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EMLL: Strange Lucha Things

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This is great stuff, really enjoying the storytelling here. One small note, though- it's quite hard to keep track of who's what alignment and from which faction. Maybe a bit more of an in-depth look at each character would make it easier? Like, a spotlight feature between shows or something.
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Los Siete Pecados Capitales (for those that don't know the workers by their pictures):


Sloth - Molokai Milk

Greed - El Ladron

Pride - El Orgulloso

Lust - El Toro De Oro

Gluttony - Soda De Uva Jr

Envy - Jose Flamenco

Wrath - Demon King


Updated Predictions:

neslo024 = 10/10

Tiberious = 9/10

DarK_RaideR = 5/5

Historian = 5/5

Adelwolf = 5/5

Martel123 = 5/5

scmurph01 = 4/5

Hitman74 = 4/5


Bonus Predictions:

neslo024 - 2/7 workers correct, 1/7 sin+worker combinations correct

Tiberious - 4/7 workers correct, 3/7 sin+worker combinations correct


As I said before, I really enjoyed some of the choices that people came up with, all of them seemed like logical picks who I definitely could have gone with :)


I would pay real money to watch these shows.


Thank you!


This is great stuff, really enjoying the storytelling here. One small note, though- it's quite hard to keep track of who's what alignment and from which faction. Maybe a bit more of an in-depth look at each character would make it easier? Like, a spotlight feature between shows or something.


Absolutely! I was planning to do some in-between show posts that build up the backstory and fill in gaps, your post is telling me that the first one of those should be a look at the factions.


Also, if it helps, the roster page on the front post hasn't been updated with Demon King's stable yet, but other than that, it does list everyone, with blue text for their name if they are a Tecnico and red if they are a Rudo. The roster is split based on what universe they originated from. All the Hellmouth rudos are one stable, the Dark Universe Rudos are another stable, and now we have Los Siete Pecados Capitales.


One thing I am trying to keep authentic about EMLL is that is is heavily Rudo-dominant, but the face/heel divide is not enforced, so you will see face/face and heel/heel feuds.


Another great show. Man I totally bombed the seven workers. Some great picks in their I didn't even think of.


I enjoyed your picks, they easily could have made it into the stable.

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Aztec Prince fits the product perfectly with 70 brawling and 60 hard-core to go with 88 SQ. I usually change the product to integrated in the editor too so I can make it that much more like Lucha Underground. Then I usually bring in Electric Dreamer and Queen Amazon. I'm definitely enjoying how you are setting up the factions, always cool to see what other people do with the same rosters.
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<p>I've never really followed a lucha diary but I absolutely love the lore behind all this so it seems like my type of promotion. I think the villains in particular you write so well, especially the first show I really enjoyed the La Estralla/Love Machine/Snake King promos. And of course the Demon King and the whole 7 sins stable is a great idea. I enjoyed them stepping back at the end of that show, it's a nice change and in puts Demon King over as more powerful that he doesn't feel the need to attack his enemies when they are hurt. </p><p> </p><p>

It's a tough one because you don't particularly need to bend over backwards to accommodate people who aren't aware of the roster too much, as I imagine most people who click to read this will already know most the people. But personally I do agree 1PWfan that something small in shows to make it clear who some people are could help me. In terms of who is rudo/technico your writing is great so that's always pretty obvious but it could still help. I remember some Puro diary having something like the stable logo in the corner of the wrestlers picture. Don't get me wrong it's a fair bit of work to edit them all in, but something like that. Or even just the initials of the stable by the name in different colours. </p><p> </p><p>

Although you are right that the roster page helps, and your only 2 shows in so I'm sure in time I'd naturally learn who is from what group.</p><p> </p><p>

Edit: And I forgot to say I love Cyclops, I do love the idea of visions of the future/predictions.</p>

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Aztec Prince fits the product perfectly with 70 brawling and 60 hard-core to go with 88 SQ. I usually change the product to integrated in the editor too so I can make it that much more like Lucha Underground. Then I usually bring in Electric Dreamer and Queen Amazon. I'm definitely enjoying how you are setting up the factions, always cool to see what other people do with the same rosters.


I was primarily picking with the conditions that the workers I got were A: unemployed, and B: Male. I like the idea of an integrated roster and its given me a few ideas of my own ;)


I've never really followed a lucha diary but I absolutely love the lore behind all this so it seems like my type of promotion. I think the villains in particular you write so well, especially the first show I really enjoyed the La Estralla/Love Machine/Snake King promos. And of course the Demon King and the whole 7 sins stable is a great idea. I enjoyed them stepping back at the end of that show, it's a nice change and in puts Demon King over as more powerful that he doesn't feel the need to attack his enemies when they are hurt.


