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The Puppets Dance (CVerse '20 - 5SSW)

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<p><strong>Simony Sentinel</strong> vs. Ochiyo Iijima</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fuyuko Higa / Unstoppable Tai / Toku Kijmuta</strong> vs. Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo / Erin Marcelin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa</strong> vs. Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Yukiko Matsumara</strong> vs. Kaede Sugiyama</p><p> </p><p>

Chiyeko Kita / Etsuko Arihyoshi vs.<strong> MAYA / Machiko Matsuda</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Yuma Maruya / HEART Saitoh / Miwako Katsukawa / Eri Sato</strong> vs. Connie Morris / Paige Croft / Lady Lotus / Monster Ishimura</p><p> </p><p>

Megumi Nakajima vs. <strong>Gemmei Oonishi</strong></p>

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Simony Sentinel vs. Ochiyo Iijima


Fuyuko Higa / Unstoppable Tai / Toku Kijmuta vs. Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo / Erin Marcelin


Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa vs. Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder

Yukiko Matsumara vs. Kaede Sugiyama


Chiyeko Kita / Etsuko Arihyoshi vs. MAYA / Machiko Matsuda


Yuma Maruya / HEART Saitoh / Miwako Katsukawa / Eri Sato vs. Connie Morris / Paige Croft / Lady Lotus / Monster Ishimura


Megumi Nakajima vs. Gemmei Oonishi

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5 Star Supreme Wrestling

Queendom Parade Tour Night 3

Wednesday/Week 1/March/2020

Shohoku Academy Gymnasium

Kobe, Japan






The show starts with the usual announcer bit, followed by Kaiya Kuwahara coming outrunning down the card, celebrating Girls Festival Day with a high-quality Shohoku schoolgirl uniform cosplay. One has to wonder just what the hell 5SSW's standards are for office attire these days........


Anyways, Kuwahara was her usual great self here. One nugget of information revealed was that Higa's request for 5 more minutes last show was passionate and understandable, but over the line. Higa will instead get all the minutes she wants, against Megumi Nakajima at the final show of the Queendom Parade, one fall to a finish, no time limit. Kuwahara then tells Higa to be careful what she wishes for, because she just might get it........


Rating: 68




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Simony Sentinel vs. Ochiyo Iijima


Iijima's losing streak continues here, as she looks old, slow, and somewhat clumsy next to the flashy punk girl Sentinel, who controls almost the entire match from the opening bell. Sentinel busts out an old-school flying headscissors (as opposed to the usual hurricanranas you see these days), and gives a peace sign to the crowd in mid-move before taking Iijima down. This is followed up with the Sentinel Strike (Twisting Top Rope Splash) for an academic 3-count and the win.


Result: Simony Sentinel def. Ochiyo Iijima via pinfall at 7:33

Rating: 50




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Fuyuko Higa / Unstoppable Tai / Toku Kijmuta vs. Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo / Erin Marcelin


This match proves to mostly be a one-woman show from Fuyuko Higa, to the surprise of absolutely nobody in the know. However, there is a good reason for it, as the opponents are all kinds of screwed up in this match, with Angel botching half her offense, and Okubo still not grasping this whole wrestling thing, despite her legitimate credentials.


Higa voluntarily tags out whenever Okubo comes in and the announcers are never quite sure why, but shes more than happy to tag in against Marcelin and Takudome, giving both of them the quality badmouth (and not just because shes a heel). Marcelin is then forced to work more of the back half of the match as things almost completely fall apart to the point where the contest seems like the heel team is wrestling themselves, and while Erin puts in a commendable effort, she's still a green young girl.


Toku Kijmuta adds a rare positive contribution to the match with a vicious Spear that almost folds Erin in half, before Higa tags in, shouts at her opponents for being incompetent, and hits the Higa Green Driver (Emerald Flowsion Kai) on Erin for the pinfall.


Result: Team Higa def. Team Jobbers via pinfall (Higa pins Marcelin) at 9:34

Rating: 55






Sae Akutagawa pops in for a brief backstage promo, saying that the Hell Raisers will show what they can do against gaijin teams in a minute, and the Uprising better be taking notes.


Rating: 41




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The Hell Raisers (Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa) vs. Synchro Wave (Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder)


Despite the pre-match posturing of Akutagawa, this does not prove to be a walk in the park for the Hell Raisers. Synchro Wave once again come up with a brave effort against a hypothetically stronger opponent. Snyder's technique and Anderson's striking keep their opponents on the back foot, and their teamwork gets them out of any jams they encounter......


......at first. The Hell Raisers use their size and their own abilities to finally wrest control of the match away from the gaijin duo. Snyder gets isolated for an extended period of time, Anderson gets knocked off the apron towards the end, and the Hell Raisers blast Sndyer with the Kaenhousha (Total Elimination). That gets the pinfall to end a surprisingly good match.


Result: The Hell Raisers def. Synchro Wave via pinfall (Yamato pins Snyder) at 10:34

Rating: 60




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Yukiko Matsumara vs. Kaede Sugiyama


A rather muted and basic match in comparison to the good tag match before it, but Matsumara at least has her section of the fanbase into this match.


Both wrestlers seem to be mired in the lowercard and see this as a chance to escape, but neither wrestler can kick past second gear and make it anything above a mediocre match. Sugiyama ultimately gets the win, catching Matsumara with a run-up Back Superplex when Matsumara goes to the top rope, then finishing her off with a Springboard Stone-Sault for 3.


Result: Kaede Sugiyama def. Yukiko Matsumara via pinfall at 11:42

Rating: 51






Chiyeko Kita checks in via backstage promo, and says Team SUB are not stopping their winning ways until they get their crack at Yuma Maruya again. They missed one shot at the champ, but they will not miss a second.


Rating: 42




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Team SUB (Chiyeko Kita / Etsuko Arihyoshi) vs. The Kanto Express (MAYA / Machiko Matsuda)


Team SUB certainly wants the shot at Maruya, and come out hard against the Kanto Express. These two teams have been on opposite sides of several multi-woman tags as of late, and the Express fight desperately to avoid defeat.


Team SUB have technical superiority by a mile, so the Kanto Express use speed to compensate, and try to isolate one member of Team SUB so MAYA can suplex them.


Their opponents know this game well however, and take back control so they can isolate Matsuda right back. Team SUB have it in the bag, until Kita screws up a corner charge that allows MAYA to make the hot tag in and run wild on Team SUB with a storm of suplexes.


The crowd wakes up to the possibility of a Kanto Express win, when MAYA tags in Matsuda and they land an alley-oop Frankensteiner on Arihyoshi. The Express try to follow this up with the Last Stop (Magic Killer), but Kita comes flying in to the rescue, fighting off the Kanto Express and brawling to the outside with MAYA, buying Arihyoshi time to recover.


