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hey, here are the last 2 promo cuts--- Sorry for the delay hope you don't mind me posting them here Nevermore...




My predictions!

Big stevie cool


Chris jericho

Whole F*N show

Paul Burchall

AJ styles


And Of course raven--- he coulde't lose the belt 2 ppv's on a row could he?



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AJ Styles © vs. Ultimo Dragon - I see you having AJ keep the belt til' he's ready for a big push.


Big Stevie Cool vs. Big Sasuke Cool - Frankly, I think this thing's gettin' stale with the constant backstage attacks and matches.


The Hardcore Innovators © vs. The Whole F**kin' Show © - They may feud soon but I don't see them losing it, but I want them to. :p


Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart - Owen "breaks his back" from the WOJ.


CM Punk © vs. Vito Thomaselli - Starting to become a big fan of Vito, but still like Punk as well.


Jazz vs. Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree - Too dominant, if not Jazz it's Laree.



Paul Burchill vs. Nate Hatred - Burchill barely sneaks out a victory.


Raven © vs. Rhino - Soultaker interferes, swerve: he joins the nest. :p

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Friday, week 4, September

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Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ECW's September pay-per-view spectacular. In an often predictable industry, we are proud to be the one promotion where Anarchy Rulz! I'm Joey Styles alongside Don Callis and former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey.

Callis: Likewise. Man, is it good to be back on the pay-per-view announce desk.

Taz: Good to have you back, man. Hey, Joe, check it out... it's your favourite part of the show!


Guess who's in the ring.



Gertner: Well, well, well... it is I, the only man who is harder than Chinese algebra; in fact, I'm like a rubix cube: the more you play with it the harder it gets... Joel "I'll take them by the chest and srimulate their breasts but, when I get in between their legs, that's when I like it best" Gertner.


Joey: Dear god almighty.

Callis: Calm, Joey.

Taz: Yeah, you gotta save some energy for those OH MY GODs!

Joey shoots daggers at Taz.


Gertner: Now, I've heard that ECW is the best promotion going

And its momentum, like my sex-drive, don't ever look like slowing.

The card tonight's so good that I can feel my manhood growing

So fast that The Federation may not be the only thing that's blowing!


The camera cuts to Joey Styles who has his head in his hands.


Gertner: So, the show may well be great but only 'til you've seen my tool

By which you'll time have realised it's not just anarchy that rules!




In view of this being a pay-per-view broadcast, the two mens' performance is not too great.

However, the match still acts as a great way to get the crowd fired up.

It is a very even and fast-paced contest in which both champion and challenger see much offence.

It is in the twelfth minute that AJ Styles starts to take control.

He whips Dragon to the ropes an, on the rebound, lifts him over his head and onto the other side of the apron.

A fistfight begins over the ropes which Styles wins, clubbing the challenger in the back, forcing him to bend at the waist.

Styles springs over the ropes and his opponent, delivering a Sunset Flip which results in Ultimo Dragon being Powerbombed to the concrete!


Taz: Damn! That may well seal this deal!


However, AJ's attention is taken by Francine who intervenes to aid Dragon.

The Television Champion grabs Francine by the hair and drags her into the ring.


Callis: Oh, come on...


Styles drags her to the middle of the ring and sets her up for the Styles Clash.

No... Ultimo Dragon cuts him off with a elbow to the back at the last moment.


Callis: Thank god!

Taz: Yeah, I'll bet Franny's doing just that!


As Franny makes a quick exit from the ring, Styles whips Dragon but it is reversed.

Styles comes rebounding off the ropes straight into a Back Body Drop.

But, no... Styles floats over the top, landing on his feet with the challenger in a rear waistlock.

AJ yanks, looking for a German Suplex.

He can't lift the stubborn challenger, though, and so pushes him forward into the ropes.

Ultimo rebounds chest-first with his back to Styles.

The champion bends for a Back Suplex but Dragon grabs him by the head in a three quarter facelook.

