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Lucha Underground - the Bootstrap Paradox

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EL JEFE x Aerostar?! What the **** ?!


AEROSTAR x We don't have much time, Cueto. I just brought you back from the dead, but it costed us dearly.


EL JEFE x You f***in' kiddin' me? I'm el jefe, no one can kill me... But wait... No you're right! I remember the bullet!


AEROSTAR x Your father ordered a hit on you, and he took over the Temple with the backing of the Brotherhood. They managed to have all of the gods take on human form, and they... Well they took over the worl.


EL JEFE x My father? The evil b****rd! Never trusted his guts. But how did you bring me back? And what for? We're not friends, never have been.


AEROSTAR x I used an ancient Aztec Medallion that I had to reforge. But the Brotherhood knew of its existence, so they burned your body.


EL JEFE x Burned my body? Aerostar, this sounds like some f***ed up comic book right here. Is that a prank? You're playing a prank on Dario Cueto?!


AEROSTAR x This is really serious Dario, and as I told you we don't have much time, which is kind of ironic. I had to go back in time to resurrect you... Multiple times. Each time, the Brotherhood got in the way. But I finally made it... And there was a price to pay.


EL JEFE x What do you mean? Stop speaking in riddle! I am el jefe, I order you!


AEROSTAR x Death doesn't change you... It's good. I can't make this clear and simple but I will try. By jumping back in time multiple times, and resurrecting you, I messed up time.


EL JEFE x Well just go back in time again.


AEROSTAR x I wish... But I damaged the fabric of time itself. I created an alternate timeline of our reality. Here, your father doesn't exist, but other things have changed.


EL JEFE x What about my Temple? I'm still El Jefe, right?!


AEROSTAR x Yes, but the Temple has changed, for the worst.


EL JEFE x You mean like that time Catrina took over?


AEROSTAR x That's worse. The universe revolves on a precarious balance, and I messed it up. In this world, things... People are different. You still own Lucha Underground, but you'll see familiar faces with different backgrounds and personalities. You'll see some oddities, and you'll see new faces.


EL JEFE x What the hell... Did you really have to bring me back for that?


AEROSTAR x We face a danger much greater than the Brotherhood. We face to restore the timeline, or else... The world might collapse.


EL JEFE x And how do we do that?


AEROSTAR x We have to set things right. I'll get to that, but first, I have to brief you on this timeline, because the Temple is reopening, and the believers are making their way in.


EL JEFE x As of... Right now?


AEROSTAR x Yes. The Temple is back in business, right now.



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AEROSTAR x I'll be your guide, Cueto. If we want you to run this Temple, you can't look out of place. The luchadores know you. Fortunately, in this timeline, you had the same personnality But here the real Dario Cueto is serving jail for life in Mexico. You'll take his place.


EL JEFE x So I have an alter ego?


AEROSTAR x Yes, but he won't bother us. IF you play well. You can't afford letting anybody suspect you're not him. And cespecially not your brother.


EL JEFE x Matanza? He exists here?


AEROSTAR x I told you, things are different here... Here, it's you who saved your brother from your abusive mother, killing her with the bull statue. In THIS time line, your brother is still the vessel for a God, but he managed to get a hold on it. Here, your brother is not a madman you can't control. He's an obnoxious prima donna, but he adores you and worships you for saving his life.


EL JEFE x Good... Good... That will be good to have Matanza under control.


AEROSTAR x It's not quite Matanza... Here, your brother is Ethan Cueto the Third.






AEROSTAR x He cannot see the difference between you and his brother who's in jail. Never. That would compromise you and mess up our work to restore the timeline and save the world.


EL JEFE x Ok, ok... That's some heavy news to digest, but i'm eager to meet this new baby brother... Is he Lucha Underground Champion?


AEROSTAR x No... It's Mil Muertes.


EL JEFE x Damn it! He and his b**h Catrina are going to want to run the show again. I won't let them get MY temple!


AEROSTAR x That won't be a problem. Here, Catrina never saved Mil Muertes from the earthquake... It's the God of Death himself who saved Pascual Mendoza, and Mil Muertes IS the embodiment of the God of Death. And he has numerous followers in the Temple...










EL JEFE x I'm sure my brother will take the title away from him... And I least I won't have Catrina in my Temple again, I hate her.


AEROSTAR x She's still here, Dario. But she has taken on a different path. Here, she's not Mil's compagnion, but her rival. She's in the Temple with her love one, and the man who holds the Gauntlet of the God...






AEROSTAR x Mil and Jeremiah Crane are at war. Crane wants the gold, and he has the power of the Gauntlet. And Mil... Well Mil has his eyes on Catrina, and he wants her to be his Queen of Death.


EL JEFE x That's some Telenovela bullcrap here! But I will take advantage of that... What about the Trios Championship?


AEROSTAR x Remember that at Ultima Lucha 3, an unlikely duo made of former rivals was the champions: Killshot, Dante Fox and the Mack. Well here, things are mirroring ouw own timeline. Willie Mack is still part of the trios champion, but he is teaming with two blood rivals... Nelson Erazo, a California gang leader, and Salvador Guerrero IV, who's the head of the Mexican mob AND the most famous family of luchadores in the world. These two are parts of gangs that have been at war before they were in charge. They decided to come to the Temple to settle their dispute without any more of their family relatives dying in the war, but your double put them in this team unwillingly.








EL JEFE x And i'm supposed to remember all of that?! I may have to take notes... At least I hope there's no undercover cop trying to undermine me this time?


AEROSTAR x We can't be sure, but there might be... They are several luchadores and luchadoras who didn't make any allegiance. You must pay close attention to them, because one of them might be an undercover cop. There is Bill Carr, Jimmy Yuta and Thea Trinidad.






EL JEFE x Godamn cops! They come to my Temple to arrest me?! But wait... I though MY body double was in jail here?


AEROSTAR x He has been arrested by the Mexican secret services, but we can't be sure the F.B.I. and local cops know of that, so you'll have to be careful... Speaking of careful, there's one beast who stayed the same from our timeline... Marty the Moth is here, and he's even more maniac than in our world. Here, he didn't only kidnapped Sexy Star, he killed her and... Well let's say we never found her body.


EL JEFE x He ate her?!






EL JEFE x What about Black Lotus? Is she still after me in this world?


AEROSTAR x Here, the one you knew as Yorei is the Black Lotus. But in this time line, El Dragon Azteca killed her parents, so she killed him. El Dragon Azteca Jr. has been on a quest for revenge ever since, and these two came to the Temple to settle this... But Aztec doesn't know that his master killed Black Lotus' parents, and he thinks he's in the right.






EL JEFE x Always hated El Dragon Aztec Jr, I hope he'll die.


AEROSTAR x He mustn't! In order to restore our timeline, we have to align things in order for them to take place as they have in our time. We need to engineer the events in the Temple, so that they happen as close to they did in our timeline.


EL JEFE x So my brother must become champion again?


AEROSTAR x Exactly.


EL JEFE x But we have no Sexy Star here, she can't be champion... And what about Worldwide Underground? They impacted our world, are they here ?


AEROSTAR x Yes but they have quite changed...








EL JEFE x Barbie Blank is a cheerleader?! What is this Worldwide Underground, they look like jerks.


AEROSTAR x They're even more outrageous than in our world. But less dangerous. One crew who's more dangerous is the Rabbit Tribe. The White Rabbit has a human form, and he's inside Brian Kendrick.








AEROSTAR x We don't have much time, I have to speak to you of other faces, more or less important, with some that might be familiar to you. We'll have to improvise a lot Dario, but act normal. After all, whatever the world, it is YOUR temple...








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Interesting take on Lucha Underground Season 5; good cast of characters, couple I don't recognize at all who is in the middle of the Puma King/Drago tow? and who is in the middle and far left of the Facade/Taurus row?... Also who is next to Zicky Dice?


The woman in the middle of Drago/Puma King Row is Lufisto, followed by Laredo Kid and Ophidian.


Far left in the Facade/Taurus row is Son of Havoc. The middle I think is played by Zeuxis but I’m not sure it’s her.


Next to Zicky Dice is Mark Angelosetti, aka Mr. Touchdown of Chikara fame.

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The woman in the middle of Drago/Puma King Row is Lufisto, followed by Laredo Kid and Ophidian.


Far left in the Facade/Taurus row is Son of Havoc. The middle I think is played by Zeuxis but I’m not sure it’s her.


Next to Zicky Dice is Mark Angelosetti, aka Mr. Touchdown of Chikara fame.


Ah; yes yes, I'm an idiot on Son of Havoc. The Chikara tie-ins make a lot of sense.

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These first two updates provide some invaluable exposition, so thank you for that! It was interesting seeing how you wrote off certain characters. The roster you have chosen is very in touch with the LU spirit as well. This diary looks like it will be fun. Good luck!


Thank you!

Yes, I had to develop in depth to give a context to everything, because time travel is one complex sob! I think you can see the CHIKARA influence here... and maybe that i watched too much DARK on Netflix :D


Woah. Just recently rewatched all 4 seasons and all I can say - I'm interested. Ethan Cueto got a legit lol from me :p


Believe it or not, EC3 as a Cueto was some crackpot theory I once read on a LU board. I find it so strange and yet cool that I HAD to give it a try!


Interesting take on Lucha Underground Season 5; good cast of characters, couple I don't recognize at all who is in the middle of the Puma King/Drago tow? and who is in the middle and far left of the Facade/Taurus row?... Also who is next to Zicky Dice?


Hey buddy, thanks for your supporr!

The Lariat already answered these but i'm gonna give some context:

LuFisto is a CZW Hall of Fame, veteran of 23 years and a hardcore legend/wrestling legend in Quebec. She can often be seen with a small doll that may ring a bell for LU aficionados...

The woman in a mask is la Hiedra, who's in the middle of some AEW rumors and is a solid wrestler

Mr Touchdown Mark Angelosetti is a former CHIKARA Grand Champion, here reprising his jerk captain of the high school football team gimmick.... with Kelly Kelly as hiq cheerleader!

As for Son Of Havoc, he's the same old biker from the open road


Don't worry, the shows will give depth to most of the wrestlers! This diary will give plenty of details and be very character oriented


Great couple of intro posts. Makes me so want to revive my own LU diary which is in pause now due to RL and my other diary taking up time. Will be watching this.


Thanks for your support buddy! Your LU diary was great!


I'm here for some Lucha Underground.


In the words of El Jefe: WELCOME TO THE TEMPLE!

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Show opens with the video trailer that announced the season. We see Aerostar bring back Dario Cueto to life. He then goes on and explain that the timeline is all messed up, and that they are in a sort of parallel universe. Each time he speaks about luchadores and luchadoras of this new temple, we get a short video clip of them. Areostar urges Dario to help him as they try to restore the timeline and save the world from chaos and destruction. They'll have to improvise, but first, they have to reopen the temple.




As Lucha Underground ring announcer Shaul Guerrero opens the show and welcomes us to the Temple, we see Lucha Underground Champion Mil Muertes seated in his Mortal Kombat style throne made of bones, up the Temple stairs. Things are happening quickly in the Temple, and we're treated to a cheesy 80's rock song, and here comes the Worldwide Underground.







