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[DOTM]WCW 1998: Too Big To Fail?

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WCW Monday Nitro Live! February Week 4, 1998 - Episode #127– Six Man Mayhem


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WCW Monday Nitro opens with a montage of classic moments inside the famous Philadelphia Spectrum and then that video cuts to a recap of last week where we learned tonight’s main event. Tonight Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & Macho Man Randy Savage must team against Lex Luger, World Champion Sting & The Hitman Bret Hart. WCW Monday Nitro is LIVE From Philly.




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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>WCW MONDAY NITRO</b>

Corestates Spectrum

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania</div>

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Tony, Mike & Larry welcome us to Nitro where tonight we will have a gigantic six man main event. The participants in the top three matches at this weekend’s WCW/nWo SuperBrawlVIII from the Sold Out historic Cow Palace in San Francisco, California will collide. They talk about the main event and then begin to talk about the rest of the show when….




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Kevin Nash leads the entire nWo Wolfpac to the ring to a mixed reaction from the Philly crowd. Kevin begins the promo by saying “Philadelphia….Wolfpac In The House!!!!” And Hall does the nWo’s survey claiming yet again “one more for the good guys”. From there Savage does a promo on Bret Hart promising to break the Hitman this Sunday on pay per view, Hall does a promo on Sting promising to capture the World Title this Sunday and Nash again tells the world that no matter what Lex thinks the nWo had nothing to do with his attack or the other sneak attacks that’s been going on around here, but Big Sexy will be responsible for what happens to Lex this Sunday in San Francisco. Syxxx grabs the mic and says that as for tonight, the Wolfpac will agree to WCW’s demands but they’re doing it under protest. Tonight they will fight in the main event. Scott says “but it don’t matter” and Kevin says “yeah because Mach over here will just punch the ref, we’ll get DQed and go back to the Wolfpac party at the Sheraton and get ready to take out WCW this Sunday on ppv.”


The Wolfpac celebrate and begin to leave the ring when JJ Dillon comes storming down with a massive wall of uniformed and armed Philadelphia police. Dillion stands behind them and says that isn’t how things are going to go down here tonight. If the nWo thinks they’re just gonna get out of this match by cheating? They’re wrong. As Chairman of the WCW Executive Committee, it is JJ’s job to protect the integrity of the match tonight. So, this match will be No Count-Out and it will be NO DISQUALIFICATIONS. There will be a winner here tonight. The crowd roars and the nWo is furious, but can’t charge JJ due to his police protection. The announcers put over that WCW has one-upped the nWo tonight and Nitro is off and rocking. Don’t go anywhere we’re coming back LIVE on TNT.


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Monday Nitro returns to Mean Gene at the Nitro set and he is standing with Curt Hennig. Gene cuts to the chase and says that he once respected Curt, but ever since September of last year, that has gone out the window. Gene tells Curt that he asked for this time to tell his status in WCW so have at it and Gene walks away leaving Curt surprised with the microphone. Curt says that to answer the question of if he is allowed to wrestle in WCW, the answer is...maybe. WCW is giving him a trial run to see if Curt really does mean what he is about to say. Curt tells the audience that when he came to this company he did so after being used as a pawn in this war between this promotion and the one up north. Curt was angry and he truly believed that both companies were corrupt and that the nWo was needed to remake this business. Curt says that he was wrong. The nWo is the cancer that WCW believes them to be. And Curt is ashamed of what he allowed his bitterness to make him become. Curt betrayed everything he ever stood for and he betrayed everything his father taught him to stand for. And for that, Curt says that he is so…




Rick Rude comes out and tells Curt that he better not finish that sentence or Rick will drop Curt where he stands. Curt is a loser. Curt brought Rick here and sold Rick a bill of goods and what did Curt do with those false promises and flowery words? He lost to Ric Flair. And now Curt Hennig is making excuses. And begging these idiots to forgive him because the only thing Curt Hennig now cares about or has ever cared about is himself. Rick says “Curt, you’re not sorry. But, you will be. You’ll be real sorry...soon.” Rick walks off with Curt like wtf and chases after his apparent former best friend.


