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Lucha Underground: Fate Worse Than Death

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Body Bag Match

Marty "The Moth" Martinez vs. Mariposa


Elimination Match for the Lucha Underground Trios Championships

Angelico, Jimmy Yuta, PJ Black vs. Ivelisse, Daga, Pentagon Dark vs. Taya Valkyrie, Black Taurus, Hexagon Dark ©


Buried Alive Match

Fenix vs. Mil Muertes


Aztec Warfare V

Aerostar vs. Cage vs. Dante Fox vs. Drago vs. Nightclaw vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Texano vs. TJ Perkins vs. The Mack vs. The White Rabbit vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???

So hard to pick, I switched 4 times


Ryu, Paul London, Ryback, Castro Cortez, ACH, Lio Rush, Low-Ki, Glacier, Jeremiah Crane, Swoggle


Bonus Questions

Who enters as number two?

Jeremiah Crane

Who gets five eliminations first?

White Rabbit

Who will win the 'Iron Man' title?


Who gets most eliminations over the course of the match?

White Rabbit

Which number wins The Aztec Warfare?


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S05E20 - Aztec Warfare V




Lucha Underground

Season 5, Episode 20


"Aztec Warfare V"


"When it's all said and done, sis, you will be trapped in a cocoon forever... You will fight each other in a Buried Alive match, until one of you ends up like Jeremiah Crane - underground... To find out what you're really made of, I give you a special assignment... Los dioses perdonan, pero los perros no... This championship is made of gold that belonged to the seven Aztec Tribes, they all want it back... PILLMANIZER BREAKS THE ANKLE OF JAKE STRONG... I can fix your leg with bones I took from The Underworld... Next week is AZTEC WARFARE!! See ya then, Mr. Cueto..."


Hours before the biggest show of the year after Ultima Lucha, The Order is plotting.


The Lord, Jake Strong, Taya Valkyrie, Ryback, Low-Ki and Agent Winter are present in the limo, and Antonio Cueto is still missing. He walked away from The Temple two weeks ago and that deeply offended "The Smoke God", who had to fill in the position instead. Jake Strong, the current Lucha Underground champion says that he is healed, and they no longer have to vacate the title. That frustrates Ryback and surprises The Lord... his left leg has been lame for centuries, and he could never heal it. He smiles.




"Mind sharing your secret? Because I smell some insincerity in our group, which could lead us to another Antonio Cueto situation. I won't tolerate dishonesty, and mark my words, the man who lied to us will be purged from The Order by the end of the night!"


Agent Winter nods, he is waiting for The Lord's instructions. The Lord continues, saying that Ryback will remain the number twenty, and Aztec Warfare will give them a new number one contender. Nightclaw will not be the only luchador who will fight in the name of Gods. Luckily, humans they have created are easily exploitable, they are motivated by futile things and some of them just pick a side for monetary reasons. The Lord ends the speech, saying that he expects all Aztec gold to stay in their possession, looking at Taya. She tells The Lord that she plans to play with challengers before crushing them.


Winter asks if Agent Low-Ki will have a match tonight?


"No, but he's on a special secret mission. The results will blow you away..." - says The Lord and fills the limo in smoke.




Jeremiah Crane is sleeping in the hospital, with tubes sticking out of his nose.


He got chokesllamed through the roof of the shed by Mil Muertes, and will not be competing in Aztec Warfare tonight. Guy is strapped into the bed in an empty room, where the only thing of color is a gaudy "get well soon" card. Probably came from Marty and Martina?


Crane is in a deep sleep, but he can still hear people around him. Even people from the other world...




"Wake up, Jeremiah! "The Man of 1000 Deaths" is still roaming this Earth without paying the price for MY life. I want you to show how much you love me... by putting Mil Muertes into the ground!!"


Crane's computers freak out, and doctors rush in to check on the patient. He wakes up and mumbles about Catrina. What a miracle, he really woke up! Doctor Manna tries to calm the disturbed young man, who's shaking in the bed. He looks in Jeremiah's eyes and leans in to hear him better. Crane grabs him by the neck, hard!




- You're not Catrina... where is she!?

- Si-i-ir, I'm just a doctor.

- ...What day is it, doc?

- U... gh... Sun-day, please, my throat...


Crane lets him go and tears all the "butterfly" sensors from his body, disconnecting from monitoring devices. Of course the doctor tells Crane to rest easy, he shouldn't be walking! Only resting and sleeping!


Jeremiah finds his stuff and quickly changes from the medical robe. He says he will sleep in his grave when it's his time, but Mil Muertes will be buried alive tonight! The doc is unsure if the guy's brain was damaged or he always was like this. But he won't let him leave until he pays his medical bills! Wrong words for someone who's cheating death and stealing life! Crane kicks Dr. Manna through the door with a Bicycle Kick!


A lot of medical workers will be hurt for nothing, as Crane bulldozes his way to the exit. When "The Lucha Death Machine" rallies to The Temple, you can't help it. Next stop? Mil Muertes' funeral.




It's time for the biggest event in the history of Lucha Underground - Aztec Warfare V!


The believers are hyped for the show, even though we don't get a traditional live performance before the first match. Instead of punk rock, psychobilly, or mariachi bands we get some



Matt Striker likes what he hears, something new and fresh about it. Excalibur agrees, but adds that he's not looking forward to hearing the

! The announcers then run down the card, and for once, they have all the matches announced ahead of time. Or maybe that's a trick to catch them off guard? That office is full of secrets, and the new proprietor of The Temple refused to come out with any comments.


He prefers to stay in the shadows, unlike all the former bosses we had.




- I like the instruments, but Ex, I love this card even more! For my taste, we have four main events!

- It is hard to disagree with you, Matt! Huge matches ahead. First off, a Body Bag match between La Mariposa and Marty 'The Moth' Martinez!

- Doesn't sound like a friendly exhibition. I believe the only way to win this match is to incapacitate your opponent and get them into a body bag...

- Yes, the match has no count outs and disqualifications, anything goes!

- That will be the case for most matches we will see tonight. For example, Fenix against Mil Muertes in a Buried Alive match!! I guess the only way to top Grave Consequences is to have somebody thrown into the pit and trapped underground!

- Crazy! We have never seen this Fenix fight Mil Muertes without Catrina, I'm intrigued by the levels of violence this match will reach.

- Also we have the finals of the Trios tournament, which has already given us dozens of memorable moments. This is hammertime, winners take or retain the Lucha Underground titles! We will see Pentagon Dark face off against Hexagon Dark in the ring, for the first time ever.

- Don't forget about Black Taurus who went to a no contest with Penta, he will be the X factor of this contest! Three wrestlers in the ring at the same time, and tags are allowed only between trios partners.

- And then... we will end the show with Aztec Warfare!! 20 luchadors will fight for immortality, bragging rights, and potentially the Lucha Underground championship! Jake Strong will issue a statement ahead of that grandiose battle.

- Can't wait. Aztec Warfare was meant to be a match to crown the number one contenders, but as we see from history, the Holy Grail of The Temple was always up for grabs in it!

- We're in for an exciting night of lucha libre violence, my friend. Now, let's give the word to the talented Melissa Santos!




"The following lucha is a Body Bag match! The fighter who puts their opponent inside the body bag wins the match... Introducing first... From The Last House of The Left... Marty 'The Moth' Martinez!"


Marty takes the spotlight and flaps his wings, savoring a great battle. As he makes his entrance, he sends 'hi' to his BFF Jeremiah Crane, and wishes him a speedy recovery. So weird seeing Marty caring about someone so much! Maybe he's maturing? Ah, forget it. That sweaty pig just threw his oily shirt into Melissa...


"...and his opponent... from La Hoya, California... La Mariposa!"


The sole owner of the Moth family goods is wearing a new costume. Perhaps she wouldn't change her colors if she planned to be trapped in a body bag! "The Butterfly" shows Marty an 'up yours' gesture, she's too pumped to play with her hair. The referee for this wild contest is Steve Borden...


Body Bag Match






Mariposa vs. Marty "The Moth" Martinez


When brother and sister fight each other, you better believe it's going to be wild. Especially when we get a nutcase like Marty 'The Moth' and Mariposa, a big girl who can serve and take some big blows.


Marty looks even more deranged than usual, and psyches himself up with slaps to the face. Bicycle Kick misses, Mariposa goes straight for the family jewels with a kick down low! Scratches the back of her bro, and not in a good way, then throws him out of the ring by the hair. Suicide Dive! The Moth family now rolls over the dirty floor of The Temple, Mariposa trying to claw Marty's eyes out. Dropkick sends him back first into the steel steps, and he winces in pain. Still has the bandage over his torso...


Mariposa finds the chair under the ring and smacks the steps, dropping the chair after recoil gets to her hands. Moth grabs her by the pigtails and yanks the hair back, then bashes her head into the ring apron. Mariposa falls down, the stomps continue. Marty throws back his hair and swings stepsis into the announce table!! And that table is sturdy, barely moving upon contact. Martinez grabs some papers from Moth-ew Striker and slices them across Mariposa's skin!! You sick **ck! Martinez bows to those chants and launches Mariposa into the chairs!




The floor mats are going off, and Martinez looks for a Curb Stomp from the table! Spreading his wings before leaping off, Mariposa throws a chair in his noggin! She climbs the desk and falls with her bro, executing a Russian Leg Sweep! Absolutely horrible for her own well-being, but it hurts Marty more, since his back is hurt. Mariposa feels the adrenaline and starts looking for more chairs under the ring. One, two, three, four throws into Marty's face... She gets the fifth one and smacks it repeatedly across the chair on Marty's face! Don't mess with this "Butterfly"!


"I assume Marty and Mariposa didn't have the most loving parents!" - drops Striker.


