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Damn, you stripped the title off Punk.


Any hidden reason/injury behind that or just to give Heyman a bit of crediblity?


Honestly, just 'cos he's outgrown a a midcard title.


This way, whilst a tad cheap, saves him needing to job to someone lower on the card whilst giving me the opportunity to judge upcoming talent through a tournament.


Quote The Raven


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F' The Mainstream Recap




Don Callis and Bam Bam Bigelow were on announcing duties.






Lance Storm defeated Excalibur in 7:22 with a Super Kick.


Rating: D







Kelly Thomaselli defeated Mika Akino with a Roundhouse Kick in 4:38


Rating: E+






Brandon Thomaselli defeated Scorpio Sky with a Crossface Chickenwing in 8:43


Rating: D






"Uncle" Sal Thomaselli defeated Teddy Hart with a Senton Bomb in 8:19.


Rating: C+






Becky Bayless interviewed Chris Hero for a fantastic promo. Hero was his usual conceited self and, once again, complained about having to appear on a B show, saying how much better he is than everyone else in the back... particularly Chris Jericho.


Rating: B+






Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Ricky Marvin with a Springboard Seated Senton in 9:17.


Rating: B-


Show Rating: C-

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:




Mark Calaway & Sabu vs. Rhino & Nate Hatred



This sure-to-be-brutal tag team match has been signed in view of Nate Hatred and Rhino's involvement in Sabu and Calaway's match on Monday night. Plus, it should not be forgotten that, at November To Remember XV, "The Human Highlight Reel" and "ECW's NME" are set to battle in a Streak Versus Career Match. Meanwhile, it seems likely for "The Man Beast" and "The Soul Taker" to throwdown for a third time this month and, so, this tag team match could be very important to either team's momentum.




International All Action Title Tournament Match

Teddy Hart vs. Psicosis



Thanks to Paul Heyman, ECW will witness this tournament to crown a new, fighting Internation All Action Champion. Indeed, with the Masters of Pain tournament due next month, this could be a fitting appetiser. In this second first round match-up, Teddy Hart faces the returning luchadore Psicosis.




The Hardcore Innovators


Tomaselli-Thomaselli '08



The Hardcore Innovators may not be the Tag Team Champions but they're still walking around with all four belts slung over their shoulders, a situation that The Dudley Family hopes to rectify at November To Remember XV. Could the angry, hardcore inbreds play a part in this one as the number one contenders face everyone's favourite presidential candidates?




Lioness Pack Match

Alexis & Nathalie


Jazz & Kelly Thomaselli



Like last week, Jazz and Kelly Thomaselli team up to take on the female contingent of Raven's Nest. Neither Jazz nor Kelly will be content with anything other than a victory here. Meanwhile, Alexis and Nattie will be looking to get some payback for Kelly's interference on Monday Night Revolution.




CM Punk vs. Shawn Michaels



It hasn't exactly been the smoothest few weeks for either CM Punk or Shawn Michaels. One has had his title stripped from him while the other is involved in the mother of all complications with his former tag team partner. With two great wrestlers looking to take out their frustrations, this one should be pretty interesting.




ECW World Television Championship Match


Juventud Guerrera vs. AJ Styles©



Juventud Guerrera returned at Guilty As Charge and made a phenomenal impact... and it didn't stop there. In two matches he has picked up two victories against Christopher Daniels, the man responsible for aiding AJ Styles in robbing the luchadore of his mask and heritage, and Rey Mysterio Jr, his former tag team partner who sold him out on live pay-per-view. So, if Juvi is on a quest to defeat those who have wronged him, surely this is the biggest test of all. World Television Champion, AJ Styles, was the man who forced Guerrera to unmask and, according to some, was the reason for the schism between Guerrera and Francine. Now, all in one match, Guerrera has the opportunity to defeat Styles and finally capture his first ECW Title. The only problem is three men in the back are beying for his blood whilst he is in the ring with one of ECW's most talented cruiserweights.


Tune in to see what must be the biggest main event in Blood, Sweat & Beers history!





ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Mark Calaway & Sabu vs. Rhino & Nate Hatred

International All Action Title Tournament Match

Teddy Hart vs. Psicosis

The Hardcore Innovators


Thomaselli-Thomaselli '08

Lioness Pack Match

Alexis & Nathalie


Jazz & Kelly Thomaselli

CM Punk vs. Shawn Michaels

ECW World Television Championship Match

Juventud Guerrera vs. AJ Styles©

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Mark Calaway & Sabu vs. Rhino & Nate Hatred

First of all, I need to fly back over from the UK, and pepper the deadman with balled up pieces of paper! :p I think I know where this is headed, and although open to the possibility of this going to a draw through mass chaos, I'm gonna give the edge to the NME to take this one, while Rhino and Taker (pending legal action from the `E for usage of a copywritten name in a prediction whilst under contract with a different company.) cancel each other out.


International All Action Title Tournament Match

Teddy Hart vs. Psicosis

This should be a decent match, and it's a good chance for Teddy to show what he's learned from his matches on FTM. Psicosis has the experience, though, so I believe he'll pick up the W.


The Hardcore Innovators vs. Thomaselli-Thomaselli '08

TT08 have shown flashes of brilliance, and in time, may climb up the ladder towards Vito's place. Running into the crazed buzzsaw of Dreamer and Cactus will not help. This match comes complete with a cameo from the 2Gen Duds too.


Lioness Pack Match

Alexis & Nathalie vs. Jazz & Kelly Thomaselli

Of the 4, Nattie seems to be the weak link (and where'd you find that 80's Wham picture of her? Seriously, she does not need to wake me up before she go-gos looking like that! :p) Jazz & Kelly Burchill win.


CM Punk vs. Shawn Michaels

The straight edged superstar, second in command to the Flock, master of the Pepsi Plunge, and recently embarassed CM Punk has his mind set on one thing. Pain! However, Michaels is the showstopper, the icon, the main event, and being chased down by the Whole F'n Show. RVD intervenes to once again prove a point, Punk capitalizes, and takes the win. At some point, Raven pulls Punk aside, and tells him to "sweep the leg ... no mercy."


ECW World Television Championship Match

Juventud Guerrera vs. AJ Styles©

If AJ wins, there's no incentive to rematch at N2R, and if others get involved once again, what we've all been waiting for is lost in the dust. I think Juvi pulls it off, and takes the gold, causing AJ to go ballistic, leading to an even more intense match at N2R which could threaten to steal the show.

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True... I do need to replace that.


Quote The Raven



As someone willing to be beaten mercilessly by TJ Wilson for openly ogling his woman (and it wouldn't be close to a fair fight. 2 hits, him hitting me, and my gurney hitting those swinging doors to the operating room. lol) may I suggest ...




Where she not only looks stunning, but also has that Machiavellian smirk that seems to fit in with one who enjoys the inner workings of Raven's mind?

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Saturday, week 1, November

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and I can safely say that it is phenomenal to be back. And, of course, alongside me is former World Heavyweight Champion and ECW Triple Crown winner, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey, and I can safely say that it's great to have you back! No disrespect to Don Callis, he's still doing a great job on F' The Mainstream, but you always were my favourite play by play guy.

Joey: Thanks, Taz, it's all I've ever wanted to do as a career and I'm so glad that, now Raven's Nest is falling, it might be an enjoyable post again.

Taz: Well, it can't be anything other than enjoyable with the card we got lined up. So, let's get to it.



As expected, this one is a straight-up hardcore brawl.

Chairs-aplenty and an equal smatterinng of blood makes for a useful opener.

In the tenth minute, Rhino charges at Calaway for the Gore.

"The Soul Taker" steps out of the way, though.

Sabu, however, is caught directly in the firing line and falls like a sack of crap.

As Rhino makes the cover, Hatred blasts Calaway in the back with a steel chair to prevent interference.

Match Rating: B


Content with his victory, Nate Hatred slides out of the ring to join The Sinister Minister.

Both men head to the back.

