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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

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I'll try to remember to throw some pics down tommorrow, but I thought you might find this funny.


I was at a con all weekend. Anime convention. The generic "Marco Polo" and "BUTTSCRATCHER!" yells start up while waiting in line to get into an event. I wanted to yell something, so I yelled the first thing I thought of.


"That damn selfish." *clap clap clapclapclap*


Long story short I had a good 30 people doing it, with some others giving us a long "WTF" stare.

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If anyone has ever wanted to get into this diary but considered it too long (I know this issue has been raised in the past).


I think that I will take you up on your offer sir!:D


Actually, I have been reading this for the past couple of weeks or so and I have to say you do some great work with this diary. And I will probably go back to the start of it one day and try and read through the whole thing just to see how the current company that you have was shaped.

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Awesome summary of the fueds.


All predictions welcomed.


Quick Picks:



Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho

As much of a Jericholic as I am, I think you're pushing Hero to be one of the next World contenders. Jericho in your reality seems to be used to help people get up that next level.



Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle

Some part of me thinks, Lynn is overdue to get some revenge....but that's not how your mind works. You love getting people like Angle to win matches like this to make them more hated. Kurt for the win.



Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

Sabu is too old to be the one to break the streak and at the same time I can see Sabu losing because he's either announced his retirement in your game OR because as part of your new look, you want to get rid of some originals.



International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley

You know how difficult it is to beat an STD? Ricky Marvin may be the dancing luchador but unless he's coming to the ring armed with anti-biotics and a jar of Peni-fresh, STD will not go away.



CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

You need one feel good winner for the show, and as much as I like Punk, I think Vito is getting the extra push from you.....although I would like to see Punk take over the stable if Raven leaves.



ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©

How pi$$ed off would the fans and Juvi be if he lost on his first title defense......VERY.....which is why I think you'd do it.



ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©

If one Thomaselli is beating a member of the next, I can't see it happening again....especially with Kelly Thomaselli.



Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

I'm not sure if you have time limit stips on your matches, if so I'd go with a time limit draw OR a run in by their tag team opponents.....possible a new tag team led by Traci.



ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©

Has to be the Duds. If you're crowning new undisputed champs, there's nothing that says ECW then those damn Dudleys.

Unless you're going to have Test do a run in as a Dudley like I suggested before....Test-E-Fy = Ratings.



Mark Calaway vs. Rhino

The Soultaker is just slightly more evil to pull off the win. Also for Rhino see Jericho above. Stepping stone talent.



Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill Vs. Raven©

Christ this is a difficult one. Part of me thinks, you've built Burchill up for so long that he has to win here, plus the new look of ECW makes me think of Raven going/retiring.

BUT at the same time, I think maybe the new look bit is a swirve by you AND maybe Burchill has signed with WWE.

Damn you for having such good booking that either one could make sense.


I've gone with Raven though because the coin in my hand just picked it.


I will predict though that if Burchill wins but as his last act as Commissioner, Raven renames ECW something else...so as the company is not called ECW, he doesn't have to leave.

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Well thats my bad... sorry about that. Did not think it was a big deal-


Sorry didn't mean it in a "How bloody dare you get it wrong" kind of way, it was more wondering if I'd missed something kind of question.


Like it said 2002 because it represented 2 people's Onslaught against Other 2 people....or something :-D

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam - Draw


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

I just think unless the E has stolen Burchill from you this has to go to him, Raven's aging body has got to be worth less than the young up and coming hall of famer burchill.

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho

- hero is the future of the NEW era of ECW, and will win this and be top contender for the world title


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle

-Lynn gets revenge


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

-The winning streak ends, but Hatred takes out sabu after the match


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley

-STD dominates and will be a thron in the side of the rest of the family


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

-A big ass match with allot of emotions. Vito wins


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©

-Guerrera gets the New Tv title and the girl


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©

-The nest gets atleast 1 wictory tonight


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

-RVD wins and goes upp the championship ranking.


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©

-STD makes sure Jack and Dreamer leaves Undisputed champs


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino

-Rhino get rid of The soul taker


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

-Raven leaves and Burchills regin of terror begins, but can Pag controll him backstage? Raven is the first real ECW hall of fame.

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho



Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle



Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu



International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley



CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli



ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©



ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©



Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam



ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©



Mark Calaway vs. Rhino



Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho

A new era for ECW will see Jericho as a top star. He should start out strong.


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle

Same thinking as with the previous match.


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

Sabu has to be near retirement, and in a new ECW, is there room for the Human Highlight Reel?


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley

Following interference from the Second Generation Dudleyz.


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

Despite interference from Monsters Inc, for the feel-good victory.


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©

Juvi really sticks it to Franny here.


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©

Hooray for faces at big PPV's!!!


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

It's no secret how huge an HBK fan I am.


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©

The greatest tag team of all time. 'Nuff said.


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino

He's an ECW Original. Calaway didn't leave the 'F that long ago. Rhino for the feud-ender.


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

Big face win to close out the show, and enter the new era of ECW. Burchill's a fantastic wrestler, whereas Raven is a brawler. Guess who fits better? Also, didn't Burchill just come back?