Mariposa drags Marty back to the ring, and Moth bleeds from his eyebrow. He rests in the corner, while Mariposa throws all the chairs back in the ring. One of them is fixed between Marty's legs, and he begs Mariposa to stop the violence. SHUT UP, YOU LIL BITCH! BAM! Ham and egger gets exactly what he deserves!




Marty is at Mariposa's feet, and he wants this to stop. "Melissa, don't hurt me... I'm just your little brother!" Is he talking to Melissa Santos? Doesn't look like it. So Mariposa's real name is Melissa? Well, this is news to many of the believers, and it frustrates Mariposa a lot. She stomps his arm repeatedly, the same arm that was broken by Pentagon Dark no less than two times! Jumps on the elbow, woah! Mariposa locks Marty in the Fujiwara Armbar, and she puts some torque on it! Martinez taps frantically, but the stipulation of the match is different - someone has to be trapped inside a body bag.


Martinez even screams "No Mas", reminding us of the legendary match between Mariposa and Sexy Star! The red mist falls off her eyes and she walks over Marty's back to grab the bag. Martinez bumps her with the Knee Lift on her way back and throws caution to the wind, flying out of the ring with a Superman Splash!! Big dive caught the cameraman more!


Marty clutches his back, as Mariposa climbs the ropes. Missile Dropkick? No, Martina runs out and clutches her leg to stall the move! Moth catches sis and drops her down with a Butterfly Suplex from the third rope!! Big bump on the pile of chairs! Nasty landing! Martina has brought Marty his lunchbox, so he could re-energize. She also puts her cigarette out on Mariposa's mask, burning a hole in it! Marty opens the lunchbox and tells Martina to move away... the fork is in his hands! Marty rips his sister's mask and drives a fork in her forehead, what an animal! Mariposa grunts in pain, and calls Mil for help. Nobody will come out. Marty continues to go for the mask...




"Marty wants to reveal the face of his sister, just like he revealed her name just now!" - says Excalibur


Moth picks up a chair... HADOOSH!! Unprotected blow to the head, Mariposa falls down unconscious. Marty tastes his and his siter's blood, and says that he is the REAL Aztec descendent, and the true heir of their family. "Session Moth" unzips the body bag, but out of sheer desperation, Mariposa bites Marty's arm and crawls under the ring. Martina follows her there, pulling her pyjama pants as she goes down. Well, nothing is happening for a bit, so Marty takes a chair and prepares to play a whac-a-mole with his sweet sis! BANG! He strikes someone hard, but then understands that he smacked Martina, his own GF! Mariposa comes up to Marty from behind, hits him low again. Facebuster into the steel chair!! She is all fired up and the fans are on their feet! Marty gets thrown into the ring... BUTTERFLY DDT ON THE OPEN CHAIR! Now she only has to put him in the bag.


Martina slowly comes back to life and wrestles the item away from Mariposa, giving Marty precious seconds to recover. He has a gusher, and peeks out with a crimson mask and a maniacal smile. Mariposa sets Martina for the Butterfly Effect, but she's saved by a Big Boot! Marty says playing time is over and plants Mariposa's face into the Aztec seal with a Curb Stomp! He grabs scissors from the lunchbox and cuts one ponytail, as revenge for the time when she helped Fenix shave him bald. Marty sniffs the hair and stuffs it in his trunks... If you think that's nasty, wait just a moment.


Cause Martinez picks Martina for a Piledriver, The Marty-nete!! BAM. The Moth laughs and taunts, then rolls his sister into the Body Bag. Before he can zip it up, he kisses Mariposa on the lips (!) and tells her to sleep well.

In a match that had decent action and good heat from the crowd, Marty "The Moth" Martinez defeated Mariposa in 12:37 by trapping Mariposa in a body bag. (C-)

Marty waves his arms and laughs louder than usual. He's a sick puppy, and he takes the body bag with himself... Only God knows what this creep will do with it. Martina follows her man, but we go to the locker room, where Trios tournament finalists are having a heated conversation.




- Can we at least come up with the name? To make it look like we are a team, guys?

- Listen mate, I have nothing bad to say about you, but I would rather go compete in Aztec Warfare.

- Angelico, after finding out what happens inside this madhouse, I would also prefer to spend quality time away from valkyries and skeleton ninjas, but such is life! Let's discuss our strategy.

- What strategy? Do you need instructions to go to the wee room or ride a wave? Just go with the flow.

- People are dead, people are dying, Angelico! And we can be sacrificed too!


PJ finishes lacing his boots and he calms the anxious rookie down. Nobody will die... at least not tonight! Yuta asks if anyone even knows the rules, becuase they keep changing? Both South Africans say they'll cross that bridge when they jump off it. Jimmy has his head in his hands, like a kid at school who does all the work in the group project. So PJ decides to cheer him up and ask him about all the cool names he came up with for the team. Yuta lights up a bit and reaches for his notes. What a nerd.


"The Overflow, Billabong Bafana, South African Soaring, Hybrid Three, Airdevils United, New Wave..."


Angelico stops the guy. Seriously? What are those names? Billabong freakin' Bafana? You had a mare there, mate. Angelico says that their name will be... The Hybrid Flow. Jimmy says that's not how he read it, but who cares? It sounds less sucky. Trying to get some support from Black, Yuta asks PJ if that works for him. And unfortunately for the undercover cop, PJ has an unpleasant surprise in his locker.




Rosa, the doll that Ricky Mandel used to carry around with himself has now posessed Black. Tiny lightning runs up in his eyes and he walks out of the room without dropping a word. The finals are next!




The place that no kind soul has ever visited is saturated with thick candle smoke. Vampiro is wearing a black robe with a massive hood, lighting up one thousand candles around the body of sleeping Fenix.


They are not alone in the dojo, as Hexagon Dark is watching the ritual in the distance. It was his idea to put Fenix against Mil Muertes in a Buried Alive match. And so, Vampiro was tasked with preparing Fenix for this battle. He trained and beat "The Bird of War" to exhaustion - the only way to weed out weakness out of his body and make him control the darkness within. The ritual is coming to its culmination, so Vampiro wakes up Fenix with a loud order.






Fenix opens his eyes and Vampiro pours hot wax on his face and body, making the luchador scream in agony. His eyes turn black, and the mask gets darker. Hexagon comes up to "The Man of 1000 Lives" and gives him the railroad spike he uses for sacrifices. "The Feathered Serpent" wants Fenix to send Mil Muertes into The Underworld, so he could meet his maker Mictlantecuhtli, The God of Death. Fenix nods and rises, ready to put the dagger into the heart of Mil Muertes. Vampiro says that Fenix is stronger than his brother, and he is ready, master.


Hexagon smirks and says he may not have a brother by the end of the night. Because his match is next...




"The following lucha is the final of the Trios Tournament for the Lucha Underground Trios championships! Introducing first, the team of Jimmy Yuta, Angelico, and PJ Black... The Hybrid Flow!"


The ring is cleared up after Marty and Mariposa, and it's time for the final match of the Trios tournament. The underdogs make their entrance first, looks like they have a name now! Angelico gets in the ring first, Yuta follows, and PJ Black is keeping a distance from the two. Jimmy asks if anything is wrong, but doesn't get the answer from "The Darewolf".


"Next, the team of Daga, Pentagon Dark and Ivelisse... Perros del Mal!!"


This team is sticking together and working for the common goal - get back on the current champions who have made their lives a living hell. Pentagon has lost his eye and status, Daga lost his titles and allegiance, and Ivelisse lost her friend and wants to prove that she's still "The Baddest Bitch In The Building"!


"And their opponents... the current Triple A and Lucha Underground Trios champions... Black Taurus, Taya Valkyrie, and Hexagon Dark!"


Double champions come out from the fog and pose with their gold. Taya smirks at the stoic PJ Black, Black Taurus lets some smoke out of his nostrils when he sees Ivelisse in all red, and Hexagon Dark stares down "The Man with Zero Fear"... Pentagon Dark. Everything is ready, let's go!




Trios Tournament Final






The Hybrid Flow (PJ Black, Jimmy Yuta, Angelico) vs. Perros Del Mal (Daga, Ivelisse, Pentagon Dark) vs. The Order (Hexagon Dark, Taya Valkyrie, Black Taurus) ©


This is it! The final match of the Trios tournament, where the championship gold is on the line. Should The Order win this match, they will officially become the most dominant trios team in the history of Lucha Underground! The rudos pose with both sets of belts, but the AAA Trios titles are not on the line in this contest...


The rules of this match are following The Temple's traditions - three people in the ring at all times, only trios partners are eligible for tags, and only one elimination is needed to write off an entire team. So who's going to kick us off? Taya Valkyrie steps in first, reminding us that she's "La Vera Loca"... Ivelisse confronts her, by saying that she's "The Baddest Bitch In The Building"! And here's Jimmy. Jimmy Yuta! Hi. The poor rookie gets chopped by both women, and Double Hip Tossed on the mats! Ivelisse checks him with a kick to the head, and Taya stomps the guy with her furry boots, trying to get a quick cover! Uh-uh, not so fast, sweetie! SLAP!! Ivelisse smacks the taste out of Taya's mouth. The primal scream follows, and Valkyrie takes her rival down, trying to tear her hair out! Ivelisse almost transitions it into an Armbar, but Jimmy hops over and gently pins Taya... BAM. Kicked square in the ribs by "La Sicaria"! She asks what's his problem? Angelico decides that Jimmy could use a rest, and proposes a tag.


Well, the pretty boy from South Africa and the fiery woman from Puerto Rico have some history. They exchange pleasantries, even mentioning Son of Havoc's name. Angelico blocks her middle kick attempt, throws the leg into Taya's hands and blasts Valkyrie with a One-Legged Dropkick! Cool move, and a quick cover. Angelico is extremely comfortable on the mats, but Ivelisse comes close to cradling him over. Capoeira Kick to the jaw! Ivelisse can take that, but she's pissed at her so-called friend. Angelico says that Team Havoc is no more, and he's pleased about it... Wow, that hurt some fans. Hurricanrana!




