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Episode 5 Preview


Lucha Underground S05E05 Preview


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Talking quickly about the upcoming ladder match between El Dragon Azteca Junior and Pentagon Dark! Feel free to pick a winner, or share any thoughts about this storyline. I welcome all feedback, and looking forward to episode number 5!


By the way, if you have enjoyed the graphic novels I did earlier, you can get them all in one place here.


Comic-styled episodes will make their return next week, to mix up the content a little bit. Have a good end of the week, fellas!

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<p>S05E05 - The Symbol of Life</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="53XnCBJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/53XnCBJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Lucha Underground</span></span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Season 5, Episode 5</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">"The Symbol of Life"</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Pentagon Dark</strong> is training for his big match. To do that, he throws darts at the wall, where Vampiro’s face looks back at him.</p><p> </p><p> The words of that traitor still echo in his head… is he really just a puppet doll in the hands of The Order? Was he manipulated to do the dirty work all this time? Could they really break him once more, like Matanza did, and could he recover without anyone to take care of him? Pentagon has made a lot of enemies over the years, and burned a lot of bridges, but here was the new path in front of him. An even darker path that can give him more power. Pentagon remembers how miserable his life was when he had no support from the Gods. He lost all his matches and nobody respected him.</p><p> </p><p> Perhaps there’s no other choice for him but to join The Order, they are one step ahead of him, time and time again... Pentagon picks up the <a href="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/zewAAOSwiYFXFW5Q/s-l300.jpg" rel="external nofollow">oyabun knife</a> and throws it at the wall, right into the eye of his ex-mentor. Revenge is a luxury he CAN afford!</p><p> </p><p> ***</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Striker</strong> and <strong>Excalibur</strong> once again welcome us to the show, shouting out </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dQS4rLxZeDA?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="terminal a - exile"></iframe></div></div> for doing them a favor and warming the crowd up! For what? Ha! We have a ladder match between El Dragon Azteca Junior and Pentagon Dark!<p> </p><p> <img alt="1IrCiq2.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1IrCiq2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="SP2drc5.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SP2drc5.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> - Two of the very best luchadores we have here are put against each other in what promises to be an all-out match! I can't wait!</p><p> - Yes, Matt, me too! It is a huge match made even bigger by the special stipulation. The only question is - how prepared is Pentagon Dark? He didn't look his best in his last match.</p><p> - I have a medical report claiming that Pentagon's vision is almost back to 100%. The question I have is different - how much damage can Dragon Azteca take, given that he was rocked hard by Marty and Jeremiah last week, as well as Pentagon himself when we made our return?</p><p> - El Dragon Azteca is as tough as they come, he's a fighter with a big heart. I have no reason to think he will hold back tonight.</p><p> - Neither will Pentagon! We will have more time to talk about that match but now, let's go to the ring with the beautiful and talented <strong>Shaul Guerrero</strong>!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="1cqD8f2.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1cqD8f2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> "<em>The following lucha is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, already in the ring... he comes from the Heavens... ARGENIS!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Argenis</strong> fixes his mask and waits for his opponent. He had a few matches in Lucha Underground, but didn't win any... perhaps his bad break will come to a close tonight?</p><p> </p><p> "<em>...and his opponent, accompanied by Vampiro... from Monte del Diablo… HEXAGON DARK!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> Excalibur and Striker discuss the unusual residence of Hexagon Dark, the Mountain of the Devil, and wonder what <strong>Vampiro</strong> is doing here. Certainly not commentating! He looks all kinds off bad too...</p><p> </p><p> "<em>This is the first time we will see Hexagon Dark in singles action, and I really don’t know what to expect. This young man is a total mystery, little is known about his upbringing. His associate and my ex-friend Vampiro is not here to fill in the gaps, but even if he was there, I doubt he would tell us much! Just look at his face - he's clearly not in a good place at the moment.</em>"</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="ARW2phn.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ARW2phn.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="g56fBDr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/g56fBDr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="1g1AMXy.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1g1AMXy.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Hexagon Dark</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Argenis</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> Hexagon gets the feel off the ropes and it is quite apparent that Argenis towers over him. This does not seem to confuse the darker luchadore, who ducks and dodges every shot and Moonsualt that gets thrown his way. Argenis may not be the quickest luchador in The Temple, but to see him miss everything is quite fascinating. Hexagon mocks his opponent with his superior agility...</p><p> </p><p> Crossbody block misses again, but Argenis readjusts and cradles Hexagon. Kick out at one, and a swift kick to the head! Now he’s getting serious. The audacity of Argenis to roll Hexagon backfires, and now the man from the Heavens is going through hell. Mexican Destroyer! Standing Corkscrew Moonsault and a cover, Argenis kicks out… perhaps a mistake, as now Vampiro walks up closer to the ring to distract the referee. He left a railroad spike on the edge of the ring, and would you know it – Hexagon drives it into Argenis’ face!!</p><p> </p><p> The stab tore the white mask, and it will turn red any second now. Hexagon rebounds off the ropes with a Twisting Cutter and signalizes for the finish. He jumps on the top rope and with little effort executes a Corkscrew Shooting Star Press! Hexagon makes a statement with this victory, letting everybody know that his size is not a weakness, but an advantage.</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div>In a match that had solid in-ring action, but not much in the way of heat, <strong>Hexagon Dark</strong> defeats <strong>Argenis</strong> in 3:24 by pinfall with a Hexagon Press. (<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D</span></strong>)</div></div><div><p></p></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p> Hexagon walks over to his fallen rival and rips the mask some more to further humiliate the loser. He is then stabbed in the exposed forehead, again and again! Hexagon takes a step back, raises his arms and we experience a brief blackout. Aregnis has been sacrificed!</p><p> </p><p> "<em>The sacrificial stab is reminiscent of Pentagon's ritual of breaking arms, so maybe this is a message to the man who has no fear!</em>" - comments Matt.</p><p> </p><p> Talk of the devil! When the lights are back, <strong>Pentagon Dark</strong> is standing behind Vampiro! How's it going, <em>Ian</em>? Penta puts his hand on Vamp's shoulder... Superkick!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="WQAHVGd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WQAHVGd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="bs24GJV.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bs24GJV.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Pentagon looks ready to fight and he's asking Hexagon to throw a shot at him. Instead, Hexagon jumps off the ring and leaves the scene, ignoring all the insults thrown at him.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>¿Quieren que me una a su facción, perras? La respuesta es no. En cuanto al Dragón Azteca Jr... pronto se unirá a su buen amigo Prínce Puma, ya que yo no voy a ninguna parte, hijos de putos!! Porque yo soy Pentagon Dark y CERO MIEDOOOOO!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> Pentagon says that he's not going anywhere and puts his leg on Vampiro's head. Not so fast… if Hexagon doesn’t want to get his ass handed to him, this traitor will. Pentagon positions Vampiro for the sacrifice... CRANK!! How's that for a sacrifice? People chant for Pentagon, he will be the clear fan favorite in tonight's main event! Vampiro writhes in pain and crawls back to his mentor, who is not bothered. </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>***</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong>Antonio Cueto</strong> watched that sacrifice from his office, not an ideal situation. El Jefe is not panicking though, just turns his attention to <strong>Jake Strong</strong> and <strong>Low-Ki</strong>, who sit in front of his desk.</p><p> </p><p> He praises both men for a 'show' they have put in front of the believers earlier. But they should keep their alliance in secret, nobody should know they are a part of the same group. Jake says that's all fine, but he wants some fresh meat, he is hungry. As Jake slams his fist on the table, <strong>Angelico</strong> barges into the room and demands a rematch against Low-Ki, as he was attacked backstage before their title match two weeks ago. Low-Ki turns his head to Angelico, and says he would beat him anyway. El Jefe stops the argument.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="hyBOEK5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hyBOEK5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="bh04Gy2.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bh04Gy2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="TbqFCg6.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TbqFCg6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="B3qJ3RR.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/B3qJ3RR.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> - Angelico, you can't just walk in like this and ask for another chance! You have lost, so be a good little boy and go to the end of the line. We have enough people deserving a chance before you. Besides, I'm in the middle of something with these gentlemen.</p><p> - I'm not going anywhere until I get my match, Cueto. I need to know who attacked me, because this can't go on any longer.</p><p> - What if that was ME, pretty boy?</p><p> </p><p> Jake Strong stands up and stares down Angelico, who's not short himself. The teen idol fixes his hair and says that they might have a problem then.</p><p> </p><p> - And what are you gonna do about it?</p><p> - Well, I might kick your ugly face in and take your title away without capturing the Gift of the Gods... how does that sound?</p><p> - That sounds hilarious. I would snap your ankle in a few seconds!</p><p> </p><p> Antonio says that's a great idea! Jake will break Angelico's leg, so he could go back into the hospital, where he has spent most of his Lucha Underground career. Besides, they will find out who can beat Angelico faster - Low-Ki or our Lucha Underground champion. Angelico smirks, and says their <em>swagger</em> will cost them big time. He leaves, with Jake telling him to not break his ankle on his way to the ring... they will wrestle next! Cueto rubs his hands together, and says he can't wait! Low-Ki excuses himself - he needs to take care of some important buinsess.</p><p> </p><p> When everyone leaves, Jefe puts the briefcase on the table, snickering. Something for Pentagon and Azteca to fight for...</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>***</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="2Viru9B.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2Viru9B.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>Far away from the Temple, <strong>Cage</strong> is jogging across a peaceful neighborhood. Judging by the light, it’s early in the morning, and normal people still sleep. But not "The Machine"! He’s up since 4 AM to get more training and cardio. Cage slows down and checks the mail… lots of bills, some junk advertisement, and an old school, hand-written letter. Who writes letters anymore? Only old people. This one is from Antonio Cueto, and it has a Lucha Underground seal on it. Being sure that this letter is addressed to him, Cage opens it up and starts reading.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>"<em>Melissa,</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> The Temple is missing its best and most beautiful ring announcer. Shaul Guerrero is yelling so loud that my head hurts, and I don’t trust Guerreros one bit. Consider this an invitation back, everything is ready for your return. Come home, we all miss you. But don’t bring your meathead husband with you...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Sincerely,</em></p><p><em> Papa Cueto</em>"</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Cage is furious! Papa Cueto!?? Melissa gets an invitation BEFORE him!? And on top of all this, she gets a direction to leave him behind? Cage tears the letter and says '<em>Just you wait, old man!</em>' before punching down the mailbox in anger.</p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> We come back to Angelico making his way to the ring. He feels better, but still favors his ankle. He claps hands with the people and looks ready to take the fight to the beast that is Jake Strong.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>And his opponent, he's from Perry, Oklahoma. The longest reigning Lucha Underground champion... JAKE STRONG!!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> The champion is showered in boos, but such reactions don't phase him one bit. He's focused on his opponent, and one could predict that this will not be a long match... Jake drops the Gauntlet in the corner, and we're all ready to go.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><img alt="zyGlZQC.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zyGlZQC.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Non-Title Match</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="BZYEVKo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BZYEVKo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="g56fBDr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/g56fBDr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="FrUmYV7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/FrUmYV7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Angelico</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Jake Strong</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> Lock up! Jake easily outpowers Angelico, and biels him into the corner! Goes after him, but Angelico goes between his legs, hits the ropes, ducks the clothesline, and hits the champ with a Pele Kick! No effect. Jake just fixes his hair and offers Angelico a 'test of strength', but the underdog invites him to the mat instead. He's staying on his back, teasing Jake.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>Not sure if this is a good idea, given that Jake Strong is a prolific amateur wrestler!</em>" - remarks Excalibur.</p><p> </p><p> But Angelico is no dummy, and as it soon becomes apparent, a real technician with a superb submission defense! He makes Jake look sluggish and kip ups back to his feet. Making Negro Navarro proud with his chain wrestling skills! Angelico fixes his hair too, looking very smug. Don't make the savage angry! Takedown attempt is successful, Strong smothers the heartthrob across the mat, never breaking up his bear hug, now looking for a german suplex... Angelico overrotates and stuns Strong with a Shuri Knee! Sunset flip is blocked, Jake powers Angelico back on his feet and sends him to the corner with an Overhead Belly to Belly suplex!!</p><p> </p><p> Champion hits his heart while yelling 'STRONG!' and almost squashes Angelico with a Vader Bomb - the lighter man rolls out of harm's way and soccer kicks Jake's head!</p><p> </p><p> Angelico has momentum now. Hits the champion with a running forearm into the corner, and looks to repeat that move, but Strong catches him and PLANTS him on the mat with a Powerslam! Jake then undercuts his opponent with a chop block. Striker says that Jake can punish Angelico with brute strength and awkwardness, but instead he looks to submit the crowd favorite with his signature Ankle Lock. Angelico valiantly fights off with his good leg, and Capoeira Kicks Jake in the jaw... but the hold is still on! Angelico does not want to tap out, but it is also stupid not to, considering his history of injuries.</p><p> </p><p> But wait a second, it's <strong>CAGE</strong>! Cage sprints to the ring and hits Jake with a Discuss Clothesline to break up the hold, and gift Jake a DQ victory!!</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div>In a match that had some good wrestling and average heat from the crowd, <strong>Jake Strong</strong> defeated <strong>Angelico</strong> in 5:27 by DQ after Cage made an interference. (<strong><span style="color:#F4A460;">C-</span></strong>)</div></div><div><p></p></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p> <img alt="bAX6XZJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bAX6XZJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> The believers are happy to see "The Machine" back! Cage grabs the Gauntlet of the Gods, puts it on his hand, and BLASTS Jake with it!! Angelico looks pissed, but he's in no condition to fight back. He has no other option but to leave. Cage demands a mic and cuts straight to business...</p><p> </p><p> "<em>Antonio Cueto, I just took your animal down! You have made a big mistake by not inviting me back. Guess what? I can show up uninvited and skip the line! And I will take something that was gifted to me a while ago...</em>"</p><p> </p><p> Cage picks up the title and the Gauntlet. After holding both items in his hands, he drops the strap on top of Jake, leaving with the Gauntlet! The believers start a Terminator chant as he takes the steps! Cueto finally leaves his shelter and yells for Shaul to bring him the mic. She is caught off guard, and Cage walks away before Antonio can even start.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>COME BACK! You better hand that thing over to me!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> El Jefe's threat fall on deaf ears, but he promises to break "The Machine" next week, by any means necessary. As for tonight... the loser of the next match will LEAVE THE TEMPLE FOREVER! An anxious reaction from the fans, they did not expect to hear that. The stakes could not be higher!</p><p> </p><p> "<em>WOAH, the boss is angry! Cage leaves with the coveted Gauntlet, knowing well what powers it holds. He certainly has Antonio's attention now... and we hope we have yours because NEXT, we have a HUGE Ladder match! Pentagon Dark versus El Dragon Azteca Junior, the loser will be BANISHED... DON'T YOU DARE GO AWAY!</em>" - screams Striker.</p><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="M8UDT2e.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/M8UDT2e.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>El Dragon Azteca Jr.</strong> is looking up at the sky from the roof, admiring the beauty of the stars and taking in the full chest of fresh air. He faces his biggest challenge yet, against an opponent that he has faced numerous times in the past. To keep the fight going, he MUST win tonight. He wouldn't mind getting some encouraging words from his friends. But Aerostar and Drago are not here. Suddenly, someone puts the hand on the shoulder of Dragon Azteca. The ghost from the past, the woman on a mission - <strong>Black Lotus</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> - Glad to see you again, these two years have flew by. Do you want to tell me something?</p><p> - Yes, I want to warn you about your upcoming match. Pentagon Dark might still join The Order, him breaking Vampiro's arm could be a false flag.</p><p> - I guess you know better. You were right about King Cuerno before... someone stole his identity, and the man I once knew appears to be gone forever.</p><p> - Maybe I can help you tonight against Pentagon, just like you have helped me kill Matanza. You know that I've put him in his place before...</p><p> - Yes, I remember. But I will not take any shortcuts, I will not tarnish the legacy of my fallen teachers. I will fight with honor!</p><p> - This is not the place to fight with honor, Azteca. Let me help.</p><p> - No. People who get close to me are destined for hardship, and I don't want you to suffer anymore. My mentor, Rey Mysterio, Prince Puma, Cuerno are all gone. I didn't hear from Aerostar and Drago for years too. It is all my curse...</p><p> - In that case, let me take it from you.</p><p> </p><p> Black Lotus kisses Dragon Azteca! This kiss catches the luchador off guard, and before he can react, Lotus tells him to go. Azteca's music can be heard in the distance, his match is about to start. Black Lotus watches as Dragon Azteca walks off, and exhales. She has a very bad feeling about this night... <strong>Low-Ki</strong> sneaks on her from behind and chokes her with a fiber wire! "The Professional" adjusts his earpiece and tells Agent Winter that "<em>Black Lotus has been executed</em>"...</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="vNsEOgu.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vNsEOgu.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="EISPFJf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EISPFJf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> El Dragon Azteca makes his entrance right as Low-Ki is dragging Black Lotus down the stairs.</p><p> </p><p> Azteca is well respected in The Temple, but tonight the believers will support another man, a man with no fear! Pentagon Dark comes out, and he looks ready to do the battle. No sign of weakness for him, which is great. The luchadores have a brief exchange before the match, with Pentagon shoving the "Cero Miedo" gesture in the face of Mysterio’s protege.</p><p> </p><p> Azteca shoves Penta away and both have an intense staredown, butting heads and talking trash. Ring the bell!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="1nfPRKH.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1nfPRKH.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Ladder Match</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="aT017AF.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aT017AF.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="g56fBDr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/g56fBDr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="LHFHSwT.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/LHFHSwT.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Pentagon Dark </strong></span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">vs. </span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>El Dragon Azteca Jr.</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> This war starts with a couple of simple but stiff forearms thrown, both fighters are very stubborn and they fight for the early advantage. Soon enough, Penta smashes Azteca’s chest with a chop heard across the building! He’s lighting it up early, and throws his glove to the official… SHHH! SLAP. We’re in Boyle Heights, but that was not a gunshot.</p><p> </p><p> Penta is control, throws a couple of low kicks that make Dragon do a backflip against his own will. It is smart that Pentagon works over the legs of Azteca, as Dragon Azteca will need them when the ladders will get thrown into the mix, which is right about now. Penta picks up a ladder and drives it straight into Azteca's face! Penta puts the ladder in the corner, but his irish whip is reversed, so he is sent face first into the rusty ladder. Pentagon rolls away from the ring, but Azteca jumps on the apron and leaps off with a Running Dropkick, sending Pentagon into one of the fans! Azteca says that he’s sorry, even though the fan is marking out hard. Low Blow! Pentagon doesn’t care about honor and will use any shortcut in the book to win this all-important match. The fans don’t mind either. Penta stomps on Azteca and throws him into the steps, throwing another ladder into the ring later.</p><p> </p><p> Pentagon puts it up in the middle, looking to get his hands on the briefcase. Not so fast! Azteca looks to swat Penta from the ladder, and a quick Hurricanrana sends the fearless ninja skeleton back down! One-legged dropkick to the back of the head! It pushes Pentagon on the apron. Azteca attempts a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, but Pentagon holds on… misses with a Double Foot Stomp! Azteca then pulls his legs from him, so his nemesis meets the apron with his face. Ouch, not pretty. Azteca is back in the ring, now it’s his time to shine! Run up to the corner, crazy Tope Con Hilo catches Penta off guard!! Azteca gets his hands on the ladders now, throwing two of them on top of Pentagon. He jumps on the announcing desk... Leg Drop on the floor! It must have hurt Azteca as much as his rival, the move looked nasty! Dragon is holding on to his backside, as Penta rolls around the dirty floor.</p><p> </p><p> Dragon picks himself up first and puts a big ladder between the ring and the barricade… the unwritten rule of lucha libre states that someone will go through it, sooner or later! Penta irish whips Dragon again, but he slides under the ladder, then uses it as a springboard to deliver an outrageous DDTJ on the floor!!! That is one of the strongest moves in Azteca’s arsenal, and now he slowly marches back to the ring, to climb his way up. Don't waste your time posing for the fans! Penta grabs Azteca’s leg, not allowing him to go… Enzuigiri for freedom! Climb that ladder, kid, make yourself famous! Azteca slowly climbs up... Pentagon finds some chairs under the ring and starts heaving them at the leader of the Eagle tribe! One such throw catches Azteca good, into the back of his head. He is probably concussed now.</p><p> </p><p> Pentagon rolls back in and puts down Azteca with an Elevated Lungblower!! BRUTAL! BRUTAL! BRUTAL!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="EiqYWeY.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EiqYWeY.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Dragon Azteca can't get up, and Pentagon takes a short breather. The rest is over! Penta grabs a chair and smashes it across Azteca's back so he would stay down. Pentagon knows all about how a broken back can put you out of action for a long time. Azteca is beaten down, but eventually answers with a desperate Dragon Whip to stun Pentagon, who falls down on the second rope. Time for a 619? That would be symbolic. Azteca dedicates a move to his mentor, but misses! Penta catches him with a Superkick and then puts him down with a Pentagon Driver on one of the chairs! Everyone in The Temple winced as Azteca rolled around in agony. Pentagon executed a Punt Kick straight across his shoulder blades to add insult to injury! Penta connects with two Sling Blades and climbs the turnbuckles to deliver a Double Foot Stomp. Azteca rolls out from the ring for safety… TOPE CON HILO from Pentagon Dark!</p><p> </p><p> The underdog grabs a ladder to get some protection, but it doesn’t help him, as Pentagon superkicks DAJ! Sandwiched between the ladder and the cold floor, Azteca finds himself in one precarious position. DOUBLE FOOT STOMP CONNECTS!! Pentagon just jumped off the apron to drive that ladder hard into Azteca’s sternum! WOOOO! Penta enjoys the match so far, and he looks great after his encounter with Vampiro. The fan favorite picks up Azteca and throws him into the wooden chairs! The only thing we miss here is a couple of tables. Believers start chanting for those, and Pentagon shrugs, why the heck not? The table is pulled from under the ring! Azteca braces himself and jumps IN BETWEEN THE TURNBUCKLES FOR ANOTHER TORNADO DDT! How in the world did he do that? Doesn’t matter, Azteca puts Pentagon on the table and takes a climb to the top of the ladder. Another crazy leg drop to the outside incoming? Penta moves out and dropkicks the ladder with everything he has - Azteca falls right into the wooden chairs!! HOLY SHIIIITT!!! That section will not be repaired, and our fans would have to stand on their feet for the remainder of the night. In some sense they are doing that already.</p><p> </p><p> Pentagon catches his breath and throws another ladder in the ring. It’s time to grab the so-called symbol of life and get this match over with. Penta found a big ladder, and it looks stable, but not enough for Penta's liking. That's why he puts one horizontally, to support his climb better. As Pentagon takes one rung at a time, Azteca slowly rises and stumbles back to the ring. He falls on the ladder, making a climb of his own… he catches up with Pentagon, and now they are exchanging some shots at the very top! Overhand chops from Dragon are not pleasant, but they won’t do much harm. Pentagon, on the other hand, goes for the eyes!! Gouges them and takes himself a few inches higher. Penta throws a “Cero Miedo” and calls for something big and risky. The close-up shot of the fans reveals how terrified they are for both luchadores…</p><p> </p><p> But here comes <strong>Marty "The Moth" Martinez</strong>!!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="dSqAmRh.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dSqAmRh.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> This psycho attacks Pentagon with a cast across the back, and he has him in the Powerbomb position... Moth throws Penta outside of the ring through a ladder that was put between the ring and the barricade!! Moth starts laughing hysterically, and he waves Pentagon goodbye. Azteca gets in the face of Martinez.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>This is my fight!! Go away!</em>" - Azteca yells.</p><p> </p><p> Moth raises his hands like he was caught doing something bad, but then he turns around and tries to sucker punch Azteca. Misses wildly, eats a Roundhouse Kick instead! Marty falls into the corner... you know what that means. Azteca puts a ladder to his crotch and bashes it with a steel chair!! Right in the mothballs! Marty will sing to Martina with a high-pitched voice for around a week now! One more chair shot for good measure and the pest is gone! Pentagon is barely moving on the outside, and now nothing will stop Azteca from winning this. He gets the ladder up and climbs up, putting all his energy into this ascension. He has his fingers on the prize, and then, the lights go out...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="ZNw34KX.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ZNw34KX.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "<em>THAT'S FENIX!! </em><em><strong>FENIX</strong></em><em> IS HERE!!!</em>" - yells Excalibur.</p><p> </p><p> Fenix palm strikes Azteca between the eyes and... HITS THE MAN WITH A MEXICAN DESTROYER FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER!!!</p><p> </p><p> No standing up after that move!! Pentagon can't believe his eyes, looking up to Fenix. "The Man of 1000 Lives" throws a glance at Penta before going away. Pulling everything he has left, Pentagon rolls into the ring and picks up an already beaten El Dragon Azteca Junior for a Running Package Piledriver!! And even that's not enough for Pentagon's confidence. He positions Azteca for a Sacrifice!! CRANK! With his arm broken, Azteca will have no chance to retrieve the ultimate prize. Pentagon climbs the ladder, anticipating someone to jump him or stop him, but he has no distraction.</p><p> </p><p> Pentagon retrieves the briefcase and waves Azteca goodbye from the top of the ladder! What a ladder match!!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>In a match that had good wrestling and great heat from the crowd, <strong>Pentagon Dark</strong> defeated <strong>El Dragon Azteca Junior</strong> in 23:17 after retrieving an item. (<span style="color:#2E8B57;"><strong>B-</strong></span>)</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Antonio Cueto comes out to congratulate the winner. Pentagon has won the symbol of life! And when it comes to Dragon Azteca... he failed once again, and now has to leave The Temple.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>Go away, and never come back!</em>" - growls Antonio Cueto.</p><p> </p><p> Dragon Azteca can not believe he has to go out like this. He failed his mission, he let his people down, he couldn't stop The Order. The fans thank Azteca for his incredible matches and clap as he leaves the building. El Jefe cuts this soppy moment short and tells Pentagon to unveil the prize he just won in front of all the believers... Come on, share this moment with your fans! Pentagon does not trust Cueto, but decides to open the briefcase anyway. The briefcase is stuffed with maize...</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="iQxgIuC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iQxgIuC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "<em>Pentagon, you just won the staple grain of the Aztec empire! MAIZE!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> This has to be a joke, right? Those two men just killed each other for a briefcase stuffed with corn!? Antonio smiles at last, as Pentagon swears off and throws his "rewards" at the old man. And just as Antonio goes back to his office for cover, Hexagon springboards his way to Penta and hits him in the eye with a railroad spike!! Pentagon falls down on the horizontal ladder jammed between the ropes, clutching his face. His "evil twin" mockingly throws up a "Cero Miedo", as the winner screams in agony.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>GOOD GOD! HE CAN LOSE AN EYE LIKE THAT! I have no words, Excalibur!! This was perhaps the greatest match in Lucha Underground's storied history, and to see both fighters disrespected like that makes me sick! Add this heinous attack by Hexagon Dark, and I'm two seconds away from throwing up!! This has to end soon! Ladies and gentlemen, let's wish the best to Dragon Azteca Junior and wish Pentagon another speedy recovery...</em>"</p><p> </p><p> ***</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The final scene of the night still belongs to Dragon Azteca, who steps outside of the Temple. He's overwhelmed with emotions after his failure, and drops down on his knees. He looks to drop his mask down...</p><p> </p><p> "<em>No, amigo! Este no es el final, he visto el futuro. Nuestro viaje sólo comienza... </em><em><strong>Come with me</strong></em><em>!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Aerostar</strong> offers Dragon Azteca a hand, as his chest illuminates the dark street. After two long years the friends are reunited. They leave Boyle Heights, and we could only hope to see them again at some point.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="QF9Xzxf.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QF9Xzxf.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="LnRMaW7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/LnRMaW7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Final Rating</strong>: 60/100 (<strong><span style="color:#FFFF00;">C</span></strong>)</p><p> <em>This show has increased our popularity in 17 regions.</em></p></div><p></p>
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Lucha Underground Matchguide