PJ Black leads the way, while Zicky Dice screams like a maniac the word "OUTLANDISH", and Mark Angelosetti makes little side sprints like he was preparing for a NFL Game. Meanwhile, Barbie Blank is dressed like a cheerleader and, well, cheers on him.


PJ Black calls out Mil Muertes he says he wants a title shot, right now! Worldwide Underground is THE most trending topic on Twitter (Zicky Dice asks "what's Twitter?!") and they are the hottest act in the Temple. At the top of the stairs, Mil Muertes motions to someone in the back... Out the smoke and the darkness comes his minions: Obaryion, Kodama and Payne... We're having a trios match!





Trios Match: Worldwide Underground vs. The Disciples of Death

The Disciple of Death are creatures from beyond the grave, brought back by their God Mil Muertes to do his dirty work and dispose of his enemies. Worldwide Underground are obnoxious self-indulgent jerks who never miss on an occasion to pose. Each time Angelosetti hits a move, he stops and screams "TOUCHDOWN" before doing a little dance. Each time Zicky Dice is tagged in, he screams "OUTLANDISH!". Meanwhile, their cold-blooded opponents take control of the match. Soon, they counter an Angelosetti's shoulder tackle as Payne hits a chokeslam for the win.



The trio of Mil Muertes' disciples turn their head to their master who's still steated in his throne of bones. They're apparently waiting for an order, but something unexpected happens. From behind the throne, up their at the top of the stairs, someone comes out of nowhere and boots Muertes to the head.






It's Jeremiah Crane! Mil Muertes' blood rival came out of nowhere, and behind him Catrina is holding the Gauntlet of the Gods up high. Crane and Mil Muertes brawl like mad men in the stairs and in the crowd, slowly making their way to the ring...








Dario Cueto enters from his office to a huge reaction. El Jefe says it's good to be back to HIS Temple, although things have changed... "Have you forgotten how much Dario Cueto loves violence?!... Because RIGHT NOW, we're having a LUCHA UNDERGROUND CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH... ANYTHING GOES!"



Lucha Underground Championship Match - Anything Goes

Mil Muertes © vs. Jeremiah Crane /w. Catrina

As soon as the bell rings, Mil's disciples get in the ring, but Mil shouts at them and forbid them to attack Crane. He wants to do this alone! They fade back to the darkness and let the match unfold. The two men fight like enraged beasts. It only takes a few minutes before chairs are introduced to the match. During this car crash of a brawl, Mil bloodies Crane with a chairshot. He then points to Catrina ringside and tells her "you should be with me! You should be my queen of death!" Crane, uplifted by Mil wanting his girlfriend, and perhaps by the Gauntlet of the God that she lifts, delivers a brutal bicycle kick to Mil Muertes, but only of a two count! He motions to Catrina to give him the glove. He puts it on and runs at Mil, but the champion dodges the fist, goes under, and hits his Flatliner on a chair for the 3 count in this brutal 15 minutes match.



The match has ended, and Catrina rushes to her boyfriend. She wants to check on him, but Mil grabs her by her wirst and puts her back up. He wants her to come with him and be his queen. As Catrina tries to fight back, Mil tightens his grip on her wrist. Meanwhile, Dario Cueto gets ringside, always sneaky and... He takes the Gauntlet of the Gods from Jeremiah Crane's unconscious body! This distracts Mil, and allows Catrina to escape from his grip.


Dario has the mic: "now that this is settled between you two, we have to do something for this Lucha Underground Championship of yours. I can't let you put up a throne and runs the show, Mil Muertes, because this is MY TEMPLE! So you will defend your Lucha Underground Championship again, RIGHT NOW against MY BROTHER!"





Lucha Underground Championship Match - Anything Goes

Mil Muertes © vs. Ethan Cueto the 3rd

Mil Muertes is exhausted from the wild brawl he just had with Jeremiah Crane, and he has to face Dario's brother! The muscular Ethan Cueto follows Dario's orders from ringside, and takes advantage of the tired and injured Mil Muertes. But the God of Death is a powerful foe who won't go down that easily. He fights back, and uses the chair still stained withJeremiah Crane's blood. Soon, Cueto's also bloodied. But Jeremiah Crane is still around. Bloodied, tired, he gets into the ring and kicks Muerte right in the head! Muertes stumbles but doesn't fall, and Crane gives him another bicycle quick that puts him down! EC3 is quick to throw him out of the ring, he then picks Mil up and hits his "One Percenter" to become the NEW Lucha Underground Champion.





We get a vignette from an undisclosed location, the image is saturated with colors that gives a psychedelic feel to the scene. The scene is even more troubling. Saltador, wearing a checkered bodysuit, is on all fours. Brian Kendrick and Mala Suerte, using his back, are playing a game of chess! Kendrick checkmates Mala Suerte with his white pawn. As Mala Suerte swears in spanish, Kendrick grabs his white pawn with much delicacy and gives it a close look. "It's funny how the smallest white pawn can win the war... Just as the little white rabbit will win the world..." He then goes on to laugh like a maniac, making Mala Suerte very uneasy.


Dario Cueto is making his way back to his office, the Lucha Underground Championship on his shoulder, followed by his brother. Ethan Cueto thanks his brother for this opportunity. He seems very polite and respectful of Dario, changing from Matanza who was reckless. Dario has a huge smile. He notices someone hiding in the shadow and asks his brother to wait for him outisde. Ethan quickly obliges, making Dario comments that "it's good to have an obedient baby brother."






Aerostar: I leave you for a second, and you already do a power play... Good, you don't change. Now that you've got the temple back under control, the championship AND the gauntlet of the Gods, we have to plan how we will restore our world.

Dario Cueto: That's your job, I'm not a time travelling alien from a thousand year ago... Or whatever you are. You make plan, and I'll see.

Aerostar: Don't forget I brought you back, Cueto... You owe me. You owe your REAL brother, Matanza. We've got to save the world.

Dario Cueto: Bien, bien bien... How do we do that?

Aerostar: Things have to happen here as they did in our world... An unlikely trio as champions... Maybe Marty the Moth hitting on the ring announcer? Shaul Guerrero is no Melissa Santos though, she'll fight back... I think we can start with the Gift of the Gods. Here it doesn't exist. You shall bring it back.

Dario Cueto: Good. I will put the seven aztec medallions on the line, starting next week.

Aerostar: I've got some things to do myself. But before that, Cueto...

Dario Cueto: What?

Aerostar: Don't think I'm a fool. Don't let the Gauntlet and this newfound power get into your head. I brought you to life because it all went downhill when you died in our world... I need you. Can I trust you?

Dario Cueto: Yeah, yeah, of course... I mean if you can't trust a respected Lucha Promoter like Dario Cueto, who can you trust?


Somewhere on the open road...





Son of Havoc is riding his bike on a deserted highway by night. He stops by a gas station to refill his motorcycle. Dressed with his usual biker gang leather jacker patched with his name and "Mens at Arms" on it, he goes to the gas and mumbles to himself "only 200 miles left, and i'll be back to the Temple." As he fills the gas, someone approaches him, wearing brith fluorescent colours and a backpack.






The man asks Son of Havoc if he can give him a lift, introducing himself as Facade. He says he got an invite to a cool looking place, but a trucker left him high and dry here in the middle of nowhere while he was asleep. He also stole all his money, can you believe it?


Son of Havoc: And where is it you're going?

Facade: Boyle Heights... Have you heard of the Lucha Underground Temple maybe?



Quick Show recap:

  • Lucha Underground Champion Mil Muertes controls the show from his throne. He gets challenged by PJ Black and the Worldwide Underground
  • Mil Muertes' Disciples of Death fight the WU and win the match
  • Jeremiah Crane attacks Mil Muertes. Dario Cueto makes a title match
  • In a bloody brawl, Mil Muertes defeats Jeremiah Crane. He then threatens Catrina and tells her to leave with him in order to become his queen.
  • Amid this chaos, Dario Cueto steals the Gauntlet of the Gods from Jeremiah Crane and tells Mil he has another title defence RIGHT NOW against his brother Ethan Cueto III
  • EC3 defeates Mil Muertes and becomes the new Lucha Underground Champion thanks to the interference of Jeremiah Crane
  • The Rabbit Tribe is seen somewhere someplace. Brian Kendrick is the White Rabbit and he is crazy like a... Fox?
  • Dario is confronted in his office by Aerostar. The time-traveler warns Dario that they're not here to play but to save their world and the people they hold dear. Cueto guarantees him he can trust him.
  • Son of Havoc is making his way back to the Temple. Along the road, he encounters a hitch-hiking Facade and gives him a ride

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The show begins with a quick video recap of last week's episode. It focuses on the madness around the Lucha Underground championship, and how Dario Cueto ended the night with the powerful Gauntlet of the Gods and his obedient little brother Ethan Cueto III as Lucha Underground Champion.




Speaking of Dario Cueto, he's in his office. We can see the Gauntlet of the Gods displayed behind him under a solid glass protection. Dario says that he loves money, so this offer is really great for him. But he also has to protect the integrity of the Temple... And the Trios Championship...






Salvador Guerrero IV tells Cueto he came to this Temple to end the war between his family and the California Cartel that's run by Nelson Erazo/Homicide ("or whatever is stupid gang name is"). They made a truce so that they could settle this between leaders and that no other members of their families die under fire. Salvador says that he already lost 2 cousins his this war, and he knows Erazo's seen his best friend died. But instead of letting them settle this, Cueto put them in this stupid Trio, and they won the belt. Salvador offers Dario 100 000$ if he makes the match: Salvador Guerrero versus Nelson Erazo... Death match. Cueto says it is done, they'll fight next week... But tonight, they have to defend the trios championship!


Facade & Son Of Havoc vs. La Hiedra & Black Taurus

The Neon Ninja Facade begins the match hot with some high octane offence that shakes the monstruous Black Taurus. Son Of Havoc is not of rest as the biker from the open road amazes the crowd like only he can. On the other side, Black Taurus demonstrates a brutal strength, and La Hiedra matches Facade's crazy high risk manoeuver move for move. Facade & Son Of Havoc, who we saw in a vignette last week when they first met, seem to be on the same page and developped a friendship bond.

In the end, Facade puts Taurus down with a crazy moonsault to the outside, while Son Of Havoc finishes La Hiedra with his Open Road Cutter.





The match is over, but Son Of Havoc makes it his duty to congratulate La Hiedra and shake his hand. Facade also comes back to the ring and offers La Hiedra a fist bump. Outside of the ring, this does not sits well with one angry bull...






Black Taurus gets back up in the ring and charges La Hiedra. He slams her into a corner and shoulder thrust her directly in the ribs. Son Of Havoc and Facade try to contain him, but only manage to make him back up a few steps... And go after them! Taurus is fighting with the two men, but La Hiedra goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on him! Taurus rolls out of the ring, furious and defeated.


We see a shot of the roof of the temple. A burst of fire comes from the sky, followed by a furious roar that could only be coming from a gigantic beast.






