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Friday 13th December 2019

5,000 fans - no vacancy


Test of Champions 2019 brought a momentous year to a close for Black Canvas Grappling, as Funakoshi retained his place at the top of the pile. The Samurai extended his third reign as Black Canvas Grappling World Champion with a punishing victory over Razan Okamoto. The match marked the fifth occasion that Razan and Funakoshi have clashed over the top prize in Black Canvas, and the fifth occasion that Razan failed to walk away the victor. Okamoto had been bullish mood in the build-up to the match that he would snap his poor run against The Samurai in title matches - having beaten him three times in Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix match-ups. Okamoto started quickly and looked determined to rewrite history. However, it wasn't to be for the challenger and he once again found that Funakoshi is able to access something extra when competing for the World Championship. A gruelling battle ended with the champion resorting to the Roaring Lion for the three count, and sent the challenger home dejected that he had once again failed. Funakoshi strode out of the arena with the title belt draped across his shoulder.


The clash of former World Champions ended with Mabuchi Furusawa as the victor - and it might even be enough to get the Black Lions to leave him alone for a few months. Arguably since the first day he arrived in Black Canvas Grappling, Furusawa has been on the wrong side of Bunrakuken Torii on account of his heritage. "Machine Gun" Torii refuses to accept that Furusawa is in BCG solely for the purpose of improving himself as a wrestler and establishing his own legacy. He focused on Furusawa throughout his World Championship reign and remains convinced that an invasion of his home is on the horizon. Black Lions are doing their best to cut it off early by targeting Furusawa, fellow Golden Canvas Grappling alumni SUKI and others that got their first break in now defunct companies. A year on from his World title victory at Test of Champions 2018, Furusawa once again had his family's armbar to rely on to secure victory. After a length match and a back-and-forth exchange of punches with both men seemingly out on their feet, Mabuchi avoided a right hand and caught Torii in the centre of the ring to force the submission.


Early in the evening, the BCG World Tag Team Championship match seemed to signify the end of a generational tag team in Black Canvas. After Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura has secured victory in their title defence against Team Taku, the younger Taku elected to leave his father alone in the ring and walk to the locker room by himself. Yoshinaka had mentioned in the build-up to the match that he felt like he was carrying his father through a number of their matches in 2019, but was sure another title opportunity would allow them both to focus. Unfortunately they came up short of the five-time champions and instead of checking on Toshinobu, Yoshinaka left ringside looking frustrated to a somewhat stunned reception.


There was a new champion crowned at Test of Champions as Naozane Goto slammed his way to the Pacific Openweight Championship. Goto didn't seem to know what to make of Yoshisada Matsuzawa in the opening moments. The all-business monster was taken aback by Matsuzawa's "relaxed" welcome to the match and seemed to be lulled into the Champion's world briefly before an attempted shoulder tackle by Yoshisada failed, and only caused to anger the challenger. Goto tossed his opponent over the top rope and followed up with a series of painful slams and suplexes. Matsuzawa did rally but the impact of Goto's attacks were too much and a Goto Slam was enough for Naozane to claim the title belt.


Big Bruiser Findlay and his Battle Scarred cohorts offered a heavy welcome to the newly formed Warrior Five - by a way of defeat in a three-on-three match-up. Having drafted the group together in the wake of The Lion's Roar, SUKI and his teammates - Roku Sotomura and Giant Brody - looked like a formidable trio as they stood across the ring from Findlay, Sojuro Sen and Nobuhara Yokokawa. Both teams went to war and they were a series of hard blows exchanged before Findlay hoisted his former World Tag League partner into the air for an Atomic Spinebuster. Sen and Yokokawa held back Brody's colleagues to ensure the pinfall was counted and then Findlay celebrated with a "belt" motion in the centre of the ring.


The younger members of the Black Lions kicked off the evening with a confidence boosting victory over fellow junior members of the BCG roster. Ginji Kisaka and Yutaka Ogata have all fallen into rank behind Bunrakuken Torii and Dynamite Narahashi, and they were a few shining elements of their mentor coming through as they scored a victory over Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita. Kisaka finished the match with his own version of Torii's Flying Forearm.