Pentagon Dark is the top dog even without the title!


Five episodes in the book already! It's a good time to look back at ten of the best matches held so far.


1. Pentagon Dark def. El Dragon Azteca Jr - Ladder Match (***1/2) S05E05

2. Jake Strong def. Pentagon Dark - Lucha Underground Championship Match (***1/4) S05E01

3. Jeremiah Crane and Marty ‘The Moth’ Martinez def. Pentagon Dark and El Dragon Azteca Jr. - Parejas Increibles (***1/4) S05E04

4. King Cuerno def. Dragon Azteca Jr (***) S05E02

5. Low-Ki def. Ryu and Sniper Eagle - Triple Threat Match (***) S05E02

6. Mil Muertes def. Jeremiah Crane - Death Match (**3/4) S05E03

7. Low-Ki def. Angelico - Gift of the Gods Championship Match (**3/4) S05E03

8. Sammy Guevara, TJ Perkins, Dante Fox and King Cuerno def. Chavo Guerrero, Ryu, Jimmy Yuta and Son of Havoc - Atomicos Match (**1/2) S05E04

9. Jake Strong def. Angelico (**1/2) S05E05

10. Angelico def. Ricky Mundo, Dante Fox, Jimmy Yuta, PJ Black, Son of Havoc and Sammy Guevara - Seven to Survive (**1/2) S05E01


Pentagon Dark is a clear MVP, dominating the top of the rankings. Let's hope that his second eye injury won't put him on the sidelines for too long! Dragon Azteca Jr, who was forced to leave The Temple last week, also delivered some great matches this season. Low-Ki is a standout among newcomers, kicking off his Lucha Underground career with two nice victories. Jake Strong did OK so far, and is now looking for a challenger. Mil Muertes could go on to battle the champion, but King Cuerno might have something to say about that... Here's how the top five looks at the moment, taking momentum into account.




With Cage and Fenix back in the mix, the top 5 is almost certain to change in the next couple of weeks. Ryu, Sniper Eagle, Jimmy Yuta, Hexagon Dark and Martina fill out the 'Hot Prospects' section, with Sammy Guevara missing out only due to his 'star' perception. Next such update will take place after the 10th episode. Thanks for your attention, hope you will enjoy comic book issue #5!

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LU Tier List


Who's On Your Lucha Underground "Mount Rushmore"?




Lucha Underground Twitter decided to play a little game with the believers, asking them to rank LU fighters and personalities in one big tier list.


This is a tricky way to survey people and understand who they want to see more. It's also a good way to find out who has left the biggest mark on the company so far. Pentagon Dark is the clear fan favorite, and a unanimous #1 pick in most lists, but then it gets tricky. So who do you consider to be the 4 Pillars of Lucha Underground?


There are two different tier lists available. The shorter version showcases key people from season one, while the extended version features all individuals to ever step foot in The Temple. Actually, someone forgot about Brenda again... So now we have a "bug bounty" for anyone who figures out other omissions from the bigger list. Rumor has it that the reward comes in a literal bag, possibly containing one of the 7 Aztec medallions.


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Issue #5




Smoke and Mirrors




The limo is filled with cigar smoke. The Lord is puffing, while his associates sit around him in uncomfortable silence. Agent Winter, Taya Valkyrie, Hexagon Dark, Jake Strong, Low-Ki all keep their mouths shut, and it is Antonio Cueto who interrupts the stillness, coughing his lungs out. With the limo closed shut, El Jefe is suffocating. He probably wants to get out and get some fresh air, but this would offend the deity, so the senior citizen tries to make himself quiet. Finally, the group addresses the elephant in the room.




- So you mean to tell me that Cage has The Gauntlet... Same Cage that destroyed the title that I have given to Dario Cueto, the same Cage who blew Councilman Delgado's head off?

- Yes, my Lord.

- It's been some time since I got any bad news. What do you have to say in your defense, Antonio? I thought I was clear when I instructed you not to bring him back in.

- My Lord, I did not invite him! He attacked the security guards, and everyone here was preoccupied with other business to stop him. He attacked Jake Strong from the back, and ran away faster than I could leave my office!

- Don't make excuses, Cueto. Even your son wasn't as pathetic as you are right now... Erase all those "guards" from the face of the Earth, and replace them with capable men.


Antonio coughs some more, so Taya intervenes in the conversation. She volunteers to be the one who will take care of Cage, but The Lord has different plans for her.


"Valkyrie, you have done well to ambush our opposition before, but I have someone else for you. PJ Black... concentrate your attention on him. He was foolish enough to bring an outsider in, and we have to send a strong message by sacrificing him as soon as possible."




Taya nods and smiles, she will do just that. The Lord then acknowledges that Black Lotus has been executed, and as such, The Black Lotus Triad is dead. Low-Ki passes an envelope to The Lord. It has her hair inside, and Agent Winter believes that they can use it against Marty "The Moth" Martinez. He is still waiting for his title rematch, so the plan is to distract him for a while and put some fire to his family feud with Mariposa.


"You're smart for a human being, Winter. Anyone else has other ideas?"


Hexagon Dark looks at the coughing Antonio Cueto and proposes a way to eliminate Mil Muertes forever, so he would not be able to come back... a Buried Alive match against the "Bird of War", Fenix. He is strong enough to dispose of "The Man of 1000 Deaths" and he can be controlled easily, as they could see in that Ladder Match. Win or lose, the walking dead in Fenix is a piece they could use to play mind games with Pentagon Dark. Hexagon's serpent mind is sharp and devious, and The Lord recognizes that, giving his approval.




Finally, The Lord looks at the Lucha Underground champion - Jake Strong. What's on his mind? Strong scowls and says that he is itching to break "The Machine" for jumping him back from behind! He wants to pummel and expose him, break him down.


"You're not getting Cage after letting us all down. You're not getting any fights until I am sure that you are ready. We are going to leave Cage to fight his own people, using the biggest human vice - greed. Put a bounty on his head, Cueto, and whoever will bring me back the Gauntlet will be the new host. No more bad news!"


Everyone leaves the limo, with Jake having a staredown with The Lord. He slams the doors shut and "The Smoke God" cracks a smirk for the first time.






While his master discusses plans with The Lord himself, Vampiro gives himself the first medical aid - a shot of vodka and some painkillers. His arm is broken, and he winces as he goes around his cavern hideaway.


The man is clearly in pain after his run-in with Pentagon Dark and needs to take a break. But he doesn't want to sit around and wait for his patron to return. Instead, Vamp raids his place, looking for something special. He swears out loud when he spikes his arm but finally gets his hands on his prized possession - the heart of Matanza. It is still beating slowly in the jar, seducing Vampiro with its power...




"I'll not leave it at that, Pentagon. Prepare for a blood bath..."


As Vamp opens the jar, he can hear the echoing bellow of Black Taurus. He must be fed so often, and it's not easy to satisfy his hunger, as he only feasts on young men and women. Irritated Vampiro puts the heart away with one arm and tends to Taurus. He has finished his meal and wants to have a runabout in the labyrinth... Vampiro has no choice but to lead the beast around the place. As they are taking a tour around the place, Black Taurus snaps out of Vampiro's lead, hurting him in the process. The black bull runs around with no chance to escape.


Vampiro has learned his mistakes after Matanza escaped, and he can only hope that Antonio will never find out about the ashes in the urn standing atop of his table.




Meanwhile, in a far cozier place, Mariposa is relaxing on the sofa.


She is so relieved to finally send Marty packing. He was a dirty, annoying, and most importantly, inattentive stepbrother lately. All he did was throw the family money away on his nasty-looking tramps and the magical flour. Perhaps some time away from home will make him more responsible, and teach him a lesson. Mariposa waters her ill-looking plants in peace, but then she's distracted by a ringing door. Ugh, he's back already! Mariposa marches to the door and takes a look in the peephole. Hm, it's not Marty. It's one of his "butterflies''...




- What do you want?

- Oww, hiii Mariposa! Is Marty home?

- No. I kicked him out. Who are you?

- D-don't you recognize me?? I'm Beautiful Brenda!

- ...What in the world happened to you?

- Haha, you know, years go by, I don't get any younger. W-will you let me in?


Mariposa opens the door and lets Brenda go past the doorstep. She has really let herself go. She's scratching her neck and asks if Mariposa can "hook her up" instead? She does not understand what that means at first, but then realizes that Brenda came here for her dose.


As quickly as Brenda came in, she got thrown out. Mariposa slams the door shut and lets out an angry yell. She's so over Marty's bullsh!t that she trashes her apartment once again now.






Vampiro is not the only man who got the short end of the stick last night. His ex-protege Pentagon Dark is also licking on to his wounds now, if you could put eye reattachment in that category.


Pentagon is standing in front of the mirror, trying to fix his eye. This time he is not dealing with the black mist, but with a spiking wound. Penta screams in agony as he tries to do something about this injury, with blood dripping down the sink. Nobody will assist him with this, and he has to take this pain like a man. All the years of breaking arms have caught up with him - this is karma. Pentagon takes a deep breath and tries to pop the eye back once again. Awful pain pierces his entire skull and he's starting to get wobbly. Pentagon gets mad at himself and punches the wall a few times, which will only hurt him more.


Maskless Pentagon puts all his courage inside his fist and screams to himself two words that have become his life credo... ¡CERO MIEDO! AAAARRGHH!! Pentagon Dark puts his eye back into the socket and collapses on the ground, knocked unconscious by this torment. He deserves some rest after the last few nights.




Some of Lucha Underground fighters have significant others that can take care of them. Case and point - Cage, who comes home with a Gauntlet of the Gods in his bag.


Needless to say, Melissa Elizabeth Santos is not impressed. Correction, she's outright pissed that her husband returned to The Temple, dismissing all her warnings. Mrs. Santos stands in the corridor with her hands on her hips, and even "The Machine" will get worried at the sight of this angry woman.


Petite or not, she has that latin blood that boils inside of her, and she won't be treated like that.




- Hey buns, looking fine!

- What the **** was that, Brian? I told you not to go!!

- Babe, everything is fine. I came back without a scratch on my body, what's the problem??

- Oh I can't believe you are saying this right now. Really!? It's not about you, it's about all of us! You are putting me and our child in danger!

- Listen, I did what I had to do. You can be angry all you want, but that won't change the fact that I'm a pro wrestler, and we all take risks.

- Oh my God, shut up! You're so selfish!!

- I am selfish!? I accommodate for all of us, and I put the food on the table! Stop being so dramatic!!

- My mother was right, all men are the same!

- Well, I'm not a man. I'm a MACHINE!


Well, mom and dad are yelling again. Their kid is barely walking, but you can already see how headstrong the baby is. Just like dad! The young fella takes the Gauntlet from the bag, and this is enough to stop the argument. Even Cage understands that Gauntlet is not a toy for a toddler.


Melissa grabs the boy, leaving Cage to stand alone inside this pit of danger.






Jeremiah Crane lives way differently. He doesn't have a family, he doesn't have a girlfriend, and the only kids that mess around in his flat are called Marty and Martina.


Jeremiah took the deranged couple in because it is cheaper to pay rent this way. Now that Marty is no longer funded by his family, he gets to see a different side of life. For Crane, nothing is new though, but sometimes he feels like a third wheel in this company. Tonight he will just lock up in his door, turn his back to them and get some sleep. Hopefully nobody will disturb him this time... Crane closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep.


Almost immediately he falls into this dream where he's a teenager. A rebellious, edgy, no-good troublemaker in his carefree years. Special years, mostly because there was this special girl that he fell in love with. Catrina... His longtime crush and short-time girlfriend. The love of his life, looking as beautiful as ever. Catrina smiles back at Jeremiah and comes over to say hello to him, but Jeremiah can't say anything back because he's paralyzed. He was bitten by a nasty snake! He tries his damndest, but can't mutter a word. The girl puts her finger on his lips and tells him to relax.




"Hello, Jeremiah. Shh, don't worry. I didn't come to hurt you, I came to help you. Just lie down and relax! I will take care of you."


Teenager obliges and falls on the grass. Young Catrina sits on top of him and tilts her head to his ear, whispering encouraging words seductively. The girl caresses the rebel's hair and the pain goes away slowly. He can feel his face coming to life again and starts blinking wildly. Catrina closes his eyes with her hand and continues her gentle sweet talk. Jeremiah listens, he only listens to her. Now she wants to say something personal to him, something she wanted to tell him for a long time.


"You are a pathetic, sad, pitiful piece of human flesh. I always knew Mil would destroy you!! Prove me wrong, you slimy loser!!"


Young Jeremiah opens his eyes in surprise and sees the real Catrina.






Jeremiah wakes up in cold sweat and his housemates barge in the room to check on him. Martina is ready to stomp the rats, but it's not them - it's just a bad dream for Crane. Martinez offers Jeremiah water, good when you have withdrawal. Crane says he doesn't take drugs, but he just saw the real Catrina. She was old and disgusting, not like she usually does. Did he see Mil Muertes? No, but she mentioned him. He will not be able to sleep until he takes him down. He needs to finish Mil Muertes!




