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FireBrand Pro Wrestling: BHOTWG International Expansion (CV20)

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Rules Of The Young Lions Cup 2020</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The tournament is a 10 man, round robin tournament in which everyone will face each other once, in a single block of 10</p><p>

Every block match will have a 15 minute time limit</p><p>

A win is worth 2 points, a draw is worth 1 point, a loss earns 0 points</p><p>

IF someone is forced out of the competition within the first 3 matches, all points earned against them are set to 0</p><p>

IF someone is forced out of the competition after 3 or more matches, all remaining matches are forfeited and their remaining opponents will be given a win</p><p>

When all matches have been contested, the top two points scorers will advance to the final</p><p>

The final will have no time limit, there must be a winner</p><p>

If wrestlers are tied on points, their ranking is determined via head to head tiebreakers</p><p>

If multiple wrestlers are tied on the same score, the total points from matches against the tied wretstlers is used, then head to head tiebreakers</p><p>

If there is a tie with more than two wrestlers for the top two ranks after tie breakers, an elimination match between all wrestlers will be used for the final</p><p>

The winner of the final match will have their name etched onto the Young Lions Cup as the 2020 winner</p><p>

The winner can choose to carry the trophy with them to events if they wish</p><p>

The trophy must be returned to the FireBrand Dojo trophy case every night</p><p>

It is the responsibility of the winner to keep the trophy in good condition</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NEVER GIVE UP!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

ONE MORE STEP!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

CHASE YOUR DREAM! </strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="TjWUnkK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TjWUnkK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FireBrand Young Lion Cup Day 9 Results</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The final night of Young Lion's Cup block action took place in London, with four men still vying for the two final spots. The first match of the night saw Marc Maxx (0 points) going up against Rhys Ryland (6 points). Maxx's lack of access to moves beyond the young lion move set and being a full year behind the rest of the field has been working against him, but his size and athletic ability make him dangerous regardless. Rhys' has the obvious advantage in technical grappling and his growing ability to use the ring in unusual ways. Rhys worked hard to ground the bigger man, knowing that everyone is the same size on the mat and that is where he could do the damage required to win. He seemed focused on this night but Maxx wasn't about to go down without a fight, getting to his feet to throw a series of three vertical suplexes leading to a German Suplex that almost got him the three count as Rhys barely popped a shoulder up. Marc tried heading to the top rope for a kill shot with the Flying Cross Body Block, but Rhys countered with a perfectly timed dropkick. Rhys followed up with a FACE FIVE and went to the top himself for the Rhys' Peace Out but the double stomp hit the mat as Rhys rolled... Marc quickly moved in for what looked to be a suplex only for him to grab a leg, lift up Rhys and drop him with a Fisherman's Buster, with referee Allan Round counting the three!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Marc Maxx celebrates for a brief moment but the referee doesn't raise his hand as he instead looks to the back for instructions with a confused look on his face. UK Dragon comes out from the back, looking irate and shouting up a storm as Marc rolls out of the ring and quickly heads to the back, managing to smile a little while walking away defiantly. UK Dragon and referee Allan Round consult over what just happened before Marc is officially announced as the victor, but it's clear that Marc Maxx' unauthorised use of a move beyond the young lion's moveset has angered UK Dragon. And if it has angered him, it's sure to have angered dojo masters Kansuke Konda and Hyosuke Kokan even more....</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jermaine Granger (6 points) and Marty Ellison (8 points) were up next for the second match of the night, with nothing but pride on the line as both were already eliminated. Jermaine's advantages were obviously in the agility department while Marty's advantages were more or less a little of everything else. A back and forth match could have gone either way as both men gave it their all for the last match of the tournament, looking to go out on a high. The match went longer than most of their block matches as a result, both of them showing as much heart as they could. Marty tried to lock in a knee bar but Jermaine had that scouted and managed to escape it with a pinning combination, leading to Jermaine hitting a springboard flying cross body that almost netted him the pin. Marty had another chance to win with a Fisherman's Suplex that he couldn't quite complete, with Jermaine countering with a spinning Falcon Arrow, grabbing the legs for a textbook cover that got him the pin! Jermaine advances to 8 points, finishing with a respectable 4-5 record in the tournament.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The third match of the night saw Hari Dubashi (4 points) face off with Bryn Archer (10 points), with the bristly moustached Welshman Bryn looking particularly gruff after being eliminated via tiebreakers despite being so close to the leaders of the block. Bryn stood his ground in the middle of the ring, silently daring Hari to hit him... and when Hari did, Bryn fired back with brutal chops that sent Hari to the mat. Hari stunned Bryn for a while with a Tornado Headkick and tried to parlay that into an opportunity to finish the match with a Shooting Star Press, but Bryn pulled Hari's feet from under him, forcing Hari into the corner where he proceeded to chop the ever loving hell out of him with Shuji Inukai style machine gun chops (real world Kobashi corner chops). Hari became the second man in the tournament to bleed from the chest as a result of Bryn's chops. As Hari limped from the corner Bryn tried to grab a Saito Suplex, but it Hair barely escaped it. Bryn's moustache bristled as he instead went for the Spinning Back Elbow but Hari ducked, connected with a German Suplex near the corner and headed up to the top again, connecting with a beautiful Shooting Star Press to earn the win and advance to 6 points.</em></p><p> </p><p>

It was then time for the matches that mattered the most of the tournament so far as the final four men who could qualify paired up to fill out the spots for the final. Up first was Aurelian Bradley (10 points) and Damian Hooker (12 points), with a win crucial for guaranteeing either man a spot in the final. With a fifteen minute time limit in place still it was clear from the start that Hooker had no intention of the match going that long as he aggressively started to maul Aurelian from the get go. Huge bear paw strikes to the head and body helped to control Aurelian in the early going before a simple drop toe hold turned the tide, allowing Aurelian to maliciously work over the knee that Black dissected the previous night. Hooker was clearly suffering as the stacked damage of two matches took it's toll on him, especially as Aurelian used every hold he could to wear him down. Hooker's comeback was short lived as a Standing Lariat attempt saw his knee buckle from under him as he planted the foot. Aurelian sensed that Hooker's spirit was broken and knew the time was right for the Figure Four Leg Lock. Hooker tried to drag himself to the ropes as he roared in pain, but Bradley was strong enough and big enough to pull back towards the center of the ring and Hooker was forced to tap out, furious with himself as he did so. Hooker is eliminated as Aurelian advances to 12 points too, going ahead on tie breakers but still needing the next match to not go to a draw in order to advance to the final.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The final match of block action saw the top two seeds for the tournament and leaders going into this day going head to head, as Lynton Minehead (12 points) and Christian Black (12 points) squared off. Lynton's left knee was heavily taped up following his defeat in his previous match to Aurelian Bradley, and it was obvious to everyone that it was going to be the target in this match. Black, having finally tipped his hand to debut two new leg based attacks last time against Damian Hooker, was clearly well equipped for this match and was ready for the early charge from Lynton, sprawling well to counter an aggressive Power Surge and to go on the attack early, working towards the knee as Lynton uncharacteristically struggled to get away to the safety of a rope break. Seeing Lynton's discomfort made Black confident and able to set the tempo, while Lynton wasn't able to be his usual explosive self as Black strategically looked for and made openings to get the advantage. Lynton's first major flurry of offense didn't happen until 10 minutes in, and saw him finally get Black on his back, where Lynton could mount him to rain down forearm smashes. Black covered up, making the strikes mostly ineffective as Lynton gave up the mount, allowing Black a small opening to escape only for Lynton to pull him in for a reverse sleeper... Black tried to stand up out of it and could feel Lynton pulling him back to the ground as he wrapped his legs around him for the Samurai Secret Stretch (bodylock reverse sleeper), the first time he's used the move since being taught it by British Samurai himself! Black fought and fought the hold as Lynton desperately held on, exerting most of his energy to keep the move... but Black was smart, elbowing Lynton's bad knee with everything he had to force a break from Lynton's trainer's signature submission and finally got it, not a moment too soon as Black looked in severe pain. With the clock ticking down to the final couple of minutes, both men looked spent, as much from the gruelling tournament as from the match itself. Catching their breath for a moment in opposite corners, Lynton charges for a Power Surge but is intercepted by Black running in for a chop block from the front, clipping the other knee this time as he got lower than Lynton on the attack!! Hobbled, Lynton had little he could do to resist the Texas Cloverleaf as Black turned him to this front and sat back deep into the hold with everything he had left, forcing Lynton to submit!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">YOUNG LION CUP FINALISTS</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong>Aurelian Bradley & Christian Black</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The middle of the show sees the FireBrand Dads teaching some lessons as Barry Griffin, Walter Morgan and Thomas Morgan (no relation) beat some wisdom into Axl Grease and the Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson), showing how good the dads can still be. The Rainbow Guard trio of Neville Jones, Thunderbolt and Bali Daljit pick up a morale and momentum building win over Gram Gorman and The Assassins' Guild (Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton), with three champions clashing here.... Bali Daljit picked up the fall on Louie Peyton thanks to a beautiful shooting star press and the trios more fluid team work, as it's safe to say that Gram Gorman doesn't play well with others. The remaining midcard match was a star studded affair as King of Ireland champion Merle O'Curle, Pure Wrestling champion Neil Warburton and Omezo Shikitei team up for a win over BHOTWG International champion Riddick Jordan and British Tag Team champions JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne of The Office. Initially purely meant to hype Riddick vs Merle, Omezo got the fall on JK Lee with a Crushed Ice (real world: GTR) and a British Tag Team title match was quickly confirmed for the tour finale show as a result.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Heavyweight Tag Team titles were on the line in the semi-main event as champions “The Electric Live Wire” Hyosuke Kokan and “The Big Fight Player” Kansuke Konda go up against Clubber Kohl and Crusher Von Steinberg of The Unbound. Crusher and Clubber have a significant size advantage while also being the more obviously aggressive and erratic of the two teams, but the BHOTWG duo Size Of The Fight have unmatched resilience and heart. Kokan's ribs were taped up coming into this, as The Unbound hurt those in the teaser matches leading to this show to give themselves the upperhand in this one. Kokan was the obvious target and after some early shine Kokan found himself isolated from his partner and on the wrong end of a beatdown focused on his ribs and neck. An almost spent Kokan finally got the hot tag to Konda and the Big Fight Player came in with his signature fire, overwhelming his larger opponents with hard strikes and little regard for his own body as he got both opponents in the corner and cannonballed them into oblivion over and over again, but when he went for the cover on Crusher it was broken up by Clubber. Kokan decides he's had enough time to recover and tags in when he can.... and that was the deciding factor. An Electric Shocker Clutch on Crusher looked like it might have been enough to force the submission, but Clubber escaped Konda's interference running by smashing him into the ringpost, before heading up to the top rope for a devastating Diving Head Butt to Kokan's ribs to break up the submission. Crusher recovered enough to lock Kokan in the Mind Crusher (Iron Claw), smashing his head into the mat over and over as Clubber took out Konda with The Hamburg Express (high velocity spear) and referee Humphrey Woolsey was forced to stop the match as Kokan was unable to defend himself at all. The Unbound have gotten their hands on championship gold, and their collective mission to rebel against the BHOTWG philosophies of wrestling took a major step forward by unseating BHOTWG guys for the gold.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The show's main event saw the Scottish Heavyweight champion Dwayne Dark step up to the challenge of “Captain Crash” Cain Carlile, a man who has racked up a couple of pinfall victories over the challenger in recent tag team contests. Captain Crash had the best of the early going, outpacing Dark and catching him with several quick pinfall attempts that eventually forced the champion to roll out to the floor to give himself breathing room. The two National School of Wrestling graduates (Dark in 2010, Cain in 2014) somehow never made it with 21CW and the fact that they are headlining a show together for championship gold shows just how much they have continued to work hard despite career setbacks. Captain Crash's momentum is cut short as Dark resorts to some dirty boxing, using his body to block the referee's view of the closed fist shots that are illegal in FPW. From there Dark controlled the match with brawlling tactics, taking the match inside and outside the ring, shouting at Cain for being a fluke and clearly enjoying inflicting pain on Captain Crash. But Captain Crash wouldn't stay down when Dark started going for covers and the resulting frustration took us to the final stretch. Crash finding his way back in with a handspring back elbow from the ropes, leading to a series of athletic moves and near falls. Both men started getting desperate, trading big moves until Captain Crash had Dark downed for the Mark Of Cain (top rope knee drop) but Dark managed to barely escape it as the Captain crashed and burned, hurting his knee and allowing Dark to quickly set up for the Dark Matter (front Russian leg sweep, adopted from Art Reed) to pick up the win and retain the Scottish Heavyweight championship. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show0052</span></strong></p><p>

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<em>Neville Jones was upset with Gram Gorman after a botched move almost hurt him</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Backstage at Day 9...</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The locker room has been emptied, sending veterans and young lions alike in various stages of being dressed for action into the dull, show poster adorned hallways of the London venue. The active young lions are in gear and ready to go, being corralled by the likes of UK Dragon and British Samurai outside of the locker room while Jermaine Granger and Marty Ellison are out having their match. No one looks happy at having to use the hallway to get ready, no one is able to properly stretch and get limber for their matches. But the bosses of FireBrand Pro Wrestling demanded it, with Hyosuke Kokan and Kansuke Konda in the locker room along with the man who just spat on the young lion rules, Marc Maxx.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Kansuke Konda slaps Marc around the face so hard that the much larger young lion stumbles for a moment, before Hyosuke shouts at him more in Japanese, the words unknown but the meaning clear. Don't you dare. Marc Maxx is sweating, partly from the match but partly through the adrenaline reaction of being hit so hard by someone so much smaller than him, someone he'd fancy his chances against in a real fight. No one ever expects Konda to be able to hit so hard, it has been one of the strengths of his whole career, being a Junior that can hit like a heavyweight, and never backing down from anyone</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>“How dare you?! How DARE you?! You did not have permission to use that move! You did not graduate from our dojo! You did not have the heart to finish our training! You have no respect for our rules! Why should we keep you here?”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MARC MAXX</p><p>

<strong>“Because I lo...”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Konda slaps Marc that connects with a solid thud, connecting more with the heel of the hand and making it more of a palm strike. Crimson blood frames Marc's white teeth and it's clear that he bit his tongue from the last strike.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>“You do not care about our rules, our traditions! I do not care why you think we should keep you! You have dishonoured our dojo, you have dishnoured our reputation, you have dishnoured yourself. Why would we listen to anything you say, when you have no honour?”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MARC MAXX</p><p>

<strong>“I can ex...”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Konda slaps Max on the jaw again, Maxx angrily snaps his head round to momentarily lock eyes with Konda which angers Konda even more as he begins furiously raining slaps. Hyosuke Kokan only moves to take a half step forward as Konda starts his barrage, taking it back when it's clear that Maxx isn't fighting back. Maxx drops to a knee and covers his face, protecting himself as Konda slaps him around the head a few more times as Maxx shows signs of submission.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>“ Is your pride worth more than your honour? Do you understand respect now? I have seen men like you before. Impatient. Lazy. Spoiled. Always think they know more than their senpais. Arrogant. You were right to leave the dojo when you could blame someone else for your failings, when you could keep your pride and pretend to the world that you still had honour. You have a choice now. You can take the easy way out now, walk out the door without your pride, without your honour and never come back. Show us all that you have no heart”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kansuke robustly grabs Maxx's head to turn it towards the door. Maxx looks it up and down, a simple door handle towards a simpler life. Kokan watches on from beneath his mask, eyes never moving from Maxx's face as the young lion contemplates his future. From one knee, Maxx adjusts his position... to get down on both knees, head bowed in front of Konda's feet. Konda's voice softens a little, though the anger is obviously still there.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>“The punishment will be severe. You should give up now. Your pride was hurt by losing so much, but this will hurt more and you will have no pride left. You do not have the heart to survive this. Take the easy way out, you will never have enough heart to restore your honour. Your failure will only destroy your pride, the pride you value so much that you would sacrifice your honour for it”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Marc stays where he is, making no sound and the only visible sign from being a gentle shake of his head to signify that he has no intention of giving up. Konda looks over to Kokan who reponds with a very slight nod. Konda makes another wordless gesture to his long term tag partner. Kokan and Konda have a lot of work to do tonight, not only working the backstage to make sure the show runs smoothly but also a Heavyweight Tag Team title defence coming up that they need to be focused for. Still angry, but seeing the situation as being close enough to being dealt with, they exit the locker-room, leaving Maxx on the floor on his own to address the collected roster outside in the hallway, with the roster able to see him on the floor as it's left wide open</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>“Marc Maxx is not to move until the final bell. He is not allowed to talk to anyone, for any reason, until the end of January. If anyone hears him say anything, he is to be slapped as hard as you can. His work in the dojo will be increased. If he ever breaks a dojo rule again, he will never be welcome back. If anyone else breaks the dojo rules, they will never be welcome back. This is the first and last time the rules will be tested by anyone on our roster. If anyone loses a match to Marc Maxx, regardless of what class they are in, they will get extra dojo duties. When we get back to the dojo everyone will be on extra duties until we say so. Does everyone understand?”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The various young lions, staff and trainers of the dojo make their understanding clear, while the relative outsiders of the bunch stay quiet or nod their own understanding. The BHOTWG system has been in place through the Hinote Dojo for more than 40 years, with discipline, structure, work ethic and more passed on down through generations of competitors there and on the main roster. They are Master Kitozon's teachings, and they have been hugely successful, while themselves being based on a culture of respect, discipline and hard work. Japan may have a different culture than the British Isles, but the foundation of what FireBrand Pro Wrestling are hoping to achieve remains the same and if that means beating discipline into people and changing the very culture around them, then that is what they will do</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">UPCOMING MATCHES</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FireBrand Young Lion Cup Finale</span></strong></span></p><p>

