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The National Wrestling Association: The return of J.K. Stallings Jr

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The Beginning







November 2019

Somewhere in the Caribbean


The sun was starting to go down in the Western sky as my three guests began to arrive at my home on some small Caribbean island that not many people have heard of. I knew that if I was going to make this work I had to get all three of these guys on board, but there were obstacles for each one of them, some bigger than the others. First to arrive was Eric Tyler, a 60 year old retired wrestler who has been in the business for 42 years in some capacity. I had met him back in 1998 at a convention in Chicago and he seemed genuinely interested in my story. We kept in touch over my time at owner of HGC, even led to us booking him in some matches but nothing big ever came of it because his heart was in Canada, where he went after DAVE's demise. I know he is extremely loyal and has a very close friendship with Phil Vilbert and currently works at PSW. But I know he has a great mind and is someone that I want to help behind the scenes with the new company.


Next to arrive was Chris Caulfield, a 46 year old wrestler who about a month ago announced that he and USPW, his employer for the last decade, had "mutually" parted ways. The story is that he agreed that his body cannot take the wear and tear of the current schedule that they are putting on, but I know from some inside sources in the company that they have wanted to get rid of him for the last two years, they just finally found a way to make him think that this was his idea after a few poor performances with Roger Cage....and anyone who knows the business, knows that Cage could make a sack of potatoes look good in a match. I do know that Chris is not ready to hang them up, but I do want his ideas and leadership in the back, so maybe we can squeeze out the last bit of time he has left in the ring and do something with it....he will be the easiest to convince.


And finally my final guest, and most definitely the one who will be the hardest to crack, former pro football player Ross Henry. Henry was very similar to me, he has been a fan of the business ever since he was a kid, but he excelled in another area, and he mad a lot of money in that other area, so this is not about the money. Plus he had his taste in the ring with (ironically) TCW and while he said he had a great time doing it and it was something he could cross off his bucket list, he has no intention to ever get back into the business. I know he is not about money, but I do have an ace up my sleeve to land him as my on screen boss.


I had my assistant show each of them to the deck and get them settled with some drinks and food and left them to talk with each other and try and figure out why I asked them here. Admittedly, I may have stretched the truth a little to get them on the plane, but once they agreed to come and they were on the planes I charted for them, I knew this had a real good shot to get off the ground. I made sure that I had all my ducks in a row and then made my way down to them from my upstairs office to pitch them my idea.....something I had done thousands of times in the past, but for some reason, this felt more personal and that made me more nervous. As you probably already know, I made Billions in he software industry while still in High School....not to bore you with the details, I made something that would answer emails automatically and I just let the big software giants come to me and I pit them against each other, until I finally settled on the offer from the lead singer from that 80s band Motley Lou....and he used it to take his company Lougle to the next level. If you forgot (or don't know what I mean), here is a picture to refresh your memory




Ok that's enough "nerd speak" as my Mom calls it.....when I stepped onto the deck, I hear Eric Tyler telling Ross and Chris about the infamous "Train ride from hell" when he was over in Germany with DAVE in 2001....he paused mid sentence and they all looked over at me and said their hellos and tried to be polite by thanking me for inviting them down here and for the drinks and food and blah blah blah, but I could tell they all were wondering what the heck they were doing here. So I walked over to the television and turned it on and began my presentation........


When I finished the 23 minute presentation, none of them said anything, they just looked at me waiting for me to be the first on to speak. I went on to tell them that I remember the mistakes I made with HGC, we tried to get too big too fast and become (and beat) the SWF. It became personal as the Eisen's would poke fun of me any chance they got, especially on national television with the parody skits about me. I told them that I am not looking for any of them to invest any money, I would be investing the cash into the company.....all I want from them is their time and knowledge of the business. It did not take long for Eric and Chris to agree, but Ross still held out. He stood firm on his statement of not wanting to get back into the industry....that was when I pulled out my ace.....I showed him the plans (and the progress) of the training facility I was building just outside his hometown in Indiana. I explained to him that this facility was going to be used to train new wrestlers for the company, but he could use it for the clinics and events he does to help the troubled kids from his hometown and surrounding area. Do I feel bad that I kinda bribed him to agree to come back and help out? Maybe......


My name is J.K. Stallings Jr....and this is my road to redemption and this time I will be the one laughing Tommy.....


And NO, I do not feel bad!

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Company Info






Founded: May 2020

Located: Great Lakes, USA

Size: Small

World Rank: #9


Member of Confederation of the Territories


Broadcast Deals: WrestleWorld to air weekly TV Show & all Events





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J.K. Stallings Jr. (Owner/Booker)</td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

Eric Tyler (Road Agent/Manager)

</td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

Ross Henry (Commissioner)

</td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

Doc Messing(Colour Commentary)

</td> <td style="width:88.6pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpgFrancis Long

(Head Referee) </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:1;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes"> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

Grace Harper

(Colour Commentary) </td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

Jez McArthuer

(Referee) </td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

R.K. Hayes

(Road Agent) </td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

Rick Sanders

(Road Agent)


</td> <td style="width:88.6pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> thumb.jpg

Remmington Remus

(Lead Announcer) </td> </tr> </tbody></table>


Hall of Fame


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Ed Henson

(Inducted 2020)</td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center">

</td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center">

</td> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center">

</td> <td style="width:88.6pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center">

</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:1;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes"> <td style="width:88.55pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="118" valign="top" align="center"> Ed "The Strangler" Henson was one of the biggest names in wrestling in the 1950s and 1960s, drawing big crowds all across North America. However, he is probably now best known for forming the Canadian Wrestling Federation in 1974, which had a huge impact on wrestling and changed the face of the sport in Canada. He sadly passed away in 1989 after a short illness.

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NWA Title History




NWA Championships

As of: Week 4 - June 2020



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NWA World Heavyweight

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NWA United States Championship

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NWA Television Championship

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thumb.jpg </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">


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thumb.jpg </td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top"><table class="MsoTableGrid" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" align="center"><tbody><tr><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center">

</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr style="mso-yfti-irow:3"><td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center">Vacant</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center">Vacant</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> Chris Caulfield

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</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:5"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> NWA Tag Team Championship </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> King of the Great Lakes Trophy </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center">Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup

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COTT Titles & Members




COTT Championships

As of: Week 4 - June 2020


<table class="MsoTableGrid" style="border-collapse:collapse;border:none;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-yfti-tbllook:480;mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;mso-border-insideh: .5pt solid windowtext;mso-border-insidev:.5pt solid windowtext" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" align="center"> <tbody><tr style="mso-yfti-irow:0;mso-yfti-firstrow:yes"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

COTT World Heavyweight

</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

COTT North American Heavyweight

</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

COTT Junior Heavyweight

</td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt: solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

COTT Tag Team

</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:1"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top"> 750%20-%20COTT%20Cornellverse%20Title_Belts.jpg </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top"> 745%20-%20COTT%20Cornellverse%20Title_Belts.jpg </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">744%20-%20COTT%20Cornellverse%20Title_Belts.jpg</td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top"> 747%20-%20COTT%20Cornellverse%20Title_Belts.jpg

747%20-%20COTT%20Cornellverse%20Title_Belts.jpg </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:2"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">


</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">


</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">


</td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">



</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:3"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> Lug Phelan (IPW) </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> Ernest Youngman (NWA) </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> Simon Waves (CZCW) </td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> The Ring Generals (NWA) </td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:4"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

</td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:5"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> COTT Six Man Tag Team </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> COTT Women's Championship </td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> COTT Women's Tag Team

</td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

</td> </tr> <tr style="mso-yfti-irow:6"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">