He flips backwards over the champions shoulders...



Match Rating: B


Joey: We have a new World Teelevision Champion!

Taz: Damn straight we do, Joey.

Callis: Styles allowed himself to be distracted by Francine.

Taz: ...and a vet like Ultimo knows when to capitalises!


Franny grabs the title from ringside and presents it to Ultimo Dragon who raises his hands in victory.

Suddenly, Francine plants a kiss on the legend.


Joey: Francine is overcome with a motion!

Taz: Well... err... good for them!

Callis: I just wonder if Juventud Guerrera is watching...


Vito Thomaselli is backstage for a shoot promo.



Vito: You insulted my intelligence; you raped my sense of pride and decency; you injured my brothers and you hospitalised my baby sister. Tonight, Punk, your punishment awaits you and you will be left even worse than I was: a shell of a man; the true reflection of the callous, shallow parasite that you are! I will take pride in taking that title and I will feel no remorse in giving you the beating you so rightly deserve!



The two men do not click at all (new savegame :rolleyes:).

However, due to the match being a deliberate cooling-off excercise, it is not a major issue.

Both men seem equally determined to get one up for their side.


However, in the tenth minute, Chessman comes running out.



He darts straight into the ring and a 2-on-1 assault begins.


The bWo come running out.



The odds swing back in favour of the Blue World Order.

Amidst the 4-on-2 brawl, Chessman suffers the Stevie Kick.


But, then, four Hollywood Nova's come running out.


Taz: Is that the sWo in Nova costumes?

Joey: Who else would it be.


As obvious as it is that it is the sWo, once the four fake Novas hit the ring it becomes impossible to tell the real Hollywood.

A mass brawl ensues in which no one really knows what's going on.


Taz: What? Who is... I mean... which one...

Callis: I have no idea.


Amidst the chaos, Big Sasuke Cool hits Stevie with a lowblow....

Michinoku Driver!


Match Rating: D+


After the match, Sasuke, Chessman and four Hollyeood Nova's make a quick exit, leaving the real bWo in the ring.


Taz: Well, the bWo just git played... again.


The Whole F**kin' Show are seen walking to the ring.



Both men look serious and aggrivated.

Not a word is spoken and no eye contact is ever made.


Backstage, Jerry Lynn is ready for a shoot promo.



Lynn: Damn it, Kurt, that neck ain't broken. You know it, I know it and every single ECW fan knows it! So, either you grow a spine and step in the ring with me or I'll make sure that you never step in a ring again. Don't be a coward, Kurt. Grow up and let's settle this like men.




The two teams set out not only to prove a point about the ECW tag division but about themselves.

Neither partnership wants to be second best and this results in a solid tag team bout.

The tension between The World Champions is obvious, though, neither man particularly keen on tagging in their partner.

The Innovators initially capitalise on this, waring down The Whole F**kin' Show with their power and use of weaponry, notably their trusted Singapore canes.

However, by the fourteenth minute, RVD and HBK start to combine a little more effectively and show why they've dominated the division for so long.

As the match in the ring intensifies, the obligatory catfight between Traci and Beulah flares up with the traditional rolling around on the floor.



Taz: Damn it, Joey. Are you trying to burst my eardrums, man?


The Dudley Family make an unscheduled appearance.



Callis: Damn it! What are they doing here?

Joey: It was kind of innevitable wasn't it?


As Daizy joins the catfight, the men of the family enter and set about the competitors.

A fresh Second Generation start to pick apart the tired Hardcore Innovators as the brawling of Bubba and D-Von soon has The Whole F**kin' Show on the ropes.

The Second Generation set up a table in the corner as Bubba Ray climbs the turnbuckle and Shawn Michaels is lifted onto his shoulders.

Dudley Bomb through the table!


Callis: This is ridiculous! They're not even supposed to be here!


RVD is whipped to the ropes.

Dick Jr lifts him up as Ultimo Dudley II rebounds off the perpendicular set of ropes...

Second Gen 3D!