It's a tough one because you don't particularly need to bend over backwards to accommodate people who aren't aware of the roster too much, as I imagine most people who click to read this will already know most the people. But personally I do agree 1PWfan that something small in shows to make it clear who some people are could help me. In terms of who is rudo/technico your writing is great so that's always pretty obvious but it could still help. I remember some Puro diary having something like the stable logo in the corner of the wrestlers picture. Don't get me wrong it's a fair bit of work to edit them all in, but something like that. Or even just the initials of the stable by the name in different colours.


Although you are right that the roster page helps, and your only 2 shows in so I'm sure in time I'd naturally learn who is from what group.


Edit: And I forgot to say I love Cyclops, I do love the idea of visions of the future/predictions.


Thanks! I played an EMLL save in 2016 and it was fun, but I was really happy when I saw the changes in 2020, immediately had me thinking about all the places I could take the lore. That's why I've decided to make this diary, it gives me an outlet to put all of it out there, and I'm happy people are enjoying it so far.


I'm going to try putting a stable logo behind affiliated workers photos to make it easier for people to identify which worker belongs to a faction, examples below:

Hellmouth logo -



Hellmouth workers -



I'm excited to integrate Cyclops a bit more. I don't know whether he'll be a big star for me, but his gimmick gives him a lot of room to be involved in big storylines. And he doesn't need to win a title to get his visions either :)



Great Show! Surprised I got as many of the deadly sins right; though it's also amusing that two of us guessed Toro de Oro but both got his role wrong. I'm excited to see where you go next.


Toro de Oro was originally going to be 'Wrath' or something like that, but then I read his skills, had a chuckle at Ryland's sense of humour and made him 'Lust'.


Great show!!


Thanks, really appreciate all the support :)


I'll post a preview of Clash of the Multiverse within the next few days.

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I was primarily picking with the conditions that the workers I got were A: unemployed, and B: Male. I like the idea of an integrated roster and its given me a few ideas of my own ;)


Makes total sense. I put in 60 brawl and hardcore into the search engine and picked people I thought fit what I was trying to do. It's easy to find luchadores but not a lot of guys with good hardcore that make sense for the product. I usually throw cobra in a stable with snake king, el serpiente and purple viper.


Have you done/considered setting up any company relationships? I always do mutual excursion agreements with WLW, ZEN and EXODUS then send them all my unimportant workers that will just get booed by the fans.

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Loved the profiles!


Thanks! I'm looking forward to doing more.


Have you done/considered setting up any company relationships? I always do mutual excursion agreements with WLW, ZEN and EXODUS then send them all my unimportant workers that will just get booed by the fans.


I've sent Blue Wolf over to ZEN, but other than that haven't done much with it yet. I have my eyes on a few workers that might eventually be possible to grab via talent trading.









EMLL: Clash Of The Multiverse





Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

Tables Match



Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada



DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma



El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince



Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King



Captain Lucha vs. Demon King

Ladder Match

[Campeonato Del Mundo Title Match]




Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada

DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince

Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King

Captain Lucha vs. Demon King

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Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master


The tables match stipulation means you could have Dolphin Master pick up a fluke win without actually pinning Death's Head, but I don't know if I see Dolphin Master on that level.


Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada


This ones's a real coin-flip to me as I don't really know where this storyline is headed.


DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma


EMLL could use some more Tecnico stars, so I feel like Fantasma picks up yet another win over a guy the fans don't like.


El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince


Goblin Prince is a personal favorite of mine, but I don't see any scenario where he wins here. At least he gets to appear on the main card of a big show.


Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King


The whole build has been Snake King running his mouth while Guerrero Muerto is a cool mystical badass, so I don't see Snakey slithering out of this one.


Captain Lucha vs. Demon King


Tough decision because Demon King just got a big evil stable to invade the promotion and beating him so soon might undermine that, but on the other hand how can you bet against Captain Lucha?

