Note: I don't care if Manny sucks, that was a terrible performance by JOJI. One of the worst I've seen in him in years. I give him an E and Manny an E-. JOJI was supposed to dominate but nobody looked good in that match.

Rating: E-





Anslem: "I can't believe I was actually rooting for Manny to win that one. JOJI's a punk though."


Moses: "Are you just saying that because of JOJI's growing feud with your client Frantic Ali?"


Luther: "Seriously Moses, who talks like that? Nobody, that's who. You sound nuts!"


Moses: "I am nuts...for this next bout where the Night Terrors Babau and Moroi take on Deadly Deadshot and Zombie Boy in a table match."


Luther: "That's what I'm talking about. Right there. Stop it."




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The Night Terrors vs. Deadly Deadshot & Zombie Boy


Everyone takes to the air for some spectacular flips and dives. The crowd hates Moroi calling him a poser almost from the start of the match. The highlight comes after Deadly Deadshot takes on both Night Terrors while Zombie Boy builds himself a scaffold of tables and climbs to the top. The crowd cheers as he stands 15' feet up off the ring, raises his hands and screams at the top of his lungs. He flips towards the Night Terrors but they dive out of the way and Zombie Boy crashes into the ground. The crowd goes nuts anyway but he is out of the fight and Deadly Deadshot is quickly tied up while Babau sends the unconscious Zombie Boy through the announcer's table. Despite losing the crowd cheers "THAT WAS AWESOME!" as volunteers carry Zombie Boy backstage.


In a decent match, The Night Terrors defeated Deadly Deadshot and Zombie Boy in 10:06 when Babau pinned Zombie Boy with a Frightenrana.

Vin's Notes: Except for his big bump, Zombie Boy couldn't keep up with the others and looked lost out there. I still give him an E but Moroi gets an E+, Deadshot gets a D- and Babau gets a D. None of the crowd noticed that the mats were three times as thick where Zombie Boy landed than anywhere else.

Rating: E+




While the announcers get a new table set up, Lug Phelon heads down to the ring with a brand new lovely lady next to him.


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Lug Phelon w/ Mary O'Ryan


Lug stands to the side looking menacing as his new manager takes to the ring with a microphone.


Mary: "Well top of the evenin' to ya wee lads and lassies. M'name's' Mary O'Ryan and I...uh...I...."


What follows is a rather painful segment where Mary with an obviously fake Irish accent tries to work with the crowd but the crowd doesn't give her anything to work with and she falters in the stage. Eventually she gets fed up and just flips off the crowd which makes them cheer. Mary and Lug storm out.


Mary O'Ryan had an interview hyping her client Lug Phelan.

Vin's Note: Thank god Mary, aka Marina Del Ray looks like a great manager because she definitely didn't sound like one. It's my fault really for thinking "actress" meant "improv" but she is clearly someone who needs a script. And to work with Lug to develop a real Irish accent. Still though she looked the part.

Rating: E-




Anslem: "Man if that b**** thinks Irish McPaddy over there can take on my man Frantic then she is crazier than that goth cult.


Moses: "You don't think Lug Phelon, the Irish Warrior, can get a win over Frantic Ali tonight?"


Anslem: "Nah, man. Frantic's going to beat the lucky charms out of that ginger f***er."


Luther: "They're magically delicious!"


Moses: "That's right, Luther. Up next we have Outlaw fighting against Fiasco Fierce in a classic hardcore match."




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Fiasco Fierce vs. The Outlaw


A classic Southern brawl between these two. They slug it out in the ring, spill out of the ring and go to town on one another around the ring. Fiasco hits Outlaw with a chair, Outlaw responds by smashing Fiasco into the stairs busting Fiasco's head open. Outlaw shows himself to be a southern gentleman by rolling a dazed Fiasco into the ring before finishing him off.


In a decent match, The Outlaw defeated Fiasco Fierce in 12:31 by pinfall.

Vin's Notes: Fiasco did a good job of making The Outlaw look good. While Fiasco only gets an E from me I give Outlaw a D-

Rating: E+





Anslem leaves the announcer stage to escort his client Frantic Ali to the ring and hands him a microphone.


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Frantic Ali: "What's up, L.A.? Where my fans at?"


The crowd pops a bit for one of IPW's star performers.


Frantic Ali: "Alright alright! Now there's been a lot of buzz lately of a certain worker here who's been calling me out. Every single show for month's he's been screaming out 'Frantic! Notice me!'. And time and time again I look down and say 'No.'"


Frantic pauses and laughs a bit. He starts playing up with the crowd a bit, walking around the ring.


Frantic: "Listen. I...uhh...what I mean is..."


Anslem: "What my man Frantic means is that buzzing comes from a little fly. Shoo fly, don't bother him."


Frantic starts nodding and takes back the mic.


Frantic: "That's right. Flies don't get into the main event and I don't bother with them. So JOJI, I'll say this once don't make me say it again. Shoo."


He waves his hand dismissively as if shooing away said fly before heading to the side of the ring to prepare for his upcoming match.


Frantic Ali has a microphone and proceeds to taunt JOJI, calling him names and generally acting like he is totally unafraid.

Vin's Notes: Note to self, get him a script next time. Even though Anslem made the save Frantic's flow was shot thanks to that stumble.

Rating: E+


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Frantic Ali w/ Anslem Briggs vs. Lug Phelon w/ Mary O'Ryan


Lug and Frantic take their time sizing each other up and it is clear both of them have a healthy respect for their competitor. Lug's got both height and wieght over Frantic but Frantic's got the speed and isn't afraid to go aerial for some extra momentum. Out of the ring Anslem and Mary keep the cheers going for their clients and make sure the other manager doesn't tip the scales. Frantic battles Lug toe-to-toe and starts getting the edge. When the fight spills out to the side Frantic goes to town on Lug with a steel chair battering the Irish Warrior senseless. He raises his hand up to signal for his signature Death Valley Driver when suddenly JOJI charges down from backstage. Anslem tries to stop him but is quickly bowled over. JOJI hops up onto the apron and springs over the top rope hitting Frantic with a big splash. Frantic is up in a flash though and he and JOJI begin battling it out allowing Lug to recover, slide back into the ring and after JOJI pegs Frantic with a dropkick Lug hits a massive gutwrench backbreaker from behind. Frantic is down for the count and Lug shoots back to his feet going up to the turnbuckle to yell and showboat for the fans. Meanwhile JOJI goes over to Frantic and starts screaming right in his face.


In a good match, Lug Phelan defeated Frantic Ali in 13:26 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Backbreaker following interference from JOJI.

Vin's Notes: It's a shame to have a tainted win considering the performance they put on but the sometimes you have to sacrifice a match or two for the greater storyline. I would give Lug and Frantic both a solid D for this one.

Rating: D-





Moses: "And now for our main event..."


Anslem: "Hold up! Hold the f*** up! That was bulls***! JOJI just wrecked my man Frantic's shot."


Luther: "Heh...your man. Your man...just got his a** beat!"


Moses: "<ahem> And now for our main event..."


Anslem: "Back the f*** up. Just because JOJI can sucker punch my man Frantic from behind doesn't mean that he is entitled to a match."


Luther: "Then I hope 'your man' gets used to losing because it doesn't look like JOJI is stopping anytime soon. Dude is escalating things rapidly."




Luther: "Dude chill, brother. No need to get all hot and bothered. Sheeeeeit."


Moses: "OUR MAIN...our main event tonight is His Satanic Majesty Aldous Blackfriar versus two-time CZCW champion Remmy Skye. This will be a ladder match for the IPW Championship title which will be suspended from the ceiling."


Luther: "Have you talked to Remmy Skye? Dude is f***ed up, twenty-four seven. He has a huge advantage for this match up because he is already high as f***!"




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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Remmy Skye


for the IPW Championship



The ladder is set up and Blackfriar is first out. He pops up onto the turnbuckle and engages the audience, screaming at them and having them scream back. The whole center is rocked by shouts of "Hell" "Yeah" "Hell" "Yeah" as Blackfriar hits the whole crowd by going from turnbuckle to turnbuckle. Remmy comes out to psychadelic rock music and the crowd pops. Still recognizable to SoCal fans even though he's been stuck in the indies for the past 5 years, Remmy comes out looking high as f*** and the crowd loves him for it.


Remmy wanders into the ring and the match is on. Blackfriar takes an early lead shoving the ladder into Remmy before hitting him with a drop kick. After that initial burst Aldous keeps the fight grounded where his superior brawling and power start taking Remmy apart but after being whipped into the ropes Remmy hits a big spring moonsault and the tide shifts in Remmy's favor. He grabs Blackfriar back to his feet and then smashes him with a running facebuster. Blackfriar is down and Remmy takes the time to set up the ladder but he seems to be struggling with even opening it up. He finally gets it open and starts climbing. Aldous gets up and charges but Remmy hits a dropkick off the ladder and both men are down. Remmy recovers first, climbs the ladder but Aldous recovers and this time Remmy doesn't see him in time. Aldous tips the ladder over and Remmy is dumped out of the ring. Blackfriar gets the ladder setup again and it looks like Aldous is in for a quick victory but then the bell tolls and Deacon Darkhold comes down to the ring. Aldous hesitates climbing apparently worried that Deacon will tip the ladder over. While he is distracted Remmy slides back into the ring, stuns Aldous with a few gut punches, drags him over to the turnbuckle and hits him with the Skye Diver (top rope facebuster). Aldous looks like he is down for the count, Remmy is climbing and Deacon is laughing maniaclly from the side. Remmy reaches the top of the ladder and starts fiddling with the buckle but Aldous recovers just enough to dash into the ladder, tipping it over the side and sending Remmy crashing down into Deacon. Both of them seem to be knocked out from the hit and Aldous is able to get the ladder back up and climb to the top and retrieve his belt for another successful defense.



