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Share Your Gimmicks - Tournaments/Titles/Matches

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Dear fellow player,


To me one of the most features in the new TEW is the world of tournaments, titles/achievements and special matches, which can be connected to the schedule system.


Since I do multiple tournaments each year and even more special matches, which occasionally lead to a prestigous trophy, I'd love to hear some ideas and concepts from other players, who love to create own little gimmicks as much as I do.


Naturally the ideas in this thread can be stolen, coppied and adapted at will for anyone to create their own colorful event/tournament schedule. ;)


I start with a few of my favorite concepts:


My current promotions "MitB"-Style:

Golden Flower Of Opportunity

Via special match "Valentines Massacre" (4 Way Ladder/Ultimate X match

set at my annual event "Teeth 4 My Valentine" in the middle of February


My Lucha Libre-themed Trophy:

Trofeo De La Muerte

Via special match "Cámara De La Muerte"*

set at my annual Mexican-style event "Dias De Los Muertos event on the first day of November

*An occasional match type in Lucha Libre is the "Domo De La Muerte", a multi men cage Apuestas match. The goal is to escape the match. The final wrestler loses his mask/hair.

My "Cámara De La Muerte" is an adaption for a title match. First goal is to reach the title at the top of the cage. Second goal is to escape. And the final 2 (who haven't escaped) fight under Apuestas rules.



P.S.: I'm not sure, if this is the right forum. Please correct me if it's not.

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<p>I've often gone for an International Challenge. In the US it's normally Team US, Team Canada, and then two of Team Mexico, Team Japan and Team Europe / UK.</p><p> </p><p>

The exact format depends on what I need at the time. The most successful one was three man teams, with two 2 vs 2's, a 3 vs 3 against the team not faced in a 2 vs 2, and a 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 between the team captains worth double points.</p><p> </p><p>

Team US have to have a feuding pair together in the team. It's a rule.</p>

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<p>My main save is CWA but I cancelled the TV deal and turned them into a Japanese style touring schedule. So I have lots of tournaments.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stone/DeColt Memorial Grand Prix</strong></p><p>

This is a round robin tournament featuring two blocks of 10 workers each, with the winners of each block facing off at the PPV for the trophy and a world title match at my season final Ultimate Showdown</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Grand Prix</strong></p><p>

I purchased this as it belonged to NOTBPW before the merger. Similar idea to the Stone/DeColt but for tag teams. I haven't gotten to this yet in my save so I'm not 100% sure how many teams will compete but it will follow the same round ronin format with a final at the PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Juniors Unleashed</strong></p><p>

Similar again but for the juniors. I created a Junior Heavyweight title, the first tournament was for the vacant title, from now on it will be for a title shot. The first one feature two blocks of six wrestlers in each with a final.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Canada Cup and Canada Women's Cup</strong></p><p>

These two run simultaneously. A 32 man knockout tournament and a 16 woman knockout tournament with both finals at the PPV. Both winners will receive title shots.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Last Man Standing</strong></p><p>

This one was there by default and I was going to scrap it when I moved to a Japanese style product but I decided to keep it. This is essentially a Royal Rumble.</p>

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I've often gone for an International Challenge. In the US it's normally Team US, Team Canada, and then two of Team Mexico, Team Japan and Team Europe / UK.


The exact format depends on what I need at the time. The most successful one was three man teams, with two 2 vs 2's, a 3 vs 3 against the team not faced in a 2 vs 2, and a 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 between the team captains worth double points.


Team US have to have a feuding pair together in the team. It's a rule.


I haven't used the National backgrounds so far. But a Nations cup is a nice addition.


I slightly changed the modus though:

Team USA, Team Lucha Libre, Team Puroresu and Team Worldwide face in a Trios Tag Team Round Robin format first (2 points per win), foreshadowing the "Wrestling Wars" event.

At the event I contest a 4 Way Tag Team Elimination match and a 4 Way Singles Elimination match. The winners get 3 points, the second 2 points and so far.

The team with the most points wins the "Wrestling War Heroes" trophy. =)

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-King of the Ring (32 Man Tournament)

-The Royal Rumble (30, 40, or 50 man battle royal with winner getting a shot at any title at Wrestle Mania)

-Gorgeous George Memorial Tournament (64 man tournament, winner is considered the best wrestler of the year)

-Rookie of the Year (32 man tournament where I call up my top 32 talents from my developmental promotions, and the winner gets a roster spot)

-Tag Team Cup (16 man tag tournament)

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I just started a WLW game and came up with some tournaments. It's a Japanese promotion that isn't uber-serious, so I get to do some Western style booking in addition to the fun names and collecting colorful masks! And have BHoTWG all over me from day one..hooray?


Either way, it is a way to help keep my BCG game fresh. I love that game, but it is nice to book something less serious without going full into Sports Entertainment mode for an hour or two.


