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Attributes in new workers

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I think they are in because without this, everyone would have 100% locker room morale and there would never be a negative incident. The game is chock full of great dudes, and it needs a few more jerks, so the new debuts achieve that.


It also forces you to say "I really want a guy who can both do angles AND matches but... do I want an agitator? What's my locker room like? Yeah, I can handle a few agitators."


I think if someone young has high skills, there's a good chance they're one of "those types" for a few years before they calm down, especially if they're aged between 18-24. Or if someone has an attribute like A Marketing Dream, Creative Dynamo, they might be an inch extra jerky and have an ego.


Now, I agree with you - too many of the new dojo graduates are bad personality dorks. If I like their pic and name, I sign them, then fix their attribute problems and touch up their skills in the editor (I don't cheat them up in skills, but I bump up their Safety and Consistency to minimum 60).

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I can see what you mean and agree with you, however for the system of "growing up" to work there'd have to be something like negative personalities having a high chance of changing at the maturity age. I don't know if something like that could be coded in at this point, but I'd highly doubt it. Also, unless I'm just unlucky, I find that a very large majority of the dojo grads have bad personalities, like 90% of them, which maybe was okay in the 80s, but in todays world not so much. Especially after Speaking Out and such, I cant see many Sleazys or Horndogs or Egomaniacs or Scumbags or Bullies etc. making their way into the bigger companies I've suggested before a Hiring Rule to make it so AI wont hire certain personalities, which could also be a fix to this, but I don't think that's likely either.
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I can see what you mean and agree with you, however for the system of "growing up" to work there'd have to be something like negative personalities having a high chance of changing at the maturity age. I don't know if something like that could be coded in at this point, but I'd highly doubt it. Also, unless I'm just unlucky, I find that a very large majority of the dojo grads have bad personalities, like 90% of them, which maybe was okay in the 80s, but in todays world not so much. Especially after Speaking Out and such, I cant see many Sleazys or Horndogs or Egomaniacs or Scumbags or Bullies etc. making their way into the bigger companies


I've suggested before a Hiring Rule to make it so AI wont hire certain personalities, which could also be a fix to this, but I don't think that's likely either.


I do know that personalities can change, but I haven't seen it happen very often. I would like characters to have a few hallmark ages where traits change. 24, 32, and 40 seem like good ages to target.


I would love to see the ability to select individual attributes for Hiring Bias. I agree it's horrible when an AI company or child company signs a bunch of bums who's attributes cause negative relationships and even spread other negative attributes around like the plague.


I would think it would be easy to select a few attributes. I think the real reason we won't see this fix is two-fold: on one hand, if we choose too many hiring biases, the companies just won't hire anyone. And once in a while a Sumbag or Bully is also the best guy/gal you can get otherwise. It's okay to take this jerk. It's not quite okay when a company becomes loaded with 8-12 of them. The other reason would be that we can already change the unwanted attribute in the in-game editor. If I remember TEW2016 right, there was a "No Toxic Influence" bias of some kind. In this game, there are a few really bad personality traits that aren't classified such, so when you search for "not negative influences", you will find some of those traits.

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