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Los Increibles vs. Ultimo Dragon and Christopher Daniels

International All Action Title Tournament Match

Excalibur vs. Paul London

Rhino vs. Andrew Martin-Double DQ due to interference of "The Soul Taker"

Nathalie vs. Kelly Thomaselli

Sal Thomaselli vs. Shawn Michaels

Paul Burchill, Vito Thomaselli & Chris Jericho


Raven's Nest

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Saturday, week 2, November

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and , of course, alongside me is former World Heavyweight Champion and ECW Triple Crown winner, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey. Tonight should be great, man, as The Nest is forced to take on three of the best that ECW has to offer.

Joey: ...and let's not forget that Rhino, Shawn Michaels and Andrew Martin are all in action, not to mention the Tag Team match involving the four leading TV Title hopefuls.

Taz: ...and, if I ain't mistaken, that's up first...



The four cruiserweights put on a somewhat disappointing performance.

Chris Daniels, in particular, looks to be off form.

Juventud Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr hold a slight advantage until the seventh minute.

That is when the alliance seems to break down.

Guerrera goes for a Spinning Wheel Kick on Ultimo Dragon.

Dragon ducks and Mysterio is nailed.

As Guerrera takes out Ultimo Dragon with a Hurricanrana, Mysterio rises... and floors his own partner with a punch.

A brawl breaks out between "Los Increibles".

Chris Daniels capitalises, taking both men out with a chair.

He covers Mysterio but Ultimo Dragon breaks up the pin.


Taz: This is insane! Neither team is functioning.


Dragon hits the Asai DDT on Daniels.

Guerrera rises, hitting the Juvi Driver in Ultimo Dragon.

Mysterio now strikes Guerrera from behind but is thrown over the top rope.

Guerrera climbs the turnbuckle.

450 Splash to Daniels!


Match Rating: C


Joey: Well, Juventud Guerrera certainly came out of that looking good.

Taz: Yeah, and after the issues with his title challenge last week, he's gotta be the number one contender in my mind.


Guerrera bows his head to Francine who stands at ringside before making his way to the back.


The Hardcore Innovators are backstage for a shoot promo.



Dreamer: Y'know, it's hilarious. Bubba and D-Von kleep saying how they're gonna take these title belts back and control the tag division but they can't even control their own family.


Cactus: The fact is, when there is such dischord in the Dudley camp itself, it seems wrong of them to assume that they can possibly be succesful. The Tsar of Russia was removed from power by internal pressure and, a little closer to home, WCW closed its doors mainly due to the dissatisfaction of its own talent. It seems like our job is almost done for us since Slyk Dudley is now running about but, just to remove all doubt, at November To Remember XV, not only are we going to win both tag team titles, we are gonna leave with all four belts and be the first ECW Undisputed Tag Team Champions.


International All Action Title Tournament


The two men put on a fairly decent match-up.

The contest is even until Excalibur hits the Galactica Phantom in the sixth minute.

It is enough for him to pick up the fall.

Match Rating: D


Every ECW fan's least favourite music bblares through the arena speakers.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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Hero: Hello, ignorant marks of Richmond Virginia. It is I, "The Saviour of ECW", Chris Hero... that means you're supposed to clap now.


The inevitable jeers ensue.


Hero: You see what I mean? Ignorant...


Joey: What an idiot.

Taz: He sure knows how to wind up an audience.


Hero: But I'm afraid I'm not out here to discuss your intellectual shortfallings. No, that would be a waste of my time and I already pay far too many taxes to support the government's futile efforts to educate your mentally retarded offspring. As such, this segment is aimed solely at those sensible and forward thinking enough to appreciate the brilliance of Chris Hero.


Joey: Something tells me that could be a rather small number of people.


Hero: You see, I am merely out here to assure you few good people that my loss to Paul Burchill earlier this week was a one-off and that I was, sadly, a victim of hostile circumstance. In no way should you fear that I have sunk to the level of those such as Chris Jericho who now earn a living being little more than human punch-bags for the more-talented and superior entertainers. In no way should you fear that I, like Chris Jericho, feel it necessary to interfere in a younger, better looking athletes matches in the vain hope that some of his natural brilliance and charisma will rub off on...


Hero is cut off by an elbow to the back of the head.



Jericho locks in The Liontamer on a floored Hero.

The crowd applauds the Canadian's ability to shut the rookie up.

Hero screams in pain but Jericho refuses to release the hold.

Eventually, security flood the ring to erscort Jericho to the back.

Hero is left a sobbing wreck in the ring.



The two heavyweights put on a decent match.

Surprisingly, Martin's height advantage allows him to take the early advantage.

However, before long, the sheer feracity of "The Man Beast" shows.

Rhino picks up the fall with a Gore in the eighth minute.

Match Rating: C+


As Andrew Martin rolls out of the ring, "The Soul Taker" slides in.



As Rhino makes to charge, Calaway holds up a microphone, signalling he wants to speak.

Rhino pauses, still pulsing with rage.


Taker: I think you might want to let me speak on this one, son.


Taz: is this what he was talking about on Monday?

Joey: Must be.


Taker: You see, son, you got me doing some thinking last week when you said there was nothing I could take from you. You took my bike and said there was plenty else. True enough, I ain't just got my career; I got my bikes, my other possessions and, more important, my family but it's that which got me thinking. Everyone has a family.


Rhino glares, rlealising the implication of the comment.


Joey: Oh no...

Taz: I don't like the sound of that.


Taker: Interestingly enough... there ain't that many Gerins in Detroit. Robert is your dad's name, right?


Rhino screams at Taker and raises his fists.


Taker: I wouldn't son, else you won't find out what I know. You see, I never realised that your dad never approved of you being a wrestler... never wanted you to leave college.


Joey: Look at Rhino... he's livid.


Taker: But do you know his biggest regret? That due to his strained family relationship, his own son didn't attend his mother's funeral.


Taz: What the hell?!


Rhino looks confused.


Taker: That' right, Terry... three years ago... October 15th 2004 your mother, Olivia, passed away.



Calaway stands there stone-faced.


Taker: I'll admit that I made contact with your father with less-than-compassionate inentions but I didn't see that coming. From the bottom of my heart and, in all sincerity, I thought you should know.


Joey: I.. I don't know what to say.


Rhino shakes his head in disbelief as Calaway puts down the microphone and makes to exit.