Angelico crawls to the neutral corner after that move, and Taya strikes him with a Corner Meteora! Not the best of starts for The Hybrid Flow. Ivelisse tags Daga in! He wastes no time and catches Taya in the head with a snug Enzughiri! Runs up for another strike, Hesitation Dropkick in the corner to stomp the face of Angelico! Daga is hungry, he looks determined to reclaim the titles he has never lost! PJ Black has a blank expression on his face, and Taya tags out to the strongest man in this ring... The Black Taurus! The beast of Antonio Cueto checks Daga with a Discus Lariat, and hits his signature three strike combo in the corner on Angelico. He needs to tag out! Jimmy checks on "The Darewolf", who doesn't look himself tonight. Taurus charges in the corner, Angelico jumps out of it with a Syuri Knee! That's the opening for a hot tag, right? Wrong, Daga undercuts Angelico and soccer kicks him in the neck to block the tag! Forearm to knock Yuta out of the apron, Daga gets squashed in the corner by Taurus! Tornado Bulldog for the cover...


One, two, Angelico kicks the bull in the nose ring! Not the smartest thing to do, my friend. Another lariat is thrown, but Angelico ducks it and strikes Taurus with a Pele Kick! He rolls over to finally tag in PJ Black, who springboards on the ropes, and simply lands on the mats, instead of going for some kind of aerial move. He breaks up the cover with a Superkick and tries his own luck after a gorgeous Moonsault off the third rope! One, two, Taurus presses him away with force, and Daga gets to tag Pentagon Dark! He certainly wants to get one over Taurus after their no contest almost a month ago!


SLAP! Big thigh kick to PJ, who makes a backflip on contact. Woooo! Penta punt kicks Taurus and grabs him by the ring in his nose!! Walks over like that, strutting with his usual swagger... Shhhh... SMACK! Chops Taurus in his massive chest, and it's as loud as the gunshot! Don't play with the bull, or you'll get the horns! Penta continues to kick the beast across the ring, and lures him for a big charge. PJ Black finds himself on the receiving end of the Pounce, falling out of the ring! Penta runs up for a Slingblade, but he's kicked in the back of the neck by Hexagon! German Suplex from Taurus, and gives a tag to the dark overlord.




Hexagon Dark commands Taya to bring PJ Black back into the ring, before stiffing him up a bit on the outside. Hexagon puts his leg on the chest of Pentagon, who of course kicks out at one! They can have a moment to themselves, because chaos breaks out outside! Yuta stops Taya from choking out PJ with his Crossbody, and then Ivelisse joins the bodies on the floor after a Running Cannonball Splash! Daga also struck Taurus with a stiff kick to the chest, but then got wiped off the apron, falling on it face first! This is why there's nobody to stop Hexagon from hitting a Standing Corkscrew Moonsault on Penta, which he also brushes off without much trouble! Angelico decides that staying aside is not his forte, and so he leaps on Taurus with a Somersault to the outside! It's not that different from human bowling, everyone falls down! Hexagon can't resist the urge too, but he's caught with a Superkick from "The Breaker of Bones"! Penta curses him out and leaps to the outside with a TOPE CON HILO!


Surely enough, Hexagon hissed in anger and one-upped the nemesis with an insane Shooting Star Press to the outside, wiping out everyone once again. Hexagon picks up PJ Black, and throws him back for a pinfall. Springboard in, but Black catches him with a Cutter! Beautiful work from "The Darewolf", who jumps over the ropes and climbs the turnbuckles. He's looking around, feeling the rush of the adrenaline, howls and... Moonsaults to the outside!? But why? Hexagon was there for the taking! Taya lets out a demonic laugh. Black turns around to it and after a moment of tension SUPERKICKS ANGELICO IN THE FACE!!! WHAT THE HELL, PJ?? Black jumps on his partner and starts punching him in the face repeatedly, also dropping Yuta with a Thrust Kick!


Black leads Angelico up the stairs, slaps him in the face for a "tag" and leaves the area! Taurus jumps in and easily Superplexes dazed Angelico from the apron, setting up a legal elimination for Hexagon Dark. Hexagon Splash connects, and Angelico is pinned for the one-two-three! So much for another dysfunctional trio... Yuta seems lost, but decides to go after PJ to find out what the heck is going on?




"The team of Angelico, Jimmy Yuta, and PJ Black has been eliminated!" - announces Melissa Santos.


Well, one team is gone, but the match is far from being over! Pentagon kicks Taya's culo with low kicks, and "La Wera Voca" also gets irish whipped into the fence by Ivelisse! Taurus tried to powerbomb Daga on the apron, but he countered with a Frankensteiner to the stairs! Pentagon slides back into the ring to face his evil twin, the dark and mysterious Hexagon Dark. Penta mocks Hexagon's size and screams that he has CERO MIEDO! They start fighting each other, but amazingly, they duck and dodge every shot thrown their way. It's like they are the same person! Jump, arm twists and reverses, Hexagon with theatrical Headscissors, Penta rolls over and catches Hexagon with a Dropkick while he hits the ropes after a Handspring! Beautiful counter!


Now Pentagon positions Hexagon for The Sacrifice! Will he snap his arm? No, Vampiro appears ringside in his creepy priest outfit and stares daggers at his ex-protege. Penta gives the traitor a piece of his mind and turns his back on Hexagon... Superkick! Vampiro's master strikes "The Skeleton Ninja" with a Tornado DDT and looks to end it all! Daga stops Hexagon and sends him back to the ground with a Superplex from the top rope, smoothly transitioning into a Modified Crossface!! Will he tap? Taya is bleeding after the brawl with Ivelisse, but now she runs over to save her partner and stomp Daga with her furry boots! Soccer kick to his back, she's looking for the Road To Valhalla! Daga reverses the move and also locks Taya in a Crossface! Rick Knox breaks the hold and enforces the rules. Penta then tags to Ivelisse!


"The Baddest Bitch In The Building" hits Hexagon with a Scorpion Kick and even executes a Sunset Flip Powerbomb! It's code red for Hexagon, but Taurus breaks up the cover and smashes Ivelisse with a Taurus Driver! Daga and Taya are exchanging heavy shots on the outside, and because Pentagon is near them, the bull charges and crashes into the pool of humanity with a crazy Tornillo! Hexagon is on the ropes in a figurative way, so Ivelisse hits him in the chest with some shoot kicks. One, two, roundhouse misses! Snapmare into the Recoil Kick - he stole the move from her arsenal!




Hexagon grins and climbs on the top rope... HEXAGON SPLASH! Taya hits a Road To Valhalla on Daga, but Taurus misses the Spear on Pentagon! Penta sprints to the ring and breaks up the cover last second, with a Punt Kick!! This is not over yet! Pentagon drags Ivelisse to the corner, tags himself in... MEXICAN DESTROYER FROM THE SECOND ROPE ON HEXAGON! This is it! Cover him! Pentagon says no, and goes to the top rope... he raises his finger to the sky, screaming "For Perro!" and hits Hexagon in the chest with a Double Foot Stomp!! Cover! One, two, th- Taya denies Pentagon!! She gets booed out of the building for that!


Pentagon gets in her face and calls her all the bad words, but then, the lights go out... JAKE STRONG is here! Northern Lariat to the back of Pentagon's head, and a Gutwrench Powerbomb!! Rick Knox stays lenient, but tells Jake to leave. No way, he looks as good as ever, wasn't his ankle snapped just two weeks ago? Jake yells "STRONG!!" and lands a massive Vader Bomb on Pentagon, to give Hexagon a clear field! This was planned all along!


The rudos are laughing, and Hexagon finishes the job with a Moonsault Double Foot Stomp!! Pentagon got screwed once more!

In a match that had good action and ok heat from the crowd, The Order defeated The Hybrid Flow and Perros Del Mal in 14:37 to win the Trios tournament. (C)



Jake Strong literally returned the favor to Hexagon Dark for his assist back at Ultima Lucha Cuatro! He demands the mic and says that The Order decides who gets the victory, and it's not Pentagon Dark!


"We will reign until the end of days, Pentagon! I will not allow any title changes to happen, because I'm the primal GOD of this Temple!! And that means that I am still your Lucha Underground champion, and there's nothing you can do about it!! STRONG! STRONG!! STROOOOONG!!!"


The Lucha Underground champion looks to be in top condition, showing no signs of an ankle break! What kind of dark magic is this? Pentagon curses them all out, almost asking for one of his limbs to be snapped. The Order has no interest in that now, they turn their backs on the raging "Skeleton Ninja", and as we know, you don't turn your back on somebody you are scared of... Now Ivelisse gets in the face of Pentagon, loudly criticizing him for not taking the victory when it was on the silver platter? Not now. Ivelisse has no smarts to understand that.


SUPERKICK!! Pentagon knocks Ivelisse out! Daga gets up to stop Penta, but also gets superkicked! Vampiro grins from ear to ear, and Pentagon contemplates his life choices.




We move away from ringside and go to the back. For once it is not Jimmy Yuta or Drago who are seen interacting in the toilet!


Today is someone's lucky day, because Famous B is hanging around the restroom, giving 'people in need' his card. 4-2-3, get faaaaaaaaaameeeeeee! Wentz and Dez were first to leave their stalls, but as good friends were waiting for Reed to finish his business there. And while he was busy doing his hot fire stuff, B approached the young stoners for a business proposition!




"Hey guys, would you like to be famous? I can make that happen! Young athletes like you need an agent like me, as I take great care of my clients! Are you in the Aztec Warfare by any chance?"


Actually they are! B asks if they have the entry numbers to prove it, and sure as heck, they show it to the promoter. Not a very smart idea, but Rascalz are simple like that, you can read them like an open book. Famous B says those are rookie numbers, they gotta pump them up a bit!