In the other match, Blast Ikoma, Kiyotaka and Kadonomaro Kamisaka claimed victory in a three-on-three clash. All three are keen to get back into championship reckoning in 2020, and made a fine grouping as they achieved victory over Sofu Ozawa, Tanya Toshusai and Nobuyki Kubo. Ikoma scored the pinfall after hitting Kubo with the Northern Lights Bomb.




Test of Champions 2019 Results


  1. Dynamite Narahashi, Ginji Kisaka and Yutaka Ogata [black Lions] def. Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita - Kisaka over Mitsukuri (Flying Forearm)
  2. Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Kiyotaka def. Sofu Ozawa, Tanya Toshusai and Nobuyki Kubo - Ikoma over Kubo (Northern Lights Bomb)
  3. BCG World Tag Team Championships - V2 - Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura © def. Toshinobu Taku and Yoshinaka Taku [Team Taku] - Yoshizawa over T Taku (Lizard Bomb)
  4. Big Bruiser Findlay, Sojuro Sen and Nobuhara Yokokawa [battle Scarred] def. SUKI, Giant Brody and Roku Sotomura [Warrior Five] - Findlay over Brody (Atomic Spinebuster)
  5. Pacific Openweight Championship - V3 - Naozane Goto def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa © to become the 15th Champion (Goto Slam)
  6. Mabuchi Furusawa def. Bunrakuken Torii (Furusawa Armbar)
  7. BCG World Championship - V2 - Funakoshi © def. Razan Okamoto (Roaring Lion)

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The field for the fourth annual New Year Cup was confirmed at a press conference today, with sixteen men competing for the first shot at the BCG World Championship of 2020. All four of Black Canvas' main groups are represented in the field.


Razan Okamoto will lead the Black Canvas Sekigun along with Rokuemon Matsushita, Blast Ikoma, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Yoriie Ippitsusai and Sharaku Okimasa. Okamoto was on hand to discuss the tournament and made no excuses for his defeat to Funakoshi at Test of Champions. His focus remains on reclaiming the BCG World Championship and if that means going through the three-time Champion then he'll have to find a way to do it. When asked about the other members of the Home Army and their chances, Okamoto talked through the Championship winning pedigree of all five men - though admitted that he thinks this might be Yoriie's last chance to sit atop of Black Canvas Grappling.


Matsushita talked about winning the New Year Cup to start 2019 and feeling a lot of momentum that carried him into his victory in the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix. The giant wants to repeat both wins in 2020 and go one further with a BCG World Championship victory as well.


The three non-Champions in Warrior Five will all take part in the New Year Cup with SUKI, Giant Brody and Roku Sotomura entered. SUKI talked about the momentous success of Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura in the tag team ranks being a huge motivation for the other members of Warrior Five. He also added that there will be a special place in the history of Japanese wrestling waiting for him when he becomes the first Japanese wrestler to hold both the Golden Canvas Grappling and Black Canvas Grappling World Championships.


Battle Scarred have entered Big Bruiser Findlay, Animal Harker and Sojuro Sen. Allowing Sojuro Sen to do his talking for him, Big Bruiser Findlay is seemingly focused on adding a new name to the World Championship history. The victory that Findlay, Sen and Yokokawa secured over Warrior Five at Test of Champions is proof that Battle Scarred are ready to be considered amongst the best in BCG. Sen added that he truly believes that anyone of the three Battle Scarred entrants can leave the New Year Cup victorious, and was promptly scowled at by Findlay for offering his own opinion.


Yoshinaka Taku had originally been entered as part of the Black Canvas Sekigun but Bunrakuken Torii was adamant that he will represent the Black Lions in the New Year Cup and had arranged his entry as a welcome gift to the team, in place of Dynamite Narahashi. Machine Gun interrupted his first question to declare Taku the newest member of the Black Lions and then bemoaned that the draw of the cup will deny them an all Black Lion final. Torii and Taku will instead face each other in the semi-finals and according to Bunrakuken, they will decide like men who will take the World Championship away from Funakoshi. He promised a year of dominance from Black Lions in BCG as they focus on claiming the championships of Black Canvas Grappling in order of protecting them.


