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That One Single Ingredient | The RUTHLESS AGGRESSION Era (WWE 2004)

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<p>World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

Last Man Standing Match</p><p>

<strong>Triple H ©</strong> vs. Shawn Michaels</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Championship</p><p>

<strong>Brock Lesnar ©</strong> vs. Hardcore Holly</p><p> </p><p>

World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

Tables Match</p><p>

<strong>Batista & Ric Flair ©</strong> vs. The Dudley Boyz</p><p> </p><p>

Ernest "The Cat" Miller vs. <strong>Vince McMahon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Women's Championship</p><p>

Molly Holly © vs. <strong>Trish Stratus</strong> vs. Jazz vs. Lita</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio ©</strong> vs. Nunzio</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Championship</p><p>

The Basham Brothers © vs. <strong>Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Royal Rumble Match</p><p> </p><p>

Garrison Cade, Mark Jindrak, Matt Morgan, Christian, A-Train, Rob Van Dam, Rhyno, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, The Big Show, Billy Gunn, Johnny Stamboli, Jerry Lawler, Chuck Palumbo, Booker T, Shelton Benjamin, Test, Charlie Haas, John Cena, Kane, Chris Benoit, <strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong>, Kurt Angle, Chavo Guerrero, Randy Orton, Bradshaw, Scott Steiner, Spike Dudley, Goldberg</p>

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No one really knows where it will take us.





Is it our own decisions that guide us or does fate play the bigger role dictating the road we'll travel?





Which course we'll be steering. What twists we must endure.





One thing is for certain. There is no certainty.





No way to know. And everything can change in an instant.





In a flash, the things you hold close can disappear. Vanish like a lost thought.





Life long trust can turn on you. Blood can betray you. And the future you foresaw, gone.





Tonight is a pivotal point where paths collide. And while some men's dreams will be shattered, one man's life will never be the same.





One moment can change everything.





Tonight fate will rear his head. Destiny will play his hand. The road to WrestleMania begins... tonight.

















Pyro, lights, camera, action! The Royal Rumble is under way as the camera flies all across the arena. Amidst the action, that famous voice greets us to one of the most prestigious PPVs of the year!




JR: With 19,519 fans selling out the Wachovia Center here in Philadelphia, we welcome you to the 17th annual WWE Royal Rumble! Hello again everybody, I'm Jim Ross along with Jerry "The King" Lawler!

King: Oh man, JR! What a show we have tonight! Triple H and Shawn Michaels in a Last Man Standing match.... I can't wait! And once and for all, we will see who the better man is!

JR: And let's not forget your big match tonight!

King: Oh I sure haven't!

JR: King here will be one of the 30 men competing in the Royal Rumble match, the main event of tonight's PPV which will determine who will headline WrestleMania 20 against one of the two champions! And from here, let's take it away to our SmackDown team, Michael Cole and Tazz!




Cole: Thank you JR! And I cannot wait to get this show started, seven spetacular matches on tonight's card as well as the Royal Rumble match! You excited, partner?!

Tazz: Always! Rumble, baby! I'm pumped up, Philly is pumped up! Let's go!

Cole: Let's hear from your Spanish announce team sitting right next to us at ringside!




Carlos Cabrera ¡Gracias, Michael Cole, gracias! ¡Y esta noche es el Royal Rumble, una lucha de treinta hombres para determinar el contendiente número uno para el campeonato mundial en WrestleMania!

Hugo Savinovich: ¡No puedo esperar a ver a Triple H y Shawn Michaels en una lucha de último hombre en pie! ¡Empecemos este espectáculo, amigo!


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This one started off relatively even to start off but in classic tag team match form, Scotty 2 Hotty began to be dominated by the brothers while Rikishi was left on the apron begging for a tag. Using their power advantage and constantly double teaming in their corner, Scotty was left in desperate need to tag the big man in and turn the favor back in their direction. After Scotty was able to avoid a double team and cause the Bashams to accidently hit each other, Scotty dives towards Rikishi and gets the tag in! Rikishi, like a house fire, starts knocking both Bashams down with strikes and finally a back mule kick that sends Danny under the rope.





It doesn't take long for Shaniqua to involve herself to try to get her boys back in this one, standing on the apron to try to distract Rikishi. Kish, however, doesn't even hesitate to pull her into the ring by the hair and throw her into the corner. As Scotty and Danny brawl on the outside, Rikishi turns towards Shaniqua, sat in the corner, and can't possibly resist the urge to hit the stink face! Shaniqua waves her arms around as Rikishi rubs that big behind in her face, but turning his attention towards her proved to be a fatal mistake. Doug Basham hits the ropes and just as Kishi finishes his business, is hit with the Last Impression, a diving leg lariat, which sends the unsuspecting Rikishi down to the mat and the back of his head crashing to the mat. Doug quickly covers and lands the three!


Winners: The Basham Brothers @ 7:17




Cole: Well Shaniqua got her due but perhaps Scotty and Rikishi looking to get a little revenge is what cost them the match there!

Tazz: Shaniqua will never forget that stinkface, I'm sure! But Rikishi sure won't either for allowing Doug an opening to defend his and Danny's championship! And these two, er, whackjobs continue their WWE Tag Team Championship reign.




We cut to the parking lot where Goldberg's truck is pulling in. Josh Matthews stands by with a microphone in hand.


Josh Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen, I've been back in the parking lot since the start of the show waiting for the arrival of tonight's 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble, Goldberg. And as he pulls in here for tonight's big match, I'm hoping to get some answers as to what Goldberg's motives were with his attacks against Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin last Monday on RAW. And let us not forget his attack on Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit on SmackDown.


As Josh yammers on, we see Goldberg hopping out of his truck and reaching into his bed to grab a big black duffle bag. His leather jacket shimmering under the light posts illuminating the dark parking lot, Goldberg begins to march towards the inside of the arena. Josh springs into action, getting right into Goldberg's road.


Josh Matthews: Goldberg, if you don't mind sparing a few moments of time, I have to ask what your motives were over spearing both champions?


Goldberg simply shoves Josh out of the way and continues walking, not even giving him the courtesy of eye contact. Josh looks back at the camera with a disappointed look on his face.


Josh Matthews: Well Goldberg continues to remain silent despite his loud actions this past week. We'll see Goldberg later on as the final entrant in the Rumble. Back to you, JR.




JR: Goldberg has certainly been a man on a mission, King, and I can't even imagine what is going on through that head. Not only did he attack Triple H and Shawn Michaels, and not only did he put Stone Cold Steve Austin through a table, but Goldberg entered SmackDown's arena in Texas this last Thursday to spear Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit.

King: I can tell you one thing, JR, I'm staying the heck away from him in the ring tonight! Goldberg is out of control! And it seems to me he can't get over Triple H taking that World Heavyweight Championship from him at Armageddon!

JR: We all know Goldberg wants revenge, one way or another. Nevertheless, we got some cruiserweight action coming up next so let's take it back to Michael Cole and Tazz!




Cole: Thanks guys, already an action packed Royal Rumble, partner! But on the subject of Goldberg, what do you think he has planned tonight? We all know Goldberg wants revenge on Triple H and I'm still trying to process why he would show up on SmackDown!

Tazz: Quite frankly, Cole, I think Goldberg is just tellin' the world that it doesn't matter who the champion is or what brand it is, he's winnin' that Rumble and he's goin' to main event WrestleMania.

Cole: Well on the subject of championships, Tazz, we're gearing up for our Cruiserweight Championship match where Rey Mysterio will defend against the challenger, Nunzio. And some may say Nunzio didn't exactly win himself into contendership, partner.

Tazz: Eh, a few injuries within the division and some smart positioning from my paisano Nunzio got him into this match. But he's going to take advantage of it, Cole! Nunzio is a smart dude and I have a feeling we're going to see his buddies out there tonight, errr, supporting him!

Cole: Right! I'm sure they're just here to enjoy the show, Tazz.


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Mysterio went into this match aggressive, wanting revenge on Nunzio for his antics the last two weeks. The spitfire Italian, however, stayed on his toes and while Mysterio dominated the offensive for the most part, Nunzio was able to use his cunning skills to keep the match from completely slipping away. We all knew what was coming in this match though. Nunzio came out alone and Mysterio knew he had to be aware of his surroundings.





As expected, Chuck Palumbo makes his way to the ring, standing ringside and trying to show innocence. The FBI pulled this same con last Thursday against Billy Kidman and Mysterio keeps an eye on his six for Johnny Stamboli. Referee Jimmy Kordaris, however, has short term memory as he leans up against the ropes and shouts at Palumbo.






And sure enough, Stamboli comes out from behind the announcer's table, wielding a baseball bat. Nunzio tries to hold Mysterio still as Stamboli slides in. Palumbo is now on the apron and Kordaris is shouting his face to get down, completely unaware of what is going on behind him. Stamboli swings.... and Mysterio is able to duck out of the way! Nunzio is clubbed right in the chest. The bat goes flying out under the ring and Kordaris turns around to notice the commotion. Stamboli charges towards Mysterio despite the threat of disqualification, only to get a drop toe hold into the ropes where Palumbo is standing. Palumbo flies back off the apron and Stamboli is hit with a 619! While Nunzio is in severe pain from the bat strike, he slowly begins to stand up only to be hit with the West Coast Pop! And that's enough to secure the pinfall victory!


Winners: Rey Mysterio @ 9:15




Cole: And Rey Mysterio is able to pull off the win here tonight! Despite Palumbo and Stamboli inserting their noses into this one, Mysterio wasn't going down that easy!

Tazz: What a showing from both dudes in that one! And remember this, you will only see the cruiserweight division on Thursdays!

Cole: And with Rey Mysterio knocking Nunzio off, he looks to go into WrestleMania as defending champion!




We cut to the dressing room of Evolution, who stand confidently in the middle of the shot. Triple H is already dressed to compete, T-shirt covering his bare short and top of his trunks as he looks down at dominate stable. All their belts are draped over their shoulders, glimmering under the lights. Stacy Keibler stands by Batista's side, touching shoulders with him, while Jackie Gayda stands behind Randy Orton, rubbing his back with her fingers and looking a lot more confident about her new clientele.


Triple H: Armageddon was a total win for us and tonight will be no different, gentlemen. Now Batista and Flair, quite frankly, I think our matches are all forgone conclusions. But Randy... tonight is your night.


Flair and Batista pat his back as Orton confidently nods. Gayda grips her hand over his shoulder, her nails digging into his blades.


Triple H: Randy, you and I are going to be the names on the marquee this year. Now is the time more than ever to show what Evolution is all about.

Randy Orton: Make no mistake about it, Hunter, I entered this Rumble with full intention to win. I ran Mick Foley out of the WWE and showed everyone that he was a coward. And tonight I'm going to outlast 29 other men. I'm going to win the Royal Rumble.


Back to ringside with JR and King.




JR: Evolution has certainly been a dominate faction on RAW, King.

King: Oh yes they have! And if I wasn't in the Royal Rumble myself, Randy Orton would be my pick, JR! Think about it, they hold every single championship there is to win on RAW and Triple H even said last week they're looking to add the women's championship to their collection as well!

JR: Well lots of beautiful ladies to choose from as four of them will battle for the Women's championship, but I have to wonder if any of our Diva's would willingly go along with Triple H?! Something tells me many of them wouldn't, King.

King: Easy to say that now, but what an honor that would be if it was really offered! Come on, look at Stacy and Jackie! Don't they look good next to Batista and Randy Orton?! Well, I guess they look good anyway! Haha!

JR: Well in any case, that Women's Championship fatal four way is still to come later tonight, but we go once again to Michael Cole and Tazz as Mr. McMahon is in battle next against Ernest "The Cat" Miller.




Cole: Thanks JR, and partner, SmackDown has certainly been kicking off Royal Rumble in style hasn't it!

Tazz: Two great title matches to kick things off, baby. But coming up next, the boss is in action. And when Vince McMahon is in that ring, all eyes are on it!

Cole: No doubt about that! Vince McMahon has had a very busy year in 2003 and was about as ruthless ever. We saw him face his own daughter at No Mercy where he made her quit. And that next month, Vince McMahon would help Kane bury his brother The Undertaker.

Tazz: Mr. McMahon is a sick puppy, Cole, we all know it! And some of us get a kick out of that! But Ernest Miller definitely does not.

Cole: And when Mr. McMahon gave The Cat a kick to the you-know-where, we all thought we'd move on. But Miller has not. He wants to use our own boss as a stepping stone to his own career, Tazz!

Tazz: Not sure if that's genius or straight up dumb, Cole. But I guess we'll see here tonight!

Cole: And partner, we just learned recently of a new stipulation in this match if Cat does not win. Let's take a look at this footage of Josh Matthews having a word with Vince McMahon moments before we went on the air!


Footage from shortly after the Heat pre-show shows Josh Matthews standing at the interview set with Vince McMahon, who is already dressed to compete tonight.




Josh Matthews: Mr. McMahon, tonight you make your return to PPV when you face Ernest "The Cat" Miller, my former Velocity colleague, in a singles match here tonight. And the world wants to know how the chairman of the WWE feels about this match tonight.

Vince McMahon: Well I'll tell you this much. The WWE as we know it is my creation. The Royal Rumble is my creation as well. And as a matter of fact, every single superstar on this roster is my creation. My personal chest of toys. Now I've had many people come to me over the last few weeks since The Cat kicked me square in these gigantic grapefruits asking "Well Mr. McMahon... why don't you just FIRE The Cat?" Well the answer is simple. Because whether he likes it or not, The Cat is still my creation. And tonight I'm going to embarrass my own creation before I throw him in the trash. And quite frankly, while I guaran-damn-tee I'm going to win this match, I'm going to throw out a stipulation out there that if Ernest Miller does in fact lose, he will never show his face on television again. Not SmackDown, not RAW, not Heat or Velocity. Ernest Miller, when you are defeated tonight, I will have two very simple words for you....


Vince McMahon turns to the camera


Vince McMahon: Yoooou're..... FIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRED!




Cole: Well if you didn't quite catch the Boss' drift there, partner, Ernest Miller is gone if he doesn't win this one, out of the job!

Tazz: Think about all Mr. McMahon has done in 2003, all the victories he's gotten! He's beaten the Undertaker, Cole! Killed his career! So I guess somebody better call his momma, Cole, 'cause I think this is the final match of Ernest Miller's career!


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As to be expected with these two, it took awhile for any actual action to begin as theatrics took up the first few minutes with Miller performing some exaggerated martial arts in the corner and McMahon milking the crowd. Miller took control early in this one but between Sable's constantly involvement and McMahon's usual underhanded tactics, the Boss was soon in control after an unseen low blow. McMahon, mocking Miller, began to do some really awful looking martial arts kicks himself before dancing in the ring and shouting taunts at Miller.



Vince McMahon: Come on, Cat, huh?! Who's gonna.... who's gonna CALL YOUR MOMMA? HUH? Come on, you son of a bitch!


McMahon begins slapping the back of Miller's head, waiting for an opening to put this one away. But suddenly, the lights go out.



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Cole: What the.... what is going on here, partner?!

Tazz: That gong.... we know what that gong means! Is he here, Cole?!


We can't see what is going on in the ring, but we hear McMahon shouting in agony and a slam to supposedly deafen him. The lights come back on and McMahon is motionless in the ring with a black cross made of ash on top of his forehead. Ernest Miller, having no clue what the hell is going on, quickly hops on top of McMahon for the three count!


Winner: Ernest Miller @ 7:48




Immediately after the match ends, Sable climbs into the ring and screams for help as she tends to the still McMahon, spread eagled on the mat. Though Miller has a look of elation on his face after pulling off a monster upset, he has no intention of sticking around should Undertaker indeed make good on the threat of his presence.


Cole: Tazz, I cannot believe what we just witnessed here!

Tazz: My God, what a chilling experience that was. I know The Undertaker has teased his presence on RAW a few times but I never expected him to play mind games here tonight at the Rumble, let alone against Mr. McMahon!

Cole: We can never forget that Vince McMahon helped to bury the Undertaker at Survivor Series and while Kane played a big part in that, Mr. McMahon is just as responsible. And we all know now a big target has been painted right on McMahon's back!

Tazz: I fear for the boss, Cole, I really do. But who is behind all this? Is it really The Undertaker?! I mean.... Cole, we were there! He got buried under six feet of dirt!

Cole: Tazz, there is no mistaking the Undertaker's presence. Everyone at the Wachovia Center felt that just now! And Mr. McMahon continues to lay motionless in the ring!


As agents tend to Mr. McMahon in the ring, cameras cut over to JR and King's announce table near the stage.




King: Can you believe that, JR?! Who would attack Mr. McMahon like that?

JR: Well we definitely know what that gong means, King. But was The Undertaker really here? That I don't know. But what I do know is that Mr. McMahon and Kane are under a microscope right now, that's for certain.

King: Oh man. What an eventful night and we're not even halfway through, JR! When's RAW going to have a match already?!

JR: Well now that you mention it, King, the World Tag Team Championship match is coming up next! And what a slobberknocker this is going to be, the Dudley Boyz get their chance at retribution against the team of Batista and Ric Flair, who quite frankly stole the titles from the Dudley Boyz at Armageddon.

King: Hey listen, you heard Bischoff back then! To win a tag team turmoil match, you need to beat all the teams! And sure, the Dudley Boyz beat a few teams, but they didn't beat Evolution!

JR: Evolution wasn't scheduled for the match, King! Nevertheless, let's take it backstage where the Dudley Boyz are with Terri!




Terri: Well Bubba and D-Von, in just a few moments the two of you will have a tables match against Batista and Flair for the World Tag Team Championships. How do you guys plan on winning this match tonight? I mean, Evolution has really been dominate here on RAW.

Bubba Ray Dudley: I'm gonna make this fast and simple, Terri. Evolution thinks they're the kings of RAW because they hold every championship they can hold? Well D-Von and I are going to end that here real quick. The domino effect begins with us. Later tonight we're going to see Shawn Michaels kick Triple H's ass to hell and back. After that, we're gonna see Randy Orton get thrown on his head out the Royal Rumble. But first, we're going to welcome Ric Flair and Batista to DUDLEYVILLE! You see, we're in Philly, Terri. We're in the house that built extreme. And we ain't gonna let the likes of Evolution run rampant in our house. And I have to say, D-Von, 18-time sounds pretty damn good don't it?!

D-Von Dudley: Oh my brother, testify!


The Dudley Boyz fist bump before heading out towards the stage for their match. Back to ringside.




JR: You can never count out the Dudley Boyz, King. Especially here in Philidelphia!

King: Oh give me a break, JR! You think because there's a handful of Extreme Crappy Wrestling fans here that the Dudley Boyz are going to have the power to best Evolution? This is the most dominate faction on RAW, JR! In the WWE, even! Tables or not tables, Philly or no Philly, I just don't see how the Dudley Boyz are going to beat Flair and Batista tonight.

JR: I can see the Dudley Boyz accomplishing whatever the hell they damn well want, King! This is the most decorated tag team in the business, in this industry, and that's for a reason!


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This match started off with a bang and it was obvious the Dudleyz could not wait to get their hands on Evolution. The match spilled to the outside within a few seconds into this one, using the rowdy Philly fans to their advantage who gave the Dudleyz huge moral support. D-Von began dominating Flair while Batista began pummeling Bubba, but Bubba would pull things into his favor when Batista missed a clothesline and ran right into the ring post. The Dudleyz would double team Flair right after, D-Von wasting no time pulling a table into the ring. An attempt to put Flair through a table was foiled, however, when Batista was able to recover and even things up in the ring. While Batista and Flair are certainly a deadly duo between Flair's experience and Batista's pure power, the Dudley Boyz clearly have more experience as a team and were able to use their chemistry to stay in control.





Curiously, Jonathan Coachman makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos while the Dudleyz are getting ready to set up a 3D to Flair. Bubba, noticing Coach, quickly grabs him and throws him into the ring. But while Bubba is busy taking care of him, Flair hits a low blow on Bubba to send him down to his knees. Meanwhile, Batista recovers from the outside and hits D-Von with a devastating spinebuster right through the table that was set up.


Winners: Batista & Ric Flair @ 10:45




King: Well, what did I tell you, JR?!

JR: What a car wreck that was. Batista is definitely the difference maker in this one, but what on earth was Coach thinking getting involved in this one?!

King: That idiot probably thinks he can hang with Evolution, but Flair and Batista didn't need him tonight! Look at D-Von in that table! Wait a minute...




Flair and Batista celebrate on the outside while Bubba Ray crawls around near the apron. Coachman, mic in hand, proudly announces the winners.


Jonathan Coachman: Your winners and.... STILL World Tag Team Champions.... Batista and Ric Flair!


Flair shoves Coachman, who drops the mic and lands right on his rear. Flair picks the mic back up, eyes bugged out and sweat pouring into them from his forehead.


Ric Flair: We just did exactly what we said we were going to do and that was put your asses through a table right in your backyard! Not a single team on RAW is better than us! Evolution.... is forever! Wooooo!


Coach again attempts to celebrate with Evolution but Batista, this time, pushes Coach forward, causing him to stumble down the steps again.




As Coach reaches ringside, Bubba snaps forward, grabbing Coach by the shirt. As Coach struggles out of it, his shirt is ripped off by Bubba Ray. Coach jumps into the crowd and high tails it to the back as Bubba grits his teeth in frustration on the mat. Evolution continue to milk their celebration on the ramp, Flair wooing and teasing charges at rowdy fans.




The fans perk up real quick when Trish Stratus appears on screen, getting her make up just finished by an aide. She nods with a pearly white smile to thank the aide before whipping her hair side-to-side and walking down the corridor presumably to her dressing room. Her happy expression turns sour quick, however, as an unseen figure stands in her way.




As the camera pans to the side, we see that it was Chris Jericho who has stopped Trish in her tracks. She begins scratching her arm uncomfortably as Jericho puts a palm up in submission.


Chris Jericho: Trish, before you say anything... I just wanted to wish you luck tonight.

Trish Stratus: Thanks, I guess. And you as well... Royal Rumble, huh?

Chris Jericho: I plan on winning it!

Trish Stratus: Yeah, you're definitely going to need luck.

Chris Jericho: Hey that's what everyone told me back in December 2001 too.... but then I beat The Crock and Head Cold Sneeze Austin in the same night!

Trish Stratus: Sure, Chris. Well, like I said.... good luck.


Trish begins walking off, but Chris puts his hand on her shoulder.


Chris Jericho: Wait, Trish...

Trish Stratus: I miss you, too.


Jericho immediately loosens his grip, eyebrows shooting up in surprise over Trish's quick answer. A smile slightly forms on his face but Trish walks off before anything else can be said. Back to ringside.


JR: Well King, this love story between Jericho and Trish gets more and more complicated by the day. What on earth are Trish's true feelings of Chris Jericho at this point?

King: Jericho just needs to give it up, JR!

JR: Well as Trish and Jericho both get ready for their upcoming matches, we take it back over to Tazz and Michael for the WWE Championship match! Oh folks, you're going to want to stay tuned for this one - trust me!




Cole: Thanks JR and partner, the time has come! There's no backing out of this one. Brock Lesnar will defend his WWE Championship tonight against Hardcore Holly.

Tazz: Hardcore lost over a year of his career from Brock's injury back in 2002. And Holly is looking to make up for lost time. Brock's been the most dominate champion SmackDown has ever seen, Cole, but Hardcore Holly is like a man possessed!

Cole: Hardcore Holly wants, more than anything else, to break Brock Lesnar's neck. This is an extremely personal and emotional feud. And the wait for the showdown between these two men is over. Coming up next... the WWE Championship is on the line!



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This match was very physical, starting before entrances were even finished. Holly would run out and attack Brock during his entrance and the two men would brawl all around the ringside area, even briefly entering the crowd and fighting among the Philly fans. Both men got their shots in, but this was not a match about suplexes and wrestling holds, it was about a fight. And that's what these two men did all the way until the end. Holly would eventually get Lesnar in the ring and would lock on that full nelson that he's been using to try to separate Lesnar's head from his body. But Lesnar, using his monster strength, would counter it by lifting his body up, taking Holly with him, then propping him onto his shoulders for a quick F5! Lesnar picks up the victory!


Winner: Brock Lesnar @ 9:22




Cole: Well partner, I don't think anyone expected that match to go the rounds.

Tazz: Nah definitely not! And Cole, I can't believe how close Hardcore Holly was to pulling that match in his favor.... if only he focused on actually winning it and not breaking Brock's neck!

Cole: Holly himself stated multiple times that this wasn't about the WWE Championship, but hurting Brock's career. Alas, neither of those things went in Holly's favor tonight. And the F5 puts the challenger away.

Tazz: We knew this would be an extremely physical match with these two smash mouth dudes, but the champion is able to show everyone why he's the champion!




JR: Certainly a physical match involving two of SmackDown's toughest men there, King. But coming up next.... it's the match we've all been waiting for. By God! Triple H and Shawn Michaels, Last Man Standing!

King: Oh man, I can't wait, JR![

JR: Folks, this will not be for the weak of heart.




We cut to the back where Triple H is getting his arm taped up, putting on the final preparations for his match against his former best friend tonight.




The crowd immediately goes nuts when Sheriff Austin appears on screen, looking Triple H directly in the eyes.


Triple H: What the hell do you want, Austin?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Well I've come by to let you know of the very special preparations I've made for your match tonight. Seven years in the making? What? Former best friends? What? Seems fit for me that this match deserves to go on unscathed. I said no funny business. No shenanigans. No clear violations.... of the law! So Triple H, what I'm saying is your buddies are banned from ringside. No members of Evolution are permitted at ringside during this match and I see any of those sumbitches try anything, I will fire them on the spot. And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!


Austin walks off in a huff as Triple H scowls, almost certainly having some plans crushed in this no disqualification match.


JR: Good! No Evolution interference in this one, King! Just two men fighting their heart out. Folks, we're about to start our World Heavyweight Championship match which is sure to be a slobberknocker..... seven years in the making!


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Nobody expected this to be a particularly pretty match. It didn't take long for both men to be busted open in this one, their blood painting the white canvas a very red shade from their wounds. Everyone expected this to be a particularly emotional match. And it was. Even though both men have grown a hatred for each other, you could see how much it hurt them that their relationship has gotten to this point. You could see the paint in their eyes when the weapons, the spinebusters, the top rope elbow drops did nothing to keep the other man down for a 10 count. Triple H hit a pedigree that everyone thought would end it, but Michaels used the ropes to get back to his feet. Nothing was getting him down. Triple H would similarly get up using the same technique after getting knocked flat on his back with a Sweet Chin Music. Soon after, the dreaded sledgehammer was brought into the match and Triple H would intend to use it to put his friend down for good. Triple H would set up using it, but Michaels would duck out of the way and clunk referee Earl Hebner right in the gut. The technique would put many trained wrestlers down for the count obliterates RAW's senior official, who promptly falls out of the ring and completely out of the match. HBK takes advantage of Triple H's slight loss of focus and hits a Sweet Chin Music to take the Game down. Michaels collapses next to him and both men lay unconcious. But HBK is able to once again pick himself up, stumbling around on his feet and keeping his balance on the turnbuckle. But the referee is nowhere to be seen. The crowd counts along. 8.....9.....10.....11......12. You could count to 30 if you want to, the Game is not getting up. HBK stumbles around, looking for Earl Hebner, but doesn't realize where he landed.






JR: Oh no... what is this?

King: Bischoff is back?!


Bischoff is indeed back. In the same olive green button up dress shirt he wore when he screwed HBK back in San Antonio, RAW's general manager runs down to the ring. But as he enters, HBK grabs him right by the collar of his shirt. Bischoff throws his hands up to try to proclaim innocence, but HBK simply throws him onto the mat. Threatening harm on him, Bischoff backs into the corner. While Shawn Michaels continues to threaten him, Triple H uses the last bit of energy he has left to dive with the sledgehammer and hit Shawn Michaels right square in the back. Michaels goes down, as well as Triple H and Bischoff begins counting.












Bischoff goes to throw the 10 count out, but hesitates. He shakes his finger at the crowd, showing he doesn't want another draw to end this one. This is to be the final showdown between these two men, after all. Despite being the one who got struck, some miracle causes Michaels to slightly lift his head up off the ground, showing he is still conscious and aware of what is going on. Triple H does the same, slightly crawling using his limbs, which are still flat on the mat. We're in sudden death here, the first man to get up is going to win this one!


Michaels, blood pouring into his eyes, is able to slightly sit up. Triple H has made himself to the ropes and using his last remaining strength to try to get up. Bischoff goes to the outside to grab the World Heavyweight Championship, preparing to reward it to whoever is able to get up in the blood soaked ring. Triple H tries to get one knee down, Michaels has both hands planted on the ground. Bischoff is in the ring, watching both men attempt their recovery.




Before you know it, HBK is right back flat down on his back. Bischoff had taken the title and planted it right in HBK's face. The Philly crowd showers the arena with boos as Triple H is able to stand for a brief moment before collapsing back down onto the ring. For the brief second Triple H was standing, however, Bischoff counted a loud 10.


Winner: Triple H @ 35:17




JR: By God, Eric Bischoff is back in the WWE and Triple H retains his championship here tonight. And now Coach's involvement in the earlier tag team match makes a little bit more sense to me now, King.

King: Oh come on, JR! Once again, Eric Bischoff makes a tough call but the right call! Evolution remains in charge of all championships after tonight, JR! No matter what!

JR: Right call my backside, dammit! Bischoff screwed HBK again! And I tell you what, King. I fear for Coachman's safety after tonight, as well as Bischoff's! These two jackasses, King--

King: Whoa, whoa, JR, watch it!

JR: No, dammit, I said what I said! Those two jackasses are going to regret ever getting themselves involved with Evolution. And I cannot wait, King, to see what Sheriff Austin has to say about all this.




As Shawn Michaels continues to lay motionless, Batista and Ric Flair offer a helping hand to Triple H, carrying him off to the backroom with the now blood coated title held up against his shoulder. Triple H is bloody, dazed and out of it but Flair slaps his back and continues calling him "The Champ".




Meanwhile Michaels is being tended to by officials. Unable to stand on his own, a stretcher is wheeled out and Michaels is rolled onto it. The fans let out a very loud "H-B-K!" chant while he's wheeled to the back.




Cameras cut to Eddie and Chavo, getting their finishing touches ready in the dressing room.


Chavo Guerrero: That should have been us, Eddie.

Eddie Guerrero: What are you talking about, Chavito?

Chavo Guerrero: The WWE Tag Team Championship match. That should have been us against the Bashams.


Eddie places his hand on Chavo's shoulder.


Eddie Guerrero: Chavito, there will be a time for that. I promise you, my nephew.

Chavo Guerrero: I just hope you have my back out there tonight.

Eddie Guerrero: Always.


The door creaks open.




A very familiar sight over these last few weeks to the Guerreros, Angle walks in and nods at his friends.


Kurt Angle: Tonight is the night I've been waiting for since I came back to the WWE, fellas. It's the Royal Rumble. And I just wanted to congratulate you guys on getting into the match. But Chavo's right, Eddie.