<em>From Birmingham</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">BHOTWG International Championship</span></strong></p><p>

<em>“Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan © vs “The Irish Stretching Machine” Merle O'Curle</em></p><p> </p><p>

The main event of the night will see the BHOTWG International champion take on the King of Ireland in a huge match. O'Curle has put himself through the wringer, winning a gruelling series of matches with Curtis Jenkins to get to this point and the teaser matches with him against various combinations of The Office have been hard hitting affairs that fans have eaten up. This match will no doubt be great for the fans, but who is going to walk out with the BHOTWG Internatonal championship?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">British Tag Team Championships</span></strong></p><p>

<em>The Office (JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne) © vs W.A.R. (“The Grappler” Neil Warburton and Omezo Shikitei)</em></p><p> </p><p>

This match was recently signed as Warburton and Shikitei picked up the fall on JK Lee in trios action. The technically proficient duo have been buliding their reputations in singles and tag action, and this marks their first chance to lay claim to tag team gold. Padraig has been starting to show a more cocky side, while JK seems focused on winning no matter what... four men come into this with a lot of momentum but only one duo can leave with the championships!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">100kg Championship</span></strong></p><p>

<em>“100 Killer” Gram Gorman © vs Rohan Kirchner</em></p><p> </p><p>

Wasting little time in exercising his rematch, Rohan Kirchner is pushing Gram to maintain a high intensity series of matches through December and hoping that the lack of time to recover between them will give him the edge. Gram doesn't back down from a fight and with these two men tied at 1 – 1 in their series so far, it's hard to say who will walk out of Birmingham carrying the 100kg Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Young Lion's Cup Final</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Christian Black vs Aurelian Bradley</em></p><p> </p><p>

These two men have came out on top of the class of young lions in the cup, and there are many parallels to be drawn between them. They're both smart, they both went into the tournament with a game plan and executed it well, and both have proven that they have the skill to back up their mental game. Black held off debuting new moves until he knew he had to, bringing out the leg based assault for the two men with bad knees in the final block matches to top the group. Aurelian beat Black on Day 1 of the tournament but has proven a little inconsistent as he dropped some matches to people he perhaps shouldn't have. Both have a singular focus now... to win the Young Lion's Cup, as the FireBrand Dojo graduate Black takes on the National School of Wrestling graduate Bradley!!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Special Attraction Trios Match</span></strong></p><p>

<em>“Journeyman” Curtis Jenkins / “Magic” Martin Heath / Jon Michael Sharp vs “Stone Cold Killer” Konrad Makinen / “The X Factor” Petey Barnes / “The Street Fighting Man” Jeffery McPeterson</em></p><p> </p><p>

A parade of champions and former champions line up in trios action to showcase why they are considered among the very best in British/Irish/European wrestling today. All will be looking to pick up a big win here to put an exclamation point on their 2020, and build momentum to carry into the new year, with potential championship matches spawning as a result of this match!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>….and more!</em></p><p> </p><p>

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Unregistered wins again (shock!) but drops below 50% correct for this show as he foolishly stuck with his original overall pick to win and didn't bravely pick the massive upset of Marc Maxx breaking all the rules to get a win. From our chats I'm glad he didn't see that coming, is always nice to be able to catch someone by surprise even when they know a lot of what to expect. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Unregistered (Marty Ellison) – 3/7 (overall total = 36/58 = 62%)</p><p>

kanegan (Bryn Archer) - (overall total = 7/12 = 58%)</p><p> </p><p>

The Young Lion Cup finale is coming up, which will end our year. There will probably be a couple of posts about all the year end stuff goes so hopefully you enjoy that. Thanks as always for reading along, I know some of you are out there quietly watching... waiting... creeping... I hope you're having fun. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

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FireBrand Young Lion Cup Finale

From Birmingham


BHOTWG International Championship

“Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan © vs “The Irish Stretching Machine” Merle O'Curle

Very much of two minds about this match. Riddick is a younger wrestler, has been a good champion, and probably will go on to have a longer reign.. But on the other side, Merle O'Curle is the best, has had largely some of the best matches the company has had to offer, and deserves not only this opportunity but also arguably this title on his resume. I'd love to see O'Curle win here, so he can go in defend in Japan at some point... But I don't know. I'm going with my heart instead of my mind I think, let's go Merle! Do the Irish proud!



British Tag Team Championships

The Office (JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne) © vs W.A.R. (“The Grappler” Neil Warburton and Omezo Shikitei)

Two for two on big important matches that are hard too choose. The Office are great champions, have been important parts of the roster, and are a really good team. On the other hand, while W.A.R. is newer, they are two important guys that I can see putting any titles on. Omezo is the future really in my opinion, and Neil is already proving himself in singles matches as well. I value Warburton and Shikitei more as individuals, although I'd happy see them win here, I'm instead going to give it too The Office as Lee and O"Hearne aren't no slouches either.


100kg Championship

“100 Killer” Gram Gorman © vs Rohan Kirchner

Gram wins I think. He's an important worker, very good, and will hopefully move up the the heavyweight division after having a great and lengthy 100kg title run. Sorry Rohan, but your not Gorman!


Young Lion's Cup Final

Christian Black vs Aurelian Bradley

I'll give my thoughts post show, but I admit I'm sad to see Bradley in the final. Either of the other two men would have been more exciting to me, but in saying that, I do understand why Bradley is here and it's more personal opinion then outright fact. Good for Bradley really, but I'm rooting for Black to win it all to bring it home to the FireBrand Dojo! Punch him in the groin if you need too Christian! Get that win! :p


Special Attraction Trios Match

“Journeyman” Curtis Jenkins / “Magic” Martin Heath / Jon Michael Sharp vs “Stone Cold Killer” Konrad Makinen / “The X Factor” Petey Barnes / “The Street Fighting Man” Jeffery McPeterson


First off, I'd like to say it feels strange to have McPeterson on the side of Barnes and Makinen, it just feels like he is more of a face then the other two. Obviously Barnes is a heel, and I understand Konrad being on that side of things too. I know it's not a perfect split or anything, but it just seems slightly out of place seeing him here... And thats not even my past bit of hatred towards him! He's grown on me!


With that said, as much as it pains me to say it, I see team Jenkins winning, giving himself Heath and Sharp a win they can use, while I feel Barnes is a made man and McPeterson and Makinen can still deal well with the loss as well. HOnestly, it could go either way, but we shall see.




SIDE PREDICTION! I could EASILY see either Marty Ellison and Mad Maxx against either The Size of the Fight or Hooker and Minehead too put Maxx and too a point Marty in line after what happenend last show. I imagine if so, it will be a painful experience for Maxx, and Ellison will spend a fair amount of time on the apron watching the beatings happen.. Book it Derek-O!

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<p>BHOTWG International Championship</p><p>

“Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan © vs <strong>“The Irish Stretching Machine” Merle O'Curle</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I think it's time to give Merle a run.</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

British Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<strong>The Office (JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne)</strong> © vs W.A.R. (“The Grappler” Neil Warburton and Omezo Shikitei)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Office retains only just</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

100kg Championship</p><p>

<strong>“100 Killer” Gram Gorman ©</strong> vs Rohan Kirchner</p><p> </p><p>

Young Lion's Cup Final</p><p>

Christian Black vs <strong>Aurelian Bradley</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Special Attraction Trios Match</p><p>

<strong>“Journeyman” Curtis Jenkins / “Magic” Martin Heath / Jon Michael Sharp</strong> vs “Stone Cold Killer” Konrad Makinen / “The X Factor” Petey Barnes / “The Street Fighting Man” Jeffery McPeterson</p><p> </p><p>

<em>I will never go against Heath & Sharp.</em></p>

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The Rules Of The Young Lions Cup 2020


The tournament is a 10 man, round robin tournament in which everyone will face each other once, in a single block of 10

Every block match will have a 15 minute time limit

A win is worth 2 points, a draw is worth 1 point, a loss earns 0 points

IF someone is forced out of the competition within the first 3 matches, all points earned against them are set to 0

IF someone is forced out of the competition after 3 or more matches, all remaining matches are forfeited and their remaining opponents will be given a win

When all matches have been contested, the top two points scorers will advance to the final

The final will have no time limit, there must be a winner

If wrestlers are tied on points, their ranking is determined via head to head tiebreakers

If multiple wrestlers are tied on the same score, the total points from matches against the tied wretstlers is used, then head to head tiebreakers

If there is a tie with more than two wrestlers for the top two ranks after tie breakers, an elimination match between all wrestlers will be used for the final

The winner of the final match will have their name etched onto the Young Lions Cup as the 2020 winner

The winner can choose to carry the trophy with them to events if they wish

The trophy must be returned to the FireBrand Dojo trophy case every night

It is the responsibility of the winner to keep the trophy in good condition











FireBrand Young Lion Cup Day Finale Results


The final show of the tour and of 2020 opened in Birmingham with the walking wounded of the losing Young Lions in eight man tag action, as the even ranked young lions and odd ranked young lions teamed up . So many were wearing extra tape to support their aching joints following the gruelling tournament and there were open tensions in the air as Marc Maxx's unauthoried use of a non-young lion finisher saw him steal a win over Rhys Ryland last time out, a man he was teaming with tonight. Maxx was forced to start the match for his side and went toe to toe with Lynton Minehead who intensely fired in with brutal chops. Maxx was losing the battle and went for a tag, but his team mates declined, allowing Lynton to tag to Bryn Archer who carried on where Lynton left off... Maxx silently reached for the tag and was again denied, allowing Hari Dubashi a turn to strikes with some leg kicks, before frustratedly trying again for the tag only to be face to face with Marty Ellison, the friend who helped him back to the FireBrand Dojo. Marty and Maxx started to grapple rather than strike, but Maxx was already hurting and when Maxx started to curse out loud at the lack of tags he quickly received a devastating slap across the face for his trouble, before finally getting a meaty “tag” from Damian Hooker on the chest. A more competitive match played out from there, ultimately coming down to Maxx and Marty as Marty got the win with the Fisherman's Suplex to get the win for his side. Maxx was obviously hurting after the match as most of the young lions left him behind, with Marty being the only one here to check on him after the match.


The second match of the night was the final of the Young Lion's Cup, an event designed to test the young lions against each other to see who can make the most of their talent and training at this early stage of their career. Christian Black won the block with seven wins, losing only to Bryn Archer and his opponent tonight, Aurelian Bradley. Both men take a cerebral approach to wrestling, utilising old school tactics to outsmart and outmanoeuvre their opponents to great effect. Free of time limits for the first time in their FPW careers, the two men were able to slow things down and let their gameplans unfold. The feeling out process saw both try to outwrestle each other to get a better idea of where they stand after a long tournament, with Black getting a slight upperhand in the grappling department. Bradley initiated a strike battle with a strong European uppercut, which Black responded to in kind, but Bradley seemed to have the upperhand in the striking department. Aurelian took control and started to wear down Black's left knee for a while... and eventualy when Black got back on attack he responded in kind, as both men worked towards their leg based submissions. At one point both of them were tied up with a double leg lace, slapping the taste out of each other's mouth until they were forced to let go at the same time. Looking tired and slowing down as fatigue took it's toll, their desperationto end the match began to show. Both attempt a kick to the gut at the same time but catch each other.... more slaps to the face ensued, with Bradley desperate to win to avoid Black's Dragon Screw Leg Whip and finally did, tripping Black and quickly locking in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Black was in agony as Bradley cranked on the move as much as possible... dragging Black but to the centre of the ring as he struggled for an escape. Remembering the classic escape, Black finally managed to roll over to his belly to reverse the pressure and now Bradley was in trouble, being stuck in his own hold until he managed to roll again, allowing both to get the rope break they need. Both hurting from the hold, they got to their feet at about the same time, exchanging grappling attempts as Bradley went for the Piledriver, getting closer and closer to dropping Black on his head but shots to Bradley's knee allowed Black to escape, spin out with a grip on one arm to pull Bradley straight into a diamond cutter! Black shoots the half nelson and rolls Bradley onto his back for the three count! Christian Black wins the Young Lion's Cup!


Black looked ecstatic in the ring as he realises that he's managed to win the first major honour of his career. Some of the FireBrand Dads came out from the back to congratulate him on his win, while some of the new class of young lions bring the trophy into the ring from ringside. Hyosuke Kokan and Kansuke Konda present the trophy to Black in a short ceremony along with some flowers, and he's even given a microphone to address the fans, something young lions are generally not allowed to do. Black looks at it, bowing to Kokan and Konda as he takes the mic from them.


CHRISTIAN BLACK (breathing heavily)

“Wow... first of all, I want to thank my senpais in the FireBrand Dojo because I couldn't have done this without their training. They taught me everything I needed to know to get here and gave me the confidence to stick to my game plan and believe in our training. While others may have strayed from their training more, I followed the path set out for me by our trainers, I held back on my new moves until I absolutely needed them and it worked. The cloverleaf for the guys with the bad knees... the Instant Black, just like the dojo coffee, when I knew Aurelian would have the cloverleaf scouted. I knew it could be done and now I've got the trophy to prove it. Thank you, senpais. Thank fellow students. Thank you, fans. Thank you!”


Black bows his head to each side of the ring to show respect for the fans and the ring itself, thanking each of the FireBrand dads too as they take turns to whisper congratulations into his ear. The first ever Young Lion's Cup winner has been decided, but it is expected that everyone that competed this year will return next year in what will be an ever bigger field once the new class graduates the FireBrand Dojo. Black may be a winner, but he is still learning and the Young Lion training won't be complete for a long time yet.



Christian Black


Every member of the active FireBrand roster would appear at the show tonight, with the midcard tag team matches showcasing the diverse mix of talents available to them. Walter Morgan and Thomas Morgan (no relation) showcased their technical gifts and wrestling experience as they put down The Assassins' Guild (Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton), with Thomas locking in The Trademark (STF) submission on Peyton to force the bigger half of the team to tap out. Barry Griffin, Cain Carlile, Carl Edwards and Cannonball Logan picked up a win as they showed more cohesion to overcome the dysfunctional pairings of Fight Team Punisher's Glen Ward & Gavin Owen alongside the more fun loving duo of The Black Country Boys (Mickey Robson & Gazz Vedmore). The BHOTWG veteran duo of Hyosuko Kokan and Kansuke Konda (Size Of The Fight) showcased their experience together in registering a win over the less experienced Scottish duo of Don Henderson and Axl Grease. Grease and Henderson seem to work very well together with their contrasting styles, but they have been getting paired up against tough opponents and have yet to find any consistency with their results, with Grease tapping out to Hyosuke Kokan's Electric Shocker Clutch in this one. The biggest of the eight man tag matches saw all four members of The Unbound (VENOM, Clubber Kohl, Crusher Von Steinberg and Messiah Hara) teamed up to face off against all four members of The Rainbow Guard (Thunderbolt, Neville Jones, Bali Dalijt and Rhys Vali). With three championships held between the two groups, this match oozed with quality wrestlers and everyone had some time to shine before VENOM's dastardly ways led to him getting the win with a Top Rope Leg Drop to Rhys Vali that looked ike it almost decapitated Vali.


An all-star line up was out next for trios action with former All England champion “Journeyman” Curtis Jenkins teaming up with the CWW Tag Team champions Jon Michael Sharp and “Magic” Martin Heath to take on UEW World champion “Stonne Cold Killer” Konrad Makinen, former Adrenaline champion “The X-Factor” Petey Barnes and former Scottish Heavyweight champion “The Street Fighting Man” Jeffrey McPeterson. Whether in a FireBrand ring or outside it, these men are among the elite wrestlers across Europe and all must have their eyes on the biggest prize available to them, the BHOTWG International championship. Everyone will have their eyes on tonight's main event but first they have to try to register a win over some highly qualified competition. Barnes soon found himself frustrating his own team mates with his attitude in the early going, while there were some tensions between Curtis Jenkins and Martin Heath stemming from their recent match where Heath became All England champion. McPeterson tried to lead his side but Makinen isn't known for playing well with others as the “Stone Cold Killer” aggressively went to work to win for himself and no-one else. The finish came after an epic run of huge moves from everyone to everyone that had fans wondering what would be next. Jon Michael Sharp thought he was the last man standingfrom the sequence, locking Barnes into the Disarmer but the referee waved him off as he'd seen Makinen's blind tag on Barnes... Makinen locked in a lightning-fast Swedish Grapevine (rolling judo leg lock) on JMS and with no-one left standing to help break the hold, and still bearing the damage from his recent submission loss to Neil Warbuton and his variation of the Texas Deathlock, JMS was forced to tap out. After the match there are tensions among everyone... Heath makes sure to check on his partner, Jenkins looks disappointed that his side lost and makes it clear to Makinen that he was lucky to be left in the ring with the “weak link”. Petey Barnes celebrates as if he personally won the match and finds himself face to face with the man who actually[/ub] won the match, Konrad Makinen. McPeterson stands away from everyone, surveying the scene with something clearly ticking away in his mind. What is next for everyone here?