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Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

The setup is all Death's Head, but I'm gonna take the not-obvious pick here and predict EMLL's Aquaman pulls off a last minute dodge to send Death's Head charging through some table on a corner

Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada


DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

DeCipher gets booed. Fantasma is talented and comes with a built-in storyline against the Dark Universe

El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince

Building up the new stable

Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King

Muerto wins, then Snakey probably gets to recruiting El Serpiente and all the other reptile themed luchadores to lead himself a stable

Captain Lucha vs. Demon King

I can see Demon King winning without a title switch, or Captain Lucha getting a DQ win after the Sins invade, so I'm calling it a draw: chaos ensues and the match is thrown

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Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

Death's Head has the cooler mask but I love Aquaman so his luchador cousin gets my vote


Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada

Bestia's awesome


DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

I'm guessing some of the villains from The Hellmouth interfere


El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince

Giving the new stable a bit of momentum, and we don't really know what Goblin Prince's deal is yet


Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King

Coolest mask wins


Captain Lucha vs. Demon King

I like him more

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Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada (I loved the part about him in the lore)

DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince (Although I love the name Goblin Prince)

Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King

Captain Lucha vs. Demon King (Tough one to pick but I've enjoyed his promos)


The lore post before was interesting, and I think the stable backgrounds will definitely help in the long run.

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<p><strong>Death's Head </strong>vs. Dolphin Master- Death's Head is really good and this will give him two of the 3 rings with a chance coming up next month to take the 3rd.</p><p>

<strong>Anarchist</strong> vs. La Bestia Morada- Bestia gets sidetracked by the ring and the distraction costs him.</p><p>

DeCipher vs. <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong>- Fantasma has the brighter future </p><p>

<strong>El Toro De Oro Jr</strong> vs. Goblin Prince- squash city</p><p>

<strong>Guerrero Muerto</strong> vs. Snake King- Muerto is the younger and better worker and picks up a win on his way to a title shot.</p><p>

<strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. Demon King- Cap picks up the win with shenanigans involved from the 7 sins and possibly some allies for cap.</p>

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Saturday, Week 2 January 2020

EMLL: Clash Of The Multiverse



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

Hector Moreno: “Welcome to Clash Of The Multiverse! We’ve got an absolutely fantastic night ahead of us here. The matches we’ll see tonight have serious implications for the fate of the Multiverse.”


El Bandido: “And for the fate of my savings account. Just look at this near-capacity crowd and the thousands tuning in live from across the world. Welcome to everyone, and don’t forget to order merchandise from EMLL.com. Use the discount code ‘BIGGUTS’ for 5% off your next order.”


Ramón Delgado: “Is the merchandise stretchable? I’m asking for my good friend Hector.”


Hector Moreno: “We’re the same size!”


Ramón Delgado: “Really? I would never have been able to tell, I wear my size a lot better than you do. Are you deliberately trying to revive the baggy-suit trend or are you just unable to afford a good tailor?”


El Bandido: “Come on now amigos, settle down. We’ve got the first match coming up in just a second, but first let’s run down what we’re going to see tonight.”


Hector Moreno: “First up we’ll see Death’s Head and Dolphin Master in a tables match, that’s sure to be a contest. Then we’ve got a rematch between DeCipher and El Hijo Del Fantasma, the long-awaited match between Anarchist and La Bestia Morada and a debut for El Toro De Oro Jr against Goblin Prince.”


El Bandido: “I’ll be watching that last one closely. Demon King’s army – Los Siete Pecados Capitales – finally made an appearance this week, and I’ll be damned if I let yet another outer-universal army storm into my company and do whatever they want!”


Hector Moreno: “Speaking of which, also tonight we’ve got a showdown between Guerrero Muerto and Snake King, and a Campeonato Del Mundo rematch between Captain Lucha and Demon King. Captain Lucha won the title from Demon King last month and DK hasn’t stopped talking about what a colossal mistake that was ever since. We’ll see if he can reclaim the title tonight. Things don’t look good for the Captain who suffered an injury a few days ago in a title defence against La Estrella. We’ll have to wait and see how that impacts him tonight.”


El Bandido: “Oh we’ll see something alright...”






Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

Tables Match

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • Dolphin Master rolls out of the ring to start the match, leading Death’s Head on a chase around the outside. Knowing he is far outmatched in power, he intends to rely on his superior speed and stamina. Possibly insane, but by no means an idiot, Death’s Head eventually plants himself in the middle of the ring and waits for Dolphin Master to approach him.
  • Forced to take the action back into the ring, Dolphin Master launches into a carefully orchestrated game plan, always keeping himself out of arms reach of Death’s Head and trying to bring the fearsome brute off his feet.
  • For all of his success, Dolphin Master needs to set up and put Death’s Head through a table in order to win the match. He sets up a table in the corner of the ring and turns around to lift Death’s Head, but runs into a vicious right hand.
  • Death’s Head goes on the offensive, pummelling Dolphin Master into the mat with one vicious blow after another. He busts Dolphin Master open, blood leaking out from his shoulder. Seeing the blood, Death’s Head grins maniacally and lifts him up.
  • Death’s Head grabs Dolphin Master by the hand and attempts to irish whip him into the table, but Dolphin Master counters, maintaining a grip on Death’s Heads arm launching himself into the air, grabbing onto his opponent’s head and launching him across the ring with his Dolphinisher (Hurricanrana). Death’s Head lands just inches away from the table, had the pair been any closer to the table Dolphin Master would surely have been victorious.
  • Death’s Head recovers quickly, tossing Dolphin Master around the ring like a ragdoll, softening him up for the victory. Eventually, he sets the aquatic avenger against the table in the corner and heads to the opposite corner. He sprints madly across the ring, intending to spear Dolphin Master to oblivion through the table. Dolphin Master rolls out of the way with seconds to spare, but showing grace despite his size, Death’s Head is able to drop into a baseball slide and pull up short of putting himself through the table.
  • Dolphin Master attempts a last-ditch Dolphinisher but is caught in the air by Death’s Head who uses his superior strength to hold onto him and Powerbomb him through the table, finally putting an end to the match.



