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DRAGONGATE Pro-Wrestling: Open The Diary Gate

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The Final Gate 2020" - 12/20 - Fukuoka, Fukuoka Kokusai Center

1. KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Takashi Yoshida vs. Kagetora & Ryo Saito vs. HoHo Lun & Sachihiko BOY vs. Taketo Kamei & Sora Fujikawa

2. Don Fujii, K-ness, Masaaki Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda vs. Konomama Ichikawa, Mondai Ryu, Punch Tominaga & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria

3. Genki Horiguchi, Kzy & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Strong Machine J

4. Losing Unit Disbands: H∞ (Diamante, Eita, Jimmy & U-T) vs. R・E・D (BxB Hulk, H.Y.O, KAI, & mR. Shimizu)

5. Open The Brave Gate: Kaito Ishida © vs. Ben-K

6. Open The Triangle Gate: Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon © vs. Dia Inferno, HipHop Kikuta & Shuji Kondo vs. Kento Kobune, Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi

7. Open The Dream Gate: YAMATO © vs. Shun Skywalker

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The Final Gate 2020" - 12/20 - Fukuoka, Fukuoka Kokusai Center

1. KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Takashi Yoshida vs. Kagetora & Ryo Saito vs. HoHo Lun & Sachihiko BOY vs. Taketo Kamei & Sora Fujikawa

2. Don Fujii, K-ness, Masaaki Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda vs. Konomama Ichikawa, Mondai Ryu, Punch Tominaga & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria

3. Genki Horiguchi, Kzy & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Strong Machine J

4. Losing Unit Disbands: H∞ (Diamante, Eita, Jimmy & U-T) vs. R・E・D (BxB Hulk, H.Y.O, KAI, & mR. Shimizu)

5. Open The Brave Gate: Kaito Ishida © vs. Ben-K

6. Open The Triangle Gate: Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon © vs. Dia Inferno, HipHop Kikuta & Shuji Kondo vs. Kento Kobune, Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi

7. Open The Dream Gate: YAMATO © vs. Shun Skywalker

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"The Final Gate 2020" - 12/20 - Fukuoka, Fukuoka Kokusai Center

1. KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Takashi Yoshida vs. Kagetora & Ryo Saito vs. HoHo Lun & Sachihiko BOY vs. Taketo Kamei & Sora Fujikawa

2. Don Fujii, K-ness, Masaaki Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda vs. Konomama Ichikawa, Mondai Ryu, Punch Tominaga & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria

3. Genki Horiguchi, Kzy & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Strong Machine J

4. Losing Unit Disbands: H∞ (Diamante, Eita, Jimmy & U-T) vs. R・E・D (BxB Hulk, H.Y.O, KAI, & mR. Shimizu)

5. Open The Brave Gate: Kaito Ishida © vs. Ben-K

6. Open The Triangle Gate: Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon © vs. Dia Inferno, HipHop Kikuta & Shuji Kondo vs. Kento Kobune, Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi

7. Open The Dream Gate: YAMATO © vs. Shun Skywalker

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  • 2 months later...

The Final Gate 2020


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<font face="roboto slab"><font size="5"><b>THE FINAL GATE 2020</b></font></font>

12.20.2020 - Fukuoka Kokusai Center</div><div style="border-top:3px solid #e60012;"></div><div align="center">

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<font size="1">Taketo Kamei & Sora Fujikawa vs. KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Takashi Yoshida vs. KAGETORA & Ryo Saito vs. Sachihiko BOY & HoHo Lun</font>

1. Taketo Kamei & Sora Fujikawa defeat KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Takashi Yoshida, Kagetora & Ryo Saito, and HoHo Lun & Sachihiko BOY <b>(8:39)</b> after the Shiranui from Kamei on Lun. <b>(***)</b>


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<font size="1">Don Fujii, K-ness, Masaaki Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda vs. Konomama Ichikawa, Mondai Ryu, Punch Tominaga & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria</font>

2. Don Fujii, K-ness, Masaaki Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda defeat Konomama Ichikawa, Mondai Ryu, Punch Tominaga & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria <b>(6:57)</b> after the Saikyou High Kick from Mochizuki on Tominaga. <b>(***)</b>


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<font size="1">Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Strong Machine J vs. Genki Horiguchi, Kzy & Susumu Yokosuka</font>

3. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Strong Machine J defeat Genki Horiguchi, Kzy & Susumu Yokosuka <b>(12:09)</b> after the 7 Colours Suplex from Minoura on Horiguchi. <b>(***½)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="ee790c">H∞</font> (Diamante, Eita, Jimmy & U-T) vs. <font color="e50113">R・E・D</font> (BxB Hulk, H.Y.O, KAI, & mR. Shimizu)</font>

4. <b>Losing Unit Disbands:</b> Diamante, Eita, Jimmy & U-T defeat BxB Hulk, H.Y.O, KAI, & mR. Shimizu <b>(15:53)</b> after the Salamander from Eita on Hulk. <b>(****)</b>


After the match, R・E・D is forced to disband. Before they go their own ways, BxB Hulk, KAI, and KAZMA SAKAMOTO take turns beating the crap out of mR. Shimizu - calling him the real loser of the group! Shimizu seems distraught that the people he thought were his friends have now turned on him. After the former members of R・E・D left the ringside area, Shimizu congratulated Eita on ending his creation and he is inspired: in 2021, he needs to rediscover himself, maybe as Ryotsu Shimizu or as Big R Shimizu but definitely not as a Mr. Gannosuke cosplay!


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<font size="1">Kaito Ishida © vs. Ben-K</font>

5. <b>Open The Brave Gate:</b> Kaito Ishida © defeats Ben-K <b>(15:53)</b> after the Tiger Suplex. <b>(***¾)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="0171b4">Toryumon Legacy</font> (Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon) © vs. <font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> (Dia Inferno, HipHop Kikuta & Shuji Kond) vs. <font color="f5c400">MAX.Dream</font> (Kento Kobune, Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi)</font>

6. <b>Open The Triangle Gate:</b> Dia Inferno, HipHop Kikuta & Shuji Kondo defeat Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon © and Kento Kobune, Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi <b>(21:26)</b> after BxB Hulk, KAI, KAZMA SAKAMOTO run interference and cause the distraction, leading to Dia Inferno rolling up Yoshino to eliminate MAX.Dream and then allowing Shuji Kondo to hit the King Kong Lariat on Ultimo Dragon. <b>(****¼)</b>


The assault continues as BxB Hulk, KAI, and KAZMA SAKAMOTO continue the beatdown on the members of Toryumon Legacy! They shake hands with the members of Aagan Iisou and have officially joined the team! R・E・D may have been officially disbanded earlier by H∞ but they have simply rolled the group into Aagan Iisou! Shuji Kondo made it known that his group's intentions back in the day are the same today: destroy Toryumon and its legacy! The members of MAX.Dream tried to save the day but fell victim to the numbers game. To put a closing statement on the formation, Dia Inferno ripped the mask off of Dragon Dia and threw it down - stomping on the ego of the next generation of Toryumon.


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<font size="1">YAMATO © vs. Shun Skywalker</font>

7. <b>Open The Dream Gate:</b> Shun Skywalker defeats YAMATO © <b>(19:05)</b> with the Skywalker Moonsault. <b>(****¾)</b>


After the match, the masked marvel Shun Skywalker rose to his feet to claps from the Fukuoka crowd. Now that he's the Open The Dream Gate Champion and that the generational war is over, he has decided to lead Dragongate to the next generation on his own. As he went away to Mexico, he kept his eye on the company and scouted the very best to form a tight circle of wrestlers who have been overlooked but are ready to take the ball and lead. Shun Skywalker presents <b><font color="54227b">Masquerade</font></b>...


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Shun Skywalker, Jason Lee, Kota Minoura, and Taketo Kamei are Masquerade! Skywalker promises to introduce us to "Supernova of Purple Flame" in the new year!


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Open The New Year Gate 2021 - Night 1


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<font face="roboto slab"><font size="5"><b>OPEN THE NEW YEAR GATE 2021 - NIGHT 1</b></font></font>

01.09.2021 - KBS Hall</div><div style="border-top:3px solid #e60012;"></div><div align="center">

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<font size="1"><font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> (H.Y.O, KAZMA SAKAMOTO, Takashi Yoshida) vs. Punch Tominaga, Susumu Yokosuka, Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria</font>

1. H.Y.O, KAZMA SAKAMOTO, Takashi Yoshida def. Punch Tominaga, Susumu Yokosuka, Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria <b>(6:15)</b> after the Panther Clutch from H.Y.O on Maria. <b>(***)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> ("brother" YASSHI, Dia Inferno, Kaito Ishida, Shuji Kondo) vs. Don Fujii, Genki Horiguchi, Ryo Saito, Taketo Kamei</font>