Eddie, perplexed look on his face, puts his hands on his hips as Angle continues.


Kurt Angle: You both really should have gone for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Because tonight, I guarantee victory. I promise to win the Royal Rumble. For me. For my country. For the brave fighting men and women fighting overseas for our freedom. Nothing is going to stop me from winning.


Eddie chuckles and puts his hand around Chavo's shoulder.


Eddie Guerrero: You can guarantee whatever you want, Kurt. I can make promises too! Because you see, I promise tonight that me and my nephew Chavo here.... we will be the final two in the Royal Rumble!

Kurt Angle: That a fact?

Eddie Guerrero: Órale, vato!


Angle nods and looks towards Chavo.


Kurt Angle: You in on this guarantee, Chavo?


Chavo glances over towards Eddie and then back to Kurt.


Chavo Guerrero: Yes. I trust my uncle. We're going to do what we do best. Protect each other. And ultimately.... lie, cheat, steal our way to the end of the Rumble. And may the best Guerrero win.


Chavo firmly nods towards Eddie and then looks back to Kurt.


Kurt Angle: Very well. Just know, you guys are my friends. And I love you both. But tonight is all business. And I'm not letting anyone get in the way of my upcoming victory. Good luck.


Angle reaches over and slaps Eddie's shoulder with his left hand, then back to Chavo with his right. Kurt walks off as the Guerreros fist bump.




Cole: Looks like the Guerrero clan is here to stay, partner. And what a guarantee from Eddie, usually the Rumble is every man for himself... but having two known allies in there really ups the odds in their favor, don't you think?

Tazz: Sure, but it's easy to say that, Cole! We've seen brothers eliminate each other in this match year after year. Best friends. Tag teams. It just happens! When the opportunity to eliminate someone is there, ya' damn well better take it. It's just about stupid to not! Who knows when that chance will come up again?!

Cole: Certainly an unique match to say the least, who knows what we're going to see go down tonight? And the Rumble is coming up.... very soon, partner! But first, we have our final match before the Royal Rumble, a four way women's match for the WWE Women's Championship. And let's take it down to JR and King for this one!




JR: Well King, one more match to go before your big moment! Are you ready?

King: Woohoo! I'm ready, JR! Wrestling gear is on under the robe, but first we get to enjoy the puppy bowl before the Rumble! Haha! Can't wait!

JR: Four fiery personalities to say the least in this one, King.


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All four of these ladies were determined to win this one and the match started with an even amount of offense, all four getting a turn at controlling the match. All it took was one subbing in for the other to turn things around. Molly was quick to break every pinfall attempt, keeping an eye out for someone else getting pinned, knowing how easy it will be for her to lose the title here tonight. After a particularly cheap shot to Trish's face after breaking a pinfall attempt on Lita, Trish would tackle Molly to the outside of the ring and brawl with her close to the crowd. Jazz, meanwhile, would attempt to take advantage by attempting to plant a DDT on Lita. But Lita, having time to recover, would reverse the DDT with a northern lights, surprising Jazz and knocking the wind out of her. Lita would then spring to her feet and climb up to the top rope. While Trish and Molly are on the outside, Lita hits a picture perfect moonsault. Molly and Trish both realize what is going on and climb over each other into the ring, but are too slow in stopping the pinfall.


Winner: Lita @ 9:53




JR: What a huge win for the most extreme diva in the WWE, Lita!

King: And look at the look on Molly's face, JR! She wasn't even pinned in this one!

JR: Molly knew going into this match that she wouldn't have to be pinned to lose her title and that's exactly what just went down as Jazz suffers the same fate she did last Monday on RAW after that moonsault from Lita, King! But now it's about time for you to get ready, isn't it?!

King: Sure is, JR! And the next time you'll see me, I'll be going to the main event of WrestleMania! Woohoo!


King throws his headset off and stands up on the table, pumping his arms up. A small "Jerry!" chant starts as King hops off the table and heads to the back to await his number being called on in the Rumble.




We cut to the back where Chris Benoit is shown walking down the hall, presumably, to the stage in preparation for being #1 in the Rumble. Cranking his neck back and forth and adjusting his wrist tape, Benoit warms up before the biggest match of his life. But before he gets to his destination, Benoit stops his tracks....




Brock Lesnar, big smirk on his face, grabs Benoit's attention.


Brock Lesnar: You really think you have what it takes to win this Rumble? Face me again for the title, a match you already lost? I think it's time to give up, Benoit. You saw what I did to Hardcore Holly earlier tonight. And if you somehow, miraculously, win this Rumble form #1.... I'm going to do the same to you at WrestleMania 20.


Benoit softly chuckles, but quickly tenses up with that trademark serious tone.


Chris Benoit: Don't be so quick to forget recent history, BROCK! I made you tap out once and I'm going to make you tap out again. Your biggest mistake will be questioning my WILL to take this match. I'm going to win the Royal Rumble... and I'm going to be WWE Champion.


Benoit immediately continues his pursuit towards the stage as Brock looks on in the background, still not taking Benoit seriously with that smirk back on his face. Back to ring center where Tony Chimel stands with a mic in hand.




Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH! And here are the rules. In just a few moments, the individuals who drew #1 and #2 respectively will enter the ring and the match will begin. Every 90 seconds thereafter, another superstar will enter the ring and the match will continue. Elimination occurs when a superstar is thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor. The last superstar remaining in this ring after all 30 superstars have entetered will not only win the Royal Rumble match but will earn themselves a world title shot at WrestleMania 20!


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JR: Well in the 17 year history of the Royal Rumble, only one man has gone coast-to-coast from #1 to win the whole thing. And that man was Shawn Michaels in 1995. Tonight, Chris Benoit looks to be the second man to do that thanks to Paul Heyman forcing him into the #1 spot.

Cole: Look this is a tough task for Benoit, no doubt about that folks. But I truly think Chris Benoit has the ability and the desire it takes to do it. I think Paul Heyman's antics have only added fuel to the fire here.

Tazz: Benoit's a tough guy and one of the best natural athletes, I would say, in the entire WWE. But what a hard task this is gonna be for him to win. Can he do it? Of course he can. But will he? I dunno, guys. Looking at who is in this thing... look at #30! A fresh Goldberg is going to be the very last entrant, and that's 29 entrants down the road!

JR: Goldberg is certainly a big threat to win this thing that late in the game. And there is no doubt in my mind that Chris Benoit CAN do this as well. But Tazz, you're absolutely right... it's going to take a world's worth of determination to make it there. There's a reason Shawn Michaels is the only man to do it so far. It's not easy. But I dont't think Chris Benoit has ever had it easy for anything.













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Cole: Oh my, and here comes the individual who drew #2!

JR: Booker T felt what it was like to compete in a headline match at WrestleMania last year when he faced Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. And it turned personal and emotional for Booker T when his past was brought up and became the centerpiece for their match. Booker T was a young man in Houston back then, the youngest of seven children. And tonight he stands here as an accomplished wrestler who has a great shot at retribution against Triple H.

Tazz: I like Booker T, JR. Great, great athlete and five time WCW champion! And boy do I miss seeing that spinaroonie, haha!

Cole: An early placement for Booker T but I still think he's got a fair shot as any in this Rumble! And you're right, JR. Booker T's past does not and should not matter!

Tazz: And look at this guys, RAW vs. SmackDown - Booker T vs. Chris Benoit. What an outstanding contest this should be! This is why I love the Rumble, baby! When else are you gonna see these two dudes go at it?

JR: It only happens one time a year and when the bell rings, these men will have a one-on-one contest for 90 seconds until the third entrant enters the ring. Who that will be we have no idea at the moment. What we do know is that the #30 entrant, the final man to enter this match, will be Goldberg!


The two men waste no time going at it. Some may remember their feud in WCW that revolved around a Best-of-7 series and although they haven't collided much in the WWE, they still know each other very well. It doesn't take long for them to end up it the corner and the two to trade turns trying to throw the other over for an early elimination. Alas, both are too talented and too fresh to go out that easy. Before you know it, we are 80 seconds into this one and the fans begin counting down.



Tazz: Here we go, we got the countdown going!

JR: The third competitor will be here in less than 10 seconds.

Tazz: Who is going to be?! Who is it?!













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Tazz: Oh man, it's the Man Beast baby!

Cole: It's the very first member of "Team Lesnar" to enter this one and we can probably guess who Rhyno is going to go after here. Paul Heyman would love nothing more than for Chris Benoit to be the first man eliminated and Rhyno can help make that happen!

JR: Numbers game can add up quick here in the Royal Rumble, especially when people who don't like you start entering.


Rhyno predictably does go right after Chris Benoit, clubbing him from behind with several blows. Rhyno attempts to get Booker T to join him, but having no motive with Team Lesnar, the 5-time WCW Champion greets Rhyno with a shuffle kick that knocks him flat on his back. Booker T still goes after Benoit, but the Rabid Wolverine is not going out this early. He holds on with all his might and the two go back to brawling towards the middle of the ring.













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Tazz: Hey! How about a little bit of V1, haha!

Cole: Matt Hardy, the man who left SmackDown for RAW months back! And what a big opportunity for him here tonight!

JR: Well Matt Hardy has voiced that he feels he should have a bigger role on RAW. Well the way you do that is you win matches and this is the ultimate match to win for him in his still young career... win the Rumble and go to WrestleMania!


Matt Hardy goes right after Booker T, the lone man standing in the ring. Backing him into a corner, Hardy begins pummeling the Bookerman and begins to lift his legs to try to elevate him over the top rope. Meanwhile, Rhyno and Benoit continue their onslaught, this time with Benoit in full control. Benoit corners Rhyno opposite Hardy and Booker and begins laying the chops, echoing "wooooo's" from the crowd. While Hardy attempts to eliminate Booker T, it is to no avail as Booker is able to fight out of the situation and turn the tables on Hardy, pushing him up against the ropes. After some more neutral brawling from all, the countdown is back on.













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Tazz: Garrison Cade is entrant #5! Gotta say, I think this kid has a lot of potential from what I see!

JR: Boy I tell you what, this team of Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak is composed of two young phenomenal athletes who can easily become huge stars in their own right, but they still have immature minds that hold them back quite a bit. This is still a great opportunity for both of these men to make the ultimate statement in their young careers.


Garrison Cade shoots right for the corner where Booker T and Matt Hardy are, immediately trying to help Hardy push Booker over the top rope. After holding on for dear life, Booker slams his elbow down straight to the head of Hardy and hits another towards Cade. Fighting back from an early numbers game disadvantage, Booker T hits a side kick on Garrison Cade, then toe kicks Matt Hardy. Going off the ropes, Booker T hits a perfect scissors kick to knock Hardy's head right into the mat. After knocking out both men who were after him, Booker takes a quick moment to celebrate in the middle of the ring by dropping down on one knee to tease a spinaroonie. But just as he goes to execute it... GORE! GORE! GORE! Rhyno, taking a break from trying to push Benoit out the bottom rope with his feet, hits Booker with a devastating gore to take advantage of him not paying attention. Rhyno stands alone as the last man in the ring as the countdown is back to 0.













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Cole: Ohhhhh my!

Tazz: Uh oh, definitely not who Rhyno was wantin' to see right about now!

Cole: Bradshaw is no friend of Team Lesnar and you can see from the look in his eyes that he wants nothing more than to get his hands on Rhyno.

JR: A big tough stud is Bradshaw with an arm that's as forceful as a semi. And this match suits Bradshaw, folks. He's what many would call an expert bar room brawler and there's no bigger brawl than the Royal Rumble!


Bradshaw, as expected, goes right after Rhyno. The two men exchange blows, but not before long is Rhyno sent flipping into the air with an epic Clothesline from Hell. Garrison Cade, now recovered, attempts to attack Bradshaw but is almost immediately met with a Clothesline from Hell. Matt Hardy... CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! Chris Benoit begins to pull himself up from the ropes and Bradshaw gets the arm ready for yet another. Charging full speed ahead, Benoit ducks Bradshaw's attempt and uses the momentum to fling Bradshaw up over the top rope. Bradshaw attempts to hold on but to no avail as his feet come crashing to the mat below.





JR: And there goes Bradshaw, your first elimination of the Royal Rumble match!

Tazz: Man I know Bradshaw has been going through a rough patch but the first elimination?! I didn't see that coming!

Cole: It just goes to show how fast it can be over here at the Royal Rumble! Bradshaw came into this match like a house of fire but one small mistake was all it took to end the ride.


Bradshaw slaps the apron from the outside in absolute frustration, totally miffed that he is the first elimination. Benoit doesn't take any time to celebrate as he will still need to outlast 28 more men to win this thing and goes right over to Matt Hardy and puts the boots to him, staying on the offensive and continuing to soften up the men who were all knocked out by Bradshaw. Cade, Rhyno and Booker begin to stir, using the ropes to prop themselves up. Rhyno is the first to recover and goes right back over to Benoit, pushing him into the corner and lifting one leg up in a futile attempt to push him out. As Cade and Booker hang out on the bottom ropes on opposite side of the ring, the countdown is once again starting for our next entrant.













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JR: Well he's really doing it! Here comes my colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Cole: Got a lot of respect for Jerry going out there and attempting this! And what if he wins? You think he'll be commentating his own WrestleMania main event?!

Tazz: I dunno JR, is King for real about this?

JR: King's definitely got the odds stacked against him but I know for a fact how serious he's taking this!


Lawler takes his sweet time getting into the ring but when he does, Hardy runs towards him only to be knocked down by a strike to the head. Garrison Cade does the same but has the same fate. Hardy bounces back up only to be knocked out again. Cade, rather than springing back to his feet, dives at the back of Lawler's legs, knocking him down to his knees. Cade begins to brawl with Lawler while Benoit and Rhyno continue their exchange on the other side of the ring. Booker has since recovered and continues his brawling with Hardy. As all three groups attempt to eliminate the other to no success, we're back to counting down our next entrant.













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JR: And here comes a big blue chipper, almost seven feet tall, over 300 lbs! This rookie is making his Rumble debut here tonight.

Cole: This is really bad news for Chris Benoit, partner. Another member of Team Lesnar entering the fray and you know who his main target is going to be.

Tazz: No doubt! It's every man for himself but you know that these guys are gonna do whatever it takes to make sure Chris Benoit ain't getting to Brock Lesnar.


Morgan, pumped up and yelling nonsense as he marches to the ring, predictably joins Rhyno in brawling with Benoit. The two men immediately attempt to push Benoit over the corner and with Morgan's added strength, are able to get him over the top rope. But Benoit, determined as can be, keeps grip on the ropes and stays clung to the bottom, veins nearly popping out of his biceps as he hangs on for dear life. Morgan and Rhyno both stomp and push, but Benoit stays planted where he's at. After knocking Garrison Cade down in the middle of the ring, Booker T sees an opportunity to take out a big threat and attempts to dump Morgan up and over the top rope. Morgan nearly loses his balance, but Rhyno jumps in to fight Booker off to give Morgan a chance to correct himself. Benoit springs out from under the bottom ropes and begins brawling with Morgan to break the Team Lesnar pair up, the two now brawling on opposite sides of the ring. Still no eliminations since Bradshaw as the countdown begins again!













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Cole: You've gotta be kidding me! Another member of Team Lesnar!

Tazz: This is going to get out of control fast, Cole!

Cole: No kidding! Chris Benoit barely survived that attack from Morgan and Rhyno, now A-Train joining them?

JR: Allegiances aside, the former University of Pittsburgh offensive linesman is a big, brash brawler who can definitely make a difference in this contest.


A-Train practically springs from the stage to the ring, sliding right in and grabbing Booker from behind.... Baldo Bomb! Train wastes no time grabbing Garrison Cade by the neck and hitting another Baldo Bomb! Train springs towards Lawler and Hardy, pumping his foot up and hitting a devastating bicycle kick to Lawler before throwing Hardy up over his shoulder and hitting him with the Derailer. Rhyno, Morgan and Benoit are the only men left standing as they brawl back in the corner, which spells big trouble for Benoit as A-Train marches over.... who promptly dumps Rhyno up and over the rope!





Tazz: Whoa what?!

Cole: Rhyno has just been eliminated by the A-Train! Team Lesnar is not nearly as cohesive as we would have expected here, Tazz!

JR: Like it or not, it's every man for himself! The prize at stake is too high here to trust anyone in this match.

Tazz: I don't disagree with you there, JR, but I can't help but feel Paul Heyman ain't too happy about what we just saw here!


Rhyno practically throws a tantrum on the outside when he sees who dumped him over. Matt Morgan promptly lets Benoit go and gets in A-Train's face, giving him a shove. The two men inaudibly argue, but Morgan made a huge rookie mistake in turning his back on Benoit, who slips his head under his arm and backdrops him over the top rope! Morgan is too surprised to save himself and out over the ropes he goes! A-Train quickly attempts to dispose of Benoit for the split second he isn't looking with a Bicycle Kick, but Benoit pulls the ropes down, which causes A-Train to fly right over as well!






Cole: Ohhhh myyyyy! I can't believe what we just saw here!

Tazz: Team Lesnar is gone! What the hell?!

JR: Matt Morgan made a rookie mistake there in losing focus in a match where focus is everything! And Benoit shows his veteran instinct when A-Train attempts to do the same to him! Chris Benoit has just eliminated two of Paul Heyman's honchos if you will and we're about a third of the way into this thing, folks!


Benoit collapses onto the mat as Train and Morgan begin to physically fight on the outside of the ring, frustrated over what just occurred. As agents begin to break the two huge men up, the five remaining superstars lay practically motionless in the middle of the ring after the destruction A-Train delivered.



Tazz: Oh man, who is #10?! Whoever it is, look at this big advantage!

Cole: You're right partner, every man is down in the ring right now!













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Tazz: Whooooa!

JR: Oh my god, you talk about a favorite. This hideous human being has the record for most amount of men thrown out of the ring, Kane tossed out ELEVEN other men one year.

Cole: I guess you could say business is about to pick up, JR?

JR: You damn right! And through hellfire and brimstone, Kane comes into this match with five men already laid out on the mat!


Kane quickly marches down to the the ring, the dark red light obscuring the view of the ring as he climbs up onto the apron and into the ring. As the lights flicker back on, Booker T has recovered and rushes towards Kane, having history with the big man the last few weeks. Kane catches Booker with a goozle and lifts him up in the air.... chokeslam! Jerry Lawler bravely rushes towards Kane next only to be met with a thrust to the neck. Kane marches right over to Matt Hardy, who is trying to get up using the ropes, and grabs him by the hair. Rushing towards the other side of the ring, Kane doesn't loosen his grip as he flings Hardy right up and over the top!




As Hardy crashes onto the mat, Benoit springs back up and attempts to take Kane on, using chops and toe kicks to keep the big man at bay. The two men reach a corner where Benoit attempts to lift Kane up over the turnbuckle, but Kane fights back, using his power advantage to ward Benoit off. Benoit attempts to stay on the offensive, but Kane ends his momentum by reversing a strike to a big sidewalk slam. Garrison Cade continues to play possum on the bottom rope as the rest of the men lay still in the ring.













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JR: Well it's the smallest dog in the yard no doubt, little Spike Dudley coming out to the ring here with Kane being the only man left standing in the middle of the ring... by God!

Cole: This doesn't look good for Spike at all!


Spike marches right down to the ring with a scowl on his face, not intimidated in the least that Kane is the only man standing tall in the ring. Spike slides right in and rushes towards Kane, clubbing him with rights and lefts. Kane doesn't flinch and eventually wraps his hand around Spike's throat. Kane lifts little Spike up high.... but the lights go out!



JR: What the hell is going on here?!

Tazz: The lights are out, I can't see anything!

Cole: Well we already saw this happen once earlier tonight and....



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JR: Oh my god....

Tazz: The Undertaker is making his precense felt again tonight! And I bet we know who he's not happy with!

JR: Well Kane helped to bury his own brother back in November and.... Kane seemingly knows what this all means!


Kane has dropped Spike Dudley without hitting the Chokeslam, distracted by his brother's mindgames. Much like Mr. McMahon earlier tonight, Kane loses all focus on his match and instead starts screaming at the empty stage.





Kane throws both arms up over his head as he continues to shout at nothing. Spike Dudley, seeing an opening, bounces off the opposite ropes and rams his head right in the small of Kane's back. Kane loses his balance and tumbles right over the top rope!





JR: Oh my god! Spike Dudley! Little Spike Dudley has eliminated Kane!

Tazz: What?!

Cole: I can't believe what we just saw here!


Kane's expression says it all. Dumbfounded over what just occurred, Kane looks to try to hold in his anger... but it sure doesn't keep. The Big Red Machine grabs Spike Dudley's feet from outside the ring and pulls him out to ringside. Kane throttles Spike's neck and drops him down with a devastating chokeslam to the outside of the ring! Kane keeps Spike's neck throttled as he lifts him back up and hits ANOTHER chokeslam!



JR: By God, somebody stop this! Little Spike Dudley with a splat!

Tazz: I've been slammed out on ringside multiple times, it's not pretty and two chokeslams in a row out there... I think Spike Dudley is outta this one, JR.


With Spike laid out motionless, Kane lifts him back up and tosses him back in the ring before marching to the back. Garrison Cade, who has been feigning injury for a long time, springs to his feet and lifts the near motionless Spike back up to his feet. Cade effortlessly throws him up and over.




Lawler, Booker and Benoit all begin to recover in their respective corners, all four men in a strange Mexican standoff situation as the timer starts to countdown again.













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JR: Mark Jindrak is entrant #12 and you can bet Garrison Cade is breathing a sigh of relief to get some help in this one!


Lawler, Booker and Benoit immediately turn on Cade, pummeling him in his corner as Jindrak runs towards the ring. While Jindrak runs his fastest, he is not fast enough as Booker clotheslines Cade over the turnbuckle during the assault.




Jindrak nevertheless enters the ring and begins brawling with Lawler as Booker and Benoit turn on each other in the corner they were just at. The four men continue to brawl with Lawler pressing Jindrak against the rope. Surprisingly Lawler is able to get Jindrak over the top, but his feet do not touch the floor as Garrison Cade has not left ringside, on all fours under the ring mat. Cade positions himself to keep Jindrak in this one.



JR: Look at Cade! That's not fair!

Tazz: No rules in the Rumble except don't get eliminated! And Cade is doing whatever it takes to keep his buddy in this one!


Lawler, thinking he's eliminated Jindrak, turns his back and waits for an opening between Benoit and Booker to jump in. Jindrak gets back in the ring and with Lawler's back turned, grabs him by the shoulder and throws him over the top rope! Lawler is able to hold on with one hand, but Cade grabs his foot and pulls him down to the mat below!





JR: And there goes The King, Jindrak and Cade definitely not working clean here tonight to get their way!

Tazz: These are two smart kids, JR! Cade may not be in this one anymore, but Jindrak still has a chance and Cade is gonna make sure if he can't win, his best friend can!

Cole: I think it's time Garrison Cade hits the showers like everyone else that got eliminated! This is ridiculous! The referees need to get him out of there!


The referees, though protesting with Cade, know that there's no DQ here in the Royal Rumble and can't do much about him at ringside. Benoit and Booker brawl in a corner while Jindrak stands with his hands pressed on his knees. Cade runs to their corner and grabs Benoit's feet. Holding him in place, Jindrak attacks Booker from behind. The two men brawl in the ring while Benoit curses at Cade. Benoit stomps his foot down, causing Cade to let go and fan his hurt fingers on the outside. Without skipping a beat, Benoit rolls to the outside of the ring, under the bottom rope to avoid elimination, and drags Cade into the ring. Booker and Benoit begin beating down the young tag team, using their experience to stay in control. Benoit hits a trio of German Suplexes on Cade while Booker hits his patented Scissors Kick on Jindrak. The two men, almost like a tag team, then go to opposite corners and despite breaking a carnal sin of the Royal Rumble of climbing to the top turnbuckle, they're able to survive it with Benoit a diving headbutt on Jindrak as Booker crashes down on Cade with a rare Harlem Hangover! Booker and Benoit promptly pick the dazed duo back to their feet and they're totally unable to fight off being thrown over the top rope and onto the ground below!





JR: And it looks like the antics of Cade and Jindrak come to a close as we are left with only two men in the ring - the very first entrants! By god!

Cole: A great performance so far by Booker and Benoit!

Tazz: And look at the countdown, guys! We're still rolling into this one!

JR: We're about to find out lucky #13!













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Cole: And here comes Eddie, Tazz! The drama between Los Guerreros nearly caused Eddie and Chavo both to miss out on the Royal Rumble, but it seems their relationship has strengthened more than ever!

Tazz: No doubt, wouldn't be a Rumble without Eddie! And look at these three in the ring!

JR: Three tremendous athletes left in the ring as we are fast approaching the mid point of this match!


Eddie leaps into the ring through the bottom rope, somersaulting onto his feet. Eddie goes right after both men, trading blows with both Booker and Benoit. The trio trade strikes and suplexes, no man getting an upper advantage nor any man coming close to elimination. Not before long, 90 seconds are up and another competitor is about to join.














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JR: The third generation Intercontinental champion is #14, Evolution's Randy Orton! And Evolution has been victorious across the board so far, folks.

Tazz: Man could you imagine that?! And he could do it, we're near the mid point of this match!

Cole: Still a very long way to go in this one. But look at this, guys. Two of RAW's best against two of SmackDown's very best here right now!


Orton wastes no time getting into the ring, immediately brawling with Benoit while Booker and Guerrero go at it at the opposite side of the ring. All four men continue their brawling, no man getting the upper hand. 90 seconds goes by quick as we're ready for yet another competitor.














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Cole: We're now at the official half way point and one half of the World's Greatest Tag Team is getting us back up to five men in the ring - Charlie Haas!

Tazz: I hear you're a big fan of Charlie Haas, eh JR?

JR: Oh you damn right I am, Seton Hall University alumni and a proud Oklahoma native is Charlie Haas! And I tell you what, I think both he and Shelton Benjamin have a lot more to offer than what you currently see from them.


Upon entering the ring, Haas goes right after Guerrero, joining Booker T in the brawl against a man who he has had plenty of history with. Booker, not exactly friends with the World's Greatest Tag Team nor particularly trusting of him being so close to him, doesn't take long to turn on Haas and begins brawling with him towards the center of the ring while Guerrero attempts to recover in the corner. Meanwhile Benoit gets laid out with a lightning quick RKO from Randy Orton. As Booker pushes Haas up against the ropes, Orton makes his move towards him and dumps Booker right over!





Tazz: Whoa man! What a big elimination from Orton! Booker T is outta here!

Cole: In just one quick second, Booker T's dream of winning the Rumble is over!

JR: Booker made it to the half way point after being the second entrant. A great effort from Booker T, but it was not to be tonight.


Booker T can't believe it as he props himself up on ringside, eyes bugging out as he locks eyes with the Legend Killer. But Orton doesn't take any time to celebrate as he goes right back on the offensive, this time targeting Guerrero in the corner. Haas starts laying the boots to Benoit, who is still trying to recover from the RKO earlier as time melts back down once again.













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Tazz: Haha, it's Captain Charisma!

JR: Well it took three tries for Christian to finally enter the Rumble and he continually promised to win the Rumble this year for all his, uh, "peeps".

Tazz: Hey I'm a peep! Christian is great! Kid has reinvented himself to be better than ever!


Christian runs down to the ring and teases sliding in the ring, but pulls out last second. Pointing to his head to show how smart he is, Christian steps back from the ring and crosses his arms as he watches the four men battle in the ring. Nobody seems to notice or care about Christian on ringside as the neutral brawling continues in the center of the ring.



Cole: What is this about?! Is Christian just going to spend the whole match watching from ringside? Come on, refs! Get him in there!

Tazz: This is totally legal, Cole. You have to go over the top rope and onto the floor!


Christian continues to watch, mockingly throwing fists and "cheering on" the guys in the ring. Not before long, our countdown is back on.













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JR: It's Rob Van Dam! And these fans are electric!

Tazz: You might wanna give RVD the homefield advantage, we are here in Philly after all and RVD was such a big part of ECW!

Cole: This, to me, is a match that suits RVD's athletic ability. You need to be strong, agile and quick thinking. RVD with his unique moveset and quick feet makes him a favorite to win this for me!

JR: Rob Van Dam has never won a Royal Rumble and has never tasted the main event of WrestleMania, but we all know how bad he wants it!


As Christian continues to cheer on the other entrants from outside, RVD surprises Christian with a knee to the back. As Christian bends back, RVD turns him around and hits a lightning quick spin kick to the noggin! RVD lifts Christian back up to his feet and throws him into the ring. RVD himself rolls in but rather than continuing his assault on Christian, he targets Randy Orton, who he still has lots of history with. RVD and Orton brawl towards the corner of the ring while Christian quietly inserts himself into a brawl with Haas and Guerrero. Haas and Christian attempt to lift Guerrero up over the rope, but Latino Heat keeps himself from going over, holding on to the top rope. As the five men continue their brawling, the countdown begins again.













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Tazz: Whoa! Big man comin'!

JR: It's the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry! And just based on pure power and size alone, you have to consider Theodore Long's client to be a favorite here tonight!

Cole: Well we saw earlier in the pre-show that Theodore Long was pretty happy with Henry's number and we could definitely see why now, Henry coming in close to the final ten here in the Rumble!

JR: We're getting into those later numbers here for sure, the advantages keep getting better and better. And to me, folks, a combination of size advantage and high number is a deadly duo!


Henry, with Theodore Long by his size offering some last minute advice, slowly marches down to the ring as the rest of the competitors continue to brawl in the ring. Henry climbs in and is met by clubbing strikes from Charlie Haas. Henry greets Haas with a devastating headbutt, which knocks Haas right down to the mat. Chris Benoit is next in line, who attempts to chop away at Henry's thick sternum. Henry grabs Benoit's arm to counter and pulls him into a short arm clothesline. Henry is not able to counter the feet of Rob Van Dam, however, who comes rushing in with a big spin kick that knocks that big man off his feet! With Henry neutralized, the rest of the group continue neutrally brawling, nobody getting a clear upper hand. The countdown begins yet again...













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/G9tAchj_Pzg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Tazz: Whoa, FBI coming to town again! Which one is it gonna be though?

JR: It's Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli, this young man looks like he's chiseled from stone!

Cole: The FBI were embarassed earlier tonight when Nunzio failed to win the Cruiserweight Championship despite Stamboli and Palumbo's constant interfering. And what better way to bounce back than to win the Rumble?

JR: Former bouncer from Atlanta, Georgia is Johnny Stamboli and still very young in his wrestling career! What a chance for him here tonight!