"Guys, those entry numbers are not very good, trust me. But luckily for you, I just happen to have a few spare entry tickets. Check this out! See, the bigger the number - the more chances you have to win!"


B gives the boys something better... ticket number 69 and 42! Cooooool brooooo, thanks! They throw out their actual tickets in the bin and laugh about the numbers they have. Reed just missed an opportunity of a lifetime! B picks those discarded papers and yeets outta there before the third Rascal comes out. Dez and Wentz mock their bro for missing out, showing him his new numbers...




"Bro... Dafuq? Aztec Warfare has only twenty entrants! Why would you take those wolf tickets!?"


Famous B runs into the locker room, and says that he got them the tickets! The new boss didn't want to book them, but khm-khm the best manager in the world just got them in! He gives the first piece of paper to his golden goose Texano, and he likes the number!


Mack asks what about him? Oh yeah. Here you go, big fella. Good luck, you're gonna need it! Mack looks at it and says it's no wonder Famous B picked up #2 near the WC...


Ryu, who also didn't get a direct invite, got luckier. He found an origami-folded paper in his bag, which came out to be the lucky number 7. It probably came from Sniper Eagle, that guy is always up to something! And speaking of numbers... it's time to go six feet under.




"The following lucha is a Buried Alive match! In order to end the match, one of the luchadors must be trapped underground... Introducing first, from Beyond The Grave... "The Man of 1000 Deaths''... MIIIIL MUEEERTEEES!"


"The Man of 1000 Deaths" makes his grandiose entrance, wearing a headgear decorated with skulls and feathers. He shakes the cameras and growls in anticipation of the bloodbath. He and Fenix will probably have their most extreme match yet. Mil punches the Aztec seal and looks in the camera with his bloodshot eyes.


"Aaaand his opponent... from Mexico City, Mexico... "The Bird of War"... FEEENIIIIX!"


Fenix has a slight modification of the mask, something that looks like hot wax. But apart from that he's still unresponsive to the fans, and leaking water out of the mouth, walking like a zombie. His agility and speed didn't leave him though, so that is something that can remind us of "The Man of 1000 Lives".




Buried Alive Match




Mil Muertes vs. Fenix


If there's a match that can pick the believers up after that Trios match, it's the gory brawl between Mil Muertes and Fenix. They had dozens of matches in Lucha Underground, which always delivered. This is without a shadow of a doubt an iconic rivalry, and perhaps this is its last chapter... Melissa Santos avoids eye contact with Fenix, and Fenix avoids eye contact with everyone else.


Mil's eyes on the other hand are seeing through the Dark Fenix! Right as the bell rings, Muertes charges Fenix in the corner with shoulder blocks, prompting the luchador to spit more water from his mouth. Muertes runs up and rams Fenix into the pads again! One, two, three lariats. Fenix is unphased, it's like he doesn't feel a thing! Muertes headbutts Fenix and raises for the 10 Bell Salute. Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, Fenix escapes and Superkicks the leg of Muertes! Mil is stuck in the tree of woe, and Fenix goes from zero to one thousand, kicking Muertes out of the ring with some force. "The Bird of War" cranks its neck and hits the ropes for a death-defying Swanton to the outside, using the second rope as a trampoline! How he did not lose his balance is anyone's guess. He's something!


Fenix and Mil are on the floor, rolling around, trading dominant positions. Of course Muertes still has the mass advantage over Fenix, and thus he easily throws Fenix into the barricade and Fenix flings it off like a rubber ball! Muertes takes the massive stairs and throws it into his opponent, missing the target! Be careful there, believers did nothing wrong. They chose to see two men literally kill each other, but that doesn't mean they should go down with them. Fenix superkicks Mil in the face and uses the stairs as a platform to deliver a stiff Yakuza Kick! Nobody hit Mil as hard before!


Fenix comes to life, he has a wicked smirk on his face... runs up, but is caught with a Powerslam on the floor!! His body smacked across the floor with a sickening thud! And Muertes is still pissed.




He's walking around Fenix in circles, like a shark that smells blood. Well, it would be surprising if we didn't see some in this match. Muertes stomps on the smaller man and flings him into the announce table. He positions Fenix for a Last Ride Powerbomb, but the bird escapes the trap, jumps on the apron, back heels Mil in the face... ASAI MOONSAULT! They are going back and forth, it is chaotic. Nobody controls this match, it's all fifty-fifty here. Fenix gets up and blasts Muertes with a Double Foot Stomp to the back! The same move he used to send Mil in the casket for the first time... No Catrina needed this time, Fenix has enough edge to comfortably beat Muertes here. He's no longer the kid he was in 2015! Fenix slams a steel chair in the back of Muertes, no hesitation there.


Mil straightens up and hits Fenix with a straight right and through the chair!! Could have broken his fist with that punch, but certainly didn't make it sweet for Fenix! Muertes drives the edge of the chair into Fenix's gut and levels him with the ground after a stiffest chairshot you can ever imagine. Melissa Santos looked away, she still has a soft spot in her heart for Fenix. Muertes though has no warmth in his heart, as he drags stunned Fenix by his mask, tearing it slightly. Muertes body slams Fenix on the bleachers and teases a Piledriver! Unlike the match with Cuerno, it will be allowed here...


Fenix finds enough power to force Mil on his back!! Harsh landing, that wood is unforgiving. Fenix returns the favor to Muertes, ripping his mask! We can see some of Mil's face, and it is even scarier that way! Fenix with a Spin Kick that sends "The Man of 1000 Deaths" stumbling down... watch out, watch out! FENIX WITH A MOONSAULT OFF THE RAILS! Both men are down.




"This is simply insane, Fenix has no care in the world!!" - screams Excalibur.


And now Fenix is crawling to the back, with blood gushing down from his face. Muertes follows him like a walker, probably wouldn't mind eating his brains. Then again, Fenix may have lost those a long time ago... The brawl continues in the back. Muertes throws Fenix in the trash cans and the production equipment, wrapping a cord around his neck. Fenix with a Low Blow! Perhaps the only way to survive that. Retaliates with a trash can shot that makes Muertes bleed some more. The two stumble into El Jefe's office... The Lord is smoking a cigar, not bothered by the brawl any bit. If anything, he enjoys it. Mil grabs the pen from the desk and tries to stab Fenix, but he spits in his face! Dropkick into the book shelf, that's quite a bump for Mil.


Now The Lord decides that he has seen enough, and tells them to get out and kill each other somewhere else. Fenix wouldn't understand that, but Mil Muertes forces him out with The Reaper's Trident through the door! They are rolling around the corridor to end up in the locker room, where other luchadors move out of the way. Nobody wants to get on the bad side of Mil Muertes... He growls, but his signature right hand misses, tearing down the heavy bag in the process. Fenix runs out of the way, probably hiding behind the lockers. MIL SMASH!




"That's enough!" - says Catrina.


Catrina is here, and she says that Muertes should quit and accept that he can't defeat "The Man of 1000 Lives"! That only frustrates him more, so he comes out swinging and misses. Catrina is too quick for him, she vanishes in the air. Her words keep mocking Muertes, who's on the verge of losing the grip on reality. Was she there, or did he just imagine her? Who knows.


Muertes looks for Fenix, passing by the bathroom. He loudly asks Drago where he is, but before he can use his long tongue, Fenix is back! He strikes Mil with a railroad spike, which prompts Drago to start growling menacingly and swinging his nunchucks to protect Muertes. Fenix doesn't care, and Superkicks his former friend into the stall. Mil is gushing blood, but has no intention to quit. He sacrificed too much to stop now! He keeps chasing "The Firebird"... all the way to the graveyard. The place where this war will supposedly end!


Muertes faces pitch darkness, but the obsidian sky lights up once Fenix makes the flames go up around him! Mil is blinded by them, and some of the grass catches fire.




Fenix lures Mil to fall into the pit, but Muertes avoids it and finds a big shovel. There's no sight scarier than a "Man of 1000 Deaths" swinging a shovel in your general direction. He cracks Fenix in the head with it and looks for a Flatliner in the hole. No! Grabs him tight by the neck... TWISTING CHOKESLAM SENDS FENIX DOWN! Muertes collapses to the ground and takes a breather, he's so close to putting this rivalry to an end. Mil wants to end Fenix with one final hit of the shovel, but just as he puts the weapon up... THE ARROW GOES STRAIGHT INTO HIS EYE!!!


King Cuerno lurked in the distance and shot Mil right in the eye! The cemetery is filled with wails of pain, Muertes is in the world of agony. He never screamed like that. And it's still not over for him...


Out of the bushes runs out Jeremiah Crane! Crane hits Mil in the back of the head with a baseball bat... Muertes takes a few steps back, pulls the arrow from his eye socket and looks straight into Jeremiah's face, reaching.






Crane is scared shitless, but finds enough courage to hit Muertes with a signature Bicycle Kick! Mil dramatically falls into the hole just as Fenix climbs out of it. The dark luchador picks up a tombstone sign and cracks Muertes with it to put the death to rest! He won't get up from that. Fenix sees the excavator parked nearby... Crane starts the engine and pulls up to the hole.






As Crane yells that out loud, the dirt traps Muertes underground. He is buried alive, and that means that this match is over. King Cuerno smirks in the distance and leaves the hunting ground.

In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Fénix defeated Mil Muertes in a Buried Alive match in 21:09 when Mil Muertes was trapped. (B-)

While Fenix and Cuerno walk off the cemetery, Jeremiah stays around and collapses on his knees. He made Catrina's wishes come true, he wants to see her!


Mil Muertes is six feet under, what else can he do to summon her? Nothing. She's here, to see Mil trapped in the Underworld, just like when she first found him.


Catrina puts her arm on Crane's shoulder, shoves him in the mud, and then leans forward to say something personal.




