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well yea, it would have to play a big part. Every time he gets close to winning the match he'll also be giving AJ a big advantage by moving the mask closer to the hook. It's genius really because it's a whole new element to that type of match.


I've got this image in my head of AJ and Juvi fighting on top of a ladder, and AJ hooking the mask onto the hook... While Juvi's still wearing it, and then taking away the ladder, leaving Juvi hanging from his eye-hole... But that's just me.

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Cheers to all for the kind words ;).


As hard as it is to believe, I truly believe nevvy is just tuning up the band for more and more chaos. This show is going to be stopped for being too good.


I think you're right. Nevvy's certainly got the pedigree to continue with this level of creativity. It's amazing how a blue blood from Berkshire can be so tuned in to something as extreme as ECW (see "Buck Stops Here" match).


...This is how you play the game, let me tell you.


Hey, yo...


It's just about not letting convention hold you back and going where creativity takes you. Me, I go wherever I want whenever I want.


...and it looks like it's working, seeing as people don't seem to be here to see The Federation: they're ECW 4 life!


Quote The Razor


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Cheers to all for the kind words ;).






Hey, yo...


It's just about not letting convention hold you back and going where creativity takes you. Me, I go wherever I want whenever I want.


...and it looks like it's working, seeing as people don't seem to be here to see The Federation: they're ECW 4 life!


Quote The Razor



Is that a teaser for Scott Hall coming to ECW?

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Monday, week 4, August

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: We are just four days away from Heatwave, ladies and gentlemen, and it looks set to be one hell of an event.

Gertner: I think that goes without saying, Scotty boy. So, I say that we get this show on the road and roll on Heatwave.

Hudson: Are you getting a promo segment?

Gertner: I sure hope so.

Hudson: Oh... yeah... me too.



Mysterio puts on a laudible performance.

However, Paul Burchill proves himself to be one of the very few heavyweights who can keep up with the luchadore's blistering pace.

After overpowering Mysterio for several minutes, "The New Franchise" hits the C-4 for the victory.

Match Rating: C+


Juventud Guerrera is sitting backstage, taping up his fists as Francine enters.



Francine: Juvi...


Juvi: Oh, what now?


Francine: About last week...


Juvi: Don't bother, Franny. I'm a big kid and I don't need you sparing my feelings.


Francine: I... I just want to explain.


Juvi: No need. I get it loud and clear. You can't bring yourself to be seen with a guy who ain't a pretty face and, since you don't know how I look, it's better to not take the chance, right?


Francine: Juvi, that's not it. I...


The luchadore stands up and speaks coldly.


Juvi: Don't bother coming to the ring on Friday. You're a needless distraction... understand?


He makes his exit, slamming the door on his way out.

Francine is left, once again, looking teary-eyed.




With help from their relatives, The Dudleyz destroy The Briscoes.

They pick up the vitcory with a 3D at 8:46

Match Rating: D+


After the match, The Hardcore Innovators run out, canes in hand.



Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer immediatley lay out the Second Generation of Dudleyz with stiff cane shots.

They then roll into the ring.

Cactus Jack boots Bubba in the gut.

Dreamer does the same to D-Von.

Simultaneous DDTs!

Dreamer ducks out to ringside, throws the Dudleyville Hardcore Title belts to his partner and picks up a microphone.


Dreamer: Your little winning streak comes to an end at Heatwave, boys.


Cactus: You have the nerve to call these hardcore titles? I've knocked put my front teeth, cut off one of my ears and suffered more concussions than Big Daddy Dudley has sired children!


Dreamer: So, seeing as these titles are quite clearly coming with us after our match, we figure we'll take the chance to get familiar by taking them with us right now.


The Innovators head to the back with the belts slung over their shoulders.



The match is a very even contest in which both teams see equal offence.

However, it is the bWo who prevail after Big Stevie Cool lands his Stevie Kick on Oz in the tenth minute.

Match Rating: C-


Chris Jericho is backstage for a shoot promo.



Jericho: So, Owen, I here you've accepted my little wager. Well, sucks to be you, I guess, 'cos on Friday night I will make you tap... don't doubt it for a second. You see, as much as you think you've achieved, I'm a former World Heavyweight Champion and you... aren't. At Heatwave, it's no longer gonna be your brother, Bret, who keeps you out of the spotlight, Owen, because neither of you can hold a candle to "The Lionheart" and The Crapshooter will finally be exposed as an obsolete relic of wrestling past.



Sadly, this match does not live up to some of the recent efforts of the aerial midcarders.

However, the two men still look set to kill each other (and, perhaps, themselves) in retribution for recent events.


In the eleventh minute, AJ Styles runs out with his TV Title.



As he rolls in the ring, Ultimo Dragon sees him approaching and, as the innevitable belt shot comes, Dragon ducks.

Daniels is nailed with the gold.

Styles turns and is hit by an Enziguiri.

The Japanese legend follows up with a Dragon Tornado on Daniels for the 3.

Match Rating: C


As the bell rings, Juvi Guerrera sprints out witha chair.



He immediately begins laying into the TV Champion with the steel as the camera cuts backstage.


Hudson: My god, Guerrera's snapped!


Sabu is sitting backstage in front of a promo poster for "Sabu versus Nate Hatred" at Heatwave.



As the camera pans out, he looks like a breathing hardcore match.

He sits on a table with a steel chair folded around his neck.

As the camera zooms out further, a ladder is seen to be slung over one of his arms and a Singapore cane sits in his opposite hand.

He gets up, frowns at the camera and walks out of shot.

The poster's sub-headline is revealed to read "...in a Tables, Ladders, Chairs and Canes Match".


As the camera cuts back to ringside, Guerrera is still laying into Styles as the other competitors in the Six-Man Tag Match make their way to the ring.



The match goes ahead as planned with all six men seeing ring-time.

However, as one might expect, Styles' affected physical state tells before too long.