</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">


</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">



</td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

</td> </tr> <tr><td valign="top">





</td><td valign="top">


</td><td valign="top">



</td><td valign="top">

</td><td valign="top">

</td></tr><tr style="mso-yfti-irow:7;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes"> <td style="width:110.7pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt; border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

The Puerto Rican Boys & Bradford Peverell (FCW)


</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> Foxy LaRue (QAW)

</td> <td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top" align="center"> Ursula Saez & Mystery Pink (CWWF) </td> <td valign="top">

</td><td style="width:110.7pt;border-top:none;border-left: none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt; mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt" width="148" valign="top">

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COTT Member Companies


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Week 3 - May 2020






News & Notes


It has been almost 6 months since the official announcement that J.K. Stallings announced to the world that he has stepped down from his CTO position at Stallings Tech and has decided to take the plunge back into the world of professional wrestling. A lot of people have already made up their minds that this venture will turn out like his run from 1996 til he was forced to sell his company (HGC) to Tommy Cornell in 2004. But there are others out there close to Stallings that have said he has done things the right way this time, he has surrounded himself with industry veterans who understand the ins and outs of working in one of the most cutthroat industries in the world today. But the one thing we all can agree on is that we are waiting for the National Wrestling Association to officially hold it's first show, which is scheduled to be tomorrow night on the upstart subscription service WrestleWorld, which is available on most streaming platforms.


Those six months have gone by pretty fast for the company, they have really been busy getting their training facility up and running and announced for the foreseeable future that all of their Events and weekly TV show tapings will be held in the Arena attached to the training facility to help cut down on costs. So unless you live in the Great Lakes area, don't plan to see any NWA shows in person unless you are willing to take a trip.


Stallings and company met with the Confederation of the Territories (COTT) board of directors back in February seeking admission into the alliance, and after some deliberation, they were admitted by a vote of 5 to 2. While no official report is out there as to which companies voted against their admission, we have speculated that Larry Vessey (owner of New York City Wrestling) and Cliff Anderson (owner of Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling) were the two that did not want to rock the boat. But it also should be noted, that just after the vote took place, Anderson was seen being rushed out of the meeting and to a medial facility for an undisclosed illness.


Like most companies today, the NWA announced that they have formed their own Hall of Fame, which sounded weird at first since they are less than a year old. Then they made the announcement of who their first inductee would be. J.K. Stallings and Eric Tyler met with the family of the late Ed Henson and presented them with a plaque and a donation to the Ed Henson Foundation. Tyler said that growing up he idolized Henson and he was a big reason that he got into the business. He said that the one accomplishment he never had a chance to achieve was winning he Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team tournament since he never worked for NOTBPW, and with the closing of NOTBPW, the tournament had gone dormant. But Stallings and Tyler pulled the trophy from behind a backdrop and said they have purchased the trophy and will be using it once again to crown the top tag team in the NWA's Great Lakes Tag Wars, which will be held every October.

As you can imagine, the NWA has been busy filling out their roster so they can actually put on a show. While they have not officially posted or released a roster, we can confirm that some well known names have agreed to join the new company....some of those names are Chris Caulfield (USPW), Danny Fonzarelli (TCW), T-Rex (USPW), Java & Tribal Warrior (USPW) and The McWade Brothers (Dean & Dallas). But I think the biggest surprise was that former National Football League star, Ross Henry has agreed to join the company and will serve as the companies authority figure. Henry had given many interviews where he stated very emphatically that he "would never step foot in a wrestling ring ever again". Not sure what Stallings did to pull this off, but it could be huge for the company.


As we said, we are just a few hours away from the company's first TV show, and what we have learned is that there will be two titles on the line. First, the company has announced that they will have a Television Championship, which will be defended each week on their TV show in a match that will have a 10 minute time limit. So right out of the gate, we will see the company's first champion crowned! And in taking advantage of the COTT alliance, the COTT Tag Team Championship will be on the line as CZCW's American Cobras will defend their belts against a team they are all too familiar with, The Ring Generals. Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler are returning to the United States from Japan and have signed with the NWA as one of their top tag teams. This match will definitely not disappoint!


There will be a lot more news coming down the road as the NWA is prepared to kick things off this week, so stay tuned here for the latest and greatest breaking news for the NWA and COTT! See below for the most up to date card for the inaugural episode of Tuesday Night Fights!




Tuesday Night Fights

Week 3, May 2020

The NWA Arena

Great Lakes



Match Previews


The McWade Brothers vs The Montgomery Boys w/Jared Hill



Rayne Man vs Austin Smooth



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Earnest Youngman w/Eric Tyler



One Man Army vs Doug Peak



For the COTT Tag Team Championship

The American Cobras © vs The Ring Generals w/Eric Tyler


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Looks and reads great! Keep up the strong, early work. :)


The McWade Brothers vs The Montgomery Boys w/Jared Hill

Comment: Simply due to the fact that I know them more.


Rayne Man vs Austin Smooth

Comment: Name value. He was a 'somebody', as he was in the SWF.


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Earnest Youngman w/Eric Tyler

Comment: Uh, come on! It's Caulfield all the way!


One Man Army vs Doug Peak

Comment: Doug, in my mind, is pretty much here to lose to others.


For the COTT Tag Team Championship

The American Cobras © vs The Ring Generals w/Eric Tyler

Comment: Seriously, a great match here. Two great tag teams; one with a newfound sense of international cred. As a wrestling fan, I'd love to see this one in person.

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Very promising start. I'll be interested to see how this develops.


Tuesday Night Fights

Week 3, May 2020

The NWA Arena

Great Lakes



Match Previews


The McWade Brothers vs The Montgomery Boys w/Jared Hill



Rayne Man vs Austin Smooth



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Earnest Youngman w/Eric Tyler



One Man Army vs Doug Peak



For the COTT Tag Team Championship

The American Cobras © vs The Ring Generals w/Eric Tyler


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First off I have to say I’m happy (and a little envious) to see this. I have often in 2016 setup scenarios where Stallings makes a return to wrestling and have Several ideas on His return in 2020. So I’m really looking forward to what you put together here.


Match Previews


The McWade Brothers vs The Montgomery Boys w/Jared Hill



Rayne Man vs Austin Smooth

Comment: I can see Smooth becoming a young star in the future


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Earnest Youngman w/Eric Tyler

Comment: my pick would be Youngman here if not for the backstory. I think Caulfield gets a shot to be the first champion in the company and then build to a retirement and putting over a future star


One Man Army vs Doug Peak

Comment: Really a toss up in my mind can see it either way


For the COTT Tag Team Championship

The American Cobras © vs The Ring Generals w/Eric Tyler

Comment: A COTT World title change on the first TV show in a new company? I can’t see it, but it would make a splash.

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Location: The NWA Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 281

Shown: WrestleWorld (On Demand)

Date: Week 3, May 2020




- T-Rex def. Charlie Corner in 5:31.

- Savage Fury def. The Rock City Stars in 9:24

- Findlay O'Farraday def. Chip Martin in 11:46


<hr style="color:#666666" width="100%" size="1" noshade="noshade" align="center">



Episode #1


Commentary Team


Remmington Remus, Doc Messing and Grace Harper


In the Ring


The show kicks off fixed on the stage as Ross Henry's music hits and the NWA Commissioner makes his way out from the back and he heads down to the ring.




Henry: "I bet none of y'all ever thought you would see me in a wrestling ring again! Yeah, I know what I said in the past, and to be honest I am not here to compete....no, I was asked by the owner of the National Wrestling Association, Mr J.K. Stallings Jr. to come here and be the man who runs the day to day things, and that means I will do what I have to do in order to make sure things run smoothly. With that being said, we have a lot going on tonight and I am a man who likes to get right to the point, so I want to kick things off right and introduce you to a good friend of mine and a man who was brought here because he is one of the best wrestlers in the world....ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to our latest free agent signing...the one....the only....ONE MAN ARMY!"