In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Aldous Blackfriar defeated Remmy Skye in 15:13 by submission with a Gloomweaver Clutch. During the match we also had Deacon Darkhold distract Blackfriar. Aldous Blackfriar makes defence number ten of the IPW Championship title.

Vin's Notes: Aldous was in top form as usual with the performance of the night at a D+. Remmy...was alright. I give him a D which is by no means bad but he can definitely do better. Especially with that big bump from the very top of the ladder onto Deacon I was hoping for more. Also none of the fans seemed to notice that Remmy hit the same spot Zombie Boy did earlier...

Rating: D




After the match Aldous seems to get a second wind and goes back to pumping up the crowd. He gets them all chanting once again and when he holds up the title the crowd goes nuts, the biggest pop of the night. Too bad half the fans were already packing up their stuff and heading on out when it happened.


Post-Match Aldous talks trash and pumps up the crowd

Vin's Note: Why the hell didn't I have him do this during the show?

Rating: C+



Overall Rating: D-



Aldous Blackfriar © defeats Remmy Skye

Lug Phelon defeats Frantic Ali

Franti Ali taunts JOJI

The Outlaw defeats Fiasco Fierce

Lug Phelon has a new manager: Mary O'Ryan

The Night Terrors defeat Deadly Deadshot & Zombie Boy

JOJI defeats Manny Alvarez

Canadian Hardcore beatup Mexican Hardcore Killers

Canadian Hardcore defeat Mexican Hardcore Killers

Dark Watch prays to Satan to curse Blackfriar

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Taglines are for pussies!


Monday, Week 4

January 2020

Los Angeles





Vin entered the bar and headed to the back booth. The one with the burnt out lightbulb overhead so the booth was bathed in shadows except for the occasional flare of a lit cigar.


Vin squeezed his large form into the both and gave a nod to the man sitting opposite.




The mysterious stranger had a voice low and gravelly. Even though he was speaking quietly in a noisy bar Vin could pick up every word.


"V-Man, this is a surprise. I wasn't expecting to get a call from you. We didn't exactly part ways on the best of terms."


Vin gave a shrug.


"I know but after DaVE I needed a break from all the hardcore violence. I wanted to get back to my roots.


"Ha. Your "roots"? You're hardcore through and through. What did you even see in CGC anyway?"


"A chance to work with Phil again."


The cigar end flared up again followed by a puff of smoke drifting across the table.


"Fair enough. Let me guess, you asked me here to talk about this little war you're having with Grimm."


"It's weird. We were planning on going to war, Gil was pushing for it but then Grimm pre-empted us by two weeks but their last show...what the hell was that?"


The blogs around indy wrestling had proclaimed it GSW's best match yet. Total Extreme Wrestling.Com had given it a D+ bordering on C-, nearly a full grade above what had been a top show for IPW.


"I don't get it. They don't even have proper storylines, just throwing those thugs into a match and having them beat one another with glass tubes and TEW is proclaiming them the second coming of DaVE? How? How are they doing that?"


Another long drag. Another puff of smoke blown across the table.


"Simple. They've got better talent and they're giving exactly what the fans want. You want my advice? Get your head out of your a** and handle your workers better.


For example, you've got a decent storyline going with Blackfriar facing off against the Deacon but who is he supposed to wrestle? Nobody is a credible threat for him. You can only do that sports entertainment s*** with interferences and backstage attacks for so long before it gets old. And what the hell is up with keeping Blackfriar off the stick? Kid is a natural at firing up the crowd."


Vin felt his face flush. That was a big oversight he had made recently.


"And what else do you have? JOJI and Frantic are a decent pairing but it's too early to face them. JOJI just isn't a credible threat yet and doesn't have the menace to get there fast. Putting those two in the ring its going to look ridiculous if Frantic loses. He's got the speed, the power, the size, the experience, and the pop. What is your endgame after all this build up?


And finally don't get me started on that s*** you're pulling with your tag teams. Babau and Moroi are some of the most talented people on your roster, Sanchez is solid in the ring and on the mic and your killer clowns have won titles all over. So what did you do? Drop the belts on green-as-grass rookies and have them feud with another set of green-as-grass rookies.


"Otis and Sasquatch aren't that green..."


"After seeing Otis wrestle he sure fooled me then. They're good kids with bright futures but don't tank your company trying to push them before they're ready."


"That's why I'm here. I need your help. I know you helped out PSW when they were struggling and..."


"...and what? They're still small time."


"But they're still a lot bigger than us and seem to be doing just fine. We're at war. CZCW and GSW are slaughtering us in the ratings and there's only so many fans to go around."


The mysterious figure shifted, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. Despite getting closer Vin still couldn't make out any features beyond the pinpoint of light around that cigar.


"Alright, here's what you need to do. First of all bringing in Remmy Skye was smart. He knows his stuff and gets the crowd popping even if he is high as a kite all day. CZCW might be prudes about pot but it's 2020 now. That junk is legal. Give him room to be a star for you.


Second, clean up your tag teams. Put the belts on someone who deserves it and start prepping Babau for a push.


Third, Dark Watch needs a credible threat for Blackfriar. Babau is a great long term prospect but you need one for next month's show. I've got someone in particular and a mask I've been saving for a rainy day.


Finally, you need to do something to break the mold. You're running a show like it's a DaVE wannabe but here's a hint, DaVE's not here, man. Don't go tri-state, embrace Hollywood. Get weird. Go in bizarre directions. You need to differentiate your product from GSW's because until your guys step up Grimm can just throw Cali Slick and someone else into a deathmatch and beat your a** month after month. Now then, tell me what's on the card next month and I'll tell you why it's complete s***."




Next Show:



IPW Hardcore Havoc 2020


Aldous Blackfriar © vs. American Flash

Hustle Muvva vs. Lug Phelonx

Hughe de Aske © vs. JOJI

Frantic Ali vs. Deacon Darkhold

Remmy Skye vs. Zombie Boy

Minnesota Awesome © vs. Barnaby and Rudge

Deadly Deadshot vs. Fiasco Fierce

Melvin Otto vs. Vin Tanner

Canadian Hardcore vs. Coulrophobia


Dark Matches:

Night Terrors vs. Jerry Pepper & Kid Fantastic

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs. Psycho Mike & Stanley Axis

James Diaz vs. Remmy Honeyman


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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. American Flash

Hustle Muvva vs. Lug Phelonx

Hughe de Aske © vs. JOJI

Frantic Ali vs. Deacon Darkhold

Remmy Skye vs. Zombie Boy

Minnesota Awesome © vs. Barnaby and Rudge

Deadly Deadshot vs. Fiasco Fierce

Melvin Otto vs. Vin Tanner

Canadian Hardcore vs. Coulrophobia


Dark Matches:

Night Terrors vs. Jerry Pepper & Kid Fantastic

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs. Psycho Mike & Stanley Axis

James Diaz vs. Remmy Honeyman

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. American Flash

Hustle Muvva vs. Lug Phelonx

Hughe de Aske © vs. JOJI

Frantic Ali vs. Deacon Darkhold

Remmy Skye vs. Zombie Boy

Minnesota Awesome © vs. Barnaby and Rudge

Deadly Deadshot vs. Fiasco Fierce

Melvin Otto vs. Vin Tanner

Canadian Hardcore vs. Coulrophobia


Dark Matches:

Night Terrors vs. Jerry Pepper & Kid Fantastic

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs. Psycho Mike & Stanley Axis

James Diaz vs. Remmy Honeyman

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. American Flash

Hustle Muvva vs. Lug Phelonx

Hughe de Aske © vs. JOJI

Frantic Ali vs. Deacon Darkhold

Remmy Skye vs. Zombie Boy

Minnesota Awesome © vs. Barnaby and Rudge

Deadly Deadshot vs. Fiasco Fierce

Melvin Otto vs. Vin Tanner

Canadian Hardcore vs. Coulrophobia


Dark Matches:

Night Terrors vs. Jerry Pepper & Kid Fantastic

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs. Psycho Mike & Stanley Axis

James Diaz vs. Remmy Honeyman

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"And we're back from those products and services. My next guest for tonight is the master rapper and owner of Grimm SoCal Wrestling, Brother Grimm. So tell me, Brother Grimm, everyone wants to know why you decided to escalate things with IPW with a declaration of war."




"First of all let me say thank you for having me on your show, J-Ro. I'm a big fan. Listen to it all the time.


"Thanks, Brother Grimm. Let's just jump right into it. The West Coast scene is buzzing about your declaration of war on rival hardcore promotion IPW. What prompted this new aggressive stance?"


"Why does anyone declare war? Because they think they can win. Right now Grimm SoCal is hot and getting hotter by the minute. We've got some of the best home grown talent on the hardcore scene putting their bodies on the line every single month. I don't know if you've seen the Total Extreme rankings but our last show blew IPW out of the park. They're weak, J-Ro. They're sitting there trying to be a third rate DaVE while we're innovating the hardcore scene."


"There are a lot of rumors surrounding the reason why you split away from IPW to begin with. When it was first announced in 2011 it sounded like a dream for West Coast wrestling fans but it quickly soured. What happened?"


"It was a dream but let me tell you something. Nemesis was a legend on the hardcore scene and him coming to me was a dream come true. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I mean, it's Nemesis! How could I not be excited? But then I had to actually work with him. Now the thing is I'm a pretty agreeable guy. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you that I'm pretty chill."


"Yeah I can still smell your 'chill' coming from the green room."


<break for laughter>


"Exactly J-Ro but Nemesis, he doesn't like people saying 'no' to him. He wanted to bring Tri-State wrestling to SoCal and I wanted to bring SoCal to the world. He couldn't stand anyone else having a good idea and man we were just fighting at the end. Every meeting, every decision was became a fight and Gil was supposed to be the tiebreaker but he would take Nem's side every. single. time. Every damn time. I didn't split from IPW, IPW split from me, it just took me awhile to see it."