2. "brother" YASSHI, Dia Inferno, Kaito Ishida, Shuji Kondo def. Don Fujii, Genki Horiguchi, Ryo Saito, Taketo Kamei <b>(10:02)</b> after the King Kong Lariat from Kondo on Saito. <b>(***)</b>


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/jkvljU5.png" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/5BTkGl4.png" alt=" ">

<font size="1">Dragon Dia vs. KAGETORA</font>

3. Dragon Dia def. KAGETORA <b>(10:41)</b> with the Reptilian Rana <b>(***½)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> (BxB Hulk, HipHop Kikuta, KAI) vs. <font color="0171b4">Toryumon Legacy</font> (Dragon Kid, K-ness, Ultimo Dragon)</font>

4. BxB Hulk, HipHop Kikuta, KAI def. Dragon Kid, K-ness, Ultimo Dragon <b>(11:14)</b> after the Discus Lariat from Kikuta on K-ness. <b>(***¼)</b>


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<font size="1">Ben-K, Kzy, Masaaki Mochizuki, YAMATO vs. <font color="ee790c">H∞</font> (Diamante, Eita, Jimmy, U-T)</font>

5. Ben-K, Kzy, Masaaki Mochizuki, YAMATO def. Diamante, Eita, Jimmy, U-T <b>(16:02)</b> after the Skayde Schoolboy from Kzy on Diamante. <b>(***¾)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="f5c400">MAX.Dream</font> (Kento Kobune, Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi) vs. <font color="54227b">Masquerade</font> (Jason Lee, Kota Minoura, Shun Skywalker)</font>

6. Kento Kobune, Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi def. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura, Shun Skywalker <b>(17:28)</b> after the Bakatare Sliding Kick from Doi on Lee. <b>(***¾)</b>


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Open The New Year Gate 2021 in Korakuen Hall ~ Prediction Key


Open The New Year Gate 2021 in Korakuen Hall

01/12 - Korakuen Hall - Tokyo

1. K-ness & Ultimo Dragon vs. Dia Inferno & H.Y.O

New Year Battle Royale:
Ben-K, Diamante, Don Fujii, Genki Horiguchi, Konomama Ichikawa, Ryo Saito, Sachihiko BOY, Strong Machine J, Taketo Kamei, Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria

3. Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid, Kzy & YAMATO vs. BxB Hulk, HipHop Kikuta, KAI & KAZMA SAKAMOTO

4. <font color="54227b">Masquerade</font>'s
Supernova of Purple Flame
vs. Sususmu Yokosuka

5. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs. Shuji Kondo & Takashi Yoshida

6. Eita, Jimmy & U-T vs. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Shun Skywalker

Open The Brave Gate Championship:
Kaito Ishida © vs. Kento Kobune


featuring Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi's
<font color="f5c400">MAX.Dream</font>
unit draft picks!
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Open The New Year Gate 2021 in Korakuen Hall

01/12 - Korakuen Hall - Tokyo

1. K-ness & Ultimo Dragon vs. Dia Inferno & H.Y.O

2. New Year Battle Royale: Ben-K, Diamante, Don Fujii, Genki Horiguchi, Konomama Ichikawa, Ryo Saito, Sachihiko BOY, Strong Machine J, Taketo Kamei, Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria

3. Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid, Kzy & YAMATO vs. BxB Hulk, HipHop Kikuta, KAI & KAZMA SAKAMOTO

4. Masquerade's Supernova of Purple Flame vs. Sususmu Yokosuka

5. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs. Shuji Kondo & Takashi Yoshida

6. Eita, Jimmy & U-T vs. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Shun Skywalker

7. Open The Brave Gate: Kaito Ishida © vs. Kento Kobune

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Open The New Year Gate 2021 in Korakuen Hall

01/12 - Korakuen Hall - Tokyo

1. K-ness & Ultimo Dragon vs. Dia Inferno & H.Y.O

2. New Year Battle Royale: Ben-K, Diamante, Don Fujii, Genki Horiguchi, Konomama Ichikawa, Ryo Saito, Sachihiko BOY, Strong Machine J, Taketo Kamei, Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria

3. Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid, Kzy & YAMATO vs. BxB Hulk, HipHop Kikuta, KAI & KAZMA SAKAMOTO

4. Masquerade's Supernova of Purple Flame vs. Sususmu Yokosuka

5. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs. Shuji Kondo & Takashi Yoshida

6. Eita, Jimmy & U-T vs. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Shun Skywalker

7. Open The Brave Gate Championship: Kaito Ishida © vs. Kento Kobune

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Open The New Year Gate 2021 - Night 2