Guerrera picks up a pinfall over his nemesis following a Juvi Driver at 12:17

Match rating: C+


As a 3-on-3 brawl erupts after the bell, the camera cuts to the back.


The Whole F**kin' Show are chatting backstage.



Traci: Either way, I say it's time we make an impact.


Michaels: How?


Traci: The way you and Robbie know best.


RVD: I thionk we can handle that, sweet.


Traci: There's only room for one dominant team in ECW.


Michaels: Everyone's favourite team.


RVD: ...and mine!


Michaels: The Whole...


RVD: ...F**kin'...


Traci: ...Show!



The match is a an even contest and a great main event.

The two teams look set to destroy each other even ahead of Heatwave.

In the fourteenth minute, Vito hooks up Raven for a Vito Driver.

However, Rhino hits the Gore as he still holds the champion.

The Man Beast capitalises for the pin just before Calaway can break-up the fall.

Match Rating: B+


Raven and Rhino beat a hasty retreat, escaping to the back as quickly as possible.


Hudson: ...and this hasn't settled anything at all!

Gertner: It's just as well. Can you imagine the carnage at Heatwave?

Hudson: Well, come Friday, Joel, we won't have to!


Show Rating: B

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^Final Monday Night Revolution of the month above^






"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool






Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn






Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred






Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart






World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera






Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators






The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway






Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli





All predictions welcomed.

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"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool






Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn






Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred






Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart






World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera






Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators






The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway






Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli

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"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

I thought the bWo would win on Revolution so i'll stick with Sasuke here.



Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Hero to steal one and myabe carry on the feud a little bit longer.

Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred

He deserves to end Hatred's run of destruction.


Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

I'm going to guess that Bret will interfere attack Owen and the two will have a fantastic feud.

World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera

I see Juvi being unmasked but there are so many possiblilies for this match, Francine is sure to be involved.


Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators

I really wanna see gold round their waist, I think their a great team.


The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway

He's been getting a huge push recently and is much younger than Calaway.


Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli

I think Raven will hold the title for another month or two until Burchill gets his shot, then Burchill will end his reign.

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"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn


Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred


Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera


Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators


The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway


Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli

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"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

sWo are quite fun, but I always had a soft spot for bWo


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Hero needs the rub and will get it via Angle interference, just leaving Lynn to want his match with Angle even more


Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred

Love the push Hatred has been getting, he really is coming across as a bad ass and Sinister Minister is a great manager for him


Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

Unfortunately. I think Owen can't go on for much longer. Jericho still has a few years left and I'd love to see him right near the top of the card


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera

Because evil AJ in this rules and Juvi will get angry at Franny for not liking the man under the mask


Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators

Coin flip


The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway

I don't think Calaway is gonna want to start jobbing just yet. He'll look strong for a few more months but I'm a big believer in every rhino has its day!


Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli

Sorry, but Vito isn't ready yet. Raven continues to rule with an iron fist until one man takes him down. I wonder who that could be... :rolleyes:

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"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

More sWo antics :)


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Lynn's old, and although he's talented, Hero needs the win more.


Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred

New Blood > Old School.


Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

Owen's prime might have gone unfortunately, that ECW title is getting further and further away from him. But hey, at least he has a storyline, unlike Bret.


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera

Just for some more Franny/Juvi drama.


Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators

They're not gonna lose those titles yet.


The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway

Rhino's won a lot recently over Taker, so Taker's turn.


Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli


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I think this is the first time i have tried at predicting anything so hope i do good


"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

since the bwo won the tag I think sasuke wins here






Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

as much as i like mr. jl i see the young gun taking it here






Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred







Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

possible bret hart turn?





World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera

through botched francine run in






Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators

the family keeps control






The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway

rhino has the edge in the hardcore inviroment





Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli

i felt like i was in that scene in princess bride trying to decide what glass had the poison in it...I'm going with vito because he seems built to a point to be able to take it though it could go either way

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"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn


Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred


Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera


Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators


The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway


Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli

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"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn


Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match

Sabu vs. Nate Hatred


Submission Match

The Walls of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera


Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Dudley Boyz© vs. The Hardcore Innovators


The First Ever "Buck Stops Here" Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway


Barbed Wire Cage Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Raven© vs. Vito Thomaselli

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The now customary promo vid:


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6tpQo1-COs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6tpQo1-COs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Friday, week 4, August

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6tpQo1-COs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6tpQo1-COs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ECW's pay-per-view spectacular for August 2007. From out of the soaring temperatures of the New York summer comes ECW Heatwave! I'm Joeys Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz, and the man making his ECW pay-per-view debut, Scott Hudson. Welcome, Scott.

Hudson: Thanks, Joey. I'm really looking forward to the opportunity!

Taz: Yeah, well I'll second the welcoming committee, Scott, man. And, Joey, thanks for the intro. Man, am I pumped for this one.?

Hudson: Me too, Taz. the card tonight is truly spectacular.

Taz: Haha, yeah, and speaking of spectacular, Joey, it looks like it's time for your favourite part of the show!

Styles: Is that Balls Mahoney with him?

Hudson: Oh, this can't be good news...


Sure enough, Joel Gertner and Balls Mahoney are in the ring.



Gertner: Well, well, well... allow me to introduce a personal friend of mine. This guy is a truly average performer and I like his whole gimmick, right down to his ring name which, unfortunately, I can't remember right now since he's just some undercard retard.


Balls frowns at Gertner.


Gertner: No, no... seriously. Balls is out here because he wanted to help me do this segment. Ain't that right Mahoney?


Balls: BALLS! Err... I mean.. yeah.


Gertner: You'll have to excuse him, he's a little excited... and who wouldn't be when presented with such an opportunity? Anyway...


Gertner clears his throat.


Gertner: It is I, the man who always leaves them sore but they keep coming back for more; the man who's young, hung and skilled with his tongue, Joel "The one they wanna pork when I'm in Buffalo, New York and, when I'm in Niagara Falls, the fountains flow when they lick my...