"Is that why you're declaring war? To bury Nemesis' legacy?"


"Nah, girl. Ain't no way I can bury a name like Nemesis. No this is just to prove a point. SoCal has a lot to offer the world. The wrestling world exists out of the Tri-State and IPW is like a foreign invader trying to squash us out and make everything the same. You want Tri-State wrestling? Go to Pittsburgh. This is SoCal, baby."


"Alright there you have it folks. Brother Grimm has declared war on IPW and the smarks are already calling it the "West Coast Wars" as Grimm SoCal, Invincible Pro and Coastal Zone battle it out. Now Brother Grimm, before you go we have a segment we like to do called "First Thoughts." I'll read off some of the latest headlines and you can give us your initial thoughts hearing the news. Ready?"


"Lay it on me."


"In SWF Remo has turned face.


"Ha, like anyone believes that will stick."


"In USPW it seems like they are setting up Nicky Champion for another Word Championship title run."




"In TCW they are giving Jay Chord the main event push and he has a shot at their title."


"Much more interesting. Loved his dad and he's going to be a major star."


"The Confederation of the Territories has expanded to include All Canada Pro Wrestling."




"Yeah. Citing that with the merge of NOTPW and CGC that indy promotions in Canada need support as well Gil Thomas negotiated their entry into the COTT Alliance..."


"Wait...Gil set that up? What the f***, man!"


<sound of a chair sliding away>


"Well listeners it's once again time to listen to products and services that support the show..."


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Let's get it on!






The Simmons Center, Southwest, USA

Saturday, Week 1

January 2020

Attendance: 268



Pre-Show/Bonus Features


James Diaz vs. Remmy Honeyman

In a poor pre-show match, James Diaz defeated Remmy Honeyman in 14:45 by pinfall with an Asian Thumb Spike.

Vin's Notes: James had a great debut as the son of Raymond Diaz. He's proud of it so we let him do it but nobody in the US really knows who Diaz is but as long as he's in the dark matches he can do whatever he wants. I give Diaz an E- and Honeyman a D-

Rating: E+


Mexican Hardcore Killers vs. Stanley Axis & PsychoMike

In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Mexican Hardcore Killers defeated Stanley Axis and PsychoMike in 14:52 when Sanchez Villano pinned Stanley Axis with a Curb Stomp.

Vin's Notes: What a f***ing mess. The crowd hated Stanley, Stan and PsycoMike had horrible chemistry together. At least EZ and Sanchez looked good. I gvie them both an E+ while Stan and PsyhoMike get E-

Rating: E


Night Terrors vs. Jerry Pepper & Kid Fantastic

In a decent pre-show match, The Night Terrors defeated Jerry Pepper and Kid Fantastic in 14:47 when Babau pinned Jerry Pepper with a Sleep Paralysis.Vin's Notes: Crowd still hates Moroi. Babau did great at a D, Moroi got an E+, Kid Fantastic gets an E and Pepper gets an E-

Rating: E+


Vin Tanner vs. Melvin Otto

In a pre-show bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Vin Tanner defeated Melvin Otto in 6:23 by pinfall with a V For Victory.

Vin's Note: This was supposed to be on the actual card but our card was packed and so I bumped myself. I give myself a D and Melvin an E

Rating: E+






Moses: "Greetings Los Angeles. Let's get ready to watch grown men bash their faces in for your amusement here at Hardcore Havoc 2020. Joining me as always are commentators Luther Judge and Anslem Briggs."


Luther: "Another day another dollar, Moses."


Anslem: "Sup, fools! Hey Luther, how's your wife?"


Luther: "Uhhh...I'm not married, Anslem."


Moses: "Well I didn't really care either way. My man Frantic is what we should be talking about. He is on fire! Too hot to handle!


Luther: "Didn't he lose his last match? Badly?"


Anslem: "Man you know that was because that punk JOJI decided to jump him. Well my man Frantic has a little surprise for that punk later on tonight..."


Moses: "Fantastic. Our first match will be..."





Canadian Hardcore vs. Coulrophobia

Otis and Sasquatch come down hollaring like wild animals. They get into the crowd's face and the crowd loves it. Creepy carnival music starts playing and Pierrot and Hellech come down prancing like circus clowns which would be stupid if not for the long bloody butcher knives they were carrying.


Right off the bat Otis hits a massive clotheseline spilling Pierrot over the rope and everyone abandons the ring. The match spills into the crowd and the crowd loves it. They get to pat their favorites on the back and give a few punches and kicks to the ones they dislike. The match revolves around grabbing stuff from the audience, smashing it over an opponents head and then the pair staggering through the crowd a bit more. Otis and Pierrot battled it out and Sasquatch and Hellech duked it out on the opposite side of the arena. In the end they eventually circled back to the ring where punches Pierrot to stun him and then hits a big running boot to the face finishing him off.


In a decent match, Canadian Hardcore defeated Coulrophobia in 9:36 when Sasquatch McGraw pinned Pierrot with a Running Big Boot.

Vin's Note: Sasquatch: 31, Otis: 30, Pierrot: 35, Hellech: 35, got crowd buzzing, got show off to strong start

Rating: D-




Luther: "Have you ever seen those big dumb animals so fired up? If I were from Minnesota I'd be pretty nervous right now."


Anslem: "What?"


Luther: "Minnesota. Like the Minnesota Awesomes. Clark and Perry?"


Anslem: "Who?"


Luther: "Man nevermind. I don't know why we let you sit down here sometime. Moses hit the audience with the next..."


But before he can continue rap music fills the arena. Fiasco Fierce is making his way down to the ring.






Fiasco: "What's up fam? As you know I have the best flow so the suits in charge have decided to use me to make others look good. Let them get a bit of reflected glory so I'm going to be doing some interviews with the other members of IPW. First up let's get those winners back down here. Canadian Hardcore, come on down!"


The two massive Canadians appear and march down to the ring looking big and mean. One of the ring techs passes a microphone to Sasquatch and quickly runs away. The two giants duck into the ring and tower over Fiasco. His bravado seems to deflate for a second but he pushes on through.


Fiasco: "So Sasquatch. I've got some questions I pulled from Twitter here. First up, is that your real name, cuz damn dawg your parents sure called it."


Sasquatch just gives a low growl. Fiasco moves onto Otis.


Fiasco: "Damn man, what do they put in the water up there?"


Otis responds by biting the microphone and ripping the cover off of it and spitting it in Fiasco's face.


Fiasco: "What the? Get your giant goliath asses out of here."


He turned and signaled to backstage to cut the music. Otis and Sasquatch advance on Fiasco and he quickly slides out of the ring.


Fiasco: "Man it's like trying to interview a couple of bears. Nothing going through those heads except where their next victim is."


The two giant Canadians start exiting the ring and Fiasco beats a hasty retreat.


Fiasco: "F*** this noise. Yeet motherf***ers!"


As the two Canadians approach Fiasco he sweeps a bunch of papers off the announcer's desk into their faces and runs backstage with the Canadians storming off after him.


Fiasco Fierce tries to interview Canadian Hardcore. It does not go well for him.

Rating: E+




Moses: "Well he sure was put into a hairy situation."


Luther: "Dude! What the hell, man?"


Moses: "Because Otis and Sasquatch are really hairy."


Luther: "No I got it, man. I understood the joke. It's not exactly Shakespeare. What I'm saying is it's not funny."


Moses: "It's because hairy can also mean a troubling situation..."




Moses: "Oh...looks like we're going to see Fiasco again..."





Deadly Deadshot vs. Fiasco Fierce


Fiasco still looks a bit rattled by his close encounter with the bear kind. He keeps looking over his shoulder early on which is all the opening the lucha assassin needs. Deadshot systematically takes the much bigger Fierce apart with a series of top rope moves that hit Fierce top-to-bottom. Fierce stages a bit of a comeback when he is able to catch Deadshot and hit him with a big powerbomb but he isn't able to secure the pin and Deadshot whips Fiasco into the turnbuckle, gets him up on the top rope and and hits him with his big top rope facebuster: The Dead Drop. The big splashy move really got the fans off their feet.


In a decent match, Deadly Deadshot defeated Fiasco Fierce in 9:56 by pinfall with a Dead Drop.

Vin's Note: Fiasco was really off his game. The audience might think it was worked but the truth is he was likely high for his match again. Deadshot handled it like a pro though. I give Deadshot a D- and Fiasco an E

Rating: D-




As the commentators are finishing up their assessment of the match a bell starts tolling signaling the Dark Watch. The lights dim and the members of Dark Watch head down to the stage. They are dressed in hooded robes and carry candles. Deacon has his giant Satanic bible under his arm and Melvin is muttering in tongues as they walk down.




Deacon and the others take up their positions in each of the corners. Deacon holds his book with the pentagram up and shouts to


Deacon: "Oh Dark Father! Why have you forsaken us! We cursed this ring and spilled blood upon it. Why do you not here our cries?The only answer is that we must not be making enough of a sacrifice. GRAB THE NONBELIEVER!"


Moroi and Melvin cross over and grab Babau. Babau drops his candle in surprise and is dragged into the center of the ring where Moroi and Melvin hold him down. Deacon pulls out a large knife.


Deacon: "Oh Satan! We send you this soul as tribute to your power! Bless us with strength! Gift us with a dark champion that will strike down the fraud Blackfriar and bring IPW to its knees."


Deacon raises the knife to stab down into Babau but suddenly there is a thump and the whole ring rocks. Deacon drops the knife and stumbles back and Melvin and Moroi fall back in confusion as well. Babau takes the opportunity and quickly rolls out of the ring, fleeing to the back. Moroi and Deacon exit the ring but Melvin starts rolling back and forth frothing at the mouth and babbling in tongues again.