The Mack has a hiccup. Is somebody remembering him or something? That might be true because he wasn't home for a few years now.


Now Mack has hundreds of events in Mexico under his belt, for companies big and small. Today he has opened the show for AAA, picking up a victory in an Antonio Pena Special.


Famous B tries to spook the guy so he would drop the hiccup, but that doesn't work.




- That &hit won't scare me.

- Good work, champ, another big result today! You're a star!

- Oh yeah? Why am I paid like a bum then?

- Listen, we've been through it already, Mexico's economy is not the same, but their fans are so passionate! Just listen to them!!

- Yeah, that's cool. But I think you're putting too much money in your pocket, cuz.

- Oh, that's not my money! That's Tey-hano's paycheck, I just picked it up for him early!

- Yeah, aight. But this is not only about the money. I miss LA, B. I'm homesick.

- Oh puh-leez don't get me started on that one! We're not coming back, Mack Daddy, uh-uh. We do great business right here, and I don't want to change a thing. Speaking of business, Los Mercenarios have to "meet & greet" Blue Dee-mon Junior, want to join them?

- What for? I'm stuck tagging with Mr. Iguana, Pimpi, Nino Hamburguesa, and Dinastia. No offense to those guys, they're good friends of mine, but I have hit my ceiling here, and I'm gonna bounce soon, with or without you.

- Let's talk about it later, champ. Dr. Wagner needs me now!


Famous B walks out dialing up a comically oversized phone from the ’80s, blabbering some Spanglish nonsense. Mack sighs and packs his bags. The murmurs in the locker room change, as some woman tries to enter the building. She's not getting past face control though, perhaps she's on the blacklist? However it is, she doesn't step back and almost gets in the fight with the road agent. Mack has a confused look on his face, who is she? Juventud Guerrera may have the answer.




"Brotendo, that's Sexy Star! I thought you knew her."


Mack takes a double take, and yeah, she does look a bit like her, but he never saw Sexy Star without a mask. Mack wants to calm down the backstage crowd, but "Juice" recommends him to stay back. She's on the so-called sh!tlist, and if Mack goes over to say hi, he will get the same treatment.


- ...You will take a dump in my bag?

- Not me, bro. Other people!

- Yeah, I've been here long enough to know who does that, Juice.


This little back and forth with Juventud gave Sexy Star enough time to storm off. Oh well, it was nice seeing you.




Now the attention switches to Blue Demon Jr. who gets ambushed by Rey Escorpion and Texano! It is kinda ironic that saying hello to an old friend is seen as a bad thing here, while gang attacks on veterans fly under the radar. Blue Demon Jr. will not be in prime condition for his big fight. Bien-bien-bien for Dr. Wagner Jr!






The beautiful night sky is a peaceful sight under normal circumstances, but not for the chosen few who are protecting Earth from total blackout.


The old prophecy said that The Gods will take human form and destroy seven Aztec tribes to overthrow the reign of the Fifth Sun. How do you stop the alliance of superpowerful deities who have decided to undo their work and create a new world? No one may have a clear answer, only assumptions. Suddenly, the bright flash lights up the obsidian sky. Something celestial has landed in the middle of the field, looking like a true glimmer of hope... Aerostar and Dragon Azteca Junior walking after him, arm in the sling.


Two heroes find themselves near the abandoned shack. No people in sight, it is a literal middle of nowhere... The perfect hiding spot, and a good place to set up a camp for the army of Aztec descendants. Dragon Azteca asks Aerostar why he reappears in his life only now, but Aerostar keeps himself silent. Dragon Azteca says he has received no word at all from Aerostar in more than two years, and he wants to find out what's happening!




"Two years is nothing when we talk about the war of the millennia!"


You can't argue with that logic. Aerostar leads the way, saying that one of his biggest questions will be answered in a few seconds, but he's afraid that Dragon Azteca is not ready to handle the truth. Azteca asks Aerostar to stop talking in riddles, and give it to him straight - where are they going? No need to answer that, because they are already in the right place. Someone else should talk to him, not Aerostar. The man that orchestrated the start of said war, the catalyst, the key figure.


"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony..."


Dragon Azteca slowly turns around to look in the eyes of the treacherous mastermind.

























Dario Cueto.


End of Issue #5

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S05E06 - Beat Me If You Can...




Lucha Underground

Season 5, Episode 6


"Beat Me If You Can..."


"Melissa, don’t bring your meathead husband with you… it's CAGE… Antonio Cueto, I just took your animal down... Cage leaves with the coveted Gauntlet, knowing well what powers it holds... You better hand that thing over to me... You may be a machine for them, but you’re a man for me, and I need you here!"


Cage unloads his car, throwing a big bag with his ring gear on the shoulder. Perhaps the Gauntlet is there also? Cage closes the trunk and takes a step in the direction of The Temple, but he's quickly distracted by a familiar face and some annoying whistling. Hernandez struts behind Cage and says "The Machine" has a huge target on his back.


"You're gonna have a long night, Cage, it's Gauntlet for da Gauntlet. Cueto put a 100 grand bounty on your head... No hard feelings, it's just business to me, man!"




The Supermex hits Cage with a lead pipe, right in the back of his head! Cage makes a few steps forward and slowly turns his attention to the gangster, who looks slightly worried now. Cage tackles Hernandez right into the car, and trades blows with the big man. He headbutts his attacker and irish whips him into the fence, now picking up a lead pipe himself. Hernandez ducks the shot, and Cage breaks the glass of the warehouse! In a swift move, Hernandez unveils a butterfly knife and drives it right into Cage's guts!!


The knife pops out from Cage's body, as it if was made from steel, and ends up under some vehicle! "The Machine" catches Hernandez with a right hand and readies him for a Powerbomb... ON THE HOOD OF THE CAR!! Hernandez slowly rolls down, he won't stand up for a while. Cage picks up his bags and looks back at his attacker-made-victim.




"I'm not a man... I'M A MACHINE!!"


He leaves the parking lot and steps into the building, while a single window of a damaged car lowers. Smoke comes out of the limo, and a hand of the mystery man shakes off the ashes from a big cigar.




Meanwhile Antonio Cueto is in the office with Big Bad Steve. Cueto throws him a Modelo, and the mechanic gladly takes it. Antonio starts talking about the last time he has seen him.


"I may be old, but I have an especially good memory. You were last involved in a Gift of the Gods title match, won by Jake Strong... In that match, I was impressed by you, Steve. You had beaten people up with a wrench, which I loved. Because of that, I would like to give you a rather unique opportunity… How does that sound?"


Steve Pain says that in the short time he has been in the Temple, he figured that 'unique opportunities' rarely go in the favor of the winners. He may have a dirty job, but he's no dummy.


"Listen, Steve, I know you need money, I know it. You don’t want to stay a mechanic for the rest of your life, do you? Do you want to ride away into the sunset with a bag stuffed with cash, or do you want to crumble in the ring for pennies? Don’t answer it. A rhetorical question… I just want you to take out this man right here!"




Antonio puts the picture of Cage on the table. Steve doesn't like this idea.


- He’s not a man… he’s a Machine!

- And you’re a mechanic! I want you to work with your wrench a bit. You may think you get paid to fix vehicles, but in fact, you help people reach their desired destination. Help me reach mine!

- What if things go western? You will send Matanza on me?

- Believe me, Matanza is not a threat. But other, more powerful Gods are… and you don’t want to anger them.


Steve looks at the urn sitting on the table. He doesn’t want to end up like that, and it’s not like he has much of a choice, he is just being informed that he's hired. Antonio throws him a wad of cash as a signing bonus.


"Take out Cage and bring me The Gauntlet!"






rocks the house ahead of another very special show. We're greeted by Matt Striker and Excalibur who discuss a ladder war between El Dragon Azteca Junior and Pentagon Dark from last week.


- The violence went off the charts, as it often does when Pentagon Dark is involved. The return of Fenix has helped "The Breaker of Bones" to grab the briefcase that would grant his stay in The Temple.

- Yes, but who could have imagined that it would be stuffed with maize? This is a bad attempt at humor, in my opinion, Matt. The disrespect shown to Dragon Azteca Junior, who's no longer around, is quite appalling as well!

- I'm with you on this one. We have lost a great fighter, but the show must go on. There was no medical update on Pentagon's condition after Hexagon stabbed him in the eye. And if I understand correctly, we don't have a ring announcer Shaul Guerrero to send us away either... but El Jefe is here.


Antonio Cueto is standing in the ring, slowly walking around and wielding his stick as he speaks.


"Last week we witnessed great injustice. I'm talking about Cage putting his hands on the longest-reigning Lucha Underground champion... Jake Strong! His sneak attack has caught 'The Savage' off guard, and after such a cowardly move, that musclehead had the gall to take The Gauntlet! This is unacceptable! Therefore, tonight we will have a special kind of show. Cage, you now have a bounty on your empty head... and the price for it is 100,000 dollars!! Whoever beats Cage tonight and brings me The Gauntlet will get the money and my personal admiration!"




- Wow, 100,000 dollars? That's a lot of money to offer. I might consider stepping into the ring again, Excalibur.

- Just be careful Matt, because Cage is a FREAKING MACHINE!

- I feel like you have ruined your call, Ex.


"I'M NOT A MAN... I'M A MACHINE!" echoes across The Temple as Cage makes his way down the stairs, wearing the Gauntlet on his hand. The powerhouse picks up a mic and tells Jefe that if anyone here knows about the power of the Gauntlet, it's him. And this time, he will not lose it. He raises it high in the air, for all the believers to see.


- Bring on anyone you want! As one great man once said... Beat me if you can, survive if I let you!

- Ha, funny you have said that. Because I did bring in someone. Your weakness. Ladies and troglodytes, please welcome back... MELISSA SANTOS!


To say that Cage is not happy would be an understatement, but Melissa is not the type of woman that would sit at home and raise kids while her husband risked his life and limb in the underground fighting club. The couple argues for a minute, but then Mrs. Santos turns her 'pro' mode on.




"The following lucha is scheduled for one fall... Introducing first, already in the ring... he's from the 559. They call him CAGE! And his opponent... from the Boyle Heights Workshop... he’s big, he’s bad, he’s BIG BAD STEVE!"






Cage vs. Big Bad Steve


Big Bad Steve is out here to do Antonio's dirty work. He's used to getting his hands dirty, and he has all the tools necessary to stop this machine. Steve has a wrench in his hand and swings it wildly - something tells us that he won't be disqualified, and everything is fair in a fight against Cage, who still has a Gauntlet on his hand.


When you look at both guys, you do not expect to see them flying around like cruiserweights, but as they say - looks can be deceiving. Both fighters are agile and fast, wowing the believers with a rapid opening sequence. After a few minutes, the match turns into a festival of clubbing blows and angry stomps. Cage throws Steve across the ring with a Military Press and flexes his muscles to show how ripped he is. Steve does not hide from a fight though, and takes Cage down early with a Hurricanrana! They both spill out of the ring and brawl nearby the bleachers, throwing each other headfirst into fences and ring posts. Cage pulls off the mats and drops his opponent hard with a Delayed Suplex! Steve is in pain. Truly a breathtaking move for him...


Steve fights for his life here, or rather takes the punishment from Cage who makes biceps curls with Steve’s sturdy body... he winks at Melissa, and Fallaway Slams Steve near the corner. Standing Moonsault!! The cocky cover is only for two, Vampiro would definitely tear Cage a new one for not hooking up the leg! Ok, now he's looking to finish this, as he picks up Steve for a Drillclaw! Steve wriggles out last second and hits back with a headbutt, then alternating punches and elbows. Steve runs up and knocks Cage over the top rope with a Wild Lariat. Steve feels like flying, but his huge corner crossbody is caught by "The Machine"... Powerslam into the announce table!!


"I think the table is broken. I'm sure Steve will fix it, if he lives on, of course!" - drops Striker.


Cage clubs Steve in the back, and throws him back into the squared circle. The Terminator clap follows, and Cage preps his Discus Clothesline, adjusting the Gauntlet. BIG BAD STEVE ducks, picks up Cage on his wide shoulders, and drops him with an Adjustable Spanner, or simply an F5! This guy definitely comes to work, and now he's pinning Cage after an impressive Standing Moonsault of his own! Only for two... Close, but no cigar! Steve tries to powerbomb Cage, but the muscled man lifts the mechanic up and PLANTS him with a Sitout Alabama Slam. Cage now goes up top... 5 Star Elbow Drop! Cover, and Big Bad Steve is done for the day! Steve won't leave his day job just yet, but he looked pretty good, all things considered.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and decent reaction from the crowd, Cage defeated Big Bad Steve in 7:28 by pinfall with a 5 Star Elbow Drop. (C-)




We're back outside, where Agent Winters acts as a security guy. He's armed and very dangerous, enforcing strict face control for tonight's show.


As such, some of our most talented fighters don't get to challenge for The Gauntlet. One of them is Ryu, the warrior with immense talent and a huge heart. Winter mocks the luchador, saying you have to be "this" high to enter The Temple. Ryu stares at the man, boiling inside. Agent dismisses the guy, as a bigger man comes into the frame. Tarver gets a free pass from Winter! Same Tarver that killed HoHo Lun, Ryu's old friend, with a single punch, whether intentionally to accidentally. Right now though, he doesn't look too sorry about the tragedy. Ryu storms off and turns the corner...


"The Dragon" is stopped by The Sniper Eagle, who correctly guesses that Ryu was also denied the right to enter the building. The Australian trickster whispers something in the ear of his friend, and they walk off together, perhaps looking for some backdoor to sneak inside.






In the ring, Cage is ready for his next opponent. It is mighty impressive that he doesn't let go of the Gauntlet, keeping it at his hand at all times. Some annoying whistling is heard, and would you know it, Hernandez is in the house, going down the stairway. He holds on to his ribs, as if he was beaten up earlier in the night by someone.


"Up next, making his way to the ring... he's from Houston, Texas... HERNANDEZ!"


First things first, Hernandez sends Melissa an air kiss... bad decision.






Cage vs. Hernandez


Discus Clothesline! You don't flirt with another machine's wife!


Cage stomps a mudhole in Hernandez. The gangster pulls Cage by his singlet so he hits the ring corner with his face... Corner Splash! Hernandez picks up Cage and cradles him in his hands like he's a big baby! Don't get too cocky with him... Cage frees himself and puts Hernandez down with a Reverse STO! Who's better than Cage? The big man looks to take it up a notch... MOONSAULT FROM THE TOP ROPE! Hernandez kicks out at two.


Cage decides to try something different, locking Hernandez in an Inverted Cloverleaf. "The Tex-Mex T-Rex'' finds enough in his locker to grab the bottom rope and get a breather. Dropkick from Cage sends Hernandez on the apron. "The Machine" revs up its engine and makes a run-up... Hernandez stops Cage with a Slingshot Shoulder Block! Simple yet effective, this move allows Hernandez to get back into the driving seat. But he quickly loses his focus, deciding to flip the fans off instead. Crackerjack Suplex sends Cage flying out of the ring... SuperMex is about to jump over the border... Big Man Dive takes Cage out!! Even in 2020, Hernandez couldn't give two sh!ts about his health, flying like he isn't weighing at around 300 pounds. Hernandez irish whips Cage into the bleachers and tells the believers to give him some space. Powerbomb incoming?? Cage is up on the shoulders, but is quick enough to send Hernandez down with a Frankensteiner on the floor!! Cage is something else. He grabs a bar stool from Melissa and drives it straight into the gangster's skull... throws him back into the ring, staying outside to pick up some toys. Or rather a cinder block!?


Cage slides a cinder block in the ring with his free hand and looks for a Curb Stomp... he misses Hernandez and turns the brick into dust. Hernandez slaps on a Cobra Clutch Choke! He will not be a million dollar man if he wins, but surviving today would be a great prize also. Cage hits back with an elbow and picks Hernandez up for an F’n5!! Connects and finishes the job with a violent arm-trapping Curb Stomp in the middle of the ring! Clean as a whistle.


"Who can stop the path of Cage?" - wonders Excalibur.

In a match that had good action and decent reaction from the crowd, Cage defeated Hernandez in 6:12 by pinfall with a Curb Stomp. (C-)


Antonio is anxious. He walks around his office, waiting for someone... the man in the cowboy hat opens the door and greets El Jefe. That's King Cuerno, if that's even his real name.


Cueto lights up and says that Jorge is exactly who he needed tonight! The no-nonsense badass that can take on anyone, even "The Machine"! Cuerno is offered a seat, but he won't need it tonight.


He came in to say that he will not fight Cage for logical reasons.




- What do you mean, logical reasons??

- I have looked up the original owner of this mask, and I learned that he had a good relationship with Cage. I can't risk ruining the illusion. I would prefer to face Mil Muertes instead, as my predecessor had a score to settle with 'The Man of 1000 Deaths'.

- I admire that you took on your role so seriously, but come on, so much money are on the table! You are making a mistake, Jorge.

- Money isn't everything... I like freedom and the thrill of the hunt better. Have a good night, senior.


Cuerno walks out, leaving Cueto speechless. This was unexpected, and by staying committed to his role, Cuerno ruined some big plans. Antonio probably regrets his decision already, but he has to do something quickly. He picks up a flip phone and calls someone.


"Agent!! King Cuerno has refused to fight Cage, we need to find someone else! Come see me at my place when you find the right candidate!"






Looks like Cage can go all night long like this. He puts his straps down and drops the Gauntlet too, as if to show that he doesn't need it to beat anyone. He signals that he's ready for whoever is coming out next. Ask and you shall receive... Tarver steps out from the shadows, with a mean look on his face.


- Cage, you're not the only one who wants to fight here. I've been sitting on the sidelines for a month now. I'm not waiting any longer! My name is Tarver, and my knockout punch kills men.

- Well, too bad I'm not a man... I'M A MACHINE!!


The boxer probably did not expect to be hit so fast, but Cage has a short fuse.






Tarver vs. Cage


Cage hits groggy Tarver with a Pumphandle Sitout Facebuster! Arm-locked Curb Stomp and Tarver eats the mat! He could pin him there and then, but no, Cage wants to send a message. GMSI, bro. Weapon X on the Aztec seal! Now it's over. It was the third match of the night for Cage, but he still looks very fresh. He beat Tarver inside just one minute without The Gauntlet, perhaps he has already possessed its powers?

In an extremely short match, Cage defeated Tarver in 0:43 by pinfall with a Weapon X. (D-)


Low-Ki visits the makeshift gym of The Temple, looking for someone to take on Cage. Of course, not a lot of luchadores were allowed in the building tonight, so there are not a lot of options. But sometimes you only need one... because Ryback is squat pressing a gigantic barbell, with his eyes red from the pressure. He does a few reps and then drops that weight, asking what does Low-Ki want!?




"The Lord expects to get The Gauntlet tonight. If you beat up Cage and take that item to our boss, you will earn yourself an official place in The Order. Is my message clear to you?"


Ryback starts cackling. He is not a dummy, he understands Low-Ki. But he doesn't listen to Low-Ki, he wants Antonio Cueto to bring his old ass to him, and ask him, personally. If that doesn't happen, he will just stay here and finish his workout. Now if you excuse him... "The Big Guy" turns his back on Low-Ki and picks up the weights. He reacted rather calmly to "The Professional", who does not look pleased.




"The Machine" is still in the ring. Cage now gets a mic from Melissa, he wants to encourage more people to come and get him. He has an appetite for destruction, and actually, he wants to face someone himself.


"Black Taurus, I don't know if you can hear me, but I want to whip you like a government mule right now! Show your ugly mug to me, and meet the real beast right here, in the ring!! Your owner would really like to take this back from me, so it's your big chance!"


Cage throws the mic away and looks at the tunnel, waiting for the arrival of the Spanish bull. Nobody comes out from there. Instead, a tiny man steps up to the challenge, getting a spotlight on the top of the staircase...




El Bunny!!


Cage takes a second to notice the arrival of the almighty El Bunny, who takes a 3 point stance against the mountain of muscles. Tackle is unsuccessful, and the little rodent bounces off, now rethinking his life choices. Cage presses El Bunny with one hand, teasing that he will throw the little guy into the sea of believers, but the unexpected happens.


The White Rabbit has arrived just on time this week, and he beats the crap out of Cage!! Mrs. Santos-Cage looks worried...