Balls: ...BALLS!"


Gertner: Gertner!


The fans applaud Mahoney's interjection.


Gertner: Now, ECW's come a long way since working outta bingo halls,

We're catching up with Vince who, by the way, can suck my...


Balls: ...BALLS!


Gertner: Now, I figure for tonight I'll get some girls to bare their all

It seems like a just reward for me pouring out my...


The fans shout out along with Mahoney.


Balls: ...BALLS!


Gertner frowns at his sidekick.


Gertner: ...heart.


Joey: My god, what am I supposed to say, exactly?

Hudson: At least you don't get him every Monday!


Gertner points to some ladies in the front row.


Gertner: So, ladies, if you'd remove your pants, that would be a cunning stunt

'Cos underneath those clothes I bet you have some stunning...


Balls: ...BALLS!


Gertner: Dude!


Balls: What?!


Mercifully, Gertner and Mahoney are ushered from the ring by Bob Artese.



The two faction leaders combine for a pretty useful opening bout.

Stevie seems to control the match quite comfortably.

That is, until Sasuke ducks out to ringside and rolls under the ring.

After leaving, Stevie waiting for a minute, he rolls back out.

Now, Sasuke goes on the attack.


Taz: Well, Sasuke Cool seems to have found his fire.

Hudson: You actually call him that.


However, after a short while, Stevie hits a perfect Stevie Kick that sends the sWo leader flying through the ropes.

Once more, Sasuke rolls under the ring...

...and rolls back out.


Joey: Does anyone else smell shenanigans?


Again, Sasuke comes out with a fresh tenacity, laying a beating on Stevie.

However, once more, Stevie gets the upper-hand, again delivering a Stevie Kick.

Sasuke flies over the top rope...

...and rolls under the ring.


Hudson: What the hell?


This time, two Sasuke's emerge from either under side of the ring.

They both enter the ring and one takes out Stevie from behind.

The two masked men notice each other.

One pushes the other and slaps him round the head.

The slapped Sasuke raises his hand in apology and darts back under the ring.


Joey: Well, I think we've figured out the tactic.


Stevie rises unaware.


However, his clued-in troops emerge from the back.



The bWo enter the ring and lay the beatdown on Sasuke. Well, one of them.

Suddenly, five extra Sasuke's emerge from under the ring and it's not long before the numbers advantage results in a 6-on-4 assault.

One of the masked masses seizes the opportunity amongst the chaos to hit the Michinoku Driver on Big Stevie Cool.


Match Rating: B


Five of the Sasuke's unmask to unsurprisingly reveal the sWo.



The cult, who seem all to pleased with themselves, make a hasty retreat to the locker room as the bWo look on unimpressed.


The Dudley Family is backstage for a shoot promo.



Daizy: Tonight, my family are gonna prove why The Dudleyz are the most prestigious dynasty in the history of professional wrestling!


D-Von: Oh, my sister, Testify! Innovators, it doesn't matter how tough you two think you are because Dudleyz are always tougher. Big Daddy Dudley had a little test for us which I'm sure our brother, Big Dick, continued with our present nephews and niece.


The Second Generation nod along in agreement.


D-Von: You see, Big Daddy used to take us on our fifth birthday and place us atop Mount Dudleyville. Hey, Banzai, tell 'em what happened next...


Ultimo Dudley II chips in.


Banzai: I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I rearry think so!


After suffering the glares of his family members he whispers into Daizy's ear.


Daizy: He says he no speak Ingrish.


Dick Jr: I can speak Ingrish!


Daizy: That's great, honey... maybe later.


D-Von: What happened next, Innovators, is that Big Daddy gave us a table for a birthday present and then lured a Grizzly Bear towards us with some bait. He left us overnight and, if by morning we hadn't put that bear through that table, he'd have drowned us in Lake Dudley.


Daizy: On last score check, it was "Dudleyz: Two-thousand-five-hundred-and-seventeen Bears: Zero"!


Dick Jr: What about Dead Dudley?


Daizy: "Dudleyz Two-thousand-five-hundred-and-seventeen Bears: One"!


Bubba: Let this be a lesson... Thou shalt not mess with the D...D..D.D...D.D..D...D..DD..DDD.D...D...


Big Dick joins in.


Bubba: D..DD.D...D..D...DD..D...


Daizy slaps them both round the head.


Bubba: ...us!


The camera cuts back to ringside.


Joey: Oh great, we've probably already got the networks on our backs about Gertner's intro and, now, they'll be some animal rights agency criticising us for employing bear beaters!

Hudson: ECW would like to point out that we, in no way, endorse putting bears through tables... Grizzly or otherwise.

Joey: I think I need a drink.

Taz: Hang on, hang on... does that mean that there are two-thousand-five-hundred-and-seventeen different descendents of Big Daddy Dudley?

Hudson: If there are, they're sure to show up at some point.

Joey: Oh, god. Make it a stiff drink!



Whilst by no means stealing the show, the two mens' performances certainly indicate that the prior comedic undertones are finished.

The first few minutes are contested at a blistering pace before the match slows into a more technically-based encounter.

In the twelfth minute, Hero hooks up Lynn for the Hero's Welcome.

However, The Dynamic One reverse it into a Northern Lights Suplex with abridge.



The two men rise and Lynn goes straight for the Huricanrana.

But it is reversed into a Snapped Powerbomb.

Hero holds Lynn's legs up.


Lynn inverts the pressure, rolling Hero onto his back.


Hero returns the favour.


Both men roll backwards out of the predicament onto their feet.

Lynn sweeps out Hero's legs with his arm.




The fans applaud the return to a fast pace.


Hudson: Wow, what an effort.

Joey: There's no doubt in my mind that the ECW cruiserweights are the best in the world!


As both men rise, Hero attempts the Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors.