Mabuchi Furusawa and Tanya Toshusai complete the field. Furusawa is a former winner of the New Year Cup and was keen to talk about adding more accolades to his name. Furusawa is relieved to be "finally free" of Torii's interference and focused on reclaiming the BCG World Championship in lost in October.




The New Year Cup Finals will once again feature a tag team match between the four reigning Champions of Black Canvas Grappling. In what appears to be quickly becoming a tradition, the World Tag Team Champions will take on the World and Pacific Openweight Champions in a special attraction tag team match. It will be the third time the match has taken place at the New Year Cup Finals and the first time that both Funakoshi and Naozane Goto will be part of the match.


Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura were the World Tag Team Champions in 2018 when they defeated the arguing team of Bunrakuken Torii and Big Bruiser Findlay; and they were in confident mood at the announcement of the match-up. "We have dominated the tag team division since the very beginning of Black Canvas Grappling," pronounced Yoshizawa. "We are constantly told that the tag team division is boring, but that is only said by people that don't understand how good we are." Miura added that the Champions match is a chance for them to prove they are on the same level as the individual champions of Black Canvas, just as they did in 2018.


Funakoshi didn't seem all that interested in the Tag Team Champions or the level that they were on. "I'm the World Champion and I'm the guy that people on the street recognise and ask for photos." He said that he's ultimately happy to fight wherever and against whoever he's supposed to, but questioned just how many BCG fans could tell the difference in Yoshizawa and Miura.


Goto added that he wasn't interested in being Funakoshi's partner, but it was a chance to impress. He promised a performance that would prove why he'll eventually be stood across the ring from Funakoshi in BCG's biggest matches.




Black Canvas Grappling owner Yoshifusa Maeda added at the end of the New Year Cup press conference that BCG had completed the signing of Austin Dazzler, and he is set to make his debut during night three of the New Year Cup. Maeda couldn't confirm what the match is likely to be, until the semi-finalists of the tournament are known but added that he had a lot of confidence in his decision to sign Dazzler and expected him to make an impressive start.


26 year-old Dazzler is currently a regular with a number of North American promotions, most notably Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, and will be making his big stage Japanese debut in two weeks with BCG.




BCG New Year Cup, Night One


New Year Cup - Opening Round: Giant Brody vs. Sojuro Sen

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoshisada Matsuzawa vs. Animal Harker

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Sharaku Okimasa vs. Yoshinaka Taku

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoriie Ippitsusai vs. Tanya Toshusai

Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka and Takenori Doi vs. Naozane Goto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Koyo Kinoshita

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Bunrakuken Torii vs. Roku Sotomura

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Blast Ikoma vs. Rokuemon Matsushita

New Year Cup - Opening Round: SUKI vs. Mabuchi Furusawa

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Big Bruiser Findlay vs. Razan Okamoto

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<p>New Year Cup - Opening Round: Giant Brody vs. <strong>Sojuro Sen</strong></p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoshisada Matsuzawa vs. <strong>Animal Harker</strong></p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Sharaku Okimasa vs. <strong>Yoshinaka Taku</strong></p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoriie Ippitsusai vs. <strong>Tanya Toshusai</strong></p><p>

<strong>Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka and Takenori Doi</strong> vs. Naozane Goto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Koyo Kinoshita</p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: <strong>Bunrakuken Torii</strong> vs. Roku Sotomura</p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Blast Ikoma vs. <strong>Rokuemon Matsushita</strong></p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: SUKI vs. <strong>Mabuchi Furusawa</strong></p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Big Bruiser Findlay vs. <strong>Razan Okamoto</strong></p>

