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EMLL: Strange Lucha Things

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Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master


Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King


Cyclops vs. La Estrella


Ring of Chaos Battle Royale Predictions

Anarchist, Aprendiz Jr, Boriken Love Machine Jr, DeCipher, Delirium, El Bandido Jr, El Hijo Del Fantasma, El Ladrón, El Orgulloso, El Toro De Oro Jr, Goblin Prince, Hijo Del Vigilante, La Bestia Morada, Malefic, Powerful Man, Rey Soldado, Samael The Accuser, Scorpion, Trickster, Zebra Man




Final Four (1pt per correct Luchador): BESTA, FANTASMA, APRENDIZ, EL BANDIDO JNR

Most Eliminations: FANTASMA



Captain Lucha vs. Demon King

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Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master


Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King

Cyclops vs. La Estrella


Ring of Chaos Battle Royale Predictions

Anarchist, Aprendiz Jr, Boriken Love Machine Jr, DeCipher, Delirium, El Bandido Jr, El Hijo Del Fantasma, El Ladrón, El Orgulloso, El Toro De Oro Jr, Goblin Prince, Hijo Del Vigilante, La Bestia Morada, Malefic, Powerful Man, Rey Soldado, Samael The Accuser, Scorpion, Trickster, Zebra Man


Winner: La Bestia Morada

Runner-Up: Delirium

Final Four (1pt per correct Luchador): Boriken Love Machine Jr, Goblin Prince!

Most Eliminations: Fantasma

Iron-Man: BLM Jr


Captain Lucha vs. Demon King



Excited for this show!

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Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

I like Aquaman more than...I dunno, whatever cheesy horror film most approximates Death's Head


Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King


Cyclops vs. La Estrella


Ring of Chaos Battle Royale Predictions

Anarchist, Aprendiz Jr, Boriken Love Machine Jr, DeCipher, Delirium, El Bandido Jr, El Hijo Del Fantasma, El Ladrón, El Orgulloso, El Toro De Oro Jr, Goblin Prince, Hijo Del Vigilante, La Bestia Morada, Malefic, Powerful Man, Rey Soldado, Samael The Accuser, Scorpion, Trickster, Zebra Man


Winner: Delirium

Runner-Up:La Bestia Morada

Final Four (1pt per correct Luchador): Delirium, La Bestia Morada, Rey Soldado, Samael The Accuser

Most Eliminations: Samael the Accuser

Iron-Man: La Bestia Morada


Captain Lucha vs. Demon King

I honestly can't see where the story would go with Demon King as champ- I'm sure he'd be good but I can't figure it out

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1st: Your graphics are beautiful. Really, it's easy to follow, colorful (as Lucha should be in its base form), and professional-looking. Great work!


2nd: Demon King is my jam. He talks in a philosophical manner and he kicks a$$. ha. He's a great heel champion to run with. Love it!


3rd: Guerrero Muerto and Demon King would be a wonderful pairing. They have a similar look and could steamroll the competition in a vile manner.


Wonderful work, LaEstrella! As a huge fan of Lucha Libre, it's awesome to see such a strong project on the boards in the same vein. You've got a reader in me!

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Hey guys, apologies in... advance? Maybe not as you might read this post after you read the show?


Anyway, it's a long one, filled with text. I kind of got carried away with it, but I really wanted to make it a huge show, one that was appropriate for the build it got. I'll probably balance this by trying to make my weekly shows less-verbose, I think you may have seen a bit of that with my last weekly show where a couple of the match descriptions were pretty basic.


Hopefully the walls of text don't bother you and it's a fun read. Feel free to skim or read it in parts ;)


Prediction Results


DarK_RaideR 7/12


ShibataHeadButt 6/12

christmas_ape 5/12

neslo024 5/12

KyTeran 4/12

1PWfan 3/12

Apupunchau@optonline 1/12



Overall Prediction Contest Results


DarK_RaideR 20/30

christmas_ape 19/36

neslo024 16/30

CPBHBK 15/23

Apupunchau@optonline 15/30

Tiberious 13/18

ShibataHeadbutt 11/18

1PWfan 11/23

KyTeran 9/11

Historian 4/5

Kijar 1/7



Hopefully I counted that up correctly. Let me know if I made a mistake. Looks like the winner is again DarK_RaideR, beating out christmas_ape by a single point. Special shoutout to CPBHBK who predicted on less shows but still ended up in the top 4.


