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questions on worker and broadcaster contracts

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Decided to check out the demo and am nearing the end. I made it so my avatar started with 25 million to give plenty of cushion and see what I could do with the money. I also had easy mode so I had some popularity and then adjusted some things down in the editor. My home country (USA) is presently 49 in the HQ region and 41 elsewhere.


I started the game with 2 weekly shows, 2 hours each. I got a TV deal on 2 channels for one, and made a broadcaster for another. From what I read in the editor viewers go the cheaper route, but I couldn't tell if deals are in any way additive (i.e. if I get three small deals in a region is it a total waste because they all account for the same pop, or is there some added benefits since some homes have one channel and not the other? Is there a benefit to adding say a very small station to cover regions already covered by a small station)


I was also wondering if the on demand channels or investment subscription services count for the same pool of viewers as live channels (IRL I just made it to last years wrestlemania and have watched/listened to nearly a year of WWE in about 4 months. So I'm watching, but not in the weekly numbers)



Different question line on worker contracts, but first a tip because in looking through existing threads I saw people asking about how to know when a workers contract is expiring so you can try to sign them from another company. 1) you can shortlist them, 2) watch the newsfeed, it's often on there, 3) search workers put in your criteria and set it to workers for hire and only those that are free and interested in negotiating show up (sometimes they don't negotiate right away I've notice, not sure if I gained pop and they changed their mind, or if the were more open the longer they sat. ut in the role you want to further rule out people in other roles)


As for my question, I'm trying to learn the contract mechanics. I've noticed that aside from the amounts in wages, they don't seem to remember any of the other numbers, which is odd, but allows wiggle room once you settle on a price. My question is what tips people have for getting good deals.


In testing mechanics, I've repeatedly played the same week trying to sign people with competing offers and it seems like whether I offer a ton of money up front or just go above what's already out there, it doesn't change what the computer does and some results are odd.


For example, SWF tried to extend Huey Cannonball for about 42K, and I offered 45K and then they upped to 47K, he's no longer considering my offer, and that's where my save picks up (I'm not complaining they are bigger and he's getting more money, it makes sense).


If I do nothing, he consistently signs the next day to SWF. If I gradually increase to where I'm one of the 2 deals he considers each game day, SWF gradually increases to about 67K over a few days. If I jump straight to there, they do as well so there seems to be a max offer they will match.


The weird part is his actions. In the beginning, he was willing to consider me for 45K. I don't know where the cutoff is, but if I offer somewhere around 80K, he no longer considers them, but then they move the offer up the next day and he does. Either way, once he's got the 67K offer, he won't consider anything from me under about 110K as he considers their offer better (I match/exceed all of the other terms to rule out other differences). I also tried offering a non exclusive written thinking that maybe the opportunity to make more money would be of interest, but no.


It seems odd he'd jump for and extra 2-3K/month early on, but not for 50K/month more later. Aside from increasing avatar negotiation (I'm 7 or 8, can't recall) and promotion size/pop, I'm wondering if there is anything the user can do to be more effective in negotiations as right now it seems my only role is to drive up prices for the competition since I can't afford to pay them over 100K

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For the worker contacts - look at the other aspects of the deal. How long is it? Is there a particular way he's going to be treated? What's his merchandise cut? I think all of those things can impact who he signs with.


You could also have SWF overpay for him (and you may be able to do that for other workers coming up as well, so as to try to hurt them financially). SWF might be a bad example (not sure what their finances look like in the game.

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When he's considering and then not considering, you're in a bidding war with the other company. So you make your offer, which he sees as the front running offer, then they counter with theirs. It's just like Free Agency in sports. The "Considering offer" aspect just tells you where your offer is at currently.
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You also have to look at some of the other aspects of the characters. Personalities and certain traits will change how wrestlers respond.


I had an Insecure guy who made me go up 80k per month when I was global demanding wage matching when he was like the 9th guy down on the totem pole.

Certain Attributes will make a worker go way more towards money, where others will shift them towards someplace they think they will do well for their career.


Honestly the goofiest thing I have come across is when you are negotiating and a guy will sign to a new offer he got (the one after yours) before your day starts. It's only happened 3 times, but it is just strange that the countdown doesn't start again in certain situations.

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So I saved that spot and played on and since have been able to sign some people of similar status so I went back and played around...


It starts with me offering 48500, 10k sign on and 25% merch and swf offering 43400 for both sign on, 20% events, and 35% merch.


1) If I leave it as is, he is considering both offers and then always signs with swf the next day


2) If I go full bidding war, swf, and sometimes other promotions top out at around 65-68k /month and sign-on with merch and bonus as above. In this case, even if I bid 110k it takes matching everything else and adding a 5M sign-on to be considered, and I still lose regardless of how high I run the sign on above that. A dollar under 10M seems to be the cap. This outcome seems insane and is regardless of contract length. SWF usually offers 2 years. Its roughly 1.63M over 2 years vs potentially a 1 year 11.3M - 10 year 23.2M deal


3) If I match everything but the sign on and then change nothing further, he considers both for about 10 days and signs with swf. Same If I use a 50k sign on


4) If I start with #3 above and then gradually increase the offer in small amounts, staying at/under 51K/month it's the same outcome. If I go above, then he stops considering their offer and it goes back to the same bidding war

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From my experience, workers massively value bonuses and merchandise %, so never skimp on that.


However, in your example, SWF are way bigger than you, so he'll always favour them unless your deal is much better (personality depending - mercenaries are more money focussed). The game seems to be designed to assume negotiations happen like 3/4 not 2. Some people play the system by going for 2 to bump up the price, and then withdrawing if the worker signs with you, which often works (hmm, I should suggest withdrawing from negotiations gives you a personality trend that makes workers not take your offers seriously if you withdraw from lots of offers...).


Let's just say that a worker's salary massively varies depending on who else is interested at signing stage!

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