Taz: Man, RVD just got smoked.


The Innovators mount a counter attack but are soon subdued.

The Dudley Uncles now combine for a 3D on Tommy Dreamer as Big Dick hits the Total Penetration on Cactus Jack.

Referee Jim Molineaux has no choice but to call for a no contest.

Match Rating: B+


Callis: This was supposed to be one of the best Tag Team matches ever...

Joey: ...and the damn Dudley Family ruined it! Oh, now what?


Joey reacts as The Dudleyz take both sets of belts from ringside and march to the back.


Callis: They've stolen the belts!

Taz: I guess they need some leverage to get back in the title hunt!


"The Soul Taker" is backstage.



Taker: Rhinos are said to be powerful beasts but not too intelligent and, sure enough, the one who has been stupid enough to cross the path of "The Soul Taker" has shown such traits. They say that the devil taunts all men but only idle beings taunt the devil. Well, Rhino, you're clearly the exception because your foolish actions have taunted this devil and that means you are a man damned!


Submission Match


The two men certainly fill the show's quota for great techincal wrestling.

However, on this outing, the quality is not so good (again, due to bad chemistry :mad:).

Jericho is the one to first apply his submission hold in the fourteenth minute.

With The Walls Of Jericho firmly locked in, Hart begins the slow crawl towards the ropes.

He inches closer...

...and closer.

He reaches out...

...and just gets his fingers on the bottom hold.

Jericho releases the hold as Hart hobbles to his feet.

Owen hits a few stiff jabs to Jericho and kicks him in the gut...

No! Jericho catches his leg, tips him to the canvas and applies The Walls Of Jericho again.


Taz: Uh-oh... Hart's in real trouble.


Hart again begins the slow crawl.

After a minute of steadily closing in on the bottom rope, he reaches out...

Jericho pulls him back to the centre of the canvas.


Callis: This could well be it!


As Hart screams in agony, Jericho leans back further, really wrenchin on Owen's spine.

However, realising how far back Jericho is leaning, Hart reaches back and applies an inverse Cravate to "The Lionheart".

The pain now soots up Jericho's back as well as both men try to endure the sufferring.


Taz: What a counter by Owen!

Callis: Something's gotta give.


Jericho is forced to release the hold and both men lay spent on the canvas as the fans applaud their efforts.

Slowly, using each other for balance, both men rise.

A stiff shot from Owen.

Jericho returns it.

A boot to The Lionheart's gut...

No! Jericho, again, catches it...

But this time Hart uses his own counter against him, hitting teh Enziguiri.

Now, still feeling the pain in his back, Hart goes to apply The Sharpshooter.


Joey: Here it comes...


But he appliies The Walls Of Jericho!

The Lionheart writhes in pain.


Taz: Owen's returning the favour from last week!


Jericho now begins the slow crawl for the first time.

He inches closer...

...and closer still.

He reaches out...

But is dragged back to the middle of the ring.

Jericho taps!

Match Rating: B-


Joey: Jericho tapped...

Taz: To his own hold.

Callis: I get the feeling these two aren't done yet!


Raven sits alone in a dark corner of the arena.



Raven: I have lived through war and lost much. I know what's worth the fight and what is not. Honour and courage are matters of the bone, and what a man will kill for, he will sometimes die for too. What about me? What about Raven? The title around my waist is what signifies both honour and the ultimate courage and I will never let it leave my tortured form. It is weakness rather than wickedness which renders men unfit to be trusted with unlimited power and weakness is something of which I shall never be accused. So, tonight shall play out like the hundreds before it, wherein I have conquered all odds as I have throughout my entire scorned existence, and left as I entered, The World Heavyweight Champion.


So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


Quote The Raven





The two men display great chemistry and combine for a fantastic match.

They do a great job of proving that the future of ECW is very bright!

It is Vito Thomaselli who comes out looking the more determined and he certainly looks set to gain some revenge.

By the sixteenth minute, he has really started to wear the champion down and looks about ready to put hiom away.


