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EWA: For Whom The Heart Breaks

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Calico Book Market, Berlin, Germany, January 2nd, 2020





A small collection of older women and 30-something men gather around a signing table where a man ripped straight off the cover of every penny romance novel sits signing copies of his book. 'Byron: From Heartbreak To Heartthrob'. It details how he turned a few years of modeling into a small fortune, his fallout in UCR how he started the most successful wrestling company in all of Europe, and how his son's goals to be just like his father fill him with pride.


A dark-skinned frumpy woman of Mediterranean heritage moves up to the table. "Oh, my goodness, it's really you!" Byron regards the woman with a curt smile. "YES! IT IS I BYRON! Your day is richer for having me in it. Come squeeze my biceps so that you may know the touch of a real man." The woman practically reenacts a jello commercial with anticipation as she slides around the table to envelop his flesh in her hands. "Oh my, they're so hard and firm. Mmmh." Her tone goes from anticipation to orgasm in a worryingly short time. A chorus of giggles comes out from the jealous few in the corner. And a roll of eyes from the men.


"Yes, and remember girls, if you want to experience my essence, be sure to come to the show next week. I shall be continuing the Byron Open Challenge, I'll be sure to work up a good lather but I promise that my hair shall remain perfect." He takes back his arm so he can remove his tight sky blue mesh top(that didn't really conceal anything, to begin with) to strike his trademark pose. "The Showstopper" a maneuver so striking that it frequently defeats young aspirants to his throne in the square of battle. Gasps beckon out from both men and women. Soaking in the attention he finally signs her copy "From Byron, May You Savior My Touch When The Night Leaves You Cold."


She slides back into the pack of hyenas. "Next!" After all, everyone needs to have their fair share of Byron.

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EWA: New Year's Smash 2020






The Exquisite Byron will continue his Open Challenge Series!

EWA Universal Title Match: Paulo Gandolfini vs. Bam Bam Johansson


EWA Intercontinental Title Match: Kruge The Revenger vs. Hercules Johansson


EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Karen Bilous


EWA Tag Team Title Match: Future X vs. Nigerian Hit Squad


Special Ladies Grudge Extravaganza: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals


The product of Byron's Lust: Bret Heartbreak vs. Bas Hagen


Magnus Cage vs. Jason Dempsey


Stuart Wilson vs. The Witch Doctor



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<p>The Exquisite Byron will continue his Open Challenge Series!</p><p> </p><p>

EWA Universal Title Match: Paulo Gandolfini vs. <strong>Bam Bam Johansson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

EWA Intercontinental Title Match: <strong>Kruge The Revenger</strong> vs. Hercules Johansson</p><p> </p><p>

EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. <strong>Karen Bilous</strong></p><p> </p><p>

EWA Tag Team Title Match: <strong>Future X </strong>vs. Nigerian Hit Squad</p><p> </p><p>

Special Ladies Grudge Extravaganza: <strong>Viper Squad</strong> vs. The Dublin Gals</p><p> </p><p>

The product of Byron's Lust: <strong>Bret Heartbreak</strong> vs. Bas Hagen</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Magnus Cage</strong> vs. Jason Dempsey</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stuart Wilson</strong> vs. The Witch Doctor</p>

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The Exquisite Byron will continue his Open Challenge Series!


EWA Universal Title Match: Paulo Gandolfini vs. Bam Bam Johansson


EWA Intercontinental Title Match: Kruge The Revenger vs. Hercules Johansson


EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Karen Bilous


EWA Tag Team Title Match: Future X vs. Nigerian Hit Squad


Special Ladies Grudge Extravaganza: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals


The product of Byron's Lust: Bret Heartbreak vs. Bas Hagen


Magnus Cage vs. Jason Dempsey


Stuart Wilson vs. The Witch Doctor

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The Exquisite Byron will continue his Open Challenge Series!


EWA Universal Title Match: Paulo Gandolfini vs. Bam Bam Johansson


EWA Intercontinental Title Match: Kruge The Revenger vs. Hercules Johansson


EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Karen Bilous


EWA Tag Team Title Match: Future X vs. Nigerian Hit Squad


Special Ladies Grudge Extravaganza: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals


The product of Byron's Lust: Bret Heartbreak vs. Bas Hagen


Magnus Cage vs. Jason Dempsey


Stuart Wilson vs. The Witch Doctor


I really want to see what's going to happend with this promotion with somebody like Byron as the owner, EWA was the first promotion that i ever played with the Cverse.

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I've been waiting for a European Cverse dynasty, and the way you started it is fun!


EWA Universal Title Match: Paulo Gandolfini vs. Bam Bam Johansson

EWA Intercontinental Title Match: Kruge The Revenger vs. Hercules Johansson


EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Karen Bilous


EWA Tag Team Title Match: Future X vs. Nigerian Hit Squad


Special Ladies Grudge Extravaganza: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals

The product of Byron's Lust: Bret Heartbreak vs. Bas Hagen


Magnus Cage vs. Jason Dempsey


Stuart Wilson vs. The Witch Doctor

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EWA: New Year's Smash 2020

January 9th, 2020

Attendance: 761



On the Desk:



Stanford and Horwood





Stuart Wilson vs. The Witch Doctor


To open the show Stuart Wilson comes out first, proudly adorn in his 2012 Olympic bronze medal for his 76.85-meter hammer throw in South Africa. Then the lights dim as the most racist African music imaginable plays The Witch Doctor comes out, complete with dry ice and shrunken heads dangling from a staff to create a rather useless looking 3-headed Flail. It takes him an ice age to dance to ringside, and when the crowd has just about had enough, he begins to dance and speak in tongues. Eventually, his spasms and chants begin to intensify. Stuart asks the referee if he can count him out, but as he hasn't hit the ring and the match hasn't officially started. He plants the staff in the ground and summons forth 4 black "zombies" who crawl out from the mist and quicky jump Wilson. One of them snatches Wilson's medals and takes off at a full sprint and Wilson turns the tables as The Witch Doctor slides under the bottom rope. The ref calls for the bell, as Wilson gives chase to the "zombi" screaming out for his medal, never to return.