The rest of the night would see three more championship matches, kicking off with former champion Rohan Kirchner challenging new 100kg champion “100 Killer” Gram Gorman in a rematch that Gram was only too happy to grant. This was never going to be a long match, both men went into this full of intensity, which is a plan of attack that few are ever going compete on a similar level to Gram. Gram may not be the smartest wrestler when he refuses to back down... but he is always willing to use his head as he headbutted his way into control of the match and proceeded to clobber Rohan with relentless chops and snap suplexes, relentlessly pressing non stop to keep Rohan up close whlie doing more damage. Rohan to his credit, fight back into the match, using quickness to help give him the space to unleash his own arsenal. Using the ropes to tactically launch his attacks and making regular covers, Rohan maintained the pressure and kept edging closer and closer to victory. Setting up for his Superkick finisher, Rohan's telegraphing of the move cost him as Gram countered with another headbutt, even as the headbutts are clearly taking a toll on his own wellbeing through the match. Gram started to unleash his major moves, hitting the half and half suplex out of the corner that dumped Rohan almost on the top of his head, but only got a two count. Gram trapped the arms of Rohan and slowly, aggressively and deliberately heatbutted Rohan, picking his spots and drawing blood from Rohan's forehead as the South African started to crumble in Gram's grasp. Gram adjusts his grip to hoist Rohan up for the Gorman-Aghast (gutwrench into reverse piledriver) but Rohan escaped out the back and connected with a superkick to the back of the head, sending Gram crashing forward. Rohan was discombubulated from the headbutts he had endured and by time he got to the cover it was only a two count. Setting up for the superkick again, Gram blocked it and tried for a headbutt that Rohan countered into a leaping knee strike that once again only got a two count. Gram looked like he was done as Rohan tried once more for the Superkick but Gram found an explosive first step to escape the incoming move then hit an intense running back elbow directly to the cut on Rohan's forehead. Moments later the Gorman-Aghast connected, leaving a spot of blood on the mat, and Gram Gorman retained the 100kg Championship while once again taking a huge physical toll on his own body.


The final two matches of the night featured members of The Office, with the semi-main event seeing “The Bulldog” JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne defending the British Tag Team championships against the team that scored a fall on them three days ago, “The Grappler” Neil Warburton and Omezo Shikitei, known together as W.A.R. It's rare to see so much techniclal skill in one match and it was clear that both sides wanted to show that they were the alphas there, but after lengthy exchanges of holds, counter holds, pin attempts, tags and every combination of men in the ring, W.A.R had the upperhand, with Padraig taken down a peg or two on the mat as JK vented frustration from the apron. Warburton and Omezo dominated for a long stretch until things got a little more rough and tumble, with Padraig brawling his way to some success before The Office began their attack on Omezo's left arm, setting him up for submissions later whlie removing some of his more potent offence. At least, that was the plan... Omezo kept fighting to comeback with chops and suplex counters only to be cut off repeatedly before finally making the tag to Warburton, who came in with amazingly executed double leg takedowns that impacted more like slams. Taking on both membes of The Office at once as if it was a normal fight for him, Warburton set about tearing Lee and O'Hearne limb from limb and at one poont had both opponents in a double submission, using his arms and neck for an armbar on Padraig at the same time as using his legs for a head and arm choke on JK... he couldn't hold the moves forever though, as JK and Padraig managed to struggle a way out before moving to take out Warburton's leg. Soon he was being worn down by slick double teams from the more experienced duo as Omezo was forced to watch from the apron, his arm hanging limply by his side. Desperate for the tag despite the damage, Omezo kept trying to get back in but JK Lee managed to sneak around the ring to cut Omezo's legs from under him, while also cutting off the opportunity for a tag... Warburton had one last gasp trying to fight back as he desperately looked for any submission he could find, before Padraig managed to muscle him up to land the Crowning Glory (Lance Archer's IRL Black Out) to score the pinfall on the reigning CWW champion and Pure Wrestling champion!


It was then time for the main event, perhaps the mostly hotly anticipated match outside of 21CW in UK wrestling in a decade as “Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan's BHOTWG International championship would be on the line against one of the finest pure wrestlers to come out of Europe this millenium, the reigning King Of Ireland champion “The Irish Stretching Machine” Merle O'Curle. Merle earned his way to this point after a gruelling series with Curtis Jenkins that saw O'Curle cement his position among the very elite, though few have ever doubted his in-ring prowess. Before the match even began referee Roy Worrall made the strong decision to send Riddick's cornerman, the Scottish National champion Dwayne Dark, to the back to much protest from Riddick, to no avail. With one potential strategy foiled, it was clear that Riddick would need to bring his A game against Merle, who is always sure to bring his. Neither man could afford costly mistakes in a match with stakes as high as this which led to a lengthy feeling out process. Merle is a highly experienced wrestler, a man who knows all the technical tricks in the book... meanwhile Riddick is in the prime of his athletic career, bringing physical gifts that his opponent probably couldn't compete with even at his physical peak. Riddick tried to show up his older opponent early on but Merle's ring savvy soon saw him smartly counter Riddick's leapfrog with a grab of the leg into some mounted palm strikes that could easily have ended the match until Riddick squirmed to the ropes to give himself a moment to reflect on his first mistake.


The match settled into a more natural rhythm after that, with both men working to their strengths. Merle naturally tried to soften up Riddick's leg for the Celtic Wreath, the strategy doubling as a way to remove some of Riddick's athletic offence. Riddick tried to press an aggressive pace onto the match, believing he could outlast the veteran and wear him out enough to put him down with any of his suplex variations or flying headbutt. Merle repeatedly locked in every submission he could catch to grind Riddick down, while smashing him with forearms and palm strikes to keep him off balance too, but Riddick's aggression really helped him to stay in the match. The near falls and near submissiosn started to builf for both men as the match moved briskly towards the final bell, rarely slowing down enough to give Merle a chance to catch his breath. When Merle locked in the Celtic Wreath (his Indian Leglock variation, Riddick was desperate to escape, demonstrating how tough he really is as he fought his way to the ropes to force a break when it looked like the match could have been over. Riddick begged off from Merle as the challenger moved in to finish, with Riddick using the ropes to hide before scoring with an eye poke and then a T-Bone suplex, giving himself long enough to head to the top for a flying headbutt that connects! Senior referee Roy Worrall got down for the count and the crowd were shocked for it to only be a two count! Riddick couldn't believe it as he tried to gather his senses, only to have Merle catch him with a cross arm breaker, pulling him down to the mat but not quite able to complete the hold as Riddick used the last of his strength to hoist Merle up for a powerbomb that once again only got a two count! Riddick's disbelief was palpable but his protests to the referee fell on deaf ears as Riddick pulled him in with him to the corner as Merle somehow willed himself to his feet.... and that's when “The Bad Man” Alton Vicious snuck in, making his first appearance in almost nine months since tearing his achilles to catching Merle with the Vicious Snap (Cross-Rhodes) and quickly escape. Riddick made his way to the top for a second Diving Headbutt, crushing Merle with it to finally get the three count! Riddick Jordan retains the BHOTWG International championship!


The Office reunite in the middle of the ring to celebrate, dripping with championship gold. BHOTWG International champion “Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan... Scottish Heavyweight champion Dwayne Dark. British Tag Team champions “The Bulldog” JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne. And now, Riddick is reunited with “The Bad Man” Alton Vicious as he returns from a torn achilles. It seems like it may only be a matter of time before The Office add more championship gold to their group, who can stand in their way?







A record equalling field of two took on the final round of predictions for the first year of FireBrand, with our contestants only having one difference of opinion... the Young Lion Cup Final. Which made me very happy, because I don't want things to be predictable and I do want people to play favourites and show me who you like (or don't). With that in mind, Christian Black's tournament win gives Unregistered a narrow victory on this show and an overall win on the predicftions too, though having made so many more of them I would probably have given him that honour regardless. Seems like it would only be fair. :)


Unregistered (Marty Ellison) – 3/5 (overall total = 39/63 = 62%)

kanegan (Bryn Archer) – 2/5 (overall total = 9/17 = 53%)


More year end information will be coming soon, before I take a small break from writing to do a LOT more CV97 modding and to once again start booking ahead of where I'm writing. I ran this whole tournament at the same time as writing to see how it went, but I like booking a little ahead of time like I was before, I felt like it helped me stay succinct and focused on what I should be doing as I can show more at once. The mix of tournaments and tour shows will always have some writing differences, so do let me know if you have a preference. I'll be in touch via PM to talk prizes for contestants, though that will likely be after I've seen what my class of new Young Lions is like, there should be a few new ones coming very soon. So thanks as always for reading along, I hope you're still having fun. :)





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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

The Pro Wrestling Reporter's annual end of year awards were given out on last night's podcast as Greg Sluchinski's encyclopedic knowledge of wrestling through 2020 was put to the test. Fans will no doubt argue some of his picks given that there has been a high level of competition around the world for the honours, but congratulations go out to all the winners and to every competitor for making these picks so difficult in the first place.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Company</span></strong></p><p>

<em>21st Century Wrestling</em></p><p>

(same as midyear)</p><p> </p><p>

The second time 21CW have won this award, the company spent the first half of the year dominated by the Edward Cornell vs Tommy Cornell rivalry that Edward decisively won before forcing Tommy to work alongside him for much of the second half of the year. 21CW's long term investment in youth through the National School of Wrestling paid off as Leigh Burton won the World title from Edward. With the amazing Adam Matravers also in the main event scene, 21CW's top of the card is stacked, while they also look to the likes of Wade Orson, Philip Cooper, Jonathan Faust and Hot Stuff to provide the backbone of the company. They don't have a lot of competition locally, but their plans for international growth seem to be beginning to bear fruit, with TV ratings across Europe and Canada increasing significantly through the year despite UK attendances struggling as economic recession hurts the country.</p><p> </p><p>

Honorary mentions go to all the other major companies for having generally strong years. BHOTWG and PGHW continue to rebuild in Japan years after the tsunami devastated the nation, with fans returning en masse to see both companies put on great shows. USPW continues to grow worldwide thanks to Reverie and remain the largest company in the world at this time thanks to their global exposure and huge financial backing. TCW continue to show that the US market appreciates actual wrestling too as Wolf Hawkins, Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord in particular continue to shine. SWF may have struggled the most of the three major US companies but are in the process of turning over a generation of stars and the new generation are getting there as The Awesomeness, The Bumfholes, Scythe and Rocky Golden seem primed to be top guys for years to come. Canada's CWA also continue to shine, though to a smaller audience, with a generation of stars being made there with Cameron Vessey, Aaron Knight and Christian Price determined to take down a rejuvenated Sean McFly and Shooter Sean Deeley.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show</span></strong></p><p>

<em>21CW Steel Cage Challenge (January)</em></p><p>

(same as midyear)</p><p> </p><p>

Quote from the mid-year report</p><p>

<em>“There have been some great overall cards all over the world but, and I think you know where I'm going with this, 21CW have been leading the way here again with Steel Cage Challenge back in January being a memorable show. The undercard was strong but the double main event is what really cemented this show as the best of the year so far. The semi-main saw Adam Matravers defeat Jonathan Faust as the two men gave each other everything they've got for more than 20 minutes, showing just how good they were as Adam became the top contender for the winner of the main event... a steel cage clash between Edward and Tommy Cornell. Perhaps the most heated clash between the two, with absolutely everything you could hope for in the match, a bleeding Edward managed to crawl out of the cage to retain the World title. Any combination of these four men can have great matches, but on this night they took it to another level and the heat in these two matches made an electric atmosphere and that's why this show is up there as the number one show of the year so far”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match</span></strong></p><p>

<em>El Leon and Rock God Alvarez defeated Dr Rudo and Axxis Jr by count-out (rated 99, EILL)</em></p><p>

(Midyear: Edward Cornell defeated Adam Matravers (99 rated, 21CW)</p><p> </p><p>

A lot of fans might be surprised that a match that ended by count-out could win match of the year, even more so that it was a TV match rather than a PPV level one. But the crowd were super hot for this match, with two singles rivalries coming together as personalities clashed, exciting action was exchanged and everyone came out of this looking better than they did before. Rudo's evil ways have seen him rising up the card as part of The Pirates, leading veteran Axxis Jr and future megastar Velocidad in his motley crew. El Leon has been chasing the EILL's Campeonato Del Mundo that he originally beat Rudo for (and Rudo beat Axxis for) and all the extra shenanigans around the match made this gold. It's hard to explain in words, but watch it for yourself and see how the two out of three falls match works to put everyone over and how the count out got Rudo even more heat. The guy is nuclear in Mexico right now, it's amazing.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wrestler</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Edward Cornell, 21CW</em></p><p>

(same as midyear)</p><p> </p><p>

Edward Cornell wins his first ever Wrestler of the Year award after a stellar year. The first half of the year saw him win an epic rivalry with his cousin Tommy Cornell, himself a former two time winner of this award in '05 and '18. After finally forcing his cousin to do his bidding with yet another title victory over Tommy, Edward soon lost the gold to Leigh Burton and proceeded to focus on tormenting Tommy even more, forcing Tommy to watch as Edward tormented various National School of Wrestling graduates with a new found vicious streak before forcing Tommy to team with him in a couple of matches that saw Tommy take nasty beatdowns while Edward refuses to tag until the last moment, just enough to get the pin. Edward has proved this year that not only is he as good as his cousin, but in kayfabe he has surpassed him and his work as an absolutely loathsome human being has stood out as unique and incredible this year. The pay off will hopefully be huge as he heads into another year, ready to mount another challenge for the 21CW World title sooner or later.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Female Wrestler</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Lauren Easter, CWA</em></p><p>

(same as midyear)</p><p> </p><p>

The CWA's womens division has been on fire this year, with the trio of Lauren Easter, Amber Allen and Brooke Tyler leading the charge for the best women's wrestler of this year. Opinion is split among fans who the best of the group is but Greg Sluchinski gave the award to Lauren Easter for the sheer variety of opponents she's has faced and had great matches with. While not winning the CWA Women's championship this year, her rivalry with Brooke Tyler was the focal point of the division and helped to establish Brooke as a huge star with Lauren unable to pick up a win against her this year. Lauren looks set for big things next year, and the CWA roster will no doubt try to make sure they can keep a hold of all their women in order to continue making the most out of them.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Team</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord, TCW</em></p><p>

(midyear: Hot Stuff (J-B Cash & Buff Martinez), 21CW)</p><p> </p><p>

For two men who started the year off on opposite sides of a tag team dog collar match, the summer showcased that these two have something special whenever they meet. Coming together through unlikely circumstances and clashing with Joshua Taylor and Might Mo in a series of incredible matches over the summer, Aaron and Jay grew to respect each other and have a tentative alliance that always looks set to explode at any moment. With both men chasing Freddy Huggins' TCW World title and with Wolf Hawkins having his sights firmly set on it too following his King of Kings tournament win, TCW have a lot in store for the future. Though their tag team division as a whole needs work, as One Man Army and Doc Hammond reunited The New Wave to win the gold, something they were never meant to do. Andrews and Chord showed how valuable tag team wrestling can be, but I wouldn't expect to see them in the running to win this award again next year.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Young Wrestler</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Robby Griffin, CWA</em></p><p>

(same as midyear)</p><p> </p><p>

Three years a pro and 23 years of age, Robby Griffin followed his older brother Mark into wrestling and the two have been working for CWA ever since Robby's debut. Robby's high quality training shines through every time he wrestles, giving him an air of in-ring maturity that many of his similarly aged peers don't have, while his naturally exciting flying / striking hybrid style has been getting him noticed by fans and CWA management alike. This earned him the CWA World Tag Team titles alongside his brother in July, and though they recently lost them in December the duo are still one of the best young teams in wrestling. This time next year it would come as no surprise to see The Griffins among the top of the pack when it comes to the Tag Team of the Year award.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Veteran Wrestler</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Axxis Jr, EILL</em></p><p>

(midyear: Sean McFly, CWA)</p><p> </p><p>

At 43 years of age, Axxis Jr's best years of wrestling should in theory already be behind him... but in the year 2020 he not only wins the award for Veteran Wrestler of the year, but also the Match of the Year, a reward for his stellar work in The Pirates group in EILL. His ability to make anyone look good has proved invaluable and he's clearly loving being allowed to be the heel around which the entire company revolves, despite playing second fiddle to Doctor Rudo. Still in incredible physical condition, Axxis may yet have many years left in him as an active competitor, but it would come as no surprise to anyone to see him continue to put his incredible mic work to good use as a manager, commentator or both when he eventually hangs up his spandex.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Indy Wrestler</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Mabuchi Furusawa, BCG/indy</em></p><p>

(midyear: Marcos Flores, OLLIE/indy)</p><p> </p><p>

Calling Mabuchi Furusawa an indy wrestler may be stretching the definition a little given that he only had one match outside of a BCG ring all year (and it was his worst match of the year, given the lower level of competition he had) but denying Mabuchi's talent is impossible. A second generation wrestler who is very much following in his father's footsteps, Mabuchi's loyalty and dedication to growing BCG mirrors his father's love and dedication for the now defunct GCG. A two time and current BCG World champion, Mabuchi has all the tools to carry the company on his back for years to come and with guys like SUKI, Bunrakuken Torii, Funakoshi and Razan Okamoto around for him to have stellar matches with, BCG seem primed to one day compete with the likes of BHOTWG and PGHW in Japan when it comes to heavyweight wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Staff Of The Year</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mac Guffin (RAW) wins the award for best manager for the second time</p><p>

Toru Minamoto (BHOTWG) wins the award for best announcer for the first time</p><p>

Emma Chase (SWF) wins the award for the best colour commentator for the sixth time</p><p>

Darren Smith (SWF) wins the award for the best referee for the fifth time</p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">POWER 500 RANKINGS</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The most controversial list in pro wrestling since Mark Carnie unironically tweeted out a list of things that suck about wrestling, the Power 500 tries to rank the best wrestlers in the world based on their performances over the last 12 months. Sure to cause a stir among fans of different styles and from different parts of the world, check it out to see where your favourites have landed this year!</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="sn2UWvU.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/sn2UWvU.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="W6StC9H.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/W6StC9H.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="Tf1fEfF.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Tf1fEfF.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<em>NOTE: No FireBrand Pro Wrestling wrestlers made the top 500 list this year</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="TjWUnkK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TjWUnkK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Best Of FireBrand</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