However, the brawl between Calaway and Rhino is far from over.

The two beasts start slugging the hell out of one another.


Suddenly, a tall blonde figure slides into the ring and picks up the steel chair.



Taz: What the hell?


He blasts 'Taker in the forehead and the giant collapses.


Joey: That's Andrew Martin!

Taz: Yeah, I figured, but where the hell has he been and what the hell is he doing back?


"The Man Beast" strides over to Martin.

As Rhino looks quizical, Martin smiles.


Joey: My god, does this mean...?


Martin now cracks the steel over Rhino's head.


Taz: No... no it doesn't!


Martin throws the chair down to a very mixed reaction and walks out of the ring.


Taz: Well, I ain't got no clue what he's doing here but... wow. Talk about a way to make an impact.

Styles: After a year's absence no less.


International All Action Title Tornament Match


The two cruiserweights combine for a slightly disappointing match-up, especially considerin Hart's recent F'TM efforts.

However, as the match is used as a deliberate "cooling off" segment, it matters little.

Teddy Hart picks up the victory with a Diving Headbutt in the sixth minute.

Match Rating: D


Jerry Lynn is backstage for a shoot promo.



Lynn: Well, I guess I should say congratulations on your tag team victory on Monday, Kurt, but let's face it Chris Hero is almost as much of a snake as you... I should know; I've wrestled him enough times. He proved it again on Monday and that's the only reason you won that match. At November To Remember Fifteen, things are going to be every different. At last, I'm gonna kick your ass for betraying your own country at the world cup and faking a broken neck! You're a disgrace to the industry, Kurt, and I can only imagine what people who have genuinely been disabled in the ring think of you. But, at the end of this month, I'm gonna take you to a special section of hell reserved for bastards like you!



The Innovators carry all four tag title belts to the ring, holding them in the air to taunt the Dudleyz.

The match is a decent yet unspectacular midcard tag match.

The Thomaselli brothers put up a decent fight but The Innovators look like their on a roll.

They pick up the win with a Double DDT on Brandon in the tenth minute.

Match Rating: C+


After the match, the Innovators go to retrieve the title belts.


However, The Dudley family sprint to the ring.



The strapping Dudley lads lay into the fatigued Hardcore Innovators.

Meanwhile Daizy grabs a microphone.


Daizy: Me and my family had a thought. It's all very well us challenging you to get our own titles back but it would be far easier to just take them. Then there's no need to...


Daizy is cut off by a steel chair to the back.



Joey: It's Slyk Taysaun Dudley!

Taz: Damn, he really is living up to his name.

Joey: I'm sorry?

Taz: STD... Irritating and hard to get rid of.


Slyk then lays the chairs into Dick and Ultimo Dudley II.

Bubba and D-Von turn around at the last minute...

...but it's too late to defend themselves. Chair shots to their heads.

The Innovators grab the opportunity to leave with the belts.

STD grabs a microphone.


STD: Yo, bitches! STD is back on ECW television!


He receives a surprisingly loud cheer, most likely for taking out his uncles and shutting his whiney cousin up.


STD: Y'know, I been working on F**k The Mainstream, picking up a win here and there and, all the while, I been watching this whack job sh*t on the main programming! You bitches is a disgrace to the Dudley name... you's an embarrasment. You's sh*t's mo' cheesy than an Eddie Murphy flick and you's acting like the Deliverance cast on meth, mothaf**kas!


Taz: He's certainly got a mouth on him.


STD: If you bustas can't hang on to your own damn gold, you don't deserve it. I is here to agitate, perpitrate and bring back some mothaf**kin' pride to the Dudley clan and, on that note, I is entering myself into the International All Action mothaf**kin' title tournament. And once I bring some real gold to the table I'm gonna make it my damn mission to find out what secret 'bout my daddy you dogs is keeping!


Joey: He's still talking about that family secret. I wonder what it is.

Taz: The pill? Birth control seems a well kept secret in Dudleyville!



Standard filler Lioness matches.

There are some wolfwhistles but most of the crowd still aren't that interested in the division.