Stamboli dives into the ring from the bottom rope and joins the brawl in the center of the ring, choosing to target Chris Benoit, who is currently getting choked from Randy Orton's boot. Stamboli puts the boots to Benoit while he's being choked, trying to soften up the #1 entrant who is still somehow in this thing. Meanwhile, RVD lays out Haas and starts tangling with Guerrero in the corner. Henry, who by now has recovered, charges at the two men and hits an avalanche on the two agile performers. Guerrero and RVD stumble out of the corner and promptly collapse to the mat. Henry turns towards Stamboli and Orton, who have their backs turned as they double team Benoit. Henry jogs towards them and hits a double clothesline, sending Orton over the top rope - but barely hanging on - and sending Stamboli down to the mat. Charlie Haas begins to get to his feet and Henry wastes no time targeting him, lifting him up for a World's Strongest Slam! Theodore Long claps on ringside as Henry beats his chest, laying out every performer in the ring... except one! Benoit, who Henry inadvertently saved from a beatdown, springs to his feet and charges towards Henry, who is close to the ropes. Lifting him by his legs, Benoit is able to cause the very large man to slip up over the top rope and out onto the floor!





Tazz: Whoa my god! What a big elimination from Benoit!

JR: That's four men that Chris Benoit has eliminated from this match, if you're keeping count! And the #1 entrant continues to have a strong precense in this match!

Cole: Chris Benoit is absolutely determined to win this one. He wants nothing more than a WrestleMania main event and this will likely be his only chance to secure a title shot at all as long as he's on SmackDown!


Benoit collapses back down onto the mat as the rest of the competitors sluggishly attempt to get back to their feet. We're once again counting down!













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Cole: Billy Gunn, as promised, making his return to the Royal Rumble!

Tazz: Billy's been gone for a few months now, what a way to make a comeback!

JR: A shoulder injury took down Gunn, a former King of the Ring winner is Billy Gunn! And a chance here to get an accomplishment that Bret Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H and Brock Lesnar have only done and that's win both the Rumble and King of the Ring in their career!

Tazz: Well where is he?

Cole: Billy Gunn's music has been playing here for awhile and... I'm not sure!

Tazz: Look through the crowd, maybe he's making a surprise attack here!

JR: Folks, we're not sure what's going on here... the entrance music of Billy Gunn is playing but he's nowhere to be seen!


The camera continually cuts towards the entrance where nobody is coming out and cutting back to the action in the ring, which sees very little as the current entrants attempt to recover from Mark Henry's destruction moments ago. Cameras finally cut to the backstage area where we are shown the dressing room door that shows Billy Gunn's "Mr. Ass" logo over it. The door is open and filled with agents running in and out. Sheriff Stone Cold enters the screen and stops Tony Garea, who was running out of the room.



Stone Cold Steve Austin: You mind telling me what the hell is goin' on here?!

Tony Garea: Someone took him out, mate. Not sure what happened, he ain't moving though.


Garea runs off to get a trainer as Austin looks around the corner. He points his finger towards the unseen figure.



Stone Cold Steve Austin: You did this, didn't ya'?! You wanna be in the Rumble that badly, ya sunvabitch? Well congratulations! You're #20! Get your ass out there, NOW!


JR: Who the hell is Austin talking to?!

Tazz: No idea, but whoever it is... sounds like Billy Gunn's gettin' replaced here real quick!


Back to ringside, we see the current entrants mostly back to their feet with Randy Orton stomping on Guerrero in the corner and Chris Benoit brawling with Stamboli in another. But the big question as to who is replacing Billy Gunn is answered rather quick with the fans immediately jumping to their feet.



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Tazz: What?! No way!

Cole: Ohhh myyyyy! It can't be!

JR: But it is! By God it is! Mrs. Foley's baby boy is here in Philly! And Randy Orton can't believe it!

Cole: Mick Foley is NOT a coward! He is here and he is staring The Legend Killer down!


Orton is stunned in the ring, eyes bugged out as he sees Mick Foley limping down to the ring. Foley rolls on in and Orton goes right in to attack, but Foley wildly strikes Orton, using both hands to hit Orton multiple times in the side of the head. Foley pushes Orton towards the ropes, not letting off and clotheslines both himself and Orton over the top!





Foley and Orton continue to brawl outside the ring, Foley taking Orton towards the announce table as he bounces Orton's head off of it. As Foley begins to choke Orton out with camera cable, the next countdown has begun!













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Cxmh4ncDyyY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Tazz: Hey we got a match goin' on here!

JR: Well Shelton Benjamin is the next entrant in this one, but the story remains on Mick Foley beating the holy hell out of Randy Orton!


Shelton gets in the ring and immediately teams with Charlie Haas to double team Eddie Guerrero. RVD and Benoit begin brawling while Johnny Stamboli and Christian go at it. But the cameras remain on ringside as Foley continues his beatdown on Randy Orton, now throwing him into the ringside steps. Several agents begin pouring down to the ringside to break this brawl up and while Foley restrains at first, he does begin reluctantly backing up the ramp as trainers attend to the battered Orton. We're already about to countdown again!













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/a6jQesBxo38" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Tazz: Wait now, somebody is about to come out here!

JR: Test is making his entrance amid this chaos that Mick Foley has started here! But it looks like this one is finally over as Foley is starting to head to the back... by God, what carnage we've seen here!

Cole: Randy Orton has been poking the bear for a long time now and Mick Foley has finally returned to the WWE to get revenge on the Legend Killer! Something tells me the feud between these two is not quite over yet, though...


As Test storms down the ramp, Mick Foley is not done after all as he pulls that disgusting sock out of his pants and turns the tables on Test, giving the unsuspecting big man the Mandible Claw! Test starts waving his arms out as Foley continues to damage the near seven footer, but Foley is dropped to his knees as Randy Orton, who has now recovered, gives a quick kick between the legs. Foley rolls onto the floor as Orton sloppily hustles to the back, escaping Foley's wrath. Test, already hurt in this one, stumbles into the ring but not exactly in the right state of mind after being attacked by Foley, has no time to focus before he's kicked right back out of the ring by Rob Van Dam!





JR: By God! That's gotta be one of the quickest eliminations I've seen yet!

Tazz: Hey I hate to admit this, but I had a quick elimination back in 2001 and let me tell you, it stings!

Cole: Mick Foley with his final curtain call, possibly costing Test the Rumble here and I think it's time we're back to the main contest here!


We do, indeed, have a match going on here. And while RVD wastes no time getting back to the brawling with Eddie Guerrero, we see that Benoit is currently being hoisted up by Johnny Stamboli and the World's Greatest Tag Team. Benoit is shouting at the top of his lungs as he hangs on for dear life. The countdown begins anew.













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/G9tAchj_Pzg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Cole: And here comes the second member of the FBI in the Royal Rumble, Chuck Palumbo!

JR: Johnny Stamboli is still in this one and I can only expect that these two are going to remain allies while the ring is full of other entrants!


Palumbo slides right into the ring and goes right over the the corner where the World's Greatest Tag Team and his partner, Johnny "The Bull", are trying to push Benoit over the top turnbuckle. Palumbo, wanting in on the action but not being able to squeeze in, grabs Haas by the head and tosses him to the side. Palumbo joins in on trying to eliminate Benoit, but Haas, not taking kindly to the cheap shot, starts striking Palumbo from behind. Benjamin, sticking up for his partner, begins brawling with Stamboli. And Benoit gets another break as he slides down to the bottom of the ropes, hanging on to them as he catches his breath. The World's Greatest Tag Team and the FBI brawl towards the center while Christian and RVD brawl in another corner. It's about that time once again!













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yfLNhoYQ5zA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Cole: Well here comes Chavo Guerrero and depsite Los Guerreros seemingly being on good terms again, it'll be interesting to see how they interact in the Royal Rumble!

JR: Two men cannot win the Royal Rumble. Only one can go on to WrestleMania and, like it or not, it's every man for himself!


Chavo sprints down to the ring and instantly goes to the corner Eddie Guerrero is currently sitting in. Guerrero taps his shoulder and points towards the two clusters of brawls between World's Greatest Tag Team and the FBI. Chuck Palumbo is currently trying to push Charlie Haas over the rope while Shelton is pushing up against Stamboli close by. The Guerreros nod towards each other and run up to them - Chavo delivering a dropkick to Palumbo and Haas, Eddie deliving one to Shelton and Stamboli! All four men lose their balance and two tag teams are quickly eliminated from the match!








Cole: Oh myyy! I can't believe what we just saw here! Four men eliminated, just like that, credit to Los Guerreros!

Tazz: Safe to say they're on the same page here tonight, Cole! What a big play as we're getting close the end here!

JR: Chavo was #24, we're getting close to the end here, folks!


Los Guerreros immediately split as Eddie works on Benoit while Chavo joins the brawl between Christian and RVD. The brawls continue as the countdown winds down yet again.













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gRILs-DTSxs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Tazz: Whoa, make way for Big Poppa Pump!

JR: Scott Steiner, former Michigan All-American, making his way as #25! This time last year he was busy challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship and you have to know he wants another shot at the gold at the big stage!


Steiner gets into the ring and immediately goes to work by grabbing Eddie Guerrero into a belly-to-back suplex. Steiner approaches Chavo on the other side of the ring, spins him around and hits a belly-to-belly. RVD is met with a clothesline by Steiner, who slumps down in the corner as Steiner sticks his big boot into his throat, choking the life out of him. As Christian begins to brawl with Benoit and attempts to push him over the top, Benoit is yet again able to hold on for dear life. More neutral brawling ensues as the countdown begins anew!













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/d0-ZKEj964M" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Tazz: Chris Jericho, #26 baby! Great drawing for him!

Cole: Chris Jericho entered last year at #2 and lasted 40 minutes! This is a big advantage for him with such a big number!

JR: The "King of the World" Chris Jericho is already a heavy favorite to win this one, folks, former Undisputed Champion which I'm sure he'll have no problem reminding you of if you ever forget!


Jericho goes right after Benoit, trying to help his buddy Christian despite not being the best of friends lately. Benoit fights back, sweat pouring into his eyes from the endurance he has shown in this one, chopping both men like they were big trees. On the other side of the map, Los Guerreros begin double teaming Scott Steiner, who moments ago took them out with big suplexes. RVD, who had been slumped in the corner, bounces to his feet and attempts to attack Chavo, but Eddie saves his nephew by shoving RVD back in the corner and pummeling on him. As the seven men continue to neutrally brawl, our countdown begins again.













<iframe width="75" height="75" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fD4NweiiE8w" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Tazz: Oh man, my pick! That's my guy! Bodies are gonna fly!

JR: Well business - big business - is about to pick up. And he's #27! You talk about a perfect draw? The biggest man, who is also the biggest athlete in sports entertainment today, is in the final five entrants!

Cole: And keep in mind, Big Show is the final member of Team Lesnar to enter this match and Chris Benoit is still in the ring. You know who his main target is going to be!


Big Show wastes no time as he climbs into the ring, throwing his huge leg over the top rope as he enters. Show immediately grabs Benoit by the head and props him up into the corner, giving him a huge overhead slap that echos throughout the arena. Benoit writhes on the ground in pain as Show reaches over towards Christian, giving him the same treatement. Jericho is next, but Jericho fights back when he is grabbed, kicking Show at the shin and striking him in the gut. Show, nevertheless, shakes it off and throttles Jericho with both meaty hands. Lifting him up off the ground, Show approaches the ropes to try to eliminate Jericho, but Christian comes to aid as he launches his body into the back of Show's shins. Show drops Jericho and falls to one knee as the buddies start to club Show with blows, trying to knock him down onto the ground. Show however shakes the attacks off and lifts both his arms up, goozling both Jericho and Christian. In one fluid motion, Show hits a double chokeslam on both men, knocking both out. Scott Steiner attacks Show next, giving him a double axe handle across the back. It doesn't do much for Show, however, who grabs Steiner by the neck this time and throws him right over the top rope!




As Steiner crashes to the mat, Los Guerreros and Rob Van Dam team up to try to surprise Show over the top rope. Benoit joins in. The four nearly get him over, but Show is still too fresh and too strong and too damn big to get over. He eventually hits all four over the head with an overhead punch, stumbling them backwards as the timer starts down yet again.













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Tazz: The Doctor of Thuganomics, baby!

JR: Boy this is an amazing young athlete, I tell ya'! Cena is still very young in his career and has shown so much promise and what a prime position for him to be in entering the Rumble at #28!

Cole: John Cena has overcome some incredible odds to get into the Rumble to begin with. Much like Chris Benoit, Paul Heyman has shown his disdain for John Cena and has done everything he could to hold him back. Unlike Benoit, Cena is entering this match very fresh with a very late number!


Cena takes his sweet time getting to the ring, wearing his Frank "Tug" McGraw jersey for the Philly fans. The Big Show, who beat Cena on the show prior to the Rumble, locks eyes with the Doctor as he enters the ring. As Cena slides in, Chavo Guerrero begins pummeling him before he can even get up, giving Big Show a window to start stomping on Cena as well. Show rips the Phillies jersey off of Cena as he presses him up against the ropes. Chavo, while Show's back is turned, attempts to pull a fast one by giving him a dropkick near the ropes. But it does very little to the big man, who simply shakes it off and overhead chops Chavo right on the back. Chavo falls to his knees and rolls over to the other side of the ring as Cena turns the tables on Show, now attempting to lift him over the top rope. But Show is again able to power through it and gives Cena a slap to the back as well, sending him down to the mat. No eliminations as the countdown begins again and with Goldberg already being #30, we know who #29 is!













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JR: Well we knew it had to be Kurt Angle at #29 and the Olympic gold medalist has promised victory here tonight!

Tazz: Angle is dedicating a win at this Rumble to the fighting men and women of our armed forces! Gotta respect that!

Cole: And what a great pick for Angle to have! Brock Lesnar won the Royal Rumble last year at #29 to earn the right to take on Angle at WrestleMania 19. How much of an ironic twist would it be for Angle to win at #29 for the right to take on Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 20?!


Angle slides right into the ring just as Chris Jericho gets back to his feet, who goes after Angle and is met with a quick Angle Slam. Christian goes after Angle next who misses a clothesline and is met with a german suplex! Angle turns his attention towards RVD next, who gives him a fight as the two brawl to the corner of the ring. Big Show, meanwhile, continues to tangle with John Cena, who is not backing down from the 7-footer. Chavo and Eddie double team Benoit in another corner, attempting to get him over the turnbuckle yet again, but the Rabid Wolverine has absolutely no give up on him. And as the timer counts down yet again, Benoit has accomplished an amazing feat by lasting until #30!













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JR: Well mathmatically speaking, you could argue that this man has the absolute best chance of winning the Royal Rumble here tonight, folks. #30 is Goldberg, by God!

Tazz: I wouldn't wanna be any of these dudes in the ring, Goldberg is already a scary guy and having him as the final entrant? The freshest man?! It's gonna take a lot to get him out of here!

Cole: Goldberg made a bold statement this last week when he not only gave a spear to both Triple H and Shawn Michaels, but invaded SmackDown last Thursday to spear our WWE Champion Brock Lesnar, as well as Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle. Goldberg has silently promised victory here tonight and... I don't know, partner. I honestly think he's the favorite to win here. By far!


Goldberg jogs to the ring, almost showing some form of excitement as he leaps up onto the steps and over the ropes into the ring. Wasting absolutely no time, Goldberg targets the Big Show and lays him out with a monster spear! Goldberg turns his attention to John Cena and gives him a spear for his trouble as well. Chris Jericho, a man with much history with Goldberg, attempts to attack the former WCW Champion, but Goldberg shakes it off and lifts Jericho up in the air. Jericho shakes his head and kicks his legs as Goldberg lifts him up over his head, looking out towards the stands. Christian quickly helps Jericho, for a second time, avoid elimination by hitting a shoulder block into Goldberg's side. Jericho comes crashing down onto the mat, which is a lot better than crashing to the outside. Goldberg springs back up and now lifts Chrisitan up over his head in the same position he had Jericho. Jericho quickly comes to Christian's aid this time, kicking Goldbeg in the side, though still trying to catch his breath from losing it after landing on his sternum from the press slam. Jericho and Christian begin kicking Goldberg in unison, the Goldberg grabs both men by the head and clonks them together. As they stumble back into the ropes, Goldberg steams ahead with a huge double clothesline that sends both men to the outside!






JR: By God! Goldberg is like a freight train out here!


RVD, sensing Goldberg's threat, quickly runs towards him as his back is turned, using those educated feet to try to knock Goldberg off his feet. Goldberg, stil fresh as a daisy, shakes the attacks off and grabs RVD by the back of the head, easily tossing him over the top rope.





Cole: Chalk another one up for Goldberg!

Tazz: That's three guys out since Goldberg has entered!

JR: We're left with just seven in the ring! Who is going to stop Goldberg?!


Goldberg, the last RAW representive left in the match, now turns his attention towards Los Guerreros as Cena battles Show and Benoit battles Angle. The duo, like Jericho and Christian before them, try to use quick attacks to catch Goldberg off guard. But Goldberg seems almost invincible, barely flinching. Still, they don't let up as they back Goldberg to the ropes, trying to keep an offensive onslaught before Goldberg can counter. Kurt Angle, seeing a big threat close to elimination, joins in with the Guerreros to try to eliminate Goldberg. But Goldberg fights it off, giving Eddie and Kurt a quick double clothesline and a spear to Chavo! Chavo is folded up like an accordian! Angle lands close to Eddie's legs and wanting to stay active in the match despite being in pain, grapevines Eddie's leg for an ankle lock! Eddie writhes in pain as he reaches out towards Goldberg, who now has Chavo up in the air. Eddie shouts for Kurt to let go as he reaches for Goldberg's boots, doing everything he can to keep Goldberg from eliminating his nephew. But Kurt is not letting go and Goldberg is not stopping. With one powerful throw, Chavo is thrown up over the top rope and crashes onto the floor below.





JR: By God, what power from Goldberg, nearly throwing Chavo into the crowd!

Cole: And look at Eddie, guys! The man did everything in his power to try to prevent that from happening, but Angle has that ankle lock on tight. There's no getting out of this one!

Tazz: There's no submissions in the Royal Rumble but taking out someone's leg makes them easy work to eliminate!


While Goldberg celebrates in the ring after his big elimination streak, Big Show surprises Angle with a big leg drop, nearly knocking him out cold. Angle lets go of the hold and Eddie limps right over to Goldberg, pushing him up against the corner and clobbering him with rights and lefts. Show continues his assault on Angle while Cena and Benoit rest on the bottom ropes. Goldberg, like a machine, pushes Eddie out from the corner and runs for a Spear. Eddie, showing off amazing athletic ability, dives out of Goldberg's way like he was a bullet. Goldberg comes crashing into Big Show for an off-target spear, which hits him on his side. Show wobbles up against the ropes. Sensing an opportunity, Benoit springs up to his feet and clotheslines Show, who falls back over the ropes but doesn't give. Benoit gives yet another clothesline and Show falls back a little bit further, but maintains balance. Benoit runs up against the opposite ropes and hits yet another clothesline, finally sending Big Show over the top rope and crashing to the ground below!





JR: Dear God, what an amazing showing from Chris Benoit!

Tazz: Huge elimination! I can't believe it! The Big Show is out!

Cole: And Team Lesnar is erradicated from this match, guys! Benoit is so close to going coast-to-coast he can taste it!

Tazz: No doubt---whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute!


Benoit, using up the rest of his energy to do that to Show, stands on legs seemingly made of Jell-o as he staggers around near the ropes. John Cena, sensing a big opportunity, dashes towards Benoit and dumps him over. Though he has grabbed the ropes every single time before, Benoit's stamina is gone. Benoit is unable to hold on and heartbreakingly he goes crashing down onto the mat. Kurt Angle, who has since recovered from Big Show's attack, quickly takes the opportunity to blindside Cena and send him over the top rope as well!






JR: By God! By God! Benoit and Cena are both eliminated!

Cole: That's... a heartbreaker, guys. So close was Chris Benoit in going from #1 to home run.

Tazz: All it took was a split second. And that's the magic of the Rumble, guys. That's all it takes. One mistake. Benoit did so well but he turned his back just long enough for Cena to take advantage.

JR: And for Angle to take advantage of Cena! And by God, folks, we're in the final three!


Angle falls back down to the mat as Eddie Guerrero continues to club Goldberg in the back, wanting revenge for Chavo's elimination. Goldberg is still not backing down, however, brushing off the attacks and pushing Eddie away. Eddie simply falls back, somersaults and springs back to his feet as Goldberg attempts another spear. But ever the matador, Guerrero is able to avoid it yet again as he rolls to the side. Goldberg comes screaming into an empty turnbuckle, head crashing with the second turnbuckle pad. Goldberg stands up, head down as he tries to shake off the damage done to himself. Guerrero dashes forward and hits a picture perfect dropkick which sends Goldberg over the top rope. Goldberg falls over the top, but is able to recover back onto the apron. Guerrero leads up onto the second turnbuckle and jumps towards Goldberg, hitting him with a kick that sends him to the mat below!





Cole: I can't believe it! Eddie Guerrero has just eliminated the hands-on favorite to win this thing!

Tazz: And look at this! Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle our final two! And these two have had such a crazy month together, Cole!

JR: Lots of emotion in this one, folks. This is what the Royal Rumble is all about!


While Eddie tries to recover from the offense that sapped all his energy, Angle quickly comes behind and hits a German suplex to the unsuspecitng Eddie. Though Angle is a strong fan favorite and his cause to win the Rumble is respectable, the fans start a very loud "Eddie" chant. The passion from the crowd keeps Eddie alive, who is springs back up to his feet and beats on his chest. Guerrero and Angle continue to have a very even, very neutral wrestling match with each other. Knowing each other so well and both having the drive to put this Rumble to bed with one of them as the victor, neither man is willing to let the other have an advantage. Angle goes for an Angle Slam, which Eddie slips out of and hits Angle with the three amigos, laying Angle out on the mat. Though this is certainly not a match you can win by pinfall, Eddie still ascends to the top turnbuckle as Angle lays flat on the mat. Flying high in the sky, Angle hits a beautiful Frog Splash... which Angle is able to roll out of! Eddie crashes onto the mat, holding his sternum as Angle quickly grabs Eddie by the back of the head and throws him over the top rope!



Tazz: And there it is! Angle has done it, guys! For his country, Angle has won the match!

Cole: Not so fast, Tazz!


Eddie did indeed come flying over the top rope, but he was able to hold as only one foot touched the ground. Eddie uses his strength and agility to skin the cat and spring back into the ring. Angle, enraged as he had just thought he had won, sprints towards Eddie, who falls to his back and kicks his feet up, reversing whatever Angle had planned into a monkey flip that sends Angle over the top rope! But Angle holds on tight as he lands on the apron. Eddie goes off against the ropes and attempts to kick Angle off the apron, but Angle avoids it by grabbing Eddie's foot! Angle locks on an ankle lock, keeping Eddie's leg high up over the top rope, but Angle is still in a dangerous position on the ring apron. Cranking his ankle and Eddie trying his best to wiggle out, Angle screams as he attempts to keep Eddie on one leg. Eddie pounds his fists on the mat as the fans continue to chant for Latino Heat. Eddie is able to turn to his back and Angle's eyes widen knowing what is about to happen. Eddie kicks his feet forward and Angle wobbles backwards, loosening the hold. While Angle keeps his balance, Eddie springs back to his feet, favoring his weak ankle. He grabs Angle by the head and drops his own body down, guillotining Angle's neck against the top rope. Angle flies backwards, unable to hold his balance this time and comes crashing onto the mat.




WINNER: Eddie Guerrero @ 55:23




Guerrero, kneeling in the ring with a look of pure emotion, is showered in confetti as he looks to the WrestleMania XX sign high up in the rafters. Kurt Angle, with a look of rage on his face, grits his teeth as he looks on towards Eddie in the ring.


JR: Eddie Guerrero has done it! Eddie Guerrero, by God, has won the Royal Rumble match! The biggest win of his long, respected career, Tazz!

Tazz: I can't believe it, I'm stunned! I thought Kurt Angle had this one all wrapped up!

JR: Anything, and I mean anything, can happen in the WWE! A dream has come true tonight in Philadelphia, Eddie Guerrero is going to WrestleMania!


Quick Results:


The Basham Brothers def. Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships

Rey Mysterio def. Nunzio to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Ernest Miller def. Vince McMahon

Batista & Ric Flair def. The Dudley Boyz to retain the World Tag Team Championships

Brock Lesnar def. Hardcore Holly to retain the WWE Championship

Triple H def. Shawn Michaels to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Lita def. Molly Holly, Trish Stratus & Jazz to win the WWE Women's Championship

Eddie Guerrero wins the Royal Rumble

(OVR: 81)


Royal Rumble Entrance Order:


Entrance chart:


1. Chris Benoit

2. Booker T

3. Rhyno

4. Matt Hardy

5. Garrison Cade

6. Bradshaw

7. Jerry Lawler

8. Matt Morgan

9. A-Train

10. Kane

11. Spike Dudley

12. Mark Jindrak

13. Eddie Guerrero

14. Randy Orton

15. Charlie Haas

16. Christian

17. Rob Van Dam

18. Mark Henry

19. Johnny Stamboli

20. Mick Foley (replaced Billy Gunn)

21. Shelton Benjamin

22. Test

23. Chuck Palumbo

24. Chavo Guerrero

25. Scott Steiner

26. Chris Jericho

27. The Big Show

28. John Cena

29. Kurt Angle

30. Goldberg


Royal Rumble Elimination Order:


1. Bradshaw by Chris Benoit (1)

2. Rhyno by A-Train (1)

3. Matt Morgan by Chris Benoit (2)

4. A-Train by Chris Benoit (3)

5. Matt Hardy by Kane (1)

6. Kane by Spike Dudley (1)

7. Spike Dudley by Garrison Cade (1)

8. Garrison Cade by Booker T (1)

9. Jerry Lawler by Mark Jindrak (1)

10. Mark Jindrak by Booker T (2)

11. Booker T by Randy Orton (1)

12. Mark Henry by Chris Benoit (4)

13. Randy Orton by Mick Foley (1)

14. Mick Foley by himself

15. Test by Rob Van Dam (1)

16. Chuck Palumbo by Chavo Guerrero (1)

17. Charlie Haas by Chavo Guerrero (2)

18. Shelton Benjamin by Eddie Guerrero (1)

19. Johnny Stamboli by Eddie Guerrero (2)

20. Scott Steiner by The Big Show (1)

21. Christian by Goldberg (1)

22. Chris Jericho by Goldberg (2)

23. Rob Van Dam by Goldberg (3)

24. Chavo Guerrero by Goldberg (4)

25. The Big Show by Chris Benoit (5)

26. Chris Benoit by John Cena (1)

27. John Cena by Kurt Angle (1)

28. Goldberg by Eddie Guerrero (3)

29. Kurt Angle by Eddie Guerrero (4)

Winner. Eddie Guerrero




Mattitude90: 5/8

crackerjack: 5/8

James The Animator: 5/8

Munit: 5/8

Kijar: 3/8

Edited by Gouge
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WOW!! What a simply awesome show!! Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that


While I have to say I expected either Eddie or Benoit to win and I’m slightly disappointed at the result, I AM glad that is wasn’t Benoit. It’s good to see the dynasty diverge from history here and I’m hoping you continue on in your own right now.


Can’t wait to see where you go from here!

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I had been bouncing a few different endings in mind for the Rumble, which I'll definitely elaborate more on my decision making after Mania. I'm pretty happy with the plans I have set up and can't wait to book them and write them out. Thanks for your continued support!
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gouge" data-cite="Gouge" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51695" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I had been bouncing a few different endings in mind for the Rumble, which I'll definitely elaborate more on my decision making after Mania. I'm pretty happy with the plans I have set up and can't wait to book them and write them out. Thanks for your continued support!</div></blockquote><p> No mate, thank YOU. The way you write your shows is incredible, you can really picture it happening. It must be a lot of work though, I really hope you can go the distance on this one.</p><p> </p><p> I’m really excited how you book up to and beyond WrestleMania XX!</p>
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  • 1 year later...

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Choice Union Center - Des Moines, IA

10,218 fans




JR: We are off the heels from an historic Royal Rumble as we bring Monday Night RAW here to you live in Des Moines, Iowa! And King, what a show we witnessed last night!

King: No kidding, JR! Unfortuanately I will not be going to main event WrestleMania this year.... but can you believe it?! Latino Heeeeeat!

JR: Eddie Guerrero shocked the world last night, King, as he outlasted 29 other men and knocked out a clear favorite in Kurt Angle! Eddie Guerrero's dream to headline WrestleMania has come true! And we can only imagine that Brock Lesnar is holding his WWE Championship tight.

King: Well I bet Triple H is feeling pretty good right now! Not only did he retain the World Heavyweight Championship, but he doesn't have to worry about the Rumble winner challenging him! Aha!


<iframe width="75" height="75" src="

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JR: Well yet another Triple H title defense ended in complete controversy as Eric Bischoff showed his smarmy face back to RAW at last night's PPV... and come on, King, you saw just as the rest of us. He screwed Shawn Michaels last night!

King: All I saw is what everyone else saw! Shawn Michaels was down for more than ten seconds. That's all that matters in the end, JR! And Triple H is STILL the World Heavyweight Champion!

JR: Well we'll agree on one thing there, King.... Triple H IS still the World Heavyweight Champion.




The Iowan crowd showers "The Game" in boos as he proudly walks out with his World Heavyweight Championship tightly buckled around his waist. Ric Flair and Batista, with their recently retained World Tag Team Championship belts, are not far behind.


King: And let's not forget the Nature Boy and Batista! Look at that, JR! All of Evolution still hold all of the men's world's titles there is to win on RAW!

JR: And I'd like to give a big "thank you" to Jonathan Coachman and Eric Bischoff both for that one.


Evolution takes their sweet time getting into the ring, almost allowing certain members of the audience to begin losing their breath from the amount of jeers heading their way. Shawn Michaels was screwed last night, plain and simple. And the common WWE fan is not easy to forget that. As Triple H's trademark green lights turn off, it's plain to see that he definitely took a beating the night before. A bandage holds the ooze in his head in place and a small cut on the bottom of his lip still tastes of Shawn Michaels' boot. Nevertheless, "The Game" confidently smacks his gum before he grabs the microphone, taking a moment to continue to reel boos in.


Triple H: You know... I know many of you are a little upset at what happened last night. It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's reality. I've always preached it and I will continue to enlighten you on the facts.... and that is that I am THAT DAMN GOOD!


Triple H unbuckles his championship belt and flaps it over his shoulder as the boos nearly rumble the stadium. Batista and Flair lean on opposite sides of the ring, picking a few different fans to taunt. Triple H continues staring straight into the hard camera.


Triple H: Bischoff or no Bischoff... Coach or no Coach. It doesn't matter in the end. The fact of the matter is, Shawn Michaels was not the man last night. And from what I understand... he lays in a hospital bed tonight, far away from this craphole city in podunk Iowa.


King: Wait a minute, JR... is that true?! Did Triple H really put Shawn Michaels in the hospital?!

JR: Well I don't have much information, King, but I do know that Shawn Michaels is not here tonight. Nor is, oddly enough, the coward that caused all of this yesterday: Eric Bischoff!

King: Huh?! But why?