However, the muscle of the Nest show up somewhat innevitably.



Vito sees the coming and grabs a chair from ringside.

As he re-enters, Abyss charges at him with a Big Boot.

But Vito ducks and the monster's size 12 connects squarely with the All Action Champion.


Taz: Abyss just took out hius own man!


Vito throws the chair into the face of the Monster.

Goliath grabs him by his hair from behind but Vito picks the chair back up and swings it backwards over his head, nailing the giant in the face.

Vito backs away to the ropes, waiting for Monsters Inc to recover.

When they do, both monsters charge at the youngster.

Thomaselli merely drops down, pulling the top rope with him, and both monsters go hurtling to the arena floor.

VAs the monsters return to their feet, Vito leaps off the top rope.

Springboard Sommersault Plancha!

Both monsters collapse in a heap.


Joey: OH MY GOD!


"Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t!"


Punk has recovered as Vito re-enters.

As Vito approaches, Punk hits the lowblow.


Callis: Oh, come on!


He picks up Vito on his shoulders.


Taz: ...and here comes the GTS!


No, Vito pulls him backwards into a Crucifix Roll-Up.


Match Rating: A


Joey: He did it! He just outsmarted Punk!

Callis: Well done, kid!


Both men rise, the fight clearly not finishing with the bell.

However, Punk thumbs Vito in the eye and follows up with another lowblow.


Callis: What a cheapshot!

Taz: Two of them!


From here, Punk lays in the boots and a violent beatdown ensues.


The camera cuts to backstage where Rhino is standing.



Rhino: The clock's ticking, Raven. Two hours and fourty minutes... that's how long there is left of your pitiful reign as Worldf Champion. This is MY NIGHT! You understand?! MINE! And not you or any of your lackies can stop me from walking out as the new unstoppable World Heavyweight Champion!




The three women combine for a laudible match-up considering their lack of overness.

However, there is no doubt that Jazz dominates the entire proceedings.

In the sixth minute, she looks ready to finish the whole match off and, sure enough, hits The Fisherman Brainbuster on Kelly.

She turns to give the same treatment to Alexis Laree but is levelled by a chair.

Alexis picks up Jazz..

Alexis Effect!


Jazz powers out!


Joey: Wow!

Callis: Look at the power of Jazz

Taz: I'd rather look at the ass of Kell...

Joey: Moving swiftly along...


Alexis picks up Jazz again.

Another Alexis Effect!


Jazz powers out.

Alexis looks distraught.

She lays the chair in the middle of the canvas.

She picks up Jazz for a third time.


Joey: Here comes another Al...


But Jazz strikes her in the face.

Fisherman Brainbuster on the chair.


Kelly breaks up the fall.

Kelly picks up the chair and lays the steel into a grounded Jazz.

She then stops to rub her sore neck from the impact of Jazz's finisher.

Laree sees her chance... she rolls up Kelly.


...and hooks her ring-tights.


Match Rating: C


Joey: Trust a member of The Nest to become our first ever champion through underhanded means.


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Taz: That's the third time we've seen that! What the hell does it mean?

Joey: I have no idea. I'm as confused as last time!

Callis: The natural order? Is that someone's ring-name or something?


With Paul Burchill's career on the line...


ECW's Most Extreme Athlete is, of course, led to the ring by the Sinister Minister.

Equally, "The New Franchise" is accompanied by his mentor, Shane Douglas.

As such, it looks like neither manager will play a particularly pivotal role.

Paul Burchill is the man who explodes out of the starting blocks, hitting a series of stiff chops to Hatred's chest.

He drives him back into the corner.

He hits three shoulder barges and finishes with a Superkick that whips Hatred's head back over the top turnbuckle.

The extreme rookie collapses with the force.

The cover is made.




Taz: Burchill may be damn good but Nate Hatred is one tough bastard!

Joey: Sure enough, Taz. It won't be that easy!


Burchill backs away for a Standing Sommersault Senton.

