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WCW: 1991, Bridging The Gap

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<p>tje league table concept is perfect, as it allows us (and you) to make up storylines and push some wrestlers depending on their standing and current performances.</p><p> </p><p>

as for owen, yeah, he and pillman would be the perfect guys to build the cruiserweight division around, add in other guys and you'll have your workhorse division all set up!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sco xY2Jx" data-cite="Sco xY2Jx" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I would say: Yes. It is a very gimmicky idea but this is early 90's WCW and they were all about the gimmicks.<p> </p><p> They put forth ideas to create actual toys such as a rageometer, which would measure the level of a wrestlers rage and a slam meter which was to determine how forceful a slam was. Gimmicky BS ideas but that was WCW. You're idea is logistically more sound and useful than those would've been so don't worry about being 'gimmicky'.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kinnikuniverse" data-cite="kinnikuniverse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>tje league table concept is perfect, as it allows us (and you) to make up storylines and push some wrestlers depending on their standing and current performances.<p> </p><p> as for owen, yeah, he and pillman would be the perfect guys to build the cruiserweight division around, add in other guys and you'll have your workhorse division all set up!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Cheers for that. It looks like it's going to become a thing then, all being well, post SuperBrawl.</p><p> </p><p> Now, I just need someone to pin the blame on if it doesn't go well.....</p>
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Venue? - Knoxville Civic Coliseum


Attendance? - 6,333. No sell-out but another increase in attendance.


Announcers - Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone


Who are the Champs? -


US Title - Lex Luger - since Dec 90

WCW Tag Titles - Doom - since May 90

WCW TV Title - Michael Hayes - since Jan 91


In a short pre-show match we had JYD picking up a comfortable win over Big Cat


What happened? - Let's find out..



Segment One - We start the show tonight...not with Ric Flair. Not with Sting. Not with the two biggest signings in all of Pro Wrestling so far in 1991, but with Steve Austin.


He strides to the ring and grabs a mic. He is pissed he didn't win the Battle Royal at The Clash. He wants a title shot and he isn't going to wait around for someone to hand it to him. Nobody in WCW can touch him, nobody in WCW can lace his boots. He is Steve Austin, the Pro Wrestler of the 90's and he is putting the WCW locker room on notice. He doesn't give a crap about any one of them and he is coming for all of them. Rating - 57



Match One - The Headshrinkers vs Tim Horner and Pez Whatley


What was originally supposed to be The Lightning Express taking on the intimidating HeadShrinkers had to be changed at short notice due to Brad Armstrong coming down with a rather serious bigger opportunity! It doesn't make a difference though. Much like Steve Austin 5 minutes ago, The Headshrinkers do not give a monkeys who stands across the ring from them. They only care about inflicting pain. Which they do. For a good 5 minutes. Then they win. Fatu planting Whatley with a wicked Samoan Drop for the pin. Rating - 50



Post Match Segment - The night isn't over for Whatley and Horner though, unfortunately for them. The Headshrinkers leave the ringside area, but someone else approaches, weapon in hand. Fresh from his match last night, Stan Hansen arrives at ringside with a scary looking strap in-hand. He wastes no time nor motion entering the ring and beating the absolute tar out of both men with the Strap before laying both men out with wicked Lariat's. I think he's slightly frustrated. Rating - 81



Pre Match - We get the arrival of Larry Zbyzsko the the commentary area. It's now a four-man booth



Match Two - Dustin Rhodes vs "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton


We get the reason behind Larry's trip to the commentary area soon enough as Dustin Rhodes is in action, taking on the highly capable Bobby Eaton. This match provides us with both an update on the progress of Rhodes as well as just how high up the skills of Bobby Eaton can take him. It's a very even match, the superior skills of Bobby Eaton meshing well with the drive, determination and grit of "The Natural".


I guess we need something else to provide influence on the outcome then. Sure enough, Zbyzsko makes his presence known. Not content with talking shit about Dustin over the headset, he decides he doesn't like being a commentator anymore and puts his headset down. In ring, we have Dustin planting Eaton with his father's patented flip, flop and fly. All three land and Dustin looks to set up Eaton for his reverse suplex finisher. The ref is distracted though which in turn distracts Rhodes. Larry is up on the apron shouting obscenities at Rhodes which gives Eaton the opening he needs. He nails a back suplex and bridges beautifully into a pinfall position. It's a great looking move, and executed perfectly giving Eaton the victory after 9.44. Rating - 63



Hype Video - We cut from an annoyed looking Dustin Rhodes, cursing Larry for costing him the victory, to a hype video showing the best bits of the storied history of The Rock n' Roll Express. Robert Gibson is edging closer to his return which means the return of the "Morton" pop! Rating - 56



Match Three - Michael Hayes vs Brad Armstrong for The WCW TV Title


Michael Hayes in action now, defending his newly won TV Title against the very capable Brad Armstrong, who, fresh from deciding not to partner up with Tim Horner earlier on, has some singles Gold on his mind. Its a fast-paced back and forth affair this one, with both men giving as good as they get. Brad's gamble does not pay off this time though as thanks to copious interference from DDP on the outside, Hayes hits a DDT for the victory and successful defence of his Title. Rating - 65



Post Match - Hayes doesn't appear completely satisfied with just the victory though, and he is joined in the ring by Jimmy Garvin and DDP with the intention of making an example of poor Brad Armstrong. Suddenly, the crowd start to stir as a figure sprints to the ring. Is it Tim Horner? No...it isn't. Brian Pillman slides under the bottom rope and in one move takes out Garvin with a leaping clothesline as he gets to his feet. DDP is next, taking over the top rope with an explosive clothesline. Hayes gets his arse out of the ring before Pillman can give him a hiding, leaving his TV Title behind. Pillman sees this though, and picks up the Gold. He looks at the belt, before looking at Hayes and smiling. It seems we have the next chapter in Brian Pillman's story coming up and Michael Hayes does not look happy!! Rating - 66



Backstage Interview - Back we go now, to our World Tag Champs Butch Reed and Ron Simmons, who together form Doom. They have an answer for the challenge from The Steiner Brothers from a couple of weeks back. They don't need to give The Steiners a shot. They weren't defeated at The Clash, it was their "white bread" limp-ass "partner" Kevin Sullivan. As far as they're concerned, they don't need to defend the titles against teams who haven't earnt the shot. "The Steiners", says Ron Simmons, "ain't earned shit." Rating - 55



Match Four - Steven Regal vs Keith Hart


A member of the legendary Hart Family in action now, though not quite the member you'd choose as your favourite. Keith Hart doesn't have the tools at this stage of his career to hang with Steven Regal. The Brit may be relatively young (only 22 right now) but he has been fighting since his early teens and it shows. He decimates Hart with stiff forearms, brutal uppercuts and painful looking holds. 5.15 is all it takes for Regal to end it. A submission victory with the Regal Stretch the catalyst. Rating - 18 (eesh!)



Backstage Segment - The camera pans across to the office of Paul Heyman. Inside the office we see Heyman having quite the animated discussion with Scott Hall. Hall is pissed about The Clash and he wants a Horseman. He doesn't care which one, but he wants one and he wants one soon. So Heyman can either give him one or he'll take his frustrations out on the closest person to him. With this, Hall grabs Heyman's tie whilst Heyman gulps. Well, as much as he can with his tie as tight as it is. Heyman mumbles in the affirmative and it seems Scott Hall will get his wish. Will he live to regret targeting The Horseman though? Rating - 59



Match Five - The Steiner Brothers vs The State Patrol


A chance for The Steiners to release some frustration now, and boy howdy do they. Both Rick and Scott absolutely roll over out two corrupt cops. They have absolutely no chance here. Rick takes charge of Parker with Scotty taking out Wright. Our hero's do drag it on a tad, if only to make extra sure that Doom are getting the message. A Rick Steiner Steinerizer picks up the victory for The Steiners after 6 minutes. Rating - 63



Horseman Promo - Backstage we go and into the locker room of The Horseman. Sans Ric Flair, they're all here. Anderson leads the rebuttal. He warns Scott Hall that every man reaps what he sows. He was lucky last night to escape The Clash in-tact and it was only by the grace of The Horseman that he did. Now, not satisfied with being able to still walk and talk, he has the gall to challenge The Horseman. Ask and you shall receive says Arn. Scott can consider his challenge accepted. But, they're The Horseman and are WCW's judge, jury and executioner. Scott Hall will rue his words and that's a promise.


Moving onto Tully, it's short and to the point. He has Luger for the US Title and he promises Luger that should Hansen leave him with anything intact, he has informed Paul Heyman that the Luger-Tully match will take place 2 weeks from tonight. Barry Windham chimes in. He and Tully will team up to take on Sting and Ricky Steamboat next week and he cannot wait to get his hands on Steamboat again. He won't pass up this opportunity to make Steamboat regret making the wrong decision.