Triple H: And after SmackDown's Eddie Guerrero took home the Royal Rumble, we have to sit here and think... what the hell is next? What is next, Ric? We've taken out Shawn Michaels. We've taken out Goldberg. We've taken out Kane. WrestleMania - the grand daddy of them all, as they say - is just around the corner and here I sit, the King of Kings, with absolutely nobody worthy to take me on.


Ric Flair sarcastically shakes his head.


Ric Flair: Even I didn't have a talent pool this shallow when I was on top of the mountain, champ. Woooooo!


JR: What absolute disrespect. Shallow talent pool my backside! RAW boasts a roster full of very talented men, many of which could challenge Triple H right now!

King: Then why hasn't Triple H been dethroned?!

JR: Well let's start with those two cowards next to him for one, King! And how about that smug face on Eric Bischoff right now, wherever he is!? HBK would be World's champion right now if it wasn't for him sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and you damn well know it, King!

King: Hey calm down there, JR!

JR: No, dammit! I think we're all getting right sick of Eric Bischoff dictating who he thinks the better man is! And he's not even here right now to answer as to WHY he would do what he did last night! What he did was despicable, King!


Triple H: So that brings us to now. I'm done with Shawn Michaels. Matter of fact.... Eric Bischoff sent out a memo this morning that Shawn Michaels will never again face me for this championship as long as I am holding it. The last three times he has faced me in this ring... he has left three times a loser. And as far as I'm concerned, three strikes you're out. Hit the bricks!


Triple H leans up against the ropes to get a better look at the crowd, very agitated over the blatant lies Triple H is spewing about the adored HBK.


JR: What absolute nonsense! Three strikes and you're out? Mind telling me what the hell happened in San Antonio then?!

King: Well sure, JR.... Shawn Michaels' shoulders were down! Didn't you see?

JR: Even if that were true, King, so were Triple H's! And a draw sure doesn't make HBK a "loser" now does it?!

King: Well either way, the point is... he's had so many chances to dethrone Triple H from that title and he has yet to do it! It's time to give someone else a chance, that glory hog!


Triple H: Now of course, that brings me to tonight. And I have just the idea that'll show who the true---


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King: Wah!

JR: It's Sheriff Austin! And 10,000 Iowans are on their feet here in the Union Center, King!

King: He can't interupt Triple H like that!

JR: He can do whatever he damn well pleases, King! And something tells me with how well I know Stone Cold, business is about to pick up!




The fans immediately abrupt in deafening cheers as Sheriff Austin revs his ATV out onto the stage, interrupting Triple H from rambling about Shawn Michaels any further. Evolution stares on unimpressively, almost as if they expected Austin to make an appearance, as the Texas Rattlesnake guns his quad down the ramp and laps around the ring effortlessly. Climbing off the vehicle, Austin stares directly into Triple H's eyes as he climbs into the ring, but still takes the time to hit all four corners of the ring with his arms raised high, milking in the cheers. As Austin's music fades, Triple H wastes no time getting right back on the mic.


Triple H: Well if it isn't Sheriff Andy himself, ya'll!


Flair and Batista force a belly laugh at Triple H's very tired Andy Griffith joke that has been said literally every time he's run into Sheriff Austin. Austin shows absolutely no emotion as he finally grabs a stick for himself.


Stone Cold: What?


The fans immediately shout back.


Stone Cold: What? What? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?


A scowl grows across the face of Triple H as the fans shout WHAT right back to Austin each time.


Stone Cold: So you mean to tell me that you've accomplished it all? What? You mean to tell me that you have done all there is to do? I said you mean to tell me that you're the highest you can go? So let me get this straight, Triple H. You think that because you've duped Shawn Michaels twice that you get to sit on your ass while we decide who gets to take you on WrestleMania? That's what you think? Well EH EH!


Flair and Batista begin to inaudibly jaw at Austin while Triple H stares a hole into him, gripping his World Heavyweight Championship extra tight.


Stone Cold: Since that mealy mouthed yellow bellied sunvabitch Eric Bischoff decided to not show his cowardly little face here tonight once again, sounds like the Austin 3:16 is the law of the land here tonight in Des Moines. And if you think that you're going to get the chance to sit around while everyone else claws to get a title shot against "The Game", I'm here to tell you that's not how it's going to happen and that's all I have to say about that!


The fans roar in cheers once more as Ric Flair raises his finger in objection towards Austin.


Ric Flair: Watch your tone, Austin! You're talking to and looking at THE CHAMP. Woooo! The single greatest World Heavyweight Champion there ever was, ever WILL BE! And the most successful dynasty in sports entertainment history, Evolution! Champions born and bred! WOOOOOOO! Name your contender, Austin! WOO! ANYBODY! NAME 'EM! Because no matter who it is, when it comes down to them vs. Triple H at WrestleMania... they are destined to only be ONE thing and ONE thing only... LOSERS! WooooOOOOOOO!


Flair's face is already that bright shade of red as he begins to rip his overcoat off and throw it onto the ground. Austin simply drops his arms down and slightly cocks his head towards Flair as Triple H casually leans against the corner, continuing to smack his gum but keeping his gaze on those steel blue eyes of Austin.


Stone Cold: Oh sorry was I talking to you, Ric? What? Did I mention I had something for Triple Hs' two shadows? What? Was I talking about WrestleMania? What? Maybe if you would take two freakin' minutes to remove your stinkin' lips from Triple H's ass, you'll understand what I'm about to say!


King: Waaaah! He can't say that! That's Ric Flair he's talking to!

JR: He sure is talking to Ric Flair! Once the most decorated World's champion there ever was, now Triple H's lapdog! I think Triple H can handle this himself!


Stone Cold: Seems to me, Triple H, that you see it fit to handpick a WrestleMania opponent for you to defend your championship against. Well Stone Cold sees it fit that you don't rightly deserve to be handed a WrestleMania main event. Matter of fact, Stone Cold sees it fit that you be a fighting champion. So you can take that little World Championship of yours and put it on the line.... right here tonight!


The fans love the idea and spring to their feet. Triple H's jaw drops and he fiercly shakes his head no.


JR: Bah god! A championship defense right here in Iowa?! What a slobberknocker of an idea!

King: Wait a minute, Triple H just defended his championship last night!


Triple H: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, AUSTIN? Look at me! I went through 40 minutes of hell with Shawn Michaels last night. My head is bandaged from the blood I lost. I'm not ready for a title defense! I refuse!


Austin chuckles to himself as he takes a keen interest in Flair and Batista's World Tag Team Championships, hand stroking his chin.


Stone Cold: So you're telling me you need time to rest? What? You aren't ready for a defense? What? So... you mind reminding me how these two jackasses won their belts from the Dudley Boyz?


Flair clutches his title like a baby as Batista's hands find their way glued to his hips. Triple H sternly shakes his head, pointing his finger at Austin.


Triple H: That's not the same thing and you know it, Austin!

Stone Cold: You're right, because you've actually had a day to recover! So let's just ask Des Moines.... if you think Triple H should defend the World Heavyweight Championship right here tonight, GIVE ME A HELL YEAH!


The crowd echos it back loud and proud. Austin looks back at Triple H with a smile, who is fiercely shaking his head no.


JR: Sounds unanimous to me, King!

King: This is insane, JR! Triple H has been to hell and back and then he has to defend his title AGAIN?! That's just not right!

JR: And I can give you a pretty big list here later tonight of what's "not right" with Triple H if you'd like, King!


Triple H grits his teeth and furrows his brows as he stares directly at Austin, his breathing so heavy that the title belt nearly bounces off his shoulder with each breath.


Stone Cold: Sounds like Iowa has spoken to me and whether you believe it or not, Stone Cold Law is run with democracy in mind. So with that said, you, Triple H, will be defending your World Heavyweight Championship here tonight in Iowa.... against Booker T! And that's the bottom line 'cause Stone Cold said so!


The crowd erupts in cheers as Austin promptly rolls out of the ring to a protesting Evolution, all three members shouting at the Sheriff as he starts his quad back up without a care.


JR: What a MONUMENTAL announcement here tonight! A WrestleMania 19 rematch between Triple H and Booker T.... King, I never thought for a minute we'd get a World's Heavyweight Championship title match here tonight!

King: Well... me neither! And I don't think Triple H thought that either! But can you believe Sheriff Austin, JR? Triple H is still in pain!

JR: Oh boohoo, King! Sounds like he better get over it fast!




Elsewhere in the arena, the cameras cut to Booker T in his locker room just moments after Austin's gigantic announcement. Booker T's eyes are widened and mouth is agape. With a hard swallow, Booker T looks off into the distance before muttering to himself.


Booker T: Tell me.... he did not.... just..... SAY THAT!


Booker immediately smiles as big as he possibly can in pure excitement as he walks off screen.




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After commercial, cameras find Victoria gearing up in what appears to be some sort of storage room with empty pallets and storage tubs sitting around next to her. Victoria is on a short stuck of pallets, legs crossed on top while she tapes her wrist in preparation for her upcoming match. Suddenly, a very familiar raspy voice is heard from off screen.


Stevie Richards: FLOWER!




Stevie Richards, Victoria's longtime... partner... appears on screen, quickly kneeling to the ground and clutching Victoria by her waist.


Stevie Richards: Flower.... I hope you know how important tonight is!


He awkwardly boops his finger against Victoria's nose. She flinches, but still smiles.


Victoria: Well of course I do! After all.... if I can beat Molly Holly, who just lost the Women's Championship last night.... then maybe..... maybe..... I can......


Victoria's eyes begin to get bigger and bigger as her fingers crawl up her hair, gripping a clump with all her might as she says....


Victoria: .... get that hussy TRISH next!


As Victoria grits her teeth, Stevie loosens his grip on her waist and springs to his feet.


Stevie Richards: Well.... sure! That's great, flower. But there's something more important about tonight.... didn't you hear what Triple H said last week?

Victoria: .... Triple H?


Victoria seems to slowly come out of her trance of mentioning her old rival Trish as Stevie sits down on the stack of wood next to her, holding her hands into his.


Stevie Richards: Yes, flower, Triple H! Evolution! They mentioned.... wanting to bring the WWE Women's Championship into their circle!

Victoria: .... Evolution?


Victoria's eyes begin to come back to normal as she now looks in Stevie's eyes with a look of bewilderment.


Stevie Richards: Yes, Evolution... the most decorated stable here on RAW! They want a woman to represent them. And what better woman than YOU, flower?! I mean... you drive ME wild!


Stevie springs back up to his feet, guiding Victoria back up as well. He interlocks their fingers together as he pushes his cheek up against hers.


Stevie Richards: Think about it! You beat Molly Holly tonight and maybe you can take on Lita for the Women's Championship at WrestleMania! And then... maybe Triple H will make you an honorary member! And just think, flower.... what that could do for us! Me as the General Manager of Stevie Night Heat having a merger with Evolution and my flower Victoria to form the most unstoppable force yet. It would be..... must STEVE TV!

Victoria: Oh...... us!


Stevie's eyes light up like he's standing next to the brightest star the galaxy as Victoria gushes into Stevie's eyes.


JR: Boy I tell you what, King, these two are goofier than a couple of pet coons!

King: What a couple of kooks! And can you believe what that idiot just said? Evolution!? What do they take Triple H for?!

JR: Well say what you want about Victoria but she certainly is a very impressive athlete. And she certainly isn't a stranger to that WWE Women's Championship either! And later tonight, she'll have a shot to climb back up the ranks as she takes on Molly Holly... and boy, I bet she is in a sour mood tonight, King!

King: Oh man, no kidding! Last night at the Rumble it was Lita who walked out Women's Champion.... and she didn't even have to pin Molly!

JR: That's exactly what Molly was afraid of, King! And her worst nightmare certainly came true.


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At last night's Rumble, Spike Dudley made an absolutely shocking elimination when he headbutted Kane into elimination while the Big Red Machine was distracted by his brother's head games. Spike did not get away unscathed however as Kane would lay a vicious assault on the little brother Dudley before allowing him to be easily eliminated thereafter. Tonight is a chance for revenge for both men.


Though Spike has the heart of a lion and has kept himself a contender among giants, there was absolutely no chance he was going to get himself anywhere against Kane tonight. It's clear that Kane wanted to make an example out of Spike Dudley and that he did. While Spike managed to slip away from a big boot, allowing him to get some minor strikes and dives in, nothing made Kane even flinch and offense was back in his court soon after. After a few big moves, a chokeslam put the runt of the Dudley litter down for good.


Winner: Kane @ 3:44 (63)



JR: Well Little Spike Dudley has had some incredible upsets these last few weeks but I don't think he stood much of a chance against this absolute monster of a man in Kane.

King: Man I tell you, my toes were curled the entire time I was in the ring with that freak, JR! Wah! Kane has just been on another level since.... well..... since that hideous face came out! Euuuugh!

JR: And look at this! What is this proving now, Kane?! You won the damn match, leave him alone!


As Spike lays motionless on the mat, Kane still has revenge for last night on his mind. He stands over Spike with a microphone, looking him dead in the glazed over eyes with a hand around his throat.




Kane lifts Spike back up to his feet. Spike groggily comes to as he weakly clutches his throat, weakly trying to pry Kane's meaty right hand off his throat.




Kane lifts Spike back up into the air but just as he's about to be slammed into the mat, the lights go completely dark.


King: WAH! Oh no! Not again!

JR: Lights out here in the Union Center King and if history is about to repeat itself here... that can only mean one thing!


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JR: It's the calling of the Deadman, King! We heard this calling twice last night at the Rumble! And both directed towards the two men who helped to bury Big Evil alive back in November! Is he here?! By God is the UNDERTAKER here, King?!

King: For Kane's sake I sure hope not!


The fans are in a total frenzy as the lights turn back on, hoping and praying that tonight is the night that the Undertaker finally returns. Alas, it appears the Undertaker is not here in the flesh, but certainly in spirit.




In the frenzy, it appears Spike has escaped Kane's clutches and is now halfway up the ramp with the Dudley Boyz now holding both of his shoulders upright. Having a match later tonight, the Dudleyz are in no rush to mess with Kane... and certainly not the Undertaker! Regardless, Kane seems totally clueless he has lost his prey as he stamps around the ring, inaudibly screaming and hands up over his head. Once Kane comes to and realizes Spike is gone and his brother is not really there, he marches out of the ring with a scowl over his face. Kane silently marches, huffing and puffing, up the ramp and to the backstage area. Cameras follow as Kane enters behind the stage and into the hallways of the Union Center.




Kane screams out to nobody in particular as several frightened staff scurry away, not wanting to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kane continues marching, knocking over tables and equipment as he walks past them.




King: Oh my gosh, somebody restrain this idiot already!

JR: I'm not sure anybody is going to be up to that task, King! Kane is on a rampage right now and something tells me that he's not going to stop until he finds his brother!

King: But he's not even here! Or.... is he?!

JR: I don't have any earthly idea, King. And I think the Undertaker prefers it that way, quite frankly.


As Kane continues his rampage towards the parking lot, an offscreen vehicle is heard pulling up and a familiar gruff voice is heard.




King: Wah! I know that voice!




It is, indeed, the Chairman of the WWE himself! Vince McMahon, who also got an interaction with The Undertaker, wastes no time getting right up close to Kane. Kane stops dead in his tracks and he looks the boss in the eye. McMahon is dressed up in his usual business attire, however a visible black eye from whatever happened when the lights were off on him last night shows that he's had quite the rough night.


King: Mr. McMahon is here in Iowa, JR! Can you believe it?!

JR: After what happened to the "boss" last night... I can't say I'm surprised, King. Mr. McMahon also got a visit from The Deadman himself! And because of that, Ernest "The Cat" Miller still has a job in the WWE!


Vince McMahon: Kane, you know damn well why I'm here tonight. And I understand why you would be just a little bit frustrated. But until we figure out what the hell is going on here.... you and I have business to discuss. Privately. Come with me.


McMahon puts his hand out and motions Kane off screen. With a deep breath, Kane silently follows Vince to his limo.


JR: My god King, what could these two possibly be planning?!

King: Well I know Mr. McMahon is in a rotten mood after last night... can you believe he lost to that idiot The Cat?!

JR: I think that matchup is the last thing on Vince's mind quite frankly, King. The Boss and Kane thought they had The Undertaker erased from the WWE forever. But that's clearly not the case anymore! The Deadman is lurking around somewhere. And these two better be watching their backs!


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We cut back to ringside where it appears Rico has already made his entrance for an upcoming match. But before his opponent can come out, Rico has a mic in hand, looking out to the stage.


Rico: MISS JACKIE! I do hope that you are listening! And I hope that you know... I miss you, darling! You are my ROCK! And I need you back, baby, more than anything in this world!


King: What is this idiot on about, JR?

JR: Well Miss Jackie is the former ringside "assistant" of Rico! And I say former because she's now involved with Randy Orton as of last week!

King: Well I know that, JR! But how could Rico possibly think she'd ever downgrade herself back to HIM!?


Rico falls to his knees, almost pleading with the stage.


Rico: I promise things will be different! We were FABULOUS together! And I can only continue to be with YOU by my side! Please.... I.... I really need you tonight!


Rico pauses and waits for a response. After a short moment...


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King: Wah! Well that doesn't look like Miss Jackie to me!

JR: It sure isn't, but it is unfortuanately Rico's opponent tonight. And after being tossed out of the Royal Rumble so close to winning it, I can't imagine Goldberg is in much of a mood for love!


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Rico was already a broken man with his fabulous valet leaving him for bigger things, a very angry Goldberg definitely did not help matters much. Goldberg went into this match filled with steam and in classic Goldberg squash fashion, made very quick work of Rico. A spear followed by a jackhammer put this one way in under two minutes.


Winner: Goldberg @ 1:55 (83)



JR: Well Goldberg with a predictably quick victory over Rico and, King, you have to wonder what's next for this man after the last week he's had.

King: Everyone thoguht Goldberg was the favorite to win the Royal Rumble but he couldn't win it, JR! And look what he did the week before! Taking out both RAW and SmackDown's champions as well as anyone else in his path?! How many enemies does Goldberg want?!

JR: I don't think Goldberg is one for making friends, King.




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As we're back to the Union Center, we see Goldberg marching down the corridor after his victory, fiercly sniffing and scowling, growling and squinting, wincing and spitting. Goldberg doesn't quite make it back to his locker room when Terri comes running into screen, microphone in hand.




Terri: Goldberg, one moment please? That was an awesome win to recover from what happened last night! But how do you plan on bouncing back with WrestleMania just around the corner?


Goldberg stops for one moment and huffs away, as he has been doing to just about everyone. Terri, who shouldn't be surprised by Goldberg's reaction, still acts miffed as she throws her arms up to being ignored. Goldberg gets to his room and as the door opens, he's greeted to an unwanted guest inside.




The fans erupt to Sheriff Austin appearing in Goldberg's locker room, waiting for him to get back from his inevitably short match. Goldberg growls as he stares down Austin, a man he put through a table in his quest to win the Royal Rumble.


Stone Cold: Glad we're meeting with my face to ya' this time, Goldberg. See, while I was running things here in the good ol' WWE stomping mudholes, opening cans of whoopass, giving away Stone Cold Stunners for free, making Vince McMahon crap his pants, I couldn't stop hearing about a fella from WCW who was making a name for himself. They said he couldn't be beat. He'd go in there, kick some ass and leave. And I have to say, I respected that. You see here in Stone Cold U we teach a few different subjects. Don't trust anybody. And most important of all.... arrive, raise hell and leave. And I see fit that you embrace those ideologies, now don't ya'?


Goldberg simply stares at Austin, not changing his angry expression one bit.


Stone Cold: Well as far as I'm concerned, Goldberg, you ain't lived up to any reputation you might have had in the past. You think you're going to win Stone Cold's respect by putting me through a table with my back turned ya' yellow bellied sunva' bitch? EH EH!


Goldberg against stays silent. Austin softly chuckles as he gently strokes his beard.


Stone Cold: Well I ain't sure what kind of statement you're trying to make but I'll tell ya' this... you want to be on WrestleMania? You want to show the WWE who the real Goldberg is? Well I think it's about time you go back to what made you the man that I was supposed to be worried about. Because the moment I see your shoulders down for the three count, my faith in you is gone and your employment here is no longer needed! And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!


Austin huffs away from Goldberg, heading towards the door out. Goldberg slowly looks his direction and nods his head up.


Goldberg: Hey.... Austin.


Stone Cold stops in his tracks and turns back towards Goldberg. But before he can say a word, Goldberg unleashes a deadly spear that crashes both himself and the Sheriff of RAW right through the wooden door to his locker room.


JR: Good god almighty! What the hell has Goldberg done here?!

King: Wah! I don't think anybody can trust being around this lunatic! And that's two weeks in a row Stone Cold has been put through wood!


Cameras cut back to ringside as the fans stir, trying to process what the heck just happened between two huge fan favorites with the RAW audience. However one other fan favorite's music quickly breaks tension and causes the Iowan crowd to erupt in cheers.


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JR: Well a chaotic turn of events between two huge personalities here in the RAW locker room... but in the meantime, here comes Mrs. Foley's baby boy, King! Mick Foley is back on RAW!

King: Took him long enough to finally show up! And what a time to do that! Mick Foley cheated himself in the Royal Rumble and then screwed Randy Orton right out of the match! You know, Mick Foley really is a coward JR!

JR: You know I can't really argue that Mick Foley had some illigimate methods of entering the Royal Rumble but I can't say I agree that he "screwed" anyone, King! Mick Foley took Randy Orton on in a fair contest and was able to eliminate the so-called "Legend Killer"!

King: Yeah! Good thing the idiot slipped out of the ring himself! Can you imagine Mick Foley main eventing WrestleMania 20?!

JR: I can imagine that, King, considering he did such a feat just two years ago! But quite frankly, I think Mick Foley was the ONLY man in that match who did not care one bit about the main event of WrestleMania.




Foley does his trademark limp down to the ring, one arm raised. And after the month of insults and taunting from Randy Orton, Foley has a mixed look of both excitement and determination to be here in Iowa as he enters the ring. "Foley" chants echo through the arena as Mick grabs a mic and we can only imagine one man he'd be talking to.


Mick Foley: Well it's sure good to be here in.... DES MOINES, IOWA!


Foley winks and finger guns the crowd, which give him a cheap pop in return.


Mick Foley: ...but we have some very important matters to get into! You see, I've been home with my wife and four children the last severeal weeks and I couldn't help but notice these advertisements that play every Monday here on RAW. Funny, I haven't seen one today! Perhaps.... we could play it now to fresh everyone's memory. Take it away!


The cameras cut to the titantron, which shows the familiar ad that Randy Orton has been playing.


Mick Foley.

In 1998, he became a hardcore legend.

In 1999, he became a WWE champion.

In 2000, he became a WrestleMania main eventer.

And in 2003, for this hardcore legend, he became.... a coward.

A coward too afraid to face a true legend. The new hardcore legend. Randy Orton!

Randy Orton. A true legend of our time.

This message was paid for by the friends and supporters of Randy Orton.




JR: Disgusting.


Fans loudly boo as Foley chuckles, taking time to sink it in.


Mick Foley: I've heard the names! I've heard the taunts! I've seen that clip of me getting SPAT on again and again AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!


Foley begins punching himself in the head with each AGAIN.


Mick Foley: RANDY ORTON.... I have FOUR children at home. I have been peed on! I have been crapped on! I have been sneezed on, drooled on, coughed on and cried on! And yes, I have absolutely been SPAT on. Spitting does NOT bother me. Matter of fact, being called a coward does not even bother me. What bothers me is a blatant LIE you have been spreading since the day I decided to go back home... and that is the outrageous claim that YOU, Randy Orton, are a hardcore legend!


Foley slightly shakes his head as he points back towards the stage.


Mick Foley: Randy Orton, I was bleeding all over six different continents when you were still suckling your mother's breast! And if you think for one minute that you have what it takes to be a hardcore legend, then I invite you to get your ass down to this ring and SPIT ON MY FACE ONCE MORE!


King: What the heck is this lunatic on about, JR?!

JR: Randy Orton has been taunting Mick Foley for over a month, King! And it looks like to me that tables have turned. So how about it, Randy Orton?


After a short pause, sure enough...


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Randy Orton marches down to the ring with an unusual hustle, not wasting any time as he stares Foley in the eyes the whole way down. Orton slides right into the ring and gets up close and personal with Foley.


Randy Orton: Foley, I've got nothing to say to you! I've been inviting you to come and face me like a man for the last month. I ordered a limo on my own dime for you to come challenge me for my championship and you ignored every single one of them! It wasn't until I got my chance to main event a WrestleMania that you decided then and only then to TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!


Orton is fuming as he grits his teeth, continuing to look Foley in those big brown eyes.


Randy Orton: So what? You want me down here to spit on you again? To humiliate you?! Well just like you spit on your own legacy by turning into a coward, I will gladly spit right back in your face again!


Without skipping a beat, Orton hocks up some spit and shoots it right on Foley's cheek. Foley backs away but smiles, pointing at the disgusting loogie dangling from his beard.


Mick Foley: Hey cameraman, come take a good look at this!


Foley continues to point at his beard as the camera indeed zooms in on the gross white splotch. Orton, disgusted at Foley's reaction, begins backing away towards the ropes.


Randy Orton: You're a freak, Foley! You got what you wanted, now go back home. You got no place here anymore. Enjoy your damn retirement! You had your chance at me and you backed out of it. You cheat yourself into the Royal Rumble and CRUSH MY DREAMS! I'm.... FINISHED!


Randy Orton begins walking away, but Foley screeches right back, outstretching his arm towards Orton.


Mick Foley: HOOOOLD IT!


Orton stops in his tracks and slowly turns to look back at Foley.


Mick Foley: You've done everything to get me back here. AND NOW I'M BACK! And you're going to WALK AWAY? Like a COWARD?


Orton gets right in Foley's face, thrusting his pointer finger into Foley's big chest.


Randy Orton: DON'T YOU EVER! CALL ME A COWARD! YOU are the coward, Foley! And I'm not giving you the BENEFIT of getting beaten by me. I am the LEGEND KILLER. And you are no longer a legend in my book. I AM the REAL Hardcore Legend, ME!

Mick Foley: WHAT KIND OF HARDCORE LEGEND ARE YOU, RANDY? Have you ever felt the pain of your ear FLAPPING AGAINST YOUR NECK in the middle of a MATCH? Have you ever blown your nose so hard that your TOOTH FLIES OUT after FALLING 20 FEET TO THE MAT? Have you ever had a have a nurse remove HUNDREDS OF BLOODY THUMBTACKS from your FLESH... ONE BY ONE BY ONE BY ONE BY ONE!?


Foley again punches himself in the head with each time he shouts "one". He has seemingly cut himself behind the bangs covering his forehead as blood drips down the side of his face. Orton backs away into a corner, face dropping in fear.


Mick Foley: YOU KNOW NOTHING OF HARDCORE! YOU COULDN'T SURVIVE HARDCORE, RANDY! And now when the bear that you poked for the last 30 days is growling in YOUR FACE, you are about to run back away with your tail tucked between your legs?! IS THAT IT? ARE YOU A COWARD? ARE YOU A COWARD, RANDY? TELL ME!

Randy Orton: NO!


Orton shoves Foley away from him. Foley stumbles back, nearly falling over, but chuckles to himself as he starts slowly walking back towards Orton.


Randy Orton: I AM NOT.... A COWARD!



Foley leans towards Orton with his face turned, continuing to shout into the microphone. Orton finally hits Foley with a vicious slap, echoing through the arena. Foley retaliates by hitting Orton right in the head with the microphone. Orton spills to the ground and Foley begins pummeling the youngest member of Evolution.


King: Waaaah! Somebody stop this!

JR: Mick Foley has had enough of Randy Orton's games! And the "Legend Killer" is finally learning what it's like to have somebody fight back!


Orton desperately tries to get away as Foley pulls that disgusting sock out from his sweatpants. Orton does everything to keep Foley's hand from entering his mouth, but it gets closer and closer. But before long, Foley is knocked backwards.





King: Oh man, look JR! It's another guy that Mick Foley screwed from the Royal Rumble!

JR: Test indeed got to meet Mr. Socko very well last night which lead to quite possibly the quickest elimination in Royal Rumble history!


As Foley attempts to give Orton the Mandible Claw, Test grabs Foley from the hair and tosses him right back down. Orton quickly scurries away as Test taps his thigh, signifying a big boot. Test runs in Foley's direction... but Foley is able to get out of the way and Mr. Socko goes right into Test's mouth for the second time in the last 24 hours! Test wails his arms around as the crowd erupts. Orton observes briefly from the stage but turns his back behind the curtains. As Foley lets go, Test is hit with a quick double armed DDT, sending him rolling out of the ring to safety. Foley looks towards the empty stage in disbelief that Orton was not man enough to face him tonight, but regardless greets the crowd with a BANG BANG before going back himself.


King: Oh man I did not miss seeing this twisted psycho on RAW! And the nerve of him to think he can shotgun himself into a match with Randy Orton! Who does he think he is, JR?!

JR: Well he's Michael Francis Foley, King! A hardcore legend is Mick, a multi-time world champion and a legend that'll never die! And as Mick said, King, Randy Orton has poked the bear for the last month and now that the bear is out, Randy Orton ran out of here like a scolded dog!




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Molly's foul mood was predicted by JR & King earlier tonight and boy did it show in this one as Molly fought with an almost painted on grimace on her face. Molly went into this one very aggressive, going for hair and claws while Victoria, already a formidable opponent, held her own against the former champion. The two women ultimately had what was a pretty even contest. But one factor turned things into a much different direction.


That would of course be Stevie Richards, who accompanied his "flower" to ringside. Stevie played cheerleader for most of the match but once Molly had Victoria where she wanted her, an attempt to go for the Molly-Go-Round from the top turnbuckle resulted in Stevie sticking his nose in the match. While the referee tended to Victoria, Stevie quickly pushed one of Molly's feet off the turnbuckle, causing her to lose her balance and split herself onto the top rope. With her dazed and propped upstairs, Victoria sprung to her feet and was able to turn Molly's vulnerable position into a lightning fast Widow's Peak, which was enough to score the victory!


Winner: Victoria @ 7:21 (52)



JR: Well Molly Holly's luck continues to get worse here, King.

King: And look at these two kooks! They look like they just won the jackpot!

JR: Well this is a big win for Victoria's ranking in the women's division that's for sure!




Cameras appropriately cut back to reigning WWE Women's Champion, Lita, who has a smirk on her face as she watches the monitor placed in front of her. As Victoria and Stevie celebrate to the back, Molly comes to in the ring and begins throwing an absolute tantrum, pounding her fists on the mat and screaming at nobody in particular. Lita lets out a chuckle and then admires the belt on her shoulder.


Lita: Bring it on, ladies.




Lita's good mood immediately goes glum as Matt Hardy invites himself into Lita's personal space. Her former boyfriend has a big smile on his face as he looks at the belt over Lita's shoulder.


Matt Hardy: Man.... that looks good on you!


Hardy reaches out to touch, but Lita backs away.


Lita: What do you want, Matt?