Taz: How am I supposed to call this?

Joey: I don't think we can.


Rhino falls to one knee and hides his head in his hand.

Their is complete hush in the arena as Calaway turns back around.

He walks over to Rhino and extends a hand.

"The Man Beast" looks up visibly shaken.

He accepts the offer and Calaway helps him to his feet...



Taz: What the hell?!


Taker: You dumb f**k... I never called your family. I just talked to some guys in the back who know you and your mother's probably fine for all I know.


Joey: What?!

Taz: Man, that is sick!


Calaway picks up Rhino...



Taker: Just let this be a god damn lesson that you don't cross "The Soul Taker". I don't need anything to take from you! I'm half-way to destroying you physically and I can break you mentally whenever I choose. At November To Remember Fifteen, there will be no doubt that you picked the wrong fight, son!


"The Soul Taker" walks to the back to a mixed, if not hostile, reaction.


Joey: Again, I don't know what to say. I guess all sense of human decency has been lost in this rivalry.

Taz: Joey, man... that was plain wrong and I can't help but think there is gonna be hell to pay!



This one serves as another useful filler Lioness match.

Nathalie puts up a decent resistance.

However, in the sixth minute, Kelly puts her away with a Roundhouse kick.

Match Rating: D+


As the bell rings, Alexis jumps Kelly from behind.



The Lioness Champion lays the boots into Thomaselli before helping up Nathalie and heading to the back.


Kurt Angle is backstage for a shoot promo.



Angle: I'm a disgrace to this sport, huh, Jerry?! I'm a cancer upon the industry... coming from a man who, at 44 years old, is still holding the young kids down, is still taking up a place on ECW cards that should be going to younger, fitter, better versions of himself. I didn't betray my country at the World Cup, I gave you a slap in the facethat I can only hope served as a wake-up call, Jerry. See, this ain't the nineties... this is 2007; I am Kurt Angle and you... will tap out!



The two men put on a good match as youth and experience blend well.

"Uncle" Sal puts in a good showing but Michaels, seemingly, maintains an advantage.

He puts away with Sweet Chin Music in the eleventh minute.

Match Rating: B


After the match, The True World Order slide in.



Sasuke and Stevie take out Michaels from behind.

They wait for him to stand...

Stevie Kick!


Joey: Damn it! Someone get out here! Where's Van Dam?

Taz: He may not want to help, Joe.


However, Van Dam does appear, sprinting out with a chair.



Joey: You were saying?

Taz: Fair enough.


Stevie bails out of the ring.

Sasuke is too slow...



Taz: Hell yeah!


RVD helps Michaels to his feet.



The two men look out at the crowd as the camera cuts to the back.


Becky Bayless stands with Andrew Martin.



Becky: Welcome to backstage with Becky. Tonight, I am with Andrew Martin who has recently made his ECW return. Andrew, where have you been for the past year?


Martin shakes his head.


Martin: I was dumb enough to re-sign with The Federation.


Becky: Oooh, tough break. How come?


Martin: Paul E didn't seem to have much going for me around here, I got injured last November and, when my contract came up, I thought I'd try a change... more fool me.


Becky: ...and what happened?


Martin: What do you think? They kicked me to the curb... six months left on my contract and they canned me... again!


Becky: Well, we see that, now, you are back in ECW and last week you made one hell of an impact taking out "The Soul Taker" and "The Man Beast". You then defeated Lance Storm on Monday Night but your loss to Rhino tonight seems to have stalled your momentum.


Martin: Stalled my momentum? Stalled my momentum?! My entire f**king career is stalled and you know why?


Becky shrugs.


Martin: Politics. Just because I wasn't friends with the right guys in the back; just because I wasn't nailing the bosses daughter, I'm seen as expendable. In fact, worse than that, time and again, I've been used as a prototype.


Becky: A what?


Martin: A god damn prototype! They want to debut a new story in the Federation, say the Trips and Steph wedding trainwreck... I'm the guy who starts the programme but I'm canned and sent back home before the first pay-per-view. If you want a reliable jobber... that's me. If someone needs to look legit... hey, let's have him beat Andrew, he's a big f**ker, that'll look good. Well, let me tell you something, Vince, and this goes for you as well, Paul E... I AM F**KING SICK OF IT! I can be a top guy, I could carry any damn programme you write but this "prototype" has always been cast off. Well, now, it's time to take matters into my own hands. I'm gonna prove that I can carry a show and I'll even do it your way!


The camera cuts back to the ring.


Joey: What the hell does that mean... he'll even do it Vince's way?!

Taz: I thought he meant Paul E's way.

Joey: Who knows?

Taz: I guess we'll find out.



The six men put on a fairly decent match.

The involvement of Monsters Inc somewhat lowers the name value, however.

The size of the Monsters helps The Nest to control the early-going.

However, by the sixth minute, the faces are clearly on top.

In the twelfth minute, Jericho locks in The Liontamer on Abyss.

Punk runs in to make the save.

However, Vito runs into meet him...

...Vito Driver!

Goliath enters only to be floored by an Enziguiri courtesy of "The New Franchise".

Abyss taps.

Match Rating: B


Taz: Well, that's gotta be a measure of retribution but I think the real payback is coming at November To Remember.

Joey: Well put.


As the show goes off-air, The World Heavyweight Champion appears at the entrance-way.



Burchill motions that the belt will soon be his.

Meanwhile, Raven looks on nowing that, for now at least, there is nothing he can do.


Show Rating: B

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


Chris Hero vs. Sal Thomaselli



In another tough challenge of late, "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli meets Chris Hero this Monday on Revolution. The young "Rome, New York" native may have his work cut out for him in view of Hero's recent meteoric rise to prominence. However, "The Saviour of ECW" must have his mind on Chris Jericho and Thomaselli will surely be hoping this will be enough of a distraction to gain a victory.




International All Action Title Tournament Match

Slyk Tayshaun Dudley vs. Teddy Hart



In the first of our first first round match-ups of the International All Action Title Tournament, the young cruiserweight, Teddy Hart, takes on the militant and malicious Dudley, STD. Whoever wins will be facing either Ricky Marvin or Excalibur in the final next week.




The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The True World Order



That's right... in view of last week's events, everyone's favourite tag team, "The Whole F**kin' Show" returns for one last match against The True World Order. Will previous issues lead to an even greater schism between Van Dam and Michaels or can they secure a final tag team victory?