Sid with the final word. He lays down a challenge to Sting. As the "best big man in the world", it is only fitting he should take on WCW's resident superhero. Heyman has signed the match and, like the Luger-Tully match, that will also take place two weeks from tonight. With this housekeeping done, we are informed that Rick Rude's first ever WCW(no NWA) singles match is taking place next. Rating - 66



Match Six - Rick Rude vs The Juicer


On paper, this could be quite the match up. The Juicer may be a bit of a silly gimmick but the man behind it, Art Barr, is a very good wrestler. However, this is a Rick Rude showcase. Juicer gives as much as he can and gets in a couple of good hope spots but the result of the match was never in doubt. After a fast paced 6 minutes, Rude picks up the win with a "Rude Awakening". Rating - 72



Backstage Segment - Ric Flair up now, Arn handled The Horseman business just fine earlier but this is Ric Flair business. Tick-tock. Only 3 and a half weeks left until Ric Flair retakes his rightful position as WCW World Heavyweight Champion and with that, the undeniable best wrestler in the world. He is joined on camera by a sweaty Rick Rude. The two men shake hands and Flair thanks Rude for his assistance last night. Rude was more than happy to help, the only thing he would like in return is the first shot when Ric Flair "takes back his rightful place as best wrestler in the world". Flair's demeanour does change but only for a second before the smile returns. No problem says Ric....no problem at all. Rating - 87



Main Event - Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat


We aren't wasting any time here. These two had some of the best wrestling matches ever less than 2 years ago, and they pick up right where they left off. It is the speed of Steamboat vs the technique of Flair and both men seem desperate to win.


The match ebbs back and forth, Flair constantly going for the leg of Ricky, trying to slow him down and Ricky trying to stay out of the grasp of our multi-time champ, looking to stick and move his way to victory.


As we tick toward 20 minutes, The Horseman make an appearance at the end of the ramp. Arn, Tully and Barry Windham look to approach the ring, hoping to tip the balance in favour of Ric Flair. Before that happens though Sting comes from the other side of the crowd alongside Lex Luger! Both men drive The Horseman back up the ramp, toward whence they came!


A lot of things happening here, which means the ref has had his attention drawn from the happenings in the ring. Which is a shame as we get an appearance from Sid Vicious. The massive Horseman member hits the ring and levels Steamboat with a clothesline before dragging him back to his feet before hitting a spine-numbing Powerbomb, exiting the ring in a manner befitting a man half the size!


This is it for Flair. He makes the cover, and with the ref turning his attention back to the ring.....this one is done. Rating - 83



Post Match


Ric Flair has won, and in the past 6 days, he has managed to pin both Sting and Ricky Steamboat. If WCW World Heavyweight Titles were decided by momentum, Ric Flair would be a major favourite for SuperBrawl. Flair backs up the ramp, arms raised in triumph, Sting and Luger nowhere to be seen, The Horseman nowhere to be seen, only the broken body of Ricky Steamboat left in the ring. Rating - 87



Show Rating? - 83


TV Rating? - 1.46 - up we go!!



Post Show Thoughts - Another show ending with Ric Flair on top. He's our number one wrestler in ring as well as being a diamond entertainment wise. If someone is to beat him, they're going to have to go through hell to do it. It's not going to be easy to wrest the control of WCW away from The Horsemen.


Happy with the way Scott Hall is performing. It's easier to book him as a heel, but he was an excellent face in WWF during the mid 90's. Only personal demons stopped him from winning the world title for me. Also very happy with the performance of Rick Rude, he and Art Barr getting over a 70 was a pleasant surprise.


Twists to come in the tag division, Doom can't run from The Steiners forever...or can they? Excited about getting Brian Pillman involved in some more high profile stuff aswell as moving Austin into a more featured role.



WCW TV Feb Week 2 Preview


Another packed show coming up. We have Vader in action. The Steiners will be facing a combination of Horsemen and Scott Hall in singles action with his toughest challenge to date. We have Larry Zbyzsko in action, with Dustin Rhodes likely gunning for revenge and our main event will be Ricky Steamboat teaming with Sting to face Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard. Hold your excitement people!!!


Sooner rather than later, there'll also be the repackaging of another famous name.....



Final Word


Many thanks to everyone that has taken the time to read this diary so far. I hope you all enjoy the happenings of WCW in 91. It's an exciting time to be a wrestling fan and I hope as we go forward you get more invested in the wrestler's stories.


Any feedback, critique or general comments, fire them at me. I look forward to hearing anything you guys have to see.

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Nice to see you setting some wheels in motion for different feuds moving forward. Was surprised you put Flair vs Steamboat on an episode of WCW as that's a money match, even after their trio of matches in 89'.


Solid show though. Enjoying your stories your telling and ticking along at a quicker pace than I am,

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sco xY2Jx" data-cite="Sco xY2Jx" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice to see you setting some wheels in motion for different feuds moving forward. Was surprised you put Flair vs Steamboat on an episode of WCW as that's a money match, even after their trio of matches in 89'.<p> </p><p> Solid show though. Enjoying your stories your telling and ticking along at a quicker pace than I am,</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Cheers mate. Yeah, I've got 70 percent of this years storyline pencilled in. It could change depending on injuries, contracts etc but I like to have a rough idea of where I'm going and where I'm going after I get there if you get what I mean.</p><p> </p><p> Yeah, the 89 matches is kind of why I put in on there. They've had a big feud recently and although they're polar opposites they're not going to be doing a lot of feuding this year. It was more to set in motion the bits around the outside regarding The Horseman always finding a way to win etc and giving Steamboat fresh opponents moving forward.</p><p> </p><p> Appreciate the feedback mate, looking forward to yours coming along soon!</p>
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kingjustin, I'm loving this.


I like how you mentioned having some storylines already worked out for the year. I love that, because it means we're going to get some great stories!


My one regret is that bloody username! It came during a less mature period of my life!



Anyway, nice one mate. I appreciate that loads...genuinely. I'm loving writing it so it looks like you're going to get what you want!!


I went through the starting roster and tried to book backwards from Starrcade for as many wrestlers as I could. I normally cycle out a load of wrestlers straight away and bring in a load and whilst that may happen here, it'll be done in a way that's a bit more measured!!


Show being written today.

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When? - Week 2 February


Venue? - Reaves Arena


Attendance? - 7,559. Another increase in attendance. The fans like what they see!


Announcers? - Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone


Who are the Champs? -

US Title - Lex Luger - since Dec 90

WCW Tag Titles - Doom - since May 90

WCW TV Title - Michael Hayes - since Jan 91


What happened? - Let's find out..



Opening Segment - Less surprisingly than the last time, we have the "wrestler of the 90's", Steve Austin . He BMF walks down to the ring, rolls in and grabs a mic. He doesn't wait for his music to stop before he reveals his reason for being out here. Last week, he made a challenge to anyone in the locker room but no-one has come forward. This week, he's going to be more specific. He wants Sting. He wants the face-painted freak to step in the ring with the wrestler of the 90's where Austin is going to kick his arse and show you who is the true "franchise of WCW". He tosses the mic to the floor and makes his way back toward the locker-room, BMF all the way. Rating - 68



Match One - Big Van Vader vs Steve Armstrong


Steve is a member of the famous Armstrong Wrestling Family and a good mechanic in his own right. However, he gets completely steamrollered by Vader here tonight. Paul Heyman is again accompanying his charge but he doesn't need to shout any instructions or guidance, Vader instinctively knows what to do. A Powerbomb and a Vader Bomb looks to end it but Vader isn't done. He goes to the second rope and nails another massive Vader Bomb, and then looks to go up AGAIN for another. It's at this point we see Heyman exert some level of influence over Vader as with a shout of "no", Vader climbs back down and makes the easy pin for the win at 6.18. Rating - 69



Post Match We get a Vader fist bump with Heyman as Heyman mugs for the camera. Before we leave the situation though we get a distinctive voice over the sound system. JYD is making his presence known, to the annoyance of Vader and Paul Heyman. JYD keeps it simple and keeps it sweet. He's fought the biggest, baddest and meanest wrestlers all over the world and they all come to realise a simple truth. "Another one bites the dust". The match is on for SuperBrawl. Rating - 66



Match Two - Larry Zbyzsko vs Bobby Eaton


A slightly strange match up here, with both men firmly in the heel disposition. It's solved however with Eaton playing the de-facto babyface. A sign of things to come or just a one off? Both men seem to have the other well scouted and neither man can seem to build up ahead of steam.