Cage vs. The White Rabbit


The alpha rabbit stomps on the softened Cage and beats him up hard with open palm strikes! The White Rabbit also uses his feet, delivering some seriously stiff shots to the body of his opponent.


He caught everyone by surprise with his appearance, not only Cage. As the fight progresses, the announcers mention how much fresher The White Rabbit is. He's also bigger than Cage, and he has that 'mean streak' that puts him over the edge. He's a very bad man, capable of doing heinous things. Running Forearm to the corner makes Cage wobbly, he misses with his signature lariat... DOOMSDAY SAITO SUPLEX!!


Cage lands right on top of his head, and Melissa covers her mouth in horror. The White Rabbit covers, but Cage kicks out at two! Paul London is here too now, coming over to his leader. He gives him a surgical glove! El Bunny jumps from joy, eager to see how Cage falls deep into The Rabbit's Hole! But "The Herald of Doomsday" has a better idea. He will wear The Gauntlet! London claps in appreciation of the leader's brilliance, and The White Rabbit goes over to pick the magical item up, that is laying in the corner. Not so fast! Cage dropkicks The White Rabbit in the back, setting him up for a Tiger Feint Kick!


Paul London covers his deity, and absorbs the damage of the 818 Kick! He's out, but that was helpful, as Rabbit blasts Cage in the head with a brutal Roundhouse Kick! Tick tock, tick tock, it is time to sleep! The White Rabbit locks Cage in a Straightjacket Sleeper, right in the middle of the ring! He struggles to escape, and begins to slowly fade away. The ref picks Cage's arm three times, with no signs of life shown by "The Machine"!


A big victory for the leader of The Rabbit's Tribe!!

In a match that had good action and good heat from the crowd, The White Rabbit defeated Cage in 5:03 by submission with a Straightjacket Sleeper. (C-)

Melissa announces The White Rabbit as the winner, but also pleads for someone to come and help her husband! That psycho is keeping Cage in the sleeper, refusing to let go! Well, someone is coming!


Ryback steps out from the fog, and Melissa thanks him. Prematurely... "The Big Guy" just takes The Gauntlet and takes down The White Rabbit with a Meathook Clothesline!! The fans are booing "The Big Guy", who walks straight into Cueto's office.


"Antonio, a deal is a deal. Now you will feed me more!"




Cueto nods and puts the briefcase on top of the table. All this belongs to Ryback now! "The Big Guy" smirks and opens his bounty bag... which is once again stuffed with maize. Ryback's eye starts twitching, and he stares the old man down, who genuinely can not believe that all his dough is gone. Karma is a boomerang.


Final Rating: 51/100 (C-)

This show has increased our popularity in 7 regions.

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S05E07 Preview


Season 5, Episode 7 Preview




"...Survive If I Let You"


Now that The Gauntlet of the Gods is taken from Cage, Lucha Underground resumes with a normal show, if you can describe what's happening inside The Temple as 'normal'.


"Chooser of The Slain" Is Back In Action!




There has been plenty of sacrifices lately, as the current Trios champions in Taya Valkyrie, Black Taurus and Hexagon Dark are striking terror into the competition, having sacrificed El Mariachi Loco and Argenis. This week the oddball trio is taking on the team of Angelico, PJ Black and Ricky Mandel.


It's noteworthy that Ricky attempted to kill Angelico in the past, and that PJ Black was a part of the squad that shortened Angelico's career with numerous parking lot assaults. Angelico loathes the idea of being slotted back in trios action, especially when he needs to look over his shoulder and keep a close eye on "reformed" Worldwide Underground members. This does not look good for Angelico, and his losing streak might extend to three matches.


On the other side of the ring, Taya has turned on her husband, her friends, and aligned herself with a no-nonsense group of dark, brooding characters. She's now carrying a doll that communicates with her, and she takes pleasure in torturing men both in the ring and outside of it. Hexagon is on a mission to prove that unlike Pentagon, he can work with others. And Black Taurus just wants to run over people, simple as that.


This promises to be a hot opener, and champions are going into this non-title bout as heavy favorites.




The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday?




Dante Fox has a bone to pick with the newcomer Jimmy Yuta. For some reason, "The One Man Army" doesn't feel like Yuta belongs in the same locker room as some of the best fighters in the world.


One could say that Dante is having a power trip, and is just looking for an excuse to haze the young man. However, Dante and Jimmy are not in the army, and Yuta does not have to follow "the code" and take abuse like a good little soldier. This week the promising youngster steps in the ring with Fox to prove his worth to the rest of The Temple, agreeing to fight Dante in the first-ever "Earn Your Colors" match.


The rules are simple - Dante Fox can use any weapons he pleases, but the same does not apply to the new face on the block. Jimmy will have to endure a lot of punishment and fight through the pain in order to gain his rightful place in Lucha Underground, and possibly, even Dante's respect.




New Year, Old Grudges




Finally, we have a huge main event! Ten men will collide in the over-the-top-rope Battle Royal to claim the status of the rightful number one contender.


Some of the biggest names to enter the match are Mil Muertes and King Cuerno. Both fighters looked great in their returns and picked up remarkable victories, solidifying themselves as the top contenders. Now add a crazy White Rabbit to the mix, who was robbed of his $100,000 prize for beating Cage in the Gauntlet for the Gauntlet. The man who carries that item now is Ryback, and he's also determined to use his size advantage and go on to headline upcoming shows like he was supposed to, until the arrival of "The Herald of Doomsday".


Among other competitors, we have a never-say-die biker Son of Havoc, one cocky son of a gun in Sammy Guevara, "The Fil-Am Flash" TJ Perkins, a deranged duo of Jeremiah Crane and Marty "The Moth" Martinez, and lastly the wildcard addition of "The Hardcore Legend" Tommy Dreamer. If we talk about notable omissions, Cage was left out on Melissa's request and Fenix did not express any interest in entering the Battle Royal.


Let's wish our favorites good luck, because whoever survives will have a chance to wrestle the undefeated Lucha Underground champion... Jake Strong.






Official Match Card


Non-Title Trios Match




Angelico, PJ Black, Ricky Mandel vs. Hexagon Dark, Taya Valkyrie, Black Taurus




Earn Your Colors Match



Jimmy Yuta vs. Dante Fox




10 Man Battle Royal for #1 Contendership




Sammy Guevara vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. The White Rabbit vs. King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes vs. Son of Havoc vs. Marty 'The Moth' Martinez vs. Ryback vs. Jeremiah Crane vs. TJ Perkins


This marks the official start of the prediction contest, hope you will take part. The deadline is set for Sunday, when the new show should be posted. Have a great week, friend!


Quick Picks


Angelico, PJ Black, Ricky Mandel vs. Hexagon Dark, Taya Valkyrie, Black Taurus

Jimmy Yuta vs. Dante Fox

Sammy Guevara vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. The White Rabbit vs. King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes vs. Son of Havoc vs. Marty 'The Moth' Martinez vs. Ryback vs. Jeremiah Crane vs. TJ Perkins

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I put PJ & Angelico together as South African Soaring, I'll go with their Trio here

I prefer Fox by a hair. Yuta has a bright future, here and IRL

I'm going slightly outside the box, momentum wise, because I love Santos' work lately and pick King Cuerno