Matsuda gets to her feet and tries to finish Arihyoshi off with a Rolling Cutter, only for Arihyoshi to fluidly counter into a Reverse DDT, followed by the Arihyoshi Lockdown (Seated Abdominal Stretch/Dragon Sleeper) Matsuda battles hard to get out of it, but can't escape, and as she starts passing out referee Odaka steps in to save Matsuda and call an end to the bout. A good tag match that could've used just a little more time......


Result: Team SUB def. The Kanto Express via referee stoppage (Arihyoshi submission on Matsuda) at 12:26

Rating: 64






Backstage, Yuma Maruya checks in, says she's impressed with Team SUB over the past month, but she won't hand over this title to anyone, and won't hand over victory in her upcoming match to any opponent either. If anyone wants to challenge the 5-Star standard, step up.


Rating: 68




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Yuma Maruya / HEART Saitoh / Miwako Katsukawa / Eri Sato vs. Connie Morris / Paige Croft / Monster Ishimura / Lady Lotus


Maruya steps up, but this tag match is limited from its full potential by some subpar performances all-around. Saitoh and Sato surprisingly blow some sequences, Ishimura seems unmotivated, and Morris is just too slow now for the 5-Star style.


The enthusiasm from the crowd for the beloved idol Maruya and the enthusiasm shown in-ring by Miwako Katsukawa keeps things flowing. Katsukawa and Lady Lotus also get to renew their prior issue together, with the two being natural opponents to each other. Paige Croft also works a good heat segment, and also keeps banging her chain on the steel steps in between shouting pieces of advices to her eclectic teammates.


The match thankfully picks up towards the end and they go to the finisher exchange sequence to finish. Ishimura Powerbombs Saitoh! Sato hits Ishimura with the Buzzsaw Kick (Reverse Spin Roundhouse Kick)! Croft hits a jumping Ace Crusher on Sato! Katsukawa gets the Katsukawa Bomb (Sunset Flip Powerbomb) on Croft! Lady Lotus takes Katsukawa down with a headscissors followed by a Top Rope Senton! Maruya enzuigiris Lotus and hits the YUMA Special (Sky Twister Press)! The last one gets 3, and Maruya's team takes down the heels!


Result: Team Maruya def. Team Heels via pinfall (Maruya pins Lotus) at 15:09

Rating: 63






We cut backstage to a couple promos, with Nakajima re-iterating that she's ready to take on Higa and is ready for the challenge at the final show of the Queendom Parade. Oonishi says she'll give it her best against Nakajima to get the win, before Higa interjects from off-camera, hogs the shot, and reminds Oonishi and the viewers at home that the purpose of the match is not for Oonishi to win, but to expose Nakajima as a lucky fraud getting in the way of Higa's perfection. Higa also advises Oonishi to put the hurt on Nakajima, even though Higa totally wouldn't need Nakajima to be hurt to beat her or anything. Oonishi stumbles over her lines a bit and appears totally confused by her partner's antics. This was a messy interview segment, but got the point across.


Rating: 51




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Megumi Nakajima vs. Gemmei Oonishi


There is a bit of a buzz for the main event, but unfortunately it doesn't deliver. Nakajima and Oonishi come off as a pair of B-plus talents trying to imitate Ogiwara vs Hike, and the match doesn't quite live up to the advance hype.


Part of the problem comes from a sequence somewhat early on, where Oonishi overshoots Nakajima on a cannonball plancha to the outside and gets rocked a bit after hitting the steel guardrail. This does give us a future quality Twitter gif meme of Fuyuko Higa howling with laughter on the outside at the spot, but it ends up detracting from the match. Nakajima ends up having to work harder to lead Oonishi back into the match, and runs her notorious low gas tank to empty.


Still, the match has enough veteranosity and enough ability involved from the two to be good, just not great. With more time and a better build it could climb the mountain, but today is not that day. Oonishi tries to rally near the end, but misses the Flying Dagger Legdrop (Top Rope Front Flip Rough Ryder) and lands hard, enabling Nakajima to come from behind with the Nakajima Straight Jacket (Straitjacket Suplex) for the 3 count to win the match. Higa looks pissed on the outside, as the show goes off air with Nakajima getting her hand raised.......


Result: Megumi Nakajima def. Gemmei Oonishi via pinfall at 15:25

Rating: 63






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-As always, thanks for any predictions/comments you toss my way, it's always nice to have the viewer's perspective, and I hope to hear more about my crappy booking come the end of this tour :p Please toss this diary or any other diaries you like a DOTM nomination if you like what you've been reading so far, we've got a good crop this month with Self coming back.


-So this will come up later, but I've added in the holiday indy shows from the CV97 save to fill out some indy scene bookings, and one of the shows added in was Girl's Festival Day. I haven't read enough manga yet to know what that day is all about IRL, but it was important enough for Derek B to code in an indy show. Anyways, since I had hired some gals on one-night deals to do dark match tryout jobs to reduce the free agent talent pool for the night, the crowd of 1843 people somewhere in Kansai were treated to a main event of Sakura Sada beating Kuniko Matsura by DQ. Hopefully the tickets were free.


-Sentinel was good as usual in the opener, but goddamn does she need a new render. Wasn't a fan of the TEW one either.


-The Sunset Riders were AWFUL in that six-woman tag, and Erin was legit the best performer on Team Jobbers that night.


-I really wish my undercard were better at cutting promos, but I think the scripted stuff might actually hold back max potential promo ratings more than popularity.


-Synchro Wave is awesome and all, but it really bugs me how their bonuses sorta disappear in multi-man matches. Its not like the Midnight Express would get less awesome if you paired them with some heel, they'd still perform well as individuals. But then that would porbably lead to even more abuse of the multi-man tag than I already do. Points to ponder.


-I'm still not totally sure how Sugiyama v Matsumara made it onto the booking sheet.


-Really good showing from Team SUB v. Kanto Express, and thats with neutral chemistry on both teams. I feel for Matsuda because I have to plug Kanto Express into main event tags sometimes and she has to eat the pinfall to protect MAYA and everyone else. But then she's a midcarder for life anyways so w/e.


-8-woman tag could've been better, but I'm not really sure if the people I blamed for dragging it down in fact dragged it down. I save scum (cause im a fraud hehe) and couldn't get the match much higher than that. Weird.


-Oonishi v Nakajima is one of those classic TEW cases where you build a match in your head that becomes worse than what you envisioned it would be and what it perhaps would be IRL. At this point everything Higa touches turns into heat, so I expected a lot from this. But Nakajima cannot work long matches, she just doesn't have the gas tank for it, and Oonishi is the Jannetty of the Birds of Prey, so it turned into something along the lines of Jeff Jarrett vs Marty Jannetty circa WWF 94-95. Which wouldn't be a bad match, but not a great one because we don't have Shawn Michaels (Higa/Maruya) or Bret Hart (Jippensha) involved.


-Show was disappointing considering how awesome the last show was (albeit carried by a strong main event). Next show is also going to be setup. But the "PPV" comes off really really well, at least in-game.