With hundreds of matches booked under the FireBrand Pro Wrestling banner in the year of 2020, only one person can be considered the company MVP. Christian Black may have been crowned the best of the young lions with his recent tournament victory but he has only been wrestling for one year and as good as he is... he's not near the top level of the card yet. But who is the best wrestler in the FireBrand? Many wrestlers would argue their case and with many championships held between them, there are certainly many who could make a case. With that in mind... would it be the top champion in the company in the eyes of the world of wrestling in general?</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="JJIvgVO.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JJIvgVO.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="jZPi5SE.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jZPi5SE.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

From the start of 2020 to the end, championships have been won and lost. Merle O'Curle has held the King of Ireland championship for the full calendar year but key losses to Curtis Jenkins (two wins, one loss) and Riddick Jordan may weaken his case despite how successful he has been, even with 7 successful title defences in 2020 and 13 in this title reign so far. Curtis Jenkins himself ends the year with no championship gold but was the All England Champion for almost the entire year, making a total of 8 defences there (until losing to Martin Heath) while also winning CWW's King Of The North tournament to cement a stellar year and put the All England Championship on the map in the process. The case for Martin Heath as the best wrestler of the year could also be made as he had huge success in singles and tag team ranks, holding the Adrenaline championship, the British Tag Team champions (with Jon Michael Sharp), the CWW Tag Team championship (current, also with Jon Michael Sharp) and the All England championship (current) to cap a gold laden year for him that saw his reputation grow by leaps and bounds. But what of the BHOTWG International championship that was first won by Konrad Makinen, who later went on to claim the UEW World title after losing the belt? And what of Riddick Jordan, the reigning BHOTWG International champion who has defended it successfully against high ranked competition in BHOTWG and who held the British Tag Team championships with Alton Vicious until an injury forced him to change partner and then lose the belts? As you can see, the prestige of all the championships has risen in large thanks to these men and there are others like Neil Warburton who could be argued to be worthy of this list, holding the CWW Submissions title, the CWW Championship and the Pure Wrestling championship this year in what has undoubtedly been a break out year for him....</p><p> </p><p>

It's hard to say who is worthy of being crowned the best wrestler based on that alone, but fans have their opinions on who has been involved in the best matches of the year too so we can also look at that feedback for another metric in trying to work out who the top wrestler has been.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="XPriQ6x.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XPriQ6x.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

While many matches have been considered to be great by the FireBrand fans, these are the top 20 in terms of fan feedback at the time. It's a very rough metric and as you can see the range of scores are very close all the way though, so this will be further broken down by number of times a wrestler appears on this list:</p><p> </p><p>

8 - Martin Heath</p><p>

6 - Curtis Jenkins, Merle O'Curle</p><p>

5 – Neil Warburton, </p><p>

4 – Jeffery McPeterson, Jon Michael Sharp, Omezo Shikitei, </p><p>

3 - JK Lee, Padraig O'Hearne, Petey Barnes, Riddick Jordan, </p><p>

2 – Dwayne Dark, Gram Gorman, Konrad Makinen, Rohan Kirchner, </p><p>

1 – Neville Jones, Thunderbolt, </p><p> </p><p>

Looking at this metric, “Magic” Martin Heath seems to be running away with the accolade but with a roughly even split in singles and tag matches in there he may be getting high praise purely due to being involved in so many high profile matches, many of which he actually lost, though he did end the year with two championships. With very little separating many of these men from each other and with some having more major matches than others, some of the wrestlers may feel aggrieved if this is the main metric chosen to decide who the best wrestler of 2020 is within the FireBrand. And naturally, those wrestlers with a less fan friendly approach <strong>COUGH</strong><em>office</em><strong>COUGH</strong> may feel that their accolades should speak for themselves over anything that the fans think.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="xabArsa.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xabArsa.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>Missing from image above: VENOM, Thomas Morgan, all young lions</em></p><p> </p><p>

But overall, fan feedback is what drives pro wrestling. Bookers make matches that people want to see in order to sell tickets and make money. The back and forth between bookers and fans is what keeps things fresh and exciting, so ultimately the choice has to come down to fans.</p><p> </p><p>

What DO you want to see?</p><p>

What matches would you book if you had the chance?</p><p>

Who is your favourite wrestler of 2020?</p><p>

Who is your least favourite?</p><p>

Do you have a favourite stable?</p><p>

Do you have a favourite young lion?</p><p>

Do you think you could help coach anyone on the roster?</p><p> </p><p>

Let us know your thoughts and perhaps the next time FireBrand Pro Wrestling is in your area YOUR match could be booked on the show, giving you exactly what you want to see for the low price of just one ticket to the show! (for serious, let me know, it'll help shape my booking for the first half of the next year at least)</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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What DO you want to see?

I'm looking forward too seeing the next class of rookies! That's my first biggest hope, and I hope we get to see it soon! Also, despite not being my pick, I do hope at some point this year that Der.... I mean, Christian Black get's a trial series for winning the young lions cup! :)


What matches would you book if you had the chance?

Well, I've mentioned the trial series already, which I've mentioned in private some ideas for that, but besides that... Lets see...


Neil vs Omezo, Gram getting singles changes against the big boys, VENOM vs Kokan or maybe even a elimination tag match between Unbound vs Size of the Fight(and whomever) or better yet, the FireBrand Dads. That would be great fun. A six man tag would be cool too see added this year, but I do admit, there is such a great amount of titles I won't be upset or surprised to not see that happen. It would be a great way to get the young lions involved with some titles though. Oh! Final thing! Tag teams being made up of young lions and older talents, maybe even a quick single elmination tag team tournament at some point. I wouldn't expect it too get the level of effort into it as the other tournaments, but it would be great to see these young lions to get more time in the ring with the vets!


Who is your favourite wrestler of 2020?

My second favorite is Omezo honestly. He comes in roughly half way through the year, and he got 4 of the top twenty matches of the year. Not saying he is the best, but genuinely he could be by the end of 2021 a International title contender/holder.


My favorite is Merle. He put on an amazing year, he helped the company grow and honestly gave the company a reliable guy to main event while some of the less known talents proved themselves lower down the card. He deserves the largest PPA on the roster, and I hope he doesn't start going downhill for a long time to come, even though this will likely be his best year he'll ever have with the company... But it was an important one!


Who is your least favourite?

Jefferey McPeterson! :p


In all seriousness, he's grown on me. It's unfair to say he is my least favorite anymore. He got some "Friendly" bookings earlier in the year, but he's obviously talented and worth it. As I said earlier, its a new company that needed time to develop, and with so many titles, it's so difficult to find that many champions/challengers without some people getting multiple chances.


I don't know if I truly have a least favorite. However as I need to chose someone, I choose Rhys Vali, only because he shares a name with a young lion, and it makes things slightly confusing sometimes. Yes, that is a bit silly, but realistically I think thats a good sign :p


Do you have a favourite stable?

FireBrand dads for name alone. :p


Realistically, I think its gotta be the Office. They've really taken over, and look very strong. I'd rather be saying the Unbound, because it's a much cooler group, but they didn't have as great of a year althoguh they did end it strong! So good for them! I think next year minus a group coming out of left field, Unbound will by my top group.


Do you have a favourite young lion?

Yes :p


However I can't choose just one really. Honestly there has been so much good work here, that I can talk up several of the roster here. In fact I will, but I may leave people out as my memory is poopie caca :p


Hari is the true alternative of the group, although Ryland also is a flyer, Hari is the true flyer of the group. Its nice too see both of them leading to a future of juniors, although I'm not sure if thats the route Ryland is really going. Ryland has all of the charisma of the group so far, but I'm super hopeful for Hari as well. Both of them are favorites, Hari the underdog and Ryland the enigma.


Marty Ellison of course let me down in the tournament, but still shows the largest heart of everyone by not letting Mad Max get killed after his screw ups. Marty may not be the young lion ace, but is certainly an integral part of FireBrands first group of students, that will likely lead to something very interesting. His partner Hooker is also very interesting in how well he did in the cup, and certainly showed himself to be the grizzled angry rookie/vet for the future :p


Minehead is terrifying. Black has shown great strategy, I can't wait to see him in some bigger matches too see how he fairs even in loss (as is of course expected of trial matches). I'll say this much, I really expect Black to add one more at least big piece to his repertoire soon, and I think it'll likely be some type of strike or top rope dive.


Do you think you could help coach anyone on the roster?

Realistically, of course not! Strategically, I would like to remind Ryland of the fact that he knows how to hurt people on the group occasionally. I'd like to remind Minehead that wrestling isn't Rugby, and he shouldn't yeet people to death, and Max that if he does something stupid again, he may in fact be booked against Minehead but with the stipulation that Minehead is allowed to yeet him to his hearts content. A truly scary thought :p

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  • 3 weeks later...






BHOTWG International Expansion Continues


It has been a year since the first phase of BHOTWG's international expansion took hold in the UK with the introduction of FireBrand Pro Wrestling in the British Isles, and now the next stage of their plan has begun with promotional material appearing around New Delhi for th debut of Tiger Pro Wrestling. Helmed by long time friends Yasunobu Masuno and Yasuhiko Taira, a duo who recently departed the main roster, Tiger Pro Wrestling are looking to tap into India's enormous potential fanbase by presenting them with a traditional sports presented style of wrestling combined with some unique Indian favour. To support the admittedly small local scene that is currently propped up largely by Kashmir Singh's efforts to create a wrestling industry in his homeland following his international career, Tiger Pro Wrestling will feature several young BHOTWG trainees alongside local talent and look likely to receive constant roster reinforcements from other parts of the Burning World Alliance, most likely from the FireBrand roster of younsters when it comes time to send them on excursion.


BHOTWG are believed to have a long term plan for TPW to assimilate into local wrestling in a similar way to FPW's integration within the UK wrestling scene. While FPW have slowly been adding indy talent to their roster and subverting other wrestling company's results into their own history in order to present themselves as the dominant alternative to 21CW's monopoly on the local industry, TPW won't have any real competition to face and should face an easier time gaining acceptance from local fans. TPW's business model should see them able to run shows and the biggest hurdle they are likely to face is getting fans to come to their shows when pro wrestling has little to no cultural significance in the region. With an enormous population to entice, it's time for India to get their first introduction to true professional wrestling!






BHOTWG's signature annual event Night Of The Burning Hammer went down in October and since then the roster has been moving the pieces around the board to set up for the future. 2019 seen Hyosuke Kokan and Kansuke Konda finish up and head to the UK to found FireBrand Pro Wrestling. 2020 saw them joined by long time rival VENOM, before Yasuhiko Taira and Yasunobu Masuno headed off to India to found Tiger Pro Wretstling. This has freed up space for younger wrestlers to move up with the expanded and upgraded stables within the company being used to drive stories forward. BHOTWG and FPW both make significant use of stables in their storylines and here is how the groups shape up at this time.








Leader: Munemitsu Senmatsu

Members: Chaos Khan, Gonkuro Kamioka, Kazunori Yamura, Toju Munkata, Ieyoshi Shimekage

Current Honours: n/a


The ironically nicknamed “The Hammer” Munemitsu Senmatsu is an outsider to Burning Hammer who has been violently leading his personal army of violent rulebreakers up the ranks of BHOTWG since joining the company fofllowing the demise of WEXXV. There is no doubt who is in charge of this group as Senmatsu rules with an iron fist and unites a colourful array of personalities behind his vision for a free, violent style of expression through wrestling. He has won over many fans for his own violent brawling style but the group also features former BHOTWG Junior Tag Team champions PUNK Nasty Club (Yamnura and Munkata) and a man who toured the indy scene to great success in 2020, the former BHOTWG Japan champion Ieyoshi Shimakage. Senmatsu's personal title opportunities have been limited to a couplek of multi-man matches in which he thrived in the chaos of the environment, but his ultimate goal is no doubt to become the BHOTWG World Heavyweight champion, which has seen his rivalry with Hiroaki Nakasawa intensify in recent months as he looks to get the singles opportunity he deserves by focusing his violence more towards victory rather than pure violence. Senmatsu-gun is also the longest consecutively running group in BHOTWG, going strong for more than our years now and showing no signs of faltering.





NEO Prime



Leaders: Koshiro Ino and Kinnojo Horri

Members: Matthew Keith, Tatsuya Toshitara, Michio Gensai

Current Honours: n/a


Considered to be the winning fragment following the split of the original NEO group, NEO Prime have accomplished a lot more than the original group ever did and are arguably a finer group of talents too. The original three NEO members (Taira, Masuno and Ino) each went their seperate ways with Koshiro Ino recruiting rising stars Matthew Keith and Tatsuya Toshitara (collectively known as Heavy Artillery, two time tag champions) and a hot prospect in Michio Gensai (a former BHOTWG Japan champion now) to form a promising alliance. The major coup for the group was when they added Kinnojo Horri to the fold and won the BHOTWG World championship too, taking Horri up to a record equalling five time champion (alongside Tadiyuki Kikkawa and current holder Hiraoki Nakasawa). A hugely influential group with amazing credibility, they have no problem letting their wrestling do most of the talking for them while they collectively show an incredible amount of heart and will to win that has become a NEO Prime signature trait. With rumours swirling that they may be looking to expand their ranks, Kinnojo Horri is also being rumoured to be looking to travel the world a bit more to bring his style of wrestling to a broader audience, and will soon be facing reigning BHOTWG International champion Riddick Jordan in a BHOTWG ring to lay claim to that title and add more prestige to it on the global stage.








Leader: Heihachiro Sakai

Members: Hirokumi Saito, Nissho Yuasa, Prometheus, Gargantuan

Current Honours: n/a


Whle previously under the leadership of Yasunobu Masuno, the three man group of Slaughterhouse was consider to be one of the most disappointing groups in BHOTWG despite Saito and Yuasa winning the BHOTWG World Tag Team titles and holding them for ten months. When Masuno left the company in 2020 the group seemed like it would fizzle out before Heihachiro Sakai resurrected them with a shock takeover, using the lessons learned under Tadiyuki Kikkawa's leadership in Kikkawa's Army to force his way into a position of leadership. Bringing in the terrifying tag team of Prometheus and Gargantuan (The God Butchers) to back him up, there is no doubt that Sakai is surrounding himself with people who will do his bidding and impose his will onto those around him. Sakai seems set to finally take a major step up the ranks and could potentially become world champion in the near future if he gets his way.





Spirit Flame



Leader: Hiroaki Nakasawa

Members: Takayuki 2000, Toshiharu Hyobanshi, Namboku Makuda, Marihito Masuko

Current Honours: BHOTWG World (Nakasawa), BHOTWG Heavyweight Tag (Hyobanshi & Madkua), Best Of Super Juniors (Masuko),


The most decorated group in the BHOTWG umbrella, Spirit Flame came together under Nakasawa's leadership when the Golden Army came to an end and most of the members wanted to become better integrated with the company following years of fighting as outsiders. Slowly becoming more accepted as part of the company, being joined by BHOTWG junior legend Marihito Masuko was another major step towards their acceptance as part of the company too. Spirit Flame's collective goal is to help grow each other into bigger stars, helping to grow each other's flame while continuing to be successful at every turn by adding as much championship gold to their ranks as possible. With so much knowledge between them all it would be a shame if they didn't add some younger blood to the group, and there are rumours that they are looking at recruitment as a major goal for the year 2021 to help expand their ranks and their influence.








Leaders: Sensational Dragon and Hiroyasu Gakusha

Members: MYSTIC Dragon, Atsumori Takemura, Ryushi Sato, Tadakuni Toshusai, Taro Shionoya

Current Honours: BHOTWG Junior (MYSTIC), BHOTWG Japan (Taro),


The most recently formed group in BHOTWG, they have come together around a common cause of defending BHOTWG from some of the threats facing it today. A group that is firmly loyal to BHOTWG at their core, they are a mix of experienced talents, star workers and promising younger talents. The obvious outlier in this group is former GCG ace Hiroyasu Gakusha. The friendship between heavyweight Gakusha and junior star Sensational Dragon is something that could only happen in BHOTWG, with GCG having never placed any weight on junior style wrestling. The two men found a natural synergy between their approaches to wrestling outside the ring after competing against each other in some tag matches and once The Golden Army had split, it wasn't long before the two men founded HammerFIST. With former friends/allies in other groups and many factions competing for success, this strongly BHOTWG loyal group already has a couplek of championships to their name and will no doubt be looking to add more this year, with MYSTIC Dragon in particular still hunting for his first ever Best OF Super Juniors win despite being the reigning four time Junior champion. Many fans of BHOTWG are pointing to HammerFIST potentially being the top group for years to come, though some fans wonder what could happen if they end up overplaying their “defender of BHOTWG” status given how many fan favourite groups there currently are in the company.





Fight Team Punisher



Leader: “Punisher” Paul Hughes

Members: Glen Ward, Gavin Owen

Current Honours: n/a


The word “aggression” defines what this group is all about. They are a very serious, testosterone fuelled, highly aggressive group led by the biggest, baddest, toughest man of the bunch and for whom the team is named, “Punisher” Paul Hughes. Punisher may be on the injured list for a few more weeks at the time of writing, but when he is medically cleared again he still has a rivalry with the Welsh National champion Neville Jones to finish up, something that has been extremely personal and will no doubt result in another tough, hard hitting match. Collectively known for training hard with high level multi-discipline coaches in kickboxing, judo, kung fu and more, the group are an extremely legitimate threat to anyone who crosses them. Gavin Owen is a former Olympian, Punisher is a high level kickboxer and Glen Ward is.... angry at a competitive level. The group have also had the likes of reigning King of Ireland Merle O'Curle and reigning 100kg Champion Gram Gorman train with them at various times (though never together!) and it seems like they may yet join the group permanently to take full advantage of the group's excellent training facilties. Both could certainly be a great fit, but there would be obvious worries about the ability of Gram and Merle to play nice with each other given their previous fights and matches against each other through 2020 in a rivalry that still feels unresolved. Most importantly for the group's reputation though would be the addition of championship gold, which is something everyone strives for and that Fight Team Punisher currently lacks.