However, as he turns upside down, Lynn catches him mid-turn.

Cradle Piledriver!


Just as Lynn is about to make the cover, Kurt Angle appears at the entrance-way with his crutches and neckbrace.



Lynn walks over to the ropes, clearly irritated by Angle's presence.

Meanwhile, a groggy Hero comes to.

The ECW Saviour rolls up his opponent in a small package.


...and gets his feet on the middle rope...


Match Rating: C+


Joey: Hero steals it!

Taz: Prsence of mind, Joey. You don't have to like but you have to respect it.

Hudson: Sorry, I don't think I'll ever respect Chris Hero.


Kurt Angle reveals that he has brought a microphone out with him.


Angle: Oh, my bad, Jerry. I was just coming out to congratulate you on a great performance. Looks like I was a bit premature, though. Maybe your not as good as I thought.


As Lynn rises, screaming profanities up the aisle-way, he is jumped from behind by Hero.

The brash youth lays a few boots into the veteran before heading to the back.


Owen Hart is backstage for a shoot promo.



Hart: I've gotta hand it to you, Jericho, you've got some balls challenging me to a Submission Match! The Sharpshooter is the most feared submission in wrestling for a reason; my family and I have been forcing people to submit with it for years and tonight will be no different. The Walls Of Jericho, The Liontamer or whatever you want to call it... it may work for you but, let's face it, you've been propping up the midcard for going on six years now while I've been headlining Wrestlepalooza, Summerslam and even 'Mania. Take it from me, kiddo, you had it once but the form you had ten years ago is gone; you're not a cultured enough wrestler to ever have the career longevity of someone like me. So, tonight, don't take your defeat as an insult but as a sound piece of advice to find a more fitting career or, at least, an opponent more in your league.


Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Canes Match


"ECW's Most Extreme Atlete" is, of course, accompanied to the ring by The Sinister Minister.

He also carries his barbed-wire laced pentagram to the ring.


Joey: We've been waiting to see this one for over rwo months now.

Taz: Damn right, Joey. These are two of the craziest bastards in the sport today and, if you ask me, there's gonna be more than a little violent conduct in this one!


It's Sabu who kicks off the match looking more impressive.

Despite his veteran status, he explodes into Hatred's face, unleashing a flurry of jabs, chops and forearms.

He floors the rookie with an Enziguiri and immediatley hits the Slingshot Moonsault.



He ducks out to ringside to pick up a chair.

He slides back in and throws the steel straight into the face of a rsing Nate Hatred.

Arabian Facebuster!




Hudson: It looks like Sabu is trying to end this one early.


The Human Highlight reel picks up his opponent and whips him to the corner.

He sets up the chair a few feet in front of Hatred.

Air Sabu...

No! Hatred catches him and drops him in a Sidewalk Slam.


Taz: Well, that one was scouted!


The Sinister Minister hands a Singapore cane to ECW's self-proclaimed Most Extreme Athlete.

Hatred uses it to punish a floored Sabu.

Indeed, as The Human Highlight Reel eventually rises, the wood is snapped over his forehead...

...he goes straight back down.

Hatred pulls him to standing for a Stump Piledriver.

The rookie makes an arrogant cover, merely stepping on his opponent's chest.




Joey: Hatred should keep his head in this one. It's not gonna be easy against Sabu!


Hatred drags Sabu into a sitting position in the corner.

He scrapes his boot across his face before backing off for the charging attack.

However, as he charges, Sabu is able to grab his foot and take him down in a rugby-tackle-like maneuver.

He keeps hold of the foot and locks in a Single Leg Crab, causing Hatred to scream out in pain.


Joey: An unusual tactic from Sabu, here. We're not exactly used to his technical arsenal.


However, the hold is short-lived as James Mitchell enters the ring and approaches Sabu from behind.

He nails him squarely in the cranium with his walking cane.

Mitchell helps up Hatred who ducks out to ringside, returning eith a table.

The two men set up the table in the corner.

Hatred then goes to pick up Sabu but receives a thumb to the eye for his efforts...

...which is quickly followed by a Bionic Elbow and a DDT.

Sabu then stalks Mitchell.


Taz: Oh, man have I been waiting for this?


Mitchell pleads as if his life depends upon it, which, in all fairness, it might.

Sabu ignores him, though, hitting him with a forearm and backing him against the table in the corner.

He then picks up the chair and goes to set it up.


Hudson: Air Sabu is ready for take-off.


However, as he dos so, Hatred cuts him off with aclubbing blow.

The rookie is caught with the steel to the stomach, though.

Sabu grabs his foe by the hair and launches him, shoulder first, into the corner.

Hatred's momentum means he Shoulder Blocks The Sinister Minister through the table.

Hatred staggers back out of the corner and is, once again, caught by a flying chair.


Taz: Oh, man, Sabu's on fire.


The match continues in a similarly even vein.

In the twelfth minute, Sabu sets up a table on the outside.

He subdues Hatred, placing him on top of the table.

He leans a small ladder on the apron against the ropes and then takes a larger ladder, sliding into the ring to set it up.

He ascends the twleve foot ladder.


Taz: What the hell is he going for here?

Hudson: I don't know but it looks insane!


Sabu flies from his elevated position towards Hatred.

He collides with the ladder leant against the outside of the ropes on his why, clutching it against his chest.

As a result, he flies over the ropes, taking the small ladder with him.

Hatred is driven through the table beneath the weight of The Human Highlight Reel and the cold steel of the ladder.


Joey: OH MY GOD!


"Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t!"


As the fans go nuts, Sabu slowly comes to.

He rolls Hatred into the ring and sets up a chair.

He runs, striding over Hatred for the Triple Jump Moonsault.

However, as he reaches the top rope, Mitchell catches his foot.

Sabu collapses backwards, catching his head on the back of the chair.

Both competitors rise simultaneously.