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<p>BCG New Year Cup, Night One</p><p> </p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: <strong>Giant Brody</strong> vs. Sojuro Sen</p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: <strong>Yoshisada Matsuzawa</strong> vs. Animal Harker</p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Sharaku Okimasa vs. <strong>Yoshinaka Taku</strong></p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoriie Ippitsusai vs. <strong>Tanya Toshusai</strong></p><p>

<strong>Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka and Takenori Doi</strong> vs. Naozane Goto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Koyo Kinoshita</p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: <strong>Bunrakuken Torii</strong> vs. Roku Sotomura</p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: <strong>Blast Ikoma</strong> vs. Rokuemon Matsushita</p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: SUKI vs. <strong>Mabuchi Furusawa</strong></p><p>

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Big Bruiser Findlay vs.<strong> Razan Okamoto</strong></p>

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New Year Cup - Opening Round: Giant Brody vs. Sojuro Sen

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoshisada Matsuzawa vs. Animal Harker

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Sharaku Okimasa vs. Yoshinaka Taku

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoriie Ippitsusai vs. Tanya Toshusai

Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka and Takenori Doi vs. Naozane Goto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Koyo Kinoshita

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Bunrakuken Torii vs. Roku Sotomura

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Blast Ikoma vs. Rokuemon Matsushita

New Year Cup - Opening Round: SUKI vs. Mabuchi Furusawa

New Year Cup - Opening Round: Big Bruiser Findlay vs. Razan Okamoto

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Friday 3rd January 2020

4,100 fans


Razan Okamoto was the biggest name to lose in the opening round of the New Year Cup as he fell to Big Bruiser Findlay in a gruelling battle. Findlay turned up ready for a war and heaped more misery on Okamoto, who lost out to Funakoshi last month. The Battle Scarred leader completed victory in the intense match with his devastating Atomic Spinebuster - though the fact that he needed a few moments to pick himself up off the canvas next to his fallen opponent should indicate how much the feat took out of him. The American has stated repeatedly in the last 12 months that he wants to compete amongst the best of Black Canvas Grappling and the win over Okamoto goes a long way to enhancing his position.


The main event saw Mabuchi Furusawa come out victorious as he bettered the former GCG World Champion SUKI in the final match of the evening. The pairing aren't strangers when it comes to facing off and had each other's favoured moves well scouted as they clashed. That meant the main event saw a variety of counters from both men, and even saw SUKI take to the air to try and better the former BCG World Champion. However it was that risk that lead to SUKI's downfall as his diving lariat was acrobatically caught by Mabuchi, and he ended up in the centre of the ring in the Furusawa Armbar.


Both members of the Black Lions advanced to the quarter finals to the delight of their watching corner men. Bunrakuken Torii put his defeat at Test of Champions behind him by eventually securing a path past Roku Sotormura. Machine Gun had to resort to his spinning Forearm variation to keep Sotomura down, having failed to secure the pinfall with his usual Flying Forearm from the top rope. As promised Yoshinaka Taku showed up in Black Lions colours and looked a meaner version of himself as he defeated Sharaku Okimasa.


The night was a disaster for Warrior Five as all three entrants in the competition departed at the first round stage. Giant Brody was bettered by Sojuro Sen in the opening contest of the evening, as the bumbling brawler levelled his larger opponent with a big Lariat to get the three count.


The now forrmer Pacific Openweight Champion rebounded from his title loss with a win over Animal Harker, even if he still couldn't resist the urge to get a little silly in a couple of places. Yoshisada Matsuzawa knocked Harker off his stride with a handful of nonsense strikes in the opening exchanges - and it paid off as he advanced to the quarter finals after hitting the Double Arm DDT.


Tanya Toshusai ended Yoriie Ippitsusai's unlikely bid to claim the New Year Cup with a dominating victory and last year's winner looked strong in his clash with a former World Champion. Though Rokuemon Matsushita had the size and weight advantage over Blast Ikoma, he still had to battle for his victory before planting Ikoma with his crushing Choke Slam.