"Thank you, my love. Wish I could stay with you forever, but we are not meant to be together... Until my other killer, Melissa Santos, gets what she deserves. Here's something to remember me by..."


Catrina drops down and licks Jeremiah from neck to mouth. Crane has a satisfied smirk on his gravely pale face, and just like that, she's gone as the wind. Jeremiah looks up in the sky and whispers that he will kill again for Catrina, and if it is meant to be Melissa Santos, so be it! Meanwhile Melissa has no clue that somebody plans to slay her and carries on her job, getting ready to announce his husband's entry. People in The Temple don't know the result of the match, and neither do the announcers. Still to come, the Aztec Warfare!




Well, that fight was ugly, but the Aztec War Dance is a thing of beauty, and the drums are rocking hard. It's a special atmosphere, and the believers can't wait any longer for the main event. Striker explains the rules for new fans - two men start the match, and every 90 seconds another luchador enters, before all 20 are out. Elimination can happen by pinfall or submission, and also, it's 'anything goes'! And now, Melissa Santos, the stage is yours!


"The following lucha is Aztec Warfare!! Introducing the first participant... from the 559... They call him... CAGE!!"




"The Machine" comes in as number one, and surely not because of a random draw. Everyone knows by now that those first few entries are reserved for people who have issues with management. Still, if anyone can last all night long, it's Cage! He kisses his wife and poses for the fans.


"...and the second entrant... from South Central, California... THE MACK!"


The Mack comes down to the ring with "The Infamous" Famous B by his side. Go get 'em, tiger! Mack tells B to pipe down a bit, and let him do the business. Oh-kay, if you say so...


You couldn't have wished for a better duo to open Aztec Warfare Cinco, could you!? Cage and The Mack had the honor of opening the very first Ultima Lucha, and arguably stealing the show! Both have become fan favorites, even though they didn't come to Lucha Underground as the good guys. Fist bump follows and the bell rings... Let the warfare begin!!




Aztec Warfare




It's time to throw sportsmanship out of the window and win the big one. Both Mack and Cage want the title that has eluded them for so long, it's a special occasion.


The night is long, but Cage doesn't waste any second. Throws a Discus Lariat at The Mack, who dodges and hits Cage in the mid section... Stunner averted, Full Nelson from "The Machine ''! Slams Mack hard and goes for a quick Moonsault, but misses... Kip up from The Mack, and he gets his Standing Moonsault on target! Cover! One, two, nope. Mack gets up with a Spinaroonie and runs up for a Hurricanrana... Cage blocks it and powers the brawler up on his shoulders! Powerbomb into the corner! The ring has moved an inch, and it's already time for our next entrant.


3-2-1, who-who-who?




#3 - Dante Fox


It's "The One Man Army"! Puts his dog tags in the boots and joins his former partner. Well...


Fox slides in and cracks The Mack in his pumpkin with a stiff Enzuigiri Kick! He ducks Cage's punch and Pump Kicks him right in the kisser! Mega Jawbreaker to add insult to injury, and Cage is groggy. Fox looks to eliminate him early with a Springboard Cutter... It's blocked, Pumphandle Facebuster is a thing of beauty! Mack didn't like being hit by his former brother in arms, so he jumps on Fox with a Senton Splash!


Cage with a Karelin Lift on The Mack, but the client of Famous B is no foo', he slips out and lands a stiff European Uppercut. Cage follows the example, and the number four is about to join us any second now!




#4 - Drago


Drago drops his costume parts on the stairs and hits a Crossbody on Fox! Dragons can fly, and as we can see here, they can also kick as*!


Drago enters the ring with a Tornillo on The Mack, looking for a big elimination. No chance! Drago lands a few rapid fire kicks to Mack's big head and caps them off with a Buzzsaw Kick. Drago avoids a collision with Cage, but his Rebound Corkscrew is caught. Cage is too strong! Positions him for an F'n'5, but Drago comes out of it unscathed thanks to a Tornado DDT! Also hit Dante in the face with his boot on his way down. Drago immediately covers "The Machine", but he presses him off his chest with ease! Drago is on the apron then, striking Dante. He catches the leg and drops the creature from El Inframundo with a C4 on the floor!!


Mack scratches his head and lays Fox out with a Somersault Senton, and Cage... Cage grounds everyone with a Moonsault Press off the corner!! Like a darn gladiator he asks if believers are entertained!? Sure they are. The drums of war are going off again, and Cage awaits for his next opponent on the stairs. But the man comes out from the tunnel instead...




#5 - King Cuerno


"The Hunter" is back in The Temple!! The gasps fill the arena, and Cage locks in on his next target. King removes his head gear, which now has a special neck fixation. Cuenro stares at Cage across the ring and motions a cut throat!! Cage bites the bait and runs over to the impostor, while Cuerno slides in the ring and stomps Cage as he re-enters. Always smart!


If you had the time to forget, Cuerno attacked Cage after his ankle was broken by Strong. Their grudge though had been brewing when King was accidentally eliminated from the Battle Royal by "The Machine"! Cage needed some time to figure out that the guy behind the mask is not the same man he partnered with in the past too, and it all went downhill from there. Cuerno jumps over Cage's ankle and twists it to inflict as much pain as possible.


Cuerno drives the laces off his boots in Cage's face, later striking him with a Bicycle Knee! He arrogantly kicks the dust under his foot in Cage's mug and signals The Arrow from The Depths of Hell!




BANG!! Wipes out Drago, who has freezed for a second there, not expecting to see "The Hunter" again. Big matches call for the big moves, but also, the next competitor!




#6 - Kid Reed


Kid Reed is in the house, sporting the red hair and a chest protector. He's all fired up, and not afraid to mess with the big boys. For example, he dropkicks The Mack into Famous B, who has scammed his boys from their Warfare tickets.


He avoids Fox and immediately jumps on the ropes. No Cap Splash on Cage! The kid has guts!! One, two, no! This brother really thought he had a chance? Now "The Swolverine" is pissed! Lunges at this boy with anger, but kid ducks it like he's in the Matrix, and Cuerno strikes Cage with a Forearm Smash. Kid flexes his biceps, which is not very prominent, and turns into a Spinning Uppercut from The Mack. Boy flies into the corner... Modified Cannonball! No vest can save you from that a*s. Famous B tells the kid to know his place. This is when Fox is back with a Flying Yakuza Kick! He knows how to hit a Cannonball himself, striking Mack with an innovative Running Moonsault into the corner! Meanwhile Drago is back in action, hitting Cuerno with a Running Flipping DDT! Cuerno lands right on his neck, ugh!


Dante helps Reed get up, interesting. Lucky number seven is next!




#7 - Ryu


"The Wonder Boy" will challenge for the top prize after all! While Ryu is coming down, Cage lariats Dante off the ring and Military Presses Reed to the outside, bombs are thrown!


Then the latest challenger for the Gift of the Gods championship jumps into the ring and fires out of it as quick as a bullet, striking King Cuerno, Reed, and Fox with a Bullet Tope Suicida! Drago nods to Ryu, the dragons have a mutual respect. We're seven men in, but still there were no eliminations. Ryu takes Cuerno to school with some snug body kicks! They had a brief encounter in one Atomicos match by the way.


Mack hits Cage with a Spinning Uppercut and an Exploder Suplex! Adds a Pele Kick, Cage is on the ropes. Mack throws caution to the wind and tackles "The Machine" out of the ring!




Melissa covers her mouth with a hand, and Famous B asks if her "Machine" is insured? Because Mack daddy is! On the other side of the ring Dante gives Reed a pep talk. This is the kid's first time at war, so he tells the boy to do just like him, or he will not last very long. Did he make himself clear? Yes, sir. This is war, and Dante is its general. But who's number 8?




#8 - Masada


Masada comes in slowly, because he carries a bag with all sorts of gimmicks inside. He's a deathmatch guy, after all, and Aztec Warfare has no disqualifications. Sip of beer, the bottle is empty. SMACK!


Masada hits The Mack over the head, this is not a beer bash he expected! Might take a nap now. "The Ultraviolent Beast" is not interested in helping Cuerno manage both dragons on the outside, he wants some REAL ultraviolence. And so his eyes lock on Dante Fox... He calls the resident madman over for a "toast".


Dante gets in the face of Masada, and hits him with an Overhead Kick! Almost knocked the beanie off! Masada is not impressed though, Fox could do better. Hardcore legend knocks Reed down to Earth with a stiff Lariat, Kid pings off like a ball. Driving Big Boot in Dante's face!! Masada picks Reed and throws him right on Fox with a Masadamizer! Doesn't pin them there, instead punching Fox repeatedly in the head. He draws the first blood in this contest, and also unveils what he has in his pocket... SKEWERS!! Fox has that "oh crap'' look on his face. BAM! Pushes them right into Dante's head!!






Looks cool, but doesn't look very fun for Dante! Especially when Masada looks to end him with a Sheerdrop Brainbuster!! Fox hits him in the eyes and nopes out. That's a tactical retreat, not running away.


So who's next?




#9 - The White Rabbit


It's not Santa Claus, but ho-ho-ho, things just got serious! TICK TOCK! It's time to pay the toll!


The White Rabbit looks like he wants to tear Drago's tongue off, but instead just drops him face first on the floor. Irish whips Ryu into the chairs, no regard for human life!


Reed stumbles down after some heavy blows from Masada, and he walks right onto Doomsday Saito on the floor! Huge Exploder Suplex on Cuerno, The White Rabbit has a mean streak a mile wide. Cage shakes off the damage suffered after that bump out of the ring, and he rises up to challenge the man who pinned him during the Gauntlet for The Gauntlet! Two big men are trading heavy blows now! Forearms are flying, and other competitors suffer collateral damage. Distractions aside, it is a barnburner of a brawl! Cage stops The White Rabbit with a Running One Arm Neckbreaker, and turns into a Kickback Moonsault from Dante Fox! The soldier gets too cocky, because The Mack returns and hits him with a Stunner!! Masada takes a chair to the ring and takes a seat, appreciating all the violence.