Sabu whips Hatred to the ropes and awaits the rebound...



Match Rating: B+


Hudson: Sabu had it won and The Sinister Minister cost him the match!

Taz: Something tells me this is far from settled, Hudson.


After the match Sabu is visciously beaten on by both Hatred and his manager.

The assault finishes with Mitchell holding Sabu still for a stiff chair shot that busts the legend open.


Juventud Guerrera is backstage for a shoot promo.



Juvi: There is something that everyone should be aware of. For me, tonight is do or die and, just like I said last week, if I don't win tonight, that'll be the last you all see of me. You see, I've lost countless times against Styles and, in so doing, I've lost my pride; I've lost the heart of the woman I love or, rather, I never had it and, as a result, I've lost any chance at true happines. I figure I've got nothing left to lose... except my career and, for me, my mask is my career. So, tonight, I'll either walk out of here as the World Television Champion or I'll walk out of here... for good!


Hudson: My god, is he serious?

Taz: He must be.

Joey: Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't for rooting for Juvi but, regardless of who your pick is, you have to think that would be an awful waste of a great talent.

Hudson: Absolutely! I hope it doesn't come to that.


Submission Match


The two men put on a laudible technical performance, clearly used to calm the crowd down and slow the frenetic pace of events.

Much emphasis is based upon old-school counter wrestling.

It is in the sixteenth minute that Hart first applies The Sharpshooter.


Joey: This could well be it.


Jericho writhes in pain, desperatley reaching for the bottom rope.

He crawls, inching closer.

...and closer.

He reaches out in a final effort...

...but Owen drags him back to the centre of the ring, still applying the hold.


Hudson: He can't escape!


Jericho, again begins the slow crawl.

However, once more, Hart drags him back.

But the pressure on Hart's own things and back tells and the veteran releases the hold.

He lifts Jericho to his feet and hits a Spinebuster.

He goes to apply the Sharpshooter.

However, Jericho kicks him away and, as Hart stumble sto the canvas, The Lionheart hobbles to his feet.

Both men reach standing but Hart is floored with a lowblow.


Hudson: Oh, come on!


Jericho grabs Hart's legs...

...and applies The Sharpshooter.


Taz: What the hell?


Owen now screams out in agony but begins crawling as Jericho did before him.

He slowly approaches the bottom rope.

He reaches out...

...and grabs it!

Jim Molineaux calls for the hold to be broken.

However, Jericho ignores him and drags Hart back to the centre of the ring.

As Molineaux forcefully tries to break them up, Hart taps.

Jericho screams for the referee to call the match...

...and, amazingly, he does so.

Jericho wins via submission.

Match Rating: B


Taz: Jericho wins using Hart's own hold!

Joey: In particularly controversial fashion, I might add.


Vito Thomaselli is backstage.



Vito: Raven, I must admit, you taught me a lot. There was even a time when I looked up to you, almost like a son to a father but that just made your betrayal worse! You humiliated me, you punished my brothers unjustly and you hospitalised my baby sister, Kelli. Nothing means more to me than my family except for, perhaps, one thing... gaining vengeance in there name. So, tonight, a night that will forever be remembered for the retribution I will bestow upon you, I will take your precious title; I will take your pride, your legacy and I will take pride in doing so!


Mask versus Title

Stairway To Hell Match



The two crusierweights both look ready to impress; they do not disappoint.

The pace of the evening, once again, picks up as the competitors explode into action.

AJ Styles whips Juventud Guerrera to the ropes.

Guerrera rebounds and Styles leapfrogs him.

He rebounds again; Styles drops to his chest to allow a stepover.

A third rebound...

...and the champion hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker.

Both men rise; Juvi hits a sweep kick...

...and follows up with a Sommersault Legdrop.

No... Styles darts back to standing; Juvi follows suit.

The champion hits an armdrag.

Again, both men rise and sprint at one another.

The challenger now hits the armdrag.

Once again, the two men charge for the attack.

Styles throws Guerrera onto his shoulders for a Powerbomb...

...but it's reversed into a Huricanrana.

He hooks the leg, only for the obsolete fall to be broken up by the ref.

The two men back off and pace around the ring.


The crowd applauds the efforts of the competitors.


Taz: Wow.


Guerrera now whips Styles to the ropes.

As the champion rebounds, Juvi bends to deliver the Back Body Drop.

Styles scouts it and leapfrogs.

This, in turn, is scouted as Guerrera reaches in between Styles' legs with the one arm and cradles around his back with the other...

Juvi Driver!


The fans pop at the delivery of the move.


Guerrera slides out to ringside to collect a ladder and positions it in the centre of the ring.

He begins to climb.

He just reaches the top ad Styles cuts him off with a blow to the chest from the otherside of the ladder.

Rather than pushing Guerrera off, he tries to remove his mask.

Juvi resists hitting a jab to Styles' face.


Joey: ...and Juventud Guerrera has just realised that the closer he gets to the title, the less far AJ has to move the mask.

Hudson: A very good point, Joey. With great reward comes great risk I guess.

Taz: Or vice verca.


The fist fight continues atop the ladder.

Guerrera lands a haymaker on Styles and hooks his arm for a Vertical Suplex.


Taz: No way!


However, AJ leans sideways, turning in the process, and, instead of suffering a Suplex, he drops Juvi fifteen feet to the canvas in a modified Rolling Cutter.


Hudson: Oh, the impact!

Taz: That's it, I think Juvi's dead!


The match conitnues at a simlilarly blistering pace.

In the seventeenth minute, both men ascend the ladder from opposite sides.


Christopher Daniels runs out from the back. He is closely followed by Ultimo Dragon.



Joey: I guess it was always just a matter of time before one or other showed up.


As champion and challenger continue to climb, Daniels and Ultimo Dragon both climb adjacent turnbuckles.

They both fly towards the ladder and their respective adversary.