DarK_RaideR as mentioned previously, your prize is that you get to pick up a luchador who isn't really being featured at the moment with a prominent role (in the shows, ignore LuchaLore for this) and let me know who you'd like to see get some more time.


For example Blue Wolf might be your choice because he's only shown up to job (please don't let it be Blue Wolf). El Hijo Del Fantasma wouldn't make sense as a choice given he's on screen nearly every week and involved in a feud.


Anyway, I don't want to put too many restrictions on it, just PM me or post in the thread who you'd like to see get a story line that doesn't currently have one. I'll cook something up for them :)





1st: Your graphics are beautiful. Really, it's easy to follow, colorful (as Lucha should be in its base form), and professional-looking. Great work!


2nd: Demon King is my jam. He talks in a philosophical manner and he kicks a$$. ha. He's a great heel champion to run with. Love it!


3rd: Guerrero Muerto and Demon King would be a wonderful pairing. They have a similar look and could steamroll the competition in a vile manner.


Wonderful work, LaEstrella! As a huge fan of Lucha Libre, it's awesome to see such a strong project on the boards in the same vein. You've got a reader in me!


Thanks E-V :) Appreciate you stopping by and having a read. I'm having a lot of fun with Demon King. He's definitely straddling that fine line behind face and heel on a week to week basis. Given the superhero undertones to Lucha and EMLL's product as a whole, I'd say he's intended to be like a 'Punisher' type anti-hero as opposed to Captain Lucha whose more traditional.


As for Demon King and Guerrero Muerto, I want to explore their connection in the lore more, but I'm holding off for now. I think it can anchor something bigger down the line :)

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Fantastic show, like you say I think as long as the weekly show stick fairly to the point and easy to read then when it feels appropriate like this show you can go longer.


The Aztec Temple match had high expectations but delivered! But I also really liked the La Estrella match, Cyclops just fits in really well and I think will often be useful to bring out the best in others character wise. Also R.I.P Pyromaniac!!


There has been a couple of great ending with Demon King and this was no different, definitely happy to see him pick up the belt.

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1st: Your graphics are beautiful. Really, it's easy to follow, colorful (as Lucha should be in its base form), and professional-looking. Great work!


2nd: Demon King is my jam. He talks in a philosophical manner and he kicks a$$. ha. He's a great heel champion to run with. Love it!


3rd: Guerrero Muerto and Demon King would be a wonderful pairing. They have a similar look and could steamroll the competition in a vile manner.


Wonderful work, LaEstrella! As a huge fan of Lucha Libre, it's awesome to see such a strong project on the boards in the same vein. You've got a reader in me!


Demon King is actually an other universe version of Guerrero Muerto. From what I can tell Muerto is from the Hellmouth and all the creatures from their are undead. And Demon King is from an unnamed universe (I call it Stygia in my game) where all the creatures are demons.

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Fantastic show, like you say I think as long as the weekly show stick fairly to the point and easy to read then when it feels appropriate like this show you can go longer.


The Aztec Temple match had high expectations but delivered! But I also really liked the La Estrella match, Cyclops just fits in really well and I think will often be useful to bring out the best in others character wise. Also R.I.P Pyromaniac!!


There has been a couple of great ending with Demon King and this was no different, definitely happy to see him pick up the belt.


I'm glad you liked the Aztec Temple match, I really wanted to flesh it out to make it appropriate given its the EMLL debut of 3 characters (2 seen in LuchaLore before though) and between two of my best on the roster. Glad you also liked the Cyclops/La Estrella match. That one was definitely intended to be more of a palette-cleanser, both for the in-game audience (calm the crowd) and the readers after some longer matches (with longer matches following as well).


