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One favor.


Push. Chris. Hero. I want him to be World Champion by 3 PPVs.


Heck yeah! Chris Hero = genius! (I also have to admit, I darn near fell over hearing Slyk's nickname. lol) Now to the picks!



Eddie Guerrero vs. CM Punk

Punk's riding a hot hand into Anarchy Rulz, and I don't think Eddie will be able to stop his streak.


Slyk vs. Dick

STD gets his debut win, moving one step closer to D'Von and his revenge.


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

By the end of the night, Jerry Lynn will be a believer in the Savior of ECW.


Qualification Match for "The Lioness' Den"

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Daizy Dudley

Daizy completes the tag team trifecta by missing out on the Lioness' Den matchup.


Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

Shawn Michaels makes an appearance, and accidentally screws RVD out of the win. (Fuel that fire!)


Rhino vs. Paul Burchill

This is tough, but Burchill can't lose his job yet. Taker screws Rhino, gores all around.

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Loved the show again, the Chris Hero list segment made me think of the old Jericho one from WCW.


1. Armbar

2. Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza.

3. Armbar


Enjoyed the new Dudley as well, I'm sure STD will need some AIDS in defeating the other Dudleys.



Eddie Guerrero vs. CM Punk

At this moment in time, Guerrero isn't in a story so Punk wins, Punk wins, Punk wins (Damn that's more annoying reading it then it is to hear Lawler say it every week).



Slyk vs. Dick

STD is "itching" for a win with his finisher, the Boston Crabs.



Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Surprising pick BUT I think Hero will get DQed or walks out.



Qualification Match for "The Lioness' Den"

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Daizy Dudley

2 reasons for this pick. Firstly Kelly Thomaselli will probably be involved with Burchill or her brothers matches at PPV. Secondly Dirty Double D can wrestle better than her so makes more sense for her to be in the first ever women's title match.....but then I said that about why McCool wouldn't qualify for the Divas championship :-/



Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer




Rhino vs. Paul Burchill

Roar, More Hardcore War, Out to the Floor, GOOORREE, Burchill Sore but out the backdoor.....Rhino another try for.....C4. The crowd adore!

(No idea why I did that prediction like that)

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One favor.


Push. Chris. Hero. I want him to be World Champion by 3 PPVs.


I canae promise that but I am slowly getting him up the card. I love the guy too... it's why I give him so much time every show but I can't give him the stra just yet I'm afraid.


Why you job Steve Corino out like that? That is unholy....TO JAZZ?! I know she is suppose to be dominated, but come on. At least throw somebody else other than Corino.


It's Corino. He's a legend and one of the things that makes him that legend is his willingness to put over other talent. I'm trying to turn Jazz into an anchor for the women's division. Meanwhile, Corino's overness is not moving anywhere anytime soon, his body is in shocking condition and he may not be too far off retirement. He seemed like a good one to roll with since he has great basics to teach too.


STD is "itching" for a win with his finisher, the Boston Crabs.


I love you...


For God sake, Nevvy, Slyk vs Dick? STD? What are you, 8? :p


As already mentioned, Chris Hero is something else man. You simply HAVE to push him when he's that cool.


Oh, what but Big Dick is acceptable?! :p


It's the Dudleyz... They, along with the sWo, form the much admired ECW comedy division.


As for Hero, yeah... I've been waiting to start using him regularly and now I'm waiting to give him a upper-midcard/main-event push.


I did give him a new video, though, which is one of my favourites I've ever done :D.


Quote The Raven


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Eddie Guerrero vs. CM Punk

We haven't seen much of Eddie so a while which is a bit of a shame. Punk should get the win to keep his momentum going.


Slyk vs. Dick

I really like this Dudley and the storyline looks interesting aswell.


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Hero's been losing everytime he's appeared on an A show, but he's getting over with his promos and getting the wins on the B show so I'm gonna go with Lynn here as it wouldn't do any harm to Hero.