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Quick Picks:


Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho

tough call, but love Chris Hero in this ECW


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

All streaks must come to an end


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley

Loving the build up of second generation Dudley's STD is one of my favorites


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

These two have been fantastic, I can see this one just continuing.. I'm going out on a limb with a draw


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©

There has to be a title change


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©

Because I think she's hotter


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

Have to go with an ECW original


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©

The Inovators dont need the belts... The Dudley's do to solidify thier image as the best


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino

Soultaker gimmick realy works, I've really bught into him in ECW,


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

I'm thinking your man crush on Raven shows what a great decision maker he is and puts over the younger talent... And anyways Burchill is aweome

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


As much as i want a Y2J Win here i figure there's more mileage in a Hero win, albeit under shady circumstances i would guess.


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


I don't know my reasoning here but i feel Angle will beat Lynn in a hard fought battle.


Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


Hatred retires Sabu and continues to usher in the new era of ECW by retiring one of the originals


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


The Boy seems to have some momentum, whilst Marvin whilst talented,doesn't have any real force behind him as of yet.


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


A vito win but i feel it'll ultimately be a match which elevates them both into the heights of the new era ECW


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


Juvi wins here to continue his momentum but wheter the feud continues, i don't know.



ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Alexis wins to continue a strong reign as champion


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


RVD wins to continue a rise up to the ultimate gold of ECW


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


I think the Dudleys win it, possibly with the help of a militant and apparantly estranged sibling,but this is of course all mere speculation.


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


A vicious fued comes to an end and despite the fact i think Rhino will win, i'm hoping that the soultaker will snatch victory.


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©


A very tough one,initially i thought it'd be an obvious Burchill win, but then is Raven really gonna leave ECW, that i don't know, however i've gone for what i hope will happen with a big Burchill title win at long last.

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Match of the night, hands down.


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


I've always thought Angle seemed juxtoposed in your ECW, and Lynn winning get the crowd up for...


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


Hello, Mr. Hatred. Welcome to the show.


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


Marvin over STD with Dudleyference


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


I like Punk more.


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


Easiest pick of the show


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Keep Raven's flunkees strong.


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


RVD is an ECW trueblood.


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Last feel good before the blood starts.


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


Bloodiest, but ECW needs a face challenger because...


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©


Burchill can't join WWE, so I think he's off to Japan.

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I haven't checked this site for a while now, but I log in to find we aren't too far away from what could possibly be the best show ever on the forums. Just noticed that this has been running for over three years aswell which is an outstanding achievement. Long may it continue.




Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho

I would expect Hero to take this as he is probably the future of the company. Jericho is starting to get older now and I can't see him doing much more.


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle

The fans would absolutely love to see Lynn win here and I think he probably will, but i'm a huge Angle fan so I have to go with him.


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

As much as I want to see Sabu win this it isn't going to happen. I expect Hatred to be challenging for the title if Burchill beats Raven.


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley

STD seems to have had more build and I expect him to beat Marvin here.


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

I can't call a winner here so I think because the feud is so personal they'll just both beat the hell out of other.


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©

Juvi finally gets his revenge and is able to move on into a new program.


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©

She's too strong for Kelly.


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

Like other people I'll go with RVD because of his ECW heritage. It will be a fantastic match though as I can't see them brutally beating each other with weapons. I think we'll see the wrestling skills on show.


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©

I think it will be a good paperview for the Dudley Boyz.


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino

Calaway is too old now to carry on at an intense level and Rhino is younger and more 'ECW' than Calaway.


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

I simply can't wait for the outcome of this one. I have no idea at all who'll win. Obviously a Burchill win would be better for the future of the company, but the only reason I can think of why you'd make Raven lose this match is because he's announced he's retiring on the game.

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho



Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle



Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu



International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley



CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli



ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©



ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©



Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam



ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©



Mark Calaway vs. Rhino



Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven© - I cant see you having Raven leave ECW. I think Burchill is easier for you to get rid of :D

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


he is much younger and very much likely the future of ecw


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


like jerry lynn a lot thats why i hope he wins


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


again, hatred is younger and still have several years before he would retire sabu on the other hand...


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


i want that punk wins, even though i thin vito gets the push here


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


he just won the title and you build him up for so long for this so i think he is going to make it.


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


dont see why alexis should loose here


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


rhino is beast and damn i would love to see those 2 haveing an epic match in RL


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©


im a raven and heel mark^^, but i dont know. on the one side you're a raven mark as well(probally much more than me) and raven just won the title, on the other side burchill is younger and you like burchill a lot too. also your announcment that you want to change a lot in ecw might mean to give raven a longer time out(he probally main evented half of your ppv^^).


good show really and vry god writing as always, gosh i would love to see this show in real life that would be epic.

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Well I was going to start with my predictions when you posted your next show but seeing how I love to predict:


Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jericho is one of my favorites but I have to go with Hero as the win would mean more to him.


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle



Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


Sabu is near the end of the road so I have to go with Nate


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli



ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


I have to go with Mean Mark the former Skyscraper for the win.


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship


Paul Burchill vs. Raven©


Your love for Raven is to strong for him to lose and leave ECW. Unless you have him come back with a mask on ala The Midnight Rider....

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