The Office



Leaders: Riddick Jordan and Alton Vicious

Members: Padraig O'Hearne, JK Lee, Dwayne Dark

Current Honours: BHOTWG International (Riddick), Scottish Heavyweight (Dark), British Tag Team (Lee & O'Hearne), CWW Submission (O'Hearne)


The most successful group in all of Europe, The Office came together in SNP as Mark Carnie's guns for hire, and have spread out to dominate a large chunk of British/Irish wrestling collectively ever since. A mix of personalities with an array of strengths and weaknesses, they are in the wrestling business to make money, win championships and hurt people. And business is good. Mark Carnie continues to give them plenty of opportunities to do more or less whatever they want while in SNP, but the group's biggest success so far has undoubtedly been Riddick Jordan's BHOTWG International title reign in FPW, which has so far seen him make many successful defences of the belt in the UK, Europe and Japan while having a relatively rare run as a solo act as Alton Vicious was out injured. He will soon face the biggest test of his career as he steps up to face former five time BHOTWG champion Kinnojo Horri in Japan, a match that very few people believe he can win on his own......





The Rainbow Guard



Leaders: Thunderbolt? Neville Jones? Liz Sweetheart?

Members: Bali Daljit, Rhys Vali

Current Honours: Adrenaline (Thunderbolt), Welsh National (Neville),


The most light hearted group in FPW, The Rainbow Guard are a bunch of lively and colourful personalities that have come together in part due to their many shared bookings around British and Irish wrestling. Liz Sweetheart has been theg lue that brought The Rainbow Guard together, bringing them into conversations with each other backstage at events and helping to nurture bonds between each of them that has helped them to more formally come together in an FPW ring, where having friends and allies is easier than just wrestling on small time indy shows. Each active wrestling member of the group has taken a colour of the rainbow to be their own, using it as part of their ring gear as Liz also uses it an accent for her otherwise red attire, a colour she shares with Neville Jones. In theory, that leaves a few colours open for others to take one day if they join the ranks of The Rainbow Guard and there is some speculation about some members of the roster who could one day join them. Assuming, of course, that the group doesn't implode like so many other wrestling groups do within a relatively short time of existing.





The Unbound



Leader: VENOM

Members: Crusher Von Steinberg, Clubber Kohl, Messiah Hara

Current Honours: Heavyweight Tag (Crusher & Clubber),


VENOM followed Kokan and Konda halfway around the world to try to hurt BHOTWG's international expansion plans and once again cheat his longest term rivals out of any well earned glory they may earn.... always a rule breaker and a constant thorn in the side of Kokan and Konda, VENOM has started trying to undermine the BHOTWG philosophies that FPW have been founded on, and that BHOTWG themselves have been grown on the back of for decades now. Turning the young excursion-ed big man Messiah Hara to his side showed that VENOM has influence that can't be ignored, while Crusher and Clubber have managed to secure tag team championships for themselves, showing how much they have grown as wrestlers under VENOM's watchful eye. VENOM's mission is clear... but his plans have yet to be fully realised and the team of Kokan and Konda know that VENOM always has a dastardly trick or two up his sleeve, so they will be vigilant to make sure he doesn't do too much damage as he enacts his evil plans.




Honourable mentions have to go the to various unaligned members of every roster. From the veterans who continue to pass on knowledge and traditions all the way down the to young lions who are learning their craft in the hopes of one day becoming a megastar wrestler, everyone is a valuable part of the Burning World Alliance. Unoffiicial groups like the FireBrand Dads (Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Barry Griffin, Walter Morgan and Thomas Morgan) in FPW are a fun way to keep fans interested and help to provide learning opportunities to so many younger workers even while Father Time slows them down and takes the edge of their skills. The young lions from the Hinote Dojo and the Firebrand Dojo in particular are the future of their respective companies, but this also shouldn't completely overshadow the work that other schools do in training wrestlers, with the likes of the Ring Of Fire Dojo and the various WWA schools helping to train others. As part of helping to establish a new generation of talent, FireBrand Pro Wrestling had an active class of ten young lions in 2020.... with six more scheduled to join the roster in 2021 for what the company believes will be their largest ever roster of active young lions. Whether coming from the dojo or being recruited from elsewhere, the FireBrand Dojo is about to become very crowded!






OOC: I kinda wanted to show off the nice logos I have here and begin some hype for the new year... the next post will have the new dojo class, and then I'll be getting back to putting up shows again. Has taken a while because I've been super busy with work and also spending time in CV97. Thanks to everyone who has given me ideas and feedback, I've tried to work that in with what I've been given by the game for dojo grads... but also, some of the ideas will shine through in the longer term. I've not forgotten them, this is just a long term game with long term booking ideas. :)

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Why you don't open a promotion in US similar to NJoA?


Good question :)


I've got a few reasons for avoiding the obvious real world route.... the British Isles and India had so much space and I wanted to fill the game world a little by having companies there, and being from the UK myself it made sense for me to go there. :) India, in terms of practical and roleplay purposes, is somewhere that could make a lot of money and has no competition so they made a lot of sense to have a company in and they've got a good core of trainers.... obviously they are a minor part of the umbrella just now, but they also serve a purpose for me in being somewhere that I can send workers on excursion when I get to that stage myself as my existing options (CILL, UEW, BHOTWG) all cancelled that part of our deals in the first year.... the downside of the AI ruining my set up a little by using logic. :p


As for the future.... there are places that BHOTWG could expand into yet without too much competition. They could head to Australia where there are lots of talented workers available and no wrestling focused opposition yet. North America has a lot of competition in terms of potential growth but is unrivaled as a place to scout out new talent for the main roster.... but as I'm not in charge of BHOTWG (except for brief spells to help guide things a little) the talent pipeline side of things isn't something I'm worried about as much as I was when I played my major BHOTWG game in TEW16 and had companies all over the world to supply us with talent.


One day the BHOTWG International title will have more places that it will be defended in though.... whether it's BHOTWG created companies or existing companies, I don't know for sure. But BHOTWG will one day take over the world again, perhaps even with some of our homegrown stars on their roster too. ;)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ringside in the FireBrand Dojo, early January 2021</span></strong></p><p>

<img alt="xGpmDl4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xGpmDl4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The main ring of the FireBrand Dojo's three rings has six new faces standing side by side with their backs to the ropes as Kansuke Konda, Hyosuke Kokan and Barry Griffin stand in front of them, the senior officials and trainers of the company. At ringside are UK Dragon, Thomas Morgan, Walter Morgan, Curtis Jenkins, VENOM and the ten young lions who competed in the Young Lion Cup recently, won by first dojo class graduate Christian Black. The mood is one of celebration and everyone seems to be a little relaxed with the new year having had a net positive effect after some of the drama that went down days ago at the conclusion of the Young Lions' Cup.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>“Today, I am honoured to welcome the new class of young lions to FireBrand Pro Wrestling. The Young Lions' Cup was a big success for us and will be part of our company forever more. Our new class of young lions are young, hungry and ready to prove themselves. You have all trained together, some of you for almost a year, some only for the last couple of months as you get ready to make your in-ring debuts. Gentlemen, you have completed your basic training and I would like to personally welcome you to the roster of FireBrand Pro Wrestling as our second intake of young lions”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Everyone at ringside applauds as they whoop and holler. Only Marc Maxx is silent as he slowly claps along, his enforced mutism the result of breaking dojo rules when he used his finisher without authorisation. The whole event is a reminder that he never got a graduation ceremony of his own, having dropped out of training to deal with the death of his mother. Sensing his unhappiness, Marty gives him a tap on the shoulder and silently mouths something to him with a smile before returning his attention to the ring where Kokan, Konda and Griffin each take their turns to welcome the new young lions to the roster.</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="8rFjslF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8rFjslF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Elliot Gully</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

6'0, 224lbs, ripped</p><p>

London, England</p><p> </p><p>

Arguably the leading student among the new class of FireBrand Dojo graduates, the eccentric Elliot Gully is an oddball with the ability to stand out among a crowd. A fine technical wrestler who has been studying ways to manipulate the human body even before he started wrestling, Gully is also dedicated to the gym and might be Barry Griffin's favourite trainee as a direct result of this. As part of a bonding ritual with some of his fellow graduates he shaved his head, which only serves to enhance the crazy eyed looks he is capable of giving people. </p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="vyQPGgc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vyQPGgc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MJ Davis</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

6'2, 242lbs, toned</p><p>

Birmingham, England</p><p> </p><p>

FireBrand Dojo graduate MJ Davis is a mercurial youngster who is as natural of a heel as anyone in pro wrestling. He was a part of FPW's first ever show, though not as you would expect, attending as a fan and immediately finding the style of pro wrestling that he had been looking for in the UK. Hyosuke Kokan saw a lot of potential in him immediately and when the training for the second class began, he was signed up as one of eight initially in the class as that was all the space the dojo had left. MJ has an innate ability to get under the skin of people around him, with people not quite understanding his way of thinking at times that has led to him sometimes angering and frustrating those around him. But he claims that he is merely trying to work out how to be an effective heel by seeing what works and what doesn't, such is his dedication to his craft. Or to annoying people. Hard to tell which.</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="QOvWlLk.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QOvWlLk.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sam Hwa</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

5'10, 196lbs, muscular</p><p>

Cardiff, Wales (via Seoul, South Korea)</p><p> </p><p>

Young Sam Hwa was born in South Korea but has lived in the UK since he was 4 after his family moved there for work and wound up making permanent residence there, working as architects. Blending elements of Korean culture with the British culture he mostly grew up in, he has spent a lot of time training in tae-kwon-do and grew up watching 21CW on TV so he has a good knowledge of pro wrestling too. He is a very relaxed presence backstage too, with a love of cooking and gaming that makes him popular with the other youngsters, meaning he is often tasked with cooking as a part of his dojo duties. He is the only junior sized wrestler in the second class so he will have to overcome a significant size disadvantage no matter who he faces, particularly in his first year as he learns his chosen craft. He was also the only one of the FireBrand Dojo grads who didn't shave his head as part of the graduation ceremony.</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="kjZmiw7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kjZmiw7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tristan Hobbes</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

6'0, 245lbs, muscular</p><p>

Manchester, England</p><p> </p><p>

The gloomy Tristan Hobbes is a youngster from the FireBrand Doj who has already demonstated some fantastic striking abilities and seems to have the ability to make people dislike him from almost the very moment they meet him. The feeling seems to be mutual as he also seems to dislike people at an instinctive level, which is perhaps why he has spent so much time in the gym working on his fantastic physique. The combination of a fantastic look and the ability to draw heat from his real personality mark him out as a potential star one day, and it's also clear that he has a sharp mind for the business having studied many hours of tape. Prior to joining the FireBrand Dojo he had already decided to become a pro wrestler and may have gone through the WWA ranks if he hadn't been accepted, a school that encourages you to come up with your own wrestling persona. He had chosen “Mega Osprey”, which everyone says would have been a terrible name. They're right, and he hates them all for being right.</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="isRkZsq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/isRkZsq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Arthur Scott</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

6'10, 330lbs, muscular</p><p>

Newcastle, England</p><p> </p><p>

“The Geordie Giant” as he has been informally nicknamed who has been turning heads at live events while working as ringside security / pull apart specialist. His huge frame makes for an intimidating sight but in reality he is a gentle giant with a cheeky charm that helps him to make friends with almost anyone. A lifelong wrestling fan who has grown up watching a lot of 21CW since they took over the British wrestling scene. Rejected by the National School of Wrestling as they felt they already had enough big men training with them, he instead trained with the WWA:UK school and was soon catching the eye of fans at local shows. He has been training with the FireBrand Dojo for a couple of months and seems set to present the trainers and roster with a new challenge of how to overcome someone with so much size...</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="ETc5SQC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ETc5SQC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Bussho Sasakawa</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

6'2, 255lbs, bulky</p><p>

Hamamatsu, Japan</p><p> </p><p>

Graduating from the Hinote Dojo under the watchful eye of Ken Shimedzu's expert training, the decision was made that he would be the first Hinote trainee to complete the young lion stage of his career internationally using the Burning World Alliance. A man with a thirst for world travel and a love of puroresu, Bussho's first couple of months in the UK have been spent rapidly learning English while also continuing his training. An avid vlogger who will no doubt draw on his collective experiences both inside and outside the ring to show BHOTWG superfans what life is like in other parts of the Burning World Alliance, Bussho's classic heavyweight style of grappling and ability to adapt may see him become the star of this class of graduates.</p><p> </p><p>

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<em>Kansuke Konda slowly makes his way along the line, keeping in line with the traditions of the Hinote Dojo from which he graduated twenty eight years ago, long before any of these graduates were even born. After congratulating each man individiually, Konda instructs everyone to line up one behind the other for one final graduation tradition.</em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>”Back home, in the Hinote Dojo, we have a tradition dating back to when Master Kitozon owned and ran the dojo. The training he gave his students was tough, it was harsh, it was well dsiciplined. His classes were small and few trainees ever survived to graduate. Those that did were welcomed into puroresu with a single strike, a slap to the face from Kitozon. A sign that he believed you could be trusted to be worked with, a sign of respect from the senpai to the kohei, and a sign of submission from kohei to senpai that acknowledges they still have much to learn. A year ago our first class was welcomed to wrestling with the same tradition. And today, I want to show you all the same respect once more. Welcome to FireBrand Pro Wrestling... welcome to Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods. Welcome to puroresu!”</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kansuke Konda smiles as the new graduates excitedly line up to receive their welcome slap and the small crowd at ringside watch on, some still remembering how it felt when they got their's. All of the young lions except one remember that feeling, as Marc Maxx once again applauds respectfully while saying nothing. No one notices his lack of enthusiasm this time as Konda's slaps echo around the old warehouse that is now the FireBrand Dojo. A half dozen slaps signify a half dozen new wrestlers added to the FPW roster before everyone is then instructed to get back to training. Another show is coming to Birmingham soon and the dojo chores are never-ending. Sometime in the next couple of months more trainees will likely join the fray, though with space limited in the dojo the selection process is likely to be stricter than ever to ensure as few potential drop outs as possible for next year's class.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>NOTE: The graduating class came through on Friday, Week 2 of January which was after my second show of the year so the newcomers aren't on the card for the first two show</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">UPCOMING MATCHES</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FireBrand LIVE: Liverpool</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pure Wrestling Championship</span></strong></p><p>

“The Grappler” Neil Warburton © vs “The Shooter” Walter Morgan</p><p> </p><p>

Walter Morgan is known as one of the finest technical wrestlers in the world who prides himself for being the best of the Wigan style grapplers of his generation. Even with Father Time catching up to him, he remains an incredibliy dangerous opponent as was shown with his Pure Wrestlng championship reign last year and this is his rematch for the belt he feels should still be his. The current champion, who is the reigning Championship Wrestling from Wigan champion believes himself to be the new master of Wigan style grappling and that he has surpassed Walter. With the Pure Wrestling title on the line, we will get to see two masters fo their style clash and one of them will prove themselves to be right about who is the better wrestler!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FireBrand LIVE: Glasgow</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">5 v 5 Elimination Match</span></strong></p><p>

Alton Vicious / Riddick Jordan © / Dwayne Dark © / Padraig O'Hearne © / JK Lee ©</p><p>


Konrad Makinen / Curtis Jenkins / Jeffery McPeterson / Omezo Shikitei / Neil Warburton ©</p><p> </p><p>

The Office have been controlling the BHOTWG International title and much of the British / Irish indy scene over the last year and have been creating a lot of enemies in the process. The return of Alton Vicious from a knee injury brings The Office back up to full strength as several of their rivals have challenged them to a 5 on 5 match. FireBrand's booking team decided to put them together in a traditional BHOTWG style elimination match... eliminations occur via pinfall, submission, DQ, count out and over the top rope. With so many champions involved in this match, there are sure to be ramifications coming out of it!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">BHOTWG The Burning Path VI</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">BHOTWG International Championship</span></strong></p><p>

“Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan © vs Kinnojo Horri</p><p> </p><p>

Undoubtedly the biggest challenge of Riddick Jordan's career to date, he travels to Japan to compete in BHOTWG once again as he attempts to defend the BHOTWG International championship against the five time World champion and 2019 wrestler of the year, Kinnojo Horri. This is sure to be a great match but only one man can walk out of it as champion!</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>OOC note: I decided to change my product from East Meets West to World Fusion... the new style is less demanding on a worker's body and I've already noticed some significant wear and tear on people given how many shows I've run in the first year. Hopefully this will protect them a little better. I've also lowered my ticket prices to 'very cheap' so that in-character we can start drawing more fans in and get more rapid growth given that we are branding our shows properly rather than presenting them as “indy” shows. </em><img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Nice group of new students! I think a miserable team Davis and Hobbs is already on the cards if they can deal with each other.


Also have high hopes for the new Giant of the class! Big man with a good attitude? Oh no! Hooker's chances are stardom are ruined! :p



FireBrand LIVE: Liverpool


Pure Wrestling Championship

“The Grappler” Neil Warburton © vs “The Shooter” Walter Morgan

I see Warburton winning and really just establishing himself without any doubt as being the best pure wrestler in the company. In a way, he already has, but another win here against Morgan only further makes the point.


FireBrand LIVE: Glasgow


5 v 5 Elimination Match

Alton Vicious / Riddick Jordan © / Dwayne Dark © / Padraig O'Hearne © / JK Lee ©


Konrad Makinen / Curtis Jenkins / Jeffery McPeterson / Omezo Shikitei / Neil Warburton ©

The Office wins given how much they work together, but at the same point, this is a match with just so much talent. Should be a good one!