Wilson is counted out. And The Witch Doctor wins to a chorus of apathy.


Grade: 18







We are directed to the projector screen to see Bret Heartbreak backstage, who says Bas Hagen is a great test for him. But he says that tonight he will prevail, and make his dad proud.


Grade : 31






Bret Heartbreak vs. Bas Hagen


EWA vet Bas Hagen comes out first, to mostly apathy. Bret comes out next to a mixed reception of boos and cheers. Bas is a total stiff, but Bret does well to get something out of him early. Bas brings the match back down to earth with chokes, wear-down holds, and the occasional press slam. The decisive spot comes when Hagen lifts Bret up for a Bear Hug spot which looks to be the finish before Bret fires up on the 2nd hand drop to power out, hit the Irish whip into the arm wringer and lands the devastating Heart Attack(The Heart Punch) which Bas sells like death for the triumphant babyface win at 11:42


Grade: 25






Magnus Cage vs. Jason Dempsey


Next out is Magnus Cage, who comes out with his leather jacket and jeans look. Coming out and finding a kid in the crowd to antagonize. Jason Dempsey is the next out, still taping his fists, clearly with revenge on his mind for the outcome at Nightmare Before Christmas. The match starts out with Dempsey taking it to Cage. Overwhelming him to the outside, where he removes his jacket and stalls out handing it personally to the ringside attendant. When Dempsey backs off enough for Cage's liking, he re-enters and immediately slams his steel toes into Dempsey's lower extremities. To a chorus of boos. referee Dwayne Hewitt laughs and doesn't admonish him for a clear low blow.


Magnus takes control with a headlock series into a knee smash and stomps. Dempsey does his best to sell the damage as the match wears on and is able to fire up for a big comeback pelting Cage back into the corner until he wilts. Referee Hewitt pulls him off though and counts him to 4 for closed fist strikes. Which angers Dempsey and the two jaw jack back-n-forth long enough for Magnus to recover and use the second rope to sling a dropkick into Dempsey's softened up knee. Magnus calls for the finish as Dempsey tries to pull himself to the ropes, and Magnus locks in the Figure Four. Dempsey tries to fight to the ropes, but can't, but gets his shoulders up, at 2. He then begins to turn it over when Magnus blatantly grabs the top rope to maintain leverage. The crowd gets up for the finish. When the Dempsey begs the ref to break the hold due to blatant cheating but Hewitt says he sees nothing and Dempsey has to tap at 12:37


Dempsey has to be helped out as he tries to get at Dwayne Hewitt and Magnus but he can't put any weight on his knee.


Grade: 25







The Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals


The Dublin Gals are first out, and they're able to get the crowd back in a positive mood. The Viper Squad enters next and they book it to the ring. And it's a total brawl for the majority of the start. Eventually, the order is restored enough to get Maisie and Cassie out of the ring so the match can officially start. As the match slows down The Viper Squad takes control with textbook tag team wrestling. Quick tags, making the ring small and generally wearing down Blair leaving her to absorb abuse as she looks for a tag. Eventually, Maise gets a bit cocky and turns down a tag to send Blair into the ropes and goes for a dropkick that Blair holds the ropes on and forces her to crash to the canvas selling her hip. She collapses to the canvas but manages to crawl to the corner in time for the hot tag. Cassie cleans house for a solid few minutes and The Viper Squad bail outside and look to hit the bricks but are chased down by a crazed Cassie and a recovering Blair. Both try to get them back in but the ref hits 20 before they do and the match is thrown out, a double count-out at 9:51


Grade: 28




Post Match: The Gals continue to kick the crap out of the Squad in frustration. It spilling into the crowd, and out the emergency exits. Something tells me, we haven't quite seen the end of this one.


Grade: 22







The Nigerian Hit Squad vs. Future X



No time to rest as the Nigerian Hit Squad comes out and with new gear and what appear to be sceptres they take the ring and grab the microphone, dedicating this match to their brothers trapped in cages by the European Union, all those who suffer for the sins of the white man, and their lawyer who is fighting the power but could not be here tonight. Future X comes out with their high energy double run, hand slap entrances. As they hit the ring, both are smashed in the back of the skull with the sceptres before the match can begin.


The ref tries to pull them off and get the EMTs out here, but he's wacked, and discarded over the top rope as a beatdown commences. Referee Dwayne Hewitt runs down and calls for the start of the match, but Future X isn't in any condition to continue as the Hit Squad dismantle them both and work the crowd screaming about how the only thing they can get in this world, they gotta take. And after a double gutbuster, they pin Future X in complete domination that surely can't stand when the EWA rules committee sees this. The farce of a match ends at 3:56 and they leave the New Tag Team Champions of EWA.


Grade: 39




Post Match: They continue the beatdown, discarding staffer after staffer, including Eva Berlin. It isn't until Byron hits the ramp in street gear that they call off the dogs, and hit the bricks, with a smile. They pass Byron without a blink. As the EMTs take out Future X.


Grade: 36






Thea Davis vs. Karen Bilous



Next up is the Women's Title Match. Karen Bilous comes out in unbelievable shape as always. And the champ comes out in her usual red gown. The Red Queen makes her way to the ring before finishing with her trademark second rope charge. After a series of high tempo matches, this one is a welcome slow open. Two familiar opponents, well aware of each other's threat. Karen turns down an attempt at a collar and elbow, and Thea wants no part of a test of strength. But eventually gets goaded into accepting the challenge. Both go chest-to-chest, Karen's obvious power almost instantly drops Davis to her knees. Eventually, Davis begins to fight back to her feet but she's met with a boot the face. Karen slowly dismantles the champion for most of the first 5 minutes of the match. Before Davis can get a foothold back in.


She takes out Bilous's base with a series of wear down submissions and second rope knee drops. As the match crests the 12minute mark, the pace begins to pick up. Thea counters an Irish whip into a baseball slide between her legs. Grabbing the bottom rope she pops up onto the apron to catch Bilous with a springboard cross body pinning combination that gets a 2. She runs the turnbuckles to go for a back elbow from the top but she's caught and driven into the canvas which also gets a 2. Bilious picks Davis up for an impressive press slam, and her trademark set of 10 presses before slamming Thea onto the canvas.