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<b>CHRIS JERICHO AND CHAVO GUERERRO JR VS THE VILLANOS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


The match is a standard cruiserweight tag with high spots. At one point Guerrero is cut off but makes the hot tag to his partner.




During the finish Eddie Guerrero rushes out to attack Jericho but Chavo stops his uncle. Jericho is able to hit the lionsault and score the pinfall.




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After the match and after Eddie storms away furious, Chavo grabs a mic and thanks Chris Jericho for having his back. And now Chavo wants to have Chris’ back. He sticks out his hand, Jericho shakes it and Chavo says he will be in Chris Jericho’s corner this Sunday for his Cruiserweight Title match with Eddie Gurrero.


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The Nitro Girls are in the ring doing a routine until Alex Wright comes out to dance with the Nitro Girls but they all look repulsed and end the routine.


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<b>ALEX WRIGHT VS JOHNNY SWINGER</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Swinger was ringside watching Wright be embarrassed and laughing when Wright comes down into the ring. As soon as the bell rings, Wright is enraged and cheapshots Swinger. This leads to Wright eventually winning in what is essentially a squash match as Swinger was not able to recover. Wright nails a vicious German Suplex dropping Swinger right on his head. The ref counts the 3.




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After the match Wright continues his assault until Rey Mysterio Jr runs out again. Unlike the last time this happened, Wright is not able to escape and Mysterio gets his hands on Das Wunderkind. But when Rey goes for a Huricanranna, Wright hits the ropes and Rey topples to the mat. Alex then scrambles out of the ring able to escape Rey yet again. But he will not be able to escape in six days on pay-per-view.


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The nWo hype video airs just before we go to commercial where Savage, Nash & Hall all mock their opponents this Sunday on Pay-Per-View and they all three promise to walk out victorious.


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Monday Nitro and we see Professional Wrestling Legend Bruno Sammartino sitting front row. The fans cheer as Bruno is acknowledged and he stands and waves to the crowd. The announcers remind us that everyone in wrestling wants to be right here and WCW is so proud to honor the great Bruno Sammartino tonight.


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<b>CHRIS BENOIT VS DAVE TAYLOR</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


In a terrific back and forth scientific match. At one point, Benoit misses his flying headbutt and Taylor nearly makes the Crippler pay for that mistake with a Tombstone for a near fall. In the end, Benoit survives and Taylor is forced to submit by the Crippler Crossface.




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After the match, Benoit is clearly still angry at last week and he challenges Raven to a fight right now. As Raven gets up, JJ Dillion runs out and gets into the ring. He tells Benoit that no one is fighting here tonight but that will change this Sunday on PPV. Because Raven misunderstood last week. When JJ said Raven is in the US Title match, JJ never said Chris Benoit was out. JJ confirms that this match for the United States Title this Sunday on Pay-Per-View will feature Raven vs US Champion Diamond Dallas Page...AND Chris Benoit in a Triangle Match. Benoit celebrates, Raven is furious.


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As the announcers put this over, we go to the back parking lot. In the parking lot we see a camera run up to a brawl that is going on between G.T.T. and Harlem Heat. Eventually half the locker room, including the World Tag Team Champion Steiner Brothers, run in and break the two teams up. Tony reminds us that these two teams will fight this Sunday on ppv for the right to challenge the Steiners. And tells us to come back. Hour number two on this explosive go home edition of Nitro will commence when we come back from Philadelphia.


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The Nitro Girls bring us back to the kick off for hour number two. And when they are done, the pyro explodes as the announcers welcome us to the final hour left in tonight’s broadcast.




They remind us that still to come is our main event where Bret Hart, Lex Luger & World Champion Sting will face Randy Savage, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall here tonight in a No Disqualification match.


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<b>JERRY LYNN VS MORTIS W/JAMES VANDENBERG</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


The story of this match is Mortis abandoning a lot of the cartoonish aspects of his character and instead wrestles a straight match with Jerry Lynn. Both men score near falls and several high spots. Mortis goes for a savate kick but Lynn sidesteps it and is able to get Mortis into a Cradle Piledriver for a 3 count.




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The announcers throw us to an update on the Giant. And a video rolls where we see the Giant being checked on by his doctor and we find out that his neck damage is not believed to be permanent. When the doctor asks did anyone come with him, Giant says “no”. Doctor tells Giant that he still has work to do before any return can happen but a return is possible.