Jazz picks up the fall with an STF on Nathalie in the sixth minute.

Match Rating: D


Vito is backstage for a shoot promo, his head is still bandaged from Guilty As Charged.



Vito: Monday night was a thing of beauty. Any time and kick your teeth in, Punk, I feel vindicated. Well, now, there ain't no title involved; there ain't nothing but bad blood and it's about time we spilled some more in my book. I beat you; you beat me... with interference. So, with ECW's biggest show in history just around the corner, November To Remember Fifteen, I say we make it official and throw down one last time, bastardo. Except, this time, I am finally gonna make you pay, once and for all, for the astrocities you commited unto my famiglia. You think me sticking a cigarette in your mouth was stepping on your ideals? Well, I'm gonna step on your damn face and walk it into the ground at November To Remember!



The two men put on a very good TV match.

It is a very even contest.

However, by the tenth minute, Michaels starts to gain an advantage.

He floors Punk and makes his way over to the turnbuckle for the Flying Elbow.


RVD and Traci appear at the entrance-way.



Michaels stops, awaiting a run-in.

However, it does not come, though the distraction allows Punk an opening.

He turns Michals around.



Match Rating: B+


RVD: Shawn, I don't want to have to keep doing this stuff, bro. I didn't want to knock you down on Monday and didn't want to cost you a match tonight but it's gonna keep coming until I get a match with you for November To Remember. I need the push and the fans need the match!


There is a huge pop.


RVD: So, just agree to the best match of your life! Let me know, man.


RVD heads to the back as Michaels comes to in the ring, looking troubled.


Joey: Well, it's time for the big one...

Taz: The World Television Title Match. Man, am I psyched for this?




The two men combine for a fantastic fast-paced match.

The venom and anger in each move is tangible.

In twelfth minute, Styles climbs the rope for the Spiral Tap.

He hits it...

...but Juvi rolls through.



Both men rise.

Juvi charges.

AJ boots him in the gut.

Styles Clash!


Juvi gets his foot on the rope.

The ref doesn't see it.


Match Rating: B+


Joey: His foot was on the rope, though!

Taz: Damn, that's gotta suck.


Guerrera scrambles to his feet and begins to argue with the ref as Styles goes to grab his belt.

Guerrera turns around, though, and pulls the champion back through the ropes...

Juvi Driver!


Rey Mysterio, Chris Daniels and Ultimo Dragon run to the ring.



Francine follows sheepishly behind Ultimo Dragon.


Joey: Oh no...


As the cruiserweights pour into the ring, Juvi is completely outnumbered.

Spinning Headscissors by Mysterio.

Angel's Wings by Daniels.

Asai DDT by Ultimo Dragon.


Joey: I don't get it. All four are vying for the title. Why work together?

Taz: They must consider Juvi a threat to them all!


AJ Styles makes his way to his feet and all four crusierweights start to lay the boots in.

Suddenly, Francine dives on top of Juvi.


Taz: What the hell?!


"Leave him alone! Leave him!"

Ultimo Dragon grabs Francine by the hair and drags her out of the ring, kicking and screaming.


Joey: Oh come on! Let her go!


The show goes off air as the TV Champion drags Francine to the back while Juventud Guerrera is left to the wolves.


Show Rating: B+

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great shows man! although the Francine Juvi storyline has so many twists and turns it reeks of Vince Russo


Damn, man... really? I think it's been pretty simple so far.


Guy falls in love with girl -> girl can't commit due to emotional baggage -> guy starts to lose faith -> girl comes around and says she's ready to commit but, by that time, it's too late -> guys buggers off, angry, upsetting the girl -> girl goes on the rebound -> guy returns and girl is still in love with him despite being in a new relationship.


That's standard melodrama isn't it? Fairly everyday-life, even...


I must admit, having never been a fan of WCW or latter day (six-sided ring sorta time) TNA, that I'm really not familiar with Vince Russo's booking. What I can tell you is that this story is extremely loosley based on a John Ford play. Different story progression but similar concept of a flawed relationship.