Melvin: "Nnnee phlegeth shuggoth gnaiih ph'Dagon Shub-Niggurath bug h'ron 'ai, zhro ep 'bthnk y'hah f'n'ghft 'bthnk mnahn' vulgtlagln. Nnnee phlegeth shuggoth gnaiih ph'Dagon Shub-Niggurath bug h'ron 'ai, zhro ep 'bthnk y'hah f'n'ghft 'bthnk mnahn' vulgtlagln."


Another thump, and another. The crowd has gone quiet not knowing what to expect. The boards under the ring begin to crack and a fist punches through the canvass. Melvin is rolling around screaming at the top of his lungs as the the hole is widened and a massive masked behemoth climbs out from under the ring. 7' of pure muscle, hundreds of pounds of it packed onto a genetic freak's body.




The behemoth roars at the crowd. Deacon looks on in confusion from outside the ring.


Deacon"No! This cannot be! This is not Satan! This isn't a demon sent from hell. Who is he?"


Melvin stops rolling around and struggles over to the ropes, pulling himself up one rope at a time. Finally when he is standing he shrieks at the top of his lungs.




Dark Watch summons Azathoth into the ring.

Rating: E+




Moses: "Uhhhhh...."


Luther: "What. The. F***."


Anslem: "I told ya. White people be f***ing crazy man. Summoning some demon from space hell up in here."


Luther: "Yeah I'm with Anslem on this one. Who the f*** is going to pay for that damage to the ring? Sure as s*** ain't gonna be me."


Moses: "Yes. Well. Fantastic. Up next we have..."


Luther: "That's it? That's all you have to say? Some monster just ripped through the ring and you're just going right back to the script? What is wrong with you, man?"


Moses: "....Up next we have..."





Minnesota Awesome © vs. Barnaby & Rudge


Tag Team Ladder Match


Volunteers swarm out to fix the whole in the ring and get ladders positioned around the arena. The belts are hooked onto a cable and raised as the announcers remind everyone that both belts have to be grabbed for a tag team ladder match. Once one team has both belts they are the winner.


Clark and Zach start in the ring but quickly transition to aerial moves. Clark hits Zach with a moonsault. Zach tags to Ash who is already climbing the turnbuckle to hit a big drop kick on Clark. Perry slides in the ladder and Clark uses it to sweep Ash and Zach out of the ring and off the apron before setting it up for an early retrieval. This sets an early advantage that has Minnesota Awesome working together really well with one keeping the other two occupied with a ladder while the other makes progress on retrieval. Perry ends up unhooking the first belt and dropping it to Clark but has to jump off the ladder when Ash tips it over.


Towards the end of the match Clark sets up Zach for a top rope suplex but botches the move. Zach slips out of the grip and nearly face plants onto the turnbuckle. He catches the top rope and flips awkwardly to the side and seems genuinely dazed from the move. There is a moment of hesitation as the other three workers freeze but then Ash hits Perry with a moonsault and the match resumes. Zach is out of the fight though and while Perry keeps Ash occupied Clark retrieves the second belt for the win.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Minnesota Awesome defeated Barnaby & Rudge in a Ladder match in 7:47 when Clark Smallbone retrieved the item. Minnesota Awesome make defence number four of the IPW Tag Team Championship titles.

Vin's Note: What a f***ing mess. Clark botched a move and Zachn was nearly injured. Despite everything I give Ash an E+, Zach an E, Perry an E and Clark an E-.

Rating: E




Luther: "Oh man did you see Zach Rudge get dropped on his face?


Moses: "Yes now is a good time to remind our fans not to try this at..."


Luther: "ON. HIS. FACE! Hot damn. Bring on the next pair to get injured for our amusement!





Remmy Skye vs. Zombie Boy

Table Match


These two ultra charismatic wrestlers spend most of the time posing for the audience before hitting a big aerial move. Remmy has the audience eating out of the palm of his hand as he spouts snippets of Russian poetry before launching into the air. Eventually a table gets set up, Remmy takes Zombie up top and then blasts him with a Skye Diver through the table.


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Remmy Skye defeated Zombie Boy in a Tables match in 12:08 when Zombie Boy was put through a table.

Vin's Note: Zombie Boy needs to follow a script but is too scatterbrained to do so. I give Remmy a high D+ and Zombie pulled of an E

Rating: D-




Luther: "They say the Flying Dead can only be stopped with a headshot but I think a Skye Diver will also do it in a pinch."


Moses: "Up next we have a Weapons match for the IPW Californian title. The Dread Pirate Hugh De Aske defends against wild man JOJI."


Luther: "With JOJI and Frantic Ali taking shots at one another you know something is going to happen this match."


Anslem: "Why Luther, whatever are you suggesting? Are you suggesting my man Frantic gets revenge for getting sucker punched at Unbreakable?"


Luther: "Man I've heard a better defense at the R Kelly trial. S*** man you're grinning ear to ear. At least try and keep a straight face."


Anslem: "We'll just have to wait and see, won't we."






Hugh de Aske vs. JOJI

Weapons Match


Theme music that sounds very similar to but is legally distinct from a popular pirate movie booms and The Dread Pirate makes his way down to the ring. He engages the crowd by shouting about "me gold" and pointing at the title belt.


JOJI meanwhile races full speed at the ring, hanging on the ropes and bouncing like a madman. When he enters the ring Kurt has to hold him back.


When the bell rings Hugh draws his cutlass and starts wailing away on JOJI who ducks out and grabs a 2x4 and breaks it across Hughe's back. The two battle this way in a solid hardcore match getting bloody and battered as they smash their way from weapon to weapon. Hughe relies heavily on his sword which JOJI parries with steel chairs and pool cues. Finally JOJI smacks Hughe's hand and the sword goes out of the ring. Before Hughe can retrieve it JOJI smashes Hughe repeatedly with the pool cue before going for the pin. Suddenly Frantic Ali bolts down the aisle, grabs JOJI by the foot and drags him out of the ring. Frantic grabs a chair and starts wailing on JOJI smashing his face open until JOJI is a bloody wreck. His job done, Frantic rolls JOJI back into the ring and gives the now recovered Hughe a thumbs up as Hughe easily picks up the win.


Hugh de Aske defeated JOJI in a Weapons match in 13:01 by pinfall with a Cut-Throat Driver following interference from Frantic Ali. Hugh de Aske makes defence number one of the IPW Californian title.

Vin's Note: Hugh: 43, JOJI: 28

Rating: D-


Afterward Hughe takes his title and leaves but Frantic grabs a mic and heads into the ring with Anslem following.


Frantic: "Get it through your thick f***ing skull. YOU. ARE. NOT. GOOD. ENOUGH. Fighting with you is a waste of my time. I am done with you. If you interfere with one of my matches one more time I will END YOU!"


Frantic tosses the mic aside and he and Anslem start putting the boots to JOJI. JOJI is left broken in the ring when Frantic hawks up a big loogie and spits it on JOJI before walking off. Event volunteers run up to lift JOJI out of the ring.


Frantic Ali taunts and beats down JOJI after a match.

Rating: D




Moses: "That was a complete violation of the commentator code of ethics."


Luther: "Yeah man, you don't kick a brotha while he's done."


Anslem: "F*** your ethics and JOJI ain't no brotha. He's a b*** a** piece of s*** who is out of his league. Ain't no way he can handle a straight up fight, as you just saw."


Moses: "You're not supposed to do that."


Luther: "By straight up fight you mean when Frantic hit him from behind with a steel chair?"


Anslem: "Exactly."


Moses: "You're not supposed to do that."


Luther: "Man you broke Moses. Now I gotta announce the next match..."




Hustle Muvva w/ Cindy vs. Lug Phelan w/ Mary O'Ryan

Texas Death Match

Lug and Mary enter first. Lug is fired up and ready to go. He sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring leaving Mary struggling to keep up. Hustle strolls down with Cindy to hip-hop funk. He takes his time, shaking hands and getting a lot of swagger in. Cindy struts around behind him and Lug gets more and more pissed the longer he has to wait. As soon as Hustle enters Lug rushes and hits him with a clothesline and the bell is rung.


Despite the early attack Hustle is able to recover and the two start an old fashioned slobberknocker. Physically they're about the same size but Hustle shows off quite a bit of strength with some big slams, including a giant suplex that Lug barely recovers from.


Mary and Cindy really get things going by sliding weapons into the ring for their clients. Lug gets himself a barbwire bat and starts really blasting Hustle with it but Cindy gets Hustle a bat of his own and the two end up in a duel. Unfortunately Hustle's bat breaks when Lug ducks a big swing and it hits the turnbuckle and Lug jabs his bat into Hustle's chest and hits him with his finisher, the Gutwrench backbreaker. Hustle barely beats the ten count but then Lug hits the backbreaker again and Hustle doesn't get up from the second one.


In a good match, Lug Phelan defeated Hustle Muvva in a Texas Death match in 12:12 when Hustle Muvva was pinned with a Gutwrench Backbreaker and could not beat a ten count.

Vin's Note: These two tore it up. Both earned a D in my book.

Rating: D




Moses: "And now for our main event. Guest starring a challenger from the Coastal Zone Aldous Blackfriar will defend the title against American Flash!"


The crowd pops for this. American Flash is a rising star in the Coastal Zone and one of the most popular indy wrestlers in SoCal.


Luther: "Blackfriar is going to be on top of it tonight if he wants to keep his title. American Flash isn't going to be a pushover like, I dunno, Frantic Ali was."


Anslem: "F*** you, Luther. F*** you."




Blackfriar makes his way to the ring and fans go wild. The star of the show had arrived. Things quiet down when Deacon appears on the ramp and walks down with a mic.




