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Lucha Underground: Fate Worse Than Death

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Regarding the non LU trio, I would like to see some badass girls, so how about Havok, Holidead and Rosa. I used them in my LU diary and they were great. I know Rosa was in there in her Kobra Moon avatar but still.


I agree that my LU lacks a few more strong women characters. Lately only Taya, Martina and Mariposa were used prominently, but now, with Ivelisse back, it's gonna get a bit better. Few more faces will be introduced fairly soon ;)


I like your suggestion, and think I can confirm that some of the aforementioned names will be used down the line. Thanks for the comment!

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Official Card


The Beer Tribe (ODB, Bobby Rude, James Storm) vs. Infamous Inc (Mack, Texano, Famous B)


The Rabbit Tribe (Paul London, El Bunny, ???) vs. Rascalz (Dezmond X, Zachary Wentz, ???)


Ryback vs. The White Rabbit - Last Man Standing Match


No idea about the mystery men in Rabbit Tribe and Rascalz

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<p>Meet The Warriors: Ryu</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #dc143c; margin:15px;background: #ffffff; max-width:75%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><img alt="zyGlZQC.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zyGlZQC.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Meet The </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Warriors</span></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>: Ryu</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="BMxMrLK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BMxMrLK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="Fkw0be8.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Fkw0be8.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="aoNVcGP.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aoNVcGP.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hometown</strong>: Tala, Jalisco, Mexico</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Years of Experience</strong>: 7 Years</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Finishing Move</strong>:

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9Bu7sC0WQBk?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Dragon Lee Tribute"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

"The Dragon" from Tala, Xalisco is our current #1 contender for the Gift of the Gods championship and one of the hottest commodities in the business!</p><p> </p><p>

Ryu has experienced a steady rise in The Temple, officially debuting in a triple threat match against Low-Ki and Sniper Eagle. On that night Low-Ki was victorious, beating Sniper Eagle with a Dragon Sleeper. Now that "The Sniper of the Skies'' is nowhere to be seen, we may have a different outcome. Ryu is enjoying a three match win streak, and can catapult himself into Lucha Underground stardom with one more victory. Sky's the limit for this young man!</p><p> </p><p>

They don't call Ryu "The Wonderboy" for nothing, as at just 25 years old he is a well-traveled luchador with impressive accomplishments on his resume. He always looks to push his abilities to the furthest extent, he's in amazing shape, and also extremely strong for his size. Because of his "wandering warrior" persona, and also being trained far away from modern-day culture, Ryu often appears detached to others.</p><p> </p><p>

Despite this, he is a kind, authentic, good-hearted warrior who readily helps those less fortunate than himself. Ryu is highly focused on his training, aiming to become the best cruiserweight in the world. He masters the art of fighting without fighting, and he never takes his eyes off his opponent, even when he bows.</p><p> </p><p>

Ryu's free-flowing like water. He can flow, and he can crash. Never tense, always ready...</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="iIM7QJb.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iIM7QJb.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

"<em>Don't think... FEEL!</em>"</div></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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S05E17 - Doom Unto Others




Lucha Underground

Season 5, Episode 17


"Doom Unto Others"


"Whoever wins the tournament will get a shot... Hernandez and Steve look to brutalize Cage after the match... CUETO! I came back here not to play nice with others... If anyone thinks they have what it takes to fight me, I'm waiting... Don't talk trash about my people, or you're gonna get your wig split... The Mack is all over Jake Strong... Texano saves The Mack! We have gastroled all over Me-hi-ko and achieved everything, now my goal is to win all the titles here, and make Lucha Underground famous... Missing! 5'9, brown eyes. Last seen leaving the treehouse...GIVE ME THE RABBIT AND FEED ME MOOOOOOOREEEE!"




We are outside of The Temple, staring right at the pamphlet with Trey's face and huge bold text saying "missing".


Rascalz couldn’t find their pal for an obvious reason - he was sacrificed. Unfortunately the boys just can't wrap their minds around that, being confident that he's just playing hide and seek with them. Tonight they are coming through a security checkpoint with another friend, who's wearing a big hood that hides his face. The head of security, Mr. Godfrey, greets the young guns with a baffled smirk.


He finds it hilarious that they keep coming back, and clues them in to watch for Trey in the garbage cans.




"We are here to compete in the Trios tournament, and we have permission. Plus everybody knows that you're not a security guard, Mr. Godfrey... if that is even your real name..."


Godfrey starts laughing, saying maybe they are right. But where’s the third man? He looks around, pretending not to see a guy in the hood. Well, he shoves the man in the suit and gets pepper sprayed into his face by real security guards standing behind the doors. That should burn! Godfrey screams that he would make them all disappear like their friend if they put their dirty hands on him again!


The new guy screams about injustice, but Wentz and Dez shush him and walk in. No need to kick more fuss here, bro...






The High Crusade kicks into full gear early, they are as quick as a pair of machineguns! Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and Petey Williams, along with two other musicians perform a song called "



Matt Striker and Excalibur hail this performance as a perfect start of the night, and what a night it promises to be. Two first round matches in the Trios tournament and a grudge match between Ryback and The White Rabbit! Long time coming, they had a lot of issues in the past few months...




- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to The Temple! As always, we have some big matches prepared for your attention, two of which will be held as part of the Trios tournament!

- Matt, last week we had two upsets in a row! First of all Angelico pinned Cage to progress further with PJ Black and Jimmy Yuta, plus Pentagon Dark managed to fight off Marty 'The Moth' Martinez, Martina and Jeremiah Crane until Ivelisse and Daga turned the contest on it's head!

- I'm very glad to see them both back where they belong! Ivelisse, Daga and Pentagon have reformed a popular group "Perros del Mal", and they will scratch a claw until they get a title match against the Trios champions!

- That will only be possible if Antonio Cueto allows them to compete in the next round. The boss refused to give Pentagon an easy entry, putting him in a handicap match, and nothing can stop him from stacking the obstacles in front of "The Dogs of Evil"!

- Last week Cage also made it clear that he didn't forgive Jake Strong for breaking his ankle, and he will be back with a vengeance. From what I know, he's not scheduled to wrestle tonight, but after all, you can't stop "The Machine" if he's set to do something!

- Very true. Cage is very unpredictable, just like the Trios tournament. We don't know who will take part in tonight's trios matches, but if we can trust Famous B, his team will be in action tonight!

- The Mack looked to be in great condition against Jake Strong, and his strange bedfellow partner Texano is as mean as ever. I'm very interested to see how they will work together.

- Also we know that The Rabbit Tribe is seconds away from coming down to the ring. Melissa, you take it from here!




"The following lucha is a first round match of the Trios tournament! Introducing first, accompanied by Raven... From down The Rabbit's Hole... The Rabbit Tribe!!"


Red and green colors grace The Temple, they are here! London rocks his crutch against the railing, and El Bunny slides under Paul's leg. That's one way to make an entrance! From the other entry point appears Raven, in his best "Clockwork Orange" costume to date.


He takes the microphone and slowly drops into the corner...




"Trust and hate, love and faith... I don't understand. Social grace, the human race... confuse me. The world is addicted to senseless violence, which has much energy but little talent for the constructive... Which brings me to the newest member of The Rabbit Tribe. He has all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair... but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. And though he can hide his cold gaze, and you can shake his hand and feel his flesh gripping yours... He's simply not there. Something horrible is happening inside of him, he's on the verge of frenzy, and his mask of sanity is about to slip... This man brings poetic violence... ultra violence... his name is Bateman. Quote The Raven, nevermore!"


As soon as Raven ends his cryptic and chilling speech, a creepy looking man in a blacktop hat appears in front of the spectators. He has a stylish moustache and a classy cain, he carries himself like a gentleman. He has a white rabbit logo on his heart, and a glassy eye that stares right through you. A tall, scrappy looking fighter who came to Lucha Underground with a purpose.


"Aaaand their opponents... From The Treehouse High Above The Clouds... The Rascalz!!"


And here comes the future generation, the high flyers, the young blood. Dezmond X and Wentz pat their new partner on the back, who throws his hood away, revealing a young face with red marks under his eyes. He wears a chest protector and has a paper tag on his mouth that says "Kid Reed". All three slide into the ring and pose on the ropes, it's a big night for both teams. Let's start the show, shall we?




Trios Tournament First Round Match




The Rascalz (Dezmond X, Kid Reed, and Wentz) vs. The Rabbit Tribe (Paul London, El Bunny, Bateman) [w/Raven]


New people are coming here in bunches, we have two newcomers already. First of all, "The Young G.O.A.T." Kid Reed, who makes some waves on the East Coast. Then we have Bateman, a mainstay on the SoCal indy scene who was brought in by Raven.


Bateman's attitude is different to that of former Rabbit Tribe members, he's not here for $hits and giggles. Even Paul London looks a bit worried about this man for some reason! Very early in the match this man claws Wentz in the face and manipulates his joints like a sadistic puppet master. He's one scrappy rabbit, and you would know it just by looking into his eyes. Something wicked hides behind them... Bateman spouts spooky words that nobody can understand, and kicks the young guys around for fun. Wentz dodges one of the elbow shots and bounces off with a Corkscrew Crossbody. He doesn't pinning the guy, instead tagging in his good friend Dezmond X! The same Dezmond who faced Paul London in his debut Lucha Underground match, and beat him clean! Dez hits Bateman with a Handspring Pele Kick, and it's a thing of beauty! The Rascalz are jumping on the apron in excitement, and Dez himself gives Paul a cheeky wave. Don't get distracted! Bateman with a Ripcord Lariat that twists Dez inside out. Paul pleads for a tag, and after getting a nod of approval from Raven, Bateman allows Paul to enter.


London is overjoyed, he stomps a mudhole in Dez and jumps all over the place, before hitting a Tornado DDT. First cover of the match doesn't get the desired result, but Paul has plenty of tricks up his sleeve. Reverse Atomic Drop is followed by the Frankensteiner, but Dez once again kicks out early! Now Paul has a change of mood, as can be read from his facial expressions. London hooks Dez from behind and throws him with a Dragon Suplex, but X flips in mid air and lands on his feet! Drop Toe Hold stops the advancing Paul London, and Dezmond uses him as a trampoline to tag in the youngest man in the building. Kid Reed wastes no time and hits a picture perfect Springboard 450 on London, but Paul raises his knees at the last second! He's smart like that.




"Paul doesn't want to give this kid a warming welcome, he's determined to get his first win this year!" - says Excalibur.


Reed has a chest protector on, so it guards him from some offence, but not all. London with a Running Meteora, gets a two count and slaps the mats in frustration. El Bunny has a permanent smirk on his mask though, and says it's his turn. Paul asks if he really thinks that he will do better than him? Fine, the stage is yours! El Bunny jumps in with a Springboard Hurricanrana, beautiful stuff, and the believers like it too. El Bunny may have a height disadvantage, but his weight allows him to execute the high flying moves with great amplitude! On the other side of the ring Dez and Wentz have a little talk.


Dez is sure it's rabid, but Wentz says no, it's clearly a bunny! THE Bunny, even. Mini tries a La Magistral on Reed, but that doesn't bring the "W" home. Kid almost jumps out of his burning pants with a kip up, but hesitates to kick the smaller man. He says it would be wrong, so he asks who's cool with beating on the lil guy? Wentz raises his hand and gets a disappointed shake of the head from his homies. He chases the mini all around the ring, until El Bunny tags out, and London catches "The Sickest Dude In ALL the Land" with a Gamengiri! He falls down right for the taking, and Paul licks his lips in anticipation of a sweet-sweet victory. Shooting Star Press misses, London lands flat on his belly, and turns around into a big Flying Knee Kick! Bateman feels like he needs to take over, so he bashes Wentz in the face with his wrist to break up the cover. Reed doesn't wait on the sidelines either, going for a Springboard Cutter! Connects! Dez gets a tag from his bro, baseball slides El Bunny from the apron and goes for glory... SPIRAL TAP ON LONDON!


Cover. One! Two! Raven puts Paul's leg on the rope, saving him from elimination!! He wasn't very animated during the match, but now all eyes are on him. Raven hits the pose, distracting Dez, and Paul uses that to hit him with a Hare Dryer! Bateman pulls both Reed and Wentz down, so London can pin Dez without any surprises. Paul finally gets the job done, and takes a rematch from Dezmond X.

In a bout that had decent wrestling and subpar heat, The Rabbit Tribe defeated The Rascalz in 9:55 when Paul Londond pinned Dezmond X with a Hare Dryer. (D)


Paul celebrates his big moment, almost jumping on Mr. Bateman, who's not in a celebratory mood. Luckily, El Bunny shares the sentiment, and flips off the recuperating losers. The Rabbit Tribe progresses in the tournament, and poses with their mastermind Raven, who in no uncertain terms put a hand to the finish. What an interesting group this shapes up to be!


Meanwhile Antonio Cueto turns away from his stained window, not too happy about The Rabbit Tribe progressing further in the tournament. He has a bigger fish to fry tonight though, as Ryback and The White Rabbit will collide in the main event. So much beef in the ring, and no sauce? There has to be something special to turn this match from 'good' to 'great'...


Before Antonio can decide what match the heavyweight will have, three big lads enter the office. One wears a cowboy hat, one a beanie, and the last wears a baseball cap.




"Welcome to the Temple, gentlemen. I've heard a lot about you, but please, tell me more about yourself!"


All three men drop into the chairs nearby, but one of them is not like the other. He's running his mouth like there's no tomorrow, even mentioning that he has a bar just down the street. After a few words about his life as a truck driver who got his vehicle stolen by some no good punk, Mancer reads the room and changes the topic.


"This squad right here is all about hitting the paywindow! This is J-Man, the 'Cowboy' James Storm, daddeh. He's all about beer and money, just like me. And this is the "Urban Legend'', Masada! He doesn’t talk as much as me, but whoever pisses him off gets stitches, man! And me? Damn, you already know that good ol' Mancer is all about light beers and lariats, bebeh!"


- So I understand that you have thrown yourself into my Trios tournament. What is gonna be your tag team name?

- Dramatic pause, dramatic pause... "The Last Real Heels", daddeh!

- I think that name belongs to someone else... sorry about your damn luck.

- My bad, swig of beer for the working men. Great minds think alike! Let's go as "The Beer Tribe" then!

- Bear tribe? I don't thin..

- No-no, Beer Tribe. Beer as in Modelo right here. Cheers, chef!


Mancer passes drinks to his buds, and downs one faster than anyone. He grabs the whole box and says he already likes this place. And if the boss wants to talk about bears, he will tell him all about this one he wrestled outside of his trailer not so long ago! Antonio asks him to save that for later, and informs the trio that their match is up next. Cueto wants them to bring violence and beat the ever-living crap out of Famous B and his goons. James Storm puts away his sunglasses, and tells the boss that is exactly why they are here. They will knock everyone down, and win the gold, whether Antonio Cueto likes that or not.