-Just curious, do we file the implosion of the SWF under "typical first three months of a save happenings"? They've gotta be able to get more out of that roster than 78-81s. Also they turned Rogue face to finally put a bullet in the Valiant-Rogue feud (and gave away their return tag match on free TV where they did a job because of course they did), and I think thats a turn that could've waited until retirement. Ah well, they deserve to lose anyways so screw em. (Granted, the USPW doesn't deserve to win either, but that's akin to the IRL promotion war we're seeing take place in front of us right now.)







KyTeran: 44/57

medla: 41/57

El_Ray: 22/29

Mokoa: 26/42

Herrbear: 14/21

Teasenitryn: 13/28

Wicked Intentions: 12/28

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Wednesday/Week 1/March/2020

Shohoku Academy Gymnasium Dressing Rooms

Kobe, Japan






Ted could feel the air come out of the room when he saw Oonishi overshoot that dive and the way the match went afterwards. This main event had some expectations and buzz around it after how much the six woman tag last show kicked ass, but this didn't deliver.


It really wasn't either girl's fault, it could happen to anyone, but Ted did sorta believe that if there was a pecking order in 5-Star, Nakajima and Oonishi should be just below the top tier. They were good, but not great.


Oonishi was luckily okay afterwards, moving gingerly. There was an emotional moment in the locker room afterwards where Oonishi and Nakajima were apologizing to Ogiwara for their match, but Ogiwara was forgiving and just seemed to be glad that Oonishi was ok.


Still, it was a depressing atmosphere backstage, and people seemed to be worried that the fans, the magazines, and the TV company would think the company was going backwards. Never mind that this show was still better than 90% of what 5-Star was doing post-tsunami, they knew they needed to step things up every show to be seen on the same level as companies like BCG and EXODUS, let alone the big boys like PGHW or Burning Hammer.


It was just one show ladies, lighten up! was what Ted wanted to say. But it wasn't that easy to say.....






The gaijin section of the locker room also didn't like the show, albeit for slightly different reasons. Sure, they wanted today's show to be better too, but they were also frustrated by the fact that Higa had crapped on another one of their brethren again, this time it was Erin.


Erin had problems being accepted by the 5-Star crew at first, but now pretty much everyone liked her. She was nice, she bumped around like a pinball for everyone, she had a clear desire to improve and learn from the veterans, and she wasn't technically the worst wrestler on the roster at this point.


Erin was becoming one of 5-Star's carpenters. She worked hard with everyone she was with to build 5-Star a nice house. In the wrestling business, you shouldn't disrespect your carpenters, because then whos gonna build your houses? Who's gonna lose to your future stars to make them current stars that sell tickets?


Of course, Fuyuko Higa knew nothing but disrespect. Disrespect was her default attitude towards 95% of the roster. Granted, it suited her current gimmick just fine, but there were limits. Sure Higa was much more talented than the people she worked with in that match, but she didn't have to berate them for trying their best to make Higa look good.


Erin, however, convinced the gaijin to back off of another rib. Because honestly, Erin thought Higa was right.


She didn't know what was being said at first, but heard it from Kinuye Mushashibo later when Angel and Asami talked about it. And Erin knew that Higa was right to chew out her opponents, because the Sunset Riders were awful in their match, and Erin felt she probably wasn't much better. She stiffed Kijmuta pretty bad and mis-timed a couple things, the usual Erin Marcelin errors.


If Erin were truly good, then Higa would have nothing to criticize. It's not like she was going off on Nakajima and Torment and Sorrow last week, right? So Erin had said it would be a career goal to work a match so good with Higa that Higa wouldn't have anything to criticize.


It was a noble goal, but her North American friends wondered if it was actually achievable for any woman in the world to be accepted as an equal by that egomaniac.......

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(OOC: Late night update, will aim to do a news post next evening, and Prediction Key will be up on Wednesday!)


Thursday/Week 1/March/2020

Marcelin Residence

Toronto, Ontario






Alexander finally had his video finish buffering and got his daughter's most recent match loaded. He was interested in this one, because Alexander had heard through online sources he had read that Fuyuko Higa was one of the best women's wrestlers in the world. Erin would learn a lot from that match right?


But then Alexander saw this swaggering butch girl that looked like a punk nigthclub bouncer come out alongside her. She was called Unstoppable Tai, and Alexander just about shat a brick at the sight of her.


My daughter's gonna fight THAT!?


Calm down boyo, he had to remind himself. Erin was fine as of 10 minutes ago according to her last text, and this show had already happened. Maybe they didn't fight much. It WAS 3 versus 3, although anyone could see that Tai counted as an extra person or 2 in this given situation.


And indeed, Erin and Tai weren't together in the ring much. Erin got to wrestle this Higa girl a lot, and that was okay, and then the match noticeably went to hell when literally any other combination was involved.


So this was good, Erin was still losing, but still learning, and she didn't seem disheartened to be what they called a "jobber". She could get her hands dirty and learn the ropes before moving onto whatever she wanted to move on to.


Afterwards, Alexander toasted some waffles for breakfast, before remembering to check 5-Star's YouTube channel, noticing that they had uploaded a match with Erin a few days ago, a before-the-show match Erin had on the previous show.


So Erin was paired with some masked lady and a tall girl, against a decent-looking blonde called Selina Svelte, a really cute Asian girl named Maya who looked like a secretary he used to sleep with, and.........




Monster Ishimura. Well, Monster was accurate. She wasn't as tall as Tai, but she was wide, and looked capable of throwing people around if she didn't get distracted by a Japanese donut or something.


But unlike the other match, Erin was working this monster a bit more often, who was just shrugging off punches, before clotheslining the bejesus out of Erin. Alexander winced, but it was nothing compared to when Ishimura lifted Erin up on her shoulders, and the dumb broad overbalanced her, dropped Erin backwards, and Erin landed RIGHT on her knees.


Ah ****! Who let this big clumsy broad into the company? I mean she looked like a badass but still, isn't the whole point of this wrestling thing to convince people that you're hurting each other without ACTUALLY hurting each other? This was all screwed up.


And then of course the broad decided to tag in the blonde girl, who hit Erin with a spinning lifting slam of some sort that was at least done somewhat safely, and that got a pinfall. Ok then.


Alexander knew Erin was ok at least, unless she was lying in the text. Alexander made a mental note to send her another one once he was done with the waffles.


I mean, Jesus, every athlete in the world should know that if you ruin someone's knee, you're a true asshole, especially in a deal like this where everyone was supposed to work together. If this were a real fight and Ishimura's next meal depended on taking out the knee, well, maybe its justified, but Alexander knew it was a cheapshot to do that. He had played hockey as a kid, followed it on-and-off throughout his life, and knew well the various horror stories in sports about how a tear of a ligament, even with today's surgery, could not be fixed sometimes if it was done hard enough. That could've been Erin, and Alexander hoped to God it wasn't.


Alexander quickly fired off a text to double-check on Erin, before ringing up Ted......






Ted had just gotten back from a late business meeting punctuated with a drinking session, and Ted felt like his hangover was starting in advance. He wasn't even tipsy yet, but he had a headache of some description. Maybe it was the bright lights in the restaurant bar, who knows.


