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[ MOD Hype ] C-Verse 2025: After The Pandemic

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I know it's been awhile since I posted an update, but here is one for ya... the new worker completion is just about finish. I thought I had it finished it a couple days ago, but when I started adding in the relationships is when I realized there were several gaps in the family legacies... so I have been working on filling those gaps, finding renders, etc.


However, I have run a few test games sans the missing workers and minus the relationships and I have to say... I might have to scrap the Pandemic angle and just have this be about the changing of the guard between the old C-Verse and the possible new C-Verse with the pandemic represented in narratives, but nothing more, because the one thing that I thought would balance the smaller feds out to keep them open... only hastened some of their deaths (Stallings Entertainment).


So yeah I'm going have to take that out (at least the boardcast part of it) to keep the narrative of how BSC and AAA reopen. Speaking of which... BSC opened early in the last test game and made some interesting signings in the first 6 months. Honey was not playing around to the point that BSC was looking like AAA! So I know know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Let me know your thoughts on that situation.


Also, I have said it before I'll say it again even in the C-Verse I don't know much outside USA and Canada... none of the other areas have interested me before... hell I haven't even read diaries about them... until recently... White Dolphin's Puppet Dance has had me hooked and seeing as I have tried to run a women's company before (BSC). So I know there are things I'm missing. So I ask again if there is anything you'd like to suggest to happen PM about it.


However, seeing as no one has sent me anything yet... I understand why. Everyone's busy with their own mods, diaries, and etc. Plus, there is the fact that I have no reputation as a modder. So I am going to start a really ambitious diary... an 8 person multiplayer game, but I'm going to be booking all the companies myself.


My plan is to book SWF, USPW, TCW, and probably the reopening AAA in the USA

CWA in Canada

Ollie in Mexico (Because in all my games they seem to become a developmental system for someon and as the oldest promotion I think is wrong)

5SSW (Just because of White Dolphins awesome diary.)

and... an undisclosed eight company, because I haven't picked one yet... I'm leaning towards 21CW (because I have never used a company with Cornell in it before), but at the same time I'm thinking... why not go all in and make one of the companies a RTG company. So Thoughts, opinions?


I figure this is the best way to go about my mod with my limited skills and knowledge of the C-Verse as a modder. As I can control the big, shocking twists that happen in the USA (as out the Merger, the Tsunami, and Cornell going back to England) no real big narrative changes have happened (Also not counting Champagne Lover leaving the business I forgot about that one), but at the same time the other companies are moving and grooving with title changes that I other wise would have neglected due to not knowing enough about the lore, the characters, and etc.


So I'm going to take advantage of the whole turning a game into it's own database and release updates in a manor similar to real life mods.


Now to wind this up and get back to working on the mod and cooking some steaks... can a moderator (if one reads this post) change the name to [ Mod Hype ] C-Verse and Beyond: A Living World Mod

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