Death’s Head defeats Dolphin Master in 14:46 via Powerbomb through a table

Death’s Head had an in-ring performance of 43

Dolphin Master had an in-ring performance of 41

Segment Rating: 49




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">


After the match, Death’s head approaches the fallen Dolphin Master intending to claim his ring. Using the last of his remaining strength, Dolphin Master manages to roll out of the ring, evading Death’s Heads grasp. He dives into the crowd, who help him make his escape out of the arena. Enraged, Death’s Head briefly considers retaliating against the crowd, but thinks better of it when an army of security guards approach him with hands on their weapons.

He makes his way to the back, laughing as he does so, having already thought of his next move.



Segment Rating: 43






Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • La Bestia Morada has the momentum early, using his ferocious power and shocking speed to lay into Anarchist. He’s fighting with a clarity that is rare to see with him. Looking to end the match early, he brings Anarchist up for a Beastbomb, but is distracted when Anarchist displays the Ring of Chaos.
  • With La Bestia Morada entranced by the ring and mumbling incoherently, Anarchist is able to slip out of his grasp and ground him, placing the man beast in a variety of painful submission holds as he howls in pain.
  • La Bestia Morada manages to fight through, but the remainder of the match proceeds to go in a similar fashion. Every time Morada gets the upper hands, he succumbs to the influence of the Ring and allows Anarchist back into the match. Trapped in the Anarchist’s Dream in the middle of the ring, it looks as if Morada will soon pass out.
  • Using the last reserves of his strength, La Bestia Morada overpowers Anarchist and launches him backwards right into the referee. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Anarchist slides outside of the ring, grabbing a chair and preparing to finish off the man beast.
  • But suddenly, Delirium appears!

Rushing to the ring, Delirium catches Anarchist off guard and lays him out with Dazed and Confused (a running knee strike). The referee recovers, finding La Bestia Morada rolled on top of Anarchist and counts the pin.



La Bestia Morada defeats Anarchist in 9:40 after outside interference from Delirium

Anarchist had an in-ring performance of 37

La Bestia Morada had an in-ring performance of 37

Segment Rating: 41




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">


La Bestia Morada begins to regain his strength and turns his attention to Anarchist, looking to claim the Ring of Chaos for himself. Before he can do so, Delirium returns to the ring, connecting with a Dazed and Confused on La Bestia Morada’s ribs. Fuelled by rage, the man beast quickly recovers and begins a wild brawl with Delirium which spills into the crowd. In the meantime, Anarchist slinks away to safety, thankful he has retained the Ring, but certainly worried about what the addition of another crazed Luchador will mean for his chances moving forward.



Segment Rating: 40




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">



The large monitor in the arena cuts to a pre-recorded video of La Estrella sitting in the parking lot of a movie studio, a trailer behind him has his name prominently displayed.


La Estrella: “Cyclops! Consider yourself lucky that I have other obligations, or I’d be there tonight getting answers out of you one way or another. You should have thought more carefully about who you threatened. I don’t know what it’s like in the Dark Universe, that savage backwater you call home. But here in THE AMERICAS we don’t take too kindly to being told what we can and can’t do.”


The Hollywood luchador rises from his chair and beckons for someone offscreen to hurry over. A young P.A. approaches, carrying a cup of coffee. La Estrella rips it from his hands and takes a sip, before immediately spitting it all over the poor assistant.


La Estrella: “Can you do anything right? I asked for an unsweetened almond milk cappuccino. This is clearly sweetened almond milk!”


He tosses the coffee cup at his assistant, with a good portion of the remaining coffee flying out and landing on the assistant’s clothes. The P.A. lets out a scream at having the hot coffee thrown on him and scurries away. La Estrella turns back towards the camera.