Storm said that to make sure that they’re not friends, but Mancer eased up the atmosphere, raising another bottle for the Beer Tribe. Masada said nothing, and only gave the boss a stern look... They must go now, their match is next.




Melissa Santos is ready to announce the next match up, but she's rudely stopped by Famous B, who's already in the ring!




"Baby girl, I got this! Nothing personal, I just do what's best for business! You know my name is Famous B, and you know my digits! That's right, 4-2-3, Get Faaaaaaaaaaame! But let me introduce my clients like a real pro... first, from Mexicali, Baja California... he's the longest reigning Triple A heavyweight champion of the world... El Mercenario, the blue collar cowboy, the future Lucha Underground champion... TEEEEEY-HAAAAANOOOO!!"


Here he is! Been a long time since we saw him here. Texano has his bull rope and his hat, he's loud, he has a barrel chest. He did not age much!


"...also coming down to the ring, the former CRASH heavyweight champion, the former Lucha Underground Trios champion, the former Battle of the Bulls tournament winner... The Chocolate Thunder, The South Central Homeboy, The Uber Umbilicus... THE MAAAACK!"




Mack's frown tells a story of a thousand words. He confronts Famous B, asking what did he just call him? The uber imbecile? B starts explaining himself, but that's when Melissa takes the mic back.


"...and their opponents, from 'The Bar Down The Road'... The Beeeer Tribe!"


Melissa surely enjoyed that call, barely keeping up a straight face. The Beer Tribe? Oh-oh, look who's in the house! Good ol' Mancer, the brawler from Bucknosrt, Tennessee! Masada, the iconic death match performer from Texas. And of course, clearly the biggest name of the three, James freakin' Storm! They down some beers on their way to the ring with no care in the world.




Trios Tournament First Round Match




Infamous Inc. (The Mack, Texano, and Famous B) vs. The Beer Tribe (Masada, Mancer, and James Storm)


Here we go! Another first round match up in the Lucha Underground Trios tournament is underway, and what a line up we have here. Three absolute debutants with decades of experience, and the returning men in Famous B, The Mack and Texano. We have never seen them working together, only hearing about their success in Mexico from Famous B. He wants no part of this match though, staying back and calling the shots. Like a point guard or a quarterback, but in a sharp suit. Look the part, be the part!


And so it is The Mack who enters the ring first. The fan favorite who has spent a lot of years in LA squares up against Mancer, a loudmouth redneck who nods his head in anticipation of a great fight. Mack and Mancer lock up, but soon enough change their approach, chopping and punching each other all over the ring. Mack is the more athletic and flashy of the two, so he uses his speed to catch Mancer with a Flying Knee Strike! Standing Moonsault looks effortless, but the southern gentleman raises his shoulder and asks Mack to hit him harder... Bam, bam, headbutt! Mancer stumbles a bit, and explodes with jabs and chops. Hits the ropes and lunges with a Lariat, Mack reverses it into Backslide! Masada has to step in to break it up. He also bends the rules a little by hitting Mack with a Knee Lift, giving Mancer some breathing room to tag out. Masada's style is interesting, because his punches and kicks are less chaotic than Mancer's, but they seem to hurt Mack more. Masada is a death match wrestler that is perfectly capable of putting up a decent technical match, and so he dissects Mack with a Snap Suplex for two.


Texano impatiently asks for a tag, and gets it, after Mack escapes the Dragon Screw with a big Enzuighiri! The blue collar brawler runs in like a man possessed, tackling everyone in his sight. Big knee strike on Masada, and a Jumping Neckbreaker for two... Not so fast, cowboy! Violent soccer kick to the back makes people in the front row cringe, and the longest reigning AAA champion is lifting Masada up for his finishing maneuver! Masada hits back with an elbow to the jaw and plants Texano on the mats with a Russian Leg Sweep, also adding a Running Big Boot to the head of the Mexican star! Masada has a wicked idea in his mind, reaching into his back pocket and unveiling a fistfull of scewers! The fans have a collective "oh", they know what's coming next. Masada misses with his shot, puncturing the top turnbuckle pad! Texano flips the man off and plants him with a Leg Lariat, which gets him a close two count! James Storm stomps the apron, asking for a tag, which he gets.




"James Storm is all fired up and ready to jump into this wild contest!" - yells Striker.


"The Cowboy" gets a warm reception from the believers, and walks right into an open handed slap across the face from Texano! We're about to witness the battle of the vaqueros! Both are charging their elbows and fists, peppering this contest with some cowboy sh*t, and the believers eat it up! Texano charges, and gets caught with a Double Knee Facebuster, which sets Storm for a Last Call Superkick... Hits his leg, charges up, lays out The Mack instead!! Texano uses this mishap to his own advantage, driving James into the mats with a Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop! Texano asks for the bull rope, but Famous B interprets it as a signal for a tag, and slaps the hand of his client! He climbs the turnbuckles and misses with a splash! Awkward.


Perhaps Famous B wanted all the fame for himself, and tagged himself in on purpose? Texano argues with the ref, and slowly comes back to his corner, as James Storm takes back the advantage and lays B out with an Eight Second Ride Bulldog! Famous B lasted more than eight second in this rodeo already, so he wants back into his safety corner, but Mack and Texano can't agree on who will enter next. B is sent to the opposite corner with a Double Underhook Suplex, and things are not looking good for the vocal "Mr. 4-2-3"! Mancer gets the tag and bumps both Mack and Texano off the apron, while Masada showcases that he's pretty much an all rounder, hitting a Suicide Dive! Mancer puts down his knee pad and runs up to Famous B, cracking him in the skull! This might be it! Storm cracks his beer bottle over to celebrate, he's confident this match is over. One... two... Texano pulls B to outside, saving his team from elimination! Returned the favor to his manager, who probably helped Texano like that a few times in the past.


Mancer brings Storm back into action and follows Masada's example by jumping to the outside right on Texano. Storm grabs B by his tie and tosses him back into the ring, he’s so nonchalant about it too. Famous B offers Masada his card, vouching to make James famous! Meanwhile Masada is brawling with The Mack, who bashes him in the head with a spare beer bottle and a STUNNER!! Here comes Mancer with a Lariat, nailed it! Mack falls right next to Masada in the pool of beer and blood. Texano finally gets his hands on the bullrope and wallops the motormouth redneck Mance Warner in the back a few times, disappearing in the foggy entrance. Storm shreds Famous B’s card, downs a beer and finishes this contest with a Last Call Superkick, this time it goes straight into Famous B's beautiful face.


Sorry about your damn luck, B! Not your night, champ.

In a In a decent match, The Beer Tribe defeated Infamous Inc. in 10:57 when James Storm pinned Famous B with a Last Call Superkick. (C-)

Storm pours some cold ones on Famous B, who's flapping around like a fish out of water. Big debut win for The Beer Tribe, who progress to the next round of the Trios tournament! J-Man, Masada and Mancer are raising a toast for the believers, that's a nice attitude to have! They even offer The Mack and Texano some cold ones. After that bell rings, they are cool just like the beverage of their choice. Cheers, lads!


Backstage emotions are a bit different. The White Rabbit stares at the clock, waiting for his match. Tick tock, Ryback’s time is almost up and it’s doomsday time. Tick, tock… Out of nowhere Paul London pops out and jumps around the leader of his tribe. Paul asks if The Great White Rabbit saw how he defeated the young rascals?




"No..." - cuts off The White Rabbit.


Paul dies inside a little and sulks his shoulders. The White Rabbit stole the wind from his sails with just one word. Raven criticizes Paul and gives El Bunny a stern pep talk too. Only Bateman gets some recognition from the genius and a firm handshake from the alpha male. Raven warns his leader about Cueto’s plans for tonight’s main event, but the leader is unphased.


"I can manage Ryback myself, no assistance needed. Am I clear? Well, then I’ll leave you for now, gentlemen. I’m almost running late!"


The White Rabbit throws his coat at London and steps on the warpath. Next stop? Sin City!




As we come back to the ringside, Antonio Cueto stands in the middle of the ring, ready to address the believers.


"To all of those who think that they can fool me - think again. I am El Jefe, and I've been in this business longer than most of you were alive. I know every dirty trick in the book, because I wrote it! I am still holding the pen too... So Pentagon, Cage, The White Rabbit, Texano, and everyone who thinks they can beat me in this game have already lost. They play checkers, while I am playing chess. And believe me, I develop my pieces with patience, I sacrifice figures to set up the brilliant end game, so that when it's all said and done, Cueto will be the winner! And now, let's end this night with a bang. Let's make the match between The White Rabbit and Ryback special... let's make it a FIRST BLOOD MATCH!!"


Woah, an interesting stipulation to say the least! The White Rabbit comes out first, all alone, and spooks Matt Striker, dangling a wrist watch near the announce table. Ryback comes out immediately after, and without any special theatrics charges up at his opponent.




First Blood Match




Ryback vs. The White Rabbit


As soon as the bell rings, both Ryback and The White Rabbit engage in a hockey fight! They don't have any warm feelings towards each other, and this match is a perfect opportunity for both men to prove they are at the very top of the Lucha Underground food chain. 'First Blood' match is a tricky stipulation, since you don't have to pin or submit your opponent to win. It is unclear who gets the advantage under such circumstances, but the leader of The Rabbit Tribe stands his ground with a stiff kick right into the chest of "The Big Guy"!


Ryback stumbles backwards and into the corner... big Forearm Smash follows! Rabbit spends one more second than he should have in the position, giving Ryback enough time to block the Exploder Suplex attempt and retaliate with a Short Arm Clothesline! The Rabbit is down! Ryback stomps his opponent and clubs him in the back with heavy blows, looking to gain some control over the match. It must be said, Ryback has more experience in the ring, and perhaps he's hungrier too, as he never got a single main event so far. Ryback does some heavy lifting, Military Pressing the heavy hitter up, and dropping hard with a Splash. He pins White Rabbit on instinct, completely forgetting what the match is all about.


Head lock... not the most exciting follow-up, but it is a smart thing to do. You don't want to give up an inch in such a close battle. The White Rabbit has some height advantage on Ryback, and attempts to switch positions, escaping the rest hold. BAM! Big boot right into the face of Ryback, who falls on the second rope. The White Rabbit drives his foot and knee into the big nog of "The Big Guy", pushing his throat against the rope! Ryback coughs loudly and turns into some snug palm strikes! Rabbit keeps the distance and plants the silverback with a Northern Lights Suplex! Ryback kicks out, still clutching his throat.


As soon as the ref approaches Ryback, the heavyweight growls back, saying he's fine. The White Rabbit strikes Ryback in the back of the head with an elbow, bumping him down. He's a scary man that is not afraid to do despicable things to his rivals. Catapult neck-first into the bottom rope! Such a simple move, but it pays dividends.




"Ryback's windpipe may be crushed, and now The White Rabbit pulls a glove!" - says Striker.


Rabbit smiles devilishly and unveils a surgical glove he uses for his signature move - Down The Rabbit's Hole. Usually 'First Blood' matches end after some impactful move that slices up the eventual loser, but nobody can rule out Rabbit's victory if Ryback starts bleeding from his mouth! This is avoided for now, Ryback drives his nemesis into the corner and tackles him with the shoulder a few times. Runs up, Avalanche connects! Second wind for Ryback? He powerbombs The White Rabbit into the turnbuckles and lays him out with a Meathook Clothesline!! Both men drop down.


Ryback is first to his feet, he drops his straps and beats himself in the chest! Shellshock incoming!? Ryback picks "The Herald of Doomsday'' up, marches into the middle of the ring... Rabbit slips out and crashes Ryback with a Doomsday Saito!! The ring and the floor underneath it shook on impact, that was a hell of a move! Tick tock, it's time to wrap it up! Unfortunately, it's never that straight-forward. The Lucha Underground champion Jake Strong shows up on the stairs and slowly comes down to have a verbal exchange with his toughest opponent to date. He also sneaks a lead pipe into the ring!


This gives Ryback precious seconds to recover, and also distracts the senior official. BAM! Ryback drives the lead pipe into the face of The White Rabbit and throws it away, not to get caught with a smoking gun in his hands. Ryback mounts The White Rabbit and pummels him with punches to the face!


He's in a feat of rage, and as soon as Marty Elias turns around, a pool of blood starts forming under White Rabbit's head! This match is over.

In a bout that had good heat and ok wrestling, Ryback defeated The White Rabbit in 11:30 when The White Rabbit was busted open with a lead pipe. (C-)

Ryback smears the blood of The White Rabbit across his chest! He mauled the man, even though he needed an assist from Strong for that. Speaking of Jake, he loosens his neck tie and drops the title belt into the corner, looking to add some insult to the loser's injury. Jake locks The White Rabbit in the Ankle Lock!! The pain wakes up the wounded warrior, and he screams in agony, with blood pouring down his face.


"TAP! TAP!" - demands the champion.


Jake twists and turns the ankle, looking to snap it in half. He has done that to so many fighters already! Before we could hear the dreaded sound of broken bones, The White Rabbit twists out... and Jake Strong bumps head first into Ryback!! "The Big Guy" is dazed, and he rolls down on the floor.




Cage sprints down the stairs with a steel chair, driving it right into the head of Jake!! BOOSH!!! Strong drops down and Cage slides in to wreck him again and again! Revenge is a dish best served cold, and that steel chair is stone cold. Cage puts the chair on the ankle of the champion and stomps it...


PILLMANIZER BREAKS THE ANKLE OF JAKE STRONG! The champion lets out an animalistic wail, we have never seen him so vulnerable! Melissa Santos covers her mouth in shock, while Cage lives in the moment and screams that nobody will undercut "The Machine" again! FU-- THE WORLD! A bloody White Rabbit laughs like a maniac, while Ryback stares back at Cage.


Good night, everybody!


Show Rating: 52/100 (C-)

This show has increased our popularity in 17 regions.

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Can't say I've ever been a big fan of Myron Reed, but he does fit the group. Bateman is also fitting and I had to look this one up, as I've never seen him before.


Beer Tribe are a cool trio, always glad to see ol' Mancer. His particular brand of crazy and his hardcore antics will be perfect for the Temple. Never knew about Masada either, can't say he comes across as too "beer-y" but hardcore? Yep.


Good show altogether, nice to see Cage get some payback over the untouchable Jake Strong.

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Can't say I've ever been a big fan of Myron Reed, but he does fit the group. Bateman is also fitting and I had to look this one up, as I've never seen him before.


Beer Tribe are a cool trio, always glad to see ol' Mancer. His particular brand of crazy and his hardcore antics will be perfect for the Temple. Never knew about Masada either, can't say he comes across as too "beer-y" but hardcore? Yep.


Good show altogether, nice to see Cage get some payback over the untouchable Jake Strong.