The crowd erupts and out from the back is former five time TCW Tag Team champion, One Man Army. He makes his way down to the ring and he and Henry shake hands. Henry hands his microphone to One Man Army....


One Man Army: "HELLO NWA FANS!!! Thank you Ross, I am very excited to be here in the NWA and looking forward to breaking out from the tag team wrestler label I have had for so much of my career. So you asked me in the back what my plans are while here....well....there is only one thing I have my sights set on, and that is becoming the first NWA World Heavyweight......"


Before he can finish, his mic is cut off and some new music begins to play and out from the back, steps Doug Peak.




Doug Peak: "Well hello there Thom, or Guide or whatever you are calling yourself today. The only thing that is certain is that you came here thinking that you could duck me, well hate to break it to you but I followed you here so I could finally get my hands on you. See, back in our time in DaVE, we had our battles...my brother and I had some classic matches with you and that cub scout of a partner, but the one thing I will never forget is that you did everything you could not to be in the ring with me and that never sit well with me. So I am here tonight, you are here and Mr football man, you seem to be the man that can make matches...so do your job and make this match....that is unless you are scared".


One Man Army says he never ducked anyone or ran from a fight and that Doug must've been hit in the head too many times over in Japan, so he and Ross Henry look at one another and then they both agree to making the match for later tonight.







Over at the announce booth, Remmington Remus welcomes everyone to Tuesday Night Fights and introduces his broadcast partners, Doc Messing and Grace Harper. Remus talks about what we just saw and what they think this means for the future of the company. They go over the card for tonight, including the anticipated COTT Tag Team title match between The Ring Generals and defending champions, The American Cobras. Harper seems to indicate that she has some inside information on that match, but refuses to tell her broadcast partners. With that, we go to the ring for our first match.....







Opening Match



The McWade Brothers vs The Montgomery Boys


* Announce team mentions that the Montgomery Boys are the son's of Los Angeles Wrestling owner and promoter Robert Montgomery Sr. and the man with them is their bodyguard, Jared Hill. The McWade's need no introduction, they have been around for 30 years and have held tag team gold everywhere they went.

* The match starts off with the 6'7" Robert Montgomery Jr attacking Dallas McWade and taking control of the match. But as the match went on, the veterans took over and were able to put away the rookies with ease.

Dean McWade defeated Kyle Montgomery in 7:20 by pinfall

(Match Grade: 56)






Austin Smooth is standing in the back, he is getting ready for his big break on the national stage and says that his opponent for tonight, Rayne Man, is not on his level. He talks about how Rayne Man has never held any gold and he was nothing more than a jobber in the SWF and they made the right call to release him. He will prove tonight in front of everyone that he belongs and is one of the top guys in the NWA.




Messing: "Well isn't he cocky, he better watch what he says".

Harper: "Why Doc, are you going to shut him up? He actually has a point, Rayne Man never did anything to remember, in fact I still have no idea who he is".

Remus: "Well Grace, you will get your chance to see him again, lets go to the ring".





Match #2



Austin Smooth vs Rayne Man


* As each man comes to the ring, the announce team talks about both of their histories. Grace Harper says she still has no idea who Rayne Man is, even as Remus points out that they worked a few shows together earlier this year, she said that should say all there is to be said about him.


* The match itself was pretty good, both men got in a lot of offense and made each other look good. Smooth looked like he was going to get the win, but his ego and cockiness got the best of him and allowed Rayne Man to roll him up for the win. Smooth looks surprised and angry as he watches Rayne Man slide out of the ring and head to the back with his arm raised.


Rayne Man defeated Austin Smooth in 11:27 by roll up.

(Match Grade: 45)






On Stage


Eric Tyler and Ernest Youngman walk out on the stage together as the announce team talk about the two men's history together in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Tyler says that over the years in PSW, he has got to know Youngman and realized that he reminds him of a younger version of Eric Tyler. He says that he sees great things in the future for Youngman and that he has offered him his services as his manager. Youngman takes his own mic out and agrees with all that Tyler said, he then turns his focus to his opponent for tonight, Chris Caulfield, and the chance to become the NWA Television champion. Both men say that in less than 10 minutes, we will be back here with some gold in our possession. They drop the mics and walk down to the ring while the announce team recaps what was said and goes over the rules for the TV Title match.







Match #3



Ernest Youngman vs Chris Caulfield


*For the NWA Television Title


* Caulfield's music hits and the crowd rush to the rails to get a chance to slap five with the Hardcore American. As he makes his way down to the ring, the announce team talk his time in USPW and how he has build his career being unorthodox in the ring and that even at 46 years old, he is not afraid to put his body on the line to win at all costs.


* Youngman charges Caulfield as soon as he gets in the ring and takes control of the match early and keeps on beating on the veteran while Tyler keeps directing traffic at ringside. Caulfield takes advantage of a momentary slip up by Youngman after yelling at the referee for counting too slowly and starts to fight back. Tyler tries to turn the tide back, but Caulfield knocks him off the apron an is able to hit a DDT on Youngman for a quick 1 - 2 - 3......


Chris Caulfield defeated Ernest Youngman in 9:05 by pinfall to become the NWA Television Champion.

(Match Grade: 53)







Locker Room


Eric Tyler and Youngman storm into The Ring Generals locker room, still angry about the outcome from their loss to Caulfield. Waldorf tells them to calm down, it was one match but there is still gold in the future for Generation Next (their new stable). Tyler says he is right and guarantees that tonight The Ring Generals will beat The American Cobras for the COTT Tag Team titles. Youngman closes out the interview by saying that Caulfield got lucky, but his days as champ are limited.







Match #4



The Ring Generals vs The American Cobras ©


*For the COTT Tag Team Titles


* The Ring Generals enter first with Eric Tyler by their sides. The announce team says that there indeed is a new stable in the NWA consisting of Youngman, Tyler and The Ring Generals. They talk how decorated a tag team the Generals are, even holding the COTT Tag Titles once before, beating the Cobras for them in 2016. Remus wonders to what lengths Tyler will go to in order to get some gold in his stable. The American Cobras come out with with the COTT Tag Team belts around their waists. Messing says that the Cobras are 3 time COTT Tag Team champs and have held the belts for over 120 days during this reign.


* The match starts off with Waldorf and Malloy showing off their technical expertise to a great reaction from the crowd. The match continues with a few near falls on both sides. As expected, Eric Tyler would get involved, but this time his interference would pay off, and allow Marv Statler to pin Storm Spillane 1-2-3 and we have new champs.


Dean Waldorf defeated Storm Spillane in 12:11 by pinfall. The Ring Generals become the new COTT Tag Team Champions.

(Match Grade: 44)





Main Event




One Man Army vs Doug Peak


* The announcers are still talking about how The Ring Generals just won the COTT Tag Team titles, both Remus and Messing are calling for a review by the COTT board of directors, but Harper says the two of them need to shut up and deal with it, the way she saw it the Generals won it fair and square.

* Doug Peak's music hits and the "Dangerous" one makes his way down to the ring, looking all business like. One Man Army's music hits and before he can get into the ring, Peak jumps down from the ring and attacks him, they brawl around the outside before Peak rolls him in the ring and the bell sounds.

* Peak continues to stay on the offensive, but One Man Army is able to make a come back and take charge of the match for a short time. Peak pulls something out from his boot and throws it into One Man Army's face which disoriented him long enough for Peak to hit a power slam and get the pin and the win. Remmington Remus says we are out of time this week but to be sure to tune in next week for the fallout from tonight's events.


Doug Peak defeated One Man Army in 9:49 by pinfall.