All I can say is that the major points of interest haven't even happened yet :p.


Cheers for the feedback, though.


Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


ECW World Television Title Match


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. AJ Styles©



Paul Heyman has ordered this TV Title Match in an attempt to not only provide good TV but also by way of punishing AJ Styles and Mysterio for their actions towards Juventud Guerrera last week. Clearly, the hope is that both men will leave it all in the ring and, no doubt, they will.




International All Action Title Tournament Match

Slyk Tayshaun Dudley vs. Scorpio Sky



In this third first round match-up of the International All Action Title Tournament, the young cruiserweight, Scorpio Sky, takes on the militant and malicious Slyk Tayshaun Dudley. Will the black scorpion or the black panther emerge victorious?




Rob Van Dam vs. The Great Sasuke



Two aerial greats go head-to-head for the second time in this one as a former half of the Whole F**kin' Show takes on half of the True World Order. This one is sure to be a fantastic match-up.




Andrew Martin vs. Lance Storm



In the words of Taz, "talk about a way to make an impact". Andrew Martin returned on Saturday night after a year's absence and shockingly floored the two most feared monsters in all of ECW: "The Soul Taker" and "The Man Beast". The heavyweight powerhouse looks to extend his momentum here by gaining a victory over fellow Canadian, Lance Storm.




Juventud Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels



This Monday night, Juventud Guerrera continues on his quest for vengeance. These two faced each other just one week ago and we are already due for a rematch... no one is complaining. It seems Guerrera is determined to knock Daniels from his perch once and for all as another step towards capturing his first gold in ECW, an achievement cruelly denied on Saturday night.




Paul Burchill vs. Chris Hero



This Monday night, "The New Franchise" takes on the self-proclaimed "Saviour of ECW". Chris Hero has promised to improve ECW, one quality wrestling match at a time, and, surely, there can be no doubt that this is going to be a classic. The only question is if the Nest and Chris Jericho choose to keep their distance.



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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ECW World Television Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. AJ Styles©


International All Action Title Tournament Match

Slyk Tayshaun Dudley vs. Scorpio Sky


Rob Van Dam vs. The Great Sasuke


Andrew Martin vs. Lance Storm


Juventud Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels


Paul Burchill vs. Chris Hero

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yea it kind of reminds me of a vince russo storyline. sorry. if WCW had a women's division when Vince was booking I think this storyline would be perfect for him.


I always appreciate feedback but I gotta be honest... I really don't know where you're coming from with that, seeing as neither Juvi or Francine are part of the women's/lioness division :confused:.


Cheers for the predictions, Deezy.


Quote The Rave


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Must sneak in before ... deadline ...!


ECW World Television Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. AJ Styles©

The feet on the ropes did me in, but this time, AJ Styles picks up the victory in a truly competitive match. Before Juvi makes a hit and run attack, taking out the TV Champ.


International All Action Title Tournament Match

Slyk Tayshaun Dudley vs. Scorpio Sky

I could see this one going the other way, with an all out Dudley assault leading to the STD going into remission, but I don't think that's what will happen. At least not yet. Scorpio Sky falls victim to the militant Dudley. Also, little known secret, Slyk's father is actually Spike Dudley. :p


Rob Van Dam vs. The Great Sasuke

This is a tough call. Part of me thinks RVD gets the win, when HBK quells an interfering Stevie's advances to help his partner, because they're brothers, leading to a post match Superkick and acceptance. Or HBK costs RVD the match and accepts. I'm leaning towards the former, so RVD gets the win.


Andrew Martin vs. Lance Storm

I want, so badly, to pick Lance Storm. I mean, he is from Calgary ... Alberta, Canada! However, you don't make an impactful redebut, and follow it up by falling flat. The artist formerly known as Test picks up the win with the big boot.


Juventud Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels

Another match that will end with half the locker room finding their way to the ring, all gunning for the enigma Juvi. Before the rush, though, Daniels sits on the wrong end of a Juvi Driver.