As Drago emerges from the smoke, a bleep of lights blocks our screens. It flashes blue, red and green. Out of nowhere we see Aerostar.






Aerostar: Thanks for coming, old friend.

Drago: I'll always answer your call, blood of my blood.

Aerostar: We've known each other for thousands of year. We fought side by side in the first war against the Gods... But this time the danger is even more greater.

Drago: What is this danger?

Aerostar: I made a mistake. I messed with the fabric of time... I did something I must undo, otherwise the world will collapse.

Drago: Time is a complicated beast... What did you do?

Aerostar: I can't tell you too much without risking to do even more damage... But I need you to trust me, my friend.

Drago: There is no one more respected and trusted among the dragon people that the sky-traveller. You have my trust and my support.


Singles match for a "Golden Opportunity"

Marty "The Moth" Martinez vs. Laredo Kid

As he's being introduced by ring announcer Shaul Guerrero, Marty gets real close with her, making her uncomfortable and upset.

This match is for a "golden opportunity", represented by a golden aztec medallion. Laredo Kid come out with fire and quick aerial offenses. Marty is more vicious, more brutal, and uses his strength and size advantage to get the better of his opponent. Laredo Kid didn't demerit, but in the end the Moth wins it with a brutal Spinning TKO.



Post match, Marty takes the medallion and... Licks it? The man has a demented look in his eyes, and he's eyeing Shaul Guerrero.





El Dragon Azteca Jr. is in Dario Cueto's office. He heard Salvador Guerrero IV bragging about obtaining a match versus his blood rival... Well Azteca also came to the Temple to get revenge and end a war. He wants a match against Black Lotus to avenge his master ans discover why she killed his master.






"Listen, Azteca... I've always despised your master. In my opinion? I'm glad he's dead. But I appreciat violence and thirst for blood. You want a war? You want death? I LOVE it. But Salvador Guerrero gave me money. What can you give me in exchange? Come back next week with a deal offer, and we shall see."


Trios match for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship

Homicide, Willie Mack & Salvador Guerrero IV vs. The Rabbit Tribe

No time to waste as this one goes straight to business: Willie Mack hits a Rock Bottom on Mala Suerte, Kendrick hits Guerrero with a superkick, and Homicide gets his Gringo Killa on Saltador JUST AS THE BELL RUNG!

The match gets a little more calm for a while, with Willie Mack (apparently believing he's the Rock, using his taunts and moveset) fighting with the crazed and maniac Brian Kendrick. The Rabbit Tribe puts up a good fight, with Mala Suerte and Saltador's unorthodox offense, and Kendrick's crazy antics. The champions have dissensions, as Homicide and Guerrero can't help but fight each others. Willie Mack has to get in between.

In the end, as Mack tries to stop Homicide from hitting his Gringo Killa on his partner, Brian Kendrick hits his Down the Rabbit Hole (Sliced Bread #2) on Mack for the win!






Post match, Kendrick orders his two followers to give him the three belts "the white rabbit is hungry for GOLD!". He lays down on the ground and rubs himself with the three belts, leaving everyone uncomfortable.


From an undisclosed location, Catrina is gazing at her reflection in a mirror. Out from nowhere appears a gloomy figure from the darkness.






Mil Muertes: Last week... Your boyfriend costed me MY championship.

Catrina: You costed him his gauntlet... And you touched me. Jeremiah only has death in mind for those who touch me.

Mil Muertes: You should be my Queen of Death. Leave him.

Catrina: I love him.

Mil Muertes: But I AM A GOD! You can't disobey me.

Catrina: You're the god of death and destruction. I only live for love and lust. I don't have to obey you.

Mil Muertes: You cling on him because you're an empty shell without him... When I put him to the grave, you'll come to me.

Catrina: You can't kill Jeremiah Crane.

Mil Muertes: We shall se that.




Quick Show recap:

  • Salvador Guerrero IV gives Dario Cueto a hefty sum of money in order to obtain a Death Match against his blood rival Homicide. Cueto gives it to him for next week... But says first they have to defend the Trios Championship tonight.
  • New buddies Facade & Son Of Havoc defeat La Hiedra & Black Taurus. Post match, Taurus attacks his partner, blaming her for the loss, but Facade, Havoc and La Hiedra fight him back.
  • Aerostar speaks to Drago on the roof of the Temple. He invokes their 1000 years friendship and asks his help to restore the timelime and save the world. Drago accepts.
  • Marty "the Moth" Martinez defeats Laredo Kid to earn an ancient Aztec medallion. He acts strangely towards ring announcer Shaul Guerrero, like a sadistic predator.
  • El Dragon Azteca Jr asks Dario Cueto for a match against Black Lotus in order to avenge his master. Cueto tells him he'll have it... If he can offer him something of value in exchange.
  • The Rabbit Tribe beat Willie Mack, Homicide & Salvador Guerrero IV to become Trios Champion, thanks to some infighting between the two formers.
  • Mil Muertes comes to Catrina. He wants her to be his queen, but she's in love with Jeremiah Crane who costed Mil the championship. Mil says that he'll put Crane to the grave, and then Catrina will come to him.

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I’ve read both episodes. So far, I think the second one is better paced. The way you wrote the first show made the LU title matches seem like the midcard, even though the second one was technically the main event. You shouldn’t have more than two segments after the main event, in my opinion, no matter what kind of company you’re booking. But your characterization is strong. Your Worldwide Underground is much goofier and less threatening than the original. But Mil’s feud with Jeremiah Crane is serious enough to balance it out. It’s the strongest written storyline you have right now, in my opinion. Please keep it up, because I’m enjoying the series so far.


Thank you sir!

The 2 title matches served multiple purpose: furthering the Crane/Muertes feud, placing Dario/EC3 as the top guys in charge, and finally reasessing the fact that anything can - and will - happen in the Temple. But I totally understand that it can be viewed as poorly paced/rushed. I try to treat the titles as more of props in this dynasty, but I have to find the balance between prestige and props


You're dead right on the 2 segments at the end. Totally should have put the Havoc/Facade segment elsewhere, it would have worked a lot better.


Thank you for your constructive feedbacks, glad to have you on board!


Love that Kendrick is the leader of The Rabbit Tribe, and how Mack hits The Rock's moves :p ECIII being obedient is also funny, nice touch.


Thank you buddy!

I take great pleasure in using this "bizarro land"/alt-universe concept of the Temple in order to have things as Kendrick in London's spot and Mack being a mini-Rock

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Show begins with a quick recap of last week, when The Rabbit Tribe won the Trios Championship, the hype for Homicide and Guerrero's death match tonight, and Marty winning the first Aztec Medallion. We also see the post-match attack of La Hiedra by Black Taurus who was fought off by Facade and Son of Havoc.




El Jefe: So you're telling me you DON'T WANT my ancient aztec medallion? That's a golden opportunity, Marty, you might regret it.

The Moth: I've got enough gold, Jefe. My tribe is a wealthy one, you should see the jewelry my sister has...

El Jefe: So what is it that you want?

The Moth: I'm HUNGRY.

El Jefe: Listen, word is that you kidnapped Sexy Star and no one ever found her, so i'm afraid to ask what you're hungry for.

The Moth: Fresh... Flesh...

El Jefe: Is that a threat? Do I need to call my brother?

The Moth: I'm looking for more... Tender flesh. More appetizing.

El Jefe: Listen, I just had a ton of nachos with cheese, this conversation is making me nauseous. You don't want the medallion? Good, I don't care. You want fresh flesh? Go and do as you like, I don't care. Now leave my office.


La Hiedra vs. Black Taurus

After being put in a team last week, fierce luchadora La Hiedra faces the monstruous Taurus, who attacked her post match after she was pinned last week. The physionomy of the match is quite simple: Taurus tries to maul his opponent, while La Hiedra demonstrates a never say die attitude and some tremendous moves like a flying headscissors that sends her opponent to the outside, followed by a Tope Con Hilo!

In the end, the brute strenght overcomes the courageous luchadora and puts her out with the Inferno Suplex.






Post match, Taurus doesn't seem done with La Hiedra. He picks her up by the throat and shouts like a litteral bull. Thankfully, here comes the cavalry.





Son Of Havoc faces Taurus in the ring, who doesn't let La Hiedra go. Meanwhile, the neon-wearing ninja gets up on the apron behind his back, and hits a springboard dropkick! Taurus tumbles a few steps and loses grip of La Hiedra, but he doesn't fall. As Facade helps La Hiedra out of the ring, Havoc goes to the ropes and flies at Taurus... But he catches him by the throat! Black Taurus picks Havoc up, he gets him sooo high and then slams him down on his knee! Chokeslam Backbreaker! Havoc screams like death, bent backwards, as on commentary Matt Striker notes that his back might be broken! Facade is seen distraught ringside, as his friend is broken in the middle of the ring at the feet Black Taurus.


The screen goes to a location described as the neighborhood of "L'Ancienne Lorette" in Quebec during night time. We here police sirens and shouting over a talkie-walkie in french. The policemen, pointing their guns in front of them, enter a large warehouse. "Rendez-vous!" shouts the first policeman. But the warehouse is empty... Except for numerous bodybags on the ground... Lots of them. All of these bodybags are stinky, and we can easily figure out that there are dead bodies inside...


As the policemen search around, their flashlight enlightens a blood-stained wall. Written in blood are those words: "She made me do it".


The scene changes, and we're in the very early lights of the day at the Canadian/American frontier. There, a strange looking girl is seen driving past the frontier after the necessary security checks. Next to her, on the passenger seat, is seating a doll that looks as dirty as demented. As the woman drives past the frontier, she begins to talk to the doll... And seems to hear the doll talking back.


"You see... I told you we would make it... Yeah, you're right, we couldn't stay in Canada after all of these killings.... Oh yeah, it was GREAT!... But where are we gonna go now?.... Oh you know of a place?.... A Temple of Violence?..... That's sounds DELIGHTFUL! We're going there!"








We're back to Dario's office, where El Dragon Azteca Jr is back again after last week. Dario asks him if he has something to offer him in exchange for a match against Black Lotus, the murderer of his mentor. Azteca says that he's not wealthy, so money wasn't an option. He has nothing of value to give Dario... Except informations. Azteca says that the Eagle Tribe has always been a tribe of messengers, and they always know first. He knows something... He knows there's an undercover cop in the Temple. Dario asks who it is, and Azteca says he only knows him as his code name: "Agent Black". Dario says that's a stupid name, and tells Azteca that's not enough. If he wants the match, he has to tell him who's the cop! Azteca gets upset, but calms down when Cueto tells him he already send words to Japan to make the Black Lotus come back to the Temple. Cueto tells Azteca that next week she'll be there. Either Azteca has the name, and he faces her, or he doesn't have the name, and Cueto will feed him to Marty the Moth.


Trios Match for 3 Ancient Aztec Medallion:

Aerostar, Drago & Laredo Kid vs. The Worldwide Underground

Match starts fast and furious as Laredo Kid is eager for his first win in the Temple, and goes straight at Zicky Dice. Worldwide Underground are still absolutely goofy. Dice stops each time he hits a move and SCREAMS "outlandish". Mark Angelosetti think he's playing an NFL Game and shouts "touchdown!" each time he hits a move. PJ Black, on his part, seems more interested in looking good than wrestling.