We hit the equator of the Aztec Warfare!




#10 - Sammy Guevara


"The Best Ever" is so full of himself, he talks about how well this number fits him, because he's a total number ten! Superkicks Mack on his way to the ring and shows a bird to Famous B, who once tried to lock the boy down to a contract for 7 years.


Sammy is not the sharpest tool in the shed, so he takes a chair and sits right across Masada. What for, to shoot a vlog? Probably, and also some beers. Ok, Masada gives him one, cheers. Sammy gets the can and starts gulping, then spits it out in Masada's face... It's dark!! You stupid son of a gun, of course Masada likes dark beer. Punches the idiot flush in his face, that should be a knockout. To make a joke out of it, Masada picks up Sammy's iPhone and makes a memorable photo for Guevara. WTF, where's the 'back' button?


It's all fun and games, but the war continues. Who will be number 11?




#11 - Aerostar


The man from the Astros runs down to save his best friend from the vile King Cuerno. He tried to choke Drago out with the cord, but Aerostar cut that stuff short. Also working together now are Cage and The Mack... they finally agree that they're even and need to work together if they want to have a chance at the title.


The White Rabbit starts talking with Masada. They wouldn't mind hitting each other, but that little Sammy chap has a very punchable face. The leader of The Rabbit Tribe gets out his wristwatch and starts rocking it back and forth, to hypnotize Guevara. Sammy spits in his face, and this time not with blood! Stupid! The dominant male picks up Guevara and sends him into the corner with a Straightjacket Suplex! Masada joins in on the fun and face washes the guy in the corner, busting his mouth. Got any more skewers?


Fox meanwhile didn't waste his time, getting himself the higher ground. Looks like he has some flashbacks, remembering how "The Hell of War" ended for him. Still, this is his best chance...






Those who were not affected by that bomb are simply shell shocked! People are rocking back and forth, and Reed swears right into the camera. The guy who looked out for him just threw himself down! That's courage, that's bravery. Reed wants to replicate the moment, flying into the ring with a Springboard Cutter on The White Rabbit, but gets caught in a Bar Arm Sleeper!! Jumping right into the trap, Kid taps out quickly! Finally we have the first elimination.


"Kid Reed has been eliminated!" - announces Melissa Santos.


The White Rabbit rises up, while luchadors, Cage and Mack are all trying to get up after Dante's aerial assault. Guevara was one of the few in the ring, so he catches The White Rabbit off guard and plants his face into the Aztec seal with a Curb Stomp! Sammy hooks the leg and dangles his feet, desperate to get his one, but no! The leader of the Rabbit Tribe stays in it! He stands up with eyes bulging out of the orbits.


Ryu and King Cuerno continue to settle their problems outside of the ring. Ryu blasts Cuerno with a Ripcord Knee and lets out a warrior's scream! He is watched by someone in the crowd, Suicide! Can't eat popcorn with that mask. And the next guy is...




#12 - TJ Perkins


Just as TJP runs out to the ring, the cameraman spots a mysterious figure on the blacony. The new boss is watching from above? He lights up a cigar at least.


"The Fil-Am Flash" drops Ryu with a Megabuster Neckbreaker, and jumps in the ring to give his boys an advantage. Aerostar is propped up on the top rope, Sammy and Dante look ready to C4 Aerostar, but here's Cage! He stops both guys and prepares to powerbomb all three from underneath! BAM!! The Tower of Doom falls down, Cage was designed to destroy and dominate! But his flexing is cut short, as The White Rabbit pulls his ankles from behind and smacks them with a chair across the ring post!


Mack daddy with a Lou Thesz Press on Masada. Ryu hits "The Tollman" with a Somersault Plancha, saving Cage! We're going crazy! TJ catches Ryu with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Sweet revenge for denying him the opportunity to fight Low-Ki. The Mack rolls in the action and hits an MDX Corner Clothesline on TJP. He's feeling froggy!! Famous B marks out, hit him again!


Time to unveil the unlucky number 13!




#13 - Sexy Star


Wait a minute... That's Sexy Star, but without a mask! She's jogging down the steps and kicks some fellas on the floor. The Mack has a question mark for an eyebrow, and then the woman enters the ring and jumps for a hug. What in the blue hell? The fighters leave the two at it.


"Mack, it's me! Don't you remember me? I am... Sexy Star!"


The Mack shakes his head and says that Sexy Star is dead. To him, and to his people... STUNNER!!! The madman stuns her and covers the lady to score the second elimination in this match! Don't trust anybody!!


"Sexy Star has been eliminated..." - announces Melissa Santos.


What a fall from grace that is, an embarrassing return to The Temple. The Mack can only shrug, he's not sorry. Sexy has a tantrum on the outside and punches the apron in anger. She will not let that slide!


Number 14 is on its way...




#14 - Nightclaw


The descendent of the Jaguar Tribe is perched up on top of El Jefe's office. But unlike Fox, he does not jump head first into the action. He does it with his back turned on the opposition!






The believers start another"HOLY S#!T" chant and we can't blame them! Nightclaw even caught Sexy on his way down, and landed softly on his feet! He crashed into Drago and Aerostar, only this time it was on purpose. King Cuerno wastes no time, and picks Drago up for The Thrill of The Hunt. One, two, three... from number four, to number fourteen, it was a good run.


"Drago has been eliminated..."


Aerostar gets in the face of Nightclaw, and he is superkicked in the face! The black panther is not hiding his colors now! Ryu gets distracted with that argument and completely misses a Poisonrana from Sammy! Pops back to his feet, but here's Dante with a Fox Catcher! Finally, a Frog Splash from TJP! Only by ganging up on Ryu could they eliminate "The Dragon"! The trio celebrates obnoxiously, with Perkins yelling that he'll win Aztec Warfare just like Prince Puma! Suicide leaves the bleachers...


"Ryu has been eliminated..."




#15 - Texano


Don't get too cocky, lads! "The Blue Collar Brawler" comes out much to Famous B's joy, and he looks ready to swing!


With the bull rope at his hands, Texano runs in like a mad man and wallops The White Rabbit, Cuerno, Cage, and Masada! Famous B talks mad trash to everyone, and together with The Mack, they clean the house! Ripcord Elbow to Dante, a Leg Lariat to Guevara, and now there is only TJP left. Mack and Texano play tennis with his head... Knee Lift into a Fireman Carry Neckbreaker! Nightclaw steps down in the shadows, avoiding contact. Guevara gets POUNCED out of the ring by The Mack but adjusts mid flight and takes The White Rabbit down with a Spaceman Plancha! Just how?


Famous B hurls insults at Sammy, who now climbs up the steel beam structure. Masada pulls him down by the leg, sitting him in an Electric Chair position. Aerostar thinks of something otherworldly and walks the third rope from one turnbuckle to another and twirls in the air to Crossbody Guevara, who counters with a Moonsault Fallaway Slam! He's ridiculous!!


Famous B taps on Masada's shoulder and gives him his card, saying that he can make him famous if he helps Tey-hano win the Warfare! Masada smirks, and tells the guy to wait. He leans into his magic bag for some tools... a stapler? Comes back to Famous B, takes the card and STAPLES IT INTO B's DO-RAG!!! Oh my God!! B flops like a fish out of the pond.


Number 16 is?




#16 - Puma King


Another descendent of the Jaguar Tribe? Nightclaw keeps watching Puma King as he enters the ring. This cat has a clear interest in TJP, who repeatedly called himself the real Prince Puma. And so now the real Puma hits TJP with a Thrill of The Kill for a huge elimination!! Cuerno saw that!


"TJ Perkins has been eliminated!!" - confirms Melissa.


Puma King poses for the fans and brushes the feathers off his shoulders. Nightclaw slides in and the cats roll out of the ring, clawing and scratching like it's mating season. King Cuerno pulls Puma King from Nightclaw and throws him back into the ring. Comedically, Puma continues to roll around the ring until he's out on the other side, where he meets Aerostar. Puma teases Cuerno, who gets up for his biggest move, The Arrow From The Depths Of Hell... CAGE CATCHES HIM MID FLIGHT AND POWERS HIM INTO THE DRILL CLAW ON THE FLOOR! HE'S DONE!!


"King Cuerno has been eliminated!!" - exhales Cage's wife.


Cuerno showed impressive resilience in this match, and if he wasn't seriously hurt, perhaps he could have been one of the finalists. But now, it's time for another entrant!!




#17 - James Storm


"The Cowboy" makes his entrance on a modified lawnmower, and he has some beers in the freezer. Stops by Masada to refuel the guy and mocks crying Famous B with his signature line.


"Sorreh, about your DAAAAAAMN luck!!"


Mack and Texano nod to each other and simultaneously jump over the top rope with Tope Con Hilos to humble both men! This is awesome! The brawl continues, and they are swinging extra hard! Masada sets up a table, and immediately it gets broken! But how?


Nightclaw was looking for a Springboard Moonsault on the brawling crowd, but Aerostar thwarted his jump with a Top Rope 619!! Puma King roared and jumped over Claw with a Sunset Flip Bomb, putting him through the table!! Amazing stuff, and another elimination!


"Nightclaw has been eliminated!"


Next luchador is about to come out...




#18 - Bandido


And who's that? The man with a huge sombrero and smoking guns in his hand sides down the rails and decks Cage in the face! What a cool way to make an entrance!


Aerostar smiles in the ring and calls this man over, dropping down on all fours to build a "trampoline" for this gunslinger. Bandido takes the offer and takes out all the cowboys in the land with a gracious Swanton!! Dante Fox ducked that one, and threw Puma King back into the ring. Curb Stomp from Sammy! He jumps on the top rope and signals the end for "The Coolest Cat In The Building''... 630 Splash! He pins Puma by hooking his pants, and celebrates his elimination a bit too hard.