Paul Burchill vs. Chris Hero

Man, trying to pick a winner here is like trying to pick who I'd rather date at the Miss Hooters contest, with all of them being rich, aggressive, and just drunk enough to want me. It's unpossible! Burchill will get support from the Franchise, the fiery Italiano, and the Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla, but Hero will get backing from Hatred (inevitably taken out by Sabu) and the Nest. And amidst all the chaos, Hero sneaks out a win, and we all sing along! "I need a Hero ... "


*Slides under the door, and reaches back to snag his fedora.* Wahoo! :p

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Monday, week 2, November

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: I'm tempted to say never mind November To Remember, as big as it surely will be. The fallout from Saturday night, alone, is big enough.

Gertner: True enough, Scotty boy. RVD trying to convince Shawn Michaels for a one-on-one match and the returnof Andrew Martin...

Hudson: ....and even that is forgetting Juventud Guerrera cruelly being denied a fair shot at the World Television Championship.

Gertner: Err... I hadn't forgotten. You just interrupted.

Hudson: I'll bet.




The two cruiserweights put on a very good match.

The moves are fast-paced and the fans seem highly impressed.

AJ Styles puts Mysterio away in the twelfth minute with a Styles Clash to retain the TV Title.

Match Rating: B


CM Punk is backstage for a shoot promo.



Punk: Vito, you astound me... really, you do. You have the balls to talk about sticking a cigarette in my mouth as though it's no big deal. As you know, "amico", I am straight edge but what you may be too ignorant to be aware of is that makes me better than you! I have chosen not to offer up my body as a sacrifice to the god of narcissitic hedonism; I have chosen to preserve my natural excellence for the sport of professional wrestling and that is how you will meet your demise. You see, where you too recklessly submit to the parasitic weaknesses of drink, drugs and tobacco, I choose a higher path and, at November To Remember, such choices will be self-evident. That's right, you disgusting, treacherous piece of sh*t, I accept your challenge and, at ECW's biggest ever pay-per-view, you will be on the wrong side of history!


International All Action Title Tournament


The two youngsters put on a good mtch in view of their relatively low overness.

However, STD maintains the momentum throughout.


That is until the Second Generation of Duldeyz run in.



However, Slyk grabs a chair from under the ring.

As the new Dudley team run in, Ultimo Dudley II receives a steel chair shot to the skull.

Big Dick Jr charges in... but only to receive a steel shot to the ribs...

...followed by a secnod shot to the back.

Both interfering Dudleyz are floored.

Scorpio Sky approaches.

Slyk throws the chair at him... only for Scorpio to catch it.

STD back elbows the steel into his opponent's face.


Match Rating: D


Hudson: Well, it looks like STD isn't going anywhere in this title tournament.

Gertner: Yeah, it tends to be a few weeks before they go away...


STD picks up a mic.


STD: Did you see that, mothaf**kas? Did you see that sh*t? I is da true representation of mothaf**kin' west-side Dudleyville! All dis sh*t about having your god damn gold jacked... mothaf**ka, do I look like I is here to play?! I'm gonna be the only mothaf**kin' Dudley with balls enough to bring some real gold to the table. Oh yo' dam f**kin' right fool. I'm gonna win dis here tournament and then find out whatever mothaf**kin' secret my family be keepin' from me!


Hudson: Well, Taz was right... he sure does have a mouth on him.



The two high-fliers put on a decent display.

(However, the dumbass booker forgot about their lack of chemistry :o).

Thus, it is not as great a match as one might otherwise expect.

It is an even contest until the tenth minute...


...when Stevie Richards runs in.



Hudson: Uh-oh... it's teh other half of the True World Order.

Gertner: ...and this one is about to get uglier than a Paris Hilton home video!

Hudson: Are you determined to get us kicked off the network?

Gertner: Originally I was... now I'm just angling for a place on Playboy TV.


Stevie slides in.

RVD sees him coming but just a bit to late.

Stevie Kick to the former tag champion.


However, Shawn Michaels emerges from the crowd.



"The Showstopper" slides in...

...Sweet Chin Music to Stevie Richards!

The Great Sasuke approaches...

Super Kick.