Jesus the only thing I got right was El Hijo Del Fantasma in the final four. That's sad. And I can't believe you killed of Pyromaniac. That makes me so sad.


Sorry about Pyromaniac, but I was making the best of a bad situation there. Peeking behind the curtain a little bit, he'd given me notice 28 days before the show, so Avatar of Chaos was his final night. Had to send him off with a bang and use it to build up Death's Head some more. That's also why Pyro was doing jobs to guys like Calavera a few weeks ago, had to bleed some of that popularity ;)

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Great show. Can't wait to where Snake King and Guerro goes goes from here. Muerto had to use a lot of power to get everyone out of there so maybe he'll be taking a break. Without knowing too much about Samael yet, he's either going to be Death's Head 's new target or perhaps Samael is another member of the Kingdom Of Blood? Great stuff keep it coming.
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Sorry about Pyromaniac, but I was making the best of a bad situation there. Peeking behind the curtain a little bit, he'd given me notice 28 days before the show, so Avatar of Chaos was his final night. Had to send him off with a bang and use it to build up Death's Head some more. That's also why Pyro was doing jobs to guys like Calavera a few weeks ago, had to bleed some of that popularity ;)


Where is Pyromaniac going? EILL? He doesn't really seem like their type of worker. My intention is to hire Firebird and Amazing Fire Fly and have a stable of characters from The Plane of Fire. I'm also going to hire Phobia, Disturbed, and Hysteria for a stable called, El Asilo.

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Great show. Can't wait to where Snake King and Guerro goes goes from here. Muerto had to use a lot of power to get everyone out of there so maybe he'll be taking a break. Without knowing too much about Samael yet, he's either going to be Death's Head 's new target or perhaps Samael is another member of the Kingdom Of Blood? Great stuff keep it coming.


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. There definitely will be an effect on Muerto after that incident, he's not going to shrug it off and come back like nothing happened on the next show :)


Where is Pyromaniac going? EILL? He doesn't really seem like their type of worker. My intention is to hire Firebird and Amazing Fire Fly and have a stable of characters from The Plane of Fire. I'm also going to hire Phobia, Disturbed, and Hysteria for a stable called, El Asilo.


He's not going anywhere, just one of those 'I don't feel like working for you anymore and would rather be unemployed' things that can happen in TEW20 :(


Interesting stables, I've got one in mind to bring in down the line, but I think I'll give it some breathing room, there's quite a few different groups already running around ;)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://docdro.id/2xCvK32" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="PyULnRx.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PyULnRx.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">Click The Image To View or Click the Link Below</span></span></strong></p><p>

<a href="https://docdro.id/2xCvK32" rel="external nofollow">https://docdro.id/2xCvK32</a></p><p>


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<p>A really good show, top to bottom.</p><p> </p><p>

- Ramon as a womanizer is great. His comments about Pyro's family add some nice variety beyond the whole Hector Moreno's sister gig.</p><p> </p><p>

- The Aztec Temple match was a well written cinematic one and I'm excited to see El Serpiente finally show up.</p><p> </p><p>

- Great work on the rumble, those are never easy to write out and it remained entertaining all along.</p><p> </p><p>

P.S. Here are two alts for Guerrero Muerto plus La Estrella, Delirium and Demon King. Feel free to use them for any future Hellmouth/Dark Universe characters as well, if needed.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="RVsHZGc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RVsHZGc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="lpm1WCl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lpm1WCl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0aK5rFr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0aK5rFr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ijkwQBr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ijkwQBr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="90ZRUAI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/90ZRUAI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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A really good show, top to bottom.


- Ramon as a womanizer is great. His comments about Pyro's family add some nice variety beyond the whole Hector Moreno's sister gig.


- The Aztec Temple match was a well written cinematic one and I'm excited to see El Serpiente finally show up.


- Great work on the rumble, those are never easy to write out and it remained entertaining all along.


