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From ECW.com


The Franchise's Big Announcement



Today, the ECW Revolution Commissioner, Shane Douglas, made a huge announcement regarding the Television Title. "I, like all the ECW fans, was disgusted with Vito's actions on Saturday night!" said the Franchise "Therefore, seeing as Ultimo Dragon was screwed out of victory, I'm making a rematch between him and his imposter for the number one contendership to the TV Title. Vito and Francine will be banned from ringside!"

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  • 2 weeks later...


Wrestling Awards '06


Wrestler Of The Year

Shawn Michaels (ECW)


Young Wrestler Of The Year

Vito Thomaselli (ECW)


Veteran Wrestler Of The Year

Kevin Nash (WWF)


Female Wrestler Of The Year

Trish Stratus (WWF)


Promotion Of The Year



Most Improved Promotion Of The Year



Match Of The Year

Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (WWF Summerslam)


Card Of The Year

ECW Masters Of Pain

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From WWF.com


New Year's Resolution?



The World Wrestling Federation has experienced a change in management of the most unexpected sort. Former WCW president, Eric Bischoff, was today announced as the new man behind WWF Booking. This comes as a surprise to fans and employees alike as it was only three years ago that Bischoff and Vince Mcmahon were in fierce competition.


"I don't hold grudges," said Mcmahon "especially where business is concerned." When asked if he thought it was strange to hire his former competitor he quickly replied "It doesn't matter what the competition was; it only matters what the competition is. The fact is Eric achieved some great things in WCW and his experienced creative input will help us overcome our current [ECW] rivals."


Eric Bischoff could not be reached for comment.

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ECW to lose major star?


by Dave Meltzer


Rumours, although unconfirmed, are surfacing as to Eric Bischoff's first major actions as WWF head booker. A source close to the WWF management has reportedly leaked information regarding a huge new signing who is currently working for the competition, ECW.


Unfortunately, little else can be said at this time.

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Monday, week 1, January

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Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: On Saturday night we witnessed the shocking return of the New Age Enterprise and we're only four days away from the first pay-per-view of the new year: Got Blood?.

Gertner: Yeah and the question is what do the NaE have planned for tonight?

Callis: That's not all, though, folks. "The Superstar" Steve Austin is back in action again and we have a special Got Blood? six-man-tag match.

Gertner: Oh man, I can't wait for that. Cactus Jack, The Sandman and Michael Shane are gonna square off against Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and Chris Daniels. Three words: thank you Franchise!



Austin maintains control throughout and wins with a Superstar Stunner at 11:04

Match Rating: A*


Austin picks up a mic.


Austin: If you want to see "The Superstar" Steve Austin keep kickin' ass all over E-C f**kin' W, give me a "Hell yeah!"


"Hell yeah!"


Austin: Oh, hell yeah!


The New Age Enterprise make their way to the ring.



Pag: The New Age Enterprise is back and ready to dominate the whole damn industry all over again! Just to prove it, I'm gonna make a match for Got Blood?. Owen Hart can take on Raven and Paul Burchill in a handicap match!


The crowd jeers loudly as Raven and Burchill laugh.


Raven: The fact is, we never really went away for any considerable time. We were just waiting for the opportune moment to seize ECW by the throat. Now, that moment has arrived and we stand thus: the unmitigated force in wrestling!


Mcintosh: Now, we want to make one thing perfectly clear. To use an old cliché, you are either with us or against us and if you choose the latter the consequences will not be pretty.


Vito's music hits and he makes his way to the ring with Francine.



Francine: On that note, we would like to make a proposition.


Pag: Go on.


Francine: Well, there is a certain "Dragon" who is making my clients TV Title reign rather difficult.


Pag: And...


Francine: ...we would appreciate your help in dealing with him.


All the members of the NaE burst out laughing.


Mcintosh: Oh really? What's in it for us, Vito?


Francine: Well...


Mcintosh: He can speak for himself.


Vito takes the mic from Fancine.


Vito: I figure it can only strengthen the New Age Enterprise's position to have the TV champion in their ranks.


Paul Burchill whispers something to Pag who nods in agreement.


Pag: I'll tell you what, I'm gonn put you in a match tonight. If you impress us sufficiently, you've got a deal.


Vito: Thank you but one question. Who's my opponent?


Pag: Rhino!


The crowd erupts.


Callis: Wow, Vito versus Rhino here tonight!

Gertner: I have a feeling Vito's undefeated singles record may end.

Callis: Quite possibly.