I like Myron, to the point where I considered bringing in the whole Injustice group. Later caught myself on the thought that it's going to be either them or Rascalz... couldn't decide between the two, so brought the best from both worlds. Plus Reed and Trey tagged under that name in CZW, and all four guys are tight IRL. Decided it would be kinda realistic to book a whole "Have you seen Trey thing" :p




Bateman caught my eye when I watched some NJPW Strong highlights, so I'm not super familiar with them either. Has an interesting rabbit-related outfit, and a cool gimmick. Not a bad fighter, apparently a longstay in California, where LU is based. Even in TEW he's useful, as he has around 30 pop in South West.


Beer Tribe is something I waited patiently to introduce, and I just liked how it sounded in my head. Respect Strom's work, like Mancer just shooting sh*t, and Masada... he's a death match wrestler mostly known for his CZW matches, but also spent some time in Japan. Legit worker who can put on a good wrestling match and a crazy hardcore show. Like his personality and style, very down-to-Earth dude from what I've seen. He doesn't use beer as part of his gimmick, but he's for sure



Thanks for the comment, glad that you liked Cage's angle! :cool:

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<p>Injury Update and Prediction Contest</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Jake Strong Injury Update</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="QWmXS2p.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QWmXS2p.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> At the moment, the future of Jake Strong and his Lucha Underground title is unknown. If the title is vacated, the new champion will be crowned in a special 2-hour episode.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="RMgsKqZ.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RMgsKqZ.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Killshot's Shooting Range</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="8RCyr44.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8RCyr44.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>kanegan</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>18 Kills out of 31 Shots - 58.06% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="0HVKYk6.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0HVKYk6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kijar</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>13 Kills out of 26 Shots - 50% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5DpldMX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5DpldMX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DarK_RaideR</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>11 Kills out of 13 Shots - 84.61% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="wKoMLdX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wKoMLdX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Lloyd</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>3 Kills out of 9 Shots - 33.33% Accuracy</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52466" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div><em>2/3 for Kanegan and one more bonus point for correctly predicting James Storm. The contest will reset after episode #20! And to clarify, accuracy is meant to be used as a tie-breaker, in case one occurs. Card for episode #18 will drop in the next few days! Thanks for dropping by and congrats to all the DOTM winners </em><img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></div><div><p></p></div></blockquote></div><p></p>
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S05E18 - The Last Crusade


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Season 5, Episode 18 Preview




The Last Crusade




This week Lucha Underground will hold the last first round matches of the Trios tournament.


Once again, there's a lot of uncertainty going into this show, as nobody in The Temple seems to know what the card would look like by the end of the night. What Matt Striker and Excalibur could find out is simple - we will have three matches, two tournament matches and a title showdown between "The Professional" Low-Ki and "The Wonder Boy" Ryu! It will be Ryu's first championship opportunity, and he comes into this weekend with huge support behind him. He waited for this match since his first day here, and now he gets "The World Warrior" one-on-one!


With the news about Jake Strong's injury, Low-Ki's title gets an even bigger meaning. The champion did not explain why he's holding out for his title opportunity for so long, but he seems to have everything under control, as he retained the title two times already. Perhaps he's trying to do what Dragon Azteca Jr couldn't - fight off all challengers in preparation of Ultima Lucha Cinco, where he would surely be going after the top dog? We can only speculate for now. Lately Low-Ki began appearing with part-time Head of Security, Mr. Godfrey, who also refused to give any comments about this situation.


Let's just agree that this match can raise the proverbial bar of match quality in Lucha Underground, and elevate its winner to newer heights.




Gift of the Gods title match will have a good chance to steal the show, but what about the Trios bout involving Mariposa, and mortal enemies Mil Muertes and Fenix? It is the only confirmed trio we were promised this week, and one could wonder if "The Butterfly" could buy herself a place closer to Mil?


Recently she has flirted with "The Man of 1000 Deaths", also unsuccessfully. If they manage to progress, maybe Muertes will take a liking to the royalty of The Moth Tribe. Also let's not forget that Fenix has fought Mariposa earlier this year, sharing the same corner with Jeremiah Crane and Marty "The Moth" Martinez. He was victorious that time, and looks unstoppable at the moment. Mil may not like Fenix, but he would definitely benefit from his hot form and momentum.


And if we take a look at their opponents, we will see the super friends Drago and Aerostar being paired together, which is certainly unexpected, since Antonio likes to pair people that hate each other together. Long gone are the days when they were Trios champions with a happy-go-lucky Fenix, now they will have to dig in deep to stop the dark "Bird of War"! Drago wasn't so fortunate in his return, so maybe Aerostar will have the blessing of the skies on his return?


Finally, Dante Fox and Sammy Guevara can choose their third man themselves, after they secured a so-called #1 seed by beating The Rabbit Tribe and Angelico with PJ Black. You would expect them to have strong chemistry, since they worked well together in the Juegos de Guerra match. Who shall step up to them is anyone's guess, but looking at the past few episodes, it will surely be someone special! Don't miss a thing, tune in on Sunday!


Bonus Questions


Who's the mystery partner of Aerostar and Drago?


Who will fight Dante and Sammy in the last first round match? Each correct pick gets one point.


Who's the mystery partner of Dante Fox and Sammy Guevara?

Official Card


Drago, Aerostar, ??? vs. Mil Muertes, Mariposa, Fenix


Sammy Guevara, Dante Fox, ??? vs. ???


Ryu vs. Low-Ki - Gift of the Gods Championship Match


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Famous B Just Made My Week




Not sure if Famous B is too nice and polite, or literally the coolest guy ever. Anyway, this makes me a very happy camper. #CompletedItMate


"Meet The Warriors" post coming later tonight, and it's going to be about Low-Ki, the Gift of the Gods champion himself.

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Meet The Warriors: Low-Ki


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Meet The Warriors: Low-Ki








Hometown: New York City, New York, USA


Years of Experience: 23 Years


Finishing Move:


"Low-Ki may be new to Lucha Underground, but he's no stranger to world-class competition and our believers! Low-Ki is a renowned warrior that takes no prisoners in that ring! I will be honest, I did not see him win that title, but I am sure that Low-Ki is a fitting candidate to hold and defend it!"


Those words belong to Matt Striker, and they date back to the first Lucha Underground show of this year. A few months later we can see that Low-Ki is indeed a very fitting figure in The Temple, and a very successful champion. So far he managed to make two title defences, against Angelico and Paul London, and sports a 4-1 record. It must be said, his only official loss came at the expense of Tarver, and the boxer has not been seen since.


This little hiccup would not bother your usual fighter, but Low-Ki took that loss personally, and that's what makes him so good. Even after spending more than twenty years in the business, "The Professional" strives for perfection in everything, staying hungry and violent at all times. Low-Ki executes his opponents with no mercy, and certainly has that 'killer instinct' needed to make it in a place as dangerous as The Temple. If anything, Low-Ki makes the place dangerous himself, bringing his unique style of wrestling to beat people's brains and lungs out, and choke them out for good.


Low-Ki doesn't need help, but lately he has been accompanied to the ring by Mr. Godfrey, Lucha Underground's Head of Security. Godfrey made his first appearance before the believers acting like Tarver's coach, but quickly dropped the fighter in favor of the real mixed martial arts aficionado.


We don't know why such an alliance was formed, but now they both wear matching outfits, which could indicate that they're a part of the same group working together for some common goal. They didn't make any friends yet, sticking to the business-first approach... Then again, Low-Ki was never about making friends in the wrestling ring. He calls himself "The Professional", and this week he's determined to make defence number three of his Gift of the Gods championship to tie Dragon Azteca's record. He's focused on the next match, and will only think about the main title after the match with "The Dragon".


"The World Warrior" was once a man of honor, but that has changed. Now 'honor' is a dirty word in his vocabulary...




"Everything will be resolved... professionally."</div>

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Lucha Underground

Season 5, Episode 18


"The Last Crusade"


"Winners will get a favorable position in the upcoming Trios tournament... Look at you Mil Muertes, so scary, strong, and soooo dangerous... Darío quiere que te unas a nuestro ejército... I'm done being a good little soldier in Lucha Underground… VICTORY ROLL! One, two, THREE!! Ryu caught TJ... "The Professional" is looking to tame "The Dragon" with a bullet to the head... treat yourself, Nightclaw, a great battle is on the horizon... Thanks for the vacation, Jefe. It was fair dinkum great! But I want something else... AEROSTAR WITH THE SPLASH FROM THE ASTROS!! Now you're ready, my son..."




Everyone from The Order except Vampiro and Black Taurus sit in the limo, thinking about what they will do with the Lucha Underground championship. Jake Strong seethes through his teeth, and says one more time that he can still beat anyone! The Lord lets out a big smoke and says that he knows all about having only one good leg, and so he won't allow that. Then he takes the gold and puts his hand on it. Antonio is coughing his lungs out, he's suffocating. Nobody cares...


"This championship is made of gold that belonged to the seven Aztec Tribes. They all want it back... this is the perfect opportunity to pit them against each other in Aztec Warfare!"


Taya and Agent Winter like the plan, Jake Strong is mad that The Order doesn't back him, Cueto is wheezing. Hexagon asks who will be the fortunate number twenty? The Lord puts his hand on Ryback.


"The Flayed One. He's the god of spring and the patron of goldsmiths..."




Hexagon hisses, saying that their plan was different. The Lord tells Hexagon that he should worry more about the man who survived the wrath of Mictlantecuhtli - Mil Muertes. Hexagon lowers his head and quietly says that Fenix will help with that in tonight's match, Vampiro has been in his ear for a few weeks now. The Lord says his own champion will join the opposition in the first match of the night to ensure the right outcome. The Lord then turns his attention to Winter and the Gift of the Gods champion Low-Ki. They did a good job guarding the title for The Order, but all that work won't matter if they lose now.


"That's not going to happen, my Lord. I can guarantee you that Agent Low-Ki is ready to execute Ryu."


That answer seems to work for The Lord. Lastly, "The Smoking Mirror" tells Antonio, who's two minutes away from passing out, to prepare the grounds for Aztec Warfare and finally make Hexagon's masterplan a reality. Cueto has no air in his lungs to answer, which makes The Lord angry! He rises from his seat, clutches Cueto by the throat and holds him like that until Antonio mutters "Yes, my lord!" That's better.


Cueto's eyes are bloodshot and he gasps for air after falling out of the limo. Nobody helps him get up, but even if they did, he would be too prideful for that.




We are back in The Temple with Matt Striker, Excalibur, and The High Crusade. This is their last performance for the fans, so they are giving it their all. The energy is off the charts!




- Believers, tonight we will see two final first round matches of the Trios tournament, and a main event battle between the Gift of the Gods champion Low-Ki and his latest challenger, "The Wonder Boy" Ryu!

- The fans are buzzing, and so am I, Ex! I feel like we're on the verge of something truly big and special, don't you?

- Oh, I feel that way every single time when I am in The Temple! But you're right, the finals of the tournament are coming, and there are some rumors about the championship status of Jake Strong!

- Last week "The Machine" Cage did what he does best - he went after the biggest man in the game and he beat him down! Not a usual type of beating either, as Cage broke Jake Strong's ankle.

- That is one way to get the title off "The Savage"! To be honest, it may be the only way to get a new champion. Strong has been a dominant force here!

- That makes our main event even bigger. Whoever has the title by the end of this night could call out Jake! Now I see why Low-Ki waited so long to cash in his opportunity!

- I am very excited for that match, but we should not forget about our Trios teams. Every single match in the tournament was a hit so far. Dante Fox and Sammy Guevara will announce their third man, and the trio of Mil Muertes, Mariposa, and Fenix will take on Drago, the returning Aerostar, and their mystery partner.

- Fenix and Mil on the same side? They are like fire and gasoline - probably not the best idea to keep them so close to each other.

- We will see how they can co-exist right now, because that match is next!

- Melissa, please take us away!




"The following lucha is a first round match of the Trios tournament! Introducing first, the team of Mil Muertes, Mariposa and Fenix!!"


This combination just screams trouble for everyone. Mil Muertes and Fenix have no love lost between them, entering the ring at a distance from each other. The deadly Mariposa wants to help Muertes rip off his gear, but "The Man of 1000 Deaths" grabs her by the arm! Mariposa plays with her hair, she might be into some roughness. Fenix is running the ropes like he's literally on fire. He still spooks Melissa Santos with his snappiness, so she takes a moment to announce the second team.


"...and their opponents... they are the former Trios champions... the team of Aerostar and Drago!"


The super friends are back together, but they don't have their partner with them yet. Did Antonio Cueto fool them, or is he trying to prove that the power of friendship is overrated, and the luchadores won't be able to make it? However it may be, Drago and Aerostar have the third man in our fans, and will do their best to win here. Just as they jump into the ring, Antonio Cueto clutches and clears his throat.


"Looks like Aerostar and Drago are one man too short... Get it? I learned that the numbers are nothing but an illusion. Mariposa's dear brother blew a 3-1 advantage, so there's no reason for me to play this game again. Instead, I will give them a partner that strikes fear in the eyes of men. This luchador lived in the shadows for centuries and now it's time for him to see the light of the Temple... again. I give to you the direct descendent of the Jaguar Tribe... NIGHTCLAW!!"


The fans are happy to see Nightclaw back, they are fairly surprised. On the other hand, Aerostar is not his usual beaming self, and Drago can feel that something is wrong just by looking at his friend.




Another trick from Cueto? His snide comment about Marty made Mariposa chuckle though. Let's see what it's all about...




Trios Tournament First Round Match




Nightclaw, Aerostar, and Drago vs. Mariposa, Fenix, and Mil Muertes


Fenix and Muertes can't decide who shall kick ass first, so Mariposa tells the boys to move aside. Ladies first! The last time this butterfly shared the ring with Fenix, she got burned quite badly. On the other side of the ring, Nightclaw prepares himself for the battle, as Drago and Aerostar talk to each other about the dark predator.


Lock up! Nightclaw is faster, he uses his speed advantage to arm drag Mariposa and strike her in the face with a Low Dropkick. He has that feline agility, and paws that can hurt you any second. Mariposa seems like a cat person, but she's not enjoying this encounter. Nightclaw stings her with kicks and hurts her back with a Tiger Driver Backcracker! La Magistral, too early! Mariposa pushes the luchador away and with an annoyed scream slaps him across his snout. Kick to the gut, Snap Suplex! Shades of Dynamite Kid and Tiger Mask! Stiff kick to the back, and a tag to Mil Muertes, clearly the most powerful participant of this match. Muertes strikes Nightclaw with a Shoulder Block and runs up for a Corner Avalanche. The 10 Bell Salute of punches follows!