Attack of the 3-Headed Monster - If you've ever heard of Godzilla, you know exactly why it was named as such. Six-man tag tourney.


Numero Uno - I ripped off DG a bit, but it makes perfect sense. G-1, Champion's Carnival, etc. style tourney.


Dynamic Duo - Obviously a tag team tourney.


Go All-Out! - The midcard singles title is called the Steal the Show Title, so it seemed about right.

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Well if I can get one of my ideas off I'll be happy. I just don't have the time on my hands or the wrestling mind to get out of the gates in a reasonable time and structure good shows. But I think I had some creative ideas, so here they are.


WWE Global (Developmental)

I thought of a "B" Show which I planed for WWE called Global. The idea is to use it as a developmental programm that makes the main show more diverse. It would have 5 singles titles (Global, Womans, Asien, European and American) For the 3 sub titles you could only compete with the particular heritage. And then 2 Tag Titels, one for the man and one for the woman. I haven't figuered out how long the weekly show should be, I guess at least 1 1/2 hours but I never came around to that detail.


Global would have 4 exclusive PPVs a year. One in asia called Dragon Fury, one in Europe called Across the Pond and one in america called Rise of the Independent. The american PPV name I don't like too much but it was the best I came up with. Europe I feel is not perfect either but I think it's solid and I wouldn't change it. The special thing about the PPVs would be that they are held in the region and have to have somebody from the region in the top title matches. I don't know yet if a regional champion would fulfill the needs and then a challenger could be from somewhere else or that the challenger definitly has to come from the region. I'm leaning towards just one mandatory regional participent. The biggest Global PPV is called World Stage which would be like their Wrestlemania and could be held everywhere. That name and the asien one I like very much.^^


I also planed to have one crossover WWE-Global PPV called Ascension where the Finale of a tournament would end that sends the winner to WWE. Basically I would have one men and one woman go to WWE at the event. The main event would be one of these matches. If the show runs parallel with NXT, I would let 4 workers get to WWE and would book the Co Main as RAW vs SmackDown. The winner of this match let's his GM get the choice to decide which man and woman he takes on his weekly show the next week.


7 or 10 minutes of Fame

Again didn't have this finalized which makes the title a little bit underwhelming. Basically I thought of giving the woman a singles division with title on RAW and a tag team division with title on SmackDown. To give the SmackDown ladies a cool opportunity to get a shot to prove themselfs in the singles division I thought of this. Basically it's a Beat the Clock challenge qualifyer for the opportunity to get to RAW and possibly a guranteed title shot. (didn't know if the call up is good enough) Basically the qualifying matches have a time limit of either 7 or 10 minutes which gives it either the name of 7 or 10 minutes of Fame. If the match has a winner in time they get a spot in the final match if not both are eliminated. I think this is a brilliant storyline tool to deepen and start feuds. Also you push one woman as a hot singles commodity (this sounds so wrong^^) on RAW. The final Match is then a Ladder Match for the RAW spot/title match but it could be any kind of stipulation I guess. Hey you could also book that at Ascension ;)



- I guess those two are the most unique I came up with. I have more but don't know if they are that interesting. If these two get a good response I'll look through my notes and see if anything is worth mentioning. This was fun :)

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In my created company in the C-Verse, UCPW. The company is integrated. With the recently created CWA/UCPW brand split, CWA retains it women's division but I do plan on letting the tag team titles accept both genders


UCPW Grand Prix- My version of the G1, a two-block round-robin tournament. Its held every September. The winner gets a UCPW Universal Heavyweight title match in the main event of Final Glory at the end of the year. With the creation of the CWA brand split, I plan on having both brands host a block and the winner can face either the UCPW champion or the CWA champion.



CWA Tag Team Grand Prix- Going to be the same as the UCPW Grand Prix. May change the name as I'm not a fan of how similar they are, but obviously this tournament has a history with that name. The winners will get a tag title match of their choosing at the equivalent brand's first PPV of the year.


I plan on introducing a top prospect tournament of some sort, still not sure on a name for that one. I also want to do an all women's tournament and show that will showcase both brands women.

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In a 1995 AEW game, I ran something I called <strong>The Elite Encounter</strong>. I ran some qualifying matches and ended up with a 10-man field. This was a battle royal inside a steel cell, similar to the Bunkhouse Stampede and Hell in a Cell, but the winner received a briefcase like Money in the Bank. Eliminations occurred via pinfall or submission.
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When I did my PWG save I did a gimmick show called "The Tri-Wizard Tournament". It was basically 3 Triple Threat matches with the winners facing each other in the Main Event, but each match had a theme. Match 1 was the best Brawlers, match 2 was the best High Flyers and match 3 was the best Technical Wrestlers.
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