Deacon: "Don't you see, False Friar? You've already lost. Did you not see what we have done? The Dark Lord has finally answered me. ME! He has brought a new dark champion into play. I might not be the one to bring you down, but Azathoth will! He is blessed by the Dark Father. An unstoppable behemoth of rage. You will not just lose, False Friar. You will be utterly destroyed!"


Blackfriar just turns his back on Deacon and pumps his fist in the air. The crowd goes nuts as he hops up onto the turnbuckle. A volunteer tosses him a mic and he raises it up.


Blackfriar: "I DON'T CARE!"


He pumps his fist up and the crowd roars in approval. Blackfriar hops down and runs across the ring to pop up on the turnbuckle to loom over Deacon still on the outside.


Blackfriar: "Deacon, you come in here, you steal away my followers with false promises but look at you. You're still down there and I'm still up here. Deacon, on behalf of alllll of IPW..."


He pauses and the crowd inches to the edge of their seats.


Blackfriar: "F*** you!"


More cheers and the center is so loud Blackfriar has to pause to let things settle down again.


Blackfriar: "I am His Satanic Majesty! The true power of darkness flows through me and tonight, I will become the longest reigning champion in IPW history. So bring it the f*** on, Deacon. You know where to find me. I'll still be up here, with this!"


The crowd goes nuts and Deacon beats a hasty retreat. Blackfriar goes back to showboating for the fans and they are swept up by his presence.


Deacon Darkhold and Aldous Blackfriar argue.

Rating: C-






Aldous Blackfriar © vs. American Flash


Ladder Match


Flash and Blackfriar waste no time, launching themselves at one another and keeping the energy going fast and hard from start to end. The amount of movement stunned the audience at times as they whipped each other into the ropes and hit big splashy aerial moves. Blackfriar's style was more brawling and hit Flash with some big slams not normally seen from a lightweight but Flash hit back with some beautiful aerial moves. Spring moonsaults, a shooting star legdrop and some big running neckbreakers. The ladders weren't even considered for the first third of the match until Flash brought up Blackfriar onto the turnbuckles but Blackfriar punched his way out of it and hit Flash with a big flying elbow drop. With Flash stunned Blackfriar set up the ladder and made his climb. Flash recovered and started rocking the ladder from the ground but Blackfriar jumped off in time hitting Flash with a big splash. Blackfriar recovered first and beat Flash out of the ring with the ladder, even choking him against the turnbuckle at one point before smashing Flash across the heard with it.


Blackfriar made another climb and Flash recovered. He pitched the ladder over but Blackfriar made the leap and caught the belt, hanging on it for a split second before dropping down to the mat, belt in hand.


In an exceptional match, Aldous Blackfriar defeated American Flash in a Ladder match in 14:41 when Aldous Blackfriar retrieved the item. Aldous Blackfriar makes defence number eleven of the IPW Championship title.

Vin's Note: I don't even know what to say. American flash was in amazing form and Blackfriar rose to the occasion. They both get a C- from me. By far the best match we've ever done.

Rating: C


Overall Rating: C-



Aldous Blackfriar © defeats American Flash

Deacon and Blackfriar argue

Lug Phelon defeats Hustle Muvva

Frantic Ali taunts JOJI

Hugh de Aske © defeats JOJI

Remmy Skye defeats Zombie Boy

Minnesota Awesome © defeats Barnaby & Rudge

Dark Watch summons Azathoth

Deadly Deadshot defeats Fiasco Fierce

Fierce tries to interview Canadian Hardcore

Canadian Hardcore defeats Coulrophobia

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The Botch



Not yo mama's backstage action!


Saturday, Week 1, February 2020

IPW Headquarters

Los Angeles, CA


Vin was sitting in his seat, hunched over the desk, quite unhappy.




He was unhappy because two kids nearly half his age were reading him the riot act.




"Are you ****ing kidding me, Vin? What the hell were you thinking?"


"I know Zach..."


"Oh you know? Well I know I almost lost my teeth, my nose, hell my whole face."


"I know Zach..."


"Oh you know? Well I know you put the titles on a pair of raw meat that can't string a goddam match together."


"I know Zach..."


"Oh you know? Well I know you basically put a gun against my head out there. ****. That. I am not working with Clark again."


"I know Zach..."


"Oh you know? Well I know you're full of ****ing shit! What was that whole "worker safer" shit you put us through? You kicked Gil out so you could keep us safe and then you put us in the ring with a goddam butcher, Vince."


"I know Zach..."


Vin was keeping his cool and letting Zach vent it out. The fans had known something had gone wrong but only those with real experience realized just how wrong it had gone. Zach had nearly eaten the top of a turnbuckle with face first with his hands tied up so he couldn't break the fall. Sure workers hit the turnbuckles all the time but it was either worked so it wasn't as hard or they had one or both hands free to break up the impact. The way Zach had almost fallen he would have been lucky to just need a new nose and a full set of dentures. Accidents happen but not like this. When a worker pulls a big impact move like a suplex both men have to work together for safety. When Clark let his grip slip that was a violation of that trust that could have cost Zach his career.


Vin's calm demeanor was starting to sap Zach's rage so in one last act of fury he swept his hand across Vin's desk scattering papers and shattering Vin's coffee mug on the ground. Zach stormed out leaving Ash behind. Ash started following his friend out and paused at the door.


"Make this right, Vin."


One Hour Later


There was a knock on the door and Vin opened it to see the Minnesota Awesomes leaning against the wall for support.




The pair smelled of booze. It wasn't uncommon for workers to celebrate after a successful show and nobody expects a meeting with their boss at 1am on a Sunday morning but Vin didn't take 'no' for an answer so Clark and Perry dragged themselves out of the bar and made their way down to IPW HQ.


Vin slapped a big meaty hand on both the skinny lightweights and dragged them into his office. He threw them roughly into the couch and loomed over them.


"What the hell is this?"


Clark and Perry looked at one another confused. Vin reached down and grabbed them both by their collars and pulled them back up so they were inches away from his face.?


"What are you celebrating? Because from where I was sitting you two put on the worst match of the night."


This wiped the goofy drunken grins off their faces and Vin shoved them back into the couch again. He needed space so he could read them the riot act.


"I believed in you. I saw the clips coming out of Minnesota and I thought 'there's future talent right there.' The tag team of the future. The Next New Wave. This was it, your big shot. Against all common sense I gave you two the title belts and what have you done with them? "




"You put on the worst goddam performance of the night in your title defense. I've got rookies in the dark matches putting on better performances than you against Remmy Honeyman. And then, to top it off, you nearly smash Zach's face on the turnbuckle? No. Absolutely not. I put my neck on the line for you two. I cannot tell you how many people said you weren't ready and you know what? From where I'm standing. They are absolutely, one hundred percent correct."


Vin had to pause to catch his breath. He could feel his face was flushed red as he paced in front of them.


"Consider yourselves on thin ice. Hit the gym. Hit the mat. Get your head in the goddam game or go back to Minnesota."


Clark and Perry were looking at him like deer caught in a headlight. they were so transfixed Vin wasn't sure if they had blinked once.


"Now get your asses off my couch and think about what you've done. Think about how the one you are screwing over the one guy who decided to give you a real shot at success."


They didn't react quickly enough so Vin grabbed them by the collars and threw them back out into the hall. They formed a satisfying pile in the hallway outside of his office and Vin sat down feeling slightly better.


His thoughts turned towards the current storylines and he pulled out a fresh sheet of paper and got to work. Things would need to be altered as there was no way he would head into Invincibility with the tag team title being fought between two teams that can't hold a match together.


What the hell had he been thinking putting the two rawest teams in IPW into a feud over the title.



Yeah that was a really stupid idea, V-Man!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="aaroncc21" data-cite="aaroncc21" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49057" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I never really cared for Minnesota A...Put Vin over them in a handicap match and he can single handedly hold the tag straps, jk.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That is such a stupid idea...I LOVE IT!!!</p>
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The real home for hardcore


Welcome to http://www.InvinciblePro.com. Your first stop for the latest news of L.A's hottest hardcore wrestling!


Next Saturday is a packed card for blood and mayhem at...




A Triple Threat Main Event

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"His Satanic Majesty" Aldous Blackfriar will defend his belt against not one but two challengers in a triple threat hardcore match. Can Aldous Blackfriar defend himself against these two long time rivals and secure himself as the longest IPW Champion ever? "The Irish Warrior" Lug Phelon has left IPW destroyed on his rampage to secure his first ever championship reign while Frantic Ali is a record breaking 5-time champion looking to extend that record even further.



Along with watching their opponents Blackfriar has to keep an eye out for his rival Deacon Darkhold while Frantic Ali and JOJI's feud keeps escalating with frequent match interference. Lug seems to be the favorite leading in without any external baggage to keep him from the belt.


Who Is Azathoth?



Last month Dark Watch appears to summon a demonic ally in the center of the ring. This giant masked behemoth seemed to scare even the members of Dark Watch and Commissioner Tanner has decided to put him to the test by facing him off against 2-time IPW Champion Lil Henry. The self proclaimed "Strongest Man in IPW" is going to be a tough match for even a competitor sized like Azathoth. Has Dark Watch found a powerful new ally? Or is Lil Henry going to slam him down?


The Deadly Outlaws



Deadly Deadshot and the Outlaw have announced they are forming a new tag team, the Deadly Outlaws. Cashing in on their singles successes they've been entered as contenders for the tag team championship squaring off against


Catch TripleMania Live on WrestleWorld


IPW is proud to announce that it has signed a deal to the WrestleWorld subscription service to stream TripleMainia and all future IPW events to the US and Canadian markets. IPW is joined by other members of the COTT Alliance including ACPW, PSW and CZCW so check it out. WrestleWorld is the home for all of COTT wrestling!