He then borrows a trick from RVD, hitting a Cartwheel Moonsault.


Hatred rises, meeting The New Franchise with an ekbow to the gut.

He follows up with a Gutwrench Powerbomb.


Taz: Nothing but power from Hatred!


ECW's Most Extreme Athlete follows up by laying the boots in.

Burchill grabs his feet and yanks him to the canvas, climbing on top and hitting several Mounted Punches.

The match continues as an all-out slug-fest.

By the twelfth minute, Hatred starts to tire and resorts to a weapins-based arsenal as The Sinister Minister throws him a chair.

He swings at Burchill who ducks underneath and rebounds off the ropes...

The New Franchise Big Boots the chair straight into his opponents face!


Taz: Damn! I don't care how extrem you are... that one's gotta hurt!


He picks up Hatred in a Fireman's Carry and carries him to the corner.

He leaps forward into a Rolling Frireman's Carry Slam.

He rolls straight through and onto the top rope.


Joey: Burchill looking to follow up with the Moonsault.


Chris Hero emerges from the crowd with a chair.



ECW's "Saviour" jumps on the apron and nails Burchill in the head, sending him crashing to the mat.

He quickly makes an escape up the aisle-way as the funs at ringside go crazy, screaming for his blood.


Joey: Why?! What possible business does Chris Hero have here?!

Taz: As if he wasn't hated enough!


Burchill staggers to his feet and turns...



Match Rating: A


Callis: NO!

Taz: No f**king way.


Joey Styles slams his headset down in disgust.


Callis: I... I can't believe this.


The thirty thousand strong crowd doesn't boo, an eery hush falls over the arena as they realise that Nate Hatred has just defeated The New Franchise... and, now, Paul Burchill is fired.


Taz: Raven's done it! He's finally ridded ECW of The New Franchise.


As Shane Douglas darts into the ring to check on his protege, he too fals prey to Hatred's Decapitator.

The Most Extreme Athlete follows up with a violent assault as security floods the ring.


Joey: You know what? F**k this! I am sick of having to call this sh*t week in and week out! No paycheck in the world is worth having to watch this!


Joey, again, removes his headset and, this time, storms out of the arena.


Taz: Joey, man... you can't just... damn!

Callis: I apologise, ladies and gentlemen. I guess our colleague has seen enough of this over the past year.


The camera cuts backstage to where Ultimo Dragon is carrying a jubilant Francine.



Franny holds the World Television Title in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.


Franny: We did it, man. We actually did it!


Both laugh as Ultimo carries her out of shot.


Juventud Guerrera steps out of a shadowed corner.



He shakes his head in disgust as the camera cuts back to ringside.




The match starts with both men striding to the centre of the ring for a staredown.

Raven immediatley makes his tactics known, kicking Rhino in the groin.

But Rhino catches his foot before he can do so and answers with a knee to Raven's gut.

The champion hits the challenger with a stiff right arm.

The challenger follows suit and a trading of blows ensues.


Callis: ...and this is exactly what we expected!


Rhino hits the straight left arm and follows up with a haymaker that floors the champion.

Raven is stomped on repeatedly and then brought up to standing.

"The Man beast" whips him to the corner and pummels him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders.

The champion is thrown to the other turnbuckle like a rag doll.

Rhino charges for a clothesline charges but Raven puts his foot up.


Callis: Oh, reversal!


Raven now whips Rhino to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Rhino ducks underneath.

Rhino bounces off the opposite ropes...

He comes back...



Taz: My god... he hit it!





Taz: Make no mistake, Raven is a slimey coward but he is tough as nails!


As Rhino rises to tell the referee that it was a slow count, Raven, just stirring, hits a lowblow from behind.

Raven then drags Rhino to his feet and hits a clothesline that drives him into the corner.

He follows up by raking the challenger's face with his fingers.

However, in a great show of strenghth, Rhino merely pushes Raven away, forcing him half way across the ring.