(Match Grade: 56)


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Looks and reads great! Keep up the strong, early work. :)



Very promising start. I'll be interested to see how this develops.



Thanks guys. it has been a long time since I have done one of these, and to be honest I was planning this to just be a personal game, but I have nearly 10 shows done already and was having a lot of fun with it, so I wanted to share it with the community! Hope everyone enjoys what I am trying to do, and always open to any feedback from anyone!




First off I have to say I’m happy (and a little envious) to see this. I have often in 2016 setup scenarios where Stallings makes a return to wrestling and have Several ideas on His return in 2020. So I’m really looking forward to what you put together here.



Thanks! I will be honest, I saw something about Stallings coming back in the C-Verse ideas thread and it really sounded like a great idea, so I borrowed it :). I usually would go with the older guys like Sam Strong or Rip Chord, but I liked the idea of a younger character (with a lot of money) trying to right a failure in the past.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;">Week 4 - May 2020</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50280" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><img alt="thumb.jpg" data-src="https://theo.minuspoint.com/tewbooru/_thumbs/6f975bb0888d708e9cba88f60168ebca/thumb.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="thumb.jpg" data-src="https://theo.minuspoint.com/tewbooru/_thumbs/307513c580e4002ff89fbae9efb64785/thumb.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><strong>News & Notes</strong></span></span></p></div><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><em>We open this weeks News & Notes report with some very sad news. Last week we reported that CZCW owner Cliff Anderson had fallen ill at the COTT Board of Directors meeting. </em></span><em><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">Cliff Anderson was a long time wrestling play-by-play man who is better known for being the brains behind Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. Although CZCW has never become hugely well known or massively profitable, its influence on the wrestling industry in America has been considerable, not least because many of its alumni have had an impact on other, bigger companies. Anderson was one of the first owners to jump on board with Sam Keith's idea for the Confederation of the Territories. Anderson was generally regarded as one of the real 'good guys' of pro wrestling. Cliff Anderson passed away this past week at the age of 59.</span></em></p></div><p> </p><p> <em><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">Another big story that has rocked the pro wrestling industry is the return of Tommy Cornell to the United States, as the superstar has signed a deal with United States Pro Wrestling, shunning offers from multiple companies, including 21CW, SWF and his old company TCW. He wrapped up his final obligation with 21CW, going over three other wrestlers on television. The other workers and fans gave him a very emotional send off, but he said that the money was far too good to pass on and he looks forward to his return to the United States.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">Big news occurred within the COTT this past week, as the National Wrestling Association debuted their television show with a bang. It was highlighted by the COTT Tag Team titles being on the line as the American Cobras defended them against their former nemeses, The Ring Generals. It was a great, hard hitting bout between these two teams as we have all come to expect, but in the end thanks to some help from their manager, Eric Tyler, the Ring Generals triumphed and are now the COTT Tag Team champions for the 2nd time in their careers. All the member companies are said to be happy with the change and feel that it showcased the talent that is in the COTT companies.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">The NWA is getting set for their next episode of Tuesday Night Fights in just a few days, and last week 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield overcame the odds and numbers and beat Ernest Youngman (and Eric Tyler) to become the first NWA Television champion. This week he is going to defend the belt against a young and upcoming star, Public Enemy #1. Public Enemy #1 just signed with the company, coming over from GSW, where he was considered one of their top wrestlers. He said he came to the NWA for a chance to show off what he can do, and feels that the stage is bigger and lights are brighter in the NWA.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">Ash Campbell made the news this week, after walking out on Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling over a contract dispute. Ash is the son of late SWF and DaVE legend John 'Nemesis' Campbell, was starting to make a name for himself, following in his Dad's footsteps. He says that he was promised one number, but when he arrived to the building the night of a show, he was told they could only give him half now and would make up the rest at a later date. Ash said he was taught by his father never to take someone's word on a payday, so he said if they could not pay him what they promised, he was not going to perform and walked out. He said the first call he received was from Eric Tyler, who told him to come to Chicago and meet with him, and a few hours later, Ash Campbell had signed a new contract with the NWA. He will make his in ring debut against one of his long time rivals, Findlay O'Farraday.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"><em>Also this week, NWA Commissioner Ross Henry has announced there will be a series of four matches over the next few weeks to determine which four teams will face off at the NWA's first event, Rise of Champions in June to determine who will be crowned the first NWA Tag Team champions. This week we will see the veteran duo Savage Fury take on the Indy darlings, The Rock City Stars for that first spot.</em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';">We have heard that former SWF and TCW star Danny Fonzarelli has signed with the company and is going to make his debut on this week's episode. What made him sign with the NWA and turn down a couple other offers? Will he have a match? Who are his sights set on? You will have to tune in this week for the answers to those questions and more! See the card below for a preview of what is to come this week on Tuesday Night Fights.</span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-family:'Century Gothic';"> </span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p></div><div style="text-align:center;"></div><div></div></blockquote><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50280" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:left;"><p><img alt="728%20-%20Company%20Fictional%20NWA%20Name.jpg" data-src="https://theo.minuspoint.com/tewbooru/_images/e739acf9103fa93a0c5dc2856bdebeda/728%20-%20Company%20Fictional%20NWA%20Name.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p></div><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';">Presents</span></span></span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:24px;">Tuesday Night Fights</span></span></span></strong></span></p><p> <strong><strong><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:8px;">Week 4, May 2020</span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></strong></p><p> <strong><strong><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:8px;"> The NWA Arena</span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></strong></p><p> <strong><strong><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-size:8px;"> Great Lakes</span></span></span></span></span></span></strong></strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match Previews</span></strong></span></p></div><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><strong><strong>NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier</strong></strong></span></span></span></span></span></p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';">The Rock City Stars vs Savage Fury</span></p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';"> Comment: </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><strong><strong>For the NWA Television Championship</strong></strong></span></span></span></span></span></p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';">'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Public Enemy #1</span></p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';">Comment: </span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';">Findlay O'Farraday vs Ash Campbell</span></p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';"> Comment:</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"><strong><strong>NWA Debut</strong></strong></span></span></span></span></span></p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';">Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex</span></p><p> <span style="font-family:'times new roman';"> Comment: </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'times new roman';"> </span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote> </div><p></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p> </p></div><p></p>
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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;">Won't miss it this week.</span></p><p> </p><p>

NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>The Rock City Stars</strong> vs Savage Fury</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

For the NWA Television Championship</p><p>

<strong>'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield ©</strong> vs Public Enemy #1</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Findlay O'Farraday</strong> vs Ash Campbell</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

NWA Debut</p><p>

<strong>Danny Fonzarelli</strong> vs T-Rex</p><p>


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Solid first show. I really didn’t see the COTT Tag Title switch coming but it gets the momentum going. Always hard to predict the first few shows in a new dynasty (especially in an updated Cverse), but I’m back for more prediction punishment


NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Rock City Stars vs Savage Fury

Comment: Well Savage Fury won on the pre-show last week so can they do it again? My guess is the RCStars are just in on a short deal to put the Fury over


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Public Enemy #1

Comment: Caulfield best the young up and comer last week, this week he will retain


Findlay O'Farraday vs Ash Campbell

Comment: Two guys I like so this is a tough call for me. My guess is Findlay gets this one but Campbell winning would not be a huge surprise to me.


NWA Debut

Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex

Comment: The Fonz is new to the NWA but not to wrestling. What’s he got left in the tank?

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NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Rock City Stars vs Savage Fury



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Public Enemy #1



Findlay O'Farraday vs Ash Campbell



NWA Debut

Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex


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Love this so far, keep it up!

Match Previews


NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Rock City Stars vs Savage Fury

Comment: I get the feeling the RCStars are just on a short term deal to put Fury and some other teams over. Plus Fury has a pre-show victory to help them out.