"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri



On Blood, Sweat and Beers, Andrew Martin revealed his disgust and anger at being released from The Federation for a second time. He claimed that the only reason he has never become a main event player is backstage politics. Well, now he has promised to prove himself Vince's way... whatever that means.




Brandon Thomaselli vs. "ECW's NME" Nate Hatred



Ahead of his "Streak versus Career" match with Sabu at November To Remember XV, ECW's New Main Event and Most Extreme Athlete takes on one half of Thomaselli-Thomaselli '08. Can the young Italian score a shock upset or will Hatred destroy another opponent?




Four Way Match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title

Juventud Guerrera


Christopher Daniels


Rey Mysterio Jr.





What can only be called chaos currently surrounds the ECW World Television Championship and with every match designed to rectify the situation, the confusion becomes more apparent. Apparently unable to grant another title shot to Juventud Guerrera, due to his controversial recent loss, and unwilling to choose between the other three title contenders, Paul Heyman has drafted this four-way match. As Revolution is set to witness another quality main event, we can only hope that an undisputed contender will emerge.



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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Bah, stoopid day long meetings and missing sleep for some 44 hours making me miss picking! I totally nailed all of them too ... if we don't count thinking Rhino v. Andrew Martin would go to a draw when `taker went all crazed lunatic on them, the ref, Taz, some poor bloke in the 2nd row, and the popcorn guy. :p And I choose not to, so whoo, 100%! lol


Chris Hero vs. Sal Thomaselli

First of all, Rome, NY ... nice touch. Jericho is slowly starting to regain the edge on our young savior, so a victory here will help Hero stop the slide. That, and Sal's going into politics, which makes him an evil force that must be stopped. And there's only one who can save us ... !


Slyk Tayshaun Dudley vs. Teddy Hart

Teddy Hart put up a mediocre, albeit surprising, if only to me, performance against Psicosis. And for that, he can be proud. But his journey ends here. STD claps his way to victory! (My high school health teacher just cried a little. :p)


The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The True World Order

Whole F'n Show, Whole F'n Show, Whole F'n kick to HBK by RVD, `causing the tear to spread a little wider, and once again teasing what RVD wants, what we as a clammoring public want, and what any ratings watching network wants!


"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Poor Tajiri. I always dug the little buzzsaw. But even a buzzsaw doesn't stand a chance when standing in the way of a speeding locomotive. The artist formerly known as Test picks up the win, and at some point, reenacts the beautiful act of lovemaking with a mock corpse of Tajiri's high school girlfriend, Kaede Vick.(FYI - Kaede is a Japanese female name meaning Maple Leaf.)


Brandon Thomaselli vs. "ECW's NME" Nate Hatred

On paper, this seems like it'll be a very one sided contest. My guess is that paper might be giving Brandon Thomaselli more chance than he deserves. No slight against Vito's little brother, but the NME is not a man to play around. Although Thomaselli ending the streak so close to Sabu's match to end the streak would be bitter, bitter irony. lol


Four Way Match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title

Juventud Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon

This should be a MotY candidate, if Daniels won't fall off his game again. A lot of 3 on 1 action, with Juvi being on the wrong end of the numbers, and a surprise interference ... err, appearance by Styles to spice things up, but the love lorned lucha comes out on top, over the Dragon, when Francine (in)advertantly costs him the match.

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Chris Hero vs. Sal Thomaselli

International All Action Title Tournament Match

Slyk Tayshaun Dudley vs. Teddy Hart

The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The True World Order

"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Brandon Thomaselli vs. "ECW's NME" Nate Hatred

Four Way Match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title

Juventud Guerrera


Christopher Daniels


Rey Mysterio Jr.


Ultimo Dragon

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...and at some point, reenacts the beautiful act of lovemaking with a mock corpse of Tajiri's high school girlfriend, Kaede Vick.


Well, I'm not quite reliving that trainwreck but you ain't too far wrong. If I manage to write this up as I plan, Test's gimmick could be one of my favourite that I've ever come up with.


Quote The Raven


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Monday, week 3, November

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: Recently, on Revolution, we have had some blockbuster main events but, surely, nonw with such potential as the four-way match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title!

Gertner: Yeah... but that's only 'cos all the Lioness matches seem to happen on Saturdays.

Hudson: I was trying to be serious.

Gertner: So was I. There's some real... "talent"... in that division.

Gertner: Let's just get on with it.



The two youngsters put on a good match.

However, the self-proclaimed "Saviour of ECW" seems to maintain a slight advantage.

In the tenth minute, "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli is put away with the Hero's welcome.

Match Rating: B


After the match, Hero grabs a microphone.


Hero: I'm sure most of you were watching Blood, Sweat & Beers and witnessed Chris Jericho's quite remarkable display of cowardice. You see, anyone, even a hero, can be defeated when attacked from behind but to beat an individual of superhuman capabilities in a one-on-one, face-to-face fight is something rather different. Now, since it seems like acceptable behaviour to conduct yourself like a prick around here, consider the following a lesson in proper demeanour.


Hudson: Oh, no, here we go.


Hero: A hero knows not only his strengths but his limitations and acts according to both. As such, a good hero knows the sense in keeping adversaries from being able to take revenge at a later date. However, he does so only after beating him in a fair fight. For instance...


Hero starts laying the boots into a floored Sal Thomaselli.

The jeers ring out.


Hudson: Oh, this is completely unnecessary.


Hero: It is also essential that a good hero demonstrates, to all those villains who threaten him, the consequences of their actions. Chris Jericho, you might want to look at this as a taster of what's to come for you.


Thomalselli is choked out by Hero's boot.


Hudson: Where the hell is Brandon?

Gertner: Are you kidding? He's preparing for a match with ECW's Most Extreme Athlete!


Chris Jericho runs out in street clothes.



Hudson: No matter... It's Chris Jericho!

Gertner: ...and he's clearly just arrived at the arena.


"The Lionheart" slides in and takes the fight straight to Hero.

After a short brawl, the brash rookie is floored.

Jericho starts to removes his coat.

However, a grounded Hero kicks him below the belt.


Hudson: Oh... and I suppose that's hero-like behaviour is it?!


Jericho collapses as Hero ducks out to ringside and grabs a chair.

He slides in and starts choking out Jericho with the steel.

He then turns to land a steel shot to the still-unconscious Sal Thomaselli.