Matt Hardy: I just wanted to congratulate you. You know I really wanted to win that Royal Rumble last night. And how great would that have been, huh? You going into WrestleMania as defending Women's Champion, me going into the main event for the World Heavyweight Championship. It would have been almost like a storybook!

Lita: We HAD a storybook, you and I. And YOU ruined that. So what, now that I'm the champion you want pretend that you didn't humilate me by breaking up with me on national television TWO MONTHS AGO?


Matt throws his arms up in surrender as Lita fiercely points her finger right into Matt's chest.


Matt Hardy: I made a mistake. But you can't blame me, now can you? I spent months alone on SmackDown while you "built a career for yourself" here on RAW. Which by the way, up until now, amounted to nothing.

Lita: Well sometimes patience is a virtue. Too bad you couldn't wait.


Lita gently pats her championship. Matt shakes his head unimpressively.


Matt Hardy: Something tells me it wasn't your talent in the ring that got you this far.


Lita's jaw drops and she delivers a hard slap to Hardy's cheek. Hardy recoils as Lita marches off.


JR: That was a deeply uncalled for comment by Matt Hardy, Lita has worked her tail off to get to where she is today!

King: She better be careful though! This women's division is heating up for WrestleMania season, oh baby it's hot! Woohoo!


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Two men who are desperately trying to shine their star in time for WrestleMania are Scott Steiner and Rob Van Dam. In what was a closely contest match, RVD used his speed and educated feet to stay away from Steiner's monster arms and suplexes. In the times Steiner was able to suplex Van Dam, he made sure to waste plenty of precious time shouting at the crowd who was hot for Mr. Monday Night. Though Steiner controlled most of the match, RVD was able to rally back with the crowd fully behind him and finally finish Steiner off with a Five Star Frog Splash.


Winner: Rob Van Dam @ 10:09 (77)





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We cut to the back where Jonathan Coachman and Theodore Long are seen hanging out in Eric Bischoff's vacant office.


Coach: Teddy, have you heard from Eric at all today?

Theodore Long: I sure haven't, Coach. And do I ever need to talk to that man. My client Mark Henry got himself a nasty concussion last night at the Rumble and we need to discuss insurance.

Coach: I think there's some more important matters going on than that, Teddy! Come on, look at tonight! Steve Austin just charges in here and makes Triple H defend his title against Booker T on the spot. I mean... Booker T?!

Theodore Long: Yes. Booker T.


Theodore looks into the air and a smirk grows across his face, remembering his talk with Booker a few weeks ago.


Theodore Long: Not sure why you would have a problem with a black World's Heavyweight Champion, brother?

Coach: It's the principle, Teddy! That isn't fair! Triple H just went through hell to beat Shawn Michaels last night. And speaking of last night, I put MY body on the line to help keep those damn Dudleyz from winning the World Tag Team titles. Man, Eric should be thanking ME! You and I have led this brand on our backs while that smug, leather suit wearing, smarmy---




The camera pans out to reveal Eric Bischoff has been standing behind Long and Coach for some time now.


Eric Bischoff: Ah-hem.

Coach: ....good looking, smart, classy, man hey Eric, is that a new haircut? Looking good!

Eric Bischoff: Shut the hell up and sit down.


Coach, with an absolute look of embarrassment, slouches down onto the couch. Eric clasps his hands together as he looks at his two associates in disappointment.


Eric Bischoff: You know the reason I have knuckleheads like you two running around here is so that I know who I can trust to keep things going while I'm away. What the hell is going on here, guys? You're in here complaining about a title shot the "Sheriff" just gave out for free and what did you guys do to even stop it? We have Goldberg causing hell, Kane causing hell, The Undertaker playing with our production trucks. Do I have to babysit?!

Theodore Long: Frankly Eric, that's your job. Not mine. And until I get paid like you do, you can expect to see me sit here before I get kicked or stunned one more time.

Eric Bischoff: Well then there's the door, Theodore! Have a good day. You can take the rest of the night off.

Theodore Long: Very well. i have more important matters to tend to anyway.


Long nonchalantly gets up and swaggers out of the room. Bischoff turns and looks at Coach.


Eric Bischoff: Seriously? After all I've done for you, you're going to sit here and insult me? You were a loser, bullied, nobody, soon-to-be fired announcer. Look at you now! You're The Coach! And that's thanks to ME! And you can't even man up and take control of things when I'm not here? Give me a break!


Bischoff points at a Royal Rumble poster hanging in the room.


Eric Bischoff: See that right there? Everyone's been wondering why I'm helping Triple H so much these last few weeks and.... well... it's not about Triple H. It's not about Evolution. You think I give a crap if Triple H keeps his title or not? What I do care about... is brand image. And Shawn Michaels being the forefront of my brand? Can't happen. After everything he's done to ME, for him to think he can get away scot free and headline a WrestleMania again? Laughable.


Bischoff walks back closer to Coach.


Eric Bischoff: And I sure do hope you were listening there Coach. The always say don't cross the boss, right? Well you better watch your mouth. Because I'm done being bullied here! Whether it's from HBK, whether it's from the so-called "Sheriff", I don't care! I'm the damn General Manager of RAW. ME! ERIC BISCHOFF! I am the only man on this planet to BEAT Vince McMahon. And I'll be damned if I let that ECW slimeball PAUL HEYMAN beat me ever in this timeline. Anyone that gets in MY way? Is going to meet some consequences. Get it, Coach?


Coachman swallows hard and exhales deeply.


Coach: G-got it, boss. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.

???: There you are!




Molly Holly, still enraged from the last 24 hours, locks eyes with Bischoff and stomps right into the office.



Coach: Well with all due respect.... I'm not sure you do.


The crowd ooo's as Molly gives Coach an incredibly dirty look.


Eric Bischoff: Hey, Coach?

Coach: Yes, Eric?

Eric Bischoff: Shut the hell up!


Coach silently slumps back down in the chair as Molly and Eric go back to their conversation.


Eric Bischoff: Molly, deep down, I'm truly sorry what you've been going through. That fatal four way match at the Rumble? Should have NEVER happened. And if I was here I would never have allowed it to. And Stevie Richards putting his hands on a woman of your class? Unacceptable. Allow me to make it right with you, Molly.

Molly Holly: And how are you going to do that?

Eric Bischoff: I promise you that you will get your rematch with Lita, title on the line. One-on-one.


Molly looks to the sky and then back to Eric, almost as if she's about to cry.


Molly Holly: Thank you, Eric! Thank you! We need you here. Please stay this time.


As Molly skips out of the room, Eric looks down at Coach.


Eric Bischoff: See? Not that hard.


JR: Well that's certainly one face I was hoping to not see tonight.

King: I'm just glad Coach isn't running things anymore.... well, was he ever?

JR: I think after his humbling experience last time, he'll stay away from that desk for good. But know this - Eric Bischoff has a lot to answer for. And I have a feeling that neither Stone Cold Steve Austin nor Shawn Michaels are going to be quite pleased with his reasoning.


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Although Vitamin C have certainly not been getting along as of late, the two men were determined to both get on the winning side of things with WrestleMania season in full swing. A win against the Dudley Boyz would make a big statement for both of them. Meanwhile, the Dudley Boyz look to climb back up, dissatisfied with their loss last night thanks to Jonathan Coachman sticking his nose where it didn't belong.


This was a great back and forth match and while Jericho and Christian are both much more accomplished as singles wrestlers as of late, the Dudley Boyz are still the king of the tag team and kept their own throughout the match despite Vitamin C's constant attempts at foul play to keep it on their side. Of course Jericho and Christian's egos got in the way of their team work and some disagreements caused arguing towards the end of this one, even a pushing match. Though the men calmed their emotions and got back into the match, Bubba and D-Von were able to dispatch of Jericho to the outside and greet Christian with a 3D to end this one.


Winner: The Dudley Boyz @ 11:52 (74)



We cut to the backstage interview area where Todd Grisham stands with as-of-yet unseen interviewee.


Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen.... Booker T!


The camera pans out to see Booker T who still has a big smile on his face. He's in his ring gear and ready to go with his unexpected title shot just moments away!




Todd Grisham: Booker T, I have to ask... did you ever imagine yourself getting a title shot here tonight?

Booker T: Man I tell you what.... not a day goes down that I don't think about last year. Back in Seattle, WrestleMania 19... I had my shot! And I could sit here, Todd, and I can talk about how I was cheated, how I was robbed, how I should have won that night. But I ain't gonna do that, ya dig? No matter what happened, I lost. And anything to explain that loss is an excuse. And if you know anything about my life, Todd, there ain't no time for excuses. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and I have always paid the price for them with my time. Well I made a mistake last year, sucka. And I ain't 'bout to make that same mistake again. Tonight! Here in Iowa! Booker T is going to become.... a SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME WORLD CHAMPION! Now can you dig THAT, SUUUUUUCCCKKAAAAAAAAAAAA?


JR: King, you can see the goosebumps on that man's skin right now. Booker T finally has his chance for retribution!

King: Against a Triple H who isn't even 100%, JR! I can't believe Sheriff Austin has done this!

JR: Well I don't think Booker T even believes it quite yet, King! But we've said it before, haven't we? Anything - and I mean anything - can happen in the WWE!




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We come back to RAW to find Jericho and Christian, both looking pretty disappointed after their loss to the Dudleyz moments ago.


Christian: What the hell was that man?

Chris Jericho: What the hell was WHAT? You eating a pin by a guy who looks like he just got done eating me?!

Christian: You fell out of the ring! Just like you fell out of the ring in the Rumble!

Chris Jericho: So did you, assclown!

Christian: Well that's great, let's just go ahead and congratulate the Dudley Boyz for getting another World Tag Team title shot while we sit here on our asses for WrestleMania!

Chris Jericho: I'm about ready to just fight YOU for WrestleMania!

Christian: Oh yeah?!

Chris Jericho: Yeah!




As the boys argue, a very unimpressed looking Trish Stratus walks by.


Christian: Oh good, looks like that match is off. Trish is here to put Chris back in la la land!

Trish Stratus: I.... I don't think so.


Trish shakes her head as Jericho simmers down with his hands on his hips.


Chris Jericho: Trish, I.... I'm sorry about last night. I thought you had it.

Trish Stratus: Well I'm just glad I wasn't pinned. But I'm sorry about you too. Goldberg eliminating both of ya' at the same time, huh? A pity.


Christian scowls as his head darts back towards Jericho. Jericho nervously chuckles and scratches his head.


Chris Jericho: Uhhh, hehe, yeaaaah that was tough. But hey I got some good moments in! I uh.... outlasted Chuck Palumbo!


Trish sarcastically nods her head while pursing her lips.


Christian: Hey why don't you just beat it? Chris has had enough of you and your mind games.


Christian puts his hand on Jericho's shoulder, now best friends already again apparently.


Trish Stratus: Oh? Mind games, are they? Having a bet with who can sleep with whom, totally fine. But these are mind games? Interesting.


Jericho brushes Christian's hand off. Christian backs away with a look of offense.


Chris Jericho: Trish, uh... why don't we go somewhere more private?

Trish Stratus: Uh... excuse me?

Chris Jericho: To talk! So we can talk.


Trish puts her hand on her chin in thought.


Christian: Actually, Trish, why don't you just make like a tree and LEAVE!

Trish Stratus: Alright, great! Fine! You two have fun together.


Trish stamps off as Jericho shoves Christian away. Christian gets right back in Jericho's face as Y2J starts breathing very heavily.


Chris Jericho: What the hell is the matter with you, jackass?!

Christian: LET HER GO! Good grief, man. Just let her go. Imagine where we'd both be right now if it wasn't for this stupid bet. Jeesh.


Christian himself stamps off as Jericho slams his fist against the wall.


King: Man when is Jericho going to give up his pursuit for Trish? Clearly she's waiting for the right man!

JR: And let me guess, does the right man wear a crown?

King: JR! How'd you know?

JR: Love stories aside, King, we're moments away from a slobberknocker of a title defense and it's coming up next. Triple H. Booker T. Here in Iowa! And whether Evolution likes it or not, it's happening right now!


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The Iowan crowd was hot for Booker T, trying to rally the 5-time WCW champion to beat Triple H, which would be considered a monster upset considering Evolution's reign right now. Triple H is perhaps one of the toughest challengers on RAW to beat not just because he is a master wrestler in his own right, but he has tools from dirty tricks to allies who are willing to sacrifice their own bodies for his. Despite this, Triple H had a significant handicap in the fact that he had just been through a very physical last man standing match with Shawn Michaels just the night before. And his very fresh wounds did not take long to get opened back up by Booker T, staining the mat red very quick and giving Booker T much more confidence.


Ric Flair was already ringside for this one, as he always is during Triple H's matches, and wasn't shy about involving himself. Earl Hebner, who is no stranger to laying the law down during Triple H's matches, did a good job at first at keeping Flair neutralized while being focused on the action. However Hebner would eventually get knocked cold by Triple H when Booker T accidentally irish whipped the World Heavyweight Champion into him near the corner. Flair quickly slid in to take advantage, but Booker T kept him at bay, eventually giving him a Book End to knock him right out of the match. Triple H didn't take long to try to attack Booker T from the back however, and followed up with an irish whip into his patented knee face breaker. As Booker stumbles back, Triple H takes advantage of his vulnerable position and sets him up for a Pedigree... but Booker gives Triple H a taste of his own medicine by playing dirty, giving him a low blow while the ref is out. Booker springs against the ropes and hits Scissor Kick! And Triple H is down for the count!








Keep counting, Hebner is not budging. Booker T attempts to wake Earl back up but as he has his back turned...




....Batista finally makes his appearance by delivering a powerful spinebuster to Booker T. As Booker T wails on the ground in agony, Batista helps his mentor Triple H get back to his feet while Flair - still recovering from that Book End - groggily attempts to wake Hebner up. Triple H weakly lifts Booker up and plants him with the Pedigree, collapsing on him afterwards. Hebner shakes the cobwebs off and counts the three. This one is over.


Winner: Triple H @ 14:32 (78)



JR: Damn him! Damn him, King! Booker T fought his damn heart out but he comes out short no thanks to Flair and Batista!

King: Two swings and two misses at "The Game", JR! Booker T just isn't good enough!

JR: Booker T is a spectacular athlete who took Triple H to the limit tonight, but Triple H's attack dogs once again deny him of accomplishing his dream of becoming a World Champion in the WWE. And come on, guys, this match is over dammit! Somebody stop this!

King: Well Sheriff Austin got taken out by Goldberg earlier tonight, I can't imagine he's going to show his face here now is he?




Booker T has no time to process what just happened as Evolution does what they do best - assault the man while he's down. Flair and Batista hold Booker down while Triple lands severeal powerful blows to the head. Booker slumps back down as Triple H lets go and the current World Tag Team Champions start laying the boots down. Triple H slides out of the ring and as he fishes underneath the mat, everyone knows exactly what he's going for.


JR: Good god... it's that dreaded sledgehammer! Somebody stop this! Anybody!


Chad Patton and Jack Doan both rush to the ring in an attempt to stop Evolution from further harming Booker T, but they are effortlessly tossed to the side by both Batista and Flair. Booker is now on all fours, desperately attempting to crawl away. Flair and Batista grab him by the shoulders and drag him back to his feet.


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JR: BY GOD! Shawn Michaels IS here tonight!

King: Wait a minute! He's supposed to be in the hospital!




The fans explode in cheers as HBK is indeed in Iowa tonight, although very obviously just arriving from the hospital and with a slight limp to his step. Triple H drops the sledgehammer where he is and escapes out the ring while Batista and Flair wait for the Heartbreak Kid. Michaels slides in and avoids everything Evolution has ready for him, ducking a clothesline attempt from Batista and greeting him with a Sweet Chin Music. Flair starts chopping HBK, but he's met with a chop himself that sends him right down on the mat. As Flair springs back up, he's also met with a Sweet Chin Music for his troubles! Batista and Flair both roll out of the ring and onto the mats outside while Triple H backs his way up the ramp, holding his World Heavyweight Championship dear.


King: Well like it or not, JR, Triple H is still the World Heavyweight Champion and HBK will never get a shot at it again as long as he is!

JR: True as that may be, I don't expect Shawn Michaels to just sit around and watch as Evolution attempts to dominate. And I'm sure we'll see what Shawn Michaels has to say about all this next week. For the King, we leave you from Des Moines!


Quick Results:


Kane def. Spike Dudley

Goldberg def. Rico

Victoria def. Molly Holly

Rob Van Dam def. Scott Steiner

The Dudley Boyz def. Chris Jericho & Christian


(Dark Match) Shawn Michaels def. Ric Flair

(OVR: 83)

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Oh hello!


Hello Gouge. I hope this message finds you in good health. It's been a long time since the last post here, but I just wanted to drop in and let you know that while it was active, this was my favorite TEW 2020 dynasty on the forum. Real life issues should obviously take precedence, but whenever you return, I would be happy to see you continue this dynasty. I can see you were planting seeds for a number of interesting stories using specific characters, and I would love to see how they resolve.


Thank you so much!


Unfortunately my work schedule changed in a way that really made it challenging to devote free time to this. I kept it on the backburner always intending to come back to it but never could figure out how. Couple of days ago I just said screw it and started typing up the post-Rumble RAW. And boy did I ever miss this!

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  • 2 weeks later...


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January 29th 2004


SmackDown comes to you in Hartfold, CT from the XL Arena, bringing you the fallout from the historic Royal Rumble!




VIVA LA RAZA! Eddie Guerrero sent shockwaves through the WWE when he was able to secure his dream of main eventing a WrestleMania! Eddie Guerrero last eliminated his friend Kurt Angle to earn himself the guaranteed title shot. Eddie will open the show to celebrate his win, but one has to wonder what his plans are for which challenger he will take on. And what will be on the mind of Chavo Guerrero, Eddie's nephew who has been through a rollercoaster of emotions these last few weeks? Or what of the men who had their dreams crushed, especially that of Chris Benoit?


Rey Mysterio was able to retain his Cruiserweight Championship last Sunday and you have to know that the division will be jockeying or position to earn a shot at No Way Out. Two talented Japanese cruiserweights will take each other on in hopes of earning that shot as Ultimo Dragon takes on Tajiri. These are two men who both know each other very well, as well as the champion.




Ernest Miller was able to pull off an upset against Mr. McMahon at the Royal Rumble, no thanks to what can only be the presence of The Undertaker. Miller's ego is likely going to be quite high tonight and although he doesn't have a scheduled match-up, he has made it clear to WWE.com that he plans on issuing an open challenge. Will Miller continue his success or will his mystery opponent prove that he was a fluke?


In tag team action, the FBI will take on Paul London and Billy Kidman as these two young teams look to rise up the division.




Brock Lesnar defeated Hardcore Holly to retain the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble, but that won't stop Holly from continuing to take on Team Lesnar. Hardcore has requested a tag team match against The Big Show and A-Train, two key members of the group. His chosen partner? Bradshaw, who has not been himself since his longtime partner Faarooq was put on the injured list. Could Hardcore Holly help get Bradshaw back on track?


On the subject of Team Lesnar, the young rookie Matt Morgan will attempt to take down another thorn in their side in John Cena. Cena had a great performance at the Rumble and has been steadily rising up the ranks.




Paul Heyman recently revealed to WWE.com that Brock Lesnar will be in action defending his WWE Championship at this upcoming SmackDown against a yet-to-named opponent. Lesnar is confident heading off his victory over Hardcore Holly and we can only imagine that Heyman may have a trick or two up his sleeve for this one. And it's a guarantee no matter who it is, Eddie Guerrero will be watching this one very closely.


Quick Picks:


Ultimo Dragon vs. Tajiri

Ernest Miller vs. ???

Paul London & Billy Kidman vs. Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli

John Cena vs. Matt Morgan

Hardcore Holly & Bradshaw vs. The Big Show & A-Train

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Brock Lesnar vs. ???

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This is an interesting time in the business, nice to see a diary set in this era. Will definitely be following!



Ultimo Dragon vs. Tajiri

Ernest Miller vs. ???

Paul London & Billy Kidman vs. Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli

John Cena vs. Matt Morgan

Hardcore Holly & Bradshaw vs. The Big Show & A-Train

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Brock Lesnar vs. ???

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<p>Ultimo Dragon vs. <strong>Tajiri</strong></p><p>

Ernest Miller vs. <strong>???</strong></p><p>

Paul London & Billy Kidman vs. <strong>Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli</strong></p><p>

<strong>John Cena</strong> vs. Matt Morgan</p><p>

<strong>Hardcore Holly & Bradshaw</strong> vs. The Big Show & A-Train</p><p>

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: <strong>Brock Lesnar</strong> vs. ???</p>

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<p>Ultimo Dragon vs. <strong>Tajiri</strong></p><p>

Ernest Miller vs. <strong>???</strong></p><p>

<strong>Paul London & Billy Kidman</strong> vs. Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli</p><p>

John Cena vs. <strong>Matt Morgan</strong></p><p>

Hardcore Holly & Bradshaw vs. <strong>The Big Show & A-Train</strong></p><p>

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: <strong>Brock Lesnar</strong> vs. ???</p><p> </p><p>

This is so fun. Amazing work!</p>

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awesome diary sorry i didn't see this earlier


Well much better timing for you so you don't need to wait a year to see the fallout from the Royal Rumble! ;):p


Thanks for the predictions guys! I should really start keeping track of those! Haha. Show will be posted in a bit!

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XL Center - Hartville, CT

9,638 fans


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Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SmackDown! And with the Royal Rumble over, partner, one man walked out the winner and will be going on to WrestleMania... and here he comes!

Tazz: Eddie Guerrero shocked the world last Sunday, Cole! Look at the dudes he outlasted... Goldberg, Kurt Angle, The Big Show, the list goes on!

Cole: Winning the Rumble is no easy feat! And that is why the prize is so big! But the question remains - which championship is Eddie Guerrero going to choose to go for at WrestleMania?




Eddie Guerrero indeed triumphantly makes his way to the ring, without his nephew as his shadow. The camera pans several Eddie and WrestleMania signs. "EDDIE" chants drown the arena as the Royal Rumble winner, with a mic in hand, shows off that trademark smile.


Eddie Guerrero: ORALE! What is this BUZZ, holmes? Is this... all for me?!


Eddie places his hand over his chest as the fans continue to chant his name. With a smile, Eddie continues on.


Eddie Guerrero: You know... I never did hear the name "Eddie Guerrero" much for the favorites to win the Royal Rumble! But I am not a hombre who is use to being on top, ese! All my life I've been fighting from the bottom. Hell... even when I thought I almost made it to the top, everything got taken away from me. You see, three years ago I was fired from this company and went to the lowest of lows I've ever endured. But after cleaning myself up and starting back from scratch... I'm back, baby!


Michael Cole: Eddie has definitely had his demons, partner. And he's overcome so much to be where he is today!

Tazz: I've known Eddie for a long time, Cole. I have a lot of respect for this man. And look where he is now! One of the top performers on this brand, no doubt about it. But he still has work to do, Cole! Winning the Rumble is just the first step. Actually winning the championship? That's a whole other challenge!


Eddie Guerrero: I am going to WrestleMania, vato! And to all of those who have supported me and believed in me when even I did not believe in myself... gracias, amigos! Thank you! And for those that have hated on me... well... quite frankly, come mi culo!


Eddie smiles with a shrug as he paces around the ring, now turning his attention towards the empty stage.


Eddie Guerrero: With that said, seems I have a big decision to make! Triple H.... Brock Lesnar.... Triple H.... Brock Lesnar....


Eddie starts weighing his hands up and down, the fans booing both heated villains each time Eddie repeats their name. Eddie attempts to use the crowd reaction to the jeers to weigh his hand further up or down each time he says it.


Cole: A dead heat it seems, partner! Those are two men the crowd would love to see Eddie beat!

Tazz: But those are also two of the most dominate champions, I think, we've EVER seen in the WWE!


Eddie Guerrero: Hmmmm.... I dunno 'bout you, ese, but this seems mighty CLOSE! Let's try another way! I'll give you a name, you give me an ORALE! Hartford, Connecticut, let's hear an "orale" for Eddie Guerrero vs. Triple H!


The fans, despite being in Triple H's home state, loudly shout "ORALE" back at Eddie. Eddie places his hand on his chin with a smile and nod.


Eddie Guerrero: That's a whole lot of "orale's", vato! Okay, okay. Let's try our other option. Hartford, Connecticut, let's hear an---


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Tazz: Uh oh....

Cole: Well Chris Benoit had an absolutely heartbreaking night in contrast to Eddie Guerrero's heartwarming one. Paul Heyman forced Benoit to be the #1 entrant and did everything he could to stop the "Rabid Wolverwine" from getting a title shot at WrestleMania. Benoit had a legendary performance, partner. He not only had the most eliminations, he got all the way until the final FIVE of the Rumble!

Tazz: Well unfortunately for Benoit, Cole, the 29th elimination is the same as the 1st elimination. Only one guy gets to go to WrestleMania and Chris Benoit is not the guy. Benoit definitely could have gone coast to coast last Sunday but he didn't. And now he's INTERUPTING the winner!

Cole: You're not wrong, Tazz. Chris Benoit walked out of the Royal Rumble empty handed, simple as that. And I would have to think that is what brings him out here in the middle of Eddie Guerrero's Royal Rumble victory celebration.




Chris Benoit does in fact march to the ring with a sullen look on his face. Guerrero attempts to keep a cheerful demeanor despite the interruption. Benoit slowly climbs into the ring and grabs a mic of his own, clearly not having the energy he has had these last few weeks.


Chris Benoit: Eddie, pardon the interruption, but I have a lot on my mind right now and I think it's only right that I say it to you personally. I think everyone here knows how important this Royal Rumble was to me. The trials that slimeball Paul Heyman put me through... the promises he broke... the hardships I had to overcome. Eddie, you know as much as anyone how much I want to be the WWE Champion. This Royal Rumble... this felt like it was finally my time. The training, the preparation, the SWEAT, the TEARS, the BLOOD! And when I started tossing bodies out one... by one... by one... by one... by ONE. It was right there in my face. And then John Cena...


Benoit drops his arms, remembering that split second moment where John Cena pushed a distracted Chris Benoit right over the top ropes. Fans give a mixed reaction to Cena's name, being a fan favorite on one hand but many Benoit fans in the audience knowing exactly what he's alluding to.


Chris Benoit: When my feet hit the ground, Eddie... my world shattered. I've never felt a sting that hard in my entire life. This WAS MY MOMENT!


Benoit grits his teeth as his face starts to turn red. Guerrero backs away a bit while keeping a sympathetic look on his face, trying to console his friend silently.


Chris Benoit: Eddie, my moment was but a dream. And when it dissipated in front of me into dust... I saw you standing in the ring alone as the Royal Rumble winner. And I have to be honest with you, buddy... I smiled so big that anyone would think that it was me. The point I'm trying to make here is that if I couldn't do it... I'm damn proud you could. And I really can't wait to watch you kick Brock Lesnar's ass in the WrestleMania main event!


Benoit immediately pulls Eddie in for an embrace and raises his hand up in the air, surrendering his dream of winning the Rumble and completing his revenge on Team Lesnar. Guerrero accepts and pounds his chest with his free hand, dancing his chest out in celebration. Eddie's music begins playing again as Benoit exits the ramp and heads back up the ramp, looking back at Eddie the whole way.


Cole: Well a tremendous sign of respect from Chris Benoit to open up SmackDown here tonight!

Tazz: I mean I'll be honest with you here, Cole... I thought Benoit would try to knock Eddie's block off here just now! Eddie was the man last Sunday. But notfa nothin', he still has a lot of obstacles in his way.

Cole: Oh no doubt about it, partner! And what tremendous pressure he'll have on his shoulders for the next two months as we officially enter WrestleMania season!


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Cole: Wait a minute!

Tazz: Welp, here comes the boss!

Cole: Well I can only imagine what is on that man's mind right now. Heyman has been pressuring everyone on SmackDown that if they won the Royal Rumble, they were to challenge Triple H on RAW to bring the World Heavyweight Championship to SmackDown!




Benoit stops dead in his tracks when Heyman's music hits, standing right in the General Manager of SmackDown's way as he passes the entrance curtain. Heyman has a mic in hand, but stares Benoit down intently before he even thinks about lifting it to his lips. Benoit gets right up to Heyman's face, looking him square in the eyes, before passing him and heading to the back. Heyman turns his attention right back to Eddie and changes his demeanor from intense to delight.


Paul Heyman: VIVA LA RAZA!


Heyman pumps his fist up in the air. The fans give a scattered mix of cheers and boos, only half catching on to Heyman's incredibly phony tone.


Paul Heyman: Eddie Guerrero, I am so proud to have you represent my brand of sports entertainment here on SmackDown. Congratulations! You are going to main event WrestleMania 20!


Heyman pops the microphone under his armpit and reaches his arms out in applause. Eddie nods in determination as the fans chant "EDDIE!" to Latino Heat.


Paul Heyman: Now I can see you already got this fiesta started, Eddie, but before we get too far into the festivities... I just have one simple reminder. I heard what your friend just said and it sounds to me like we need to refresh everyone's minds. I made it very clear what I wanted out of any SmackDown superstar who happened to win the Royal Rumble. And I expect that you are going to hold up your end of that deal. You know last week here on SmackDown I was EMBARASSED! Not only did a RAW superstar breach security and make it to the ring... he put his hands on Kurt Angle. He put his hands on Chris Benoit. He put his hands on BUUUUUH-ROCK LESNAR! And he crashed MY SHOW! And that is totally, absolutely, completely unacceptable behavior! Eric Bischoff and his brand of sports entertainment over on RAW is in complete disarray to the point that he cannot even control his most unstable superstar in the form of GOLDERG!


Cole: I still can't believe what I witnessed last week with Goldberg, Tazz! It was like a car crash out here!

Tazz: A cheap shot from those RAW guys, Cole! Sending in your baddest dude while everyone had their back turned?! Didn't seem right!

Cole: Tazz, believe me that I'm all for SmackDown but... I really don't think Goldberg acted on anyone else's behalf!


Paul Heyman: While RAW continues to sink in desperation... Eddie Guerrero, it is time - now more than ever - to strike while the iron is HOT! Because at WrestleMania 20... it will be Triple H vs. Eddie Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Championship! And when you beat "The Game" 1-2-3... the World Heavyweight Championship will be the property of Paul Heyman's SmackDown!


Tazz: Man do I love the sound of that!

Cole: Give me a break, partner! This sounds like a big ruse to me! Who is Paul Heyman to decide for Eddie what to do?!


Eddie puts his hand on his chin in thought. He raises a finger up after a moment in response.


Eddie Guerrero: Orale, don't you think that choice is mine, holmes? All due respect for you, Paul, but it does say that the Royal Rumble winner can do whatever he wants! And I don't know about you--

Paul Heyman: Let me stop you right there, Eddie! I get it, you have the power of choice. And you absolutely can use your power of choice to take on Brock Lesnar for his WWE Championship at WrestleMania. I am here to tell you that would be STUPID! Not only a waste of time for you, a wasted opportunity for SmackDown! The WWE Championship WILL be defended at WrestleMania against two SmackDown superstars. That's a guarantee! We will discuss this no more tonight. In closing, I present you with this. I figured you would be the type of guy who would need time to think about it, Eddie. So I've gone ahead and made arrangements to give you a preview of what's to come if you do happen to challenge Brock for his championship. So right here tonight, Brock Lesnar will be defending his WWE Championship against... Chavo Guerrero!