RVD rises, looking slightly confused.

Michaels motions for him to head up top.

He promptly does so as Michaels follows suit.

4:20 Splash to Big Sasuke Cool!

RVD covers for the three.

Match Rating: B-


Michales picks up a microphone.


Michaels: I don't know what sh*t you were pulling last week, Robbie, but count me out. You're my brother, man... I always got your back and, for that reason, this match at November To Remember... it just ain't happening.


Michaels heads to the back amidst a very mixed reaction.



Both men coming out looking like they mean business.

However, true to his return, Andrew Martin dominates.

He maintains complete momentum, putting Storm away with a Pumphandle slam in the sixth minute.

Match Rating: C


As Martin raises his hand in victory, Rhino sprints out.



"The Man Beast" slides in as Andrew Martin turns to face him...




Martin rolls out of the ring, clutching his stomach, barely able to breath.


Mark Calaway walks to the ring with a microphone.



Rhyno motions for him to bring it.

However, "The Soul Taker" stops just short of the ring.


Calaway: Ha, believe it or not, son... I ain't here to brawl. I just took some words you said last week on board. If I ain't mistaken you said you had plenty to take from me... Hell, I assume you still got my bike, you son of a bitch but, thing is, you said I had nothing on you. You said your career was all you had but that just ain't true is it? So, I tell you what... as far as I can see, you and I have another match coming at November To Remember XV and, when you agree to that, I might just fill you in on where you went wrong.


Calaway heads to the back, leaving Rhino looking confused.


Gertner: What the hell does that mean?!

Hudson: I honestly have no idea.


Nate Hatred and The Sinister Minister are backstage.



Mitchell: Oh, Sabu... icon of insanity, hero of hardcore... backbone that is all of ECW. Others may respect; nay, even fear you but "ECW's NME" is named such for a reason. Nate Hatred cares not for the meanings of relics past. He is here to usher in a new era of violence into a promotion that has lost it's way and it is the stale, aging idiots like you that have created the problem. You see, Nate is ready for this "streak versus career" match because there is no way in hell that you will be the man to end Nathan's undefeated record and, when he achieves his final victory over you, no longer will your stagnant brand of entertainment spoil the industry to which we have all dedicated ourselves. Say your prayers, Sabu, because, at November To Remember, your day of judgemnet calls.



The two crusierweights, once again, put on a very good match.

It is a fairly even display.

However, Guerrera seems to maintain a slight advantage throughout.

He puts Daniels away with a Juvi Driver in the eleventh minute.

Match Rating: B


As soon as the bell rings, Ultimo Dragon slides into the ring.



Again, Francine follows on sheepishly.

Before Guerrera realises Dragon is in the ring, he has been floored from behind.

The former TV Champ starts laying in the boots.

Looking on from ringside, Francine seems distraught.

She slides a chair into the ring.

Ultimo Dragon goes for another stomp but Guerrera catches his foot and trips him up.

Juvi makes his way to his feet and picks up the chair.


Hudson: Uh-oh...


Ultimo Dragon also scrambles to his feet.

Steel chair shot to the head.


Gertner: Dragon is doen like a clown in China Town!

Hudson: What the hell are you talking about?!


Again, Ultimo Dragon staggers up... Juvi Driver!

Francine slides into the ring.

However, as soon as she gets to her feet, Guerrera backs her into a corner.


Hudson: Oh, no... this does not look good.


As Francine's back hits the tuirnbuckle, she screams, as Guerrera stalks her all the way to the corner.

She flinches.

Guerrera merely kneels down and kisses her hand before maing an exit.


Hudson: Well... that's not quite what I expevted.

Gertner: Tell me about it! I was hoping for some full-on hardcore nud...

Hudson: I don't want to know, Joel!



The two youngsters put on a fantastic match, showcasing the bright future of ECW.

"The New Franchise" maintains a degree of an advanatge throughout.


However, in the twelfth minute, The Nest makes an almost inevitable appearance.



All six individuals enter the ring and begin an assault on Paul Burchill.

Shane Douglas tries to even the odds but is quickly disposed of.