Their opponents are lucha masters, and they go out of their way to absolutely control this match. Aerostar and Drago are flying everywhere, but it's Laredo who's even more a risk-taking high-flyer. That costs him, because when they think they have the match in hand, he attempts a 630° sentons, but PJ Black puts his knees up and follows up with a quick roll-up for the win!



Post match, as Dice, Angelosetti and PJ BLack each receive a medallion, Laredo Kid apologizes to his partners about losing the match. They both seem to excuse him.





We get a video vignette introducing Puma King!


We see a proud tribe of warriors in the ancient times, while Puma King voices it over in spanish. He says his tribe was the most proud of the ancient seven aztec tribes. They were warriors, they were felines. Their roar was terrifying every other tribes. But the warrior lifestyle has a heavy cost. With time, the tribe grew more and more sparse. They were few and fewer of them.


Ultimately, they were not enough to stop the other tribes, filled with jealousy and revenge, to run them out of their ancestral territory. Now, the Feline Tribe has no territory, is weaker than ever, and they're desperate...


It's time to regain PRIDE!

Puma King is coming to the Temple to fight in the tradition of his ancestors, and restore the pride of his tribe. He wants the other warriors to respect the Feline Tribe again, and he wants HIS PEOPLE to regain pride in themselves and dignity.


The next scene is from an old busted american car in the middle of the night, somewhere in Boyle Heights.






Jeremiah: So he came to you, and told you YOU WOULD BE HIS QUEEN?! Again?!

Catrina: He didn't touch me, Jeremiah...

Jeremiah: Yeah right, THIS TIME! But not last time. And he wants me dead, huh? Big ol' scary Mil Muertes thinks I'm afraid of HIM?!

Catrina: Jeremiah, we can leave the Temple. We can go far, together my love.

Jeremiah: Leave the Temple?! I LOVE THAT PLACE! I get paid to inflict pain, that's the best gig ever! I can't keep a job for more than 2 months, here I get PAID! That's the path to a GREAT life for us babe! But first I got to get rid of this dummy who thinks he can have you.

Catrina: But he's dangerous...

Jeremiah: He's dangerous?! I am dangerous! If Mil's ever come bacl close to you, tell him I'll be the one putting him in the grave. Hell, I'll tell Cueto I want to end Mil! I'll burry him alive!


Death Match: Salvador Guerrero IV vs. Nelson Erazo

Homicide comes out with a bicycle chain around his forearm. Salvador Guerrero, on his part, comes out with a baseball bat... They're here to fight! Vampiro reminds us that Homicide is the leader of El Cartel, a criminal organization that rules in California and New Mexico, while Guerrero is the head of one of the most famous Lucha families in the world... Which is also the most powerful mafia in Mexico. These two families have been at war for more than twenty years, and are in a stalemate. The two leaders decided on a truce and came to the Temple to settle things by themselves, without any more deaths in their ranks.

Salvador swings his bat at Erazo, but he dodges and hits him with a chain-wearing lariat that draws first blood.

This is a total bloodbath where chairs, a chain, the baseball bat and a table are used. This total mayhem of a match goes on for 12 minutes before Homicide hits the Gringo Killer on Salvador onto a goddamn cinder block that breaks. Salvador doesn't get up from that, and the match ends as the two men are covered in blood and Homicide celebrates with a scary smile.






Aerostar and Drago are in Cueto's office. As Cueto is stunned that Drago is here, Aerostar reassures him: he's gonna help them restore the timeline and save the world. Aerostar says that they are somes things Dario must do to mirror the real timeline and bridge the gap between this world and theirs: first, he has to bring back Dario's Dial of Doom with his brother. Dario smiles and says he LOVES Dario's Dial of Doom. And he loves his new baby brother, so obedient and not violent towards him... Aerostar also says that Marty the Moth going after a ring announcer is a good thing, as it happened. Dario should let him roam freely. Finally, Aerostar thinks that Laredo Kid has great potential, and that this man could be the future ace of the Temple, the new "PRINCE".


As they continue to talk, the camera goes up and... Throught the roof. We are in the vent pipe of Dario Cueto's office. A slythering sound is made, and we see a surprising flexible silhouette... Something... Someone is in the vent pipe, lurking down on the office, and more particuraly on Drago... Is it a man? Is it a snake?







Quick Show recap:

  • Marty the Moth tells Dario Cueto he's not interested in the Aztec Medallion he won last week. He's interested in eating... People we guess? Dario tells him that he doesn't care, that he can do as he wants, but he can't relinquish the golden opportunity.
  • Black Taurus defeats La Hiedra. Post match, Taurus attackes her again, but Son of Havoc and Facade come to her rescue. In the melee, Taurus gets his hands on Son Of Havoc and break his back.
  • A video vignette for a serial killer who speaks to an inanimated doll. LuFisto is coming to the Temple, as her doll told her to.
  • Marty "the Moth" Martinez defeats Laredo Kid to earn an ancient Aztec medallion. He acts strangely towards ring announcer Shaul Guerrero, like a sadistic predator.
  • El Dragon Azteca Jr still wants Dario Cueto to book a match against Black Lotus in order to avenge his master. In exchange, he tells Dario there's an undercover cop making his way to the Temple. Cueto says he wants the name. If he has the name next week, Azteca has his match. If he doesn't, he'll feed him to Marty the Moth.
  • Worldwide Underground beat Aerostar, Drago and Laredo Kid with lot of luck, to earn 3 Ancient Aztec Medallions. Post match, Laredo apologies to his partners for losing the match.
  • Video vignette introduction for Puma King, who comes to the Temple to put respect back on his tribe's name and instill pride in his tribe's heart.
  • Jeremiah Crane wants to kill Mil Muertes. Catrina is scared, asks him to leave the Temple together while there's still times. Jeremiah says it's not an option, the Temple is the only place he gets paid to inflict pain, it's path to a wealthy life together because it's the only job he'll ever keep. Crane says he will stay in the Temple AND kill Mil Muertes.
  • Nelson "Homicide" Erazo beats Salvador Guerrero IV in a bloody, out of control Death Match, to end the war between their families.
  • Aerostar has a plan to bridge the gap between the realities and save the world from auto-destruction. Dario's Dial of Doom is back next week... In the shadows, Ophidian is lurking on Drago

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Wow, some real dark vignettes :p


Loved the introduction to LuFisto and Puma King, very cool show


Thank you buddy!

Obviously drew a lot of inspiration from some of Ricky Mandel's vignette from LU, and from early PROGRESS Jimly Havoc promos. It was fun to write!


Another really good show; I never finished season 4 of the show, so I've been watching it on Tubi thanks to this dynasty.


Thank you falling_star! Happy to have you on board on both the NWA diary and this one.

I'm on team "Season 4 was okay", but ir's worth the watch!

It was important to me, using the "alternate timeline" proxy, to allow people who didn't see all of the seasons to follow the diary without being lost

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As often, show opens with a recap of certain past events. This video package focuses on the winners of the Ancient Aztec Medallions (Marty the Moth and the three members of the Worldwide Underground), the changing of the Lucha Underground Championship on the first show of the season, and last week's meeting between Dario Cueto and Aerostar & Drago.


"Listen, Azteca, I was really clear last week. I told you that I won't give you the match you want with the murderer of your master, Black Lotus, unless you manage to find out WHO is the undercover cop in my Temple. I also told you that if you DIDN'T, I would feed you to Marty the Moth Martinez. El Jefe is a man of his words, okay? So get to the ring, because you're facing the Moth right now... Oh and Azteca?... It will be anything goes... Good luck kid."





El Dragon Azteca Jr. vs. Marty "the Moth" Martinez - Anything Goes

There's no particular bad blood between the two men. There's no quarrel to be settle, no feud to resolve. But Marty the Moth is one scary psychopath. After waving like a madman to ring announcer Shaul Guerrero during the introduction and asking her "how's your uncle" (the poor Salvador Guerrero having lost a death match last week), he jumps at his opponent of the night, and BITE THE SIDE OF HIS THROAT! HE'S GOING FOR THE JUGULAR!

Azteca is the superior wrestler and vows the crowd with some aerial moves, but with small amount of blood dropping from the side of his neck, he faces a different beast. Each time Azteca get the upperhand with some wrestling, Marty gets back with the use of a chair, or by just biting him like a rabid dog.

In the end, Marty wins the match with a butterfly ddt onto a chair.






Post match, Marty doesn't seem like he's done. Eyeing the semi-unconscious Dragon Azteca Jr., he crawls on the ground like a predator and stalks Azteca like he's his prey. Always with a sick and demented smile on his face, Marty grabs Azteca by the head... He's biting him through his mask! He's biting at his forehead! As the Believers in the Temple chant "you sick f**k", suddenly the lights go out.






When they come back on, Marty isn't alone in the ring.






It's Black Lotus! She smiles at Marty and wave at him like an innocent little girl, but... She then runs right at him, yakuza kick! Marty is down and he wisely choses to retreat from the ring. What does that mean? Why is Black Lotus saving the disciple of the man who killed her parents?... She looks down at Azteca who can't believe what is happening, and clenches his jaw in anger at the sight of her. Lotus crouches over him and whispers something into his ear. She then left without anything else, as Azteca is left all alone and seemingly dumbfounded.


We get quick package video from Black Taurus breaking Son of Havoc's back last week. It is followed by a pre taped Facade promo.






"Son Of Havoc is my friend. He's the only one I can call a friend in this Temple. He found a little lost puppy on the road and brought him here. Last week, my friend's got injured by Black Taurus after we saved La Hiedra from him. Son Of Havoc is badly wounded, and cannot make it to the Temple until a few fews, maybe months.


Well let me tell you something Taurus. You might be that big bad monster, but I ain't afraid of you. Perseus killed the Minotaur, and I'm gonna slay you and avenge my friend, next week!"




The Mack: Listen boss, The Mack was Trios Champion and He never got His rematch. I want another shot at the three Rabbit freaks.

El Jefe: I don't know if you noticed, but one third of your trios championship team almost murdered the other third in the Temple last week. I'm not sure Salvador Guerrero will be back to the Temple anytime soon.

The Mack: Don't tell the Mack he can't have His rematch, Jefe. I'm the most electrifying superstar in AAAAALL of the Temple! The Mack is money! The believers want to see The Mack!

El Jefe: You sure get a lot of screams from our blood-thirsty believers. And when they're happy, they pay a lot. They drink a lot. And the more they drink, the more they get blood thirsty... I like that.

The Mack: You see? Come on boss, gimme a shot.

El Jefe: Okay, it's done. Next week, you and Homicide get a chance to win back your Trios Championship. Just find a third partner, and it's done.

The Mack: Thank you boss! FINALLY... THE MACK, HAS COME BA...

El Jefe: Yeah yeah ok ok I got it. Now, get out of my office, because you've got a match, RIGHT NOW.


