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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection


ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©


Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito© -


ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©


Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©

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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection


ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©


Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito© -


ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©


Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©

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6-Man Tag Team Match

Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection


ECW International All Action Championship Match

Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©


Singapore Cane Match

Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Vito©


ECW World Tag Team Title Match

Monsters Inc vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©


Handicap Match

Owen Hart vs. New Age Enterprise


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu©




Havent commented in a while,been kinda busy, still great shows definitly keeping it fresh and new. :D

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Hardcore Holly defeated Scotty 2 Hotty B


Trish Stratus defeated Lita to retain the WWF Women's Title B


Aguila defeated Paul London B


Scott Steiner defeated Sylvain Grenier B


Bilol Goldberg defeated Justin Credible B+


Brock Lesnar defeated Randy Orton A




Show Rating: B+

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A shocking night in the history of the Monday Night Wars


by Dave Meltzer


ECW's "major star" who was rumoured to be signing with the WWF this week was revealed last night... but with a major twist. In what has to be one of the most shocking and historic nights in WWF programming, not one but three former ECW stars competed in a WWF ring. They were none other than Scott Steiner, Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesnar.


Many would argue that Scott Steiner's defection was of little surprise. His role in ECW was effectivley as a jobber to the upper card. In addition, he was not on good terms with the booking team. However, the departure of Goldberg and Lesnar is a lot less predictable. Goldberg had recently been involved in the Masters Of Pain tournament and recieved a title shot just six months ago. Lesnar, in similar fashion, had been involved in a major storyline with Kurt Angle that drew huge crowds and, although he was out due to injury, was expected to return with real impact.


Although none of these individuals were contactable for comment, it is clear they have all made one of the biggest business decisions of their lives as their actions are clearly an indication of a lack of confidence in ECW. While there is an element of doubt about the reasons behind this, one thing is for certain: Eric Bischoff has wasted no time in reshaping the WWF!

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I see you rebounding by having a title run with Burchill by the end of the year.


Subtle as a brick to the face their, dude :D. No worries, though, I'm a huge Burchill mark and he's definitely one of the guys I'm 'grooming' for the strap!


Beh, you didn't need 'em anyway


Goldberg and Steiner? True. Lesnar I'm a little more pissed about.


Quote The Raven


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Indeed, there are a lot of very talented guys on the roster ;).


Now, before you all lose hope, I will get the PPV up soon. Thing is, I like to book it and write it up in one fell swoop. I don't want to rush it, mind, so I'm waiting for an appropriate moment. Shall be soon and you'll love what's in store...


Quote The Raven


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Friday, week 1, January

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Got Blood?, the first pay-per-view of the new year. I'm Joey Styles alongside Don Callis and, former ECW World Champion, Taz.

Callis: Thanks Joey, I'm so excited about tonight.

Taz: Oh, man. Me too, me too. This oughta be off the hook!


Joel Gertner is in the ring ready to give his trademark intro.



Gertner: Well, well, well. Greetings to you, lowly plebiscites of New York City!


Joey: Here we go again.

Callis: Calm, Joey, calm.


Gertner: Allow me to present, as if you could possibly stop me, the only man alive who's like a litterbox. No, I don't smell like sh*t but I am always surrounded by pussies! Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the well endowed animal that last night impregnated your mother, the man who delivers more package than UPS and who the women call Fred Flinstone because they love the way I make their bed rock... Joel "Squeeze My Lemons 'Til The Juice Runs Down My Leg" Gertner!


Joey: Oh dear God!

Joey hangs his head in despair.


Gertner: So, this goes out to all the ladies in the house.


Callis: And here comes the worst bit, I'm sure.


Gertner: To those who can say that they have "Got Blood", the more important question's if you've had Joel "The Stud"!



The match is very even and a fast paced spectacle.

In the sixteenth minute, Juvi hitsa 450 Splash on Christian. However, Christian rolls through.

Jericho, showing oresence of mind, jumps on Christian, their combined weight being enough for a 3 count.

Match Rating: A*


The New Age Enterprise come to the ring.



Pag: Tonight will be a glorious night for ECW and the New Age Enterprise. Vito will retain his TV Title, Monsters Inc will reclaim their rightful place as tag champions while Raven and Paul Burchill will teach Owen Hart a lesson he will never forget.


He hands the mic to Stephanie Mcintosh.


Steph: Remember this night, remember Got Blood? 2007 because this is the night that the New Age Enterprise tightens its stranglehold on ECW to the point where any resistance will be utterly futile!


She hands the mic to Vito.


Vito: I could not be more proud than I am at this moment to be in the ring with these six individuals. I am so glad that I disassociated myself from all the things that used to hold me back because now, not only am I the undefeated Television Champion, I am also part of the most dominant force that wrestling has ever seen.