Vito Thomaselli runs out.



Hudson: It's Vito! Vito Thomaselli!

Gertner: Meh... who needs Brandon?


Vito slides in and boots Hero to the gut.

He hooks him up for the Vito Driver.

However, Hero slides off his shoulders.

Vito turns to face him.

Jab... No! It's blocked.

A wild brawl breaks out as Chris Jericho staggers to his feet.


Finally, to make the situation even more chaotic, CM Punk runs out.



As Raven's protege enters, the brawl turns into a 2-on-w affair as Punk and Hero team up in a slugfest against Vito and Jericho.

Security floods the ring to separate the four men.


A video is shown to promote the World Heavyweight Champion.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven3-1.flv">


International All Action Title Tournament Semi-Final


Overness, considered the youngsters put on a very respectable match-up.

Hart puts up a good showing early on.

However, the sheer pissed off tenacity of STD proves too much.

Slyk wins with the Sticky Situation in 5:54.

Match Rating: D+


After the match, the militant Dudley takes a microphone.


STD: Did you see that sh*t, mothaf**kas?! Slyk Tayshaun Motha-F**kin' Dudley just kicked the sh*t out of another punk ass white-boy p*ssy bitch!


Hudson: Wow... is it actually possible to fit anymore curse words into a single sentence?

Gertner: I'll certainly try.

Hudson: You certainly won't!


STD: This mothaf**kin' title is as good as mine and, whichever whitey wins next week, he is in for a world o' pain! And, then, the same goes for my family if I don't be findin' out what damn secret my daddy knew. Belee' dat, mothaf**kas... West Side Dudleyville represent!



Both teams look as though they have a major point to prove.

The True World Order continue their run of good form.

However, The Whole F**kin' Show look on fire.

In the tenth minute, Michaels Super Kicks Sasuke clean over the top rope.

RVD floors Stevie Richards with the Van Daminator.

Michaels and Van Dam head up opposite turnbuckles to a huge ovation.


Gertner: Here we go...


420 Splash!


Hudson: The Frog Splash from RVD; the Elbow from Shawn Michaels. That has to be all!


Van Dam covers.


Match Rating: B


Michaels grabs a microphone.


Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your victors... despite not teaming in the future they currently are and shall forever remain everyone's favourite tag team.


Van Dam leans in to speak.


RVD: ...and mine.




The crowd erupts.


Paul Heyman walks out and enters the ring.



Heyman: Well, you guys are certainly my favourite team. If you remember, it was my idea to turn you oys into an on-screen team and I've got to admit that it kind of sucks that you're not gonna be teaming together anymore.


Hudson: Can't argue with that.


Heyman: However, if there is one thing that has the potential to be as entertaining, if not more entertaining, than you two teaming... it's something that one of you seems to desperatley want. More important than that, though, is the fact that every single ECW fan wants to see it. So, Shawn, I'm sorry to go over your head but, at November To Remember Fifteen, it will be RVD versus HBK!


The crowd explodes.


Heyman: "The Whole F**kin' Show" versus "The Showstopper"... Rob Van Dam versus Shawn Michaels!


Hudson: Oh my! This could be the match of the year!


RVD looks at Michaels to gauge his reaction.

Michaels smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

The two former partners slap hands and exchange a few inaudible words before heading to the back with Paul Heyman.


The camera cuts to the back, where arena staff are running for safety.



Mark Calaway lies on the corridoor floor.

Rhino stands over him with a biker's chain in hand.

He cracks the thick steel chain over Calaway's ribs.


Rhino: You may have thought you were clever last week but I guarantee that was the stupidest f**king thing you've ever done! You've spent the last fifteen years calling yourself "The Deadman". Well, at November To Remember, your wish comes true!


Rhino plants his boot into Calaway's face before walking off.


Hudson: Oh my...

Gertner: Well, Taz said there would be hell to pay and he wasn't wrong!


Yoshihiro Tajiri walks to the ring and stands awaiting his opponent.


"No Class" by Motorhead blares through the arena speakers as the arena is plunged into darkness.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Andrew Martin walks through the curtain with his hair wet and pulled back.

The arena lights turn green and pan across the entrance way.

Martin carries a water bottle in his right hand.

He spits a mouthful of water out and strides down to the ring.


Gertner: Wow... this seems familiar.

Hudson: Yeah but I can't quite put my finger on it.


The crowd seem to catch on and start a "H-G-H" chant.

Martin reaches the ring and walks beside it, pouring the water over his head.

He catches some in his mouth and throws the bottle into the cowd before climbing up onto the apron.

He turns to face the fans, resting his back on the ropes.

He leans his arms on the top rope, tilts his head back and spits the water in a fountain above his head.

The full arena lights come back on as he grabs a microphone.


Hudson: Well, I guess this is the debut promo by HGH: Hunter "Girth" Hemsleigh.

Gertner: Do you reckon he's any good on the mic?

Hudson: I don't know but I get the feeling he'll be dramatically overrated.


Martin smiles at the crowd.


Martin: It's all about the name and not the talent.

It's all about control and if you can take it...


He pauses.


Martin: ...by screwing the boss' daughter.


Huge pop.


Martin: That's right... I am "HGH: The Human Growth Hormone", Hunter "Girth" Hemsleigh and, for those of you who watched "Survivor: Fiji" last night or whatever the hell it is we call that pay-per-view where we don't even hold tag matches anymore, you will know that I am now a four time "What's Workrate?" Federation Champion!


Gertner: I dunno... I kinda like him.


Martin: But the important thing to know is that I didn't get there through hard work and paying my dues. No... that would be the suckers way! I got there by knocking up the boss' daughter and politicking the top spots for me and my buddies... and you know why?


Hudson: Why?


Martin: Because I am... THAT... DAMN... SELFISH!


Martin slams the mic down and the bell rings as the fans go nuts.



Martin destroys Tajiri.

In the sixth minute he ducks out to ringside and looks for a weapon under the ring.


Gertner: What's he looking for?

Hudson: I'm sure we'll find out.


He re-emerges.


Hudson: It's an inflatable hammer!


Martin slides in with the inflatable toy and waits for Tajiri to stand.

The buzzsaw is hit in the face with the blow-up hammer.

Pausing for a split second, Tajiri proceeds to walk a few paces backwards and hurl himself over the top rope in the worst case of selling ever seen.

Martin flexes his muscles.