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Nitro returns to a final commercial for WCW/nWo SuperBrawl VIII centered on the three main events signed for this show. SuperBrawl is this Sunday, LIVE and only on pay-per-view.


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<b>JUVENTUD GUERRERA VS KAZ HAYASHI</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This is a quick match that is largely used to showcase Juvie’s skills and it ends with a 450 for the pinfall victory.




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We go to the announcers who give us the final rundown for this Sunday’s SuperBrawl VIII card:


Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Title

Scott Hall vs WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting


Macho Man Randy Savage vs Bret “Hitman” Hart


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger


Triangle Match for the WCW United States Title

Chris Benoit vs Raven vs WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Jericho w/Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero


Tag Team Match - Winner’s Become #1 Contenders to the WCW Tag Team Titles

Harlem Heat vs G.T.T.


Alex Wright vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


The announcers tell us to not delay and order SuperBrawl VIII right now. And they tell us that we are about to take our final commercial break. When Nitro returns it is our six man main event. Do not go anywhere. We’re LIVE on TNT.


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This is a war from start to finish with the No DQ aspect coming into fruition right away. Early on the heroes take the nWo up and down the ringside area and even to the announce booth sending Tony and the gang running for their lives. Eventually they get back to the ring and the nWo cut Lex off and work him over before an eventual hot tag to the Hitman. When it looks like Bret is going to make Scott Hall tap, Elizabeth sprays something into Bret’s eyes. He bails to the floor half blinded and that allows Savage the chance to jump Bret and beat him down on the floor. Sting gets into the ring and faces off with Hall but Syxxx & Konnan run down with bats. Before long the nWo has beaten down Lex and Sting and it is the champion that is pinned by his challenger Scott Hall as the nWo suckered WCW into this no DQ to lay waste to their opponents.





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As Nitro goes off the air, Nash drops Lex with a powerbomb. Savage is beating on Bret and Scott Hall stands over Sting raising the World Title high. The announcers tell us we are out of time and are fearful of what will come this Sunday on pay-per-view.










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Do you have an idea of when you'll post it? I wanna set a reminder in my phone. Lots of stress and stuff going on and my memory sucks right now.


Sometime on Sunday. The schedule for the week is as follows:


Friday - News

Saturday - Sat Night & SuperBrawl Prediction post

Sunday - WCW/nWo SuperBrawl VIII

Monday - Monday Nitro #128 from the ARCO Arena in Sacramento, CA

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"Doctor, doctor, the patient is regaining full movement in their extremities, and their vitals look to be stabilizing. You were right. Removing the tumors labeled Hogan and Bischoff might just save WCW."


"Keep an eye on those two tumors labeled Hall and Nash, but I might just have done it!" Now to see if you can do better than Halloween Havoc 1998 since that was on Retro Ups and Downs today, and even Simon, who loves WCW, hated the show.

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For prediction purposes, here is the final card for tomorrow night’s WCW/nWo SuperBrawlVIII from the Sold Out historic Cow Palace in San Francisco, California:


Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Title

Scott Hall vs WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting


Macho Man Randy Savage vs Bret “Hitman” Hart


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger


Triangle Match for the WCW United States Title (Raven’s Rules)

Chris Benoit vs Raven vs WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Jericho w/Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero


Tag Team Match - Winner’s Become #1 Contenders to the WCW Tag Team Titles

Harlem Heat vs G.T.T.


Alex Wright vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Title

WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting


Bret “Hitman” Hart


Kevin Nash


Triangle Match for the WCW United States Title (Raven’s Rules)



WCW Cruiserweight Championship

WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero


Tag Team Match - Winner’s Become #1 Contenders to the WCW Tag Team Titles



Rey Mysterio Jr.

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Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Title

Scott Hall vs WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting


Macho Man Randy Savage vs Bret “Hitman” Hart


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger


Triangle Match for the WCW United States Title (Raven’s Rules)

Chris Benoit vs Raven vs WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Jericho w/Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero

Tag Team Match - Winner’s Become #1 Contenders to the WCW Tag Team Titles

Harlem Heat vs G.T.T.