Cole: Oh my! What?!

Tazz: A title match here tonight? And against Eddie's own nephew Chavo?

Cole: These are dangerous mind games from here from the boss.

Tazz: Mind games?! What an opportunity, Cole! Chavo could win the WWE Championship right here tonight!

Cole: Come on, Tazz! You know Heyman better than just about anyone on SmackDown. He has something up his sleeve here!




Cameras cut to the the APA "office" where Bradshaw is seen with the Bashams and Shaniqua enjoying a round of cards. Though last week Bradshaw was seen sulking alone in the office, today he seems to be in high spirits as a toothy smile is shown behind the cigar in his mouth. While Bradshaw confidently throws some chips into the already large pot, the Bashams nervously look at each other's cards trying to figure out what to do. Shaniqua stands with her arms crossed behind the brothers, her whip dangling down her side.


Bradshaw: Aw come on Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, why don't you make it interesting here?!

Doug Basham: I dunno Danny, you think he's bluffing?!

Danny Basham: Of course he is! But that's a lot of money on the table. And... some of that...


Danny gulps and looks back towards Shaniqua, who shoots Danny a stern look.


Danny Basham: ...is our "fun time" money!


Danny turns back and flicks his cards towards the middle of the table.


Danny Basham: I'm ou---WOOOOOO!


With a loud *THWACK*, Shaniqua quickly snaps her whip across Danny's back. Doug jumps up from the table and immediately kneels in front of Shaniqua.


Doug Basham: Where's mine?!


Shaniqua quickly whips Doug as well, who yelps in pleasurable pain. Bradshaw looks on in confusion as the brothers pile their cash up.


Doug Basham: Guess I'm out too! We got.... business!


Shaniqua grabs both brothers by their ears and drag them off screen. As the camera pans out to follow them, another individual appears and looks at them in disgust.




Hardcore Holly, the man who is just coming off a very personal feud with Brock Lesnar, will be teaming with Bradshaw tonight against two members of Lesnar's club. And he doesn't look very impressed with what he just witnessed. After watching the Bashams head to whatever sick games they're about to get into, Holly slowly turns back to Bradshaw who shoots a cigar ring out in Hardcore's direction.


Bradshaw: Bummer deal. Couple of freaks, I tell ya. Lost a payday just now, Bob. You want in?


Holly raises his eyebrows as Bradshaw gathers and shuffles the cards back up.


Hardcore Holly: Do I.... do I want in WHAT, Bradshaw? You know we got a match tonight against two guys I'm fixin' to beat the absolute crap out of and my partner is back here playing games with a couple of loony-bins? What the hell happened to you?

Bradshaw: What the hell happened to ME? Shoot, partner, maybe I should ask when you got a stick up your damn ass. When have I been about not havin' a little bit of fun? I play cards, I smoke a cigar, crack open a beer and then I go out there and kick some ass. It's a formula that has done me just fine, thank you very much.

Hardcore Holly: Really? Is that why you got eliminated first in the Royal Rumble?


Bradshaw lets out a boisterous laugh, throwing the cards down on the table with a slam.


Bradshaw: HA! Listen, son, I ain't about to take no advice from a guy who lost just the same as I did. I lost the Royal Rumble, you lost to Brock Lesnar. Cut me some slack, eh?

Hardcore Holly: Well I may have lost to Brock Lesnar, but I had the guts to take him on and I'm not about to stop. You and I are a lot alike, Bradshaw. We've been around the block more than a few times and we damn sure know how to fight. I'll have you know I requested this match tonight.

Bradshaw: Shucks, Bob, I'm flattered you'd pick little ol' me to partner with but you ought to get use to how I do things 'round here. You say that you an' me are a lot alike? Heh, son, sounds to me like you and Paul Heyman got a lot more in common. I'm just here to have a good time. And it's about time ya'll start to understand that. And if I ain't winnin'? Well shoot, who the hell cares? I don't need this job. So grab a chair, Bob.


Bradshaw points to the chair occupied by one of the Bashams earlier. Holly places his hands on his hips and shakes his head.


Hardcore Holly: I'm not here to play games. I'm here to kick ass. Maybe beatin' those two neanderthals today will wake you the hell up.


Holly walks off as Bradshaw starts immediately playing some solitaire.


Bradshaw: The hell with ya', who needs ya!


As Bradshaw continues playing alone with his cards, he looks up at the doorframe with a sorrowful look on his face.


Bradshaw: Ron, buddy, I really need you to get better already.


Cole: Well I guess it isn't just me that has definitely seen a change in Bradshaw since Farooq's injury, partner.

Tazz: Bradshaw is in a slump. No doubt about it, Cole. It's never easy having to completely change your career when you're in such a successful tag team. But having to adapt is part of the business.

Cole: Well whether he wants to or not, looks like Hardcore Holly is going to attempt to change that one way or another!


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Cruiserweights open up SmackDown with a terrific match against two Japanese superstars. With Rey Mysterio knocking off Nunzio at the Rumble, these two knew that this match had a potential title shot up for grabs and they both gave it their all to perform.


Certainly a well contested and back-and-forth match between two competitors that knew each other well. Tajiri's goons Akio and Sakoda stood ringside for this one, but remained relatively well behaved with their arms folded in front of them for the duration of the match.


After a well fought battle, Tajiri took control of this one and got Dragon in a position to deliver his devastating Buzzsaw Kick. While Dragon reeled, Tajiri attempted to unleash the finishing blow. But Dragon was able to avoid the kick and surprise Tajiri with a quick roll up to give himself the victory!


Winner: Ultimo Dragon @ 8:50 (54)



Cole: What an awesome contest between these two! And remember fans, you can only catch the Cruiserweight division exclusively on SmackDown!

Tazz: High flyin' action, no doubt about it. They know how to do it on Team Blue, Cole!

Cole: Absolutely, partner! And you have to wonder with this win where Ultimo Dragon fits within the Cruiserweight rankings and---wait a minute!




Tajiri is clearly not happy taking the loss here tonight nor are his goons Akio and Sakoda. Immediately following Dragon's victory, Kyo Dai corners the Japanese legend in a corner. Not one to run away, Ultimo Dragon attempts to take the trio on. While he lands shots on all three, the numbers game is too strong as they take Dragon down and stomp him down.




Not before long, the Cruiserweight champion himself, Rey Mysterio, comes sprinting down to the ring. Mysterio quickly dropkicks Sakoda, sending him through the middle ropes. Akio swings for Mysterio and is met with a lightning quick hurricarana, sending him tangled into the ropes. Tajiri rolls out of the ring as Mysterio delivers a 619 on Akio. Dragon slowly gets back to his feet as Tajiri retreats up the ramp, being spared from any damage from Mysterio. As he looks on from the stage, Ultimo's music plays once more as Mysterio raises his hand in victory.


Cole: Well a mutual show of respect from Rey Mysterio to Ultimo Dragon!

Tazz: These two have known each other for a long time and Dragon is a worthy opponent as any. What a showcase these two dudes could put on!




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Cameras cut back to Eddie Guerrero pacing outside of the Los Guerreros locker room with a worried look on his face. Footsteps are heard and Eddie looks up to see a familiar face that's been around Chavo and Eddie plenty.




Kurt Angle: Eddie. You know, I guaranteed victory in the Rumble. And I'm very disappointed in myself that I wasn't able to win. But congratulations, buddy. You earned it.


Kurt gives Eddie a firm slap on the back.


Eddie Guerrero: Kurt, ese... thank you. For everything you've done to help me and Chavo. I don't think I would have been in the right frame of mind if I was still so hung up on what he did to me, holmes. When Chavo SLAPPED me across the face...


Eddie begins trembling over his words, but Kurt places a hand on Eddie's shoulder.


Kurt Angle: Eddie! It doesn't matter anymore! You guys are good! Los Guerreros are back! And look at you, Royal Rumble winner! I bet Chavo is proud of his uncle.

Eddie Guerrero: Actually, he, uh... heh. He hasn't said much to me, ese!

Kurt Angle: No kidding? Well, heck, it's a lot to take in. Is he in here?


Angle points to the locker room Eddie was pacing outside moments ago.


Eddie Guerrero: Si, holmes, getting ready for tonight. I was actually about to check in on him. This... punishment Paul Heyman is putting him through doesn't sit right with me.

Kurt Angle: May I?


Angle invites himself right into the room with Eddie following behind. Chavo is indeed inside, doing some warm up stretches by the bench. Chavo shoots up as Kurt and his uncle walk in.


Eddie Guerrero: Chavito, how are you feel--


Kurt cuts Eddie off and gets right up next to Chavo, placing a hand on his shoulder.


Kurt Angle: Chavo, buddy, Eddie was telling me about this punishment Paul Heyman is putting the two of you through. And I'm truly sorry you have to pay the price for that. And I'll have you know that Eddie and I both don't appreciate it one bit.

Chavo Guerrero: Punishment?!


Chavo's arms extend from the side with a look of pure befuddlement. He looks at Kurt with the same expression.


Chavo Guerrero: Punishment?! This is what you two call this? I'm getting the opportunity of a life time! A WWE Championship match against Brock Lesnar, before you're even able to make your choice. And you're already... what, writing me off?

Eddie Guerrero: Chavo, it's not like that. We just know Paul---

Chavo Guerrero: No! I know exactly what you two are thinking. You don't think I can do it tonight! Well Mr. Royal Rumble winner... maybe I will win tonight. Maybe I'll "shock the world" like you did Sunday. Maybe WrestleMania will be Eddie Guerrero vs. Chavo Guerrero! You ever think of that?! Of course you didn't, because the world revolves around YOU!


Kurt steps between Chavo and Eddie with his arms out.


Kurt Angle: Hold on a minute here! What happened to all the progress you two have been making? This is what we're back to? Arguing? Name calling? Cut that crap out right now! You two are FAMILY! Eddie Guerrero is going to accomplish his dream of going to WrestleMania. And Chavo, you ought to be mighty proud of your uncle.

Chavo Guerrero: Sure. I'm proud of him. I'm proud of him for... watching me get tossed right over the top rope by Goldberg. Doing nothing about it! How many times did I go out of my way to save your ass from the Rumble, Eddie?

Eddie Guerrero: Chavo, you know damn well I would have saved your ass from Goldberg but I was a bit tied up, holmes!


Eddie glares at Kurt Angle, who did in fact have Eddie in an ankle lock while Chavo was in his dire situation with Goldberg.


Kurt Angle: You know what, Chavo? Who the heck cares! The Royal Rumble is every man for himself! And if you couldn't beat Goldberg, that's on you!

Chavo Guerrero: Is that what you two came in for? To mock me while I'm down? That's fine! Because it's me who has a WWE Championship tonight, not either of you two. And I better not see either of your faces when I go out there tonight! I'm going to do this alone and you're all going to see what I'm capable of! I'M A GUERRERO!


Chavo huffs off as Eddie looks at Angle with a very annoyed look.


Cole: You know, partner, Kurt Angle really has been going out of his way to, uh... mediate the relationship for Los Guerreros but I don't think tonight was the correct night to do that!

Tazz: Look Cole, I've said it several times before. Chavo has a lot to learn in this business.


Back to ringside, the empty ring is greeted to some theme music which immediately sends the crowd to jeers.


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Tazz: And here comes "The Cat", Cole! And look who still has a job!

Cole: Ernest "The Cat" Miller upset the boss at the Rumble, pinning Mr. McMahon in the middle of the ring. But let's just say he had a little bit of a help from the darkside on that one.

Tazz: An eerie sight that was for sure. Mr. McMahon was knocked out cold in the dark with an ash cross placed on his forehead. Freaky stuff! And Miller took advantage, no doubt.

Cole: I can't help but imagine the ego that's going to be radiating from this man tonight.




Ernest Miller indeed makes his way to ringside, donning that cheetah printed boxer's robe he's been wearing as of late. Jawing with fans as he does best on his way to the ring, Miller wastes no time grabbing a mic.


Ernest Miller: Shut up! Sit your fat asses down! Now all ya'll know that I'M THE GREATEST! You see last Sunday, I pinned Mr. MacMahon. I beat the boss! And I have proved without a shadow of a doubt that I am the absolute GREATEST OF ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIME!


Miller throws his arms up in the air as the fans waste no time chanting "YOU SUCK" at the the former commentator.


Ernest Miller: Oh I suck you say?! Well I say you suck, punks! How many three time karate champions are in this crowd tonight? Oh that's what I thought! Zilch! Zero! Just me! Because you're all a bunch of fat slobs! Well what about back there? Anybody?!


Miller looks up towards the stage, not waiting more than three seconds before continuing.


Ernest Miller: That's what I thought! Fat slobs in the crowd, fat slobs in the back! Sounds about right! Well then I suppose it's time to proclaim me---


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Cole: Ohhh my!

Tazz: Heh, fat slob eh? I don't think Miller was expecting this big fat ass though! Whoa!

Cole: Looks like Ernest Miller's open challenge has been accepted by Rikishi and I don't expect The Undertaker to be very interested in saving him out of this predicament, partner!


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Ernest Miller was clearly in over his head on this one, running on undeserved ego from the Rumble. Rikishi dominated this one very easily, using his size advantage to keep Miller at bay. Miller used underhanded tactics to keep himself alive in this one, administering an eye poke and a quick kick to the jaw to even knock 'Kish down but only a two count kept this one alive. Miller jawing with the fans allowed Rikishi an opening to get back into this one and after a devastating hip bump in the turnbuckle, Miller fell to the ground in prime position for Rikishi to deliver his devastating and humiliating stink face! As Rikishi got in position, Miller used the last of his energy to push Rikishi's big behind towards the referee, who stumbled out of view. Miller used that opening to deliver a very stiff kick between the legs of Rikishi while the referee's back was turned, following up with a spin kick to knock the big man to the ground holding his family jewels. And that was enough to put Rikishi away!


Winner: Ernest Miller @ 7:26 (43)



Tazz: Whoa, Cole, check it out! The Cat, baby! He's done it again!

Cole: Yeah well if it wasn't for that kick between the legs, I'm pretty sure Ernest Miller could be telling us what Rikishi had for lunch today!




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The first of two tag team matches scheduled tonight, this one was definitely set to be a much more fast paced one. Kidman and London tried to keep things in the air while the two large Italians of the FBI kept control using their raw power. Nunzio, just coming off a loss at the Rumble himself, played cheerleader on the outside.


Though the cruiserweights had some close calls, they couldn't outpower the FBI and Stamboli eventually put London away with an impressively powerful gorilla press powerslam.


Winner: The FBI @ 8:16 (51)





After the match, Nunzio reaches under the apron and pulls out a folding easel with a blackboard. Nunzio slides it in as Stamboli sets it up. Palumbo, in the meantime, pulls chalk out from his tights and begins outlining the bodies of London and Kidman, who are both sprawled out in the ring. As officials begin to help the young tag team out of the ring, a painful reminder of what just happened to them paints the canvas in yellow chalk. Nunzio and Stamboli meanwhile have a miniature version of their betting station set up in the middle of the ring as Nunzio curiously grabs a mic. Stamboli and Palumbo start scribbling things down, unseen to the camera with their fronts facing it.


Nunzio: Ay, ay, ay! Listen 'ere! My paisanos here have just made a statement! So take this as a, uh, avvertimento! A WARNING to the tag team division that these wise guys right 'ere are ready!


Stamboli and Palumbo step away and it's revealed they have made a grid with pretty much every tag team on SmackDown listed: Themselves, Kidman & London, Kyo Dai, Team Lesnar, World's Greatest Tag Team, Rikishi & Scotty and even Bradshaw & Farooq, with Farooq's name scribbled out. Curiously, the Bashams are left off. Nunzio continues on.


Nunzio: So you see here is the competition, capice?! We talkin' the tag team championship. So listen up Basham boys! If you were betting men, heh, which I know you are.... you'll put your money on the FBI! So let's open bettin' here boys! Who do you got getting a title shot next?


Nunzio, Palumbo and Stamboli start shouting out towards crowd members to put their money out for bets, security obviously does not allow anyone to contribute to their backstage skit going on live at ringside. A few camera men and staff, however, start pulling wads out of their pockets and tossing them in to the FBI, who starts tallying. The FBI already has three votes from themselves as well as the vote of the time keeper, with everyone else spread thin from the few contributing. Some folks from the back start to trickle out to the ring from Shannon Moore to Chris Kanyon to Funaki looking to put their money on the line.




Cole: What in the world is going on here, partner?! The entire locker room is starting to empty out here!

Tazz: The FBI's betting station has been a hit, Cole! What say you we get in on this?

Cole: Uh... as the SmackDown commentary team, I suspect that to be a bad idea.

Tazz: Well if I was a betting man, I'd say the FBI! Why not?! Look at their impressive win today!




As the ring stays busy with several staff and low carders, the World's Greatest Tag Team head out to the ring just as everyone else so far has done. But it's very clear from their demeanor that they are not there to bet. The team slides into the ring just as Nunzio notices them.


Nunzio: Whoa-whoa-whoa-HEY! It's the World's Greatest Tag Team, fellas! Come to put your money where your mouth is?


Haas and Benjamin look at each other before looking at the board. Haas snatches the chalk from Stamboli and draws two very big lines on their own column before drawing a big X over the FBI's. Stamboli snatches the chalk right back and shoves Haas. Shelton responds with a super kick right to Stamboli's jaw! Palumbo and Nunzio get into it, which leads to the rest of the ring fighting with each other as well. After a short scuffle that results in most of the Velocity mainstays scurrying the hell out of there, Palumbo is hit in the with the chalk board by Haas while Nunzio is tossed right over the top rope by Benjamin. As the FBI comes to, the World's Greatest Tag Team pick up the pooled up cash and look towards the crowd. The fans cheer in joy as the tag team throws the cash up in the air towards the front row, allowing fans to reach up and grab whatever they want. Nunzio is recovered enough to see what has just happened and screams in horror over everyone's money being given away for free.


Cole: Well the games are over, partner! And looks like the FBI is going to owe some money after all this is said and done!

Tazz Talk about party crashers! I mean they could have just bet on themselves if they felt that strongly about it, jeez!




Cameras cut to the back where Torrie Wilson and Sable are situated by the makeup room, their Playboy cover in full display in the back of the room.


Torrie Wilson: So how's Mr. McMahon doing? I haven't seen him tonight.

Sable: You know, ever since Sunday all he's been doing is going on and on and on about The Undertaker! He didn't even offer me a ride to the arena tonight, I had use a rental. A rental, Torrie!

Torrie Wilson: I have a rental.

Sable: I've been riding in a limo since I got here! I'm the SmackDown consultant for crying out loud.

Torrie Wilson: Uh... so, what does the SmackDown consultant do again?

Sable: I... Mr. McMahon consults me on very important.... matters.

Torrie Wilson: I guess not about The Undertaker though, huh?


Sable looks away and rolls her eyes, noticing that somebody is approaching.




It's Team Lesnar member Matt Morgan, who is scheduled to take on John Cena here in a few moments. Morgan has a hand up on his chin and a smile painted across his face. With a chuckle, he approaches the Playboy playmates with confidence.


Matt Morgan: Ladies, please. I know what it's like, first hand, to be in the presence of "The Blueprint".


Morgan puffs his body out and guides his hands down his bodies, nonverbally telling the women to check him out. Torrie and Sable both look at each other unimpressively.


Matt Morgan: In just a few moments, you're going to see why I'm the future of the WWE. Then maybe later tonight, let's see what the future looks like for.... the three of us?

Sable: Hm. You got a limo?

Matt Morgan: Better that. The Team Lesnar bus.

Sable: Oh, that sounds great. Being surrounded by a bunch of big sweaty men and a bald little clown.


Torrie covers her mouth to stifle her laughing as Morgan throws his arms up in the air. Masculine laughing is heard coming from the other side. Sable and Torrie look over and have much more excited looks on their faces as none other than....




....John Cena approaches them. Morgan quickly grows a look of frustration as his upcoming opponent pays a visit.


John Cena: Yoooooooo. Class act there, "Blueprint", you really got a winning "set". Those lines so weak you won't even make Mae Young wet. Don't make the ladies cringe dog, tonight is about you and me. Cause in a few minutes I'm gonna drop the F-U and get the three.


Morgan gets up close with Cena and mockingly smiles at his rapping.


Matt Morgan: Really glad you can rhyme, but now is my time. I'm going to knock your, uh.... head off with my boot, so that, uh.... uh my, uh..... horn can go toot.


Cena backs away from Morgan with a hearty chuckle as the crowd is heard laughing in the background. The girls shake their head at the big man.


John Cena: Man, you must be joking with that game. From your rhymes to your lines, everything about you is lame. No big deal, dog, everyone knows your the Team Lesnar putz. And when I'm done with you tonight, you can choke on deez.....


The fans finish the line with a roaring "NUTS!" as Morgan sternly stares Cena down. Sable and Torrie look at each other with Torrie giving a nod.


Torrie Wilson: Say, John... can Sable and I get some ringside seats?


Cena, Torrie and Sable walk off while Morgan continues to stew where he stands. He contemplates something and begins yammering his mouth a bit before throwing both hands on his head.


Matt Morgan: Turn to soot! TURN TO SOOT! I'm going to knock your head off with my boot so you can turn to soot, that's what I should have said! Dammit!


Morgan stomps off as we cut to commercial.




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Torrie and Sable did indeed accompany Cena to the ring, which obviously angered Matt Morgan who took every opportunity to show off to them. Anytime Morgan would knock Cena down, Morgan would shout towards Torrie and Sable to watch him.


Morgan's brash cockiness was also his downfall as he failed to stay in control for long enough to make a difference. Cena stayed on top in this one and after a FU, Morgan was put down for the three.


Winner: John Cena @ 7:21 (60)



Tazz: Boy am I jealous of that guy right now, Cole!

Cole: John Cena walks away with the victory and gets to lock arms with two Playboy playmates!




We cut to the office of Paul Heyman, who is sat at his desk while Dawn Marie sits on the couch nearby, observing her nails.


Dawn Marie: Ya'know, Paulie, I really think Playboy made a big mistake! I mean come on, Torrie Wilson and Sable are old news, don't you think, like wouldn't you want to see someone new for a change, right, like why not me? Why not Dawn Marie? I'm hot! Don't you think so, Paulie? I mean I really think Playboy is hitting rock bottom, like they're totally desperate you know?


Heyman continues staring into space as a knock on the door is heard. Dawn continues as if she heard nothing.


Dawn Marie: Like I don't know what they were thinking, Paulie. Paulie, don't you agree? I mean come on---

Paul Heyman: Dawn. Shut it. Get the door, please.


Dawn Marie scoffs and gets up from the couch, pulling her very short skirt down as she stands. Dawn's heels clack against the floor as she gets to the door and opens it.




A-Train and The Big Show, two men who have a match coming up soon, step into the office. Big Show's United States Championship is propped up on his very large shoulder, almost looking like a toy in comparison.


Paul Heyman: A-Train... I think it's about time you explain yourself for your little stunt at the Royal Rumble. You eliminate Rhyno? You eliminate MATT MORGAN? And yet you have the audacity to continue to ride on OUR BUS?


A-Train scratches his beard unaffected by Heyman's screaming as Big Show silently stares at his partner tonight.


Paul Heyman: You bet against us, you turn your back against us and you still want to reap the rewards, don't you? You still want to be part of TEAM LESNAR?

A-Train: Ya' can blame me for what happened at the Royal Rumble all ya' want, Paul. I still get it done in the ring. You wanted me to take out Bradshaw last week? I did it. You wanted me to take out Rey Mysterio, I did it. And now tonight? Hardcore Holly is finally going to know he doesn't have what it takes to hang with US!


A-Train slaps Big Show's back, who slaps his hand away. A-Train aggressively gets into Show's face.


Big Show: I think you need to prove that YOU can hang with us, A-Train.

A-Train: Oh yeah? And what makes you say that, SHOW?

Paul Heyman: Stop it! I brought you in here to talk to ME, A-Train. Now listen... you are part of a team. And you better start acting like you're on it. I can get you replaced...


Heyman snaps his fingers.


Paul Heyman: Just like that! I don't need you! You need us. Because without Team Lesnar, you A-Train, are nothing. Now I'll be watching tonight's match.... very closely. Have a good day.


Show promptly walks off to approach the stage for the match coming up next. A-Train takes a moment to stare Heyman down before nodding and walking off as well.


Cole: There's been some serious disention in the ranks of Team Lesnar, partner. And A-Train has been in the center of that!

Tazz: Still can't believe what happened at the Rumble with these dudes. Heyman wanted to make sure that Chris Benoit would be eliminated at the hands of these guys and he outlasted all of them, no thanks to A-Train eliminating Matt Morgan and Rhyno himself.


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It was clear that both sides in this tag team match had some issues. Bradshaw was still clearly not focused and not himself, which obviously frustrated Hardcore Holly. Big Show and A-Train, on the other hand, were also tense with A-Train instigating some verbal arguing between the men.


When the two sides weren't fighting with the wrong partner, this was a very physical and intense brawl between four men who know how to fight very well. Even despite Bradshaw's recent slump, he eventually snapped out of it when A-Train began jawing with him in the ring, instigating a reaction from Bradshaw that made him slap the taste right out of Train's mouth.


A back and forth match between all parties, Show was eventually taken out of the match after Bradshaw and Holly worked together to get him to fall out of the ring and to the outside. Train attempted to tussle to the two brawlers alone in the ring but a Clothesline from Hell from Bradshaw put A-Train away and Bradshaw finally gets a pinfall victory.


Winner: Bradshaw and Hardcore Holly @ 9:17 (61)



Cole: Look at that, Tazz! Is Bradshaw back to his old self?!

Tazz: Man this is a scary duo, Cole. Imagine if they decide to stick together? Watch out, Bashams!

Cole: How about "watch out, A-Train"? I can't imagine Paul Heyman is going to be very happy with him after tonight!




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We cut to the interview set where WWE Champion Brock Lesnar stands with Josh Matthews.


Josh Matthews: Well Brock, you're just moments away from defending your WWE Championship here against Chavo Guerrero. How do you feel about having to defend your title just a few days off from defeating Hardcore Holly at the Royal Rumble?

Brock Lesnar: I don't really care, Josh. See I'm a fighting champion, I can put my belt on the line every single week and it doesn't matter if it's Chavo Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero, Hardcore Holly, Chris Benoit.... hell.... even Goldberg!


The fans go nuts to Goldberg's name being mentioned and starts a small chant. Brock allows the chant to start before mockingly chuckling.


Brock Lesnar: In case you've forgotten, Vince McMahon specifically said that we're in the era of ruthless aggression and he pointed at me as being the prime example of what ruthless aggression is all about. I beat Hardcore Holly in the middle of the ring just like I said I'd do and I'll do the same to Chavo Guerrero tonight. And as far as Eddie Guerrero goes... VIVA LA RAZA, hooooolmes! You want a piece of me at WrestleMania?! I don't care what Paul Heyman has to say about it, I'll show you first hand how that'll go when I wipe the floor with your nephew's broken body. Now if you excuse me, Josh, I have a match.


Lesnar shoves the microphone away from him and walks off towards the stage.


Cole: Well Brock Lesnar is rarely never confident going into the ring, partner, but it's a dangerous game to underestimate your opponent.

Tazz: This is the opportunity of a lifetime for Chavo, it doesn't come easy! Especially outside of PPV! But this is going to be a tough hill to climb, Cole. Lesnar is oozing with confidence for a reason.

Cole: I still can't help but think Heyman has a plan for how this will pan out tonight.


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Paul Heyman was very confident over Lesnar's ability to retain here when he made this match, but that still didn't stop him from sending out Rhyno to accompany Brock Lesnar down to the ring for extra insurance. Chavo came out alone, per his request, although you had to imagine that Eddie Guerrero was watching in the back with much scrutiny.


Regardless Lesnar wanted to make a statement in this match and not only dominated, but toyed with the younger Guerrero too. Chavo still had heart and it was plain to see that he wanted to show everyone he had what it took to hang in the main event scene. Chavo was able to surprise Lesnar with a hurricarana when placed in a powerbomb position and had a short burst of energy from there.




Rhyno stayed behaved before this point, but took this opportunity to try and get involved by grabbing Chavo's foot from the outside. The referee immediately starts threatening to disqualify Brock, which is of no concern to Rhyno due to DQ rules keeping Brock as the champion in that scenario. Chavo, knowing this, runs up against the rope and goes to plancha out onto the Team Lesnar muscle, but Brock springs to his feet to unleash a devastating clothesline. Chavo is, somehow, able to avoid this clothesline by rolling out of the way which leaves Lesnar screaming into Charles Robinson! With the referee down, Rhyno slides into the ring behind Chavo and clubs him from behind!




Like a madman, Chris Benoit comes sprinting down the ring as the previously angered crowd cheers like crazy as the Rabid Wolverine goes right after Rhyno. With chops that could cut down trees, Benoit follows up with a German suplex that sends Rhyno rolling out of the ring. Lesnar immediately starts attacking Benoit, who is fresh as a daisy and shrugs off his powerful strikes. Chavo, with Lesnar's back turned, delivers a dropkick to send Lesnar hurling into the turnbuckle where Benoit offers him a German suplex as well. Chavo, sensing opportunity, climbs to the top rope which Benoit follows suit as well. Benoit hits a diving head butt and Chavo a frog splash onto the WWE Champion.




With Rhyno neutralized and the champion down, one has to wonder when the rest of Team Lesnar will strike. But cameras briefly cut to the backstage area where both The Big Show and Matt Morgan are rolling around on the floor. Morgan is in a pile of glass and Show is next to a very large dent in a roll up door. The camera shoots up to show Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle standing above them, high fiving each other for their effort and keeping their promise to stay away from ringside.


Back to the action, Chavo desperately attempts to wake Robinson up with the WWE Champion laid out cold. Rhyno meanwhile re-enters the ring armed with a chair, but is quickly dispatched by Benoit once again without doing any damage. Benoit picks the chair up for himself while Robinson groggily comes to, clinging onto the ropes with his back turned to get back up. As Chavo gets back up....




Chavo is laid out cold by a chair shot from the Rabid Wolverine. The crowd goes silent as Benoit pulls Lesnar's body up over Chavo as Robinson just barely gets to his feet. 1.... 2.... 3!


Winner: Brock Lesnar @ 11:27 (92)



Cole: This is ridiculous! What is going on here?!

Tazz: Well Chris Benoit came out here to neutralize Rhyno then.... made sure Brock walked out of here champion? I dunno Cole, somethin' tell me Benoit still wants to take Brock out himself!

Cole: Something fishy is going on here! And here comes Eddie and Kurt!