Grimm SoCal Wrestling the Big Feb Loser


The fans and critics have spoken and GSW is the big loser of the West Coast Wars this month. Deaf Touch and Busta Capp just didn't have it in them to compete with us at IPW. Our sympathies to Brother Grimm for stealing the losing side of IPW's roster. IPW has re-established itself the hardest fed in the Southwest.



In Other News...


TEW.COM Releases Poll Results

Hope onto the forums and tell us what you think about the recent TEW awards:


  • Is Big Cat Brandon the world's greatest brawler?
  • Is Emma Chase still the best colour commentator in the business?
  • Is Swoop McCarthy still the most electrifying wrestler in the world?
  • Is Matt Keith the best technical wrestler?


Runaway Train Leaving SWF?

The wrestling community was shocked to learn that it looks like SWF is letting Runaway Train's contract expire. For nearly a decade he was the greatest heel the company had and helped catapult them to meteoric heights with his feuds with Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley. Working behind the scenes for the past the decade he has been a fixture in their lockerroom and has made several appearances in recent feuds as both commissioner and guest referee but it seems SWF is finally putting Runaway out to pasture. Who knows, maybe he'll show up at an IPW show in the future...



Wolf Hawkins and Jasmine Saunders Sitting in a Tree


"Alpha Wolf" Wolf Hawkins has been caught smooching on colour commentator Jasmine Saunders after hours. This morning on social media Jasmine has confirmed that they have been secretly dating for some time.


Find out next Saturday at...TripleMania



Sean McFly and Victoria Stone Announce Separation

In a press release that has stunned wrestling the world over, longtime couple Sean McFly and Victoria Stone have announced they are filing for divorce. North America's first true power couple, the pair have been together for nearly twenty years but did not cite a specific reason why they are filing and the release just says they would prefer to keep things quiet and professional. Yeah right. Our crack team of researchers are on the case to find out who is screwing who!


Predictions Sheet:

Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Frantic Ali vs. Lug Phelon

-Bonus question: Who loses?


Remmy Skye vs. Vin Tanner


Hustle Muvva vs. JOJI


Minnesota Awesome © vs. Deadly Outlaws


Azathoth vs. Lil Henry

-Bonus Question: Who is behind the mask?


Canadian Hardcore vs. The Night Terrors


Dark Matches:

Hugh de Aske vs. Manny Alvarez

Texas Hangman vs. Remmy Honeyman

Zombie Boy vs. Stanley Axis

Deacon Darkhold vs. Sanchez Villano

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Frantic Ali vs. Lug Phelon

-Bonus question: Who loses?


Remmy Skye vs. Vin Tanner


Hustle Muvva vs. JOJI


Minnesota Awesome© vs. Deadly Outlaws

Azathoth vs. Lil Henry

-Bonus Question: Who is behind the mask?


Canadian Hardcore vs. The Night Terrors


Dark Matches:

Hugh de Aske vs. Manny Alvarez

Texas Hangman vs. Remmy Honeyman

Zombie Boy vs. Stanley Axis

Deacon Darkhold vs. Sanchez Villano

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<p><strong>Aldous Blackfriar ©</strong> vs. Frantic Ali vs. <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lug Phelon</span></p><p>

-Bonus question: Who loses?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Skye</strong> vs. Vin Tanner</p><p> </p><p>

Hustle Muvva vs. <strong>JOJI</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Minnesota Awesome © vs. <strong>Deadly Outlaws</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Azathoth</strong> vs. Lil Henry</p><p> </p><p>

Canadian Hardcore vs. <strong>The Night Terrors</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Dark Matches:</p><p>

<strong>Hugh de Aske</strong> vs. Manny Alvarez</p><p>

<strong>Texas Hangman</strong> vs. Remmy Honeyman</p><p>

<strong>Zombie Boy</strong> vs. Stanley Axis</p><p>

<strong>Deacon Darkhold</strong> vs. Sanchez Villano</p>

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Frantic Ali vs. Lug Phelon

-Bonus question: Who loses? Frantic Ali


Remmy Skye vs. Vin Tanner


Hustle Muvva vs. JOJI


Minnesota Awesome © vs. Deadly Outlaws


Azathoth vs. Lil Henry

-Bonus Question: Who is behind the mask?

My first thought is someone from PSW, but I don't have the game with me and can't think of a monster heel from there, ummmm, Hell's Bouncer from FCW?


Canadian Hardcore vs. The Night Terrors


Dark Matches:

Hugh de Aske vs. Manny Alvarez

Texas Hangman vs. Remmy Honeyman

Zombie Boy vs. Stanley Axis

Deacon Darkhold vs. Sanchez Villano

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Aldous Blackfriar © vs. Frantic Ali vs. Lug Phelon

-Bonus question: Who loses? Lug Phelon


Remmy Skye vs. Vin Tanner


Hustle Muvva vs. JOJI


Minnesota Awesome © vs. Deadly Outlaws


Azathoth vs. Lil Henry

-Bonus Question: Who is behind the mask? Brandon Smith


Canadian Hardcore vs. The Night Terrors


Dark Matches:

Hugh de Aske vs. Manny Alvarez

Texas Hangman vs. Remmy Honeyman

Zombie Boy vs. Stanley Axis

Deacon Darkhold vs. Sanchez Villano

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Hold onto your butts!






The Simmons Center, Southwest, USA

Saturday, Week 1

March 2020

Attendance: 300



Pre-Show/Bonus Features


Deacon Darkhold vs. Sanchez Villano

In a decent pre-show match, Deacon Darkhold defeated Sanchez Villano in 9:56 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT.

Vin's Notes: Deacon continuing to put in the work to hold a main event push. He gets an E and Sanchez an E+. Both were a bit winded by the end so I should cut things back a bit.

Rating: E


Stanley Axis vs. Zombie Boy

In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Zombie Boy defeated Stanley Axis in 14:56 by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp.

Vin's Notes: Zombie is showing off his new more muscular look. A bit more meat on him and he might really loo like a star up there. Too bad he can't follow a script and things got a little derailed. I them both an E.

Rating: E-


Remmy Honeyman vs. Texas Hangman

In a pre-show bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Texas Hangman defeated Remmy Honeyman in 12:49 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.Vin's Notes: Texas debuts his Hangman gimmick to great effect. If only he could wrestle better. I give him an F+ and Remmy gets a D-

Rating: E


Hugh de Aske vs. Manny Alvarez

In a decent pre-show match, Hugh de Aske defeated Manny Alvarez in 13:14 by pinfall with a Skull And Cross Bones.

Vin's Note: Hugh puts on a top notch match with with a D and pulls an E- out of Manny

Rating: E+






Moses: "Greetings Los Angeles. Welcome to the West coast home for hardcore wrestling. I'm your host Moses Makesh and with me as always is colour commentator Luther Judge..."


Luther: "Aye, L.A. How you doing?"


Moses: "...and manager to the stars Anslem Briggs."


Anslem: "Thanks Moses."


Luther: "Well that's a bit of stretch, don't ya think? I mean he's only really manageing a star and even star should probably come with some air quotes."


Anslem: "I will beat your a** with the ring bell if you suggest that five-time IPW Champion Frantic isn't a star."


Luther: "Was a champion, but what has he done lately?"


Anslem: "It's not my man Frantic's fault old man Tanner can't control the locker room. Should be spending less time in the ring in his speedos and more time putting wild animals like JOJI on a leash."


Moses: "Speaking of wild animals the audience is sure to be in for a wild time as our first match up is between the Canadian Hardcore team Otis and Sasquatch as they face off against the Night Terrors."


Luther: "That's' not a clever transition, Moses. You can't just keep doing that."


Moses: "The tag team champions will need to be quite clever tonight if they hope to avoid the wrath of these two giants of men..."


Luther: "Oh my god, that one was even worse. Just ring the damn bell."


Anslem: "I got it...wait. Where is the bell? Who stole the damn bell?"


As the announcers look around in confusion for a way to signal the start of the show Vin Tanner comes down wearing his old school style wrestling trunks carrying the bell. He places it on the table and grabs a microphone before heading into the ring. The fans pop as the hardcore icon raises his hand for silence.


Vin: "Hello LA! I am the V-Man himself, Commissioner Tanner and I hope you're ready for this. As those of you showing up early have realized I've been dipping my toes back into the ring. I may have left the ring, but the ring has never left me. Now we've got ourselves some of the most talented wrestlers in SoCal but these rookies. Greener than goose s***. I can't stand sitting backstage forcing you, our dear fans, into watching two kids barely able to throw a punch at one another. Hardcore wrestling is more than just grabbing a steel chair and swinging for the fences. Back in DaVE, the greatest technical wrestler alive Eric Tyler put together some of the top talent in the world and created the School of Tradition to properly teach these green as grass rookies what it means to be a TRUE hardcore wrestler..."


Vin is cut off by the thumping of a drum beat and a heavily distorted guitar solo that signaled Remmy Skye hitting the ramp. He walks across the gymnasium and slides into the ring, mic in hand.


Remmy: "Woah man, why all the hostility? Why the hate V-man? Your time is past. Donezo. Gone. When you step out of the ring you leave it behind. You left it...behind."


The crowd has fallen silent. Remmy is oozing such charism that he could be reading the phone book and the audience would hang on every name and number.


Remmy: "I have seen your ways, the old ways. They were the way. But now there is a new way. A sky way..."


He points two fingers at the ceiling and then slowly arcs them back towards himself.


Remmy: "The Skye way. Tonight I will show you the truth. When I drive you into the mat for a second, for the blink of an eye, your mind will transcend the pain and punishment and you will see the face of god."


He pulls in close to Vin, his voice but a whisper. You could hear a pin drop in the arena as the audience holds its breath.


Remmy: "And that god, will be me."


Remmy drops the mic and leaves Vin standing there confused and speechless. Remmy hops up to the turnbuckle, pumps up the crowd and then hops down and out of the ring.