The non-tournament match saw Funakoshi lead his team to victory over the other three Champions in BCG. He pinned Koyo Kinoshita after taking advantage of Naozane Goto's reluctance to help Yoshizawa, Miura and Kinoshita in the match.




New Year Cup, Night 1 Results


  1. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Sojuro Sen def. Giant Brody (Lariat)
  2. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoshisada Matsuzawa def. Animal Harker (Double Arm DDT)
  3. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Yoshinaka Taku def. Sharaku Okimasa (Full Nelson Bomb)
  4. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Tanya Toshusai def. Yoriie Ippitsusai (Brainbuster)
  5. Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka and Takenori Doi def. Naozane Goto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Koyo Kinoshita - Funakoshi over Kinoshita (Roaring Lion)
  6. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Bunrakuken Torii def. Roku Sotomura (Roaring Forearm)
  7. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Rokuemon Matsushita def. Blast Ikoma (Choke Slam)
  8. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Big Bruiser Findlay def. Razan Okamoto (Atomic Spinebuster)
  9. New Year Cup - Opening Round: Mabuchi Furusawa def. SUKI (Furusawa Armbar)

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Tuesday 7th January 2020

4,400 fans


The second night of the New Year Cup saw the semi-final line-up completed as Bunrakuken Torii defeated Yoshisada Matsuzawa in the main event of the show. The Black Lions leader had both younger members of his group at ringside and seemed in an educational mood as he wrestled his way past the former Pacific Openweight Champion. Torii apparently gave some pointers to his young lion devotees during the early action. He eventually hit him with the Flying Forearm to complete victory. Immediately after securing victory, Torii took little time to celebrate and was quickly bemoaning the fact that three "outsiders" will join him in the final four.


Tanya Toshusai, Big Bruiser Findlay and the 2018 New Year Cup winner Mabuchi Furusawa will also be in the semi-finals after winning their contests. Toshusai had to improvise away from his usual Brainbuster when facing Sojuro Sen and eventually put him away with the German Suplex. Big Bruiser Findlay powered past Torii's Black Lions' deputy Yoshinaka Taku and Furusawa planted Rokuemon Matsuhita with three Running Knee Strikes to eventually get the three count.


Elsewhere the tag team champions enacted some revenge on Funakoshi ahead of the Champions Tag Team match by teaming with the rest of Warrior Five in a winning effort. Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura were joined by fellow Roku Sotomura, Giant Brody and SUKI in a five-on-five clash with the World Champion, Naozane Goto, Blast Ikoma, Sofu Ozawa and Ikki Hosaka. The contest was slightly chaotic in places as all 10 men tried to get involved before Miura dropped Hosaka with the Storm Rider for the win.


The other contests saw Razan Okamoto claim a much needed win alongside Nobuyuki Kubo and Suguru Emoto in a six-man tag match against Battle Scarred, and Dynamite Narahashi secured a victory for the Black Lions over Sharaku Okimasa, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Kiyotaka.




New Year Cup, Night 2 Results


  1. Dynamite Narahashi, Ginji Kisaka and Yutaka Ogata [black Lions] def. Sharaku Okimasa, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Kiyotaka - Narahashi over Kamisaka (Narahashi Cutter)
  2. Razan Okamoto, Nobuyuki Kubo and Suguru Emoto def. Animal Harker, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane [battle Scarred] - Okamoto over Harker (Konishi Kai)
  3. New Year Cup - Quarter-Final: Tanya Toshusai def. Giant Brody (German Suplex)
  4. New Year Cup - Quarter-Final: Mabuchi Furusawa def. Rokuemon Matsushita (Running Knee Strike)
  5. Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Giant Brody, Roku Sotomura and SUKI [Warrior Five] def. Funakoshi, Naozane Goto, Blast Ikoma, Sofu Ozawa and Ikki Hosaka - Miura over Hosaka (Storm Rider)
  6. New Year Cup - Quarter-Final: Big Bruiser Findlay def. Yoshinaka Taku (Atomic Spinebuster)
  7. New Year Cup - Quarter-Final: Bunrakuken Torii def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa (Flying Forearm)

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