It is at one of these moments when Dustin Rhodes appears, looking to even the score for last week. It's not Larry however, that Rhodes distracts, it's Eaton. Larry is too long in the tooth to fall for a simple misdirection like this. However, whether it is because he is the de-facto babyface and they become stupider by being so or just because Dustin is a hard man to ignore, it's hard to understand. Either way, Eaton is distracted, Larry locks on the Larryland Dreamer, and 15 seconds later, at 9.36, Eaton is put to sleep. Larry is riding a big wave of momentum at the moment and come SuperBrawl, Dustin has his work cut out if he is to come out on top of this one. Rating - 64



Promo Video - Another Rock n' Roll Express video now, showing their various title wins, all over the country, against a variety of opponents. They're not far away now. Rating - 61



Ric Flair Hype Promo - We go to the locker room of The Four Horseman now, where we have both Flair and Sid Vicious. Flair has some exciting news for us all!! He informs us that Paul Heyman has decided that over the last two weeks of WCW TV before SuperBrawl, both Ric Flair and Sting will get to pick opponents for their respective foe. "Pick your poison" states Ric, "but everyone knows that The Nature Boy has the antidote for them all!" He gleefully informs Sting that next week, he'll be going up against Sid Vicious and, should he manage to escape the match with his limbs intact, there will only be a tiny bit left of the man called Sting...just enough to be able to hand over the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Back to it's rightful owner! Rating - 83



Match Three - Brian Pillman vs Moondog Rex


Two complete opposites here, some of the more sceptical of you may think that this has been booked to give Pillman another win over a named opponent. They'd be right. The experienced MoonDog is no match for the hyper athletic, hyper focused Pillman and after 5 minutes, an Air Pillman secures the victory. Rating - 41



Backstage Beatdown - As quick as a Brian Pillman victory, we move backstage to a bit of a ruckus. Z-Man is being set upon by Larry Zbyszko and Bobby Eaton, two opponents turned friends it seems. Barreling into picture comes Dustin Rhodes, seeing off Larry and Bobby with big right hands and as quick as it had begun, it's over. The issue between Larry and Dustin continues to heat up. Rating - 54



PPV Announcement - Speak of the devil, we are informed that it has been made official for SuperBrawl. Dustin Rhodes will go one on one with Larry Zbyszko. Rating - 56



Match Four - Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious vs The Steiner Brothers


Our first of two tag team matches involving the Horseman tonight. A mix of menace and toughness, and that's just the Steiner Brothers!


This match is pretty much exactly what you'd expect. Arn leading Sid through the match, ensuring they maintain control of The Steiners as much as any team can. Rick and Scott are probably the best tag team in the world, with a shot against Doom surely on the horizon, and they give back as much as they receive.


It's two against two, but as ever, with The Horsemen, it's never just 2. As we tick past the 12 minute mark we get an appearance from Tully Blanchard on the ramp-way. Fortunately enough though, we get an appearance from future foe Lex Luger shortly after, cutting off the interference in seconds.


It's still interference though and it gives Sid Vicious enough time to lay out Rick Steiner with a massive Powerbomb, muscling up the elder Steiner Brother with ease. Scotty wants to help, but is cut off by Arn Anderson, and by the time he's shaken free and levelled Double A with a massive clothesline, this match is over. It's yet another Horsemen win. Rating - 51



Post Match - This is hardly the end of the physical action though. Within seconds of the match finishing we see Scotty get laid out outside the ring by both Fatu and Samu, The Headshrinkers. Rick, just about retaining his senses, dives out to help but he's just taken a massive Powerbomb and is soon beaten down by the much fresher Headshrinkers. The Samoans don't have much time to celebrate though as, despite having the same enemies, Doom enter the fray. It's an all out war as both Doom and The Headshrinkers fight their way around ring-side, no end to the brawl in sight. A couple of minutes later and The Steiners are back up, AGAIN! Despite taking a massive beating, Rick and Scott manage to drive themselves back into the brawl and these six men spend the next 3/4 minutes beating the tar out of another before finally, mercifully, we take a much needed break! Rating - 53



Match Five - Stan Hansen vs Pat Rose


From a bunch of brawlers to just the one now, not that it makes much difference. Stan Hansen has shown a new level of brutality over the past couple of weeks, the feud with Lex Luger reaching a new peak recently with neither man a able to gain clear advantage. Hansen manages to blow off some steam now as he batters Rose around the ring. After three minutes, this one is over. Rating - 61



Post Match Brawl - Another one now, Luger making his presence known as the match ends. He does do Hansen the solid of waiting until they're face to face before levelling him with a hard right but this just succeeds in pissing Hansen off more. Both men batter eachother with rights, lefts, knees, heads, anything they can use as a weapon, they do. Seeing the earlier carnage however, it seems that some un-named WCW officials don't wish to lose control again and they send out about 12 security guards. The first 4 take a beating from both wrestlers but the next 8 do manage to succeed in stemming the flow of battle. This feud continues to heat up. Rating - 71



Match Six - Scott Hall vs Dan Spivey


A real test for Scott Hall here. Spivey is a multi-time, multi-company champion and a big tough man. He gives Scott Hall all he can handle and more. He probably outweighs Hall along with also being the taller man but Scott Hall in 1991 is young enough and strong enough as well as being blessed with the same level of ring-generalship we would see later in his career.


He's a stud (not Studd), there's no doubt about it and he takes everything Spivey can give and manages to stay in a measure of control throughout. He takes Spivey's best shots but as we tick toward 10 minutes he manages to connect with a second-rope back suplex. It's a big move and does take almost as much out of the wrestler who delivers the move as the one who takes it. Almost. Hall gets to his feet first and as soon as Spivey gets to his feet Hall takes him up before planting him spine first with his crucifix powerbomb finisher, "The Edge". Rating - 60



Post Match - There's definitely a pattern developing here. No sooner has Hall won the match before he is set upon by one, two, three, four Horsemen. Arn, Barry, Tully and Sid surround Scott Hall and inflict a heavy beating on him. Scott Hall has talked big and for the most part backed it up but you have to feel this is payback by The Horsemen for calling them out. The beating is punctuated with yet another Powerbomb from Sid Vicious as Arn makes sure Hall understands what happens when you pull the tail of the Lion. Rating - 63



Backstage Promo - Three men are in a locker room. They're sat comfortably and seem as ease with one another as you possibly can be in Pro Wrestling. Heyman appears to be leading the conversation, Ric Flair is as animated as ever whilst the third man, "Ravishing" Rick Rude projects a quiet confidence. Ric Flair is confident about his title match at SuperBrawl and Paul Heyman seems at pain to ensure Flair is kept happy and everything is in his favour. Rick Rude has just one thing to say though. He wants to know that should Ric Flair win his match and regain "his" WCW World Heavyweight title, then when will he honour his side of the bargain and give Rick Rude his title shot? Before Flair gets chance to answer, Heyman jumps in. He assures Rude that of course Ric Flair will honour his side of the bargain. Ric Flair is nothing if not an honest man. Rude will be first in line for a title shot post SuperBrawl. Whether this is in fact what Ric Flair was just about to say we don't know, nor do we get to find out. Rating - 78



Main Event - Ricky Steamboat and Sting vs Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard


Time for more Horsemen now with the team of Windham and Tully looking to end a positive night on a high for The Horsemen. The two men opposite though are full of determination. Both Sting and Steamboat come out of the blocks firing on all cylinders not giving The Horsemen chance to gain a foothold.


They do manage to gain a portion of control though ticking toward the 20 minute mark. Tully has Sting down and is working over the back of The Stinger. The crowd get involved though and soon enough, Sting is back to his feet and bouncing Tully around the ring. He brings in Steamboat for a go and he continues his partners work, this time bouncing Windham around the ring.


The Horsemen try and maintain a grip on this match but it's slipping away, the momentum is completely with the Babyfaces here. Sting takes down Tully outside the ring which leaves Windham open for a lovely high crossbody from "The Dragon". This one is over, The Horsemen's night was fantastic, but it has ended on a bit of a sour note. Rating - 81



Bringing The Show To A Close - Sting and Steamboat celebrate a hard fought win and close the show motioning for more Horsemen to come down to the ring. The Horsemen are a lot of things, stupid isn't one of them though and seeing a fired up Sting and Steamboat in the ring isn't something they would walk into, given the chance. The momentum swings back and forth with just 2 weeks left until WCW SuperBrawl. Rating - 79



Show Rating? - 80


TV Rating? - 1.52



Post Show Thoughts - Phew, a lot to go through there. Brawls all over the shop, Horsemen beating the shit out of everyone with Sting and Steamboat managing to stem the tide in the main event. Scott Hall again performing well as things heat up for him.


Annoyed with the tag match between The Steiners and Arn/Sid. Maybe it was a tad too long at 14 minutes. It was given minimal road agent notes but whatever happened, it just didn't seem to click. Ah well.


Tag division heating up. Looking to try and bring The Headshrinkers into the mix alongside Horsemen, Doom and The Steiners with a returning Rock n' Roll Express. I may have missed out on a tag team i was looking at bringing in, but it's not 100% been confirmed as of yet.



WCW TV Week 3 Feb Preview



A couple of big matches this week. Sting taking on Sid in the main event with Luger defending his US Title vs Tully. Steve Austin in action along with Brian Pillman taking on his biggest challenge yet.


We also get a few more words from our babyfaces coming up with alliances formed and mission statements made. Our faces won't let control of WCW fall completely under The Horsemen.



Final Word


My Goodness I enjoy writing this. I hope this comes across as much as I hope it does and I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it.


As always, any critique, feedback, thoughts and directions are more than welcome. I'm happy to hear how you think it's going, anything you think would work well/better, any matches/ wrestlers you'd like to see. Give me a shout.


Thanks so much again to everyone that takes the time to have a read of this.