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kijar" data-cite="Kijar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I put PJ & Angelico together as South African Soaring, I'll go with their Trio here<p> I prefer Fox by a hair. Yuta has a bright future, here and IRL</p><p> I'm going slightly outside the box, momentum wise, because I love Santos' work lately and pick King Cuerno</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the comment, Kijar!</p><p> </p><p> South African Soaring sounds like a great tag team. I would also like to see them go 1v1 irl. The best chance for that was presented in season 3, but I guess Angelico got hurt and they couldn't do the match. Something to explore in this save!</p><p> </p><p> Yes, Yuta is pretty cool and he is perfectly fit to be a sympathetic babyface. Hope my writing does him justice. And Dante Fox is one of my favorites, so he will be used a lot</p><p> </p><p> About Cuerno - that's a solid pick, but I want to clarify that <em>it's not the original Cuerno</em> (not Escobar), but a different man, recycling "The Hunter" gimmick. Since IP for the gimmick belong to LU, it would make sense for them to pass on the rights to some other worker. AAA does that all the time, for example. Antonio Cueto seems like the type of promoter to do such a sleazy thing <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>S05E07 - ...Survive If I Let You</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="53XnCBJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/53XnCBJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Lucha Underground</span></span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Season 5, Episode 7</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">"...Survive If I Let You"</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> "<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2487724&postcount=56" rel="external nofollow"><em>Cage is a freaking machine... I would prefer to face Mil Muertes... King Cuerno has refused to fight Cage, we need to find someone else... The White Rabbit arrives just on time this week... A deal is a deal, Antonio, now you will feed 'The Big Guy' more...</em></a><em> </em><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2480475&postcount=2" rel="external nofollow"><em>Believers, bow down to the Gods and your Lucha Underground Trios champions... Mil Muertes looks as strong as ever... Hey rainbow, Son of Havoc won't cover for your a*s forever... Who has ambushed Angelico?</em></a>"</p><p> </p><p> We have a special live performance this week, as T.S.O.L. shakes The Temple with ' </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4Gd8S-uTw4U?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Sounds of Laughter- T.S.O.L"></iframe></div></div>'! Antonio Cueto is wincing in the ring, not enjoying the jams as much as our energetic fans.<p> </p><p> <img alt="hyBOEK5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hyBOEK5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "<em>Keep it quiet there, I only took my aspirin twenty minutes ago! Speaking of loud and useless brats... Shaul Guerrero, come over here! Yes, you, don't act so surprised. Where were you when Cage escaped with The Gauntlet? You had one job - fetch me the microphone, and because you couldn't do that, he escaped, and I had to rewrite my plans last week. I have fixed that mistake, but I can't tolerate such unprofessionalism in my Temple. Therefore... Shaul Guerrero, I wish you luck in your future endeavors! Melissa Santos will take it from here</em>."</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="POSMHuA.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/POSMHuA.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="sPOQnFG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/sPOQnFG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> What!? Is he being serious? Making <strong>Shaul Guerrero</strong> a scapegoat for losing The Gauntlet is low even for Mr. Cueto. The ring announcer is appalled she got blindsided, and she's angry at Melissa Santos too, who by the look on her face is as disgusted as she is. Shaul nevertheless forcefully gives the mic to Melissa and storms off. Cueto continues...</p><p> </p><p> "<em>Now, someone has played a prank on me last week and made me look like a fool in front of Ryback. Whoever did that - your days are numbered! I will carry out an investigation and punish the offender, trust me... and what better way to send a message to my employees than to let our Trios champions do the talking for me!?</em>"</p><p> </p><p> Cueto lifts his walking stick, and the current Lucha Underground Trios champions make their way out of the tunnel. <strong>Hexagon Dark</strong>, <strong>Black Taurus</strong>, <strong>Taya Valkyrie</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="1IrCiq2.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1IrCiq2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="SP2drc5.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SP2drc5.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Striker</strong> and <strong>Excalibur</strong> reflect on Shaul's dismissal, feeling sorry for the girl. El Jefe does whatever the hell he wants!</p><p> </p><p> - It's no wonder why Dario Cueto turned out as he did, with a father like that! Shaul, we are all with you.</p><p> - Hard to disagree with you, Matt. But that's not the worst thing made by the boss. Two weeks ago he forced Dragon Azteca Junior and Pentagon Dark to fight in a Ladder match for a briefcase stuffed with maize, then he sent the murderer's row after Cage to get The Gauntlet back. The rules only apply to his employees!</p><p> - What can I say? You don't cross the boss or his associates. We have seen how the current Trios champions sacrificed El Mariachi Loco and Argenis, they do not have any remorse. And of course, when Angelico gets jumped backstage, the investigation is swept under the carpet, but when someone else one-ups El Jefe - he takes immediate action.</p><p> - Let's keep ourselves quiet, or we will end up like Shaul, or worse. Melissa, take us away!</p><p> - Hey, that's my line!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> "<em>The following Trios lucha is scheduled for one fall, no titles on the line! Already in the ring, the current champions - Taya Valkyrie, Hexagon Dark and Black Taurus! Aaand their opponents... PJ Black, Ricky Mandel and Angeeeliccooo!!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>PJ Black</strong> leads the way, keeping a close eye on Taya. <strong>Ricky Mandel</strong> is not as courageous, and <strong>Angelico</strong> just keeps a distance from the two men who have attacked him in the past. Striker mentions that Angelico clearly does not want to be here, as he had a goal of becoming a singles competitor. Plus it's all sorts of weird to share the same corner with a guy who has stabbed you with a pen, and a guy who used to hit people in the juevos left and right... Let's get this night rolling!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="zyGlZQC.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zyGlZQC.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Non-Title Trios Match</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="ARW2phn.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ARW2phn.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="W3Jcii5.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/W3Jcii5.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="38xwPPt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/38xwPPt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="g56fBDr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/g56fBDr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="bh04Gy2.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bh04Gy2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Uo0BEGS.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Uo0BEGS.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Bc2KzJ3.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Bc2KzJ3.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Hexagon Dark</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">, </span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Taya Valkyrie</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">, </span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Black Taurus</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Angelico</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">, </span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>PJ Black</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">, </span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Ricky Mandel</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> Angelico demands to go first, as he doesn't even want to share the same corner with PJ and Ricky. They don't mind, letting him start this contest. Taya does not shy away from competition either, stepping up to her opponent and teasing him for his loss to Jake Strong. He did not submit, only losing by DQ after Cage made an appearance, but the protocols don't tell you that story. On paper, Angelico has two losses in a row.</p><p> </p><p> Stiff forearm from Taya sends Angelico back, stumbling, but he rebounds with a forearm of his own. Equal rights, equal fights! Taya checks if her lip is busted, and slaps the heck out of Angelico! How dare he fight back against "The Perfect Woman"!? She claws her fingernails in his back and adds a brutal Northern Lariat, sending the fan favorite in the corner. Running knees are telegraphed, so Angelico avoids the contact and rolls Valkyrie up, but only for two. Capoeira Kick! Taya is stumbling back, but then screams and jumps on Angelico with a Lou Thesz Press, hitting the pretty boy in the face repeatedly. Ref tries to drag her away, but he's not successful in doing that. Taya rocks Angelico's fringe with a Backfist and tags in Black Taurus!</p><p> </p><p> The black bull powerslams Angelico and runs up for a Big Splash, once again blocked by a kick from the ground by Angelico. This fancy move does not phase Taurus, who retaliates with a wild Discus Lariat!! Angelico makes a flip in the air upon contact, and Taurus himself charges at the corner, knocking down both PJ and Ricky. He's waiting for Angelico to get up, preparing a Spear... but Angelico jumps over, and catches the beast with a Flying Forearm! Taya grabs Angelico by the hair, while Hexagon sneakingly kicks the high flyer with a knee to the back... Black Taurus spears Angelico from the apron to the outside!! Huge move, and now both are laying on the dirty floor. Hexagon was ready to land some crazy aerial attack on Angelico, but PJ Black stopped him, arm dragging the cruiserweight into the ring!</p><p> </p><p> PJ superkicks Taya! Howls like a wolf on the turnbuckle and jumps down with a Moonsault to take out Valkyrie and Taurus! He also accidentally catches Angelico in the head! Miscommunication, or intentional attack?</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="bbchnbw.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bbchnbw.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="J6XDEEe.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/J6XDEEe.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Taya gets up first and irish whips Black into the guardrail, then points at Ricky, who tries to escape his doomsday. He runs around the ring, until he's tripped by Hexagon. Taya holds the coward, and Vampiro's master executes a picture-perfect Shooting Star Press to the outside! Taurus is back on his feet, throwing Angelico into the ring. No luck, as this daredevil hits Taurus back with a 619-esque maneuver from the apron, hits the ropes, and jumps over the top rope with a Summersault Splash of his own!!</p><p> </p><p> Lots of flying in this match and the believers are loving the bout so far. Some fans fist bump Angelico, who sends Taurus back into the squared circle. Bottom-rope assisted Shuri Knee catches the bull right in the nose ring, but it's not enough to keep the raging animal down - only a two count. PJ asks for a tag from Angelico, but he ignores the call, and tries to pick up the heavier Taurus for the Fall of the Angels. Predictably, Taurus wriggles out, and explodes with the offense. A combo of a corner lariat and enzuigiri sets up Angelico for a cool-looking Pounce! He just flies to his corner after that corner, and PJ uses this opportunity to slap Angelico in the back and enter the match officially! Springboard Crossbody connects! PJ with a Spin Kick and a Dropkick to Taurus, who backs down and knocks his partners from the apron. </p><p> </p><p> "The Darewolf'' looks to rock the crowd and execute an Asai Moonsault, but here's Taurus again, hitting Black in the jaw with his fist! Taya and Hexagon hold PJ by his legs until Taurus climbs the second rope, and easily picks up Black for a Delayed Suplex from the apron!! BAM! Now PJ Black kicks out at two!</p><p> </p><p> Ricky asks for a tag, and surprisingly gets it from PJ, who escapes Taurus! No luck for Mandel though, as he runs right into the Twisting Middle Kick, and gets his face planted into the mat with a Tornado Bulldog! The dominant beast picks up the creep on his shoulders in the Electric Chair position, and tags in Hexagon, who sends Mandel back to Earth with a Meteora! Standing Corkscrew Moonsault, Hexagon covers Ricky, but breaks up the cover himself and smiles wickedly. Taya extends her hand, requesting the tag. She wants to end this contest herself! Northern Lights Suplex transitioned into a Double Foot Stomp - surely this is the end! No!! Angelico saves the day with a Springboard Crossbody to keep the match going! PJ also jumps in to stop Taurus and Hexagon from taking down his partner, beautiful Flying Double Clothesline!</p><p> </p><p> Angelico and PJ have a brief staredown, and leap to the outside with Stereo Suicide Dives!! Meanwhile, Ricky crawls over to Rosa, he's finally reunited with his favorite doll, but not for long! Taya smashes Ricky with Corner Knees and takes the weirdo down for good. Not to Slamtown, but to Valhalla! Cover, and the Trios champions get the victory!</p></div><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, <strong>Taya Valkyrie</strong>, <strong>Hexagon Dark</strong> and <strong>Black Taurus</strong> defeated <strong>Ricky Mandel</strong>, <strong>PJ Black</strong> and <strong>Angélico</strong> in 8:49 when Taya Valkyrie pinned Ricky Mandel with a Road to Valhalla. (<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D+</span></strong>)</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Taya puts her furry boot on Ricky's chest and listens closely to Rosa. Mandel begs 'la muneca' to spare his life, but it looks like the doll does not give a crap about their past. Sacrifice the loser!! Ricky yells that he's very sorry, he didn't mean to do anything bad, he was possessed! Will someone help him? Angelico turns his back, and PJ is held back by Hexagon and Taurus. Taya locks Ricky's arms and drives him face-first into the Aztec seal.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="eeMxIYx.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eeMxIYx.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> THUNDER! The lights go out, and when they are back, Mandel is gone. Another one bites the dust... Taya demands a mic and says that the same fate awaits both PJ and Angelico, sooner or later. Taurus and Hexagon drop PJ on the floor, and join Taya in the ring, posing under red lightning.</p><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> Backstage <strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong> is talking to Shaul, ranting about the disrespect shown to their family by Cuetos, he is really bothered that some people think they can just walk over them...</p><p> </p><p> "<em>We’re warriors! And warriors fight! Shaul, and I want you to think about getting back into training because we're above being just staff members. We come from the most powerful wrestling family and we have to remind people about it, we HAVE to demand respect!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> Shaul listens keenly and nods, she thought about that too. <strong>TJ Perkins</strong> overheard their conversation and sarcastically clapped to La Familia.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="zHOXH5r.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zHOXH5r.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="nYhKTqL.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nYhKTqL.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "<em>Sure, go remind everyone of your last name. Ride the coattails of your uncle, it is the only thing that ever made you relevant. But look at me... I've had only a few matches here, and I'm already a bigger star than you. I'm in the main event, and I will get the W to get the Lucha Underground title shot. Smell ya later, gramps!</em>"</p><p> </p><p> Guerrero is pissed. He wants to fight right here and right now, but Shaul stops him. Do not waste your time on this a-hole, Chavito.</p><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jimmy Yuta</strong>, who prepares for a big match against Dante Fox, finds out that Ricky is gone with the wind. </p><p> </p><p> A somber moment for Jimmy, who helped Mandel turn his life around. <strong>Son of Havoc</strong> walks up to the rookie and tells him to think about himself tonight - he's fighting Dante, after all. Biker asks Yuta to smack Fox for him, to which Jimmy agrees with a shy, sad smile. He's too pure for this place. He wishes Son of Havoc luck in this match too. Now it's time to endure the initiation...</p><p> </p><p> 'Join The Colors' match concept is really simple - Dante Fox can use weapons due to his tenure in Lucha Underground, but Yuta can not. It's not an even playing ground, but Jimmy Yuta accepted the challenge to earn his place in the locker room, and showcase that he's good enough to wrestle with the cream of the crop. Stay strong, Yuta, it's going to be a tough challenge! </p><p> </p><p> Jimmy claps hands with some of the believers who support him, some people boo the young man out of spite. He comes to us from Silicon Valley, by the way. Dante Fox is from Ansonia, Connecticut, and he ignores the believers, but he's still respected here. All is ready for the first ever 'Earn Your Colors' match, Matt and Excalibur once again explain the concept - DQ rules do not apply to Dante. Melissa reads down the rules for the fans, we are ready.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="zyGlZQC.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zyGlZQC.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Earn Your Colors Match</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="mIL6liu.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mIL6liu.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="g56fBDr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/g56fBDr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="2Bw5vaL.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2Bw5vaL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Jimmy Yuta</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Dante Fox</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> The match of course does not start with a handshake. Instead, Fox talks some trash to the newcomer, who answers with a big chop! Dante lunges forward, but gets caught with three consecutive Arm Drags, and is locked in an Arm Lock! Yuta twists the arm of the vet, but he uses his agility to escape and leave the ring! Yuta may be new to The Temple, but he's not new to the squared circle!</p><p> </p><p> Fox shakes off his arm and circles around, looking for a way back in. Yuta mockingly sits on the rope to create an opening for Dante, who instead kicks him in the back! Springboard Blockbuster, Fox then rapidly kickbacks from the corner for a Backwards Frog Splash for two! Nobody said that Dante HAS to use the weapons, he just can do that, if he feels like it. Driving Big Boot sends Yuta in the corner, and the young man gets a boot in his face, how humiliating! Dante yells that Yuta didn't earn his boots yet. Cannonball Moonsualt into the corner, a very unique offense from "The One Man Army"! Dante pulls Yuta on the apron, preparing a high-risk maneuver... and misses with a Leg Drop on the apron!!</p><p> </p><p> That must have hurt, judging by Dante's face expression.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="NT0gGVc.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/NT0gGVc.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "<em>Dante can be self-centered at times, but you can't argue that the man literally busts his a$$! I'm a big fan of his work!"</em> - comments Striker.</p><p> </p><p> As Fox tries to walk off this rough landing, Yuta jumps on him from the top rope, wiping his opponent with a Crossbody! Yuta adds insult to injury, hitting Fox with an Old School Atomic Drop. He is a student of the game, no doubt about it! Dante blocks Yuta's advances with an elbow... Kickback Moonsualt off the ring post! Ref wants both men back in the ring, and Dante chooses to oblige, throwing Yuta inside. Springboard 450, cover for two! Dante thought that would be enough, but no, Yuta has a lot of energy still. Dante looks for a Foxcatcher, but Jimmy puts his leg out to block the move. Yuta is tricky enough to reverse it into Backslide and keep Dante's shoulders to the mat for two! Very close call.</p><p> </p><p> Yuta catches second air and kicks Fox around, finishing his martial arts sequence with a Superick! Jimmy hits a Stinger Splash, and then a Twisting Jump Kick to get Dante wobbly. Yakuza Kick sends Fox crashing out of the ring, Yuta feels the momentum! More fans are on his side too! Jimmy follows his instincts and jumps through the ropes with a Suicide Dive, but Dante decides that enough is enough and throws a steel chair into Yuta's head!!</p><p> </p><p> "<em>Fox is finally getting his hands dirty! This is legal, thanks to the special stipulation of this match!</em>" - reminds us Excalibur.</p><p> </p><p> Dante goes berserk on Yuta and hits him in the back with repeated chair shots! Fox throws the chair into the ring and quickly sets up a table on the outside, now preparing for an Air Raid Crash from the apron. Yuta uses his hand to stop the move for a second, and fights back to sit on the top rope. Enzughiri catches him in the dome, Dante looks back at the table... LO MEIN PAIN TO THE OUTSIDE!!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="kEG5CXF.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kEG5CXF.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Both men crash through the table, with fans excited to see more! The guy in the PJ Black shirt is too excited, probably not a fan of Yuta still. Ref starts the count, and both men barely beat it. Both Dante and Jimmy are on their knees now, with Fox slapping the rookie down! Time to put this to bed. Dante reaches into his pockets and unveils a mystery black bag... scatters the thumbtacks all over the ring!! Dante Fox decides to try the Foxcatcher again, but Yuta blocks the move, picking up Dante for a Backbreaker Rack! Dante escapes, looking to execute a Springboard Cutter... Yuta holds his ground, reversing this Cutter into a Back Suplex, dumping Fox on the thumbtacks!!!</p><p> </p><p> Fox rolls around, screaming in agony, but he made that bed for himself! Jimmy traps Fox in a Yuta Lock, right in the middle of the ring! Anyone would submit in this situation, but Dante has survived military torture, so he crawls through the thumbtacks (!!!) and grabs the bottom rope! Yuta is ready to get this finished, loading up one final kick, but Fox begs for mercy now. Dante says that Jimmy earned his respect, they can stop it now. Jimmy looks at the crowd, who are unsure how to react, as Dante is pleading on his knees. LOW BLOW!!</p><p> </p><p> Aw, that son of a b!tch!! Dante grabs Yuta for a Foxcatcher... PUTTING HIM DOWN ON THE THUMBTACKS! Cover, and the ref counts for three to award the victory to Dante.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and decent heat, <strong>Dante Fox</strong> defeated <strong>Jimmy Yuta</strong> in 8:26 by pinfall with a Foxcatcher. (<strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">D</span></strong>)</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>After the match, Fox comes up to spent Yuta and slaps him on the cheek. Good try, rainbow, but you have been outfoxed by the vet... Dante soaks the hatred of the believers and leaves the battlefield with thumbtacks still sticking from his back. Yuta may not have earned himself a place in the locker room, but he surely earned some respect after this bout.</p><p> </p><p> ***</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> After Yuta's initiation, we move to a quiet room with yellow walls and a comfy sofa. <strong>Paul London</strong> looks at the ceiling, spilling his guts to someone. The last few weeks have been tough for him, mentally and physically.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>Where do I even start, doc? The White Rabbit is in a very foul mood after his prize was taken from under his nose last week. He took out his frustrations on me, tore some of my hair out again. If this continues, I will be bald in a week! Thankfully I have this cool hat to cover my poor head. Then there's El Bunny, he keeps munching up at night, and I have to join him, cause I'm a good friend. Come spring, I won't have this slim body of mine! Then we have Antonio Cueto, the liar and master manipulator that set me against my leader, and fed me to this big guy called Ryback. So yeah, life's been hard lately. I'm scared to think about the future. Doc, what do I have to do? Doc?</em>"</p><p> </p><p> The doctor scribbles something, only engaging in active listening.</p><p> </p><p> - Aha... Mhm, Biblical garden, 4 words?</p><p> - Ugh, Eden? I thought we had a session?</p><p> - Oh, it fits. Thanks!</p><p> </p><p> London sits up and winces, he recognizes that voice, but it's not his doc. Paul only now realizes that some gray-haired man sits in the chair of his shrink. The crossword enthusiast turns around in his chair. </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="f0BNmdQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/f0BNmdQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="hWtcGAY.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hWtcGAY.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> - Wow Paul, you really have a receding hare line!</p><p> - Raven? What are you doing here?</p><p> - You can just call me Dr. Levy... But to answer your burning question - the same thing you do. Whining for an hour and then getting my prescriptions.</p><p> - O-kay. B-but where's the doc? Why are you in his place?</p><p> - Oh, he decided to have lunch. Poetic word for 'always', three words?</p><p> - That's down your alley, I have no idea. Ok, if Doctor Stevie is not here, can YOU give me any advice? How can I cope with The White Rabbit?</p><p> - I think a Holy Hand Grenade might help. </p><p> - Come on, I'm being serious right now!</p><p> - You have been misdiagnosed. You're not a rabbit, you're clearly a sheep if you listen to what others have to tell you. But just because of our friendship and my superior intellect, I would suggest lots of intercourse. Don't look at me like that - they showed bunnies on Discovery, they are horny bastards!</p><p> - Ugh, thanks. I better go... Say Dr. Stevie 'hello' from me.</p><p> - You forgot your pills, dum-dum. Check those out! Extra fruity, you will love them.</p><p> </p><p> "Dr. Levy" throws Paul his meds and comes back to his crossword. London leaves, and Raven loudly asks what's the word for 'at no future time'? Some humming comes out from the closet, as if Raven gagged the real doctor and told him to sit there quietly. </p><p> </p><p> "<em>Oh, I know the answer... Quote The Raven... </em><em><strong>Nevermore</strong></em><em>!</em>" </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>***</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="weV0zem.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/weV0zem.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> As we come back to The Temple, our main event of the evening is ready to start! All the fighters are inside the ring and ready to fight each other. Marty and Jeremiah share the same corner, as do Sammy Guevara and TJP. Dreamer gets to stand next to Son of Havoc. Cuerno is standing alone in the last corner, looking up Mil Muertes, like a hunter focuses on his large prey. Participants form a circle around two men - Ryback and The White Rabbit. Looks like they will be allowed to fight it out first after what happened last week! Here we go!!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="zyGlZQC.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zyGlZQC.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">10 Man Battle Royal for the #1 Contendership</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="OJ99OMq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OJ99OMq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="SZhdK4N.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SZhdK4N.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="D2Gwgth.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/D2Gwgth.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="FVoXnMs.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/FVoXnMs.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="3UIVHFP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/3UIVHFP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="GVobw57.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/GVobw57.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="COdJ4st.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/COdJ4st.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="3fd3bjG.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/3fd3bjG.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Pr2WGqz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Pr2WGqz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="PCkVfpE.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PCkVfpE.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Sammy Guevara</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>The White Rabbit</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>King Cuerno</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Mil Muertes</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Son of Havoc</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Marty 'The Moth' Martinez</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Ryback</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Jeremiah Crane</strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> vs. </span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>TJ Perkins</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> The White Rabbit and Ryback trade right hands, almost having a hockey fight. They are in a tight clinch, circling around the ring, with other men stepping aside for now. Rabbit trips Ryback down and looks to take the guy's back, but Ryback is very strong, and he stands up with the heavyweight still on his back. Backpack Stunner!! Those leg reps weren't for nothing! Ryback stomps The White Rabbit, but he low kicks Ryback's massive thighs, then scores a double leg takedown! The White Rabbit unloads with open palm strikes!</p><p> </p><p> All the other contestants are just watching on, letting this fight go. Cuerno slides under the bottom rope, to give the brutes some free space. Rabbit uses his legs more now, hitting kneeled Ryback in the chest. Catches the leg, Spinebuster! Ryback runs up to the ropes for a Big Splash, and that's when Cuerno pushes the top rope down, catching Ryback off guard! "The Big Guy" nearly falls out of the ring! The White Rabbit catches Ryback with a running Forearm Smash to score the first elimination!! Now this is a shocker! <strong>Ryback</strong> is livid, as The White Rabbit laughs maniacally near the ropes. Cuerno slides back into the ring...</p><p> </p><p> Sammy Guevara tries to steal Rabbit's moment and dropkicks the alpha male in the back. Not enough force to move "The Herald of Doomsday", who just turns around and clutches Guevara by his neck! Sammy of course wanted to get his revenge on The Rabbit Tribe leader for making him bleed from his mouth at Ultima Lucha Cuatro, but this was a dumb move. DOOMSDAY SAITO!! Guevara ping pongs off the mat, and now Son of Havoc tries his luck with a Cartwheel Elbow... Caught in mid-air, another brutal DOOMSDAY SAITO! </p><p> </p><p> Tick tock, it's time for them to hit the bricks. The White Rabbit locks both <strong>Sammy Guevara</strong> and <strong>Son of Havoc</strong> in a Mandible Claw, and drives forward, pushing both guys out of the ring!!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cOCpfvC.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cOCpfvC.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Three eliminations from this man already! Meanwhile, Jeremiah and Marty double team Mil Muertes, and Cuerno joins them too. All three men stomp "The Man of 1000 Deaths", and only Tommy Dreamer is too noble not to stoop to such low levels. He rolls out of the ring and throws some weapons in! Trashcans, steel chairs, cheesegrater, a kendo stick. People chant "we want tables" and Tommy is not the one to say 'no'. He sets one up on the outside, while TJP chills on the corner.</p><p> </p><p> Perkins mocks The White Rabbit, inviting him to try and eliminate 'The Technical Lightning'. Rabbit steps up and TJP slides between his legs, then dabs in the middle of the ring. Doomsday Saito incoming, but TJP lands on his feet and taunts the heavyweight some more. High Kick to the dome, Rabbit throws TJ out with an Exploder Suplex!! <strong>TJ Perkins</strong> got too cocky for his own good! See ya. Now all the rudos gang up on The Rabbit, who surprisingly gets help from Mil Muertes. He rises to punish all those who were foolish enough to attack him. Muertes clubs Jeremiah in the back, headbutts Marty and kicks Cuerno in the gut, now hitting him 10 times at the turnbuckle. Believers adore Mil Muertes, and support him the most here, weird sighting. Crane tries to knock Muertes off the second turnbuckle with a kendo stick, but that only angers Mil. He readjusts himself in the air, and catches Crane with a Crossbody! Tommy Dreamer picks up a chair, to fend off Marty, who's still rocking the cast on his arm.</p><p> </p><p> Martinez ducks the shot and drives his taped hand into Dreamer's face! Rubs it all over his mug, but then spots a cheesegrater. Don't do that, Marty! Moth drives it across Tommy's forehead, oh my God! Martina jumps on the apron to give Marty some of her beer. Moth takes a sip and pours the fuzzy one on Dreamer's wound!!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="yoe0jqR.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/yoe0jqR.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "<em>You sick **ck! You sick fu**!</em>" - chant the believers.</p><p> </p><p> Moth can only bow down for that. Cuerno and Mil really have a problem, they fight each other, ignoring all other competitors. Scrap that, Mil spears The Moth, Marty sprays the beer from his mouth! Muertes is running riot in the ring, taking down everyone in his sight. He hits the seal with his fist, and calls for the kill. Moth out? No, Crane hits Muertes with a Bicycle Kick, stopping the Flatliner. Now or never, they have to eliminate him! Dreamer wallops Marty with a stiff chairshot right into the head!! The former Lucha Underground champion is on the ropes, so Tommy runs up to tackle him over the top rope. Instead, he eats a Bicycle Kick from Crane and gets thrown out by Marty's new ally. It was a good showing for <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong>. Thumbs up... thumbs down! Muertes catches Crane with a Flatliner! Everyone is down except two men, Cuerno decides to wait out a bit. Muertes looks at The White Rabbit, two men have an intense staredown, they respect each other, but their tribes had fought each other for centuries.</p><p> </p><p> "<em>Rabbit is a symbol of fertility and new life, perhaps a yang to Mil Muertes' yin?</em>" - remarks Striker.</p><p> </p><p> Good guess. Both grab each other by the throat, getting closer to the edge... Martinez almost scores big, but he only pushed two brutes on the apron. He turns around to finish the job, but gets trapped in The Guillotine! Rabbit pulls him down... to the Rabbit's hole? <strong>Martina</strong> tries to help her man, grabbing the Rabbit's foot!! That's a symbol of good luck, right? Wrong! <strong>Mariposa</strong> comes out from the back and drags Martina away by the hair!! A jealous sis shows an "up yours" gesture to the puzzled Marty, who eats a right hand from Mil a second later!! <strong>Marty "The Moth" Martinez</strong> falls right through the table that Tommy put up, he got too distracted. Now Jeremiah picks a stone from his pocket, distracting Mil...</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="KhZePpD.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KhZePpD.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Kick to the head puts <strong>Mil Muertes</strong> down, huge elimination by Cuerno! Mil is raging, looking to have his way with the opportunistic hunter, but Crane jumps over the top rope to delay that fight for at least a week! <strong>Jeremiah Crane</strong> is a weird cat, he just eliminated himself, and continues to brawl with Mil all over the arena and to the back.</p><p> </p><p> Only two men left now, we're in the end game now! King Cuerno, and The White Rabbit. The latter one eliminated the most men from the contest, but Cuerno knows that those eliminations do not matter, only the man who survives the longest can claim the prize. The White Rabbit sits on the turnbuckle, checking his watch... TICK TOCK. <strong>Cage</strong> is here! "The Machine'' once again crashes the show and attacks the man that put him to sleep last week! This does not come as a surprise to Cuerno, who helps Cage beat up The Gauntlet's rightful owner. They punish the man with chair shots, double suplex him on the trash can. King puts The Rabbit's foot in the chair, he's ready to Pillmanize it! But look who's here - <strong>Paul London</strong>. He covers his leader, protecting him from injury! Bad idea, Cuerno grabs London by the hair and slams him on the chair with a Michinoku Driver!! Holy crap, two rabbits with one shot! That's a broken ankle, perhaps. Cuerno poses on the ropes, he has orchestrated this match and will win any second now. Cage picks The White Rabbit on his shoulders... F5!</p><p> </p><p> The leg of The White Rabbit hits <strong>King Cuerno</strong> in the back of the head, who started celebrating too early and fell off the ring!! What a finish! The White Rabbit wins the match almost by accident, and Cage can not believe what just happened. Melissa Santos clarifies the result! The White Rabbit is our official number one contender for Jake Strong's Lucha Underground title.</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>In a decent match, <strong>The White Rabbit</strong> won a Battle Royal in 14:23. The other members of the 'final four' were <strong>King Cuerno</strong>, <strong>Mil Muertes</strong> and <strong>Jeremiah Crane</strong>, with King Cuerno being the final elimination. The White Rabbit got the most eliminations over the course of the match. (<strong><span style="color:#FF8C00;">C-</span></strong>)</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="5YAWsnK.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5YAWsnK.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="5nMSyFl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5nMSyFl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Hts1jsG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Hts1jsG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7e4TMdx.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7e4TMdx.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Push comes to shove between Cage and King Cuerno - things didn't go according to the plan! At least now we know why Cuerno refused to fight Cage last week. The ref raises the winner's hand, but The White Rabbit jerks his arm back and rolls out of the ring, he's clearly hurt and limbs heavily. To end the show, <strong>Jake Strong</strong> shows up on the staircase, and raises his Lucha Underground title in the air. Good night everybody!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Final Rating</strong>: 49/100 (<strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D+</span></strong>)</p><p> <em>This show has increased our popularity in 7 regions.</em></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blodyxe" data-cite="Blodyxe" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks for the comment, Kijar!<p> </p><p> South African Soaring sounds like a great tag team. I would also like to see them go 1v1 irl. The best chance for that was presented in season 3, but I guess Angelico got hurt and they couldn't do the match. Something to explore in this save!</p><p> </p><p> Yes, Yuta is pretty cool and he is perfectly fit to be a sympathetic babyface. Hope my writing does him justice. And Dante Fox is one of my favorites, so he will be used a lot</p><p> </p><p> About Cuerno - that's a solid pick, but I want to clarify that <em>it's not the original Cuerno</em> (not Escobar), but a different man, recycling "The Hunter" gimmick. Since IP for the gimmick belong to LU, it would make sense for them to pass on the rights to some other worker. AAA does that all the time, for example. Antonio Cueto seems like the type of promoter to do such a sleazy thing <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Agreed, I was hoping for them to lock horns in the company at the time. Maybe PJ will make the jump to AEW Dark at some point and square off with him nowadays. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I look forward to it in this wonderfully cinematic diary, though.</p><p> I do think the roster is missing a bit of persuasion from Japan, I don't know why. I just think a mismatched character of that sort would provide a great dynamic, and there are plenty that fit the mold both charisma and style wise, I would think. Hiromu Takahashi being unavailable, but a good example in terms of character. </p><p> Agreed on Yuta. Nice on the note of Fox! I use him and ACH together like their old short-lived PWG African-American Wolves team in my current game, they are tag champs. I love to see him used, as not enough people know about his talent and the ability of his trainees as well.</p><p> Ahh, Ahh, in terms of Cuerno, I should be paying better attention haha. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Who is playing the character for you? I do the same sort of thing, with Sin Cara in WWE, Suicide in TNA, and my own version in some games named Ardiente as well, I've even had pass through three quality characters in a long-term game.</p><p> </p><p> Another great episode here, I won't spoil anything so people go back a page and read. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Love how close i got on some notes, and the match between Fox and Yuta especially! Some great emergences in that battle royal.</p>
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Agreed, I was hoping for them to lock horns in the company at the time. Maybe PJ will make the jump to AEW Dark at some point and square off with him nowadays. :) I look forward to it in this wonderfully cinematic diary, though.