Qualification Match for "The Lioness' Den"

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Daizy Dudley

Kelly's been involved with Jazz and Alexis recently while Daizy has got the tag team thing going on with Beulah and Traci.


Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

I agree with Prophet here, but I really hope they can work it out, although a Michaels RVD feud could be out of this world.


Rhino vs. Paul Burchill

I love the Rhino push, but Burchill finds some way to keep his job. I think if he was going to be fired it would be at the PPV, maybe Anarchy Rulz to Nate Hatred, that would push Hatred big time and could perhaps be a new addition to the nest.

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Monday, week 4, September

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: We're now just four days away from Anarchy Rulz, ladies and gentlemen...

Gertner: ...and I've got w...

Hudson: No, we are not going there again! Tonight's card looks fantastic and should be a great warm-up for the pay-per-view.

Gertner: I'm already warmed up, Scotty-boy.

Hudson: Oh, for god's sake, let's go to the ring before he gets us kicked off air.




Eddie makes a decent comeback but it is clear that Punk is on a roll and not likely to be stopped.

He puts the veteran away with a GTS at 12:16

Match Rating: B-


The camera cuts backstage to an argument that is already occurring.



RVD: That ain't even the f**kin' point as far as I'm concerned, man. To see you two...


Michaels: How many times, dude? We didn't know who was gonna walk in.


RVD: Yeah, I gathered as much! What? You'd been ready with an excuse if you'd have known it was me?


Traci: For f**ks sake, Rob. I was getting changed, Shawn walked and was nothing but a gentleman. When we heard footsteps, he covered me up in case it was those perverts from the sWo or something.


Michaels: That was it, dude. That was it!


RVD frowns.


Michaels: Nah, man. Don't you give me that f**kin' look. It was you who left me stranded on last week let's not forget!


RVD: I was helping Trace!


Michaels: Who you appraently think is doing the dirty? Man are you noble...


RVD: You can't blame me for wanting to help her.


Michaels: I don't blame you, numbnut. I just wish you'd give me the same courtesy; I ain't to blame for sh*tty circumstances.


Michaels offers his hand.

Van Dam looks skeptical.


Traci: Dude, don't be an idiot! If nothing else, you've got a damn title match on Friday to see who the undisputed best team in ECW is. How is it you two ass holes always manage to have a blow-up at the least helpful time?


RVD turns to Traci and laughs realising she has a point.

He pushes Michaels hand away and hugs him instead.

Michaels smiles, relieved.


RVD: just don't go cutting my grass anymore, douchebag.


Traci joins for a group hug as the camera cuts back to the ring.



STD comes out looking like the angry, black militant that he is, taking the fight to the "Big Balbutient Behemoth".

However, after a few minutes have passed, the rest of The Dudley Family become involved and lay a beating on Slyk Tayshaun.

In the seventh minute, as Dick lays the boots into his debuting half-brother, his other half-brother and his uncles set up a table at ringside next to the apron.

Dick Jr picks up STD in a choke hold...

Total Penetration over the ropes and through the table!


Joey: OH MY GOD!

Taz: Slyk Dudley is a dead Dudley!


Referee, Chris Kay, decides that STD is completely incapacitated and awards the match to Big Dick Jr.

Match Rating: D+


The song that all ECW fans are growing to loathe blares out of the arena speakers.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Hero: Yes it is I, the man whose intelligent end reasoned words are the reason that you people spend your benefit packet on ECW tickets; The Saviour of ECW, Chris Hero.


"Shut the f**k up!"

*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Hero: Now, since my mic time was so rudely cut short last week, I have taken the liberty of preparing the following public announcement, aptly entitled "An objective analysis into the factors that make Chris Hero better than Jerry Lynn." You'll have to forgive me... it is a long speech; I didn't have time to write a short one. Now, the first factor that...


Jerry Lynn bursts through the curtain, cutting Hero dead.

The match soon begins.



The match is extremely even with neither man seeing much of an advantage for the first several minutes.