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Tajiri staggers to his feet and slides back in.

He walks straight into a boot to the gut.

Double Underhook Facebuster!


Gertner: It's The Mongrel! He hit The Mongrel!


Martin covers.


Match Rating: C-


Martin picks up a mic.


Martin: Hey, Vince... f**k you and your son-in-law!


The camera cuts to the back where "The New Franchise" stands with his manager.



Douglas: History lesson for those who don't know... in 1993, a promotion was founded by the name of ECW, a promotion which took the wrestling world by storm with it's new, high-risk style. The only problem was that, come 1995, it was struggling to stay afloat because of financial difficulties and talent raids. Well, through that dark time one man carried this place on his shoulders with an unprecedented 736 day reign as World Heavyweight Champion. In so doing, he was recognised as one of the very best that the industry had to offer and he earned the nickname "The Franchise". That man... was me.


He pauses.


Douglas: ...but that was just over ten years ago and times have moved on. Nevertheless, in the passage of all this time, only one man has emerged as "The New Franchise", capable of carrying this promotion into a new era and, at November To Remember Fifteen, he receives the opportunity to prove his point.


Burchill: You see, Raven, you fired Shane, you had me do your bidding for nearly a year, you hospitalised my girlfriend and then you fired me. All of that... ALL of it is put right at November To Remember. That title is mine and you know it because you have never faced me in a fair fight before.


Douglas: At November To Remember Fifteen, the new era begins.


The camera cuts back to ringside.



The two up-and-comers put on a very good match.

However, it is extremely one-sided as "ECW's NME" destroys Thomaselli with the help of James Mitchell.

In the twelfth minute, the young Italian is put away with the Decapitator Lariat.

Match Rating: B+


As Mitchell congratulates Hatred, the lights cut out.


When they come back on, Sabu stands in the ring with a chair.



"The Human Highlight Reel" Throws the chair in Hatred's face.

The monster goes down as Mitchell flees the ring.

Sabu sets up the chair and rebounds of the ropes...

Triple Jump Moonsault!

Hatred is left down and out as Sabu points to the heavens.


Kurt Angle stands backstage for a shoot promo.



Angle: Eleven days, Jerry. Just eleven days until you break your ankle. You see, this is gonna be ECW's biggest ever pay-per-view, I am Kurt Angle and you... will tap out.


ECW World Television Title Number One Contendership Match


The four men put on a great main event.

The contest is extremely even and no clear advantage is evident.

In the fourteenth minute, both Daniels and Guerrera are floored.

Mysterio and Ultimo Dragon exchange a series of quick arm drags and hip tosses but the stalemate isn't broken.

Francine slides a chair in.

Dragon grabs it and nails Mysterio.

Guerrera springs to his feet in a single jump.

Ultimo Dragon turns around.

Guerrera dropkicks the steel into his face!

He climbs the turnbuckle.

450 Splash!


Match Rating: B+


Hudson: Guerrera did it! He's got another shot at the title.

Gertner: Yeah... but what a way for Dragon to get pinned.


As Guerrera celebrates, Francine slides in to check on Ultimo Dragon.

She leans over him to see if he is conscious.

Juvi walks up behind her.


Gertner: Oh dear...


Francine looks up at the stone-faced luchadore.

She looks back down at Ultimo Dragon.

The show goes off-air with Francine in a very confusing predicament.


Show Rating: B+

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HGH ... right on!


Next week, Andrew Martin comes out to generic rock music, with tassles on his arms, and face paint, as the Ultimate Roider! :D


Another really solid show, Nevvy. I don't type that often enough, but it's always true, except those times when I'm wrong, then it's lousy. :p

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:




Sabu vs. Masato Tanaka



Masato Tanaka returns to ECW on a talent trade in order to provide some stiff pre-November To Remember competition for Sabu. Sabu effectively took out "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete" earlier in the week but can he deal with, arguably, the most extreme athlete in the history of ECW? Even if he can, what state will he be in to deal with Nate Hatred?




"Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli



On Monday, "The Prototype" debuted a gimmick that seems to have gone down rather well with the ECW fans. Ahead of his match with "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli, it is unclear whether we will see the retun of HGH or the inception of a new character.




Rob Van Dam & Jerry Lynn


Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle



Since Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels will be experiencing something entirely foreign at November To Remember XV, wrestling against each other rather than on the same team, Paul Heyman feels they should get a taste of things to come. Hence this tag match has been signed wherein, for the first time, RVD and HBK find themselves on opposing tag teams as Jerry Lynn and Kurt Angle have the first opportunity to get their hands on each other after all the bad blood that has gone down between them. However, as good as the match could be, it is surely a far cry from all four mens' highly anticipated match-ups at ECW's biggest ever pay-per-view.




International All Action Title Tournament Match

Excalibur vs. Ricky Marvin



In the second semi-final of the tournament, Excalibur takes on Ricky Marvin. Little is known about these two men other than the fact that Excalibur is a former CZW Iron Man Champion and Ricky Marvin is an enthusiastic, dancing luchadore. What we do know, however, is that the winner of this match will face Slyk Tayshaun Dudley to crown the new International All Action Champion.




Vito Thomaselli & Chris Jericho


CM Punk & Chris Hero



After the violent chaos that took place in the early stages of this week's Revolution, this tag match was signed. Vito Thomaselli and Chris Jericho team up to take on "The Straight Edge Superstar" and the self-proclaimed "Saviour of ECW". In another "taster" match ahead of November To Remember XV, we should see the best talent ECW has to offer on full display




Three Way Match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.----

Ultimo Dragon



We know what you are thinking... isn't this pretty much the same main event as Revolution? Well, yes it is... minus Juventud Guerrera.


Paul Heyman has explained that, in order to avoid any future confusion surrounding the ECW World Television Championship, a second Number One Contender will be decided in this one. Whoever emerges as the champion after Juventud Guerrera and AJ Styles' rematch will have to face the victor of this gret match-up.





ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Sabu vs. Masato Tanaka




"Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli



Rob Van Dam & Jerry Lynn


Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle





International All Action Title Tournament Match

Excalibur vs. Ricky Marvin




Vito Thomaselli & Chris Jericho


CM Punk & Chris Hero





Three Way Match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Ultimo Dragon

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Sabu vs. Masato Tanaka



"Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli



Rob Van Dam & Jerry Lynn


Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle



International All Action Title Tournament Match

Excalibur vs. Ricky Marvin



Vito Thomaselli & Chris Jericho


CM Punk & Chris Hero


Three Way Match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Ultimo Dragon

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Sabu vs. Masato Tanaka

Yay, Tanaka's back! That dude's crazy! Look for a strong showing, a possible powerbomb through a table, but in the end, Sabu shows he's still got fire in the tank. Guest starring NME Nate Hatred.


"Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli

So many possibilities. Martin could come out to bursts of pyro, in a makeshift green and black suit, and mask, and call himself the Big Green Latrine, Lame. Or perhaps he goes new school, and with a bald cap and vest, turns into the iconic "Luke Warm" Steve Dallas? No? How about a bald cap and a t-shirt, that reads Justin Tolerable? No matter the look, poor Sal plummets in the polls once again.


Rob Van Dam & Jerry Lynn vs. Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle

I can't see this match ending cleanly. Or even taintedly ... that's a word, right? HBK and Angle won't mesh, seeing the business, and their upcoming matches from a completely different point of view. RVD and HBK will show respect, even in the heat of competition, as will HBK and Lynn. Angle's the x-factor, and the focal point to the demise of any structure to this match. No contest.


International All Action Title Tournament Match

Excalibur vs. Ricky Marvin

Excalibur has put up a good showing, and is one step closer to seeming ready for prime time. But Marvin has put together an impressive streak, and I don't see the momentum stalling out just yet. Marvin wins, and sets his sights on the Drippy Dudley.


Vito Thomaselli & Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk & Chris Hero

This should be a spectacle. Punk and Hero are two men who will one day be worthy of holding the world title. And Vito looks to be on the same track. The future of the company has come into it's own in a very powerful way. The experience of Jericho gives their team the slight edge over the straight edge and everyone's favorite hero, and mine, Chris Hero!


Three Way Match for the Number One Contendership to the ECW World Television Title

Christopher Daniels vs. Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Ultimo Dragon

Ohh, Paul E. you evil genius! All 3 men are worthy, but no one has a bigger chip on their shoulder right now, than the Dragon. The irate master of the Asai moonsault picks up the victory, setting up the potential Juvi vs. Dragon w/ Francine dream match.

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OOC: This is another one of those long-but-worth-reading shows. It's fairly vital to November To Remember XV and all the long-running stories, notably the Paul E segment. Cheers and happy reading



Saturday, week 3, November

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and , of course, alongside me is former World Heavyweight Champion and ECW Triple Crown winner, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey. Tonight should be great, man. On Revolution, they got that sweet TV Title Number One Contender's match but, now, we got one of our own.

Joey: ...and it should be fantastic, Taz. In fact, You can't doubt that some of the best talent in the wrestling world is on display tonight.

Taz: No doubt and it's all in preperation for the biggest damn event in ECW history, man: November To Remember Fifteen!



The two hardcore veterans put on a good match that quickly turns "extreme".

The fans seem happy to see Tanaka back but it is short-lived.

Sabu takes the advantage and doesn't look back.

He hits the Triple Jump Moonsault in the tenth minute for the win.

Match Rating: B-


However, as the bell rings, Nate Hatred slides into the ring.



As the monster lifts his fist, it becoms clear that he has barbed wire wrapped around his fist.

He hits a haymaker on Sabu.


Taz: Damn... are we supposed to have this stuff on this network?

Joey: I wouldn't draw attention to it.


Sabu goes down, bleeding from his forehead.

Hatred unwraps the wire from his fist and hooks it around Sabu's neck.


Joey: OH MY GOD!

Taz: What the hell?


Hatred uses the wire to pick Sabu up by the neck.

He drags him to the ropes and throws him over.


Taz: My god, he's hanging...


Suddenly, the show feed cuts out.




The feed cuts to a promo for the World Heavyweight Champion.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven1.flv">


As the show returns, the back of EMTs can be seen as they wheel Sabu to the back.

Sabu himself is not visible.


Joey: Our sincere apologies to all viewers. We... err... had no idea that was going to happen.

Taz: I can't believe what I've just seen, man!


"Diesel Power" by Prodigy blares around the arena.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Joey: It's... err... "Deezel"?

Taz: Yeah, man, Big Daddy Tool!


Martin strides down to the ring wearing sunglasses, his hair died black.

He wears a bandana and makes a series of recognisable hand gestures.

He steps over the ring ropes and grabs a mic.


Martin: Ahem...


He pauses.


Martin: HONK! HONK!


He makes the motion of pulling a truck horn.


Martin: HONK! HONK!


Taz: Err... what?!


Martin: That's right, people... I am a truck! I am DEEZEL! I mean, who came up with that?! Really... who came up with that?!


Again, he pauses.


Martin: Let's be fair, though, better a truck than "a train"... at least I don't have to shave my back. I've always been better at back scratching than back shaving if you know what I mean. Yet, despite what must be the worst name in the history of the industry I still made it to superstardom. Y'know why? 'Cos I'm big. That's it. It takes six guys to get me out of a battle royal and we all know that's the basic premise for any push in the Waste Workers Federation. The best bit, though, is that in 1996 I jumped to dub-C-dub only for Vince to welcome me back with open arms 'cos "the boys" were just so darned happy for me to come home. Now, I'm gonna borrow a phrase from Big Stevie... I got three words for ya.


Taz: Uh-oh.




Sal Thomaselli comes to the ring and the bell is rung.



Again, Martin flat-out dominates.

In only the sixth minute he hits a Big Boot.

Thomaselli staggers to his feet...

Sheer Release Powerbomb!


Joey: The Swiss Army Knife Powerbomb!

Taz: Swiss Army Knife?!

Joey: Impressive to look at but surprisingly ineffective as an offensive weapon.

Taz: Gotcha.


Martin picks up the fall.

Match Rating: C+


Martin raises his fingers in a devil horns sign to the crowd.


Shawn Michaels emerges through the curtain to a huge ovation.



HBK walks down to the ring with a slightly amused look on his face.

He grabs a microphone before sliding in and hitting his pose.


Joey: Wow... the first time Michaels and "Deezel" have been in a ring together for twelve years.

Taz: ...and we all know the heat there.


Michaels: Err... Deezel... Kevin Trash... or, I dunno, maybe... BACKSTABBING PIECE OF SH*T!


The pop is immense.