Joey: Well, I beg to differ. The bWo kicked your asses a few months back and someone else will do the same again. It's just a matter of time.

Callis: I can only hope you're right, Joey!





The match is a great technical display; the two men's styles gel perfectly.

In the fifteenth minute, Daniels manages to duck Shane's attempt at a Superkick.

He then grabs the challenger's standing leg into a beautifully delivered Powerbomb.

He quickly scales the turnbuckle... B.M.E.

Shane moves out the way and goes for the quick cover.



Taz: Oh man, Shane was so close.

Callis: Daniels isn't done yet, Taz.


The two men rise to their feet.

Shane whips the champion to the ropes.

Daniels rebounds and nails Shane with a kick to the gut.

Angels Wings!


Match Rating: A*


Styles: Daniels retains his title in a fantastic, fast paced spectacle!

Taz: Damn straight, Joe, that was smoking!


Daniels picks up a mic.


Daniels: Hey, Shane, I thought my title reign was on life support. Remember? You were gonna "pull the plug". Well, let this act as proof that Christopher Daniels is not going anywhere. This All Action Champion is here to stay and that's not a threat or a promise. It's the gospel according to the Fallen Angel!


CM Punk runs to the ring.



He takes out Daniels from behind then drags him to the corner to hit the Pepsi Plunge.


Punk: Yeah, Daniels, you're pretty good but, hey, you just got Punk'd!


The fans boo CM Punk all the way back to the locker room.


Callis: Well, up next is Tommy Dreamer versus The Sandman in a Singapore cane match.

Joey: Yeah, let's see if Dreamer can finally get the win against his nemesis that he's been looking for.


Singapore Cane Match


Both men look determined to take the other out once and for all and this leads to an intense brawl.

In the twelfth minute, both men approach each other with cane in hand.

Sandman swings first but Dreamer ducks and grabs his opponents weapon, flipping him over and disarming him.

He then twirls both canes in his hands and waits for The Sandman to stand.

The Sandman eventually makes it to his feet only to be greeted by two simultaneous cane shots to the sides of the head, which send him rolling to the outside.

Dreamer does his psycho pose and the fans go nuts.

Suddenly, The Sandman turns his attention to Beulah at ringside.


Callis: Oh no!


Dreamer goes running to help but The Sandman already has her by the hair and is picking up a microphone.


Sandman: Dreamer, you come a step closer and the whore goes headfirst into the ringsteps!


Dreamer backs away.


Sandman: Okay, now, you're gonna get back in the ring, I'm gonna let the bitch go free and head backstage. We're gonna call this one a draw.


The fans boo deafeningly as Dreamer tentatively re-enters the ring.

Sandman then lifts Beulah onto his shoulder and starts running back up the aisle-way.

Dreamer realises The Sandman has broken the deal and follows in hot pursuit.

Suddenly, Sandman drops Beulah, pulls an object from his jeans, turns and strikes Dreamer in the forehead.


Taz: What the hell was that?

Callis: Jesus, I think it was a tyre iron!


The Sandman then drags both Beulah and Dreamer back to the ring.

He makes the cover on Dreamer.


Match Rating: A*


Joey: Damn it!


Sandman then turns to Beulah, grabs her by the hair and drags her backstage as Dreamer is checked on by referee John Finnegan.


Owen Hart is backstage, talking on a cell phone.



Hart: Perfect! This is going to be a great night. Okay, I'll see you later.


He hangs up.


Taz: What the hell was that about?

Callis: I have no idea.




The match is a very even contest.

By the tenth minute, Ultimo seems to have the upper hand.

He drags Vito up to the top turnbuckle and goes for a Hurricanrana but Vito reverses it into a Powerbomb.


Taz: Oh man, Ultimo just got folded up like a deck chair!


Francine comes running out.



She climbs on the apron and pushes Vito off the turnbuckle.


Joey: Francine's come to get some of Vito.


She gets into the ring and pounces on Vito, slapping wildly at him.

Ultimo Dragon pulls her off but gets a slap to the face for his efforts.

Vito seizes the opportunity. He gets up and clubs Francine in the back of the head.

He then picks up Ultimo and hits the Vito Driver.


Match Rating: A*


The NaE come to the ring.



The group celebrate Vito's title defence.


Before the celebration can continue, the Whole F**kin' Show storm the ring.



The NaE vacate the ring, leaving Monsters Inc to make their title challenge.




The match is an even contest, with no real advantages being gained.

In the sixteenth minute, RVD floors Goliath and springs to the top for a Split Legged Moonsault.

Goliath, however, moves and pulls Traci into his previous position.

RVD connects and hits Traci.

Michaels quickly runs over, picks up Traci and takes her backstage out of harms way.