BHOTWG The Burning Path VI


BHOTWG International Championship

“Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan © vs Kinnojo Horri


Only match I don't have an immediate answer for. I'm kind of hoping for a Horri win here, just so we get too see him on some shows! Jordan winning however would be pretty epic! However noticing now where its happening... I... I think I have to go with Horri which is still awesome! Even though if Jordan wins... he could be the first man to really get brought up and leave FireBrand behind within too long, would be pretty awesome after only a year of shows!


Lets go Jordan!? Kinda? Also, Horri! I'm so confused! :p:p

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  • 2 weeks later...





The big matches of the month played out to record numbers of fans all month as FireBrand Pro Wrestling rode the momentum generated by Young Lion Cup into 2021 with cheaper tickets for all fans. Over the course of the month this helped to raise the company to Tiny in size according to the venerated Greg Sluchinski, a significant step for BHOTWG's international expansion plans. A number of stories were woven through the month all the way from the new class of young lions making their in ring debuts in Glasgow up to the top of the card with the BHOTWG International championship.


Of course, the new class of young lions found themselves eating the losses in their matches as they started to showcase what they had in Glasgow. “The Geordie Giant” Arthur Scott cut a dominating presence in his appearances but the critical eye of fans found a lot lacking in his performances and immediate feedback from them is that he is the weakest member of the new class. Bussho Sasakawa and Elliot Gully received the best fan feedback, with the youngsters showing some fire in their technical grappling and settign themselves up as potential aces of this group.


The original class, now permanently armed with their finishing moves from the Young Lion's Cup, set about trying to win more matches. Rhys Ryland was partnered up with Thomas Morgan and Walter Morgan, hoping to take the edge off his ADHD tendencies and get him to focus more on technical wrestling, which seemed to work as Ryland was less goofy and picked up a win in tag action over Jermaine Granger. Similar focus was given to Jermaine, trying to pair him up with more disciplined men who could tame his party animal ways, to some success though his free time is still being spent in.... frowned upon ways. One new move was debuted ,with permission, by the young lions as the team of Damian Hooker and Marty Ellison began to put away other young lion duos with a tag team finisher they called the Lunar Eclipse (Shatter Machine). The move has quickly been established as fearsome among the young lions after they first hit it on Marc Maxx, with Ellison and Hooker no doubt motivated to try it on tougher opposition in the hopes of securing a landmark win. Marc Maxx was forced to carry on being silent for the month and as a result he ended up getting slapped a LOT any time he made sound in the ring, but in Dublin he managed to pick up the pinfall with a German Suplex on Marty Ellison, forcing more chores on to the team of Hooker and Ellison at the end of the month. The rest of the youngsters largely carried on as usual until Dublin, where Christian Black was announced as being given a series of trial singles matches against more experienced opponents as a reward for his Young Lion's Cup win. His opponents will be Michio Gensai (visiting from BHOTWG for the month), Thomas Morgan, Barry Griffin, Hyosuke Kokan and an as yet un-named opponent. While Black isn't expected to win any of these matches, the valuable experience of going one on one against experienced opponents will be valuable as a learning experience.


“100 Killer” Gram Gorman started a mission to raise the prestige of the 100kg Championship and himself by promising to be a fighting champion whenever possible, taking on challengers to prove that he is the best in that weight class. Not only that, he was training harder than ever to prove it as an associate of Fight Team Punisher. Not yet a full member of that group, another man has also been seen training there in the veteran Merle O'Curle, a man who Gram has already fought on several occasions for the King of Ireland championship. The two intense individuals have lined up with the heavily testosterone powered group but neither has yet committed to Fight Team Punisher full time... with “Punisher” Paul Hughes on his way back from injury soon, will he be able to recruit these champions to his side and bolster the team's ranks?


A significant rivalry seems to have grown between The Unbound and The Rainbow Guard, with Rhys Vali's brand of backstage and in-ring comedy seeming to be the main point of contention between the two sides. Having managed to secure a couple of wins in... non-traditional ways, Vali is attracting the ire of some of the more serious members of the roster, with The Unbound angry about what has been happening. The two sides have clashed in tag action several times and they seem likely to face off more in future too, with Clubber Kohl and Crusher Von Steinberg's Heavyweight Tag titles likely a prize to fight over... but let's also not overlook Neville Jones' Welsh Heavyweight title or Thunderbolt's Adrenaline championship...


The Pure Championship finished 2020 with “The Grappler” Neil Warburton, who also holds the CWW Championship. He can reasonably make a claim to be the best technical wrestler in the country at the moment, but “The Shooter” Walter Morgan has always been a top contender for that honour over the last couple of decades and was ready to stake his claim again in this rematch for the Pure title. Both men love wrestling the Wigan style and mixing it up with their own personal brands of grappling which once again led to one of the best matches in FPW's short history. After 20 minutes of holds, counter holds, excruciating jointlocks and impactful takedowns The Grappler managed to outwrestle The Shooter and get him into the Texas Deathlock to force another submission, taking him to 2 – 0 against the British legend, retaining the championship and solidifying his position as arguably the best technical wrestler around right now.


At the top end of the card we have seen people scrapping for opportunities at the BHOTWG International championship and others, leading to The Office going in at full strength against a team of talents who were either champions already or who felt like they deserved a shot at a champion.





The Office vs Konrad Makinen / Curtis Jenkins / Neil Warburton / Omezo Shikiei / Jeffery McPeterson


The huge Glasgow main event saw a ten man elimination match where eliminations could happen by pinfall, submission, DQ, count out and over the top rope. Obviously this was a way to partly protect those who were eliminated but before we got any of those we got to see some interesting pairings of opponents, some of which we will no doubt see in full matches over the coming months. One half of the British Tag Team champions JK Lee was eliminated first, going over the top rope to a running lariat from Omezo Shikitei. The other half of the tag champs Padraig O'Hearne took out Omezo's partner Neil Warburton over the top, dumping him with a high angle takedown that saw Warburton bounce off the apron on the way down, with Padraig making a title belt motion as it happened to signal his future intentions. The teamwork of the Northern Lights combined to allow BHOTWG International champion Riddick Jordan to eliminate Curtis Jenkins over the top too, a sneaky tag creating the opening for the elimination. It wasn't long before the sides were evened up again as Omezo eliminated the second member of the British Tag champions, Padraig O'Hearne, cheekily making his own title motion to him to signal a future tag title match may be on the cards.


For the third time in as many weeks, Jeffery McPeterson ran afoul of Konrad Makinen's energetic offense and was caught with an errant superkick intended for Dwayne Dark... allowing Dark to pin McPeterson eliminating him from this match and from contention for the Scottish Heavyweight championship. Dark didn't celebrate for too long though before Omezo Shikitei recorded his third elimination of the match, unfortunately sacrificing himself in the process as his running lariat on Dwayne Dark had too much momentum behind it, allowing Dark to smartly grab a hold on the way over to eliminate both on the floor. This left Konrad Makinen alone with both members of the Northern Lights, the former BHOTWG International champion taking on the current one and his tag title winning partner. The Northern Lights were keen to put Makinen down for good, looking for a pinfall victory with the Northern Lights Out (Magic Killer) but Konrad's relentless style made him impossible to hold long enough to finish him. Frustrated, Alton Vicious made the mistake of charging in, his lack of ring sharpness from almost a year on the shelf showing as Konrad backdropped him over the top to land on the apron before a well aimed superkick sent Alton to the floor, leaving just Konrad and Riddick in the match. Fired up, the intensity both men brought in the final minutes was fearsome and everything hit with a little extra behind it as each man tried to put the other down, finally coming to an end when Konrad used the same move he inadvertantly hit McPeterson with two weeks prior, now called the Leap Of Faith (a Coffin Drop, he clearly cares not for Christian Faith's move names), getting a pinfall victory on the BHOTWG International champion!


Makinen didn't take long to realise what he had just done, his never say die approach to wrestling bringing him another major win. He got on the microphone and issued a challenge.... in three weeks time at the London show Konrad Makinen will challenge for the BHOTWG International championship in front of what already seems like it will be the biggest crowd that FPW has ever had. But who would Konrad face at that show? Because as soon as this show was over, Riddick Jordan was flying out to Japan, without his allies, to defend the championship against five time former BHOTWG champion and co-leader of NEO Prime, Kinnojo Horri. What followed was the best singles match of Riddick Jordan's entire career as he went toe to toe with a living legend of puroresu, the 2019 wrestler of the year. It was a hard hitting brawl in front of a respectful crowd, who while not knowing Riddick well, nonetheless treated him like a star. FPW fans were torn... wanting to see Riddick bring the championship back to the UK but knowing in their heart of hearts that the experienced co-leader of NEO Prime would be too much for him. The wild brawl only went about 15 minutes before Horri's overwhelming barrage of spinebusters had softened up Riddick enough for the Destiny Bomb, giving us a new BHOTWG International champion!!







Konrad Makinen debuted a spot that showcased his athletic ability, which is the Leap Of Faith

FPW officially grow in size to Tiny, hooray!







Walter Morgan passing on psych tips to Mickey Robson and Marc Maxx














Don Henderson passing on selling tips to Christian Black.

Stefan Raynor gets broken arm as Petey/Assassins defeat Neville/Thunderbolt/Vali (freak accident)

Konrad Makinen gets strained bicep teaming with WAR against Northern Lights/Dark, botch from Alton Vicious that I'm blaming on ring rust

Kinnojo Horri makes defence #1 of the BHOTWG International title vs Kashmir Singh in TPW






FireBrand LIVE: London


BHOTWG International

Kinnojo Horri © vs "Stone Cold Killer" Konrad Makinen


TLDR: Makinen won the right to challenge for the championship when he pinned then champion Riddick Jordan... only for Riddick to lose the title the next day in Japan, in no way changing my booking plans.....who walks out of this match with the gold?!


FireBrand LIVE: Birmingham


Adrenaline Championship

Thunderbolt © vs Rohan Kirchner


Two of the best high flyers around clash for the Adrenaline champion, with Rohan being a former 100kg champion in his own right! This match could go either way and is sure to be action packed!


FireBrand LIVE: Manchester


All England Championship

"Magic" Martin Heath © vs "The X Factor" Petey Barnes


The main event of a triple main event show, two amazing wrestlers square off for the All England Championship. This is Heath's first major test as champion, while Barnes has been on a hot streak and has started associating with The Assassins' Guild, a tag team he has been rumoured to be paying to be his back up because people just can't stand being around him. Will they be involved in this match, even if Stefan Raynor has a broken arm? Will Jon Michael Sharp help his tag partner if needed?


Pure Wrestling Championship

"The Grappler" Neil Warburton © vs Padraig O'Hearne


TLDR: Padraig earned this match by eliminating Neil Warburton from the big 5v5 match in January, but has also had some success against him in a CWW ring. Padraig's cockiness as a part of The Office has been growing over recent months, with his usual smack talk having a little extra swagger behind it. But can he add singles gold to his resume in FPW to go with his tag gold, or will he still be left holding only the British Tag Team championships for now whie Neil Warburton and Omezo Shikitei breathe down his neck?


Special Attraction

NEO Prime (Kinnojo Horri / Michio Gensai) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious / Riddick Jordan)


NEO Prime and The Office continue to clash, with Riddick Jordan demanding a chance to win back the championship he feels he should have never lost. Horri's partner in NEO Prime, Michio Gensai, is always ready to fight and channel the aggression he used to use in his rugby career into beating up some fools. The Northern Lights are a fantastic team, but only one team can win this cross cultural clash in what is sure to be an amazing match!


Who, if anyone, will join Fight Team Punisher?

(Gram Gorman / Merle O'Curle / Other(s)?)


Who will the fifth and final Trial Series match be for Christian Black?


Who will be Michio Gensai's final match on this tour of FPW?


Why has Leo Price been spotted at our Glasgow show and around SNP's shows recently?


Why is my company's best match now a throwaway midcard tag match?


Why do I totally overlook my Welsh shows so that they suck?






OOC: I plan to have a character piece up before I post more shows, but I felt like it's been aaaages since I'd posted a show so I wanted to get this up ASAP. Hope you enjoy!

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All England Championship

"Magic" Martin Heath (c) vs "The X Factor" Petey Barnes


The main event of a triple main event show, two amazing wrestlers square off for the All England Championship. This is Heath's first major test as champion, while Barnes has been on a hot streak and has started associating with The Assassins' Guild, a tag team he has been rumoured to be paying to be his back up because people just can't stand being around him. Will they be involved in this match, even if Stefan Raynor has a broken arm? Will Jon Michael Sharp help his tag partner if needed?


Pure Wrestling Championship

"The Grappler" Neil Warburton © vs Padraig O'Hearne


TLDR: Padraig earned this match by eliminating Neil Warburton from the big 5v5 match in January, but has also had some success against him in a CWW ring. Padraig's cockiness as a part of The Office has been growing over recent months, with his usual smack talk having a little extra swagger behind it. But can he add singles gold to his resume in FPW to go with his tag gold, or will he still be left holding only the British Tag Team championships for now whie Neil Warburton and Omezo Shikitei breathe down his neck?


Special Attraction

NEO Prime (Kinnojo Horri / Michio Gensai) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious / Riddick Jordan)


NEO Prime and The Office continue to clash, with Riddick Jordan demanding a chance to win back the championship he feels he should have never lost. Horri's partner in NEO Prime, Michio Gensai, is always ready to fight and channel the aggression he used to use in his rugby career into beating up some fools. The Northern Lights are a fantastic team, but only one team can win this cross cultural clash in what is sure to be an amazing match!


Who, if anyone, will join Fight Team Punisher?

(Gram Gorman / Merle O'Curle / Other(s)?)


Who will the fifth and final Trial Series match be for Christian Black?

Michio Gensai!


Who will be Michio Gensai's final match on this tour of FPW?

Christian Black!


Why has Leo Price been spotted at our Glasgow show and around SNP's shows recently?

Scouting talent!


Why is my company's best match now a throwaway midcard tag match?

That's how the cookie crumbles


Why do I totally overlook my Welsh shows so that they suck?

As a personal attack on Togg!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

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<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>January 1st, 2021</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sitting in an office chair designed to support his aching back and take the pressure off his stiff knees is Kansuke Konda, the man who has ultimate responsibility for all things FireBrand Pro Wrestling. Known for being extremely expressive while wrestling, he tends to work quietly in the office, dilligently and stoically getting things done as they need to be and only handling incidents as required beyond that. A knock on the door announces the arrivals of two young men he is expecting, but they themselves were not expecting to be called to his office</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Come in, please. I called you here today to give you some good news. Having spoken to the other coaches in the dojo, and as recognitition for your hard work and the bond you two have forged over the last two years, we have decided to give you permission to work on a tag team finishing move together”</p><p> </p><p>

MARTY (looking surprised)</p><p>

“I... thank you, senpai.”</p><p> </p><p>


“Take some time to work out what your move will be and use the other young lions to perfect it. I expect to see positive progress on the move by the end of the month and the coaches will judge whether they believe it's ready to be used. Enjoy your reward”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Damian and Marty bow their heads for their dojo master and are quickly on their way, both showing more excitement than their usual natures would allow. They make their way towards the rest of the young lions who are still congregated around the three rings in the middle of the dojo floorspace, ready to train and ready to see who they can recruit to their side to help them</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Marty... I know you already have some ideas for what our tag finisher could be, right?”</p><p> </p><p>


“Sure do, big guy. Got some ideas for everything.”</p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="9bwbLes.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9bwbLes.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

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<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>January 2nd, 2021</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The evening has rolled in and the formal training for the day is done, but the trainees are still allowed to do some training on their own as long as it doesn't involve dangerous moves and falls. Some of the new class of young lions are helping out, sliding in additional mats to improve landings and to bump for Damian and Marty as required. Coach Barry Griffin is watching from the weights bench as he gets another work out in to help maintain his muscular physique even as he edges closer and closer to 50 years old. Sam Hwa has taken a turn to bump, being hit with a lariat / legsweep combo from Damian and Marty respectively as he gets wiped out</em></p><p> </p><p>


“I like this move, works with what we've already got with my lariat and your... well, it works with my moves at least”</p><p> </p><p>


“It's alright, I guess... but other teams have done it before and I'm not sure we're making it look very good compared to them”</p><p> </p><p>


“Your timing doesn't work for that one, and I don't like it. Hooker, you've got lots of strength and Ellison, you can do a bit of anything. Try something else”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Damian and Marty look a little disheartened at the news, but if they are honest with themselves this isn't the right move for them. They lack the explosive power to make it look really crisp and devastating. If they're going to have a signature tag team move, they need something that they can really make into their own and that complements both of them. From ringside, the robotic voice of a text to speech program shouts out an idea from Marc Maxx</em></p><p> </p><p>


“What about a powerbomb neck broker? Neck breaker!”</p><p> </p><p>


“That might work... use Damian's power more and adds a bit more for me too”</p><p> </p><p>


“Maxx, you aren't allowed to talk and that counts as talking. Students, you know what to do”</p><p> </p><p>


“Sorry, buddy”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Not allowed to talk due to his actions from the Young Lion Cup, Marc Maxx knows what's coming as the nearest person to him steps up to slap him. Unfortunately for him, that's “The Geordie Giant” Arthur Scott who probably has the weakest basic wrestling skills of anyone here and therefore can't work the slap even if he was trying to. Marc Maxx sells, whether he wants to or not, feeling the effects of the slap from the big man, who at least doesn't look like he enjoyed doing it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="9bwbLes.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9bwbLes.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="ljAchNm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ljAchNm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="iPV1q2z.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iPV1q2z.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="A9MTwdm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/A9MTwdm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="HaJGHgO.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HaJGHgO.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="yUqCJ8m.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/yUqCJ8m.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>January 5th, 2021</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The day after the first show of the year and while progress on the powerbomb / neckbreaker is going alright with the other young lions, it's also starting to feel... generic and uninspiring. Like something almost any team could be doing and probably has at some point. Damian and Marty's lack of passion for the move is clearly showing as the exra evening session rolls on with a few more young lions helping out as they try to find ways to make it work better. As always, Coach Barry Griffin continues to work out, alongside some of the new class of young lions who have taken a liking to the extra physical conditioning, with Tristan Hobbes in particular putting in a lot of effort as he avoids social interaction. Hari Dubashi takes another powerbomb / neckbreaker and sells the impact like a boss, looking like he's definitely out for good. A voice from ringside pipes up...</em></p><p> </p><p>