Three Way Dance for an Ancient Aztec Medallion

Thea Trinidad vs. Willie Mack vs. Drago

This match is elimination style. It starts hot with Thea Trinidad going straight at Drago and putting him down with a gut kick and a DDT. She then turns towards Willie Mack and elbows him... But he didn't feel anything. Former Trios Champion The Mack unleashes punches on her, that look eerily similar to The Rock's People Punch.

The match is fast and furious, with alliance making and breaking in the middle of it. First elimination comes when Dragon is on the top rope, about to hit a flying move on Trinidad... But Willie Mack jumps ONTO the turnbuckle and hits a goddamn SPANISH FLY ON DRAGO ONTO THEA TRINIDAD! The crowd goes crazy, and The Mack pins Drago.

He tries to pin Thea immediately, but she grabs him, roll up!

One, two, and three!



After the match is over, Drago goes out his way to shake the winner's hand, followed by Willie Mack. As Drago exits the ring and makes his way to the back through the smoky corridor entrance, the camera follows him. Drago goes through numerous corridors and up somes stairs. He then opens a door, and finds himself on the roof of the Temple, breathing some fresh air.






Aerostar: These ancient medallions are not your fate my brother.

Drago: And what is my fate, oh traveler of times?

Aerostar: To save the world. Again. As you and I did thousands of years ago, when the Gods ran amongst the tribes and waged war on our ground.

Drago: It was centuries ago. I'm not the young dragon I once was.

Aerostar: You still are the most powerful dragon in the world, respected by your peers.

Drago: My peers are fewer and fewer every decade. Soon, there won't be any dragons, or even representants of the Snake Tribe. Reptiles once rules the earth, but this time is over...


???: It might not be.






Aerostar: Who are you?

Drago: I know you.

Ophidian: I am Ophidian of the sand. I am the great Serpent.

Drago: You're the slytherin snake! Our tribe banned you thousands or years ago! I thought you were dead.

Ophidian: I'm not my dear friend. I survived. You exiled me accros the world, and I found the great sand areas. I prospered. I became a God.

Drago: You're not a God. You're a scum! You're Ophidian the Liar, the teller of stories, the great Plotter!

Ophidian: Accross the world, I became revered. Being a God is about being worshiped my dear. Ohhh, there's so much I can show youn. You shall join me, great Dragon. Together, we could restore our Tribe and rule the world again.

Aerostar: Drago is not interested in your fantasies!

Ophidian: Remember when reptiles rules the earth my friend... If you want that to become true again, join me.


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Let me introduce to you the finest invention in all of the wrestling world. This is... DARIO'S DIAL OF DOOOOOM!






"I will spin this dial to decide the person who will have a shot at the Lucha Underground Championship against MY BABY BROTHER ETHAN CUETO THE THIRD! Which ever name gets picked will come out and face the greatest luchador alive, whose name is CUETO in case you wondered. So without further a due... LET'S SPIN THE DIAL!"






"Dario's Dial of Doom has made its choice. The UNLUCKY winner is..."








Lucha Underground Championship Match

Ethan Cueto 3 © vs. Puma King

EC3 has the powers of an ancient Aztec God. He might be Lucha Underground's greatest luchador, with the strength of a bear and the speed of a cheetah. He crushed many luchadores, including Mil Muertes who he won the title from. So this match should be easy picking for him. Right?

If you guessed that, you're dead wrong. The match is far from the one-sided affair it could have been with Puma King having a star-making performance and the two wrestlers gelling really well.

The fantastic looks and surprising agility of Puma King puts the believers in awe and endangers EC3's title reign to the point that even Dario Cueto sometimes seem afraid.

It's a jaw-dropping 14 minutes show stealing match where each luchador is even. But in the end, as Puma King attempts a reverse rana, EC3 muscles up and delivers an eletric chair driver for a nearfall. The kick out angers EC3 who picks Puma's up and hits his headlock driver, the One Perceter, to keep his championship.

He may have lost the match, but Puma King's performance made him a star to the Believers tonight.



As the match is over, EC3 screams his rage and happines at winning. He's soon joined by Dario Cueto who takes the belt from him and holds it up like he is the champion. But out of the dark comes someone who also competed for the title some times ago...






It's JEREMIAH CRANE! Getting in the ring behind EC3, he waits for him to turn around and hits him with his Death Kick (Bicycle Kick). EC3's down, and Crane turns his attention towards El Jefe and the belt. But he's not alone to creep out of the shadows.






Obaryion, Payne and Kodama, Mil Muertes's Death Disciple come out! They rush at Crane and begin to beat him up. Crane puts up a good fight, he kicks Obaryion to the ground and pushes Kodama back. Just as the monstruous Payne is about to hit him, he backs off... The three Disciples slowly back off one step, then two. Crane doesn't understand, but we see what he doesn't...






Mil Muertes is behind his back! Muertes attacks Crane and beats him down under the eyes of his followers. He tears off Crane's leather jacket in a fit of rage, screaming "SHE'S MINE" (referring to Crane's girlfriend Catrina who's not around). Crane fights back, but soon Muertes is throwing him out of the ring and just at the feet of the believers. They brawl like madmen just in front of a rabid crowd, but El Jefe has made it back to his office's entrance, followed by his brother.




Mil Muertes! Jeremiah Crane! You two can't seem to live inside my Temple together. To me, the solution is easy: Mil wants Crane dead, Crane wants Mil dead... WELL I'LL LET YOU KILL EACH OTHERS! BECAUSE NEXT WEEK, YOU TWO WILL FACE...... IN GRAVE CONSEQUENCES!


Whoever lost will not be a problem anymore, and whoever win...





Quick Show Recap:

  • Azteca didn't find out who the undercover cop is, so Dario Cueto puts him in a match against Marty the Moth with no disqualification.
  • Marty defeats El Dragon Azteca Jr.. Post match, Black Lotus surprisingly saves the man who swore to kill her from a post match beatdown. She then whispers something to his ear and leaves.
  • Black Taurus broke Son Of Havoc's back last week. His friend Facade wants to avenge him, so he'll face Taurus next week.
  • Willie Mack wants another shot at the Trios Championship. Cueto tells him that since former partner Salvador Guerrero hasn't been seen nor will be since losing a Death Match to fellow former partner Homicide, he can have his rematch next week if he finds another partner.
  • Thea Trinidad beats Drago and Willie Mack to win an Ancient Aztec Medallion.
  • Drago tells Aerostar about being tired and not being sure he'll be able to help him save the world. Ophidian, a former member of Drago's Reptile Tribe who was exiled thousands of years ago, approaches him with an offer to join him and conquer the world.
  • Dario Cueto introduces Dario's Dial of Doom. First challenger for the Lucha Underground Championship is Puma King!
  • EC3 defends the championship against Puma King in a star making performance for the latter.
  • Jeremiah Crane attacks EC3. Mil Muertes and his Disciples then attack Crane. Amidst the chaos, Cueto announces Crane vs. Mil in Grave Consequences next week, with the winner getting a title shot!

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As always, show opens with a video recap of previous episodes. This one focuses on the rich history that led to the Main Event: a Grave Consequences Match between Mil Muertes and Jeremiah Crane. Both men will be looking to lock their opponent inside a casket and put him away... Forever.


Following scene takes place in a dark litted locker room, where the two protagonists are seated next to each other. A short writing tells us the scene took place last week after the show.






The Mack: Listen, Nelson. I really liked those Trios Championship. I know we were a makeshift team made up by Cueto, but we geled and we became champs! Cueto told me we can have our rematch if we find another partner... Sooooo you in?

Homicide: Listen esse, I came to the Temple to end the war between my Cartél and the Guerrero's Family. Now, it's done... But hey, I like that place. I like that place a lot. I guess my primos can take care of the business while I get some fun here.

The Mack: Yeah man, it's all about fun! Beating people up, blood, sweat, guts... The Mack LOVES that too!

Homicide: But what about the third man?

The Mack: WHO'S THE THIRD MAN, BROTHER?!... Hahaha!

Homicide: ...

The Mack: Well The Mack says, let's pick whichever jabroni walks out that door first, right?

Homicide: You know we ain't in a movie, right hermano[/b]? We could be waiting here for hours!

The Mack: The Mack... Didn't think about that. Well let's give it a try, alright? I got a good feeling 'bout this.









???: Hey guys... Do you know where the toilets are?

The Mack: Told ya', Cide! Hey man, are you by any chance a luchador?

???: Uh... No... I'm the plumber, I was called for a water leak.

Homicide: Madre de dios.

The Mack: But... You know wrestling right?

???: Wrestling?... Yeah, of course! I'm a huge fan of The Rock!

The Mack: The Mack has never heard of that Stone-man. Anyway, drop your tools, thanks to the sacred rule of "whoever walks in first", you're now part of the next Trios Champions!

???: Trios?... Well... Ok I guess?

The Mack: What's your name, brother?

???: I'm Luke... Luke Calhoun, Plumber from father to son since 1979.

The Mack: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR... Just kiddin' bruh, haha!... Hey, this is our partner, Nelson. You can call him 'Cide.

Homicide: Dios mios...


Lucha Underground Trios Championship Match

The Rabbit Tribe © vs. The Mack, Homicide & Luke Calhoun

The Rabbit Tribe is as demetend as ever. Saltador jumps everywhere, sometimes diving between the ropes without aiming at someone and without even being the legal man. Mala Suerte can be found doing cartwheel, and Brian Kendrick can't help himself but laughing like a manic unexcpetedly. That doesn't stop the Tribe from being one hell of a trio, and Kendrick with his flips and dirty brawling combination make for a formidable foe.

Luke Calhoun sometimes seem a little taken aback by these shenanigans, but makes for a surprisingly good brawler. Mack and Homicide are great luchadores and complete this team.

But they lack teamwork, and a miscommunication causes Calhoun to unadvertantly hit Homicide with a lariat. Kendrick jumps at the occasion and hits his Down the Rabbit Hole (Sliced Bread #2) on Homicide for the win.






Post match, Calhoun checks on Homicide and apologizes for hitting him. But the furious mob leader that is Nelson Erazo is not the forgiving kind. He kicks Luke Calhoun in the balls and goes out of the ring to take a steel chair! He's about to hit a kneeled Calhoun, but The Mack gets in between, his hand in front of him, asking 'Cide to not hit him. In the end, Homicide spits on the ground and leave, while Mack shouts at him that "we're a team, damnit!"





"Yo soy El Dragon Azteca Jr. I was raised in the respect of the ancient traditions. I'm the heir of the Eagle Tribe, who named me the bearer of the torch. I was trained by El Dragon Azteca in honour and respect.


Last week, my dreaded rival, the woman I swore to KILL, Black Lotus, came to my rescue. I didn't ask her to. I didn't know what she was doing there. She knows I want to kill her in revenge for my maestro. But she didn't put a finger on me while I was down. I respect that, although I don't understand it.


But then, she talked to me. She whispered to my ear. You know what she told me? She told me that she killed my master, because HE killed her parents, and that they were innocents.