I do think the roster is missing a bit of persuasion from Japan, I don't know why. I just think a mismatched character of that sort would provide a great dynamic, and there are plenty that fit the mold both charisma and style wise, I would think. Hiromu Takahashi being unavailable, but a good example in terms of character.

Agreed on Yuta. Nice on the note of Fox! I use him and ACH together like their old short-lived PWG African-American Wolves team in my current game, they are tag champs. I love to see him used, as not enough people know about his talent and the ability of his trainees as well.

Ahh, Ahh, in terms of Cuerno, I should be paying better attention haha. :) Who is playing the character for you? I do the same sort of thing, with Sin Cara in WWE, Suicide in TNA, and my own version in some games named Ardiente as well, I've even had pass through three quality characters in a long-term game.


Another great episode here, I won't spoil anything so people go back a page and read. :D Love how close i got on some notes, and the match between Fox and Yuta especially! Some great emergences in that battle royal.

I remember that he got his final injury in a tag match against PJ, actually. Having long limbs™ has its downsides :(




Wouldn't mind seeing PJ in AEW, but they have sooo many people on the roster already. He would probably get lost in the shuffle, and peak during his debut like many others.


I actually was 'on the fence' about using PJ in this diary, because he's working with ROH, and I wanted to limit the number of companies willing to 'loan' out their guys at first. Then I decided to get away from that, explaining it like 'we're not competing with companies on national TV, we're on Hulu', but still keeping some limitations. This also explains why there are not a lot of people from Japan. You could count Ryu (Dragon Lee) and Sniper Eagle (Robbie Eagles) as NJPW guys, but I understand what you're saying, and can assure you that you will see at least one pure puro guy coming to The Temple very soon ;)


Dante is criminally underrated, don't know how he didn't land in one of the major companies after all these years. But he's just 33 and somewhat active, so there's still a chance. 'Their' loss is my gain! :cool:


The man embracing Cuerno's persona is actually one of Sin Caras - Hunico/ Incognito/Cinta de Oro. I kinda liked him early in his WWE career, back when he had a bicycle and was flanked by Tanga Loa :D The idea is that he escaped from 'prison' and needs to keep it low not to get into 'legal troubles'. I had a few people penciled in for this gimmick, but thought Incognito would get the most help personality-wise with this role. Presentation-wise, his tattoos are covered with athletic tape and forearm pads, but believers still can see that's a completely different man. More on him in the next episode!


I am very glad to see you here, man, and just talking about this project is fun too. Thanks for dropping a comment and checking out the show!


I am upto date now with this diary and you are doing a fantastic job. So many remarkable characters you have built up, great job man.


Thank you so much, kanegan, means a lot! Hopefully this diary keeps your interest high for a long time ;) Be sure to join the prediction contest, if you can, or Kijar will win it automatically :D Speaking of predictions, I have an idea for it.




Killshot's Shooting Range






1 Kill - 33% Accuracy


I loved Killshot's character the most, but since he's gone, I will immortalize the man by naming a contest in his honor. First one to get 37 kills wins? :rolleyes:

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S05E08 Preview (Cage vs. Strong)


Season 5, Episode 8 Preview




"The Thrill of the Chase"


Lucha Underground comes back this Sunday with three big matches. We have a debut, a fresh tag team match, and a huge main event! Let's get to the details we know at the moment.


Unwritten Rules of The Business




It doesn’t matter how old or young you are in this business – respect for your peers always comes first.


And we’re not talking about handshake routines or locker room code of conduct. It’s also about being respectful to workers who have lost their job.


Last week that was Shaul Guerrero, and some members of the extended Lucha Underground family took joy in her dismissal. TJ Perkins also openly mocked Chavo Guerrero for taking offense about unfound firing, later bringing up their surname as the only reason for employment.


Obviously, Chavito couldn’t just swallow his pride like that and demanded a rematch with TJP from Antonio Cueto. As it often is with Cuetos, the request is granted, but ‘with a twist'. This week Chavo will take on TJP in a tag match, with Son of Havoc being in his corner. Perkins will partner up with Sammy Guevara – one of the most obnoxious people ever in The Temple, who also has some problems with a veteran biker.


It’s the match between old school values and new school attitude. To win here, you don’t have to be ‘right’, you just have to be better than your opponent.


Keep It in The Family




While the Guerrero family is having simmering tension with Cueto, another family is fighting among themselves.


Marty ‘The Moth’ Martinez fell through with half-sister Mariposa, who was fed up with Marty’s addictions, frivolous relationships and constant ‘redistribution of wealth’. To show that Mariposa was serious about cutting ties with Martinez, she threw his Mothness out of their luxury home and in no uncertain terms told what she had thought of Martina – latest girlfriend of “The Moth”.


One could also pin down this feud to Mariposa’s jealousy. It probably wouldn’t surprise many people if Mariposa and Marty indeed were more than just half-siblings… it sounds disturbing, and promises to look even worse, as this week Mariposa calls out Martina. “The Butterfly” looks to show who wears pants in this dysfunctional family.


To her credit, Martina was quick to accept the challenge. She has an itch for a fight and Mariposa makes up for an ideal opponent. Marty has to make a tough choice between boring life in luxury and chaotic, free spirit living he embraced in the last few years.


Not Too Thrilled




Last week the new number one contender on Jake Strong's Lucha Underground title emerged!


The White Rabbit won the 10 Man Battle Royal to make himself an official #1 contender, but his victory came at a cost - an ankle injury courtesy of Cage and runner-up King Cuerno, who cooked up a plan to fool everyone. Unfortunately for them, a freak accident put a stop to their power trip to the top of the rankings. The failure bred palpable animosity between two allies, who had come to shoves after the match.


Now that The White Rabbit is on the sidelines, the title match is on hold. But that doesn’t mean that the champion will just sit around, no. “The Savage” is keen to take on Cage in order to take his heat back, punish “The Machine” for attacking him from behind and stealing the Gauntlet.


If Cage manages to snap Strong’s undefeated streak, he will forcefully insert himself in the title picture and make a strong case for a triple threat between three heavyweights. But that would be a tall task, considering “The Hunter” will be closely watching this week’s main event.


However the match will go, one thing is for certain – it’s going to be a fight to remember.




Official Match Card




Martina [w/Marty 'The Moth' Martinez] vs. La Mariposa




Son Of Havoc and Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Sammy Guevara and TJ Perkins




Jake Strong vs. Cage


Quick Picks


Chavo Guerrero and Son of Havoc vs. Sammy Guevara and TJ Perkins

Mariposa vs. Martina [w/Marty 'The Moth' Martinez]

Cage vs. Jake Strong

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Got me there! I'll watch the match on Tubi at some point. :)


I end up hiring Incognito under that gimmick in a lot of games, actually! Subtle fan of his as well, glad you are using him for the gimmick, since it has to be somebody. :)


Chavo Guerrero and Son of Havoc vs. Sammy Guevara and TJ Perkins

Mariposa vs. Martina [w/Marty 'The Moth' Martinez]

Cage vs. Jake Strong

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Got me there! I'll watch the match on Tubi at some point. :)


I end up hiring Incognito under that gimmick in a lot of games, actually! Subtle fan of his as well, glad you are using him for the gimmick, since it has to be somebody. :)


Glad that this conversation has sparked enough interest for you to rewatch this match! I would probably also recommend Angelico/Mundo from S01E21. A real hidden gem, they had great chemistry together. And I bet LU writers wanted for them to have an extended program in season 4, but it wasn't meant to be. So it's a good look into 'what could have been'.


Initially, I had a very popular luchadore lined up for Cuerno's role, and went back and forth until settling on Incognito. Still not sure if I made the right call :p




I also wanted to take a moment and thank The Lloyd for nominating this thread for DOTM. It's my first nomination in years, and I hope that what's coming next here will entertain all readers. Means a lot! <3


P.S. The next episode should drop on Sunday, so there's enough time to post predictions if you're interested. :rolleyes: Have a nice weekend, lads

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S05E08 - Thrill of the Chase




Lucha Underground

Season 5, Episode 8


"Thrill Of The Chase"


"Antonio Cueto, you know that I'm the only fighter who has true Aztec blood... We have so much in common, her name is almost like mine - Martina... I am not kidding, I will kick you out!! Shaul, don’t take the saying ‘needs no introduction’ so close to the heart... It was your fault, Havoc, you never tagged me in... I'm not done with you, not by a long shot... I am "The Best Ever"! Antonio Cueto, I just took your animal down... Take out Cage and bring me The Gauntlet... Shaul Guerrero, I wish you luck in your future endeavors... The White Rabbit is the official number one contender for Jake Strong's Lucha Underground title!"




The Lord is having a special guest in his limo tonight. Someone who would not be invited here without good reason. A traitorous, scheming, conniving human being... Vampiro.


"Hexagon told me a lot about you, Vampiro... But you know what I see right now? A broken, bitter old man that has suffered at the hands of more powerful individuals his entire life. But let me say this - you have never met someone like me, Ian Hodgkinson. Your fate is entirely in my hands... and you better be careful when you play with fire. A broken arm will be the least of your worries if you ruin the plan of your master. Now I'll ask you just one simple question... do you have any bad news for me!?"


The Lord takes a puff and leans forward to get closer to Vampiro. Vamp looks slightly to his right, then straight in the eyes of the deity. He says 'no'. The staredown is tense, and you can cut the tension in the smoke with a dagger. But for now, Vampiro can go. He walks out of the limo, cuts the corner of The Temple, and only then clutches his heart and wipes the sweat off his forehead.




The night opens with a ruckus performance of T.S.O.L. and their "

"! Matt Striker and Excalibur shout out the punks and run down the matches we have for tonight.




- Jake Strong, the Lucha Underground champion, is back in action here tonight! He takes on Cage in a non-title match, perhaps to get his revenge on "The Machine" for taking The Gauntlet away from him?

- So far we haven't seen anyone step up to Jake like that! To beat "The Savage" you have to bend the rules a bit, so I can't blame Cage for trying.

- Cage never respected the order and the proverbial "career ladder". He just comes in and does as he pleases, but at the end of the day, the number one contender is The White Rabbit!

- Indeed he is, Matt, but the leader of the Rabbit Tribe is nursing an ankle injury after Cage and Cuerno double-teamed him last week. If "The Machine" finds a way to win tonight, perhaps we get a heavyweight three-way dance sometime in the future?

- I would love to see that. Also tonight we will witness the debut of "The Session Moth" Martina! Marty will be in her corner, and I don't know what to expect from that lady.

- Only trouble, that's for sure. It seems like we have an announced appearance of Chavo Guerrero Junior right now! Let's see what he has to say to the believers!


Chavo Guerrero Jr rudely takes the mic from Melissa Santos and starts a long-winded rant about Shaul Guerrero getting the short end of the stick.




"Cueto, what you did last week was wrong! I know our families go way back and you are jealous of our status, but this is out of line! Mi Familia is not going to just take this BS, I want you to know that!"


Guerrero is not done, but he's interrupted by TJ Perkins and, surprisingly, Sammy Guevara. They sarcastically clap to Chavo and get in the ring... Perkins has a piece of mind on the subject.




"El Jefe did the right thing, Chavito. In all honesty, we think that he just cashed in on your surname, like any smart businessman would do. Like you did all your career! Antonio Cueto only reinstated you to have Guerreros under his control. And you took the first opportunity to come back to Lucha Underground. Because deep inside you know you're done. Kick the curb, old man, the future is now...


I agree with TJP! You are what they call a never was and never has been, everyone knows it. Just like everyone here knows that I'm "The Best Ever"! People far bigger than you have compared me to Eddie Guerrero, and you know what? I couldn't care less about that. I'm not the second Eddie Guerrero, I'm the first Sammy Guevara! So do yourself a favor, just call it quits and hang up those boots of yours, gramps!"


Chavo is hot, he won't be disrespected like that! He blasts Guevara in the head with a mic and takes down TJP!! But alas, the numbers advantage helps the cocky pricks one-up Chavito. He's not the most popular guy in the locker room, so there's no help either. Hold it...




Son of Havoc appears on the top of a staircase! #He slides in the ring and fights the disrespectful duo off. "The Biker From The Open Road" has been in Lucha Underground since its inception, and probably felt the need to showcase some solidarity with Chavo. Antonio Cueto steps out and says it looks like all four want to fight... what the heck, let's make it official!




Tag Team Match




Son Of Havoc and Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Sammy Guevara and TJ Perkins


Sammy Guevara is willing to go first even though he got hit by a mic, so Son of Havoc gets in the ring and offers "The Best Ever" a test of strength. Guevara laughs it off and shoves a middle finger in the biker's face... Irish whip follows and Japanese Arm Drag catches Guevara off guard! Havoc misses with a follow-up elbow drop, Sammy Roundhouse Kicks SoH! TJ puts his foot on the top rope, and Son of Havoc sniffs the sole real quick after that. Early tag made...


TJP with a Springboard Back Rake. Needlessly athletic! Perkins tries to control the bout with a headlock, blocking a Saito Suplex attempt. He had enough of that last week! TJ elbows Havoc in the back of his head, kicks him in the back of the knee, and finishes the sequence with a Running Snapmare! Perkins looks back at Chavo and twists his heel over Havoc's masked face, imitating Eddie! And of course, then he dabs, with people hating his swagger.


Quick chop, two rollover vertical suplexes aaaand... Belly to Back Suplex. Now TJP is shoving a middle finger in Chavo's face, no Three Amigos for him tonight! Guerrero peeks out from the ropes, and the ref stops him. Guevara of course uses this opportunity to knee lift Havoc leaning against the ropes! TJP lands a Wrecking Ball Dropkick on Havoc, knocking him out of the ring, and Sammy G adds a Running Shooting Star Press on the outside!! Chavo tells Son of Havoc to do better! Tag made, and the cocky stars execute another unique maneuver - Double Gutbuster! Stomps follow, so Chavo decides to interfere once again, shoving Guevara away and chopping TJP in the corner. He has to come back though, leaving Son of Havoc with something to work with... Biker hits a Headscissors and Arm Drag combo on both TJ and Sammy!


Bounces off the ropes with a Double Flying Elbow!




Chavo cheers his partner up, Son of Havoc is 'on fire', as he completely takes out the opposing tag team with a Tornado DDT-Enzuigiri combo! He climbs the turnbuckles for a big finish on Guevara, but Chavo takes it from here with a blind tag and hits a Tope Con Hilo instead. Talk about stealing someone's thunder! Guerrero tells Havoc to calm down and watch how true veterans do it... European Uppercut blocked, Sammy hits Chavito with a Pele Kick and goes airborne himself. 630 Senton!! Cover, Guerrero reverses with a pin of his own, but Low Dropkick from TJP saves Guevara!


Sammy quickly recovers. Superkick catches Chavo on the button! Knee lift from the Argentine Backbreaker position sets up Guerrero for one final move... tag to Perkins, he lands a perfect Flying Knee to Chavo and tries a cover. One, two, NO! "The Warrior" is still in it! TJP decides to torture Chavo and puts him into a Reverse Figure 4. Chavo is not in his comfort zone, but he reaches the ropes and takes a breather. TJ jumps over the ropes to the outside and slaps Chavo in the face, the disrespect! Havoc retaliates with a Meteora to the outside and does a Flagship stand against the ring post, finally dropping an elbow on Perkins! That was a cool-looking move! Havoc throws TJP in the ring, where Guerrero hits a vicious Brainbuster! TJP is just in the right position, and Chavito is feeling froggy! He shakes his chest and climbs up...




Believers did not see that coming, and now Chavo clutches his back... Perkins has the audacity to lock Guerrero in a Lasso from El Paso! TJ tells Chavo to just quit and leave forever, but this is not an option for Guerrero, who uses his arm to swipe Perkins' heel and transition it into a Single Leg Boston Crab! Guevara puts his nose in Chavo's business once more, and hits the legend with a Springboard DDT to break the hold! Son of Havoc slaps the apron and gets the crowd behind Guerrero, trying to get the tag from his partner, but he's denied by Dante Fox, who brings the biker down without being caught!


TJP rolls over for a legal tag and Sammy Guevara ends the match with a Curb Stomp! Dante Irish whips Havoc in the barricade and grins, as TJP and Sammy G celebrate their victory.

In a decent match, TJ Perkins and Sammy Guevara defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Son of Havoc in 8:09 when Sammy Guevara pinned Chavo Guerrero after a Curb Stomp. (D+)

Dante Fox walks around Chavo and says he heard what Guevara and Perkins said about him before. And he couldn't agree more! It is an injustice that he gets the spotlight before guys like them! He was lucky to be born into this business, while they had to fight for everything they have today.


"They say that generals get all the credit, while soldiers do all the work... Well, I'm done being a good little soldier in Lucha Underground!"


Fox starts stomping Guerrero and Son of Havoc with TJ and Sammy, and now the locker room reacts to the beating and runs out to help. Jimmy Yuta, Angelico, and PJ Black all jump in the action and chase off the attackers! Lots of unfinished business here, as Yuta targets Fox and Angelico hits Guevara with a Shuri Knee! The brewing conflict goes out of control, and now the locker room is divided like never before.




While some men fight each other in the ring, some people spend some quality time together. Paul London has met up with Raven, following their unlikely reunion in Dr. Stevie's office.




- Oh hey Paul! Did you get a hare dryer again from your friend?

- Yeah, he got hurt and takes his anger on me and El Bunny. I must say, Raven, I did not expect you to reach out again!

- Eh, no big deal. After listening to what you had to say, I thought a simple walk would help air the cockroaches out of your dumdum head.

- Perhaps you're right! I spend so much time in the Rabbit Hole that I don't see the sun anymore! My skin is so pale, gosh! Need to get out more. So where we are going?

- Oh, that's a secret, my friend. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Relax!


Raven claps Paul on the back, and as they walk off, we can see a white mark on London's back. The montage of them walking all around the place is shown, and London asks if Raven knows where they are going? He does. Actually, they are already where they have to be. Raven points at the fair! Lots of games, lots of people - exactly what they need! Paul shrugs, if Raven insists. This is not your usual fair though - women swallow swords, kids wear creepy clown masks, the Ferris wheel is squeaking unbearably.


They walk around until Raven spots a magician with a blacktop hat...




"Hearzellearzo frearziends, earzit's mearze, Bearzatearzemearzan! Shearzall wearze plearzay earza learzittlearze gearzamearze?"


Paul is confused, that sounds Greek to him. Raven calls Paul a dummy and says just give the man five bucks! London shrugs and gives the creepy-looking guy his fiver. Hazzah! He pulls a white rabbit out of his hat! Delightful! Paul loves it, but the rabbit bites him in the hand and runs away. The magician becomes serious and confronts London about it, ranting in his own speaking language. Paul asks Raven to translate since he doesn't understand a word! Raven rolls his eyes and says that the man obviously wants to get his rabbit back, or compensation! London doesn't want any problem, so he gives all his coins. Looks like that won't be enough... Paul promises to return the money next time, but Raven says that he will pay the rest and tells Paul to step aside.


"What a mark!" - Raven exclaims, turning his face to the mysterious magician. The man smiles deviously and passes Raven his cut, whispering "Quote the Raven, nevermore..."






As we come back to The Temple, Mariposa makes her entrance! She is looking different, she's transforming? Anyway, she wants to address Marty and Martina before they have a match.


"My sweet little half-brother, how do you like your new life? Are you enjoying living like a bum? I hope you do, because you will never lay your dirty hands on MY riches! Enjoy living the rest of your life with a smelly, disgusting pig you call your girlfriend!"


Mariposa drops the mic and invites the weirdos to the ring! Martina comes out, rocking to

and enjoying her cold beverage. She spills the beer on her top and invites some guy in the front row for a motorboat, but Marty shoves the bloke away and goes for it himself. They come down to the ring and Marty "The Moth" Martinez gives his final advice to the debutant. She looks ready to fight!