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Colonel Phantom" data-cite="Colonel Phantom" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I can't wait, really enjoying this!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice one mate!!</p><p> </p><p> Apologies for the delay, had some indoor renovating to do. When it comes down to upsetting my readers or upsetting my wife, unfortunately my balls are still in her jar!!!!</p><p> </p><p> Show will definitely be up today, and I'll try and include something different to make up for the extended delay!</p><p> </p><p> Cheers guys!</p>
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<strong>When?</strong> - Week 3 February</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venue?</strong> - Ocean Centre</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Attendance?</strong> - 7,503. Slight decrease but an impressive attendance nonetheless!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Announcers? </strong>- Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Who are the Champs?</strong> -</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>US Title</strong> - Lex Luger - since Dec 90</p><p>

<strong>WCW Tag Titles</strong> - Doom - since May 90</p><p>

<strong>WCW TV Title</strong> - Michael Hayes - since Jan 91</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>What happened?</strong> - Let's find out..</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Opening Segment</strong> - Much like last week, the show is opened by <strong>Steve Austin</strong>. Similar to last week, he has his BMF going on and he goes straight to the ring announcer, taking the microphone and rolling under the bottom rope, and into the ring. Within 2 minutes, the reason is clear. He wants Sting. Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere. He'll be here all night, so whenever Sting has the balls to answer him, Austin will make sure it's face to face. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>62</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>


<strong>Match One</strong> - JYD vs Jack Victory</p><p> </p><p>

A chance for JYD to maintain some momentum aswell as putting some doubt in the brain of Vader and, more importantly, Paul Heyman. If you can get Heyman to second guess Vader's upcoming dominance in a match, there is a chance you can stand a chance against the man they call Vader. JYD knows this and puts on a heavy beating on Victory. He batters him in and outside of the ring before mercifully ending this at 5.46 with a diving headbutt. He looks into the camera and shouts that he wants Vader, right now. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>48</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match Challenge</strong> - Sure enough, JYD makes it official, he wants Vader to come out and fight him now. Come and give these people what they want. Somewhat predictably, it is Heyman who makes his entrance. He declines JYD's offer on behalf of Vader. Vader isn't scared, but he is a businessman being led by one of the finest businessmen on all the planet. Vader doesn't fight for free, but he does fight for prize money. Heyman informs JYD that Vader will in fact face JYD, but it won't be on JYD's time, it'll be on Vader's.. At SuperBrawl. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>61</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Two</strong> - Steve Austin vs The Juicer</p><p> </p><p>

Two fine workers here and they go all out from the start, Austin looking to dispatch of Juicer quickly to carry on focusing all of his attention of Sting, whilst The Juicer looks to take advantage of a slightly distracted Steve Austin. Its a back and forth affair, however the turning point comes at 5 minutes. The Juicer looks to plant Austin with a brainbuster but Steve manages to fight his way free and shift his weight so he is standing behind Juicer. As The Juicer turns, Austin gives him a hard kick to the stomach, doubling Juicer over before connecting with a sick looking 3/4 headlock chin crusher. This one is over. Austin maintains his momentum. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>49</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>New Signing Reveal</strong> - We get a short video now, informing us that WCW have made a new signing. We don't get to see the wrestler clearly but we do get some grainy images of a man jumping out of a window, the desert and a Beanstalk. "Coming soon", is how it ends. Odd. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>48</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Three</strong> - The Young Pistols vs The Master Blasters</p><p> </p><p>

A chance here for two under-utlised teams to make an impression and give themselves a shot in the arm perhaps. What actually happens is something different. MB Steel seems to be super focused on this match, more so than he ever has been before. When in the ring he completely destroys both Steve Armstrong and Tracy Smothers. Two solid wrestlers are seemingly no match for Steel. However, as soon as he is done with TYP, he looks to leave the ringside area. MB Blade jumps down and tries to stop Steel leaving but is met with a stiff forearm shot to the jaw. He continues to walk away as the ref seemingly has no choice but to stop this match and declare it a no contest. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>48</strong></span> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match Beatdown</strong> - With the match over, Steel seemingly has a change of heart and goes over to Blade to help him up. No sooner does he achieve that though before he nails Blade with another forearm to the face. This is followed by a mount and further hard rights to the face. Blade is dragged to his feet whereby Steel scoops Blade up and nails him with a wicked looking release powerbomb, leaving Blade completely out cold. The crowd don't really know what to make of this. They only know that Steel is seemingly a badass. Who knew? <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>33</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview</strong> - Time now for a quick, erm...."word"? with The Headshrinkers. What actually follows is a lot of grunting, a lot of slapping eachothers chests and a lot of funny mouth movements. What does become clear though, amongst the spoken word carnage, is that The Headshrinkers have set their sights on The Rock n' Roll Express. As soon as Robert Gibson is recovered it looks like The Headshrinkers will be coming straight for them. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>51</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Four</strong> - Lex Luger vs Tully Blanchard for The WCW US Title</p><p> </p><p>

Time for the first of our two big main events of this evening with Lex Luger, being accompanied by Sting, taking on Tully Blanchard, being accompanied by Arn Anderson. We are informed that both men have been allowed one second this evening, with the second able to perform "managerial duties" on behalf of his wrestler in the ring. It looks as though WCW are trying to avoid a big full-on massive brawl again by keeping the level at 4 wrestlers around the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

This in theory should be beneficial for Lex Luger. He is the champ and he is the wrestler in form at the moment, but Tully Blanchard has other ideas. He starts the match off quickly, looking to put Luger away early with a variety of holds and suplexes. Luger manages to thwart the early attack though and ends up in firm control as we hit the 10 minute mark. It is at this time that Luger starts working the back of Tully, setting him up for The Rack. Tully seems powerless to stop this, which Double A at ringside sees, and looks to help Tully out. </p><p> </p><p>

However, it is 1 v 1 on the outside and the 1 on Luger's side happens to be the number one babyface in the whole company. No sooner is Arn on the ring apron than he is knocked off by Sting before getting beaten all the way around the ring by a seething Stinger. This leaves Luger free in the ring to have his way now with Tully and he heaves him up for The Rack. Tully would dearly love another US Title run, but he recognizes his predicament and after 5 seconds in The Rack, he submits, surrendering his chance for Gold. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>77</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match Brawl</strong> - With the match over and Luger having retained his title, now is the time for a Horseman attack. Or so they thought. Flair and Windham join Anderson and Tully in the ring and they start to beatdown Sting and Luger 4 on 2. However, this doesn't manage to last long as no sooner have they got the advantage than we get a fast-moving Scott Hall sliding into the ring before laying out both Ric Flair and Barry Windham with hard right hands. Luger and Sting also manage to find their way to their feet and drive off Anderson and Tully respectively. It's not been a good 15 minutes for The Horsemen. They failed to capture the US Title and they failed to even get a measure of revenge post-match. Scott Hall certainly seems a weapon WCW have in their arsenal that is Horseman proof!!! <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>66</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Five</strong> - Steven Regal vs Marcus Bagwell</p><p> </p><p>

Two youngsters here, with their combined age being just 43, which, if you think about it, is madness. Despite their tender years, there is a definite gap between the two in terms of roster position. Regal has come into WCW like a house of fire, dispatching wrestlers with ease so far. Bagwell has found life a little tougher. Whilst drawing the attention of the girls and ladies in the audience, he has as of yet not managed to find a way to turn that into in-ring success as well as gain the fandom of the males in the audience. </p><p> </p><p>

This dynamic gives us a unique atmosphere as it pits the separate fan bases against each-other. The girls scream when Bagwell is on offence, whilst the men cheer when Regal is on offence. The match lasts 6 minutes and we get a lot of back and forth from the two wrestlers along with the crowd! It is the men who go home happy though as Regal counters a Suplex attempt by dragging Bagwell to the ground before locking in the Regal Stretch for the submission victory. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>29</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview</strong> - Back we go to Missy Hyatt interviewing Larry Zbyzsko who is his usual arrogant self. He taunts Dustin Rhodes and puts over the upcoming match as a walk in the park. It's simple. Larry states that he (Larry) is a living legend. Dustin is merely the son of a "so called" Legend. When you put those two facts together, every single time it comes out with Larry as the winner. Come SuperBrawl, we'll all see it for ourselves. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>63</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Six</strong> - Brian Pillman vs Larry Zbyzsko</p><p> </p><p>

Larry gets an immediate chance to prove just how good he is as he takes on Brian Pillman, a wrestler who is in a rich vein of form coming into this match. The commentators mention how Pillman is looking for a TV title shot, but Michael Hayes has yet to acknowledge this new threat to his title. In fact, in contrary to the "normal" TV Champions we have had here in WCW, Michael Hayes has been positively absent with some stating he is running from Brian Pillman.</p><p> </p><p>

Speak of the Devil though, and of course he appears. Zbyzsko had been doing a pretty good job at keeping Pillman grounded throughout this match but Pillman is nothing if not determined and had begun to build up ahead of steam with his comeback. It is at this point that Michael Hayes and his manager DDP appear on the rampway, drawing the attention of Brian Pillman. The ref quickly slides out of the ring and puts himself right between Pillman and The Freebirds on the rampway. Zbyzsko, ever the opportunist, looks to use this distraction to his advantage and sneaks up on BP looking to lock on the Larryland Dreamer. </p><p> </p><p>