Mil bites the mask and throws Nightclaw across the ring! Run up for a big Lariat, Nightclaw dodges and strikes Mil with an acrobatic kick to the face! Rolls over to his corner, and tags in Drago. Beautiful Corkscrew Splash on Muertes! Kicks out at one and muscles Drago away with ease! Drago doesn't stop though, dropkicks Muertes in the chest and jumps from the ropes looking for a Tornado DDT... Mil stays on his feet, but Drago keeps the Guillotine tight. Nevermind, Mil just exploded in anger and pancaked Drago! Muertes stomps back and forcefully tags in Fenix!


That felt more like a chop than a tag. Fenix isn't the most gentle fighter either, so he shakes it off. He accelerates from zero to one hundred in less than three seconds and drives his foot right across Drago's face! They had a battle not so long ago, and Fenix was the better man. Fenix chops Drago in the corner, runs up... MISSES A YAKUZA KICK! He catches Mil straight in the jaw too. Mariposa asks what that reckless asshole is doing? Drago with a Leg Sweep, and this is his best chance to tag out. Aerostar is in!


Springboard Headscissors off the bat, Fenix is dumped out of the ring. A pair of claps, and Aerostar takes it to the air!! Insane jump!




"He has no regard for his own life, did you see how he held his arms behind his back?" - asks Excalibur.


Yes, we all saw it. He's out of this world! Aerostar throws Fenix back in the ring, but "The Bird of War" turns around with a vicious Roundhouse Kick! Spinning Kick in the corner, the superhero is dazed! Fenix picks him up for a Black Fire Driver, but Aerostar escapes. Springboard DDT spikes Fenix into the mats! Drago requests a tag, but Nightclaw nabs his hand at the last second to steal the clap. Not ideal for team chemistry, but Nightclaw makes everyone forget about that by executing a flawless Moonsault! He hooks the leg... One, two, Fenix kicks out! Very close indeed. Mil gets in, drags Fenix back to his corner and tags himself in. This will definitely piss Fenix off!


Muertes doesn't care though, spinning Nightclaw out with a Short Arm Clothesline. He bumps Aerostar and Drago off the apron and charges for The Reaper's Trident. Nightclaw sees it coming and jumps over, so Mil crashes into Fenix with a Spear through the ropes!! Mariposa is allowed to step into the ring because of lucha rules, and so she lands a Missile Dropkick! Wasting no time, she picks Nightclaw for an Air Raid Crash, but almost gets rolled up for three with a School Boy! On the outside Mil Muertes and Fenix start trading blows, forgetting all about the match they're having right now! The hands are flying, and the brawl spills out on the bleachers, stairs and finally the top of the platform. Mariposa tells those idiots to stop, but her pleads fall on deaf ears.


And here's her dear brother Marty, creeping up from behind... He got laughed at for losing to Pentagon with Martina and Crane by his side, but Martinez doesn't find it funny.


While Steve Borden is distracted with the wild brawl high above the ground, Marty smashes his lunch box into the face of his sis! Moth kisses her on the forehead and hides under the ring apron. Nightclaw lines up for a final move of the opening contest... PHOENIX SPLASH! Nobody can save Mariposa here.

In a bout that had good wrestling and decent heat, Aerostar, Nightclaw and Drago defeated Mariposa, Fenix and Mil Muertes in 10:02 when Nightclaw pinned Mariposa with a Phoenix Splash. (C-)

Nightclaw poses on the ropes, but Aerostar and Drago do not share the sentiment. Everyone watches over Mil and Fenix slugging it out and trying to throw each other down! The situation becomes even crazier when Jeremiah Crane joins them with a steel chair! He slams it into Mil's head with extreme force!! The blood of Muertes drips down the stairs, giving us a gruesome but very memorable visual! Crane yells his signature line "Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down!" and leaves his eyes off Muertes for a moment. Bad idea...


Mil spears Crane through the fence upstairs!! "The Man of 1000 Deaths" rises for one final move. He grabs Jeremiah by the throat...






Jeremiah wanted to sneak attack Muertes and finally get one over the killer of Catrina, but instead he ended up buried in debris! As the fans mark out and look down in the hole, Antonio Cueto addresses Mil.


"Mil Muertes, you always know how to impress me. Yet another loss for you, but these blood-thirsty believers appreciate the brand of violence you bring to The Temple! It looks to me that you want to keep fighting, and get your hands on Fenix! That's why in two weeks you will fight each other... in a Buried Alive match!!! Until one of you ends up like Jeremiah Crane - underground!!"


HUGE announcement from El Jefe! Fenix has a sick smile, and Mil motions a cut throat. How can one top a Grave Consequences match? You bury someone in the actual ground, no casket needed! That would be quite a horror battle. The ambulance has arrived for Jeremiah, and Crane is deployed into it on the stretcher. Marty hops inside claiming he is Crane's family... Sirens blare away and things need to calm down.




Backstage Ryu is preparing for his title match, kicking the heavy box. Looks like he has that Prince Puma work ethic, trying to maximize his potential through rigorous training. As we can see, it pays off for him! Suddenly Ryu is distracted by some commotion in the background... as if someone wanted to jump him from the back, which wouldn't be outlandish given what happened to Angelico before his own match agaisnt Low-Ki. Ryu gets closer and pops out of the corner.


It's Sniper Eagle! He's crawling out of the ventilation in a full body suit!




"Oh hey matey! Shhh, don't say a word, I am supposed to be "dead". I am planning to surprise El Jefe tonight, so don't spoil the trick, righty? Well, good luck in your match, I'm pulling for you! I'll explain everything to ya next week, mate!"


Eagle dusts himself off and sneaks through the corridor without making any noise. Ryu is speechless, everyone thought Sniper was sacrificed to the Gods, but now he's here again? How did he manage that? Ryu wonders if what he just witnessed was real, and looks out for Eagle as he tiptoes near Cueto's door.


We go back to the announce table. Striker and Excalibur say this was one of the craziest starts ever, and encourage The High Crusade to play something up.




The High Crusade performs one of their most recent songs called "Whiskey and Caffeine". It has been great to have the band in The Temple, as they proved to be amazing musicians. The believers clap to them and ask them for one more song! Before Petey, Alex, and Chris can react, Sammy Guevara comes out from the tunnel with Dante Fox!




"No more songs! They ate enough of OUR time already! Just get your stuff and leave, nobody wants you here!"


Fans shower Sammy with "asshole" chants, and he does not take them well, showing people middle fingers. Dante picks the mic from Guevara and says Sammy's right - they should get lost, because nobody came here to listen to some garage bands. Dante dismisses the name calling and continues.


"The spotlight you hog for yourself belongs to the final member of our team. This man is synonymous with the LA scene, and he's a bigger star than all five of you on the balcony! Give it up our man... TJP!"


Alright, another trio team is formed! Those three were seen in a huddle during Juegos de Guerra, so some sort of camaraderie is still there. One could also assume that TJP lost to Ryu and with that he blew his chance to get in the title picture as a singles competitor. TJ dabs on the "haters" and acrobatically enters the ring. Fox passes him a mic...


"As I was making my entrance, I thought of something brilliant. Antonio Cueto said that Sammy and Dante would get the most favorable draw in the tournament after they won the three-way Trios match, right? Well, there's no draw more favorable than those three!"


TJ points at MCMG and Petey Williams, effectively calling them out for a fight. The vocalist Alex Shelley smirks and says that's all well and dandy, but Chris is currently injured. To prove Shelley's words, Chris shows a cast on his leg. Poor guy can't catch a break! Alex shrugs and says they were invited here for their music. Perkins doubts that, but gives The High Crusade an option to take someone from the Lucha Underground locker room. Shelley rubs his chin, and Petey leans in to whisper something into his ear.




Hernandez struts out into the spotlight, and tells the guys to pick him - "The SuperMex" is easily the biggest man in the back. TJP, Dante and Sammy all agree that Hernie would be a smart choice. Shelley doesn't think so, he smells a set up. They'll take anyone from the back! Right as Shelley drops that last word, a man in the full body costume comes out.






Alex is surprised as the rest of us, but he wittily adds that picking Hernandez would be suicidal, so they are going with the masked man! Shelley, Petey and Suicide all come down the stairs! Perkins is confused, and Hernandez seems angry, as he expected to join Alex and Petey to screw them over in favor of his new friends. Well, no more...




Trios Tournament First Round Match




Alex Shelley, Petey Williams, and Suicide [w/Chris Sabin] vs. Sammy Guevara, TJ Perkins, and Dante Fox [w/Hernandez]


Petey and Alex are in street clothes, they didn't expect to wrestle tonight. Even if they had their ring gear in the bag, they wouldn't have the time to change. But what's Suicide doing in The Temple? Who's behind the mask? How did he get in? Alex jumps in to start the match with TJP. Both are impeccable performers, opening this exciting match with unique chain wrestling exchanges.


As smooth as butter they go, every counter hold is effortless in execution. Shelley looks to cross over TJ's legs, but Perkins stands on his head and turns the torso over - catching Shelley with Headstand Headscissors. Fancy, and Shelley admits that. Another sequence goes in his favor though, a simple arm drag into a shoulder lock. Then Alex uses his knees and crotch to bump TJ's head into the mats a few times! Interesting move indeed, and it embarrassed Perkins a bit. Aggressive TJ suplexed Shelley hard and let Dante in! Fox kicks Shelley with a Facewash in the corner, then goes for a Somersault Senton that only catches the turnbuckle pads. Cheeky cover, Dante kicks out, but Shelley twists his limb out and gives a tag to Petey, who jumps in with a Double Axe Handle.


Williams hits the pose, kisses his biceps and drops an elbow on Fox! Perhaps a nod to his old friend Scott Steiner? Yep, he's doing push ups.


Enough goofing around! Petey reminds everyone how good he is, stretching Dante out and later catching him with a signature Russian Leg Sweep! He is also looking for a Sharpshooter, but Fox kips up and strikes him with a nasty Enzughiri. Fox throws Petey on the ropes gut-first, and tags TJ, who swats Williams down with a dropkick to the back. Perkins drops Petey with a Brainbuster, and tags Sammy who covers Williams after a Running Shooting Star Press! Cover. One, two, nah... Petey stays in it! Guevara runs up for a big kick, but Petey catches his leg and rolls over for a Single Leg Boston Crab! Lance Storm would be proud! Sammy reaches the ropes after screaming like he got shot. Then Sammy distracts the ref and drives his heel into Petey's jewels! Good thing he's not the vocalist.


Sammy laughs and gives Shelley and Suicide a middle finger. The latter one is stoic, showing no emotion. On the other side of the ring TJ Perkins looks to be deep in though. He mouthes something to Dante, accussing "Suicide" in stealing from him. Sammy throws Petey back to the rudo corner with a Fallaway Slam! Tag made, Perkins with a Hilo and a dab. He's signaling for his signature submission - TJP Lock, but Petey hits back and even busts out a Frankenstiner! One, two, kick out! Petey Williams spots Suicide asking for a tag, and in a cool forward roll lets the masked man in!




"Suicide gets in the face of TJ Perkins, who called him a thief! I recognize those mannerisms..." - comments Striker.


Perkins locks up with the mystery man and sends him with force through the ropes, but no luck - Suicide is stuck there like he's Spiderman! He ducks the charge of TJ, hits him with a boot to the chest! Tag to Petey, he strikes TJ with a running dropkick to the back! Suicide adds a Guillotine Leg Drop for good mesaure, and Shelley gets a high-five for a Tornado DDT! Cover, Alex only gets a two, but claps for the effort. Now believers clap too, they like what they see! Shelley prepared a high-risk maneuver, but was blindsided by Fox, who kicked him off the turnbuckle with a Flying Thrust Kick! Petey is not waiting on the sidelines, dropping Dante with a Super Jawbreaker and a Spinning Wheel Kick combo! Guevara superkicks the canadian and smashes his face with a Knee Strike from an Argentine Backbreaker position! Sammy turns around into a Code Red from Suicide! He doesn't try to pin an illegal man, but puts a finger gun to the head and leaps out of the ring into a crowd of four men!


Suicide throws Perkins back into the ring and warns Hernandez to stay out of it. Shelley is back with a Meteora, and tries to pin "The Pinoy Boy"! One, two, TJ switches position to pin Alex instead. They try to catch each other off guard, but effectively it's a stalemate... Shelley with a Single Knee Facebreaker, and a tag to Suicide! What will it be!? 450 Splash on top of Perkins, familiar technique, another cover... Dante Fox breaks it up with a Flying Leg Drop!! This move distracts the referee, who's trying to keep this match in order, and so Hernandez pushes Suicide off the third rope! Perkins rolls over to pass the torch to Sammy Guevara. Shooting Star Press! Sammy with a message to the departed Son of Havoc, cover! One, two... Shelley saves the day!


Sabin hobbles downstairs and smacks Hernandez with his crutch until the gangster is gone in the tunnel! Petey is all fired up and asks for a big tag! With his last energy, Suicide allows Williams in! Swinging back kick into the mid section, Guevara doubles over, you know what's coming next! CANADIAN DESTROYER!!! The original Destroyer spikes Guevara on his stupid head!! What an amplitude! Oh no, Dante catches Petey with a Foxcatcher and takes Shelley out of the contest with a Flying Cutter from the apron and to the floor!! Nasty landing! Sammy shakes off the damage from the Canadian Destroyer and goes on top for his biggest move, slowly.


630 Senton lands on target, and Guevara pins Petey with TJ pushing his feet against the ropes! They stole the show and the victory!

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Sammy Guevara, TJ Perkins and Dante Fox defeated Suicide, Petey Williams and Alex Shelley in 12:52 when Sammy Guevara pinned Petey Williams with a 630 Senton. (C-)

The winners get out of the ring as soon as they score the pinfall! They got what they were looking for. Petey and Alex are disappointed, but bow down to the fans and tell them they have been great. The High Crusade waves the believers goodbye, and Suicide takes the turn in the locker room direction... May he stay around for a little longer? Time will tell.


As he goes through the corridor, he gets pushed to the wall by Mr. Godfrey, who looks fed up with all the unwelcome guests.


"Do you think this is funny? Because I'm not laughing!"


Suicide points out that someone is standing behind Godfrey's back. Yeah, right! No, really... The shadow falls on the wall and the mystery man lets out a cloud of smoke. That finally makes Godfrey turn around.


"Do we have any bad news?" - asks the tall man in a sharp suit.


This distraction helps Suicide escape the hold and barge into a free room. He jumps to the outside through an open window, straight to the parking lot. The Lord and Winter come up to the window and look down. Did he survive? Unlikely, that would be some Spiderman sh!t. The Lord puffs some more and tells Winter to get the job done in the main event.




"The following lucha is a Gift of the Gods championship match!! Introducing first, from Tala, Jalisco, Mexico... RYU!"


It's main event time! Ryu versus Low-Ki for the Gift of the Gods title, which gives its owner a number one contender status for the holy grail. Ryu claps hands with fans, but doesn't get too distracted with supporters - he needs to stay focused on the match.