La Estrella: “Cyclops. If your visions are so accurate, why couldn’t you have told me about that useless idiot and his sweetened almond milk? No... You’re a fraud! A charlatan trying to get your 15 minutes of fame by attaching yourself to yours-truly. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before and I’m honestly embarrassed I didn’t pick up on it earlier. Set up a fake trail of successful predictions; make a wild prediction about the biggest star on the planet, instant exposure. Well you know what? Credit to you, it worked. But you don’t understand what you’ve done. You want your 15 minutes of fame? You’ll be lucky to get 5 when I get you in the ring and humiliate you in front of the world. And when I do? You’ll beg me to let you take back your ‘prediction’ and crawl back into the hole you came from.”



Segment Rating: 50







DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • The second match between these two starts off with a bang, with El Hijo Del Fantasma launching himself towards DeCipher and bringing him to the ground, laying a beatdown.
  • DeCipher is ready, having spent hours obsessively scouting Fantasma’s attacks leading up to this rematch. He catches a missed punch from Fantasma and locks in a powerful submission hold, planting Fantasma in the middle of the ring and refusing to let go, determined to make him submit.
  • As expected, the crowd begin viciously booing DeCipher, lambasting him with ‘BOR-ING’ chants. He doesn’t let it bother him this time, remaining focused and continuing to apply a variety of painful submission holds in order to get Fantasma to tap.
  • The former Hellmouth lieutenant eventually breaks free, riding on the energy of the crowd who are willing him to his feet. He launches into an exciting array of offensive moves, landing impactful strikes on the bewildered veteran.
  • Finally, much like last time, he gives DeCipher a taste of his own medicine, locking in his signature Ultimate Boston Crab. Unlike with DeCipher, the crowd cheer for the move, firmly behind the rising star. DeCipher does his best to hold on, his pride already severely wounded, but eventually relents and taps, not wanting to lose the use of his legs.



El Hijo Del Fantasma defeats DeCipher in 11:41 via submission with an Ultimate Boston Crab

DeCipher had an in-ring performance of 45

El Hijo Del Fantasma had an in-ring performance of 44

Segment Rating: 51






El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • El Toro De Oro Jr makes his debut for EMLL representing Los Siete Pecados Capitales. His opponent is Azznarr the Prince of the Goblin Folk. Azznarr is a mysterious being whose allegiance does not seem to be with any of the major factions which dominate the company and vie for control of the Multiverse.
  • El Toro makes quick work of Azznarr, hitting him with his trademark Spinal Shocker Gore right out of the gate, but before he can go for the pin, he’s distracted by a beautiful woman in the crowd. He rolls out of the ring and approaches her, allowing her to pat his horns.
  • For a moment it looks like Azznarr might steal a win via countout, but El Toro returns to the ring on the count of 9 and picks the young Goblin Prince back up. Moving across to the side of the ring closest to the beautiful woman, he proceeds to show off a number of feats of strength using Goblin Prince as a prop much to the delight of the woman.
  • Finally satisfied, he delivers a second Spinal Shocker Gore to Goblin Prince, covers him for the pinfall victory and leaps into the crowd, sweeping the woman off her feet and carrying her out of the arena.
    Hector Moreno: “Wow, what an impressive debut from the avatar of Lust.”
    El Bandido: “It looks like he might be headed for another incredible debut backstage. Talk about a raging bull!”
    Hector Moreno: “He might even give Boriken a run for his money.”
    Ramón Delgado: “Yeah? And what would you know about any of that?”
    Hector Moreno: “...Coming up next is a match we’ve all been waiting for, Guerrero Muerto taking on Snake King. Hopefully the two of them beat each other into oblivion and we’re done with the both of them.”



El Toro De Oro Jr defeats Goblin Prince in 5:53 via pinfall following a Spinal Shocker Gore

El Toro De Oro Jr had an in-ring performance of 35

Goblin Prince had an in-ring performance of 15

Segment Rating: 28




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">


Snake King enters the arena first holding his own custom microphone in the image of a snake. When he enters the ring he takes the time to approach each turnbuckle and climb it, motioning for the crowd to cheer. Each time he does so he is met with a hail of booing and jeering.