“I can tell you guys already don't like this move”</p><p> </p><p>


“Well, I wouldn't say that exactly...”</p><p> </p><p>


“I would”</p><p> </p><p>

MARTY (looking relieved)</p><p>

“Thank god, I hate it. That pause as we set it up just kills any momentum from the move and you look so awkward hitting the powerbomb part of the move compared to the Sacrifice”</p><p> </p><p>


“Yeah, it's too similar to what I've already got and it's not working, no matter how dead Hari is right now.”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Hari still hasn't moved but corpses pretty hard as Hooker pokes him with a boot in the ribs. From ringside a small blackboard covered in chalkdust is slid into the ring, with a picture on it made of stick men. Marty picks up Marc Maxx's board and turns it around a few times trying to make sense of it as Hooker and Black come over to take a look too.</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Assuming this isn't meant to be the kama sutra... I think I see what you mean with Hooker lifting up the opponent.”</p><p> </p><p>


“Hmmm... and... yeah, I have an idea.”</p><p> </p><p>


“Is that you talking again, Marc Maxx? Students, you know what to do!”</p><p> </p><p>


“Sorry, buddy”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The nearest young lion this time is the crazy eyed Elliot Gully, who slips into character by going full crazy eyes before slapping Marc hard around the jaw. Hooker passes the chalkboard back to Marc at ringisde, even though it seems he's no longer allowed to use it outside of regular classes when he needs to ask the trainers questions.</em></p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="9bwbLes.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9bwbLes.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="iPV1q2z.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iPV1q2z.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="A9MTwdm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/A9MTwdm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="HaJGHgO.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HaJGHgO.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="yUqCJ8m.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/yUqCJ8m.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>January 10th, 2021</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Damian and Marty have been working on their new move for the last few days now, putting in hundreds of reps each evening with whatever young lions are available. Knowing he can't be lifted for the move, Arthur Scott has been watching from the weights machines alongside Coach Barry Griffin as the young tag team works with anyone willing to try the move. The crash pads are no longer being used, the timing has been slowly but surely getting closer to perfect, particularly with Hari Dubashi and Sam Hwa, the smallest and easiest to move members of the young lion crew. Marc Maxx has also been a more than willing victim, working with his friends to do what he can to help despite being a prety big guy to execute the move on. One more drill... Hari runs at Damian and gets flapjacked high into the air, coming down onto Marty's knee as she pulls Hari's head into it (IRL: Shatter Machine). The visual effect is devastating and Hari sells it like death, as he has every time, this time bouncing off to the side as he slumps into feigned unconsciousness. An unexpected voice is heard from the direction of the office</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Your move looks like it is about ready to be shown already. I'm impressed, I didn't think you could do it so quickly. Does it have a name?”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Damian slightly shrugs his shoulders and looks towards Marty, knowing that is something that he is better at creating and explaining</em></p><p> </p><p>


“I've got a name for it, and a reason for it too. The whole movement through the move sees the victim elevated to the moon only for everything to turn dark a moment later as we execute the move, which is why I call this... the Lunar Eclipse”</p><p> </p><p>


“Poetic, I like it. I expect to see it at tomorrow's show in Liverpool. Keep working on perfecting it, it's a move that could serve you well in your careers”</p><p> </p><p>


“Yes, senpai”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kansuke returns to the office as the young lions in the ring have a small celebration together. Damian, Marty, Hari and now Marc have a small hug together. Within a moment Marc is awkwardly making hand motions to Marty, seemingy trying to spell something out in sign language or possibly a weird form of charades. Coach Barry Griffin's eyes must be as powerful as his muscles as he sees what is happening</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Is that you talking again, Marc Maxx? Students, do what needs to be done”</p><p> </p><p>


“Sorry, buddy”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Probably the only person that could actually understand what Marc was trying to say was Marty, the closest person to him, but that's enough to earn the punishment for talking. Marty at least has learned the knack for hitting a slap that sounds good while not hurting much, but that can't be a lot of consolation given th circumstances</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Marc, a moment of your time over here.”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Marc exits the ring again, remembering to sell the slap a little even though he's already shaken it off thanks to Marty's ability to work a strong slap. Griffin puts the weights down and takes Marc to a corner away from everyone else to give Marc a quiet talking to</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Son, I have to reprimand you whenever I see you communicate with anyone outside of proper classes. I respect the amount of work you have been putting in on chores, on helping your friends develop their move, on learning what looked like sign language? That's not easy and I admit I'm a little impressed with how much you have been trying. Keep the good work. Just... don't let me catch you. Especially if the bosses are around, because they respect dscipline at least as much as hard work. Do you understand?”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Marc nods his head, a slightly confused smile on his face at the mix of compliment and warning</em></p><p> </p><p>


“Good. Keep learning sign language... one day it might be a unique quirk you can use as long as you have someone else who knows it too. Now, back to work. I have a feeling you probably have something else you are meant to be doing right now”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Coach Griffin returns to the weights and completes his work out, he understands how hard it is to make it in pro wrestling and the whole FireBrand experience is proving to be.... unique. And challenging. As he works out he ponders whether he'd have been able to endure the boarding school / military atmosphere here himself, away from family and friends with limited ability to do much beyond wrestling. He likes having a well equipped gym that he can use whenever he wants, especially one so close to home now, but life isn't easy for these kids. And sometimes just giving them a little more understanding, a little sympathy, is just what they need to keep them motivated to do it all again tomorrow</em></p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="gwPoYQ7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gwPoYQ7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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All England Championship

"Magic" Martin Heath © vs "The X Factor" Petey Barnes




Pure Wrestling Championship

"The Grappler" Neil Warburton © vs Padraig O'Hearne


Quick note: Absolute banger, and hard one to choose.


Special Attraction

NEO Prime (Kinnojo Horri / Michio Gensai) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious / Riddick Jordan)



Who, if anyone, will join Fight Team Punisher?

(Gram Gorman / Merle O'Curle / Other(s)?) Konrad Makinen for the random guess! Minehead as the backup young lion guess!


Who will the fifth and final Trial Series match be for Christian Black?



Who will be Michio Gensai's final match on this tour of FPW?



Why has Leo Price been spotted at our Glasgow show and around SNP's shows recently?

Looking for some prime Haggis! ** If such thing exists, otherwise to watch the best wrestling shows in the country!


Why is my company's best match now a throwaway midcard tag match?

Tag matches are best matches. Also obviously do too the storyline post after this one, the crowd totally dig the Lunar Eclipse!!


Why do I totally overlook my Welsh shows so that they suck?

One day you will have a Welsh Bret Hart, and when you do, everyone else on your roster will be Heel while your Welsh Hart Foundation will rule the roost! It'll be amazing!

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  • 2 weeks later...





FireBrand Pro Wrestling continues to put up strong shows across the British Isles through the month of February, with the increasingly large crowds voting four of this month's matches as the best singles matches the company has seen since the team of Kokan and Konda have come to the UK and made their presence felt. The main event of the London show saw former BHOTWG International champion Konrad Makinen looking to regain the championship as he took on Kinnojo Horri, a 5 time BHOTWG champion, reigning International champion and former wrestler of the year. There was no doubt that this was going to be a great match as two amazing talents squared off, with a respectful London crowd appreciating the fire that both men brought out of each other. Horri's size and power controlled much of the match as Makinen threw everything he had at him to level the odds, including his own body from the top with an amazingly high Leap Of Faith (Coffin Drop) that many thought had won the match. But Makinen couldn't put the bigger opponent away on this night, with Horri snapping off multiple spinebuster variations to cut off every hope that Makinen had before putting him away with the Destiny Bomb (crucifix powerbomb, the one Damian Hooker copies) to retain the championship.


Just miles from the FireBrand Dojo in Birmingham we were treated to some more exciting action after the young lions had showed what they could do. The biggest championship match saw Thunderbolt of The Rainbow Guard defend the Adrenaline championship against the aggressive South African Rohan Kirchner. Two perfect examples of what the Adrenaline division is all about, both men mixed daredevil attacks with more than a touch of ringside brawling to wow the crowd and get the crowd excited. In a close match that never slowed down, Thunderbolt eventually managed to pick up the win with the spectacular Bolt From The Blue (top rope flipping leg drop) to retain his championship.


Manchester saw a fine night of wrestling that fans in attendance agreed was the best FireBrand show to date and even saw two men put on a performance that added a lot of buzz to both men. With very little hype behind them, "Ice Cold" Omezo Shikitei and "The Angry Man" Glen Ward put on an instant classic full of violent throws, industrial suplexes and blistering strikes. While Omezo emerged the victor, Ward showcased how good he can be in this rare singles outting and fans will be sure to want more in future. That bout was the prelude to the three major bouts advertised before the show, with the first being the tag team clash between The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan) of The Office, vs NEO Prime's Kinnojo Horri and Michio Gensai. Horri and Gensai were the larger team, outweighing the Northern Lights by about 100lbs overall... but there are very few teams in the world who can match the Northern Lights for pure athletic ability and explosiveness. This made for a fast paced and hard hitting tag match that saw The Northern Lights trying to prove a point as they tried to put away Horri, but the International champion wouldn't stay down and eventually got a hot tag to Gensai, who exploded in with forceful tackles as he put his rugby experience to devastating use. He hit Riddick with the Avalanche Spike Slam (Black Hole Slam) but a blind tag from Alton Vicious had already saved the Northern Lights, allowing him to sneak in for the Vicious Snap (rolling inverted DDT, same as NEO Prime's Koshiro Ino's Kobra Bite). While not enough to end the match, Horri was soon cleared out by Riddick as he recovered, allowing the Northern Lights to hit the Northern Lights Out (Magic Killer) to put Gensai away and earn a big win.


Fans in attendance would have been forgiven for thinking that was the main event, but there were still two big matches to happen that night. The semi-main saw the Pure Wrestling title defended in a fantastic match between champion "The Grappler" Neil Warburton and challenger Padraig O'Hearne, who had earned the right to challenge when he eliminated Neil in the 5v5 elimination match last month. Some people would say that Padraig is slightly overlooked as part of The Office, being relegated to tag team wrestling a lot despite being the CWW Submission's champion until a month ago, while Warburton is the reigning Pure champion and CWW champion. Putting together a classic British style technical contest full of intricate ringwork, this match wouldn't have looked out of place 30 years ago or 30 years from now, as both put their own flair on their moves. Padraig is a little flashier and a lot more talkative, trying to run his mouth as a way to put The Grappler off his game. But the thing about Neil Warburton is that he's laser focused when it comes to wrestling, and his discipline shone through as he managed to weather the storm from Padraig and grind him down enough to finally lock in the Texas Deathlock, forcing the gobby Irishman to tap out much to the apprecation of the live crowd.


And despite being so good, that STILL wasn't the show closer. The main event saw the All England Championship on the ling as champion "Magic" Martin Heath took on "The X-Factor" Petey Barnes in a match desgined to sell a lot of tickets, as two of the finest high flyers on the entire continent clashed for a significant championship. Petey is never short on confidence, getting in Heath's face every time he picked up the advantage in an attempt to demoralise the break out singles star and make him feel out of his depth. But Heath's confidence is justifiably high and he kept his chin up, knowing he's had huge success as a solo and tag act over the last couple of years and really coming into his own. The early technical feel out process came to an abrupt end when Heath fired back from a Barnes taunt by pie facing him, leading to the two brawling wildly, falling through the ropes to the floor and almost getting counted out as both rolled into the ring last second, before Heath pressed the offence with his fast paced moves. Barnes seized control eventually with a well time dropkick to Heath mid-attack that looked like it may have decapitated Heath. From there it was all Barnes for a long time, working towards the Added Depth (Tequilla Sunrise submission) by wearing down Heath's left arm and left knee. Heath was racked with pain, his comebacks repeatedly cut off as he desperately looked for an opening, finally creating space with a pop-up rana that snapped Barnes to the floor and following up with a cannonball dive to the floor to give him time to recover. Rolling in to break the count, Heath rolled out again to superkick Barnes... and so began the superkick party as Heath started unloading on Barnes with variations, getting closer and closer to a three count before changing tack, dragging himself to the top rope for a flying fist drop and a two count as close to three as it could be. Heath was feeling it, heading to the top again for the Magic Missile (snap Blockbuster) but Petey ducked out of the way at the last moment and Heath crashed and burned... Barnes followed up quickly hitting the X-Press (Arabian Press) with his knees into Heath's chest but Heath kicked out on instinct. Barnes followed up intensely with the Added Depth, locking it centre of the ring, shouting between deep breaths for Heath to tap out. Heath was in agony, his entire body screaming at him in pain as he dragged himself towards the ropes. Barnes wrenched the hold in as deep as possible but Heath got a hand to the rope to break the torturous hold! Heath looked like a broken man as the referee checked if he was able to continue and was almost hit by Petey launching himself from the top with a Mile High Moonsault (that he still claims he does better than Adam Matravers) only for Petey to get his knees up at the last second! The high elevation move combined with the knees drove all the wind out of Petey as he rocked up to his knees, allowing Heath to quickly swivel his hips, pop up into a rana into a tight pinfall and get the three count!






Alongside all the great matches, lots of rivalries are continuing to rumble on and there are lots of news stories emerging from the locker room.


"Punisher" Paul Hughes returned at the Cardiff show and immediately tried to pick up where he left off, attacking Neville Jones and re-staking his claim for the Welsh National championship held by him. The attack didn't quite go as planned though, with The Rainbow Guard looking out for one another against the aggression of Fight Team Punisher. Punisher has been looking to expand the ranks of FTP for a while, allowing both "100 Killer" Gram Gorman and "The Irish Strethcing Machine" Merle O'Curle to train with them... but things between Gram and Merle cmae to a head, literally, when Gram headbutted Merle following a loss to The Rainbow Guard in 8 man tag action. Gram and Merle will face off once more in Belfast... with Punisher telling them that the winner will be a full time member of Fight Team Punisher. Oh... and the King Of Ireland championship is on the line too Can Gram become a double champion and finally defeat a man who has become his nemesis? Will Merle finally side with his a man he once held UEW Tag Team gold with as he looks to extend his epic championship reign?


Christian Black's Trial Series has mostly been going well, with the youngster picking up valuable experience in defeat against visiting NEO Prime member Michio Gensai, the Canadian veteran "Trademark" Thomas Morgan, FireBrand's physical coash Barry Griffin and FireBrand co-founder Hyoskuke Kokan. While Black hasn't won any of these matches, he has shown that he has strong grasp of the young lion moveset and he in particular seemed to be close to victory against Barry Griffin, who was later revealed to have picked up a back injury during the match with Black, the cause of which was never clear. Griffin is facing a couple of months on the sidelines while he deals with that, which will be a blow to all those training in the dojo just now. The fifth and final match in Black's Trial Series was originally intended to be Kansuke Konda.... but an attack from Messiah Hara after the loss to Kokan changed those plans, with Black apparantly demanding to face him in order to show that the FireBrand style of training is better than VENOM's teachings within The Unbound could ever hope to be.


Michio Gensai's short tour of the British Isles comes to a close soon too, having had mixed results so far. When asked by Kokan and Konda who he would like to face for his final opponent, he surprised them both by not choosing one of FireBrand's bigger names.... but instead someone he sees a lot of potential in and a lot of himself, Lynton Minehead. Gensai is a former rugby player in Japan who made the leap to pro wrestling after injuring his arm seriously, leading to him being unable to find a team. Lynton's story is very similar, with a quadraceps injury ending his rugby dreams as he switched to pro wrestling to continue his dream of battering people mercilessly without pads. The two are set to clash soon, and while the result should be a Gensai win, this could be the start of a long lasting bond between the two.


FireBrand Pro Wrestling have deliberately started to ensure that more people get singles matches in future in order to secure more worthy challengers for championship belts, while also considering other ways to do so. While the traditional BHOTWG system of champions and challengers calling each other out following significant wins will always dominate, there are many championships under the FireBrand remit and extra singles matches between members of the roster can only be a good thing. Similarly, more standard tag team matches are set to be booked in order to develop more teams. How this will affect the growing number of alliances within the roster is yet to be seen, but the level of competition looks set to continue being fierce.


The new class of young lions have been training hard and continue to make progress. They have all had singles matches to help assess their skills in front of a live crowd, giving them valuable experience in the process. They have a long way to go, but all six of the new youngsters are progressing and will hopefully be ready to complete in the Young Lion's Cup in December, which will see two different graduating classes compete for the honour.







Don Henderson passed on some psychology tips to Christian Black

CWW were unimpressed by impact of Nate Manchester, released him and spent money on hiring Don Henderson, Omezo Shikitei and Gram Gorman







British Samurai continues to show why they are a great teacher, passing on storytelling tips to Lynton Minehead and Marty Ellison







Barry Griffin picks up a back injury against Christian Black, no blame is given to the young lion for the freak accident

21CW put up a match of the year contender as Edward Cornell / Tommy Cornell defeat Adam Matravers / Antithesis in the main event of Best Of British Wrestling







Don Henderson continues to prove himself as a mentor, passing on more ring pyschology tips to Christian Black

The first person to leave the FPW roster is.... Referee Roy Worral, who has signed with 21CW when the offer was just too good

Canadian wrestling legend "Whipper" Spencer Marks passes away, aged 82






There's drama in the SWF today as it has been discovered that famed colour commentator and manager Emma Chase has been cheating on SWF head booker Eric Eisen. Fans captured footage of the two having a huge bust up in

. While the video doesn't contain a name, Eric has spouted off on social media saying that the other man was ZWB, who has been one of the central focuses of SWF booking in recent times and has even been talked about as a World champion in the near future. The fallout from this is no doubt going to be huge, with ZWB's contract expiring in June and Emma's sometime around Christmas this year. Jerry Eisen, the owner of the SWF, is said to be siding with his brother in all of this as he was one of the people who originally helped to keep Eric and Emma's relationship a secret when they first got together.... with rumours swirling that anyone else who knew about this affair could also face consqeuences, it's going to be a trying time to be a member of the SWF roster.