"...and his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York. He's the Gift of the Gods champion... LOW-KI!!"


There he is. Low-Ki once again comes out in the suit, and poses with the title on top of the staircase. Not a lot of people cheer for the man, but he couldn't care less. He's laser focused on his target. Senior official Marty Elias gets the title from "The World Warrior" and holds it high, so everyone could see the most beautiful championship belt in the wrestling business. And now, let's lucha!


Gift of the Gods Championship Match






Low-Ki © vs. Ryu


And here's our long-awaited main event of the evening! "The Dragon" against "The Professional"! Two resolute fighters who won't go down without swinging. You can sense that this match means a lot to both sides, and the believers eat it up. Senior official suggested that they keep the fight clean and shake hands before the bell, but both ignored the instruction. They just went into their corners and burst out of them as soon as the bell rang!


Ryu and Low-Ki showcase how quick and athletic they are, trying to catch each other with flying kicks and leg sweeps. It's a hot start of the match, with lots of innovative sequences, and Ryu is getting his minutes of shine, sending Low-Ki down with a swift Hurricanrana. Shotgun Dropkick into the corner, full force! The champion drops down in the corner, and so it is time for a Hesitation Dropkick... no hesitation in that move, as Ryu slide tackles the champion out of the ring!! He doesn't hold back at all, he's going all in! Ryu runs the ropes and springs out to the outside with a hellacious TOPE SUICIDA!! Bumps head first into Low-Ki and riles up the fans, who are firmly on "Wonder Boy's" side! Ryu throws Ki back in the ring and springboards back.


A slick Sunset Flip attempt is blocked by the champ, who jumps up and strikes Ryu right in the chest with a Double Foot Stomp!! Could collapse a lung or two with a move like that! Low-Ki grabs Ryu by the mask and kicks his head with multiple soccer kicks! Misses with a Buzzsaw Kick, but readjusts his leg to strike Ryu in the back of the head! One more time, with a Switchblade Kick!! So much force goes into these shoot kicks. Ki eases up his necktie and goes for a Flashing Elbow, then the first cover of this bout. One, two, not so fast! Low-Ki is in the driving seat now, smacking Ryu across the back with a Penalty Kick! He hits the ropes, looking for a brutal Shining Wizard, but Ryu keeps his head down, kips up and smacks Low-Ki back with a Pele Kick! OLEEE! Ryu is back on his feet, and he strikes Ki with a Bicycle Knee! Champion rolls out on the apron, holding on to his jaw... Ryu with a Running Frankensteiner to the floor!! Both men fall with a sickening thud. They're killing each other and fans appreciate that!




"Will Low-Ki take the count out victory? He doesn't need to pin or submit Ryu to retain!" - figures out Striker.


Ryu and Low-Ki slide back in at the same time! They trade hand slaps on their knees and block each other's kicks, it's like we are in the middle of some John Woo movie! Speaking of 'woo', Ryu lights up Low-Ki's chest with a dozen of knife edge chops, turning it red! Ryu charges again, nit Low-Ki catches him with a Koppu Kick!! The rolling heel to the face is never a pleasant experience, but now Low-Ki runs up for a Shotgun Dropkick of his own, sending Ryu flying across the ring and into the turnbuckles! Ki tells Ryu to get up and handsprings into the corner, executing a critical Tidal Crush! Ryu has glassy eyes, his bell got rung there. Ki doesn't let him take a breather and locks him in the Dragon Sleeper across the ropes! Aptly named and brutal-looking submission move! He holds till five. Running knee to the back of the head! Cover and a kick out at two!


So much animosity between them, this is one of the more physical encounters we've witnessed lately. Low-Ki takes a jump on the ropes and rebounds with a Tidal Wave, barely missing the head of Ryu. Poisonrana spikes the champion into the Aztec seal, and Ryu slowly crawls into the corner! Tries a Double Foot Stomp of his own, and lands it right on Ki's abdomen! This could be the end of his reign... "The Dragon" screams, unleashing all his energy, and lines up his opponent for a Powerbomb. Wait a second, this is not a Powerbomb! Ryu grabs the neck of Low Ki and busts out a



He calls it the Dragon Driver! Cover. One... two... NOOOO! Low-Ki never had to kick out of such maneuvers, but here he shows his resilience. He's in a bad position still, as Ryu puts down his knee pad and prepares to finish the match with a skull-crushing Busaiku Knee! Mr. Godfrey shows up and pulls Low-Ki out of the harm's way! The audacity of that guy!! Ryu is justifiably angry, so he hits back on the man in black with a Tope Con Hilo! All three are down! The fans still believe that Ryu can do it, but as he returns to the ring, Godfrey pulls down his leg! Stuck between the ropes, Ryu gets blasted with a Warrior's Way Stomp between the shoulderblades! Low-Ki picks the challenger and plants him in the middle of the ring with a

! Referee shakes his head and has no other option but to count to three.


Ryu had it all under control until this no-good suit appeared. Nobody pushed Low-Ki like this before!

In a bout that had great action and decent heat from the crowd, Low-Ki defeated Ryu in 09:37 by pinfall with a Ki Krusher. Low-Ki makes defence number three of his Gift of the Gods championship. (C)

Mr. Godfrey puts the title on Low-Ki and raises his arm! Of course that gets the fans all riled up, who chant 'bullshit' at the winner. Low-Ki himself doesn't seem pleased about this match, and so he stomps Ryu after the match, to send a message to future challengers. Godfrey joins in, and talks trash while doing it.


"Woah-woah-woah, fellas, that is some smelly bullshit! Yeah, I'm over here, look above ya!"


Sniper Eagle occupies the higher ground, standing on the balcony on the opposite side of the crowd! He's alive!




"As I said before, Sniper Eagle cannot die. I am not an easy target, Mister Godfrey... or should I say Agent Winter, which one are you today? Believe me, I know a lot of your secrets, and if you don't want these beautiful bastards to hear some of them, you better give me what I asked for many weeks ago. Antonio Cueto, hurry up, cause I have a lot of info about your group..."


Cueto comes out of the office once more and says that Sniper Eagle is all talk and no bite! He doesn't have the huevos to stand up to them like a man!


"Oh, that's rich coming from you! You're the one who's scared, not me. You're not a real promoter, you are just the pawn in The Order's game. The real boss of this Temple is sitting in the limo on the outside, and guess what? One day, when he no longer needs you, he will kill you!"


Sniper Eagle knows too much, and he uses his knowledge to antagonize the old man! Cueto is shaking from anger and claps back.




"You think running this Temple is easy? You don't know a thing about me, or what I lived through! Antonio Cueto is not a pawn in anyone's game, I am El Jefe! I am the greatest promoter in the history, and I will prove it, by going back to the place I can call my own, The Ice Temple!"


Woah! Antonio kicks the trash can over and walks out through the tunnel, Mr. Godfrey comes after him. On this note, confused Matt Striker and Excalibur wrap up the commentary and wish us all a good night. All while The Lord stands behind the stained office window, putting down his cigar on the statue of a red bull. Antonio Cueto disobeyed, and thus his days are numbered.


Final Rating: 56/100 (C-)

This show has increased our popularity in 17 regions.

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Antonio Cueto Has a Rage Quit!


After months of mind games with The Sniper Eagle, "El Jefe" Antonio Cueto had enough, and quit The Temple, walking out at the end of the last show. This came as a surprise to many people involved with Lucha Underground, who are not sure how the company will operate without Antonio. It looks like Cueto has lost some kind of wager to the cheeky Australian, and had some problems with his dark overlords. Eagle told us that he's excited to get the seat for the next show, and hinted a big title match to open the event. Good luck to "The Sniper of The Skies", the believers are a fickle bunch!




Killshot's Shooting Range






18 Kills out of 31 Shots - 58.06% Accuracy







15 Kills out of 29 Shots - 51.72% Accuracy







11 Kills out of 13 Shots - 84.61% Accuracy





The Lloyd


3 Kills out of 9 Shots - 33.33% Accuracy


1/3 for Kijar, but he correctly guessed TJP! Gotta admit that I don't know much about some of the guys he listed in his predictions, mostly because I only check on AEW before/after big events. Appreciate the comment though, and hope that the show was enjoyable! You can already see that Aztec Warfare will be held in a few weeks, and it will be a really big show. Cheers!

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S05E19 Preview


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Season 5, Episode 19 Preview




Where Eagles Dare




This week Lucha Underground will certainly feel different. The reason is simple - Sniper Eagle somehow got the main seat from 'El Jefe' Antonio Cueto! The boss walked off in anger at the end of the last show, and has no intention of coming back.


As Antonio warned, ruling The Temple is not an easy task, as proven by the former bosses in Dario Cueto and Catrina, who have suffered a sad fate. Judging by the mood in The Order, Antonio might also say goodbye to his life, as his behavior irked The Lord quite a bit. Undoubtedly, Sniper Eagle would have his hands full and The Order will be back to retake the reins of power. But as the young man himself said - "Sniper Eagle cannot die..."


It must be true, because he is the only person who has returned after being sacrificed.


Sniper has a controversial reputation, but unlike Cueto senior, Eagle accepts who he is and doesn't hide the truth from the believers. For example, he has confirmed that we will have a title match, and also two second round tournament matches, with three trios teams in each.


Transparency in booking goes a long way, as now the fans know what they are attending for. Sniper Eagle also said that his brand of Lucha Underground will be harder, faster, and done with more love, whatever that means. The temporary match maker also hinted that he still has some aces up his sleeve, and will surprise luchadores and believers alike, so it's not like we're gonna see a boring show! It's going to be 'straight fire'!




Sniper then unveiled the matchups in the second round of the tournament. The first semi-final involves Dante Fox, Sammy Guevara, TJ Perkins, Aerostar, Drago, Nightclaw, Angelico, PJ Black and Jimmy Yuta. A lot of high flyers in one ring, and it is almost a guarantee that we will see plenty of jumps to the outside. We might as well take bets on how many times Excalibur will scream "Tope Suicida" in this bout.


The second semi-final involves more heavy hitters, particularly The Beer Tribe consisting of Masada, James Storm, and good ol' Mancer. Pentagon Dark and Daga of Perros del Mal have a snug style too, while Ivelisse can certainly hold the ground against men much bigger than her. The last trio consists of Bateman, Paul London, and El Bunny! The Rabbit Tribe eliminated The Rascalz in the first round. They are seen as the underdogs in this match, but as we could see from the past results, everything is possible in the Lucha Underground ring.


Finally, the current Trios champions Taya, Black Taurus and Hexagon Dark will meet and greet the up-and-coming Trios champions from Mexico! Eagle called AAA and suggested a little battle between the promotions, which the biggest promotion in Mexico didn't mind. Myzteziz Jr, Octagon Jr. and El Hijo de Vikingo will grace us with their presence on Sunday! All three are impressive athletes and will risk their lives to dethrone the dominant champions.


The last thing Sniper Eagle wanted us to know - he will splash the cash on some cool stuff, to make the show stick out in a good way. Perhaps the funds he stole from Ryback went into sponsoring this show? We will find that out on Sunday! Be there, or be square...


Because this is Lucha Underground, where every show is a must-see.


Bonus Questions


Who takes the fall in the first match?


Who will not take part in the second match?


Which match will score the highest rating?

Official Card


Drago, Aerostar, Nightclaw vs. Sammy Guevara, Dante Fox, TJ Perkins vs. Jimmy Yuta, Angelico, PJ Black


The Beer Tribe (Masada, James Storm, Mancer) vs. Perros del Mal (Pentagon Dark, Daga, Ivelisse) vs. The Rabbit Tribe (Paul London, El Bunny, Bateman)


Black Taurus, Taya Valkyrie, Hexagon Dark vs. Octagon Jr., El Hijo de Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr. - Interpromotional Match


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Drago, Aerostar, Nightclaw vs. Sammy Guevara, Dante Fox, TJ Perkins vs. Jimmy Yuta, Angelico, PJ Black


The Beer Tribe (Masada, James Storm, Mancer) vs. Perros del Mal (Pentagon Dark, Daga, Ivelisse) vs. The Rabbit Tribe (Paul London, El Bunny, Bateman)


Black Taurus, Taya Valkyrie, Hexagon Dark vs. Octagon Jr., El Hijo de Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr. - Interpromotional Match

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Who takes the fall in the first match?

Jimmy Yuta


Who will not take part in the second match?

Paul London


Which match will score the highest rating?

Main Event


Drago, Aerostar, Nightclaw vs. Sammy Guevara, Dante Fox, TJ Perkins vs. Jimmy Yuta, Angelico, PJ Black


The Beer Tribe (Masada, James Storm, Mancer) vs. Perros del Mal (Pentagon Dark, Daga, Ivelisse) vs. The Rabbit Tribe (Paul London, El Bunny, Bateman)


Black Taurus, Taya Valkyrie, Hexagon Dark vs. Octagon Jr., El Hijo de Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr. - Interpromotional Match

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Lucha Underground

Season 5, Episode 19


"Where Eagles Dare"


"Treat yourself, Nightclaw, a great battle is on the horizon... AEROSTAR WITH THE SPLASH FROM THE ASTROS... Los dioses perdonan, pero los perros no... PILLMANIZER BREAKS THE ANKLE OF JAKE STRONG... This championship is made of gold that belonged to the seven Aztec Tribes, they all want it back... The real boss of this Temple is sitting in the limo on the outside. One day, when he no longer needs you, he will kill you... Antonio Cueto is not a pawn in anyone's game, I am El Jefe! I am the greatest promoter in the history, and I will prove it, by going back to the place I can call my own, The Ice Temple!"


A warm family gathering is happening in one dirty little room inside The Temple. Mariposa has tied up her brother Marty, and sat him near the kitchen sink... The flickering lamp is directed right into the crazy eyes of Martinez, who giggles like he's having too much fun.




"Marty, what's the point of having friends if they can't protect you? Mil broke Jeremiah Crane once again, and it was easy to take care of that drunk pig Martina. You've surrounded yourself with weak people, my little brother. When all you had to do was keep it in the family. Was it so hard?"


Marty starts laughing and says that Mariposa is just jealous that he has beautiful butterflies always flying around him, while she's too ugly for "The Man of 1000 Deaths"! Deep down she knows that the only person who would ever love her like a man would be Marty himself... SLAP! Mariposa starts choking her half brother and says that he's a bum with a hurt back, while she has all the family riches. She doesn't need him, he needs HER! Moth winks and says that soon enough she will be broken and poor, because he has arranged a match between them for next week.


The Temple is obviously too small for both of them... so they will fight each other in a Body Bag match.




"And when it's all said and done, sis, you will be trapped in a cocoon forever. All the riches will belong to me, the rightful heir!"


