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Change menace calculation

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I think 2020 has done an over correction when it comes to menace. Is there any chance that it could be changed to 50/50 with menace vs overness? 25% based on menace seems awfully low compared to how many guys get over purely on their looks alone.
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I think 2020 has done an over correction when it comes to menace. Is there any chance that it could be changed to 50/50 with menace vs overness? 25% based on menace seems awfully low compared to how many guys get over purely on their looks alone.


A 35/65 would be a little better. 50/50 is still way too high.

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35/65 is bizarrely specific. I think 50/50 is much better but there should be an adjustment for momentum. I've noticed monsters have gimmicks where wins and losses have a significant effect.


Maybe the answer is an answer is an either or calculation, like with some products.

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Personally i would also like to see Menace become more important, closer to what it was in TEW2016. Larger workers (which are the ones more likely to have Menace) tend to be overall less talented in the ring as well, so if Menace is not enhanced, it means that bigger workers are nowhere near as valuable. Sex Appeal gets the same boost as Menace.....................that is nowhere realistic.
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I totally disagree. If you, for example, look at the past few decades in WWE, a lot of menacing workers went over not primarily because of their menacing looks, but because WWE force-pushed them like crazy by letting them win/squash a lot of matches. Most of them disappeared into oblivion after their initial push because - and here comes my point - their menace wasn't nearly enough to keep them interesting after the initial impact faded.


The system right now should still mean that menacing workers can be pushed relatively fast by putting them in the right angles and letting them win. However, these workers now also need some other skills to stay at the top, and I think that's a very good thing.

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Changing the formula as proposed above won't stop you from playing the game how you want, however it will allow the players who like pushing Menacing characters more options.


Also i do not particularly agree with what you said regarding the WWE, overall, if you look historically, the WWE's greatest stars tend to be big, powerful, intimidating figures. If you bumped into any of them in their prime you will be threatened by their size. Obviously the best of them were also skilled in other area's of their game, be it in the ring or their ability on the mic. The best in the game will still need good / great skills elsewhere as well.


The game as it is now, it much more geared towards skilled workers (which tend to be smaller workers), in previous games it was the same, however Menacing workers could get over easy as well.

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A menacing worker with good brawling skills and good psychology can still get over, I'd guess.


My point is this: First of all, WWE's greatest stars in the past decades rarely relied on menace to get over. John Cena? Muscular, but not menacing. The Rock? Same. Steve Austin? Same. Ric Flair? Hulk Hogan? Nobody of those was specifically menacing.


André the Giant was a special attraction and got over by being huge as hell. The game probably doesn't properly reflect these corner cases, but that's a different topic. The Undertaker, for example, got over because he had an amazing gimmick, tons of charisma and is an amazing actor. Being menacing was a plus, but not the main reason for him being a legend.


WWE try to push menacing workers all the time, give them a main event push and then drop them because they don't connect with the fans long-term and, most of the time, don't have anything else beyond their menace that makes them worthy of being main eventers (or because, you know, random booking decisions that happen all the time over there).


TEW 2020 reflects the reality way better because it removes Menace as a wildcard to the main event. It still helps because it allows them to gain popularity faster if they're REALLY menacing (since 25 % is still more than 0 %), but it, once again, takes into account that you need more than menace to be a good wrestler.

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I think it would be very interesting if Menace, like Sex appeal and Star Quality and such worked differently depending on how over somebody is. If you have 0 popularity maybe the split is the old 60/40 menace to pop ratio, then once you hit say 15 or 20 overness it drops to 40/60 and then at maybe 35 or 40 overness it takes that 25/75 or maybe 30/70 split. So somebody can get over on these kinds of passive skills but if they ever want to be at the top of even a Medium sized company they're going to need strong booking or to bring something new to the table
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I think it would be very interesting if Menace, like Sex appeal and Star Quality and such worked differently depending on how over somebody is. If you have 0 popularity maybe the split is the old 60/40 menace to pop ratio, then once you hit say 15 or 20 overness it drops to 40/60 and then at maybe 35 or 40 overness it takes that 25/75 or maybe 30/70 split. So somebody can get over on these kinds of passive skills but if they ever want to be at the top of even a Medium sized company they're going to need strong booking or to bring something new to the table


That's a really good idea! It should probably be tied to the general overness levels in the promotion they're being used in, though.

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I think it would be very interesting if Menace, like Sex appeal and Star Quality and such worked differently depending on how over somebody is. If you have 0 popularity maybe the split is the old 60/40 menace to pop ratio, then once you hit say 15 or 20 overness it drops to 40/60 and then at maybe 35 or 40 overness it takes that 25/75 or maybe 30/70 split. So somebody can get over on these kinds of passive skills but if they ever want to be at the top of even a Medium sized company they're going to need strong booking or to bring something new to the table


I think this would probably reflect history far better, particularly recent history. I'm thinking about Big Show and Mark Henry (or even Undertaker and Kane). When they started out and weren't really over because nobody knew them yet, it was their menace factor that got them recognized, but those other things are what made them legends as we got to know them better.


On the other hand, look at Heidenreich, Lars Sullivan, Luther Reigns, or Jacob Riis (if you remember who any of them are). They got immediate attention because of their menace and size. But, as we got more used to those qualities, they needed more to continue to get over...and all of them lacked that "it factor" to take them to the higher level.



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No they got over because they were put in programs with other popular people.



And were book to dominate which a menace get bonuses for.


Low tier menacing guys couldn’t carry any program solely on their menacing because they aren’t talented enough whether it’s having wrestling skills or entertainment skills.


As is, a menacing worker would score great in an segment based on menacing alone at a small company. He would need more talent or help to pull that off at a big company to get the grades required to become a star.

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