Luckily, that part of his job was done, he had a couple days with nothing going on, a couple days of minor meetings, then another good night of watching cute ladies having good wrestling matches.


This was the life. For better or for worse.


And then the phone rang. Ted picked it up while barely even checking the caller ID.




"What kind of ****ing incompetent freakshow are they running over there in Osaka?"


Oh this wasn't going to be a pleasant phonecall.


"Ah, Alexander, I take it you had the joy of watching Monster Ishimura wrestle."


"Joy my ass, what the hell is this? Don't these people have to go through training?"


"Welcome to my world as a wrestling fan boss. Its not like I made the decision to hire Ishimura, but even in Japan, sometimes they want people who look good rather than people who ARE good."


"Why didn't you warn me about this? And why didn't you tell me that Erin got hurt!?"


"Because she's fine? She left the ring under her own power, laid down and iced the knees for a day, and was ready to go by next show. There was nothing to tell. She didn't get hurt, so it didn't happen."


Alexander sighed over the line.


"Okay look, next show I need you to go to Ogiwara and tell her very calmly and very politely that if she books Erin against a broad like that ever again, I will sue her ass and pull the investment. Are we clear on this?"


"I doubt you'll have to worry about that. Ishimura's starting to lose her luster and I think she'll fall down the pecking order a bit. She lost her last match and hasn't always been on the card, and I think Ogiwara had enough sense to not put her in the ring with Erin after a stunt like that. Besides, is it really sensible to make that kind of threat? Your daughter might like it if the company still existed after she leaves it y'know."


"..............Okay, fine, whatever, just make it clear to Ogiwara that this is unacceptable. Anyways, I gotta finish breakfast and get to the office. Tell me if stuff like this ever happens again. -*click*"


Well that happened.


Looks like the easy part of Ted's job was about to hit a speed bump.....

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<p>In fairness Alexander isn't <em>wrong</em>, this is why Dulce Poly got such a bad case of the stink after what she did to Rosemary and why people rag on Nia Jax (though their target should be the people who put someone who would rank as a young lion with the people who have been doing this for a living far longer).</p><p> </p><p>

Ted also isn't wrong, don't wreck the place your baby seems to be having a good time for one person.</p>

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In fairness Alexander isn't wrong, this is why Dulce Poly got such a bad case of the stink after what she did to Rosemary and why people rag on Nia Jax (though their target should be the people who put someone who would rank as a young lion with the people who have been doing this for a living far longer).


Ted also isn't wrong, don't wreck the place your baby seems to be having a good time for one person.


And I'm writing this diary as someone who thought Nyla Rose was put into a truly unfair situation in AEW and should've been booked better elsewhere, so it breaks my heart to see Ishimura dog it like this. I admittedly save scum to prevent injuries, but a lot keep cropping up in Ishimura matches even if shes not the one causing them. And actually now that I look at her attribute screen her Safety is high but still, it's convenient to make her the scapegoat for storyline minor niggling injuries that don't actually cause the ladies to miss time.





5SSW News And Notes

by "JoshiJosh6" Joshua Prosser




-The rating for the 3rd episode of the Queendom Parade tour dipped to just under 20000 viewers, down a couple thousand from last week's highly rated episode. Shogun TV is said to still be happy with the numbers, and are expected to raise TV revenue slightly for 5-Star by the end of the month.


-There was a sense of disappointment about the quality of the show, as there were high expectations for the Oonishi/Nakajima bout to carry the card.


-Gemmei Oonishi was hurt doing a cannonball plancha to the outside, but walked away from the ring under her own power.


-Synchro Wave is getting plaudits for their hard work during the tour so far, and are expected to be brought back later.


-Fuyuko Higa got some minor heat backstage for chewing out her opponents during her 6-woman tag for poor in-ring performance.


-During the pre-show, The Blackhearts got another tryout, teaming with the Gun Metal Gals in an 8 woman tag loss to Shiori Jippensha, Hana Ajibana, Kinuye Mushashibo, Otsune Tsumura.


-There was also another tag feautring Double Pink and the Uprising going to a 15 minute time limit draw with Torment & Sorrow and Lethal Strike that was said to be pretty good.


-The pre-show matches going on YouTube are becoming fairly popular in the Japanese wrestling community, encouraging other Japanese companies to do the same.


-Theres rumours going about of a newfangled type of contendership match for the Triangle title on the next show.


-Independent promoters are furious with 5SSW at the moment for hoovering up talent to work one night deals and booking a show on the same day as a Girl's Festival Day indy (which ended up being headlined by Sakura Sada and Kuniko Matsura). The promoters claimed an agreement by 5-Star to leave the date alone and allow their talent to work the show, a claim denied by 5SSW. The Girl's Festival day indy took place in Tokyo and drew close to 1000 people, but was largely criticized for quality by the Japanese magazines for poor booking, particularly a DQ finish in the main event that fans booed out of the building.


-An announcement about the rumoured April trios bracket is expected to air on Shogun TV soon.






-USPW poach Rock God Alvarez from EILL in shock signing......


-Chris Caulfield suffers Grade 3 Discombobulation at indy show......


-Alicia Strong goes on Twitter rant over Pariah getting future title shot......

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I'm love this diary. That said, I thought the grades are pretty good - what's the size of 5SSW right now?


The grades are good cause I'm a cheaty McCheaterson who save scums and reloads to try and min-max things, and I've turned a couple annoying things off like perfect show theory. But hey, as has been debated on the GDS Discord many times, if you buy the game, you can play it how you damn well please, theres no right or wrong way to do it. (Unless you push Marko Stunt and Orange Cassidy in an AEW save)


Thanks for following along amp, and thanks for the DOTM nomination!






Shogun TV Presents:

5SSW Queendom Parade Tour Night 4

Monday/Week 2/March/2020


The semi-final of the Queendom Parade Tour is here! After a tour filled with memorable matches, some title contenders will be determined on this show from the Hall Of Nagahama in Osaka!


Opening the show, Simony Sentinel aims to win her 4th straight match, as she takes on veteran Angel Takudome.


6-woman tag action next sees Sae Akutagawa team with Lethal Strike to take on Asami Okubo, Ochiyo Iijima, and Hana Ajibana


Romi Yamato makes an appearance in singles action next, as the other half of the Hell Raisers gets a tune-up match against Erin Marcelin before the Hell Raisers get their tag title shot.


Next up, the high-flying luchadoras Double Pink take on the veteran duo Shining Force in whats sure to be a good match!


A Triangle title eliminator is next. 6 women enter, and 4 women are eliminated by pinfall or submission until 2 remain to claim the Triangle title shots. It'll be Machiko Matsuda vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. Lady Lotus!


Our co-main event sees the Uprising team up with Torment and Sorrow to take on Kinuye Mushashibo, Eri Sato, and Synchro Wave in an 8-woman tag.