Mariposa puts her arms on the hips and says that Marty's brightness always attracted him. She will almost feel bad stuffing his corpse in the bag... but until then...


Mariposa puts a plastic bag on his head and says that if he will scream, he will suffocate. She will send people his way in a few hours. Until then - not a peep!




We're in Cueto's office, which belongs to Sniper Eagle tonight. He studies the booking board that was covered with black cloth and makes his corrections in it. Why not make things different while you still can? Sniper plays around with the tournament bracket, but then gets a visit from Mr. Godfrey… He’s not in a joking mood, and tells Eagle how much he pisses him off.


"You're only getting this because The Lord allowed it. If it was up to me, you would be laying face down in the back alley with a wound in your head... you punk!"


Eagle turns around from the board, smirks, and says "come on in, ya sour c*nt!". Eagle doesn’t know why the agent is here? The Temple belongs to him this week, and he has his own Head of Security. But him coming in reminds Eagle of somebody… Low-Ki, the Gift of the Gods champion.




- Your pet project wouldn't be a champion if everything was fair and square, mate. I have the power to book a rematch between them, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do!

- That's not gonna fly, since Low-Ki is on the assignment.

- Assignment? Is that what you call choking out women nowadays? Hey I am no saint, but I ain't a bastard like him. What he did to that girl makes me sick.

- You think you’re some kind of Robin Hood, but in reality, you are just an annoying fly that will be squashed sooner than later. Let me warn you, The Lord will be here by midnight. So have fun while you can.

- I heard you, Agent Winter. Godfrey is a daft name, don’t you think? Hope you and your scary Lord enjoy tonight's show, especially the main event!


Winter actually smirks. Eagle whistles over and Ishii comes in, cracking his knuckles. The gaffa tells his stone pitbull to escort this fine gentleman outta here, but he will do it himself. He leaves and slams the door behind him.


"Real prick this guy! Well, we’re almost ready to start the show. Let’s rock’n’roll, mate!"


Ishii probably doesn't understand a lick of what Sniper is telling him, and rocking out is not really in his character, but he follows the guy out of the room.




It's this time of the week again, Lucha Underground! Matt Striker and Excalibur hype the show up, saying that some big matches are lined up for tonight, as Sniper Eagle takes charge!


He's already standing in the middle of the ring, with a carefree smirk on his face. Tomohiro Ishii is suited up and standing on the outside, scaring the potential invaders away. No music to start us off, which is kinda strange... You would think someone like Eagle understands the importance of live music.


"Oi, how everyone's feeling tonight? Good? Good! Look, I know we are all here to watch some epic lucha libre, so I won't waffle on like that grandad used to. I just wanted to introduce a special band that I hired specifically for this show. I had to blow off a lot of moolah on them from the Ryback's fund... anyway. Ladies and gents, sheilas and mates, give it up to the one and only... The Misfits!!"




Excuse me!?? The Misfits are in The Temple? They are!! The spotlight falls on the group, and fans cheer rather loudly. Lots of horror punk kids in attendance can't believe their luck! Eagle shrugs and says it felt right at the moment, and he also sends a message to El Jefe.


"This first song is dedicated to the old man Antonio Cueto. He called me many things in private conversations, but let me assure you. Sniper Eagle ain't no son of a b!tch!"


"Where Eagles Dare" starts blasting! Fans join in, some for every word, some only for the chorus.


We walk the streets at night, we go where eagles dare

They pick up every movement, they pick up every loser

With jaded eyes and features, you think they really care


I ain't no goddamn son of a b!tch

You better think about it, baby

I ain't no goddamn son of a b!tch

You better think about it, baby, babe


The omelet of disease awaits your noontime meal

Her mouth of germicide, seducing all your glands


I ain't no goddamn son of a b!tch

You better think about it, baby

I ain't no goddamn son of a b!tch

You better think about it, baby, babe


Let's test your threshold of pain, let's see how long you last

That hatpin in your retina unbosoms all your past

With jaded eyes and features, you think they really care

Let's go where eagles dare, we'll go where eagles dare


I ain't no goddamn son of a b!tch

You better think about it, baby

I ain't no goddamn son of a b!tch

You better think about it, baby, babe

You better think about it, baby, ba- ba- ba-"




Well, that was an awesome way to start the show! Striker and Excalibur don't even get the chance to run down the card, but can you imagine them talking over the legendary band? By the end of the song, Striker only said that the night is full of surprises and passed it over to Melissa Santos!




"The following lucha is a second round match of the Trios tournament! Introducing first, the team of Jimmy Yuta, Angelico and PJ Black!!"


The first team is in, and it will be safe to say that this trio surprised everyone by just qualifying into the tournament. Angelico said multiple times that he wants to become a singles guy, and wants nothing to do with PJ Black, who attacked him multiple times in the past as the member of Worldwide Underground. But now, they are one step away from the finals. Jimmy acts as a peacemaker between them, a real glue that holds this unit together. He's not a bad fighter either!


"Next is the team of TJ Perkins, Dante Fox and Sammy Gueavra!"


These three are on the same page though, and gathered together without Cueto's jedi mind tricks. They came up short in the Juegos de Guerra match won by Son of Havoc and Ryu. Now though they expect to right the wrong of the past and get one over the technicos. Sadly for them, we have two such sides for this contest. Interestingly, all three have some animal reference in their gears. Sammy wears a panda hat, Dante has special fox boots, and TJ Perkins had the audacity to come out in Prince Puma's special head geat. Dab...


"...and finally, the team of Aerostar, Drago and Nightclaw!"


An all luchadore team are getting the loudest reaction from the believers. That's why they came here - to watch lucha stars do their lucha thing! Nightclaw leads the pack, with Drago and Aerostar keeping their distance. Looks like they didn't have enough time to gel with the mysterious high flyer. This will be only third appearance for Nightclaw, but he oozes confidence and roars at TJP who made fun of his tribe.




Trios Tournament Second Round Match




Nightclaw, Aerostar, Drago vs. Sammy Guevara, Dante Fox, TJ Perkins vs. Jimmy Yuta, PJ Black, Angelico


The second round match is underway, and the all-rudo side says on the apron, encouraging Jimmy Yuta to start the bout with Drago. Jimmy braces himself as Drago whips out his tongue, and offers a lock up.


Back and forth they go, and Drago trades dominant positions with Yuta, also trying to pin him quickly. Drago adds a few kicks to this encounter, which Jimmy blocks. Quick dropkick catches the more experienced Drago, Yuta has better reflexes. Drago flips out of Snapmare and rebounds off the ropes with a Dragon Whip! Nicely done. One legged dropkick into the corner, Nightclaw asks for a tag and gets one.


CHOP! The paw of the black panther turns Yuta's chest red, and the following Hurricanrana sends the rookie close to Dante Fox! Slap on the back, "The One Man Army" jumps in and tells the boy to sit down and take notes. He fares a bit better than Yuta, but Nightclaw is not an easy target to hit. He's nimble and fluid in his movement, so Dante misses a few strikes. Both men roll around and jump over each other until Fox lands a High Kick on the black cat! Facewash into the corner, and an innovative Cannonball for a quick cover - Nightclaw kicks out and allows PJ to take his place. Black strikes Fox with a Springboard Elbow Smash, howling for all the believers. Superkick misses, Fox with a Pele Kick! Dutchman's Boot straight into PJ's kisser, and it's a tag to Sammy Guevara.


He has some unfinished business with "The Darewolf" since their collision in the Juegos de Guerra match. Cocky Sammy is lighter than PJ, and has more falshiness to his game. Meteora into the corner, picks Black up for a big move from the top rope... PJ fights off the Spanish Fly attempt with some elbow shots and lands a Crossbody on "The Best Ever"! Guevara rolls over and Fallaway Slams Black into the neutral corner. Kips up and gives Angelico a middle finger, how mature of him! Got distracted there, and Black avoided a charge, almost catching Guevara with a Crucifix.


Medium kick to the face will humble him a bit, and PJ finally tags in Angelico! The South African enters the ring with a Syuri Knee from the bottom rope, slick as you like! Angelico ties Sammy in a pretzel, showcasing how well-versed he's on the mats! Indian Death Lock into a Surfboard, Guevara's eyes and tongue are all over the place, he crawls to TJP. Not waiting for the actual tag, Perkins strikes Angelico with a Springboard Elbow Drop, and drives his foot in his face! Irish whip into Dante's boot, Perkins with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick! Now he enters legally with a Hilo, slapping on a TJP Lock... Angelico uses his capoeira-like kick to fight off, and Aerostars claps stunned Perkins, he's eager to take things to the air once again!


Bumps Angelico with a Flying Headbutt, arm drags the technician away and completes this mini sequence with a Deja Vu Headscissors, spinning twice around Angelico and sending him to the outside!




Claps, you know what's coming in a moment... TOPE SUICIDA!! Head first into Perkins! Guevara answers with a Spaceman's Moonsault, Drago with a Corkscrew Plancha, and PJ with a Corner Moonsault! Yuta runs into a Superkick from Dante, who hits an Imploding 450 to the outside!!! But wait, Nightclaw is sitting atop of the office... SWANTON BOMB ON THE FLOOR!!


Pretty much everyone's out of it, and the fans are chanting "HOLY SHIT!!"


Nightclaw caught both Drago and Aerostar with that move, and TJ Perkins, who had the smarts to roll out of harm's way and threw Aerostar back into the ring. Mamba Splash! One, two, Yuta shoves TJ off to save the match. Well, Perkins is rightfully pissed. Two Amigos incoming, one vertical suplex is followed by a Backdrop Suplex. Meanwhile Nightclaw holds onto his right leg and remains on the outside, unable to continue. Huge loss for both Drago and Aerostar, who blocks the Megabuster Neckbreaker from TJ and tags in Drago. Aerostar circles around the corner of the ring and jumps with a Missile Dropkick while Drago Leg Sweeps TJP - Total Elimination! Buzzsaw Kick and a Muta Lock on Perkins, Aerostar defies gravity with an insane Tope en Reversa, landing right on Guevara and PJ Black, who were fighting each other.


Dante Fox breaks the submission with a Springboard Leg Drop and smacks Drago with a Fox Catcher! Returns to his corner, gets a tag from TJ... Backwards Frog Splash! Innovative as ever, Dante pins Drago, but the luchador swings the cover in his favor, almost three! Dragon's Tail pinning maneuver, Guevara returns and plants Drago's face into the mats with a Curb Stomp!! He completely lays out Drago with a Knee Smash from the Argentine Backbreaker position. Sammy ignores the calls of Rich Knox and walks into a Discuss Elbow from Black! Yuta lands a big Crossbody on the outside on Fox, and Angelico slaps the arm of Drago... he picks Guevara for the Fall of the Angels, and it puts Sammy right on the spot for PJ's big move.


Angelico hesitantly tags out to Black, who lands a 450 Splash and covers Guevara! Perkins wanted to break it up, but Angelico blocked him with a full contact Syuri Knee.

In a decent match, Jimmy Yuta, PJ Black and Angélico defeated TJ Perkins, Dante Fox, Sammy Guevara and Drago, Aerostar, Nightclaw in 9:43 when PJ Black defeated Sammy Guevara by pinfall with a 450 Splash. (C-)

Well, judging by the reaction of the winners, they did not expect to get so far themselves! Angelico and PJ Black talk to each other, but it’s still far away from being a friendly chat. Yuta raises the arms of both men, right in front of sour Dante Fox! Sammy Gueavra has a meltdown, and the team of Aerostar and Drago try to help Nightclaw, who growls in their general direction and vanishes in the foggy tunnel.




In the dark corners of The Temple a dark, slinky figure of Hexagon Dark emerges. He hisses like a snake and approaches the injured Lucha Underground champion Jake Strong. Jake is pissed that he can lose the title without being beaten, and he slams his fist hard. The shining title reflects in Hexagon's eyes...




- I am not giving up my title!

- I understand your frustration, Xipe Totec shouldn't get ahead of the line only because The Lord said so.

- Nobody could ever beat me! He's using this against me to get the title and the sacrifices for hismelf!

- Maybe you shouldn't listen to The Lord? If Ryback wins Aztec Warfare, we could fight for the title later. No need for the championship to change the owner... Do not let them tread on you!

- Never! I'm Strong! I can beat everyone having only one good leg!!

- No need to handicap yourself, I can fix your leg with bones I took from The Underworld.


Hexagon says that he will heal Jake, but only if Jake does him a favor. Strong says he will do anything, and Hexagon lets out a devilish laughter, as the room turns green. STRONG! STRONG! STRONG!




"The following lucha is a second round match of the Trios tournament! Introducing first, the team of Daga, Ivelisse, and Pentagon Dark... Perros del Mal!!"


"Cero Miedo" chants hit the walls of The Temple, and "The Breaker of Bones" is soon joined by Ivelisse and Daga! Looks like they got the nod from Sniper Eagle to compete in the tournament. Who knows if we would see them in action with Antonio Cueto still at the helm.


"Next, the team of Masada, Mancer and James Storm... The Beer Tribe!"


The beer fueled trio of brawlers and hard workers enter next, and as you can guess, they are drinking on their way to the squared circle. As cool as ever, all three bump fists with the fans and salute the announcers. Their demeanor will change for the worse when that bell would ring...


"And lastly, accompanied by Raven. The team of Paul London, El Bunny and Bateman... The White Rabbit Tribe!"


Raven shushed the crowd as he stands atop the staircase. With Paul gyrating his crotch, and El Bunny climbing the rails, the new ally of the rabbits delivers a short message to the contestants.




"To improve is to change, but to be perfect is to change often... therefore, as approved earlier, The White Rabbit Tribe opts for a change of formation. El Bunny will not take part. The White Rabbit himself will! Tick tock, he's here... Quote The Raven... Nevermore!"


The White Rabbit appears behind Raven, who throws his arms to the side. Ivelisse says that is some BS! She knows all about the change of plans that favour others, but this is too much. Ivelisse remembers what The White Rabbit did to her then-tag team partner Sammy Guevara, but she's not scared. CERO MIEDO! Pentagon and The White Rabbit look at each other, anticipating a great fight.


If the first match was all about high flying action and high risk moves, this one promises to be a hard-hitting and jaw-breaking affair. Ring the bell!




Trios Tournament Second Round Match




The Beer Tribe (Masada, Mancer, James Storm) vs. Perros del Mal (Pentagon Dark, Daga, Ivelisse) vs. The Rabbit Tribe (Paul London, The White Rabbit, Bateman) [w/Raven]


The Beer Tribe chills in their corner, sipping beers. They don't mind cooling off and watching two other teams duke it out. Ivelisse challenges one of them to try her, but they ignore their calls. Guess who doesn't? Paul London dropkicks her in the back and stomps her hard in the corner! What a coward he is.


