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ReapeR's Title Belt Renders: 2020

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Last one. Started tweaking the TCW CWA title, but it morphed into this.


Hope it works for you.


TCW Canadian Championship







I have two title requests as I have just started a second Showcase brand in my TCW save.


1) I really love your Showcase tag title belts, and would love a world title in a similar style. Of course with a shape and size fitting of a world title. Other than that I don't mind if you find some other inspiration with it, as long as it says "Showcase World Champion" or something like that.


2) For my secondary title for this brand I bought NOTBPW's old Canadian title (yes CWA doesn't own the license to CGC's or NOTBPW's old titles for some reason) and I am currently using your TCW CWA title for that, but for maybe obvious reasons (I do not own CWA, YET) I would like it to just say TCW Canadian, and be in a similar style to that TCW CWA title you have. Thanks!

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I would need two Street Fighter (the video game) belts


- a single belt named World Street Fighter championship


- a tag team belt named World Street Fighter Tag Team championship


If that's not a problem I would need them without the background.


You can use the logo attached


Thank you


Was not sure where to take this. Hope this works.


Street Fighter World Championship



Street Fighter World Tag Team Championship


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Do you use a different logo for the Supreme title?





Hi mate, few more requests


ZEN Supreme Ruler championship


And then with this logo niW5CUc.jpg


Could I get ZEN:B Kinship (Tag Team)


if it helps here is what you did before for same company





and then this logo





Can I please have ZEN:S Ace Championship



Thank you again!

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Hi mate, few more requests


ZEN Supreme Ruler championship


And then with this logo niW5CUc.jpg


Could I get ZEN:B Kinship (Tag Team)


if it helps here is what you did before for same company





and then this logo





Can I please have ZEN:S Ace Championship



Thank you again!


First one.


ZEN:B Kinship Championship


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Hi mate, few more requests


ZEN Supreme Ruler championship


And then with this logo niW5CUc.jpg


Could I get ZEN:B Kinship (Tag Team)


if it helps here is what you did before for same company





and then this logo





Can I please have ZEN:S Ace Championship



Thank you again!


Second one.


ZEN Supreme Ruler


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Hi mate, few more requests


ZEN Supreme Ruler championship


And then with this logo niW5CUc.jpg


Could I get ZEN:B Kinship (Tag Team)


if it helps here is what you did before for same company





and then this logo





Can I please have ZEN:S Ace Championship



Thank you again!


Last one.


ZEN:S Ace Championship


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Mate those are so good once again!!


I should warn you, I have a few ZEN requests coming up so I hope it isn't too boring for you


Next three please


Using that same Canadian ZEN logo


ZEN:S Unity (tag team title)


and then using the below Japanese ZEN logo


ZEN:Y Knights (again, if it matters, tag title)

ZEN:Y Lord





Thank you!

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Hope these work for you.


MEW World Tag Team Championship



MEW All-Star Championship



MEW World Heavyweight Championship



Thanks again for these great looking belts. I would like to add another secondary title to the Main Event Wrestling title scene.


MEW Trans-Atlantic Championship

This secondary title represents the company's growing influence throughout North America and across the pond into Europe. I envision the title with a large, round center plate, gold, with either flags (US, CAN, MEX, UK, SWE?) or a globe showing north/south america and west europe/africa.


Thank you!

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Hey ReapeR! I hope you've been doing well, I'm back again with another trio of requests for my World Class CVerse-97 game. Like last time I'd like these to be related to the real-world titles, and have included a photo for the World Heavyweight and World Tag Team designs. However, I couldn't find an accurate one of the original Television championship, so I threw in an image of a later version from another promotion. Feel free to use that as inspiration instead of a guideline. However, the only thing I ask if you use it, is to keep the WCCW letters uniform in size. Thank you very much in advance!


-WCCW World Heavyweight Championship

-WCCW World Tag Team Championship

-WCCW Television Championship







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Back into the request que I go. I got one more belt for Ninja Arts Wrestling and two requests for a company called Miami Beach Wrestling.


The belts are


NAW Spirit Duos


MBW Queen of the Beach


MBW Party Sisters


Here is a logo for Miami Beach Wrestling should you like to use it.




Creative control is yours, thank you for all your amazing work.


First one.


NAW Spirit Duo


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Hi ReapeR, I have my first request for you.


I created a company for lavelleuk's new 2022 alt C-Verse mod. It's called Luxe Wrestling and is an Australian all women's company that has a nautical, underwater theme. A bit more of an eye candy promotion than a serious wrestling company, but they have their moments. Here is the logo:




Three championships:


Luxe Wrestling Diamond Championship (Main event level)

Luxe Wrestling Gold Coast Championship (Mid Level)

Luxe Wrestling Tag Team Championship


Creative control belongs to you, I'm looking forward to see what you come up with. Thanks a million, I appreciate it a lot!

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Back into the request que I go. I got one more belt for Ninja Arts Wrestling and two requests for a company called Miami Beach Wrestling.


The belts are


NAW Spirit Duos


MBW Queen of the Beach


MBW Party Sisters


Here is a logo for Miami Beach Wrestling should you like to use it.




Creative control is yours, thank you for all your amazing work.


First one.


MBW Queen of the Beach


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Back into the request que I go. I got one more belt for Ninja Arts Wrestling and two requests for a company called Miami Beach Wrestling.


The belts are


NAW Spirit Duos


MBW Queen of the Beach


MBW Party Sisters


Here is a logo for Miami Beach Wrestling should you like to use it.




Creative control is yours, thank you for all your amazing work.


And the last one.


MBW Party Sisters


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I am looking for a WWE Legends championship if possible! Complete free reign.


In my current day WWE game, Edge introduced it and he is champion. (He never got kicked out of Judgement Day)


2 for 1 :)


WWE Legends Championship



WWE Legends Championship (Edge Version)


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Fantastic work all around, I love seeing such a healthy mod community around here. I have my first request for some titles; I'd like to use them in an upcoming mod if that's okay? I didn't see anything in the rules stating otherwise.



Company Name: Global Wrestling Alliance

Product: Three Ring Circus

Based In: New York City, Tri-State, USA



GWA World Heavyweight Title

GWA Women's Title

GWA World Tag Team Titles


I'd like the World Heavyweight to feature an image of the world/globe of some sort, but that's really the only input I have-- other than that I'd prefer if the belts did not have an old school "Big Gold Belt" look, because I'm planning on that for another company in the mod.

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Thank for the great belts ReapeR. I got some more requests for a trio of companies.


A belt for La Lucha Original, Lucha de Dúo de Tango, and No Limit Wrestling.


These are the belts I am requesting:


Campeonatos de Tríos LLO


Campeonatos de Dúos de Tango LDT (This a mixed tag team championship)


NLW Limitless


Here are the company logos should you want to use them.







Creative control is yours. Thank you again for all the amazing work you do.

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