Kurt stays on the stage trying to argue with Benoit as Guerrero runs up to the ring. Guerrero holds his nephew in his arms. On the stage, Benoit shoves Angle away before disappearing behind the curtains with the Olympian following in his path. Lesnar, starting to come to, rolls out of the ring and embraces his championship against his chest.




Eddie brings Chavo to his feet, who can barely stand after just getting hit square on the head with a chair just moments ago. Using the last of his strength, Chavo shoves Eddie off of him, causing him to fall right back to the ground. Chavo rolls out of the ring and begins crawling up the ramp. Eddie again attempts to approach his nephew, who shoves him away again.


Cole: Well Chavo Guerrero is obviously frustrated at how this match turned out. I don't think Brock Lesnar ever expected himself to be this close to losing his WWE Championship here tonight. But to treat Eddie like this is unfair, Tazz. Eddie did exactly as Chavo asked!

Tazz: Yeah but where does Benoit fit into all of this? What is he thinkin' here?!

Cole: I think that can only be answered by Chris Benoit himself. But that'll have to be next week as that is all the time we have for you tonight. From the XL Arena, goodnight everybody!


Quick Results:


(Dark Match) Kanyon def. Orlando Jordan

(Dark Match) The Basham Brothers def. Nick Dinsmore & Aaron Stevens

Ultimo Dragon def. Tajiri

Ernest Miller def. Rikishi

The FBI def. Billy Kidman & Paul London

John Cena def. Matt Morgan

Hardcore Holly & Bradshaw def. A-Train & The Big Show

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Brock Lesnar def. Chavo Guerrero

(OVR: 89)


Tonight's Predictions:


siah463: 4/6

James The Animator: 3/6

TheBigBad1013: 3/6

Blodyxe: 1/6


Overall Predictions:


smw88: 16/24

James The Animator: 12/21

EpicCorey: 10/20

Kijar: 7/15

Crackerjack: 5/8

Munit: 5/8

Mattitude90: 5/8

siah463: 4/6

Hollywood: 4/5

TheBigBad1013: 3/6

Blodyxe: 1/6

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Februrary 2nd 2004


RAW comes to you live from the Great Salt Lake at the Marverik Center in Utah! And with the Royal Rumble far behind us and WrestleMania fast approaching, tensions will be high as the RAW superstars try to mold their destinies in time for the grandest stage of them all!




Shawn Michaels was supposedly hospitalized after his brutal match with Triple H at the Royal Rumble, but made an appearance at the end of last week's RAW to save Booker T from a vicious assault from Evolution. While Shawn Michaels has been banned from ever earning another title shot as long as Triple H is champion per Eric Bischoff's orders, we can expect the Heart Break Kid will certainly be in the house and expecting answers from Bischoff.


Meanwhile, Booker T will get his chance at revenge against one of the men responsible for costing him his WrestleMania 19 rematch against Triple H when he takes on one half of the World Tag Team Champions, the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.




Mick Foley made an ultra-violent return to RAW last week when he challenged Randy Orton's claim of being a real hardcore legend. Though Orton has given himself this title to taunt Foley, Orton is certainly intent on keeping it as he shared with WWE.com, he will be offering an open challenge to any hardcore superstar that wishes to face him. We can be sure that Mick Foley will be keeping a close eye on this one.


In tag team action, La Resistance will take on the superhero tag team of The Hurricane and Rosey as tag teams vie to rise up the ranks in time for WrestleMania season!




Victoria and Steven Richards have made a bold plan to get Victoria the Women's Championship and earn her place in Triple H's evolution and, by proxy, Steven Richards as well! Surely a bizarre plan of action by a couple that's a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but Victoria proved her worth by defeating previous Women's Champion Molly Holly last week! This week, Matt Hardy, who attempted to patch things up with Lita last week, has issued a challenge against the couple with a partner of his choice. But who will the mystery diva be? Did Lita perhaps forgive Matt after all?


Sheriff Steve Austin had some choice words for Goldberg last week and spent a second week in a row getting plowed down by the former World Heavyweight Champion. Before getting speared through a door, Austin challenged Goldberg to rekindle his legendary "streak". Al Snow will attempt to stop Goldberg's momentum in it's tracks as Coachman's Heat commentary partner and Tough Enough trainer takes him live in Salt Lake City!




For the last several weeks, Kane and Mr. McMahon have been getting some eerie visits from what can only be described as signs from the Undertaker. But has the Deadman really risen from the dead after being buried alive at Survivor Series? And what does Kane and Mr. McMahon have planned tonight after discussing "business" last week?


Quick Card:


La Resistance vs. The Hurricane & Rosey

Goldberg vs. Al Snow

Victoria & Steven Richards vs. Matt Hardy & ???

Randy Orton vs. ???

Booker T vs. Ric Flair

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Maverik Center - West Valley City, Utah

11,975 fans




JR: We are live from the red canyons of Utah near the great Salt Lake at the Maverik Center! And King, we are officially on the road to WrestleMania!

King: You said it, JR! It's the biggest PPV extravaganza of the year! But we still have a very big question revolving around WrestleMania... who the heck is Eddie Guerrero going to challenge?!

JR: Absolutely right, King! Eddie has a big decision ahead of him and he has yet to make a statement on which champion he wishes to challenge at the 20th anniversary of WrestleMania! But that, for now, leaves a "stay of execution" for Triple H! "The Game" stated last week he sees no competition on RAW, King... and quite frankly, I can't say I agree!

King: Well come on JR... Triple H has truly been one of the most dominate champions of all time! And nobody can seem to stop him!

JR: I would wager that statement false, King! Triple H HAS been stopped. And he can be stopped again!


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JR: And speak of the devil, King! Here's a man who has pinned Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship!

King: But that was over a year ago, JR! Shawn Michaels has not been able to beat Triple H since. Matter of fact, he never will! Because Eric Bischoff has blocked him from every getting a title shot again!

JR: A controversial call to say the least, which I suppose Eric Bischoff takes pride in.




Shawn Michaels, donning his wrestling tights and an HBK shirt from ShopZone, makes his way to the ring but not before playing to the Utahn crowd. Though we're a long ways from San Antonio, you may as well think we're there as the Beehive State stands on their feet in admiration for the Heartbreak Kid, who has constantly come so close but yet so far in defeating Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. Michaels enters the ring with a microphone and the fans begin to simmer down in anticipation over what Shawn Michaels has to say today.


JR: Lots of emotions are sure to be running through the head of Shawn Michaels, King. He wants to be the World Heavyweight Champion, that is for damn sure!

King: Well he can't be! At least not until Triple H is no longer champion!


HBK leans against the ropes and slowly pulls the mic to his lips.


Shawn Michaels: You know, there's a lot on my mind right now after the rollercoaster that I've been through these last few weeks. For starters, being screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship not once but TWICE!


Michaels shoots two fingers up as the fans boo in reference to RAW in San Antonio and the Royal Rumble.


Shawn Michaels: Now I've already heard the news of this so-called "memo" that got posted last week over how I, Shawn Michaels, will not earn a title shot against Triple H ever again as long as he is champion. And, well, y'know... I can't say I'm COMPLETELY innocent of rumors! But let's just say that it isn't my hottest cup of tea anymore! You see, I'd much rather hear it straight from the horse's mouth. So Eric Bischoff... no more hiding! No more avoiding! You have a lot to answer for. And I want to hear it come from that smarmy mouth of yours in person!


King: Wah! He's calling out Eric Bischoff right before us, JR!

JR: He sure is, King! And he's not wrong, either! Eric Bischoff DOES have a lot to answer for!


Michaels leans against the ropes waiting for an answer but not before long, music hits that is certainly not Bischoff's.


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JR: Well that is certainly not Eric Bischoff, that's for sure!

King: Look at this, JR! Chris Jericho is here to greet all of his Jericho-holics! Now, wait a minute!

JR: The fans here at the Mavrik center seem none too please to see Chris Jericho out here interupting Shawn Michaels, and HBK sure doesn't either!




HBK keeps a curious, yet irritated look on his face as Chris Jericho indeed makes a grand entrance, doing his usual pose after the countdown and pyro hits and taking all the time in the world to blow kisses out to the booing Utahns. Jericho makes his way down to the stage as Michaels backs himself to the center and continues.


Shawn Michaels: Now correct me if I'm wrong here but.... Eric Bischoff, you seem to look just a tad different. You do something with your hair, man?


Jericho sarcastically chuckles as he grabs a mic of his own.


Chris Jericho: Salt Lake City! Welcome to RAW.... IS.... JERICHO!


Jericho shoots his arms out in the air as HBK continues to stare on unimpressed to a similarly unimpressed crowd.


Chris Jericho: And in case you're wondering why I'm out here, Heart Break Grandpa, I'm about to say what everyone else in the back is thinking because none of those peasants are man enough to say it themselves! It's time that YOU go to the BACK of the line!


Jericho points his finger towards the stage as he gets closer to Shawn, who doesn't budge as he locks eyes with Y2J.


Chris Jericho: Yeah! You know, I think we're getting sick of hearing Shawn Michaels this, Shawn Michaels that. So just because you headlined the WWE before you got your stupid little backache you think that you can just walk into any title shot you want, junior?! I think it's about time that someone else gets their shot. And if you want my opinion on who that should be, you can look no further than right HERE baby! I've had an ITCH so deep that it's breaking my skin and that's taking Triple H on at WrestleMania one more time!

Shawn Michaels: Oh! I see! I should let more deserving contenders get a shot at Triple H. Like you, Chris Jericho. Wait a minute... what... are your credentials again, Jericho? Because I'm racking my brain here and I seem to remember one year ago in Safeco Field at WrestleMania 19.... me delivering you a little SWEET CHIN MUSIC for the three! But I digress! You certainly have earned your shot over me, now haven't you?

Chris Jericho: You may have been the better man at WrestleMania 19 but you haven't been the better man against Triple H! And you know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again while expecting a different result. Well, hate to break this to you ol' HBK, but you're suffering from insanity if you think taking on Triple H again is going to make it any different!

Shawn Michaels: I don't need to hear from you what----


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King: And here comes the World Heavyweight Champion himself, JR! I mean maybe someone should ask HIM who he thinks is worthy for a title shot?

JR: Well if you were listening last week, King, like I know you were... Triple H deosn't believe anyone is "worthy" to face him! And I don't expect his attitude to be much different this week after getting some Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels last week after his heinous assault on Booker T!




Evolution, aside from Randy Orton, come out onto the stage showcasing their three championships over their shoulders. Batista and Flair are both dressed in ring gear, Flair already scheduled in a match later tonight, but Triple H is all business. Smacking his gum and fixing his sunglasses, Triple H already has a mic in hand as HBK stands with his hands on his hips, Lemmy's lyrics drowning out his grizzled voice. Flair jaws with the fans nearby while Batista menacingly looks on, Stacy Keibler rubbing her arms down his huge arms.


Triple H: You know, quite frankly fellas, you can THINK whatever you want about who deserves a title shot and who doesn't. Fact of the matter is this... Eddie Guerrero won the Royal Rumble. Eddie Guerrero gets first dibs on which championship he wants to go for. Now if Eddie Guerrero wants to make the biggest mistake of his career and go after THE GAME for the World Heavyweight Championship, well, that's on him. It's his funeral! But regardless of what he does, anyone's wants or needs are IRRELEVANT until that is solved. But Shawn Michaels, hear this and know this.... your chance is done! I REFUSE to defend my championship against you again. Your time is over!


Michaels grits his teeth as he leans up against the ropes, locking eyes with his former best friend.


Shawn Michaels: And who are YOU to make that decision, Hunter?! Just because you and your posse have manipulated yourselves into earning every championship there is to earn does not make YOU the decision maker. So let's hear it from someone who CAN make the decision. Eric Bischoff, I'm still waiting on you! And so is Salt Lake City!


The fans cheer in approval over HBK's request.


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JR: Well looks like Shawn Michaels' persistence has paid off, King, as here comes the General Manager himself. And let's just say this man has been quite involved in Shawn Michaels career as of late.




Bischoff indeed comes out, rosy cheeks and sneery smile plastered from ear to ear as he smacks his chest and waves to the booing fans. Bischoff doesn't stand far from Evolution, folks you'd think he was in bed with as of late, as he begins to speak in the mic he has brought out.


Eric Bischoff: Well thank you so very much for allowing me, on my own time, to come out here and explains some things! Shawn Michaels, how very thoughtful of you! You know, I thought what I said last week was enough but perhaps I should... put it in plainer terms. You KICKED me in the face, Shawn Michaels! For no REASON! I made a call in San Antonio, Texas that I thought was right! It wasn't the decision the fans wanted, but it was the decision that was correct. Your shoulders were down just as much as Triple H's was. And in the end, the two of you fought to a draw. And you ASSAULTED ME! You put your hands on your boss! And if it wasn't for the damn Sheriff of RAW, you wouldn't even have a job Shawn! So consider yourself lucky for even being allowed in this building! Because if it was up to me, you would be... read my lips... FIRED!


HBK simply smirks in victory over being able to keep his job as Bischoff's smile goes to a bright red scowl, getting worked up over these painful memories.


Eric Bischoff: It's as simple as this. This is MY show. This is Eric Bischoff's RAW. And I'm done being bullied to satisfy whoever wants it their way. I don't care of it's "Sheriff Steve", I don't care if it's Evolution, I don't care if it's Chris Jericho or you, Shawn Michaels. So I'll give it to you like this. What Chris Jericho said? Is exactly what I expect of you. Get to the back of the line! IF you want a title shot so badly, instead of just automatically getting one, you're going to have to earn it! So tonight, Shawn Michaels... you will have a WrestleMania 19 REMATCH right here tonight against Chris Jericho! And the prize for such a big time match on RAW, you might ask? How about this? It's something I don't think you've ever possessed, Shawn Michaels. Pride. Tonight, you fight for pride! And you damn well better earn it!


Bischoff immediately steps to the back, followed by Evolution as Jericho and HBK stare each other down in the ring to a cheering crowd, very excited for this match-up.


JR: Well regardless of how that match was just announced, this is a gigantic match between two big personalities here on RAW! Jericho and HBK tore the house down at Safeco Field last year, King! And they can do it again tonight!

King: Oh man, what a big match! And what a chance for Y2J! What if he beats Shawn Michaels here tonight? Wouldn't that make him a top contender?

JR: Well, you certainly would think so! But you heard Bischoff, King. This isn't about contendership. This is about two men's prides.




Cameras cut to the back where Lita is seen flipping through the February edition of WWE Magazine. Shawn Michaels is featured on the cover, but Lita is reading an article where several pictures of current RAW divas are shown. Terri, not yet in her interview form, takes notice of Lita and her magazine.




Terri: Reading up on your competition there, Lita?

Lita: I guess you could say that. I still don't know who I'm defending this thing against at WrestleMania and I have to say, the wait is kind of boring! I just want to get in there, you know?

Terri: You're gonna do great! See you later, Lita.

Lita: Yeah take it easy.


Terri walks off as Lita puts the magazine down. As she looks up, an instantly annoyed look grows over her face. She throws her arms up in the air as she springs up from the bench she was sitting on.


Lita: Are you kidding me right now? Will you ever just leave me the hell alone, Matt?




Matt Hardy does in fact appear on screen, shooting his arms out with his palms waving down, attempting to calm Lita. Lita continues to shake her head as Matt gets closer.


Matt Hardy: Now hold on a minute there, Lita!

Lita: No! I don't need to talk to you. We're through, Matt. There's nothing else to say to you. And if you think I'm going to be your partner in that mixed tag team match, you can forget it!

Matt Hardy: Exactly! You're right, we are through. Matter of fact, I wanted to show you that I have the ability... to move on, Lita. I wanted to introduce you to my partner in that tag team match. As well as my new girlfriend.




Suddenly, Gail Kim appears on screen. Within moments, she is wrapped around Matt Hardy's arm. Lita looks on in disgust.


Matt Hardy: Have you met Gail, Lita?

Lita: Yeah. I have.


Lita looks unimpressed as Matt kisses Gail on the cheek.


Lita: Good for you.


Lita grabs her title and walks off as the WWE Magazine slips off onto the ground. The pages flip a few pages to reveal an article about Matt Hardy himself facing forward. Hardy picks it up curiously.


Matt Hardy: Man, look at this. She's still obsessed with me, isn't she? Oh well.


Gail and Matt shrug as Matt kicks the magazine to the side.


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La Resistance are coming off some embarrassing defeats from Spike Dudley and Jerry Lawler while Hurricane and Rosey have been on a losing streak in their own right. These two tag teams were desperate to right their falling momentum and quickly.


While La Resistance obviously picked on the smaller Hurricane, a hot tag to Rosey spelled trouble for La Resistance but some cheap double teaming put them back in control. Ultimately Rosey was put away with an Au Revoir.


Winner: La Resistance @ 6:09 (61)



JR: Well a strong win from the Frenchmen here to kick the action off here on RAW. And you have to know the tag team division is going to be vying for their chance to take on Batista and Flair at WrestleMania!

King: Boy I bet they are but please, anybody but these two idiots! I'll find a partner myself if I have to!

JR: Well we certainly know your recent history with Rene Dupree, King! Maybe you should be grateful, it's what earned YOU your Royal Rumble spot!

King: I'm grateful for one thing, JR, and it's that these two are heading right to the back and not singing that awful French national anthem!

JR: You know, I can't say I disagree with that assessment there, King.




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raw - last monday


Stone Cold: Well I ain't sure what kind of statement you're trying to make but I'll tell ya' this... you want to be on WrestleMania? You want to show the WWE who the real Goldberg is? Well I think it's about time you go back to what made you the man that I was supposed to be worried about. Because the moment I see your shoulders down for the three count, my faith in you is gone and your employment here is no longer needed! And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!


Austin huffs away from Goldberg, heading towards the door out. Goldberg slowly looks his direction and nods his head up.


Goldberg: Hey.... Austin.


Stone Cold stops in his tracks and turns back towards Goldberg. But before he can say a word, Goldberg unleashes a deadly spear that crashes both himself and the Sheriff of RAW right through the wooden door to his locker room.


JR: Good god almighty! What the hell has Goldberg done here?!







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Al Snow tried to take an early advantage of this one, rushing Goldberg as he got into the ring with stomps and strikes. Nothing seemed to really do much however as Goldberg simply shrugged off anything the Tough Enough trainer brought to him. After letting Snow have his brief moment of fun, a stiff clothesline took Snow down. Following that, Goldberg engaged in his usual onslaught of offense, putting Al Snow away with a Jackhammer after his patented Spear.


Winner: Goldberg @ 2:25 (68)



King: Wah! Well another quick victory for Goldberg here on RAW!

JR: Goldberg is a freak of nature, that is to be sure, King! But you have to wonder what is on the mind of the Rattlesnake right now after what he did to him last week!


Goldberg wastes no time heading to the back, cameras following him as he exits the stage and marches past the gorilla position to the corridors.




Todd Grisham: Wait one moment, Goldberg! A word, please?


As has been common in weeks past, Todd does not get an interview with Goldberg as he brushes past him and heads towards his dressing room. Cameras follow him as he continues down the long corridor before making a turn. Goldberg stops at his dressing room and notices that his door is no longer there, having been kicked down to the floor. Out from his dressing emerges a man who went through a similar door last week.




Goldberg simply snarls as he sees the Sheriff of RAW stepping out back out of the dressing room with a soft chuckle.


Steve Austin: Guess you ain't gonna be running me through a door today now ain't ya', ya' sonbitch?


Goldberg has no response as he continues to glare.


Steve Austin: So you went out there and beat Al Snow. What? I said you went out there and beat Al Snow. What? What? What? Is that supposed to impress me? Is that supposed to make me fear you? Is that supposed to make me shake in my boots? EH EH!


Austin points his finger in Goldberg's face, who continues to lock eyes with the Rattlesnake.


Steve Austin: Seems to me you see it fit to just roll with the punches, Goldberg, so might I offer you some more advice? If you're waiting for Eric Bischoff to offer you a better variety of matches, I suggest taking the next two months off. But if you want to show everyone what your made of, there's bigger fish to fry. And now's the time to get you a catch, son.


Without as much as a goodbye, Austin simply walks off as Goldberg marches back into his door-less dressing room.




We cut to the office of Eric Bischoff where Jonathan Coachman and Teddy Long are once again seen lounging around not doing much. Teddy is reading a book while Coachman is seemingly taking a nap with feet kicked up on the desk and his cap covering his eyes. The door is heard opening, where we can hear Bischoff's voice.




Eric Bischoff: Alright, here's the suite. Go ahead and make your---wait a minute, excuse me.


Bischoff is clearly talking to someone outside the hall, but they remain unseen as he ducks into the office. Teddy looks up from his book and nods.


Theodore Long: Eric.


Bischoff marches over to his desk and grabs Coachman's feet, swinging them off the desk. Coachman springs up in surprise, his hat flying off onto the ground.


Jonathan Coachman: WHOA! Yo! Hey! Eric! Man, Teddy and I were just talking about you! Good to see you, boss. I really liked how you handled Shawn Michaels tonight! Good stuff!


Coachman nervously chuckles as he stands up from the desk, noticing some drool on the top of his shirt. As Coachman frantically attempts to wipe it away from his shirt, Bischoff approaches Theodore Long, who continues to read on his guest chair.


Eric Bischoff: You know, I thought last week would send a message to you two buffoons but evidently not. What am I paying you for, exactly?


Theodore nonchalantly looks up from his book.


Theodore Long: I'm still waiting for an answer on how you plan to handle my client Mark Henry's injury, Eric.


Bischoff takes the book out of Long's hand and neatly places the book back on the desk.


Eric Bischoff: That's a matter we can discuss on MY time. You don't get to just lounge in here whenever you please, all due respect, Mr. Long! And you...


Bischoff turns his attention towards Coachman.


Eric Bischoff: I don't know what the hell you think you're doing but I'm about done with it! I don't need either of you in here. I don't need your input, I don't need your advice, I certainly don't need your help. Beat it!


Theodore Long leaves without hesitation. As he heads to the hallway, he notices Bischoff's still unseen guest and nods.


Theodore Long: Miss.


As Long disappears, Coachman doesn't seem to be in any rush to leave, instead placing his hands on his hips.


Jonathan Coachman: Now wait a minute, Eric! After all we've been through, you and I... the sacrifices I've made for you! What am I supposed to do?

Eric Bischoff: That's for you to figure out, Coach. Not me. But no, you know what? I'm glad you're here Coach because I'm going to show you how easy it is to replace you. You see, let me introduce you to my new secretary. Bobbi? Bobbi!




A jaw-droppingly gorgeous young blonde walks in, heels clacking on the ground. Coach's eyes bug out as he notices Eric's new secretary Bobbi, who has a few buttons missing from her blouse to show off the credentials that likely got her hired. Bobbi walks over to the desk and leans over it, showing off even more. Coachman visibly gets sweaty as he wipes his brow.


Jonathan Coachman: Gosh, Eric, you know.... on second thought, maybe... maybe this could be the start of a beautiful co-partnership you know?


Coachman tries to get closer to Bobbi, but Bischoff swiftly throws his arm between the two.


Eric Bischoff: This beautiful partnership? Is over. Go find something else to do, Coach. Your services are no longer needed.


Bobbi takes a seat at the desk as Coachman hangs his head low, heading out the office.


King: Wah! Oh man, JR. You know normally I don't think Bischoff has the best taste but woohoo! Look at those puppies, JR!

JR: Well we know puppies makes your world go round now don't it, King?


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Victoria and Gail started this one off, having a very evenly matched and competitive women's match with both men doing everything to root on their girl. Just when Victoria started to take control of the match, however, Hardy quickly reached in for a blind tag on Gail to stop her momentum and per rules of mixed tag, make Steven Richards the legal man immediately. Victoria and Gail continued to fight on the outside while Hardy and Richards fought on the inside. And while Stevie did everything to try to keep things competitive, Hardy was the better man. After a Twist of Fate, Stevie was down for the count.


Winner: Matt Hardy & Gail Kim @ 5:58 (49)



King: Looks like those two kooks aren't joining Evolution anytime soon! And look at Gail Kim, JR! Can you believe Matt was able to win her over?!

JR: Gail Kim is certainly quite a catch. She won the Women's Championship on her first match here in the WWE if you remember, King, and a phenomenal athlete is she. But I can't help but imagine that Matt Hardy has an agenda here.




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For the second time tonight, Evolution's theme plays but this time it is Randy Orton and his beautiful valet, Jackie Gayda, heading to the ring. Jackie holds up Randy's shiny Intercontinental championship as the brash, cocky third generation superstar poses in front of his pyro.


King: Do you know what I'm looking at right now, JR? A real hardcore legend!

JR: Well I would certainly beg to differ on that claim, King. A phenomenal young athlete with a very bright future is Randy Orton, no doubt about that. But to call himself a hardcore legend is simply an insult to the sacrifices that someone like Mick Foley has put himself through!




Gayda follows the self acclaimed "Legend Killer" down the ramp and into the ring where the cocky youth again throws his long arms out to pose. The camera pans around dozens of Foley signs and shirts throughout the arena while the crowd themselves chant "Foley!" at the top of their lungs. Unaffected, Orton simply smirks.


Randy Orton: You know, let me set the record straight one more time.... first of all, I AM the true hardcore legend of the WWE! Second, Mick Foley is STILL a coward! Mick, if you're listening... ambushing me with my back turned at the Royal Rumble doesn't change your reputation. And last week when you assaulted me after I rejected your very generous offer? Still makes you what you are, Foley. You are a coward. You are past your prime. You are FINISHED! History! And quite frankly, not a legend worth "killing". Because you're already dead!


Orton looks off onto the stage, hesitating in case Foley attempts to interrupt again. Alas, silence. Much to the chagrin of the crowd.


JR: Disgusting. What grounds does Randy Orton have to say a thing like that? Mick Foley stood up to the plate and Orton backed away last week! What does that make Orton?!

King: Foley took too long, JR! Randy Orton's a busy man! And a lot of people want a shot at that Intercontinental Championship! What has Mick Foley done to deserve that title shot?!


Randy Orton: So here's the deal... I have nothing to prove to you personally, Foley. But as a service to these fans? I'm going to show everyone why I'm the real hardcore legend. So this Intercontinental Championship being held by my lovely assistant?


Gayda raises Orton's title up high, Orton touching it with his palm before continuing.


Randy Orton: ...is up for grabs tonight! But there's one catch. I will only defend this championship against a hardcore legend in their own right. Anyone but, that is, Mick Foley. So if there is anybody here in Salt Lake City that meets those credentials.... take me on! No holds barred!


King: You see that, JR? Randy Orton is certainly not a coward issuing a challenge like that!

JR: Well I can't disagree with you there, King. This is an unexpectedly bold proposition by the young Intercontinental champion.


Orton stares off onto the stage in wait. Not before long....


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King: Wah! Not that idiot!

JR: Well that "idiot" is a former ECW World's Heavyweight Champion and 17-time Hardcore Champion, King! That "idiot" defines what hardcore is all about and by God, if Randy Orton wants a hardcore match, he's got one in the form of Tommy Dreamer!




Tommy Dreamer gets a respectable reaction from the Salt Lake City crowd wielding a kendo stick as he shouts on the ramp with his arms extended. Whacking his own head a few times with the stick, Dreamer points it towards Orton who slowly gets more and more concerned with Dreamer's conduct. Dreamer wastes no more time, sliding right into the ring and pursuing Orton with the kendo stick as officials sound the bell.


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Dreamer started this one off violent right away, continuing to crack that kendo skin against Orton's skin. Orton wasn't expecting to be ambushed at the start of this one and was obviously unprepared as Dreamer took Orton to the outside and began to grab more toys. A trash can and lid made their appearance, leading to Orton getting bashed with both objects. Dreamer continued to stay in control with the use of weapons, but once things got back in the ring, Orton was able to take advantage and stay on top in standard wrestling fashion. Orton was able to give an RKO to Dreamer in what could have been the finish, however Orton would roll back out of the ring and go digging under the ring. Orton practically crawled all the way towards the center, looking for something specific. He would emerge would a barbed wire board.


As Dreamer lay out from the RKO, Orton set the barbed wire board up in the corner turnbuckle. Dreamer groggily attempted to recover, but Orton would pick the former ECW Champion back to his feet and throw him head first into the board. Dreamer would immediately sliced open on the forehead and Orton covered Dreamer for the win.


Winner: Randy Orton @ 10:04 (67)



King: Well it looks like to me Randy Orton is truly a hardcore legend! Look what he's done to Tommy Dreamer! The lights on but no one's home!

JR: Tommy Dreamer gave Orton hell, that's for sure. But Randy Orton walks away with a victory here. And what the hell is this? What more is there to prove?! Somebody stop this!


Orton is not quite done. Even after causing Dreamer to go through a barbed wire table, Orton wishes to cause even more damage. He kicks Dreamer a few times for good measure before heading towards the ropes where he motions for Jackie to give him something. Gayda reaches down into her blouse and pulls out a brown pouch, tied on the top. The fans know exactly what Orton is playing around with. Orton pulls the string and with a demented smile on his face, pours the contents of the bag onto the ground: hundreds and hundreds of steel thumbtacks.


King: Waaaaah!

JR: By God, somebody put a stop to this! You proved your point, Orton!


As the lights glisten off the devlish tacks on the ground, Dreamer winces in the corner turnbuckle, still unable to move much after being driven through that table. He knows what's on the ground but as Orton picks him up, his body is not letting him fight back.




Mick Foley has seen enough, however! And out he comes hobbling down the ramp as fast as he possibly can. Orton quickly attempts to drag Dreamer over to the tacks, but is not quick enough to execute before Foley can get to the ring. Orton pushes Dreamer aside, letting him safely roll out to the mat as Foley begins giving Orton the strikes. The two brawl it out in the center of the ring, getting closer and closer to that deadly set of tacks on the floor.


King: Oh my God, get out of there Randy! Can you imagine what those thumbtacks would do to his body? Waaah!

JR: I bet Mick Foley could tell him what it does to the human body! And we've both seen it King, it's bowling shoe ugly out here and if this isn't broken up now, somebody is bound to leave here in an ambulance!




As Foley begins to get the advantage closer to the tacks, a rather large man in the form of Test is seen running through the backside of the crowd. Jumping over the barricade and sliding into the ring, Test is without hesitation in nailing his big boot into the back of Foley's head. For the second week in a row, Orton is able to slip away relatively unharmed from Foley's assault thanks to Test, the man Foley caused to be eliminated in record time at the Rumble. Foley is driven down to his knees, holding the back of his head in immense pain from the power of Test's foot. Looking at the tacks on the ground, a smile grows over Test's face as he sets Foley up for the pumphandle slam..... and executes it right on top of the tacks! Foley writhes in pain as Test stands tall, finally exacting his revenge on Mick.


JR: By God what absolute carnage out here! Two men have been beaten senseless, blood and flesh ripped right from them here tonight!

King: And those two men happen to be Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer, JR! But look who is walking to the back without a scratch!

JR: "Without a scratch" is a bit of an over exaggeration, King. Dreamer gave Orton a fight and if the so called "Hardcore Legend" wants to continue shaking that tree, there are bound to be much more bloodier brawls waiting his way!