London wants to impress his leader, The White Rabbit, and this might be his best chance. Unfortunately for Paul, Ivelisse is a tough cookie, and she lashes out on him with shoot kicks and chops. Hits him in the midsection, Code Red early! One, two, Bateman steps in and drags Ivelisse by her hair. Despicable as it is, it works. Ivelisse hits the guy, but runs into his flashing elbow. Bateman is booed for that, but did they really expect him to be a gentleman based on the fact that he wears a blacktop hat? Paul London with a Springboard leg Drop, Daga goes in and smacks London in the back of the head! As Ivelisse drops out of the ring, he becomes legal. Daga is all about strong style, he lights both London and Bateman with his snug kicks and suplexes, until The White Rabbit tags himself in and pushes him down with a big Head Kick!


Rabbit has a lot of brawn compared to Daga, and he shows us that size does matter. Heavyweight bumps Daga with a pair of suplexes and looks to lock his signature submission early… But Daga masters out of the potentially match ending hold with an Armbar! In that position he reaches out to Pentagon Dark who leaps off with a Double Foot Stomp on The White Rabbit! "Ninja Skeleton" struts and superkicks "The Herald of Doomsday" in the head! Runs up for the Slingblade... BAM! Mancer hits him in the back, and Rabbit uses it for a big Running Knee attack. Stomps Pentagon in the corner, and gives a tag to Masada.


He’s most famous for his utra hardcore antics and toughness, but here he shows that he can wrestle well. Snap suplex, headlock, punches in the corner all help him take control of the match. Corner Big Boot misses, he's stuck trapped in a tree of woe! Penta with a Hesitation Dropkick! Looks to break Masada's arm, but the Texan is too strong. Tag to Mancer, sweet baby lariat! Penta falls to the outside, Mancer has those crazy eyes... Tope suicida! Mancer throws Pentagon around the ring area, bumps him into steps and corner of the ring, but stops to salute all the beer drinkers in the front row. SUPERKICK!




"Pentagon always connects! Both with the crowd, and with the kicks!" - drops Striker.


Penta takes the beer cup from one of the believers, and smashes it in the head of his opponent, following up with a Slingblade! Woooooo. He jumps back into the ring, Tope Con Hilo? No! James Strom blocks it with a Superkick of his own! He entered legally as Mancer stayed outside. Now he’s cooking a Twisting Bulldog, goes for cover - Penta kicks out. James tells the ref to slap the mats faster and brawls with the most popular guy in The Temple. Eight Second Ride? Penta slides off, and punishes "The Cowboy" with a Lungblower!! Ouch. Tag back to Daga. Low dropkick, jumping kick to bump off Mancer! Tornado DDT is stuffed, and the mexican is driven into The White Rabbit's corner. Bateman tags in! He says something incoherent to James. Sorry about your damn luck?


Bateman stiffs the crap out of Daga, and gets close to finishing off the Perros del Mal member. Ivelisse warns Daga about the upcoming cheap shot, so he avoids it and almost scores a pin on the newest member of The Rabbit Tribe! Ivelisse demands a tag, she wants to get even with the creep. Tag, but her Hurricanrana is blocked! Bateman powerbombs her into the corner and gets called over by the leader. The White Rabbit puts on his surgical glove and enters the ring, teasing the finish for too long. CRACK! Storm cracks a beer bottle over Rabbit’s head, making him turn around and forget about Ivelisse. The look on his face tells a story of 1000 words! Rabbit attacks all three Beer Tribe members at once, driving the action to the bleachers!


London sneaks up once more on Ivelisse, but he checks him with a big Tornado Kick to the head and a Tornado DDT! Tag to Pentagon, who superkicks Bateman from the apron! Daga lands a Somersault onto the brawling crowd of four! Pentagon screams “CERO MIEDO!!” and plants London with a Pentagon Driver. One, two, Raven puts the guy's leg on the bottom rope!


Meanwhile The White Rabbit throws Mancer through the office window and gets Superkicked by James Storm! Masada and Bateman fight on the stairs, Daga takes J-Man out with a Flying Knee! The field is clear for Pentagon… who picks up London and spikes him with a Running Package Piledriver!!! This one will be enough. One. Two. Three!

In a match that had good action and decent reaction from the crowd, Perros del Mal defeated The Rabbit Tribe and The Beer Tribe in 10:06 when Pentagon Dark defeated Paul London with a Running Package Piledriver. (C)

Perros del Mal celebrate together in the ring, with Sniper Eagle peeking out of the office, checking the damage on Mancer. He wears a crimson mask but feels good to go! Unfortunately the match is over, but Masada wouldn’t mind getting some help from his drinking mates. The White Rabbit is seething about the loss on the floor, he did his best, but London let him down again.


Paul's barely moving in the ring, he’s left alone against the whole group led by Pentagon Dark. Believers ask their favorite to break Paul’s arm!! Oh, you better believe he will do that. Rabbit turns his back on London to assist Bateman, so it’s down to Raven. Will he help Paul there? He slowly enters the ring, hits the pose right in front of Penta and drops down in the corner! Paul now begs for mercy!


Pentagon shrugs and snaps the arm of London, who's rolling around in agony and screaming in pain. Not a good night to be the rabbit! Perros del Mal progress to the finals of the Trios tournament, as expected.




Sniper Eagle finally comes out to talk about the winners. The way both three-way trios matches worked were different to how things are usually done in Lucha Underground, but they were fair dinkum great and unpredictable. Eagle says that rules exist to be broken, and so he decided to do just that, and reward both teams who came up on top tonight.


"Instead of fighting each other in a regular Trios match, next week Perros del Mal and the team of Yuta, PJ Black and Angelico will challenge the Lucha Underground champions at the same time! Winners of that match will win both the tournament, and get or retain the titles... Speaking of which, our main event of the night is a special, interpromotional battle. I called to our friends south of the border, and got the green light to book the AAA Trios champions! Los Jinetes del Aire will be in action next, and they will put their titles on the line against Taya Valkyrie, Hexagon Dark and Black Taurus!"


Wow! That is huge! Believers clap and chant "lucha libre", just as the AAA champions make their way out. Sniper is not afraid to make things differently here, and no such much would happen without him. Hexagon, Taurus and Taya also come out, ready to take another set of Trios titles! They are also followed by Vampiro, in his dark long robe.




Before the meain event, we get to see The Lord enjoying a cigar in his black limo. He has Low-Ki sitting in front of him, with the Gift of the Gods championship resting on his shoulder.


"That title made you as strong as the Gods, and you did well to fight off all the challengers. You passed the mission, but I am still not sure if I can trust you. More importantly, I am not sure if you trust me... So. To find out what you're really made of, I give you a special assignment. You probably know who I am talking about... I want him gone next week. Can you manage that?"


The Lord passes the envelope with instructions to Low-Ki. He opens it and scans through it, looking slightly surprised. He looks at the silhoutte of The Lord and after a second confirms that he can do that. The deity is glad to hear it, and tells "The Professional" that he counts on him. With that out of the way, The Lord leaves the limo, and sets his eyes on The Temple. The time is high for him to meet the believers!




Interpromotional Championship Match






Taya Valkyrie, Hexagon Dark, Black Taurus [w/Vampiro] vs. El Hijo de Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr., Octagon Jr.


For a match of this magnitude, we get not one, but two referees - Marty Elias and Piero from AAA! He wears a white shirt, looking stylish.


The interpromotional championship battle is something we have never witnessed in Lucha Underground before. The closest thing we got to see was the arrival of Alberto El Patron with the AAA Mega Championship, but even then he fought Texano, and not someone like Prince Puma. The technicos feel themselves at home judging by how comfortable they are in The Temple!


They also get the support of the crowd, who desperately want someone to challenge the current Trios champions. On paper, Taya, Taurus and Hexagon are the clear favorites, but guess what? Such matches are never played on paper! No paper, rock, scissors needed to determine the first entrants in the match. It will be Octagon Jr against Hexagon Dark! It's quite symbolic, really. Both possess amazing high flying skills, but it all starts with a lock up and rapid chain wrestling exchanges. Octagon shows that he can hang with Hexagon, and even comes out looking better than his opponent in the opening part of the match, when Hexagon is caught by a sudden Hurricanrana! Octagon celebrates too early, and gets taken down with fancy Spinning Headscissors, which launch him in the hostile corner.


Tag made, and Taya wastes no time driving her knees into Octagon in the corner!! She has the power to throw Octagon around and even try a cover after a successful Pendulum Side Slam! Valkyrie stomps Octagon with her furry boots and reminds everyone that she is "La Vera Loca"! Charges in the corner again, but this time Octagon Jr catches her with a Drop Toe Hold, driving her face first into the second corner pad! Executes a Fin del Mundo type maneuver, but Taya kicks out at one and screams in anger! Spooked Octagon tags in Myzteziz, who lands a Springboard Crossbody!


Taya rolls over to avoid a three count and even picks the luchador up, but another tag to Vikingo allows the most innovative high flyer in the game to catch Taya with Meteora!


Myzteziz rolls out and Vikingo lands a splendid Running Corkscrew Splash for two! Looks like the AAA champions marked Taya as the weak link, which makes her angry. Valkyrie hits Vikingo below the belt line, Northern Light Suplex! No bridge, just a tag to Black Taurus, who's ready to throw his weight around! Big Flying Arm Drag move to start off, it always looks impressive from the bigger man! The black bull tackles both Myzteziz and Octagon from the apron, and stuffs Vikingo's Poisonrana attempt by crashing him across the knee!




"BRUTAL!! BRUTAL!! BRUTAL!!!" - Striker makes his best Hugo Savinovich impression.


Taurus beats his chest and jumps onto the luchadores with a crazy Tornillo! Hexagon soon follows, he defies gravity and common sense by landing a Shooting Star Press to the outside! Dazed Vikingo stays on the apron, but is blocked from going up by Taya! Vikingo fights off with a Jumping Kick, but quickly gets caught with a Discus Lariat from Taurus! Bad landing on the arpon, but this is not over yet. Taurus easily muscles Vikingo over the top rope with a Superplex!! Cage must be mad that Taurus just "steals" his moves so blatantly.


Bull charges to impale the flashy young star, but now Vikingo jumps over the beast and strikes him between the horns with a Tiger Feint Kick! Springboard Hurricanrana!? No, a Springboard Mexican Destroyer!!




"El Hijo del Vikingo showing us why he's the future of lucha libre!!" - screams Excalibur.


Vikingo tags in Octagon... Moonsault! One, two, Taurus pushes it away. Tag to Myzteziz, who adds up another Springboard Moonsualt. Now it's broken up by Taya! She distracts the ref long enough, and Hexagon strikes the celestial man with a railroad spike!! Gets the tag, disposes off the spike to Vampiro and lands a Hexagon Splash!! Vikingo says screw it and crashes the pin too, with an insanely athletic Imploding 450! Octagon jumps over the top to bump into Vamp, and Myzteziz is bleeding just like his brother Argenis did before. He won't end up like him, right? Posionrana from Vikingo, spikes Hexagon on his head and avoids a pounce from Taurus, who takes out Taya! Roll up by Myzteziz! One, two, Hexagon spits black goo into his face, painting his mask black!


Disoriented and bloody, Myzeziz falls to Taurus Driver, which brings Lucha Underground champions the victory. Great effort by the youngsters, they showed character tonight! But they also lost their titles...

In a bout that had good action, but subpar reaction from the crowd, Hexagon Dark, Taya Valkyrie and Black Taurus defeated Myzteziz Jr., El Hijo del Vikingo and Octagon Jr.) in 13:02 when Taurus pinned Myzteziz Jr. with a Taurus Driver. Hexagon Dark, Taya Valkyrie and Black Taurus win the AAA Trios Championship.(C-)

Marty Elias proclaims Taya, Taurus and Hexagon as champions, but leaves the ring scared for his life. Vampiro puts the titles on the winners and we're getting close to ending the show. But before we face blackout, the champions kneel in the middle of the ring, and the thunder strikes. It is midnight, and something is coming our way. Something, or someone... holy sh!t!! People gasp.




"The Lord has entered The Temple, believers! The world as you know it is coming to the end, and next week you're gonna see the start of the end. Next week is... AZTEC WARFARE!!"


And it's not looking like the self-proclaimed Lord is joking! The believers pop, and on that scene we switch to Eagle, who picks up a ringing phone.


"He's here. Yes, I copied the key. See ya next week, Mr. Cueto..."


Show Rating: 53/100 (C-)

This show has increased our popularity in 17 regions.

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Killshot's Shooting Range






19 Kills out of 34 Shots - 55.88% Accuracy







18 Kills out of 35 Shots - 51.43% Accuracy







13 Kills out of 19 Shots - 68.42% Accuracy





The Lloyd


3 Kills out of 9 Shots - 33.33% Accuracy


Whenever I catch up on this diary, I'm never ready to have to wait for the next shows again. Great shows, I'm looking forward to Aztec Warfare.

Thank you so much, and welcome! Always happy to see new people here. :)


Funny you should say about catching up! I plan to take a break from writing here after Aztec Warfare, and treat it like a mid-season finale. Something like what happened in season 3 with LU in real life.


It was the first time I tried to keep a strict schedule with posting, and I'm actually surprised that I lasted half a year, putting out a show every Sunday without having much to show before the weekends. It's great fun, but sometimes I would rather do smth else. So this Sunday I'm gonna write and post a special Aztec Warfare event, and then take some time off. A good opportunity to catch up, I guess!


Preview for the show will drop in a few days, so don't miss the last round! It's getting close in the contest. :cool:


So hyped for Aztec Warfare. Love that you have me back in the LU universe, friend. You're a great writer and storyteller.


The pleasure is mine! It is very flattering to hear such words from you. Thanks, Kijar! I hope Aztec Warfare delivers

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Aztec Warfare V Preview


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Season 5, Episode 20 Preview




Aztec Warfare V

The biggest night in the storied history of Lucha Underground is upon us! An event arguably bigger than Ultima Lucha itself presents three can't miss matches, and a main event for the ages. Without further adieu, let's preview Aztec Warfare Cinco and see how the card shapes up for a destiny-altering Sunday night!




The Butterfly vs. The Moth


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, but even then, what happens in the Moth Family lately breaks all acceptable norms. Marty and Mariposa have been at each other's throats for years, but recently the sis has reached her breaking point and disowned the half-brother.


She had plenty of reasons too. The main one being that Marty floundered the cash and spent too much time with other "butterflies", aggravating his "flour" addictions further. In other words, Marty didn’t "

". Mariposa decided to kick the playboy out of the family house, and keep all the money for herself until Martinez would figure out that he wastes his life on the wrong people.