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Public Enemy #1

Comment: Doesn't feel right for a veteran to lose the title a week after getting it, the roster would still be trying to find it's feet, and J.K. wouldn't want to anger the dude he just got on board with the whole scheme.


Findlay O'Farraday vs Ash Campbell

Comment: New popular guy would want to start off with a win, especially since luck was what got him signed to NWA. Pay disputes do feel like lucky breaks to other companies.


NWA Debut

Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex

Comment: I feel a swerve coming on with this short term feud deal. I dunno why, but my dragon senses are tingling.

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Location: The NWA Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 298 (142,647 viewers)

Shown: WrestleWorld (On Demand)

Date: Week 4, May 2020



- Shane Nelson def. Jared Hill in 7:31

- Ernest Youngman def. Charlie Corner in 9:35

- Aces of Mayhem def. Dreadnaught & James Diaz in 8:17

- Austin Smooth def. Rayne Man in 11:59



<hr style="color:#666666" width="100%" size="1" noshade="noshade" align="center">



Episode #2


Commentary Team


Remmington Remus, Doc Messing and Grace Harper





In the Ring


The show kicks off with a tribute and a moment of silence for the passing of CZCW owner Cliff Anderson. Remmington Remus says he has nothing but good things to say about the late Anderson and that he will be missed by many. He continues by introducing his broadcast partners Doc Messing and Grace Harper, and the three of them begin to recap last weeks show. The begin to run down the card for tonight and as they finish up, some familiar music hits and out from the back comes former SWF and TCW star, Danny Fonzarelli. He walks down the ramp playing his familiar Dr Love gimmick and the fans eat it up. He climbs into the ring and takes a mic out from inside his coat.




Fonzarelli: "National Wrestling Association!! What is up?!! You have no idea how good it is to be here tonight in this beautiful building, in front of all of you beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen! Just a few months ago, Doctor Love woke up from a dream, and in that dream I saw myself right here, in this amazing city, in front of all you beautiful people and in that moment, I knew that I had to make a change, and that was to come to the National Wrestling Association and spread the love the way that only Doctor Love can."


Harper: "Ugh, he is so disgusting....."


Fonzarelli: "I have received a lot of messages in my DMs from you lovely ladies asking what the Doctor's plans are, well just like all big stars, I want to reach the top of the mountain....and bring a few of you ladies with me. I am here to......"




Before he can finish, rushing through the crowd behind Fonzarelli is the massive former USPW star, T-Rex. He slides into the ring while the crowd yells for Fonzarelli to turn around, and when he does he is met with a big kick to the face. T-Rex continues the assault and sets him up for a Jurassic Driver, and lands it not once, or twice but three times, leaving Fonzarelli laying in a heap in the middle of the ring. T-Rex looks at the camera, smiles and mouths the words "I am here", before looking back at the crumpled Fonzarelli in the middle of the ring.






Video Package


A highlight video package is shown hyping One Man Army.











Opening Match



Savage Fury vs The Rock City Stars

*NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

* Before either team makes an entrance, we are given an update to Danny Fonzarelli;s condition and are told that he has demanded that Ross Henry give him T-Rex in a match tonight. First out are The Rock City Stars (3 time RIPW and 2 time 4C Tag Team Champions), their familiar theme music is by Turner's real life band "Bad Idea". Next out is the veteran Samoan team, Savage Fury. We are reminded they are 5 time USPW Tag Team champions and according to Grace Harper, her favorites to win the NWA Tag Team titles at Rise of Champions in just over 3 weeks.

* The match begins with Java and Stan Manna feeling each other out. Both of these teams work well together as units and even with the both Java and Tribal Warrior both approaching 50, these two teams work very well together. Typical back and forth match, but Tribal Warrior begins to use his bigger size to his advantage and is able to over power Stan Manna and make the tag to Java, who finishes off Manna with a flying headbutt from the top rope for the win and Savage Fury becomes the first team to qualify for the NWA Tag Team Turmoil match at Rise of Champions.


Savage Fury def. The Rock City Stars when Java pinned Stan Manna in 12:30

(Match Grade: 50)






Andre Jones is shown sitting on a couch in an office somewhere in the building. He is wearing a button down shirt and sun glasses. He takes off the glasses and looks at the camera and sniffs the air. He asks if you can smell that? He says that is the smell of the Alpha Dog arriving in the NWA. He talks about being the big dog in a little park and that soon enough, this place will be all his. He goes on to say that he is not wasting any time going after the weak and sick of the pack, he all but guarantees that he is going to be the first (and only) NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and there is no one here that can stop him, including Commissioner Henry and if he has a problem with that, he is not a hard man to find.





In Ring


Ash Campbell's music plays and out walks the former two time PSW National and two time PSW Tag Team champion. He is carrying what looks to be a piece of his old PSW merchandise. As he climbs into the ring, he tosses it on the ground and begins to stomp on it as he takes out a mic. He starts off by bashing Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and owner Mitch Naess for how he was treated. He goes on about how low level they are and how desperate Mitch is to live off what his Father (Nemesis) built with DaVE in the late 1990s. He continues trashing them and then turns his attention to his opponent for tonight, Findlay O'Farraday. He says how Findlay has done nothing to deserve the praise he gets and how he is not even fit to lace his boots. He talks about some of their matches and how Findlay has never beaten him without help from a tag team partner, and he is ready to prove that again tonight. He drops the mic and gets ready for the match, which is up next.







Match #2



Ash Campbell vs Findlay O'Farraday


* O'Farraday's music hits and out comes the big Irishman from Georgia, Harper points out he is more redneck than Irish. The big man walks to the ring slowly and keeps his eyes locked on Campbell as he climbs into the ring, pausing when Campbell looked like he was going to charge him before the bell. He takes off his jacket, hands it to the ring attendant and signals to Jez McArthuer that he is ready and the bell ring.


* As you can expect from these two men, it was a hard hitting brawl of a match. They brawled all over the ring and of course outside the ring, with Campbell getting tossed over the guardrail and into the front row of the crowd....where O'Farraday helped himself some some popcorn from a young fan sitting next to where he deposited Campbell. The match continues back and forth with some near falls by Campbell, but O'Farraday was able to turn out of a rear choke and turn it into a running power slam and cover for the win.


Findlay O'Farraday defeated Ash Campbell in 14:16 by pinfall.

(Match Grade: 49)







Eric Tyler and Ernest Youngman are backstage and they begin by talking about Youngman's loss last week to Chris Caulfied. Tyler congratulates The Hardcore American for outsmarting them and winning the NWA Television title, but that was a fluke because Tyler is never outsmarted twice. Youngman goes on to say that he is not only younger and more good looking than Caulfield, but he is the better wrestler and the next time they meet, he will prove it. He says for now he has his sights set a little higher on another prize, but he and Caulfield will meet again real soon, but he does not want their rematch to be on Tuesday Night Fights, he wants it to be at Rise of Champions, that is if Caulfield can keep the belt that long.










Match #3



Public Enemy #1 vs Chris Caulfield ©


*For the NWA Television Title


* As we come back to the ring, Public Enemy #1 is already standing in the ring, handing his chains and shirt to the ring attendant. Messing says that getting him to come to the NWA was a steal as he was poised to be the next big star in the GSW. Chris Caulfield's familiar music hits and he comes out with the NWA TV Title draped over his shoulder, holding his trademark kendo stick in his left hand. He walks down to the ring giving high fives along the way and then climbs into the ring, hands the belt to referee Francis Long, who raises it and then calls for the bell.