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<font face="roboto slab"><font size="5"><b>OPEN THE NEW YEAR GATE 2021 - NIGHT 2</b></font></font>

01.10.2021 - EDION Arena Osaka #2</div><div style="border-top:3px solid #e60012;"></div><div align="center">

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<font size="1">KAGETORA, Strong Machine J, Yasushi Kanda vs. Don Fujii, Gamma, Susumu Yokosuka</font>

1. KAGETORA, Strong Machine J, Yasushi Kanda def. Don Fujii, Gamma, Susumu Yokosuka <b>(8:26)</b> after the Ryu's from Kanda on Gamma. <b>(***)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> ("brother" YASSHI & H.Y.O) vs. <font color="0171b4">Toryumon Legacy</font> (K-ness & Ultimo Dragon)</font>

2. "brother" YASSHI & H.Y.O def. K-ness & Ultimo Dragon <b>(7:13)</b> after the Panther Clutch from H.Y.O on K-ness. <b>(**½)</b>


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<font size="1">Ben-K, Genki Horiguchi, Masaaki Mochizuki vs. mR. Shimizu, Punch Tominaga & Ryo Saito</font>

3. Ben-K, Genki Horiguchi, Masaaki Mochizuki def. mR. Shimizu, Punch Tominaga & Ryo Saito <b>(10:13)</b> after a Roundhouse Kick from Mochizuki on Tominaga. <b>(***¼)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="0171b4">Toryumon Legacy</font> (Dragon Dia & Dragon Kid) vs. <font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> (KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Takashi Yoshida)</font>

4. Dragon Dia & Dragon Kid def. KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Takashi Yoshida <b>(12:04)</b> after a quick rollup by Dragon Dia on Yoshida. <b>(***½)</b>


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<font size="1"><font color="54227b">Masquerade</font> (Jason Lee, Kota Minoura, Shun Skywalker, Taketo Kamei) vs. <font color="ee790c">H∞</font> (Diamante, Eita, Jimmy, U-T)</font>

5. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura, Shun Skywalker, Taketo Kamei def. Diamante, Eita, Jimmy, U-T <b>(15:38)</b> after a fast roll up by Kamei on Jimmy. <b>(***½)</b>


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<font size="1">Kento Kobune, Kzy, Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi, YAMATO vs. <font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> (BxB Hulk, Dia Inferno, HipHop Kikuta, Kaito Ishida, Shuji Kondo)</font>

6. Kento Kobune, Kzy, Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi, YAMATO def. BxB Hulk, Dia Inferno, HipHop Kikuta, Kaito Ishida, Shuji Kondo <b>(18:02)</b> after a Sharpshooter from Kobune on Ishida. <b>(****¼)</b>


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<font face="roboto slab"><font size="5"><b>OPEN THE NEW YEAR GATE 2021 in KORAKUEN HALL - NIGHT 1</b></font></font>

01.12.2021 - Korakuen Hall</div><div style="border-top:3px solid #e60012;"></div><div align="center">

Prior to the opening bell, it was announced that <b>K-ness</b> had suffered a minor injury and had to be pulled from tonight's card. <b>Dragon Kid</b> and <b>Dragon Dia</b> assured <b>Ultimo Dragon</b> that they had a new partner to add to the Toryumon Legacy stable and the guy who would fill in for K-ness tonight... it is <b>Shimizultimo Dragon</b>! No longer a Mr. Gannosuke cosplay, the former Big R Shimizu has found a new place to fit in on the Dragongate roster.


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/r8ROghM.png" alt=" " style="max-width:100%;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/M4SXBm1.png" alt=" " style="max-width:100%;"> <img alt=" " style="max-width:100%;" src="https://i.imgur.com/6U3Dt4E.png"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/IiUZ30w.png" alt=" " style="max-width:100%;">

<font size="1"><font color="0171b4">Toryumon Legacy</font> (Shimizultimo Dragon & Ultimo Dragon) vs. <font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> (Dia Inferno & H.Y.O)</font>

1. Shimizultimo Dragon & Ultimo Dragon def. Dia Inferno & H.Y.O <b>(8:22)</b> after La Magistral from Shimizultimo on H.Y.O. <b>(***)</b>