Marty adapted fairly well to life without a trust fund, developing relationships with new girlfriend "Session Moth" Martina and BFF Jeremiah Crane, sharing a tight apartment with the two. And as fun as that sounds, Martinez wants to return to his lavish lifestyle and force Mariposa to admit she was wrong. When the strange strategy of violence didn’t work, Marty struck an interesting deal with Antonio Cueto - he would sell off the goods of the Moth Tribe to El Jefe, if he made another

possible. Not the one to miss an opportunity like that, Cueto gave Marty his nod of approval, before realizing that Marty has a serious back injury that he suffered when saving Crane from The Reaper’s Trident.


The dysfunctional family members interfered in each other’s trios matches, cancelling each other out, and had a heated conversation just last week. Marty mocked Mariposa for failing to attract Mil's attention, and also added that nobody could make her feel like a woman except HIM. Those

cut her deep, so Mariposa put a plastic bag on Marty's head, forcing him to sit in a room for hours all tied up and in complete silence, to think about his behavior. During that argument both have agreed to have a Body Bag match that will solve their family feud once and for all.


It's a blow off match between the two, and it promises to be more violent than their championship match against each other nearly two years ago. It's a battle for the family riches! You either get everything, or you get nothing! Marty would have to work through injury and probably fight without any friends in his corner.




The Trios Tournament Finals


The last few weeks were all about the Trios tournament. Twelve trios participated, but only two teams will have a chance at immortality.


To book their ticket to the finals, the team of PJ Black, Jimmy Yuta, and Angelico beat Hernandez, Cage, and Steve Pain in the first round, and then brushed off the team of Sammy Guevara, TJ Perkins and Dante Fox in the second, who have been their rivals from the start of the year. It's safe to assume that nobody thought they would advance to the second round, let alone have a decent chance of walking away with the gold this Sunday. Although PJ and Angelico have championship experience in The Temple, they have a simmering tension between them, only countered by the efforts of a likable rookie Jimmy Yuta. This is his big opportunity to solidify his place in the back, because since losing to Dante in the "Earn Your Colors" match, Jimmy was forced to change in the bathroom.


Historically that is the favorite place for Drago, so scared and anxious Yuta would like nothing more than to rejoin actual human beings. What can stop him? Well, Angelico repeatedly mentioned that his intention is to become the Lucha Underground champion, so it's not clear if his heart is fully in this contest. And when it comes to PJ Black, he did a good enough job to cleanse his name of the Worldwide Underground reputation. He has a chance at redemption, and for once he finds himself in a position of a leader, and not a sidekick. Black also wants to beat the sense into former friend Taya, if that's even possible.


The other finalist team,

, has plenty of history outside The Temple. This popular stable was formerly led by the late great Perro Aguayo Jr, but now it is under control of the one and only Pentagon Dark. Pentagon finally figured out that he needed some help to fight the dark cabal, but his pride wouldn't allow him to side with Aerostar or Drago. That is why "The Breaker of Bones" has called for reinforcements from outside, without losing his badass status. Ivelisse and Daga are of course no strangers to the believers. Both have won Trios gold before and have a beef to settle with the champions!




Ivelisse never got her Ultima Lucha rematch with Taya, and allegedly suffered at the hands of the champions during a dark show after Ultima Lucha IV. Daga also declared that he never lost his title, so it comes as no surprise that the hybrid fighter wants to take his gold back. Daga's situation is uncertain, but he seems to have a conflict with Taya Valkyrie. Lastly, Pentagon Dark had multiple altercations with Hexagon Dark and his servant, the traitor Vampiro.


First Pentagon got sprayed with the black mist and lost the right to challenge for the main title, and then, after ousting Dragon Azteca Junior from The Temple, he got stabbed in the eye with a railroad spike. He missed a lot of time and came back with an eye patch, so it is very possible that he has lost his eye. What he did not lose is his motto. To this day, Pentagon Dark feels no fear and wants to get back at the champions whatever it may cost him. A recent fight with Black Taurus only fueled Pentagon's disdain for the ominous trio, plus it's his first and possibly last chance at revenge.


When it comes to the Trios champions, Taya, Hexagon, and Taurus have never lost a match this year. They looked a cut above their challengers! Of course, there were some wobbly moments when we thought the title change would happen, but time and time again, the rudos found a way to retain. Last week they even dispatched the hottest trio from AAA to become the double Trios champions. With all the momentum on their side, the champions face their toughest test yet... But the kicker is, they don't have to be pinned to lose their titles! That's exactly what Sniper Eagle counted on when making this match official last week.


Unlike the chaotic second round matches, the rules for this contest will adhere to Lucha Underground traditions. There will be three competitors in the ring at all times, only tags to partners will count, and the bout will feature eliminations. Can any finalists stop the reign of terror, or will the double Trios champions swoop yet another award and leave the rest of the division empty-handed?




1000 Lives vs. 1000 Deaths


Fenix and Mil Muertes have spilled more blood than anyone else in The Temple. They started their rivalry in late 2014, crossing each other for the first time in a match that would give the winner the final entry into the very first Aztec Warfare.


Mil has dominated Fenix in their first matches, but fell short as the blood feud started revolving around Catrina. Mil’s valet tempted her fate and played with the feelings of both men, starting a romantic relationship with Fenix, also trapping Muertes in a casket, which helped "The Bird of War" to win the first ever Grave Consequences match. The romance was short-lived though, and Mil Muertes returned from the dead, stronger than ever. He took his anger off in the first

, and went back and forth with Fenix, even losing the Lucha Underground title to the fiery luchador. It was an upset of sorts, but you can’t take it away from them - both have won the main title and are the bonafide legends in Lucha Underground.


Aztec Warfare played a significant role in the lives of both men, even though they didn’t win it once. Fenix started as number one twice, and on the opposite, Mil had two number twenty entries. This year, they will miss the Aztec Warfare altogether, because their hatred for each other is bigger than any title in the world. Instead of trying to beat nineteen other men, Mil and Fenix will write another bloody chapter of their rivalry for the history books. And perhaps for the first time ever, Fenix will come into this match being a rudo…




Something evil inhabited "The Man of 1000 Lives" when Aerostar attempted to resurrect his friend from the dead. Since that occurence, Fenix cut his connections with friends, family, and even Melissa Santos. Fenix snapped and lost that critical bit of humanity that made him a sympathetic guy. Mil has also lost something, or rather someone, in the last few years. After having an increasing number of problems with Catrina, Muertes drifted apart and even helped Melissa Santos kill the woman that saved him from the ruins. Some would say that Muertes has lost his killer instinct and animalistic rage without being kept in check, but that couldn’t be any farther from the truth. Don’t be fooled - Mil Muertes still got it!


For example, he beat Jeremiah Crane in a Death Match that also had Marty "The Moth" Martinez acting as the special enforcer of violence. Mil also put King Cuerno on the shelf with a Tombstone Piledriver, in a two out of three falls grudge match with "The Hunter". Muertes was disqualified for using a banned move in a traditional lucha libre contest, but in reality, he clearly beat Cuerno. Mil also has a bad habit of making a lot of enemies and absolutely no friends, dismissing the advances of Drago, Mariposa, and even Aerostar.


"The Man of 1000 Deaths" is walking alone, and if you piss him off, you’ll probably end up like Jeremiah Crane - buried in the debris of the crashed storage. This Sunday he will try to bury the hatchet with Fenix, but it looks like that can only be achieved by burying Fenix himself, not the proverbial hatchet. He tried to do that two weeks ago, when the two started fighting in the middle of the Trios match also involving Mariposa, but was stopped. The first ever Buried Alive match in Lucha Underground history seems like a logical next step after their

from the past.


Mil Muertes and Fenix are undoubtedly two of the most dangerous men in Lucha Underground, and just like in the opening match of the evening, they will fight not for life, but for death! This will not be a traditional lucha libre match, but it will start in the middle of the ring.


So what do you expect from the seventh singles match between the two biggest names we have?




Let The Drums of War Beat!


And finally, the match everyone has been waiting for. The marquee showdown that happens only once a year. The biggest match stipulation that can be used in The Temple... Aztec Warfare! This will be the fifth such match, and it will have title implications!


The rumors about the status of Jake Strong have been swirling all week long. Is he fit enough to defend the title? Will he vacate the championship, or defend it while having an injury? Somehow, those questions are still unanswered, but that can be explained fairly easily. This week Lucha Underground will be under control of the new boss, the self-proclaimed Lord of The Temple! The sharp-dressed man made his first public appearance at the end of the last show and shocked the world by announcing Aztec Warfare. No preparations, no teasing, he just showed up and said that's what we will do next week.


Nobody seems to mind, as lucha stars and believers alike want to shake things up and crown a new champion. The locker room is as good as it has ever been for that, stacked with top-notch talent from all over the world. One could say that the underground fighting club is the strongest it has ever looked, even though it lost some of its biggest stars. Fun fact - it appears that none of the former

winners will take part in the match. Prince Puma, Matanza, and Sexy Star have been defeated or killed, and Pentagon Dark will have his hands full in the Trios match earlier in the night. That almost guarantees that we will have a new winner, and potentially, a new figurehead to lead the company into uncertain future. El Jefe has walked out on the company, adding that he will return to the place that belongs to him - The Ice Temple. So only one thing is for sure... nothing's for sure!


The match itself is also covered in mystery. So far we could only find out the names of ten participants. The other half of the entrants is kept in secret, which could indicate a lot of surprises or dubious motives. What we can confirm with utmost certainty, is that the rules stay the same. Two men start the battle, with new people joining the ring every 90 seconds. There are no count outs, no disqualifications, and no over-the-top-rope eliminations. To send someone to the back you should either pin or submit them. 20 fighters enter, until there's only one standing!




So who are the favorites to win the whole thing? The odds are not looking good for Cage, who's earmarked to start as number one for injuring Jake Strong. Harsh punishment, but if anyone can handle it, it's "The Machine"! Cage had multiple attempts to win the big one, but everytime he fell short while looking strong in defeat, no pun intended. The chances of other announced wrestlers are considerably higher, but there's still a feeling that The Lord will hand over the coveted 20th spot as a gift to someone he likes, if not use it for his own benefit. Nobody can resist the alluring shine of the Aztec gold... That's why we can expect new faces coming in, some claiming to be the descendents of seven ancient Aztec tribes.


When it comes to tribe representation, Nightclaw, the descendent of the Jaguar Tribe, sticks out as a dark horse. Despite coming up short in the Trios tournament, "The Black Panther" is one of the most promising luchadors in the world, and if his arguments with Drago and Aerostar are anything to go by - he will fight only for himself. The other candidate with fairly good odds represents The White Rabbit Tribe. "The Tollman" has pushed Jake Strong to the limit in his first shot at the top prize, but ultimately was left with nothing thanks to a Boyle Heights Screwjob, where Antonio Cueto stopped the bout citing a time limit draw. The White Rabbit demanded a rematch and brutally assaulted Ryback to steal the Gauntlet, which he didn't wear once yet. It will be interesting to see if "The Herald of Doomsday" takes a shortcut to win the championship and claim the alpha male status not only in his faction, but also the locker room.


If we talk about other solid competitors that you could bet your hard-earned money on, look no further than The Mack and Texano. The unlikely duo is aligned under Famous B, who claimed that both men won everything there is to win in Mexico, and would like nothing more than to make Lucha Underground famous, by winning the holy grail. They are heavy hitters, and they are tough as nails, but can they work together and fight fairly if it comes down to the wire?


Finally, the last thing to mention is an interesting condition added by The Lord. The new matchmaker introduces a concept of "five captures", meaning the first man that will claim five fighters in the Aztec Warfare will be considered the Quauhyahcatl, or "

". This is a very prestigious title for any Aztec Warriors, and in history, such warriors were rewarded with many gifts. In this case, perhaps it will be a unique opportunity...


The open door policy is still here, so we can expect the unexpected and hope that the changes are happening not only in the office, but in the ring too.


Official Aztec Warfare V Card


Body Bag Match


Marty "The Moth" Martinez vs. Mariposa

<div style="border: 1px solid #000000; max-width:100%;background: #dc143c;"></div>

Elimination Match for the Lucha Underground Trios Championships


Angelico, Jimmy Yuta, PJ Black vs. Ivelisse, Daga, Pentagon Dark vs. Taya Valkyrie, Black Taurus, Hexagon Dark ©

<div style="border: 1px solid #000000; max-width:100%;background: #dc143c;"></div>

Buried Alive Match


Fenix vs. Mil Muertes

<div style="border: 1px solid #000000; max-width:100%;background: #dc143c;"></div>

Aztec Warfare V


Aerostar vs. Cage vs. Dante Fox vs. Drago vs. Nightclaw vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Texano vs. TJ Perkins vs. The Mack vs. The White Rabbit vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???


Bonus Questions


Who enters as number two?


Who gets five eliminations first?


Who will win the 'Iron Man' title?


Who gets most eliminations over the course of the match?


Which number wins The Aztec Warfare?


Wow, this preview alone required an all-nighter, and I'm still late :p I think the actual show will take less time to write, but don't quote me on that.


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24 Hour Notice


Aztec Warfare V Countdown


It's not much of an update, but in about 24 hours the Aztec Warfare should be up!


Here's hoping I don't jinx my timing [Edit: Well, I did]. You probably have better things to do, but hey, here's 9 hours of Aztec drums for your listening pleasure.


It really picks up on 03:21:47!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/c9iktmoGLfQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


If you don't dig the Aztec genre, why not check out my

? All 19 songs that I used in this diary are there.


And of course don't forget to leave your predictions! The standings will reset after episode 20.


Finally, I want to warn people about the amount of GIFs coming your way with the next update. To put it shortly, there will be a ton of them. Consider this a warning, mobile readers ;)

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Body Bag Match

Marty "The Moth" Martinez vs. Mariposa


Elimination Match for the Lucha Underground Trios Championships

Angelico, Jimmy Yuta, PJ Black vs. Ivelisse, Daga, Pentagon Dark vs. Taya Valkyrie, Black Taurus, Hexagon Dark ©


Buried Alive Match

Fenix vs. Mil Muertes


Aztec Warfare V

Aerostar vs. Cage vs. Dante Fox vs. Drago vs. Nightclaw vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Texano vs. TJ Perkins vs. The Mack vs. The White Rabbit vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???

So hard to pick, I switched 4 times


Ryu, Paul London, Ryback, Castro Cortez, ACH, Lio Rush, Low-Ki, Glacier, Jeremiah Crane, Swoggle


Bonus Questions

Who enters as number two?


Who gets five eliminations first?


Who will win the 'Iron Man' title?


Who gets most eliminations over the course of the match?

White Rabbit

Which number wins The Aztec Warfare?


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Thanks for the comment, Kijar!


Literally went all night long with the post, and it's by far the longest show I have ever written. It's 85% ready, but still a lot to do. When its done, I hope you will truly enjoy it. :)


So the Sunday streak is broken, but it's not the end of the world, cause this Monday is a national holiday. Now I will never underestimate the challenge of Aztec Warfare/Royal Rumble for detailed diaries. :p

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