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Stats For In-Ring Workers

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It depends on what kind of worker you're looking for, but Basics, Psychology and Selling are good places to start.


From there, Star Quality is important if you're looking for someone to get over more easily, and then Brawling, Technical, etc. depending on the "style" of worker you're looking for.

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My most important stats in order:

1. Safety. Self explanatory.


2. Star Power. This is a big determining factor in the fans they will draw and their final upside. But if it's too high for their actual skills, they will cost a lot of money and disappoint fans with bad performances until they nullify their own popularity and momentum. So, I like the Star Power not to be 100, but to be balanced toward their popularity, basics, and psychology.


3. Basics/Psychology/Consistency/Selling - this is far more important than brawling, technical, etc. Selling is also important for some angles.


4. Everything else is about their attitude. Do they have "can't play dominant" despite being a Big Heavyweight athlete power guy? What drugs are they on? I look for guys who I believe I can count on. I don't care if they're a wreck if I am hiring them for a month. I do care if I am hiring them for a year.


This will let me have a mostly stable company that has upside to grow.

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It depends on what kind of worker you're looking for, but Basics, Psychology and Selling are good places to start.


From there, Star Quality is important if you're looking for someone to get over more easily, and then Brawling, Technical, etc. depending on the "style" of worker you're looking for.


This is closer to what I look for. Good in-ring workers will have good to great fundamentals (basics, selling, consistency, safety). If you're looking for "stars" then you additionally lean heavily on Star Quality and Entertainment skills. The primary skills (brawling, etc) will vary depending on what your product emphasizes.


One thing to keep in mind is, new to TEW20, even a worker with 100 in an area can still screw up. A worker with 100 safety will still botch moves and possibly hurt opponents, it'll just be very very rare. In TEW16, 100 meant perfection. So don't be overly fixated on finding 100s.

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