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Mu6dWrO.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt=" "><img src="https://i.imgur.com/3wtJAzu.png" alt=" " style="max-width:100%;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Y4WKFLy.png" alt=" " style="max-width:100%;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/S9V91se.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt=" "><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YhAmd10.png" alt="" style="max-width:100%;"><img alt=" " style="max-width:100%;" src="https://i.imgur.com/5FBcja2.png"><img style="max-width:100%;" alt=" " src="https://i.imgur.com/J8k7Q8t.png"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/I8Otn2C.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt=" "><img style="max-width:100%;" alt=" " src="https://i.imgur.com/LvjPTtK.png"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/J1jDbSf.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt=" ">

<font size="1">Ben-K, Diamante, Don Fujii, Genki Horiguchi, Konomama Ichikawa, Ryo Saito, Sachihiko BOY, Strong Machine J, Taketo Kamei, Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria</font>

2. <b>New Year Battle Royale:</b> Konomama Ichikawa def. Ben-K, Diamante, Don Fujii, Genki Horiguchi, Ryo Saito, Sachihiko BOY, Strong Machine J, Taketo Kamei, Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria <b>(11:36)</b> with Diamante and Ben-K eliminating each other at the end to allow Ichikawa to win. <b>(***¼)</b>


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<font size="1">Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid, Kzy & YAMATO vs. <font color="5d1715">Aagon Iisou</font> (BxB Hulk, HipHop Kikuta, KAI & KAZMA SAKAMOTO)</font>

3. Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid, Kzy & YAMATO def. BxB Hulk, HipHop Kikuta, KAI & KAZMA SAKAMOTO <b>(13:48)</b> after the KZ.Time from Kzy on KAI. <b>(***¾)</b>


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/YHGx1zb.png" alt=" "> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/ByLRK5k.png" alt=" ">

<font size="1">La Estrella vs. Susumu Yokosuka</font>

4. La Estrella def. Susumu Yokosuka <b>(10:14)</b> after La Libra. <b>(***½)</b>


Masquerade's <i>Supernova of the Purple Flame</i> was the debuting <b>La Estrella</b>. Wowing the Korakuen fans with his amazingly flashy moveset, Estrella took the fight to the former Open The Dream Gate Champion and won the match with La Libra. A statement was made tonight!


<img src="https://imgur.com/vCQncYu.gif" alt=" "max-width:30%">


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<font size="1"><font color="f5c400">MAX.Dream</font> (Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi) vs. <font color="5d1715">Aagan Iisou</font> (Shuji Kondo & Takashi Yoshida)</font>

5. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi def. Shuji Kondo & Takashi Yoshida <b>(16:19)</b> after the Bakatare Sliding Kick from Doi on Yoshida. <b>(****¼)</b>


After their victory, Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi grabbed a microphone to announce their draft picks to the MAX.Dream stable. <b>Kento Kobune</b> joined them as the two veterans of the roster boasted that this new stable will contain some friends who will help them lay the foundation of the future of Dragongate. DoiYoshi promised that they will continue to scout the world for the best talent available and that Yoshino will continue to teach post his retirement in August. DoiYoshi would like to welcome <b>KAGETORA</b>, <b>Ryo Saito</b>, <b>Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria</b> and rookie <b>Sora Fujikawa</b> to their stable!


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/j3Dto14.jpg?1" alt=" ">

<b><font color="f5c400">MAX.Dream</font></b>

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/5BTkGl4.png" alt="" style="max-width:100%;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ylQiN0l.png" alt=" " style="max-width:100%;"><img style="max-width:100%;" alt=" " src="https://i.imgur.com/JRUaP1T.png"><img alt=" " style="max-width:100%;" src="https://i.imgur.com/S0Ehwca.png"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/5FBcja2.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt=""><img src="https://i.imgur.com/uzSJttu.png" alt="" style="max-width:100%;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/J1jDbSf.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt="">


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<font size="1"><font color="ee790c">H∞</font> (Eita, Jimmy & U-T) vs. <font color="54227b">Masquerade</font> (Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Shun Skywalker)</font>

6. Eita, Jimmy & U-T def. Jason Lee, Kota Minoura & Shun Skywalker <b>(17:01)</b> after the Imperial Uno from Eita on Lee. <b>(****)</b>


Ahead of the Open The Twin Gate Championship defence tomorrow in Korakuen, H∞ and Masquerade duked it out in a preview match. While Jason Lee and Kota Minoura will try to regain the titles from Jimmy and U-T, the stars of this match were Eita and Shun Skywalker. The former Dream Gate Champion and the current Dream Gate Champion did battle for most of the match with Eita finally making a statement by pinning Lee after a brain-shaking Imperial Uno!