Why would the most honorable man I ever knew, MY MASTER, kill two innocent people? Either she's lying, either my master wasn't the man I thought... But how couldn't he be?... But why would she lie, when she could have taken my life right there in the ring?


I don't know what to think, and I don't know what to believe.


But I know how to test a person's value. If I want to know if Black Lotus is honourable and telling the truth, I have to face her.


So consider this a challenge, Black Lotus.


You, me, the Lucha Underground Temple...


Let's fight, and we'll think later."


Facade vs. Black Taurus

This match has a lot of bad feelings, after Black Taurus broke Facade's friend Son Of Havoc's back, after they saved La Hiedra from the dreaded Minotaur.

It's a total clash of style, as the pure strength of Taurus faces the crazy risk-taking almost suicidal aerial style of the neon-wearing ninja Facade.

The back and forth progressively grows in favour of Taurus, and he catches a springboard hurracanrana attempts into a powerbomb onto the turnbuckle for the win.






The match is over, but it's clear what Black Taurus has in mind. He picks Facade back up and grabs him by his throat. He's about to hit him with the same Chokebreaker that he used to break Son Of Havoc's back. But once again, here comes the cavalry!






La Hiedra, who almost was Taurus' first victim in the Temple, comes out with a springboard dropkick to the back of Taurus. He stumbles and let go of Facade. The high-flyer is quick to escape the ring and get away with La Hiedra in front of the fury of the Man Beast who let go an unhuman scream in anger.





Catrina: My love... I don't want to lose you.

Jeremiah: You won't. Tonight, I kill Mil Muertes.

Catrina: Be careful, you know how powerful he is.

Jeremiah: You're doubting me?

Catrina: Of course not... But I'm afraid.

Jeremiah: Once he's dead, I'll win the Lucha Underground Championship. I'll also take back the Gauntler of the Gods that the Cuetos stole...










"Don't interfere in Grave Consequences... This is Death's territory. This is MY territory. And my quarrel. I will put Jeremiah Crane to the grave. And then, I will claim my Queen. Catrina will be mine, and we will reign over hell together."




Grave Consequence: Mil Muertes vs. Jeremiah Crane /w. Catrina

What can we say about a match where the luchadores literally put their lives on the line?

It's a hatred, brutal fight between two men who want to kill each others. They hit each other with grueling shots and moves, and a steel chair quickly gets involved when Jeremiah asks Catrina to send him one.

As the match goes on, Jeremiah's forehead gets wide open by a chairshot, and he wears a crimson mask. In an adrenaline and madness fueled move, Crane actually takes the blood on his fingers and licks it with a crazy smile.

Mil also bleed from under his mask, which gets partially torn by Crane's hands.

The casket gets drag into the ring by Crane, who hits a front suplex on Mil onto it. The two men try to lock their opponent inside the casket, but none of them relinquish the match... And his life.

But the damages are done in this crazy 15 minutes car crash of a match. Crane attempts his Death Kick that would make Muertes fall into the casket... but Muertes grabs his foot and hits a goddamn leg-trapped Flatliner onto the casket! He rolls Crane inside the wooden death vessel and slam the door shut. As Catrina cries and screams in anguish, Mil Muertes is the winner.






"Congratulation, Mil Muertes. You won Grave Consequence. As I promised, it earns you a shot at the Lucha Underground Championship and my baby brother EC3 next week. Celebrate all you can, because next week, Dario's Dial of Doom will decide the stipulation of your match!... Hopefully it's not another Grave Consequence, otherwise YOU'll be the one burried alive!"


Quick Show Recap:

  • A footage of last week shows The Mack convincing Homicide to cash their rematch for the Trios title next week. Homicide says he likes the Temple and will stay in for a little while although his war with the Guerreros are over. Mack is a goof, and that leads to a plumber named Luke Calhoun being picked as their trio partner.
  • The Rabbit Tribe defeats Calhoun, Homicide & The Mack to defend the Trios Championship due to some Calhoun/Homicide miscommunication.
    Post-match, an angry 'Cide attacks Calhoun, but Mack gets in between and asks him to stop, leading to Homicide walking out.
  • Black Taurus broke Son Of Havoc's back last week. His friend Facade wants to avenge him, so he'll face Taurus next week.
  • Willie Mack wants another shot at the Trios Championship. Cueto tells him that since former partner Salvador Guerrero hasn't been seen nor will be since losing a Death Match to fellow former partner Homicide, he can have his rematch next week if he finds another partner.
  • El Dragon Azteca Jr reveals what Black Lotus told him last week: his master killed her parents, two innocent civillians. Azteca doesn't know if he should believe her, but he wants to face her in order to test her and see if she's saying the truth.
  • Black Taurus beats a revenge-seeking Facade. He tries to break his back post-match like he did with his friend Son Of Havoc, but La Hiedra makes the save.
  • Jeremiah Crane and Mil Muertes both prepare for their Grave Consequence Match. Catrina is afraid, but Crane swears he won't die tonight. Muertes orders his followers to not interfere.
  • Mil Muertes defeats Jeremiah Crane in Grave Consequence.
    Post match, Dario Cueto confirms that as a result, Muertes will have a shot at the Lucha Underground Championship next week again Ethan Cueto the Third... And Dario's Dial of Doom will decide the stipulation.

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How did Thea Trinidad survive that Spanish Fly spot from Mack? :p Love the stories. Are Heidra and Facade meant to be the Angelico and Ivelisse of this alternative reality? Could see them challenging for the Trios titles after they're done with Taurus


A bad ass chick and a crazy high flyer wraring neon colors?

Well it's true that i've already been more subtle :D

But will Son Of Havoc return from that broken.back??

