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Still Debating

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I've been playing the TEW 2020 demo to see if it is better than 2016 for a week now, and I'm still debating the answer. It's an adjustment, to be sure.


But I do want to give the creators of Grey Dog Software a big thank you for not only making a 2020 version, but also making it a playable demo for players to test run. Most companies go "NEW NEW NEW BUY IT", but you give fans a chance to test drive the product, so to speak, and that's pretty awesome.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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I'd say bite the bullet and buy it, i didn't like the look and some of the changes at first and was hugely disappointed on release.


There has been so many patches to rectify things and tweak things to the players request.


TEW2020 is easily my favorite game in the series, and one of my favorite games ever.

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I would purchase simply on the premise that TEW2016 is quickly obsolete for new mods and mod support by the community. But if that's not your thing and you stick strictly to the default database, then hey, more power to ya.


I don't think there's enough of a mod community to speak of, at least not enough of one to compete with the mods already available for 2016. The only argument I see is if you need up-to-date RW mods month to month. If you don't own either, then 2020 is probably the correct grab. If you own 2016 and haven't bought 2020 yet, you're probably better off holding off.

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