Singles Match




Martina [w/Marty 'The Moth' Martinez] vs. La Mariposa


The bout is about to start, and the ref wants to check if Martina has any foreign objects on her. After a quick search, Martina thinks that the striped man fancies her and returns the favor, searching his pockets with a slap. As you do...


Martina stops Mariposa from locking up, she wants to toast her debut first. "Long live Session Moth" she says and makes a hole in the can, downing the drink in one go! She's hardcore, but she also concedes a Spear from Mariposa! "The Butterfly" hits Martina in the face and drags her around the ring by the hair! The ref tries to stop that, giving Martina time to roll out. Mariposa follows, but Marty gets in her way. They don't come to blows, but Martina stomps on Mariposa when she returns to the ring. Grabs her by the pigtails and yanks them back, nasty! A jiggly dropkick sends Mariposa to the corner...


Broncobuster time? No, Mariposa blocks it with a leg! Missile dropkick, cover for two.


The more experienced Mariposa keeps Martina in the headlock, but ends up on her back after a Belly-to-Back Suplex! Marty loves that, clapping to her GF, who gets her leopard pants pulled down by Mariposa. Martina is not the one to get embarrassed though, as she shrugs and hits a 5 Knuckle Shuffle on her opponent! She's a huge John Cena fan, it seems. Marty loves it!




Now she's picking up Mariposa, Fireman's Carry... elbows to the head, Mariposa locks Martina in a Fujiwara Armbar! The hold transitions into an arm wringer, then a simple wrist lock. Martina tries to kip up, but she fails miserably. Eats a leg drop! Mariposa taunts Marty and calls for the Butterfly Effect! She gets too distracted and is pushed out of the ring. Session Moth pulls up her jocks and prepares for a high-risk maneuver... CROSSBODY CATCHES MARTY INSTEAD!


That was not the softest landing, but it took Marty out of the match for a minute. Mariposa body slams Martina on top of The Moth, putting them in a 'compromising position', and is now looking for a count out. Martina is not done though, climbing the turnbuckles and shocking Marty's sis with a Codebreaker!! Cover... One, two, no!!


Martina is feeling that now is her time to end this, setting up Mariposa for her finish, but it takes too much time. The more experienced grappler slips out... BUTTERFLY EFFECT! Mariposa covers the debutant and gets the victory! Very good match, and perhaps not the last one between the two.

In a bout that had subpar wrestling and decent heat, La Mariposa defeated "Session Moth" Martina in 6:28 by pinfall with a Butterfly Effect. (D)

Mariposa celebrates her victory, but Marty crashes the party! He retaliates with a Bicycle Kick, and bites the sibling slightly above the mask!


Rabbit punches get the cut open, and now Marty smears true Aztec blood over his mouth. What a creep! Martina bashes Mariposa with a beer can, and goes into Sandman mode, doing the same to herself. No need to be disappointed about the result though - Mariposa is arguably the most experienced luchadora we have around.


Marty says just because Pentagon is hiding somewhere and he's not in top condition to challenge Jake Strong, this family feud will continue. They will fight each other forever!






Meanwhile, Cage is preparing for his big main event against Jake Strong by lifting some serious weight. He's still worn out after the Gauntlet, but can't show any weakness in this ruthless locker room. Speaking of ruthless, King Cuerno approaches "The Machine" and crosses his arms while watching the guy who ruined his master plan last week.


- Cage, you don't take me seriously enough, do you? I think you are taking my friendship for granted.

- It was your fault, Cuerno. Don't turn your back in the Battle Royal, you're smart enough to know that.

- Oh yeah? Well, it's funny that you bring that up. I am the only man who has watched over your back, and you are not thankful for that. So what I'm saying is... don't turn your back on me now, or else...

- I don't even know who are you! You are not the man I was friends with.


Cage turns his back on "Cuerno" and does some barbell shrugs. "The Hunter" was about to attack Cage from the back, but thought against it and left. He's a patient man... Cage finishes his warm-up and heads to the ring. He faces insurmountable odds, but he refuses to just give up.




While The Temple is packed with people who chant their lungs out, have fun, and enjoy the experience, another arena that hosted Lucha Underground shows is looking completely different.


The abandoned Ice Temple is cold, dark, dry, quiet. No foot has stepped in here since the night after Ultima Lucha Cuatro. Until now... Low-Ki and Agent Winter drag a body bag to the freezer, where Tarver is honing his boxing skills. He jabs the meat and he looks quite angry, probably still can't forgive himself for losing to Cage inside a minute. Winter asks if he will help them unload the bodies? Tarver puts down his face mask and says he has to be ready for his match next week, or else they will be dragging him in the body bag. Who is Tarver fighting then? It is going to be Ryu. Winter scoffs and says the big man has nothing to worry about. Low-Ki listens to the agent and the boxer, then looks over the lockers. 'Mason The Maniac', 'Yurei', 'Hitokiri', 'Doku', 'Black Lotus'...


He passes them by and points at the one with the name 'HoHo Lun' on it.


"Do us all a favor and knockout him to his death bed. We will put him next to his little buddy over here..." - coldly drops Low-Ki.




We're ready for our main event of the evening! Melissa looks worried but has to do what she has to do.


"The following lucha is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from the 559... they call him CAGE!"


Her husband flexes his muscles on top of the staircase, to the beat of the "I'm a Machine" theme! He looks good for a man that was beaten up just a week ago. Will his luck be better this time?


"And his opponent, from Perry, Oklahoma... He's the current Lucha Underground champion... Jake Strong!"


A hungry "Savage" is irate, he beats himself in the chest and poses with the title to antagonize the believers. Only a few people in attendance are happy to see Jake Strong.


Strong gives his title to Marty Elias and looks to start a fight. Here we go!




Non-Title Match




Cage vs. Jake Strong


Jake Strong did not have a chance to meet someone like Cage so far, at least in his Lucha Underground career. Jake faced the likes of Drago and Aerostar more often, dominating the luchadores and building up his win streak against smaller opponents. While "The Savage" is still taller than Cage, it is unlikely that "The Machine" will let the champ get his way with himself. But as soon as the bell rings, Jake sprints towards Cage and hits him in the gut with a knee!


Strong does not waste any time and sends Cage flying with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex! "The Machine" did not expect such pace early on, but he kips back up and flexes on Strong! Two heavyweights trade right hands, and Cage slowly but surely chops the bigger man down. Woooo... Strong is not feeling the pain though, he has a blank expression on his face now, and slaps Cage in the face as the answer. Double leg takedown! Jake doesn't want to risk more than he has to, taking this fight to the mat. He's a very accomplished grappler, and he could take Cage's back a few times, but preferred to show off instead and slap Cage in the back of his head. Why anger someone like Cage? Well, because Strong relishes the challenge. Delayed Suplex is broken up with a knee from an upside-down position, now Cage tries to pick up Strong! He was close, but Jake blocked it and tripped him up, now looking for a Rear Naked Choke. Thankfully, Cage gets to the ropes. It's not an easy bout for Mr. GMSI!


When Cage bumps into someone who's bigger than him, and that's pretty rare, he likes to showcase his athleticism and agility. This bout is no exception, as he rebounds off the second rope with a Twisting European Uppercut! Strong stumbles back and has his arms trapped by the ropes like he's Andre The Giant! Cage uses this opportunity to hit Strong repeatedly... Strong frees himself, but a tight Discus Clothesline sends "The Savage" out of the ring!! The Terminator clap echoes through The Temple, and you know Cage is ready to get his engine revving...






Cage poses like a gladiator, are you not entertained? Melissa cheers him up too. Cage pushes Strong in the ring post and bashes his big head against the apron. Is he looking for a Deadlift Second Rope Superplex? There's no way it is possible! Jake hangs on and pushes Cage against the rope! Big lariat sends Cage on the mat, with angry Jake now hurling himself in the chest screaming 'STRONG! STRONG! STRONG' The believers boo this, but can only watch on as Strong hits Cage with a Deadlift Gutwrench Powerbomb. Cover, "The Machine" is still in this, kicking out at two!


Jake immediately advances for an Arm-Triangle Choke he calls simply - The Stronghold!


Cage is strong enough to play defense, and protect his neck... he gets up and drives Jake into the corner, repeating Shoulder Tackles a few times. Enzughiri sends Strong on the second rope, and Cage follows up the move, dialing 559!! The champion is flat on his back in the middle of the ring, could this be it? Cage signals for a Moonsault, but King Cuerno runs down and tries to stop "The Machine"! CAGE HITS BACK AND MUSCLES CUERNO OVER THE TOP ROPE! DEADLIFT SUPERPLEX RIGHT ON TOP OF STRONG!!


"THEY CALL HIM CAGE AND HE DELIVERS ON THE BIGGEST STAGE!!" - screams Striker, in an over-the-top manner.


Cover, one... two... Jake kicks out! So close, but no, Strong saves his streak. Cage throws Cuerno out of the ring and puts down his straps... F'n'5 time! Strong is too big, stuffing the move and delivering a big German Suplex instead! The champion gets the second air and executes a Vader Bomb on his first attempt... Well, it was only a matter of time before he went for the leg. Cage is in the Ankle Lock!! He better submit, or he will get his ankle snapped in a second! Strong drags Cage in the middle and wind whips his leg. Melissa jumps off her barstool and asks Cage to give up for his own good! He's not quitting though, to his own detriment!! SNAP.


Jake breaks the ankle and the ref stops the bout, awarding the victory to "The Savage"!! Fans are deflated.

In a bout that had good action and decent heat from the crowd, Jake Strong defeated Cage in 08:13 by submission with an Ankle Lock. (C)


Final Rating: 54/100 (C-)

This show has increased our popularity in 17 regions.

Strong gets the title and drives it right into hobbling Cage's skull, knocking the man out. He is the top man, he's the most dominant, he is... Jake Strong. STRONG. STRONG. STRONG!


Cuerno waits until the winner is done and slides back into the ring with a steel chair. Cage is powerless, he can't do anything to protect himself. "The Hunter" circles around and slams the chair into the leg, multiple times! Melissa shrieks in horror, her husband is being crippled.


Who shall stop this?




Mil Muertes power walks to the ring! "The Man of 1000 Deaths" was eliminated from the Battle Royal last week by Cuerno, and he wants his revenge on "The Hunter"!


Cuerno will not give him such privilege though, as he sneaks out of the ring and slowly backs down. Melissa probably did not expect Mil to make a save, but she's not in a position to choose a savior.


And somewhere in the distance, Fenix has a million-yard stare. He's observing Mil Muertes and Melissa Santos, before Vampiro puts an arm on his shoulder.




"Now you're ready, my son..."

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S05E09 Preview


Season 5, Episode 9 Preview




"Through Fire and Flames"




No Need To Rabbit In


Things have not been good for Paul London lately. Since he returned to The Temple, he was fooled by Antonio Cueto, demolished by Ryback, and then brutalized by his own commander - The White Rabbit. Paul has to endure a lot of punishment outside of the Lucha Underground ring too, which begs a question... When will this eccentric man reach his limit? This week isn't looking too good for London either, as he's booked in a match against "The Professional" Low-Ki! This can be seen as a strategic booking, to eliminate Paul from the upcoming title match between Jake Strong and The White Rabbit, who by the way still has a lingering ankle injury. Will Paul pull a rabbit out of the hat here, or will he get mugged yet again?




Slay The Dragon


After being embarrassed by Cage, Tarver looks to put himself back among the toughest Lucha Underground fighters. To do that, the ex-boxer will tussle it out with a special talent, one of the most gifted luchadors in the game today - Ryu! "The Dragon" faces a bigger opponent with odds stacked against him, but the fire inside the warrior will not die down by itself. There are some rumors suggesting that Ryu has a very good reason to despise Tarver, but nothing concrete as of now. This match can also be seen as a traditional story of David versus Goliath, a hot prospect against a disenfranchised fighter, finally a luchador against a boxer. This battle will give us some answers about the character of both men, that's for sure.




Fatal Four-Way


The main event for this week's Lucha Underground show is straight fire, and that's a fact, because Fenix is scheduled to make his return! The darker version of "The Man of 1000 Lives" will jump in the baptism of fire represented by King Cuerno, Jeremiah Crane, and Mil Muertes! As we could see from the Battle Royal, Crane is not finished with Mil, and Muertes himself wants to beat up King Cuerno! If we look at this match from a stylistic perspective, then Jeremiah Crane sticks out, being the only non-luchador competing here. Not the first time Jeremiah would find himself an oddball, so perhaps it's not such a big disadvantage for the Ohio native. Mil Muertes looks at a much worse position, as all three of his opponents have a motivation to target him specifically. Finally, calculating, conniving, cold-minded Cuerno will likely pick his spots and opt-in for a careful strategy to pick the biggest victory of his Lucha Underground career. Four fighters, twelve possible outcomes, and only one way to find the winner... Let's lucha!!!


Official Match Card


Paul London vs. Low-Ki ©


Ryu vs. Tarver


Jeremiah Crane vs. King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes vs. Fenix




Killshot's Shooting Range






2 Kills - 33% Accuracy


Kijar leads the rankings after scoring another "kill"! Feel free to join the shooting range and earn your "unique opportunity" :)


Also a big thank you to falling_star for nominating this dynasty for DOTM!

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That Mundo/Angelico match is where I left off before, actually! :D Always been a fan of both. :) The second I saw Angelico I was drawn to him haha


Paul London vs. Low-Ki ©

Some 04-09 ROH style magic on the way


Ryu vs. Tarver


Jeremiah Crane vs. King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes vs. Fenix

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S05E09 - Through Fire and Flames




Lucha Underground

Season 5, Episode 9


"Through Fire and Flames"


"You better be careful when you play with fire… I'm done being a good little soldier in Lucha Underground… You have to be "this'' high to enter The Temple… We will put him next to his little buddy over here… Hearzellearzo frearziends, earzit's mearze, Bearzatearzemearzan… Quote The Raven, nevermore... THEY CALL HIM CAGE AND HE DELIVERS ON THE BIGGEST STAGE… Now you’re ready, my son..."




Antonio Cueto pours himself a drink and asks his visitor if he wants some? No. He doesn't drink while he's on duty... Usually Dante Fox doesn't play politics, but today is a special day.


"Dante, I enjoyed your match with Jimmy Yuta so much, it gave me this grandiose idea. Actually, it was your words last week that sent my gears into motion.


You said that 'soldiers do all the work, while generals get all the credit'... and while you're definitely not a hard-working soldier, I can see you in a more prominent role. For that to happen, I want to offer you a unique opportunity... I want you to assemble an elite squad and take some people that have been too defiant lately through hell. Angelico, Chavo Guerrero, Son of Havoc, PJ Black, and your good friend Jimmy Yuta.


I want a five-on-five match with no disqualifications, something I want to call 'Juegos de Gerra'... Will you enlist, General Dante Fox?"


Dante is blown away, he likes what he hears and loudly says 'Yes, sir!' to please El Jefe. Antonio stands up in his chair and salutes Fox, without wearing a hat. Dante puts on his baseball cap and returns the favor. He will start recruiting right away, and he will take his troops to the war zone.




We are in The Temple, and as always, the performing band and the believers feed off each other's energy. T.S.O.L. performs "

" as Matt Striker and Excalibur welcome us and run down the card!




- Welcome ladies and gentlemen! This is Lucha Underground, with me, Matt Striker, and my partner in crime - Excalibur! We have a big main event for you tonight, a fatal 4-way match between Mil Muertes, Jeremiah Crane, King Cuerno and... wait for it...

- One of the best luchadores to ever compete in this building, the trailblazer, the human highlight reel!

- Fenix! That's right, "The Bird of War" has landed, and I'm excited to see the former Lucha Underground champion in action against three top-caliber fighters! Although I think Fenix is pound-for-pound the best fighter we have in this Temple, he might be a bit 'rusty'! That's the only thing that stops me from calling him a clear favorite. Who you got, Ex?

- Over the past few weeks I have been impressed by the dominance of Mil Muertes. He has defeated Jeremiah in a Death Match and was very close to winning the Battle Royal two weeks ago! I'm going with "The Man of 1000 Deaths"!

- Great choice, but I think Mil's issues with all three men will not allow him to come out on top. I'm choosing King Cuerno, or perhaps the man who has embraced Cuerno's identity, to pick up a big win. He's calculating and smart, and he had a spotless record right until he was accidentally eliminated from the Battle Royal. I bet on him undoing the wrongs, he clearly has a plan to neutralize all three of his opponents.

- Speaking of neutralizing! Last week Cage has suffered an ankle injury at the hands of Jake Strong, with Cuerno adding insult to injury, and stomping "The Machine" after the match. Mil was brave enough to stop the beating and scare "The Hunter" off, but judging by Melissa's mood, Cage is down with an injury and won't be here tonight.

- And what about Jeremiah Crane. Is he the underdog?

- In my opinion, the anger will only fuel Crane to wreak absolute havoc, as he does every time he's in that ring. I can't write him off, Matt! Everything is possible in Lucha Underground!

- That is an exciting match, but let's first see what the young dragon Ryu has in store for us! Judging by my notes, he's set to fight Tarver. He will have to punch above his weight to stop the former boxer! This match will take place any minute now. Melissa, your turn to shine!




"The following lucha is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Tala, Jalisco, Mexico... RYU!"


The believers are glad to see Ryu again, his performance against Low-Ki and Sniper Eagle has made him a well-liked man in this building. Ryu jumps into the ring, he's very glad to be given another chance here.


"And his opponent, from Akron, Ohio... TARVER!"


Tarver shadow boxes while making his way to the ring. He's wearing a back robe that has "Black Panther Fighting Club" written on it. The only thing he misses is a boxing coach in his corner. Oh wait, he actually has a cornerman, and some fans recognize him. The boxer talks some trash to Melissa, perhaps he's still salty about being demolished by Cage. Focus, Tarv.


He will get his chance at redemption here, cause the match is on! Tarver says he'll knock Ryu out...






Tarver [w/Coach Godfrey] vs. Ryu


The match starts with Ryu running circles around Tarver, he's too quick for the boxer. Ryu flies like a butterfly and stings like a bee, hitting Tarver in the inner side of the thigh with low kicks. He gets too excited after lining up for a dropkick, and gets caught with a big right hand!


"I'll make you regret that you were ever born. You two-bit chump!" - yells Tarver.


Believers momentarily boo the boxer, they don't want to see boxers in The Temple! While their hatred for Tarver is understandable, we have an underground fighting club with open door policy, so fighters of different styles will end up here whether you like it or not. Tarver mounts the luchador, hitting him in the head repeatedly! The bigger man picks Ryu up... Overhead Belly-to-Belly! His coach loves it, and tells him to keep the tempo.


Tarver wants another suplex, but Ryu headbutts him in the chest and hits an Elevated Enzughiri! Tarver slumps over the ropes, but doesn't bounce off them. Rapid run-up dropkick knocks him out of the ring! Ryu is not willing to stop, letting out a battle cry... TOPE SUICIDA like you have never seen it executed before! Ryu glides through the ropes with velocity and pushes Tarver back with his head! King Cuerno will have hiccups, what a move! Even that cornerman is impressed.




"Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No, it's RYU, and he's simply superhuman!" - exclaims Striker.


Ryu jumps on the apron and leaps off, driving Tarver into the announce table with a Hurricanrana! He smells blood, and goes to the top rope... that would be a very risky maneuver - this announce table is no joke! Nevertheless, Ryu jumps down, and ends up in Tarver's hands, who drops him on the edge of the table with a Scoop Slam! Tarver slides back in the ring, gloating. Ryu has to beat the count now... The ref is at six, and Ryu didn't move an inch. Tarver tells the ref to hurry up, but Ryu jumps back in when the count hits 9.


Tarver waits for his opponent to stand up, but misses with a loaded punch! Ryu ducked the hand and looked to pick Tarver up for a German Suplex. No luck, the heavyweight easily fights back and drops Ryu down with a Snap DDT! Cover... One, two, Ryu kicks out! This young man has a big heart, he will fight to death! Tarver mounts once again, really getting a lot of power behind his punches. Ref thinks about stopping the bout, but Ryu covers himself, slips out and rolls out of the ring for a breather. Tarver lines up for a Superman Punch, misses!


Ryu quickly runs up the apron and jumps back in the ring, catching the boxer with a Dragonrana! Cover. One, two, NO!