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<p></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;">SEASON 5 EPISODE 6</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="LoneRawCod.webp" data-src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/LoneRawCod.webp" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52417" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Episode 6 begins with a video recap of the last few weeks. It focuses on the multiple stories that got weaved in the Temple: <strong>Mil Muertes</strong> and <strong>Jeremiah Crane</strong> war that concluded in Muertes burrying Crane last week in Grave Consequences ; <strong>Dario</strong>'s Dial of Doom and his brother's title defense ; <strong>Ophidian</strong>'s return from exile from the Reptible Tribe and offer to <strong>Drago</strong> to rule the world together ; <strong>Willie Mack</strong>'s attempts to regain the Trios Title with reluctant partner <strong>Homicide</strong> and... A plumber... We also see the crazed maniacs of the Temple, from the apparently flesh-eating <strong>Marty the Moth</strong> and his obession with ring announcer <strong>Shaul Guerrero</strong>, the serial killer on the run <strong>LuFisto</strong> who's coming to the Temple with her doll ; Trios Champions <strong>The Rabbit Tribe</strong>, and so much more...<p> </p><p> The video ends with an earlier meeting between <strong>Aerostar</strong> and <strong>Dario Cueto</strong>, where the time traveler explained Dario that they were in a sort of alternate reality that diverged from theirs sometimes during the previous seasons. The timeline is all over the place, and if they don't fix things the world will end!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52417" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="2mtu69N.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2mtu69N.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mil Muertes</strong> is in the middle of the ring for the opening of the show. The God of Death still has red marks on his back from the brutal Grave Consequences fight with <strong>Jeremiah Crane</strong> last week. Per the stipulation, he won a title match with <strong>Ethan Cueto 3rd</strong>... But it's El Jefe who comes out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="mGvRXJp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mGvRXJp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> "Mil Muertes! You fought like a rabid savage last week, and gave this Temple an offering... Jeremiah Crane's life! To reward you of this fantastic burst of violence, YOU get a chance at the Lucha Underground Championship! But to spice things up, w're going to spin a new and improved Dario's Dial of Doom which will determine the stipulation of the match!... Look at this, we've got Nos Más match... Ladder War... OH, another Grave Consequence Match!... LET'S SPIN THE WHEEEEEEEEEL!"</p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> The wheel spins and spins, and stops on... "Aztec Warfare"? </p><p> </p><p> "OH MY GOD! Mil Muertes, it seems like you hit the jackpot! I told you you would earn a chance at the title... But it seems like you won't be the only one tonight, as the following match is... </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">AZTEC WARFAAAAARE! </span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> To those who live under a rock, twenty luchador will fight until only one is remaining! Every 90 seconds, a new luchador will enter. Elimination occurs via pinfall of submission. And of course... ANYTHING GOES! </p><p> </p><p> As you're already in the ring, let's say you're lucky number 1, Mil.</p><p> </p><p> Now let's see who's gonna be number 2 with a spin of the Dario's Dial of Doom!"</p><p> </p><p> Dario turns the wheel around and we see the previous wheel with luchadores' name on it, Dario spins it to pick entrant #2 in Aztec Warfare...</p><p> </p><p> ...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="fN5Pjy7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fN5Pjy7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>BLACK TAURUS</strong>!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52417" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>AZTEC WARFARE FOR THE LUCHA UNDERGROUND CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></span><p> </p><p> The bell rings, and the crowd chants "holy sh*t", because the first two men are literal monsters, <strong>Mil Muertes</strong> and <strong>Black Taurus</strong>. And of course, it's a total hoss fight. Earth shakes and the believers shiver as the two behemoths go all out. Of course, Muertes is still a little injured after the total war he had last week with Crane, so this offers Taurus a slight advantage. After the 90 seconds of total fight, it's time for entrant #3.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="99Mfpzg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/99Mfpzg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> It's <strong>Laredo Kid</strong>! The luchador cautiously enters the ring, and comes face to face with Taurus. The Minotaur tries to grab him, but a serie of dropkicks keep him at bay. Meawhile, Muertes is back up and comes behind Taurus with a SPREA! Laredo kid jumps at the occasion and hits him with a goddamn hurracanrana for a 2 count! Muertes gets mad and starts to batter the poor Laredo Kid. He body punches him in the corner ala Undertaker, then hits him with a sidewalk slam. It has already been 90 seconds, and here comes #4.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="H81laQL.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/H81laQL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>La Hiedra</strong> is here! The luchadora flies at her rival Black Taurus, who tried to break her back only for her to be saved by Son Hof Havoc who in turned got his back broken... Last week, La Hiedra saved Facade from the same fate. She flies at Taurus with a springboard hurracanrana... But Taurus gets a hold on her and doesn't go down, instead hitting her with a powerbomb onto a standing Mil Muertes! Muertes goes down but gets back up. We get another intense staredown between the two monsters... And Muertes picks La Hiedra back up... Powerbomb! He powerbombed her right at the feet of Taurus, as a challenge to him! La Hiedra rolls out of the ring, and the monsters get closer and closer, face to face. That's when the drum rolls start to beat...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="7Mu5Wg5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7Mu5Wg5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Number 5 is <strong>Zicky Dice</strong>! He runs down the stairs like a total tool, screaming "OUTLANDIIIIISH!" He runs around the ring while the two monsters don't even look at him. He finally get in the ring and approaches Taurus and Muertes from the side. He... Taunts them? Is he mad? Of course, the provocation is quickly answered, as Mil Muertes turns around and hits him with his Flatliner. He then motions towards Black Taurus as a way to tell him "show me what you got". Taurus picks up an already inanimated Dice, and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a three count.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Zicky Dice has been eliminated</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="g7fYL2i.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/g7fYL2i.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The tides might be turning, because #6 si Mil's disciple <strong>Obaryion</strong>! He runs to the ring and jumps at Taurus. The Minotaur is midly annoyed by him and clubbers him, but it gives Mil enough time to hit him with a spear. Meanwhile, outside of the ring, Laredo Kid and La Hiedra seem to have made a pact. They both get back to the ring. Laredo Kid hits Muertes with a running dropkick to the knee. The God of Death is down on a knee, and La Hiedra runs at him with a shining wizard. Laredo Kid then attempts a springboard 450°, but <strong>Obaryion</strong> jumps onto his master's body to protect him! Both get hit, but Laredo might be facing a 2 on 1 situation because La Hiedra spotted Taurus on the outside and hit him with a Tope Con Hilo! The Beast goes down!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="z1oZVUA.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/z1oZVUA.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> #7 is <strong>Facade</strong>! Instead of running down the stairs, he instead goes into the crowd, just above La Hiedra and Taurus... Jumping crossbody onto Taurus! La Hiedra and Facade fist bump and go to war on the beast that injured Son Of Havoc. In the ring, Laredo Kid is fighting off Obaryion while Mil's recuperating, letting his minion do the dirty work. Laredo hits a beautiful Pelé kick on Obaryion that sends him down, but when he gets up he crosses eyes with Mil Muertes who runs at him with yet another spear... And Laredo leapfrogs him! Mil goes right into the turbuckle post! Laredo Kid hesitates a second, but choses to finish off Obaryion with a standing moonsault, and then immediately a standing shooting star press for a three count!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Obaryion has been eliminated.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="hNdgbHF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hNdgbHF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> #8 is Nelson Erazo aka <strong>Homicide</strong>! 'Cide is coming out with a fork reminiscent of one Abdullah the Butch. He runs down the stairs and slide into the ring... Fork shot to the forehead of Laredo Kid!... And one for Mil Muertes!... WHO NO SELLS IT! Homicide looks at him, then his fork... Then decide f**k it, and stabs Mil's forehead four time like a maniac! This time, Muertes stumbles, and 'Cide hits the rope for a lariat.</p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile, outisde of the ring, La Hiedra and Facade are teaming up against Black Taurus. They seem to match him 2 for 1, which is a crazy thought. They hit him with quick kicks and make him back up to the bottom of the stairs. That's when the drum rolls hit again...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="B6NQJSS.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/B6NQJSS.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Number 9 is <strong>Black Lotus</strong>! She comes running down the stairs and jumps off of it to hit a double foot stomp on the top of Black Taurus's head! Dios mios! Taurus is now on his knees, and La Hiedra & Facade hit him with a double superkick... He's still on his knees, so they decide on a second stereo superkick... But Taurus, although stumbling, is getting back up... The monster is about to regain his senses, but from the ring comes flying Laredo Kid with a crossbody that takes EVERYBODY DOWN!</p><p> </p><p> Outside of the ring, five people are down, but in the ring Homicide is facing the wrath of Mil Muertes. The God of Death has him trapped in the ropes and boxes him like he wants to punch him to death. That's when #10 enters, we're halfway through the match...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="7uJDzec.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7uJDzec.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> "From el Inframundoooo... <strong>DRAGOOOO</strong>!" The Dragon comes out, and he has nunchuks with him! He slides into the ring and hits Mil Muertes with a serie of nunchuks shots. Muertes goes down and rolls outside of the ring, leaving Drago all alone, posing with the nunchuks. </p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile, outisde of the ring, La Hiedra and Facade drag Taurus under the bottom rope. They want to end the monster. They each get to a turnbuckle, ready to hit a move, but Taurus is already getting back up!... That's when Homicide hits him with a lariat. Taurus stumbles, and Drago hits him with his nunchuks on the top of the head. He gets down on one knee, and La Hiedra comes flying... Missile dropkick! Now he's down! And Facade goes for a Swanton Bomb! Facade & La Hiedra both get on top of Taurus for the pin. One, two,...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Black Taurus has been eliminated!</strong> They did it! But just as one monster is out, another comes out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ZOAsBmN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ZOAsBmN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> #11 is <strong>LuFisto</strong>! She slowly gets down the stairs with her disgusting looking doll near her ear, like he was talking to her. LuFisto puts her doll on one of the stair's step and goes ringside, where Laredo Kid and Black Lotus are. LuFisto candidly asks Laredo Kid "do you wanna play?" Then HEADBUTTS him down! She turns to Black Lotus and also headbutts her down before getting in the ring.</p><p> </p><p> In the ring, Homicide grabbed the nunchuks out of Drago's hands and is fighting with him. LuFisto faces La Hiedra & Facade. They go for a stero superkick, but she let herself go down on her knees to dodge. She gets back up and hit them with a double clothesline, they go down!</p><p> </p><p> LuFisto notices Mil Muertes outside of the ring, on the other side from where she made her entrance, and it seems like there's something between The God of Death and the psychopath, like two weirdos recognizing each others. But that's when #12 comes out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="8zKGQ1m.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8zKGQ1m.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> #12 is a luchador making his debut to the Temple, which Vampiro tells us is <strong>Bill Carr</strong>! The man is a total sleaze ball, with aviator glasses on his face, believing he's acting in Top Gun or something. He smiles a lot, gets down the stairs... And notices LuFisto's doll. He picks it up and makes fun of it. He gets into the ring, slowly, and faces LuFisto. "Is that yours?" he asks... LuFisto kicks him, hits him with a Death Valley Bomb, and pins him.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bill Carr had been eliminated</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> Meawhile, Facade & La Hiedra are fighting the impromptu alliance of Black Lotus and Laredo Kid outside of the ring. They hit each other with moves, Laredo facing La Hiedra and Black Lotus facing Facade. That's when Facade hits Laredo with a superkick. Black Lotus dodges a superkick from la Hiedra, and hits her with her Wheelbarrow Dragon Suplex! Facade tries another superkick, but Black Lotus dodges and throws him into the ring. In the ring, Facade comes at the feet of LuFisto, who's still absorbed by staring at Mil Muertes. Facade's getting up gets her out of her blurr, she picks him up, and a Death Valley Bomb puts the Neon-Ninja away.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Facade has been eliminated.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="OWkpjpz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OWkpjpz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Lucky #13 is <strong>El Dragon Azteca Jr</strong>! Of course, down the stairs is Black Lotus, with whom he has a strange dynamic going on. She killed his master, claiming HE kiled her innocent parents. Azteca Jr. doesn't know is he believes her, so he wants to fight. He approaches her, but Black Lotus backs off. She doesn't want to fight him! El Dragon Azteca wants to chase her, but Drago & Homicide are brawling near him, and gets entangled in the brawl!</p><p> </p><p> In the ring, Mil Muertes slowly made his way to LuFisto. The two death machine stare at each other. LuFisto begins to laugh like a maniac "she told me about you!" she says... If she speaking about the doll?</p><p> </p><p> As Drago, 'Cide & Azteca brawl outside of the ring, La Hiedra found herself chasing after Black Lotus. Meawhile, Laredo Kid, who's still in the running after being #3, gets in the ring, inbetween LuFisto & Mil Muertes' staredown. He shouts at them "I'M NOT AFRAID"... And go after them both! The fire in this kid! The <em>cojones</em><em>[/b]</em><em>! He hits them with everything he had, and they move back!... For a moment. After the shock and surprise of the attack, Muertes gets his head together and hits Laredo in the gut. LuFisto then grabs him by his mask and plants him with a Facebuster. That's when #14 enters.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="oXH0kyF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oXH0kyF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> 14 is </em><em><strong>The Mack</strong></em><em>! Mack runs down the stairs and join the melee ringside. He and former championship partner Homicide get the batter of Azteca Jr & Drago. There's a brief floating moment when they look at each other... But Mack offers a fist bump, and 'Cide nods at him when fist bumps him. They get in the ring and we get a face off with LuFisto & Muertes... They jump at each other! Muertes fights Mack while LuFisto brawls with Homicide!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Ringside, a tired La Hiedra is no match for the Black Lotus, who has her down.</em></p><p><em> Elsewhere, Drago and El Dragon Azteca Jr. are down, and Laredo Kid has rolled out of the ring and is near his friend Drago. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> In the ring, the monstruous brawl results in Mack hitting a Spinebuster on Muertes, while Homicide is shoulder blocking LuFisto in the corner. Mack is all alone in the ring atop of Muertes, he shakes his arms... HE THROWS HIS ELBOW PAD OFF! HE'S GOING FOR IT! HE'S GOING FOR THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! He runs to the rope, then to the other side of the ring... SPRINGBOARD HURRACANRANA! OUT OF NOWHERE CAME LAREDO KID! AND HE PINS THE MACK! ONE, TWO, AND THREE!