The match is very even. In the tenth minute, Chris Benoit and Christian interfere only to be matched by Eddie Guerrero and Juventud Guerrera. A huge brawl breaks out that results in a no contest.

Match Rating: A


The Iron Saints, Salvatore and Brandon, are talking backstage.



Sal: Do you know what?


Branon: Not unless you tell me.


Sal: This whole New Age Enterprise takeover stuff has got me thinking.


Brandon: About what?


Sal: About when we first came to ECW. Do you remember?


Brandon: Of course I do. The "crusade".


Sal: Yeah well I've realised that, despite us trying to change ECW in the beginning, I've really come to like this place. I guess it took the NaE stuff to open my eyes to it.


Brandon nods as the two walk off.


Number One Contendership match for the ECW Television Title


The match is a fast paced specatcle. In the fifteenth minute, Ultimo Dragon hits an Asai DDT and gets the pin.

Match Rating: A


Ultimo reaches down and pulls the mask off his floored opponent.


It's Yoshihiro Tajiri.



Tajiri scrambles to his feet and vacates the ring, leaving Ultimo raising the imposter's mask above his head as the crowd cheer.


RVD and Shawn Michaels are talking backsatge.



Michaels: Dude, I wanted to tell you something kinda serious.


RVD motions for him to continue.


Michaels: Look, when we were out with Traci the other night, I had an awesome time.


RVD: Yeah, man, me too...


Michaels: Hang on. The point is, I don't want to step on your toes but I think I might be falling for her, man.


RVD's face sinks.


RVD: What the f**k, dude? I told you how I felt about her...


Michaels: I know and I'm not gonna stand in your way.


RVD: What?


Michaels: I'm not gonna let this stand in the way of our friendship, dude. So, you go for it.


RVD: Are you sure?


Traci walks into shot out of view of Michaels and RVD.



Michaels: Yeah man, I like Traci...


Upon hearing her name, Traci hides behind a corner.


Michaels: I mean I really like Traci but I won't say anything, not to her.


RVD and Michaels slap hands and walk off. Traci is left looking slightly confused but smiling.


Gertner: Oh dear, how much do you think she heard?

Callis: Enough for things to get a bit awkward I think.



Rhino looks determined and controls the match throughtout. In the twelfth minute, Vito rolls Rhino up in a small package and gets his feet on the ropes. 1...2...3!

Match Rating: A


Callis: Damn it, Vito stole one!

Gertner: He used his brain, Don. You can't fault him for that.


The NaE come to the ring to greet Vito.



Pag: Frankly, we're impressed.


Vito smiles.


Burchill: If your offer still stands, you've got a deal.


Vito goes to shake Burchill's hand but Stephanie Mcintosh steps in between them.


Mcintosh: But only on one condition.


Vito: Which is?


Mcintosh: There's only room for one dominant female in ECW.


She points at Francine.


Mcintosh: So, it's time you dropped the skank!


Francine looks indignant and takes the mic off Vito.


Francine: Excuse me, Who are you calling a skank? Don't make me show you how hardcore I can be.


Vito holds Francine back.


Mcintosh: It's a simple choice Vito. Francine or us...


Francine: Screw you! We don't need the New Age Enterprise. Vito and I will be...


Suddenly, Vito picks up Francine and hits the Vito Driver.


Gertner: Oh my god, Vito just betrayed Francine.

Callis: Just like what she did to The Franchise and Kensuke Sasaki. What goes around comes around I guess.


Goliath and Abyss lift Vito up on their shoulders and the whole NaE celebrate to the crowd's disgust.



The competitors straight away go for their opponents at the pay-per-view and three seperate brawls ensue for most of the match. In the thirteenth minute, Beulah runs in and hits a lowblow on The Sandman, allowing Dreamer to pick up the pin after a Spicolli Driver.

Match Rating: A*


Show Rating: A*

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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection





ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©






Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman





ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito©





ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©






Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise





ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©



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My picks:


Canadian Connection over Team Mexico

Christopher Daniels over Michael Shane

Tommy Dreamer over Sandman

Vito over Ultimo Dragon

Monsters Inc. over TWFS

NAE over Owen Hart

Sabu over Cactus Jack

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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection


ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©

Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito©

ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©

Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©

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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection


ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©


Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito© - toughie, i love ultimo but i don't think he's gonna hand vito his first loss!


ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©


Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise - If Monsters Inc win the tag titles Owen's gotta get some momentum here!


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©

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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection


ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©


Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito© - Ultimo ends Vito's streak Francine influential


ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©


Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©

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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection


ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©


Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito©


ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©


Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©

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