Alex Wright vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Title

Scott Hall vs WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting


Macho Man Randy Savage vs Bret “Hitman” Hart


Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger


Triangle Match for the WCW United States Title (Raven’s Rules)

Chris Benoit vs Raven vs WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chris Jericho w/Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero


Tag Team Match - Winner’s Become #1 Contenders to the WCW Tag Team Titles

Harlem Heat vs G.T.T.


Alex Wright vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>WCW/nWo SUPERBRAWL



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WCW/nWo SuperBrawl VIII opens to a wide shot of the San Francisco Bay Area and cuts to the audience entering the famed Cow Palace while incorporating graphics to highlight tonight's 3 main matches. The logo for SuperBrawl shows and we cut inside the arena as pyro explodes and SuperBrawl VIII is on the air.






Tony, Bobby and the American Dream Dusty Rhodes welcome us to the 8th edition of WCW and nWo's SuperBrawl. Tonight there will be three championships decided as the battle between the nWo and WCW will continue as Kevin Nash battles Lex Luger and the Macho Man Randy Savage battles Bret Hart and the World Title will be defended when Scott Hall challenges Sting in our main event. But we go to the ring and kick off SuperBrawl with the Cruiserweight Title on the line.


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<b>EDDIE GUERERRO © VS CHRIS JERICHO W/CHAVO GUERRERO JRH</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This match is a hot one right out the gate with both men flashing their aerial prowess and, perhaps surprisingly their ground and pound technical skills as each man nearly taps out the other with various submissions. Jericho eventually is able to gain control and after hitting Eddie with powerslam, Jericho goes up top and nails a missile drop kick sending Eddie crashing backward right into the referee who goes down hard. Eddie uses the opportunity to low blow Jericho and hit a Frog Splash. But the ref is out. Eddie bails from the ring and goes and gets his title. Guerrero slides into the ring and prepares to nail Chris with the belt and that is when Chavo gets into the ring and rips the title out of his Uncle’s hands. With Eddie distracted yelling “what are you doing?” at his nephew, it buys Jericho time to get up. *CRACK* - Chavo Guerrero, Jr nails Chris Jericho square in the face with the title. Eddie smiles as his nephew bails from the ring and wakes up the ref. Guerrero covers...1...2...3.




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Next we see a replay of the finish and Chavo giving the Cruiserweight title to his Uncle, then hugging and leaving the ring together.


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A commotion happens as Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are seen entering the building through the crowd. They make their way to a specially set up box area that is complete with champagne and caviar and beautiful women serving them. Both men play to the crowd and then settle in to watch the rest of the show as the announcers still speculate what is going on.


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We go back to Souled Out last month and see the debut of G.T.T. The video then cuts to their announcement that they’re targeting the Steiner Brothers and then to Harlem Heat’s promo where they say that the Heat will become the new challengers. Harlem Heat vs G.T.T. to challenge the Steiner Brothers is next.


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<b>G.T.T. VS HARLEM HEAT</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Early on Harlem Heat come out as a house of fire, but eventually Stevie Ray makes a mistake and allows LoMonaco to take over. G.T.T. isolate Booker with power moves and old school tag team wrestling and hope spots. Eventually Stevie tags in but it is for naught when Booker is too beaten down to help as Hughes sets Stevie Ray up and LoMonaco bounces off the ropes and delivers the Death Drop. Hughes prevents Booker from stopping the 1..2..3 and G.T.T. become the new number one contenders for the Steiner Brothers’ titles.




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LoMonaco and Hughes celebrate their win. As the Heat get up, G.T.T. put out their hands to shake them but instead attack Harlem Heat. After taking out Booker, Hughes and LoMonaco put Stevie Ray through a table before officials finally stop G.T.T.


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A commercial for WCW/nWo Uncensored airs - it is the night of no rules and anything goes. It will originate on Sunday Night Week 3, March 1998 from the Mobile Civic Center in Mobile, Alabama and will be LIVE on Pay-Per-View.


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We go back to the story that got us to Alex Wright vs Rey Mysterio which is next.