Snake King: “Foolish mortals. The Serpent is coming. Nachash will soon grace this pitiful rock with his presence. If you wish to remain you must accept your place, I will not warn you again. Grovel, plead for mercy. Hope against hope that you can do enough to earn yourself a reprieve. Once I am through with Guerrero Muerto I will have the energy required to summon him to this mortal plane. There are limited spaces available for slaves, so reconsider your ways. Repent now and earn your place--”


Snake King is interrupted by a large bang as a column of fire shoots up from the entranceway. As it clears, Guerrero Muerto is standing in its place, a demonic intensity engulfing his eyes. The undead warrior slowly makes his way to the ring. The crowd are dead silent as he does so, paralysed by fear.


As Guerrero Muerto finally enters the ring, Snake King looks as if he might say something else, but thinks better of it. He tosses his microphone at the timekeeper and turns to face his fearsome opponent. Snake King is a deadly luchador capable of victory on any given night against any opponent, but for all his talk, deep down he knows defeating Guerrero Muerto will take every ounce of focus that he has.




Segment Rating: 63





Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • The two EMLL rudo stars begin their showdown with a classic clash of styles. Snake King gracefully slithers around the ring, landing flashy aerial strikes and showboating for the ungrateful crowd at every opportunity. Guerrero Muerto remains stalwart, absorbing Snake King’s offence and countering with devastating strikes aimed at vital organs, designed to incapacitate and even kill.
  • Unlike many of the lesser opponents Guerrero Muerto has faced, he is not able to simply shrug off the effects of Snake King’s offence. Likewise, Snake King is devious and calculating, unable to avoid every attack his opponent puts out, but focusing on avoiding the worst of the assault.
  • As the match reaches its mid-point, the crowd are firmly engrossed in the action. Neither luchador is a fan favourite, but even so the sheer brilliance on display, and the possibility of two of the biggest threats to the Multiverse taking each other out has fans bursting with excitement.
  • Snake King catches Guerrero Muerto off-guard and lands his trademark move, the ‘Snake Bite’, a vicious implant DDT which drives the undead warrior into the mat. The crowd are shocked when he stays there, having grown used to seeing Guerrero Muerto instantly rise after taking moves which would put other luchadores out of commission.
  • Snake King goes for the cover but Guerrero Muerto kicks out at 2 and a half and springs to his feet. There’s a fire behind his eyes now that has rarely been seen. He’s giving everything he has in this match, forced by the fearsome Snake King to use the full extent of his power.
  • The match continues with both luchadores wearing each other down, looking to land the finishing blow and earn the victory. Every time they attempt to do so, the other luchador finds a way to reverse the attempt and land a vicious counter.
  • Finally, Snake King struggles against Guerrero Muerto and gets him in position to deliver a second Snake Bite. The crowd are on the edge of their seat, silently asking the question: ‘surely Guerrero Muerto couldn’t survive a second?’ But they never get their answer, he counters the move into his trademark Graveyard shift, planting both competitors on the mat. For once looking mortal, Guerrero Muerto slowly crawls over to Snake King, placing an arm over his chest and earning the 3 count victory.



Guerrero Muerto defeats Snake King in 21:31 via pinfall following a Graveyard Shift

Guerrero Muerto had an in-ring performance of 68

Snake King had an in-ring performance of 56

Segment Rating: 66




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Captain Lucha makes his entrance to the roar of the approving crowd. It’s common for the challenger to enter first, but the Captain is carrying a microphone and looks like he needs to get something off his chest.


He enters the ring and plays to the crowd, soaking in their adoration. Finally, when it quietens down he begins to speak.


Captain Lucha: “Demon King! You’ve promised to show me the power of sin. Promised to take my championship and defend our universe. You expect me to just stand back and believe all of that? That a man calling himself ‘Demon King’ is a benevolent caretaker here to rid the Multiverse of evil? Next we’ll have Death’s Head out here telling everyone that the Kingdom of Blood are the Multiversal leaders in blood transfusions! No... I’ve had enough of your words, the lies you use to poison. You think that your sins give you power? Well God gives me mine. And the people of Mexico are the fuel that keeps me going!”


The crowd erupt into chants of ‘CAP-TAIN-LU-CHA’ as the champion pauses to survey them, smiling and waving for all in attendance.


“But thanks for your offer. Were it actually genuine, I would take you up on your offer to help fight off these invaders from other worlds. I can do it on my own, I’ve proven that before and I’ll continue to prove that night after night, week after week. I promise to everyone here now that I’ll start with you. I’ll send you and your band of merry sinners back to whatever hole you came from. Then I’ll take the fight to your other half Guerrero Muerto and his scourge. Now get out here so I can make good on the first part of that promise.”




Demon King makes his entrance flanked by El Orgulloso and El Toro De Oro Jr. The reaction is a mixed one, while the crowd seems firmly behind Captain Lucha, their opinions on his opponent are split down the middle. Half the crowd agree with their champion and want nothing more than to see him gone. But the other half, they doubt themselves. What if his words are true? What if he is the only hope to save the Multiverse?