Almost had him! Ryu has the backing of the crowd, he's pumped and focuses all his anger on the quickfire kicks. He points to the sky and makes a run up... BIG BICYCLE KNEE! Catches Tarver right on the chin, he's dazed! Coach is yelling for Tarver to duck as Ryu points to the sky and exposes his knee... SHINING WIZARD KNOCKS TARVER OUT COLD! The underdog pins the KO artist!

In a decent match, Ryu defeated Tarver in 7:27 by pinfall with a Shining Wizard. (D)

The boxer has been knocked out, and Ryu breaks down on his knees after the fight! An emotional match for "The Dragon" and his first win in Lucha Underground. Rick Knox raises the winner's arm and coach on Tarver... Ryu screams 'Esto es para hoho!' but Striker and Excalibur don't get the 'hoho' part. They still agree that big things are waiting for him in the future. Coach leaves Tarver in the ring and bursts into Cueto's office.


Now in his agent mode, Winter informs Antonio that Tarver is not going to cut it. Antonio Cueto says that's why they have Agent Low-Ki. "The Dragon" is mighty, but he stands no chance against "The Professional". By the way, he will have a match in just a few minutes, to eliminate one pesky rodent who can accidentally undo their plans for next week... The White Rabbit versus Jake Strong is going to be special.


Winter throws down his coach shirt and reminds Antonio to make sure that Strong gets the champion's advantage. He wants a front row seat for that match.




- Jake Strong will get more than just an advantage, agent. His victory is just a formality now!

- And what about Ryback? How is he doing?

- Oh, he's angrier and hungrier than ever before! He's a worthy host, but he needs a bit more time with The Gauntlet.

- I see. Before I forget, here's the man that stole our money. Our security cameras caught this punk sneaking into your office just as you have left to get Ryback going.

- That little rat... I will make him pay for stealing from my nose! And if he survives that, you can execute him yourself.


Antonio slams the photo on the desk, we can't see who stole the briefcase. But Winter jokingly pulls the finger gun and 'shoots' the perpetrator.




Backstage, Paul London is looking extra anxious. He goes up and down the corridor, he has a borderline panic attack before his match. Something wicked his way comes... Paul turns around the corner and bumps into Raven! His outfit looks similar to London's - black top hat and a white robe.




"Oh, here you are! Nice outfit, white color fits you much better, Paul. And don't forget to stay hop-timistic! If you're feeling too tense, try the magic pills I gave you, they will relax you a bit!"


London nods frantically but he has to go now. He will get back to Raven as soon as possible and they will talk more. As Paul runs away, Tommy Dreamer spots his long-time rival from the distance. Raven has some shadows lurking behind his back. When he sees Dreamer, Raven hits his signature pose and disappears, leaving Tommy to wonder if he's seeing things right or his cameo in the Battle Royal played a sick joke on his rattled brain.


Time to get back to the ring!




"The following lucha is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, he comes to us from down The Rabbit Hole... PAUL LONDON!"


Just as Paul puts down his hat and shakes hands with all the believers, Antonio Cueto leaves his office. El Jefe says enough of the pleasantries, let's lucha!


"Paul, I was unfair to you in our last two meetings. You have battled people far bigger than you, but you showed incredible courage! Believe it or not, I appreciate your guts. That's why I want to reward you with a title opportunity against an opponent of your "weight class"... Low-Ki!!"


Paul gulps when he sees "The Professional" making his way down. A title match? Let's see if it's London gets lucky night.




Gift of the Gods Championship Match




Paul London vs. Low-Ki ©


Low-Ki might have a similar frame to the one Paul has, but he's a natural-born killer inside those ropes, and a clear favorite in this title match.


Paul asks for a moment, he wants to strategize. He didn't expect to get such a tough opponent! Instead of warming up or thinking about his gameplan, London simply throws two colorful pills in his mouth and drinks it up with a beverage from a fan in the front row. Low-Ki just frowns and measures the ring with his steps, waiting for Paul to hop back in.


Paul makes a big run-up and belly slides across the ring, stopping just near the champion. Double Foot Stomp! Ki just jumped on top of London and is now punishing him with kicks to the head and torso! He isn't here to entertain the fans or be a goofy clown... Shotgun Dropkick into the corner! The move was so powerful that Paul flew across the ring and hit the bottom turnbuckle with the back of his silly head. Low-Ki punishes Paul with Pendulum Stomps in the corner, he's shooting on the poor guy!


"Could Low-Ki be mad that he has to share the ring with someone like Paul London? Or maybe he doesn't agree that Paul deserves this shot?" - wonders Excalibur.


The champ is ready to roll it down, climbing the turnbuckle. Ghetto Stomp incoming? No... Paul slowly rolls away from the landing spot, with great comedic timing. Believers love it, but Ki doesn't find this humorous at all. London rolls all the way out of the ring, and continues his adventure even on the floor, rolling down the foggy corridor. Champion puts a stop to that with a Knee Drop from the apron! Low-Ki throws his victim back in the ring, where kneeling Paul is looking dizzy. Shoot kick to the chest misses, as London just folds backward like an accordion. He's flexible, we have to give him that!


And he has no care in this world, as he lays back in the middle of the ring, staring at the ceiling. The pills worked fast!




Ki grabs the man by his hair, and prepares a Buzzsaw Kick... but London falls down face first on the mat. Low-Ki loses his marbles and plays kick-ups with Paul's head!


"I don't know if Paul London is under the influence of those magic pills, but I do know that usually he's a crafty competitor, and he can pull out a rabbit out of his hat!" - remarks Striker.


Paul is no slouch, but he looks like one right now. Tidal Crush!! London takes a few steps and drops back again, ala Ric Flair. Comedy act is getting to its conclusion, as Paul gets hit once more with a Switchblade Kick! Low-Ki covers, but would you believe it, Paul unknowingly got his leg under the rope. Now that's impeccable ring awareness! Justin Borden really doesn't want to point that out to the champ, but he has to. The argument sparks because of that, and now Low-Ki puts London in a Dragon Sleeper!


The hold is tight, but not tight enough, as Paul uses the ring corner to escape and also hit "The Professional" with Sliced Bread #2! London dances over to the ropes, and puts Low-Ki down with a Springboard Roundhouse Kick! A move very similar to The Tidal Wave! Believers are clapping to Paul, who looks around and jumps on the third turnbuckle. SHOOTING STAR PRESS BLOCKED BY THE KNEES!


Low-Ki put all the winds from Paul's sails with that and ended this match with a Ki Krusher! London is 0-3 in singles competition, while Low-Ki has the mirror opposite record.

In a good match, Low-Ki defeated Paul London in 9:19 by pinfall with a Ki Krusher. Low-Ki makes defence number 2 of his Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods title. (C-)

It looks like Low-Ki wants to send a special message to The Rabbit Tribe, and beat up London some more! But he gets no chance to do that, as El Bunny and The White Rabbit are here! The number one contender has a little limp, but also a sick smile on his face...




"Mr. Low-Ki, I believe your time in the ring is up! Oh be so kind to leave it before we get there... do not waste any of our precious time. Because not only is The White Rabbit your number one contender, but also the winner of the Gauntlet. Those $100,000 don't do anything for me, but it is the matter of principle, so Antonio Cueto... I give you one week to pay the toll!"


The White Rabbit grabs a kendo stick from under the ring and tells Low-Ki one last time to leave the ring. After a bit of jaw jacking, the Gift of the Gods champion leaves the area, but still looks closely over The White Rabbit. He comes up to his lackey... and starts wielding the kendo stick, punishing London for losing once again!! This comes as a surprise for El Bunny, who looks away in horror.




Shot after shot, The White Rabbit punishes his minion. You know the saying "beat your friends, so your enemies will be scared of you"? That probably applies here. Psychotic Rabbit finally lets Paul have a breath. He gets the microphone and delivers a simple, yet very effective message to the current champion.


"TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK. Jake Strong, your time on top is over... The Rabbit Tribe will reclaim the Lucha Underground championship, and will reign supreme over all Aztec tribes! HAHAHA!"


El Bunny tries to get London back to senses, but there's no need for that, as the leader of their tribe easily throws the fallen warrior on his shoulder. Next week, the same shoulder could be carrying some gold.




Jeremiah Crane is in anticipation of tonight's main event. He slaps his cheeks and gives himself a long, intense look in the mirror.


He has not slept well for weeks, haunted by nightmares where Catrina appeared to him as an old, ugly woman. She was so beautiful, and now his lasting image of Catrina is ruined forever by Mil Muertes, who allowed the love of Crane's life to die... Crane is now approached by Marty "The Moth" Martinez, he checks on his new friend and asks if he needs help? Jeremiah just shakes his head, he's fine.




"I could never do the things you do for love... sit in your room with no light, no food, no water for days just to induce extreme feelings of aggression. I just wanted to say that you're an inspiration to me! I believe that you can take Mil down, but if you need me - just light the fire, and I'll be there!"


It is weird to see Marty so engaged with other man's traumas, but here we are. Before going away, Martinez leaves his lunchbox to Jeremiah, in case he feels hungry. Crane hates to be teased, so he throws the lunchbox at the wall... and finds out it only contained a bloody fork. Maybe "The Moth" actually gets him? Martinez probably does this not only from the "goodness of his will", but also to hurt Mil, who eliminated him for the Battle Royal. Jeremiah picks up the fork and storms to the ring - the main event is NEXT!




Matt Striker and Excalibur are ready to rock'n'roll! The following lucha is a fatal 4-way match, and it's King Cuerno who slides in the ring first. He gets the feel of the environment and puts his headgear on the ring post, with people chanting 'Culerno' at him.


Believers cheer Mil Muertes though, who looks dead set on taking Cuerno beyond the grave. Muertes takes the steps while being introduced by Melissa Santos... and that's when wild Jeremiah Crane appears! Crane jumps Muertes from behind and wallops him with heavy blows to the back! Bicycle Kick pushes Mil down, and only now Jeremiah hits his signature pose. But that's not all!


"...from Mexico City, Mexico..." - starts Melissa.


Fenix comes out from the tunnel just behind her, startling our ring announcer, and also his love interest from the long gone past. Melissa does not know how to react, but Fenix doesn't care, he jumps back in the ring and leaps out of it immediately, putting down brawling Muertes and Jeremiah with a Tope Con Hilo!! King Cuerno feels left out, and he's just in the right spot to go for The Arrow from The Depths of Hell. Cuerno motions that he's going to do the move, but shows an "up yours" gesture instead, driving the believers mad. The match didn't start yet, and he will not risk it for their admiration.




Fatal 4-Way




Jeremiah Crane vs. King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes vs. Fenix


Fenix is on his feet already, and he blasts both Mil and Crane with superkicks. Wearing exclusively black colors, he keeps his style more vicious. He's hungry!


He attacks others with such aggression and pace that everyone else looks like they're fighting in slow motion! Fenix catches Muertes with a Spinning Kick, and only now Cuerno joins the action, adding a simple Baseball Slide Tackle on Muertes. "The Hunter" works alongside Fenix for a bit, in what seems to be a temporary alliance, not something pre-planned. Together they consecutively hit Mil with high flying maneuvers and stiff kicks. Flying Knee from Cuerno is followed by a Yakuza Kick from Fenix. Not the one to miss a party, Crane unloads his Bicycle Kick to put his arch-nemesis on the ground! Jeremiah is feeling it... Cuerno looks to quickly cover Muertes, but Crane punt kicks him before the count of three, breaking it up! Fenix roundhouse kicks Crane in return, ending this sequence with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Mil breaks it up!


Muertes had enough, he tackles Fenix to the corner, thrusting his massive shoulder into his gut. Experienced Lucha Underground fans know the history between them, and the wars they have been involved in years ago. Muertes tames Fenix with a snug elbow and goes for the ten bell salute! Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, Crane! Jeremiah stops Mil before the last hit, and picks him up on his shoulders into a Powerbomb position... Fenix with a Double Diving Knee Drop on Mil, he crushes this tower of doom and covers "The Man of 1000 Deaths", but can't get the three because Cuerno pulls him out of the way and splashes on Mil!!


Now Muertes kicks out himself now. Crane looks to strike, but Mil blocks the charge with a Spear, The Reaper's Trident! Mil mounts Crane and goes berserk, hitting him repeatedly in the eyebrow to draw some blood. More than that, he BITES him! Meanwhile Fenix pulls Cuerno's mask a bit and jumps back in with a Flying Cutter! Cover, Cuerno puts his leg on the rope for an easy break up. They are going at 100 miles per hour, so a breather is needed.


"I'm beginning to lose my voice here, so much is happening!" - shares Excalibur.




Mil turns his attention to Fenix, stands up, and stares him down for a moment, then grabs him by the throat, also picking up Jeremiah. Double Chokeslam? It is blocked, Crane and Fenix work together for a second to fight back. Flying pump kicks all the way, Muertes is knocked out of action and lands near Cuerno, who is sneakingly looking for weapons under the ring. He finds a dented chair, probably the same one he used to break "The Machine", and slams it into the head of Muertes, no hesitation at all!! Sick thud is followed by a Snap Suicide Dive from Jeremiah, and finally a hyper-athletic Moonsault Plancha to take everyone down! This is lucha!! Pure craziness, and the believers are loving every second of it! Bloody Jeremiah takes the moment to unveil a bloody fork straight from his boot. He tells it is all over from Mil, but gets knocked out with a straight right hand to the jaw! The dining instrument lands near Fenix... who does not telegraph his attack!


"Oh my God, Fenix just stabbed Mil Muertes in the forehead!" - stresses out Striker.


Fenix has a sick smile on his face, definitely enjoying his work here, as Mil checks his cut. Cuerno attacks from the back, slamming a chair into Fenix! He's the last man standing, but he needs to pin someone. Figuring that Jeremiah is probably out of his senses, King sends him in the ring and leaps off with a Swanton Bomb! Cover, Jeremiah kicks out at the last second, he will not die! Frustrated hunter misses a Springboard Missile Dropkick from Fenix and crashes to the outside, where blood-soaked Mil catches him for a Flatliner! But wait a second, he's not done here... he launches Cuerno into the chairs after telling the believers to move. "The Hunter" is probably out of it now, and Mil once again points at "The Bird of War"! Fenix ducks Muertes and hits him in the midsection with a Tiger Feint Kick... Double Foot Stomp to the back of Mil's head!! He's on his knees, and Jeremiah is on his feet. THUMBS UP, THUMBS DOWN!


Crane picks Mil for a Cranium Contusion, and the move is executed successfully after Fenix assists the piledriver with a double foot stomp!! This is it, Crane is about to get the biggest victory in his career! He crawls over to pin Mil, but Fenix plants him with a RUNNING MEXICAN DESTROYER!!! Cover. ONE! TWO! THREE!!! King Cuerno was just a few inches away from breaking up the cover.


Fenix is your winner, he outsmarted everyone! What a barnburner of a match!

In a match that had great action and good heat from the crowd, Fénix defeated Jeremiah Crane, Mil Muertes and King Cuerno in 13:32 when Fenix pinned Jeremiah Crane with a Running Mexican Destroyer. (C)

As Melissa awkwardly announces Fenix to be the winner, Marty "The Moth" Martinez and Martina show up to pick up their half-dead friend Jeremiah.


Cuerno slams the mat in frustration - Mil has cost him this match, and he will pay for that! Cuerno is about to pillmanize Muertes, but the music of Cage stops the king! Cage is on the crutches, and he wears a protective cast on his leg, but he wants to get a piece of Cuerno. Melissa stops her man, he WILL NOT do something that dumb.


"The Machine" is ready to throw down, but Cuerno mocks him for hiding behind his wife and leaves without doing anything malicious. The show ends with Fenix staring the hole in Cage and his rightful, loving wife. Good night, everybody!


Show Rating: 57/100 (C-)

This show has increased our popularity in 17 regions.

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Killshot's Shooting Range






5 Kills out of 9 Shots - 55.55% Accuracy


Kijar catches fire and delivers the first clean sweep!






2 Kills out of 3 Shots - 66.67% Accuracy


Kanegan with a good performance in his debut! Thank you for taking part, I hope you enjoyed the last few episodes.


That Mundo/Angelico match is where I left off before, actually! :D Always been a fan of both. :) The second I saw Angelico I was drawn to him haha


Paul London vs. Low-Ki ©

Some 04-09 ROH style magic on the way


I can say the same, Angelico hooked me in from his first appearance. He had smth familiar to Blur - Song #2 placed for his entrance in post-production and wore the LU shirt like a true company guy! Mundo is probably the strongest character on the show across all four seasons, and surely on my "Mount Rushmore". Hopefully my booking of London/Low-Ki wasn't too strange :p


And hey, I want to know who else you enjoyed in Lucha Underground. I did this tier list with almost all people involved across all 4 seasons. Admittedly, I forgot around seven people, but it's still the biggest tier list about LU on that site. Will have to take it again, because I can't find my picture anywhere :o


Still have a vid for the shorter one, made by someone else.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hnCctyiizmU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Preview for episode number 10 will drop in a few days! ;)

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S05E10 Preview


Season 5, Episode 10 Preview




"Pay The Toll"




The Butterfly Effect


Two weeks ago Martina's debut didn't go as planned - "The Session Moth" was planted right on the Aztec seal. Mariposa looked as good as ever and managed to get the victory with a brutal Butterfly Effect!


But the fight didn't stop after the bell. The post-match shenanigans saw Marty "The Moth" Martinez attack his sis in rage. Marty went on to bust Mariposa and smear her blood over himself... The sibling rivalry continues here, in a special mixed tag team match. This is the first time Marty and Martina will tag, and it will be interesting to see if their chemistry translates to the ring also. While Marty still wears a cast on his arm, he agreed to this match and promised to take advantage of old Tommy like only he can. Dreamer's also not the one to back down from a fight, so "The Hardcore Icon" will look to get his revenge on the pesky ex-champion. They still have unfinished business from the Battle Royal.


The cheesegrater to the head could pale in comparison to what we will see here - all four individuals have severe mental issues and wrestle without any care for themselves, let alone opponents.






Valkyrie and The Darewolf


To keep the theme of the night intact, we have another mixed match. PJ Black and Taya are no strangers to each other, having fought together for years as part of The Worldwide Underground. But those years are long now... Today PJ and Taya are mortal enemies and the only 'survivors' of the original WU group.


Valkyrie has changed her ways following a match with Ricky Mundo at Ultima Lucha Cuatro. Some say Taya went crazy because of the wedding trauma, some suggest the creepy doll she carries around with herself is a bad influence. Rumors also have it that Taya tortured her ex-husband Johnny Mundo so badly that he ran away to Hollywood! You know the abuse is serious when "The Mayor of Slamtown" is made to be a biatch of the relationship. But one thing is for sure and not a spicy rumor- Valkyrie has dominated every man and woman who dared to step up to her in the last few years.


This is a complex issue that will not be resolved peacefully. Expect a hard-hitting match from these two, and don't forget that Taya is the current Trios champion, and has way more friends than PJ Black. PJ suffers from his not-so-endearing reputation and black past, but he has the talent to redeem himself here and get one over "The Chooser of Slain".


If PJ has trouble getting on the good side of his co-workers, maybe he can concentrate on his singles career more.






Let The Savage See The Rabbit


And here's our main event, the heavyweight showdown many Lucha Underground fans have been waiting for. Jake Strong and The White Rabbit go one on one for the title, in what promises to be a stiff hoss fight!


It's no secret that the believers do not like Jake Strong and want to see him lose the title, but time after time, the big man from Oklahoma shows there's no match for his size, strength, and skill in The Temple. He has dominated the competition and continues to build his legacy on broken ankles and smothered challengers. Nobody came close to beating the undefeated wrestler yet. But now the stage is set for a special man with a growing reputation in the business. A fighter with a mean streak that stretches miles long. The White Rabbit! He is just built differently. He's big, strong, agile, and most importantly - violent! He measures up to Jake in size and has the credentials to take on any man walking God's green Earth.


All Doomsday Saito victims agree that there's something special about the leader of The Rabbit Tribe. Two of the toughest fighters will collide for the biggest prize Antonio Cueto has to offer. This fight will not be a walk in the park for the champion! The unstoppable force meets the immovable object. Call it however you like it, but this will be a battle to remember. The Gods will be on the side of Strong, the Aztecs will be on the side of The White Rabbit.


Who you got?

Official Match Card


Marty "The Moth" Martinez and "Session Moth" Martina vs. La Mariposa and Tommy Dreamer


Taya Valkyrie vs. PJ Black


The White Rabbit vs. Jake Strong - Lucha Underground Championship Match

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