Remmy and Vin have an arguement? Maybe?

Rating: D+





Canadian Hardcore vs. The Night Terrors

The bell rings and Sasquatch charges forward. Babau tries to get out of the way but the giant bigfoot-hybrid has a reach that takes up half the ring and Babau is caught with a clothesline and forced end over end over the top rope. The in-ring segment lasts just a few seconds before the match is ringside. Otis shoves Moroi into the steel barricades, Sasquatch dumps Babau into the audience and fans scramble out of the way as the behemoth stalks after Babau. The Night Terrors get their hands on any weapon they can find from the audience and Moroi looks to make a comeback with a waffle iron but Otis uses his larger size to reach out and grab Moroi in a big bear-hug forcing Moroi to drop it. The fans came prepared and continue to offer weapons and the four eagerly take them up. Eventually the brawl circles back to the ring as it always seems to do and Otis and Sasquatch double team Babau and double chokeslam him through a ringside table. They roll him into the ring and proceed to take turns whipping Moroi into the turnbuckle before rolling him into the ring as well. Sasquatch grabs Babau and Moroi's heads, one in each hand, jerks them to their feet and then mashes them together. The ref calls that a tag and Sasquatch dumps Babau, stands up Moroi and then hits a giant running boot before going for the pin.


In a decent match, Canadian Hardcore defeated The Night Terrors in 12:09 when Sasquatch McGraw pinned Moroi with a Running Big Boot.

Vin's Note: The fans are starting to really love Canadian Hardcore starting off the show with a wild brawl. Sasquatch gets an E+, Otis gets an E, Moroi gets a D- and Babu gets a D.

Rating: D-




Luther: "Goddam those yeti are on a rampage. They are destorying every single team in IPW on their quest to get the belts back."


Moses: "Up next it seems the tag team champions Minnesota Awesome would like to say something to Otis and Sasquatch."


Anslem: "Oh that can't be right. Nobody is that stupid. If those two get a whiff of the tag team champs in the building they are going to go nuts."


Luther: "Yeah I agree with Anslem, that would be the f***ing stupidest decision..."


Luther is interrupted by the funky sound of the Minnesota Awesome's, an updated version of Prince's Party like its 1999. Perry grabs a mic and hits the ring with Clark.


Perry: "Wassup LA? You're being blessed by the greatest tag team that IPW has ever seen. Hell, that the West Coast has ever seen."


It's cheap heat but it works as the crowd starts booing these youngsters claiming to be one of the greats.


Perry: "You know what? We're not just great, we're..."


Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!"


Perry: "And we've made this tag team belt..."


Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!"


Perry: "And we've made this place..."


Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!"


Perry: "And tonight we're going to prove it when we face..."


Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!"


Perry's head whips over at Clark and the two get into an off-mic bicker over Clark's mistake. The two bros get into a quick shoving match with one another before bro-ing up and hugging it out.


Perry: "<ahem> And tonight we're going to prove it when we face..."


Clark: "Canadian Hardcore!"


Perry: "Now I know they're not on the card but let's be honest, LA. They're gunning for us. They're angry that we outsmarted and out-wrestled those big shaved gorilla from...ugh...Canada."


Perry puts enough venom into the word to turn the entire country into a pejorative. Behind him Clark makes like he is going to throw up just from hearing the name as the crowd continues to boo knowing full well that Minnesota Awesome's win was a complete fluke.


Perry: "So you want us Canada? We're right here being forever..."




The sound of dogs barking and breaking glass signals the theme of Canadian Hardcore. The two giants lumber towards the stage and the fans get to enjoy watching the bravado drain away from Minnesota Awesome as Otis and Sasquatch waste no time in answering the call out. They climb up to the ring and both of them step over the top rope. Clark and Perry start having an argument about who is going to face off against who as they are backed into a corner. Otis and Sasquatch each grab a head and flip the Minnesotans up and over to the center of the ring. They haul back big meaty fists looking to send them straight through the blonde party boys faces who are struggling to escape when new music hits the auditorium. A twang of a guitar followed by a series of six revolver shots. Out from the locker room comes the Outlaw and Deadly Deadshot.




The big man Outlaw and the nimble Deadly Deadshot storm down before Canadian Hardcore can mess up Clark and Perry.


The Outlaw: "Now now there big fellas. While I would normally enjoy you beatin' seven shades of s*** out these two that would be interferin' with our match tonight. Now when we win those straps, and we will, we don't want none of y'all flappin' yer jaws sayin' we didn't win 'em fair and square. We don't need your help beatin' the tar outta these two so if you would kindly step off I'd most appreciate it."


Now with reinforcements Clark and Perry break away and fall back so it is now four versus two in the ring. Under cover of the newly christened Deadly Outlaws the four slowly retreat back to the locker room while Otis and Sasquatch glare at them from the ring. Both of them bellow in rage and stalk the four backstage, keeping them in sight but not rushing to attack just yet. The crowd is on their feet yelling for a rumble.


The Deadly Outlaws save Minnesota Awesome from a beatdown at the hands of Canadian Hardcore

Rating: E+




Moses: "Fantastic."


Anslem: "Told ya that was stupid as f***."


Luther: "Yeah you don't taunt a metric ton of muscle and anger issues unless you're ready to back it up."


Anslem: "It's interesting that the Outlaws decided to step in. They could have let the beatdown happen and picked up the belts quite easily."


Moses: "Obviously the Deadly Outlaws are honorable competitors looking for a fair match."


Luther: "Man are you crazy? Deadly Deadshot is nothing but a gun-for-hire and the Outlaw is notorious for doing whatever it takes to win. That's why they call him an Outlaw."


Moses: "You know what else is crazy? Facing off against Dark Watch's new demon, Azathoth. That's what strongman Lil Henry will have to do coming up."


Anslem: "Now normally I'd put my money on Henry. He loves to crush newcomers to teach them a lesson about paying their dues but that demon is something else. Was he just hiding under the ring the entire time?"


Luther: "You know I think you're right. That's even more f***ed up!"





Azathoth vs. Lil Henry

Lil Henry is used to being the biggest, strongest man in the ring but even he looks small compared to Azathoth. When they are strapped together for a dog collar match it seems like he is regretting his choices in life. The bell rings and Azathoth explodes with power nearly decapitating Lil Henry with a giant clothesline. Azathoth roars at the crowd and flings Lil Henry into the corner coming in right behind him with a big shoulder block. Lil Henry makes a comeback hitting some big right hooks to Azathoth's body but Azathoth scoops him up and sideslams him in a giant display of power. Lil Henry is down and now Azathoth is just playing with him. The match goes on for a few more minutes with Azathoth brutalizing Lil Henry. It ends as Azathoth lifts the giant Lil Henry up and hits him with a thrown crucifix powerbomb that Moses calls the Nuclear Chaos.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Azathoth defeated Lil Henry in a Dog Collar match in 6:03 by pinfall with a Nuclear Chaos.

Vin's Note: Time for Azathoth to do his thing. Nobody expects a squash match to be good but both of them looked okay out there. I give Azathoth a an E+, Otis gets an E and Lil Henry an E+.

Rating: E+


After the match Dark Watch comes down to the ring to celebrate with Azathoth but the giant demon seems to have other plans. He is stomping on Lil Henry while officials and staff try in vain to drag him away. Melvin is laughing hysterically, Moroi and Babau aren't sure what to do and Deacon is screaming at Azathoth to obey. Finally he sends in the Night Terrors to bring Azathoth to heel but the giant starts throwing them around like rag dolls. In the end half the locker room has to pour out to rescue Lil Henry and drag Azathoth backstage.


Dark Watch struggles to control Azathoth

Rating: D-




Luther: "Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet."


Moses: "Fantastic."


Anslem: "Where is Vin finding these guys? Is there an orphanage for gigantic beast men? Is there some white guy Doctor Frankenstein somewhere just pumping these guys out. All muscle and no brains?"


Luther: "No kidding. I don't think we're going to see Lil Henry for awhile. That demon busted his face open like a ripe melon."


Moses: "Fantastic."


Luther: "See this is what I'm saying, Moses. When you say stuff like that you sound creepy as hell! Like you're getting off on the violence."


Moses: "You know what will get our fans off? It's..."


Luther: "NOPE! No you are not finishing that. No stupid f***ing transition just announce the next damn match."


Moses: "...fantastic."





Minnesota Awesome © vs. Deadly Outlaws


With a brand new team nobody knows what to expect and Clark and Outlaw square off. After a bit of an exchange in the center Clark tries to get to the top rope but Outlaw catches him and hits a big slam. Clark tags in Perry and both of them double team Outlaw but he avoids their double dropkick and hits a double elbow drop on them. Outlaw shoots Perry to the rope where Deadly Deadshot grabs him and drags him out of the ring. When they are together Minnesota Awesome have some decent attempts at coordinated attacks but Outlaw and Deadshot keep them isolated. Outlaw pounds one into the ground while Deadshot proves to be just as agile and aerial as either of the Awesomes. Slowly but surely defeat seems inevitable so the Awesomes turn hardcore. They both grab chairs and proceed to take turns slamming them onto Outlaws back but the big bandit just won't stay down. He just keeps coming for them and Deadshot always comes to the rescue when Outlaw needs it. The Deadly Outlaws don't work closely together but they both are solid wrestlers with great awareness and who keep their partner from being overwhelmed. While Deadshot and Perry battle it out on the bleachers Outlaw slaps a sharpshooter on Clark and stretches him until the young man submits.