Alas, he never gets the chance as, with the crowd picking up on something, Zbyzsko does too. He turns around and finds himself staring down Dustin Rhodes. The look of shock on Larry's face soon turns to agony as the younger Rhodes fells LZ with a brutal nut shot before exiting the ring. Pillman picks up on this and turns away from his tormentors, re-entering the ring via the top rope and felling Zbyzsko with an Air Pillman for a very impressive win at 10 minutes. Michael Hayes and DDP are furious. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>76</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match</strong> - Dustin slides in the ring post match and offers (and receives) a fist bump to Brian Pillman. Hayes and DDP are still apopleptic on the ramp whilst Larry is holding his nuts for dear life, I don't think he felt the Air Pillman! Dustin is ready for SuperBrawl in 10 days and it doesn't appear that Hayes can outrun Pillman for much longer! <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>67</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> - A look inside The Steiner Brothers locker-room now, with the Brothers deep in conversation. This is interrupted however by a heavy knock on the door and, 3 seconds later, the appearance of Scott Hall. The three men look at eachother, seemingly completely at ease as Hall informs Rick and Scott that at SuperBrawl it'll be The Steiners and Scott Hall vs Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham in a 6 man tag match. The Steiner Brothers are aware that their requested match with Doom for the tag titles hasn't been announced yet but they have received word that there will be an announcement regarding that upcoming match next week. With all this said, it appears The Steiners and Hall are more than happy to team up and are looking forward to giving The Horsemen the fight of their lives next Sunday. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>57</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre-Main Event</strong> - We get an appearance from Ric Flair now, as he makes his way to the announce desk and joins JR, Jesse and Schiavone. He talks up Sid's chances and looks forward to regaining his World Title at SuperBrawl from whatever is left of Sting. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>78</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong> - Sting vs Sid Vicious</p><p> </p><p>

These two men have fought a few times over the past six months, Sid possibly giving Sting the most physical matches of his career. It is clear from the start of this one though that Sid isn't particularly interested in winning this match, more so ensuring Sting is nowhere near 100% come SuperBrawl. Sting has taken a few beatings so far this year but the man is a physical specimen. He takes a beating and gets up and keeps fighting. This is the crux of this match.</p><p> </p><p>

Sid is a massive man with huge power and he tries to use every bit of it here against Sting, working over Sting's back excessively. A chokeslam, two spinebusters and a variety of suplexes are all hit on Sting but he gets up and he keeps fighting. He bombards Sid with big rights and even manages to take the big man down a time or two but Sting's condition holds him back from gaining full control of this match. In contrast, Sid's run of matches and success thus far in 1991 have left him fresh and rested. </p><p> </p><p>

As the match ticks beyond 10 minutes and heads towards 15, it seems Sid has this one in the bag. The sheer amount of punishment Sting has taken this year and in this match looks to be taking its toll. Sid drags Sting to his feet and gets him in position for the Powerbomb. Sting though, can barely even kneel and drops to the floor twice, absolutely exhausted. This frustrates Sid as he continually drags Sting into position for the Powerbomb. </p><p> </p><p>

Sting has faced Ric Flair on many, many occasions over the past 4/5 years and you don't spend that amount of time in the ring with Ric Flair without picking up a few things. As Sid drags Sting into position the third time, Sting uses that momentum to drive himself to his feet before laying a hard, hard headbutt squarely to Sid's jaw. This staggers the big man and Sting levels him with two more. As Sid wobbles backwards, Sting launches himself into Sid, driving him back first into the turnbuckle in a sort of running Stinger splash! He backpedals twice before delivering two more Stinger Splashes as Sid looks to be out on his feet. A big right from Sid misses and he spins himself round with his own momentum. Sting catches Sid from behind and nails two big forearms to Sid's kidneys before pulling his hair backwards and absolutely driving him down into the canvas with a sweet Scorpion Death Drop. The whole attack lasted 40 seconds. Enough to win the match at 15.10 but not enough to give Ric Flair chance to make a difference. Sting wins! <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>64</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match</strong> - Ric Flair is furious. Not only did Sting win but his third (at least) wind gives the impression that Sting is ready for a fight, right now. Not how Ric Flair wanted this show to end. Sid rolls out of the ring as Sting beckons Flair in for a fight. Flair, seething at the turn of events, looks to enter the ring but of course, he doesn't. Why? Well because The Horseman are here of course!! Arn, Tully and Windham hit the ring and take down Sting but before they get a chance to do some more serious damage The Steiners and Scott Hall are here to fight them off. Rick Rude makes his first appearance of the night to turn the tide back in favour of the heels but he is swiftly brought to his knees by Ricky Steamboat!! The heels have been out though and out fought here and Flair, as said before, is fuming! 6 weeks of Horsemen getting the upper hand has been turned on its head and with just over a week to go until SuperBrawl, the momentum finally sits with WCW's band of good guys, the leader of which is Sting!! <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>74</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show Rating?</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>70</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TV Rating?</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>1.36</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Show Thoughts</strong> - We finally see some signs of life and green shoots of recovery for our Babyfaces! It's only been 6 weeks but it feels like <strong>The Horsemen</strong> have been dominating. With <strong>Scott Hall</strong> and <strong>Steamboat</strong> adding themselves to <strong>Sting, Luger and The Steiners</strong> I feel we have some strong babyfaces now! They all performed at least decently.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sid</strong> is disappointing. That's two matches now. Last week with<strong> Arn</strong> and <strong>The Steiners</strong> and this week with <strong>Sting</strong> where he has underperformed and been the one dragging the grade down. I have a plan to get him up to speed but if it doesn't take, we could be seeing a shift in plans for the big man. </p><p> </p><p>

Further down, good performances from <strong>Pillman, Luger and Austin</strong> made me happy. Having Austin get involved with main event players without actually over pushing him into the main event seems to be working well. Oh, and the very soon debut of a crazy dude is exciting!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Week 4 February TV Preview</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Our go home show to our first proper PPV is exciting. We have Flair taking on Pillman in the main event. We have Heyman addressing the tag team title issue. Stan Hansen is back to promote the strap match in brutal form and another appearance from Vader as we hype his first challenge v JYD. </p><p> </p><p>

We'll also have Arn Anderson going 1 on 1 with Rick Steiner aswell as appearances from the rest of The Horsemen and the good guys. We'll also get closer to seeing exactly how Rude and Steamboat fit in to the main event storylines. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Final Thoughts</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Didn't get this one out when I wanted to which was frustrating but real life came into play which is the first time this has happened in this Dynasty. I like to get a routine going but when I started writing this one it was as if I'd never stopped so phew!!</p><p> </p><p>

I hope you guys enjoy this and are looking forward to the PPV as much as I am. There will be a full on prediction contest for SuperBrawl and it's going to be a big show! We're going all out on this one. </p><p> </p><p>

Thanks again to everyone that takes the time to read this, comment on this, critique this etc. It is massively appreciated and drives me to make this better and better in order to give you guys a bit of entertainment. </p><p> </p><p>

Any thoughts and feedback are, as always, greatly appreciated. </p><p> </p><p>

Cheers guys,</p>

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<strong>When?</strong> - Week 4 February</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venue?</strong> - Ocean Centre...again!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Attendance?</strong> - 8,582. 1,000 more than last week at the same venue and more importantly....a<strong> sellout!!!!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Announcers?</strong> - Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Who are the Champs?</strong> -</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>US Title</strong> - Lex Luger - since Dec 90</p><p>

<strong>WCW Tag Titles</strong> - Doom - since May 90</p><p>

<strong>WCW TV Title</strong> - Michael Hayes - since Jan 91</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>What happened?</strong> - Let's find out..</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Opening Segment</strong> - We open with the familiar theme of The Steiner Brothers echoing through the arena as the two stand out wrestlers are in the ring, microphones in hand. It's a busy show tonight so don't expect any standing on ceremony!!! They put over their pact last week with Scott Hall but they want a fight now. They challenge any 2 Horsemen members to come down to the ring for a fight. The challenge goes un-answered. But they do get a response...of sorts. </p><p> </p><p>

Arn Anderson makes an appearance on the ramp, along with Tully Blanchard. Arn states that he is aware there is going to be a tag team title announcement tonight. If The Steiners want the Horsemen they can have them, but they need to win the Gold first. The Horsemen won't fight for free. Rick and Scott are annoyed by this answer but not altogether surprised. Once Doom are taking care of, Scotty says, there will be no place to hide for The Horsemen! <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>61</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match One</strong> - The HeadShrinkers vs Terry Taylor and Marcus Bagwell</p><p> </p><p>

Our first match of the night here and we get a tag team match. The Headshrinkers have been on a tear so far this year in WCW and they go up against a rather fitting team of youth and experience with Bagwell and Taylor. The team may look decent on paper, with there being no doubt of the ability of Taylor aswell as the no doubt regarding the potential of Bagwell but it doesn't make them a match for The Headshrinkers.</p><p> </p><p>