Bilous calls for the end, picking her opponent up by the hair and dramatically trapping her head between her powerful thighs. She hooks both arms and lifts her into the air but Davis forces her to over-rotate before she can hook the back of her knees for the Butterfly Lift Lock, and rolls her up for a close near fall. Exhausted they recover, but Karen refuses to break the body lock until she powers into a bridge that finishes with Thea in the air over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Driving her down for a shoulder breaker. Bilous sets Davis on the top rope for a superplex, but Davis fights her off eventually winning out as Bilous struggles for footing. With a crash, she hits the canvas, and Davis wastes no time crashing down into her with the Flying Elbow Drop for the 1-2-3, at 20:24, retaining the title she's held 5 times. And without a doubt the best pure wrestling match of the night.








The spectacle picks up as Byron makes his way to the ring. He comes out in his trademark blue speedos that leave almost nothing to the imagination. He's oiled from head to toe, and his leathery skin glistens as he takes the mic. He calls out anyone in the back who can match his perfect physique in a pose off. He begins striking a few poses for the crowd while he waits, when out comes Milo Morningstar. Milo tells Byron that he's a washed-up has-been, and the two have a pose off. The crowd cheers for each of Byron's poses, and boo for each of Milo's. Until finally Milo takes the opportunity to jump Byron from behind. But Byron snuffs out the attempt with his trademark "Showstopper" pose, which makes him completely impervious to damage, and like a Star in Mario causes Milo to be instantly KO'd upon contact. Byron milks the outcome before running Milo out the middle rope. His music hits and he poses all the way through, multiple loops, before taking his win and stepping over Milo on the way out


Grade: 44





Kruge The Revenger vs. Hercules Johannson


Milo is scraped off the floor in time for Hercules Johannson to hit the ring, followed by The Revenger looking to defend his Intercontinental title. As the match starts nothing about this match is artistic. Just two slabs of meat slamming into each other, followed by rest spots. But there's no denying the crowd is into it. Eventually, Kruge begins to get the better of Herc and he's clotheslined over the top. Herc throws a fit and reaches into the crowd driving off fans ringside to grab a chair the referee tries to tell him off but he climbs back in the ring and hits Kruge for the DQ at 9:11.


Grade: 40


Post Match: Kruge eats a series of shots before he rises to his feet to take another across his back. This one he no-sells and gives Herc the 3 punches and the big boot over the top rope, and he stands tall in the ring, with his title.








Paolo Gandalfini vs. Bam Bam Johansson


Finally it's time for the Main Event. Bam Bam enters first, and the Italian Stallion is out next. It's clear he's over with Byron's younger clientele as the pitch of the pop chances a good three octaves. This match gets full ring announcements and when the bell sounds Bam Bam immediately flexes both pectoral muscles and offers a test of strength. Paolo looks to the crowd flexing his own pectoral muscles and eventually reaching out to meet his first hand. To which Bam Bam immediately stomps into his opponent's stomach. And soaks in the boos.


Bam Bam walks around the ring stalking Gandalfini as he delivers loud tree truck chops across his back. The match builds to Paolo's comeback. A series of diving forearms that trigger Bam Bam's FINISH ME animation, allowing Paolo to call for his finish. He struggles to lock in the Full Nelson as Bam Bam fights to power out but can't stop himself from being impressively lifted from the canvas and slammed down for the 1-2-3! A simple, basic match. But one that worked for this crowd



Grade: 43




Post Match: Paolo shows off his best poses and hot dogs for the crowd to see the fans out.


Grade: 42






Final Show Grade: 42


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Prediction Standings after New Year's Smash 2020.


El Ray : 5-2-1

vladharca: 4-3-1

Herrbear: 3-3-1

smw88: 3-4-1


I'll figure out a scoring system as we go. I'm counting all draws/dub finishes as a draw(unless you predict a draw) Probably do a prize at the end of the year. Because of how few events we'll be running for 2020. Thank you for all who predicted.

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EWA: Future Stars Academy, Frankfurt, Germany, January 22nd, 2020





In a small warehouse, Byron and Bret stand with Paolo to talk to a local reporter. "This building represents my goal of passing on my knowledge. It's about the vitamins, the proper bronzer, access to the best tanning beds, the right calorie intake to turn protein to muscle. Look at my lieges." Both Paolo and Bret flex and pose for the camera. "Anyone with enough investment in themselves can turn their bodies into wonderlands of granite and lust, such as mine." He pauses for a split second, to flash a pose. "We teach everything, from haircare to body oils. Only the best, from my team of trainers of mythic quality. A year's tuition and we can turn any flabby waste of flesh into a sculpted magnet of lust and female desire." The cameraman pans to catch the row of tanning booths, the oil stations, and the exercise machines. A ring is nowhere to be seen.


The reporter tries to talk to Paolo, but Bryon cuts him off. "Today is about my legacy, STAY ON TOPIC!" Clearly annoyed the reporter cuts the interview short leaving Byron irritated. "Do they not understand my GREATNESS! There are women with empty hearts and dry insides, and I have this body to give these limp men? Do they not wish to have exquisite products of lust such as you Bret?" Bret tries to calm his father down. "You can not blame them for what they don't know, father." Unable to contain his fury, he storms off leaving Bret and Paolo to figure out the rest of their day.


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EWA: Future Stars Academy, Frankfurt, Germany, Febuary 2nd, 2020





In his office, Byron has a vision and summons forth some of the ladies in his employ to discuss it. Of course, Byron immediately forgets he's done this and instead hops in the tanning booth for his evening tan. The girls, used to his antics decide to wait. It is Gypsy Rose's cell phone that breaks the silence first. She receives a call and beams down at it, answering it as quickly as she can. "Magnus! How did your match in Sweden go." which triggers an instant response from Serena and Karen, and immediate regret from the speaker. "Snookums, I need to call you back... Yeah, I'll call you back."