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/AcPMLjj.png" alt=" "><img src="https://i.imgur.com/FfGgdo6.png" alt=" "><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ylQiN0l.png" alt=" ">

<font size="1">Kaito Ishida © vs. Kento Kobune</font>

7. <b>Open The Brave Gate Championship:</b> Kaito Ishida © def. Kento Kobune <b>(22:10)</b> after the Bridging Tiger. <b>(****)</b>


Another hard fought battle that led to a successful Brave Gate defence for Aagan Iisou's Kaito Ishida. Ishida and Kobune, two youngsters who will be star players for the promotion in years to come, went out and left it all in the ring. Kobune, with the rally cries of his new MAX.Dream stablemates at ringside, nearly had the match won when he locked in his devastating Sharpshooter but the champion managed to sneak out and finally put the match away with a brutal head-dropping Bridging Tiger suplex. After the match, Ishida laid down the challenge and claimed that no one will be able to stop him as he aims to hold the belt for another year just like he did last time. Continuing the issues between Ishida's stable Aagan Iisou and Toryumon Legacy, <b>Dragon Kid</b> took exception and made a challenge for Champion Gate in March! It will be Kaito Ishida versus Dragon Kid for the Open The Brave Gate Championship!


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Open The New Year Gate in Korakuen Hall - 01/13 - Korakuen Hall ~ Predictions


Open The New Year Gate in Korakuen Hall

01/13 - Korakuen Hall - Tokyo

1. Ben-K, Punch Tominaga, Strong Machine J & Yasushi Kanda vs. "brother" YASSHI, Dia Inferno, H.Y.O & KAI

2. Don Fujii vs. Shimizultimo Dragon

3. KAGETORA, Naruki Doi & Ryo Saito vs. Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon

4. Genki Horiguchi, Masaaki Mochizuki & Susumu Yokosuka vs. La Estrella, Shun Skywalker & Taketo Kamei

5. Diamante & Eita vs. Kzy & YAMATO vs. BxB Hulk & Takashi Yoshida

6. Masato Yoshino, Kento Kobune, Sora Fujikawa & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria vs. HipHop Kikuta, Kaito Ishida, KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Shuji Kondo

Open The Twin Gate Championship:
Jimmy & U-T © vs. Jason Lee & Kota Minoura


featuring Kzy & YAMATO's <b><font color="319860">Vibes Vanguard</font></b> unit draft picks!
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Open The New Year Gate in Korakuen Hall

01/13 - Korakuen Hall - Tokyo

1. Ben-K, Punch Tominaga, Strong Machine J & Yasushi Kanda vs. "brother" YASSHI, Dia Inferno, H.Y.O & KAI

2. Don Fujii vs. Shimizultimo Dragon

3. KAGETORA, Naruki Doi & Ryo Saito vs. Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon

4. Genki Horiguchi, Masaaki Mochizuki & Susumu Yokosuka vs. La Estrella, Shun Skywalker & Taketo Kamei

5. Diamante & Eita vs. Kzy & YAMATO vs. BxB Hulk & Takashi Yoshida

6. Masato Yoshino, Kento Kobune, Sora Fujikawa & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria vs. HipHop Kikuta, Kaito Ishida, KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Shuji Kondo

7. Open The Twin Gate Championship: Jimmy & U-T © vs. Jason Lee & Kota Minoura

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<p>1. Ben-K, Punch Tominaga, Strong Machine J & Yasushi Kanda vs. <strong>"brother" YASSHI, Dia Inferno, H.Y.O & KAI</strong></p><p>

2. Don Fujii vs. <strong>Shimizultimo Dragon</strong></p><p>

3. KAGETORA, Naruki Doi & Ryo Saito vs. <strong>Dragon Dia, Dragon Kid & Ultimo Dragon</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>4. Genki Horiguchi, Masaaki Mochizuki & Susumu Yokosuka vs. <strong>La Estrella, Shun Skywalker & Taketo Kamei</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>5. <strong>Diamante & Eita</strong> vs. Kzy & YAMATO vs. BxB Hulk & Takashi Yoshida</p><p>

6. <strong>Masato Yoshino, Kento Kobune, Sora Fujikawa & Yosuke ♡ Santa Maria</strong> vs. HipHop Kikuta, Kaito Ishida, KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Shuji Kondo</p><p>

7. Open The Twin Gate Championship: Jimmy & U-T © vs. <strong>Jason Lee & Kota Minoura</strong></p>

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