However, by the eleventh minute, The Dynamic One's experience starts to show as he takes control.

After landing several consecutive moves, he looks about ready to put Hero away.


Kurt Angle comes out on his crutches.



As Angle hobbles his way to ringside, Lynn is, of course, distracted.

Hero rolls up his opponent from behind.



However, as Lynn makes to retalliate, Angle jumps up onto the apron and nails Lynn in the back with his crutch.

Lynn staggers forward into the Hero's Welcome!


Match Rating: B-


Hudson: Lynn just got screwed!

Gertner: I dunno... I thought Hero put in a great performance... and that cameo from Kurt Angle... pure gold.


CM Punk is walking down a backstage corridoor, looking pleased with his title defence, when Vito Thomaselli jumps him from behind.



Vito catches his opponent with a clubbing blow from behind and soon follows up with a Vito Driver on the concrete.


Vito: That's just the beginning, bastardo! Tommorrow night, I'm gonna humiliate you, motherf**ker, and make you pay for all that you've done to my family!


The camera cuts to where Chris Jericho is ready for a shopot promo.



Jericho: Owen, you better not be thinking that last week's match proved anything. It wasn't even you who pinned me and, at Anarchy Rulz, there is no chance of me being on the canvas long enough for a pinfall let alone for you to lock in the Crapshooter! On Friday night, I will prove once and for all that Canadian wrestling has a new champion and his name... is Jericho!



The match is fairly even and both women look fully capable of qualifying for the title match.

However, it is Kelly who does so, rather deftly employing her brother's patented Vito Driver for the fall.

Match Rating: C-


"The New Franchise" and his mentor are backstage.



Shane Douglas lets out his trademark laugh.


Douglas: Nate Hatred, it's true that you may just be ECW's Most Extreme Athlete. Hell, you've actually made a believer out of me but the thing you have to recognise is that there is a huge difference between being ECW's Most Extreme Athlete and being ECW's Best Athlete. The man that stands beside, the man who was chosen ahead of any other member of his generation to inherit the mantle of "The Franchise", Paul Burchill, is ECW's Best Athlete. So, since you are foolish enough to acquiesce to Raven's wishes, you are the next man to be taken to school by the best damn wrestler alive today!


Burchill: You see, Nate, I've spent the last month fighting with my career on the line and it hasn't even phased me.


Douglas: ..and I hope you note something else, Nate Hatred. That something is that Paul Burchill has not even bothered to mention the name of Rhino tonight. That is because, as good as the Man Beast is, as unstoppable as he may appear, his defeat is just one more minor accomplishment on the ever-expanding CV of "The New Franchise". Rhino will be put in his place tonight just as you will be come Anarchy Rulz!


Burchill: ...and if you thought Sandman or Sabu were tough, you haven't seen anything yet!



This is another even contest with both men looking strong ahead of their Tag Team Title match.

Despite a severe lack of psychology on display, the men put together a much-appreciate chaotic, hardcore brawl.

Neither man takes a particular advantage.


However, in the twelfth minute, Cactus Jack comes running out.



He slides into the ring and immediately aids his partner by setting about RVD with his trademark Singapore cane.

RVD soon starts to fade under the pressure of a 2-on-1 assault.


But Shawn Michaels makes his innevitable appearance.



Michaels slides straight into the ring and launches the Sweet Chin Music at Dreamer.

But Dreamer ducks and the Super Kick catches RVD square-on.

cactus Jack bundles Michaels to the ground as Dreamer makes the cover.


Match Rating: B+


Hudson: Just as we thought they'd patched things up.

Gertner: Somehow, The Whole F**kin' Show always find a way to make things more rocky than you'd predict!


AJ Styles is backstage for a shoot promo.



Styles: It's just four days away now. We're just four days from the night where I put the legend of Ultimo Dragon to sleep and prove myself as the most talented World Television Champion ECW has ever seen. I sent Juventud Guerrera packing; I'll send you packing and there ain't a thing you or that slut, Francine, can do about it!