The second she hangs up the phone, Karen blurts out with her distinctive accent. "Snookums?" Serena giggles in glee. "Gypsy and Magnus sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The girls share a girlish giggle, but Gypsy is beside herself "You guys gotta keep it quiet, we just... it's not... we're not..." Karen cuts her off "So how big is he?" She holds her hands about 6 inches apart as a gauge. "I'm not going to tell you..." Karen moves her hands closer together until Gypsy blurts out "Bigger." Serena leans in to get a better look. Losing themselves in salacious rumor, they forget why they came until the door to his office opens and a stark naked Byron walks in grabbing his towel from the shelf and tying it around his hips. He looks at the collection of ladies and Karen's hand gauge, which she quickly puts away, and tries to remember why they are here.


Finally, inspiration strikes. "Eureka! I'm glad you are here. I, Byron, have been impressed with your work." He moves back around his desk. "Despite not having wonderful, bronzed skin and granite man-flesh, you have done a great job entertaining my fans." he walks around to sit at his desk. "And that is why I wish the three of you, to scour the earth for other girls who can partner with you. I am commissioning Tag Titles, and want the three of you to be attractions of feminine virtue within the division." Byron hops up and strikes a pose. "GO NOW! SPARE MODERATE EXPENSE, AND FIND YOUR PARTNERS OF VIRTUE!" And he points to the door. Dumbfounded the girls get the memo as Byron holds his pose until they leave. Karen seems annoyed but leaves with them.


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Independant Show: Europe, Febuary 4th, 2020





Backstage at a local indy show, the girls track down Eva Berlin to discuss how they will actualize Byron's "Eureka." They find her with one of her on-screen clients Kronos The Conqueror. "What do you mean he asked you to find tag team partner." her thick soviet accent radiated with annoyance. Nobody could tell anymore if it was real or worked. "He called us in, came in nude as the day he was born and told us he was commissioning tag belts" Gypsy is interrupted by Serena "We're to be his "attractions of virtue" she makes air quotes with her fingers while Karen held up her hand gauge, at a very unflattering scale. Which forces Eva to rub her eyes in annoyance. "How that man has stayed in business this long, I'll never understand. But we must be thankful for it."


She takes a deep breath and slides the horsewhip she walks to the ring with under the arm of her button-down gray jacket. "Just go home, I'll figure it out. Focus on your matches tonight." Karen stays behind, "I want to stay a single." Eva sighs, "And as long as I have a say you will be, but Byron is Byron. Best not to upset him. No reason you can't do both with a little... massaging." She grabs the whip and slides it back and forth along the gap between where her hands used to be. With a wink and a quick smile, she cracks it on the painted brick wall making everyone snap to attention. "Kronos... To Conquest!" And as his music hit, out the curtain, they walked. Leaving Karen much more at ease than she was.


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EWA: Madness in Munich 2020






The Immortal Byron will continue his Open Challenge Series!

The Annual 30-Man Over-The-Top Madness Match For A Shot at the Universal Title At The All-Star Bash!


EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Zofia Jankovic


For the Newly Minted EWA Women's Tag Team Titles: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals, Falls Count Anywhere


Special Ladies Number One Contenders Match For Newly Minted Tag Team Titles: Karen Bilous and Mystery Partner vs. Gypsy Rose and Mystery Partner vs. Serena Ventura and Mystery Partner



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The Immortal Byron will continue his Open Challenge Series!


The Annual 30-Man Over-The-Top Madness Match For A Shot at the World Title At The All-Star Bash!


EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Zofia Jankovic


For the Newly Minted EWA Women's Tag Team Titles: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals, Falls Count Anywhere


Special Ladies Number One Contenders Match For Newly Minted Tag Team Titles: Karen Bilous and Mystery Partner vs. Gypsy Rose and Mystery Partner vs. Serena Ventura and Mystery Partner

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I just want to state, having just ran the show, that I hate the new gimmick system, it just single-handedly torpedoed one of my signings momentum to Cooled and slapped them with a ridiculous psychology penalty forcing me to drop the gimmick entirely the next day. :mad: In decent news, they gained 3 pop. So maybe salvageable. Not at all a fan of the randomness there. It encourages you to save scum.
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The Immortal Byron will continue his Open Challenge Series!


The Annual 30-Man Over-The-Top Madness Match For A Shot at the Universal Title At The All-Star Bash! The Abominable Snowman


EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Zofia Jankovic


For the Newly Minted EWA Women's Tag Team Titles: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals, Falls Count Anywhere


Special Ladies Number One Contenders Match For Newly Minted Tag Team Titles: Karen Bilous and Mystery Partner vs. Gypsy Rose and Mystery Partner vs. Serena Ventura and Mystery Partner No Contest

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EWA Women's Title Match: Thea Davis vs. Zofia Jankovic


For the Newly Minted EWA Women's Tag Team Titles: Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals, Falls Count Anywhere


Special Ladies Number One Contenders Match For Newly Minted Tag Team Titles: Karen Bilous and Mystery Partner vs. Gypsy Rose and Mystery Partner vs. Serena Ventura and Mystery Partner

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EWA: Madness in Munich 2020

Febuary 8th, 2020

Attendance: 902



On the Desk:



Stanford and Horwood





2 Legit 2 Quit vs. The Trouser Raiders vs. The Alliance



To open the show Our Mystery Tag to crown number one contenders for the Tag Titles. Out first is Karen Bilous, who comes out with Aud Valkyrie. The two come out wearing acid-washed jean jackets and are both put over as legitimate athletes hungry for gold. Next out are The Alliance, Steffi Chee, returning to EWA to parter with upstart Serena Ventura. They both wear identical ring gear which makes them reasonably hard to tell apart and their fiery babyface entrance with lots of fan interaction buoys Chee's minor return pop. And finally, Joanna Silver and Gypsy Rose hit the stage, to cheesy Treasure Island knockoff pirate shanty music complete with a black flag with a white cutout of a skull on crossed pairs of pants. Gypsy comes with a jeweled red foil and Silver with her curved scimitar. They cry out in unison "We're coming for that booty, ARRRGGHH!" and storm down the ring chasing the camera guy around the ring until they finally corner him and de-pants him as he struggles to get away. Eventually, they get his pants off and leave him to shoot the rest of the show in his briefs. which they run around the ring with them like a title belt. The referee tries to get the match started but instead draws the attention of the girls who hit the ring to try and to get more booty.