Meanwhile, RVD is able to floor Abyss with a stiff roundhouse kick, pick up a chair and hit the Vandaminator on Goliath.


Taz: Man, look at Rob go!


He drags Abyss next to Goliath and ascends the buckle.

He hits a Fivestar on both Abyss and Goliath, making the cover on the latter.


Match Rating: A*


Some of the NaE re-enter ring.



They set about physically dismantling RVD.


Joey: Come on, he already won the match. This is just unnecessary!

Callis: Well, the New Age Enterprise specialise in this sort of thing.


Tommy Dreamer is chasing The Sandman, who is still carrying Beulah, backstage.



A hot pursuit follows. Eventually, Sandman bundles Beulah into a car in the parking lot and drives off, leaving Dreamer looking distraught.


Dreamer: shouting Sandman, you lay a finger on her an I'll f**king kill you!


Bob Artese: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is one fall and for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship...




The match is a crazy hardcore brawl from start to finish, resulting in both men being bloodied and bruised.

In the fourteenth minute, Cactus goes for a Double Arm DDT but Sabu reverses it into a modified Northern Lights Suplex.

The champion then sets up a chair and hits the Triple Jump Moonsault.


Match Rating: A*


After the match, Cactus Jack attacks Sabu from behind and begins to lay the fists in.


"Superstar" Steve Austin comes running out.



He comes to Sabu's aid and hits the Superstar Stunner on Cactus Jack. He then helps the champ to his feet.

Sabu offers his hand as a way of saying thank you and Austin accepts.

The "Superstar" picks up a mic.


Austin: I want something in return, though.


Sabu motions for him to continue.


Austin: A shot at that there World Title!


Sabu nods and the fans go nuts as the two men shake hands again.


RVD approaches Shawn Michaels.



RVD: Where the hell were you?


Michaels: Excuse me?


RVD: I just got my ass kicked by The Enterprise and you were nowhere to be seen!


Michaels: I was helping Traci. You decked her bad, man.


RVD: It was hardly intentional.


Michaels: I never said it was but she still needed looking after.


RVD: Yeah, and about that. I thought you said you weren't gonna steal my thunder.


Michaels: shocked Dude, I'm not hitting on her, I swear. The chick needed helping bad, that's all.


RVD: Yeah, whatever.


Michaels: Dude, listen to how unreasonable you're being. We won didn't we?


RVD tries to calm himself down.


RVD: You're right, bro, I'm sorry. It's not like I haven't taking an ass kicking before - it's in the job description.


Michaels: I'm sorry too, man. I'll be there next time, just try not take out Trace again you clumsy bastard.


RVD laughs.


RVD: Is she okay?


Michaels: She's fine, man. Don't sweat it. Tell you what, I'll show you where she's restin' up.


The two friends slap hands and walk off.


Taz: Man, that got pretty heated.

Joey: Yeah but when your as good friends as those two, it's difficult to stay arguing.

Callis: True.

Joey: Now, though, it's time for the main event as signed by Charlie Pag. Raven and Burchill take on Owen Hart in a handicap match.



Owen puts up a brave fight but, understandably, has difficulty coping with the numbers game.

By the tenth minute, the NaE are pciking apart Hart as Pag planned.

Suddenly, though, unknown music plays over the sound system causing Raven and Burchill to stop and look up.


Bret Hart appears at the entrance-way.



Taz: Is that...

Callis: It can't be.

Joey: It is! It's the former Federation Champion; "The Hitman" is here in ECW!


Bret sprints to the ring while Raven and Burchill look on in disbelief.

Owen returns to his feet and the brothers beatdown on the NaE and send them flying over the top rope.


Th rest of the NaE come running out.



They storm the ring but it is no good; the Hart brothers clean house.

The NaE eventually cut their losses and head backstage looking pissed.

Referee Jim Molineauz declares Owen the winner and the two brothers celebrate.

Match Rating: A*


Joey: Oh my god! This is huge, the Hart brothers just overcame the New Age Enterprise!


Show Rating: A*

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Hey Nevermore.


Could you help me with match writing? I am trying to the NikkVerse off the ground, but I think bad write ups are leading to no readers.


Of course only if you have the time.


BTW, Got Blood? was great. Sort of guessed Bret was coming when you schuedueled(sp?) a 2 on 1 match as a main event. That type of squash-iness is reserved for more the middle of the card. I thought you had got either Bret or Taker.


Anywho, I have another question...Where's The Rock?

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Bischoff does it again!


by Dave Meltzer


It can be confirmed that, today, new WWF headbooker, Eric Bischoff, has signed two more big names. None other than "The Complete Package" Lex Luger and former ECW employee Rocky. This, along with previous signings, is sure to give a huge boost to the WWF's main event scene!

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