He stalks the champion and hits an irish whip but, no, Raven reverses it...

Rhino bounces off the ropes and comes back with another Gore!

However, Raven is able to dodge this one and Rhino goes flying through the ropes and into the ringside guardrail.


Taz: That's got to hurt!


Raven rolls Rhino back in but not before seizing the opportunity to grab a chair.

He slides back in and nails Rhino squarely in the forehead.

Rhino falls to the canvas and Raven covers.


Rhino powers out!


Taz: Wow... Raven may have forgotten jst what a challenge Rhino was in April!


The match continues in a similar fashion, Rhino showing a fair level of control with Raven just pulling enough dirty tactics to stay in with a shot.

In the fourteenth minute, Raven landsyet another lowblow.

He grabs Rhino by the head as he bends in pain.

Raven Effect!




Callis: It's clearly not going to be easy for the World Heavyweight Champion.


Raven picks up Rhino and boots him in the gut, again looking for his finisher.

However, The Man Beast answers with a right hand and picks up Raven for the Rhino Driver.


Taz: Here we go!


"The Soul Taker" comes striding out.



Rhino drops Raven in order to meet the oncoming danger.


Taz: Y'know... I'd usually be happy to see Taker kick some ass but not if it's gonna benefit Raven!


As Calaway enters, Rhino charges for the Gore!

In a great show of strength, Taker catches him and lifts him by the gut onto his shoulders.

Elevated Powerbomb!

Raven staggers over to make the cover.


Callis: Damn it!


However, Taker pushes him aside, stopping him from doing so.


Taz: Hang on a sec, there, Callis!


Taker picks up Rhino by the throat.


Calaway steps aside as Raven covers.


Match Rating: A


Taz: Aah, screw it!


Calaway now turns Raven to face him.

The fans go crazy as The World Champion stares up at the giant.

Suddenly... Calaway extends his hand to Raven.


Callis: What the hell?!


The boos around the arena are deafening!

Raven smiles and accepts, taking Calaways hand.


Taz: Man, surely not!


The Giant pulls the champion in to grab him by the throat...



Taz: Thank god for that!


The show goes off air as The Soul Taker heads to the back, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.


Show Rating: A

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You are a GOD!


........WOW! That was absolutely awesome. I cannot tell you how much I have been looking forward to this event and you did not disappoint. I can not belive what happened with Burchill. I'm sure he will be back at some point but It was a hell of a shock to me. I know how much of a Burchill mark you are (as am I) and I never expected you to have a storyline in which he would be absent from the shows. Nate Hatred must surely be close to Main Eventing now after that victory. Once again, great show mate. Very well done.

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Dear Nevermore (you fargin icehole),


Even thought I took a couple of fargin month hiatus from this forum, upon my fargin return, I knew I had to catch up with ECW Worldwide, KNEW IT.


Now, in light of the pending poll that will be ending, I'm inclined to just give up my fargin dreams of running a fargin ROH diary knowing that I can't fargin compete with the fargin ECW Worldwide.


Again, you fargin bastage!!!!!


Fargin Sincerely,


Roman Fargin Maronie's illegitimate child

(only those that have seen Johnny Dangerously would understand)




Seriously though Nevvy, I popped a couple of times reading this, I'm as hooked to your diary (though I don't post that often since my return) as I was to wrestling in general when I was younger. Thanks for the great show and I can't wait to see where you go from here!

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Wow ... that show did not disappoint. And everytime Gertner does an opening, I'm reminded of how much I miss him.


Phenomenal matches, awesome twists, Chris Hero making a statement and banishing The New Franchise, Juvi's subtle return ... brilliant show.


Now to figure out who plans on restoring the natural order ... without destroying the last 4 braincells I have to rub together. lol

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Damn I thought you'd pulled a switchero and Juvi was under the Ultimo mask....but he wasn't and now Francine is hanging out with him instead. DAMN!