British Pro Wrestling founded!


Retired wrestler "The Lion" Leo Price has announced that British Pro Wrestling will be making their wrestling debut in the upcoming months, with Glasgow being their base of operations. Leo Price has direct links to 21CW from his time there and it is believed that he will be looking to promote a similar style of wrestling. Some fans are already speculating that there could be a future link with 21CW that could help some of their younger wrestlers get more time to wrestler away from the main roster, while others are looking at this as a move to directly compete with SNP who are also based in the Glasgow area. Price has installed Dougie Horwood as a prominent figure in creative, with many industry insiders saying he is always good to have around on that side of the business. The roster is still coming together but already features some former 21CW talent like Ivan Ivanoff, Darin Flynn, Nate Manchester and Lone Wolf mixing it up alongside more local talents like Meathead MacAullie and Doddie McGregor among others.



BHOTWG Sponsor Sniped?


It's no secret in pro wrestling that BHOTWG are looking to expand their business to take over more of the world, diversifying their income streams in the wake of the damage done by the tsunami that hit Japan a few years ago. Combined with the damage that was done to WLW with their Yakuza scandal and you could be forgiven for thinking that Japanese wrestling was getting cleaned up and ready for a major upswing in the near future. But it seems that not all is good in Japan as several sponsors have suddenly pulled out of sponsoring BHOTWG events and TV due to a series of reputation damaging stories that have began doing the rounds recently. While they are as yet unconfirmed, the level of detail attached to them is... lets say... unsavoury, and sponsors are playing it safe by distancing themselves from the company. There is no official word on the source that has provided these stories, though most believe it's either a disgruntled fan or a rival company looking to try and better their position by hitting the competition where it hurts most.






FireBrand LIVE: Edinburgh


Special Singles Match

"The Street Fighting Man" Jeffery McPeterson vs "Stone Cold Killer" Konrad Makinen


Following "Stone Cold Killer" Konrad Makinen's failed attempt to win the BHOTWG International championship last month, he has been challenged by "The Street Fighting Man" Jeffery McPeterson to a match in Edinburgh via social media. McPeterson has had a tough time on FPW shows recently, finding himself on the losing end of several matches as a result of "miscommunication" with Konrad. McPeterson has taken some time to compose himself in recent weeks, not appearing on shows, and seems ready to right some wrongs at the expense of a former BHOTWG champion... but can he actually win the big match when he needs to?



FireBrand LIVE: Belfast


King Of Ireland Championship

"The Irish Stretching Machine" Merle O'Curle © vs "100 Killer" Gram Gorman


These two men almost seem destined to fight each other forever... they've both recently been training with Fight Team Punisher but a recent tag loss saw Gram take out his frustrations on Merle once again, headbutting him and issuing the challenge for this match. "Punisher" Paul Hughes raised the stakes by saying only one of them can be a part of Fight Team Punisher, with the winner of this match being that man.



FireBrand LIVE: Swansea


Welsh National Championship

"The Swansea Kid" Neville Jones © vs "Punisher" Paul Hughes


There is no love losst between these two men who were meant to have clashed inside a steel cage before Punisher went down to a hernia. Now back to full fitness, Punisher wasted no time in picking up where he left off by going for the Welsh National championship and Neville Jones. This match will be held under No Disqualification rules so as to ensure a winner. And to be sure, another match is booked for this show.


Special Trios Match

The Rainbow Guard (Thunderbolt / Rhys Vali / Bali Daljit) vs Fight Team Punisher (Glen Ward / Gavin Owen / ???)


The winner of the Merle O'Curle vs Gram Gorman match will be added as the third man to the Fight Team Punisher team in this match. While we would never expect to see shenanigans in the main event, this match is intended to ensure that by having all the possible competitors who might get involved soften each other up. This is sure to be physical as the two groups have completely different philosophies towards wrestling.



FireBrand LIVE: London


BHOTWG International Championship

Kinnojo Horri © vs "Unbreakable" Riddick Jordan


Jordan wants a rematch for the championship he lost in Japan, and he wants it on home soil. Horri wants to prove he is a fighting champion and assuming he can successfully defend the championship in planned matches in India (with TPW) and Japan (with BHOTWG) this match has been pencilled in to happen. Can Jordan win back the championship he travelled halfway around the world to lose? Or will Horri continue to prove that he is one of the all time greats in front of more and more new fans?


Is this post too long? And has it really been two weeks since I posted already?


Do you believe that I've been putting a LOT of hours into modding CV97, and will you forgive me for that fans? Both of you?


Oh god, it's almost Cyberpunk 2077 release day, how am I gonna find the time?!


Uhhh.... did Wales get shafted with a relatively rubbish show again?


Actual useful question, is there anything about the format you can see that needs improved?


Also, I may or may not get a character piece done before the next batch of shows.... some people have been signed to BPW ;)





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March 3rd, 2021


The three rings of the FireBrand Dojo have seen the youngsters drill the basics and some slightly more advanced techniques for the last few hours, with Hyosuke Kokan taking most of the classes for now while Barry Griffin works through his back injury, sitting on a chair at ringside and occasionally wincing when he feels an extra ache coming from it. As the drills come to an end and the class gets ready to move onto their move specialised focuses, the overall boss of FPW makes his way to the rings and instructs everyone to line up



"Aurelian Bradley... Bryn Archer... Marty Ellison. Step forward"


The three youngsters step forward, each one looking more than a little puzzled as to why they are being singled out. Have they done something wrong? They don't generally hang out together, they haven't come from the same dojo, they don't train together in the same specialisations.... Aurelian bites the inside of his cheek, the only sign that he seems nervous. Bryn steps foward with disciplined, almost militaristic precision but his moustache bristles with a mixture of confusion and potential anger. Marty wears his heart on his sleeve, eyes telling the story of sudden concern.





"FireBrand Pro Wrestling is a small business for now, and businesses need to make money. Our staff, from myself and Hyosuke at the top all the way down to the young lions training in the dojo who won't wrestle in front of a crowd until next year... we are all here to make money. I am proud to announce today that three of our young lions have been contacted by British Pro Wrestling to be part of their starting roster. Gentlemen, congratulations"


Konda and Kokan start with some gentle applause, and soon everyone else joins in as it ripples around the warehouse that has been turned into the FireBrand Dojo. Bradley allows a smile to cross his face for a moment, which does nothing to reduce his menace stat at all. Bryn's moustache continues to work hard, concealing any hint of a smile that may have been there for a fleeting moment. Unlike the others, Marty doesn't hold back at all, letting a huge smile and a ohmnygosh escape from his lips with a double fist pump too.



"Young lions, I expect you to represent the FireBrand Dojo with honour and distinction each and every time you are booked. I expect to see you continue to show off your fundamentals and respect the traditions of the young lion move sets while you are with them until you have been given permission to use your full movesets. Lynton Minehead has been doing this with Championship Wrestling from Wigan under the watch of Curtis Jenkins. We have no links with Leo Price in British Pro Wrestling, but I expect you to do the same as Lynton there. Several other members of our roster will be on the roster too and I will be watching to check on your progress with potential new opponents. I hope you all enjoy the experience you gain there. And once more, congratulations on earning this opportunity."


Konda's English will never be as sharp as his Japanese, but he is fluent enough that his message is always clear even while he sometimes mixes in words that may not quite fit. And sometimes the intonations leave something to be desired, such as right now... no-one seems suret hat Konda is finished talking until he turns to head back to the office, with Kokan quickly following suit. Fitness coach Barry Griffin quickly takes control again his veteran experience shining through but as he stands he winces, his back reminding him that he is not the youngster that his muscles alone might lead you to think he is.



"Alright young lions, you know what your specialisations are, get to work! Recruits, cardio cardio cardio! Start with laps around the dojo, keep the pace up!







As the group of Marty Ellison, Damian Hooker and Sam Hwa collectively work on their strikes, taking turns holding pads to hit legit strikes before switching out to reps of worked strikes. The combination of understanding how to legitimately use certain moves and how to make them look real without actually hurting an opponent helps every graduate of the FireBrand Dojo to be a credible threat, much like the tough as nails wrestlers that have been the staple of Japanese rosters throughout the history of puroresu. While they all call the FireBrand Dojo and the British Isles home today, one day they may find themselves on a BHOTWG show and they have to make sure they don't make the FireBrand Dojo look bad in the eyes of the fans and the veterans over there. Their striking training is interupted by Barry Griffin as he walks over to them, moving slowly and more stiffly than usual as hsi back continues to hurt him and reduces his ability to work out the way he wants to.



"Hey, Marty. Can I have a minute of your time?"



"Always, coach. Excuse me, guys, we'll pick this up again in a minute. What's up, coach?"


Coach Griffin takes Marty over to the side, smiling as he speaks quietly to him but moving stiffly as his back once again reminds him that he should probably be resting it more than he is.



"I've got some good news for you, Marty. I've heard from Leo Price, the British Pro Wrestling owner, that they like what they've been seeing from you and hearing about you from others in the industry. The recognise that you are one of the bright young talents around at the moment and they're planning to put you in a title match on their first show, against Darin Flynn"



"A title match? I'm not ready for that yet, I'm still a young lion!"


COACH GRIFFIN (chuckles)

"Don't worry, it's not their main championship and you aren't going to be winning, but it's a great spot for you to be in. Darin Flynn is a good kid who works hard, and had some great matches in 21st Century Wrestling before they cut him. I think he's one of the best wrestlers they signed, and I have faith in you to be able to have a good match with him. The best advice I can give you is to watch some footage of him from our tape libraries, learn the spots he's likely to use and to make sure you stick to the basics. It'll be tempting to over-extend yourself and try to keep up with him, but it's better to stick to what you are good at and do it well, rather than trying to do too much and doing it badly. Plus, y'know... it's what the bosses expect of you"



"Thanks, coach, I'll do exactly that. I've got my entire career ahead of me, and I know not to piss off the bosses, no matter how tempting it might be to break out a bit more of what I'm capable of."



"You're a good kid, Marty. I knew you'd understand where I'm coming from. That's all I wanted to say. I'll leave you to get back to training those strikes, and the chops are sounding good. Keep working on those, I think they could become one of the staples of your arsenal if you can perfect them."


Marty mumbles a few words of thanks as he heads back over to Damian and Sam who made little effort to hide the fact that they were eavesdropping the entire time. There's a quiet squeal of excitement from the group, hard to tell which people it came from precisely, but Griffin doesn't stick around to hear what they are up to as he moves on towards the small rooms where students can watch near endless amounts of footage from old wrestling shows, with access to libraries of wrestling from around the world and as much digitised tape as can be found for companies like MOSC and ROF. Griffin remembers back to the days where he himself used to study other wrestlers, looking for things to add to his personal bag of tricks as he tried to become one of the best around. As he arrives he sees the two men he's looking for closely watching an old MOSC show and realises it's from 2001 when he sees himself squaring off with The Highland Warrior circa 1999, back when they were fighting over the championship. For a moment he remembers the rowdy crowds that crammed into the halls that MOSC would inevitably partly fill and cause mischief in before they were kicked out of the venue and had to move to a new one somewhere. It almost brings a tear to his eye and a slight crack to his voice, that is immediately sharpened by his back reminding him once again that he should be resting somewhere and not walking around in a cold warehouse on the outskirts of Birmingham.





"Aurelian... Bryn... ow... good to see you both here, and excellent choice of viewing there. Neither Warrior or I were the most talented guys in the business but we looked credible, we could brawl and we could sell. You don't need to be able to do a lot more than that to make money, though modern audiences seem a bit more demanding so being able to do more certainly helps. But that's not what I want to talk to you about. You two are going to be part of a three way match with British Pro Wrestling, with the third man being Jason Hupp."



"One of the guys who didn't pass basic training here?



"The show is in Glasgow... he's from somewhere near there, right?"



"Yeah, I think he's based around Glasgow now so he's local. You missed him in the dojo as he was gone before you reported in, but he had a grasp of technical wrestling and shouldn't be too hard to work with. Three way matches are tricky to put together and this is going to be the first match ever in BPW.... Leo has faith in you to be able to do well and will help you with the match, but it's important you give a good showing. You represent FireBrand Pro Wrestling just as much as you represent yourselves with this opportunity. Keep things simple, keep things old school. And listen to Leo, he knows what he's doing and we want to see him succeed."


You can almost hear the wheels turning in Aurelian's head as he tries to analyse every word that comes from Coach Griffin, his intensely cerebral approach to wrestling being something that should stand him in good stead for a long and relatively injury free career. Compared him with Toxic, who came through the same graduaing class as Aurelian, and it's obvious that one of them has the ability to succeed long term, while Toxic is already showing the kind of wear and tear on his body that makes him walk around hurt like Griffin does on a typical day.... at least without the back injury. Aurelian's brain reaches a conclusion.



"I'm being booked to win?"



"You are, I believe. But how did you guess?"



"I wasn't sure... but Leo Price was a 21CW guy and he knows the reputation the National School of Wrestling has, he helped to train a lot of us there himself. And if he's running his own company he's likely to want to put over talent he knows something about already. Our match has Hupp as the local hero against two bigger opponents and the babyface shouldn't overcome the odds right away so one of us has to win. And since he knows me, it makes sense that he'd pick me to win, knowing that I'm a safe pair of hands."



"Well, I can't speak exactly for Leo but that sounds like it could be correct. Point is, you'll get a win. First ever win in BPW history. A little achievement that will be all yours forever. Anyway... that's all I wanted to tell you. I've got other students to help so I'll leave you to watch old tape of yours truly and mentally get ready for that match"


Coach Griffin spins on his heels, groans a little as his back gives him an unfriendly reminder of his age once again and heads towards the weights room. He may not be able to work out just now with anything beyond light weights but that doesn't stop the new intake of recruits and the young lions from using it. This year's graduating class have a habit of getting competitive with each other as the enormous Arthur Scott pushes the rest of them to play catch up with him, with Elliot Gully and MJ Davis in particular seemingly determined to become the strongest young lion around. They tend to forget that Lynton Minehead and Marc Maxx are also there and are every bit as strong, but such is the nature of rivalries within a class. Griffin remembers a time when he used to be competitive like that, a determined youngster looking to carve out his own path and be better than everyone else. That was before he gained wisdom and realised that wrestling was a team effort from everyone involved... some people are fast, some are strong, some play the good guy some play the bad guy... he was good at keeping in great shape and being able to have a solid match with everyone. And he has made a career out of it. Lots of people never do. He's proud of the body of work he's put together and of what he's doing in the FireBrand Dojo. He smiles to himself. Even smiling hurts his back just now. So he grabs a seat and tries to ignore his age for a little longer despite it's insistence that he pay attention to it.





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Special Singles Match

"The Street Fighting Man" Jeffery McPeterson vs "Stone Cold Killer" Konrad Makinen


I almost want too choose McPeterson, as he needs a win at some point and I thnk he's good for it, but Konrad is one of a very select few I really don't want to see lose at this point. I have to go for Konrad but not for my historical non-McPeterson bias :p



King Of Ireland Championship

"The Irish Stretching Machine" Merle O'Curle © vs "100 Killer" Gram Gorman

Rough. I really think O'Curle is amazing, but I think I go with Gram partially to keep O'Curle more closely related to the dads then with a "real" group with Punisher. That and Gram is pretty amazing himself, and deserves the win of a non-weight based title.




Welsh National Championship

"The Swansea Kid" Neville Jones © vs "Punisher" Paul Hughes

Nothing personal Kid, but I'm going for Punisher :p



Special Trios Match

The Rainbow Guard (Thunderbolt / Rhys Vali / Bali Daljit) vs Fight Team Punisher (Glen Ward / Gavin Owen / ???)

Big win for Fight Team Punisher with Merle leading the way!



BHOTWG International Championship

Kinnojo Horri © vs "Unbreakable" Riddick Jordan

Horri is going to make a great champion for a long while yet I think! Well at least until he loses the title in India :p



Is this post too long? And has it really been two weeks since I posted already?



Do you believe that I've been putting a LOT of hours into modding CV97, and will you forgive me for that fans? Both of you?

I personally don't know how to feel, as I want CV97, but I love this diary. Can I both never forgive you, yet at the same time cheer you on? :p


Oh god, it's almost Cyberpunk 2077 release day, how am I gonna find the time?!

So let me get this straight, so the game was supposed to come out a few days after my birthday this year, and then it ended up coming out a few days before yours? Illuminati confirmed! :p


Uhhh.... did Wales get shafted with a relatively rubbish show again?

You need to start running shows in Newcastle and give them the short end of the stick, they're used too it after all :p


Actual useful question, is there anything about the format you can see that needs improved?

In all seriousness, it's great. The one thing that would make my old man eyes very happy, is when you do all the results of your shows at the beginning of your posts, is that instead of just using italics on every other paragraph (which by the way, is a great help in itself) is potentially also bold? It would just help break up the paragraphs a bit better on my eyes, but that might jsut be on me. Consider it, or do something better I'm not thinking of :p


Or of course continue as is and I'll be fine :cool:

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