Finally our main event sees a World title eliminator. Team SUB's only defeat in 2020 has been getting eliminated in the Big Crush battle royal, so now the tag team will face each other in singles action, with the winner getting a crack at Yuma Maruya for the World title! Chiyeko Kita vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi! Who will win?







Simony Sentinel vs. Angel Takudome


Sae Akutagawa / Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana


Romi Yamato vs. Erin Marcelin


Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez vs. Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara


TRIANGLE TITLE ELMINATOR (pick 2 winners): Machiko Matsuda vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. Lady Lotus


Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Maki Yoshifumi / Yu Hashimoto vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


WORLD TITLE ELIMINATOR: Chiyeko Kita vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

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Prediction Key

Simony Sentinel vs. Angel Takudome

Simony is on a winning streak, Angel...just exists.


Sae Akutagawa / Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana

Sae is in a featured match at the next event and Thea & Zofia are getting a strong push, meanwhile the other team has Ochiyo.


Romi Yamato vs. Erin Marcelin

Same again, Romi is in a featured match (and excellent) so she takes the win here to keep her momentum.


Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez vs. Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara

This one could go either way but I think Mystery Pink and Pinky Perez are being built to be the next tag challengers.


TRIANGLE TITLE ELMINATOR (pick 2 winners): Machiko Matsuda vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. Lady Lotus

Machiko and Paige seem like good fits for MAYA's style.


Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Maki Yoshifumi / Yu Hashimoto vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder

Two of the top tag teams teaming together? Yeah, this will be a beating.


WORLD TITLE ELIMINATOR: Chiyeko Kita vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

Etsuko seems like the better fit and has the higher ceiling of the two I think.

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Simony Sentinel vs. Angel Takudome


Sae Akutagawa / Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana


Romi Yamato vs. Erin Marcelin


Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez vs. Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara


TRIANGLE TITLE ELMINATOR (pick 2 winners): Machiko Matsuda vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. Lady Lotus


Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Maki Yoshifumi / Yu Hashimoto vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


WORLD TITLE ELIMINATOR: Chiyeko Kita vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

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<p><strong>Simony Sentinel</strong> vs. Angel Takudome</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sae Akutagawa / Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic </strong>vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Romi Yamato</strong> vs. Erin Marcelin</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez</strong> vs. Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TRIANGLE TITLE ELMINATOR (pick 2 winners): <strong>Machiko Matsuda</strong> vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. <strong>Lady Lotus</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Maki Yoshifumi / Yu Hashimoto</strong> vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WORLD TITLE ELIMINATOR: Chiyeko Kita vs. <strong>Etsuko Arihyoshi</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Simony Sentinel</strong> vs. Angel Takudome</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sae Akutagawa / Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic</strong> vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Romi Yamato</strong> vs. Erin Marcelin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez</strong> vs. Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara</p><p> </p><p>

TRIANGLE TITLE ELMINATOR (pick 2 winners): Machiko Matsuda vs. <strong>Paige Croft</strong> vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. <strong>Lady Lotus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Maki Yoshifumi / Yu Hashimoto</strong> vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder</p><p> </p><p>

WORLD TITLE ELIMINATOR:<strong> Chiyeko Kita</strong> vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi</p>

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Simony Sentinel vs. Angel Takudome


Sae Akutagawa / Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana


Romi Yamato vs. Erin Marcelin


Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez vs. Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara


TRIANGLE TITLE ELMINATOR (pick 2 winners): Machiko Matsuda vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. Lady Lotus


Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Maki Yoshifumi / Yu Hashimoto vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


WORLD TITLE ELIMINATOR: Chiyeko Kita vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

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Simony Sentinel vs. Angel Takudome

Sae Akutagawa / Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana


Romi Yamato vs. Erin Marcelin


Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez vs. Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara


TRIANGLE TITLE ELMINATOR (pick 2 winners): Machiko Matsuda vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. Lady Lotus


Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Maki Yoshifumi / Yu Hashimoto vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


WORLD TITLE ELIMINATOR: Chiyeko Kita vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

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Shogun TV Presents:

5SSW Queendom Parade Tour Night 4

Monday/Week 2/March/2020

Hall Of Nagahama

Osaka, Japan






After the announce team spiel, Kaiya Kuwahara opens the show with her usual solid promo breaking down the card and hyping future matches, before thanking the crowd for their continued support of 5SSW.


Rating: 64




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Simony Sentinel vs. Angel Takudome


The commentators talk up Sentinel as a possible title threat, nothing that maybe she could fill the empty card slot involving the All-Asian title held by Maki Yoshifumi.


Sentinel controls most of the match, and although the veteran Takudome is in much better form than last week's miserable performance, its not nearly enough to hold down the violet-haired punk girl, who takes Takudome down near the end with an old-school headscissors, a running kick, and jams out on the air guitar before going up........ Sentinel Strike (Twisting Top Rope Splash) connects for the 3 count!


Result: Simony Sentinel def. Angel Takudome via pinfall in 9:31

Rating: 52






Post-match we check in with the Birds of Prey. Gemmei apologizes to the fans for coming up a little short in her match against Megumi Nakajima (with Higa in the background with a clear "damn right you should apologize" attitude'). Gemmei nonetheless says that Nakajima will be in for a fight against Higa, and then the Birds of Prey can get back on path to getting Tag Team gold. Higa then butts in and says that she's after a much bigger prize. Higa has heard word of a tournament in April, and says her and Oonishi are going to enter, and anyone else who believes in Higa's cause should enter too. Oonishi looks confused, then a bit horrified when Higa re-iterates her promise to burn the current iteration of 5-Star that people see into cinders, to make way for Higa's Perfection.........


Rating: 56




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Sae Akutagawa and Lethal Strike (Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic) vs. Asami Okubo / Ochiyo Iijima / Hana Ajibana


Aside from occasional suplexes from Ajibana onto The Davis, little else is accomplished from the Okubo / Iijima / Ajibana contingent in this match, with the match being mostly one-way traffic and a showcase of Akutagawa, with Lethal Strike getting their licks in. One particularly brutal sequence sees Okubo try her judo on Jankovic, only to get beaten badly in response and then thrown towards Ajibana in the other corner, with Jankovic making repeated "tag in" motions.


Eventually, Ochiyo Iijima is isolated and beaten down by all three of her opponents, before being put away with Akutagawa's middle-rope Northern Lights Suplex for an emphatic 3-count.


Result: Team Akutagawa def. Team Jobbers via pinfall (Akutagawa pins Iijima) in 9:31

Rating: 52




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Romi Yamato vs. Erin Marcelin


Akutagawa stays out to support her tag partner in singles action. Marcelin gets in some offense, and tries a few of Quinzel's backbreaker moves, only for all of them to be sneeringly countered by Yamato in an impressive display. Marcelin turns to stiff punches to make headway, but then Yamato eventually weathers the storm and starts outstriking Marcelin in response.