The two men combine for a great main event, solidly based upon the principle of hardcore brawling.

Despite the high caliber of the match-up, its true purpose for being booked is revealed in the tenth minute...


The Nest, accompanied by Nate hatred, storm the ring.



A 5-on-2 assault begins as referee, John Finnegan, calls for a no contest.

Match Rating: A


As the assault continues and Shane Douglas enters to help his protege, the Thomasellis come running out.



They quickly come to the aid of "The New Franchise", Kelly making a beeline for Alexis Laree and Vito charging at Punk.


Gertner: My god, this is crazy!


Seemingly to add to Gertner's point, "The Soul Taker" strides down to the ring.



The giant soon re-ignites his feud with The Man Beast and it becomes difficult to tell who is beating on who.


To add to the chaos, several women come running out to settle some scores.



Gertner: Is there anyone not in the ring right now?

Hudson: It looks like anarchy has taken over four days early!


...and as the show goes off-air, the tag teams come out to back up their female members.





Hudson: I'm not even gonn attempt to call this! We'll see you at Anarchy Rulz!


Show Rating: B+

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F' The Mainstream Recap




Don Callis and Bam Bam Bigelow were on announcing duties.






The Samoan Gangstas defeated The FBI following a Samoan Drive-By at 6:17


Rating: D+






Yoshihiro Tajiri comfortably defeated Teddy Hart with a Buzzsaw Kick in 7:22


Rating: C






Becky Bayless interviewed Chris Hero for a stellar promo. Hero was, once again his usual conceited self and made a host of arrogant comments.


Rating: B-






The Second Generation of Dudleyz defeated The Headhunters in 6:42 with a Second Gen 3D.


Rating: D






Alexis Laree came to the ring and issued an open challenge. She said, not only would she win at Anarchy Rulz, she was good enough to defeat anyone in the back of either gender.


Rating: C






Sure enough, Alexis Laree defeated Ricky Marvin with an Alexis Effect in 8:19.


Rating: D+






In what was surely an upset, Chris Hero defeated Big Sasuke Cool in 10:54 with a Hero's Sidekick.


Rating: C+


Show Rating: C

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^Final Monday Night Revolution of the month above^






World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon





"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

ECW management would like to point out that neither group's takeover bid is recognised as official.

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool






Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show






Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart






Grudge Match for theInternational All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli






Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jazz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree





With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred






ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven© vs. Rhino





All predictions welcomed.


Missing pictures to appear soon. Props, as always, go to Game for thge awesome cuts!

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World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon





"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

ECW management would like to point out that neither group's takeover bid is recognised as official.

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool






Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show






Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart





Grudge Match for theInternational All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli






Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jaz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree





With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred






ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven vs. Rhino

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Yay, it's almost here! :D (I'm like a kid, in one of those stores, with that food that's delicious, but my mommy won't let me eat ... )


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon

The triumphant return of Psicosis costs AJ the title ... maybe.


"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

A match of pure bedlam, and Sasuke pulls off the victory. sWo, sWo, sWo!


Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show

The friction between RVD and HBK keeps the Show from carrying the gold out of Anarchy Rulz.


Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

Jericho got the victory at Heatwave, so Owen gets the victory here, which leads to a final showdown.


Grudge Match for theInternational All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

Vito gets rewarded for being screwed out of the world title at Heatwave.


Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jazz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree

The cornerstone of ECW's new women's division, and baddest woman on the planet takes the belt.


With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred

Douglas negates the Minister at ringside, and as good as Hatred may be, he's no Franchise.


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven vs. Rhino

Raven's hated, but Rhino not only has to contest with the Nest, he also has to keep an eye out for the Soul Taker. Numbers game spells a title retaining Raven.

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World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon

But Juvi will be back ;)


"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

ECW management would like to point out that neither group's takeover bid is recognised as official.

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

Via outside interference.


Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show

Your favourite team, and mine...


Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

To even it up ;)


Grudge Match for the International All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

Vito beat Raven at the last PPV, Punk is no sweat.


Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jaz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree

She's old-school ECW, so my money's on her.


With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred

Burchill to lose here, and come back as a Midnight Rider-esque character, until Raven gets sick of him, reinstates him and gives him a title match.


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven vs. Rhino

Because it's Raven.

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World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon

Juvi to return and maybe screw Ultimo Dragon out of the title inadvertently.


"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

This will be a huge win for either team, but I think it'll go in sWo's favour.


Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show

I can see even more friction between RVD and Michaels and I think, at Anarchy Rulz, we will see if the team will split or patch things up.


Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

Just because Jericho got the victory before meaning they can have a big final match.


Grudge Match for theInternational All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

Vito manages to pull off a great victory to get the title from his enemy.


Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jazz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree

I think she'll take the belt to give The Nest another title as I think Punk will lose his.


With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred

Burchill to get a huge win after interference from the whole nest.


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven vs. Rhino

The Soul Taker will probably play a big part and the title is still waiting for Burchill.

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What's the deal with Eddie, Nevington? How comes he's only jobbing every now and again, he must be able to offer you more than that?


Loved the irony of STD getting Total Penetration, by the way. The whole thing is so twisted and ridiculous I can't help but love it.


World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon

AJs making a great champion and is really useful for the future, he could go places. I don't know what Ultimo Dragon can offer besides the short term great matches. Because that's not enough :rolleyes:


"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool

Not so sure about this storyline anymore. I hope it's sort of a feud ender because it's had its time. And with the sWo about (and they should stay around cos they're awesome) I can't see a place for bWo. But Stevie has always been an underutilised talent in my book


Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show

Miscommunication from RVD and HBK resort in Foley and Dreamer picking up the win and tension builds in the Whole F**kin' Show camp. Out of interest, have Dreamer and Cactus done much aside form work the midcard? From memory haen't they been there since the diary started?


Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

Unfortunately, I think Owen has to be phased out and Jericho can offer an awful lot in the future. I bet Owen would make a great road agent though when he retires. Such a shame he never got there.

By the way, any chance someone could do me a cut of Owen in the match graphic, that is the exact look for him I've been looking for.


Grudge Match for theInternational All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

Not sure about this, Punk has been a great champion for a while now but Vito is on a great run. They should have an absolute world class match and a change in champion might be quite refreshing.


Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jazz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree

Just to add a bit more gold to the Nest. Disappointed Kelly won her match but I see why you did it.


With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred

Raven can keep bringing them up and Burchill will keep knocking them down. Shame for Hatred who is on a helluva run but Burchill is the hottest property in th company at the moment, even if he is a jerk backstage!


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven© vs. Rhino

I wouldn't be able to take Rhino seriously as champion after everything Raven has done to hang on to the belt. It's all about Raven at the moment, and when he does do the job and finally loses the belt that person will get a huge rub and become the new face of the company. hat person isn't Rhino.


Fantastic card. What's amazing is the names not on it- Bret, Angle, Lynn, 'Taker, etc. Top stuff, can't wait.

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What's the deal with Eddie, Nevington? How comes he's only jobbing every now and again, he must be able to offer you more than that?


He got injured. So, I obviously stopped using him. Then, after he came back, I had nothing for him, so, he went down to the developmentals to train the young guys.


He is a great worker, I'm just extremely conscious of pushing guys that might retire soon. Seems pointless...


Out of interest, have Dreamer and Cactus done much aside form work the midcard? From memory haen't they been there since the diary started?


Not quite. Dreamer had his feud with Sandman which, for a while, was one of the marquee storylines.


As for Cactus, he spent a short time main eventing after his feud with Austin. He won the Masters Of Pain, if you remember, he just didn't get the title off Sabu at 'Got Blood?'.