The ref calls for the bell but he powders as the Trouser Raiders give chase. This leaves Steffi Chee and Karen Bilous to start us off with a set of rampaging women chasing around the ref. Bilous blocks a collar tie and tosses Chee into the corner and wastes no time slamming a foot into her face taking advantage of no ref being available. Aud tags her in the back of the head and pins her arms over the top rope so Bilous can crash into her with a running splash. Ventura tries to get the attention of the referee who slides back in to admonish but is almost immediately trapped between both of the Raiders. After a cagey bit of prediction eventually, the referee slides back out just as they both pounce, colliding into one another leading them both to take a dizzy spot to get obliterated by a double lariat from Karen. Serena breaks up a near fall. And Silver checks her teeth and takes her place on the buckle.


With the match settling into a more normal pace. Karen takes apart both Chee and Rose, for a long portion of this match. Silver continues to come in and pull the referee away and makes a couple more attempts to rip off his pants before Serena has seen enough and both her and Aud clothesline her out before trading forearms. The referee restores order temporarily but it leaves Chee to be taken apart 1v1 by Karen. Aud is tagged in to continue to the beatdown until Rose starts a comeback a series of dropkicks and Irish whip reversals that ends with a clubbing forearm that drops her down and a stomp to her fingers sets her to the canvas. The pantsless camera guy gets a shot of two of Aud's fingers being bent in ways fingers should not, which gets a shriek from the majoritively female audience and there's no cut away as she bares down and pops them back in which makes a few girls dry heave in the front row. Aud collects herself and gives Rose a stiff kick to the gut as a receipt.


The match continues in chaos until both Rose and Chee can make their hot tags and Silver and Ventura can double team the heels. Arm drags, dropkicks, a criss-cross and both powder out as they celebrate, before Silver turns on Ventura first and rolls her up for a 2.99. The babyfaces brawl with tags back-n-forth until The Alliance hit their stereo finisher, The Reverse Axis ( A facebuster, bulldog combination) As they go for the cover, Karen and Aud storm the ring, clear it in a flash and Aud steals the pin at 16:09 They will face the winner of Dublin Gals vs. Viper Gals later tonight.


Grade: 28







After the dust is settled, and the cameraman is gotten some pants. The Nigerian Hit Squad come out with their new lawyer, Mo Adebola. Booos rain down after the debacle last month that has left Future X without their tag-team gold. Mo cuts a promo on the EU and their erection of barriers in Greece to kill their brothers and sisters who are looking to escape European made Global Climate Change, and can't afford to wait 5 years for legal migration paper processing. When Arson Wells comes down to the ring and interrupts them to take the belts from them. Telling them that the match ruling has been REVERSED! But Mo shrugs him off and informs him of rule 12.2 Section B, which mandates all referees decisions to be "beyond the question of second opinion." Arson counters with video of the illegal sceptre attacks but this is dismissed because the match was started by Dwayne Hewitt, and it was his discretion. Arson has no counter as the Hit Squad take their titles back and laugh all the way to the back.


Grade : 39






The Viper Squad vs. The Dublin Gals


This match is announced as a Falls Count Anywhere match and that it cannot end until there is a victor. Out first are the Viper Squad, who seem cagey and much less sure of themselves following the rules changes. They come out and do some last-minute stretching as the brace for impact... And that impact comes, as the first line of "Come Out Ye Black and Tans" is all that gets out before Cassie and Blair jump out from the crowd to wayleigh them both in the back of the head and stomp the crap out of them to start us off. This isn't pretty wrestling, As Cassie takes off her pearl necklace to choke Maise, the referee counts in vein. This match can't end in a DQ or a count-out. So She flips the ref the bird to a HUGE squeal from the girl's section. Viper manages to get to the outside and tries to escape Blair but they walk and brawl down the ramp until Viper reverses a clothesline to dump Blair over the railing on a back body drop. Viper takes control as Blair crawls through the crowd up the cement steps, grabbing someone's beer and covering Viper in booze leaving her hair dripping. Blair clubs a forearm into her back as they head into the concession area. Blair attempts to Irish whip her into a metal column but shes reversed and Blair takes a crashing bump to the floor.


In the ring, Cassie has lost control and Massie has her in a cross arm breaker, she fights to the ropes but she's reminded, that there are no rope breaks and she's dragged back into the middle by Maise who senses victory.


Back in the concession area, Blair is leaking blood from just above the hairline as she's hoisted up and driven through the Byron T-Shirt table. With an abbreviated powerbomb. Referee Dwayne Haskins dives into camera range but Blair kicks out of the very fast count attempt. Viper screams at Hewitt for not counting faster as Blair covers the merch in DNA. (Don't worry folks, stunt shirts, all misprints from his rock-bottom dollar Chinese supplier)


In the ring, Cassie has escaped the arm breaker, but is now is in real trouble with a Camel Clutch. Not getting the submission, Maise grows tired of the resistances and grabs one of her bangles grinding it into her eye as Cassie tries to fight her off. Eventually, the ref can tolerate no more and takes the object and tosses it over the ropes. Which gets Maise hot. It's no DQ, after all. This gives Cassie a chance to recover and ax handle her in the back and start a comeback. Irish whip, clothesline, bounce off knee drop and she gets up and fishes her touch up kit out from her tights and fixes her foundation a bit before giving her a stomp to stay down.


Back in the concession stand, Blair recovers enough to slam her fist into Viper's... feminine virtue, and they begin to brawl back down the steps and into the ringside area. Maise crawls under the bottom rope as Cassie sees Blair huck Viper into the walkway. She goes to double up on Viper and Massie blindsides the bleeding Blair, and Viper rolls up Cassie in the confusion for a super close near fall. Hewitt jaw jacks with the actual ref, but is quickly giving his walking papers by Arson Wells.