They take about 6 minutes to wear down the faces but a constant steady stream of hard palm strikers, kicks to the back, shoukder and necks and an assortment of splashes by both Samoans to the neck, back, sternum and legs of our face duo has The HeadShrinkers on the verge of victory. at just over 6 minutes this is confirmed as Fatu hits a second rope diving headbutt splash, straight to the side of Bagwell. He makes the cover and this one is over. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>55</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview</strong> - We go now to a very fired up looking Dustin Rhodes. He has spent the past few weeks doing as much research, digging and sleuthing in order to learn everything about Larry Zbyzsko. His father Dusty was a heart on sleeve type of wrestler. He got into the ring and let instinct guide his way. Dustin is a level up from that. It's the 90's and times have changed. Dustin wants to bring the same level of passion, desire and work rate that his father did but wants to team those attributes with some more cerebral ones. Dustin has been doing some digging on Larry and has found some things out. Things that Larry may not even know himself but, most importantly, things that will give Dustin the advantage come Sunday and come SuperBrawl. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>53</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>In Ring Announcement</strong> - Our lord and saviour Paul Heyman power walks to the ring now with his promised announcement concerning the WCW World Tag Titles. Now, he appreciates The Steiners are facing The Horsemen at SuperBrawl so what he has done is made the match official for next week, live on WCW TV. It'll be Doom, defending their WCW World Tag Team Titles vs The Steiner Brothers. The winners of that match will defend their titles against 2 members of The Horsemen of their (Horsemen) choosing at our March PPV, Uncensored. Big announcement here. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>65</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Two</strong> - Big Van Vader vs Steve Armstrong</p><p> </p><p>

A young pistol taking on a massive predator here. Does the pistol have enough power to silence, hurt or even have any sort of impact on the massive Vader? Nope, not even a little bit. Vader is on an absolute tear at the moment and he destroys one of our Armstrong boys, beating him from pillar to post before ending it with one, two.....three VaderBombs for the win. Steve has no chance of kicking out, nor does he appear to even want to. Another dominant performance from Vader. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>58</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match Brawl</strong> - The Vader dominance looks to continue post match as again, JYD makes his presence felt. He may be the wrong side of 40 and with a lot of wear and tear on his body but JYD can get many a crowd going with his antics and is a genuinely tough man. Whether Vader knows this and doesn't want to get involved right now we may never know, but Vader doesn't seem overly concerned with getting into fisticuffs right now, instead choosing to heed Heyman's advice and get out of the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

JYD kneels next to Steve Armstrong and tries to ruse the cowboy. Outside Heyman looks at Vader and smiles, a seemingly significant sign as Vader, quicker than you'd expect from a man of this size, lays out JYD as he tries to scramble to his feet with a clubbing clothesline. he follows up this with a full mount and big potatoes to both ears of JYD. The attack lasts a good two minutes or so with Vader showing no sign of stopping the attack, constantly hitting big rights and big lefts to the side of JYD's head. Heyman finally calls the monster off but the damage has been done. JYD has taken a proper shellacking and has blood coming from his nose, and both of his ears. Medical personnel make their way out to the ring and do their best to help JYD back to the medical area backstage. JYD bravely pushes them away, trying to walk away on his own terms but each time he does, he falls down to one knee. Vader has done some serious damage here but the match itself is due to take place in a couple of days. Will JYD even make it? Even if he does, what condition is he going to be in? <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>68</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hype Video</strong> - Another cryptic video here, with some clues pointing toward who our new man is going to be. We get information that he has worked for WCW before and that he isn't afraid of truth....or the consequences that come with it. Who is this man? <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>50</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Promo Video</strong> - Another video now, this one highlighting Steve Austin along with comments from the man himself. As usual, he puts himself over as the wrestler of the "90's". Nobody is like him. No one can out smart him. Nobody can outwrestle him. No one is tougher than him. He will be the main event. He will be the champion and he will kick Stinger's ass in front of all of his stupid little Stinger's and shut his mouth once and for all. After that, WCW will have no choice but to bow to Steve Austin and anoint him the saviour of Professional Wrestling. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>66</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Promo Video</strong> - Another promo video now, we have a lot of new guys coming in which means a lot of establishing shots! This one establishes that Steven Regal is " a cut above " the American low life's that currently inhabit the WCW locker room. Not on of them can claim to have a direct line to The Queen, the most important person in the world. Not one of them has had high tea at Buckingham Palace, unlike Regal. Not one of them has had a personalised Birthday Card from the Prime Minister, unlike Regal. The upshot of all of this is WCW fans should be happy. They should be happy and grateful that Regal is making it his missions to bring WCW up to proper English standards and drill into the primates of WCW that Proper British Wrestling followed by a Proper British cup of tea is the best way to go. Don't worry though, because sooner rather than later, everyone will learn that Steven Regal, and Great Britain, are the greatest gifts given to the world. <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Rating</strong></span> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>34</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Three</strong> - Arn Anderson vs Rick Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

A big match here, as Arn Anderson, one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the world, takes on Rick Steiner, one of the toughest wrestlers in the world. With SuperBrawl a day away, which one of these men will come out with momentum on his side? As the match starts we are informed that there will be no outside interference in this one as all members of The Horsemen and all members of The Steiners plus Sting and Steamboat have also been banned from ringside for this one.</p><p> </p><p>

What this leaves us is actually a very good match between two men who can both wrestle. Wrestle they do, along with brawl, fight, punch, kick, scratch, bite, headbutt. Anything either wrestler can do to gain an advantage in this match, and for their team going into SuperBrawl, they do. The fact it actually ends cleanly in this one is more of a surprise than anything else. </p><p> </p><p>

Ticking past 12 minutes, Rick Steiner looks to be in control. The crowd are barking along with Rick as he has Double A on the run. 1, 2, 3 clotheslines hit in succession has Arn reeling. Rick climbs the ropes looking for a second rope clothesline. However, being the true ring general he is, Double A "accidentally" pushes the ref into the ropes causing Rick to stumble down back into the ring. He stumbles staight into position for a spinning spinebuster, the speciality of Arn Anderson and enough to give Arn the victory. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>80</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hype Video</strong> - A new one this. We get footage of the loss suffered by The Master Blasters last week and we get footage from last week backstage with Steel not happy at all with Blade. In fact, it looks to be the case that Steel no longer wants to be associated with The Master Blasters and is looking to go out on his own. We see a haircut by Steel, we see a bit of a montage of some training footage showing Steel kicking and elbowing some rookie wrestlers in the corner. We end the short video with Steel going over to a board in the training centre. He looks at the name Steel on the board, before taking a felt pen, and scribbling the name out. He turns to look at the camera, before walking away. Are we seeing a rebirth here? <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>49</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Four</strong> - Barry Windham vs Tracy Smothers</p><p> </p><p>

A chance here for Windham to build some singles momentum as much as it is a chance for Smothers to build any sort of momentum, especially since his tag partner Steve Armstrong was so viciously decimated earlier on this evening. Whilst this match isn't exactly in the same category when it comes to being so one sided, there isn't a great deal of doubt as to how this match is going to turn out. </p><p> </p><p>

A few years back, Barry Windham was thought of as the future greatest wrestler in the world, and whilst still only 30, he hasn't quite lived up to that billing. That being true though, he is still a fantastic wrestler and a multi time, multi company multi division champion, winning singles and tag gold both here and in the WWF. This experience coupled with his raw talent is more than enough for Windham to ensure Smothers never gathers too much momentum and Barry takes the win around the 8 minute mark with a picture perfect, yet brutal, superplex. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>67</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> - We go back now to a bit of a hubbub, there are personnel milling about in a panic and surrounding a man on the floor of the hallway who appears to be in bad shape. We hear the sound of a man cursing and shouting at the top of his lungs. The camera manages to pick up the voice and it is <strong>Butch Reed</strong>. The prone man is Ron Simmons and he looks out cold. Reed is cursing anyone who listens, it appears The Steiners have found Ron Simmons. Who would've thought The Steiners would stoop so low? <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>54</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Strap match Demo</strong> - To the ring now, and we have Stan Hansen accompanied by his strap. He grabs the mic and informs us that it is better to show than it is to tell. With this in mind he has invited out two potential stars of the future to make a name for themselves by demonstrating the brutal strap match, with the master of the strap, Stan Hansen. </p><p> </p><p>

First to the ring is youngster Kip James, a 260lb well built cowboy dude with a good look. Hansen attaches the strap and offers a hand pre match to Kip James, Kip looks at it, and in an obvious sign of naivety looks to take Hansen's hand. Of course it was just a ruse and Hansen absolutely levels Kip with a right, sending him reeling. He can't go far though because Hansen is tethered to him. Hansen absolutely beats the tar out of Kip James with the strap, stopping only to switch up his attack to massive boots and painful right hands. </p><p> </p><p>