* Public Enemy wastes no time showing off his athleticism by going after the champ and working on his right leg and knee trying to keep him off his game. He goes for a quick pin but only gets a one count. He continues this for a little until he makes a mistake leaving his mid section open and Caulfield hits him with an elbow and that was all he needed to regain control of the match and then finish off Public Enemy #1 with his trademark DDT for the pin.


Chris Caulfield defeated Public Enemy #1 in 8:05 by pinfall to retain the NWA Television Championship.

(Match Grade: 41)






In Ring

Ross Henry's music hit and out comes the NWA Commissioner, carrying a black briefcase. He climbs in the ring and takes a microphone and sets the case down on a podium set up in the ring. He welcomes everyone to the show and says that before he gets to the reason he is out there, he needs to address a couple of things. First he says that Danny Fonzarelli will have his wish and will face off against T-Rex in our Main Event next. He then addresses Andre Jones's comment about who is running things around here, it is he who is in charge and not to worry, they will be having that face to face conversation real soon. Now for the real reason he is out there, he talks about the tradition of pro wrestling and how each company has their own World Championship, well he said that as you can expect, the NWA is no different and with that, he opens the case and displays the new NWA World Heavyweight Championship. He says that their first champion will be crowned at Rise of Champions in about three weeks, but which two men will compete for it is still to be determined. He ends the segment by thanking everyone for coming and to enjoy the rest of the show.









Main Event




Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex


* The announcers are still talking about the new NWA World Title belt and take their guesses on who the two men are who will square off against each other to be the first ever champion. They then turn their attention to the upcoming Main Event and wonder what kind of condition Fonzarelli will be in after that brutal beating he suffered at the hands of T-Rex.

* With that said, T-Rex's music hits and the big man makes his way slowly down to the ring, sneering at just about everyone he passes. He climbs into the ring looking very confident. Fonzarelli's music hits and Doctor Love comes out from the back, heavily taped up from the beating earlier. He runs down as fast as he could and gets in the ring and wastes no time going after the much bigger T-Rex, and the bell sounds.

* Fonzarelli continues his attack on T-Rex, trying everything he can to knock the big man off his feet. As he continues this assault on T-Rex, the crowd notices someone making their way through, and we see Doug Peak climb over the railing unnoticed by the referee or the men in the ring. Fonzarelli runs off the ropes going for a big shoulder tackle, but Peak lands a big blow to the back of his head, which staggers Fonzarelli, allowing T-Rex to grab him and hit a Jurassic Bomb and get the three count.


T-Rex defeated Danny Fonzarelli with a Jurassic Bomb after outside interference from Doug Peak in 5:51 by pinfall.

(Match Grade: 57)




Post Match


After the match, T-Rex and Doug Peak continue to lay waste to Danny Fonzarelli and anyone from the security staff who run down to try and save him from the 2 on 1 attack. Just then out from the back runs One Man Army, who flies down to the ring and clears the two big men from it and is able to keep them both at bay while he checks on the fallen Fonzarelli. Peak and T-Rex look back at the ring as they slowly walk back up the ramp, while One Man Army beckons them to come back down and fight. T-Rex and Peak just laugh and walk to the back as we fade out on the ring with medical staff and One Man Arms checking on the downed Fonzarelli. The announce teams says good night and next week should be very interesting with all the fireworks that happened tonight!





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Week 1 - June 2020






News & Notes


I cannot believe it's already June, meaning that 2020 is at the halfway mark and it has been a wild and crazy year so far! This week in the National News, RIPW CEO Mean Jean Cattley made headlines this week for allegedly bullying a young fan at an Fan Festival before their Destiny event at Biker's Paradise. The claim said that Cattley told a 7 year old boy to "get out of here" before he had him and his Dad removed from the event for wanting a picture with current RIPW Champion, Hellion. Witnesses say that Cattley seemed to be annoyed with something and one witness said that Cattley's comments were not directed at the child, but at a local worker begging for a tryout. There has not been any video evidence to date and Cattley or RIPW did not return our calls for comment.


After spending nearly 50 years in the business, Pat Deacon has (once again) decided to retire from the business. The 75 year old Deacon was talked out of retirement at the end of 2019 by Chief Two Eagles to help him relaunch the Texas Wrestling League. Now that the company is up and running, Deacon has decided to step down as Booker and return to his home in Arizona to spend more time with his grandchildren. No word on who is the front runner to replace him as TWL lead booker.


Pistol Pete Hall and his group of investors have won the bid to buy CZCW from the Estate of Cliff Anderson. As you recall, Anderson suddenly passed away a couple weeks ago and that left the company without an owner. The Anderson Family decided to sell the company instead of trying to keep it in the family, as no one wanted to step into the role left by Cliff's passing. Pete Hall spent most of his 40 years in the business in Japan and Canada decided it was time to take that next step and give back to the industry that has meant the world to him. He said that he does not plan to change anything that Cliff built and things should hopefully move seamlessly along.


Worker Retirements: Pat Deacon, Silver Shark, Super Joshuya, Crash Lewis, Mammoth, Man Mountain Cahill, Pete The Hillbilly, Poppa Punisher & Thug.

No major news for the Confederation of the Territories this week, all titles that were defended were successfully done so, but tune in this Tuesday to NWA Tuesday Night Fights, as CZCW's Simon Waves will defend his COTT Jr. Heavyweight title against the NWA's Austin Smooth. We have also learned that the NWA's Ernest Youngman has issued a challenge to COTT North American champion, Frantic Ali to come to the NWA and defend his title. Ali has agreed to do that, and the match has unofficially been agreed to happen at next week's Tuesday Night Fights.


Last week on TNF, we saw a lot of new faces debut, including former USPW Television Champion, Andre Jones. The 'Alpha Dog' as he wants to be called, gave warning to everyone in the company, including Commissioner Ross Henry, that he means business and will settle for nothing less than a shot at the NWA Heavyweight Championship at Rise of Champions. Henry when asked about it, just laughed it off and said he will be making an announcement in the next two weeks as to who will be the two men to meet for the company's top prize. Jones has vowed to be there this week and will not take no for an answer.


Ash Campbell also made his in ring debut this week, as he had a lot of choice words for his former boss (Mitch Naess) and employer (PSW). He faced off with a man which he has a lot of history with, Findlay O'Farraday and to no one's surprise the two men had a very hard hitting brawl of a match that saw O'Farraday getting the best of Campbell. We are sure that this is far from over between the two men.


Veteran tag team, Savage Fury punched their ticket to the NWA Tag Team Championship match at Rise of Champions by beating The Rock City Stars. The two big Samoan's will now wait for three other teams to earn their way into the match. This week, we will see The McWade Brothers take on The Aces of Mayhem to determine who will be the 2nd team to earn that spot. This promises to be a very good battle between two good teams.


NWA Television Champion, Chris Caulfield successfully made his 1st defense of his title last week, knocking off rising star Public Enemy #1 in another solid match. Caulfield will be back in action defending his title this week against NYCW's Masked Stranger. Eric Tyler and Ernest Youngman are still watching this closely, as the Generation Next stars have their eyes set on some more gold for the stable.


And probably the biggest news from last weeks show was the appearance of 'Doctor Love' Danny Fonzarelli. His debut was ruined when the monster T-Rex came through the crowd and laid waste to him at the beginning of the show, and then would beat him in the Main Event with some outside interference from 'Dangerous' Doug Peak. The two big men added insult to injury until One Man Army came down and made the save. Fonzarelli has demanded and been requested a rematch this week against T-Rex, but the big question is will Peak keep his nose out of this, or is there some budding alliance forming between the two monsters?

Make sure to tune in this week for all this and I am sure more surprises from the National Wrestling Association. The official card is listed below!!


*As always predictions and feedback is more than welcome, and thank you to everyone that has read, predicted and commented so far. It has definitely made writing this a lot more fun!