"The Lionheart" runs to the ring with a chair.



Chair shot to Abyss...

...and Goliath.


Hudson: Chris Jericho is clearing house!


Punk approaches... boot to the gut and a DDT.

Paul Burchill throws both Alexis and Nathalie over the top rope.

Raven is left stranded.

C-4 to the World Champion!

Jericho follows up with a Liontamer.

Meanwhile, "The New Franchise" picks up Chris Hero...

....another C-4.


Match Rating: A


Jericho releass the hld on Raven and applies the same submission to Chris Hero.

The show goes off air as Hero screams in pain and Burchill stands with his foot on the chest of the World Heavyweight Champion.




Show Rating: B+

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I always appreciate feedback but I gotta be honest... I really don't know where you're coming from with that, seeing as neither Juvi or Francine are part of the women's/lioness division :confused:.


Cheers for the predictions, Deezy.


Quote The Rave



which is why I deleted the comment lol

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F' The Mainstream Recap




Don Callis and Bam Bam Bigelow were on announcing duties.






ddie Guerrero defeated Excalibur in 7:22 with a Frog Spalsh.


Rating: D+







Kelly Thomaselli defeated Mika Akino with a Roundhouse Kick in 5:38


Rating: E+






Jushin Lyger defeated Ricky Marvin with a Brainbuster in 8:43


Rating: D






Becky Bayless interviewed STD for a lacklustre promo. Slyk Dudley played up his militant character and spoke of the family secret again.


Rating: D






STD defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri with the Sticky Situation (STO) in 10:19.


Rating: C+


Show Rating: C

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:




Los Increibles vs. Ultimo Dragon and Christopher Daniels



In this slightly intriguing encounter, two teams pair up consisting of vengeful individuals. With both Ultimo Dragon and "The Fallen Angel" hoping to be the next World Television Champion, there can be no doubt that this temporary alliance will be rocky to say the least. Meanwhile, a far-cry from yesteryear's best of seven series which led to the formation of the "Los Increibles" tag team, Juventud Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr now cannot stand one another. Can either team set aside their differences in order to make a point as to who should be the number one contender?




International All Action Title Tournament Match

Excalibur vs. Paul London



In this fourth and final first round match-up of the International All Action Title Tournament, Excalibur takes on Paul London. With next week's first semi-final already confirmed as Slyk Tayshaun Dudley versus Teddy Hart, the winner of this encounter will go on to face Ricky Marvin.




Rhino vs. Andrew Martin



In the two weeks Andrew Martin has been back in ECW, he has knocked out "The Man Beast" and "The Man Beast" has knocked out him. Both men agreed to this match-up as the returning Canadian hopes to score a major upset while Rhino just wishes to crush another adversary.




Nathalie vs. Kelly Thomaselli



These two women have barely known of one another's existence for a month. However, the hatred is alredy tangible. Nathalie made her debut by posing as Kelly and luring brother Vito into an assault. Since then, she has backed up both Raven in his actions against Kelly's boyfriend, Paul Burchill, and the Lioness Champion Alexis' actions against Kelly herself. Can the fiery Italian bombshell gain a measure of retribution or will Nathalie make an impact in her debut singles match?




Sal Thomaselli vs. Shawn Michaels



"Uncle" Sal Thomaselli faces, perhaps, the biggest challenge of his presidential primary campaign to date against none other than "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels. However, Uncle Sal may well be hoping that Michaels' recent issues with former tag partner, Rob Van Dam, will affect his performance.




Paul Burchill, Vito Thomaselli & Chris Jericho


Raven's Nest





As we draw closer to ECW's biggest ever pay-per-view, November To Remember XV, we all anxiously await the night where both Raven and CM Punk have to face their adversaries in a fair fight. Before then, though, we are all treated to this six-man tag match as Raven's Nest are forced to confront three of the men most stepped upon during Raven's reign of terror in ECW. Will the followers of the World Heavyweight Champion survive such an onslaught or will the combined talents of three of the best wrestlers in the industry prove too much?





ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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