Erin swings wildly several times with the Whirling Silver (Discus Left Hook), but Yamato keeps dodging them before eventually countering one attempt with a mid-roundhouse kick to the solar plexus that leaves Erin gasping for breath. Yamato then hits multiple big suplexes before putting Erin away with the Yamatotal (Cross-Arm Bridging German Suplex) for 3 to cap off a pretty decent squash.


Result: Romi Yamato def. Erin Marcelin via pinfall at 7:32

Rating: 54






Post-match, we see a series of quickfire promos backstage with several different people. Sae Akutagawa says the Hell Raisers have showed what they're capable of and tell the Uprising their reign ends at the next defense, Chiyeko Kita promises a similar outcome to Yuma Maruya regardless of which member of Team SUB she faces. Megumi Nakajima says she has praise for Oonishi's heart, but questions whether or not Higa has what it takes to really climb the mountain and prove that Higa is what she says she is. Nakajima also says that Higa "lacks the kindling" to reduce 5-Star to cinders, and says she'll back her statements up at the end of the Queendom Parade.


Unfortunately, some of these promos fell a little flat, and were plagued by minor sound issues with the satellite signal in some households.


Rating: 42




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Double Pink (Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez) vs. Shining Force (Otsune Tsumura / Yukiko Matsumara)


Another squash match, but this one gets some pop from the crowd because its not TOTALLY one-sided, and also because Double Pink keep wowing the crowd with their abilities. Perez in particular is just fitting the 5-Star style like a glove, showing all kinds of high-energy offense and solid technique.


Double Pink get a nice exhibition of double teams going. Matsumara fights back and has a little crowd backing for a comeback, but it's not enough to stem the tide for long. Mystery Pink sidesteps a double team attempt from Shining Force, shoves Tsumura into Matsumara, and that sends Matsumara out of the ring. Mystery Pink then stuns Tsumura with a spinning back suplex, before tagging in Pinky Perez for the combination Twisting Crossbody/Vertical Suplex combo to finish off Shining Drive right at the 10 minute mark.


Result: Double Pink def. Shining Force via pinfall (Perez pins Tsumura) at 10:02

Rating: 62






We check in with Miwako Katsukawa next. Katsukawa was inspired by Maruya's open challenge and all the big matches coming up in the Queendom Parade, so she talked to VP Kuwahara and got permission to do her own open challenge. Katsukawa says she wants to fight a strong competitor and learn from them, and she'll get that chance when she faces the woman who accepted her open challenge: HEART Saitoh!


Katsukawa says her goal is to push the former World champion hard, and that she wants to learn enough from the experience to eventually join that group of World champions....


Rating: 52




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Machiko Matsuda vs. Paige Croft vs. Kaede Sugiyama vs. Connie Morris vs. Toku Kijmuta vs. Lady Lotus


The commentators remind us that this is elimination rules, pinfall and submission only, last 2 women remaining both get the title shot. Some alliances are considered, but rejected after the bell rings, and it ultimately breaks down into a 6-way spotfest.


Connie Morris makes the mistake of standing out too much, by cleaning house and landing a few Missouri Ploughs (Running Fallaway Slams) on her opponents. This leads to the natural result of everyone ganging up on her and seeing her as a threat. Connie fights hard, but gets taken out with an old school Elitist Plex (Triple Team Front Suplex), followed by a dogpile for the pin.


(Elimination #1: Connie Morris)


MAchiko Matsuda and Kaede Sugiyama have a sort-of alliance going, but don't get a 3rd one to join in and that leads to them getting ganged up on 3-on-2, with Machiko Matsuda getting pinned via running Ace Crusher by Paige Croft.


(Elimination #2: Machiko Matsuda)


Lotus then promptly turns on Kijmuta while Croft is getting the pin. Croft stays out of the way while Sugiyama recovers in the corner, and it ends up being Kijmuta getting the upper hand. Lotus screams for help, but Croft seems to revel in her suffering and stays at ringside, slapping the ring steps with that steel chain she's been carrying around during particularly devastating moves by Kijmuta. Suigyama eventually revives and fights with Croft on the outside, while Kijmuta finishes off Lotus with a Spear.


(Elimination #3: Lady Lotus)


Kijmuta is a bti winded though, and hangs back and watches Croft and Sugiyama fight around ringside and back into the ring, eventually deciding Croft is the better choice to take into the title match and going 2-on-1 against Sugiyama. Eventually Croft whips Sugiyama into a Kijmuta Spear, and Kijmuta pins Sugiyama to punch their ticket to the Triangle title match.


(Elimination #4: Kaede Sugiyama)


Result: Toku Kijmuta and Paige Croft survive the Triangle Title Eliminator at 12:19

Rating: 55




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Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte / Yu Hashimoto / Maki Yoshifumi vs. Kinuye Mushashibo / Eri Sato / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


With better talent distribution and longer time this match might've worked, but as things stood it wasn't that good, with the winners being obvious from the outset. There were also some blown spots and miscommunication, generally involving Svelte and Mushashibo in some form.


Eri Sato tries hard to make up the difference, but fighting wave after wave of fresh bodies gets to her, and things turn for the Uprising-led side when anyone else comes in.


Synchro Wave tries hard, but seem to lose a bit of their flow when working with other partners, and in general feel just a shade below their opponents in terms of individual quality anyways.


Sato's team holds out well for around 11 minutes, but then when the match breaks down its Anderson alone in the ring with Yoshifumi. Anderson throws hard strikes, but gets rocked with a cross counter, groggily rises back to her feet and-HEAD KICK! That'll end anyone's night, and Yoshifumi gets the pinfall victory off that.


Result: Team Tormenting You def. Team Jobbers via pinfall (Yoshifumi pins Anderson) at 11:55

Rating: 54






Backstage Yuma Maruya cuts a promo, saying she'll be watching this title eliminator with interest, and says she'll be ready for either winner. Team SUB did come close to beating her at the Big Crush, sure, but Maruya's had close calls before and knows she'll come through for the 5-Star fans in a 1-on-1 match, regardless of the opponent, and regardless of how close it gets.


Maruya as always was a glib and confident talker when the red light came on and this was good as a result.


Rating: 70




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Chiyeko Kita vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi


The two Team SUB members were both at various points of their career deemed to have championship potential, but for whatever reason it never happened, and the two ended up drifting together into a fearsome tag team that could equal any in the division.


Together in ring the two show some signs of achieving that championship potential, with Kita showing a decent all-around game, mixing her old high-flying tendencies with some MMA-inspired offense, while Arihyoshi's superior technique gets shown off really well. The two gel together naturally and have an understanding of the others style, and it makes for a good match.


Unfortunately, the heat is less than a typical 5-Star main event contest, and the match does suffer a bit from Kita starting out strong, before fading around the 12-13 minute mark. Kita's strikes and high-flying moves start to miss their mark, while Arihyoshi's persistent working of the legs and arm has a pronounced effect as the match goes longer.