Tuesday Night Fights

Week 1, June 2020

The NWA Arena

Great Lakes



Match Previews


For the COTT Jr. Heavyweight Championship

Simon Waves © vs Austin Smooth



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Masked Stranger (NYCW)


NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The McWade Bros. vs The Aces of Mayhem



Rematch from Last Week

Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex


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For the COTT Jr. Heavyweight Championship

Simon Waves © vs Austin Smooth



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Masked Stranger (NYCW)



NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The McWade Bros. vs The Aces of Mayhem



Rematch from Last Week

Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex


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<p>Match Previews</p><p> </p><p>

For the COTT Jr. Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Simon Waves ©</strong> vs Austin Smooth</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

For the NWA Television Championship</p><p>

<strong>'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield</strong> vs Masked Stranger (NYCW)</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier</p><p>

<strong>The McWade Bros.</strong> vs The Aces of Mayhem</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Rematch from Last Week</p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli vs <strong>T-Rex</strong></p>

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For the COTT Jr. Heavyweight Championship

Simon Waves © vs Austin Smooth

Comment: Just can’t see another COTT title change hands so quickly at an NWA show.


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Masked Stranger (NYCW)

Comment: Another victim to t up the ultimate rematch down the line with Youngman


NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The McWade Bros. vs The Aces of Mayhem

Comment: No contest


Rematch from Last Week

Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex

Comment: Fonzie evens the score

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For the COTT Jr. Heavyweight Championship

Simon Waves © vs Austin Smooth



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield vs Masked Stranger (NYCW)



NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The McWade Bros. vs The Aces of Mayhem



Rematch from Last Week

Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex


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Location: The NWA Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 342 (146,076 viewers)

Shown: WrestleWorld (On Demand)

Date: Week 1, June 2020



- Findlay O'Farraday def. Original Sinner in 6:05

- Joffy Laine def. Prime Time Jack Pryde in 7:55

- Savage Fury def. The Hot Taggs in 6:29

- Ash Campbell def. Robert Montgomery Jr. in 7:48



<hr style="color:#666666" width="100%" size="1" noshade="noshade" align="center">



Episode #3


Commentary Team


Remmington Remus, Doc Messing and Grace Harper




In the Ring


This weeks show begins with our announce team running down the events from last week, highlighted by the attack on Danny Fonzarelli by Doug Peak and T-Rex, and the save made by One Man Army. We are told that all four men are indeed here in the building tonight.....just then, Danny Fonzarelli's music hits and from the back walk Fonzarelli and One Man Army. They walk down the ramp and enter the ring.




Fonzarelli: "So last week, Doug Peak decided to stick his nose in my business and attack me from behind like the coward. I was raised that if you have a problem with someone, you come at them head on so they know who is coming to beat their behinds. And to add to it, my opponent from last week, T-Rex, seemed to be in on it. All this proved to me is that both Doug Peak and T-Rex are nothing but cowards and know they cannot beat me one on one. But with that said, I have to say thank you to this man standing next to me.....because without your assistance, who know what kind of shape I would be in tonight."


One Man Army: "Fonz, you and I have known each other for a long time. We have walked the aisle as opponents and as allies, and when I saw what those two animals were doing to you, I had to do something to make it a fair fight. So, from this day on, you can count on my support whenever you need it."


Fonzarelli: "I appreciate that Thom....and I also will be watching your six so something like this does not happen to you. So that brings me to why I came out here tonight. Commissioner Henry....would you please come down here, there is something that I need to ask you."


Ross Henry's music plays and from the back walks the NWA Commissioner. He walks down the ramp toward the ring and takes a microphone from a ring side attendant and climbs into the ring. He walks over to Fonzarelli and One Man Army and shakes both their hands.


Fonzarelli: "Thanks for coming down here, I usually don't like to make demands, especially from my boss, but I really wanted to make sure this was said and on the record. I have been seething all week about the way last week's match ended and could not wait for today to come so I could ask you to give me a rematch with T-Rex tonight.....and before you answer, know that I will not take NO for an answer".


Henry: "Fonz......you know me from our days out West. You and I have shared a few beers on the road together, so you know what I am all about. I did not see what went down last week until after things had been broken up, so I could not act on it last week. So before you came down here, I had already decided that a rematch between you and T-Rex will indeed happen tonight in our Main Event! And one more thing before I go.....Doug Peak.....I know you are here tonight. Let me just send you a warning now....if you interfere in the match tonight....it will be the last mistake you make".


The crowd cheers loudly and all three men high five each other and Fonzarelli thanks Henry more than once. They play to the fans a bit more and then begin to walk up the ramp to the back. The announce team goes over what just went down and question what Henry meant by saying if Peak interferes, it will be his last. Grace Harper says that she has no idea what Henry would do to back it up since he is a washed up has been at 31 years old. They then go down the rest of the card and then a graphic is shown for the COTT Junior Heavyweight championship match we have tonight to open the show.....we go to the ring announcer for the introductions.








Opening Match





Austin Smooth vs Simon Waves ©


*For the COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship

* Austin Smooth comes down to the ring first, the announce team says that he earned this title shot after defeating Waves in a non title match at another company's event two weeks ago. Simon Waves music hits and out comes the 25 year old from CZCW, with the COTT Jr. Heavyweight title around his waist. They inform us that Waves defeated Chet Chavez back in January at CZCW revolution for the title, and he has made 9 successful defenses so far. The two men stand in opposite corners, looking at one another as referee Francis Long holds the belt over his head and rings the bell.

* The match begins with both men doing a series of acrobatic flips and technical holds on each other as an appreciative crowd claps in approval. They locked up again but this time, Smooth takes the early advantage with a kick to the stomach, and then begins to work over the champion. Waves would reverse an irish whip attempt and land a kick of his own to the head and go for a quick pin, but Smooth kicked out at 2. The match continues back and forth for another 10 minutes, before Smooth would take one too many high risk moves and miss a frog splash from the top rope and this mistake would let Waves get the pin and the victory.


Simon Waves defeated Austin Smooth in 14:44 by pinfall to retain the COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship.


(Match Grade: 45)





Andre Jones is shown sitting in the same office, on the same couch as last week. He looks at the camera and says that the Alpha Dog is getting bored because as he expected, no one has the guts to step up to him. He says that in a way he is glad that the wrestlers in the NWA know the pecking order, and he sits firmly on top of the list. He says that if he is going to win the NWA Heavyweight Championship in three weeks, he needs to have at least one tune up match and he demands that he get the respect he is owed. He tells Ross Henry that he does not care who he digs up to face him next week, all he knows is that when he shows up next week he will be wrestling someone, or he will find Henry and the two of them can figure this out in the ring.





Match #2



Masked Stranger vs Chris Caulfield ©


*For the NWA Television Title


* Masked Stranger comes down first, the announcers put him over as the current NYCW Tri-State Regional champion and talk about his success in the IPW. Caulfield's music hits and out walks the 'Hardcore American', carrying his kendo stick and wearing the NWA TV Title around his waist. As he climbs into the ring, we hear the voice of Ernest Youngman and he appears on the video screen. Youngman says he wishes he could be there tonight to witness Caulfield lose his belt, but says that by some miracle the old man can do it, he wants a shot at the belt at Rise of Champions.


* Masked Stranger takes advantage of the distraction of Youngman on the video screen and attacks Caulfield from behind. As the bell rings, Stranger keeps control of the match, tossing Caulfield from the ring and follows. He continues the attack, but when he tries to get Caulfield into the ring, he is met by a right cross to the jaw, and it staggers him allowing the champ to take control and then land a DDT for the win.


Chris Caulfield defeated Masked Stranger in 6:14 by pinfall to retain the NWA Television Championship.