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<b>ALEX WRIGHT VS REY MYSTERIO JR</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This is a fast paced match early on and Rey really dominates a lot of this match. Wright’s arrogance nearly costs him the match on more than one occasion as Rey kicks it into high gear with some aerial offense that nearly gets a pinfall. When Rey goes for the Huricanranna, Wright holds onto the ropes and Rey crashes to the mat. Wright goes up top to fly off with a cross body, but Rey ducks and Wright crashes down. Rey measures Wright and goes to the ropes, he springboards off the 2nd rope into a back elbow - but Wright catches him mid air and nails a German Suplex-Bridge out of nowhere. The ref counts, 1...2….3.




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In the back Mean Gene is with Lex Luger. He cuts a promo on Kevin Nash and hypes his match saying he will get revenge for Nash trying to take him out. Lex Luger vs Kevin Nash is next.


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<b>KEVIN NASH W/SYXXX VS LEX LUGER</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


The story of this match is Lex constantly having to deal with distractions by Syxxx. Both men try to hit their power spots as Nash works on the back of Luger to set up the Jackknife. Lex is working on the neck of Nash to set up the Torture Rack but Syxxx keeps distracting Lex. Finally, Luger ducks the big boot by Nash and gets Big Sexy up into the Torture Rack but the second he does, Syxxx gets onto the apron. The ref is distracted by Syxxx at first, and soon so is Lex who lets Nash down. With Luger yelling at Syxxx, Nash is able to kick Lex low from behind. The Total Package stumbles around bent over right into Nash who nails the Jackknife for the 3 count.





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As Kevin Nash and Syxxx celebrate in the aisle, the announcers suddenly tell us there is a commotion in the back.




We go to the back and see Steve McMichael down, the victim of yet another attack. As they paramedics tend to Mongo, the announcers are stunned and point out that Kevin Nash and Syxxx were at the ring so it could not have been them. Who is this person taking out WCW wrestlers?


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We go to a video on the Three Way Dance that takes us through the Raven-Benoit-DDP story. The US Title is next.


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<b>DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE © VS RAVEN VS CHRIS BENOIT</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


As expected, this is a wild one and the 3 begin tearing into each other from the start and it soon turns into a battle into the stands. Benoit and Raven send DDP tumbling down stairs and then turn on each other and battle into a women’s bathroom with Benoit nearly tapping Raven by wedging the odd star’s head into the toilet seat and locking on the crossface. DDP is able to make the save and the guys brawl back out into the fans and to the set. After a DDT on the floor onto Benoit, Raven sends Page into the video wall and charges. Page sidesteps and Raven goes headfirst into a large video panel, short circuiting it. DDP takes Benoit back up the aisle and grabs a chair and throws it into the ring where Benoit already is. Page enters but Benoit meets him with the Crossface. Page crawls to the ropes but there is no rope break. Page desperately crawls around trying to get out of this hold and grabs a chair and swings behind him to smash Benoit in the face. Meanwhile, the Nest has arrived and are fishing Raven out of the video set and helping him up the aisle. Page sees Raven coming but is blasted from behind by Benoit as Chris locks in the Crossface again. Raven with help from the Nest pulls Benoit from the ring and the Nest beat down the Crippler as Raven gets into the ring and right into a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere. The Nest can’t respond quick enough as Diamond Dallas Page gets the 3 count and quickly bails from the ring.





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DDP goes into the crowd to celebrate his successful title defense, but it is clear that this issue between Raven, Benoit and the champ is far from over.


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The crowd comes alive as Macho Man Randy Savage with Elizabeth suddenly appears up in the crowd on the opposite side of the arena where Page exited.. As Savage makes his way down the ring, he cuts one of his trademark promos on Bret Hart. His battle with Hart is next.


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<b>RANDY SAVAGE WITH ELIZABETH VS BRET HART</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This match starts off with some good chain wrestling from both men showing that Macho Man can get down on the mat as a ground and pound wrestler when he wants to. Eventually Bret begins to best Savage but the tide is turned when Savage hides behind Elizabeth on the floor and Bret won’t hit her. Elizabeth slaps Bret in the face and that allows Savage to turn the match into more of a brawl. Savage scores with a trademark elbow drop from the outside to the floor with Bret’s throat on the ring barrier. Back in the ring, Savage goes for the Big Elbow but Bret crotches Savage and does a Superplex. Bret locks in the Sharpshooter and Macho Man reaches for the ropes and holds on. As Bret lets go of the finish, Elizabeth slips brass knucks in Savage’s hands. Macho swings with the weapon but Bret ducks and clothesline’s Savage and pockets the knucks taking away the nWo’s attempted cheating. Bret goes over to Randy but Savage grabs Bret by the head and rolls Bret into a small package and hooks Hart’s tights as the referee counts three.