Unfortunately, I think Owen has to be phased out and Jericho can offer an awful lot in the future. I bet Owen would make a great road agent though when he retires. Such a shame he never got there.


Indeed... and that is exactly what I plan to move him on to; he's retiring next month :(.


Just to add a bit more gold to the Nest. Disappointed Kelly won her match but I see why you did it.


She's not as sh*t as you might think. She's turning into a passable wrestler... slowly :D.


Fantastic card. What's amazing is the names not on it- Bret, Angle, Lynn, 'Taker, etc. Top stuff, can't wait.


Yeah, I try and give 'em even time, except, again, a lot of those guys are ooold! It's all about the passing of the torch period at the moment.


Punk, Vito and Hatred are coming through nicely; Rhino and Burchill are starting to look like major future prospects to carry the promotion; Chris Jericho is close to getting back to the main event and Chris Hero is closing in on a push.


Those guys are likely to be the main event for the new era... along with a few others who, for the moment, shall remain nameless.


Quote The Raven


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World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon


"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

ECW management would like to point out that neither group's takeover bid is recognised as official.

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool


Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show


Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart


Grudge Match for theInternational All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jaz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree


With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven vs. Rhino

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World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon - By hook or crook


"War of the World Orders" For The Right To Takeover

sWo vs. bWo

ECW management would like to point out that neither group's takeover bid is recognised as official.

Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool - WE'RE OVERTAKING!


Match To Crown the ECW Unified Tag Team Champions

Champions vs. Champions

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show - Hopefully move RVD and Michaels towards main event.


Heatwave Re-Match To Be Decided By Submission

The Walls Of Jericho vs. The Sharpshooter

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart - You let slip Owen's retiring.


Grudge Match for theInternational All Action Championship

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli - Punked. Hopefully.


Lioness' Den Match to crown the first ever Lioness Champion

Jazz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree - I think she might steal it


With Paul Burchill's Career On The Line:

"The New Franchise" vs. "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete"

Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred - Best guess. Could go either way . . hardest one to pick definitely.


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Five months since their last meeting at Cyberslam...

Raven vs. Rhino - It's Raven. Noone outside your other fetish Burchill will take the title.

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AJ Styles© vs. Ultimo Dragon


Big Sasuke Cool vs. Big Stevie Cool


It's Stevie!



The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Whole F**kin' Show


The tension between HBK & RVD could either disappear or widen and I'm tipping the latter.



Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

The Lionheart may tap out and then challenge Owen to a retirement match at the next PPV.



CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli



Jaz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree


Jazz is impressive but I think the Nest gets another title.




Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred


Can't see Burchill losing....unless he's leaving :eek:



Raven vs. Rhino

With Taker not in a match he may get involved in costing Rhino the title.

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(sorry, I just bought 08 so am in the mode of Franchise Players, Ring Generals etc. Out of interest, who is down on yours as the show stoppers, future talent, over the hill and all that?)


Just remembered this; thought I'd answer while I'm waiting for the PPV vid to save.


Franchise Players:

  1. Raven
  2. Shawn Michaels
  3. Paul Burchill
  4. Rhino
  5. Mark Calaway



Next Big Things:

  1. Chris Hero
  2. Paul London



Hot prospects:

  1. Brian Kendrick
  2. Kelly Thomaselli
  3. Chris Hero
  4. Paul London
  5. Ricky Marvin



Talk The Talk:

  1. Raven
  2. Shawn Michaels
  3. Chris Jericho
  4. Paul Heyman
  5. Chris Hero



Show Stoppers:

  1. Shawn Michaels
  2. Paul Burchill
  3. Vito Thomaselli
  4. AJ Styles
  5. Chris Jericho



Ring Generals:

  1. Shawn Michaels
  2. Bret Hart
  3. Raven
  4. Owen Hart
  5. Paul Burchill



Time Decline:

  1. BW (Al) Snow
  2. Jerry Lynn
  3. Owen Hart
  4. Sandman
  5. Bret Hart


Quote The Raven


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