I also thought we'd have a backstage sWo bit where they realised the real Hollywood Nova came backstage with them OR a bWo segment where they had one of the fake Novas and the fake Nova asking where they got the ridiculous Big Stevie & BWsnOw costumes.


If you do that again though, I recommend having the sWo run out with pillows taped to their chests and blue paint in their hair as the Meanie.


Another idea for the sWo Vs. bWo fued is to have a puppet master who's been controlling them all along....who's revealed to be the owner of the "Wrestling Masks & Face Paint Emporium", he's been playing them against each other just so they keep buying their disguises from him.


Looks like the Dudleys are back in the title hunt....assuming they've gotten rid of STD, which is difficult because sometimes they just keep coming back time and time again.


Really wish I'd gotten in there quick enough to predict, but I have to admit I'd have gotten the Punk, tag match and AJ match wrong anyway.

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i've read through this entire diary and i must admit idea wise...u are truely great at storylines and awesome twists (the burchill turn and the taker debut) but as i've gotten closer and closer to catching up with the more current posts i actually grew sick and tired of raven with the strap..please be careful that the mark inside of u (cause im a big raven & punk) make ur stuff predictable...with that said enough on raven


oh and can we please get a promo for punk i wanna see if he can actually articulate himself besides the you got punk'd thingy


and *waning huge bret mark comment coming* where's bret?? i mean i know hes old but he's just nowhere to be found on the cards at all...is he hurt or something?? cause i'd hate to see u take him from WWF and just waste him like WCW did...


hope i don't come off like a smart ass i really do love ur work it's just i've been reading for so many days in a row at night and into the dawn that i've been waiting to speak on some stuff

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i've read through this entire diary and i must admit idea wise...u are truely great at storylines and awesome twists (the burchill turn and the taker debut) but as i've gotten closer and closer to catching up with the more current posts i actually grew sick and tired of raven with the strap..please be careful that the mark inside of u (cause im a big raven & punk) make ur stuff predictable...with that said enough on raven


As I've said many times, you are supposed to be sick of Raven with the strap. A plan for the title was drawn out way back at the beginning of the diary and I plan on sticking with it.


oh and can we please get a promo for punk i wanna see if he can actually articulate himself besides the you got punk'd thingy


Hopefully you'll note The Nest becoming less and less important and the individuals within it slightly more prominent. Punk will be no different.... hence why he now has a singles feud rather than just backing up Raven.


and *waning huge bret mark comment coming* where's bret?? i mean i know hes old but he's just nowhere to be found on the cards at all...is he hurt or something?? cause i'd hate to see u take him from WWF and just waste him like WCW did...


Ugh... Bret. I'd feel so sorry for that man if this was real life. He's currently just training his relatives Teddy and Nattie. First, he was gonna be involved in the Rhino/Taker story but I find he has awful chemistry with Calaway. Then, I thought, screw it, he and Owen can reunite to take on Jericho... and he has bad chemistry with Jericho as well :mad:. Both bothers!


I do want a way to bring him back on screen. I'm just waiting for a perfect storyline opportunity that isn't so long that he'll retire half-way through.


Other guys I'm thinking of trying to bring back into the spotlight are Eddie, Rey, Hayabusa and Chris Daniels.


hope i don't come off like a smart ass i really do love ur work it's just i've been reading for so many days in a row at night and into the dawn that i've been waiting to speak on some stuff


It's all good man... and always apprecitated. Some stuff I take on board fully; other plans I won't budge on :D. However, I always like when people make criticisms as well as compliments.


...and on that note, thanks to everyone for all the feedback.


Ford, strangely, and somewhat disturbingly, one of your ideas was not too far from what I initially had planned :p.


...and, Prophet, keep thinking. It'll be a major twist ;).


Quote The Raven


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Another idea for the sWo Vs. bWo fued is to have a puppet master who's been controlling them all along....who's revealed to be the owner of the "Wrestling Masks & Face Paint Emporium", he's been playing them against each other just so they keep buying their disguises from him.