Michaels: First of all, I would like to extend an apology to Andrew Martin. It's not his fault he looks so gosh darn convincing but I've been waiting to do this for nine years and, let's be honest, it's clearly the point in this whole angle.


Martin looks at the crowd and nods in agreement.



Joey: Super Kick and Deezel is down!


Michaels turns to the camera.


Michaels: Some day, Nash, some day it'll be for real. In the mean time, tell "Justin" I want my f**king gimmick back! Oh, and between me and you, the D-X shtick went outta style before I even left... just a thought.


(OOC: Not the parody with the most "lol potential", I know, but, in view of the backstory, I figured it had to be done)


As the fans go nuts, the camera cuts to the back.



Daizy: The Dudley family is in a crisis of sorts. Not only are we facing an onslaught from the Innovators, we're also getting threats from somewhere a little closer to home.


D-Von: Oh, my sister, TESTIFY! Home is where the Dudleyz are and, STD, you better know you're sh*tting on your own doorstep. Now, I don't know what this family secret you keep talking about is but, judging by your attitude kid, the reason Big Dick f**ked off was you! You, more than anyone should know better than anyone the eleventh commandment:


Ultimo Dudley starts dancing.


Ultimo Dudley II: I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese. I learry think so...


D-Von: God damn it, that is not the eleventh commandment. My brotha...


Bubba Ray: THOU SHALT NOT F**K WITH THE D... D.. D.D... D... DD... D...


Big Dick Jr joins in.


Big Dick Jr: D... D.. D.D... DD... D..D.D...


D-von slaps Bubba as Daizy slaps Dick.


Bubba & Dick: DUDLEYZ!


Ultimo Dudley does jazz hands.


The camera cuts back to the ring where RVD, Jerry Lynn and Kurt Angle have now joined Shawn Michaels.



The match is a very even contest.

However, from a clear marketting perspective, when RVD is the legal man he only ever seems to face Angle while Michaels only seems to face Lynn.

Eventually, in the twelfth minute, Michaels tags Angle in to face Lynn.

Collar and Elbow Tie-up...

...but Angle drops to his knees and lowblows Lynn.


Joey: Oh, come on.


Van Dam and Michaels shoot each other a glance and clearly come to an understanding.

They both enter the ring and start kicking the crap out of Kurt Angle to huge applause.


Taz: Well, that's unconventional but I can't say I'm disappointed.


After a 3-on-1 beatdown and a Cradle Piledriver, Lynn makes the cover for the fall.

Match Rating: B


"The Soul Taker" is backstage for a shoot promo.



Calaway: I suppose congratulations are in order, Rhino. You truly kicked the hell outta me earlier in the week but, let's be honest, you jumped me from behind. I can understand it, son, but whilst my actions last week seem sick it was just to get in your head and you had every bit of it coming to you. The thing is, though, at November To Remember, I'm starting to think lives may be at stake. Yhe only trouble for you is that you just can't kill a deadman.


International All Action Title Tournament


The match absolutely bombs.

The infamously vocal crowd don't take well to two such unestablished talents wrestling.

Marvin picks up the win with a Shining Wizard in the sixth minute.

Match Rating: F+


As the bell rings, Slyk Dudley sprints to the ring with a baseball bat.



He takes out Marvin from behind with a shot from the bat.


STD: I hope you realise, mothaf**ka, that the I-Double-A belt ain't going to mexico. It's coming with me to West Side mothaf**kin' Dudleyville!



The future of ECW is showcased in this one and all four men do a very good job of showing why.

It is an extremely even match-up with neither team gaining an advantage.

However, in the twelfth minute, Jericho hits the Lionsault on Hero.

He covers only for Punk to run in and break up the fall.

Vito enters and a brawl breaks out between the two young adversaries.

Jericho stands ready to get involved.

However, Hero rolls him up in a Schoolboy.

He gets his feet on the middle rope.


Match Rating: B


Joey: Damn it! Hero and Punk stole it!

Taz: Well, we've come to expect it from Chris Hero.


Paul Heyman walks to the ring with a bag under his arm.



Heyman: I am out here to make some announcements regarding November To Remember Fifteen and the future of ECW. As you know, Pag went to huge efforts to restore the "natural order" and I plan to bring ECW into a new era, starting with the best damn pay-per-view this industry has ever seen.


The crowd cheer.




Heyman: Remember Wrestlemania Twenty? Well, forget it. It won't be worth remembering after this Friday.


Huge pop.


Heyman: However, I'm sure you've all noticed that tickets haven't actually gone on sale yet and we haven't even announced a venue. Well, there was no need to release tickets early 'cos they'll be sparse in number.


Joey: What? I thought we'd be plugging this like crazy.


Heyman: You may remember a news report recently saying that ECW had put in a bid to own a certain former bingo hall. Well, guess where November To Remember is taking place...


An even bigger pop is heard.


Heyman: ...The original ECW F**KING ARENA!


Taz: Oh, hell yeah.

Joey: Now I understand!


Heyman: However, I can confirm that this will be the last ever wrestling event witnessed at Viking Hall because it will be converted into the new ECW Hall Of Hardcore in which we will commemorate the services of the very best ECW wrestlers from the past fifteen years. We will hold annual ceremonies and, much like a far less prestigious community, inductions will take place the night before the real biggest wrestling show of the year: November To Remember!


Taz: Is it just me or are we present for something special?

Joey: You wait 'til Friday!


Heyman: The next piece of business concerns the various championships in this promotion. Over the course of the last eighteen months, we have debuted two titles, the International All Action Championship and the Lioness Championship. I see no reason to reform them so soon into their history. However, given that we're ushering in a new era, I figured it's time to give some old belts a new makeover. Firstly, The Dudley Boyz and The Hardcore Innovators will meet next week to unify the tag titles. So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, allow me to present to you the Undisputed ECW Tag Team Championship.


Heyman pulls two belts out of the bag.