In a great display of balance both men adopt a perfect standing position on the ladder as Guerrera and Styles are barged off.


Taz: What the hell? Are they gonna go for the belt now?


However, both champion and challenger land on their feet and their momentum causes them to simultaneously rebound of the same set of ropes.

As Dragon and Daniels brawl on the ladder, Guerrera and Styles both Dropkick it from the bottom.

Daniels and Dragon are sent plummeting down with the ladder and both men end up "crotched" on the top rope.


Hudson: That's got to hurt!


AJ and Juvi pick up opposite ends of the ladder and sprint forwards, driving both Dragon and Daniels of the rope to the concrete below.

As the fans applaud the sequence, champion and challenger realise that they have, in effect, been teaming up and a tug-of-war over the ladder ensues.

Eventually, Juvi outsmarts Styles by using his own momentum to drive him backwards into the corner with the ladder.

As champion is penned in with the steel, challenger sprints up the now diagonal rungs and Enziguiris the champ.

This, of course, makes for a less than comfortable landing for Guerrera on the rungs of the ladder.


Joey: these two are gonna kill each other!


After rubbing his back, Guerrera sets up the ladder under the two hooks above the ring.

He starts to climb.


Francine runs to the ring.



As Guerrera slowly ascends and Styles approaches the ladder, Francine cuts off the champion.


Taz: She's restraining Styles!


AJ unceremoniously throws her out of the way to the displeasure of the crowd.

...and the champion climbs the ladder too.

As Juvi finally gets a hand on the belt, he is clubbed in the chest by Styles.

Once again, a brawl begins above the ladder.

Juvi hits a Bionic Elbow on the champion and reaches up for the belt.

Styles, again, cuts him off with a body shot.

The champion then headbutts the challenger and pulls his head towards the vacant hook.

Seizing the opportunity, he attaches the bottom opening of a momentarily stunned Guerrera's mask to the hook.

He then begins to loosen the lace fastening on the back.

but Guerrera fights back, hitting several stiff shots.


Taz: This is insane!


Francine comes to below and screams for Guerrera to grab hold of the hook with his hands.

He duly does so as Francine pushes the ladder over.


Joey: Juvi's got hold of the hook.

Hudson: ...and AJ's gonna taste canvas.


But, no, AJ manages to garb the hook with one arm at the last minute.

Bot men hang from the hook, Guerrera's mask still attached at the front.

Juvi kicks Styles with his free legs.

AJ follows suit.

A frantic struggle engages.

Guerrera lets go of the hook with one arm and drives his fist into AJ's hand that holds the hook.

AJ falls...

...but grabs hold of Guerrera's legs.


Taz: Where the hell does it go from here?


As Juvi desperately tries to shake off Styles, he uses his now free hand to reach over to the other hook from which the title hangs.

The challenger gets a grip on the belt.


Joey: Guerrera's mask is still caught on the hook. If he falls, this could...

Hudson: ...go either way.

taz: No kidding!


Styles pulls down in one final tug and Guerrera falls to the canvas in Powerbomb-like manouevre.

Both men collapse in a heap as the every single person glances up towards the hooks...



A sharp inhalation of breath can be heard from what must be nearly the entire crowd.



Guerrera's mask hangs from one hook.

The Television Title belt hangs from the other.

Match Rating: B+


Taz: He didn't get the belt!

Hudson: AJ Styles is still the champion!

Joey: And Guerrera's lost his mask!

Hudson: But deos that mean?

Taz: I dunno, man.


Francine rushes over to help Guerrera up.

However, as he stands, he pushes Francine away.

She won't allow him to, desperate to see if he is okay.

He shies away and, hiding his face in his hands, he makes his way up the aisle-way to the back, leaving Francine looking concerned.


Raven is sitting in a dark corner of the arena.



Raven: Man, as long as he lives, is immortal. One minute before his death he shall be immortal but, just one minute later, god wins. What about me? What about Raven? Vito Thomaselli, I am your god. I created you and, just as fate is so often poetic, the responsibilty falls unto me to destroy you. The fact that you aim to avenge your parasitic siblings will just make it that much more enjoyable. Although it is clear you grieve for their pain and their losses which I have bestowed, grief is like the ocean. It comes on waves, ebbing and flowing. At times the water is calm; at others it is overwhelming. All one can do is learn to swim. The only problem is, Vito, that I shall be the current to pull you down and drown you in the dark coldness of your own inadequacy.


So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


Quote The Raven





The Dudleyville Hardcore Champions are, of cousre, accompanied by The Second Generation of Dudleyz.

Although it is clear that these two teams are capable of putting on a great match, it is equally apparent that, on this occassion, they are holding something back in order to work the crowd.

In the eleventh minute, Cactus Jack lays into the Second Generation on the outside with his Singapore cane.

However, this leaves Dreamer open for the 3D.

Bubba sets a table in the middle of the ring as D-Von lifts Dreamer up in the Flapjack.

However, as Bubba rebounds of the ropes, Cactus Jack slides in and cuts him off with the Double Arm DDT.

Dreamer, too, fights back, raking D-Von's eye as he is lifted.

Both Innovators approach D-Von and drag him onto the table.


Taz: I'm amazed it can hold their weight!


Double DDT through the table!

Cactus covers.


Match rating: C+


Hudson: We have new champions! We have new champions!

Joey: I guess the Dudleyville Hardcore Championship has become the ECW Hardcore Championship.


As The Hardcore Innovators celebrate, The Whole F**kin' Show run out.



Michaels hits the Superkick on Cactus Jack as RVD delivers an Enziguiri to Dreamer.

Both men head up top.

Michaels hits the Flying Elbow Drop on Cactus and RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash on Dreamer.

Traci takes a microphone.


Traci: We just wanted to congratulate you on your title victory, boys. Seriously... good for you. Just don't forget one little thing: there's only room for one World Tag Team Champions.


Michaels interjects.