Sammy gets too much of his tongue out, and The White Rabbit doesn't let him slip away this time!! Down The Rabbit's Hole he goes! Now The White Rabbit goes after Cage, who's low on fuel.


"Puma King and Sammy Guevara have been eliminated..."


The penultimate entrant is seconds away from jumping in.




#19 - Martina


"Session Moth" couldn't miss a party like this one! Can she do better than Sexy Star? She drops the cigarette on the floor and pours the dropped beers on herself, psyching up for Aztec Warfare!


James Storm hits a Last Call Superkick on the lass! That calmed her down. Nobody bothers to pin Martina, which is strange. Dante looks around, realizing that all his friends are dead again. He's on his own, and he will probably be gone soon. But who will he take with him? Masada! He just got floored by Texano, so Fox gets the chair from under the ring, gets on the top rope and jumps down with an Arabian Facebuster on Masada! Surely that works to send the boozer-bruiser home!


"Masada has been eliminated!" - confirms Santos.


Fox cusses out in pain, his tailbone must be cracked! Mack loudly says "shiiiit" cause he knows that Dante is in pain. But he stops by Martina, all wet and angry. He asks if she knows Marty "The Moth"? Yes? STUNNER! Traditions have to be maintained, Mack loves to stun 'The Moth'!


The timer is ticking for the last time now. Number 20 is here!




#20 - Ryback


The last entrant is heavily booed by the believers! They certainly didn't want Ryback to be the last man in. Aerostar and Bandido react to his entrance, talking about it among themselves. Do they have a plan on how to beat that powerhouse? Ryback slaps himself on the head and tells everyone to wake up!! First thing first, he decks The Mack, picks up Martina and the MVP of the match, Dante Fox.


Both are on his shoulders... and are SHELLSHOCKED!


"Dante Fox and Martina have been eliminated!"


Double trouble! Just like that, Dante is out. What a performance from number three! Not so great for Martina, who entered just a few minutes ago. Aerostar and Bandido talk among each other, understanding that the end game has begun. Who will be the last man standing? Ryback wants to be fed, and so the bravest of the brave, Texano, rolls in to greet Ryback with some Mexican cuisine.


The mexican whips Ryback in the back with a sandsnake and calls his mother a bad word, which pops the fans, but not "The Big Guy"! He catches the bull rope and pulls Texano in for a Short Arm Clothesline! Famous B pours some beer on The Mack, so he could feel the powah and save his golden goose. Ryback picks up Texano on his shoulders, but Storm smashes him in the mug! He wants to end Texano himself...


Eye of The Storm! Ryback gets up, tackles Storm, and pins Texano! The greed is real. Meanwhile Cage and The White Rabbit are going at it in the crowd.




"Texano has been eliminated!"


Famous B has been on an emotional rollercoaster, but losing Texano is tough. Go get that smug sonuvabitch, Mack! It's the championship round for the fan favorite, and he squares up against a fresher opponent. Elbows, forearms, headbutts, it's all going in, but Ryback is inevitable! He smashes both Storm and The Mack with a Double Clothesline and beats his own chest like a gorilla. Bandido seizes the opportunity and hits a 450 on Storm! Ryback pulls Bandido away by the leg and pins good ol' James by putting a foot on his chest!




James Storm has been eliminated!


One the outside, The White Rabbit discover a brick. He has a maniacal moment and crashes it over Cage's head!! Brutal, Cage drops down like he was shut down, and The White Rabbit laughs. Melissa calls for the medics, who come around and quickly deploy "The Swoleverine" on the stretcher... he gives us all a big thumbs up, but head trauma is nothing to joke about. The White Rabbit follows Cage for some reason, so Mack is one on one with Ryback now. Middle finger salute, Stunner!! Ryback is sent to the corner, but not to the mats. "The Silverback" rebounds with a Meathook Clothesline that turns Mack inside out. Cover... One, two, three!






"The Mack has been eliminated..."


The believers are running out of their favorites, and Famous B has run out of clients. Better luck next time, if there will be any next time. Mack is a tough bastard, and he deserves nothing but respect for his performance here. People now want Aerostar to win the whole thing, he deserves it! He and Bandido are their last hope. They nod to each other and slide into the ring together, attacking Ryback.


Reminiscent of the 2-on-1 battle with Jake Strong, this one looks bleak. Unless?


Aerostar hits a Deja Vu on Ryback and he falls on the ropes. Bandido puts a bull's eye on Ryback's back... 21 PLEX!! REBOUND GERMAN SUPLEX! HOW DID HE DO THAT?? Aerostar is raising the roof, feeling the taste of victory, but that's when Nightclaw appears to distract "The Spaceman"! Aerostar tells him to go away, turning his back on Bandido, who "pulls a gun on him"!! Gunslinger without a code of honor? Always has been!


ANOTHER 21 PLEX! Bandido nods to Nightclaw and the black panther hops on the top rope... PHOENIX SPLASH!! Bandido mockingly drops down and pins Aerostar, who was duped by the outlaw.




"Aerostar has been eliminated..." - quietly says Melissa Santos.


Nightclaw and Bandido pose in front of the booing believers, they soak it all in. Prideful panther grabs Aerostar and drags him away from the ring like it is going to devour him.


Ryback picks up the mic and screams that no man can stand against a God!! Feed me more!! The White Rabbit, he's talking to you! But no, someone else accepts the challenge.




"I'm not a man... I'm a Machine!!!"


YEEES! Cage walks down the tunnel like a robot, and people start a Terminator clap to give him his energy. This man is unstoppable, but the creature in the ring is immovable. The White Rabbit whistles, and El Bunny runs out with a briefcase that has The Gauntlet!! Rabbit slides in from behind while "The Big Guy" is distracted... AND CRACKS RYBACK IN THE HEAD! Bandido is now stuck between the rock and a hard place... DOOMSDAY SAITO! Cage rolls into the ring and flattens Ryback with a Discuss Lariat!! The White Rabbit wears the Gauntlet and applies a Mandible Claw on Ryback!! Then Cage picks up Bandido... WEAPON X ON THE AZTEC SEAL!! REF COUNTS BOTH MEN... ONE... TWO... THREE!




"Bandido and Ryback have been eliminated!!!" - rejoices Melissa.


This turn of events prompts The Lord to leave his balcony and take a look at the ring. We can barely see his face behind the smoke.


And then there were two... The White Rabbit and The Machine. Cage has entered as number one, and he tells The White Rabbit to bring it. He listens and gets dropped with a Reverse Sliding STO!! Who's betta than Cage?? Moonsault off the ropes, The White Rabbit blocks with his knees! He slowly improves his position to lock Cage in a Chickenwing! But his shoulders are down!


One, two, uh-uh!




The White Rabbit rolls over and locks a Sleeper on Cage. People continue with the Terminator chant, and it actually gives "The Machine" some energy. Fights off with a few elbows to the gut, flips him over with a Northern Lights Suplex!! Cage drops the straps of his singlet, Melissa is losing her mind!




Cage is fighting through pain and reaching for that bottom rope with his last breath... Gets it! Unbelievable resilience by "The Machine"! The White Rabbit pulls Cage away from the ropes, and locks him in the Ankle Lock, targetting his past injury!! It's amazing that Cage is still alive, he's in awful pain... But he swings his hips one last time, forcing The White Rabbit on the ropes! Dialing 818... misses! DOOMSDAY SAITO!! El Bunny jumps from joy!


Cover!! One... two... three! HE GOT IT! The White Rabbit has won the Aztec Warfare!!

In a very good match, The White Rabbit won the Aztec Warfare in 43:04. The other members of the 'final four' were Bandido, Cage and Ryback, with Cage being the final elimination. Ryback got the most eliminations over the course of the match. (C+)




The Lord looks annoyed, but not defeated. He lets out the last cloud of smoke from his lungs and reluctantly congratulates The White Rabbit.


"The Rabbit Tribe has won the Aztec Warfare... Didn't think I would ever say that! That was a bloody good fight, I'll give you that. You are a great fighter, but you're not the best yet. Because Jake Strong is still our Lucha Underground champion! So Mr. White Rabbit, I'm afraid I have some bad news... because the title rematch you have pushed for so long will happen right now!!"


He can't be serious!? This is another daylight robbery and s#ithousery of intergalactic standards! Fans chant 'BS' at their new boss, and here comes the champ, Jake Strong!




He's laughing in our faces! He's slowly coming to the ring, ready to beat the weakend triumphator of The Aztec Warfare...
















































"My name is Dario Cueto... and this is still MY Temple! If anyone can be the boss here, it's me!! And I know how to make my believers happy... MATANZA, GO!!"






Jake Strong shakes his head, he doesn't believe that "The Monster" is here... but he is!! Runs out of the fog and tackles the champion down!! Dario yells instructions to his brother, and he clubs Strong like a maniac! Sends him in the ring steps with force and picks him up for... The Wrath of The Gods!! Jake gasps for air on the floor. Matanza with a Standing Moonsault! He looks stronger than ever, and Piedra Immortal is hanging on his neck. Dario screams that this is WAAAAR and orders his army to take over!


Dozens of Lucha Underground fighters swarm the ring and stomp the champion! Aerostar, Drago, Ryu, Jimmy Yuta, Angelico, Ivelisse, Daga, Famous B, Mack, Texano, Rascalz, Ishii, Sniper Eagle, Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr, Octagon Jr, even Dante Fox and many more unidentified luchadors! And sure enough, The Rabbit Tribe is also here. All this humanity surrounds the ring, forming a wall protecting The Order from getting in! Drago and Aerostar jump in to light Jake Strong with nunchucks and double dropkicks. Mack hits Jake with another Stunner! Angelico puts La Lanza in his chest! Cage stands up and motions a cigar in his mouth, mocking The Lord. "Puts it out" on Strong's back and plants him with a Powerbomb in the middle of the ring... And we have another volunteer!