Kita still has enough left in the tank to land a Superkick late, but Arihyoshi kicks out at 2. Kita moves into a Arm Triangle Choke, wrenching it tight, but going to the mat with Arihyoshi proves to be a mistake, as Arihyoshi uses her legs to reverse out of it, takes side control, knees Kita in the ribs repeatedly, and when Kita tries to escape Arihyoshi takes her back and secures the Arihyoshi Lockdown (Seated Abdominal Stretch Dragon Sleeper). Kita fights hard, but knows she can't escape and that Arihyoshi WILL mess her life up if this keeps going, so Kita taps to give her partner the win and the title shot!


Arihyoshi lets loose a roar of celebration, pumping her fists as the show goes off the air.


Result: Etsuko Arihyoshi def. Chiyeko Kita via submission at 15:06

Rating: 64





ATTENDANCE: 300 SRO(12 papered)

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-Thanks as always for the predictions and feedback folks, love ya!


-Man, now that I look at this card closely it is a fine collection of midcard dreck isn't it. I didn't even realize until looking back that I ran a show without Maruya/Jippensha/Nakajima/Birds/Saitoh in a single main card match! Thats gotta be a first for 5-Star since Higa's debut surely.


-But, every match was necessary. Maybe I could've worked in bigger tags, but at least every single winner on this card needed it going into the final show of the tour.


-Simony did not get over as hard as expected from beating Angel, which is sorta frustrating but what can ya do. She's still an integral part of this diary though.


-Erin had her best match! It was all Yamato though, and part of me wonders if Sentinel/Marcelin was the better pure match, just not rated as such. For those curious Erin's performance peaks around 39 due to momentum taking hold.


-Even my best midcard geeks at promo cutting cant do it right for the fans. Overness seems to be a much bigger deal in angles nowadays.


-Double Pink keep being awesome and I have to keep relegating them to the background because they haven't had their establishing matches yet. They are getting over quite well though.


-Triangle title eliminator was fun to write, expect a couple more matches like that. I liked the whole aspect of Kijmuta playing subtle smart in that match instead of being all brawn, while Lady Lotus's heelish nature just bit her so hard.


-The Uprising/Torment deal should've been a lot better than it was, but in hindsight I probably should've switched around some matches.


-Kita and Arihyoshi tried hard, but weren't super over, and Kita seems to have regressed in this game. I should've done better building these two up. Luckily I've simmed ahead and the big event turns out great though!


-Did some test sims of the cards ahead, and the future looks bright for 5-Star, if they can figure out a way to get out of debt. But they will though, because the company going out of business after 6 months would be a boring and weird diary and we know it. Besides, any plot contrivance I create will still make far more sense than the USPW undercard hires in TEW2020, am I right fellas?






KyTeran: 50/65

medla: 46/65

El_Ray: 22/29

Mokoa: 32/50

Herrbear: 14/21

Teasenitryn: 19/36

Wicked Intentions: 12/28

ampulator: 7/8

Deamon: 7/8

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It was another down card for 5-Star, as they decided to run a card without their tippy-top stars to build up others for the big show, and it felt off again.


Still, Ted had to admit the lineup set up for Queendom Parade could be 5-Star's best show in a long time. Higa vs Nakajima could be great, Arihyoshi challenging Maruya was interesting, the tag match between the Hell Raisers and the Uprising was fresh and exciting, and Katsukawa vs. Saitoh could be really good. This card had potential, and Ted was looking forward to it.


.......If only he could say the same about what Ted had to do next......


Ted took a deep breath, knocked on Ogiwara's door, and was invited in for a talk.






Ogiwara leaned back in her chair and sighed.


She had an inkling when Karube wrote out the pre-show YouTube matches that one might cause her problems, and her fears became realized when the interpreter flunky boy of Alexander's came in with a message.


Alexander was worried about her daughter working with people like Monster Ishimura again, and Ted respectfully conveyed his wishes for Ogiwara to be more careful with the selection of Erin's opponents in future.


So Ogiwara knew that this really meant "fire Ishimura".


To be fair, it wasn't a bad idea. Ishimura was causing booking headaches because of how limited she was and how she needed to be protected all the time, and recently minor injuries kept cropping up in her matches to her opponents. There was hopes when she came in at JoshiMania that she was another Crusher Ichihara, but she lacked the Crushers natural ability, her stamina, and her persona. The botched powerbomb on Erin could've had career-ending consequences, although part of Ogiwara still had the mentality of this not being ballet. Injuries could happen.


Tai was out as a monster too because of her attitude and refusal to sell for anyone, but she was at least capable enough in the ring to hold her spot. Ogiwara wished she had pushed Dragon Assassin harder while she had her, but of course she was long gone from the business.....


Really, it wasn't a big deal to cut Ishimura loose. Japanese wrestling was starting to run out of patience and run out of room for monsters. Teams like the God Butchers, Kikuchi and Yano, and singles like Taro Shionoya were starting to be really seen through by Japanese crowds and magazines. There were heels leading factions such as NEOS and the Senmatsu-gun, but those men had charisma and personal magnetism too, not just size and strength. A monster needed more these days, and without any woman on the horizon who could match the Crusher for charisma or talent, it was better to just scrap the concept of having a monster girl if that's what it came down to.


Ogiwara could give Ishimura one more chance....... but there wasn't a spot on the next big card for her. Every other match involved people who were better than Ishimura and worked harder, and were more deserving of a win in the ring, at least in Ogiwara and Karube's opinion. Ogiwara would give it a month or so, but she was confident she would pull the plug on Ishimura soon.


And it had to be done. Given 5-Star's financial situation, Ogiwara knew that when Alexander wanted his money back, she would have nothing to give him, so it would be best to placate him. Everything depended on this next show, on the government's next relief payment, and on the next negotiation with Shogun TV. Things had gotten so bad that Ogiwara pressed herself into service as a backstage agent for EXODUS, helping put together matches. Oshiro got her the gig as a mutual favour, and all of Ogiwara's pay was being sunk back into the emptying 5-Star coffers.


Was this gamble of a TV deal truly the mistake that would sink 5-Star forever?


...........No, not yet, there was still time to save this. Ogiwara knew she had to be like the samurai now. Put up a brave front, and go to your fate swinging steel til your last breath. She could turn this around.


She HAD to......






Erin felt upbeat despite the show being a downer again. She held up her end of a match with Yamato okay, and was starting to get better at wrestling, slowly but surely, bit by bit. The locker room accepted her as a talent, even if she was the youngest and had to job all the time, and she had some actual fans in the audience that would wear wigs of her hair and cheer her on whenever she did moves.


THAT was so surreal too. Erin had gone from doing her hair like some people she saw on TV, to being the one that people imitated instead. How awesome was that?


Not to mention, she was starting to become friends with Simony Sentinel. The other gaijin girls were nice for the most part, but Erin really did not have anything in common with them. They were mature and didn't really do the whole girl talk thing. A lot were obsessed with the business, and weren't much for idle gossip and chatter about their personal lives. There'd be a few drinks at the end of the tour in celebration (which usually degenerated into drunken *****ing over something Higa did, or the latest demeaning moment in the history of USPW's women's division), but nothing like Erin with high school friends or anything.