Heyman: Of course, these will be exclusive to the very best tag team in America and we will find out who that is soon enough. Second, given all the confusion that has surrounded the World Television Champion, it's time to sort it out. You all know that the winner of tonight's main event will face the winner of AJ Styles' and Juventud Guerrera's rematch. However, what you didn't know is that they will face them at November To Remember because that rematch happens next week on Revolution! As such, whoever walks out of November To Remember with the strap will be undeniably deserving and he will be the first to hold this, the newly designed ECW World Television Championship belt:




Heyman: ...and, finally, we all know the controversy that has surrounded the World Heavyweight Title over the last year during what has been dubbed Raven's reign of terror. Well, at November To Remember, it all ends! I'm not making anything in Paul Burchill's favour; if Raven retains the belt fairly, then I applaud him. However, the following stipulations will be in place: if anyone not directly involved in the match-up, and that includes both the Nest and Shane Douglas, so much as lays a finger on either competitor, they will be immediately fired. Moreover, lawyers are currently drawing up release contracts that will legally ban such workers from signing with the Federation if they breech this stipulation. So, put simply, if you interfere, you're f**ked!


The crowd erupts.


Heyman: Oh, but if you like that, you'll love this. We need an undisputed champion for the new era. Someone who deserves the title and can make fair defences without constantly looking over his shoulder. As such, at November To Remember, Paul Burchill versus Raven will be...


He pauses.

There is complete hush.

Heyman smiles.




Joey: OH MY GOD!

Taz: Wow! Just wow! I don't know where Raven is right now but he's gotta be tearing his hair out.

Joey: Yeah... talk about giving both guys an added incentive!


Heyman: The man who stays will be awarded the Undisputed ECW World Heavyweight Championship:




Heyman: ...and there is one final piece of business. Thank you, sincerely! To everyone who attends ECW shows, to everyone who reads this diary...


Joey: What diary?

Taz: Just roll with it.

Joey: Fair enough.


Heyman: ...to everyone who has shown an interest in ECW over the last fifteen years, thank you. We hope to repay you this coming Friday at November To Remember, a November that will be impossible to forget!


Heyman walks to the back to a standing ovation.


Joey: So, I guess this means whoever wins this last match books himself a ticket at November To Remember.

Taz: No doubt, Joey, and deservedly so.


ECW World Television Championship Number One Contendership Match


Once again, these three men put on a great match, particularly in view of their overness levels.

The match is extremely even and no clear advantage shows.

In the fifteenth minute, Mysterio floors Daniels with a Hurricanra.

He heads out to the apron and follows up with a Sprinboard Leg Drop.

Before he has a chance to cover, he is hit with the Asai DDT.

Ultimo Dragon instructs Francine to enter the ring and position both Daniels and Mysterio next to one another.

Dragon heads up top... Corkscrew Moonsault which hits both of his opponents.

Dragon screams in pain.


Joey: Oh...

Taz: Damn, I think he hurt himself.


He rolls over and doubles up in pain, groaning slightly.

Francine checks on him... he doesn't move.

Eventually, he staggers to his feet, clutching his chest.

He bends over slowly and covers Daniels.


Match Rating: B+


Joey: That's it! Ultimo Dragon is going to November To Remember! I hope he's okay.

Taz: Me too but, man, I just had a thought. What if Juvi wins on Monday?

Joey: Then he's the new TV champ...

Taz: Yeah, and he goes to November To Remember too. What the hell is Francine gonna do?

Joey: Good point. I guess we might find out.


Ultimo Dragon hobbles to the back with Francine supporting his weight. He looks in a very bad way.


Show Rating: B+


OOC: Huge thanks to Game-Face for the belt cuts!

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^Show above^




Ultimo Dragon hobbles back through the curtain, supported by Francine. Daniels and Mysterio follow slightly behind.



Daniels: Sh*t, man... are you okay?


There is no answer.


Francine: He's really in trouble!


Charlie Pag and Paul Heyman rush over.



Heyman: Yoshi, what's up, man?


Pag: Can we get some help, here?


EMTs rush over and look over Ultimo Dragon while the other five people present look worried.


EMT: It looks like a cracked sternum.


Francine: Oh, no.


The ECW owner punches the wall.


Pag: F**K! F**K! F**K! Now what?!


Mysterio: Man, I'm so sorry. I think I angled my shoulder when you hit. I'm so sorry.


Daniels: It's not your fault, man. We were both taking the move.


Heyman: It's just one of those things, guys.


Pag: I'm sorry, Yoshi!


Heyman: What do we do now?


Pag: I have no f**king idea!

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Wow ...


So my first thought was "I totally want a HONK HONK! t-shirt" ... which was replaced by "OMG, Raven or Burch ... gone?!" ... followed by "A broken Dragon?!?!"


So let me say I'm super psyched about N2R XV, the consequences of the main event have caused a mental meltdown as I can't comprehend ECW without one of those two men, and Mysterio best be careful. We're a rabid group, we stab people. :p (That's a great story told by Douglas.)

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"A broken Dragon?!?!"


Thank you for the response, mate, but, currently this is my ownly thought.


For those wondering, it's legit and it means that potentially six months (and that's only in-game time) of storytelling could go down the crapper.


I don't actually play the game with autosave on 'cos I do stupid stuff like forget to advance book or accidentally mix up Raven and Rhino at the booking screen. So, technically I could have gone back and negated the injury but all this stuff is why the game is fun and challenging.


It's just hurrendously annoying that it's happened now and not even just one week earlier, which might have given me time to write an alternative, short-term story.


"I totally want a HONK HONK! t-shirt"


I might see what I can do.


the only thing that would've made the martin bit really funny was if you actually put... I AM the Game-a as HHH seems to end all of his words with an A.... that was great!


Sorry, bud, didn't see this at first. It got pushed back a page, for want of a better description.


Thank you for the feedback as always and I now wish I'd included that nuance :D.


Quote The Raven


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wow just wow..... you really do out do yourself sometimes..... I can picture the next Martin Parody will be Scott Hall... Martin: HEY YO! I'm the "not so good guy" lol seriously though that was the best go home show I have ever read and could actually imagine those things happen. can't wait for N2R!
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wow just wow..... you really do out do yourself sometimes..... I can picture the next Martin Parody will be Scott Hall... Martin: HEY YO! I'm the "not so good guy" lol seriously though that was the best go home show I have ever read and could actually imagine those things happen. can't wait for N2R!


No no no, he's the Drunk Guy, chico!


As far as Burch or Raven? I am pulling for Raven, sorry Burchill!

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Love the direction your going with Deezel I mean Andrew Martin, great promo.. I thought it was a great paradoy.... I also think that if Paul Heyman was still in wrestling he would have absolutely stole your Idea for Slyck Tashaun Dudley STD! Really enjoyingthose characters


I get the feeling November To Remember is going to Show of the year in Diary awards

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