(Match Grade: 55)







Rayne Man is backstage and he turns toward the camera. He tells Andre Jones that no one is scared of him, in fact most guys have no idea who he is. But since he has come here looking for a fight, he has one next week...he challenges Jones to a match next week on Tuesday Night Fights.








Outside Arena


Eric Tyler and The Ring Generals are standing outside the building, the COTT Tag Team Championship belts over Statler and Waldorf's shoulders. Tyler tells us that The Ring Generals are sitting out the NWA Tag Team match at Rise of Champions because they have achieved a bigger prize, the COTT Tag Team titles. He talks about their travels all over the world and they know they are better than any team in the NWA so there is no need to enter for them to waste their time entering the match.








Match #3



The McWade Brothers vs The Aces of Mayhem

*NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

* The Aces of Mayhem come out first, Remus explains their history as a tag team, winning the MAW Tag Team titles on three different occasions. Harper points out that the last time they help those belts was almost 10 years ago. The McWade Brothers come out next and the big Canadian twins (Dean and Dallas) look all business. Harper says this is what a real tag team looks like and goes over their resume (winning tag titles in 3 companies (CGC, NOTBPW & WEXXV) and have won the Ed Henson Memorial Cup twice. They climb in the ring and the bell sounds.

* The match begins as Dean McWade and Max Mayhem lock up and from the get go, the younger team works together to keep Dean away from his Brother. They work quick tags to try and tire out and work over the veteran big man. Both team gain control as the match continued but the experience and power of the McWade's proved to be a little too much for the Aces when The McWade's hit Blood on the Mountain on Ace Youngblood and Dallas McWade makes the pin.


The McWade Brothers def. The Aces of Mayhem when Dallas McWade pinned Ace Youngblood in 11:53

(Match Grade: 47)







In Commissioner's Office


Ross Henry is sitting at his desk in his office and he congratulates The McWade Brothers on their win and goes over the match at Rise of Champions now includes The McWade's and Savage Fury, but we still need two more teams. He then addresses what Eric Tyler said about The Ring Generals said about being too good for the NWA Tag Titles, so he says that next week he has agreed to bring in NYCW's Boys from the Yukon to replace them against Shane Nelson & Ryan Powell (The Bad Boys of Wrestling) to see who our third team is. He tells Tyler that he needs to watch what he says because things have a way to come back and bite people who can't back up their words.








Video Package


A highlight video package is shown highlighting the events from last week, the newly formed alliance between Fonz and One Man Army and tonight's match between Danny Fonzarelli and T-Rex.













Main Event




Danny Fonzarelli vs T-Rex


* Remmington Remus and Doc Messing put over Fonzarelli and his new alliance with One Man Army, while Harper says that neither of them can match up to the bigger T-Rex and Doug Peak. T-Rex is the first one out, walking slowly down the ramp to the ring and climbs in. Fonzarelli's music hits next and Doctor Love runs down the ramp and slides in and goes right after the big man.

* Francis Long calls for the bell and the match starts, with both men brawling inside and outside the ring. This match was nothing more than a barroom brawl with very little wrestling moves involved. Shortly after it started, Doug Peak runs down from the back and attacks Fonzarelli causing referee Francis Long to call for the bell.


Danny Fonzarelli defeated T-Rex by DQ 5:37 when Doug Peak ran in and attacked Fonzarelli.

(Match Grade: 54)







Post Match


Just like last week, T-Rex and Doug Peak continue the attack on Fonzarelli, tossing him around the ring and set him on the announce table for a Jurassic Bomb. Just then, One Man Army comes down and attacks T-Rex to make the save. All four men continue to brawl around the ring and we see Ross Henry come out from the back looking very angry and the show ends for this week.









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Week 2 - June 2020






News & Notes


Another pretty uneventful week in the world of pro wrestling, but probably the three biggest stories out there were CZCW inducting their late owner Cliff Anderson into the CZCW Hall of Fame, joining Donnie J and Fox Mask as the third member of the shrine. Former USPW Women's Champion, Gorgon has left the company and will pursue independent bookings for the time being. And the USPW has announced that they have officially signed PJ Strong, son of former USPW Owner Sam Strong and Brother to current USPW star, Alicia Strong. PJ looks like a possible star in the making, but there are some that feel he only got this shot with the top company in the world based on his name and who is father is.


Worker Retirements: Peter Belcher, Al The Hillbilly, Destiny, Percy Usher-Soames, Troy Winner, Harry Chadwick, Lindsay Kyne, Magnus Ivansson and Pete Moriarty.


In COTT news, all of the championships were successfully defended by the current champions, with Simon Waves defending his COTT Jr Heavyweight title on last weeks Tuesday Night Fights. We have learned that for a 2nd straight week, a COTT singles title will be defended on the NWA's weekly television show. The COTT North American Championship will be defended by Frantic Ali against Generation Next member, Ernest Youngman. Youngman's manager, Eric Tyler had petitioned the COTT board of directors to make this match happen because Youngman has shown he deserves to challenge for titles instead of wasting his time with the dregs of the company. The COTT board of directors agreed to the match, but disagreed with Tyler and Youngman's description of the other wrestlers in the NWA and said if he should lose to Ali, it will be a long time before he will be approved to challenge for one of the COTT's championship belts.


The NWA Television Championship will be defended as it always is this week, as current champion, Chris Caulfield said he is willing to take on all comers, whether they are part of the NWA or not. It did not take long for this week's opponent to step up, Austin Smooth will be the next in line to challenge Caulfield for the belt. We also have heard that the list is growing longer as wrestlers from all over the world have requested their shot for the belt.


The NWA Tag Team title match at Rise of Champions has grown, as The McWade Brothers punched their ticket into the match with a win over The Aces of Mayhem. Right now it is The McWade's and Savage Fury in the match, with two spots still yet to be decided. This week we have two teams from outside the company challenging each other for that third spot. Shane Nelson reached out to his Bad Boys of Wrestling partner, Ryan Powell to reunite this week and they will take on NYCW's Boys from the Yukon. This should be a hard hitting match between two teams who have nothing to lose.


And finally, Andre Jones demanded that he be given a match this week because as he said, he is sick and tired of being on the sidelines and wants someone to step up to him. The first man to step up is former SWF star, Rayne Man, who said that in the NWA you don't come in and demand anything, you have to earn you spot, and the self proclaimed Alpha Dog has another thing coming if he thinks he can walk through Rayne Man with ease.


One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli are rumored to be in attendance this week and they have a message for T-Rex and Doug Peak and a request to ask the Commissioner (Ross Henry) on this week's Tuesday night Fights.


*As always predictions and feedback is more than welcome, and thank you to everyone that has read, predicted and commented so far. It has definitely made writing this a lot more fun!




Tuesday Night Fights

Week 2, June 2020

The NWA Arena

Great Lakes


Match Previews


Rayne Man vs Andre Jones



For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Austin Smooth


NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Boys from the Yukon vs The Bad Boys of Wrestling



For the COTT North American Championship

Frantic Ali © vs Ernest Youngman


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Tuesday Night Fights

Week 2, June 2020

The NWA Arena

Great Lakes


Match Previews


Rayne Man vs Andre Jones

Comment: I guess I’ll buy the hype and go with the mouthy one


For the NWA Television Championship

'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield © vs Austin Smooth

Comment: Austin has a bright future but has been fed to people so far. I don’t think he can possibly win this one


NWA Tag Team Championship Qualifier

The Boys from the Yukon vs The Bad Boys of Wrestling

Comment: Tough choice but the feeling is the Yukon’s are just here on loan to complete the tourney


For the COTT North American Championship

Frantic Ali © vs Ernest Youngman

Comment: Sorry kid, but unless JK is buying all the titles you can’t beat Ali

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