Michaels: Everyone's favourite team...


RVD: ...and mine.


The fans chant along.


Traci: The Whole...


RVD: ...F**kin'...


Michaels: ...Show!


Michaels performs his flexing pose as RVD stands behind him, pointing his thumbs.

Traci stands behind RVD with her arms around his waist.


A video is shown on the big screen.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Powernaturalorder.flv">


Joey: "The natural order will be restored"? What the hell does that mean?

Hudson: I dunno... but we did see that exact same video a few monts ago.

Taz: Yeah, but I just put it down to being to do with Taker's debut,

Joey: Well, it's clearly not that.


Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring.



Heyman: As you all know, we are about to witness the first ever "Buck Stops Here" match. I just wanted to announce that I have decided to make this match for the Number One Contendership to the World Heavyweight Title.


Heyman leaves as quickly as he came as the fans go nuts.


For The Number One Contendership,

Buck Stops Here Match


"The Soul Taker" comes to the ring with his steel biker's chain which he leaves at ringside.


Taz: Oh, man, have I been waiting for this one?

Hudson: Likewise, Taz. This should be fantastic!


The two powerhouses stride around the outside of the ring, staring each other down.


Chants of "F**k him up, Taker; f**k him up!" begin.


The Man Beast is the first to make the move, darting forward at his opponent.

GORE... no, Calaway sidesteps and sends him hurtling shoulder first into the steel ring post.


Joey: Rhino throwing caution to the wind.

Taz: ...and getting burned for it.


As Rhino turns, clenching his shoulder, he is met with a Big Boot that sends him to the canvas.

Taker immediately applies a Choke Hold.

However, Rhino is able to escape by thumbing his opponent in the eye.

Both men rise to standing and Rhino hits Calaway with a back elbow.

Taker returns with a straight left arm.

...and another.

...and another.

Rhino begins to reel as Calaway lands the boking combo.

He hits a final left and swings with the killer hook.

Rhino ducks underneath, though, and as Taker turns back to face him, he nails him with a boot to the gut.

...and follows up with a DDT.


Taz: And the giant is down!


Rhino immediately sets on Calaway, delivering several mounted punches.

However, Calaway rolls him over onto his back and returns the series of strikes.

"The Soul Taker" then stands and pulls Rhino up to standing by his throat.


Hudson: Look at the strength.


He lifts up Rhino for the Tombstone Piledriver but The Man Beast slips out the back and lands a forearm to Calaway's kidneys.

Pump Handle Slam!


Joey: ...and speaking of strength, can you imagine the power required by Rhino to lift a 300 pounder?


The Man Beast goes for another series of mounted strikes.

Taker powers out, though, launching Rhino halfway across the ring.

As the two men meet again in the centre of the ring, a wild brawl ensues.


Hudson: This is turning into a real slugfest, ladies and gentlemen.

Taz: Yeah, and brawling is the straight-up speciality of both these guys!


In the sixteenth minute, Rhino, who appears to be on the losing side of the momentum, ducks out to ringside to grab a steel chair.

However, as he re-enters, Taker simply Big Boots the steel into his face.

Calaway now leaves in order to retrieve his biker chain.

"The Soul Taker" enters with the chain wrapped around his fist.

He swings a haymaker at Rhino, who has just made it to his feet...

...but the Man Beast ducks under the punch.

As Calaway turns back to face his opponent, he is booted in the gut causing himto drop the chain.

The Man Beast then throws Taker over the top rope to the concrete.


Hudson: These two aren't taking any prisoners.


As Calaway returns to his feet, Rhino drapes the chain over the top rope from inside the ring.

He hooks the weapon around his opponent's neck and pulls upwards, effectively hanging Calaway with the chain from the top rope.


Taz: Jesus!

Hudson: That's sick!


After a few moments of grossly choking his nemesis, he finally releases the pressure.

Calaway collapses in a heap on the outside.


Joey: Taker's out!


However, "The Soul Taker" shows his resillience, returning to his feet and sliding into the ring after roughly a minute.

As he does so, he is caught by a punc from Rhino, aided by the steel chain.

Rhino covers.


Hudson: My god, he kicked out!


Rhino backs away and waits for his opponet to stand.

When he does he hits the Rhino Driver!


Taz: That's it; Taker's out!


Rhino gets the staple gun and dollar bill from ringside and re-enters.

However, as he makes to staple the note onto Taker's torso, The Deadman reaches up and grabs Rhino by the throat.

Calaway sits up suddenly without releasing the grip and returns to his feet.



Hudson: Perhaps you spoke too soon, Taz.


Calaway collapses in ahpea beside is grounded opponent, exhausted.

After a short while, both men rise.

Taker lands a left hand.

Rhino follows suit.

Another fist fight ensues...

...and "The Soul taker" whips The Man Beast to the ropes.

Rhino rebounds straight into a Big Boot...

But, no, he ducks it and rebounds again.




Hudson: Calaway was nearly driven out of his boots.


Rhino once more picks up the staple gun and, this time, succesfully staples the dollar bill to the forehead of "The Soul Taker".

Match Rating: A


Joey: We have a new Number One Contender.

Taz: Yeah, and what a match.


However, Rhino isn't done.

He exits the ring and sets up a table parallel to the apron.

He then re-enters and drags Taker through the ropes to the apron.


Hudson: No!

Joey: Not after such a great match...


Rhino Driver through the table to the concrete!


Taz: He's dead! He's dead!


As Rhino storms his way to the back, EMTs rush to the aid of Calaway.

ECW's newest signing is fitted for a neck brace and stretchered out of the arena.


Taz: Man, I may not agree with his actions, but that's one hell of a feather in Rhino's cap! He completely incapacitated Mark Calaway!


Barbed Wire Catch Match



As the cage lowers, former mentor and protege stare each other down with pure hatred and disdain.