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We cut back to Bischoff's office again following the commercial where he and Trish are seen in mid conversation, his new secretary Bobbi is bent over filing paperwork in the background.


Eric Bischoff: No, no, you're absolutely right Trish. You deserve to bounce back, I think some... unforeseen circumstances have held you back here on RAW.

Trish Stratus: To say the least! Look, Lita and I pioneered this division. What better way to give back to the fans at WrestleMania 20 by putting us against each other? We'll put on a show that'll be 100% Stratusfaction.


Trish winks as Bischoff gives a firm nod. In the doorway, an eavesdropper pokes her head into the door.




Molly Holly, highly irritated look on her face, marches into the room.


Molly Holly: Hold on here, Eric, are you two.... are you two conspiring a title match here? Trish Stratus vs. Lita at WrestleMania 20, did I hear that right?

Eric Bischoff: No, Molly, you didn't hear anything. We're just talking. Maybe next time set up an appointment with my secretary.


Bischoff points at Bobbi, who's cleavage is practically falling out of her blouse as she leans over the desk filing more paperwork. Molly marches over to her and pulls at her shirt.


Molly Holly: THIS? This is the type of BIMBOS off the street that you hire?


Molly aggressively buttons up two buttons going up Bobbi's blouse, covering her cleavage entirely.


Molly Holly: You missed a spot there, honey. Eric, I should have known last week was too easy to be true. You PROMISED me a title shot against Lita! So where is it?!

Eric Bischoff: Look Molly, you caught me off guard last week. Competition in the Women's Division is heating up right now! And WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year. I'm not just handing a title shot to anybody! I promised you would get a title shot eventually. And you know what? Eventually, you will.




Right on cue, more eavesdroppers pile into the office, which is becoming to get very cramped. Victoria and Stevie quickly scurry in.


Stevie Richards: Did you hear that, flower?! Eric Bischoff is just going to give Molly Holly a title shot even though YOU beat her last week!

Victoria: WHAT?! But... our plan!

Stevie Richards: And look who else is in here! Look who else he's giving a chances to!


Stevie points at Trish, who backs away, not in the mood for a fight with her long time nemesis. Victoria stares a hole into Trish.


Victoria: Triiiiiiish. TRIIIIISH!


Victoria's teeth almost pop out of her mouth with how hard she bites down. Bischoff steps in between the two.


Eric Bischoff: Cut this out! My patience is running low! Bobbi, help me out here!


Eric's new secretary, in fact, has absolutely no idea what to do or how to handle this situation. She continues to try to readjust her blouse which Molly had corrected.


Eric Bischoff: Somebody?! Look, everybody out! We'll do this some other time!

Molly Holly: Some other time?! You can't just break promises and run away, Eric! You need to fix this! I'm counting on you to back me up here!

Stevie Richards: Back off, Molly! My flower beat you fair and square last week! Victoria should be the #1 Contender!




Bischoff's office begins to look like a New York City subway as Matt Hardy and Gail Kim squeeze through the door, Hardy with a look of puzzlement on his face.


Matt Hardy: Excuse me for barging in here, Eric, but how are you going to let this clown seriously say that when me and Gail Kim beat them tonight?! Doesn't that make Gail a contender? I mean come on!

Trish Stratus: Where has Gail Kim even been before today? You can't just launch yourself into a title shot!


Molly Holly: Eric, you PROMISED it to me!


Bischoff throws his hands up.


Eric Bischoff: ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Cut it the hell out right now or I'll have Lita take on the Fabulous Moolah at WrestleMania and feel free to call me on that bluff! Okay?! Now listen.... clearly competition in the Women's Division is at an all time high. Well that's great for Lita. That's great for WrestleMania! So let's make it fair. Starting next week we'll have ourselves a tournament featuring the four of you ladies. The winner will take on Lita at WrestleMania 20 for the WWE Women's Championship. Now get the hell out!


Mostly everyone, satisfied with Bischoff challenge, leaves on their own but that doesn't stop Bischoff from helping to push everyone out the door. As the bodies all disappear beyond the door. Bischoff slams it shut and leans up against it, banging the back of his head purposefully. He lets out a deep sigh, but jolts and bugs his eyes out at the screeching noise that follows behind the door.




JR: By God, you got to know it's WrestleMania season, King, with how hungry these women are for title shots. But not everybody can make it to the grandest stage!

King: Definitely not, JR! WrestleMania is like the SuperBowl for the WWE! And not everybody gets to be the Panthers or the Patriots!

JR: And if you're lucky enough, you can walk out of WrestleMania like Adam Vinatieri did last night!

King: And if WE'RE lucky, one of those divas will walk out like Janet Jackson did last night! Woohoo!




We cut to the back as Vitamin C seem to be in good spirits tonight, smiles on their faces, as they talk in the corridor outside Jericho's dressing room.


Chris Jericho: See this is the step in the right direction, junior. I called out HBK for exactly what he is, a glory hog! And when I beat him tonight, I'm destined to take Triple H on at WrestleMania!

Christian: Hey, I'm happy for you, pal. I really am. It's a good opportunity for you.

Chris Jericho: For me?! No, no, look buddy. This is a good opportunity for US! Because you see, when I knock Shawn Michaels flat on his ass today, it's going to be all about you and me, Vitamin C, bay-bay!


Jericho and Christian do a cheesy air guitar before laughing at themselves.




Of course that good mood quickly goes sour, at least for Christian, as Trish happens to walk by the boys after just finishing with Eric Bischoff down the hall.


Chris Jericho: Hey, Trish! Main event, baby!


Jericho attempts to continue egging Christian on in their game, which Christian no longer does as he glares at Trish. Trish gives Christian the same look but giving Jericho a simple nod.


Trish Stratus: Good for you. Good luck.

Chris Jericho: Hold on! This is one of the most important matches of my career here! I could go to WrestleMania if I win this thing! I can get my rematch against Triple H that I've been DYING to have since he beat me at WrestleMania 18.

Trish Stratus: Chris, I'm happy for you. Truly. Good luck.

Chris Jericho: Well, could you.... you think.... maybe you could join me ringside? Look, I really could use the support tonight.


Christian, miffed, throws his arms up.


Christian: Whoa! What about me?!

Chris Jericho: Well the more the merrier!

Christian: You've gotta be kidding me. Good luck to you, "pal"!


Christian stomps off in frustration as Jericho is left alone with Trish.


Chris Jericho: Forget him. Look, Trish, really.... it would mean a lot to me. I would appreciate it is all.

Trish Stratus: You know I really.... can't stand being around him. You know that right?


Trish points in the direction that Christian had left. Jericho closes his eyes and nods his head.


Chris Jericho: He's.... a handful. I get it. He really does like you, Trish, I think he just... he's worried about me getting hurt.

Trish Stratus: Oh! You getting hurt, I see.

Chris Jericho: You know what I mean, Trish! He's my best friend. He wants the best out of me. And considering everything that happened.... yes, we were jackasses. And you have every right to not trust us. But let's start making it right.

Trish Stratus: You're persistent.

Chris Jericho: Hey, persistence is how I became the very first Undisputed champion in WWE history!


Trish looks down and smiles before looking back up at Jericho.


Trish Stratus: I'm not coming out with you. But I'll watch from ringside. Maybe I'll join JR and King.

Chris Jericho: Thank you. It really means a lot to me that you'd do that for me. I'll see you out there!


Jericho excitedly slips into his locker room as Trish continues to smile outside his door.


JR: You hear that, King? Sounds like we're getting a guest for the main event tonight!

King: Oh man! I can hardly contain myself! How does my crown look? My cologne still strong?

JR: Is that what that smell is?


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https://www.youtube.com/embed/cs839vIOhAM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


King: Waaaah!

JR: By God! Well this is a man that never fails to send goosebumps running down your neck, King. Kane has been getting terrorized by the mind games of his big brother, who we all thought was gone for good!


Kane marches down to the ring, looking frantic as he has been these last few weeks, shouting at the crowd and at the crew.




Kane continues to yell at the timekeeper, the cameramen and even ring announcer Lilian Garcia. Kane climbs into the ring and continues to shout.




Kane paces around the ring angrily.




Kane continues to pace, his boots nearly going through the mat with how heavy his march is.


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https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZSns9S5XAjw" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


JR: Well here comes "the boss", King, and it seems he and Kane are in similar situations here with the bridges they burned against The Phenom!

King: Wah, be careful out there Mr. McMahon!




McMahon indeed comes storming out to the ring, but not taking any time to milk the crowd as he hustles, pointing his finger and shouting inaudible commands at the monster Kane.


Vince McMahon: Kane! KANE! This is not the place to do this!



Kane continues to look up towards the rafters, at the stage, through the crowd, looking high and low as he stamps around the ring.


Vince McMahon: The Undertaker is not here, Kane. The Undertaker is dead. We buried The Undertaker. Do you understand me?


Vince places his hand on Kane's shoulder.


Vince McMahon: WE BURIED HIM! BURIED HIM ALIVE! And he's never coming back, dammit. Now whoever has been playing with our production trucks, well, quite frankly... I don't get the gag, pal. But I'm going to find out who is behind this. And when I do.... YOOOOOOOOU'RE FIIIIIIRED!


<iframe width="75" height="75" src="

https://www.youtube.com/embed/gRILs-DTSxs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


King: What the?!

JR: Well I'm not sure what Scott Steiner is thinking coming out here at a time like this!




Scott Steiner indeed comes out onto the stage, wearing his usual chainmail garb as he pumps his gigantic arms into the air. Kane pays no attention to Steiner as he continues stomping around the ring.


Scott Steiner: Now I dunno bout you, but I'm a little confused here over why everybody's just running scared like a little BITCH over The Unnertaker!


Kane gets up close to Steiner after he mentioned his brother's name. McMahon quickly snaps back.


Vince McMahon: And who the hell do you think you are coming out here, Scott Steiner?

Scott Steiner: I'm the man with the largest arms in the world, Vince! And I think it's time we challenged The Unnertaker like men! Cause you see, playing with the lights don't do nothin' to scare a guy like me! I see how the guys in back are hiding behind the benches and ducking behind their fat ass girlfriends when that gong hits! Well I come to show The Unnertaker I ain't scared of nobody! Huh!


Steiner pumps his arms up as he stares back up at the stage next to Kane.


Vince McMahon: Quite frankly, Kane, if you want to continue this charade then you have it. I have a company to run! And I don't have time to be dealing with these sick mind games from an intern in the back!


McMahon climbs out of the ring and begins to head up the ramp as Kane continues to pace. Predictably enough, the lights do indeed go dark.


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https://www.youtube.com/embed/T2YP4A7RAeI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


King: Waaaah! There it is again, JR!

JR: And something tells me that this isn't some "intern in the back" as Mr. McMahon put it! Do you feel that chill, King?!


The lights remain dark as Kane is heard screaming for The Undertaker in the ring. A loud thud is heard as Kane continues to scream. As the lights return, Mr. McMahon is curled up in a ball on the stage, holding his head, but looks to be in defensive mode and unhurt. He slowly stands back to his feet and hurries to the back. Kane is still standing, promptly climbing out and running to the back to catch The Undertaker, who has seemingly vanished... or was he ever here? Scott Steiner, however, has been laid out cold. And on his forehead is a similar ash cross that was painted on Mr. McMahon's forehead at the Royal Rumble.


King: JR, look!

JR: By God, King. It's that cross symbol that was etched on Mr. McMahon's forehead two Sundays ago! And this brother vs. brother rivalry gets eerier and eerier by the week!




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Back from commercial, Booker T is seen heading to the ring for his upcoming match against Ric Flair. But in his tracks, he is stopped by a familiar face.




Theodore Long, who offered a proposition to Booker T weeks ago, appears in front of him.


Theodore Long: Booker T, it is an understatement to say how truly disappointed I am in you not returning my calls, ba'lee that.

Booker T: Look Teddy, I ain't down with that, sucka. So don't involve me in no games you be playing. I'm about going out there and doing the thing, you dig? I don't need you guiding my career. I already know how to guide myself! Now can you dig that?


Booker walks away before Teddy gets a word in edgewise. Long shakes his head as Booker heads out to the stage.


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Ric Flair would predictably be accompanied by Batista AND Stacy Keibler in this one while Booker was in this solo. Flair is already a tough opponent to take out and with the interference factor still being an issue, Booker failed to stay in control for much of this match. Booker went in hot but one of the dirtiest player's old tricks or a Batista distraction would put this right back in Flair's hands.


Booker T began to rally back with the fans wholly behind him, Flair making the mistake of attempting to jaw back with the Utahn crowd. Booker was able to nail Flair with a Book End and just when he was about to go for the cover, Stacy Keibler would jump onto the apron to distract referee Chad Patton. Batista got ready to attack by jumping up on the opposite apron while Booker desperately tried to get the referee's attention.




From the stage comes RVD, sprinting down and leaping high up in the air. With a rolling kick, RVD knocks Batista's balance off the apron, causing him to fall back onto the mat with him. The two men begin brawling all the way to the back while Booker nailed the recovering Flair with a Scissors Kick to score the victory!


Winner: Booker T @ 8:05 (74)



JR: And Booker T picks up the victory here, King, and a little bit of revenge for last week against Evolution!

King: What is RVD's deal being out here, JR?! He just cost the Nature Boy that match!

JR: I think that's a question for Rob Van Dam and not me, King! But Ric Flair is certainly one person who can never complain about being "cost" anything!




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We cut to Booker T marching backstage clearly looking for somebody as he gazes around every corner and door. After a few moments, Booker T stumbles upon exactly who he wished to speak to.




Rob Van Dam is currently stretching out from his involvement in that last match, splitting his legs between two chairs and hands in a praying pose. As RVD notices Booker, he props himself back up to his feet and places his hands firmly on his hips.


Rob Van Dam: Hey Book! Nice job out there!

Booker T: I mean, thanks I guess.... I just had to wonder what the hell you was thinking sticking your nose in my business, dog. I mean I appreciate you watching my back but I don't need Evolution getting any ideas, sucka.

Rob Van Dam: And what would the problem with those "ideas" be, Booker?


Booker simply cocks his head to the side as RVD begins pacing, looking up towards the sky in thought.


Rob Van Dam: Hey dude, I've been in your shoes. Evolution thinks they own this place. Eric Bischoff isn't going to step up and stop them from manipulating everything to run how they see fit, so it's up to us to step up and stop them. I would be the Intercontinental Champion right now if it wasn't for Ric Flair involving himself in my match with Randy Orton. And look at you, Booker, you might have been World Heavyweight Champion if it wasn't for the same thing last week! We watch those guys do it over and over and over again... and we don't do anything about it? Booker, my dude, it's time to change that.

Booker T: What in the hell are you actually suggesting RVD? You and I aren't friends, dog. And don't think for one minute that us having Evolution as a common enemy makes you my buddy, it don't work that way!

Rob Van Dam: But it does, Booker! We have a common threat. Evolution all have the same ideals and goals. They're all on the same page! And they're successful. Very successful! I want to build a crew, dude. An anti-Evolution. And you're my first pick to fight them!


Booker T strokes his beard with his fingers as he puts his hand out to shake RVD's.


Booker T: Aight, dawg. You sound like you have this all planned out. If it hurts Triple H, well then that's just skippy, hippy!

Rob Van Dam: Cool, dude! Now.... here's who else I'm thinking of....


RVD and Booker walk off camera, voices fading before we hear anymore of RVD's thoughts on the matter. Cameras cut right back to ringside and before we can hear King and JR's thoughts on RVD's proposition, some unexpected theme music immediately turns the entire crowd to jeers.


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https://www.youtube.com/embed/W8zOc4jFznM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


King: Oh great! What is this idiot doing?!

JR: Well your guess is as good as mine, King! But we know that Eric Bischoff released Jonathan Coachman from his "duties"... and well, I'm still not quite sure what those duties were!

King: Hopefully that doesn't mean he's back to announcing with us!

JR: Well Coachman is not heading towards the announcers booth here, King! Looks like he's heading to the ring and with a main event scheduled to start here any minute, you have to wonder what the idea is here!




Coach doesn't have his usual cocky and obnoxious look on his face today, looking defeated after the day he has been having as he climbs into the ring. With a mic in hand, Coach's hand is visibly shaking as he nervously raises his to his lips.


Jonathan Coachman: Eric Bischoff may have relieved me from my duties as his assistant... but I have a lot of unfinished business that I have left to take care of here! So... Dudley Boyz! I'm calling you out here, right now!


King: What the heck?! Has Coach lost his mind here?!


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https://www.youtube.com/embed/qQ60k8A-Uzk" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


JR: Well the Dudleyz wasted no time at all answering that calling! And after how much Coach has involved himself in the Dudleyz business, and arguably costing them their match at the Rumble against Evolution, I can't say I'm surprised!

King: Does Coach have a death wish?!




The Dudleyz indeed march down to the ring with eager smirks on their faces. Coach slowly backs himself towards the back of the ring and as the half brothers slide into the ring, Coach rolls back out. Bubba rushes towards Coach, reaching out over the top rope as Coach hides himself behind Lillian Garcia.


Jonathan Coachman: Hold on! What do you think this is?


Bubba has fixed himself a microphone as he stares Coach down, who is still cowardly hiding behind the beautiful ring announcer.


Bubba Dudley: What's the matter, Coach? You have "unfinished business" with us? Well SO DO WE!


D-Von begins punching his palm as Coach lets out a big gulp.


Jonathan Coachman: Now fellas! Fellas! I didn't bring you down here to fight, I brought you down here to bury the hatchet! I didn't do what I did at the Rumble because I wanted to... it's because I had to! Don't you understand?

Bubba Dudley: Bury the hatchet? Sure, Coach, let's do that. But first, let us bury you! D-VON! GET THE TABLES!


The fans erupt in cheers as D-Von slides out and grabs a table from under the ring. Bubba, meanwhile, rolls out next to Coach and grabs him by his collar, his life shield not doing much to prevent Bubba from catching him. Coach kicks his legs and yelps as Bubba throws him into the ring. D-Von and Bubba both wait for Coach to stagger to his feet, setting up for the 3-D.




From the opposite side of the ring, Jindrak and Cade quickly slide in and ambush the Dudleyz from behind. Coachman springs to his feet and joins the young tag team in stomping on the the Dudleyz. D-Von is quickly thrown out of the ring and as Bubba tries to fight the duo off, Jindrak and Cade each lift a leg of Bubba up and slams him down, pancaking him through the table!


JR: My God, what carnage Coachman has brought to the Dudleyz just now and something tells me this was a setup all the long, King!

King: Dudleyz should have known better than to trust that weasel would put himself out there that easily! And thanks to Coach, the Dudleyz have gone through a table again!




Just as Garrison & Cade were putting Bubba through a table, Spike dashed down to the ring. It was too late to save his brothers and knowing he didn't stand a chance against the tag team by himself, puts his hands up in surrender as he tends to his big brothers. Coachman mocks Spike to his face as Cade & Jindrak laugh, slapping his back like they were lifelong friends.




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Before the main event is about to begin, Trish makes her way to the announcer's table set up next to the stage.


King: What a treat, woohoo! I dunno if we have an extra chair Trish, but you can always use my lap!

Trish: Always a gentleman, Jerry!

JR: Behave, King! Trish, you chose one heck of a match to come watch with us here. This is sure to be a slobberknocker!

Trish: Of course! Two very talented guys. I can't wait!


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This was an epic match to be sure between two absolute ring generals. Trish stayed up at the announcers booth and Christian stayed backstage to make this simply a wrestling match between two greats to see who was the best, no shenanigans required. This back and forth match rivaled the two's excellent match from WrestleMania 19 and if given a little bit more time might have bested it.


Though Jericho looked strong out there and definitely showed he can still hang in the main event scene despite his recent drop down the card as of late, HBK still reigned supreme in this one. After a Sweet Chin Music sends Jericho flying backwards, the Heartbreak Kid was able to secure his win.


Winner: Shawn Michaels @ 14:39 (87)



JR: Well I tell you what, King, that was one hell of a contest between two very talented individuals! These guys fought their heart out, but Shawn Michaels comes out on top!

King: Well I hope Shawn Michaels enjoys that "pride", JR! Haha! Because that's all he's getting out of this!

JR: Many men and women sacrifice their entire careers fighting for pride, King! And Shawn Michaels is a man who should be mighty proud of all he has accomplished, even if Eric Bischoff is unfairly blocking him from earning a title shot!

King: Unfair or not, it's the truth! Wait, where'd Trish go?!




Trish has since silently left the announcers booth and has made herself to the ring, where Shawn Michaels has since slipped out of and is celebrating up the entrance ramp. As Jericho struggles to recover from the kick heard round the world, Trish softly tends to Jericho, placing his head in her arms with care. Up the stage, Michaels raises his arms in victory. But his celebration is short lived as a metal plate comes crashing against the back of his head.




Triple H has used his World Heavyweight Champion to knock the Heartbreak Kid out cold! As HBK falls motionless to the floor, Triple H look into the ring here Jericho weakly looks towards the stage. "The Game" slowly lifts his championship to the sky, showing everyone that it's still all about him.


JR: What an unnecessary assault from "The Game"! If Shawn Michaels can't even challenge him for the title, what in the hell is the point of that attack?!

King: I think it just goes to show that no matter how it played out tonight, Triple H is still the World Heavyweight Champion!

JR: A fact we're all well aware of, King! And by God I can only hope we have a challenger for Triple H soon! But that does it for us tonight... for the King, we leave you from the Maverik Center!


Quick Results:


(Dark Match) Jacqueline def. Trinity

(Dark Match) Rico def. Brent Albright

La Resistance def. The Hurricane & Rosey

Goldberg def. Al Snow

Matt Hardy & Gail Kim def. Steven Richards & Victoria

Randy Orton def. Tommy Dreamer

Booker T def. Ric Flair

Shawn Michaels def. Chris Jericho

OVR: 88


Tonight's Predictions:


smw88: 5/5

TheBigBad1013: 5/5

Blodyxe: 5/5

James The Animator: 4/5

siah463: 4/5


Overall Predictions:


smw88: 21/29

James The Animator: 16/26

EpicCorey: 10/20

siah463: 8/11

TheBigBad1013: 8/11

Kijar: 7/15

Blodyxe: 6/11

Crackerjack: 5/8

Munit: 5/8

Mattitude90: 5/8

Hollywood: 4/5

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February 5th 2004


SmackDown comes to you in Lafayette, LA at the Blackham Coliseum in which should be an absolutely historic show!




Immediately following RAW, Paul Heyman teased a major announcement on WWE.com. The next day, in an exclusive interview (which you can view HERE!), Heyman announced a blockbuster SmackDown. Every championship will be on the line, including Brock Lesnar's WWE Championship, in a random lottery draw!




Paul Heyman explained in his WWE.com interview that this is about proving that SmackDown is a forward thinking brand that hosts the best champions in the world. Since Goldberg's attack on SmackDown two weeks ago, Heyman has been all in on brand warfare and proving that he has the better brand over RAW. But has he gone too far in trying to prove SmackDown's superiority in putting every title on the line with No Way Out just 18 days away?! Heyman went on to explain that two men will be omitted from the drawings: Eddie Guerrero, who already has a guaranteed world championship match at WrestleMania 20. And Chavo Guerrero, who "has already had his chance" following his loss to Brock Lesnar last week.




On the subject of Eddie Guerrero, all eyes are on him as he has yet to announce who he intends to challenge at WrestleMania 20. Eddie will be in action in the meantime as he takes on former WCW colleague Chris Kanyon in singles action!




Meanwhile, John Cena has found himself getting quite friendly with future Playboy Cover Co-Stars Torrie Wilson & Sable much to the chagrin of Team Lesnar member Matt Morgan. Cena was able to best Morgan in singles action this week, however Cena will be taking Morgan on again in mixed tag team action as Cena teams with Torrie Wilson to take on Matt Morgan with the Team Lesnar personal assistant Dawn Marie.


Quick Picks:


Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Kanyon

John Cena & Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Morgan & Dawn Marie


WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS: The Basham Brothers vs. ???


WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Brock Lesnar vs. ???

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>[*]BREAKING: Spanky gone from WWE; Other releases

>[*]INDY NEWS: Low-Ki to start MMA training; Warrior returns to wrestling with MLW; Samoa Joe's ROH title reign ends

>[*]SPOILERS: Impact on ESPN results!

>[*]Major heat in the RAW locker room; fist fight between Bubba and Booker T

>[*]OVW stars on Heat and Velocity; D'Lo Brown; More signings coming?

>[*]Rumble buyrate; Original plans scrapped?


BREAKING: Spanky gone from WWE; Another failed drug test; Other releases

Posted by Ryan Clark on 2/1/04


We can exclusively report that Brian "Spanky" Kendrick has been quietly let go from WWE shortly following the Royal Rumble. His contract expired and it was not renewed. One reason Spanky may have been let go is due to the drug testing policy WWE is trying to crack down on. Kendrick is a very open marijuana smoker and has previously made claims that he'll happily pay whatever fine he is given for violating the policy. Given his spot on the roster, it doesn't seem WWE is willing to put up with the potential conflict this will cause with the rest of the locker room.


While only performance enhancing substances seem to be the only drugs that cause suspensions at the moment, there has been a very inconsistent disciplinary policy concerning soft and hard drugs. We've previously report that Garrison Cade failed hard drug test but we're still unsure what was done with him other than he definitely wasn't suspended. Jamie Noble was suspended early in the month due to performance enhancing drugs as well as Billy Gunn right before his Royal Rumble return, though Gunn protested that his was an approved subscription to heal from his shoulder injury. The inconsistency with this policy continues to cause a lot of morale issues in the back with many claiming that communication about what is or isn't allowed isn't explicitly clear.


Having said all this, there are rumors that a major superstar failed a drug test for marijuana following RAW and absolutely nothing was done about it. This is said to have annoyed a lot of people in the back, especially after Kendrick was let go.


On the subject of releases, WWE quietly released Gene Okerlund and Howard Finkel from their contracts.




INDY NEWS: Low-Ki to start MMA training; Warrior returns to wrestling with MLW; Samoa Joe's ROH title reign ends

Posted by Ryan Clark on 2/2/04


Low-Ki of TNA and ROH has recently started training to compete in mixed martial arts. Ki, real name Brandon Silverstry, implements martial arts into his moveset and is said to be serious about getting into the sport.


The Ultimate Warrior has teased returning to professional wrestling a few times since retiring in 1998, but it seems he has officially come out of retirement by joining Major League Wrestling. Over the weekend, Warrior teamed with Road Warrior Animal to defeat Scott Hall and Buff Bagwell. Despite still having a large amount of popularity to this day, WWE is said to have absolutely "zero" interest in Warrior, who remains on volatile terms with most of locker room, including Vince McMahon.


Samoa Joe's monster title reign has finally come to an end. The former ROH World Champion won it from Xavier back in March 2003. Over the weekend at ROH's "The Last Stand", Bryan Danielson was able to defeat Samoa Joe for the championship.


>>BREAKING: Ultimate Warrior SIGNS with TNA and vows to HELP DESTROY THE WWE! Vince is LIVID

SPOILERS: NWATNA Impact on ESPN results!

Posted by Ryan Clark on 2/2/04


Here are the results from Impact that will air on ESPN Friday:


Apolo defeated Kevin Northcutt

Erik Watts & America's Most Wanted defeated Elix Skipper & The Gathering

D'Lo Brown & Michael Shane defeated The Sandman & Chris Sabin

AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn defeated Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger

Abyss defeated Konnan

Christopher Daniels defeated Don Harris

Raven defeated Kid Kash

Jeff Jarrett defeated Low Ki


Also an exclusive interview with Sting by Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes will be featured on Piper's Pit with Roddy Piper.


>>EXCLUSIVE: Huge debut at the Impact tapings, WHO IS IT?!


Major heat in the RAW locker room; fist fight between Bubba and Booker T

Posted by Ryan Clark on 2/2/04


The RAW locker room has been described as "toxic" at best. While politics continue to be the main cause of drama, especially revolving around Eric Bischoff and his lingering beef with Ric Flair, there is said to be even more drama with the midcard.


Bubba Ray Dudley and Booker T reportedly got into a huge argument before RAW went on the air, resulting in a fist fight where Bubba "pummeled" Booker T. Booker T immediately reported the incident and demanded something be done to Bubba, which nothing was. This sparked a huge amount of outrage from Booker T.


>>EXCLUSIVE: Booker T QUITS WWE over attack from Bubba Dudley

OVW stars on Heat and Velocity; D'Lo Brown; More signings coming?

Posted by Ran Clark on 1/14/04


- OVW star Brent Albright appeared in a dark match on RAW losing to Rico. Former OVW Heavyweight Champion Mark Magnus appeared in a dark match on SmackDown losing to Orlando Jordan. Simply Lucious, Christie Ricci and Trinity also all appeared and competed in various dark matches before RAW and SmackDown, mainly against Jacqueline and Ivory. With rumors of some contracts expiring and some superstars on their way out, WWE is looking to make some major call-ups immediately following WrestleMania with several OVW stars primed for a big push.


- Bobbi Billiard of OVW made her debut on RAW as Eric Bischoff's secretary "Bobbi". Billiard is a former model who is known for her top heavy assets and great looks, but has very little wrestling experience. Bobbi getting called up so soon after her signing has said to have caused lots of eye rolling.


- D'Lo Brown was reportedly approached on returning to the WWE recently but balked at the offer, instead signing an exclusive contract with AJPW in Japan. Brown has seen moderate success since being released from the WWE in 2002. This serves the WWE with a reminder that they are not the only game around.


- Regardless, WWE is looking to "bulk up" OVW with some more signings from the independent circuit. Reportedly, major TNA stars are not currently being looked at to keep TNA from seeing WWE as "being at war". There is talk of opening up an additional developmental territory to work alongside OVW.


>>EXCLUSIVE: Who is set up to have a program with TRIPLE H following WrestleMania from OVW?! You will NEVER BELIEVE WHO IT IS!<


Rumble buyrate; Original plans scrapped?

Posted by Ryan Clark on 2/1/04


Royal Rumble had a buyrate of 2.27 with a total of 1.1 million buys. WWE is reportedly happy with how the Rumble turned out.


We reported months ago that WWE had eyes on Goldberg winning the Rumble to take on Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. This doesn't seem to be the be plan anymore as both men's morale issues caused concern over how the match would do at such an important PPV. Although Brock's heat in the locker room has simmered almost entirely, Goldberg's has not. Goldberg losing the Rumble and Eddie Guerrero winning only confirms this, with Eddie vs. Brock looking like it'll headline the flagship PPV.


There was some disappointment with a lot of the midcard over being left off the show.


>>EXCLUSIVE: Original plan for Rumble SCRAPPED due to Goldberg PUNCHING TRIPLE H in the FACE! Exclusive PHOTOS! (18+)

Edited by Gouge
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Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Kanyon

John Cena & Torrie Wilson vs. Matt Morgan & Dawn Marie


WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS: The Basham Brothers vs. ???


WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Brock Lesnar vs. ???

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