Cassie stomps the hell out of Viper and drags her back inside the ring. Maisie and Blair are both covered in Blair's "DNA" as they brawl outside. Cassie signals for the finish, but she's countered out with a kneebar attempt that's stuffed after a few elbows to the grill Cassie steps through and locks in the Ettique Deathlock in the middle. The younger girls in the crowd all come up to the rail, to get a closer look, as Maise sees that her partner is in trouble but Blair grabs her ankles and prevents her from getting under the ropes with a series of sledgehammer blows. Viper fights for the ropes, but the crowd erupts when the ref reminds her that she can't be DQ'd and Viper squeals in pain. and tries to crawl through but Cassie drags her back to the center. Viper milks it with one more attempt to reverse, and then one more to sneak out the backdoor but finally Cassie screams out and cinches it tight enough to fold Viper up like a sleeping bag and she has no choice but to tap out. Blair chucks Maise's corpse to the floor and slides in to tackle her partner. The 20 something girls in Paolo gear squeal in glee, as The Dublin Gals, capture the inaugural reign of the EWA Women's Tag Titles at 24:53. The desk gets over that this will surely the beginning of a long and successful career for both.




Grade: 32






As Maise consoles her partner and the Gals still haven't broken their death-grip of each other, Byron comes down the ramp in a silken blue robe holding a blue pillow with two belts on it. He hands them off to the referee and grabs the mic. Congratulating all four girls for a great match, but taking the belts off the pillow and handing them to both Cassie and Blair Aas they crawl to their feet and raise them for the first time for the crowd to see. Before Byron can continue. Karen and Aud make their way down to the ring, Aud's hand taped up in a V to keep her fingers set. Byron is ready to jump between the girls but feels it out, and they both stare each other down. It gets intense, but Byron pulls them apart after announcing that the match will be booked for March Toward Victory in Ukraine next month. Bloody and battered, The Dublin Gals look worried.


Grade: 37





Thea Davis vs. Zofia Jankovic



In the Co-Main Event of the Evening. The crowd gets no rest as "Time To Say Goodbye" rings out on the speakers, and Zofia Jankovic "The Black Widow", makes her way to the ring, with her usual train of dojo mates, her exotic black Gi glistening in the multi-colored lights as clips of her sleeping girls, including Thea Davis to capture her 3rd EWA Women's title, with her devastating picture-perfect Left High Kick, who kneel and pray halfway down the ramp, allowing the song to loop, and loop. Finally, they apply some vaseline to her eyebrows under the refs' supervision, and her taped fists are signed by the ref and she's allowed to enter the ring. Soon after, "The Red Queen's" music hits, and she comes out in her sparkling red gown. Letting you know that we're on the road to The All-Star Bash. She almost floats to the ring her title around her waist, where it's so rarely left.


The match gets full ring introductions, And it opens very very cagey. Zofia spending the early going cutting off the ring and stalking Thea into the corner trying to set up the head kick. About a minute in Thea feints and Zofia's foot wizzes by the top of her skull by a fraction as the crowd gasps in unison. Thea seizes the opening and shoots a double that forces Zofia to pull guard. Zofia very accustoms to this tactic she closes off her guard and begins to pepper her with tight punches from the bottom. When Thea posts her arm on the mat, Zofia seizes the mistake but Thea is too fast and pinwheels with the armbar attempt but winds up on her stomach in a dangerous looking cross arm breaker. Thea keeps Zofia from extending the arm, and eventually spins out, and both wind up back standing.


Zofia hits a teep that forces Thea back as she attempts to bring Zofia right back down. Finally, Zofia catches Thea with a kick that loudly slaps into her thigh muscle forcing her back into the corner where Zofia slams knees into her stomach Until Thea catches one and reverses her into the corner. Breaking out with an Irish whip and a monkey flip before climbing the second rope to hit a senton onto Jankovic's back. As the match wears on Thea continues to keep control until Zofia reverses Thea and locks in a choke with her lapel. The ref counts to 4 and she breaks, and as he checks on Thea, Zofia is handed a loaded pad which she puts on her trademark ankle and positons herself so the referee is between her and Thea when the referee turns Zofia fires a huge picture-perfect roundhouse but Thea sniffs it out and ducks catching her around the waist and driving her to the canvas in a bridging german for a 2. The dojoers quickly distract the ref as the match heads to the finish. Zofia catches Thea with an opposite foot Soccer kick and begins launching a harrowing series of stomps that looks like they're overwhelming Thea until Zofia attempts to land the KO blow with a left soccer kick and it's blocked, Thea sees the pad and rolls for a kneebar which catches Zofia unaware and she hits the canvas. Thea seizes the opportunity to rip off the velcro on the pad and toss it away as Zofia scrambles back to her feet. As Thea rises, a hard left kick crashes into her face and she goes out like a light.


Zofia dives on Thea and the Dojoers let the ref slide in for the count, 1-2-... he sees the loaded pad beside him and stops... questioning Zofia she feigns innocence and begs the referee to count. When he finally resumes, 1-2... Thea kicks out. Zofia goes ballistic at Thea kicking out. And chews out the ref for his slow count. Holding up 4 fingers to show that she had a cumulative 4 count. And tells him to raise her arm and give her the belt. Thea crawls over and gets back to her feet as Zofia hits a spinning back kick to the liver, another to her face, A sidekick, and then another. She bounces off the rope and goes for a jumping side kick out of the moves but Thea counters with a huge lariat-o. With Zofia down the dojoers complain to the ref... Thea sees the pad and grabs it as she climbs to the top. Diving off and nailing her with the pad across her arm. The ref hears the impact and slides in 1-2-3, and she retains, in another classic at 22:52. The second defense of her 5th reign.



Grade: 46







After a series of good matches, out comes Byron, oiled and styled, and ready for his latest chapter of the open challenge series... he tells the fans that the entire remaining roster is preparing for the Mayhem of the Madness match, so he's interested to see who might answer his challenge. After a few moments of milking it, and teasing his ultimate victory, Paolo's music hits, and out comes the Stallion with his belt under a robe. As he gets into the ring the crowd buzzes, and Marianne can barely contain herself with the hunk-o-meter exploding off the scale. She disrobes him slowly to reveal his own pair of red speedos to contrast Byron's blue, and with a ripple of his pecks, the female fans are clearly into this with orgasmic glee.