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Macho Man and Elizabeth go up the aisle celebrating. Macho says “I got you” to Bret and points out that they’re even. Bret is angry.


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A commercial airs showing Dennis Rodman partying on the beach, hitting on women and even wearing a bikini himself. The commercial ends hyping WCW/nWo Spring Break-Out which is coming to Nitro on Monday Week 3 from Club LaVela in Panama City Beach, Florida.


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We go to the announcers who do a final sell on the WCW World Heavyweight Title match which is next.




We go to Michael Buffer who gets everyone Ready to Rumbleeeeee.


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<b>STING © VS SCOTT HALL</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Hall cheap shots the champion to start the match and really dominates a lot of the early portion of the match. When Hall hits the Fallaway Slam, Sting rolls to the floor to prevent Hall from obtaining a pinfall. On the floor, the Stinger throws Hall head-first into a ring post and begins his comeback. Back in the ring, Sting nails 3 Stinger Splashes and goes for the Scorpion Deathlock but Hall reaches up and pokes Sting in the eye and takes control yet again setting up for the Outsider’s Edge. Hall nails it and covers...1….2….Sting kicks out. The crowd comes alive as the champion will not die. Hall, angrily, goes for the Outsiders Edge again but this time Sting slips out and drops down and nails the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting covers...1….2….3.




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After the match: Sting celebrates and plays to the crowd as the Wolfpac comes out and gets Scott Hall out of the ring. They promise that their war with Sting is not over as SuperBrawl goes off the air.



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WCW Monday Nitro Live! March Week 1, 1998 - Episode #128– Night After SuperBrawl from the Sold Out ARCO Arena in Sacramento, California




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WCW Monday Nitro opens to still photos from last night at SuperBrawl highlighting Nash/Luger - Hart/Savage and Sting/Hall.




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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>WCW MONDAY NITRO</b>



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Pyro explodes as the ARCO Arena in Sacramento comes to life for tonight's episode of WCW Monday Nitro LIVE on TNT. We go to the announce booth where Tony, Mike & Larry put over last night's WCW/nWo SuperBrawl from the Cow Palace in San Francisco. We are told that later on tonight JJ Dillon of the WCW Executive Committee will make what we have been told are "two huge announcements". They begin to talk about yet another attack on a wrestler when...


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The arena is surprised and so are the announcers. Tony and the guys say there is a match to pitch to but they did not know it was the return of GOLDBERG! Lets go to the ring.


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<b>GOLDBERG VS DAVE TAYLOR</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Goldberg does his entrance and gets into the ring. The crowd is pumped to see the Man return. The bell sounds and Goldberg explodes out of the corner with a crushing spear. He lifts Taylor up and Jackhammer. And as soon as it begins, it is over. 1...2....3.




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Post match Goldberg plays to the crowd as Tony and the guys put over how fast that match was. Goldberg is back. He is dominant and we are rocking and rolling here on Nitro. Don't go anywhere we'll be back LIVE from Sacramento.


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Nitro returns to a video of the mystery attacker that has been taking out WCW wrestlers. Now we know it’s not Kevin Nash, who is this person?


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<b>EDDIE GUERERRO © W/CHAVO GUERERRO JR VS KAZ HAYAHSI</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Kaz has a good showing for himself early on, but then Chavo trips Kaz when Hayashi tries a top rope move and that allows Eddie to do a superplex. After that it is all the champion who soon nails the Frog Splash for the three count.




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After the match, Mean Gene enters the ring and interviews Eddie and Chavo about what happened last night at SuperBrawl. Eddie says that Jericho forgot that blood is thicker than water. And he got played. Chavo says that Jericho learned a hard, but valuable lesson last night and one more is to come. As Chavo Guerrero Jr is challenging Chris Jericho for Uncensored in twenty days to a match. Eddie says let everyone know now that things may come, things may go, but La Familia is forever. The two walk away while Gene throws us to commercial with a promise that the Steiner Brothers are in action live next on Nitro.