What a way to bring Bret back huh? The ultimate manipulatee becomes the ultimate manipulator. (though, Bret's come back promo would not be complete without him calling them all "Big, Stupid, Dummys")

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Loved it man. Loved it.


The PPV had everything and I was surprised with Burchil losing. I thought he'd get the win and then just come in and take the title from Raven at the next PPV. I'm really looking forward to what's coming up. You managed to build Hatred even more with a win over Burchill and even get Hero in on the action.


Gertner was great again, it's gotta be the best comedy feature in any diary, cracks me up everytime.


A Juvi versus Ultimo storyline sounds good to me. Those two would have some awesome matches. That's gonna be interesting.


For a moment I thought Calaway was gonna join the nest, but he soon put Raven back in his place. Sounds like he'll be the next challenger or maybe a three way with him, Raven and Rhino because Rhino was screwed.


I really don't know how Burchill can come back from this, but it's gonna be very interesting finding out. I don't think either Calaway or Rhino will get their hands on the title though.


Oh almost forgot. The natural order thing sounds like it's gonna be something pretty huge. Seriously can't wait for that.


Once again, super show. You are truly the diary master.

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Great show as always Nevermore. Francine with Ultimo was a complete surprised to me. I hope you have Juvi doing something more then playing the jelous third wheel. I also was figuring Buchill to beat Hatred and move on to Raven but you got me on that one to. So Rhino is screwed out of the title by Calaway. I smell a three way dance. Need more info on the natural order but i know you wont give that info up. :p
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F' The Mainstream to appear later.


From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:



Big Sasuke Cool vs. Ultimo Dragon©



It looks pretty good to be Ultimo Dragon right now, claiming the TV Title and, arguably, the most deirable woman in ECW in one night. However, he must make his first defence against Big Sasuke Cool and let's not forget that Sasuke also won his match at Anarchy Rulz. Those who follow Japanese wrestling know just how good this could be!




Daizy Dudley vs. Alexis Laree©



The first ever ECW Lioness Champion, Alexis Laree, makes her first ever defence againts Dudleyville's Lil' Latina Lolita. Can Daizy score an upset victory?




Tommy Dreamer vs. D-Von Dudley



The tag team ranks seem even more chaotic than ever. Two different teams are the champions of two different titles... whilst a third team actually posess all for belts. Following? We didn't think so. The pandamoneum may be rectified in part this week on Revolution as Tommy Dreamer challenges D-Von Dudley with the express intention of taking back his and Cactus' belts.



War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo



The war of the world orders continues as Big Stevie Cool hopes to get some revenge for his loss at Anarchy Rulz. He teams up with the ever-charismatic BW Snow to take on Chessman and Espiritu.




Nate Hatred vs. Sabu



In one of the most controversial sequences of events in ECW history, Nate Hatred cost Paul Burchill his career... albeit with the help of Chris Hero. As "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete" seemingly goes from strength to strength, Sabu has stepped into remind him that the bad blood between them is far from over. Hatred may have defeated "The New Franchise" but can he really overcome a man with both the pain threshold of Sabu and a seemingly masochistic willingness to put himself through physical hell?




Mark Calaway vs. CM Punk



CM Punk lost his International All Action Title at Anarchy Rulz and, on Revolution, he may well lose his teeth! Raven has booked this match with a view to "teaching Calaway a lesson". For once, The World Champion seems slightly misguided.





ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Big Sasuke Cool vs. Ultimo Dragon©


He needs at least 1 defense.


Daizy Dudley vs. Alexis Laree©


See Dragon


Tommy Dreamer vs. D-Von Dudley


I wanted to make an educated guess, but hell, I dont even know anymore. Hardy Boys shock appearance with WWF belts and take all 3?


War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo




Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


Can't see you killing the push now.


Mark Calaway vs. CM Punk


Everything else has been too obvious, need at least one underdog win. Honestly I think Raven's trying to punish Punk for losing the belt, but it will backfire. I see a storyline like that having some strong potential.

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