Paolo takes the mic and tells Byron that he forgot somebody. And Byron seems unnerved, looking to the crowd with back and forth head swirls for support, which the older ladies give to him with a deeper voiced cheer.


Byron milks the pop a bit more by going to the backup bottle of oil and refreshing his glisten. Which leaves Marianne to admire both men in the far corner. As the battle begins, each flashes a pose that draws cheers from the older and younger females. Marianne reacts to each pose as if she was being brought to ecstasy. The referee can't seem to break the tie, and Byron has no choice but to bust out "The Showstopper" which Marianne sells by turning her legs inward and convulsing in the corner. Paolo is taken aback, and when it's his turn he takes an exceptionally long time but finally turning and presenting his bottom, rotating slightly and striking a pose that puts both of his assets on display, which causes Byron to stagger to the ropes. Selling more than he ever did for Bam Bam, and Paolo ripples his glutes back and forth. Marianne quivers to the canvas, as the female cheer spikes.


Byron is legitimately worried as Marianne reaches into her handbag and tries to light a cigarette but her arm is shaking so bad that the ref has to come down and hold it for her so she can light it. The ref asks the crowd who won, Byron getting his usual pop, and Paolo getting an equal pop. The ref tries to find a consensus but eventually calls it a draw... Everybody wins in this beefcake extravaganza. Byron and Paolo drape Marianne over their shoulders and drag her spent carcass out. Both clearly equal beefcakes.


Grade: 65






The Madness in Munich Match!



As the girl's book dates with their vibrators ringside. The main event arrives. The rules are rundown by the ring announcer, 30-men, lottery backstage, each enters in 90-second intervals. Over the top, both feet. Due to "structural limitations" if the combined weight in the ring hits over 10,000lbs then the timer will pause until someone is eliminated. If a wrestler does not beat the 90 seconds by entering the ring he will forfeit his place in the match.


With this entrant #1 makes his way to the ring... It's Magnus Cage. Who works the crowd down the ramp and looks pissed. But not as much as when #2 makes his way to the ring... It's Jason Dempsey! Wearing a large kneebrace Krystyna begs him to reconsider as she helps him down the ramp. But he's not paying any attention and he slides in under the ropes and takes Cage to the woodshed for a good old fashioned whooping. Magnus tries to eliminate himself a few times but Jason is always there to drag him back in for another beating. Eventually, #3 comes out... and it's former EWA Intercontinental champion, Kronos The Conqueror led to the ring by Eva Berlin.


Kronos turns the tide against Jason, and for the next 90 seconds he's battered, Cage making sure to focus the braced knee for maximum damage. Jason has a hope spot as fires up and drives back the heels before out comes... Kollasal Karl... another member of the Masters of Evil stable, run by Eva Berlin. Eva laughs into the camera predicting that tonight will be a very good night for her, and a very bad one for Jason Dempsey. The second part of that prediction comes true, and they batter Dempsey for almost the entire timer before discarding his spent corpse over the ropes. To a smattering of boos. Krystyna helps him to the back as #5 hits the ring. Ferdinand Arneaux, another former EWA Intercontinental champion. He smartly waits out the full 90 seconds and slides in just before the horn sounds and Kalvin Addams comes out. Ferni sticks and moves long enough for Addams to provide support, Magnus powders out under the bottom, and it's even 2v2 for the next 90 until Out comes young upstart Eugen Semper to give the faces their first advantage of the match. The next 5 entrants are Bas Hagen, the debuting Joao Vicente, and Manuel Dias who show off their tandem offense, then Steffan Stucker, Kalvin's partner Jimmi, and Dylan Drama who has a small backing from the younger girls. Finally, the weight limit is exceeded, as this mountain of flesh tries to eliminate someone until the refs point out Cage on the floor and wave for one more... That one more... is #15 Thorsten Sigurdsson. He comes out to Viking Deathmetal, and strobe lights before entering the ring and dispatching literally everyone in a bloodbath of discarded corpses. 13 in total, until he's the last man in the ring chasing around Cage on the outside until his gas tank starts to run low and he hands on knees it until... #16 The Witch Doctor makes his way to the ring... sort of. His music and his dance routine last the entirety of the 90 seconds giving Sigurdsson ample time to have a blow. And finally, he's eliminated via forfeit when #17s music hits. It's Bret Heartbreak! Who zooms past Witch Doctor and slides in to take it to Thorsten! They trade back and forth until the music hits and its #18 Milo Morningstar.


Eager to get back at Byron he wastes no time taking advantage of him trying to eliminate Thorsten by dumping them both out! Thorsten looks absolutely fine with the outcome has he puffs it to the back, but Bret wants a piece of Milo and has to be forced up the ramp. #18's music hits and Eva Berlin cackles as Crusher Von Steinberg crazily storms the rings and beats the piss out of Milo. #19 is Henrik Van Bon, who is eliminated quickly by Crusher. #20 is Demolition Drebin, Cage rolls back in to opportunistically eliminate Milo. As the two hosses trade blows in the center. Business picks up at #21. And the Revenger storms down the ramp and gives both fading men a double noggin knocker and goes after Cage who again powders out. #22 is Frank Van Heer, who helps Kruge try and dump Crusher as Drebin chases around Cage outside. Finally, #23 sees Hercules' music hit. And he goes straight for Kruge and the two brawls evenly until #24 Lothar Prime can come out, Crusher ends his run wild by dumping out both him and Frank, when #25 Stuart Wilson comes out with his Bronze medal, he must have chased down that zombi after all. He has a moment cornering Cage but Cage slides in and cheapshots Kruge to give Herc the advantage until #26 Ulf Horst comes out, #27 is Petey Barnes, #28 is Niklas Kremer, and #29 is Eric Future. Finally, the last man comes... It's Bam Bam.