Hansen ends the beating by dragging James around the ring, touching all four corners to "win" the match. Kip James has been left a complete mess. Hansen smirks, takes the strap off of James and boots him out of the ring, before calling down his next victim. We don't get to see who it is however, as Lex Luger makes his entrance and he looks pissed. He runs down the ramp and rolls straight into the ring. Hansen takes aim with the strap but Luger ducks it before kicking Hansen in the midsection and grabbing the strap off him. He tries to use it himself but Hansen sees it coming and rolls under the bottom rope to avoid the contact. Hansen backs up the ramp looking pissed but not quite as pissed as Lex Luger, who stands his ground in the ring whilst holding the strap and jawing at Hansen. Looks like we'll finally get a conclusion to this feud, one way or another this week at SuperBrawl. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>56</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Segment</strong> - We enter the locker room of Scott Hall who is again with The Steiners. We don't hear all of the conversation but we do get to hear The Steiners dispute having anything to do with the beating laid on Ron Simmons earlier on. There is just no need to do it, states Rick, they had their title shot and want to win the tag titles fair and square. The three men move on the conversation to The Horsemen where they are all in firm agreement that they'll need to work as a team this Sunday if they are to stand a chance of winning the match. They also agree that they will ensure the main event for the WCW World Heavyweight Title will be fair and square, no matter what else happens Sunday Night. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>58</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Five</strong> - Sting vs Steve Austin</p><p> </p><p>

A real treat here as we get one half of our PPV Main Event taking on a rising star here in WCW. Steve Austin has been very vocal about his dislike for Sting over the last couple of weeks and he now has a chance to take advantage of a possible lowering of the guard of Sting with his title shot coming up on Sunday. </p><p> </p><p>

Both men start this match super fast, exchanging rights and lefts, Austin giving as good as he is getting, despite being very new to both the business and WCW. It's Sting who has control of the first few minutes, managing to stem the flow of offence from Steve Austin and maintaining a grip on this match. </p><p> </p><p>

Steve Austin is fresh as a daisy though and as the match carries on he works his way back into it, taking advantage of the wear and tear suffered by Sting during his hectic opening to 1991. Austin looks to punctuate his offence with his signature 3/4 headlock face crusher. Sting however has it scouted and manages to push Austin into the corner, following up straight away with a Stinger Splash to the back of Austin, driving him headfirst into the turnbuckle. </p><p> </p><p>

Austin staggers back around, using the corner to keep himself upright. It doesn't last long though as Sting launches into another Stinger Splash, squashing Austin into the corner. As Sting goes for yet another SS, Austin just about manages to move out of the way before dropping Sting with a solid looking DDT which manages a count of 2 and a half. Austin stomps on Sting in frustration and demands Stinger "get his ass up". Sting obliges and Austin again goes for his finisher. As Austin was turned away however, Sting grabs Austin by the back of his head and manages to power him down to the ground with his own patented Death Drop. Austin has done himself absolutely no harm in this match but it's Sting who picks up the win and carries this momentum forward into SuperBrawl. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>75</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Paul Heyman Promo</strong> - Our saviour arrives to the ring again with another important announcement. He is very aware that after Sunday we will once again have a World Champion. With this, we need a Number One Contender though and he is very excited to announce that we will get a match to decide our new Number One Contender at SuperBrawl. It'll be Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat taking on Rick Rude this Sunday. The winner of this match will take on our new World Champion at our brand new March PPV, "Uncensored"! Some very crowd pleasing news here, delivered in his own inimitable way. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>64</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong> - Ric Flair vs Brian Pillman</p><p> </p><p>

We finish off our go home show with Ric Flair taking on Brian Pillman. Apparently Flair has decided that no Horsemen should be present as he sees this match as a good challenge and an excellent warm up for Sunday against Sting. </p><p> </p><p>

Pillman starts the match off super fast, much too fast for Flair and it is 4 minutes before Flair can get any sort of offence going. As you can imagine, with Pillman's speed killing, Flair looks to do what he does best and slow the man down, looking to pick apart Pillman's left leg. He doesn't do as much damage as he would like though as Pillman is riding his own wave of momentum coming into this match, being undefeated in 1991 and with a chance of securing a TV Title shot with his match against Bobby Eaton this Sunday. </p><p> </p><p>

Pillman and Flair go back and forth for over 15 minutes. Ric manages to slow Pillman down, bit by bit as the match progresses, each time he attacks BP's leg, Pillman slows down a millisecond more. After several attacks Flair finally looks to be in control and sets up for the Figure Four. Pillman looks to reverse this into a roll-up but only manages a 2! As both men get to their feet Pillman hits a couple of quickfire drop-kicks looking to take control of the match once again. </p><p> </p><p>

An exhausted Ric Flair seems more than peturbed now. He has been chasing Pillman down for nearly 20 minutes now and Pillman still seems to be in decent nick. Ric Flair's stamina is somewhat legendary but very rarely does he have to work all out at this pace for such a long period of time. After the 2 dropkicks, Pillman hits a high cross body off the top turnbuckle for a very close near fall. Pillman seems to be in firm control now and measures Flair for the Air Pillman and what would be a signature win!</p><p> </p><p>

Pillman launches himself into the air but hits.....nothing. Flair, at the very last second just about manages to duck out the way, leaving Pillman to crash straight into the ground, knee first. Flair, sensing this could be his best chance is on Pillman within a second, wearing down the knee mercilessly before locking on the Figure Four in the centre of the ring. Pillman has nowhere to go and only one option seemingly available. But he won't quit. Pillman fights and fights and tries to drag himself (and Ric Flair) toward the ropes to break this hold. </p><p> </p><p>

Flair is not for moving though and uses his leverage to keep himself squarely in the middle of the ring. We are up to four minutes now that Pillman has been in this hold, the pressure on his knee could possibly cause some serious damage if he doesn't either quit, or get himself out of this hold. Pillman scratches and claws at Flair's leg, trying to free himself but the hold is completely sinched in. Brian Pillman is a fantastic athlete and a future main eventer if his 91 form is anything to go by and, perhaps playing the long game, has no other choice than to submit. After 23 hard fought minutes, Ric Flair is announced as the winner by submission. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>91</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

There we have it, Ric Flair and Sting both sign off WCW TV with a victory each and maintain their forward momentum going into their WCW World Heavyweight Title Match. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show Rating?</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>79</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TV Rating?</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>1.62</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Post Show Thoughts</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Wowsers, <strong>Pillman</strong> and <strong>Flair</strong> getting the highest rated match of the dynasty so far is uber exciting.<strong> Pillman</strong> securing a future main event position for me, barring something drastically negative! <strong>Steve Austin</strong> also did well in his test match, both matches were designed differently so they were always going to produce differing results. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Arn Anderson</strong> and<strong> Rick Steiner</strong> also performed above expectations, <strong>Windham</strong> did well, <strong>Scott Hall</strong> continues to not look out of place in his high profile segments. A bigger win for <strong>The</strong> <strong>Headshrinkers</strong> as they continue to heat toward more high profile tag division stuff.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SuperBrawl</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Super excited to get this show up. I'm going to give it a couple of days in order to hopefully get some predictions from your good selves! The card will be up within 10 minutes of this show going up. There will be a prediction contest, not sure on a prize or anything just yet. It may be a case of adding up the scores throughout the year and whomever gets the most right come Starrcade gets a super prize at the end of the year!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Bad News</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Slight spoiler here. Randy Savage's contract came up, I tried to offer him a deal but he wouldn't even consider it due to WCW being "too small". Dick. Roddy Piper also came up for a contract offer but he wouldn't accept anything more than 9 months. Anyone I sign, I sign for keeps so I'm not going to spunk a load of money on someone for 9 months if he can't give back when the time is right. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Final Thoughts</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cheers guys, I'm super excited about continuing this. </p><p> </p><p>

Any thoughts, feedback, critique are all welcome and I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am. </p><p> </p><p>

Look forward to your predictions coming in!</p><p> </p><p>


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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW SuperBrawl Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match One </strong>- Dustin Rhodes vs Larry Zbyzsko</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Two</strong> - Big Van Vader vs JYD</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Three</strong> - Sid Vicious vs Ricky Morton</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Four</strong> - Brian Pillman vs Bobby Eaton - <strong>TV Title No.1 Contender Match. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Five</strong> - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard vs The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hall - <strong>Six Man No DQ Match</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Six</strong> - Lex Luger vs Stan Hansen - <strong>Strap Match for WCW US Title</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Match Seven</strong> - Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat - <strong>WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong> - Ric Flair vs Sting - <strong>WCW World Heavyweight Title</strong>. (Title Currently Vacant). </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

There is your card for SuperBrawl, any predictions are more than welcome, feel free to give reasons why and why not and any general comments at all on the show or dynasty. </p><p> </p><p>

Show will be up in a couple of days I reckon.</p><p> </p><p>

Cheers guys!</p>

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Match One - Dustin Rhodes vs Larry Zbyzsko


Match Two - Big Van Vader vs JYD


Match Three - Sid Vicious vs Ricky Morton


Match Four - Brian Pillman vs Bobby Eaton - TV Title No.1 Contender Match.