Pentagon Dark parts the human wall and punts Jake in the head, then grabs his arm... and SNAPS IT! Strong just healed up from his ankle injury, and now his arm is broken. And well, gentlemen. You can't one up Dario Cueto when it comes to double crosses.


Dario screams to ring the bell!! It's time for Jake Strong to pay the toll!




Lucha Underground Championship Match






The White Rabbit vs. Jake Strong ©


The White Rabbit could just pin Strong, but he waited for "The Savage" to stand up. DOOMSDAY SAITO!! One, two, three... We have a new Lucha Underground champion!

In an extremely short match, The White Rabbit defeated Jake Strong by pinfall with a Doomsday Saito. The White Rabbit wins the Lucha Underground championship.

Paul London picks up the title and gives it to "The Tollman"! The era of The White Rabbit has begun and The Lord flees! Matt Striker and Excalibur thanks everyone for joining, see you all soon!




The Temple is rocking, but not everyone is happy. The Order is in a frenzy, and The Lord's right hand man Agent Winter is at a loss of words.


They have been breached, Dario Cueto is alive, and Matanza is running alive in the wild. How could this all happen? Agent freaks out quite a bit, but then he's approached by Low-Ki, who has just seen the boss. "The Professional" informs his teacher that The Order will have an emergency meeting in the limo. Low-Ki says that the car is waiting from the other side, and he recommends the agent to hurry up, because Tezcatlipoca is in a bad mood. Winter moves out immediately and quickly jumps into the limo. He got in it quick, nobody yet. Winter is sweating bullets, he is not looking forward to the meeting.


He sits in the car for a good minute and checks the time. The Rolex on his wrist is freaking out, arrows running around the dial plate. What in the... Winter tries to get out, but the door is jammed. He can't open it! Both sides are sealed, and Winter realizes that he is trapped! Tries to kick the tinted windows out, no luck. Low-Ki is watching his teacher trying to escape and presses the button of the detonator. The limo BLOWS UP and goes in flames, with the smoke rising up to the obsidian sky!! The Order has another change in management. Low-Ki picks up the phone, calls Antonio Cueto, and asks him to pass their boss some info.




"Mission accomplished. The target has been eliminated... professionally."




To Be Continued...



Final Rating: 68/100 (C+)

This show has increased our popularity in 17 regions.


Thanks for reading Aztec Warfare V! Now I will take a break from active writing. Will post in a few days about the prediction contest. See ya then!


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Now THAT was a major LU show! Really felt like watching the actual thing, from the in-ring action and how characters were portrayed to the twists and turns of the story. You have a solid grasp on what LU has been all about and as one who's gone through the pain of meticulously writing multi-man matches myself, I know how hard it can be and wholly congratulate you on pulling this off. Time off well earned and deserved!
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<p>Killshot's Shooting Range Results</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="9Mk6eM0.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9Mk6eM0.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Killshot's Shooting Range Results</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Congratulations to kanegan on taking the 'Sniper Elite' title! </p><p> </p><p> He wins a 'Unique Opportunity' which I will PM him about soon. Kijar and DarK_Raider also get the recognition for their activity, and should check the inbox for their consolation prizes <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5oZiTWm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5oZiTWm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="8RCyr44.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8RCyr44.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;">1st place - </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>kanegan</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <em>23 Kills out of 38 Shots - 60.53% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="gAgdht8.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gAgdht8.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="0HVKYk6.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0HVKYk6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;">2nd place - </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Kijar</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <em>20 Kills out of 39 Shots - 51.28% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="eLppjbN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eLppjbN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5DpldMX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5DpldMX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;">3rd place - </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DarK_RaideR</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <em>13 Kills out of 19 Shots - 68.42% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="TA668gP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TA668gP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="wKoMLdX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wKoMLdX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;">4th place - </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>The Lloyd</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <em>3 Kills out of 9 Shots - 33.33% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Now THAT was a major LU show! Really felt like watching the actual thing, from the in-ring action and how characters were portrayed to the twists and turns of the story. You have a solid grasp on what LU has been all about and as one who's gone through the pain of meticulously writing multi-man matches myself, I know how hard it can be and wholly congratulate you on pulling this off. Time off well earned and deserved!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the kind words, man! Awesome to see that you approved the show!</p><p> </p><p> I've been rewatching LU a lot, and everytime I find something new and cool about it. Doing these updates is almost as fun as watching the show, and I always have a blast coming up with new stuff for it. The "what ifs?" are too good to resist! Writing Aztec Warfare has been an interesting experience, and in the future I will write similar matches well ahead of the time. Lately I have been slipping on my deadlines, but without those I would not keep up for so long. And yes, now it's time for me to sit back and enjoy other projects, plus watch something different. I don't know how long this "hiatus" will take, but I really want to slack off on the weekends a bit <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Thanks for following the diary! Now I will grant myself permission to be relieved of duty.</p>
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Fantastic show mate. Great main event and the writing was top notch. I can't even think of writing something like this and White Rabbit won, I am so happy.


Thank you! For all the kind words and participating. Glad that you enjoyed the show, and approve the new LU champion. :cool:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Lucha Underground Championship History




Lucha Underground Title History




Lucha Underground Championship



<div style="padding: 2px; border: 2px solid #dc143c; margin:2px;background: #dddddd; max-width:75%;";">



The White Rabbit



Won his 1st title at



Previous Champions



Jake Strong
- 4 title defences


Pentagon Dark
(x2) - 0 title defences


Marty "The Moth" Martinez
- 1 title defence


Pentagon Dark
- 6 title defences


Prince Puma
(x2) - 0 title defences


Johnny Mundo
- 4 title defences


Sexy Star
- 0 title defences


- 10 title defences


- 0 title defences


Mil Muertes
- 2 title defences


Prince Puma
- 8 title defences





Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods Championship



<div style="padding: 2px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:2px;background: #dddddd; max-width:75%;";">






Won his 1st title at
, had 3 title defences



3) versus
at S05E19


2) versus
Paul London
at S05E09


1) versus
at S05E03


Previous Champions



Jake Strong
- 0 title defences




Marty "The Moth" Martinez
- 0 title defences


Dragon Azteca Jr.
- 3 title defences




Pentagon Dark
- 0 title defences




Johnny Mundo
- 0 title defences


Sexy Star
- 2 title defences




- 0 title defences


Chavo Guerrero Jr.
- 0 title defences




(x2) - 0 title defences


King Cuerno
- 0 title defences


- 0 title defences






Lucha Underground Trios Championship



<div style="padding: 2px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:2px;background: #dddddd; max-width:75%;";">



The Order


Black Taurus
Hexagon Dark
Taya Valkyrie



Won their 1st titles at
, had 2 title defences



2) versus
Perros del Mal
The Hybrid Flow
at S05E20


1) versus
The Rascalz
at S05E12



Previous Champions




The Reptile Tribe
Jeremiah Snake
Kobra Moon
) - 3 title defences


Son Of Havoc
The Mack
- 2 title defences


Dante Fox
The Mack
- 0 title defences


The Reptile Tribe
) - 0 title defences


- 2 title defences


The Worldwide Underground
Jack Evans
Johnny Mundo
PJ Black
) - 1 title defence


Dragon Azteca Jr.
Prince Puma
Rey Mysterio Jr
. - 1 title defence


Son Of Havoc
(x2) - 1 title defence


The Disciples Of Death
Barrio Negro
El Siniestro de la Muerte
) - 0 title defences


Son Of Havoc
- 2 title defences



A little info about Aztec gold! Click on the arrows to expand. Don't click on the arrows if you don't want to see any spoilers.


Decided to make an update since I don't want the diary to be "filtered out". A month has passed since the last comment, time is a fleeting thing!


I'm currently working on the general direction of the dynasty, preparing for the worthy finale. Can't promise any shows in the near future, hope you understand!

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  • 1 month later...

<p>Hey buddy!</p><p>

Caught up your diary, and it was a hell of a ride!</p><p> </p><p>

Some characters growth is top notch. A bit sad at Perros not lasting, but Penta is gonna be a major thing</p><p>

Loved the Aztec Warfare, it's always such a hard match to book but you did a great job in my opinion. The ending was fantastic, and the war between Dario's army and the Gods is gonna be glorious!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BigJ" data-cite="BigJ" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey buddy!<p> Caught up your diary, and it was a hell of a ride!</p><p> </p><p> Some characters growth is top notch. A bit sad at Perros not lasting, but Penta is gonna be a major thing</p><p> Loved the Aztec Warfare, it's always such a hard match to book but you did a great job in my opinion. The ending was fantastic, and the war between Dario's army and the Gods is gonna be glorious!</p></div></blockquote><p> Great to have you back BigJ! Glad that you like the first part!</p><p> </p><p> Thank you for all the kind words, I hope the second part delivers as well. I do not know when the diary will return exactly, but something interesting may be on the cards very soon <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Also a big thank you to everyone that helped this thread win in 3 June 2021 DOTM segments, it still warms my heart <3</p>
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  • 1 month later...



Hello everyone!


Sorry for an off topic post, but in case there are a few subscribers for this thread who don't know about the Azteca/Fuison project I'm currently building up alongside Kanegan, we've already put up a few shows.


The reason I am giving youa heads up is because the events of Azteca are affected by what's about to happen in the second part of this diary.


Just wanted to clarify this part and thanks everyone who have been following here. ;)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wait, so you're gonna do a crossover?!?!? <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> Yes, something like that. Azteca is written with respect to the future happenings here. The original plan was to finish the story here and then make a solo MLW diary later, but Kanegan proposed a collab which sounded more interesting <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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