He joins forces with his brother to eliminate all the tag jabronis Ulf, Niklas, Eric Future, Petey Barnes goes next, followed by Demolition Drebin. And only 6 remain. Wilson, Cage, The Johansson Bros, Kruge, and Crusher. Wilson chases down Cage and grabs the little snotrag and runs him over the top rope, to a huge pop, ending Cage's almost 60min run. Wilson's run ends right after following a clothesline from Crusher. This sets the Final Four and Kruge is in a world of hurt. Crusher and both Bros proceed to wail on Kruge, and the crowd clearly has Title versus Title hopes as they rise to Kruge's defense. Kruge eventually activates his Super and goes Super Saiyan running wild for a solid minute before running out Crusher... but only one of his feet touch as he hangs onto the ropes and he tries to navigate out of his predicament. Kruge celebrates the farside ropes but forgets about Herc and Jerk and gets double clotheslined out. The crowd is left crestfallen as the brothers think that they're the last ones and start doing rock-paper-scissors to figure out who's going to The All-Star Bash, that is until Crusher storms them both out with a clothesline and he's sole survivor.


The Madman of Austria wins the Madness in Munich! And will face Paolo at the All-Star Bash. Eva Berlin rolls in the ring and crushes his face between her chest while celebrating in undecipherable broken Central European languages. Herc and Bams find Kruge crawling up the ramp and take a few cheap shots to soothe their stupidity. And we are out.


Grade: 39







Final Show Grade: 40

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Prediction Standings after Madness in Munich 2020.


El Ray : 5-2-1 - 0-0-0 = 5-2-1

vladharca: 4-3-1 - 2-2-1 = 6-5-2

Herrbear: 3-3-1 - 2-1-1 = 5-4-2

smw88: 3-4-1 - 2-1-1 = 5-5-2


I'm enjoying how close to 50% I'm keeping you all. Thank you for all who predicted. EWA March Toward Victory 2020 is the next stop.

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EWA: Future Stars Academy, March 2nd, 2020




Eva Berlin sat in Byron's office, a place she had grown accustomed to being over the last few years. At first, she had come in to be a simple agent/manager but over the last six or so months, Byron has given her more and more of the responsibility of the division. In a matter of a few weeks, she'd singlehandedly crafted an entire tag division out of a few young talents and she's watched Thea Karen and Zofia become three wonderful workers who had put women's wrestling on the map in Europe. Thea had just recently contended for the 5SSW All-Asian Title. And the Kanto Express were solid hands in their midcard, albeit in different roles. 5SSW was so impressed that she'd been trading e-mails with Sensational Ogawara through translators. And she had established a solid working relationship allowing for possible excursions, and future loans.


Today, she was here to make her status official and hopefully negotiate a raise to go along with it. But this was Bryon. And when he walked in, topless flanked by Crusher she knew this would have to be handled... carefully.


"I, Bryon, have laid the foundation for the biggest All-Star Bash in history. With you at the top, battling Paolo we shall showcase to the world how far I've built this company, on the back of sweat, and female desire. You have always done me well Craw-sha, and even though your love handles are thick enough for an ape to gain immense lover's leverage, I have faith you will give my audience the contrast they need to see the value of the oils, the hair, and the bronzer." Byron puffs out his chest and struts behind his desk, taking a seat in his zebra skin office chair. "THANK YOU, BYRON! I HAVE ALWAYS VALUED YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE MIND CRUSHER! AND DESPITE YOUR CONSTANT OBSESSION WITH MY LOVE HANDLES AND MY QUOTE UN-QUOTE OPPRESSIVE PALE SKIN THAT LOOKS LIKE IT'S ATTEMPTING TO RUN AWAY FROM MY BODY!" As he pauses for breath Byron nods knowingly to Eva. " IT PLEASES ME THAT I WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOWCASE MY CRAFT, ON YOUR GRANDEST STAGE!" Crusher picked up the empty chair next to her and smashed it on the ground before fleeing through the door like a crazed maniac.


From years of traveling with him, she'd grown accustomed to making sure nothing of sentiment was near him. Crusher lived the gimmick of the deranged maniac who escaped the asylum, and it meant that she had blown many a payoff smartening up local police and event staff, but Crusher was a pro. And she'd come to value his... commitment.


Byron got up to dip his head out of the door. "YOU! SOFTIE! COME GET ME ANOTHER CHAIR, FROM THE BACK! AND RIGHT AFTER ANOTHER COAT OF BRONZER! RICO! YOU FORGOT TO GET YOUR BACK AGAIN! YOU LOOK LIKE A LAZILY COOKED PEROGI! NEIN NEIN NEIN!" As he turned back he looked at Eva again. "It might take all year, but my legacy will survive me, Eva." As he retakes his chair. he smiles and says, "Is there anything you need me for, I can squeeze you in before Bret comes by for our father-son, tanning."


Eva leaned forward slightly, "I wanted to ask about the wo-" Byron swirled his hair and shrieked "Eureka!, I know what you can do, Eva! Assistant! I need one. You are always so dutiful and plain looking. You are perfect, I will never have to worry about my lust getting the better of me." At this moment, Eva regretted not having her whip with her. But Byron was on a roll and paid no mind to her curling fists and upturned nostrils. "2 days a week, $200 a day, you can keep your booking dates fluid. Tell Byron yes, before my passion fades, Eva!"


Her first reaction is quickly surpassed by her intuition. "Thank you for the opportunity, oh exquisite Byron. But perhaps we can make your vision grander?" Byron's eyes bulge as he grasps both sides of his desk for stability. "I, Byron listen." She smiles as she pounces. "I do even more." Byron jumps back in intrigue. "MORE! "YES, MORE!" he cries. She rolls her eyes but continues. "Instead of a boring assistant, I become your dutiful, SERVANT!" Byron staggers back in his chair, "Servant... I'VE NEVER HAD A SERVANT BEFORE! YES!" His eyes bulge as he fishes out his legal pad. He signs the bottom and thrusts the pad out to her. "Quickly, I must have a SERVANT!" Write your terms, I must tell Bret of this glorious moment!" And like a flash, he's out the door. Screaming in glee "SERVANT! I HAVE A SERVANT!"


Sometimes, she wondered how this man had any money left at all. But as she jotted down the basic job description of an office assistant, and head of creative for the woman's division for a term of 3 years. She signed it and walked out. She would think she had just taken candy from a baby, but babies grow up eventually.

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