Match Five - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard vs The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hall - Six Man No DQ Match


Match Six - Lex Luger vs Stan Hansen - Strap Match for WCW US Title


Match Seven - Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat - WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match


Main Event - Ric Flair vs Sting - WCW World Heavyweight Title. (Title Currently Vacant).


Thought I'd already predicted.

Not sure if you'll go the way of history with the main event but should be a good show. I'm liking seeing how our saves are so different already (though I've not updated for a while). Pillman getting a monster push, it looks like! Especially after that excellent main event vs Flairl

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Match One - Dustin Rhodes vs Larry Zbyzsko


Match Two - Big Van Vader vs JYD


Match Three - Sid Vicious vs Ricky Morton


Match Four - Brian Pillman vs Bobby Eaton - TV Title No.1 Contender Match.


Match Five - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard vs The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hall - Six Man No DQ Match


Match Six - Lex Luger vs Stan Hansen - Strap Match for WCW US Title


Match Seven - Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat - WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match


Main Event - Ric Flair vs Sting - WCW World Heavyweight Title. (Title Currently Vacant).


Thought I'd already predicted.

Not sure if you'll go the way of history with the main event but should be a good show. I'm liking seeing how our saves are so different already (though I've not updated for a while). Pillman getting a monster push, it looks like! Especially after that excellent main event vs Flairl



Good to see you predict mate!


Yeah, having run the show I can confirm that it is above expectations. Its definitely the launch point for some major stuff going forward.


Pillman hasn't put a foot wrong so far.

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Match one: dustin


Match 2: vader keeps on beasting


Match 3: sid vicious, though i never had a high opinion of him.


Match 4: Pillman's been killing it, he's definitely earned a strong push, so yeah, pillman wins.


Match 5: the horsemen wins, so as to keep them dominant, but scott hall doesn't get pinned, making him look strong.


Match 6: luger, since stan the man is not full time with the comapny, despite me loving him way more than lexy.


Match Seven: this one is gonna be tough, since it all depends on the results of the main event. Hnestly, i think ricky steamboat will win, which leads to...


Main event: Sting wins the title. That's right, sting vs steamboat, the dream match that we never got! (At least, accoridng to my knowledge.) You could develop a storyline where nobody really knows who to cheer for, using the face vs face oddity to tell a morally grey story. Dont worry about the booking penlaties, that story is too interesting not to be told! Man,i wish TEW would have an option to book morally grey characters and stprylines...

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Match One - Dustin Rhodes vs Larry Zbyzsko


Match Two - Big Van Vader vs JYD


Match Three - Sid Vicious vs Ricky Morton


Match Four - Brian Pillman vs Bobby Eaton - TV Title No.1 Contender Match.


Match Five - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard vs The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hall - Six Man No DQ Match


Match Six - Lex Luger vs Stan Hansen - Strap Match for WCW US Title


Match Seven - Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat - WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match


Main Event - Ric Flair vs Sting - WCW World Heavyweight Title. (Title Currently Vacant).

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kinnikuniverse" data-cite="kinnikuniverse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Match one: dustin<p> </p><p> Match 2: vader keeps on beasting</p><p> </p><p> Match 3: sid vicious, though i never had a high opinion of him.</p><p> </p><p> Match 4: Pillman's been killing it, he's definitely earned a strong push, so yeah, pillman wins.</p><p> </p><p> Match 5: the horsemen wins, so as to keep them dominant, but scott hall doesn't get pinned, making him look strong.</p><p> </p><p> Match 6: luger, since stan the man is not full time with the comapny, despite me loving him way more than lexy.</p><p> </p><p> Match Seven: this one is gonna be tough, since it all depends on the results of the main event. Hnestly, i think ricky steamboat will win, which leads to...</p><p> </p><p> Main event: Sting wins the title. That's right, sting vs steamboat, the dream match that we never got! (At least, accoridng to my knowledge.) You could develop a storyline where nobody really knows who to cheer for, using the face vs face oddity to tell a morally grey story. Dont worry about the booking penlaties, that story is too interesting not to be told! Man,i wish TEW would have an option to book morally grey characters and stprylines...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the predictions mate, appreciate it, also appreciate the thought that's gone into them!!</p><p> </p><p> You know what they say, anything can happen in the WCW!!!</p><p> </p><p> Booking penalties don't bother me, as you'll find out....or will you?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Aldenvdk" data-cite="Aldenvdk" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Match One - <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs Larry Zbyzsko<p> </p><p> Match Two - <strong>Big Van Vader</strong> vs JYD</p><p> </p><p> Match Three - <strong>Sid Vicious</strong> vs Ricky Morton</p><p> </p><p> Match Four - <strong>Brian Pillman </strong>vs Bobby Eaton - TV Title No.1 Contender Match.</p><p> </p><p> Match Five - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard vs <strong>The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hal</strong>l - Six Man No DQ Match</p><p> </p><p> Match Six - <strong>Lex Luger</strong> vs Stan Hansen - Strap Match for WCW US Title</p><p> </p><p> Match Seven - Rick Rude vs R<strong>icky Steamboat</strong> - WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match</p><p> </p><p> Main Event - Ric Flair vs <strong>Sting</strong> - WCW World Heavyweight Title. (Title Currently Vacant).</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the predictions mate, much appreciated. </p><p> </p><p> Hope you're enjoying the diary so far.</p><p> </p><p> Show will be up later on today!</p><p> </p><p> Any thoughts or feedback, hit me up!</p><p> </p><p> Cheers!</p>
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<p>WCW SuperBrawl Card</p><p> </p><p>

Match One - <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs Larry Zbyzsko</p><p>

Epic. This would be a highlight for me.</p><p> </p><p>

Match Two - <strong>Big Van Vader</strong> vs JYD</p><p> </p><p>

Match Three - <strong>Sid Vicious</strong> vs Ricky Morton</p><p> </p><p>

Match Four - <strong>Brian Pillman</strong> vs Bobby Eaton - TV Title No.1 Contender Match. </p><p>

Huge. Both guys excellent.</p><p> </p><p>

Match Five - <strong>Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard</strong> vs The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hall - Six Man No DQ Match</p><p>

Woah, this just keeps on getting bigger.</p><p> </p><p>

Match Six - <strong>Lex Luger</strong> vs Stan Hansen - Strap Match for WCW US Title</p><p>

Can you say slobberknocker?</p><p> </p><p>

Match Seven - Rick Rude vs <strong>Ricky Steamboat</strong> - WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match</p><p>

Words cannot do it justice.</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event - <strong>Ric Flair</strong> vs Sting - WCW World Heavyweight Title. (Title Currently Vacant). </p><p>

As much as Sting vs Rude would draw and be excellent. I think I have to go with Flair/Steamboat.</p><p> </p><p>

I would pay good money to watch this. It's authentic and I've an interest in nearly every match on the card. The big matches look HUGE.</p><p> </p><p>

Good luck to you.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigelow Cartwheel" data-cite="Bigelow Cartwheel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WCW SuperBrawl Card<p> </p><p> Match One - <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs Larry Zbyzsko</p><p> Epic. This would be a highlight for me.</p><p> </p><p> Match Two - <strong>Big Van Vader</strong> vs JYD</p><p> </p><p> Match Three - <strong>Sid Vicious</strong> vs Ricky Morton</p><p> </p><p> Match Four - <strong>Brian Pillman</strong> vs Bobby Eaton - TV Title No.1 Contender Match. </p><p> Huge. Both guys excellent.</p><p> </p><p> Match Five - <strong>Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard</strong> vs The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hall - Six Man No DQ Match</p><p> Woah, this just keeps on getting bigger.</p><p> </p><p> Match Six - <strong>Lex Luger</strong> vs Stan Hansen - Strap Match for WCW US Title</p><p> Can you say slobberknocker?</p><p> </p><p> Match Seven - Rick Rude vs <strong>Ricky Steamboat</strong> - WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match</p><p> Words cannot do it justice.</p><p> </p><p> Main Event - <strong>Ric Flair</strong> vs Sting - WCW World Heavyweight Title. (Title Currently Vacant). </p><p> As much as Sting vs Rude would draw and be excellent. I think I have to go with Flair/Steamboat.</p><p> </p><p> I would pay good money to watch this. It's authentic and I've an interest in nearly every match on the card. The big matches look HUGE.</p><p> </p><p> Good luck to you.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Ah mate, thanks for that. It means a lot!!</p><p> </p><p> I hope I do it justice for you!!</p>
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WCW SuperBrawl Card


Match One - Dustin Rhodes vs Larry Zbyzsko


Match Two - Big Van Vader vs JYD


Match Three - Sid Vicious vs Ricky Morton


Match Four - Brian Pillman vs Bobby Eaton - TV Title No.1 Contender Match.


Match Five - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard vs The Steiner Brothers and Scott Hall - Six Man No DQ Match


Match Six - Lex Luger vs Stan Hansen - Strap Match for WCW US Title


Match Seven - Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat - WCW World Heavyweight Title No.1 Contender Match


Main Event - Ric Flair vs Sting - WCW World Heavyweight Title. (Title Currently Vacant).

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