As soon as the metal reaches the ring apron, Vito dashes forward, catching Raven with the Shining Wizard.




Taz: Oh, man, Vito is fired up for this one!


As the two men rise from the canvas, Raven lands a lowblow.


Joey: ...and, straight away, Raven reveals what is his tactics are for this one!


A floored Vito is immediately assaulted with a series of grounded strikes.

Raven now covers.

1... Kickout!


Hudson: Raven doesn't even manage the one count!


The champion backs away, clearly realising what a challenge he is in for.

Vito, again, charges but, this time, is forced into the corner.

Raven seizes the opportunity to hit several Shoulder Barges which force the challenger down to a seated position.

The champion then lays the boots in.


Joey: But the champion is clearly not gonna let this go without a fight!


Raven drags Vito out of the corner and hooks his head under his arm for the Raven Effect...

...but is is reversed, in lighting time, into a Northern Lights Suplex with a bbridge.




Joey: Again, Vito was damn close!


The match continues in a similar vein for several minutes.

That is until the young contender starts to get the best of his former mentor.


Monsters Inc head down to the ring.



Goliath soon reveals that he has a key to the cage door which he, of course, uses to gain access to the ring.

As the monsters enter, Vito backs away, clearly realising that his work is cut out.

Abyss charges at him with a clothesline.

The youngster ducks underneath and, in the same movement, slides through Goliath's legs.

He hits Goliath with a lowblow from behind and, as Abyss turns to apprehend him, he catches the masked monster with a Super Kick.

However, Raven capitalises on the distraction by booting the challenger in the stomach.

Raven Effect!




Hudson: My god, he kicked out of the Evenflow DDT!

Joey: Vito is not giving up on his dream easily, Scott!


Raven is shocked but composes himself, exiting the ring through the now-open cage door and picking up a chair from ringside.

He re-enters and sets it up in the middle of the ring.

He picks up Vito and whips him to the ropes.

Upon the rebound, Raven Drop Toe Holds him into the steel.


Taz: Vintage Raven.


The champion continues to capitalise on his advantage as his monsters come to.

A 3-on-1 assaul ensues.

However, as Monsters Inc grab Vito by the throat for the Double Chokeslam, the young Italian boots them in the mid-section one after the other.

Double DDT!


Taz: He just took out both monsters!


The champion charges at the challenger but only experiences a Back Body Drop for his efforts.

Vito seizes the opportunity to lay into Raven's cohorts with the steel chair and unceremoniously eject them from the ring.

However, as he turns back into the ring, Raven catches him with a thumb to the eye.

The champion goes back on the attack.

After wearing down his opponent, Raven climbs up the cage wall, pulling down a section of barbed wire.

He proceeds to rub Vito's face in the jagged metal, opening up a nasty looking cut.

He then launches Vito into the steel wall.


Hudson: Thomaselli is in real trouble, now.


Raven, once again, picks up the challenger for the Raven Effect.

However, Vito fights his way out of it and a back-and-forth fist fight ensues.


Kelli Thomaselli emerges from the crowd.



Taz: It's Kelli Thomaselli... but I thought she was in the hospital.


Kelli cleverly takes the key from Goliath's body and enters the ring.

She approaches Raven from behind as the fans go nuts....

...and lowblows him by means of retribution for his prior actions.

Her brother needs no second invitation...



Hudson: My god, this is it!

Joey: You can do it kid!


As Kelli locks the cage door from the inside, Vito makes the cover.



Taz: Yes!




Joey: Come on...




Hudson: No!

Joey: Raven kicked out!


Raven slowly makes his way to his feet and another brawl ensues.

Vito maintains the upperhand until Raven, once again, resorts to underhanded tactics, raking his opponent's eye.

The champion then takes Kelli Thomaselli by the hair and backs into a corner.


Joey: What a coward! He's hiding behind Vito's sister!


"The New Franchise" slowly approaches the ring.



Taz: ...and why the hell is Burchill out here?

Hudson: To make sure Raven doesn't cheat his way out of this, I guess.

Taz: Yeah, but what can he do from the outside of the cage?


In the ring, Vito slowly approaches Raven trying to negotiate Kelli's release.

Meanwhile Burchill begins to ascend the section of the cage wall where Raven has removed the barbed wire.


Taz: What the hell?


Raven pushes Kelli into Vito, stunning the two siblings, just as Burchill reaches the top of the cage.

Raven grabs the stunned Vito for the Raven Effect!

However, as he looks up, he sees "The New Franchise" raise his middle finger at him from fifteen feet in the air.

He throws Vito aside as Burchill launches himself...



Joey: OH MY GOD!

Taz: That... that was... in-f**king-credible!


Vito rises to see the carnage that surrounds him.

He picks up the champion.

Vito Driver!


Match Rating: A


Joey: OH MY GOD! We have a new champion!

Hudson: Vito's the champ!

Joey: The youngest ECW World Champion in history!


As the fans go absolutely wild, the cage lifts from the canvas just as Paul Burchill lifts the new champion onto his shoulders.

The belt is presented by referee John Finnegan


Hudson: Thank god! Thank god!


But the celebrations are short lived as CM Punk emerges from the crowd.



Punk nails Burchill in the back of the head with his International All Action Gold, causing both The New Franchise and the new World Heavyweight Champion to collapse.

He then picks up Vito...



Taz: He's won the strap but he's not outta the woods!


The PPV goes off air as CM Punk seizes the World Heavyweight Title belt and hands it to his mentor while helping him to the back.


Joey: Damn it! Raven may have lost the title but he hasn't lost the belt!


Show Rating: B+

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I'm still working my way through the backstory, which has been phenomenal. But I've read what led up to this, and this last event, and all I can say is ... wow.


Juvi vs. AJ Styles for match of the millenium!


I'd actually start a chant, but as I'm here alone, and live in an apartment, I think it'd be an awkward conversation with the cops at 4am.

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