But Simony was different. She was the cool older sister that Erin never had. Simony liked to party, and to gossip, and liked some of the same music and games Erin did. She had that wild hairstyle that Dad would freak out over if he saw. She was a former gymnast, and cracked up the locker room sometimes when people would walk in on her doing a ridiculous pose from those days that looked like she was trying to strangle herself with her own leg.


Simony had asked her before the show if she wanted to hang out at an arcade, and told her to "bring along the cute guy with the glasses who always hangs around, so he can translate for us." It took Erin an insultingly long time to realize she was talking about Ted.


Erin packed her bags, and met Simony and Ted at the back door for a night of carousing in Osaka........

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(OOC: Thanks for the kind words Historian and Tea, always appreciated!


Prediction Key for Queendom Parade Finals up tomorrow. Big card, I'm excited to get to writing it!)





5SSW News And Notes

by "JoshiJosh6" Joshua Prosser




-The 4th Queendom Parade show did similar TV ratings to the 3rd show, just shy of 20000 viewers. Shogun TV is still said to be happy with the ratings, but there are expectations for better on the final show of the tour.


-Some fans reported being unhappy at seeing the stars gathered on the pre-show and not on the main show, but it was still said to be a decent card overall for the return to the Hall of Nagahama.


-Simony Sentinel is expected to get some kind of big match on the finale of the tour, and has become a popular presence backstage.


-Double Pink are continuing to impress 5SSW with their performances.


-Sapporo Wrestling Dojo graduate Sakuko Souda got a dark match tryout, losing to Spider Isako in a poor match.


-The other pre-show match on the card was a ten woman tag involving top 5SSW stars not on the card that was said to be a great match.


-Monster Ishimura has some heat backstage after some recent botches in her matches have led to opponents almost being severely injured. In particular a bad botch against Erin Marcelin a week ago (where Erin was dropped backwards onto her knees from a powerbomb position) had people backstage not pleased to say the least.


-The Triangle title eliminator came off well enough that 5SSW are expected to do it again on future shows.


-Higa's promo confirmed the existence of a future trios tournament in the Hall of Fame tour. Higa and Oonishi are expected to be one team with a 3rd member yet to be revealed, but several other teams are expected to be announced either during or after the Queendom Parade finale. Several outsiders are expected to be brought in to fill out the ranks.


-5SSW owner Sensational Ogiwara has taken up a position as an agent laying out matches in EXODUS 2010, although 5-Star shows will still be her first priority. Ogiwara took the job as some type of mutual favour to EX2010 owner Yoshi Oshiro, but this move continues to heat speculation over the rumoured reformation of the Modern Japan Alliance.






-Mexican icon Alfredo "El Barbaro" Menendez passes away at age of 80......


-21CW star Brickhouse Balder interested in working abroad?......


-Alicia Strong Slams CWA Again In Podcast Interview......

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Shogun TV Presents:

5SSW Queendom Parade

Saturday/Week 2/March/2020




The final showdown is here for the Queendom Parade Tour, broadcasting on Shogun TV from the Osaka East Volleyball Centre!


Opening up the show, we have two teams looking for a win to break up a rough tour for them, as the Sunset Riders take on Synchro Wave!


Next up is another tag match, featuring two teams on the winning side of things. Lethal Strike and Double Pink have not tasted defeat as teams since joining 5SSW, and now they face each other. Something has to give here, but which one will it be?


Eri Sato is in action next, and she will take on veteran gaijin Connie Morris.


Miwako Katsukawa issued an open challenge for this show, and it was answered in the locker room by former world champion HEART Saitoh! Who will prevail?


Next up we have a match for the 5SSW Triangle title, as champion MAYA takes on challengers Paige Croft and Toku Kijmuta!


An All-Asian title clash follows that, and it will see champion Maki Yoshifumi defend against challenger Simony Sentinel. Sentinel won 4 straight to get here, but can she make it 5 against the MMA skills of the champion?


Next up is a tag team title clash featuring the Uprising taking on the Hell Raisers. The recently formed Hell Raisers have been hard to beat since starting their team...... will the champions overcome their size and skill to defend their belts?


Our co-main event is sure to be a great one, as it sees Megumi Nakajima take on Fuyuko Higa. Higa has promised to reduce 5-Star to cinders to achieve the dream of her perfection, while Nakajima has been put into the interesting position of defending a company that she spent nearly 10 years trying to fully conquer as part of The ANTI. Will Nakajima turn Higa aside, or will Higa's flame blaze brightest?


Finally, our main event sees a critical World title defense, as Yuma Maruya defends against the submission threat of Etsuko Arihyoshi. Team SUB came close to eliminating Maruya during the Big Crush battle royale, and said battle is the only time they've tasted defeat in 2020. Can Maruya turn aside this difficult challenge?






(LATE NOTE: Forecast is cloudy with a medium chance of time limit draws)



Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo vs. Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez


Eri Sato vs. Connie Morris


Miwako Katsukawa vs. HEART Saitoh


5SSW Triangle Title V4 Defense: MAYA (Champion) vs. Paige Croft (Challenger) vs. Toku Kijmuta (Challenger)


5SSW All-Asian Title V2 Defense: Maki Yoshifumi (Champion) vs. Simony Sentinel (Challenger)


5SSW Tag Team Titles V3 Defense: Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte (Champion) vs. Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa (Challengers)


Megumi Nakajima vs. Fuyuko Higa


5SSW World Title V6 Defense: Yuma Maruya (Champion) vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi (Challenger)

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Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo vs. Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez


Eri Sato vs. Connie Morris


Miwako Katsukawa vs. HEART Saitoh


5SSW Triangle Title V4 Defense: MAYA (Champion) vs. Paige Croft (Challenger) vs. Toku Kijmuta (Challenger)


5SSW All-Asian Title V2 Defense: Maki Yoshifumi (Champion) vs. Simony Sentinel (Challenger)


5SSW Tag Team Titles V3 Defense: Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte (Champion) vs. Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa (Challengers)


Megumi Nakajima vs. Fuyuko Higa

5SSW World Title V6 Defense: Yuma Maruya (Champion) vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi (Challenger)

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Angel Takudome / Asami Okubo vs. Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder


Thea Davis / Zofia Jankovic vs. Mystery Pink / Pinky Perez


Eri Sato vs. Connie Morris


Miwako Katsukawa vs. HEART Saitoh


5SSW Triangle Title V4 Defense: MAYA (Champion) vs. Paige Croft (Challenger) vs. Toku Kijmuta (Challenger)


5SSW All-Asian Title V2 Defense: Maki Yoshifumi (Champion) vs. Simony Sentinel (Challenger)


5SSW Tag Team Titles V3 Defense: Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte (Champion) vs. Romi Yamato / Sae Akutagawa (Challengers)


Megumi Nakajima vs. Fuyuko Higa


5SSW World Title V6 Defense: Yuma Maruya (Champion) vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi (Challenger)

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