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Deadly Outlaws defeated Minnesota Awesome in 14:40 when The Outlaw submitted Clark Smallbone. Deadly Outlaws win the IPW Tag Team Championship titles. The Outlaw carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

Vin's Note: I still can't believe I thought putting the belts on Clark and Perry was a good idea. Easily the worst performance of the night. I give them both an F+. They are just too inexperienced and it shows. Poor timing, poor selling, not quite hitting the spots, just a complete mess. Deadly Deadshot gets an E- while Outlaw carried the match with a D-. I told Outlaw and Deadshot to go stiff on Clark and Perry. They needed to know that being sloppy and risking someone's life isn't acceptable. I'm not the kind of guy who'll fire you on the spot but I will give you a very, very harsh lesson. They lost their belts without a proper feud and Outlaw especially can bring the pain when he needs to. Hopefully this is a lesson that sticks for a long, long time. I still believe in the Awesomes but they are definitely not ready yet.

Rating: E




Moses: "And there you have it, folks. We have just witnessed the crowning of new IPW Tag Team Champions."


Luther: "Wait a minute...haven't we seen this before."


Moses: "Yes actually. The Deadly Outlaws rampaged through IPW in 2014 culminating with a 4-month title reign before losing to Coulrophobia."


Anslem: "Eh f*** those guys. I see up next we have that b****-a** JOJI facing off against Hustle Muvva. Good. Hustle is going to beat the piss out of that punk and maybe he'll finally get it through his stupid f***ing skull that he isn't good enough for my man Frantic."


Luther: "Is that jealousy I hear?"


Anslem: "What? No! Of course not!"


Luther: "You don't want anyone coming between you and your man, is that right?"


Anslem: "Man f*** you!"





Hustle Muvva w/ Cindy vs. JOJI

JOJI is hollaring for Frantic his whole time down to the ring. Hustle was pissed by this and laid into JOJI hard right from the start hitting some big chops and slams early on. JOJI kicked out of three pins though and each time came back harder and harder. JOJI slipped out of the ring and grabbed a chair and going to town on Hustle Muvva. Cindy tries to help but is pushed into the steel barriers. Hustle doesn't stay down for long though and hits JOJI with a suplex on the pads outside the ring. Henry rolls JOJI into the ring and whips him into the turnbuckles but JOJI springs up to the top rope and hits Hustle by surprise with a reverse Miracle Explosion (moonsault legdrop). JOJI rolls up Henry and the ref hits three before Hustle can kick out. Everyone is shocked by this upset. JOJI goes nuts in the ring while Hustle starts arguing with the ref about it being too fast a count.


In a decent match, JOJI defeated Hustle Muvva in 9:54 by pinfall with a Joji Miracle Explosion.

Vin's Note: JOJI needs a bit more seasoning. I asked them to go all out as this was going to be a clean match to showcase JOJI but he struggled to keep his moves big and fresh while Hustle was gassing from the speed and intensity. Not a bad match but better booking on my part would have elevated things more. Still I give Hustle a D- and JOJI an E

Rating: E+




Luther: "I'm sorry, what was that Anslem? Something about JOJI not being good enough to face 'your man'?"


Anslem: "Shut up, Luther."


Luther: "You were looking forward to seeing JOJI get squashed, right?"


Anslem: "Quit playing, Luther."


Luther: "I bet Frantic isn't feeling so confident anymore"


Anslem: "I bet I can fit my whole boot up your ass if you keep talking, Luther."


Moses: "Fantastic. I would like to see that. In our next match hardcore legend Vin Tanner faces off against SoCal's high flying star Remmy Skye."


Luther: "I think Remmy is pissed at Vin. Or the other way around. I didn't really understand what Remmy Skye was saying."


Anslem: "I don't think anyone really knows but a match is a match so let's watch them beat the s*** out of one another."





Remmy Skye vs. Vin Tanner

Vin comes down with the ramp leaning heavily on a cane. The crowd seems a little unsure what "Old Man Tanner" can actually do as he slowly enters the ring but as soon a the bell rings he springs to action smashing his cane over Remmy's head and then leveling him with a clothesline. Vin capitalizes on this and dominates the first couple of minutes with some classic old school wrassling. Big chops in the corner, a suplex, a short clothesline and with Remmy being beaten it looks like it will be a quick match until Vin whips Remmy into the ropes and Remmy ducks the clothesline, springs off the ropes into a moonsault and lays them both out. Remmy recovers first and slowly takes control of the match. Vin makes a comeback with a lowblow but when he tries to hit Remmy with a superplex Remmy reverses it into a Skye Diver and Vin is down for the count.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Remmy Skye defeated Vin Tanner in 14:39 by pinfall with a Skye Diver.

Vin's Note: Not a bad showing for my first match back. Definitely a long match for me though. I'm not young anymore so Remmy had to carry me through most of it. Still for when I wasn't exhausted I'd give myself a solid D- and Remmy delivered a D+

Rating: D




Luther: "Damn! Someone should check on th V-Man. He probably broke a hip in there. I can't believe he is still wrestling. Dude should be in a nursing home banging old women."


Anslem: "I can't believe he nearly one. That motherf***er is probably just a collection of scars and hate at this point. V-Man's just a terminator robot at this point."


Moses: "Now it appears that the IPW Champion Aldous Blackfriar would like a few words. Blackfriar will be defending his belt in a three-way fight tonight with two top competitors."


Luther: "I'm pretty sure whoever is running this secretly hates Blackfriar to make him face his two top competitors, at the same time."


Anslem: "Excuse me boys but I'm going to go manage my man Frantic to another IPW championship."




Aldous Blackfriar comes down and the crowd pops for him. He does his thing in the center of the ring going from turnbuckle to turnbuckle pumping up the fans.


Blackfriar: "They think they can stop His Satanic Majesty with not one but two opponents? I DON'T CARE! They put two top contenders in the ring and put a target on my head? I DON'T CARE. I am the greatest IPW Champion in the history of this company and I will prove it every single night if I have to. So bring it on, IPW because no matter what you throw against me..."


He holds up the mic so the crowd can join in to his chant of 'I DON'T CARE'


Just then Frantic Ali appears on the ramp with a mic of his own accompanied by his manager, Anslem Briggs.




Frantic: "Heh... pretty cocky for a first timer. That belt, it's mine. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it is mine. I have won more than anyone else in this company and it is only a matter of time before that gold is wrapped around this waist."


Blackfriar: "You've won it more than anyone else in the company? I guess that means you've also lost it more than anyone else in the company."


The crowd as one goes 'oooooh' at that insult and Frantic gets red in the face. He makes to storm down the ramp but Anslem holds him back. He keeps holding him back until they reach their corner of the ring telling his client to save it for the match. Around that time Lug Phelon and Mary O'Ryan hit the ramp to make their way to the ring. Surprising absolutely nobody, Mary also has a mic.




Mary: "Are you lads done flapping your gums? My client here Lug, he doesn't say much unlike you two. You two'll say enough for everyone in the audience at this rate but Lug here lets his fists do the talking. Frantic Ali, you might have been great once but we're all looking at that time in the rear view mirror. And Blackfriar, if you really think Satan's going to save you from a good old fashioned Irish beatdown you must be bloody mad."


Lug beats his chest and stalks down to the ring getting more and more pumped with every step.


Vin's Note: Thanks to a script and a bit more practice Mary is finally settling in here. A solid hype that got the crowd pumped for the upcoming match.


Frantic, Lug, and Aldous all argue about title match.

Rating: D-





Aldous Blackfriar vs. Frantic Ali w/ Anslem Briggs vs. Lug Phelon w/ Mary O'Ryan


The three men circle one another cautiously, neither one willing to make the first move. Lug and Frantic look at one another and both of them nod towards Blackfriar before both charge him and double team him. Blackfriar is destroyed as Lug and Frantic take turns beating him down. Finally Blackfriar is left battered in the middle of the ring and the alliance breaks down as both Frantic and Lug fight over who gets the pin. Lug ends up kicking Frantic in the gut and then hitting a big suplex on him. Lug and Frantic spill out of the ring giving Blackfriar a chance to recover. Just as it looks like Lug is going to win over Frantic and pick up a pin Blackfriar grabs a steel chair and batters Lug and Frantic with it. Frantic is down but Lug recovers and he and Blackfriar slug it out around the ring. All they have to do is gesture to the crowd and the crowd provides weapons for them. Chairs, crutches, waffle makers, anything goes as they batter each other bloody. Meanwhile Frantic climbs a turnbuckle and ambushes them both with a big splash from the top to the outside and all three men go down. Frantic recovers first and pulls Blackfriar out of the pile for a pin but suddenly JOJI sneaks out from the audience with a chair and cracks Frantic across the back. JOJI runs off but the damage is done and Blackfriar suddenly surges up tackles Frantic from behind and hits him with a Gloomweaver Clutch (Camel Clutch) and Frantic taps out.


In a superb match, Aldous Blackfriar defeated Lug Phelan and Frantic Ali in 14:32 when Aldous Blackfriar submitted Frantic Ali with a Gloomweaver Clutch. During the match we also had JOJI run in and attack Frantic Ali. Aldous Blackfriar makes defence number twelve of the IPW Championship title. Aldous Blackfriar carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

Vin's Note: Aldous gives me faith in my booking. Kid is going to carry us to the next level. I just hope the rest of the roster will keep up. Aldous carried the match with a C- while Frantic and Lug both pulled off Ds.

Rating: D+


Overall Rating: D+

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Kudos to TOTKingNothing for predicting the title change on the tag team belts.


Also nope, Azathoth is not Big Cat Brandon. My clue this time around is that the man behind the mask is hire able from day 1. Someone like Big Cat becoming a free agent would definitely make the news before I made a move on him.


Clue #2 is Azathoth's starting push is Unimportant. He has basically no starting popularity in the South West...

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I f*cking love Moses.


That commentary team is too funny!


In general, this is a really good diary. Exactly what I'd expect from one about a hardcore promotion that doesn't give a damn. I totally agree with what has been said before: Incorporating your booking decisions and then reviewing them is a nice twist.


Keep going like this and consider me an addition to your readership (is that a word?).

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