Segment Rating: 47






Captain Lucha vs. Demon King

Ladder Match

[Campeonato Del Mundo Title Match]


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • The luchadores lock hands to begin the match, jockeying for momentum. Both men are highly experienced and know to start slow, eventually transitioning into their high-impact offence when their opponent is sufficiently worn down.
  • The pair exchange submission holds and basic strikes, neither man has bothered to go for the ladder at this point. Doing so at this stage would only be a waste of time. Besides, every true luchador knows that he who grabs the ladder first gets it dropkicked into his chest.
  • While the two are evenly matched, Captain Lucha is still dealing with lingering injuries to his ankles and is distracted by the presence of El Orgulloso and El Toro De Oro Jr on the outside. Eventually Demon King lands a leg sweep, targeting the vulnerable ankles of Captain Lucha and bringing him the ground. He begins a vicious assault on the captain, his attacks entirely focused on the Captain’s ankles.
  • Laughing at the pain he is inflicting on Captain Lucha, Demon King lifts him up and pulls his left arm behind his body, using his free hand to grab hold of Captain Lucha’s face and turn it in the opposite direction. This is Demon King’s feared ‘Eternal Pain’, a vicious crossface chickenwing that has earned him countless victories.
  • Captain Lucha screams out in pain, but has the presence of mind to resist, not allowing Demon King to fully lock it in. While there are no submission victories in a ladder match, if Demon King is able to lock it in, the match will be over after Captain Lucha passes out. The Captain struggles against the hold, fuelled by the roar of the crowd who don’t want to see their hero go down. Still, the crowd doesn’t sound as one-sided as it usually does. The number of spectators pushing for a Demon King victory seems larger than first anticipated.
  • Captain Lucha lands a hard elbow in the middle of his opponent’s face, staggering Demon King. He follows it up with a kick to the side of the head, but it seems to do just as much damage to his ankle as it does to Demon King. Taking advantage of Captain Lucha’s injury, Demon King recovers first and grabs Captain Lucha, lifting him and throwing him to the outside, his body smacking against the guardrail.
  • Sensing the time is right, Demon King rolls out of the ring and grabs the ladder. He slides it back into the ring and rolls himself back in. He picks up the ladder and turns around to set it up, but is greeted by a dropkick from Captain Lucha that sends the ladder barrelling into his chest. Both men are down on the floor now, the crowd begin frantically screaming for Captain Lucha to rise, but mixed in amongst these cheers is a vocal contingent urging on Demon King.
  • After what seems like an eternity, the two rise at the same time, one on either side of the ring, and turn to face each other. Captain Lucha glances ringside and notices El Orgulloso and El Toro De Oro Jr just standing there, silent with their arms crossed. They haven’t moved the entire match, confusing and unnerving him. Were he facing Guerrero Muerto or Samael he would have been attacked by their minions several times by now. Before he could consider the implications any further, Demon King charged at him, catching him off guard and landing a vicious clothesline.
  • As the match reached the twenty minute mark, the two men looked extremely worse for wear. But even so, Demon King had a spring in his step that the Captain lacked, a reserve of energy that looked sure to see him through to the end of the match and his victory. As Captain Lucha watched from the floor, Demon King set the ladder up in the middle of the ring, directly underneath the title suspended in the air.
  • Demon King slowly begins to climb the ladder, but Captain Lucha finds a reserve of energy, springing to his feet despite the significant pain in his ankles and rushed forward toward the ladder, leaping into the air and landing an enziguri to the back of Demon King’s head, sending him falling back to the mat.
  • Captain Lucha takes his turn, slowly rising to his feet and climbing the ladder. He makes it to the top, but can sense that Demon King is rising behind him, ready to topple the ladder. Not taking the chance to go for the title belt, he pivots around on the top of the ladder, precariously balancing himself as he stares down the now standing Demon King. Before the champion of Wrath has a chance to react, Captain Lucha leaps from the top of the ladder, hitting Demon King square in the face with a ‘Mexican Death’. Demon King flies back, rolling through the ropes and outside the ringing, stopping short of the announcer’s desk.
  • The crowd begin chanting ‘CAP-TAIN-LU-CHA’, willing their champion to his feet so he can reclaim his title. But the crowd is firmly divided in two now, the other half are chanting for Demon King, demanding he get up and back into the ring. Through all of this, El Orgulloso and El Toro De Oro Jr do not move, confident in their leader’s ability to close out the match.
  • As Captain Lucha slowly, agonisingly, begins to climb the ladder, his back turned to his opponent, Demon King springs to his feet. While certainly not as fresh as he was to begin the match, there seems no doubt all he has to do is land one more hit on Captain Lucha, climb the ladder and reclaim his championship.
  • As Demon King takes a step towards the ring, El Bandido leaps up from his chair!