P.S. Here are two alts for Guerrero Muerto plus La Estrella, Delirium and Demon King. Feel free to use them for any future Hellmouth/Dark Universe characters as well, if needed.




I'm glad you liked the Aztec Temple and Rumbles matches. I was a bit worried they might have dragged on too long, but I'm glad they seemed to have mostly hit the mark. I'm having fun writing Ramón. He's primarily there to be the classic heel commentator, but where it makes sense he might just say something that surprises you.


Thanks for the alts, I won't say which, but one of them I did have already and have some plans to use for something :)


The ending of the luchalore made me laugh, will look forward to seeing where that goes.


I'm glad you liked it! It's definitely a departure from Operation Antivenom. The first installment is a bit of table-setting, if it doesn't make sense why this would be a LuchaLore topic yet, I promise that it'll make more sense later ;)










EMLL: Tales From The Multiverse





El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Tarantula



DeCipher vs. Demon King



Aprendiz Jr vs. Samael The Accuser



El Hjijo Del Fantasma vs. La Bestia Morada



La Estrella vs. Snake King





El Toro De Oro Jr. vs. Tarantula

DeCipher vs. Demon King

Aprendiz Jr. vs. Samael The Accuser

El Hijo Del Fantasma vs. La Bestia Morada

La Estrella vs. Snake King

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El Toro De Oro Jr. vs. Tarantula

Tarantula seems to be just window dressing for you at the moment.


DeCipher vs. Demon King

Demon King is going after the champ, DeCipher - although great in the ring - is not.


Aprendiz Jr. vs. Samael The Accuser

You think he'd win after that epic Luchalore, but Samael has a much bigger upside


El Hijo Del Fantasma vs. La Bestia Morada

This is the toughest pick of the matches. But I'm going to go with Bestia


La Estrella vs. Snake King

La Estrella has some interesting stuff going on but Snake King and Guerrero Muerto are arguably more important than even your champion and Demon King.

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El Toro De Oro Jr. vs. Tarantula - squash city

DeCipher vs. Demon King - Demon King keeps his momentum

Aprendiz Jr. vs. Samael The Accuser - the game alludes to him being involved in something big so interested to see where you take his character.

El Hijo Del Fantasma vs. La Bestia Morada- I'm a Fantasma mark but could easily see Bestia winning.

La Estrella vs. Snake King - Muerto gets some revenge.

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<p><strong>El Toro De Oro Jr.</strong> vs. Tarantula</p><p>

<em>Predict Boriken showing up here. Not sure it could justify Tarantula winning tho</em></p><p> </p><p>

DeCipher vs. <strong>Demon King</strong></p><p>

<em>DeCipher is one of the few EMLL people (alongside Aprendiz) I never really could get into</em></p><p> </p><p>

Aprendiz Jr. vs. <strong>Samael The Accuser</strong></p><p>

<em>See above. Also, that lucha lore (looking for a successor to the mask) is extra hilarious when you consider that Aprendiz means Apprentice</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong> vs. La Bestia Morada</p><p>

<em>Tough call. You seem to be giving LBM the monster push, but Fantasma is too good to be sacrificed. Feel like Delirium or Anarchist could interfere here to cost LBM the match</em></p><p> </p><p>

La Estrella vs. <strong>Snake King</strong></p><p>

<em>Feels weird to bet against Estrella, but King is hot like it's no one's business. Guerrero Muerto and Cyclops might be a factor in this match</em></p>

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Thanks to everyone for their predictions. I'm thinking up some ideas for what the next prediction contest can be, so let's consider these practice runs for now :)


I hope you enjoy the show. It's definitely a bit leaner that some of my previous ones (at least... I hope it is), but I hope it's still a fun read. As you can probably see from the events of the show, we're moving away from the default storylines the game starts with now and starting to set the tables for some new ones.


Aprendiz Jr. vs. Samael The Accuser

See above. Also, that lucha lore (looking for a successor to the mask) is extra hilarious when you consider that Aprendiz means Apprentice


Yep, that's the inspiration for the LuchaLore :)


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