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Monday Nitro returns to a nWo paid announcement with Syxxx who dresses like Lex Luger and is in a gym complaining about his loss to Kevin Nash last night all thanks to Syxxx. During the mocking promo, “Lex” can’t even lift a 5 pound weight. The promo ends with “Lex” admitting that it is Syxxx who is the real total package as Syxxx looks down at his crotch, looks up, removes the wig and winks at the camera to end the vignette.


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The announcers remind us that last night G.T.T. defeated Harlem Heat and will challenge for the WCW World Tag Team Titles. We are told that it will be at Uncensored in a match of G.T.T.’s choosing.


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<b>THE STEINER BROTHERS © W/TED DIBIASE VS CHARLIE HAAS AND RUSS HAAS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This match essentially amounts to a squash match as the announcers tell us this is a young brother team in WCW Mid Atlantic who are getting a shot here on Nitro. The champions appear to have their issues taken care of as this is classic Steiner Brothers tag wrestling and the match ends with a top rope bulldog by Rick for the three count.




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After the match, Ted, Rick and Scotty meet Gene at the Nitro set and say that LoMonaco and Hughes think that Rick and Scotty aren’t as united as they once were. They think there is weakness with the Steiner Brothers. At Uncensored, they will learn just how wrong they are. Rick and Scott are the kings of tag team wrestling and they’re not vacating this throne anytime soon.


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Diamond Dallas Page comes out with Kimberly and pose to the crowd. The US Champ will be in action when Nitro kicks off our second hour. We’re LIVE from Sacramento on TNT.


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Hour number two returns to pyro and excitement and also Ric Flair and Arn Anderson arriving to a luxury box to watch the second hour.


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<b>DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE © VS MENG</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This is a hard-fought battle with a very tough opponent in Meng. Early on Meng dominates DDP can’t lay a blow to keep Meng down for any length of time. After staging a comeback, Page signals for the Diamond Cutter but Meng kicks in the Tongan Death Grip instead. Page is able to get one foot on the rope to break the hold and Meng's refusal to do so nearly costs him the match. After missing a second rope head butt, the champion battles back and drops Meng with a DDT. When Meng goes for the Death Grip once more, it is Page’s turn to cut him off and nail the Diamond Cutter for the hard fought title defense.




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Post match, Page points to Raven in the audience and the two trash talk each other. This serves as a distraction as Chris Benoit has come through the crowd and attacks Raven from behind. Raven and Benoit begin brawling and soon Page has jumped the barricade as fans go running. Officials all get in to separate Page/ Benoit and Raven with his nest. This issue between these three is clearly not done.


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We get a Nitro girls dance break to throw us to commercial as the announcers tell us still to come Curt Hennig vs Konnan of the nWo and JJ Dillon’s double big announcements. This is Nitro, don’t go anywhere.


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Nitro returns to a commercial for WCW/nWo Uncensored - the night when anything goes - that will take place in twenty days Live and only on pay-per-view.


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As expected, a really fast paced aerial contest they sees a lot of high spots. Rey and Lynn work surprisingly well together and the finish comes when Lynn lifts Juvie up onto his shoulders to allow Rey to fly off and do a Huricanranna on Juvie off of Lynn in a spot that receives several replays. Rey covers 1..2..3.




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After the match, Rey grabs a microphone. He says that last night Rey lost against Alex Wright and Rey congratulated him but the truth is that Rey took his eyes off the prize. And the prize is the Cruiserweight title. Rey wants to chal...Jerry Lynn taps Rey on the shoulder and tells Rey that there is no one in WCW that Lynn respects more than Rey Mysterio. But, if anyone is gonna challenge Eddie Guerrero, it’s Jerry Lynn. After all, Rey hasn’t won much lately. The two eventually agree to a match next week on Nitro for the right to challenge Eddie for the Cruiserweight Title at Uncensored.


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We get a vignette of a new competitor to WCW…he’s extreme and he’s super. Super Crazy, the extreme luchador, is coming to WCW.