Hector Moreno: “...Sir? What are you... what are you doing?”
El Bandido rushes over, striking Demon King in the neck with an elbow strike, before turning him around and delivering a kick to his gut, keeling him over. El Orgulloso and El Toro De Oro Jr look shocked, before they can react, El Bandido lifts Demon King high up into the air and delivers his patended Hijack Suplex directly onto the steel steps at ringside. There is a massive divide in the crowd, with equally loud cheering and booing for El Bandido’s actions. The owner of EMLL flees backstage, narrowly avoiding Orgulloso and Toro as they chase him up the ramp, stopping as they hear the bell. Captain Lucha has climbed the ladder and retrieved his title!
Hector Moreno: “I don’t believe what just happened...”



Captain Lucha defeats Demon King in 24:15 by climbing the ladder and retrieving the Campeonato Del Mundo title

Captain Lucha makes defence number 2 of his Campeonato Del Mundo title

Captain Lucha had an in-ring performance of 57

Demon King had an in-ring performance of 53

Segment Rating: 57




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">


Captain Lucha begins to celebrate with the crowd, unaware of the role El Bandido had in his victory. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Demon King rise and begin to head for him. At the same time, the other members of Los Siete Pecados Capitales begin to emerge through the crowd.



Before the seven luchadores can reach him, Captain Lucha rolls out of the ring and heads for the exit, nervous, but relieved at having retained his championship against what he believes to be a group of men who pose a severe threat to his universe. As he makes his escape, each step delivering a vicious shot of pain to his ankles, he can’t help but wonder why half the crowd seem to be furious.



Segment Rating: 44






Show Rating: 58


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Prediction Results

Tiberious = 5/6

christmas_ape = 5/6

neslo024 = 5/6

DarK_RaideR = 4/6

1PWfan = 4/6


Thanks for all the comments and engagement so far. In particular I really enjoyed reading the comments that came along with the predictions for the show. I'm glad to see that the little seeds I planted in the lore posts caught people's attention, and I hope to do the same with future lore posts.


Some of the predictions for where certain storylines are going have been pretty spot on, but obviously I won't say which ones. I am particularly enjoying the commentary around the Captain Lucha/Demon King angle though. Without giving too much away, I'm writing this story in a certain way and some of the responses I've seen have actually been really interesting, in that the interpretations of characters actions are different to what I expected. Not in a negative way, but actually in a really interesting way. It's fun to see how different people interpret the same events.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49412" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Another great show!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I can second this. </p><p> </p><p> One thing that's interesting is the crowd are in a sense a character. Not just cheering or booing as you would expect, but things like the ending with CL being confused by them make them seem less passive.</p>
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Great stuff. Love the match with El Toro and Goblin King. Great job making a squash match entertaining. Definitely didn't expect Bandido to get involved but it makes total sense from his character's view point. I'm interested to see if Captain Lucha will get some allies with guys like American Fire Fly and Blue Phantom out there.
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Another great show!

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying them.


I can second this.


One thing that's interesting is the crowd are in a sense a character. Not just cheering or booing as you would expect, but things like the ending with CL being confused by them make them seem less passive.


Yeah, I think having them boo so many of my workers in-game has kind of made me consider them when I get into the mindset of writing a show. I'm trying to make as much use of the default roster as I can (even while bringing in so many other wrestlers), and that includes ones the fans don't like such as DeCipher.


Great stuff. Love the match with El Toro and Goblin King. Great job making a squash match entertaining. Definitely didn't expect Bandido to get involved but it makes total sense from his character's view point. I'm interested to see if Captain Lucha will get some allies with guys like American Fire Fly and Blue Phantom out there.


He will be getting some help, I already have an idea for who to bring on that front... just a matter of when it feels right to have that storyline begin.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LaEstrella" data-cite="LaEstrella" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49412" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, I think having them boo so many of my workers in-game has kind of made me consider them when I get into the mindset of writing a show. I'm trying to make as much use of the default roster as I can (even while bringing in so many other wrestlers), and that includes ones the fans don't like such as DeCipher.</div></blockquote><p> I would imagine any adult fans of EMLL to be prety smarky, so they'd be booing heels because they're "supposed to" even though they like them (think Chris Jericho in AEW). DeCipher has that "go away" heat.</p>
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