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Willie Mack has been eliminated.</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> As we get a replay of the HUGE move from Laredo Kid, we see that Homicide could have helped Willie Mack and break the pin... But didn't. Instead, he waits for the pin to be made, and goes at Laredo Kid. He's going to hit the Gringo Killer, he as Laredo up... But LuFisto comes at him with a lariat! Homicide falls backwards, and Laredo Kid is back on his feet... HE hits the Gringo Killer on Homicide! He pins him!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Homicide has been eliminated.</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> In a swift moment, Laredo Kid has eliminated two third of the former Trios Champions!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Speaking of Trios Champions, here comes #15...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="TpgtrRl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TpgtrRl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> It's the Whitte Rabbit, </em><em><strong>Brian Kendrick!</strong></em><em> And he's coming out on the shoulders of fellow tribe members Mala Suerte & Saltador!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> In the ring, Black Lotus has dragged La Hiedra in. She locks eyes with LuFisto, and wisely backs off and outside of the ring. LuFisto picks La Hiedra up, Death Valley Bomb!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>La Hiedra has been eliminated.</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> The field is narrowing! Outside of the ring we got Black Lotus. On another side, Drago, El Dragon Azteca & Laredo Kid. In the ring, Mil Muertes and LuFisto are still dominating. Meanwhile, Brian Kendrick is... Staying on top of the stairs? Taping his head with his index finger, he's believing he's so smart... And he might be, because he and his two followers are in perfect position to ambush next entrant! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> And that's when sh*t hits the fence. Mil Muertes turns to LuFisto and points to the doll. They exchange harsh words that we don't quite understand, Mil Muertes speaking in Spanish and LuFisto in french. That's when Drago, Azteca & Laredo Kid decide to team up! They storm the ring, with Drago hitting a springboard missile dropkick on LuFisto to kick her out of the ring. Azteca jumps at Mil with a springboard crossbody... But Mil catches him! It's up to Laredo Kid to deliver a springboard dropkick on the back of Azteca, who falls on top of Mil. Kid & Azteca attempt a double pinfall on Mil... But he kicks out! He gets up, bu Drago low kicks him in the calf. Azteca hits him with a jumping knee to the face, Laredo with a superkick... Mil is stumbling, the three masked marvels look at each other... Triple Superkick! The three of them get on top of Mil, ONE... TWO...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Mil Muertes has been eliminated.</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> And here comes #16...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="jNPwJQQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jNPwJQQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> "Welcome to Dropville!" Here comes Worldwide Underground Leader </em><em><strong>PJ Black</strong></em><em>! But as he comes out on the top of the Temple's stairs, Brian Kendrick and his two followers are waiting for him... They gang up on PJ Black! They beat him down like rabid dogs, and Kendrick motions to his followers to toss him... Down the stairs! PJ falls all the way down, as Kendrick laughs like a maniac, proud of his ambush plan.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Down in the ring, LuFisto is staring down the three men who eliminated Mil. Once again, they look at each others... And decide to team up! LuFisto is not as tired as Mil and she puts up a good fight, but the combined assaults of the three luchadores is one hell of a combination! After taking a large amount of attacks, she crawls to her doll which is stil in the ring. She grabs it and puts it near to her ear, like she's listening to her. She then rolls out of the ring... And turns her attention to Black Lotus who was still gaining time! LuFisto is approaching Lotus who readies herself... BUT EL DRAGON AZTECA JR COMES OUT WITH A TOPE CON HILO! He hit LuFisto hard! Azteca slowly rises up and points to LuFisto "you're MY opponent!" Lotus still doesn't want to fight him, so she gets in the ring. Azteca follows her, he goes for a forearm shot, but she dodges... And Azteca hits Laredo Kid instead! They argue, and it's ON! Laredo Kid and Dragon Azteca Jr. get in a brawl. Meanwhile, we here the lucha drumrolls...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="mkP5ZyX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mkP5ZyX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> #17 is </em><em><strong>Marty "the Moth" Martinez</strong></em><em>. Is he gonna fall in the Rabbit Tribe's trap?... Uh-uh, he comes with a chair in hand! Marty decks Saltador, then Mala Suerte, and the headshots put them down for good. Kendrick is panicked, he escaped down the stairs, jumps over the poor PJ Black, and slides... Under the ring? Marty gets down the stairs, grabs PJ on the road, throws him into the ring... AND MAULS EVERYBODY WITH A CHAIR! A chairshot for Azteca, one for Laredo Kid, one for Black Lotus, and one for Drago. CHAIRSHOT CITY! Marty then picks PJ Black up and hits his Butterfly Suplex for a three count.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>PJ Black has been eliminated.</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> He then turns to Black Lotus and licks his lips like a predator about to enjoy a meal. He picks her up... Butterfly Suplex... You know the rest.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Black Lotus has been eliminated.</strong></em><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Marty isn't done yet. He crawls over Lotus and clench his jaw. He's got... Drool dripping down his mouth?? It's disgusting! What is he about to do?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> We may never know, because that's where ring-announcer </em><em><strong>Shaul Guerrero</strong></em><em> interferes!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="vzgjQBg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vzgjQBg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Shaul, who has been stalked by Marty over the last weeks, comes to the ring, picks up the chair... And hit Marty on the back with it! Marty is hurt and annoyed, he gets back up, looks at Shaul... And laughs like a maniac, because of course. But Shaul is not giving in anymore, she hits him with the chair on the head, and Marty falls down! That's when Drago comes back to his sense, he goes to the top drope, points to Shaul Guerrero, points to the sky... FROG SPLASH ON MARTY THE MOTH!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Marty "the Moth" Martinez has been eliminated.</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> And here comes the drums for #18...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="oHPIrLQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oHPIrLQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Her's </em><em><strong>Ophidian</strong></em><em>! From the top of the stairs, he points at former Tribe fellow Drago, then runs to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. The two men face off... But Ophidian doesn't go for a fight. He joins his hands together and start to... Undulate from left to right? He speaks a mysterious tongue, and it seems to confuse Drago, who gets dizzy... Is he getting hypnosed?... It seems so!... But Laredo Kid and Azteca are back up. They're confused by what is happening... And Azteca decides to hit a bicycle kick on Ophidian. He goes down, and it seems to break the spell, Drago comes back to himself!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Meanwhile, Brian Kendrick gets out from under the ring. In the ring, Laredo Kid checks on Drago... Who pushes him back! What's happening? Laredo Kid speaks to him, and Drago finally seems to come back to his senses... But that's when Brian Kendrick comes from behind. He pushes Laredo outside of the ring and jumps on Drago's dizziness to roll him up!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Drago has been eliminated</strong></em><em>.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> What a snake is this rabbit! Kendrick taps his right temple with his index and smiles, proud of him. He outsmarted the field!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Speaking of the field, it's narrowing even further...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="tc7poLz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tc7poLz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> #19 is </em><em><strong>Puma King</strong></em><em>!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> As he enters, Laredo Kid, El Dragon Azteca, Brian Kendrick and Ophidian are still in the running. Puma King enters the ring and vows the crowd with surprising agile moves. The feline master gets Laredo with a flying headscissors, delivers a serie of armbar to Azteca, hits a superb springboard tornado DDT on Kendrick, and as Ophidian slythers out of the ring, Puma King poses for the fans. He already conquered their heart after a brillant encounter with Lucha Underground Champion.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Speaking of him, 90seconds passed during that aerial feline assaults, and here comes #20.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Mv13AVq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Mv13AVq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Lucha Underground Champion </em><em><strong>Ethan Cueto the Third</strong></em><em> who comes out accompanied by </em><em><strong>Dario Cueto</strong></em><em> who, like always, is the one wearing the belt.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> EC3 gets into the ring and recreate the magic he had with Puma King two weeks ago. They deliver a brief but intense match inside the match, that ends when Cueto hits a pumphandle powerslam on King. Ophidian gets up and does with Cueto as he has with Drago... But EC3 doesn't seem to be that affected by the hypnosis. Instead, he MAULS the small statured Ophidian with a big boot, picks him up and hits an electric chair drop for a three count.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Ophidian has been eliminated</strong></em><em>.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> He then turns to El Dragon Azteca Jr., and this aztec warrior is not doing out without a fight! He hits move after move and Cueto, but the champ doesn't seem really affected. He grabs Azteca mid-air, puts him on his shoulders, and bits a Wrath of the Gods (Fireman's Carry Cutter)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>El Dragon Azteca Jr has been eliminated.</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Kendrick, Puma King, Laredo Kid, EC3. One of these luchadores will walk out with the Lucha Underground Championship, that's fore sure. As the four men are each in a corner, Dario laughs from outside of the ring "this isn't a royal scramble, FIGHT!" EC3 obeys and gets to Puma King. As they fight, Kendrick hits a low blow on Laredo Kid and rolls him up. One, two...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> KICK OUT!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Kendrick picks up the chair that was used by Marty, he tries to hit a down Laredo Kid, but the Kid puts his foot back up and the chair hits Kendrick in the face! Laredo is quick to process: he kip-up and hits a superkick to Kendrick, followed by a standing shooting star press...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Brian Kendrick has been eliminated</strong></em><em>.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> At this stage of the match and with such a formidable foe, Laredo Kid decide to team up with Puma King. They fight the monster, but the demi-god that is EC3 is a match for the two of them, and it's a fair fight!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Wanting to end things quick, and perhaps doubting his baby brother can do the job, that's when Dario Cueto goes to the music group that was performing tonight and... He steals one of the cymbal from the drums! Dario slides it into the ring for his brother, and EC3 is quick to oblige: BANG! Cymbal shot to Laredo Kid, who goes down, and BANG! One to Puma King!... But the King of the Feline Tribe stumbles. EC3 tries another shot but King gets under it, runs to the rope, springboard... CUTTER IN MID-AIR! EC3 HIT A CUTTER IN MID-AIR! Puma King has his head planted and his body in a vertical position for a second, then gets pinned.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Puma King has been eliminated</strong></em><em>.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Laredo Kid has made a huge match. He eliminated 3 luchadores, enters at #3 and he's in the final two. But of course, he's no match with a fresch EC3. The champion picks him up by his mask and spits at him, utterly disrespecting him. He applies a headlock, about to hit his One Percenter... But Laredo Kid rolls back, dragging the champ with him, ROLL UP! ROLL UP!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> ONE</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> TWO</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> THR HE KICKED OUT!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Laredo Kid nearly stole the Lucha Underground Championship! The crowd goes nuts for him, but EC3 is pissed. He beings to tear his mask ("the ultimate act of disrespect for a Luchador" reminds Matt Striker) and hits him with another cymbal shot. Blood is dripping from Laredo Kid's busted open forehead. But in one last act of defiance, he flips the bird to EC3, giving him his middle finders! EC3 picks up Laredo Kid and is about to hit a powerbomb...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> But Laredo Kid reverses into a hurracanrana! He holds on!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> ONE</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> TW... EC3 BRUTALLY KICKED OUT!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Laredo Kid is done for, he has no more energy, and EC3 picks him up for a brutal One Percenter. He's furious, but he won.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>WINNER AND STILL LUCHA UNDERGROUND CHAMPION: ETHAN CUETO THE THIRD</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Mv13AVq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Mv13AVq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><em> </em><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52417" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em><em>Somewhere in the Bayou...</em></em><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="yGIM8qE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/yGIM8qE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Catrina:</strong></em><em> PLEASE, i'll do anything... I know it's in your power to bring him back to life. He's my soulmate, he's my love. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>???:</strong></em><em> Anything, you say? What are you willing to risk?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Catrina:</strong></em><em> Everything I've got, and more. I'd rather be dead with him that alive without him.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>???:</strong></em><em> Easy there, Juliet. I'm not asking for you to die... And it's not something you have that's of interest to me, </em><em><em>ma jolie</em></em><em>...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Catrina:</strong></em><em> What is it?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>???:</strong></em><em> There's an... Artifact that could be of use to me. A powerful item that could help me win my war... Deliver it to me, and I'll bring back your </em><em><em>financé</em></em><em> to life.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Catrina:</strong></em><em> What is this artifact?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>???:</strong></em><em> You didn't guess?... I want...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="MintyCalculatingAmmonite-small.gif" data-src="https://thumbs.gfycat.com/MintyCalculatingAmmonite-small.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Papa Shango:</strong></span></em><em><span style="font-size:12px;"> The Gauntlet of the Gods.</span></em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><strong>Quick Show Recap:</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><ul><li><em><strong>Dario Cueto</strong></em><em> spinned his wheel... And transformed </em><em><strong>Mil Muertes</strong></em><em>' title match into AZTEC WARFARE.</em><br /></li><li><em><strong>EC3</strong></em><em> won Aztec Warfare. Lot of crazy sh*t happened. In the end, #3 entrant </em><em><strong>Laredo Kid</strong></em><em> almost got the win thanks to his sheer guts and heart.</em><br /></li><li><em><strong>Catrina</strong></em><em> went to Louisina. She made a deal in order to bring back </em><em><strong>Jeremiah Crane</strong></em><em> to life... But </em><em><strong>Papa Shango</strong></em><em> will only bring him back if Catrina gives him the powerful </em><em><strong>Gauntlet of the Gods</strong></em></li></ul><p></p>
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