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We get a graphic that Alex Wright will be in action next week on Nitro. And the announcers tell us that Curt Hennig vs Konnan is next on Nitro.


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Nitro returns to a commercial for Spring Breakout featuring Dennis Rodman. Spring Breakout is two weeks from tonight live on TNT from Club LaVela in Panama City, Beach.


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The announcers remind us that coming up after this match, JJ Dillon will have a double big announcement to close out this show.


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We go to a video package of Curt Hennig’s journey since coming to WCW and his betrayal of the Horsemen as well as Hennig’s ejection from the nWo. It closes on the threat by Rick Rude from last week.


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<b>CURT HENNIG VS KONNAN</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This battle between former friends in the nWo quickly turns into a pier six brawl as Hennig and Konnan trade haymakers outside the ring and in the ring. After a poke to the eye by Konnan, the Latino star takes over and pummels Curt on the mat but he’s not able to secure a pinfall. Eventually Curt nails a stiff pile driver and fights back into this. When Konnan tries a cradle DDT, Hennig blocks it and hooks the arm and leg of Konnan for the Hennig-Plex and the three count.




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JJ Dillon is seen in the gorilla position conversing with a WCW official. When we return James J Dillon will make his announcements. Don’t go anywhere, Nitro is taking its final time out.


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Mean Gene is in the ring and welcomes us back to Monday Nitro from the ARCO Arena. He introduces to us, the Chairman of the WCW Executive Committee James. J. Dillon who out and gets into the ring. He looks to the sky and we see that World Champion Sting is indeed in the rafters. JJ says there he is glad to see Sting here. JJ is also glad to see Ric Flair here. But there are three more people that JJ needs out here and the first is Bret Hart. JJ demands Bret to come to the ring.




Bret comes to the ring, asks JJ what’s going on, JJ tells him he will soon find out. Bret exits the ring and stays at ringside. JJ then says that he knows that these two gentlemen are here. So, Scott Hall...Kevin Nash, get out here.




The Outsiders come out to the ringside area but JJ tells them that’s far enough as cops flood the area and keep the Outsiders in the aisle. JJ says that now that everyone is here, it’s time for the announcements.


The first is that in two weeks from this very night, WCW will have our annual Spring Breakout event from Panama City Beach, Florida. It is a big night for all of us. (JJ looks up at Sting) and JJ is glad that the champion is here because both announcements pertain to Sting. And the executive committee has decided to do a big, big match on that night. A World Heavyweight Championship match. The main event of Spring Breakout will be Sting defending the richest prize in professional wrestling against…..(JJ points to the skybox) RIC FLAIR!




The crowd comes alive and Flair is shocked and then celebrates in the skybox with Arn Anderson. In two weeks it’s Sting and Flair one more time for the World Title!!


JJ then looks at the Outsiders and says that now is time for the second announcement. And that is that in twenty days we have another pay per view presented by both WCW and the nWo and it is Uncensored. The night when anything goes. And the WCW Executive Committee has decreed that the main event of that show will be Bret Hart and World Champion Sting against...Kevin Nash and Scott Hall collectively known as The Outsiders in a no disqualification tag team war.


Nash and Hall laugh and Nash grabs a microphone and says no. The Wolfpac is not gonna play WCW’s game. No deal. JJ says he expected that, so here’s the offer they can’t refuse. Scott Hall had his shot and he blew it, but Kevin Nash hasn’t. And that will change if the Outsiders win. If the Outsiders can beat Sting and Bret Hart at Uncensored in the No DQ tag team war, Kevin Nash will get a world title match against the champion, whomever it may be, at anytime of his choosing in 1998.


Nash and Hall are surprised but they then agree. Bret and Sting both nod that they agree to kick the Outsiders ass at Uncensored.


JJ Dillon has changed the landscape as WCW Monday Nitro goes off the air.









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GOLDBERG! I love Dusty, Bobby, and Tony on commentary. That Superbrawl match with Raven and Benoit in the bathroom woulda been great to hear them haha. A fun PPV and a good Nitro


😂 that was actually the inspiration for the women’s bathroom spot. I kept hearing them in my mind 😂😂

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